Browse by Date where Item Type is "Conference or Workshop Item" and Year is "2006"
Number of items: 101.
  • Amplification of repeated sequences by pcr for differentiation of Schistosoma haematobium from related schistosomes. (2006) Abbasi, I; King, CH; Sturrock, RF; Muchiri, E; Kariuki, C; Hamburger, J
  • Spatial analysis of spill-over effects of insecticide-treated materials in a cluster-randomized trial against Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in Trujillo, Venezeula. (2006) Alexander, N; Lenhart, A; Villegas, E; Levy, M; Moyeed, R; Kroeger, A; McCall, PJ
  • Sample size estimates based on hierarchical regression models of atrophy rates in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. (2006) Anderson, VM; Bartlett, Jonathan; Fisniku, L; Davies, GR; Rashid, W; Fox, NC; Miller, DH
  • European training for health professionals on rapid response to health threats following biochemical terrorism incidents. (2006) Andriopoulou, E; Galatas, I; Baka, A; Kirch, W; Fuchs, A; Kyncl, J; Dowie, J; Szosland, D; Koycheva, V; Tavoulari, E; Kotsioni, I; Linos, A
  • Elevated maternal expression of the imprinted PHLDA2 gene is associated with low birth weight. (2006) Apostolidou, S; Abu-Amero, S; O'Donoghue, K; Olafsdottir, O; Chavele, KM; Frost, J; Whittaker, JC; Loughna, P; Stanier, P; Moore, GE
  • HIV/AIDS: micro-macro resonances in the social science of infectious diseases. (2006) Barnett, T
  • Cardiac and stroke disease at entry to the hypertension in the very elderly trial (HYVET) - Comparison between patients from Europe and China. (2006) Beckett, N; Peters, R; Anderson, C; Stoyanovsky, V; Antikainen, R; Banya, W; Fletcher, A; Bulpitt, C
  • Prevalence of atrial fibrillation (AF) in very elderly hypertensives: results from the hypertension in the very elderly trial (HYVET). (2006) Beckett, N; Peters, R; Liu, LS; Ma, SH; Lu, F; Wang, J; Tzekovafi, M; Geneva, M; Fletcher, A; Bulpitt, C
  • Stearoyl-CoA desaturase (SCD) M224L variant and adult metabolic phenotypes. (2006) Bennett, AJ; Jain, D; Neville, M; Sovio, U; Groves, CJ; Liew, SCF; Pouta, A; Hartikainen, AL; Elliott, P; Jarvelin, MR; McCarthy, MI
  • Public Health in the 1980s and 1990s: Decline and rise. The transcript of a Witness Seminar held by the Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at UCL, London, on 12 October 2004. (2006) Berridge, VA; Christie, DA; Tansey, E. M. (eds)
  • Moderate effect of artemisinin-based combination therapy on transmission of plasmodium falciparum. (2006) Bousema, JT; Schneider, P; Gouagna, LC; Drakeley, CJ; Tostmann, A; Houben, R; Sutherland, CJ; Omar, SA; Sauerwein, RW
  • Landscape epidemiology and migration: Insights and problems at several scales for transmissible diseases. (2006) Bradley, DJ
  • Mind the gap: the effect of time between sex with two consecutive partners on the persistence of gonorrhoea and HIV. (2006) Chen, M; Ghani, A; Edmunds, JW
  • Randomised controlled trial of intermittent preventive treatment in schoolchildren: Impact on malaria, anaemia and school performance. (2006) Clarke, SE; Brooker, S; Jukes, MC; Njagi, K; Khasakhala, L; Otido, J; Crudder, C; McGlone, B; Magnussen, P; Estambale, B
  • Longitudinal phenotypes of mental disorder from age 13 to 53: A latent class analysis. (2006) Colman, I; Croudace, TJ; Wadsworth, EJ; Ploubidis, GB; Jones, PB
