Items where Faculty or Department is "Department of Infection Biology"
  • LSHTM Organisational Structure (57264)
  • Faculty of Infectious and Tropical Diseases (18516)
  • Department of Infection Biology (5552)
  • Dept of Immunology and Infection (-2019) (972)
  • Dept of Pathogen Molecular Biology (-2019) (1192)
    Number of items: 91.
    February 2001
  • Frequent and persistent, asymptomatic Plasmodium falciparum infections in African infants, characterized by multilocus genotyping. (2001) Franks, S; Koram, KA; Wagner, GE; Tetteh, K; McGuinness, D; Wheeler, JG; Nkrumah, F; Ranford-Cartwright, L; Riley, EM
  • 2001
  • Biogeography of Triatominae (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) in Ecuador: implications for the design of control strategies. (2001) Abad-Franch, F; Paucar, A; Carpio, C; Cuba, CA; Aguilar, HM; Miles, MA
  • Antiplasmodial activities of some Ghanaian plants traditionally used for fever/malaria treatment and of some alkaloids isolated from Pleiocarpa mutica; in vivo antimalarial activity of pleiocarpine. (2001) Addae-Kyereme, J; Croft, SL; Kendrick, H; Wright, CW
  • Characterization of the low-pH responses of Helicobacter pylori using genomic DNA arrays. (2001) Allan, Elaine; Clayton, Christopher L; McLaren, Alistair; Wallace, Donald M; Wren, Brendan W
  • Trypanosoma cruzi: mucin pseudogenes organized in a tandem array. (2001) Allen, CL; Kelly, JM
  • Diversity and dynamics of the minichromosomal karyotype in Trypanosoma brucei. (2001) Alsford, S; Wickstead, B; Ersfeld, K; Gull, K
  • Plight of Afghan people must not be forgotten. (2001) Armstrong, B; Coleman, M; Davies, C; Elbourne, D; Fletcher, A; Grundy, E; Haines, A; Hall, A; Kirkwood, B; Lamping, D; Miles, M; Roberts, I; Sondorp, E
  • In vitro antiprotozoal activity of extract and compounds from the stem bark of Combretum molle. (2001) Asres, K; Bucar, F; Knauder, E; Yardley, V; Kendrick, H; Croft, SL
  • Transformation of Leishmania mexicana metacyclic promastigotes to amastigote-like forms mediated by binding of human C-reactive protein. (2001) Bee, A; Culley, FJ; Alkhalife, IS; Bodman-Smith, KB; Raynes, JG; Bates, PA
  • Population genetic analysis of the Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte binding antigen-175 (eba-175) gene. (2001) Binks, RH; Baum, J; Oduola, AM; Arnot, DE; Babiker, HA; Kremsner, PG; Roper, C; Greenwood, BM; Conway, DJ
  • Patterns and implications of naturally acquired immune responses to environmental and tuberculous mycobacterial antigens in northern Malawi. (2001) Black, GF; Dockrell, HM; Crampin, AC; Floyd, S; Weir, RE; Bliss, L; Sichali, L; Mwaungulu, L; Kanyongoloka, H; Ngwira, B; Warndorff, DK; Fine, PE
  • Relationship between IFN-gamma and skin test responsiveness to Mycobacterium tuberculosis PPD in healthy, non-BCG-vaccinated young adults in Northern Malawi. (2001) Black, GF; Fine PEM; Warndorff, DK; Floyd, S; Weir, RE; Blackwell, JM; Bliss, L; Sichali, L; Mwaungulu, L; Chaguluka, S; Jarman, E; Ngwira, B; Dockrell, HM
  • Apical organelles of Apicomplexa: biology and isolation by subcellular fractionation. (2001) Blackman, MJ; Bannister, LH
  • Efficacy of RTS,S/AS02 malaria vaccine against Plasmodium falciparum infection in semi-immune adult men in The Gambia: a randomised trial. (2001) Bojang, KA; Milligan, PJ; Pinder, M; Vigneron, L; Alloueche, A; Kester, KE; Ballou, WR; Conway, DJ; Reece, WH; Gothard, P; Yamuah, L; Delchambre, M; Voss, G; Greenwood, BM; Hill, A; McAdam, KP; Tornieporth, N; Cohen, JD; Doherty, T; RTS, S Malaria Vaccine Trial Team
  • Complete, long-lasting protection against malaria of mice primed and boosted with two distinct viral vectors expressing the same plasmodial antigen. (2001) Bruña-Romero, O; González-Aseguinolaza, G; Hafalla, JC; Tsuji, M; Nussenzweig, RS
