Items where Faculty or Department is "Dept of Disease Control"
  • LSHTM Organisational Structure (57264)
  • Faculty of Infectious and Tropical Diseases (18516)
  • Dept of Disease Control (5361)
    Number of items: 155.
    Bibliographic data only
  • Different analytical approaches in an experimental cohort study on preventive measures for caries in adolescents. A comparison between incidence density and increment analysis. (2002) Källestål, C; Stenlund, H
  • Usefulness of a dispensary-based case-control study for assessing morbidity impact of a treated net programme. (2002) Abdulla, S; Schellenberg, JRM Armstrong; Mukasa, O; Lengeler, C
  • Forecasting malaria incidence from historical morbidity patterns in epidemic-prone areas of Ethiopia: a simple seasonal adjustment method performs best. (2002) Abeku, Tarekegn A; de Vlas, Sake J; Borsboom, Gerard; Teklehaimanot, Awash; Kebede, Asnakew; Olana, Dereje; van Oortmarssen, Gerrit J; Habbema, JDF
  • Malaria control with genetically manipulated insect vectors. (2002) Alphey, Luke; Beard, C Ben; Billingsley, Peter; Coetzee, Maureen; Crisanti, Andrea; Curtis, Chris; Eggleston, Paul; Godfray, Charles; Hemingway, Janet; Jacobs-Lorena, Marcelo; James, Anthony A; Kafatos, Fotis C; Mukwaya, Louis G; Paton, Michael; Powell, Jeffrey R; Schneider, William; Scott, Thomas W; Sina, Barbara; Sinden, Robert; Sinkins, Steven; Spielman, Andrew; Touré, Yeya; Collins, Frank H
  • Ifakara DSS, Tanzania. (2002) Armstrong Schellenberg, JRM; Mukasa, O; Abdulla, S; Marchant, T; Lengeler, C; Kikumbih, N; Mshinda, H; Nathan, R
  • Risk factors for child mortality in rural Tanzania. (2002) Armstrong Schellenberg, Joanna RM; Nathan, Rose; Abdulla, Salim; Mukasa, Oscar; Marchant, Tanya J; Tanner, Marcel; Lengeler, Christian
  • Hut tests of a carbamate and pyrethroid treatments of bednets, washed or unwashed, against pyrethroid-resistant mosquitoes: Society Meeting at Manson House, London, 13 December 2001: Research in progress: short presentation [Poster Presentation]. (2002) Asidi, AN; N'Guessan, R; Hutchinson, RA; Traore-Lamizana, M; Carnevale, P; Curtis, CF
  • Haptoglobin genotypes are not associated with resistance to severe malaria in The Gambia. (2002) Aucan, Christophe; Walley, Andrew J; Greenwood, Brian M; Hill, Adrian VS
  • The Electric Meme: A New Theory of How We Think. (2002) Aunger, R
  • Exposure versus Susceptibility in the Epidemiology of "Everyday" Beliefs. (2002) Aunger, Robert
  • First nationwide survey of the health of schoolchildren in Chad. (2002) Beasley, Michael; Brooker, Simon; Ndinaromtan, Montanan; Madjiouroum, Ester M; Baboguel, Marie; Djenguinabe, Elie; Bundy, Don AP
  • Malaria vectors in Bioko Island (Equatorial Guinea): PCR determination of the members of Anopheles gambiae Giles complex (Diptera: Culicidae) and pyrethroid knockdown resistance (kdr) in An. gambiae sensu stricto. (2002) Berzosa, PJ; Cano, J; Roche, J; Rubio, JM; García, L; Moyano, E; Guerra, A; Mateos, JC; Petrarca, V; Rosario, V Do; Benito, A
  • Anaemia in children using bednets in a rural Tanzanian community and its relation to insecticide activity of the nets: Society Meeting at Manson House, London, 13 December 2001: Research in progress: short presentation [Poster Presentation]. (2002) Boreel, JJ; Joynson-Hicks, A; Unwin, A; Mponda, H; Mshinda, H; Lines, J; Curtis, CF
  • Is hygiene promotion cost-effective? A case study in Burkina Faso. (2002) Borghi, J; Guinness, L; Ouedraogo, J; Curtis, V
  • Treatment time of traumatic dental injuries in a cohort of 16-year-olds in northern Sweden. (2002) Borssén, Eva; Källestål, Carina; Holm, Anna-Karin
