Items where Author is "Funk, Sebastian"
Number of items: 143.
  • Estimation of the test to test distribution as a proxy for generation interval distribution for the Omicron variant in England. (2022) Abbott, Sam; Sherratt, Katharine; Gerstung, Moritz; Funk, Sebastian
  • Comparing human and model-based forecasts of COVID-19 in Germany and Poland. (2022) Bosse, Nikos I; Abbott, Sam; Bracher, Johannes; Hain, Habakuk; Quilty, Billy J; Jit, Mark; Centre for the Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases COV; van Leeuwen, Edwin; Cori, Anne; Funk, Sebastian
  • Evaluation of individual and ensemble probabilistic forecasts of COVID-19 mortality in the United States. (2022) Cramer, Estee Y; Ray, Evan L; Lopez, Velma K; Bracher, Johannes; Brennen, Andrea; Castro Rivadeneira, Alvaro J; Gerding, Aaron; Gneiting, Tilmann; House, Katie H; Huang, Yuxin; Jayawardena, Dasuni; Kanji, Abdul H; Khandelwal, Ayush; Le, Khoa; Mühlemann, Anja; Niemi, Jarad; Shah, Apurv; Stark, Ariane; Wang, Yijin; Wattanachit, Nutcha; Zorn, Martha W; Gu, Youyang; Jain, Sansiddh; Bannur, Nayana; Deva, Ayush; Kulkarni, Mihir; Merugu, Srujana; Raval, Alpan; Shingi, Siddhant; Tiwari, Avtansh; White, Jerome; Abernethy, Neil F; Woody, Spencer; Dahan, Maytal; Fox, Spencer; Gaither, Kelly; Lachmann, Michael; Meyers, Lauren Ancel; Scott, James G; Tec, Mauricio; Srivastava, Ajitesh; George, Glover E; Cegan, Jeffrey C; Dettwiller, Ian D; England, William P; Farthing, Matthew W; Hunter, Robert H; Lafferty, Brandon; Linkov, Igor; Mayo, Michael L; Parno, Matthew D; Rowland, Michael A; Trump, Benjamin D; Zhang-James, Yanli; Chen, Samuel; Faraone, Stephen V; Hess, Jonathan; Morley, Christopher P; Salekin, Asif; Wang, Dongliang; Corsetti, Sabrina M; Baer, Thomas M; Eisenberg, Marisa C; Falb, Karl; Huang, Yitao; Martin, Emily T; McCauley, Ella; Myers, Robert L; Schwarz, Tom; Sheldon, Daniel; Gibson, Graham Casey; Yu, Rose; Gao, Liyao; Ma, Yian; Wu, Dongxia; Yan, Xifeng; Jin, Xiaoyong; Wang, Yu-Xiang; Chen, YangQuan; Guo, Lihong; Zhao, Yanting; Gu, Quanquan; Chen, Jinghui; Wang, Lingxiao; Xu, Pan; Zhang, Weitong; Zou, Difan; Biegel, Hannah; Lega, Joceline; McConnell, Steve; Nagraj, VP; Guertin, Stephanie L; Hulme-Lowe, Christopher; Turner, Stephen D; Shi, Yunfeng; Ban, Xuegang; Walraven, Robert; Hong, Qi-Jun; Kong, Stanley; van de Walle, Axel; Turtle, James A; Ben-Nun, Michal; Riley, Steven; Riley, Pete; Koyluoglu, Ugur; DesRoches, David; Forli, Pedro; Hamory, Bruce; Kyriakides, Christina; Leis, Helen; Milliken, John; Moloney, Michael; Morgan, James; Nirgudkar, Ninad; Ozcan, Gokce; Piwonka, Noah; Ravi, Matt; Schrader, Chris; Shakhnovich, Elizabeth; Siegel, Daniel; Spatz, Ryan; Stiefeling, Chris; Wilkinson, Barrie; Wong, Alexander; Cavany, Sean; España, Guido; Moore, Sean; Oidtman, Rachel; Perkins, Alex; Kraus, David; Kraus, Andrea; Gao, Zhifeng; Bian, Jiang; Cao, Wei; Lavista Ferres, Juan; Li, Chaozhuo; Liu, Tie-Yan; Xie, Xing; Zhang, Shun; Zheng, Shun; Vespignani, Alessandro; Chinazzi, Matteo; Davis, Jessica T; Mu, Kunpeng; Pastore Y Piontti, Ana; Xiong, Xinyue; Zheng, Andrew; Baek, Jackie; Farias, Vivek; Georgescu, Andreea; Levi, Retsef; Sinha, Deeksha; Wilde, Joshua; Perakis, Georgia; Bennouna, Mohammed Amine; Nze-Ndong, David; Singhvi, Divya; Spantidakis, Ioannis; Thayaparan, Leann; Tsiourvas, Asterios; Sarker, Arnab; Jadbabaie, Ali; Shah, Devavrat; Della Penna, Nicolas; Celi, Leo A; Sundar, Saketh; Wolfinger, Russ; Osthus, Dave; Castro, Lauren; Fairchild, Geoffrey; Michaud, Isaac; Karlen, Dean; Kinsey, Matt; Mullany, Luke C; Rainwater-Lovett, Kaitlin; Shin, Lauren; Tallaksen, Katharine; Wilson, Shelby; Lee, Elizabeth C; Dent, Juan; Grantz, Kyra H; Hill, Alison L; Kaminsky, Joshua; Kaminsky, Kathryn; Keegan, Lindsay T; Lauer, Stephen A; Lemaitre, Joseph C; Lessler, Justin; Meredith, Hannah R; Perez-Saez, Javier; Shah, Sam; Smith, Claire P; Truelove, Shaun A; Wills, Josh; Marshall, Maximilian; Gardner, Lauren; Nixon, Kristen; Burant, John C; Wang, Lily; Gao, Lei; Gu, Zhiling; Kim, Myungjin; Li, Xinyi; Wang, Guannan; Wang, Yueying; Yu, Shan; Reiner, Robert C; Barber, Ryan; Gakidou, Emmanuela; Hay, Simon I; Lim, Steve; Murray, Chris; Pigott, David; Gurung, Heidi L; Baccam, Prasith; Stage, Steven A; Suchoski, Bradley T; Prakash, B Aditya; Adhikari, Bijaya; Cui, Jiaming; Rodríguez, Alexander; Tabassum, Anika; Xie, Jiajia; Keskinocak, Pinar; Asplund, John; Baxter, Arden; Oruc, Buse Eylul; Serban, Nicoleta; Arik, Sercan O; Dusenberry, Mike; Epshteyn, Arkady; Kanal, Elli; Le, Long T; Li, Chun-Liang; Pfister, Tomas; Sava, Dario; Sinha, Rajarishi; Tsai, Thomas; Yoder, Nate; Yoon, Jinsung; Zhang, Leyou; Abbott, Sam; Bosse, Nikos I; Funk, Sebastian; Hellewell, Joel; Meakin, Sophie R; Sherratt, Katharine; Zhou, Mingyuan; Kalantari, Rahi; Yamana, Teresa K; Pei, Sen; Shaman, Jeffrey; Li, Michael L; Bertsimas, Dimitris; Skali Lami, Omar; Soni, Saksham; Tazi Bouardi, Hamza; Ayer, Turgay; Adee, Madeline; Chhatwal, Jagpreet; Dalgic, Ozden O; Ladd, Mary A; Linas, Benjamin P; Mueller, Peter; Xiao, Jade; Wang, Yuanjia; Wang, Qinxia; Xie, Shanghong; Zeng, Donglin; Green, Alden; Bien, Jacob; Brooks, Logan; Hu, Addison J; Jahja, Maria; McDonald, Daniel; Narasimhan, Balasubramanian; Politsch, Collin; Rajanala, Samyak; Rumack, Aaron; Simon, Noah; Tibshirani, Ryan J; Tibshirani, Rob; Ventura, Valerie; Wasserman, Larry; O'Dea, Eamon B; Drake, John M; Pagano, Robert; Tran, Quoc T; Ho, Lam Si Tung; Huynh, Huong; Walker, Jo W; Slayton, Rachel B; Johansson, Michael A; Biggerstaff, Matthew; Reich, Nicholas G
