Items where Author is "Kerac, Marko"
Number of items: 102.
Childhood BMI and other measures of body composition as a predictor of cardiometabolic non-communicable diseases in adulthood: a systematic review. (2022)
Bander, Amela; Murphy-Alford, Alexia J; Owino, Victor O; Loechl, Cornelia U; Wells, Jonathan Ck; Gluning, Imara; Kerac, Marko
Feeding practices of children within institution-based care: A retrospective analysis of surveillance data. (2022)
DeLacey, Emily; Allen, Elizabeth; Tann, Cally; Groce, Nora; Hilberg, Evan; Quiring, Michael; Kaplan, Tracy; Smythe, Tracey; Kaui, Erin; Catt, Rachael; Miller, Raeanne; Gombo, Maijargal; Dam, Hang; Kerac, Marko
Children living with disabilities are neglected in severe malnutrition protocols: a guideline review. (2022)
Engl, Magdalena; Binns, Paul; Trehan, Indi; Lelijveld, Natasha; Angood, Chloe; McGrath, Marie; Groce, Nora; Kerac, Marko
Carers' and health workers' perspectives on malnutrition in infants aged under six months in rural Ethiopia: A qualitative study. (2022)
Jibat, Nega; Rana, Ritu; Negesse, Ayenew; Abera, Mubarek; Abdissa, Alemseged; Girma, Tsinuel; Haile, Anley; Barthorp, Hatty; McGrath, Marie; Grijalva-Eternod, Carlos S; Kerac, Marko; Berhane, Melkamu
Diet and development beyond 1000 days: ensuring children thrive as well as survive. (2022)
Kerac, Marko
Neurodevelopmental, cognitive, behavioural and mental health impairments following childhood malnutrition: a systematic review. (2022)
Kirolos, Amir; Goyheneix, Magdalena; Kalmus Eliasz, Mike; Chisala, Mphatso; Lissauer, Samantha; Gladstone, Melissa; Kerac, Marko
Understanding Sex Differences in Childhood Undernutrition: A Narrative Review. (2022)
Thurstans, Susan; Opondo, Charles; Seal, Andrew; Wells, Jonathan C; Khara, Tanya; Dolan, Carmel; Briend, André; Myatt, Mark; Garenne, Michel; Mertens, Andrew; Sear, Rebecca; Kerac, Marko
Anthropometric deficits and the associated risk of death by age and sex in children aged 6-59 months: A meta-analysis. (2022)
Thurstans, Susan; Wrottesley, Stephanie V; Fenn, Bridget; Khara, Tanya; Bahwere, Paluku; Berkley, James A; Black, Robert E; Boyd, Erin; Garenne, Michel; Isanaka, Sheila; Lelijveld, Natasha; McDonald, Christine M; Mertens, Andrew; Mwangome, Martha; O'Brien, Kieran S; Stobaugh, Heather; Taneja, Sunita; West, Keith P; Guerrero, Saul; Kerac, Marko; Briend, André; Myatt, Mark
Treatment of child wasting: results of a child health and nutrition research initiative (CHNRI) prioritisation exercise. (2021)
Angood, Chloe; Kerac, Marko; Black, Robert; Briend, André; Hanson, Kerstin; Jarrett, Stephen; Manary, Mark; McGrath, Marie; Zagre, Noël; Lelijveld, Natasha; Mayberry, Amy
Simplified, combined protocol for acute malnutrition in children 6-59 months : the ComPAS randomized controlled trial. (2021)
Bailey, JE
Response to Malnutrition Treatment in Low Weight-for-Age Children: Secondary Analyses of Children 6-59 Months in the ComPAS Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. (2021)
Bailey, Jeanette; Lelijveld, Natasha; Khara, Tanya; Dolan, Carmel; Stobaugh, Heather; Sadler, Kate; Lino Lako, Richard; Briend, André; Opondo, Charles; Kerac, Marko; Myatt, Mark
Breastfeeding assessment tools for at-risk and malnourished infants aged under 6 months old: a systematic review. (2021)
Brugaletta, Concetta; Le Roch, Karine; Saxton, Jennifer; Bizouerne, Cécile; McGrath, Marie; Kerac, Marko