  • Latent variable modelling of longitudinal data: applications of Mplusâ„¢ methodologies (latent class growth and growth mixture models) in epidemiological cohort studies and household panel data. (2006) Croudace, TJ; Ploubidis, GB; Abbott, RA; Kuh, D; Jones, PB; Wadsworth, MEJ; Huppert, FA
  • Real time carbon monoxide measurements from 270 UK homes. (2006) Croxford, BJF; Hutchinson, E; Leonardi, GS; McKenna, L; Nicholson, L; Volans, G; Wilkinson, P
  • Models to investigate some issues regarding the feasibility of driving refractoriness genes into mosquito vector populations. (2006) Curtis, CF
  • Review of previous applications of genetics to vector control. (2006) Curtis, CF
  • Mitochondrial D-loop C-tract variation (The 16189 variant) and effects on early growth and adult metabolic phenotypes in a large Finnish birth cohort. (2006) Das, S; Bennett, AJ; Sovio, U; Pouta, A; Hartikainen, AL; Elliott, P; Poulton, J; Jarvelin, MR; McCarthy, MI
  • Quality of life, outcomes and diagnostic uncertainty in the first year in polymyalgia rheumatica. (2006) Dasgupta, B; Hutching, A; Hollywood, J; Lamping, D; Pease, C; Chakravarty, K; Silverman, B; Hazleman, B; Scoff, DGI; Choy, E; Bourke, B; Gendi, N
  • Clinical outcomes, quality of life and diagnostic uncertainty in the first year in polymyalgia rheumatica: A prospective cohort study. (2006) Dasgupta, B; Hutchings, A; Hollywood, J; Pease, C; Chakravarty, K; Silverman, B; Hazleman, B; Choy, E; Scott, D; Gendi, N; Bourke, B; Lamping, D
  • Birth size and subsequent breast cancer risk: a pooled analyses of individual data on over 20,000 breast cancer cases from 28 studies. (2006) Dos Santos Silva, I; de Stavola, B; McCormack, V
  • Increasing cord atrophy in clinical isolated syndrome group: a 5-year study. (2006) Drapier, S; Swanton, J; Altmann, D; Fernando, KTM; Dalton, C; Thompson, AJ; Plant, G; Miller, DH
  • Gametocytaemia after drug treatment of asymptomatic Plasmodium falciparum. (2006) Dunyo, SK; Milligan, P; Edwards, T
  • Risk of congenital anomalies in relation to geographic density of landfill sites in England. (2006) Elliot, P; Richardson, S; Abellan, JJ; Thomson, A; Hoogh, CDE; Jarup, L; Briggs, D
  • Comparing health care systems: experiences and challenges. (2006) Ettelt, S; Nolte, E; Thomson, S; Mays, N
  • The impact of schistosomiasis and intestinal helminth control program on health in rural Uganda. (2006) Fenwick, A; Kabatereine, N; Koukounari, Artemis; Webster, J; Brooker, S
  • Omega Fatty Acids and Age-Related Macular Degeneration in the Eureye Study. (2006) Fletcher, AE; Young, I; Chakravarthy, U; Dejong, P; Rahu, M; Seland, J; Soubrane, G; Tomazzoli, L; Topouzis, F; Vioque, J
  • Open-access repositories-taking data out of the hands of the protagonists. (2006) Fletcher, T
  • Long-term arsenic exposure and cancer risk-sensitivity to choice of indicators based on recent and lifetime arsenic intake. (2006) Fletcher, T; Leonardi, G; Hough, R; Goessler, W; Gurzau, E; Koppova, K; Rudnai, P; Clemens, F; Kumar, R; Vahter, M
  • Relationship between spatial urban environmeltal change and malaria and diarrhoea mortality in Accra, Ghana. (2006) Fobil, J; Hajat, S
  • The importance of microbicide STI-efficacy in reducing HIV-risk: model projections. (2006) Foss, AM; Vickerman, P; Heise, L; Watts, C
  • Does a microbicide's STI-efficacy influence the reduction in condom use that can be tolerated following product introduction?: model projections. (2006) Foss, AM; Vickerman, P; Watts, C; Heise, L
