Browse by Date where Item Type is "Conference or Workshop Item" and Year is "2006"
Number of items: 101.
Amplification of repeated sequences by pcr for differentiation of Schistosoma haematobium from related schistosomes. (2006)
Abbasi, I; King, CH; Sturrock, RF; Muchiri, E; Kariuki, C; Hamburger, J
Spatial analysis of spill-over effects of insecticide-treated materials in a cluster-randomized trial against Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in Trujillo, Venezeula. (2006)
Alexander, N; Lenhart, A; Villegas, E; Levy, M; Moyeed, R; Kroeger, A; McCall, PJ
Sample size estimates based on hierarchical regression models of atrophy rates in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. (2006)
Anderson, VM; Bartlett, Jonathan; Fisniku, L; Davies, GR; Rashid, W; Fox, NC; Miller, DH
European training for health professionals on rapid response to health threats following biochemical terrorism incidents. (2006)
Andriopoulou, E; Galatas, I; Baka, A; Kirch, W; Fuchs, A; Kyncl, J; Dowie, J; Szosland, D; Koycheva, V; Tavoulari, E; Kotsioni, I; Linos, A
Elevated maternal expression of the imprinted PHLDA2 gene is associated with low birth weight. (2006)
Apostolidou, S; Abu-Amero, S; O'Donoghue, K; Olafsdottir, O; Chavele, KM; Frost, J; Whittaker, JC; Loughna, P; Stanier, P; Moore, GE
HIV/AIDS: micro-macro resonances in the social science of infectious diseases. (2006)
Barnett, T
Cardiac and stroke disease at entry to the hypertension in the very elderly trial (HYVET) - Comparison between patients from Europe and China. (2006)
Beckett, N; Peters, R; Anderson, C; Stoyanovsky, V; Antikainen, R; Banya, W; Fletcher, A; Bulpitt, C
Prevalence of atrial fibrillation (AF) in very elderly hypertensives: results from the hypertension in the very elderly trial (HYVET). (2006)
Beckett, N; Peters, R; Liu, LS; Ma, SH; Lu, F; Wang, J; Tzekovafi, M; Geneva, M; Fletcher, A; Bulpitt, C
Stearoyl-CoA desaturase (SCD) M224L variant and adult metabolic phenotypes. (2006)
Bennett, AJ; Jain, D; Neville, M; Sovio, U; Groves, CJ; Liew, SCF; Pouta, A; Hartikainen, AL; Elliott, P; Jarvelin, MR; McCarthy, MI
Public Health in the 1980s and 1990s: Decline and rise. The transcript of a Witness Seminar held by the Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at UCL, London, on 12 October 2004. (2006)
Berridge, VA; Christie, DA; Tansey, E. M. (eds)
Moderate effect of artemisinin-based combination therapy on transmission of plasmodium falciparum. (2006)
Bousema, JT; Schneider, P; Gouagna, LC; Drakeley, CJ; Tostmann, A; Houben, R; Sutherland, CJ; Omar, SA; Sauerwein, RW
Landscape epidemiology and migration: Insights and problems at several scales for transmissible diseases. (2006)
Bradley, DJ
Mind the gap: the effect of time between sex with two consecutive partners on the persistence of gonorrhoea and HIV. (2006)
Chen, M; Ghani, A; Edmunds, JW
Randomised controlled trial of intermittent preventive treatment in schoolchildren: Impact on malaria, anaemia and school performance. (2006)
Clarke, SE; Brooker, S; Jukes, MC; Njagi, K; Khasakhala, L; Otido, J; Crudder, C; McGlone, B; Magnussen, P; Estambale, B
Longitudinal phenotypes of mental disorder from age 13 to 53: A latent class analysis. (2006)
Colman, I; Croudace, TJ; Wadsworth, EJ; Ploubidis, GB; Jones, PB