Nutritional status of children living within institution-based care: a retrospective analysis with funnel plots and control charts for programme monitoring. (2021)
DeLacey, Emily; Hilberg, Evan; Allen, Elizabeth; Quiring, Michael; Tann, Cally J; Groce, Nora Ellen; Vilus, James; Bergman, Ethan; Demasu-Ay, Merzel; Dam, Hang T; Kerac, Marko
The management of moderate acute malnutrition in children aged 6-59 months in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2021)
Gluning, Imara; Kerac, Marko; Bailey, Jeanette; Bander, Amela; Opondo, Charles
The MAMI Care Pathway Package: A resource to support the management of small and nutritionally at-risk infants under six months of age and their mothers (MAMI). (2021)
Grey, Kelsey; Brennan, Eilise; Kerac, Marko; McGrath, Marie
Severe malnutrition or famine exposure in childhood and cardiometabolic non-communicable disease later in life: a systematic review. (2021)
Grey, Kelsey; Gonzales, Gerard Bryan; Abera, Mubarek; Lelijveld, Natasha; Thompson, Debbie; Berhane, Melkamu; Abdissa, Alemseged; Girma, Tsinuel; Kerac, Marko
Malnutrition in Infants Aged under 6 Months Attending Community Health Centres: A Cross Sectional Survey. (2021)
Grijalva-Eternod, Carlos S; Beaumont, Emma; Rana, Ritu; Abate, Nahom; Barthorp, Hatty; McGrath, Marie; Negesse, Ayenew; Abera, Mubarek; Abdissa, Alemseged; Girma, Tsinuel; Allen, Elizabeth; Kerac, Marko; Berhane, Melkamu
Malnutrition in Infants Aged under 6 Months Attending Community Health Centres: A Cross Sectional Survey. (2021)
Grijalva-Eternod, Carlos S; Beaumont, Emma; Rana, Ritu; Abate, Nahom; Barthorp, Hatty; McGrath, Marie; Negesse, Ayenew; Abera, Mubarek; Abdissa, Alemseged; Girma, Tsinuel; Allen, Elizabeth; Kerac, Marko; Berhane, Melkamu
Advertising of Human Milk Substitutes in United Kingdom Healthcare Professional Publications: An Observational Study. (2021)
Hickman, Natalie; Morgan, Sarah; Crawley, Helen; Kerac, Marko
Anthropometric Criteria for Identifying Infants Under 6 Months of Age at Risk of Morbidity and Mortality: A Systematic Review. (2021)
Hoehn, Christoph; Lelijveld, Natasha; Mwangome, Martha; Berkley, James A; McGrath, Marie; Kerac, Marko
The Nutritional Status of Individuals Adopted Internationally as Children: A Systematic Review. (2021)
Ivey, Richard; Kerac, Marko; Quiring, Michael; Dam, Thi Thuy Hang; Doig, Susie; DeLacey, Emily
Relapse and post-discharge body composition of children treated for acute malnutrition using a simplified, combined protocol: A nested cohort from the ComPAS RCT. (2021)
Lelijveld, Natasha; Musyoki, Eunice; Adongo, Susan Were; Mayberry, Amy; Wells, Jonathan C; Opondo, Charles; Kerac, Marko; Bailey, Jeanette
Mid-Upper Arm Circumference Tapes and Measurement Discrepancies: Time to Standardize Product Specifications and Reporting. (2021)
Rana, Ritu; Barthorp, Hatty; McGrath, Marie; Kerac, Marko; Myatt, Mark
Effectiveness of Breastfeeding Support Packages in Low- and Middle-Income Countries for Infants under Six Months: A Systematic Review. (2021)
Rana, Ritu; McGrath, Marie; Sharma, Ekta; Gupta, Paridhi; Kerac, Marko
Maternal-focused interventions to improve infant growth and nutritional status in low-middle income countries: A systematic review of reviews. (2021)
von Salmuth, Victoria; Brennan, Eilise; Kerac, Marko; McGrath, Marie; Frison, Severine; Lelijveld, Natasha