  • Rainy-season prevalence of malaria in Bobonaro district, East Timor. (2002) Bragonier, R; Reyburn, H; Nasveld, P; Edstein, M; Auliffe, A
  • Schistosomes, snails and satellites. (2002) Brooker, S
  • Using NOAA-AVHRR data to model human helminth distibutions in planning disease control in Cameroon, West Africa. (2002) Brooker, S; Hay, SI; Tchuem Tchuente, L.-, A; Ratard, RC
  • Tools from ecology: useful for evaluating infection risk models? (2002) Brooker, Simon; Hay, Simon I; Bundy, Don AP
  • Teaching epidemiology and statistics by distance learning. (2002) Bruce, Jane C; Bond, Stephen T; Jones, Michael E
  • Zooprophylaxis, artefact or reality? A paired-cohort study of the effect of passive zooprophylaxis on malaria in The Gambia. (2002) Bøgh, Claus; Clarke, Siân E; Walraven, Gijs EL; Lindsay, Steve W
  • Dracunculiasis (Guinea worm disease) and the eradication initiative. (2002) Cairncross, Sandy; Muller, Ralph; Zagaria, Nevio
  • Permethrin-impregnated mattress liners: a novel and effective intervention against house dust mites (Acari: Pyroglyphididae). (2002) Cameron, Mary M; Hill, Nigel
  • Dengue and climate change [News and Comment]. (2002) Campbell-Lendrum, D; Reithinger, R
  • Monitoring the health impacts of global environmental change. (2002) Campbell-Lendrum, D; Wilkinson, P; Kuhn, K; Kovats, S; Haines, A; Menne, B; Parr, T
  • Impact of insecticide-treated covers on larvae and pupae of Aedes aegypti in household water-storage jars: Society Meeting at Manson House, London, 13 December 2001: Research in progress: short presentation [Poster Presentation]. (2002) Carneiro, H; Bugoro, H; Curtis, C; Coleman, P; Nathan, M; Hoyer, S; Chang, M; Socheat, D; Chanta, N; Setha, T; Bunnavy, C; Sambath, E; Kien, V
  • Use of clinical algorithms for diagnosing malaria. (2002) Chandramohan, Daniel; Jaffar, Shabbar; Greenwood, Brian
  • Reducing Child Mortality in the Dominican Republic, Without Hospitals or Expensive Drugs. (2002) Chico, RM
  • Predicting malaria prevalence in villages in rural Gambia: the importance of sociological differences [Abstract]. (2002) Clarke, S; Bogh, C; Thomas, C; Brown, R; Pinder, M; Walraven, G; Lindsay, SW
  • Predicting geographical variation in bed net coverage [Abstract]. (2002) Clarke, S; Thomas, C; Bogh, C; Pinder, M; Lindsay, S
  • Risk of malaria attacks in Gambian children is greater away from malaria vector breeding sites. (2002) Clarke, Siân E; Bøgh, Claus; Brown, Richard C; Walraven, Gijs EL; Thomas, Chris J; Lindsay, Steve W
  • The Parasitic Protozoa and Helminth Worms. (2002) Cox, F
  • History of human parasitology. (2002) Cox, FEG
  • Systematics of the parasitic Protozoa. (2002) Cox, Frank EG
  • Determinants of malaria in sub?Saharan Africa. (2002) Cox, JS; Mouchet, J; Bradley, DJ
  • Molecular medical entomology and the 'so what?' test. (2002) Curtis, C
  • A possible role for proguanil-dapsone against SP-resistant P.falciparum? (2002) Curtis, C; Mutabingwa, TK
  • Personal protection against insect pests. (2002) Curtis, CF
  • Possible ways of using transgenic mosquitoes for malaria or dengue control and risk assessment. (2002) Curtis, CF
  • Use of floating layers of polystyrene beads to control populations of the filaria vector Culex quinquefasciatus. (2002) Curtis, CF; Malecela-Lazaro, M; Reuben, R; Maxwell, CA
  • Should the use of DDT be revived for malaria vector control? (2002) Curtis, Chris F
  • Free insecticide for nets is cost effective. (2002) Curtis, Chris F; Maxwell, Caroline A
