Real-time analysis of the diphtheria outbreak amongst forcibly displaced Myanmar nationals in Bangladesh
F Finger;
A Kucharski;
S Funk;
R Siddiqui;
K White;
J Edmunds;
Real-time analysis of the diphtheria outbreak amongst forcibly displaced Myanmar nationals in Bangladesh.
F1000Research, F1000Research.
DOI: 10.7490/f1000research.1115484.1
In early Nov 2017, several diphtheria cases presented at MSF facilities in refugee camps in Cox´s Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh. Around that time this area was home to over 600,000 Rohingya refugees from neighbouring Myanmar, the majority of which were settled in two main camps at Kutapalong and Balukhali. On 2 Dec, when the number of reported cases started to increase, we set up a collaboration to forecast disease incidence and spread, and help plan the medical response
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