A simplified, combined protocol versus standard treatment for acute malnutrition in children 6-59 months (ComPAS trial): A cluster-randomized controlled non-inferiority trial in Kenya and South Sudan. (2020)
Bailey, Jeanette; Opondo, Charles; Lelijveld, Natasha; Marron, Bethany; Onyo, Pamela; Musyoki, Eunice N; Adongo, Susan W; Manary, Mark; Briend, André; Kerac, Marko
Breastfeeding assessment tools for at-risk and malnourished infants aged under 6 months old: a systematic review. (2020)
Brugaletta, Concetta; Le Roch, Karine; Saxton, Jennifer; Bizouerne, Cécile; McGrath, Marie; Kerac, Marko
Antimicrobial and micronutrient interventions for the management of infants under 6 months of age identified with severe malnutrition: a literature review. (2020)
Campion-Smith, Timothy J; Kerac, Marko; McGrath, Marie; Berkley, James A
Acute malnutrition recovery energy requirements based on mid-upper arm circumference: Secondary analysis of feeding program data from 5 countries, Combined Protocol for Acute Malnutrition Study (ComPAS) Stage 1. (2020)
Chase, Rachel P; Kerac, Marko; Grant, Angeline; Manary, Mark; Briend, André; Opondo, Charles; Bailey, Jeanette
The nutritional status of children living within institutionalized care: a systematic review. (2020)
DeLacey, Emily; Tann, Cally; Groce, Nora; Kett, Maria; Quiring, Michael; Bergman, Ethan; Garcia, Caryl; Kerac, Marko
Prevention of child wasting: Results of a Child Health & Nutrition Research Initiative (CHNRI) prioritisation exercise. (2020)
Frison, Severine; Angood, Chloe; Khara, Tanya; Bahwere, Paluku; Black, Robert E; Briend, André; Connell, Nicki; Fenn, Bridget; Isanaka, Sheila; James, Philip; Kerac, Marko; Mayberry, Amy; Myatt, Mark; Dolan, Carmel; wasting prevention Working Group Collaborators
Childhood Malnutrition and Association of Lean Mass with Metabolome and Hormone Profile in Later Life. (2020)
Gonzales, Gerard Bryan; Lelijveld, Natasha; Bourdon, Celine; Chimwezi, Emmanuel; Nyirenda, Moffat J; Wells, Jonathan C; Kerac, Marko; Bandsma, Robert HJ
'Severe malnutrition': thinking deeplyS, communicating simply. (2020)
Kerac, Marko; McGrath, Marie; Connell, Nichola; Kompala, Chytanya; Moore, William H; Bailey, Jeanette; Bandsma, Robert; Berkley, James A; Briend, André; Collins, Steve; Girma, Tsinuel; Wells, Jonathan C
Long-term outcomes for children with disability and severe acute malnutrition in Malawi. (2020)
Lelijveld, Natasha; Groce, Nora; Patel, Seema; Nnensa, Theresa; Chimwezi, Emmanuel; Gladstone, Melissa; Mallewa, Macpherson; Wells, Jonathan; Seal, Andrew; Kerac, Marko
Feeding Interventions for Infants with Growth Failure in the First Six Months of Life: A Systematic Review. (2020)
Rana, Ritu; McGrath, Marie; Gupta, Paridhi; Thakur, Ekta; Kerac, Marko
Boys are more likely to be undernourished than girls: A systematic review and meta-analysis of sex differences in undernutrition. (2020)
Thurstans, Susan; Opondo, Charles; Seal, Andrew; Wells, Jonathan C; Khara, Tanya; Dolan, Carmel; Briend, André; Myatt, Mark; Garenne, Michel; Sear, Rebecca; Kerac, Marko
Boys are more likely to be undernourished than girls: a systematic review and meta-analysis of sex differences in undernutrition. (2020)
Thurstans, Susan; Opondo, Charles; Seal, Andrew; Wells, Jonathan; Khara, Tanya; Dolan, Carmel; Briend, André; Myatt, Mark; Garenne, Michel; Sear, Rebecca; Kerac, Marko