  • A randomised controlled trial of neuroprotection with lamotrigine in secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. (2006) Furby, J; Hayton, T; Smith, KJ; Altmann, D; Brenner, R; Chataway, J; Fox, NC; Hughes, RAC; Miller, DH; Kapoor, R
  • Mortality rate is reduced in ra patients treated with TNF antagonists. Data from biobadaser. (2006) Gomez-Reino, JJ; Dasgupta, B; Haugeberg, G; Descalzo, MA; Hutchings, A; Conaghans, P; Pampin, EP; Hollywood, J; Morton, S; Carmona, L; Lamping, D; Proudman, S; Pease, C; Stewarts, S; Chakravarty, K; Emery, P; Silverman, B; Hazleman, B; Scott, DGI; Choy, E; Bourke, B; Gendl, N
  • Overview of HHV-6 cell biology. (2006) Gompels, UA
  • Variation in Plasmodium falciparum susceptibility to the cinchona alkaloids is determined by polymorphisms in PfCRT. (2006) Griffin, CE; Warhurst, DC; Cooper, RA
  • The demography of ageing in ESRC: Demographic aspects of population ageing. (2006) Grundy, E
  • The determinants of heat-related mortality in England and Wales. (2006) Hajat, S; Kovats, S; Lachowycz, K
  • Malaria and helminth co-infection in a semi-urban population of pregnant women in Uganda. (2006) Hillier, SD; Booth, M; Muhangi, L; Khihembo, M; Mohammed, K; Sewankambo, M; Robert, K; Kizza, M; Muwanga, M; Bambury, M; Elliott, A
  • Costs and cost-effectiveness of 'escape-knee pain' an integrated rehabilitation programme for chronic knee pain. (2006) Hurley, M; Walsh, N; Mitchell, H; Pimm, J; Patel, A; Williamson, E; Jones, R; Reeves, B; Dieppe, P
  • The appropriateness of referral and investigation in angina (ARIA) trial: Randomised controlled trial of patient-specific decision support v conventional AHA/ESC guidelines. (2006) Junghans, C; Feder, G; Timmis, A; Eldridge, S; Sekhri, N; Black, N; Shekelle, P; Hemingway, H
  • Factors associated with difference between self-reported and clinically measured weight and height. (2006) Kautiainen, S; Laitinen, J; Sovio, U; Virtanen, SM; Jarvelin, MR
  • Towards schistosomiasis transmission control and elimination: Can snail prepatent infection rate serve as an indicator of residual transmission potential? (2006) King, CH; Abassi, I; Sturrock, RF; Muchiri, EM; Kariuki, C; Hamburger, J
  • Fieldworkers and medical research in Kenya. (2006) Kingori, P
  • Self-reported bacterial sexually transmitted infections and other factors associated with early sexual debut in Slovenia: results of a general population survey. (2006) Klavs, I; Rodrigues, LC; Weiss, HA; Hayes, R
  • Fecundability and miscarriages in women with self-reported symptoms of oligomenorrhoea and/or hirsutism: Northern Finland birth cohort 1966 study. (2006) Koivunen, R; Pouta, A; Franks, S; Sovio, U; Hartikainen, AL; McCarthy, MI; Ruokonen, A; Martikainen, H; Jarvelin, MR; Morin-Papunen, L
  • Years of life lost due to summertime heat in 16 European cities. (2006) Kosatsky, T; Baccini, M; Biggeri, A; Accetta, G; Armstrong, B; Menne, B; Micchelozzi, P
  • Social and environmental determinants of heat-related mortality: A systematic review. (2006) Kovats, RS
  • The effect of helminth infections and their treatment during pregnancy on vertical transmission of HIV infection in Uganda: Results of a randomised, double-blind, placebo controlled trial. (2006) Kyosiimire-Lugemwa, J; Mawa, PA; Kizito, D; Oweka-Onyee, J; Muhangi, L; Akishule, D; Omara, M; Ameke, C; Kaleebu, P; Grosskurth, H; Elliott, AM
  • Estimating the burden of disease due to heat and cold under current and future climates. (2006) Lachowycz, K; Kovats, RS
