Items where Author is "Kerac, Marko"
Number of items: 102.
Bibliographic data only
Severe childhood malnutrition. (2017)
Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Berkley, James A; Bandsma, Robert HJ; Kerac, Marko; Trehan, Indi; Briend, André
Safety, effectiveness and barriers to follow-up using an 'early discharge' Kangaroo Care policy in a resource poor setting. (2009)
Blencowe, Hannah; Kerac, Marko; Molyneux, Elizabeth
Improving survival of children with severe acute malnutrition in HIV-prevalent settings. (2009)
Fergusson, Pamela; Tomkins, Andrew; Kerac, Marko
Routine antibiotics given for uncomplicated severe acute malnutrition reduce mortality and improve nutritional recovery. (2013)
Kerac, Marko
International health organisations and recruitment of health workers. (2010)
Kerac, Marko
Probiotics and prebiotics for severe acute malnutrition (PRONUT study): a double-blind efficacy randomised controlled trial in Malawi. (2009)
Kerac, Marko; Bunn, James; Seal, Andrew; Thindwa, Mariam; Tomkins, Andrew; Sadler, Kate; Bahwere, Paluku; Collins, Steve
New WHO growth standards: roll-out needs more resources. (2009)
Kerac, Marko; Egan, Rebecca; Mayer, Sam; Walsh, Anne; Seal, Andrew
Improved assessment of child nutritional status using target weights and a novel, low-cost, weight-for-height slide chart. (2009)
Kerac, Marko; Seal, Andrew; Blencowe, Hannah; Bunn, James
Probiotics and prebiotics to combat enteric infections and HIV in the developing world: a consensus report. (2011)
Monachese, Marc; Cunningham-Rundles, Susanna; Diaz, Maria Alejandra; Guerrant, Richard; Hummelen, Ruben; Kemperman, Rober; Kerac, Marko; Kort, Remco; Merenstein, Dan; Panigrahi, Pinaki; Ramakrishna, Balakrishnan; Safdar, Nasia; Shane, Andi; Trois, Livia; Reid, Gregor
Improving the management of severe acute malnutrition in an area of high HIV prevalence. (2008)
Sadler, Kate; Kerac, Marko; Collins, Steve; Khengere, Hilda; Nesbitt, Anne
Preliminary evaluation of the Moyo chart-a novel, low-cost, weight-for-height slide chart for the improved assessment of nutritional status in children. (2010)
Sikorski, Catherine; Kerac, Marko; Fikremariam, Martha; Seal, Andrew
Localized or centralized control of food production for treating severe acute malnutrition: echoes of a past child survival revolution? (2009)
Skordis-Worrall, Jolene; Kerac, Marko
Interpretation of World Health Organization growth charts for assessing infant malnutrition: a randomised controlled trial. (2013)
Ahmad, Umar N; Yiwombe, Mwawi; Chisepo, Patrick; Cole, Tim J; Heikens, Geert T; Kerac, Marko
Do children with uncomplicated severe acute malnutrition need antibiotics? A systematic review and meta-analysis. (2013)
Alcoba, Gabriel; Kerac, Marko; Breysse, Serge; Salpeteur, Cécile; Galetto-Lacour, Annick; Briend, André; Gervaix, Alain
Treatment of child wasting: results of a child health and nutrition research initiative (CHNRI) prioritisation exercise. (2021)
Angood, Chloe; Kerac, Marko; Black, Robert; Briend, André; Hanson, Kerstin; Jarrett, Stephen; Manary, Mark; McGrath, Marie; Zagre, Noël; Lelijveld, Natasha; Mayberry, Amy
Research priorities to improve the management of acute malnutrition in infants aged less than six months (MAMI). (2015)
Angood, Chloe; McGrath, Marie; Mehta, Sagar; Mwangome, Martha; Lung'aho, Mary; Roberfroid, Dominique; Perry, Abigail; Wilkinson, Caroline; Israel, Anne-Dominique; Bizouerne, Cecile; Haider, Rukhsana; Seal, Andrew; Berkley, James A; Kerac, Marko; MAMI Working Group Collaborators