A reduced-carbohydrate and lactose-free formulation for stabilization among hospitalized children with severe acute malnutrition: A double-blind, randomized controlled trial. (2019)
Bandsma, Robert HJ; Voskuijl, Wieger; Chimwezi, Emmanuel; Fegan, Greg; Briend, André; Thitiri, Johnstone; Ngari, Moses; Mwalekwa, Laura; Bandika, Victor; Ali, Rehema; Hamid, Fauzat; Owor, Betty; Mturi, Neema; Potani, Isabel; Allubha, Benjamin; Muller Kobold, Anneke C; Bartels, Rosalie H; Versloot, Christian J; Feenstra, Marjon; van den Brink, Deborah A; van Rheenen, Patrick F; Kerac, Marko; Bourdon, Celine; Berkley, James A
Metabolomics in plasma of Malawian children 7 years after surviving severe acute malnutrition: "ChroSAM" a cohort study. (2019)
Bourdon, Celine; Lelijveld, Natasha; Thompson, Debbie; Dalvi, Prasad S; Gonzales, Gerard Bryan; Wang, Dominic; Alipour, Misagh; Wine, Eytan; Chimwezi, Emmanuel; Wells, Jonathan C; Kerac, Marko; Bandsma, Robert; Nyirenda, Moffat J
Informing the management of acute malnutrition in infants aged under 6 months (MAMI): risk factor analysis using nationally-representative demographic & health survey secondary data. (2019)
Kerac, Marko; Frison, Severine; Connell, Nichola; Page, Bethan; McGrath, Marie
Anthropometry at birth and at age of routine vaccination to predict mortality in the first year of life: A birth cohort study in BukinaFaso. (2019)
Mwangome, Martha; Ngari, Moses; Bwahere, Paluku; Kabore, Patrick; McGrath, Marie; Kerac, Marko; Berkley, James A
Measuring growth and medium- and longer-term outcomes in malnourished children. (2019)
Owino, Victor O; Murphy-Alford, Alexia J; Kerac, Marko; Bahwere, Paluku; Friis, Henrik; Berkley, James A; Jackson, Alan A
Seasonal malaria chemoprevention packaged with malnutrition prevention in northern Nigeria: A pragmatic trial (SMAMP study) with nested case-control. (2019)
Ward, Abigail; Guillot, Andrea; Nepomnyashchiy, Lyudmila E; Graves, Justin C; Maloney, Kathleen; Omoniwa, Omowunmi F; Emegbuonye, Leslie; Opondo, Charles; Kerac, Marko; Omoluabi, Elizabeth; Bhattacharya, Antoinette; Milch Hariharan, Karen; Wiwa, Owens; Cohen, Justin M; Le Menach, Arnaud
Perceptions of Acute Malnutrition and Its Management in Infants Under 6 Months of Age: A Qualitative Study in Rural Bangladesh. (2018)
Arafat, Yasir; Islam, M Munirul; Connell, Nicki; Mothabbir, Golam; McGrath, Marie; Berkley, James A; Ahmed, Tahmeed; Kerac, Marko
Combined Protocol for Acute Malnutrition Study (ComPAS) in rural South Sudan and urban Kenya: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. (2018)
Bailey, Jeanette; Lelijveld, Natasha; Marron, Bethany; Onyoo, Pamela; Ho, Lara S; Manary, Mark; Briend, André; Opondo, Charles; Kerac, Marko
Use of Mid-Upper Arm Circumference by Novel Community Platforms to Detect, Diagnose, and Treat Severe Acute Malnutrition in Children: A Systematic Review. (2018)
Bliss, Jessica; Lelijveld, Natasha; Briend, André; Kerac, Marko; Manary, Mark; McGrath, Marie; Weise Prinzo, Zita; Shepherd, Susan; Marie Zagre, Noël; Woodhead, Sophie; Guerrero, Saul; Mayberry, Amy
Improving nutritional status of children with Cerebral palsy: a qualitative study of caregiver experiences and community-based training in Ghana. (2018)
Donkor, Claudia Mary; Lee, Jackie; Lelijveld, Natasha; Adams, Melanie; Baltussen, Marjolein Meande; Nyante, Gifty Gyamah; Kerac, Marko; Polack, Sarah; Zuurmond, Maria
