LSHTM Organisational Structure (57264)
Faculty of Infectious and Tropical Diseases (18516)
Dept of Disease Control (5361)
Number of items: 155.
Different analytical approaches in an experimental cohort study on preventive measures for caries in adolescents. A comparison between incidence density and increment analysis. (2002)
Källestål, C; Stenlund, H
Usefulness of a dispensary-based case-control study for assessing morbidity impact of a treated net programme. (2002)
Abdulla, S; Schellenberg, JRM Armstrong; Mukasa, O; Lengeler, C
Forecasting malaria incidence from historical morbidity patterns in epidemic-prone areas of Ethiopia: a simple seasonal adjustment method performs best. (2002)
Abeku, Tarekegn A; de Vlas, Sake J; Borsboom, Gerard; Teklehaimanot, Awash; Kebede, Asnakew; Olana, Dereje; van Oortmarssen, Gerrit J; Habbema, JDF
Malaria control with genetically manipulated insect vectors. (2002)
Alphey, Luke; Beard, C Ben; Billingsley, Peter; Coetzee, Maureen; Crisanti, Andrea; Curtis, Chris; Eggleston, Paul; Godfray, Charles; Hemingway, Janet; Jacobs-Lorena, Marcelo; James, Anthony A; Kafatos, Fotis C; Mukwaya, Louis G; Paton, Michael; Powell, Jeffrey R; Schneider, William; Scott, Thomas W; Sina, Barbara; Sinden, Robert; Sinkins, Steven; Spielman, Andrew; Touré, Yeya; Collins, Frank H
Risk factors for child mortality in rural Tanzania. (2002)
Armstrong Schellenberg, Joanna RM; Nathan, Rose; Abdulla, Salim; Mukasa, Oscar; Marchant, Tanya J; Tanner, Marcel; Lengeler, Christian
Haptoglobin genotypes are not associated with resistance to severe malaria in The Gambia. (2002)
Aucan, Christophe; Walley, Andrew J; Greenwood, Brian M; Hill, Adrian VS
Exposure versus Susceptibility in the Epidemiology of "Everyday" Beliefs. (2002)
Aunger, Robert
First nationwide survey of the health of schoolchildren in Chad. (2002)
Beasley, Michael; Brooker, Simon; Ndinaromtan, Montanan; Madjiouroum, Ester M; Baboguel, Marie; Djenguinabe, Elie; Bundy, Don AP
Malaria vectors in Bioko Island (Equatorial Guinea): PCR determination of the members of Anopheles gambiae Giles complex (Diptera: Culicidae) and pyrethroid knockdown resistance (kdr) in An. gambiae sensu stricto. (2002)
Berzosa, PJ; Cano, J; Roche, J; Rubio, JM; García, L; Moyano, E; Guerra, A; Mateos, JC; Petrarca, V; Rosario, V Do; Benito, A
Is hygiene promotion cost-effective? A case study in Burkina Faso. (2002)
Borghi, J; Guinness, L; Ouedraogo, J; Curtis, V
Treatment time of traumatic dental injuries in a cohort of 16-year-olds in northern Sweden. (2002)
Borssén, Eva; Källestål, Carina; Holm, Anna-Karin
Rainy-season prevalence of malaria in Bobonaro district, East Timor. (2002)
Bragonier, R; Reyburn, H; Nasveld, P; Edstein, M; Auliffe, A
Schistosomes, snails and satellites. (2002)
Brooker, S
Using NOAA-AVHRR data to model human helminth distibutions in planning disease control in Cameroon, West Africa. (2002)
Brooker, S; Hay, SI; Tchuem Tchuente, L.-, A; Ratard, RC
Use of remote sensing and a geographical information system in a national helminth control programme in Chad. (2002)
Brooker, Simon; Beasley, Michael; Ndinaromtan, Montanan; Madjiouroum, Ester Mobele; Baboguel, Marie; Djenguinabe, Elie; Hay, Simon I; Bundy, Don AP
Tools from ecology: useful for evaluating infection risk models? (2002)
Brooker, Simon; Hay, Simon I; Bundy, Don AP
Teaching epidemiology and statistics by distance learning. (2002)
Bruce, Jane C; Bond, Stephen T; Jones, Michael E