  • Detection of malaria liver-stages in mice infected through the bite of a single Anopheles mosquito using a highly sensitive real-time PCR. (2001) Bruña-Romero, O; Hafalla, JC; González-Aseguinolaza, G; Sano, G; Tsuji, M; Zavala, F
  • Molecular characterization of the surface layer proteins from Clostridium difficile. (2001) Calabi, E; Ward, S; Wren, B; Paxton, T; Panico, M; Morris, H; Dell, A; Dougan, G; Fairweather, N
  • ELISPOT assay to measure antigen-specific murine CD8(+) T cell responses. (2001) Carvalho, LH; Hafalla, JC; Zavala, F
  • Antiprotozoal and cytotoxicity evaluation of sulfonamide and urea analogues of quinacrine. (2001) Chibale, K; Haupt, H; Kendrick, H; Yardley, V; Saravanamuthu, A; Fairlamb, AH; Croft, SL
  • A prognostic model for ovarian cancer. (2001) Clark, TG; Stewart, ME; Altman, DG; Gabra, H; Smyth, JF
  • Extreme geographical fixation of variation in the Plasmodium falciparum gamete surface protein gene Pfs48/45 compared with microsatellite loci. (2001) Conway, DJ; Machado, RL; Singh, B; Dessert, P; Mikes, ZS; Povoa, MM; Oduola, AM; Roper, C
  • From natural products to drugs. (2001) Croft, SL
  • Monitoring drug resistance in leishmaniasis. (2001) Croft, SL
  • Antimalarial Chemotherapy: Mechanisms of Action, Resistance and New Directions in Drug Discovery. (2001) Croft, Simon
  • Immunological selection for Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis antigens. (2001) Cuba Cuba, CA; Ogunkolade, W; Howard, MK; Miles, MA
  • QSAR study on the contribution of log P and E(s) to the in vitro antiprotozoal activity of glutathione derivatives. (2001) Daunes, S; D'Silva, C; Kendrick, H; Yardley, V; Croft, SL
  • Knockout of the rodent malaria parasite chitinase pbCHT1 reduces infectivity to mosquitoes. (2001) Dessens, JT; Mendoza, J; Claudianos, C; Vinetz, JM; Khater, E; Hassard, S; Ranawaka, GR; Sinden, RE
  • Whole genome comparison of Campylobacter jejuni human isolates using a low-cost microarray reveals extensive genetic diversity. (2001) Dorrell, N; Mangan, JA; Laing, KG; Hinds, J; Linton, D; Al-Ghusein, H; Barrell, BG; Parkhill, J; Stoker, NG; Karlyshev, AV; Butcher, PD; Wren, BW
  • Leishmania donovani: intraspecific polymorphisms of Sudanese isolates revealed by PCR-based analyses and DNA sequencing. (2001) El Tai, NO; El Fari, M; Mauricio, I; Miles, MA; Oskam, L; El Safi, SH; Presber, WH; Schönian, G
  • The Egyptian mongoose, Herpestes ichneumon, is a possible reservoir host of visceral leishmaniasis in eastern Sudan. (2001) Elnaiem, DA; Hassan, MM; Maingon, R; Nureldin, GH; Mekawi, AM; Miles, M; Ward, RD
  • Activities of hexadecylphosphocholine (miltefosine), AmBisome, and sodium stibogluconate (Pentostam) against Leishmania donovani in immunodeficient scid mice. (2001) Escobar, P; Yardley, V; Croft, SL
  • Molecular epidemiology of tuberculosis: recent developments and applications. (2001) Fletcher, HA
  • Genotyping of Plasmodium falciparum infections by PCR: a comparative multicentre study. (2001) Färnert, A; Arez, AP; Babiker, HA; Beck, HP; Benito, A; Björkman, A; Bruce, MC; Conway, DJ; Day, KP; Henning, L; Mercereau-Puijalon, O; Ranford-Cartwright, LC; Rubio, JM; Snounou, G; Walliker, D; Zwetyenga, J; do Rosario, VE
  • Phylogenetic relationships of flaviviruses correlate with their epidemiology, disease association and biogeography. (2001) Gaunt, Michael W; Sall, Amadou A; Lamballerie, Xavier de; Falconar, Andrew KI; Dzhivanian, Tatyana I; Gould, Ernest A
  • Recombinational loss of a ribosomal DNA unit from the circular episome of Entamoeba histolytica HM-1:IMSS. (2001) Ghosh, S; Zaki, M; Clark, CG; Bhattacharya, S
  • Activation-induced cell death of human T-cell subsets is mediated by Fas and granzyme B but is independent of TNF-alpha. (2001) Gorak-Stolinska, P; Truman, JP; Kemeny, DM; Noble, A
