Items where Author is "Goodman, Catherine A"
Number of items: 180.
Availability, Prices and Affordability of Antibiotics Stocked by Informal Providers in Rural India: A Cross-Sectional Survey. (2022)
Gautham, Meenakshi; Miller, Rosalind; Rego, Sonia; Goodman, Catherine
Using donor funding to catalyse investment in malaria prevention in Ghana: an analysis of the potential impact on public and private sector expenditure. (2022)
Paintain, Lucy; Kpabitey, Richard; Nyanor-Fosu, Felix; Piccinini Black, Danielle; Bertram, Kathryn; Webster, Jayne; Goodman, Catherine; Lynch, Matt
What are the challenges for antibiotic stewardship at the community level? An analysis of the drivers of antibiotic provision by informal healthcare providers in rural India. (2021)
Gautham, Meenakshi; Spicer, Neil; Chatterjee, Soumyadip; Goodman, Catherine
Poor quality for the poor? A study of inequalities in service readiness and provider knowledge in Indonesian primary health care facilities. (2021)
Haemmerli, Manon; Powell-Jackson, Timothy; Goodman, Catherine; Thabrany, Hasbullah; Wiseman, Virginia
The hidden financial burden of healthcare: a systematic literature review of informal payments in Sub-Saharan Africa. (2021)
Kabia, Evelyn; Goodman, Catherine; Balabanova, Dina; Muraya, Kui; Molyneux, Sassy; Barasa, Edwine
How much healthcare is wasted? A cross-sectional study of outpatient overprovision in private-for-profit and faith-based health facilities in Tanzania. (2021)
King, Jessica JC; Powell-Jackson, Timothy; Makungu, Christina; Hargreaves, James; Goodman, Catherine
Effect of a multifaceted intervention to improve clinical quality of care through stepwise certification (SafeCare) in health-care facilities in Tanzania: a cluster-randomised controlled trial. (2021)
King, Jessica JC; Powell-Jackson, Timothy; Makungu, Christina; Spieker, Nicole; Risha, Peter; Mkopi, Abdallah; Goodman, Catherine
When technology precedes regulation: the challenges and opportunities of e-pharmacy in low-income and middle-income countries. (2021)
Miller, Rosalind; Wafula, Francis; Onoka, Chima A; Saligram, Prasanna; Musiega, Anita; Ogira, Dosila; Okpani, Ikedichi; Ejughemre, Ufuoma; Murthy, Shrutika; Garimella, Surekha; Sanderson, Marie; Ettelt, Stefanie; Allen, Pauline; Nambiar, Devaki; Salam, Abdul; Kweyu, Emmanuel; Hanson, Kara; Goodman, Catherine
What Lies Behind Successful Regulation? A Qualitative Evaluation of Pilot Implementation of Kenya's Health Facility Inspection Reforms. (2021)
Tama, Eric; Khayoni, Irene; Goodman, Catherine; Ogira, Dosila; Chege, Timothy; Gitau, Njeri; Wafula, Francis
Does subsidizing the private for-profit sector benefit the poor? Evidence from national antimalarial subsidies in Nigeria and Uganda. (2021)
Tougher, Sarah; Hanson, Kara; Goodman, Catherine A
Health financing in response to COVID-19: An agenda for research. (2020)
Barasa, Edwine; Bennett, Sara; Rao, Krishna; Goodman, Catherine; Gupta, I; Hanvoravongchai, Piya; James, Chris; Maceira, Daniel; Witter, Sophie; Hanson, Kara
Modelling the cost-effectiveness of introducing subsidised malaria rapid diagnostic tests in the private retail sector in sub-Saharan Africa. (2020)
Bath, David; Goodman, Catherine; Yeung, Shunmay
Examining user fee reductions in public primary healthcare facilities in Kenya, 1997-2012: effects on the use and content of antenatal care. (2020)
Dennis, Mardieh L; Benova, Lenka; Goodman, Catherine; Barasa, Edwine; Abuya, Timothy; Campbell, Oona MR
Cheaper Medicines for the Better Off? A Comparison of Medicine Prices and Client Socioeconomic Status Between Chain and Independent Retail Pharmacies in Urban India. (2020)
Miller, Rosalind; Goodman, Catherine
Patients with positive malaria tests not given artemisinin-based combination therapies: a research synthesis describing under-prescription of antimalarial medicines in Africa. (2020)
O'Boyle, Shennae; Bruxvoort, Katia J; Ansah, Evelyn K; Burchett, Helen ED; Chandler, Clare IR; Clarke, Siân E; Goodman, Catherine; Mbacham, Wilfred; Mbonye, Anthony K; Onwujekwe, Obinna E; Staedke, Sarah G; Wiseman, Virginia L; Whitty, Christopher JM; Hopkins, Heidi
Promoting transferability: Insights from economic evaluations of public health interventions to tackle malaria in central Senegal. (2020)
Pitt, C
Infection prevention and control compliance in Tanzanian outpatient facilities: a cross-sectional study with implications for the control of COVID-19. (2020)
Powell-Jackson, Timothy; King, Jessica JC; Makungu, Christina; Spieker, Nicole; Woodd, Susannah; Risha, Peter; Goodman, Catherine
Patients with positive malaria tests not given antimalarial medicines: under-prescription of artemisinin-based combination therapies amongst 106,106 patients with malaria in ACT Consortium studies in Africa. (2020)
Wiseman, Virginia; O’Boyle, S; Bruxvoort, KJ; Goodman, C; Clarke, S; Baptiste, L; Mbacham, W; Onwujekwe, O; Staedke, S; Burchett, H; Schellenberg, D; Nyomugyenyi, R; Whitty, CJM; Ansah, E; Abdulla, A; Kachur, P; Reyburn, H; Hopkins, H
Investigating the nature of competition facing private healthcare facilities: the case of maternity care in Uttar Pradesh, India. (2019)
Gautham, Meenakshi; Bruxvoort, Katia; Iles, Richard; Subharwal, Manish; Gupta, Sanjay; Jain, Manish; Goodman, Catherine
How to do (or not to do) … using the standardized patient method to measure clinical quality of care in LMIC health facilities. (2019)
King, Jessica JC; Das, Jishnu; Kwan, Ada; Daniels, Benjamin; Powell-Jackson, Timothy; Makungu, Christina; Goodman, Catherine
Quality of tuberculosis care by pharmacies in low- and middle-income countries: Gaps and opportunities. (2019)
Miller, Rosalind; Goodman, Catherine
Malaria, medicines and miles: A novel approach to measuring access to treatment from a household perspective. (2019)
Palafox, Benjamin; Goodman, Catherine; Hanson, Kara
Using unannounced standardised patients to obtain data on quality of care in low-income and middle-income countries: key challenges and opportunities. (2019)