Perceptions of Acute Malnutrition and Its Management in Infants Under 6 Months of Age: A Qualitative Study in Rural Bangladesh. (2018)
Arafat, Yasir; Islam, M Munirul; Connell, Nicki; Mothabbir, Golam; McGrath, Marie; Berkley, James A; Ahmed, Tahmeed; Kerac, Marko
Simplified, combined protocol for acute malnutrition in children 6-59 months : the ComPAS randomized controlled trial. (2021)
Bailey, JE
Response to Malnutrition Treatment in Low Weight-for-Age Children: Secondary Analyses of Children 6-59 Months in the ComPAS Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. (2021)
Bailey, Jeanette; Lelijveld, Natasha; Khara, Tanya; Dolan, Carmel; Stobaugh, Heather; Sadler, Kate; Lino Lako, Richard; Briend, André; Opondo, Charles; Kerac, Marko; Myatt, Mark
Combined Protocol for Acute Malnutrition Study (ComPAS) in rural South Sudan and urban Kenya: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. (2018)
Bailey, Jeanette; Lelijveld, Natasha; Marron, Bethany; Onyoo, Pamela; Ho, Lara S; Manary, Mark; Briend, André; Opondo, Charles; Kerac, Marko
A simplified, combined protocol versus standard treatment for acute malnutrition in children 6-59 months (ComPAS trial): A cluster-randomized controlled non-inferiority trial in Kenya and South Sudan. (2020)
Bailey, Jeanette; Opondo, Charles; Lelijveld, Natasha; Marron, Bethany; Onyo, Pamela; Musyoki, Eunice N; Adongo, Susan W; Manary, Mark; Briend, André; Kerac, Marko
Childhood BMI and other measures of body composition as a predictor of cardiometabolic non-communicable diseases in adulthood: a systematic review. (2022)
Bander, Amela; Murphy-Alford, Alexia J; Owino, Victor O; Loechl, Cornelia U; Wells, Jonathan Ck; Gluning, Imara; Kerac, Marko
A reduced-carbohydrate and lactose-free formulation for stabilization among hospitalized children with severe acute malnutrition: A double-blind, randomized controlled trial. (2019)
Bandsma, Robert HJ; Voskuijl, Wieger; Chimwezi, Emmanuel; Fegan, Greg; Briend, André; Thitiri, Johnstone; Ngari, Moses; Mwalekwa, Laura; Bandika, Victor; Ali, Rehema; Hamid, Fauzat; Owor, Betty; Mturi, Neema; Potani, Isabel; Allubha, Benjamin; Muller Kobold, Anneke C; Bartels, Rosalie H; Versloot, Christian J; Feenstra, Marjon; van den Brink, Deborah A; van Rheenen, Patrick F; Kerac, Marko; Bourdon, Celine; Berkley, James A
Influenza vaccination for immunocompromised patients: systematic review and meta-analysis from a public health policy perspective. (2011)
Beck, Charles R; McKenzie, Bruce C; Hashim, Ahmed B; Harris, Rebecca C; Zanuzdana, Arina; Agboado, Gabriel; Orton, Elizabeth; Béchard-Evans, Laura; Morgan, Gemma; Stevenson, Charlotte; Weston, Rachel; Mukaigawara, Mitsuru; Enstone, Joanne; Augustine, Glenda; Butt, Mobasher; Kim, Sophie; Puleston, Richard; Dabke, Girija; Howard, Robert; O'Boyle, Julie; O'Brien, Mary; Ahyow, Lauren; Denness, Helene; Farmer, Siobhan; Figureroa, Jose; Fisher, Paul; Greaves, Felix; Haroon, Munib; Haroon, Sophie; Hird, Caroline; Isba, Rachel; Ishola, David A; Kerac, Marko; Parish, Vivienne; Roberts, Jonathan; Rosser, Julia; Theaker, Sarah; Wallace, Dean; Wigglesworth, Neil; Lingard, Liz; Vinogradova, Yana; Horiuchi, Hiroshi; Peñalver, Javier; Nguyen-Van-Tam, Jonathan S
Influenza vaccination for immunocompromised patients: summary of a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2013)