Latent variable modelling of longitudinal data: applications of Mplusâ„¢ methodologies (latent class growth and growth mixture models) in epidemiological cohort studies and household panel data. (2006)
Croudace, TJ; Ploubidis, GB; Abbott, RA; Kuh, D; Jones, PB; Wadsworth, MEJ; Huppert, FA
Real time carbon monoxide measurements from 270 UK homes. (2006)
Croxford, BJF; Hutchinson, E; Leonardi, GS; McKenna, L; Nicholson, L; Volans, G; Wilkinson, P
Models to investigate some issues regarding the feasibility of driving refractoriness genes into mosquito vector populations. (2006)
Curtis, CF
Review of previous applications of genetics to vector control. (2006)
Curtis, CF
Mitochondrial D-loop C-tract variation (The 16189 variant) and effects on early growth and adult metabolic phenotypes in a large Finnish birth cohort. (2006)
Das, S; Bennett, AJ; Sovio, U; Pouta, A; Hartikainen, AL; Elliott, P; Poulton, J; Jarvelin, MR; McCarthy, MI
Quality of life, outcomes and diagnostic uncertainty in the first year in polymyalgia rheumatica. (2006)
Dasgupta, B; Hutching, A; Hollywood, J; Lamping, D; Pease, C; Chakravarty, K; Silverman, B; Hazleman, B; Scoff, DGI; Choy, E; Bourke, B; Gendi, N
Clinical outcomes, quality of life and diagnostic uncertainty in the first year in polymyalgia rheumatica: A prospective cohort study. (2006)
Dasgupta, B; Hutchings, A; Hollywood, J; Pease, C; Chakravarty, K; Silverman, B; Hazleman, B; Choy, E; Scott, D; Gendi, N; Bourke, B; Lamping, D
Birth size and subsequent breast cancer risk: a pooled analyses of individual data on over 20,000 breast cancer cases from 28 studies. (2006)
Dos Santos Silva, I; de Stavola, B; McCormack, V
Increasing cord atrophy in clinical isolated syndrome group: a 5-year study. (2006)
Drapier, S; Swanton, J; Altmann, D; Fernando, KTM; Dalton, C; Thompson, AJ; Plant, G; Miller, DH
Gametocytaemia after drug treatment of asymptomatic Plasmodium falciparum. (2006)
Dunyo, SK; Milligan, P; Edwards, T
Risk of congenital anomalies in relation to geographic density of landfill sites in England. (2006)
Elliot, P; Richardson, S; Abellan, JJ; Thomson, A; Hoogh, CDE; Jarup, L; Briggs, D
Comparing health care systems: experiences and challenges. (2006)
Ettelt, S; Nolte, E; Thomson, S; Mays, N
The impact of schistosomiasis and intestinal helminth control program on health in rural Uganda. (2006)
Fenwick, A; Kabatereine, N; Koukounari, Artemis; Webster, J; Brooker, S
Omega Fatty Acids and Age-Related Macular Degeneration in the Eureye Study. (2006)
Fletcher, AE; Young, I; Chakravarthy, U; Dejong, P; Rahu, M; Seland, J; Soubrane, G; Tomazzoli, L; Topouzis, F; Vioque, J
Open-access repositories-taking data out of the hands of the protagonists. (2006)
Fletcher, T
Long-term arsenic exposure and cancer risk-sensitivity to choice of indicators based on recent and lifetime arsenic intake. (2006)
Fletcher, T; Leonardi, G; Hough, R; Goessler, W; Gurzau, E; Koppova, K; Rudnai, P; Clemens, F; Kumar, R; Vahter, M
Relationship between spatial urban environmeltal change and malaria and diarrhoea mortality in Accra, Ghana. (2006)
Fobil, J; Hajat, S
The importance of microbicide STI-efficacy in reducing HIV-risk: model projections. (2006)
Foss, AM; Vickerman, P; Heise, L; Watts, C
Does a microbicide's STI-efficacy influence the reduction in condom use that can be tolerated following product introduction?: model projections. (2006)
Foss, AM; Vickerman, P; Watts, C; Heise, L