Wiseman, Virginia; Lagarde, Mylene; Kovacs, Roxanne; Wulandari, Luh Putu Lila; Powell-Jackson, Timothy; King, Jessica; Goodman, Catherine; Hanson, Kara; Miller, Rosalind; Xu, Dong; Liverani, Marco; Yeung, Shunmay; Hompashe, Dumisani; Khan, Mishal; Burger, Ronelle; Christian, Carmen S; Blaauw, Duane
Two decades of antenatal and delivery care in Uganda: a cross-sectional study using Demographic and Health Surveys. (2018)
Benova, Lenka; Dennis, Mardieh L; Lange, Isabelle L; Campbell, Oona MR; Waiswa, Peter; Haemmerli, Manon; Fernandez, Yolanda; Kerber, Kate; Lawn, Joy E; Santos, Andreia Costa; Matovu, Fred; Macleod, David; Goodman, Catherine; Penn-Kekana, Loveday; Ssengooba, Freddie; Lynch, Caroline A
How equitable is social franchising? Case studies of three maternal healthcare franchises in Uganda and India. (2018)
Haemmerli, Manon; Santos, Andreia; Penn-Kekana, Loveday; Lange, Isabelle; Matovu, Fred; Benova, Lenka; Wong, Kerry LM; Goodman, Catherine
The rise of chain pharmacies in India: implications for public health. (2018)
Miller, R
'A smile is most important.' Why chains are not currently the answer to quality concerns in the Indian retail pharmacy sector. (2018)
Miller, Rosalind; Hutchinson, Eleanor; Goodman, Catherine
Process evaluation of a social franchising model to improve maternal health: evidence from a multi-methods study in Uttar Pradesh, India. (2018)
Penn-Kekana, Loveday; Powell-Jackson, Timothy; Haemmerli, Manon; Dutt, Varun; Lange, Isabelle L; Mahapatra, Aniva; Sharma, Gaurav; Singh, Kultar; Singh, Sunita; Shukla, Vasudha; Goodman, Catherine
An assessment of the malaria-related knowledge and practices of Tanzania's drug retailers: exploring the impact of drug store accreditation. (2018)
Thomson, Rebecca; Johanes, Boniface; Festo, Charles; Kalolella, Admirabilis; Taylor, Mark; Tougher, Sarah; Ye, Yazoume; Mann, Andrea; Ren, Ruilin; Bruxvoort, Katia; Willey, Barbara; Arnold, Fred; Hanson, Kara; Goodman, Catherine
Testing times: trends in availability, price, and market share of malaria diagnostics in the public and private healthcare sector across eight sub-Saharan African countries from 2009 to 2015. (2017)
ACTwatch Group; Hanson, Kara; Goodman, Catherine
Do anti-malarials in Africa meet quality standards? The market penetration of non quality-assured artemisinin combination therapy in eight African countries. (2017)
ACTwatch Group; Newton, Paul N; Hanson, Kara; Goodman, Catherine
What happened to anti-malarial markets after the Affordable Medicines Facility-malaria pilot? Trends in ACT availability, price and market share from five African countries under continuation of the private sector co-payment mechanism. (2017)
ACTwatch Group; Tougher, Sarah; Hanson, Kara; Goodman, Catherine
The Impact of Introducing Malaria Rapid Diagnostic Tests on Fever Case Management: A Synthesis of Ten Studies from the ACT Consortium. (2017)
Bruxvoort, KJ; Leurent, B; Chandler, CIR; Ansah, EK; Baiden, F; Björkman, A; Burchett, HED; Clarke, SE; Cundill, B; DiLiberto, DD; Elfving, K; Goodman, C; Hansen, KS; Kachur, SP; Lal, S; Lalloo, DG; Leslie, T; Magnussen, P; Mangham-Jefferies, L; Mårtensson, A; Mayan, I; Mbonye, AK; Msellem, MI; Onwujekwe, OE; Owusu-Agyei, S; Rowland, MW; Shakely, D; Staedke, SG; Vestergaard, LS; Webster, J; Whitty, CJM; Wiseman, VL; Yeung, S; Schellenberg, D; Hopkins, H
Improving prescribing practices with rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs): synthesis of 10 studies to explore reasons for variation in malaria RDT uptake and adherence. (2017)
Burchett, Helen ED; Leurent, Baptiste; Baiden, Frank; Baltzell, Kimberly; Björkman, Anders; Bruxvoort, Katia; Clarke, Siân; DiLiberto, Deborah; Elfving, Kristina; Goodman, Catherine; Hopkins, Heidi; Lal, Sham; Liverani, Marco; Magnussen, Pascal; Mårtensson, Andreas; Mbacham, Wilfred; Mbonye, Anthony; Onwujekwe, Obinna; Roth Allen, Denise; Shakely, Delér; Staedke, Sarah; Vestergaard, Lasse S; Whitty, Christopher JM; Wiseman, Virginia; Chandler, Clare IR
The Nature of Competition faced by Private Providers of Maternal Health Services in Uttar Pradesh, India. (2017)
Goodman, C; Gautham, M; Iles, R; Bruxvoort, K; Subharwal, M; Gupta, S; Jain, M
The impact of a mosquito net voucher subsidy programme on incremental ownership: The case of the Tanzania National Voucher Scheme. (2017)
Harman, Luke; Goodman, Catherine; Dorward, Andrew
Impact of introduction of rapid diagnostic tests for malaria on antibiotic prescribing: analysis of observational and randomised studies in public and private healthcare settings. (2017)
Hopkins, Heidi; Bruxvoort, Katia J; Cairns, Matthew E; Chandler, Clare IR; Leurent, Baptiste; Ansah, Evelyn K; Baiden, Frank; Baltzell, Kimberly A; Björkman, Anders; Burchett, Helen ED; Clarke, Siân E; DiLiberto, Deborah D; Elfving, Kristina; Goodman, Catherine; Hansen, Kristian S; Kachur, S Patrick; Lal, Sham; Lalloo, David G; Leslie, Toby; Magnussen, Pascal; Jefferies, Lindsay Mangham; Mårtensson, Andreas; Mayan, Ismail; Mbonye, Anthony K; Msellem, Mwinyi I; Onwujekwe, Obinna E; Owusu-Agyei, Seth; Reyburn, Hugh; Rowland, Mark W; Shakely, Delér; Vestergaard, Lasse S; Webster, Jayne; Wiseman, Virginia L; Yeung, Shunmay; Schellenberg, David; Staedke, Sarah G; Whitty, Christopher JM
Do chain pharmacies perform better than independent pharmacies? Evidence from a standardised patient study of the management of childhood diarrhoea and suspected tuberculosis in urban India. (2017)
Miller, Rosalind; Goodman, Catherine
Supporting surveillance capacity for antimicrobial resistance: Laboratory capacity strengthening for drug resistant infections in low and middle income countries. (2017)
Seale, Anna C; Hutchison, Coll; Fernandes, Silke; Stoesser, Nicole; Kelly, Helen; Lowe, Brett; Turner, Paul; Hanson, Kara; Chandler, Clare IR; Goodman, Catherine; Stabler, Richard A; Scott, J Anthony G
Effect of a multifaceted social franchising model on quality and coverage of maternal, newborn, and reproductive health-care services in Uttar Pradesh, India: a quasi-experimental study. (2017)