Zooprophylaxis, artefact or reality? A paired-cohort study of the effect of passive zooprophylaxis on malaria in The Gambia. (2002)
Bøgh, Claus; Clarke, Siân E; Walraven, Gijs EL; Lindsay, Steve W
Dracunculiasis (Guinea worm disease) and the eradication initiative. (2002)
Cairncross, Sandy; Muller, Ralph; Zagaria, Nevio
Permethrin-impregnated mattress liners: a novel and effective intervention against house dust mites (Acari: Pyroglyphididae). (2002)
Cameron, Mary M; Hill, Nigel
Dengue and climate change [News and Comment]. (2002)
Campbell-Lendrum, D; Reithinger, R
Use of clinical algorithms for diagnosing malaria. (2002)
Chandramohan, Daniel; Jaffar, Shabbar; Greenwood, Brian
Know your enemy. Some facts about the natural history of Malawi's Anopheles mosquitoes and implications for malaria control. (2002)
Chavasse, DC
Know your enemy: Some facts about the natural history of Malawi's Anopheles mosquitoes and implications for malaria control. (2002)
Chavasse, Desmond
Risk of malaria attacks in Gambian children is greater away from malaria vector breeding sites. (2002)
Clarke, Siân E; Bøgh, Claus; Brown, Richard C; Walraven, Gijs EL; Thomas, Chris J; Lindsay, Steve W
Estimating human rabies mortality in the United Republic of Tanzania from dog bite injuries. (2002)
Cleaveland, Sarah; Fèvre, Eric M; Kaare, Magai; Coleman, Paul G
History of human parasitology. (2002)
Cox, FEG
Systematics of the parasitic Protozoa. (2002)
Cox, Frank EG
Molecular medical entomology and the 'so what?' test. (2002)
Curtis, C
A possible role for proguanil-dapsone against SP-resistant P.falciparum? (2002)
Curtis, C; Mutabingwa, TK
Restoration of malaria control in the Madagascar highlands by DDT spraying. (2002)
Curtis, CF
Use of floating layers of polystyrene beads to control populations of the filaria vector Culex quinquefasciatus. (2002)
Curtis, CF; Malecela-Lazaro, M; Reuben, R; Maxwell, CA
Should the use of DDT be revived for malaria vector control? (2002)
Curtis, Chris F
Free insecticide for nets is cost effective. (2002)
Curtis, Chris F; Maxwell, Caroline A
Increased risk for malaria in chronically malnourished children under 5 years of age in rural Gambia. (2002)
Deen, JL; Walraven, GEL; von Seidlein, L
Antimalarial use during pregnancy and its effect on birthweight. (2002)
Deen, Jacqueline L; von Seidlein, Lorenz
Efficacy and trial effectiveness of weekly and daily iron supplementation among pregnant women in rural Bangladesh: disentangling the issues. (2002)
Ekström, Eva-Charlotte; Hyder, SM Ziauddin; Chowdhury, A Mushtaque R; Chowdhury, Sadia A; Lönnerdal, Bo; Habicht, Jean-Pierre; Persson, Lars Ake
Simultaneous identification of species and molecular forms of the Anopheles gambiae complex by PCR-RFLP. (2002)
Fanello, C; Santolamazza, F; della Torre, A
Insecticide treated bednets: A review. (2002)
Fanello, CI; Curtis, CF; Majori, G
Commission on Macroeconomics and Health. (2002)
Feachem, Richard GA
Health is wealth. (2002)
Feachem, Richard GA; Medlin, Carol A
Getting more for their dollar: a comparison of the NHS with California's Kaiser Permanente. (2002)
Feachem, Richard GA; Sekhri, Neelam K; White, Karen L
Authors' reply to getting more for their dollar: Kaiser v the NHS. (2002)
Feachem, Richard GA; Sekhri, Neelam; White, Karen
Paediatric referrals in rural Tanzania: the Kilombero District Study - a case series. (2002)
Font, Fidel; Quinto, Llorens; Masanja, Honoraty; Nathan, Rose; Ascaso, Carlos; Menendez, Clara; Tanner, Marcel; Schellenberg, Joanna; Alonso, Pedro