A randomised controlled trial of neuroprotection with lamotrigine in secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. (2006)
Furby, J; Hayton, T; Smith, KJ; Altmann, D; Brenner, R; Chataway, J; Fox, NC; Hughes, RAC; Miller, DH; Kapoor, R
Mortality rate is reduced in ra patients treated with TNF antagonists. Data from biobadaser. (2006)
Gomez-Reino, JJ; Dasgupta, B; Haugeberg, G; Descalzo, MA; Hutchings, A; Conaghans, P; Pampin, EP; Hollywood, J; Morton, S; Carmona, L; Lamping, D; Proudman, S; Pease, C; Stewarts, S; Chakravarty, K; Emery, P; Silverman, B; Hazleman, B; Scott, DGI; Choy, E; Bourke, B; Gendl, N
Overview of HHV-6 cell biology. (2006)
Gompels, UA
Variation in Plasmodium falciparum susceptibility to the cinchona alkaloids is determined by polymorphisms in PfCRT. (2006)
Griffin, CE; Warhurst, DC; Cooper, RA
The demography of ageing in ESRC: Demographic aspects of population ageing. (2006)
Grundy, E
The determinants of heat-related mortality in England and Wales. (2006)
Hajat, S; Kovats, S; Lachowycz, K
Malaria and helminth co-infection in a semi-urban population of pregnant women in Uganda. (2006)
Hillier, SD; Booth, M; Muhangi, L; Khihembo, M; Mohammed, K; Sewankambo, M; Robert, K; Kizza, M; Muwanga, M; Bambury, M; Elliott, A
Costs and cost-effectiveness of 'escape-knee pain' an integrated rehabilitation programme for chronic knee pain. (2006)
Hurley, M; Walsh, N; Mitchell, H; Pimm, J; Patel, A; Williamson, E; Jones, R; Reeves, B; Dieppe, P
Factors associated with difference between self-reported and clinically measured weight and height. (2006)
Kautiainen, S; Laitinen, J; Sovio, U; Virtanen, SM; Jarvelin, MR
Towards schistosomiasis transmission control and elimination: Can snail prepatent infection rate serve as an indicator of residual transmission potential? (2006)
King, CH; Abassi, I; Sturrock, RF; Muchiri, EM; Kariuki, C; Hamburger, J
Fieldworkers and medical research in Kenya. (2006)
Kingori, P
Self-reported bacterial sexually transmitted infections and other factors associated with early sexual debut in Slovenia: results of a general population survey. (2006)
Klavs, I; Rodrigues, LC; Weiss, HA; Hayes, R
Fecundability and miscarriages in women with self-reported symptoms of oligomenorrhoea and/or hirsutism: Northern Finland birth cohort 1966 study. (2006)
Koivunen, R; Pouta, A; Franks, S; Sovio, U; Hartikainen, AL; McCarthy, MI; Ruokonen, A; Martikainen, H; Jarvelin, MR; Morin-Papunen, L
Years of life lost due to summertime heat in 16 European cities. (2006)
Kosatsky, T; Baccini, M; Biggeri, A; Accetta, G; Armstrong, B; Menne, B; Micchelozzi, P
Social and environmental determinants of heat-related mortality: A systematic review. (2006)
Kovats, RS
The effect of helminth infections and their treatment during pregnancy on vertical transmission of HIV infection in Uganda: Results of a randomised, double-blind, placebo controlled trial. (2006)
Kyosiimire-Lugemwa, J; Mawa, PA; Kizito, D; Oweka-Onyee, J; Muhangi, L; Akishule, D; Omara, M; Ameke, C; Kaleebu, P; Grosskurth, H; Elliott, AM
Estimating the burden of disease due to heat and cold under current and future climates. (2006)
Lachowycz, K; Kovats, RS
The composition of surrogate and illegal alcohol products in Estonia. (2006)
Lang, K; Vali, M; Szucs, S; Adany, R; McKee, M
Insecticide treated bednets for the control of dengue vectors in Haiti. (2006)