Tougher, Sarah; Dutt, Varun; Pereira, Shreya; Haldar, Kaveri; Shukla, Vasudha; Singh, Kultar; Kumar, Paresh; Goodman, Catherine; Powell-Jackson, Timothy
Examining the effects of political decentralisation in Kenya on health sector planning and budgeting: a case study of Kilifi County. (2017)
Tsofa, BK
Devolution and its effects on health workforce and commodities management - early implementation experiences in Kilifi County, Kenya. (2017)
Tsofa, Benjamin; Goodman, Catherine; Gilson, Lucy; Molyneux, Sassy
How does decentralisation affect health sector planning and financial management? a case study of early effects of devolution in Kilifi County, Kenya. (2017)
Tsofa, Benjamin; Molyneux, Sassy; Gilson, Lucy; Goodman, Catherine
Introducing malaria rapid diagnostic tests in private medicine retail outlets: A systematic literature review. (2017)
Visser, Theodoor; Bruxvoort, Katia; Maloney, Kathleen; Leslie, Toby; Barat, Lawrence M; Allan, Richard; Ansah, Evelyn K; Anyanti, Jennifer; Boulton, Ian; Clarke, Siân E; Cohen, Jessica L; Cohen, Justin M; Cutherell, Andrea; Dolkart, Caitlin; Eves, Katie; Fink, Günther; Goodman, Catherine; Hutchinson, Eleanor; Lal, Sham; Mbonye, Anthony; Onwujekwe, Obinna; Petty, Nora; Pontarollo, Julie; Poyer, Stephen; Schellenberg, David; Streat, Elizabeth; Ward, Abigail; Wiseman, Virginia; Whitty, Christopher JM; Yeung, Shunmay; Cunningham, Jane; Chandler, Clare IR
Family planning, antenatal and delivery care: cross-sectional survey evidence on levels of coverage and inequalities by public and private sector in 57 low- and middle-income countries. (2016)
Campbell, Oona MR; Benova, Lenka; MacLeod, David; Baggaley, Rebecca F; Rodrigues, Laura C; Hanson, Kara; Powell-Jackson, Timothy; Penn-Kekana, Loveday; Polonsky, Reen; Footman, Katharine; Vahanian, Alice; Pereira, Shreya K; Santos, Andreia Costa; Filippi, Veronique GA; Lynch, Caroline A; Goodman, Catherine
Taking stock: protocol for evaluating a family planning supply chain intervention in Senegal. (2016)
Cavallaro, Francesca L; Duclos, Diane; Baggaley, Rebecca F; Penn-Kekana, Loveday; Goodman, Catherine; Vahanian, Alice; Santos, Andreia C; Bradley, John; Paintain, Lucy; Gallien, Jérémie; Gasparrini, Antonio; Hasselback, Leah; Lynch, Caroline A
Equity of access to reproductive and maternal health services in Cambodia: equity trends, poverty targeting and demand-side financing. (2016)
Dingle, A
Measuring implementation strength: lessons from the evaluation of public health strategies in low- and middle-income settings. (2016)
Hargreaves, James RM; Goodman, Catherine; Davey, Calum; Willey, Barbara A; Avan, Bilal Iqbal; Schellenberg, Joanna Rm Armstrong
Technical Brief - Malaria Case Management in the Private Sector. (2016)
Hopkins, H; Bruxvoort, K; Goodman, C; Ansah, E; Yeung, S; Clarke, S
Performance of retail pharmacies in low- and middle-income Asian settings: a systematic review. (2016)
Miller, Rosalind; Goodman, Catherine
Research Involving Health Providers and Managers: Ethical Issues Faced by Researchers Conducting Diverse Health Policy and Systems Research in Kenya. (2016)
Molyneux, Sassy; Tsofa, Benjamin; Barasa, Edwine; Nyikuri, Mary Muyoka; Waweru, Evelyn Wanjiku; Goodman, Catherine; Gilson, Lucy
Prohibit, constrain, encourage, or purchase: how should we engage with the private health-care sector? (2016)
Montagu, Dominic; Goodman, Catherine
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Recent trends in working with the private sector to improve basic healthcare: a review of evidence and interventions. (2016)
Montagu, Dominic; Goodman, Catherine; Berman, Peter; Penn, Amy; Visconti, Adam
Economic Evaluation in Global Perspective: A Bibliometric Analysis of the Recent Literature. (2016)
Pitt, C; Goodman, C; Hanson, K
Supporting surveillance capacity for antimicrobial resistance - laboratory capacity strengthening for drug resistant infections in low and middle income countries. (2016)
Seale, AC; Hutchison, C; Fernandes, S; Kelly, H; Stoesser, N; Turner, P; Hanson, K; Chandler, C; Goodman, C; Stabler, R; Lowe, B; Scott, JAG
On the way to universal coverage of maternal services in Iringa rural District in Tanzania. Who is yet to be reached? (2016)
Straneo, Manuela; Fogliati, Piera; Pellis, Ingrid; Goodman, Catherine; Riva, Donata Dalla; Kisika, Firma; Mpuya, Ezekiel; Putoto, Giovanni
Measuring Patient Adherence to Malaria Treatment: A Comparison of Results from Self-Report and a Customised Electronic Monitoring Device. (2015)
Bruxvoort, Katia; Festo, Charles; Cairns, Matthew; Kalolella, Admirabilis; Mayaya, Frank; Kachur, S Patrick; Schellenberg, David; Goodman, Catherine
Are Tanzanian patients attending public facilities or private retailers more likely to adhere to artemisinin-based combination therapy? (2015)
Bruxvoort, Katia; Kalolella, Admirabilis; Cairns, Matthew; Festo, Charles; Kenani, Mitya; Lyaruu, Peter; Kachur, S Patrick; Schellenberg, David; Goodman, Catherine
Who, What, Where: an analysis of private sector family planning provision in 57 low- and middle-income countries. (2015)
Campbell, Oona MR; Benova, Lenka; Macleod, David; Goodman, Catherine; Footman, Katharine; Pereira, Audrey L; Lynch, Caroline A
Using multi-country household surveys to understand who provides reproductive and maternal health services in low- and middle-income countries: a critical appraisal of the Demographic and Health Surveys. (2015)
Footman, K; Benova, L; Goodman, C; Macleod, D; Lynch, CA; Penn-Kekana, L; Campbell, OMR
Prices and mark-ups on antimalarials: evidence from nationally representative studies in six malaria-endemic countries. (2015)
Palafox, Benjamin; Patouillard, Edith; Tougher, Sarah; Goodman, Catherine; Hanson, Kara; Kleinschmidt, Immo; Torres Rueda, Sergio; Kiefer, Sabine; O'Connell, Kate; Zinsou, Cyprien; Phok, Sochea; Akulayi, Louis; Arogundade, Ekundayo; Buyungo, Peter; Mpasela, Felton; Poyer, Stephen; Chavasse, Desmond
