Items where Faculty or Department is "Department of Infection Biology"
  • LSHTM Organisational Structure (57264)
  • Faculty of Infectious and Tropical Diseases (18516)
  • Department of Infection Biology (5552)
  • Dept of Immunology and Infection (-2019) (972)
  • Dept of Pathogen Molecular Biology (-2019) (1192)
    Number of items: 99.
    Bibliographic data only
  • Cross-sectional study of specific antibodies to a polymorphic Plasmodium falciparum antigen and of parasite antigen genotypes in school children on the slope of Mount Cameroon. (2003) Kimbi, Helen K; Tetteh, Kevin KA; Polley, Spencer D; Conway, David J
  • Suramin and suramin analogues inhibit merozoite surface protein-1 secondary processing and erythrocyte invasion by the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. (2003) Fleck, Suzanne L; Birdsall, Berry; Babon, Jeffrey; Dluzewski, Anton R; Martin, Stephen R; Morgan, William D; Angov, Evelina; Kettleborough, Catherine A; Feeney, James; Blackman, Michael J; Holder, Anthony A
  • A single malaria merozoite serine protease mediates shedding of multiple surface proteins by juxtamembrane cleavage. (2003) Howell, Steven A; Well, Isabelle; Fleck, Suzanne L; Kettleborough, Catherine; Collins, Christine R; Blackman, Michael J
  • Genes to genetic immunization: identification of bacterial vaccine candidates. (2003) Allan, Elaine; Wren, Brendan W
  • The identification of circular extrachromosomal DNA in the nuclear genome of Trypanosoma brucei. (2003) Alsford, NS; Navarro, M; Jamnadass, HR; Dunbar, H; Ackroyd, M; Murphy, NB; Gull, K; Ersfeld, K
  • Analysis of genes of mitochondrial origin in the genus Entamoeba. (2003) Bakatselou, Christina; Beste, Dany; Kadri, Ayodeji O; Somanath, Sushela; Clark, C Graham
  • Prolylisoxazoles: potent inhibitors of prolyloligopeptidase with antitrypanosomal activity. (2003) Bal, Gunther; Van der Veken, Pieter; Antonov, Dimitri; Lambeir, Anne-Marie; Grellier, Philippe; Croft, Simon L; Augustyns, Koen; Haemers, Achiel
  • Plasmodium falciparum apical membrane antigen 1 (PfAMA-1) is translocated within micronemes along subpellicular microtubules during merozoite development. (2003) Bannister, Lawrence H; Hopkins, John M; Dluzewski, Anton R; Margos, Gabriele; Williams, Ian T; Blackman, Michael J; Kocken, Clemens H; Thomas, Alan W; Mitchell, Graham H
  • Erythrocyte invasion phenotypes of Plasmodium falciparum in The Gambia. (2003) Baum, Jake; Pinder, Margaret; Conway, David J
  • Evidence for diversifying selection on erythrocyte-binding antigens of Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax. (2003) Baum, Jake; Thomas, Alan W; Conway, David J
  • Gamma interferon responses induced by a panel of recombinant and purified mycobacterial antigens in healthy, non-mycobacterium bovis BCG-vaccinated Malawian young adults. (2003) Black, Gillian F; Weir, Rosemary E; Chaguluka, Steven D; Warndorff, David; Crampin, Amelia C; Mwaungulu, Lorren; Sichali, Lifted; Floyd, Sian; Bliss, Lyn; Jarman, Elizabeth; Donovan, Linda; Andersen, Peter; Britton, Warwick; Hewinson, Glyn; Huygen, Kris; Paulsen, Jens; Singh, Mahavir; Prestidge, Ross; Fine, Paul EM; Dockrell, Hazel M
  • RNAi in protozoan parasites: what hope for the Apicomplexa? (2003) Blackman, Michael J
  • Longitudinal study of intestinal Entamoeba histolytica infections in asymptomatic adult carriers. (2003) Blessmann, Joerg; Ali, Ibne Karim M; Nu, Phuong A Ton; Dinh, Binh T; Viet, Tram Q Ngo; Van, An Le; Clark, C Graham; Tannich, Egbert
  • Missing... presumed at random: cost-analysis of incomplete data. (2003) Briggs, Andrew; Clark, Taane; Wolstenholme, Jane; Clarke, Philip