  • Improved production by domain inversion of single-chain Fv antibody fragment against high molecular weight proteoglycan for the radioimmunotargeting of melanoma. (2001) Hamilton, S; Odili, J; Gundogdu, O; Wilson, GD; Kupsch, JM
  • Expression and functional characterization of bluetongue virus VP5 protein: role in cellular permeabilization. (2001) Hassan, SH; Wirblich, C; Forzan, M; Roy, P
  • Interleukin (IL)-18 promotes the development of chronic gastrointestinal helminth infection by downregulating IL-13. (2001) Helmby, H; Takeda, K; Akira, S; Grencis, RK
  • Proteolytic processing and primary structure of Plasmodium falciparum apical membrane antigen-1. (2001) Howell, SA; Withers-Martinez, C; Kocken, CH; Thomas, AW; Blackman, MJ
  • Demonstration of polysaccharide capsule in Campylobacter jejuni using electron microscopy. (2001) Karlyshev, AV; McCrossan, MV; Wren, BW
  • Application of high-density array-based signature-tagged mutagenesis to discover novel Yersinia virulence-associated genes. (2001) Karlyshev, AV; Oyston, PC; Williams, K; Clark, GC; Titball, RW; Winzeler, EA; Wren, BW
  • Detection and initial characterization of novel capsular polysaccharide among diverse Campylobacter jejuni strains using alcian blue dye. (2001) Karlyshev, AV; Wren, BW
  • In vitro and in vivo activities of aminoadamantane and aminoalkylcyclohexane derivatives against Trypanosoma brucei. (2001) Kelly, JM; Quack, G; Miles, MM
  • Bystander activation of CD8+ T cells contributes to the rapid production of IFN-gamma in response to bacterial pathogens. (2001) Lertmemongkolchai, G; Cai, G; Hunter, CA; Bancroft, GJ
  • Primary structure and sexual stage-specific expression of a LAMMER protein kinase of Plasmodium falciparum. (2001) Li, JL; Targett, GA; Baker, DA
  • Deciphering Campylobacter jejuni cell surface interactions from the genome sequence. (2001) Linton, D; Karlyshev, AV; Wren, BW
  • In vivo monitoring of intracellular ATP levels in Leishmania donovani promastigotes as a rapid method to screen drugs targeting bioenergetic metabolism. (2001) Luque-Ortega, JR; Rivero-Lezcano, OM; Croft, SL; Rivas, L
  • Presence of human T-cell responses to the Mycobacterium leprae 45-kilodalton antigen reflects infection with or exposure to M. leprae. (2001) Macfarlane, A; Mondragon-Gonzalez, R; Vega-Lopez, F; Wieles, B; de Pena, J; Rodriguez, O; Suarez y de la Torre, R; de Vries, RR; Ottenhoff, TH; Dockrell, HM
  • Bisphosphonates inhibit the growth of Trypanosoma brucei, Trypanosoma cruzi, Leishmania donovani, Toxoplasma gondii, and Plasmodium falciparum: a potential route to chemotherapy. (2001) Martin, MB; Grimley, JS; Lewis, JC; Heath, HT; Bailey, BN; Kendrick, H; Yardley, V; Caldera, A; Lira, R; Urbina, JA; Moreno, SN; Docampo, R; Croft, SL; Oldfield, E
  • Helicobacter pylori pore-forming cytolysin orthologue TlyA possesses in vitro hemolytic activity and has a role in colonization of the gastric mucosa. (2001) Martino, MC; Stabler, RA; Zhang, ZW; Farthing, MJ; Wren, BW; Dorrell, N
  • Genetic typing and phylogeny of the Leishmania donovani complex by restriction analysis of PCR amplified gp63 intergenic regions. (2001) Mauricio, IL; Gaunt, MW; Stothard, JR; Miles, MA
  • A conserved subtilisin-like protein TgSUB1 in microneme organelles of Toxoplasma gondii. (2001) Miller, SA; Binder, EM; Blackman, MJ; Carruthers, VB; Kim, K
  • Migration of Plasmodium sporozoites through cells before infection. (2001) Mota, MM; Pradel, G; Vanderberg, JP; Hafalla, JC; Frevert, U; Nussenzweig, RS; Nussenzweig, V; Rodríguez, A
  • Polymorphisms in the IkappaB-alpha promoter region and risk of diseases involving inflammation and fibrosis. (2001) Mozzato-Chamay, N; Corbett, EL; Bailey, RL; Mabey, DC; Raynes, J; Conway, DJ