Determinants of price setting decisions on anti-malarial drugs at retail shops in Cambodia. (2015)
Patouillard, Edith; Hanson, Kara; Kleinschmidt, Immo; Palafox, Benjamin; Tougher, Sarah; Pok, Sochea; O'Connell, Kate; Goodman, Catherine
Economic evaluation in global perspective: A bibliometric analysis of the recent literature. (2015)
Pitt, C; Goodman, C; Hanson, K
Availability and price of malaria rapid diagnostic tests in the public and private health sectors in 2011: results from 10 nationally representative cross-sectional retail surveys. (2015)
Poyer, Stephen; Shewchuk, Tanya; Tougher, Sarah; Ye, Yazoume; ACTwatch Group; Mann, Andrea G; Willey, Barbara A; Thomson, Rebecca; Amuasi, John H; Ren, Ruilin; Wamukoya, Marilyn; Taylor, Mark; Nguah, Samuel Blay; Mberu, Blessing; Kalolella, Admirabilis; Juma, Elizabeth; Festo, Charles; Johanes, Boniface; Diap, Graciela; Bruxvoort, Katia; Ansong, Daniel; Hanson, Kara; Arnold, Fred; Goodman, Catherine
Health sector operational planning and budgeting processes in Kenya-"never the twain shall meet". (2015)
Tsofa, Benjamin; Molyneux, Sassy; Goodman, Catherine
Tracking implementation and (un)intended consequences: a process evaluation of an innovative peripheral health facility financing mechanism in Kenya. (2015)
Waweru, Evelyn; Goodman, Catherine; Kedenge, Sarah; Tsofa, Benjamin; Molyneux, Sassy
The Affordable Medicines Facility-malaria (AMFm): are remote areas benefiting from the intervention? (2015)
Ye, Yazoume; Arnold, Fred; Noor, Abdisalan; Wamukoya, Marilyn; Amuasi, John; Blay, Samuel; Mberu, Blessing; Ren, Ruilin; Kyobutungi, Catherine; Wekesah, Frederick; Gatakaa, Hellen; Toda, Mitsuru; Njogu, Julius; Evance, Illah; O'Connell, Kathryn; Shewchuk, Tanya; Thougher, Sarah; Mann, Andrea; Willey, Barbara; Goodman, Catherine; Hanson, Kara
Prevalence of malaria parasitemia and purchase of artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs) among drug shop clients in two regions in Tanzania with ACT subsidies. (2014)
Briggs, Melissa A; Kalolella, Admirabilis; Bruxvoort, Katia; Wiegand, Ryan; Lopez, Gerard; Festo, Charles; Lyaruu, Pierre; Kenani, Mitya; Abdulla, Salim; Goodman, Catherine; Kachur, S Patrick
Cluster randomized trial of text message reminders to retail staff in tanzanian drug shops dispensing artemether-lumefantrine: effect on dispenser knowledge and patient adherence. (2014)
Bruxvoort, Katia; Festo, Charles; Kalolella, Admirabilis; Cairns, Matthew; Lyaruu, Peter; Kenani, Mitya; Kachur, S Patrick; Goodman, Catherine; Schellenberg, David
How patients take malaria treatment: a systematic review of the literature on adherence to antimalarial drugs. (2014)
Bruxvoort, Katia; Goodman, Catherine; Kachur, S Patrick; Schellenberg, David
Implementation of patient charges at primary care facilities in Kenya: implications of low adherence to user fee policy for users and facility revenue. (2014)
Opwora, Antony; Waweru, Evelyn; Toda, Mitsuru; Noor, Abdisalan; Edwards, Tansy; Fegan, Greg; Molyneux, Sassy; Goodman, Catherine
Understanding private sector antimalarial distribution chains: a cross-sectional mixed methods study in six malaria-endemic countries. (2014)
Palafox, Benjamin; Patouillard, Edith; Tougher, Sarah; Goodman, Catherine; Hanson, Kara; Kleinschmidt, Immo; Rueda, Sergio Torres; Kiefer, Sabine; O'Connell, Kathryn A; Zinsou, Cyprien; Phok, Sochea; Akulayi, Louis; Arogundade, Ekundayo; Buyungo, Peter; Mpasela, Felton; Chavasse, Desmond
The practice of 'doing' evaluation: lessons learned from nine complex intervention trials in action. (2014)
Reynolds, Joanna; DiLiberto, Deborah; Mangham-Jefferies, Lindsay; Ansah, Evelyn K; Lal, Sham; Mbakilwa, Hilda; Bruxvoort, Katia; Webster, Jayne; Vestergaard, Lasse S; Yeung, Shunmay; Leslie, Toby; Hutchinson, Eleanor; Reyburn, Hugh; Lalloo, David G; Schellenberg, David; Cundill, Bonnie; Staedke, Sarah G; Wiseman, Virginia; Goodman, Catherine; Chandler, Clare IR
Has Tanzania embraced the green leaf? Results from outlet and household surveys before and after implementation of the Affordable Medicines Facility-malaria. (2014)
Thomson, Rebecca; Festo, Charles; Johanes, Boniface; Kalolella, Admirabilis; Bruxvoort, Katia; Nchimbi, Happy; Tougher, Sarah; Cairns, Matthew; Taylor, Mark; Kleinschmidt, Immo; Ye, Yazoume; Mann, Andrea; Ren, Ruilin; Willey, Barbara; Arnold, Fred; Hanson, Kara; Kachur, S Patrick; Goodman, Catherine
Improving access to malaria medicine through private-sector subsidies in seven African countries. (2014)
Tougher, Sarah; Mann, Andrea G; ACTwatch Group; Ye, Yazoume; Kourgueni, Idrissa A; Thomson, Rebecca; Amuasi, John H; Ren, Ruilin; Willey, Barbara A; Ansong, Daniel; Bruxvoort, Katia; Diap, Graciela; Festo, Charles; Johanes, Boniface; Kalolella, Admirabilis; Mallam, Oumarou; Mberu, Blessing; Ndiaye, Salif; Nguah, Samual Blay; Seydou, Moctar; Taylor, Mark; Wamukoya, Marilyn; Arnold, Fred; Hanson, Kara; Goodman, Catherine
The policy-practice gap: describing discordances between regulation on paper and real-life practices among specialized drug shops in Kenya. (2014)
Wafula, Francis; Abuya, Timothy; Amin, Abdinasir; Goodman, Catherine
Communicating the AMFm message: exploring the effect of communication and training interventions on private for-profit provider awareness and knowledge related to a multi-country anti-malarial subsidy intervention. (2014)
Willey, Barbara A; Tougher, Sarah; Ye, Yazoume; ACTwatchGroup; Mann, Andrea G; Thomson, Rebecca; Kourgueni, Idrissa A; Amuasi, John H; Ren, Ruilin; Wamukoya, Marilyn; Rueda, Sergio Torres; Taylor, Mark; Seydou, Moctar; Nguah, Samuel Blay; Ndiaye, Salif; Mberu, Blessing; Malam, Oumarou; Kalolella, Admirabilis; Juma, Elizabeth; Johanes, Boniface; Festo, Charles; Diap, Graciela; Diallo, Didier; Bruxvoort, Katia; Ansong, Daniel; Amin, Abdinasir; Adegoke, Catherine A; Hanson, Kara; Arnold, Fred; Goodman, Catherine