  • Screening of plant extracts for antiprotozoal and cytotoxic activities. (2003) Camacho, MDR; Phillipson, JD; Croft, SL; Solis, PN; Marshall, SJ; Ghazanfar, SA
  • Synthesis and biological activity of nitro heterocycles analogous to megazol, a trypanocidal lead. (2003) Chauvière, Gérard; Bouteille, Bernard; Enanga, Bertin; de Albuquerque, Cristina; Croft, Simon L; Dumas, Michel; Périé, Jacques
  • Long term risks of stroke, myocardial infarction, and vascular death in "low risk" patients with a non-recent transient ischaemic attack. (2003) Clark, TG; Murphy, MFG; Rothwell, PM
  • Developing a prognostic model in the presence of missing data: an ovarian cancer case study. (2003) Clark, Taane G; Altman, Douglas G
  • Tracing the dawn of Plasmodium falciparum with mitochondrial genome sequences. (2003) Conway, David J
  • Recent advances in research and control of malaria, leishmaniasis, trypanosomiasis and schistosomiasis. (2003) Croft, SL; Vivas, L; Brooker, S
  • Leishmaniasis--current chemotherapy and recent advances in the search for novel drugs. (2003) Croft, Simon L; Coombs, Graham H
  • Antiprotozoal activities of phospholipid analogues. (2003) Croft, Simon L; Seifert, Karin; Duchêne, Michael
  • The role of two novel regulatory sites in the activation of the cGMP-dependent protein kinase from Plasmodium falciparum. (2003) Deng, Wensheng; Parbhu-Patel, Asha; Meyer, David J; Baker, David A
  • SOAP, a novel malaria ookinete protein involved in mosquito midgut invasion and oocyst development. (2003) Dessens, Johannes T; Sidén-Kiamos, Inga; Mendoza, Jacqui; Mahairaki, Vassiliki; Khater, Emad; Vlachou, Dina; Xu, Xiao-Jin; Kafatos, Fotis C; Louis, Christos; Dimopoulos, George; Sinden, Robert E
  • Viral infection switches non-plasmacytoid dendritic cells into high interferon producers. (2003) Diebold, Sandra S; Montoya, Maria; Unger, Hermann; Alexopoulou, Lena; Roy, Polly; Haswell, Linsey E; Al-Shamkhani, Aymen; Flavell, Richard; Borrow, Persephone; Reis e Sousa, Caetano
  • An estimation of the entomological inoculation rate for Ifakara: a semi-urban area in a region of intense malaria transmission in Tanzania. (2003) Drakeley, C; Schellenberg, D; Kihonda, J; Sousa, CA; Arez, AP; Lopes, D; Lines, J; Mshinda, H; Lengeler, C; Armstrong Schellenberg, J; Tanner, M; Alonso, P
  • Widespread occurrence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA from 18th-19th century Hungarians. (2003) Fletcher, Helen A; Donoghue, Helen D; Holton, John; Pap, Ildikó; Spigelman, Mark
  • Molecular analysis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA from a family of 18th century Hungarians. (2003) Fletcher, Helen A; Donoghue, Helen D; Taylor, G Michael; van der Zanden, Adri GM; Spigelman, Mark
  • Genetic diversity and antigenic polymorphism in Plasmodium falciparum: extensive serological cross-reactivity between allelic variants of merozoite surface protein 2. (2003) Franks, Simon; Baton, Luke; Tetteh, Kevin; Tongren, Eric; Dewin, David; Akanmori, Bartholomew D; Koram, Kojo A; Ranford-Cartwright, Lisa; Riley, Eleanor M
  • Mechanism of genetic exchange in American trypanosomes. (2003) Gaunt, Michael W; Yeo, Matthew; Frame, Iain A; Stothard, J Russell; Carrasco, Hernan J; Taylor, Martin C; Mena, Susana Solis; Veazey, Paul; Miles, Graham AJ; Acosta, Nidia; de Arias, Antonieta Rojas; Miles, Michael A
  • Synthesis and characterization of copper(II) complexes of pyridine-2-carboxamidrazones as potent antimalarial agents. (2003) Gokhale, Nikhil H; Padhye, Subhash B; Billington, David C; Rathbone, Daniel L; Croft, Simon L; Kendrick, Howard D; Anson, Christopher E; Powell, Annie K