Beck, Charles R; McKenzie, Bruce C; Hashim, Ahmed B; Harris, Rebecca C; Zanuzdana, Arina; Agboado, Gabriel; Orton, Elizabeth; Béchard-Evans, Laura; Morgan, Gemma; Stevenson, Charlotte; Weston, Rachel; Mukaigawara, Mitsuru; Enstone, Joanne; Augustine, Glenda; Butt, Mobasher; Kim, Sophie; Puleston, Richard; Dabke, Girija; Howard, Robert; O'Boyle, Julie; O'Brien, Mary; Ahyow, Lauren; Denness, Helene; Farmer, Siobhan; Figureroa, Jose; Fisher, Paul; Greaves, Felix; Haroon, Munib; Haroon, Sophie; Hird, Caroline; Isba, Rachel; Ishola, David A; Kerac, Marko; Parish, Vivienne; Roberts, Jonathan; Rosser, Julia; Theaker, Sarah; Wallace, Dean; Wigglesworth, Neil; Lingard, Liz; Vinogradova, Yana; Horiuchi, Hiroshi; Peñalver, Javier; Nguyen-Van-Tam, Jonathan S
Use of Mid-Upper Arm Circumference by Novel Community Platforms to Detect, Diagnose, and Treat Severe Acute Malnutrition in Children: A Systematic Review. (2018)
Bliss, Jessica; Lelijveld, Natasha; Briend, André; Kerac, Marko; Manary, Mark; McGrath, Marie; Weise Prinzo, Zita; Shepherd, Susan; Marie Zagre, Noël; Woodhead, Sophie; Guerrero, Saul; Mayberry, Amy
Metabolomics in plasma of Malawian children 7 years after surviving severe acute malnutrition: "ChroSAM" a cohort study. (2019)
Bourdon, Celine; Lelijveld, Natasha; Thompson, Debbie; Dalvi, Prasad S; Gonzales, Gerard Bryan; Wang, Dominic; Alipour, Misagh; Wine, Eytan; Chimwezi, Emmanuel; Wells, Jonathan C; Kerac, Marko; Bandsma, Robert; Nyirenda, Moffat J
Low mid-upper arm circumference identifies children with a high risk of death who should be the priority target for treatment. (2016)
Briend, André; Alvarez, José-Luis; Avril, Nathalie; Bahwere, Paluku; Bailey, Jeanette; Berkley, James A; Binns, Paul; Blackwell, Nikki; Dale, Nancy; Deconinck, Hedwig; Delchevalerie, Pascale; Dent, Nicky; Gallagher, Maureen; Guerrero, Saul; Hanson, Kerstin; Kerac, Marko; Manary, Mark; Mwangome, Martha K; Myatt, Mark; Phelan, Kevin PQ; Pietzsch, Silke; Ubach, Núria Salse; Shepherd, Susan; van der Kam, Saskia; Vargas, Antonio; Whitney, Sophie
Breastfeeding assessment tools for at-risk and malnourished infants aged under 6 months old: a systematic review. (2020)
Brugaletta, Concetta; Le Roch, Karine; Saxton, Jennifer; Bizouerne, Cécile; McGrath, Marie; Kerac, Marko
Breastfeeding assessment tools for at-risk and malnourished infants aged under 6 months old: a systematic review. (2021)
Brugaletta, Concetta; Le Roch, Karine; Saxton, Jennifer; Bizouerne, Cécile; McGrath, Marie; Kerac, Marko
Features associated with underlying HIV infection in severe acute childhood malnutrition: a cross sectional study. (2009)
Bunn, James; Thindwa, Miriam; Kerac, Marko
Monitoring and discharging children being treated for severe acute malnutrition using mid-upper arm circumference: secondary data analysis from rural Gambia. (2017)
Burrell, Alice; Kerac, Marko; Nabwera, Helen
Antimicrobial and micronutrient interventions for the management of infants under 6 months of age identified with severe malnutrition: a literature review. (2020)
Campion-Smith, Timothy J; Kerac, Marko; McGrath, Marie; Berkley, James A
Acute malnutrition recovery energy requirements based on mid-upper arm circumference: Secondary analysis of feeding program data from 5 countries, Combined Protocol for Acute Malnutrition Study (ComPAS) Stage 1. (2020)
Chase, Rachel P; Kerac, Marko; Grant, Angeline; Manary, Mark; Briend, André; Opondo, Charles; Bailey, Jeanette