  • Simulating respiratory disease transmission within and between classrooms to assess pandemic management strategies at schools. (2022) Endo 遠藤彰, Akira; CMMID COVID-19 Working Group; Uchida 内田満夫, Mitsuo; Liu 刘扬, Yang; Atkins, Katherine E; Kucharski, Adam J; Funk, Sebastian
  • Heavy-tailed sexual contact networks and monkeypox epidemiology in the global outbreak, 2022. (2022) Endo, Akira; Murayama, Hiroaki; Abbott, Sam; Ratnayake, Ruwan; Pearson, Carl AB; Edmunds, W John; Fearon, Elizabeth; Funk, Sebastian
  • Changes in social contacts in England during the COVID-19 pandemic between March 2020 and March 2021 as measured by the CoMix survey: A repeated cross-sectional study. (2022) Gimma, Amy; Munday, James D; Wong, Kerry LM; Coletti, Pietro; van Zandvoort, Kevin; Prem, Kiesha; CMMID COVID-19 working group; Klepac, Petra; Rubin, G James; Funk, Sebastian; Edmunds, W John; Jarvis, Christopher I
  • Inference of the SARS-CoV-2 generation time using UK household data. (2022) Hart, William S; Abbott, Sam; Endo, Akira; Hellewell, Joel; Miller, Elizabeth; Andrews, Nick; Maini, Philip K; Funk, Sebastian; Thompson, Robin N
  • Generation time of the alpha and delta SARS-CoV-2 variants: an epidemiological analysis. (2022) Hart, William S; Miller, Elizabeth; Andrews, Nick J; Waight, Pauline; Maini, Philip K; Funk, Sebastian; Thompson, Robin N
  • Measuring the unknown: An estimator and simulation study for assessing case reporting during epidemics. (2022) Jarvis, Christopher I; Gimma, Amy; Finger, Flavio; Morris, Tim P; Thompson, Jennifer A; le Polain de Waroux, Olivier; Edmunds, W John; Funk, Sebastian; Jombart, Thibaut
  • The contribution of hospital-acquired infections to the COVID-19 epidemic in England in the first half of 2020. (2022) Knight, Gwenan M; Pham, Thi Mui; Stimson, James; Funk, Sebastian; Jafari, Yalda; Pople, Diane; Evans, Stephanie; Yin, Mo; Brown, Colin S; Bhattacharya, Alex; Hope, Russell; Semple, Malcolm G; ISARIC4C Investigators; CMMID COVID-19 Working Group; Read, Jonathan M; Cooper, Ben S; Robotham, Julie V
  • Comparative assessment of methods for short-term forecasts of COVID-19 hospital admissions in England at the local level. (2022) Meakin, Sophie; Abbott, Sam; Bosse, Nikos; Munday, James; Gruson, Hugo; Hellewell, Joel; Sherratt, Katharine; CMMID COVID-19 Working Group; Funk, Sebastian
  • Comparative analysis of the risks of hospitalisation and death associated with SARS-CoV-2 omicron (B.1.1.529) and delta (B.1.617.2) variants in England: a cohort study. (2022) Nyberg, Tommy; Ferguson, Neil M; Nash, Sophie G; Webster, Harriet H; Flaxman, Seth; Andrews, Nick; Hinsley, Wes; Bernal, Jamie Lopez; Kall, Meaghan; Bhatt, Samir; Blomquist, Paula; Zaidi, Asad; Volz, Erik; Aziz, Nurin Abdul; Harman, Katie; Funk, Sebastian; Abbott, Sam; COVID-19 Genomics UK (COG-UK) consortium; Hope, Russell; Charlett, Andre; Chand, Meera; Ghani, Azra C; Seaman, Shaun R; Dabrera, Gavin; De Angelis, Daniela; Presanis, Anne M; Thelwall, Simon
  • The importance of the generation interval in investigating dynamics and control of new SARS-CoV-2 variants. (2022) Park, Sang Woo; Bolker, Benjamin M; Funk, Sebastian; Metcalf, C Jessica E; Weitz, Joshua S; Grenfell, Bryan T; Dushoff, Jonathan
  • Comparing trained and untrained probabilistic ensemble forecasts of COVID-19 cases and deaths in the United States. (2022) Ray, Evan L; Brooks, Logan C; Bien, Jacob; Biggerstaff, Matthew; Bosse, Nikos I; Bracher, Johannes; Cramer, Estee Y; Funk, Sebastian; Gerding, Aaron; Johansson, Michael A; Rumack, Aaron; Wang, Yijin; Zorn, Martha; Tibshirani, Ryan J; Reich, Nicholas G
  • The impact of local vaccine coverage and recent incidence on measles transmission in France between 2009 and 2018. (2022) Robert, Alexis; Kucharski, Adam J; Funk, Sebastian
  • 2021
  • Serological Evidence of Widespread Zika Transmission across the Philippines. (2021) Biggs, Joseph R; Sy, Ava Kristy; Brady, Oliver J; Kucharski, Adam J; Funk, Sebastian; Tu, Yun-Hung; Reyes, Mary Anne Joy; Quinones, Mary Ann; Jones-Warner, William; Ashall, James; Avelino, Ferchito L; Sucaldito, Nemia L; Tandoc, Amado O; Cutiongco-de la Paz, Eva; Capeding, Maria Rosario Z; Padilla, Carmencita D; Hibberd, Martin L; Hafalla, Julius Clemence R