  • The composition of surrogate and illegal alcohol products in Estonia. (2006) Lang, K; Vali, M; Szucs, S; Adany, R; McKee, M
  • Insecticide treated bednets for the control of dengue vectors in Haiti. (2006) Lenhart, A; Orelus, N; Alexander, N; Streit, T; McCall, PJ
  • Factors influencing the metabolite pattern of urinary arsenic following exposure via drinking water. (2006) Lindberg, AL; Goessler, W; Leonardi, G; Rahman, M; Person, LA; Ekstrom, EC; Kumar, R; Vahter, M
  • Analysis of a long-term study of neurotic disorder, with insights into the process of non-response. (2006) Longford, NT; Tyrer, R; Nur, UAM; Seivewright, H
  • Influence of age and cardiovascular risk factors on the volume of calcified and non-calcified coronary atherosclerotic plaque: Assessment by 64-slice computed tomography. (2006) Marwan, M; Rabie, T; Daniel, WG; Achenbach, S
  • Comparison of community coverage with insecticide-treated nets in a Tanzanian town and villages with social marketing versus free provision. (2006) Maxwell, CA; Rwegoshora, RT; Magesa, SM; Curtis, CF
  • A community campaign-based vitamin A supplementation (VAS) program is better than a clinic-based program in reaching vulnerable children in Tanzania. (2006) Mbuya, NV; Habicht, JP; Masanja, H; Schellenberg, JA; Rasmussen, KM
  • Weak links: international health surveillance in a world containing 'non-states'. (2006) McKee, M; Atun, R
  • Where molecular pathogenesis and NMR spectroscopy collide: An integrated approach towards the development of it CPS-based therapy for Campylobacter jejuni. (2006) McNally, DJ; Jarrell, HC; Lamoureux, M; Coleman, RA; Karlyshev, AV; Wren, BW; Brisson, JR; Szymanski, CM
  • Drug eluting stents in patients with acute coronary syndromes undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention: The ACUITY trial. (2006) Mehran, R; Moses, JW; Nikolsky, E; Dangas, G; Manoukian, S; White, HD; Ohman, EM; Bertrand, ME; Lincoff, AM; McLaurin, BT; Cox, DA; Gersh, B; Pocock, SJ; Ware, JH; Feit, F; Colombo, A; Stone, GW
  • Developing a low cost repellent to reduce malaria in the Americas - Results of two field trials in Guatemala and Peru. (2006) Moore, S; Darling, ST; Sihuincha, M; Devine, GJ
  • Angiographic findings in the of the acute catheterization and urgent intervention triage strategY (ACUITY) trial. (2006) Mori, K; Lansky, AJ; Costa, RA; Bertrand, M; Feit, F; Pietras, C; Cristea, E; Pocock, S; Ohman, M; Stone, GW
  • Community level acceptability of intermittent preventive treatment for malaria control in Tanzanian infants. (2006) Mushi, A; Pool, R; Majura, A; Wa-Shija, R; Mrisho, M; Schellenberg, J; Alonso, P; Tanner, M; Mshinda, H; Schellenberg, D
  • Longitudinal study of factors predicting anaemia over time in 4100 incident RRT patients: Data from the UK renal registry. (2006) Nitsch, D; Crane, E; Steenkamp, R; Ansell, D
  • Prevalence of renal impairment and its association with cardiovascular risk factors in a general population: results of the Swiss SAPALDIA study. (2006) Nitsch, D; Stutz, EZ; Dietrich, DF; von Eckardstein, A; Gaspoz, JM; Downs, SH; Leuenberger, P; Tschopp, JM; Brandli, O; Keller, R; Gerbase, MW; Probst-Hensch, NM; Ackermann-Liebrich, U; SAPALDIAteam
  • Population health in Ukraine: Consequences of a failing health system? (2006) Nolte, E; McKee, M
  • Did insecure employment contribute to mortality in post-transition Russia? (2006) Perlman, FJA; Bobak, M