  • Increased risk for malaria in chronically malnourished children under 5 years of age in rural Gambia. (2002) Deen, JL; Walraven, GEL; von Seidlein, L
  • Antimalarial use during pregnancy and its effect on birthweight. (2002) Deen, Jacqueline L; von Seidlein, Lorenz
  • Efficacy and trial effectiveness of weekly and daily iron supplementation among pregnant women in rural Bangladesh: disentangling the issues. (2002) Ekström, Eva-Charlotte; Hyder, SM Ziauddin; Chowdhury, A Mushtaque R; Chowdhury, Sadia A; Lönnerdal, Bo; Habicht, Jean-Pierre; Persson, Lars Ake
  • Simultaneous identification of species and molecular forms of the Anopheles gambiae complex by PCR-RFLP. (2002) Fanello, C; Santolamazza, F; della Torre, A
  • Insecticide treated bednets: A review. (2002) Fanello, CI; Curtis, CF; Majori, G
  • Health is wealth. (2002) Feachem, Richard GA; Medlin, Carol A
  • Effect of insecticide-impregnated dog collars on incidence of zoonotic visceral leishmaniasis in Iranian children: a matched-cluster randomised trial. (2002) Gavgani, AS Mazloumi; Hodjati, MH; Mohite, H; Davies, CR
  • A reiterative method for calculating the early bactericidal activity of antituberculosis drugs. (2002) Gillespie, Stephen H; Gosling, Roland D; Charalambous, Bambos M
  • Insecticide-treated plastic tarpaulins for control of malaria vectors in refugee camps. (2002) Graham, K; Mohammad, N; Rehman, H; Nazari, A; Ahmad, M; Kamal, M; Skovmand, O; Guillet, P; Allan, R; Zaim, M; Yates, A; Lines, J; Rowland, M
  • Comparison of three pyrethroid treatments of top-sheets for malaria control in emergencies: entomological and user acceptance studies in an Afghan refugee camp in Pakistan. (2002) Graham, K; Mohammad, Nasir; Rehman, Hamid; Farhan, Mushtaq; Kamal, Mohammed; Rowland, M
  • The Fever trail: in search of the cure for malaria [Book review]. (2002) Greenwood, B
  • Meningococcal meningitis. (2002) Greenwood, BM
  • The molecular epidemiology of malaria. (2002) Greenwood, Brian
  • Malaria vaccine trials. (2002) Greenwood, Brian; Alonso, Pedro
  • Malaria in 2002. (2002) Greenwood, Brian; Mutabingwa, Theonest
  • Distribution of putative male sex pheromones among Lutzomyia sandflies (Diptera: Psychodidae). (2002) Hamilton, JGC; Brazil, RP; Campbell-Lendrum, D; Davies, CR; Kelly, DW; Pessoa, FAC; de Queiroz, RG
  • Big risk? Malaria among pregnant women in low transmission areas. (2002) Hammerich, A; Campbell, O; Chandramohan, D
  • Unstable malaria transmission and maternal mortality--experiences from Rwanda. (2002) Hammerich, Asmus; Campbell, Oona MR; Chandramohan, Daniel
  • East African highland malaria resurgence independent of climate change. (2002) Hay, SI; Cox, J; Rogers, DJ; Randolph, SE; Stern, DI; Shanks, GD; Myers, MF; Snow, RW
  • Climate change and the resurgence of malaria in the East African highlands. (2002) Hay, Simon I; Cox, Jonathan; Rogers, David J; Randolph, Sarah E; Stern, David I; Shanks, G Dennis; Myers, Monica F; Snow, Robert W
  • Regional warming and malaria resurgence. (2002) Hay, Simon I; Cox, Jonathan; Rogers, David J; Randolph, Sarah E; Stern, David I; Shanks, G Dennis; Myers, Monica F; Snow, Robert W
  • Hot topic or hot air? Climate change and malaria resurgence in East African highlands. (2002) Hay, Simon I; Rogers, David J; Randolph, Sarah E; Stern, David I; Cox, Jonathan; Shanks, G Dennis; Snow, Robert W
  • Spatial and intensity-dependent variations in associations between multiple species helminth infections. (2002) Howard, SC; Donnelly, CA; Kabatereine, NB; Ratard, RC; Brooker, S