Domestic dog ownership in Iran is a risk factor for human infection with Leishmania infantum. (2002)
Gavgani, A Samad Mazloumi; Mohite, Hassan; Edrissian, Gholan H; Mohebali, Mehdi; Davies, Clive R
Effect of insecticide-impregnated dog collars on incidence of zoonotic visceral leishmaniasis in Iranian children: a matched-cluster randomised trial. (2002)
Gavgani, AS Mazloumi; Hodjati, MH; Mohite, H; Davies, CR
A reiterative method for calculating the early bactericidal activity of antituberculosis drugs. (2002)
Gillespie, Stephen H; Gosling, Roland D; Charalambous, Bambos M
Insecticide-treated plastic tarpaulins for control of malaria vectors in refugee camps. (2002)
Graham, K; Mohammad, N; Rehman, H; Nazari, A; Ahmad, M; Kamal, M; Skovmand, O; Guillet, P; Allan, R; Zaim, M; Yates, A; Lines, J; Rowland, M
Comparison of three pyrethroid treatments of top-sheets for malaria control in emergencies: entomological and user acceptance studies in an Afghan refugee camp in Pakistan. (2002)
Graham, K; Mohammad, Nasir; Rehman, Hamid; Farhan, Mushtaq; Kamal, Mohammed; Rowland, M
The Fever trail: in search of the cure for malaria [Book review]. (2002)
Greenwood, B
The molecular epidemiology of malaria. (2002)
Greenwood, Brian
Malaria vaccine trials. (2002)
Greenwood, Brian; Alonso, Pedro
Malaria in 2002. (2002)
Greenwood, Brian; Mutabingwa, Theonest
Distribution of putative male sex pheromones among Lutzomyia sandflies (Diptera: Psychodidae). (2002)
Hamilton, JGC; Brazil, RP; Campbell-Lendrum, D; Davies, CR; Kelly, DW; Pessoa, FAC; de Queiroz, RG
Big risk? Malaria among pregnant women in low transmission areas. (2002)
Hammerich, A; Campbell, O; Chandramohan, D
Unstable malaria transmission and maternal mortality--experiences from Rwanda. (2002)
Hammerich, Asmus; Campbell, Oona MR; Chandramohan, Daniel
East African highland malaria resurgence independent of climate change. (2002)
Hay, SI; Cox, J; Rogers, DJ; Randolph, SE; Stern, DI; Shanks, GD; Myers, MF; Snow, RW
Climate change and the resurgence of malaria in the East African highlands. (2002)
Hay, Simon I; Cox, Jonathan; Rogers, David J; Randolph, Sarah E; Stern, David I; Shanks, G Dennis; Myers, Monica F; Snow, Robert W
Regional warming and malaria resurgence. (2002)
Hay, Simon I; Cox, Jonathan; Rogers, David J; Randolph, Sarah E; Stern, David I; Shanks, G Dennis; Myers, Monica F; Snow, Robert W
Hot topic or hot air? Climate change and malaria resurgence in East African highlands. (2002)
Hay, Simon I; Rogers, David J; Randolph, Sarah E; Stern, David I; Cox, Jonathan; Shanks, G Dennis; Snow, Robert W
Spatial and intensity-dependent variations in associations between multiple species helminth infections. (2002)
Howard, SC; Donnelly, CA; Kabatereine, NB; Ratard, RC; Brooker, S
Do side-effects reduce compliance to iron supplementation? A study of daily- and weekly-dose regimens in pregnancy. (2002)
Hyder, SM Ziauddin; Persson, Lars Ake; Chowdhury, AMR; Ekström, Eva-Charlotte
Irrigated crop production is associated with less malaria than traditional agricultural practices in Tanzania. (2002)
Ijumba, JN; Shenton, FC; Clarke, SE; Mosha, FW; Lindsay, SW
Breast-feeding protects against celiac disease. (2002)
Ivarsson, Anneli; Hernell, Olle; Stenlund, Hans; Persson, Lars Ake
Domestic transmission routes of pathogens: the problem of in-house contamination of drinking water during storage in developing countries. (2002)