  • Transition metal complexes of buparvaquone as potent new antimalarial agents. 1. Synthesis, X-ray crystal-structures, electrochemistry and antimalarial activity against Plasmodium falciparum. (2003) Gokhale, Nikhil H; Padhye, Subhash B; Croft, Simon L; Kendrick, Howard D; Davies, Wendy; Anson, Christopher E; Powell, Annie K
  • Early self-regulatory mechanisms control the magnitude of CD8+ T cell responses against liver stages of murine malaria. (2003) Hafalla, Julius CR; Morrot, Alexandre; Sano, Gen-Ichiro; Milon, Geneviève; Lafaille, Juan J; Zavala, Fidel
  • Contrasting roles for IL-10 in protective immunity to different life cycle stages of intestinal nematode parasites. (2003) Helmby, Helena; Grencis, Richard K
  • Essential role for TLR4 and MyD88 in the development of chronic intestinal nematode infection. (2003) Helmby, Helena; Grencis, Richard K
  • IFN-gamma-independent effects of IL-12 during intestinal nematode infection. (2003) Helmby, Helena; Grencis, Richard K
  • Application of DNA microarrays to study the evolutionary genomics of Yersinia pestis and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis. (2003) Hinchliffe, Stewart J; Isherwood, Karen E; Stabler, Richard A; Prentice, Michael B; Rakin, Alexander; Nichols, Richard A; Oyston, Petra CF; Hinds, Jason; Titball, Richard W; Wren, Brendan W
  • Functional characterization of the propeptide of Plasmodium falciparum subtilisin-like protease-1. (2003) Jean, Letitia; Hackett, Fiona; Martin, Stephen R; Blackman, Michael J
  • Dynamics of cytokine generation in patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis. (2003) Jo, Eun-Kyeong; Park, Jeong-Kyu; Dockrell, Hazel M
  • A Caenorhabditis elegans model of Yersinia infection: biofilm formation on a biotic surface. (2003) Joshua, GWP; Karlyshev, AV; Smith, MP; Isherwood, KE; Titball, RW; Wren, BW
  • Defining the structure-function relationships of bluetongue virus helicase protein VP6. (2003) Kar, Alak Kanti; Roy, Polly
  • Natural products as antiparasitic drugs. (2003) Kayser, O; Kiderlen, AF; Croft, SL
  • Formulation and biopharmaceutical issues in the development of drug delivery systems for antiparasitic drugs. (2003) Kayser, O; Olbrich, C; Croft, SL; Kiderlen, AF
  • Formulation of amphotericin B as nanosuspension for oral administration. (2003) Kayser, O; Olbrich, C; Yardley, V; Kiderlen, AF; Croft, SL
  • Antileishmanial activity of two gamma-pyrones from Podolepsis hieracioides (Asteraceae). (2003) Kayser, Oliver; Kiderlen, Albrecht F; Croft, Simon L
  • Toxicity and antileishmanial activity of a new stable lipid suspension of amphotericin B. (2003) Larabi, Malika; Yardley, Vanessa; Loiseau, Philippe M; Appel, Martine; Legrand, Philippe; Gulik, Annette; Bories, Christian; Croft, Simon L; Barratt, Gillian
  • New World cutaneous leishmaniasis in returned travellers: treatment failures using intravenous sodium stibogluconate. (2003) Lawn, SD; Yardley, V; Vega-Lopez, F; Watson, J; Lockwood, DN
  • The production of tumour necrosis factor-alpha is decreased in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from multidrug-resistant tuberculosis patients following stimulation with the 30-kDa antigen of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. (2003) Lee, J-S; Song, C-H; Lim, J-H; Kim, H-J; Park, J-K; Paik, T-H; Kim, C-H; Kong, S-J; Shon, M-H; Jung, S-S; Jo, E-K
  • Monocyte chemotactic protein-1 production in patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis and tuberculous pleurisy. (2003) Lee, J-S; Song, C-H; Lim, J-H; Lee, K-S; Kim, H-J; Park, J-K; Paik, T-H; Jung, S-S; Jo, E-K