Lenhart, A; Orelus, N; Alexander, N; Streit, T; McCall, PJ
Factors influencing the metabolite pattern of urinary arsenic following exposure via drinking water. (2006)
Lindberg, AL; Goessler, W; Leonardi, G; Rahman, M; Person, LA; Ekstrom, EC; Kumar, R; Vahter, M
Analysis of a long-term study of neurotic disorder, with insights into the process of non-response. (2006)
Longford, NT; Tyrer, R; Nur, UAM; Seivewright, H
Influence of age and cardiovascular risk factors on the volume of calcified and non-calcified coronary atherosclerotic plaque: Assessment by 64-slice computed tomography. (2006)
Marwan, M; Rabie, T; Daniel, WG; Achenbach, S
Comparison of community coverage with insecticide-treated nets in a Tanzanian town and villages with social marketing versus free provision. (2006)
Maxwell, CA; Rwegoshora, RT; Magesa, SM; Curtis, CF
A community campaign-based vitamin A supplementation (VAS) program is better than a clinic-based program in reaching vulnerable children in Tanzania. (2006)
Mbuya, NV; Habicht, JP; Masanja, H; Schellenberg, JA; Rasmussen, KM
Weak links: international health surveillance in a world containing 'non-states'. (2006)
McKee, M; Atun, R
Where molecular pathogenesis and NMR spectroscopy collide: An integrated approach towards the development of it CPS-based therapy for Campylobacter jejuni. (2006)
McNally, DJ; Jarrell, HC; Lamoureux, M; Coleman, RA; Karlyshev, AV; Wren, BW; Brisson, JR; Szymanski, CM
Drug eluting stents in patients with acute coronary syndromes undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention: The ACUITY trial. (2006)
Mehran, R; Moses, JW; Nikolsky, E; Dangas, G; Manoukian, S; White, HD; Ohman, EM; Bertrand, ME; Lincoff, AM; McLaurin, BT; Cox, DA; Gersh, B; Pocock, SJ; Ware, JH; Feit, F; Colombo, A; Stone, GW
Developing a low cost repellent to reduce malaria in the Americas - Results of two field trials in Guatemala and Peru. (2006)
Moore, S; Darling, ST; Sihuincha, M; Devine, GJ
Angiographic findings in the of the acute catheterization and urgent intervention triage strategY (ACUITY) trial. (2006)
Mori, K; Lansky, AJ; Costa, RA; Bertrand, M; Feit, F; Pietras, C; Cristea, E; Pocock, S; Ohman, M; Stone, GW
Community level acceptability of intermittent preventive treatment for malaria control in Tanzanian infants. (2006)
Mushi, A; Pool, R; Majura, A; Wa-Shija, R; Mrisho, M; Schellenberg, J; Alonso, P; Tanner, M; Mshinda, H; Schellenberg, D
Longitudinal study of factors predicting anaemia over time in 4100 incident RRT patients: Data from the UK renal registry. (2006)
Nitsch, D; Crane, E; Steenkamp, R; Ansell, D
Prevalence of renal impairment and its association with cardiovascular risk factors in a general population: results of the Swiss SAPALDIA study. (2006)
Nitsch, D; Stutz, EZ; Dietrich, DF; von Eckardstein, A; Gaspoz, JM; Downs, SH; Leuenberger, P; Tschopp, JM; Brandli, O; Keller, R; Gerbase, MW; Probst-Hensch, NM; Ackermann-Liebrich, U; SAPALDIAteam
Population health in Ukraine: Consequences of a failing health system? (2006)
Nolte, E; McKee, M
Did insecure employment contribute to mortality in post-transition Russia? (2006)
Perlman, FJA; Bobak, M
Body mass index(BMI), smoking, drinking alcohol and cholesterol in european and chinese very elderly hypertensives. (2006)
Peters, R; Beckett, N; Liu, L; Dumitrascu, D; McCormack, T; Pinto, E; Fletcher, A; Bulpitt, C