  • Estimating the annual dengue force of infection from the age of reporting primary infections across urban centres in endemic countries. (2021) Biggs, Joseph R; Sy, Ava Kristy; Sherratt, Katharine; Brady, Oliver J; Kucharski, Adam J; Funk, Sebastian; Reyes, Mary Anne Joy; Quinones, Mary Ann; Jones-Warner, William; Avelino, Ferchito L; Sucaldito, Nemia L; Tandoc, Amado O; la Paz, Eva Cutiongco-de; Capeding, Maria Rosario Z; Padilla, Carmencita D; Hafalla, Julius Clemence R; Hibberd, Martin L
  • A pre-registered short-term forecasting study of COVID-19 in Germany and Poland during the second wave. (2021) Bracher, J; Wolffram, D; Deuschel, J; Görgen, K; Ketterer, JL; Ullrich, A; Abbott, S; Barbarossa, MV; Bertsimas, D; Bhatia, S; Bodych, M; Bosse, NI; Burgard, JP; Castro, L; Fairchild, G; Fuhrmann, J; Funk, S; Gogolewski, K; Gu, Q; Heyder, S; Hotz, T; Kheifetz, Y; Kirsten, H; Krueger, T; Krymova, E; Li, ML; Meinke, JH; Michaud, IJ; Niedzielewski, K; Ożański, T; Rakowski, F; Scholz, M; Soni, S; Srivastava, A; Zieliński, J; Zou, D; Gneiting, T; Schienle, M; List of Contributors by Team
  • Case-area targeted interventions (CATI) for reactive dengue control: Modelling effectiveness of vector control and prophylactic drugs in Singapore. (2021) Brady, Oliver J; Kucharski, Adam J; Funk, Sebastian; Jafari, Yalda; Loock, Marnix Van; Herrera-Taracena, Guillermo; Menten, Joris; Edmunds, W John; Sim, Shuzhen; Ng, Lee-Ching; Hué, Stéphane; Hibberd, Martin L
  • Epidemiological versus meteorological forecasts: Best practice for linking models to policymaking. (2021) Coughlan de Perez, Erin; Stephens, Elisabeth; van Aalst, Maarten; Bazo, Juan; Fournier-Tombs, Eleonore; Funk, Sebastian; Hess, Jeremy J; Ranger, Nicola; Lowe, Rachel
  • Estimated transmissibility and impact of SARS-CoV-2 lineage B.1.1.7 in England. (2021) Davies, Nicholas G; Abbott, Sam; Barnard, Rosanna C; Jarvis, Christopher I; Kucharski, Adam J; Munday, James D; Pearson, Carl AB; Russell, Timothy W; Tully, Damien C; Washburne, Alex D; Wenseleers, Tom; Gimma, Amy; Waites, William; Wong, Kerry LM; van Zandvoort, Kevin; Silverman, Justin D; CMMID COVID-19 Working Group; COVID-19 Genomics UK (COG-UK) Consortium; Diaz-Ordaz, Karla; Keogh, Ruth; Eggo, Rosalind M; Funk, Sebastian; Jit, Mark; Atkins, Katherine E; Edmunds, W John
  • Changes in in-hospital mortality in the first wave of COVID-19: a multicentre prospective observational cohort study using the WHO Clinical Characterisation Protocol UK. (2021) Docherty, Annemarie B; Mulholland, Rachel H; Lone, Nazir I; Cheyne, Christopher P; De Angelis, Daniela; Diaz-Ordaz, Karla; Donegan, Cara; Drake, Thomas M; Dunning, Jake; Funk, Sebastian; García-Fiñana, Marta; Girvan, Michelle; Hardwick, Hayley E; Harrison, Janet; Ho, Antonia; Hughes, David M; Keogh, Ruth H; Kirwan, Peter D; Leeming, Gary; Nguyen Van-Tam, Jonathan S; Pius, Riinu; Russell, Clark D; Spencer, Rebecca G; Tom, Brian Dm; Turtle, Lance; Openshaw, Peter Jm; Baillie, J Kenneth; Harrison, Ewen M; Semple, Malcolm G; ISARIC4C Investigators
  • Roles of heterogeneity in infectious disease epidemiology: implications on dynamics, inference and control of influenza and COVID-19. (2021) Endo, A
  • Implication of backward contact tracing in the presence of overdispersed transmission in COVID-19 outbreaks. (2021) Endo, Akira; Centre for the Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases COV; Leclerc, Quentin J; Knight, Gwenan M; Medley, Graham F; Atkins, Katherine E; Funk, Sebastian; Kucharski, Adam J
  • Within and between classroom transmission patterns of seasonal influenza among primary school students in Matsumoto city, Japan. (2021) Endo, Akira; Uchida, Mitsuo; Hayashi, Naoki; Liu, Yang; Atkins, Katherine E; Kucharski, Adam J; Funk, Sebastian
  • Correction: Practical considerations for measuring the effective reproductive number, Rt. (2021) Gostic, Katelyn M; McGough, Lauren; Baskerville, Edward B; Abbott, Sam; Joshi, Keya; Tedijanto, Christine; Kahn, Rebecca; Niehus, Rene; Hay, James A; De Salazar, Pablo M; Hellewell, Joel; Meakin, Sophie; Munday, James D; Bosse, Nikos I; Sherrat, Katharine; Thompson, Robin N; White, Laura F; Huisman, Jana S; Scire, Jérémie; Bonhoeffer, Sebastian; Stadler, Tanja; Wallinga, Jacco; Funk, Sebastian; Lipsitch, Marc; Cobey, Sarah picture_as_pdf
  • Interactions between timing and transmissibility explain diverse flavivirus dynamics in Fiji. (2021) Henderson, Alasdair D; Kama, Mike; Aubry, Maite; Hue, Stephane; Teissier, Anita; Naivalu, Taina; Bechu, Vinaisi D; Kailawadoko, Jimaima; Rabukawaqa, Isireli; Sahukhan, Aalisha; Hibberd, Martin L; Nilles, Eric J; Funk, Sebastian; Whitworth, Jimmy; Watson, Conall H; Lau, Colleen L; Edmunds, W John; Cao-Lormeau, Van-Mai; Kucharski, Adam J