  • Depressed interleukin-12 production by peripheral blood mononuclear cells after in vitro stimulation with the 30-kDa antigen in recurrent pulmonary tuberculosis patients. (2003) Lee, Ji-Sook; Song, Chang-Hwa; Kim, Chul-Hee; Kong, Suck-Jun; Shon, Mal-Hyun; Suhr, Ji-Won; Jung, Sung-Soo; Lim, Jae-Hyun; Kim, Hwa-Jung; Park, Jeong-Kyu; Paik, Tae-Hyun; Jo, Eun-Kyeong
  • Intermolecular interactions in a two-layered viral capsid that requires a complex symmetry mismatch. (2003) Limn, Chang-Kwang; Roy, Polly
  • Structure-activity relationships of antileishmanial and antimalarial chalcones. (2003) Liu, Mei; Wilairat, Prapon; Croft, Simon L; Tan, Agnes Lay-Choo; Go, Mei-Lin
  • Sequence specificity in the interaction of Bluetongue virus non-structural protein 2 (NS2) with viral RNA. (2003) Lymperopoulos, Kostas; Wirblich, Christoph; Brierley, Ian; Roy, Polly
  • Azasterols as inhibitors of sterol 24-methyltransferase in Leishmania species and Trypanosoma cruzi. (2003) Magaraci, Filippo; Jimenez, Carmen Jimenez; Rodrigues, Carlos; Rodrigues, Juliany CF; Braga, Marina Vianna; Yardley, Vanessa; de Luca-Fradley, Kate; Croft, Simon L; de Souza, Wanderley; Ruiz-Perez, Luis M; Urbina, Julio; Gonzalez Pacanowska, Dolores; Gilbert, Ian H
  • Using a DNA microarray to investigate the distribution of insect virulence factors in strains of photorhabdus bacteria. (2003) Marokhazi, Judit; Waterfield, Nicholas; LeGoff, Gaelle; Feil, Edward; Stabler, Richard; Hinds, Jason; Fodor, Andras; ffrench-Constant, Richard H
  • Serum IgG3 to the Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface protein 2 is strongly associated with a reduced prospective risk of malaria. (2003) Metzger, Wolfram G; Okenu, Daniel MN; Cavanagh, David R; Robinson, Jane V; Bojang, Kalifa A; Weiss, Helen A; McBride, Jana S; Greenwood, Brian M; Conway, David J
  • Malaria--there could be a third way. (2003) Miles, Michael A
  • TgSUB2 is a Toxoplasma gondii rhoptry organelle processing proteinase. (2003) Miller, Steven A; Thathy, Vandana; Ajioka, James W; Blackman, Michael J; Kim, Kami
  • Multiple splice variants encode a novel adenylyl cyclase of possible plastid origin expressed in the sexual stage of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. (2003) Muhia, David K; Swales, Claire A; Eckstein-Ludwig, Ursula; Saran, Shweta; Polley, Spencer D; Kelly, John M; Schaap, Pauline; Krishna, Sanjeev; Baker, David A
  • Genetic polymorphisms and personality in healthy adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2003) Munafò, MR; Clark, TG; Moore, LR; Payne, E; Walton, R; Flint, J
  • Virus-like particles as immunogens. (2003) Noad, Rob; Roy, Polly
  • Signature-tagged mutagenesis of Yersinia pestis. (2003) Oyston, Petra CF; Karlyshev, Andrey V; Wren, Brendan W; Titball, Richard W
  • Deletion of two-component regulatory systems increases the virulence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. (2003) Parish, Tanya; Smith, Debbie A; Kendall, Sharon; Casali, Nicola; Bancroft, Gregory J; Stoker, Neil G
  • Expression profile of wild-type ETV6 in childhood acute leukaemia. (2003) Patel, Naina; Goff, Lindsey K; Clark, Taane; Ford, Anthony M; Foot, Nicola; Lillington, Debra; Hing, Sandra; Pritchard-Jones, Kathy; Jones, Louise K; Saha, Vaskar
  • Molecular determination of point mutation haplotypes in the dihydrofolate reductase and dihydropteroate synthase of Plasmodium falciparum in three districts of northern Tanzania. (2003) Pearce, Richard J; Drakeley, Chris; Chandramohan, Daniel; Mosha, Frank; Roper, Cally
  • The chemotherapy of rodent malaria. LXI. Drug combinations to impede the selection of drug resistance, part 4: the potential role of 8-aminoquinolines. (2003) Peters, W; Stewart, LB; Robinson, BL