Getting antimalarials on target: impact of national roll-out of malaria rapid diagnostic tests on health facility treatment in three regions of Tanzania. (2013)
Bruxvoort, Katia; Kalolella, Admirabilis; Nchimbi, Happy; Festo, Charles; Taylor, Mark; Thomson, Rebecca; Cairns, Matthew; Thwing, Julie; Kleinschmidt, Immo; Goodman, Catherine; Kachur, S Patrick
A decade of improvements in equity of access to reproductive and maternal health services in Cambodia, 2000-2010. (2013)
Dingle, Antonia; Powell-Jackson, Timothy; Goodman, Catherine
The effect of an anti-malarial subsidy programme on the quality of service provision of artemisinin-based combination therapy in Kenya: a cluster-randomized, controlled trial. (2013)
Kangwana, Beth P; Kedenge, Sarah V; Noor, Abdisalan M; Alegana, Victor A; Nyandigisi, Andrew J; Pandit, Jayesh; Fegan, Greg W; Todd, Jim E; Snow, Robert W; Goodman, Catherine A
Understanding the impact of subsidizing artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs) in the retail sector--results from focus group discussions in rural Kenya. (2013)
Kedenge, Sarah V; Kangwana, Beth P; Waweru, Evelyn W; Nyandigisi, Andrew J; Pandit, Jayesh; Brooker, Simon J; Snow, Robert W; Goodman, Catherine A
Adverse drug events resulting from use of drugs with sulphonamide-containing anti-malarials and artemisinin-based ingredients: findings on incidence and household costs from three districts with routine demographic surveillance systems in rural Tanzania. (2013)
Njau, Joseph D; Kabanywanyi, Abdulnoor M; Goodman, Catherine A; Macarthur, John R; Kapella, Bryan K; Gimnig, John E; Kahigwa, Elizeus; Bloland, Peter B; Abdulla, Salim M; Kachur, S Patrick
Methods for implementing a medicine outlet survey: lessons from the anti-malarial market. (2013)
O'Connell, Kathryn A; Poyer, Stephen; Solomon, Tsione; Munroe, Erik; Patouillard, Edith; Njogu, Julius; Evance, Illah; Hanson, Kara; Shewchuk, Tanya; Goodman, Catherine
Comparative analysis of two methods for measuring sales volumes during malaria medicine outlet surveys. (2013)
Patouillard, Edith; Kleinschmidt, Immo; Hanson, Kara; Pok, Sochea; Palafox, Benjamin; Tougher, Sarah; O'Connell, Kate; Goodman, Catherine
Expanding Access to Malaria Diagnosis through Retail Shops in Western Kenya: What Do Shop Workers Think? (2013)
Rusk, Andria; Goodman, Catherine; Naanyu, Violet; Koech, Beatrice; Obala, Andrew; O'Meara, Wendy Prudhomme
Appealing to altruism: an alternative strategy to address the health workforce crisis in developing countries? (2013)
Smith, Richard; Lagarde, Mylene; Blaauw, Duane; Goodman, Catherine; English, Mike; Mullei, Kethi; Pagaiya, Nonglak; Tangcharoensathien, Viroj; Erasmus, Ermin; Hanson, Kara
Evaluation of the Affordable Medicines Facility--malaria - Authors' reply. (2013)
Tougher, Sarah; Ye, Yazoume; Goodman, Catherine; Arnold, Fred; Hanson, Kara
Protecting the public or setting the bar too high? Understanding the causes and consequences of regulatory actions of front-line regulators and specialized drug shop operators in Kenya. (2013)
Wafula, Francis; Molyneux, Catherine; Mackintosh, Maureen; Goodman, Catherine
Review of Health Sector Services Fund Implementation and Experience. (2013)
Waweru, E; Nyikuri, M; Tsofa, B; Kedenge, S; Goodman, C; Molyneux, S
Are Health Facility Management Committees in Kenya ready to implement financial management tasks: findings from a nationally representative survey. (2013)
Waweru, Evelyn; Opwora, Antony; Toda, Mitsuru; Fegan, Greg; Edwards, Tansy; Goodman, Catherine; Molyneux, Sassy
Independent Evaluation of Phase 1 of the Affordable Medicines Facility - malaria (AMFm), Multi-Country Independent Evaluation Final Report. (2012)
Amfm Independent Evaluation Team: Hanson, K; Goodman, C; Tougher, S; Mann, A; Willey, B; Arnold, F; Ye, Y; Ren, R; Yoder, S
Routine delivery of artemisinin-based combination treatment at fixed health facilities reduces malaria prevalence in Tanzania: an observational study. (2012)
Khatib, Rashid A; Skarbinski, Jacek; Njau, Joseph D; Goodman, Catherine A; Elling, Berty F; Kahigwa, Elizeus; Roberts, Jacquelin M; MacArthur, John R; Gutman, Julie R; Kabanywanyi, Abdunoor M; Smith, Ernest E; Somi, Masha F; Lyimo, Thomas; Mwita, Alex; Genton, Blaise; Tanner, Marcel; Mills, Anne; Mshinda, Hassan; Bloland, Peter B; Abdulla, Salim M; Kachur, S Patrick
A Qualitative Assessment of the Private Sector Antimalarial Distribution Chain in Zambia, 2009. (2012)
Kiefer, S; Patouillard, E; Palafox, B; Tougher, S; Mpasela, F; Goodman, C; Hanson, K; O’Connell, K; TheActwatchGroup
Community accountability at peripheral health facilities: a review of the empirical literature and development of a conceptual framework. (2012)
Molyneux, Sassy; Atela, Martin; Angwenyi, Vibian; Goodman, Catherine
A Qualitative Assessment of the Private Sector Antimalarial Distribution Chain in Uganda, 2009. (2012)
Palafox, B; Kiefer, S; Patouillard, E; Tougher, S; Goodman, C; Hanson, K; Buyungo, P; O’Connell, K; ActwatchGroup
A Qualitative Assessment of the Private Sector Antimalarial Distribution Chain in Nigeria, 2009. (2012)
Palafox, B; Kiefer, S; Tougher, S; Patouillard, E; Arogundade, E; Goodman, C; Hanson, K; O’Connell, K; TheActwatchGroup
ACTwatch 2009 Supply Chain Survey Results, Nigeria. (2012)
Palafox, B; Patouillard, E; Tougher, S; Goodman, C; Hanson, K; Arogundade, E; O’Connell, K; TheActwatchStudyGroup
ACTwatch 2009 Supply Chain Survey Results, Uganda. (2012)
Palafox, B; Patouillard, E; Tougher, S; Goodman, C; Hanson, K; Buyungo, P; O’Connell, K; TheActwatchStudyGroup
ACTwatch 2009 Supply Chain Survey Results, Zambia. (2012)
Palafox, B; Patouillard, E; Tougher, S; Goodman, C; Hanson, K; Mpasela, F; O’Connell, K; TheActwatchStudyGroup
A Qualitative Assessment of the Private Sector Antimalarial Distribution Chain in the Democratic Republic of Congo, 2010. (2012)
Palafox, B; Tougher, S; Patouillard, E; Goodman, C; Hanson, K; Akulayi Tshinungu, L; O’Connell, K; ActwatchGroup
ACTwatch 2009 Supply Chain Survey Results, DRC. (2012)