  • Interventions targeting non-symptomatic cases can be important to prevent local outbreaks: SARS-CoV-2 as a case study. (2021) Lovell-Read, Francesca A; Funk, Sebastian; Obolski, Uri; Donnelly, Christl A; Thompson, Robin N
  • The importance of supplementary immunisation activities to prevent measles outbreaks during the COVID-19 pandemic in Kenya. (2021) Mburu, CN; Ojal, J; Chebet, R; Akech, D; Karia, B; Tuju, J; Sigilai, A; Abbas, K; Jit, M; Funk, S; Smits, G; van Gageldonk, PGM; van der Klis, FRM; Tabu, C; Nokes, DJ; LSHTM CMMID COVID-19 Working Group; Scott, Jag; Flasche, S; Adetifa, Imo
  • The importance of supplementary immunisation activities to prevent measles outbreaks during the COVID-19 pandemic in Kenya. (2021) Mburu, CN; Ojal, J; Chebet, R; Akech, D; Karia, B; Tuju, J; Sigilai, A; Abbas, K; Jit, M; Funk, S; Smits, G; van Gageldonk, PGM; van der Klis, FRM; Tabu, C; Nokes, DJ; Scott, JAG; Flasche, S; Adetifa, IMO
  • Estimating the impact of reopening schools on the reproduction number of SARS-CoV-2 in England, using weekly contact survey data. (2021) Munday, James D; I Jarvis, Christopher; Gimma, Amy; Wong, Kerry LM; Zandvoort, Kevin van; Funk, Sebastian; Edmunds, W John
  • Estimating the impact of reopening schools on the reproduction number of SARS-CoV-2 in England, using weekly contact survey data. (2021) Munday, James D; Jarvis, Christopher I; Gimma, Amy; Wong, Kerry LM; van Zandvoort, Kevin; CMMID COVID-19 Working Group; Funk, Sebastian; Edmunds, W John
  • Implications of the school-household network structure on SARS-CoV-2 transmission under school reopening strategies in England. (2021) Munday, James D; Sherratt, Katharine; Meakin, Sophie; Endo, Akira; Pearson, Carl AB; Hellewell, Joel; Abbott, Sam; Bosse, Nikos I; CMMID COVID-19 Working Group; Atkins, Katherine E; Wallinga, Jacco; Edmunds, W John; van Hoek, Albert Jan; Funk, Sebastian
  • covidregionaldata: Subnational data for COVID-19 epidemiology. (2021) Palmer, Joseph; Sherratt, Katharine; Martin-Nielsen, Richard; Bevan, Jonnie; Gibbs, Hamish; Group, Cmmid; Funk, Sebastian; Abbott, Sam
  • The impact of population-wide rapid antigen testing on SARS-CoV-2 prevalence in Slovakia. (2021) Pavelka, Martin; Van-Zandvoort, Kevin; Abbott, Sam; Sherratt, Katharine; Majdan, Marek; CMMID COVID-19 working group; Inštitút Zdravotných Analýz; Jarčuška, Pavol; Krajčí, Marek; Flasche, Stefan; Funk, Sebastian
  • Modelling the Risks of Measles Outbreaks Near Elimination. (2021) Robert, A
  • o2geosocial: Reconstructing who-infected-whom from routinely collected surveillance data. (2021) Robert, Alexis; Funk, Sebastian; Kucharski, Adam J
  • o2geosocial: Reconstructing who-infected-whom from routinely collected surveillance data. (2021) Robert, Alexis; Funk, Sebastian; Kucharski, Adam J
  • o2geosocial: Reconstructing who-infected-whom from routinely collected surveillance data. (2021) Robert, Alexis; Funk, Sebastian; Kucharski, Adam J
  • Exploring surveillance data biases when estimating the reproduction number: with insights into subpopulation transmission of COVID-19 in England. (2021) Sherratt, Katharine; Abbott, Sam; Meakin, Sophie R; Hellewell, Joel; Munday, James D; Bosse, Nikos; CMMID COVID-19 Working Group; Jit, Mark; Funk, Sebastian
  • Exploring surveillance data biases when estimating the reproduction number: with insights into subpopulation transmission of Covid-19 in England. (2021) Sherratt, Katharine; Abbott, Sam; Meakin, Sophie R; Hellewell, Joel; Munday, James D; Bosse, Nikos; Jit, Mark; Funk, Sebastian
  • Genomic reconstruction of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in England. (2021) Vöhringer, Harald S; Sanderson, Theo; Sinnott, Matthew; De Maio, Nicola; Nguyen, Thuy; Goater, Richard; Schwach, Frank; Harrison, Ian; Hellewell, Joel; Ariani, Cristina V; Gonçalves, Sonia; Jackson, David K; Johnston, Ian; Jung, Alexander W; Saint, Callum; Sillitoe, John; Suciu, Maria; Goldman, Nick; Panovska-Griffiths, Jasmina; Wellcome Sanger Institute COVID-19 Surveillance Team; COVID-19 Genomics UK (COG-UK) Consortium*; Birney, Ewan; Volz, Erik; Funk, Sebastian; Kwiatkowski, Dominic; Chand, Meera; Martincorena, Inigo; Barrett, Jeffrey C; Gerstung, Moritz
  • 2020
  • Routine childhood immunisation during the COVID-19 pandemic in Africa: a benefit-risk analysis of health benefits versus excess risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection. (2020) Abbas, Kaja; Procter, Simon R; van Zandvoort, Kevin; Clark, Andrew; Funk, Sebastian; Mengistu, Tewodaj; Hogan, Dan; Dansereau, Emily; Jit, Mark; Flasche, Stefan; LSHTM CMMID COVID-19 Working Group