  • 2,4-Diaminopyrimidines as inhibitors of Leishmanial and Trypanosomal dihydrofolate reductase. (2003) Pez, Didier; Leal, Isabel; Zuccotto, Fabio; Boussard, Cyrille; Brun, Reto; Croft, Simon L; Yardley, Vanessa; Ruiz Perez, Luis M; Gonzalez Pacanowska, Dolores; Gilbert, Ian H
  • Allele frequency-based analyses robustly map sequence sites under balancing selection in a malaria vaccine candidate antigen. (2003) Polley, Spencer D; Chokejindachai, Watcharee; Conway, David J
  • Repeat sequences in block 2 of Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface protein 1 are targets of antibodies associated with protection from malaria. (2003) Polley, Spencer D; Tetteh, Kevin KA; Cavanagh, David R; Pearce, Richard J; Lloyd, Jennifer M; Bojang, Kalifa A; Okenu, Daniel MN; Greenwood, Brian M; McBride, Jana S; Conway, David J
  • Cobalamin synthesis in Yersinia enterocolitica 8081. Functional aspects of a putative metabolic island. (2003) Prentice, Michael B; Cuccui, Jon; Thomson, Nick; Parkhill, Julian; Deery, Evelyn; Warren, Martin J
  • Cissampeloflavone, a chalcone-flavone dimer from Cissampelos pareira. (2003) Ramírez, Irama; Carabot, Alfredo; Meléndez, Pablo; Carmona, Juan; Jimenez, Manuel; Patel, Asmita V; Crabb, Trevor A; Blunden, Gerald; Cary, Peter D; Croft, Simon L; Costa, Manuel
  • Synthesis and in vitro anti-protozoal activity of a series of benzotropolone derivatives incorporating endocyclic hydrazines. (2003) Ren, Hongyu; Grady, Shannon; Banghart, Matthew; Moulthrop, Jason S; Kendrick, Howard; Yardley, Vanessa; Croft, Simon L; Moyna, Guillermo
  • Antifolate antimalarial resistance in southeast Africa: a population-based analysis. (2003) Roper, Cally; Pearce, Richard; Bredenkamp, Barry; Gumede, Jonathan; Drakeley, Chris; Mosha, Frank; Chandramohan, Daniel; Sharp, Brian
  • Nature and duration of protective immunity to bluetongue virus infection. (2003) Roy, P
  • Characterisation of Leishmania donovani promastigotes resistant to hexadecylphosphocholine (miltefosine). (2003) Seifert, Karin; Matu, Sangeeta; Javier Pérez-Victoria, F; Castanys, Santiago; Gamarro, Francisco; Croft, Simon L
  • Interleukin-8 is differentially expressed by human-derived monocytic cell line U937 infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv and Mycobacterium marinum. (2003) Song, Chang-Hwa; Lee, Ji-Sook; Kim, Hwa-Jung; Park, Jeong-Kyu; Paik, Tae-Hyun; Jo, Eun-Kyeong
  • Role of mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways in the production of tumor necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin-10, and monocyte chemotactic protein-1 by Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv-infected human monocytes. (2003) Song, Chang-Hwa; Lee, Ji-Sook; Lee, So-Hyun; Lim, Kyu; Kim, Hwa-Jung; Park, Jeong-Kyu; Paik, Tae-Hyun; Jo, Eun-Kyeong
  • Construction of a Yersinia pestis microarray. (2003) Stabler, Richard A; Hinds, Jason; Witney, Adam A; Isherwood, Karen; Oyston, Petra; Titball, Richard; Wren, Brendan; Hinchliffe, Stewart; Prentice, Michael; Mangan, Joseph A; Butcher, Phillip D
  • Campylobacter--a tale of two protein glycosylation systems. (2003) Szymanski, Christine M; Logan, Susan M; Linton, Dennis; Wren, Brendan W
  • Gene discovery in the Entamoeba invadens genome. (2003) Wang, Zheng; Samuelson, John; Clark, C Graham; Eichinger, Daniel; Paul, Jaishree; Van Dellen, Katrina; Hall, Neil; Anderson, Iain; Loftus, Brendan
  • Interferon-gamma and skin test responses of schoolchildren in southeast England to purified protein derivatives from Mycobacterium tuberculosis and other species of mycobacteria. (2003) Weir, RE; Fine, PEM; Nazareth, B; Floyd, S; Black, GF; King, E; Stanley, C; Bliss, L; Branson, K; Dockrell, HM