Management of Acute Malnutrition in Infants under 6 Months of Age. (2018)
Kerac, M; McGrath, M
Brain MRI and cognitive function seven years after surviving an episode of severe acute malnutrition in a cohort of Malawian children. (2018)
Lelijveld, Natasha; Jalloh, Alhaji A; Kampondeni, Samuel D; Seal, Andrew; Wells, Jonathan C; Goyheneix, Magdalena; Chimwezi, Emmanuel; Mallewa, Macpherson; Nyirenda, Moffat J; Heyderman, Robert S; Kerac, Marko
Use of gender distribution in routine surveillance data to detect potential transmission of gastrointestinal infections among men who have sex with men in England. (2018)
Mook, P; Gardiner, D; Kanagarajah, S; Kerac, M; Hughes, G; Field, N; McCarthy, N; Rawlings, C; Simms, I; Lane, C; Crook, PD
Severe malnutrition in infants aged <6 months-Outcomes and risk factors in Bangladesh: A prospective cohort study. (2018)
Munirul Islam, M; Arafat, Yasir; Connell, Nichola; Mothabbir, Golam; McGrath, Marie; Berkley, James A; Ahmed, Tahmeed; Kerac, Marko
Follow-up between 6 and 24 months after discharge from treatment for severe acute malnutrition in children aged 6-59 months: A systematic review. (2018)
O'Sullivan, Natasha Phillipa; Lelijveld, Natasha; Rutishauser-Perera, Alexandra; Kerac, Marko; James, Philip
Children with cerebral palsy in Ghana: malnutrition, feeding challenges, and caregiver quality of life. (2018)
Polack, Sarah; Adams, Mel; O'banion, David; Baltussen, Marjolein; Asante, Sandra; Kerac, Marko; Gladstone, Melissa; Zuurmond, Maria
Infant formula in Iraq: part of the problem and not a simple solution. (2018)
Ververs, Mija; McGrath, Marie; Gribble, Karleen; Fernandes, Christine; Kerac, Marko; Stewart, Robert C
Evaluating the impact of a community-based parent training programme for children with cerebral palsy in Ghana. (2018)
Zuurmond, Maria; O'Banion, David; Gladstone, Melissa; Carsamar, Sandra; Kerac, Marko; Baltussen, Marjolein; Tann, Cally J; Gyamah Nyante, Gifty; Polack, Sarah
Severe childhood malnutrition. (2017)
Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Berkley, James A; Bandsma, Robert HJ; Kerac, Marko; Trehan, Indi; Briend, André
Monitoring and discharging children being treated for severe acute malnutrition using mid-upper arm circumference: secondary data analysis from rural Gambia. (2017)
Burrell, Alice; Kerac, Marko; Nabwera, Helen
Middle-upper arm circumference for nutritional surveillance in crisis-affected populations:
Development of a method. (2017)
Frison, S
A novel, efficient method for estimating the prevalence of acute malnutrition in resource-constrained and crisis-affected settings: A simulation study. (2017)
Frison, Severine; Kerac, Marko; Checchi, Francesco; Nicholas, Jennifer
Long-term effects of severe acute malnutrition on lung function in Malawian children: a cohort study. (2017)
Lelijveld, Natasha; Kerac, Marko; Seal, Andrew; Chimwezi, Emmanuel; Wells, Jonathan C; Heyderman, Robert S; Nyirenda, Moffat J; Stocks, Janet; Kirkby, Jane
Effectiveness of three commonly used transition phase diets in the inpatient management of children with severe acute malnutrition: a pilot randomized controlled trial in Malawi. (2017)
Versloot, Christian J; Voskuijl, Wieger; van Vliet, Sara J; van den Heuvel, Meta; Carter, Jane C; Phiri, Ajib; Kerac, Marko; Heikens, Geert Tom; van Rheenen, Patrick F; Bandsma, Robert HJ