  • The transmissibility of novel Coronavirus in the early stages of the 2019-20 outbreak in Wuhan: Exploring initial point-source exposure sizes and durations using scenario analysis. (2020) Abbott, Sam; Hellewell, Joel; Munday, James; CMMID nCoV working group; Funk, Sebastian
  • Estimating the time-varying reproduction number of SARS-CoV-2 using national and subnational case counts. (2020) Abbott, Sam; Hellewell, Joel; Thompson, Robin N; Sherratt, Katharine; Gibbs, Hamish P; Bosse, Nikos I; Munday, James D; Meakin, Sophie; Doughty, Emma L; Chun, June Young; Chan, Yung-Wai Desmond; Finger, Flavio; Campbell, Paul; Endo, Akira; Pearson, Carl AB; Gimma, Amy; Russell, Tim; Flasche, Stefan; Kucharski, Adam J; Eggo, Rosalind M; Funk, Sebastian
  • Estimating the time-varying reproduction number of SARS-CoV-2 using national and subnational case counts. (2020) Abbott, Sam; Hellewell, Joel; Thompson, Robin N; Sherratt, Katharine; Gibbs, Hamish P; Bosse, Nikos I; Munday, James D; Meakin, Sophie; Doughty, Emma L; Chun, June Young; Chan, Yung-Wai Desmond; Finger, Flavio; Campbell, Paul; Endo, Akira; Pearson, Carl AB; Gimma, Amy; Russell, Tim; Flasche, Stefan; Kucharski, Adam J; Eggo, Rosalind M; Funk, Sebastian
  • A serological framework to investigate acute primary and post-primary dengue cases reporting across the Philippines. (2020) Biggs, Joseph R; Sy, Ava Kristy; Brady, Oliver J; Kucharski, Adam J; Funk, Sebastian; Reyes, Mary Anne Joy; Quinones, Mary Ann; Jones-Warner, William; Tu, Yun-Hung; Avelino, Ferchito L; Sucaldito, Nemia L; Mai, Huynh Kim; Lien, Le Thuy; Do Thai, Hung; Nguyen, Hien Anh Thi; Anh, Dang Duc; Iwasaki, Chihiro; Kitamura, Noriko; Yoshida, Lay-Myint; Tandoc, Amado O; la Paz, Eva Cutiongco-de; Capeding, Maria Rosario Z; Padilla, Carmencita D; Hafalla, Julius Clemence R; Hibberd, Martin L
  • Estimated transmissibility and impact of SARS-CoV-2 lineage B.1.1.7 in England. (2020) Davies, Nicholas G; Abbott, Sam; Barnard, Rosanna C; Jarvis, Christopher I; Kucharski, Adam J; Munday, James D; Pearson, Carl AB; Russell, Timothy W; Tully, Damien C; Washburne, Alex D; Wenseleers, Tom; Gimma, Amy; Waites, William; Wong, Kerry LM; van Zandvoort, Kevin; Silverman, Justin D; Diaz-Ordaz, Karla; Keogh, Ruth; Eggo, Rosalind M; Funk, Sebastian; Jit, Mark; Atkins, Katherine E; Edmunds, W John picture_as_pdf
  • Feasibility of controlling COVID-19 - Authors' reply. (2020) Eggo, Rosalind M; Hellewell, Joel; Funk, Sebastian
  • The contribution of asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections to transmission on the Diamond Princess cruise ship. (2020) Emery, Jon C; Russell, Timothy W; Liu, Yang; Hellewell, Joel; Pearson, Carl Ab; CMMID COVID-19 Working Group; Knight, Gwenan M; Eggo, Rosalind M; Kucharski, Adam J; Funk, Sebastian; Flasche, Stefan; Houben, Rein Mgj
  • Bias correction methods for test-negative designs in the presence of misclassification. (2020) Endo, A; Funk, S; Kucharski, AJ
  • Estimating the overdispersion in COVID-19 transmission using outbreak sizes outside China. (2020) Endo, Akira; Centre for the Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases COV; Abbott, Sam; Kucharski, Adam J; Funk, Sebastian
  • Implication of backward contact tracing in the presence of overdispersed transmission in COVID-19 outbreaks. (2020) Endo, Akira; Centre for the Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases COV; Leclerc, Quentin J; Knight, Gwenan M; Medley, Graham F; Atkins, Katherine E; Funk, Sebastian; Kucharski, Adam J
  • Implication of backward contact tracing in the presence of overdispersed transmission in COVID-19 outbreaks. (2020) Endo, Akira; Centre for the Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases COV; Leclerc, Quentin J; Knight, Gwenan M; Medley, Graham F; Atkins, Katherine E; Funk, Sebastian; Kucharski, Adam J
  • Short-term forecasts to inform the response to the Covid-19 epidemic in the UK. (2020) Funk, S; Abbott, S; Atkins, BD; Baguelin, M; Baillie, JK; Birrell, P; Blake, J; Bosse, NI; Burton, J; Carruthers, J; Davies, NG; De Angelis, D; Dyson, L; Edmunds, WJ; Eggo, RM; Ferguson, NM; Gaythorpe, K; Gorsich, E; Guyver-Fletcher, G; Hellewell, J; Hill, EM; Holmes, A; House, TA; Jewell, C; Jit, M; Jombart, T; Joshi, I; Keeling, MJ; Kendall, E; Knock, ES; Kucharski, AJ; Lythgoe, KA; Meakin, SR; Munday, JD; Openshaw, PJM; Overton, CE; Pagani, F; Pearson, J; Perez-Guzman, PN; Pellis, L; Scarabel, F; Semple, MG; Sherratt, K; Tang, M; Tildesley, MJ; Van Leeuwen, E; Whittles, LK
  • Practical considerations for measuring the effective reproductive number, Rt. (2020) Gostic, Katelyn M; McGough, Lauren; Baskerville, Edward B; Abbott, Sam; Joshi, Keya; Tedijanto, Christine; Kahn, Rebecca; Niehus, Rene; Hay, James A; De Salazar, Pablo M; Hellewell, Joel; Meakin, Sophie; Munday, James D; Bosse, Nikos I; Sherrat, Katharine; Thompson, Robin N; White, Laura F; Huisman, Jana S; Scire, Jérémie; Bonhoeffer, Sebastian; Stadler, Tanja; Wallinga, Jacco; Funk, Sebastian; Lipsitch, Marc; Cobey, Sarah