  • Irrigated crop production is associated with less malaria than traditional agricultural practices in Tanzania. (2002) Ijumba, JN; Shenton, FC; Clarke, SE; Mosha, FW; Lindsay, SW
  • Breast-feeding protects against celiac disease. (2002) Ivarsson, Anneli; Hernell, Olle; Stenlund, Hans; Persson, Lars Ake
  • Domestic transmission routes of pathogens: the problem of in-house contamination of drinking water during storage in developing countries. (2002) Jensen, Peter Kjaer; Ensink, Jeroen HJ; Jayasinghe, Gayathri; van der Hoek, Wim; Cairncross, Sandy; Dalsgaard, Anders
  • Bednets and malaria. (2002) Jones, COH
  • Social sciences in malaria control. (2002) Jones, Caroline; Williams, Holly Ann
  • The longevity of action of insecticide deposits on mosquito nets in rural Tanzania: Society Meeting at Manson House, London, 13 December 2001: Research in progress: short presentation [Poster Presentation]. (2002) Joynson-Hicks, A; Unwin, A; Mponda, H; Mshinda, H; Lines, J; Curtis, C
  • Inter-observer variation in the assessment of clinical signs in sick Tanzanian children. (2002) Kahigwa, E; Schellenberg, D; Schellenberg, J Armstrong; Aponte, JJ; Alonso, PL; Menendez, C
  • Risk factors for presentation to hospital with severe anaemia in Tanzanian children: a case-control study. (2002) Kahigwa, Elizeus; Schellenberg, David; Sanz, Sergi; Aponte, John J; Wigayi, John; Mshinda, Hassan; Alonso, Pedro; Menendez, Clara
  • Entomological evaluation of the PermaNet and K-O Tab-treated nets in Iran: Society Meeting at Manson House, London, 13 December 2001: Research in progress: short presentation [Poster Presentation]. (2002) Kayedi, MH; Lines, J; Haghdoost, A; Vatandoost, H; Rassi, Y
  • Comparison of vaccination strategies for the control of dog rabies in Machakos District, Kenya. (2002) Kitala, PM; McDermott, JJ; Coleman, PG; Dye, C
  • Pyrethroid resistance in Anopheles gambiae s.1. in Ogun State, Nigeria: Society Meeting at Manson House, London, 13 December 2001: Research in progress: short presentation [Poster Presentation]. (2002) Kristan, M; Oyeneye, R; Biersack, G; Amajoh, C
  • A continental risk map for malaria mosquito (Diptera: Culicidae) vectors in Europe. (2002) Kuhn, Katrin Gaardbo; Campbell-Lendrum, Diarmid H; Davies, Clive R
  • Socio-economic effect on caries. Incidence data among Swedish 12-14-year-olds. (2002) Källestål, Carina; Wall, Stig
  • Global change and health- the good, the bad and the evidence. (2002) Lee, K; McMichael, AJ; Butler, C; Ahern, M; Bradley, D
  • Effect of calcium supplementation on the bone mineral density of post-menopausal women given hormone replacement therapy. (2002) Lees, B; Wang, D; Stevenson, JC
  • How not to grow mosquitoes in African towns. (2002) Lines, Jo
  • Epidemiology and clinical presentation of respiratory syncytial virus infection in a rural area of southern Mozambique. (2002) Loscertales, Maria P; Roca, Anna; Ventura, Pere J; Abacassamo, Fátima; Dos Santos, Francisco; Sitaube, Mariano; Men ndez, Clara; Greenwood, Brian M; Saiz, Juan C; Alonso, Pedro L
  • Anaemia during pregnancy in southern Tanzania. (2002) Marchant, T; Armstrong Schellenberg, JRM; Edgar, T; Ronsmans, C; Nathan, R; Abdulla, S; Mukasa, O; Urassa, H; Lengeler, C
  • Socially marketed insecticide-treated nets improve malaria and anaemia in pregnancy in southern Tanzania. (2002) Marchant, Tanya; Schellenberg, Joanna Armstrong; Edgar, Tabitha; Nathan, Rose; Abdulla, Salim; Mukasa, Oscar; Mponda, Hadji; Lengeler, Christian
  • Co-adaptation between cassava mosaic geminiviruses and their local vector populations. (2002) Maruthi, MN; Colvin, J; Seal, S; Gibson, G; Cooper, J