Stool frequency recording in severe acute malnutrition ('StoolSAM'); an agreement study comparing maternal recall versus direct observation using diapers. (2017)
Voskuijl, Wieger; Potani, Isabel; Bandsma, Robert; Baan, Anne; White, Sarah; Bourdon, Celine; Kerac, Marko
Developmental and behavioural problems in children with severe acute malnutrition in Malawi: A cross-sectional study. (2017)
van den Heuvel, Meta; Voskuijl, Wieger; Chidzalo, Kate; Kerac, Marko; Reijneveld, Sijmen A; Bandsma, Robert; Gladstone, Melissa
Low mid-upper arm circumference identifies children with a high risk of death who should be the priority target for treatment. (2016)
Briend, André; Alvarez, José-Luis; Avril, Nathalie; Bahwere, Paluku; Bailey, Jeanette; Berkley, James A; Binns, Paul; Blackwell, Nikki; Dale, Nancy; Deconinck, Hedwig; Delchevalerie, Pascale; Dent, Nicky; Gallagher, Maureen; Guerrero, Saul; Hanson, Kerstin; Kerac, Marko; Manary, Mark; Mwangome, Martha K; Myatt, Mark; Phelan, Kevin PQ; Pietzsch, Silke; Ubach, Núria Salse; Shepherd, Susan; van der Kam, Saskia; Vargas, Antonio; Whitney, Sophie
Is Middle-Upper Arm Circumference "normally" distributed? Secondary data analysis of 852 nutrition surveys. (2016)
Frison, Severine; Checchi, Francesco; Kerac, Marko; Nicholas, Jennifer
Anthropometric indices and measures to assess change in the nutritional status of a population: a systematic literature review. (2016)
Frison, Severine; Kerac, Marko; Checchi, Francesco; Prudhon, Claudine
Volume marker inaccuracies: a cross-sectional survey of infant feeding bottles. (2016)
Gribble, K; Berry, N; Kerac, M; Challinor, M
Admission profile and discharge outcomes for infants aged less than 6 months admitted to inpatient therapeutic care in 10 countries. A secondary data analysis. (2016)
Grijalva-Eternod, CS; Kerac, M; McGrath, M; Wilkinson, C; Hirsch, JC; Delchevalerie, P; Seal, AJ
Chronic disease outcomes after severe acute malnutrition in Malawian children (ChroSAM): a cohort study. (2016)
Lelijveld, Natasha; Seal, Andrew; Wells, Jonathan C; Kirkby, Jane; Opondo, Charles; Chimwezi, Emmanuel; Bunn, James; Bandsma, Robert; Heyderman, Robert S; Nyirenda, Moffat J; Kerac, Marko
Research priorities to improve the management of acute malnutrition in infants aged less than six months (MAMI). (2015)
Angood, Chloe; McGrath, Marie; Mehta, Sagar; Mwangome, Martha; Lung'aho, Mary; Roberfroid, Dominique; Perry, Abigail; Wilkinson, Caroline; Israel, Anne-Dominique; Bizouerne, Cecile; Haider, Rukhsana; Seal, Andrew; Berkley, James A; Kerac, Marko; MAMI Working Group Collaborators
Modelling the Contributions of Malaria, HIV, Malnutrition and Rainfall to the Decline in Paediatric Invasive Non-typhoidal Salmonella Disease in Malawi. (2015)
Feasey, Nicholas A; Everett, Dean; Faragher, E Brian; Roca-Feltrer, Arantxa; Kang'ombe, Arthur; Denis, Brigitte; Kerac, Marko; Molyneux, Elizabeth; Molyneux, Malcolm; Jahn, Andreas; Gordon, Melita A; Heyderman, Robert S
Omitting edema measurement: how much acute malnutrition are we missing? (2015)
Frison, Severine; Checchi, Francesco; Kerac, Marko
Management of acute malnutrition in infants aged under 6 months (MAMI): current issues and future directions in policy and research. (2015)
Kerac, Marko; Mwangome, Martha; McGrath, Marie; Haider, Rukhsana; Berkley, James A