  • Practical considerations for measuring the effective reproductive number, R t. (2020) Gostic, Katelyn M; McGough, Lauren; Baskerville, Edward B; Abbott, Sam; Joshi, Keya; Tedijanto, Christine; Kahn, Rebecca; Niehus, Rene; Hay, James; De Salazar, Pablo M; Hellewell, Joel; Meakin, Sophie; Munday, James; Bosse, Nikos I; Sherrat, Katharine; Thompson, Robin N; White, Laura F; Huisman, Jana S; Scire, Jérémie; Bonhoeffer, Sebastian; Stadler, Tanja; Wallinga, Jacco; Funk, Sebastian; Lipsitch, Marc; Cobey, Sarah
  • Feasibility of controlling COVID-19 outbreaks by isolation of cases and contacts. (2020) Hellewell, Joel; Abbott, Sam; Gimma, Amy; Bosse, Nikos I; Jarvis, Christopher I; Russell, Timothy W; Munday, James D; Kucharski, Adam J; Edmunds, W John; Centre for the Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases COV; Funk, Sebastian; Eggo, Rosalind M
  • Feasibility of controlling 2019-nCoV outbreaks by isolation of cases and contacts. (2020) Hellewell, Joel; Abbott, Sam; Gimma, Amy; Bosse, Nikos I; Jarvis, Christopher I; Russell, Timothy W; Munday, James D; Kucharski, Adam J; Edmunds, W John; Funk, Sebastian; Eggo, Rosalind M
  • On the fallibility of simulation models in informing pandemic responses - Authors' reply. (2020) Hellewell, Joel; Funk, Sebastian; Eggo, Rosalind M
  • Inferring the number of COVID-19 cases from recently reported deaths. (2020) Jombart, Thibaut; van Zandvoort, Kevin; Russell, Timothy W; Jarvis, Christopher I; Gimma, Amy; Abbott, Sam; Clifford, Sam; Funk, Sebastian; Gibbs, Hamish; Liu, Yang; Pearson, Carl AB; Bosse, Nikos I; Centre for the Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases COV; Eggo, Rosalind M; Kucharski, Adam J; Edmunds, W John
  • Inferring the number of COVID-19 cases from recently reported deaths. (2020) Jombart, Thibaut; van Zandvoort, Kevin; Russell, Timothy W; Jarvis, Christopher I; Gimma, Amy; Abbott, Sam; Clifford, Sam; Funk, Sebastian; Gibbs, Hamish; Liu, Yang; Pearson, Carl AB; Bosse, Nikos I; Centre for the Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases COV; Eggo, Rosalind M; Kucharski, Adam J; Edmunds, W John description
  • Inferring the number of COVID-19 cases from recently reported deaths. (2020) Jombart, Thibaut; van Zandvoort, Kevin; Russell, Timothy W; Jarvis, Christopher I; Gimma, Amy; Abbott, Sam; Clifford, Sam; Funk, Sebastian; Gibbs, Hamish; Liu, Yang; Pearson, Carl AB; Bosse, Nikos I; Centre for the Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases COV; Eggo, Rosalind M; Kucharski, Adam J; Edmunds, W John
  • The COVID-19 response illustrates that traditional academic reward structures and metrics do not reflect crucial contributions to modern science. (2020) Kucharski, Adam J; Funk, Sebastian; Eggo, Rosalind M
  • Early dynamics of transmission and control of COVID-19: a mathematical modelling study. (2020) Kucharski, Adam J; Russell, Timothy W; Diamond, Charlie; Liu, Yang; Edmunds, John; Funk, Sebastian; Eggo, Rosalind M
  • Early dynamics of transmission and control of COVID-19: a mathematical modelling study. (2020) Kucharski, Adam J; Russell, Timothy W; Diamond, Charlie; Liu, Yang; Edmunds, John; Funk, Sebastian; Eggo, Rosalind M; Centre for Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases COVID-1
  • What settings have been linked to SARS-CoV-2 transmission clusters? (2020) Leclerc, Quentin J; Fuller, Naomi M; Knight, Lisa E; CMMID COVID-19 Working Group; Funk, Sebastian; Knight, Gwenan M
  • The contribution of pre-symptomatic infection to the transmission dynamics of COVID-2019. (2020) Liu, Yang; Centre for Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases nCoV Wo; Funk, Sebastian; Flasche, Stefan
  • Tailoring Immunization Programmes: using patient file data to explore vaccination uptake and associated factors. (2020) Musa, Sanjin; Bach Habersaat, Katrine; Jackson, Cath; Kulo, Aida; Primorac, Emilija; Smjecanin, Mirsad; Funk, Sebastian
  • Estimation of Rift Valley fever virus spillover to humans during the Mayotte 2018-2019 epidemic. (2020) Métras, Raphaëlle; Edmunds, W John; Youssouffi, Chouanibou; Dommergues, Laure; Fournié, Guillaume; Camacho, Anton; Funk, Sebastian; Cardinale, Eric; Le Godais, Gilles; Combo, Soihibou; Filleul, Laurent; Youssouf, Hassani; Subiros, Marion
  • The impact of population-wide rapid antigen testing on SARS-CoV-2 prevalence in Slovakia. (2020) Pavelka, Martin; Van-Zandvoort, Kevin; Abbott, Sam; Sherratt, Katharine; Majdan, Marek; Analýz, Inštitút Zdravotných; Jarčuška, Pavol; Krajčí, Marek; Flasche, Stefan; Funk, Sebastian
  • Highly targeted spatiotemporal interventions against cholera epidemics, 2000-19: a scoping review. (2020) Ratnayake, Ruwan; Finger, Flavio; Azman, Andrew S; Lantagne, Daniele; Funk, Sebastian; Edmunds, W John; Checchi, Francesco