Jensen, Peter Kjaer; Ensink, Jeroen HJ; Jayasinghe, Gayathri; van der Hoek, Wim; Cairncross, Sandy; Dalsgaard, Anders
Bednets and malaria. (2002)
Jones, COH
Social sciences in malaria control. (2002)
Jones, Caroline; Williams, Holly Ann
Inter-observer variation in the assessment of clinical signs in sick Tanzanian children. (2002)
Kahigwa, E; Schellenberg, D; Schellenberg, J Armstrong; Aponte, JJ; Alonso, PL; Menendez, C
Risk factors for presentation to hospital with severe anaemia in Tanzanian children: a case-control study. (2002)
Kahigwa, Elizeus; Schellenberg, David; Sanz, Sergi; Aponte, John J; Wigayi, John; Mshinda, Hassan; Alonso, Pedro; Menendez, Clara
Comparison of vaccination strategies for the control of dog rabies in Machakos District, Kenya. (2002)
Kitala, PM; McDermott, JJ; Coleman, PG; Dye, C
A continental risk map for malaria mosquito (Diptera: Culicidae) vectors in Europe. (2002)
Kuhn, Katrin Gaardbo; Campbell-Lendrum, Diarmid H; Davies, Clive R
Socio-economic effect on caries. Incidence data among Swedish 12-14-year-olds. (2002)
Källestål, Carina; Wall, Stig
Global change and health- the good, the bad and the evidence. (2002)
Lee, K; McMichael, AJ; Butler, C; Ahern, M; Bradley, D
How not to grow mosquitoes in African towns. (2002)
Lines, Jo
Epidemiology and clinical presentation of respiratory syncytial virus infection in a rural area of southern Mozambique. (2002)
Loscertales, Maria P; Roca, Anna; Ventura, Pere J; Abacassamo, Fátima; Dos Santos, Francisco; Sitaube, Mariano; Men ndez, Clara; Greenwood, Brian M; Saiz, Juan C; Alonso, Pedro L
Spatial and temporal distribution of Anopheles gambiae s.l. (Diptera: Culicidae) in two Tanzanian villages: implication for designing mosquito sampling routines. (2002)
Magbity, EB; Lines, JD
How reliable are light traps in estimating biting rates of adult Anopheles gambiae s.l. (Diptera: Culicidae) in the presence of treated bed nets? (2002)
Magbity, EB; Magbity, EB; Lines, JD; Marbiah, MT; David, K; Peterson, E
Anaemia during pregnancy in southern Tanzania. (2002)
Marchant, T; Armstrong Schellenberg, JRM; Edgar, T; Ronsmans, C; Nathan, R; Abdulla, S; Mukasa, O; Urassa, H; Lengeler, C
Socially marketed insecticide-treated nets improve malaria and anaemia in pregnancy in southern Tanzania. (2002)
Marchant, Tanya; Schellenberg, Joanna Armstrong; Edgar, Tabitha; Nathan, Rose; Abdulla, Salim; Mukasa, Oscar; Mponda, Hadji; Lengeler, Christian
Co-adaptation between cassava mosaic geminiviruses and their local vector populations. (2002)
Maruthi, MN; Colvin, J; Seal, S; Gibson, G; Cooper, J
Field acceptability and effectiveness of the routine utilization of zidovudine to reduce mother-to-child transmission of HIV-1 in West Africa. (2002)
Meda, Nicolas; Leroy, Valériane; Viho, Ida; Msellati, Philippe; Yaro, Seydou; Mandelbrot, Laurent; Montcho, Crépin; Manigart, Olivier; Dabis, François; DITRAME-ANRS 049 Study Group
Malaria infection does not appear to modify the risk of bronchiolitis early in life. (2002)
Menendez, Clara; Sunyer, Jordi; Ventura, Pere J; Aponte, John J; Acosta, Camilo J; Schellenberg, David; Kahigwa, Elizeus; Antó, Josep M; Alonso, Pedro L
Malaria--a shadow over Africa. (2002)
Miller, Louis H; Greenwood, Brian
Field evaluation of three plant-based insect repellents against malaria vectors in Vaca Diez Province, the Bolivian Amazon. (2002)
Moore, Sarah J; Lenglet, Annick; Hill, Nigel