Effect of nutrition survey 'cleaning criteria' on estimates of malnutrition prevalence and disease burden: secondary data analysis. (2014)
Crowe, Sonya; Seal, Andrew; Grijalva-Eternod, Carlos; Kerac, Marko
Feeding practices of children within institution-based care: A retrospective analysis of surveillance data. (2022)
DeLacey, Emily; Allen, Elizabeth; Tann, Cally; Groce, Nora; Hilberg, Evan; Quiring, Michael; Kaplan, Tracy; Smythe, Tracey; Kaui, Erin; Catt, Rachael; Miller, Raeanne; Gombo, Maijargal; Dam, Hang; Kerac, Marko
Nutritional status of children living within institution-based care: a retrospective analysis with funnel plots and control charts for programme monitoring. (2021)
DeLacey, Emily; Hilberg, Evan; Allen, Elizabeth; Quiring, Michael; Tann, Cally J; Groce, Nora Ellen; Vilus, James; Bergman, Ethan; Demasu-Ay, Merzel; Dam, Hang T; Kerac, Marko
The nutritional status of children living within institutionalized care: a systematic review. (2020)
DeLacey, Emily; Tann, Cally; Groce, Nora; Kett, Maria; Quiring, Michael; Bergman, Ethan; Garcia, Caryl; Kerac, Marko
Improving nutritional status of children with Cerebral palsy: a qualitative study of caregiver experiences and community-based training in Ghana. (2018)
Donkor, Claudia Mary; Lee, Jackie; Lelijveld, Natasha; Adams, Melanie; Baltussen, Marjolein Meande; Nyante, Gifty Gyamah; Kerac, Marko; Polack, Sarah; Zuurmond, Maria
Children living with disabilities are neglected in severe malnutrition protocols: a guideline review. (2022)
Engl, Magdalena; Binns, Paul; Trehan, Indi; Lelijveld, Natasha; Angood, Chloe; McGrath, Marie; Groce, Nora; Kerac, Marko
Modelling the Contributions of Malaria, HIV, Malnutrition and Rainfall to the Decline in Paediatric Invasive Non-typhoidal Salmonella Disease in Malawi. (2015)
Feasey, Nicholas A; Everett, Dean; Faragher, E Brian; Roca-Feltrer, Arantxa; Kang'ombe, Arthur; Denis, Brigitte; Kerac, Marko; Molyneux, Elizabeth; Molyneux, Malcolm; Jahn, Andreas; Gordon, Melita A; Heyderman, Robert S
Middle-upper arm circumference for nutritional surveillance in crisis-affected populations:
Development of a method. (2017)
Frison, S
Prevention of child wasting: Results of a Child Health & Nutrition Research Initiative (CHNRI) prioritisation exercise. (2020)
Frison, Severine; Angood, Chloe; Khara, Tanya; Bahwere, Paluku; Black, Robert E; Briend, André; Connell, Nicki; Fenn, Bridget; Isanaka, Sheila; James, Philip; Kerac, Marko; Mayberry, Amy; Myatt, Mark; Dolan, Carmel; wasting prevention Working Group Collaborators
Omitting edema measurement: how much acute malnutrition are we missing? (2015)
Frison, Severine; Checchi, Francesco; Kerac, Marko
Is Middle-Upper Arm Circumference "normally" distributed? Secondary data analysis of 852 nutrition surveys. (2016)
Frison, Severine; Checchi, Francesco; Kerac, Marko; Nicholas, Jennifer
A novel, efficient method for estimating the prevalence of acute malnutrition in resource-constrained and crisis-affected settings: A simulation study. (2017)
Frison, Severine; Kerac, Marko; Checchi, Francesco; Nicholas, Jennifer
Anthropometric indices and measures to assess change in the nutritional status of a population: a systematic literature review. (2016)
Frison, Severine; Kerac, Marko; Checchi, Francesco; Prudhon, Claudine
Assessment of neurodisability and malnutrition in children in Africa. (2014)