Carbohydrate malabsorption in acutely malnourished children and infants: a systematic review. (2015)
Kvissberg, Matilda A; Dalvi, Prasad S; Kerac, Marko; Voskuijl, Wieger; Berkley, James A; Priebe, Marion G; Bandsma, Robert HJ
Effect of nutrition survey 'cleaning criteria' on estimates of malnutrition prevalence and disease burden: secondary data analysis. (2014)
Crowe, Sonya; Seal, Andrew; Grijalva-Eternod, Carlos; Kerac, Marko
Assessment of neurodisability and malnutrition in children in Africa. (2014)
Gladstone, Melissa; Mallewa, Mac; Alusine Jalloh, Alhaji; Voskuijl, Wieger; Postels, Douglas; Groce, Nora; Kerac, Marko; Molyneux, Elizabeth
Malnutrition and disability: unexplored opportunities for collaboration. (2014)
Groce, N; Challenger, E; Berman-Bieler, R; Farkas, A; Yilmaz, N; Schultink, W; Clark, D; Kaplan, C; Kerac, M
Follow-up of post-discharge growth and mortality after treatment for severe acute malnutrition (FuSAM study): a prospective cohort study. (2014)
Kerac, Marko; Bunn, James; Chagaluka, George; Bahwere, Paluku; Tomkins, Andrew; Collins, Steve; Seal, Andrew
The interaction of malnutrition and neurologic disability in Africa. (2014)
Kerac, Marko; Postels, Douglas G; Mallewa, Mac; Alusine Jalloh, Alhaji; Voskuijl, Wieger P; Groce, Nora; Gladstone, Melissa; Molyneux, Elizabeth
Preventing acute malnutrition in young children: improving the evidence for current and future practice. (2014)
Kerac, Marko; Seal, Andrew
Interpretation of World Health Organization growth charts for assessing infant malnutrition: a randomised controlled trial. (2013)
Ahmad, Umar N; Yiwombe, Mwawi; Chisepo, Patrick; Cole, Tim J; Heikens, Geert T; Kerac, Marko
Do children with uncomplicated severe acute malnutrition need antibiotics? A systematic review and meta-analysis. (2013)
Alcoba, Gabriel; Kerac, Marko; Breysse, Serge; Salpeteur, Cécile; Galetto-Lacour, Annick; Briend, André; Gervaix, Alain
Influenza vaccination for immunocompromised patients: summary of a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2013)
Beck, Charles R; McKenzie, Bruce C; Hashim, Ahmed B; Harris, Rebecca C; Zanuzdana, Arina; Agboado, Gabriel; Orton, Elizabeth; Béchard-Evans, Laura; Morgan, Gemma; Stevenson, Charlotte; Weston, Rachel; Mukaigawara, Mitsuru; Enstone, Joanne; Augustine, Glenda; Butt, Mobasher; Kim, Sophie; Puleston, Richard; Dabke, Girija; Howard, Robert; O'Boyle, Julie; O'Brien, Mary; Ahyow, Lauren; Denness, Helene; Farmer, Siobhan; Figureroa, Jose; Fisher, Paul; Greaves, Felix; Haroon, Munib; Haroon, Sophie; Hird, Caroline; Isba, Rachel; Ishola, David A; Kerac, Marko; Parish, Vivienne; Roberts, Jonathan; Rosser, Julia; Theaker, Sarah; Wallace, Dean; Wigglesworth, Neil; Lingard, Liz; Vinogradova, Yana; Horiuchi, Hiroshi; Peñalver, Javier; Nguyen-Van-Tam, Jonathan S
Inclusive nutrition for children and adults with disabilities. (2013)
Groce, Nora E; Kerac, Marko; Farkas, Amy; Schultink, Werner; Bieler, Rosangela Berman
Routine antibiotics given for uncomplicated severe acute malnutrition reduce mortality and improve nutritional recovery. (2013)
Kerac, Marko
Carer and staff perspectives on supplementary suckling for treating infant malnutrition: qualitative findings from Malawi. (2013)
Lelijveld, Natasha; Mahebere-Chirambo, Chawanangwa; Kerac, Marko
Health effects of drought: a systematic review of the evidence. (2013)