  • Field acceptability and effectiveness of the routine utilization of zidovudine to reduce mother-to-child transmission of HIV-1 in West Africa. (2002) Meda, Nicolas; Leroy, Valériane; Viho, Ida; Msellati, Philippe; Yaro, Seydou; Mandelbrot, Laurent; Montcho, Crépin; Manigart, Olivier; Dabis, François; DITRAME-ANRS 049 Study Group
  • Malaria infection does not appear to modify the risk of bronchiolitis early in life. (2002) Menendez, Clara; Sunyer, Jordi; Ventura, Pere J; Aponte, John J; Acosta, Camilo J; Schellenberg, David; Kahigwa, Elizeus; Antó, Josep M; Alonso, Pedro L
  • Malaria--a shadow over Africa. (2002) Miller, Louis H; Greenwood, Brian
  • Field evaluation of three plant-based insect repellents against malaria vectors in Vaca Diez Province, the Bolivian Amazon. (2002) Moore, Sarah J; Lenglet, Annick; Hill, Nigel
  • Assessment of rDNA IGS as a molecular marker in the Simulium damnosum complex. (2002) Morales-Hojas, R; Post, RJ; Cheke, RA; Wilson, MD
  • Completion of the sequence of the nuclear ribosomal DNA subunit of Simulium sanctipauli, with descriptions of the 18S, 28S genes and the IGS. (2002) Morales-Hojas, R; Post, RJ; Wilson, MD; Cheke, RA
  • A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of atovaquone-proguanil versus sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine in the treatment of Zambian children with severe Plasmodium falciparum malarial anaemia: Society Meeting at Manson House, London, 13 December 2001: Research in progress: short presentation [Poster Presentation]. (2002) Mulenga, M; Shulman, C; Bennett, S; Thuma, P; Greenwood, BM
  • Pyrethroid resistance in tropical bedbugs, Cimex hemipterus, associated with use of treated bednets. (2002) Myamba, J; Maxwell, CA; Asidi, A; Curtis, CF
  • Malaria in School Children in Highland and Lowland Kenya [Abstract]. (2002) Njagi, JK; Clarke, SE; Brooker, S; Geissler, PW; Meinert, L; Nyamongo, I; Magnussen, P; Estambale, B; Ouma, J
  • Factors influencing acceptability of voluntary counselling and testing for HIV in Bushenyi district of Uganda. (2002) Nuwaha, F; Kabatesi, D; Muganwa, M; Whalen, CC
  • People's perception of malaria in Mbarara, Uganda. (2002) Nuwaha, Fred
  • Safety and immunogenicity of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in combination with diphtheria, tetanus toxoid, pertussis and Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccine. (2002) Obaro, Stephen K; Enwere, Godwin C; Deloria, Maria; Jaffar, Shabbar; Goldblatt, David; Brainsby, Kate; Hallander, Hans; McInnes, Pamela; Greenwood, Brian M; McAdam, Keith PWJ
  • Social marketing for Urban Sanitation: Review of evidence and inception report. (2002) Obika, A; Jenkins, M; Curtis, V; Howard, G; andTheTrendGroup
  • Personal protection against mosquitoes in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, by using a kerosene oil lamp to vaporize transfluthrin. (2002) Pates, HV; Line, JD; Keto, AJ; Miller, JE
  • Incidence of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in two Guatemalan communities. (2002) Paz-Bailey, G; Monroy, C; Rodas, A; Rosales, R; Tabaru, R; Davies, C; Lines, J
  • Breast-feeding protects against celiac disease in childhood--epidemiological evidence. (2002) Persson, LA; Ivarsson, A; Hernell, O
  • The use of ovitraps baited with hay infusion as a surveillance tool for Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in Cambodia. (2002) Polson, KA; Curtis, C; Seng, CM; Olson, JG; Chantha, N; Rawlins, SC
  • The economic impact of foot and mouth disease control and eradication in the Philippines. (2002) Randolph, TF; Perry, BD; Benigno, CC; Santos, IJ; Agbayani, AL; Coleman, P; Webb, R; Gleeson, LJ