Palafox, B; Tougher, S; Patouillard, E; Goodman, C; Hanson, K; Akulayi Tshinungu, L; O’Connell, K; TheActwatchStudyGroup
ACTwatch 2009 Supply Chain Survey Results, Benin. (2012)
Palafox, B; Tougher, S; Patouillard, E; Goodman, C; Hanson, K; Tassiba, M; O’Connell, K; TheActwatchStudyGroup
An economic analysis of the market for malaria treatment in Cambodia. (2012)
Patouillard, E
A Qualitative Assessment of the Private Sector Antimalarial Distribution Chain in Cambodia, 2009. (2012)
Patouillard, E; Palafox, B; Tougher, S; Goodman, C; Hanson, K; Sochea, P; O’Connell, K; TheActwatchStudyGroup
ACTwatch 2009 Supply Chain Survey Results, Cambodia. (2012)
Patouillard, E; Palafox, B; Tougher, S; Goodman, C; Hanson, K; Sochea, P; O’Connell, K; TheActwatchStudyGroup
Analyzing the equity of public primary care provision in Kenya: variation in facility characteristics by local poverty level. (2012)
Toda, Mitsuru; Opwora, Antony; Waweru, Evelyn; Noor, Abdisalan; Edwards, Tansy; Fegan, Greg; Molyneux, Catherine; Goodman, Catherine
The private commercial sector distribution chain for antimalarial drugs in Madagascar: Findings from a rapid assessment. (2012)
Torres Rueda, S; Patouillard, E; Palafox, B; Tougher, S; Goodman, C; Hanson, K; Raharinjatovo, J; O’Connell, K; ActwatchStudyGroup
A Qualitative Assessment of the Private Sector Antimalarial Distribution Chain in Benin, 2009. (2012)
Torres Rueda, S; Tougher, S; Palafox, B; Patouillard, E; Goodman, C; Hanson, K; Tassiba, M; O’Connell, K; ActwatchGroup
Effect of the Affordable Medicines Facility--malaria (AMFm) on the availability, price, and market share of quality-assured artemisinin-based combination therapies in seven countries: a before-and-after analysis of outlet survey data. (2012)
Tougher, Sarah; ACTwatch Group; Ye, Yazoume; Amuasi, John H; Kourgueni, Idrissa A; Thomson, Rebecca; Goodman, Catherine; Mann, Andrea G; Ren, Ruilin; Willey, Barbara A; Adegoke, Catherine A; Amin, Abdinasir; Ansong, Daniel; Bruxvoort, Katia; Diallo, Diadier A; Diap, Graciela; Festo, Charles; Johanes, Boniface; Juma, Elizabeth; Kalolella, Admirabilis; Malam, Oumarou; Mberu, Blessing; Ndiaye, Salif; Nguah, Samuel B; Seydou, Moctar; Taylor, Mark; Rueda, Sergio Torres; Wamukoya, Marilyn; Arnold, Fred; Hanson, Kara
Examining characteristics, knowledge and regulatory practices of specialized drug shops in Sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review of the literature. (2012)
Wafula, Francis N; Miriti, Eric M; Goodman, Catherine A
Over and under-use of acts at public health facilities in three regions of Tanzania. (2011)
Bruxwoort, K; Festo, C; Thwing, J; Thomson, R; Kalolella, A; Nchimbi, H; Taylor, M; Goodman, C; Kachur, SP
Health facility committees and facility management - exploring the nature and depth of their roles in Coast Province, Kenya. (2011)
Goodman, Catherine; Opwora, Antony; Kabare, Margaret; Molyneux, Sassy
The impact of retail-sector delivery of artemether-lumefantrine on malaria treatment of children under five in Kenya: cluster randomized controlled trial. (2011)
Kangwana, B; Kedenge, S; Alegana, V; Noor, A; Fegan, G; Brooker, S; Todd, J; Snow, R; Goodman, C; Nyandigisi, A; Pandit, J
The impact of retail-sector delivery of artemether-lumefantrine on malaria treatment of children under five in Kenya: a cluster randomized controlled trial. (2011)
Kangwana, Beth P; Kedenge, Sarah V; Noor, Abdisalan M; Alegana, Victor A; Nyandigisi, Andrew J; Pandit, Jayesh; Fegan, Greg W; Todd, James E; Brooker, Simon; Snow, Robert W; Goodman, Catherine A
Monitoring fever treatment behaviour and equitable access to effective medicines in the context of initiatives to improve ACT access: baseline results and implications for programming in six African countries. (2011)
Littrell, Megan; Gatakaa, Hellen; Evance, Illah; Poyer, Stephen; Njogu, Julius; Solomon, Tsione; Munroe, Erik; Chapman, Steven; Goodman, Catherine; Hanson, Kara; Zinsou, Cyprien; Akulayi, Louis; Raharinjatovo, Jacky; Arogundade, Ekundayo; Buyungo, Peter; Mpasela, Felton; Adjibabi, Cherifatou Bello; Agbango, Jean Angbalu; Ramarosandratana, Benjamin Fanomezana; Coker, Babajide; Rubahika, Denis; Hamainza, Busiku; Shewchuk, Tanya; Chavasse, Desmond; O'Connell, Kathryn A
Got ACTs? Availability, price, market share and provider knowledge of anti-malarial medicines in public and private sector outlets in six malaria-endemic countries. (2011)
O'Connell, Kathryn A; Gatakaa, Hellen; Poyer, Stephen; Njogu, Julius; Evance, Illah; Munroe, Erik; Solomon, Tsione; Goodman, Catherine; Hanson, Kara; Zinsou, Cyprien; Akulayi, Louis; Raharinjatovo, Jacky; Arogundade, Ekundayo; Buyungo, Peter; Mpasela, Felton; Adjibabi, Chérifatou Bello; Agbango, Jean Angbalu; Ramarosandratana, Benjamin Fanomezana; Coker, Babajide; Rubahika, Denis; Hamainza, Busiku; Chapman, Steven; Shewchuk, Tanya; Chavasse, Desmond
Community and facility-level engagement in planning and budgeting for the government health sector--a district perspective from Kenya. (2011)
O'Meara, Wendy Prudhomme; Tsofa, Benjamin; Molyneux, Sassy; Goodman, Catherine; McKenzie, F Ellis
Health Service Delivery, Governance and Supportive Supervision under the Health Sector Services Fund National Baseline Survey. (2011)
Opwora, A; Toda, M; Waweru, E; Edwards, T; Fegan, G; Noor, A; Molyneux, S; Goodman, C
The ACTwatch project: methods to describe anti-malarial markets in seven countries. (2011)
Shewchuk, Tanya; O'Connell, Kathryn A; Goodman, Catherine; Hanson, Kara; Chapman, Steven; Chavasse, Desmond
Determinants of access to acts and malaria diagnosis: results from a household survey in three regions of Tanzania. (2011)
Thomson, R; Festo, C; Bruxvoort, K; Thwing, J; Kalolella, A; Nchimbi, H; Taylor, M; Kachur, SP; Goodman, C
Drug dispensing practices during implementation of artemisinin-based combination therapy at health facilities in rural Tanzania, 2002-2005. (2011)
Thwing, JI; Njau, JD; Goodman, C; Munkondya, J; Kahigwa, E; Bloland, PB; Mkikima, S; Mills, A; Abdulla, S; Kachur, SP