Stanke, Carla; Kerac, Marko; Prudhomme, Christel; Medlock, Jolyon; Murray, Virginia
Influenza vaccination for immunocompromised patients: systematic review and meta-analysis from a public health policy perspective. (2011)
Beck, Charles R; McKenzie, Bruce C; Hashim, Ahmed B; Harris, Rebecca C; Zanuzdana, Arina; Agboado, Gabriel; Orton, Elizabeth; Béchard-Evans, Laura; Morgan, Gemma; Stevenson, Charlotte; Weston, Rachel; Mukaigawara, Mitsuru; Enstone, Joanne; Augustine, Glenda; Butt, Mobasher; Kim, Sophie; Puleston, Richard; Dabke, Girija; Howard, Robert; O'Boyle, Julie; O'Brien, Mary; Ahyow, Lauren; Denness, Helene; Farmer, Siobhan; Figureroa, Jose; Fisher, Paul; Greaves, Felix; Haroon, Munib; Haroon, Sophie; Hird, Caroline; Isba, Rachel; Ishola, David A; Kerac, Marko; Parish, Vivienne; Roberts, Jonathan; Rosser, Julia; Theaker, Sarah; Wallace, Dean; Wigglesworth, Neil; Lingard, Liz; Vinogradova, Yana; Horiuchi, Hiroshi; Peñalver, Javier; Nguyen-Van-Tam, Jonathan S
Prevalence of wasting among under 6-month-old infants in developing countries and implications of new case definitions using WHO growth standards: a secondary data analysis. (2011)
Kerac, Marko; Blencowe, Hannah; Grijalva-Eternod, Carlos; McGrath, Marie; Shoham, Jeremy; Cole, Tim J; Seal, Andrew
Probiotics and prebiotics to combat enteric infections and HIV in the developing world: a consensus report. (2011)
Monachese, Marc; Cunningham-Rundles, Susanna; Diaz, Maria Alejandra; Guerrant, Richard; Hummelen, Ruben; Kemperman, Rober; Kerac, Marko; Kort, Remco; Merenstein, Dan; Panigrahi, Pinaki; Ramakrishna, Balakrishnan; Safdar, Nasia; Shane, Andi; Trois, Livia; Reid, Gregor
Safety, effectiveness and barriers to follow-up using an 'early discharge' Kangaroo Care policy in a resource poor setting. (2009)
Blencowe, Hannah; Kerac, Marko; Molyneux, Elizabeth
Features associated with underlying HIV infection in severe acute childhood malnutrition: a cross sectional study. (2009)
Bunn, James; Thindwa, Miriam; Kerac, Marko
Improving survival of children with severe acute malnutrition in HIV-prevalent settings. (2009)
Fergusson, Pamela; Tomkins, Andrew; Kerac, Marko
Probiotics and prebiotics for severe acute malnutrition (PRONUT study): a double-blind efficacy randomised controlled trial in Malawi. (2009)
Kerac, Marko; Bunn, James; Seal, Andrew; Thindwa, Mariam; Tomkins, Andrew; Sadler, Kate; Bahwere, Paluku; Collins, Steve
New WHO growth standards: roll-out needs more resources. (2009)
Kerac, Marko; Egan, Rebecca; Mayer, Sam; Walsh, Anne; Seal, Andrew
Improved assessment of child nutritional status using target weights and a novel, low-cost, weight-for-height slide chart. (2009)
Kerac, Marko; Seal, Andrew; Blencowe, Hannah; Bunn, James
Localized or centralized control of food production for treating severe acute malnutrition: echoes of a past child survival revolution? (2009)
Skordis-Worrall, Jolene; Kerac, Marko
Improving the management of severe acute malnutrition in an area of high HIV prevalence. (2008)
Sadler, Kate; Kerac, Marko; Collins, Steve; Khengere, Hilda; Nesbitt, Anne
HIV prevalence in severely malnourished children admitted to nutrition rehabilitation units in Malawi: geographical & seasonal variations a cross-sectional study. (2008)
Thurstans, Susan; Kerac, Marko; Maleta, Kenneth; Banda, Theresa; Nesbitt, Anne