Assessment of rDNA IGS as a molecular marker in the Simulium damnosum complex. (2002)
Morales-Hojas, R; Post, RJ; Cheke, RA; Wilson, MD
Completion of the sequence of the nuclear ribosomal DNA subunit of Simulium sanctipauli, with descriptions of the 18S, 28S genes and the IGS. (2002)
Morales-Hojas, R; Post, RJ; Wilson, MD; Cheke, RA
A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of atovaquone-proguanil versus sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine in the treatment of Zambian children with severe Plasmodium falciparum malarial anaemia: Society Meeting at Manson House, London, 13 December 2001: Research in progress: short presentation [Poster Presentation]. (2002)
Mulenga, M; Shulman, C; Bennett, S; Thuma, P; Greenwood, BM
Pyrethroid resistance in tropical bedbugs, Cimex hemipterus, associated with use of treated bednets. (2002)
Myamba, J; Maxwell, CA; Asidi, A; Curtis, CF
Factors influencing acceptability of voluntary counselling and testing for HIV in Bushenyi district of Uganda. (2002)
Nuwaha, F; Kabatesi, D; Muganwa, M; Whalen, CC
People's perception of malaria in Mbarara, Uganda. (2002)
Nuwaha, Fred
Safety and immunogenicity of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in combination with diphtheria, tetanus toxoid, pertussis and Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccine. (2002)
Obaro, Stephen K; Enwere, Godwin C; Deloria, Maria; Jaffar, Shabbar; Goldblatt, David; Brainsby, Kate; Hallander, Hans; McInnes, Pamela; Greenwood, Brian M; McAdam, Keith PWJ
Characteristics of severe anemia and its association with malaria in young children of the Kassena-Nankana District of northern Ghana. (2002)
Owusu-Agyei, Seth; Fryauff, David J; Chandramohan, Daniel; Koram, Kwadwo A; Binka, Fred N; Nkrumah, Francis K; Utz, Greg C; Hoffman, Stephen L
Personal protection against mosquitoes in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, by using a kerosene oil lamp to vaporize transfluthrin. (2002)
Pates, HV; Line, JD; Keto, AJ; Miller, JE
Incidence of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in two Guatemalan communities. (2002)
Paz-Bailey, G; Monroy, C; Rodas, A; Rosales, R; Tabaru, R; Davies, C; Lines, J
Breast-feeding protects against celiac disease in childhood--epidemiological evidence. (2002)
Persson, LA; Ivarsson, A; Hernell, O
The use of ovitraps baited with hay infusion as a surveillance tool for Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in Cambodia. (2002)
Polson, KA; Curtis, C; Seng, CM; Olson, JG; Chantha, N; Rawlins, SC
The economic impact of foot and mouth disease control and eradication in the Philippines. (2002)
Randolph, TF; Perry, BD; Benigno, CC; Santos, IJ; Agbayani, AL; Coleman, P; Webb, R; Gleeson, LJ
RTS,S/AS02 and the quest of the Holy Grail. (2002)
Reithinger, R
Topical insecticides control Leishmania reservoir dogs. (2002)
Reithinger, R
American cutaneous leishmaniasis in domestic dogs: an example of the use of the polymerase chain reaction for mass screening in epidemiological studies. (2002)
Reithinger, R; Davies, CR
Unravelling the origins of Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense. (2002)
Reithinger, Richard
The benefits of multiple Plasmodium infections. (2002)
Reithinger, Richard
Canine leishmaniasis: novel strategies for control. (2002)
Reithinger, Richard; Davies, Clive R
Leishmania (Viannia) spp. dissemination and tissue tropism in naturally infected dogs (Canis familiaris). (2002)
