Conference or Workshop Item
Th1/Th17 cell induction following vaccination with the novel tuberculosis vaccine MVA85A and their role in Mycobacterium tuberculosis challenge
CD4 T cell response to MVA85A vaccination against Mycobacterium tuberculosis in healthy HIV-infected adults SO IMMUNOLOGY CT Annual Congress of the British-Society-for-Immunology CY DEC 05-08, 2011 CL Liverpool, ENGLAND SP British Soc Immunol. (2011)
Griffiths, K; Stylianou, E; Poyntz, H; Betts, G; Fletcher, H; McShane, H; Beveridge, N; Minassian, A; Rowland, R; Poulton, I; Satti, I; Harris, S; Poyntz, H; Hamill, M; Griffiths, K; Sander, C; Ambrozak, D; Price, D; Hill, B; Casazza, J; Douek, D; Koup, R; Roederer, M; Winston, A; Ross, J; Sherrad, J; Rooney, G; Williams, N; Lawrie, A; Fletcher, H; Pathan, A; McShane, H
Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in the Toll-Like Receptor 3 and CD44 Genes Are Associated with Persistence of Vaccine-Induced Immunity to the Serogroup C Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine. (2011)
Moore, CE; Hennig, BJ; Perrett, KP; Hoe, JC; Lee, SJ; Fletcher, H; Brocklebank, D; O'Connor, D; Snape, MD; Hall, AJ; Segal, S; Hill, AVS; Pollard, AJ
New tuberculosis vaccines can diminish as well as enhance BCG induced protection: Results from a murine model SO THORAX CT Winter Meeting of the British-Thoracic-Society/British-Lung-Foundation (BTS/BLF). (2006)
Sander, CR; Tchilian, E; Dahm-Vicker, M; Fletcher, H; McShane, H; Hill, AVS