Gladstone, Melissa; Mallewa, Mac; Alusine Jalloh, Alhaji; Voskuijl, Wieger; Postels, Douglas; Groce, Nora; Kerac, Marko; Molyneux, Elizabeth
The management of moderate acute malnutrition in children aged 6-59 months in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2021)
Gluning, Imara; Kerac, Marko; Bailey, Jeanette; Bander, Amela; Opondo, Charles
Childhood Malnutrition and Association of Lean Mass with Metabolome and Hormone Profile in Later Life. (2020)
Gonzales, Gerard Bryan; Lelijveld, Natasha; Bourdon, Celine; Chimwezi, Emmanuel; Nyirenda, Moffat J; Wells, Jonathan C; Kerac, Marko; Bandsma, Robert HJ
The MAMI Care Pathway Package: A resource to support the management of small and nutritionally at-risk infants under six months of age and their mothers (MAMI). (2021)
Grey, Kelsey; Brennan, Eilise; Kerac, Marko; McGrath, Marie
Severe malnutrition or famine exposure in childhood and cardiometabolic non-communicable disease later in life: a systematic review. (2021)
Grey, Kelsey; Gonzales, Gerard Bryan; Abera, Mubarek; Lelijveld, Natasha; Thompson, Debbie; Berhane, Melkamu; Abdissa, Alemseged; Girma, Tsinuel; Kerac, Marko
Volume marker inaccuracies: a cross-sectional survey of infant feeding bottles. (2016)
Gribble, K; Berry, N; Kerac, M; Challinor, M
Admission profile and discharge outcomes for infants aged less than 6 months admitted to inpatient therapeutic care in 10 countries. A secondary data analysis. (2016)
Grijalva-Eternod, CS; Kerac, M; McGrath, M; Wilkinson, C; Hirsch, JC; Delchevalerie, P; Seal, AJ
Malnutrition in Infants Aged under 6 Months Attending Community Health Centres: A Cross Sectional Survey. (2021)
Grijalva-Eternod, Carlos S; Beaumont, Emma; Rana, Ritu; Abate, Nahom; Barthorp, Hatty; McGrath, Marie; Negesse, Ayenew; Abera, Mubarek; Abdissa, Alemseged; Girma, Tsinuel; Allen, Elizabeth; Kerac, Marko; Berhane, Melkamu
Malnutrition in Infants Aged under 6 Months Attending Community Health Centres: A Cross Sectional Survey. (2021)
Grijalva-Eternod, Carlos S; Beaumont, Emma; Rana, Ritu; Abate, Nahom; Barthorp, Hatty; McGrath, Marie; Negesse, Ayenew; Abera, Mubarek; Abdissa, Alemseged; Girma, Tsinuel; Allen, Elizabeth; Kerac, Marko; Berhane, Melkamu
Malnutrition and disability: unexplored opportunities for collaboration. (2014)
Groce, N; Challenger, E; Berman-Bieler, R; Farkas, A; Yilmaz, N; Schultink, W; Clark, D; Kaplan, C; Kerac, M
Inclusive nutrition for children and adults with disabilities. (2013)
Groce, Nora E; Kerac, Marko; Farkas, Amy; Schultink, Werner; Bieler, Rosangela Berman
Advertising of Human Milk Substitutes in United Kingdom Healthcare Professional Publications: An Observational Study. (2021)
Hickman, Natalie; Morgan, Sarah; Crawley, Helen; Kerac, Marko
Anthropometric Criteria for Identifying Infants Under 6 Months of Age at Risk of Morbidity and Mortality: A Systematic Review. (2021)
Hoehn, Christoph; Lelijveld, Natasha; Mwangome, Martha; Berkley, James A; McGrath, Marie; Kerac, Marko
The Nutritional Status of Individuals Adopted Internationally as Children: A Systematic Review. (2021)
Ivey, Richard; Kerac, Marko; Quiring, Michael; Dam, Thi Thuy Hang; Doig, Susie; DeLacey, Emily
Carers' and health workers' perspectives on malnutrition in infants aged under six months in rural Ethiopia: A qualitative study. (2022)
Jibat, Nega; Rana, Ritu; Negesse, Ayenew; Abera, Mubarek; Abdissa, Alemseged; Girma, Tsinuel; Haile, Anley; Barthorp, Hatty; McGrath, Marie; Grijalva-Eternod, Carlos S; Kerac, Marko; Berhane, Melkamu