Policy interventions that attract nurses to rural areas: a multicountry discrete choice experiment. (2010)
Blaauw, D; Erasmus, E; Pagaiya, N; Tangcharoensathein, V; Mullei, K; Mudhune, S; Goodman, C; English, M; Lagarde, M
A pharmacy too far? Equity and spatial distribution of outcomes in the delivery of subsidized artemisinin-based combination therapies through private drug shops. (2010)
Cohen, Justin M; Sabot, Oliver; Sabot, Kate; Gordon, Megumi; Gross, Isaac; Bishop, David; Odhiambo, Moses; Ipuge, Yahya; Ward, Lorrayne; Mwita, Alex; Goodman, Catherine
Attracting and retaining health workers in rural areas: investigating nurses' views on rural posts and policy interventions. (2010)
Mullei, Kethi; Mudhune, Sandra; Wafula, Jackline; Masamo, Eunice; English, Michael; Goodman, Catherine; Lagarde, Mylene; Blaauw, Duane
The challenges of achieving high training coverage for IMCI: case studies from Kenya and Tanzania. (2010)
Mushi, Hildegalda P; Mullei, Kethi; Macha, Janet; Wafula, Frank; Borghi, Josephine; Goodman, Catherine; Gilson, Lucy
Direct facility funding as a response to user fee reduction: implementation and perceived impact among Kenyan health centres and dispensaries. (2010)
Opwora, Antony; Kabare, Margaret; Molyneux, Sassy; Goodman, Catherine
Retail sector distribution chains for malaria treatment in the developing world: a review of the literature. (2010)
Patouillard, Edith; Hanson, Kara G; Goodman, Catherine A
Are interventions for improving the quality of services provided by specialized drug shops effective in sub-Saharan Africa? A systematic review of the literature. (2010)
Wafula, Francis N; Goodman, Catherine A
Reducing user fees for primary health care in Kenya: Policy on paper or policy in practice? (2009)
Chuma, Jane; Musimbi, Janet; Okungu, Vincent; Goodman, Catherine; Molyneux, Catherine
Abandoning presumptive antimalarial treatment for febrile children aged less than five years--a case of running before we can walk? (2009)
English, Mike; Reyburn, Hugh; Goodman, Catherine; Snow, Robert W
Concentration and drug prices in the retail market for malaria treatment in rural Tanzania. (2009)
Goodman, Catherine; Kachur, S Patrick; Abdulla, Salim; Bloland, Peter; Mills, Anne
Letter: The fallacy of competing interest statements: no shortcut to rigour in research. (2009)
Hanson, K; Gilson, L; Goodman, C; Mills, A
The fallacy of competing interest statements: no shortcut to rigour in research. (2009)
Hanson, Kara G; Gilson, Lucy; Goodman, Catherine; Mills, Anne
Malaria drug shortages in Kenya: a major failure to provide access to effective treatment. (2009)
Kangwana, Beth B; Njogu, Julius; Wasunna, Beatrice; Kedenge, Sarah V; Memusi, Dorothy N; Goodman, Catherine A; Zurovac, Dejan; Snow, Robert W
How equitable is bed net ownership and utilisation in Tanzania? A practical application of the principles of horizontal and vertical equity. (2009)
Matovu, Fred; Goodman, Catherine; Wiseman, Virginia; Mwengee, William
Guidelines for field surveys of the quality of medicines: a proposal. (2009)
Newton, Paul N; Lee, Sue J; Goodman, Catherine; Fernández, Facundo M; Yeung, Shunmay; Phanouvong, Souly; Kaur, Harparkash; Amin, Abdinasir A; Whitty, Christopher JM; Kokwaro, Gilbert O; Lindegårdh, Niklas; Lukulay, Patrick; White, Lisa J; Day, Nicholas PJ; Green, Michael D; White, Nicholas J
The Implementation and Effects of Direct Facility Funding in Kenya’s Health Centres and Dispensaries. (2009)
Opwora, A; Kabare, M; Molyneux, C; Goodman, C
The private commercial sector distribution chain for antimalarial drugs in Nigeria - Findings from a rapid survey. (2009)
Palafox, B; Tougher, S; Patouillard, E; Goodman, C; Hanson, K
The private commercial sector distribution chain for antimalarial drugs in Cambodia - Findings from a rapid survey. (2009)
Patouillard, E; Goodman, C; Palafox, B; Tougher, S; Hanson, K
Piloting the global subsidy: the impact of subsidized artemisinin-based combination therapies distributed through private drug shops in rural Tanzania. (2009)
Sabot, Oliver J; Mwita, Alex; Cohen, Justin M; Ipuge, Yahya; Gordon, Megumi; Bishop, David; Odhiambo, Moses; Ward, Lorrayne; Goodman, Catherine
Cost effectiveness in low- and middle-income countries: a review of the debates surrounding decision rules. (2009)
Shillcutt, Samuel D; Walker, Damian G; Goodman, Catherine A; Mills, Anne J
The private commercial sector distribution chain for antimalarial drugs in Benin - Findings from a rapid survey. (2009)
Tougher, S; Patouillard, E; Palafox, B; Goodman, C; Hanson, K
Is private health care the answer to the health problems of the world's poor? (2008)
Hanson, Kara; Gilson, Lucy; Goodman, Catherine; Mills, Anne; Smith, Richard; Feachem, Richard; Feachem, Neelam Sekhri; Koehlmoos, Tracey Perez; Kinlaw, Heather
A nationwide survey of the quality of antimalarials in retail outlets in Tanzania. (2008)
Kaur, Harparkash; Goodman, Catherine; Thompson, Eloise; Thompson, Katy-Anne; Masanja, Irene; Kachur, S Patrick; Abdulla, Salim
Implementing Intermittent Preventive Treatment for Malaria in Pregnancy: Review of Prospects, Achievements, Challenges and Agenda for Research. (2008)
Mubyazi, Godfrey Martin; Magnussen, Pascal; Goodman, Catherine; Bygbjerg, Ib Christian; Kitua, Andrew Yona; Olsen, Oystein Evjen; Byskov, Jens; Hansen, Kristian Schultz; Bloch, Paul
A Case Study of Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) Implementation in Kenya. (2008)
Mullei, K; Wafula, F; Goodman, C
The costs of introducing artemisinin-based combination therapy: evidence from district-wide implementation in rural Tanzania. (2008)
Njau, Joseph D; Goodman, Catherine A; Kachur, S Patrick; Mulligan, Jo; Munkondya, John S; McHomvu, Naiman; Abdulla, Salim; Bloland, Peter; Mills, Anne
AMFm – Economic Appraisal and Access by the Poor. (2008)
Pearson, M; Hanson, K; Goodman, C
Cost-effectiveness of malaria diagnostic methods in sub-Saharan Africa in an era of combination therapy. (2008)