Characteristics of very elderly hypertensive patients with atrial fibrillation [AF] in the hypertension in the very elderly trial (HYVET). (2006)
Peters, R; Beckett, N; Wang, J; Zhang, T; Wang, S; Nikitin, Y; Olbinskaya, L; Senior, H; Burch, L; Fletcher, A; Bulpitt, C
The mesothelioma epidemic: Occupational, environmental and spontaneous cases. (2006)
Peto, J; Rake, C; Gilham, C; Hodgson, J
Early life characteristics predict psychological well-being in mid-life: Life-course associations among women in the 1946 British birth cohort. (2006)
Ploubidis, GB; Croudace, TJ; Abbott, RA; Huppert, FA; Kuh, D; Wadsworth, MEJ
Latent structure of PSE-9 neurotic symptoms in a national birth cohort sample. (2006)
Ploubidis, GB; Croudace, TJ; Colman, I; Jones, PB
Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface protein 3 is a target of allele-specific immunity and alleles are maintained by natural selection. (2006)
Polley, SD; Tetteh, KK; Lloyd, JM; Akpogheneta, OJ; Greenwood, BM; Bojang, KA; Conway, DJ
Maternal gestational diabetes and the manifestations of metabolic syndrome in adolescent offspring. (2006)
Pouta, A; Vaarasmaki, M; Tapanainen, P; Hartikainen, AL; Sovio, U; Ruokonen, A; Elliott, P; McCarthy, MI; Jarvelin, MR
PRIME I: assessing the impact of adjuvant breast radiotherapy on quality of life in low risk older patients following breast conservation. (2006)
Prescott, RJ; Kunkler, IH; Williams, LJ; King, CC; Jack, W; Dixon, MJ; van der Pol, M; Goh, TT; Lindley, R; Cairns, J
The mesothelioma epidemic and the hidden asbestos-related lung cancer epidemic. (2006)
Rake, C; Gilham, C; Hodgson, J; Peto, J
An anthropological study of blood supply and demand with health care system staff and users in a Chinese province. (2006)
Reynolds, L; McKee, M
Risk of stroke during treatment with atypical and conventional antipsychotics: A population-based study in the UK. (2006)
Rubino, A; Evans, SJ; Smeeth, L
The incidence of pesticide related illness presenting in primary health care in the UK. (2006)
Rushton, L; Mann, V; Fasey, N; Bissoon, E; Grelet, Y
Human hookworm vaccine trial: Modeling trial efficacy and health impact. (2006)
Sabatelli, L; Ghani, A; Hotez, P; Rodrigues, L; Brooker, S
The genetic basis of some adverse effects. The eudragene project. (2006)
Salado, I; Macias, D; Asensio, P; Sainz, M; Urda, M; Pytelova, V; Molokhia, M; McKeigue, P; Carvajal, A
New tuberculosis vaccines can diminish as well as enhance BCG induced protection: Results from a murine model SO THORAX CT Winter Meeting of the British-Thoracic-Society/British-Lung-Foundation (BTS/BLF). (2006)
Sander, CR; Tchilian, E; Dahm-Vicker, M; Fletcher, H; McShane, H; Hill, AVS
Intermittent preventive malaria treatment delivered alongside routine vaccinations in Tanzanian infants: Coverage and impact on indicators of malaria and anaemia. (2006)
Schellenberg, JA; Mayokola, W; Shirima, K; Yuna, H; Manzi, F; Mrisho, M; Alonso, P; Mshinda, H; Tanner, M; Schellenberg, D
Off-pump coronary bypass surgery is associated with reduced postoperative morbidity as compared with traditional CABG: A meta-analysis of systematically reviewed randomized clinical trials. (2006)
Sedrakyan, A; Wu, A; Parashar, A; Bass, E; Treasure, T
Enhancement of routine health information by the use of personal digital assistants in southern Tanzania. (2006)