Management of Acute Malnutrition in Infants under 6 Months of Age. (2018)
Kerac, M; McGrath, M
Diet and development beyond 1000 days: ensuring children thrive as well as survive. (2022)
Kerac, Marko
Prevalence of wasting among under 6-month-old infants in developing countries and implications of new case definitions using WHO growth standards: a secondary data analysis. (2011)
Kerac, Marko; Blencowe, Hannah; Grijalva-Eternod, Carlos; McGrath, Marie; Shoham, Jeremy; Cole, Tim J; Seal, Andrew
Follow-up of post-discharge growth and mortality after treatment for severe acute malnutrition (FuSAM study): a prospective cohort study. (2014)
Kerac, Marko; Bunn, James; Chagaluka, George; Bahwere, Paluku; Tomkins, Andrew; Collins, Steve; Seal, Andrew
Informing the management of acute malnutrition in infants aged under 6 months (MAMI): risk factor analysis using nationally-representative demographic & health survey secondary data. (2019)
Kerac, Marko; Frison, Severine; Connell, Nichola; Page, Bethan; McGrath, Marie
'Severe malnutrition': thinking deeplyS, communicating simply. (2020)
Kerac, Marko; McGrath, Marie; Connell, Nichola; Kompala, Chytanya; Moore, William H; Bailey, Jeanette; Bandsma, Robert; Berkley, James A; Briend, André; Collins, Steve; Girma, Tsinuel; Wells, Jonathan C
Management of acute malnutrition in infants aged under 6 months (MAMI): current issues and future directions in policy and research. (2015)
Kerac, Marko; Mwangome, Martha; McGrath, Marie; Haider, Rukhsana; Berkley, James A
The interaction of malnutrition and neurologic disability in Africa. (2014)
Kerac, Marko; Postels, Douglas G; Mallewa, Mac; Alusine Jalloh, Alhaji; Voskuijl, Wieger P; Groce, Nora; Gladstone, Melissa; Molyneux, Elizabeth
Preventing acute malnutrition in young children: improving the evidence for current and future practice. (2014)
Kerac, Marko; Seal, Andrew
Neurodevelopmental, cognitive, behavioural and mental health impairments following childhood malnutrition: a systematic review. (2022)
Kirolos, Amir; Goyheneix, Magdalena; Kalmus Eliasz, Mike; Chisala, Mphatso; Lissauer, Samantha; Gladstone, Melissa; Kerac, Marko
Carbohydrate malabsorption in acutely malnourished children and infants: a systematic review. (2015)
Kvissberg, Matilda A; Dalvi, Prasad S; Kerac, Marko; Voskuijl, Wieger; Berkley, James A; Priebe, Marion G; Bandsma, Robert HJ
Long-term outcomes for children with disability and severe acute malnutrition in Malawi. (2020)
Lelijveld, Natasha; Groce, Nora; Patel, Seema; Nnensa, Theresa; Chimwezi, Emmanuel; Gladstone, Melissa; Mallewa, Macpherson; Wells, Jonathan; Seal, Andrew; Kerac, Marko
Brain MRI and cognitive function seven years after surviving an episode of severe acute malnutrition in a cohort of Malawian children. (2018)
Lelijveld, Natasha; Jalloh, Alhaji A; Kampondeni, Samuel D; Seal, Andrew; Wells, Jonathan C; Goyheneix, Magdalena; Chimwezi, Emmanuel; Mallewa, Macpherson; Nyirenda, Moffat J; Heyderman, Robert S; Kerac, Marko
Long-term effects of severe acute malnutrition on lung function in Malawian children: a cohort study. (2017)
Lelijveld, Natasha; Kerac, Marko; Seal, Andrew; Chimwezi, Emmanuel; Wells, Jonathan C; Heyderman, Robert S; Nyirenda, Moffat J; Stocks, Janet; Kirkby, Jane
Carer and staff perspectives on supplementary suckling for treating infant malnutrition: qualitative findings from Malawi. (2013)