  • Body mass index(BMI), smoking, drinking alcohol and cholesterol in european and chinese very elderly hypertensives. (2006) Peters, R; Beckett, N; Liu, L; Dumitrascu, D; McCormack, T; Pinto, E; Fletcher, A; Bulpitt, C
  • Characteristics of very elderly hypertensive patients with atrial fibrillation [AF] in the hypertension in the very elderly trial (HYVET). (2006) Peters, R; Beckett, N; Wang, J; Zhang, T; Wang, S; Nikitin, Y; Olbinskaya, L; Senior, H; Burch, L; Fletcher, A; Bulpitt, C
  • The mesothelioma epidemic: Occupational, environmental and spontaneous cases. (2006) Peto, J; Rake, C; Gilham, C; Hodgson, J
  • Early life characteristics predict psychological well-being in mid-life: Life-course associations among women in the 1946 British birth cohort. (2006) Ploubidis, GB; Croudace, TJ; Abbott, RA; Huppert, FA; Kuh, D; Wadsworth, MEJ
  • Latent structure of PSE-9 neurotic symptoms in a national birth cohort sample. (2006) Ploubidis, GB; Croudace, TJ; Colman, I; Jones, PB
  • Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface protein 3 is a target of allele-specific immunity and alleles are maintained by natural selection. (2006) Polley, SD; Tetteh, KK; Lloyd, JM; Akpogheneta, OJ; Greenwood, BM; Bojang, KA; Conway, DJ
  • Maternal gestational diabetes and the manifestations of metabolic syndrome in adolescent offspring. (2006) Pouta, A; Vaarasmaki, M; Tapanainen, P; Hartikainen, AL; Sovio, U; Ruokonen, A; Elliott, P; McCarthy, MI; Jarvelin, MR
  • PRIME I: assessing the impact of adjuvant breast radiotherapy on quality of life in low risk older patients following breast conservation. (2006) Prescott, RJ; Kunkler, IH; Williams, LJ; King, CC; Jack, W; Dixon, MJ; van der Pol, M; Goh, TT; Lindley, R; Cairns, J
  • The mesothelioma epidemic and the hidden asbestos-related lung cancer epidemic. (2006) Rake, C; Gilham, C; Hodgson, J; Peto, J
  • An anthropological study of blood supply and demand with health care system staff and users in a Chinese province. (2006) Reynolds, L; McKee, M
  • Risk of stroke during treatment with atypical and conventional antipsychotics: A population-based study in the UK. (2006) Rubino, A; Evans, SJ; Smeeth, L
  • The incidence of pesticide related illness presenting in primary health care in the UK. (2006) Rushton, L; Mann, V; Fasey, N; Bissoon, E; Grelet, Y
  • Human hookworm vaccine trial: Modeling trial efficacy and health impact. (2006) Sabatelli, L; Ghani, A; Hotez, P; Rodrigues, L; Brooker, S
  • The genetic basis of some adverse effects. The eudragene project. (2006) Salado, I; Macias, D; Asensio, P; Sainz, M; Urda, M; Pytelova, V; Molokhia, M; McKeigue, P; Carvajal, A
  • New tuberculosis vaccines can diminish as well as enhance BCG induced protection: Results from a murine model SO THORAX CT Winter Meeting of the British-Thoracic-Society/British-Lung-Foundation (BTS/BLF). (2006) Sander, CR; Tchilian, E; Dahm-Vicker, M; Fletcher, H; McShane, H; Hill, AVS
  • Intermittent preventive malaria treatment delivered alongside routine vaccinations in Tanzanian infants: Coverage and impact on indicators of malaria and anaemia. (2006) Schellenberg, JA; Mayokola, W; Shirima, K; Yuna, H; Manzi, F; Mrisho, M; Alonso, P; Mshinda, H; Tanner, M; Schellenberg, D
  • Off-pump coronary bypass surgery is associated with reduced postoperative morbidity as compared with traditional CABG: A meta-analysis of systematically reviewed randomized clinical trials. (2006) Sedrakyan, A; Wu, A; Parashar, A; Bass, E; Treasure, T