Reithinger, Richard; Lambson, Bronwen E; Barker, Douglas C; Counihan, Helen; Espinoza, Canales Juan; González, Jamintong Sabino; Davies, Clive R
Rapid detection of Leishmania infantum infection in dogs: comparative study using an immunochromatographic dipstick test, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and PCR. (2002)
Reithinger, Richard; Quinnell, Rupert J; Alexander, Bruce; Davies, Clive R
Malaria and complex emergencies. (2002)
Rowland, M; Webster, J; Meek, S
Anopheline vectors and malaria transmission in eastern Afghanistan. (2002)
Rowland, Mark; Mohammed, Nasir; Rehman, Hameed; Hewitt, Sean; Mendis, Chandana; Ahmad, Mushtaq; Kamal, Mohammed; Wirtz, Robert
Afghan refugees and the temporal and spatial distribution of malaria in Pakistan. (2002)
Rowland, Mark; Rab, Mohammad Abdur; Freeman, Tim; Durrani, Naeem; Rehman, Naveeda
Prevention of malaria in Afghanistan through social marketing of insecticide-treated nets: evaluation of coverage and effectiveness by cross-sectional surveys and passive surveillance. (2002)
Rowland, Mark; Webster, Jayne; Saleh, Padshah; Chandramohan, Daniel; Freeman, Tim; Pearcy, Barbara; Durrani, Naeem; Rab, Abdur; Mohammed, Nasir
Alternative polymerase chain reaction method to identify Plasmodium species in human blood samples: the semi-nested multiplex malaria PCR (SnM-PCR). (2002)
Rubio, JM; Post, RJ; van Leeuwen, WM Docters; Henry, MC; Lindergard, G; Hommel, M
Extensive multiple test centre evaluation of the VecTest malaria antigen panel assay. (2002)
Ryan, JR; Davé, K; Collins, KM; Hochberg, L; Sattabongkot, Jetsumon; Coleman, RE; Dunton, RF; Bangs, MJ; Mbogo, CM; Cooper, RD; Schoeler, GB; Rubio-Palis, Y; Magris, M; Romer, LI; Padilla, N; Quakyi, IA; Bigoga, J; Leke, RG; Akinpelu, O; Evans, B; Walsey, M; Patterson, P; Wirtz, RA; Chan, AST
The safety and efficacy of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine, amodiaquine, and their combination in the treatment of uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria. (2002)
Schellenberg, David; Kahigwa, Elizeus; Drakeley, Chris; Malende, Athumani; Wigayi, John; Msokame, Chris; Aponte, John J; Tanner, Marcel; Mshinda, Hassan; Menendez, Clara; Alonso, Pedro L
Re-treatment of mosquito nets with insecticide. (2002)
Schellenberg, Joanna Armstrong; Minja, Happiness; Mponda, Haji; Kikumbih, Nassor; Mushi, Adiel; Nathan, Rose; Abdulla, Salim; Mukasa, Oscar; Marchant, Tanya J; Tanner, Marcel; Lengeler, Christian
Caries rates related to approximal caries at ages 11-13: a 10-year follow-up study in Sweden. (2002)
Stenlund, H; Mejàre, I; Källestål, C
Efficacy of praziquantel against Schistosoma mansoni in northern Senegal. (2002)
Sturrock, RF; Davis, A
Gambian children successfully treated with chloroquine can harbor and transmit Plasmodium falciparum gametocytes carrying resistance genes. (2002)
Sutherland, Colin J; Alloueche, Ali; Curtis, Jill; Drakeley, Chris J; Ord, Rosalynn; Duraisingh, Manoj; Greenwood, Brian M; Pinder, Margaret; Warhurst, David; Targett, Geoffrey AT
Dynamics of dengue virus circulation: a silent epidemic in a complex urban area. (2002)
Teixeira, Maria da Glória; Barreto, Maurício L; Costa, Maria da Conceição N; Ferreira, Leila Denize A; Vasconcelos, Pedro FC; Cairncross, Sandy
Drawers of water: Assessing domestic water use in Africa. (2002)
Thompson, J; Cairncross, S
Public health services use in a mountainous area, Vietnam: implications for health for policy. (2002)
Toan, NV; Trong, LN; Höjer, B; Persson, LA