  • RTS,S/AS02 and the quest of the Holy Grail. (2002) Reithinger, R
  • Topical insecticides control Leishmania reservoir dogs. (2002) Reithinger, R
  • A community-based intervention trial to test the effectiveness of deltamethrin-impregnated dog collars to control canine zoonotic visceral leishmaniasis: Society Meeting at Manson House, London, 13 December 2001: Research in progress: short presentation [Oral Presentation]. (2002) Reithinger, R; Alexander, B; Davies, CR
  • American cutaneous leishmaniasis in domestic dogs: an example of the use of the polymerase chain reaction for mass screening in epidemiological studies. (2002) Reithinger, R; Davies, CR
  • Unravelling the origins of Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense. (2002) Reithinger, Richard
  • The benefits of multiple Plasmodium infections. (2002) Reithinger, Richard
  • Canine leishmaniasis: novel strategies for control. (2002) Reithinger, Richard; Davies, Clive R
  • Leishmania (Viannia) spp. dissemination and tissue tropism in naturally infected dogs (Canis familiaris). (2002) Reithinger, Richard; Lambson, Bronwen E; Barker, Douglas C; Counihan, Helen; Espinoza, Canales Juan; González, Jamintong Sabino; Davies, Clive R
  • Rapid detection of Leishmania infantum infection in dogs: comparative study using an immunochromatographic dipstick test, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and PCR. (2002) Reithinger, Richard; Quinnell, Rupert J; Alexander, Bruce; Davies, Clive R
  • Malaria and complex emergencies. (2002) Rowland, M; Webster, J; Meek, S
  • Anopheline vectors and malaria transmission in eastern Afghanistan. (2002) Rowland, Mark; Mohammed, Nasir; Rehman, Hameed; Hewitt, Sean; Mendis, Chandana; Ahmad, Mushtaq; Kamal, Mohammed; Wirtz, Robert
  • Afghan refugees and the temporal and spatial distribution of malaria in Pakistan. (2002) Rowland, Mark; Rab, Mohammad Abdur; Freeman, Tim; Durrani, Naeem; Rehman, Naveeda
  • Prevention of malaria in Afghanistan through social marketing of insecticide-treated nets: evaluation of coverage and effectiveness by cross-sectional surveys and passive surveillance. (2002) Rowland, Mark; Webster, Jayne; Saleh, Padshah; Chandramohan, Daniel; Freeman, Tim; Pearcy, Barbara; Durrani, Naeem; Rab, Abdur; Mohammed, Nasir
  • Alternative polymerase chain reaction method to identify Plasmodium species in human blood samples: the semi-nested multiplex malaria PCR (SnM-PCR). (2002) Rubio, JM; Post, RJ; van Leeuwen, WM Docters; Henry, MC; Lindergard, G; Hommel, M
  • Extensive multiple test centre evaluation of the VecTest malaria antigen panel assay. (2002) Ryan, JR; Davé, K; Collins, KM; Hochberg, L; Sattabongkot, Jetsumon; Coleman, RE; Dunton, RF; Bangs, MJ; Mbogo, CM; Cooper, RD; Schoeler, GB; Rubio-Palis, Y; Magris, M; Romer, LI; Padilla, N; Quakyi, IA; Bigoga, J; Leke, RG; Akinpelu, O; Evans, B; Walsey, M; Patterson, P; Wirtz, RA; Chan, AST
  • Re-treatment of mosquito nets with insecticide. (2002) Schellenberg, Joanna Armstrong; Minja, Happiness; Mponda, Haji; Kikumbih, Nassor; Mushi, Adiel; Nathan, Rose; Abdulla, Salim; Mukasa, Oscar; Marchant, Tanya J; Tanner, Marcel; Lengeler, Christian
  • Hygiene Promotion in Burkina Faso and Zimbabwe: New Approaches to Behaviour Change. (2002) Sidibe, M; Curtis, V
  • Field bioassays investigating the effectiveness of the fenitrothion house spraying control programe against Rhodnius prolixus in Portuguesa State, Venezuala: Society Meeting at Manson House, London, 13 December 2001: Research in progress: short presentation [Poster Presentation]. (2002) Skelton, A; Davies, CR; Feliciangeli, D