Lelijveld, Natasha; Mahebere-Chirambo, Chawanangwa; Kerac, Marko
Relapse and post-discharge body composition of children treated for acute malnutrition using a simplified, combined protocol: A nested cohort from the ComPAS RCT. (2021)
Lelijveld, Natasha; Musyoki, Eunice; Adongo, Susan Were; Mayberry, Amy; Wells, Jonathan C; Opondo, Charles; Kerac, Marko; Bailey, Jeanette
Chronic disease outcomes after severe acute malnutrition in Malawian children (ChroSAM): a cohort study. (2016)
Lelijveld, Natasha; Seal, Andrew; Wells, Jonathan C; Kirkby, Jane; Opondo, Charles; Chimwezi, Emmanuel; Bunn, James; Bandsma, Robert; Heyderman, Robert S; Nyirenda, Moffat J; Kerac, Marko
Use of gender distribution in routine surveillance data to detect potential transmission of gastrointestinal infections among men who have sex with men in England. (2018)
Mook, P; Gardiner, D; Kanagarajah, S; Kerac, M; Hughes, G; Field, N; McCarthy, N; Rawlings, C; Simms, I; Lane, C; Crook, PD
Severe malnutrition in infants aged <6 months-Outcomes and risk factors in Bangladesh: A prospective cohort study. (2018)
Munirul Islam, M; Arafat, Yasir; Connell, Nichola; Mothabbir, Golam; McGrath, Marie; Berkley, James A; Ahmed, Tahmeed; Kerac, Marko
Anthropometry at birth and at age of routine vaccination to predict mortality in the first year of life: A birth cohort study in BukinaFaso. (2019)
Mwangome, Martha; Ngari, Moses; Bwahere, Paluku; Kabore, Patrick; McGrath, Marie; Kerac, Marko; Berkley, James A
Follow-up between 6 and 24 months after discharge from treatment for severe acute malnutrition in children aged 6-59 months: A systematic review. (2018)
O'Sullivan, Natasha Phillipa; Lelijveld, Natasha; Rutishauser-Perera, Alexandra; Kerac, Marko; James, Philip
Measuring growth and medium- and longer-term outcomes in malnourished children. (2019)
Owino, Victor O; Murphy-Alford, Alexia J; Kerac, Marko; Bahwere, Paluku; Friis, Henrik; Berkley, James A; Jackson, Alan A
Children with cerebral palsy in Ghana: malnutrition, feeding challenges, and caregiver quality of life. (2018)
Polack, Sarah; Adams, Mel; O'banion, David; Baltussen, Marjolein; Asante, Sandra; Kerac, Marko; Gladstone, Melissa; Zuurmond, Maria
Mid-Upper Arm Circumference Tapes and Measurement Discrepancies: Time to Standardize Product Specifications and Reporting. (2021)
Rana, Ritu; Barthorp, Hatty; McGrath, Marie; Kerac, Marko; Myatt, Mark
Feeding Interventions for Infants with Growth Failure in the First Six Months of Life: A Systematic Review. (2020)
Rana, Ritu; McGrath, Marie; Gupta, Paridhi; Thakur, Ekta; Kerac, Marko
Effectiveness of Breastfeeding Support Packages in Low- and Middle-Income Countries for Infants under Six Months: A Systematic Review. (2021)
Rana, Ritu; McGrath, Marie; Sharma, Ekta; Gupta, Paridhi; Kerac, Marko
Operational implications of using 2006 World Health Organization growth standards in nutrition programmes: secondary data analysis. (2007)
Seal, Andrew; Kerac, Marko
Health effects of drought: a systematic review of the evidence. (2013)
Stanke, Carla; Kerac, Marko; Prudhomme, Christel; Medlock, Jolyon; Murray, Virginia
HIV prevalence in severely malnourished children admitted to nutrition rehabilitation units in Malawi: geographical & seasonal variations a cross-sectional study. (2008)
Thurstans, Susan; Kerac, Marko; Maleta, Kenneth; Banda, Theresa; Nesbitt, Anne