Clinical, epidemiological, and socioeconomic analysis of an outbreak of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in Khanh Hoa Province, Vietnam. (2002)
Tuyet, Dinh Thi; Thiem, Vu Dinh; Von Seidlein, Lorenz; Chowdhury, Ashrafazzuman; Park, Eunsik; Canh, Do Gia; Chien, Bui Trong; Van Tung, Tran; Naficy, Abdollah; Rao, Malla Raghav; Ali, Mohammad; Lee, Hyejon; Sy, Trinh Hung; Nichibuchi, Mitsuaki; Clemens, John; Trach, Dang Duc
Physical partner abuse during pregnancy: a risk factor for low birth weight in Nicaragua. (2002)
Valladares, Eliette; Ellsberg, Mary; Peña, Rodolfo; Högberg, Ulf; Persson, Lars Ake
Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in the mosquito Anopheles stephensi Liston (Diptera : Culicidae). (2002)
Verardi, A; Donnelly, MJ; Rowland, M; Townson, H
Clinical predictors of bacterial meningitis in infants and young children in The Gambia. (2002)
Weber, Martin W; Herman, Joanna; Jaffar, Shabbar; Usen, Stanley; Oparaugo, Anslem; Omosigho, Charles; Adegbola, Richard A; Greenwood, Brian M; Mulholland, E Kim
An epidemiological study of RSV infection in the Gambia. (2002)
Weber, Martin W; Milligan, Paul; Sanneh, Mariama; Awemoyi, Agnes; Dakour, Raduwan; Schneider, Gisela; Palmer, Ayo; Jallow, Mariatou; Oparaogu, Anslem; Whittle, Hilton; Mulholland, E Kim; Greenwood, Brian M
Drawers of water: domestic water use in East Africa. 1972. (2002)
White, Gilbert F; Bradley, David J; White, Anne U
Malaria. (2002)
Whitty, Christopher JM; Rowland, Mark; Sanderson, Frances; Mutabingwa, Theonest K
The contribution of social science research to malaria prevention and control. (2002)
Williams, Holly Ann; Jones, Caroline; Alilio, Martin; Zimicki, Susan; Azevedo, Inez; Nyamongo, Isaac; Sommerfeld, Johannes; Meek, Sylvia; Diop, Samba; Bloland, Peter B; Greenwood, Brian
Deforestation and the spatio-temporal distribution of savannah and forest members of the Simulium damnosum complex in southern Ghana and south-western Togo. (2002)
Wilson, MD; Cheke, RA; Flasse, SPJ; Grist, S; Osei-Ateweneboana, MY; Tetteh-Kumah, A; Fiasorgbor, GK; Jolliffe, FR; Boakye, DA; Hougard, JM; Yameogo, L; Post, RJ
Laboratory and field comparisons of pyriproxyfen, polystyrene beads and other larvicidal methods against malaria vectors in Sri Lanka. (2002)
Yapabandara, AMGM; Curtis, CF
The intensity of transmission of hepatitis A and heterogeneities in socio-environmental risk factors in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (2002)
de Almeida, LM; Amaku, M; Azevedo, RS; Cairncross, S; Massad, E
The intensity of transmission of hepatitis A and heterogeneities in socio-environmental risk factors in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (2002)
de Almeida, Liz Maria; Amaku, Marcos; Azevedo, Raymundo Soares; Cairncross, Sandy; Massad, Eduardo
Treatment uptake by individuals infected with Plasmodium falciparum in rural Gambia, West Africa. (2002)
von Seidlein, Lorenz; Clarke, Sian; Alexander, Neâl; Manneh, Fandingding; Doherty, Tom; Pinder, Margaret; Walraven, Gijs; Greenwood, Brian
Book Section
Ifakara DSS, Tanzania. (2002)
Armstrong Schellenberg, JRM; Mukasa, O; Abdulla, S; Marchant, T; Lengeler, C; Kikumbih, N; Mshinda, H; Nathan, R
Monitoring the health impacts of global environmental change. (2002)
Campbell-Lendrum, D; Wilkinson, P; Kuhn, K; Kovats, S; Haines, A; Menne, B; Parr, T
The Parasitic Protozoa and Helminth Worms. (2002)
Cox, F
Determinants of malaria in sub?Saharan Africa. (2002)
