Conference or Workshop Item
Over and under-use of acts at public health facilities in three regions of Tanzania. (2011)
Bruxwoort, K; Festo, C; Thwing, J; Thomson, R; Kalolella, A; Nchimbi, H; Taylor, M; Goodman, C; Kachur, SP
The impact of retail-sector delivery of artemether-lumefantrine on malaria treatment of children under five in Kenya: cluster randomized controlled trial. (2011)
Kangwana, B; Kedenge, S; Alegana, V; Noor, A; Fegan, G; Brooker, S; Todd, J; Snow, R; Goodman, C; Nyandigisi, A; Pandit, J
Quality of antimalarial drugs sold at retail outlets in Tanzania, 2005. Results of a nationally representative survey. (2007)
Kaur, H; Goodman, C; Masanja, I; Thompson, E; Thompson, KA; Kachur, SP
The nature of retail competition in the market for fever and malaria drugs in rural Tanzania. (2002)
Mills, A; Goodman, C; Abdulla, S; Bloland, P
Understanding the market for the provision of malaria-related treatment in rural Tanzania. (2001)
Mills, A; Goodman, C; Hanson, K
Private sector availability of drugs for the treatment of malaria and fever in rural Tanzania. (2002)
Mills, A; Goodman, C; Kachur, P; Khatibu, R; Abdulla, S; Bloland, P
Adaptation of Acceptability Curves: Probabilistic Sensitivity Analysis According to Fixed Parameters. (2004)
Mills, A; Shillcutt, S; Coleman, P; Morel, C; Goodman, C
Cost-Effectiveness in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Review of the Debates Surrounding Decision Rules. (2007)
Shillcutt, S; Walker, D; Goodman, C; Mills, A
Determinants of access to acts and malaria diagnosis: results from a household survey in three regions of Tanzania. (2011)
Thomson, R; Festo, C; Bruxvoort, K; Thwing, J; Kalolella, A; Nchimbi, H; Taylor, M; Kachur, SP; Goodman, C