  • Motor vehicle driver injury and socioeconomic status: a cohort study with prospective and retrospective driver injuries. (2003) Whitlock, G; Norton, R; Clark, T; Pledger, M; Jackson, R; MacMahon, S
  • Is body mass index a risk factor for motor vehicle driver injury? A cohort study with prospective and retrospective outcomes. (2003) Whitlock, Gary; Norton, Robyn; Clark, Taane; Jackson, Rodney; MacMahon, Stephen
  • RNA interference identifies two hydroperoxide metabolizing enzymes that are essential to the bloodstream form of the african trypanosome. (2003) Wilkinson, Shane R; Horn, David; Prathalingam, S Radhika; Kelly, John M
  • The role of glutathione peroxidases in trypanosomatids. (2003) Wilkinson, Shane R; Kelly, John M
  • The yersiniae--a model genus to study the rapid evolution of bacterial pathogens. (2003) Wren, Brendan W
  • Genotyping of Entamoeba species in South Africa: diversity, stability, and transmission patterns within families. (2003) Zaki, Mehreen; Reddy, Selvan G; Jackson, Terry FHG; Ravdin, Jonathan I; Clark, C Graham
  • Entamoeba histolytica: direct PCR-based typing of strains using faecal DNA. (2003) Zaki, Mehreen; Verweij, Jaco J; Clark, C Graham
  • The effect of mass administration of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine combined with artesunate on malaria incidence: a double-blind, community-randomized, placebo-controlled trial in The Gambia. (2003) von Seidlein, Lorenz; Walraven, Gijs; Milligan, Paul J; Alexander, Neal; Manneh, Fandingding; Deen, Jacqueline L; Coleman, Roz; Jawara, Musa; Lindsay, Steve W; Drakeley, Chris; De Martin, Sarah; Olliaro, Piero; Bennett, Steve; Schim van der Loeff, Maarten; Okunoye, Kunle; Targett, Geoff A; McAdam, Keith P; Doherty, Justin F; Greenwood, Brian M; Pinder, Margaret
  • Public
  • Entamoeba moshkovskii infections in children, Bangladesh. (2003) Ali, Ibne Karim M; Hossain, Mohammad Bakhtiar; Roy, Shantanu; Ayeh-Kumi, Patrick F; Petri, William A; Haque, Rashidul; Clark, C Graham
  • Protective efficacy of the RTS,S/AS02 Plasmodium falciparum malaria vaccine is not strain specific. (2003) Alloueche, Ali; Milligan, Paul; Conway, David J; Pinder, Margaret; Bojang, Kalifa; Doherty, Tom; Tornieporth, Nadia; Cohen, Joe; Greenwood, Brian M
  • Survival analysis Part III: multivariate data analysis -- choosing a model and assessing its adequacy and fit. (2003) Bradburn, MJ; Clark, TG; Love, SB; Altman, DG
  • Survival analysis part II: multivariate data analysis--an introduction to concepts and methods. (2003) Bradburn, MJ; Clark, TG; Love, SB; Altman, DG
  • Survival analysis part I: basic concepts and first analyses. (2003) Clark, TG; Bradburn, MJ; Love, SB; Altman, DG
  • Survival analysis part IV: further concepts and methods in survival analysis. (2003) Clark, TG; Bradburn, MJ; Love, SB; Altman, DG
  • Leishmaniasis: new approaches to disease control. (2003) Davies, Clive R; Kaye, Paul; Croft, Simon L; Sundar, Shyam
  • American trypanosomiasis (Chagas' disease) and the role of molecular epidemiology in guiding control strategies. (2003) Miles, Michael A; Feliciangeli, M Dora; de Arias, Antonieta Rojas
  • The addition of artesunate to chloroquine for treatment of Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Gambian children delays, but does not prevent treatment failure. (2003) Sutherland, Colin J; Drakeley, Christopher J; Obisike, Uche; Coleman, Rosalind; Jawara, Musa; Targett, Geoffrey AT; Milligan, Paul; Pinder, Margaret; Walraven, Gijs
  • Sympatric Plasmodium falciparum isolates from Venezuela have structured var gene repertoires. (2003) Tami, Adriana; Ord, Rosalynn; Targett, Geoffrey AT; Sutherland, Colin J