Shillcutt, Samuel; Morel, Chantal; Goodman, Catherine; Coleman, Paul; Bell, David; Whitty, Christopher JM; Mills, A
Chapter 7: The Economics and Financing of Tropical and Infectious Disease Control. (2008)
Walker, D; Goodman, C
Why don't health workers prescribe ACT? A qualitative study of factors affecting the prescription of artemether-lumefantrine. (2008)
Wasunna, Beatrice; Zurovac, Dejan; Goodman, Catherine A; Snow, Robert W
Costs and consequences of large-scale vector control for malaria. (2008)
Yukich, Joshua O; Lengeler, Christian; Tediosi, Fabrizio; Brown, Nick; Mulligan, Jo-Ann; Chavasse, Des; Stevens, Warren; Justino, John; Conteh, Lesong; Maharaj, Rajendra; Erskine, Marcy; Mueller, Dirk H; Wiseman, Virginia; Ghebremeskel, Tewolde; Zerom, Mehari; Goodman, Catherine; McGuire, David; Urrutia, Juan Manuel; Sakho, Fana; Hanson, Kara; Sharp, Brian
Information for decision making from imperfect national data: tracking major changes in health care use in Kenya using geostatistics. (2007)
Gething, Peter W; Noor, Abdisalan M; Goodman, Catherine A; Gikandi, Priscilla W; Hay, Simon I; Sharif, Shahnaaz K; Atkinson, Peter M; Snow, Robert W
Medicine sellers and malaria treatment in sub-Saharan Africa: What do they do and how can their practice be improved? (2007)
Goodman, C; Brieger, W; Unwin, A; Mills, A; Meek, S; Greer, G
Medicine sellers and malaria treatment in sub-Saharan Africa: what do they do and how can their practice be improved? (2007)
Goodman, Catherine; Brieger, William; Unwin, Alasdair; Mills, Anne; Meek, Sylvia; Greer, George
Drug shop regulation and malaria treatment in Tanzania--why do shops break the rules, and does it matter? (2007)
Goodman, Catherine; Kachur, S Patrick; Abdulla, Salim; Bloland, Peter; Mills, Anne
Quality of antimalarial drugs sold at retail outlets in Tanzania, 2005. Results of a nationally representative survey. (2007)
Kaur, H; Goodman, C; Masanja, I; Thompson, E; Thompson, KA; Kachur, SP
Can working with the private for-profit sector improve utilization of quality health services by the poor? A systematic review of the literature. (2007)
Patouillard, Edith; Goodman, Catherine A; Hanson, Kara G; Mills, Anne J
Cost-Effectiveness in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Review of the Debates Surrounding Decision Rules. (2007)
Shillcutt, S; Walker, D; Goodman, C; Mills, A
Choosing the first line drug for malaria treatment - how can cost-effectiveness analysis inform policy? (2006)
Goodman, C; Abdulla, S; Coleman, P; Mubyazi, G; Kikumbih, N; Okorosobo, T; and Mills, A
The cost-effectiveness of improving malaria home management: shopkeeper training in rural Kenya. (2006)
Goodman, CA; Mutemi, WM; Baya, EK; Willetts, A; Marsh, V
Decreased availability of antimalarials in the private sector following the policy change from chloroquine to sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine in the Kilombero Valley, Tanzania. (2006)
Hetzel, Manuel W; Msechu, June J; Goodman, Catherine; Lengeler, Christian; Obrist, Brigit; Kachur, S Patrick; Makemba, Ahmed; Nathan, Rose; Schulze, Alexander; Mshinda, Hassan
Putting the genie back in the bottle? Availability and presentation of oral artemisinin compounds at retail pharmacies in urban Dar-es-Salaam. (2006)
Kachur, S Patrick; Black, Carolyn; Abdulla, Salim; Goodman, Catherine
Fever treatment and household wealth: the challenge posed for rolling out combination therapy for malaria. (2006)
Njau, JD; Goodman, C; Kachur, SP; Palmer, N; Khatib, RA; Abdulla, S; Mills, A; Bloland, P
Prevalence of malaria parasitemia among clients seeking treatment for fever or malaria at drug stores in rural Tanzania 2004. (2006)
Patrick Kachur, S; Schulden, Jeffrey; Goodman, Catherine A; Kassala, Herry; Elling, Berty Farida; Khatib, Rashid A; Causer, Louise M; Mkikima, Saidi; Abdulla, Salim; Bloland, Peter B
Cost-Effectiveness of Malaria Diagnosis in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Role of Rapid Diagnostic Tests in Rural Settings with High Plasmodium falciparum transmission. (2006)
Shillcutt, S; Morel, C; Coleman, P; Mills, A; Goodman, C
Cost-Effectiveness of Malaria Diagnosis in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Role of Rapid Diagnostic Tests. Report submitted to WHO. (2006)
Shillcutt, S; Morel, C; Coleman, P; Mills, A; Goodman, C
A threshold analysis of the cost-effectiveness of artemisinin-based combination therapies in sub-saharan Africa. (2004)
Coleman, Paul G; Morel, Chantal; Shillcutt, Sam; Goodman, Catherine; Mills, Anne J
Retail supply of malaria-related drugs in rural Tanzania: risks and opportunities. (2004)
Goodman, Catherine; Kachur, S Patrick; Abdulla, Salim; Mwageni, Eleuther; Nyoni, Joyce; Schellenberg, Joanna A; Mills, Anne; Bloland, Peter
The Economics of malaria control interventions. (2004)
Hanson, K; Goodman, CG; Lines, J; Meek, S; Bradley, D; Mills, A
Adaptation of Acceptability Curves: Probabilistic Sensitivity Analysis According to Fixed Parameters. (2004)
Mills, A; Shillcutt, S; Coleman, P; Morel, C; Goodman, C
The nature of retail competition in the market for fever and malaria drugs in rural Tanzania. (2002)
Mills, A; Goodman, C; Abdulla, S; Bloland, P
Private sector availability of drugs for the treatment of malaria and fever in rural Tanzania. (2002)
Mills, A; Goodman, C; Kachur, P; Khatibu, R; Abdulla, S; Bloland, P
The cost-effectiveness of antenatal malaria prevention in sub-Saharan Africa. (2001)
Goodman, CA; Coleman, PG; Mills, AJ
Changing the first line drug for malaria treatment--cost-effectiveness analysis with highly uncertain inter-temporal trade-offs. (2001)
Goodman, CA; Coleman, PG; Mills, AJ
Comparison of the cost and cost-effectiveness of insecticide-treated bednets and residual house-spraying in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. (2001)
Goodman, CA; Mnzava, AE; Dlamini, SS; Sharp, BL; Mthembu, DJ; Gumede, JK
Understanding the market for the provision of malaria-related treatment in rural Tanzania. (2001)
Mills, A; Goodman, C; Hanson, K