Cox, JS; Mouchet, J; Bradley, DJ
Personal protection against insect pests. (2002)
Curtis, CF
Possible ways of using transgenic mosquitoes for malaria or dengue control and risk assessment. (2002)
Curtis, CF
Meningococcal meningitis. (2002)
Greenwood, BM
Conference or Workshop Item
Hut tests of a carbamate and pyrethroid treatments of bednets, washed or unwashed, against pyrethroid-resistant mosquitoes: Society Meeting at Manson House, London, 13 December 2001: Research in progress: short presentation [Poster Presentation]. (2002)
Asidi, AN; N'Guessan, R; Hutchinson, RA; Traore-Lamizana, M; Carnevale, P; Curtis, CF
Anaemia in children using bednets in a rural Tanzanian community and its relation to insecticide activity of the nets: Society Meeting at Manson House, London, 13 December 2001: Research in progress: short presentation [Poster Presentation]. (2002)
Boreel, JJ; Joynson-Hicks, A; Unwin, A; Mponda, H; Mshinda, H; Lines, J; Curtis, CF
Impact of insecticide-treated covers on larvae and pupae of Aedes aegypti in household water-storage jars: Society Meeting at Manson House, London, 13 December 2001: Research in progress: short presentation [Poster Presentation]. (2002)
Carneiro, H; Bugoro, H; Curtis, C; Coleman, P; Nathan, M; Hoyer, S; Chang, M; Socheat, D; Chanta, N; Setha, T; Bunnavy, C; Sambath, E; Kien, V
Predicting malaria prevalence in villages in rural Gambia: the importance of sociological differences [Abstract]. (2002)
Clarke, S; Bogh, C; Thomas, C; Brown, R; Pinder, M; Walraven, G; Lindsay, SW
Predicting geographical variation in bed net coverage [Abstract]. (2002)
Clarke, S; Thomas, C; Bogh, C; Pinder, M; Lindsay, S
The longevity of action of insecticide deposits on mosquito nets in rural Tanzania: Society Meeting at Manson House, London, 13 December 2001: Research in progress: short presentation [Poster Presentation]. (2002)
Joynson-Hicks, A; Unwin, A; Mponda, H; Mshinda, H; Lines, J; Curtis, C
Entomological evaluation of the PermaNet and K-O Tab-treated nets in Iran: Society Meeting at Manson House, London, 13 December 2001: Research in progress: short presentation [Poster Presentation]. (2002)
Kayedi, MH; Lines, J; Haghdoost, A; Vatandoost, H; Rassi, Y
Pyrethroid resistance in Anopheles gambiae s.1. in Ogun State, Nigeria: Society Meeting at Manson House, London, 13 December 2001: Research in progress: short presentation [Poster Presentation]. (2002)
Kristan, M; Oyeneye, R; Biersack, G; Amajoh, C
Effect of calcium supplementation on the bone mineral density of post-menopausal women given hormone replacement therapy. (2002)
Lees, B; Wang, D; Stevenson, JC
Malaria in School Children in Highland and Lowland Kenya [Abstract]. (2002)
Njagi, JK; Clarke, SE; Brooker, S; Geissler, PW; Meinert, L; Nyamongo, I; Magnussen, P; Estambale, B; Ouma, J
A community-based intervention trial to test the effectiveness of deltamethrin-impregnated dog collars to control canine zoonotic visceral leishmaniasis: Society Meeting at Manson House, London, 13 December 2001: Research in progress: short presentation [Oral Presentation]. (2002)
Reithinger, R; Alexander, B; Davies, CR
Field bioassays investigating the effectiveness of the fenitrothion house spraying control programe against Rhodnius prolixus in Portuguesa State, Venezuala: Society Meeting at Manson House, London, 13 December 2001: Research in progress: short presentation [Poster Presentation]. (2002)
Skelton, A; Davies, CR; Feliciangeli, D