  • The gametocyte-activating factor xanthurenic acid stimulates an increase in membrane-associated guanylyl cyclase activity in the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. (2001) Muhia, DK; Swales, CA; Deng, W; Kelly, JM; Baker, DA
  • The synthesis of cyclic tetrapeptoid analogues of the antiprotozoal natural product apicidin. (2001) Murray, PJ; Kranz, M; Ladlow, M; Taylor, S; Berst, F; Holmes, AB; Keavey, KN; Jaxa-Chamiec, A; Seale, PW; Stead, P; Upton, RJ; Croft, SL; Clegg, W; Elsegood, MR
  • N-(2-hydroxypropyl)methacrylamide (HPMA) copolymers for targeted delivery of 8-aminoquinoline antileishmanial drugs. (2001) Nan, A; Nanayakkara, NP; Walker, LA; Yardley, V; Croft, SL; Ghandehari, H
  • Fluorescent Plasmodium berghei sporozoites and pre-erythrocytic stages: a new tool to study mosquito and mammalian host interactions with malaria parasites. (2001) Natarajan, R; Thathy, V; Mota, MM; Hafalla, JC; Ménard, R; Vernick, KD
  • Peptidomimetic inhibitors of protein farnesyltransferase show potent antimalarial activity. (2001) Ohkanda, J; Lockman, JW; Yokoyama, K; Gelb, MH; Croft, SL; Kendrick, H; Harrell, MI; Feagin, JE; Blaskovich, MA; Sebti, SM; Hamilton, AD
  • Comparative analysis of Plasmodium reichenowi and P. falciparum erythrocyte-binding proteins reveals selection to maintain polymorphism in the erythrocyte-binding region of EBA-175. (2001) Ozwara, H; Kocken, CH; Conway, DJ; Mwenda, JM; Thomas, AW
  • Genome sequence of Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of plague. (2001) Parkhill, J; Wren, BW; Thomson, NR; Titball, RW; Holden, MT; Prentice, MB; Sebaihia, M; James, KD; Churcher, C; Mungall, KL; Baker, S; Basham, D; Bentley, SD; Brooks, K; Cerdeño-Tárraga, AM; Chillingworth, T; Cronin, A; Davies, RM; Davis, P; Dougan, G; Feltwell, T; Hamlin, N; Holroyd, S; Jagels, K; Karlyshev, AV; Leather, S; Moule, S; Oyston, PC; Quail, M; Rutherford, K; Simmonds, M; Skelton, J; Stevens, K; Whitehead, S; Barrell, BG
  • Population morphometric analysis of the tropicopolitan bug Triatoma rubrofasciata and relationships with old world species of Triatoma: evidence of New World ancestry. (2001) Patterson, JS; Schofield, CJ; Dujardin, JP; Miles, MA
  • Strong diversifying selection on domains of the Plasmodium falciparum apical membrane antigen 1 gene. (2001) Polley, SD; Conway, DJ
  • Yersinia pestis pFra shows biovar-specific differences and recent common ancestry with a Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi plasmid. (2001) Prentice, MB; James, KD; Parkhill, J; Baker, SG; Stevens, K; Simmonds, MN; Mungall, KL; Churcher, C; Oyston, PC; Titball, RW; Wren, BW; Wain, J; Pickard, D; Hien, TT; Farrar, JJ; Dougan, G
  • Characterization of the lipopolysaccharide of Yersinia pestis. (2001) Prior, JL; Hitchen, PG; Williamson, DE; Reason, AJ; Morris, HR; Dell, A; Wren, BW; Titball, RW
  • The failure of different strains of Yersinia pestis to produce lipopolysaccharide O-antigen under different growth conditions is due to mutations in the O-antigen gene cluster. (2001) Prior, JL; Parkhill, J; Hitchen, PG; Mungall, KL; Stevens, K; Morris, HR; Reason, AJ; Oyston, PC; Dell, A; Wren, BW; Titball, RW
  • Preliminary analysis and annotation of the partial genome sequence of Francisella tularensis strain Schu 4. (2001) Prior, RG; Klasson, L; Larsson, P; Williams, K; Lindler, L; Sjöstedt, A; Svensson, T; Tamas, I; Wren, BW; Oyston, PC; Andersson, SG; Titball, RW
  • Acute-phase HDL in phospholipid transfer protein (PLTP)-mediated HDL conversion. (2001) Pussinen, PJ; Malle, E; Metso, J; Sattler, W; Raynes, JG; Jauhiainen, M
  • Malaria vectors in the municipality of Serra do Navio, State of Amapá, Amazon Region, Brazil. (2001) Póvoa, M; Wirtz, R; Lacerda, R; Miles, M; Warhurst, D
  • Production of matrix metalloproteinases in response to mycobacterial infection. (2001) Quiding-Järbrink, M; Smith, DA; Bancroft, GJ
  • Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of a series of simple and novel potential antimalarial compounds. (2001) Ren, H; Grady, S; Gamenara, D; Heinzen, H; Moyna, P; Croft, SL; Kendrick, H; Yardley, V; Moyna, G
  • 2- and 3-substituted 1,4-naphthoquinone derivatives as subversive substrates of trypanothione reductase and lipoamide dehydrogenase from Trypanosoma cruzi: synthesis and correlation between redox cycling activities and in vitro cytotoxicity. (2001) Salmon-Chemin, L; Buisine, E; Yardley, V; Kohler, S; Debreu, MA; Landry, V; Sergheraert, C; Croft, SL; Krauth-Siegel, RL; Davioud-Charvet, E
  • Swift development of protective effector functions in naive CD8(+) T cells against malaria liver stages. (2001) Sano, G; Hafalla, JC; Morrot, A; Abe, R; Lafaille, JJ; Zavala, F
  • Characterization of auxotrophic mutants of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and their potential as vaccine candidates. (2001) Smith, DA; Parish, T; Stoker, NG; Bancroft, GJ
  • Human dendritic cells genetically engineered to express a melanoma polyepitope DNA vaccine induce multiple cytotoxic T-cell responses. (2001) Smith, SG; Patel, PM; Porte, J; Selby, PJ; Jackson, AM
  • The response of human dendritic cells to recombinant adenovirus, recombinant Mycobacterium bovis Bacillus Calmette Guerin and biolistic methods of antigen delivery: different induction of contact-dependant and soluble signals. (2001) Smith, SG; Patel, PM; Selby, PJ; Jackson, AM
  • Proteolysis of AA amyloid fibril proteins by matrix metalloproteinases-1, -2, and -3. (2001) Stix, B; Kähne, T; Sletten, K; Raynes, J; Roessner, A; Röcken, C
  • Stevor transcripts from Plasmodium falciparum gametocytes encode truncated polypeptides. (2001) Sutherland, CJ
  • RGD tripeptide of bluetongue virus VP7 protein is responsible for core attachment to Culicoides cells. (2001) Tan, BH; Nason, E; Staeuber, N; Jiang, W; Monastryrskaya, K; Roy, P
  • Artesunate reduces but does not prevent posttreatment transmission of Plasmodium falciparum to Anopheles gambiae. (2001) Targett, G; Drakeley, C; Jawara, M; von Seidlein, L; Coleman, R; Deen, J; Pinder, M; Doherty, T; Sutherland, C; Walraven, G; Milligan, P
  • Detection of bancroftian filariasis in human blood samples from Sorsogon province, the Philippines by polymerase chain reaction. (2001) Torres, EP; Ramirez, BL; Salazar, F; Pasay, MC; Alamares, JG; Santiago, ML; Hafalla, JC
  • Genetic Variation among Human Isolates of Uninucleated Cyst-Producing Entamoeba Species. (2001) Verweij, JJ; Polderman, AM; Clark, CG
  • Maintenance of Golgi structure and function depends on the integrity of ER export. (2001) Ward, TH; Polishchuk, RS; Caplan, S; Hirschberg, K; Lippincott-Schwartz, J
  • Random errors in the measurement of 10 cardiovascular risk factors. (2001) Whitlock, G; Clark, T; Vander Hoorn, S; Rodgers, A; Jackson, R; Norton, R; MacMahon, S
  • Post genome analysis of Campylobacter jejuni. (2001) Wren, BW; Linton, D; Dorrell, N; Karlyshev, AV
  • Synthesis and evaluation of cryptolepine analogues for their potential as new antimalarial agents. (2001) Wright, CW; Addae-Kyereme, J; Breen, AG; Brown, JE; Cox, MF; Croft, SL; Gökçek, Y; Kendrick, H; Phillips, RM; Pollet, PL
  • Isolation and characterization of polymorphic DNA from Entamoeba histolytica. (2001) Zaki, M; Clark, CG
  • Adrenaline suppression of the macrophage nitric oxide response to lipopolysaccharide is associated with differential regulation of tumour necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-10. (2001) Zinyama, RB; Bancroft, GJ; Sigola, LB
  • Terpenoids from Guarea rhophalocarpa. (2001) del Rayo Camacho, M; Phillipson, JD; Croft, SL; Kirby, GC; Warhurst, DC; Solis, PN
  • Risk factors for gametocyte carriage in Gambian children. (2001) von Seidlein, L; Drakeley, C; Greenwood, B; Walraven, G; Targett, G