  • Caries rates related to approximal caries at ages 11-13: a 10-year follow-up study in Sweden. (2002) Stenlund, H; Mejàre, I; Källestål, C
  • Efficacy of praziquantel against Schistosoma mansoni in northern Senegal. (2002) Sturrock, RF; Davis, A
  • Dynamics of dengue virus circulation: a silent epidemic in a complex urban area. (2002) Teixeira, Maria da Glória; Barreto, Maurício L; Costa, Maria da Conceição N; Ferreira, Leila Denize A; Vasconcelos, Pedro FC; Cairncross, Sandy
  • Public health services use in a mountainous area, Vietnam: implications for health for policy. (2002) Toan, NV; Trong, LN; Höjer, B; Persson, LA
  • Clinical, epidemiological, and socioeconomic analysis of an outbreak of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in Khanh Hoa Province, Vietnam. (2002) Tuyet, Dinh Thi; Thiem, Vu Dinh; Von Seidlein, Lorenz; Chowdhury, Ashrafazzuman; Park, Eunsik; Canh, Do Gia; Chien, Bui Trong; Van Tung, Tran; Naficy, Abdollah; Rao, Malla Raghav; Ali, Mohammad; Lee, Hyejon; Sy, Trinh Hung; Nichibuchi, Mitsuaki; Clemens, John; Trach, Dang Duc
  • Physical partner abuse during pregnancy: a risk factor for low birth weight in Nicaragua. (2002) Valladares, Eliette; Ellsberg, Mary; Peña, Rodolfo; Högberg, Ulf; Persson, Lars Ake
  • Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in the mosquito Anopheles stephensi Liston (Diptera : Culicidae). (2002) Verardi, A; Donnelly, MJ; Rowland, M; Townson, H
  • Clinical predictors of bacterial meningitis in infants and young children in The Gambia. (2002) Weber, Martin W; Herman, Joanna; Jaffar, Shabbar; Usen, Stanley; Oparaugo, Anslem; Omosigho, Charles; Adegbola, Richard A; Greenwood, Brian M; Mulholland, E Kim
  • Deforestation and the spatio-temporal distribution of savannah and forest members of the Simulium damnosum complex in southern Ghana and south-western Togo. (2002) Wilson, MD; Cheke, RA; Flasse, SPJ; Grist, S; Osei-Ateweneboana, MY; Tetteh-Kumah, A; Fiasorgbor, GK; Jolliffe, FR; Boakye, DA; Hougard, JM; Yameogo, L; Post, RJ
  • Laboratory and field comparisons of pyriproxyfen, polystyrene beads and other larvicidal methods against malaria vectors in Sri Lanka. (2002) Yapabandara, AMGM; Curtis, CF
  • The intensity of transmission of hepatitis A and heterogeneities in socio-environmental risk factors in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (2002) de Almeida, LM; Amaku, M; Azevedo, RS; Cairncross, S; Massad, E
  • The intensity of transmission of hepatitis A and heterogeneities in socio-environmental risk factors in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (2002) de Almeida, Liz Maria; Amaku, Marcos; Azevedo, Raymundo Soares; Cairncross, Sandy; Massad, Eduardo
  • Public
  • Use of remote sensing and a geographical information system in a national helminth control programme in Chad. (2002) Brooker, Simon; Beasley, Michael; Ndinaromtan, Montanan; Madjiouroum, Ester Mobele; Baboguel, Marie; Djenguinabe, Elie; Hay, Simon I; Bundy, Don AP
  • Know your enemy. Some facts about the natural history of Malawi's Anopheles mosquitoes and implications for malaria control. (2002) Chavasse, DC
  • Know your enemy: Some facts about the natural history of Malawi's Anopheles mosquitoes and implications for malaria control. (2002) Chavasse, Desmond
  • Estimating human rabies mortality in the United Republic of Tanzania from dog bite injuries. (2002) Cleaveland, Sarah; Fèvre, Eric M; Kaare, Magai; Coleman, Paul G
  • Restoration of malaria control in the Madagascar highlands by DDT spraying. (2002) Curtis, CF