Shirima, K; Maokola, W; Schellenberg, J; Mukasa, O; Alonso, P; Tanner, M; Mshinda, H; Schellenberg, D
The use of personal digital assistants for data entry at the point of collection in tropical medical research. (2006)
Shirima, K; Schellenberg, J; Maokola, W; Mukasa, O; Alonso, P; Tanner, M; Mshinda, H; Schellenberg, D
Analysis of critical periods of childhood BMI development for late-adolescent adiposity (both BMI and percentage body fat) using standard multiple regression, structural equation modelling, and spline-based approaches. (2006)
Silverwood, RJ; Neovius, M; de Stavola, BL; Ekelund, U; Linne, Y
Evaluation of home-based management of fever in urban Ugandan children. (2006)
Staedke, S; Mwebaza, N; Kamya, M; Dorsey, G; Rosenthal, P; Whitty, C
Alcohol poisoning in Russia and the countries in the European part of the former Soviet Union, 1970-2002. (2006)
Stickley, A; Leinsalu, M; Andreev, E; Razvodovsky, Y; Vagero, D; McKee, M
Comparison of heparin plus IIb/IIIa inhibition versus bivalirudin with or without IIb/IIIa inhibition in patients with acute coronary syndromes undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention: The ACUITY trial. (2006)
Stone, GW; White, HD; Ohman, EM; Bertrand, ME; Lincoff, AM; McLaurin, BT; Cox, DA; Pocock, SJ; Ware, JH; Colombo, A; Mehran, R; Moses, JW
Dietary exposures and lung cancer risk. (2006)
Swiatkowska, B; Szeszenia-Dabrowska, N; Sobala, W; Wilczynska, U; Fletcher, T; Brennan, P; Boffetta, P
Life style-related factors and lung cancer risk. (2006)
Swiatkowska, B; Szeszenia-Dabrowska, N; Sobala, W; Wilczynska, U; Fletcher, T; Brennan, P; Boffetta, P
Development of a computer-based tool for measuring school children's diets. (2006)
Taylor, M; Summerbell, C; Adamson, A; Lang, B; Crooks, S
Altered proteome in Burkholderia pseudomallei rpoE operon knockout mutant; Insights into mechanisms of rpoE in stress tolerance, survival, and virulence. (2006)
Thongboonkerd, V; Vanaporn, M; Songtawee, N; Kanlaya, R; Sinchaikul, S; Chen, ST; Bancroft, GJ; Korbsrisate, S
Alcohol and premature mortality in Russia: the Izhevsk family case-control study of men aged 25-54 years, 2003-2005. (2006)
Tomkins, S; Leon, DA; Kiryanov, N; Saburova, LA; Andreev, E; McKee, M; Shkolnikov, V
The effect of praziquantel treatment on immune responses against Schistosomiasis mansoni during pregnancy: Cytokine and antibody responses in pregnant women and their infants. (2006)
Tweyongyere, R; Mawa, PA; Namujju, PB; Jones, FM; Ndibazza, J; Omoding, N; Muhangi, L; Kabatereine, NB; Vennervald, BJ; Dunne, DW; Katunguka-Rwakishaya, E; Elliott, AM
Differential evidence of natural selection on two leading sporozoite stage malaria vaccine candidate antigens. (2006)
Weedall, GD; Preston, BM; Thomas, AW; Sutherland, CJ; Conway, DJ
The AVAHAN HIV-prevention intervention programme in India: preliminary modelling results on potentially achievable levels of effectiveness. (2006)
Williams, JR; Boily, M-, C; Foss, A; Vickerman, P; Ramesh, BM; Reza-Paul, S; Moses, S; Blanchard, J; Lowndes, CM; Watts, C; Alary, M
Effectiveness versus cost of five national scale ITN distribution systems in sub-Saharan Africa. (2006)
Yukich, JO; Mulligan, J; Hanson, K; Brown, N; Chavasse, D; Stevens, W; Justino, J; Mtema, J; Mueller, D; Zerom, M; Ghebremeskel, T; Khouma, M; McGuire, D; Tediosi, F; Desavigny, D; Lengeler, C