  • Enhancement of routine health information by the use of personal digital assistants in southern Tanzania. (2006) Shirima, K; Maokola, W; Schellenberg, J; Mukasa, O; Alonso, P; Tanner, M; Mshinda, H; Schellenberg, D
  • The use of personal digital assistants for data entry at the point of collection in tropical medical research. (2006) Shirima, K; Schellenberg, J; Maokola, W; Mukasa, O; Alonso, P; Tanner, M; Mshinda, H; Schellenberg, D
  • Analysis of critical periods of childhood BMI development for late-adolescent adiposity (both BMI and percentage body fat) using standard multiple regression, structural equation modelling, and spline-based approaches. (2006) Silverwood, RJ; Neovius, M; de Stavola, BL; Ekelund, U; Linne, Y
  • Evaluation of home-based management of fever in urban Ugandan children. (2006) Staedke, S; Mwebaza, N; Kamya, M; Dorsey, G; Rosenthal, P; Whitty, C
  • Alcohol poisoning in Russia and the countries in the European part of the former Soviet Union, 1970-2002. (2006) Stickley, A; Leinsalu, M; Andreev, E; Razvodovsky, Y; Vagero, D; McKee, M
  • Comparison of heparin plus IIb/IIIa inhibition versus bivalirudin with or without IIb/IIIa inhibition in patients with acute coronary syndromes undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention: The ACUITY trial. (2006) Stone, GW; White, HD; Ohman, EM; Bertrand, ME; Lincoff, AM; McLaurin, BT; Cox, DA; Pocock, SJ; Ware, JH; Colombo, A; Mehran, R; Moses, JW
  • Dietary exposures and lung cancer risk. (2006) Swiatkowska, B; Szeszenia-Dabrowska, N; Sobala, W; Wilczynska, U; Fletcher, T; Brennan, P; Boffetta, P
  • Life style-related factors and lung cancer risk. (2006) Swiatkowska, B; Szeszenia-Dabrowska, N; Sobala, W; Wilczynska, U; Fletcher, T; Brennan, P; Boffetta, P
  • Development of a computer-based tool for measuring school children's diets. (2006) Taylor, M; Summerbell, C; Adamson, A; Lang, B; Crooks, S
  • Altered proteome in Burkholderia pseudomallei rpoE operon knockout mutant; Insights into mechanisms of rpoE in stress tolerance, survival, and virulence. (2006) Thongboonkerd, V; Vanaporn, M; Songtawee, N; Kanlaya, R; Sinchaikul, S; Chen, ST; Bancroft, GJ; Korbsrisate, S
  • Alcohol and premature mortality in Russia: the Izhevsk family case-control study of men aged 25-54 years, 2003-2005. (2006) Tomkins, S; Leon, DA; Kiryanov, N; Saburova, LA; Andreev, E; McKee, M; Shkolnikov, V
  • The effect of praziquantel treatment on immune responses against Schistosomiasis mansoni during pregnancy: Cytokine and antibody responses in pregnant women and their infants. (2006) Tweyongyere, R; Mawa, PA; Namujju, PB; Jones, FM; Ndibazza, J; Omoding, N; Muhangi, L; Kabatereine, NB; Vennervald, BJ; Dunne, DW; Katunguka-Rwakishaya, E; Elliott, AM
  • Differential evidence of natural selection on two leading sporozoite stage malaria vaccine candidate antigens. (2006) Weedall, GD; Preston, BM; Thomas, AW; Sutherland, CJ; Conway, DJ
  • The AVAHAN HIV-prevention intervention programme in India: preliminary modelling results on potentially achievable levels of effectiveness. (2006) Williams, JR; Boily, M-, C; Foss, A; Vickerman, P; Ramesh, BM; Reza-Paul, S; Moses, S; Blanchard, J; Lowndes, CM; Watts, C; Alary, M
  • Effectiveness versus cost of five national scale ITN distribution systems in sub-Saharan Africa. (2006) Yukich, JO; Mulligan, J; Hanson, K; Brown, N; Chavasse, D; Stevens, W; Justino, J; Mtema, J; Mueller, D; Zerom, M; Ghebremeskel, T; Khouma, M; McGuire, D; Tediosi, F; Desavigny, D; Lengeler, C