  • Commission on Macroeconomics and Health. (2002) Feachem, Richard GA
  • Getting more for their dollar: a comparison of the NHS with California's Kaiser Permanente. (2002) Feachem, Richard GA; Sekhri, Neelam K; White, Karen L
  • Authors' reply to getting more for their dollar: Kaiser v the NHS. (2002) Feachem, Richard GA; Sekhri, Neelam; White, Karen
  • Paediatric referrals in rural Tanzania: the Kilombero District Study - a case series. (2002) Font, Fidel; Quinto, Llorens; Masanja, Honoraty; Nathan, Rose; Ascaso, Carlos; Menendez, Clara; Tanner, Marcel; Schellenberg, Joanna; Alonso, Pedro
  • Domestic dog ownership in Iran is a risk factor for human infection with Leishmania infantum. (2002) Gavgani, A Samad Mazloumi; Mohite, Hassan; Edrissian, Gholan H; Mohebali, Mehdi; Davies, Clive R
  • Do side-effects reduce compliance to iron supplementation? A study of daily- and weekly-dose regimens in pregnancy. (2002) Hyder, SM Ziauddin; Persson, Lars Ake; Chowdhury, AMR; Ekström, Eva-Charlotte
  • Spatial and temporal distribution of Anopheles gambiae s.l. (Diptera: Culicidae) in two Tanzanian villages: implication for designing mosquito sampling routines. (2002) Magbity, EB; Lines, JD
  • How reliable are light traps in estimating biting rates of adult Anopheles gambiae s.l. (Diptera: Culicidae) in the presence of treated bed nets? (2002) Magbity, EB; Magbity, EB; Lines, JD; Marbiah, MT; David, K; Peterson, E
  • Characteristics of severe anemia and its association with malaria in young children of the Kassena-Nankana District of northern Ghana. (2002) Owusu-Agyei, Seth; Fryauff, David J; Chandramohan, Daniel; Koram, Kwadwo A; Binka, Fred N; Nkrumah, Francis K; Utz, Greg C; Hoffman, Stephen L
  • The safety and efficacy of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine, amodiaquine, and their combination in the treatment of uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria. (2002) Schellenberg, David; Kahigwa, Elizeus; Drakeley, Chris; Malende, Athumani; Wigayi, John; Msokame, Chris; Aponte, John J; Tanner, Marcel; Mshinda, Hassan; Menendez, Clara; Alonso, Pedro L
  • Gambian children successfully treated with chloroquine can harbor and transmit Plasmodium falciparum gametocytes carrying resistance genes. (2002) Sutherland, Colin J; Alloueche, Ali; Curtis, Jill; Drakeley, Chris J; Ord, Rosalynn; Duraisingh, Manoj; Greenwood, Brian M; Pinder, Margaret; Warhurst, David; Targett, Geoffrey AT
  • Drawers of water: Assessing domestic water use in Africa. (2002) Thompson, J; Cairncross, S
  • An epidemiological study of RSV infection in the Gambia. (2002) Weber, Martin W; Milligan, Paul; Sanneh, Mariama; Awemoyi, Agnes; Dakour, Raduwan; Schneider, Gisela; Palmer, Ayo; Jallow, Mariatou; Oparaogu, Anslem; Whittle, Hilton; Mulholland, E Kim; Greenwood, Brian M
  • Drawers of water: domestic water use in East Africa. 1972. (2002) White, Gilbert F; Bradley, David J; White, Anne U
  • Malaria. (2002) Whitty, Christopher JM; Rowland, Mark; Sanderson, Frances; Mutabingwa, Theonest K
  • The contribution of social science research to malaria prevention and control. (2002) Williams, Holly Ann; Jones, Caroline; Alilio, Martin; Zimicki, Susan; Azevedo, Inez; Nyamongo, Isaac; Sommerfeld, Johannes; Meek, Sylvia; Diop, Samba; Bloland, Peter B; Greenwood, Brian
  • Treatment uptake by individuals infected with Plasmodium falciparum in rural Gambia, West Africa. (2002) von Seidlein, Lorenz; Clarke, Sian; Alexander, Neâl; Manneh, Fandingding; Doherty, Tom; Pinder, Margaret; Walraven, Gijs; Greenwood, Brian