  • Probabilistic reconstruction of measles transmission clusters from routinely collected surveillance data. (2020) Robert, Alexis; Kucharski, Adam J; Gastañaduy, Paul A; Paul, Prabasaj; Funk, Sebastian
  • Key questions for modelling COVID-19 exit strategies. (2020) Thompson, Robin N; Hollingsworth, T Déirdre; Isham, Valerie; Arribas-Bel, Daniel; Ashby, Ben; Britton, Tom; Challenor, Peter; Chappell, Lauren HK; Clapham, Hannah; Cunniffe, Nik J; Dawid, A Philip; Donnelly, Christl A; Eggo, Rosalind M; Funk, Sebastian; Gilbert, Nigel; Glendinning, Paul; Gog, Julia R; Hart, William S; Heesterbeek, Hans; House, Thomas; Keeling, Matt; Kiss, István Z; Kretzschmar, Mirjam E; Lloyd, Alun L; McBryde, Emma S; McCaw, James M; McKinley, Trevelyan J; Miller, Joel C; Morris, Martina; O'Neill, Philip D; Parag, Kris V; Pearson, Carl AB; Pellis, Lorenzo; Pulliam, Juliet RC; Ross, Joshua V; Tomba, Gianpaolo Scalia; Silverman, Bernard W; Struchiner, Claudio J; Tildesley, Michael J; Trapman, Pieter; Webb, Cerian R; Mollison, Denis; Restif, Olivier
  • Computational Methods for D-optimal Design in Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models. (2020) Tvermosegaard, KT
  • SOCRATES: an online tool leveraging a social contact data sharing initiative to assess mitigation strategies for COVID-19. (2020) Willem, Lander; Van Hoang, Thang; Funk, Sebastian; Coletti, Pietro; Beutels, Philippe; Hens, Niel
  • 2019
  • Estimating contact-adjusted immunity levels against measles in South Korea and prospects for maintaining elimination status. (2019) Chun, June Young; Park, Wan Beom; Kim, Nam Joong; Choi, Eun Hwa; Funk, Sebastian; Oh, Myoung-Don
  • Fine-scale family structure shapes influenza transmission risk in households: Insights from primary schools in Matsumoto city, 2014/15. (2019) Endo, Akira; Uchida, Mitsuo; Kucharski, Adam J; Funk, Sebastian
  • Real-time analysis of the diphtheria outbreak in forcibly displaced Myanmar nationals in Bangladesh. (2019) Finger, Flavio; Funk, Sebastian; White, Kate; Siddiqui, M Ruby; Edmunds, W John; Kucharski, Adam J
  • Assessing the performance of real-time epidemic forecasts: A case study of Ebola in the Western Area region of Sierra Leone, 2014-15. (2019) Funk, Sebastian; Camacho, Anton; Kucharski, Adam J; Lowe, Rachel; Eggo, Rosalind M; Edmunds, W John
  • Choices and trade-offs in inference with infectious disease models. (2019) Funk, Sebastian; King, Aaron A
  • Combining serological and contact data to derive target immunity levels for achieving and maintaining measles elimination. (2019) Funk, Sebastian; Knapp, Jennifer K; Lebo, Emmaculate; Reef, Susan E; Dabbagh, Alya J; Kretsinger, Katrina; Jit, Mark; Edmunds, W John; Strebel, Peter M
  • Factors Associated With Measles Transmission in the United States During the Postelimination Era. (2019) Gastañaduy, Paul A; Funk, Sebastian; Lopman, Benjamin A; Rota, Paul A; Gambhir, Manoj; Grenfell, Bryan; Paul, Prabasaj
  • Outbreak analytics: a developing data science for informing the response to emerging pathogens. (2019) Polonsky, Jonathan A; Baidjoe, Amrish; Kamvar, Zhian N; Cori, Anne; Durski, Kara; Edmunds, W John; Eggo, Rosalind M; Funk, Sebastian; Kaiser, Laurent; Keating, Patrick; de Waroux, Olivier le Polain; Marks, Michael; Moraga, Paula; Morgan, Oliver; Nouvellet, Pierre; Ratnayake, Ruwan; Roberts, Chrissy H; Whitworth, Jimmy; Jombart, Thibaut
  • The measles crisis in Europe-the need for a joined-up approach. (2019) Robert, Alexis; Funk, Sebastian; Kucharski, Adam J
  • 2018
  • The impact of passive case detection on the transmission dynamics of gambiense Human African Trypanosomiasis. (2018) Checchi, Francesco; Funk, Sebastian; Chandramohan, Daniel; Chappuis, François; Haydon, Daniel T
  • Genomic and epidemiological monitoring of yellow fever virus transmission potential. (2018) Faria, NR; Kraemer, MUG; Hill, SC; Goes de Jesus, J; Aguiar, RS; Iani, FCM; Xavier, J; Quick, J; du Plessis, L; Dellicour, S; Thézé, J; Carvalho, RDO; Baele, G; Wu, C-H; Silveira, PP; Arruda, MB; Pereira, MA; Pereira, GC; Lourenço, J; Obolski, U; Abade, L; Vasylyeva, TI; Giovanetti, M; Yi, D; Weiss, DJ; Wint, GRW; Shearer, FM; Funk, S; Nikolay, B; Fonseca, V; Adelino, TER; Oliveira, MAA; Silva, MVF; Sacchetto, L; Figueiredo, PO; Rezende, IM; Mello, EM; Said, RFC; Santos, DA; Ferraz, ML; Brito, MG; Santana, LF; Menezes, MT; Brindeiro, RM; Tanuri, A; Dos Santos, FCP; Cunha, MS; Nogueira, JS; Rocco, IM; da Costa, AC; Komninakis, SCV; Azevedo, V; Chieppe, AO; Araujo, ESM; Mendonça, MCL; Dos Santos, CC; Dos Santos, CD; Mares-Guia, AM; Nogueira, RMR; Sequeira, PC; Abreu, RG; Garcia, MHO; Abreu, AL; Okumoto, O; Kroon, EG; de Albuquerque, CFC; Lewandowski, K; Pullan, ST; Carroll, M; de Oliveira, T; Sabino, EC; Souza, RP; Suchard, MA; Lemey, P; Trindade, GS; Drumond, BP; Filippis, AMB; Loman, NJ; Cauchemez, S; Alcantara, LCJ; Pybus, OG