Understanding Sex Differences in Childhood Undernutrition: A Narrative Review. (2022)
Thurstans, Susan; Opondo, Charles; Seal, Andrew; Wells, Jonathan C; Khara, Tanya; Dolan, Carmel; Briend, André; Myatt, Mark; Garenne, Michel; Mertens, Andrew; Sear, Rebecca; Kerac, Marko
Boys are more likely to be undernourished than girls: A systematic review and meta-analysis of sex differences in undernutrition. (2020)
Thurstans, Susan; Opondo, Charles; Seal, Andrew; Wells, Jonathan C; Khara, Tanya; Dolan, Carmel; Briend, André; Myatt, Mark; Garenne, Michel; Sear, Rebecca; Kerac, Marko
Boys are more likely to be undernourished than girls: a systematic review and meta-analysis of sex differences in undernutrition. (2020)
Thurstans, Susan; Opondo, Charles; Seal, Andrew; Wells, Jonathan; Khara, Tanya; Dolan, Carmel; Briend, André; Myatt, Mark; Garenne, Michel; Sear, Rebecca; Kerac, Marko
Anthropometric deficits and the associated risk of death by age and sex in children aged 6-59 months: A meta-analysis. (2022)
Thurstans, Susan; Wrottesley, Stephanie V; Fenn, Bridget; Khara, Tanya; Bahwere, Paluku; Berkley, James A; Black, Robert E; Boyd, Erin; Garenne, Michel; Isanaka, Sheila; Lelijveld, Natasha; McDonald, Christine M; Mertens, Andrew; Mwangome, Martha; O'Brien, Kieran S; Stobaugh, Heather; Taneja, Sunita; West, Keith P; Guerrero, Saul; Kerac, Marko; Briend, André; Myatt, Mark
Effectiveness of three commonly used transition phase diets in the inpatient management of children with severe acute malnutrition: a pilot randomized controlled trial in Malawi. (2017)
Versloot, Christian J; Voskuijl, Wieger; van Vliet, Sara J; van den Heuvel, Meta; Carter, Jane C; Phiri, Ajib; Kerac, Marko; Heikens, Geert Tom; van Rheenen, Patrick F; Bandsma, Robert HJ
Infant formula in Iraq: part of the problem and not a simple solution. (2018)
Ververs, Mija; McGrath, Marie; Gribble, Karleen; Fernandes, Christine; Kerac, Marko; Stewart, Robert C
Stool frequency recording in severe acute malnutrition ('StoolSAM'); an agreement study comparing maternal recall versus direct observation using diapers. (2017)
Voskuijl, Wieger; Potani, Isabel; Bandsma, Robert; Baan, Anne; White, Sarah; Bourdon, Celine; Kerac, Marko
Seasonal malaria chemoprevention packaged with malnutrition prevention in northern Nigeria: A pragmatic trial (SMAMP study) with nested case-control. (2019)
Ward, Abigail; Guillot, Andrea; Nepomnyashchiy, Lyudmila E; Graves, Justin C; Maloney, Kathleen; Omoniwa, Omowunmi F; Emegbuonye, Leslie; Opondo, Charles; Kerac, Marko; Omoluabi, Elizabeth; Bhattacharya, Antoinette; Milch Hariharan, Karen; Wiwa, Owens; Cohen, Justin M; Le Menach, Arnaud
Evaluating the impact of a community-based parent training programme for children with cerebral palsy in Ghana. (2018)
Zuurmond, Maria; O'Banion, David; Gladstone, Melissa; Carsamar, Sandra; Kerac, Marko; Baltussen, Marjolein; Tann, Cally J; Gyamah Nyante, Gifty; Polack, Sarah
Developmental and behavioural problems in children with severe acute malnutrition in Malawi: A cross-sectional study. (2017)
van den Heuvel, Meta; Voskuijl, Wieger; Chidzalo, Kate; Kerac, Marko; Reijneveld, Sijmen A; Bandsma, Robert; Gladstone, Melissa
Maternal-focused interventions to improve infant growth and nutritional status in low-middle income countries: A systematic review of reviews. (2021)
von Salmuth, Victoria; Brennan, Eilise; Kerac, Marko; McGrath, Marie; Frison, Severine; Lelijveld, Natasha