  • Real-time analysis of the diphtheria outbreak amongst forcibly displaced Myanmar nationals in Bangladesh. (2018) Finger, F; Kucharski, A; Funk, S; Siddiqui, R; White, K; Edmunds, J desktop_windows
  • Impact of Public Health Responses During a Measles Outbreak in an Amish Community in Ohio: Modeling the Dynamics of Transmission. (2018) Gastañaduy, Paul A; Funk, Sebastian; Paul, Prabasaj; Tatham, Lilith; Fisher, Nicholas; Budd, Jeremy; Fowler, Brian; de Fijter, Sietske; DiOrio, Mary; Wallace, Gregory S; Grenfell, Bryan
  • "Pathogen Eradication" and "Emerging Pathogens": Difficult Definitions in Cystic Fibrosis. (2018) Gilligan, Peter H; Downey, Damian G; Elborn, J Stuart; Flume, Patrick A; Funk, Sebastian; Gilpin, Deirdre; Kidd, Timothy J; McCaughan, John; Millar, B Cherie; Murphy, Philip G; Rendall, Jacqueline C; Tunney, Michael M; Moore, John E
  • The relative fitness of drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis: a modelling study of household transmission in Peru. (2018) Knight, Gwenan M; Zimic, Mirko; Funk, Sebastian; Gilman, Robert H; Friedland, Jon S; Grandjean, Louis
  • Reconstruction and prediction of viral disease epidemics. (2018) Kraemer, MUG; Cummings, DAT; Funk, S; Reiner, RC; Faria, NR; Pybus, OG; Cauchemez, S
  • Using paired serology and surveillance data to quantify dengue transmission and control during a large outbreak in Fiji. (2018) Kucharski, Adam J; Kama, Mike; Watson, Conall H; Aubry, Maite; Funk, Sebastian; Henderson, Alasdair D; Brady, Oliver J; Vanhomwegen, Jessica; Manuguerra, Jean-Claude; Lau, Colleen L; Edmunds, W John; Aaskov, John; Nilles, Eric James; Cao-Lormeau, Van-Mai; Hué, Stéphane; Hibberd, Martin L
  • Projecting the end of the Zika virus epidemic in Latin America: a modelling analysis. (2018) O'Reilly, Kathleen M; Lowe, Rachel; Edmunds, W John; Mayaud, Philippe; Kucharski, Adam; Eggo, Rosalind M; Funk, Sebastian; Bhatia, Deepit; Khan, Kamran; Kraemer, Moritz UG; Wilder-Smith, Annelies; Rodrigues, Laura C; Brasil, Patricia; Massad, Eduardo; Jaenisch, Thomas; Cauchemez, Simon; Brady, Oliver J; Yakob, Laith
  • 2017
  • Assessing the performance of real-time epidemic forecasts: A case study of Ebola in the Western Area Region of Sierra Leone, 2014–15. (2017) Funk, Sebastian; Camacho, Anton; Kucharski, Adam J; Lowe, Rachel; Eggo, Rosalind M; Edmunds, W John
  • The impact of control strategies and behavioural changes on the elimination of Ebola from Lofa County, Liberia. (2017) Funk, Sebastian; Ciglenecki, Iza; Tiffany, Amanda; Gignoux, Etienne; Camacho, Anton; Eggo, Rosalind M; Kucharski, Adam J; Edmunds, W John; Bolongei, Josephus; Azuma, Phillip; Clement, Peter; Alpha, Tamba S; Sterk, Esther; Telfer, Barbara; Engel, Gregory; Parker, Lucy Anne; Suzuki, Motoi; Heijenberg, Nico; Reeder, Bruce
  • Combining serological and contact data to derive target immunity levels for achieving and maintaining measles elimination. (2017) Funk, Sebastian; Knapp, Jennifer K; Lebo, Emmaculate; Reef, Susan E; Dabbagh, Alya J; Kretsinger, Katrina; Jit, Mark; Edmunds, W John; Strebel, Peter M
  • Spatial and temporal dynamics of superspreading events in the 2014-2015 West Africa Ebola epidemic. (2017) Lau, Max SY; Dalziel, Benjamin Douglas; Funk, Sebastian; McClelland, Amanda; Tiffany, Amanda; Riley, Steven; Metcalf, C Jessica E; Grenfell, Bryan T
  • A mechanistic spatio-temporal framework for modelling individual-to-individual transmission-With an application to the 2014-2015 West Africa Ebola outbreak. (2017) Lau, Max SY; Gibson, Gavin J; Adrakey, Hola; McClelland, Amanda; Riley, Steven; Zelner, Jon; Streftaris, George; Funk, Sebastian; Metcalf, Jessica; Dalziel, Benjamin D; Grenfell, Bryan T
  • Mathematical Modeling of Programmatic Requirements for Yaws Eradication. (2017) Marks, Michael; Mitjà, Oriol; Fitzpatrick, Christopher; Asiedu, Kingsley; Solomon, Anthony W; Mabey, David CW; Funk, Sebastian
  • High Zika Virus Seroprevalence in Salvador, Northeastern Brazil Limits the Potential for Further Outbreaks. (2017) Netto, Eduardo Martins; Moreira-Soto, Andres; Pedroso, Celia; Höser, Christoph; Funk, Sebastian; Kucharski, Adam J; Rockstroh, Alexandra; Kümmerer, Beate M; Sampaio, Gilmara Souza; Luz, Estela; Vaz, Sara Nunes; Dias, Juarez Pereira; Bastos, Fernanda Anjos; Cabral, Renata; Kistemann, Thomas; Ulbert, Sebastian; de Lamballerie, Xavier; Jaenisch, Thomas; Brady, Oliver J; Drosten, Christian; Sarno, Manoel; Brites, Carlos; Drexler, Jan Felix
  • Disease severity determines health-seeking behaviour amongst individuals with influenza-like illness in an internet-based cohort. (2017) Peppa, Maria; John Edmunds, W; Funk, Sebastian
  • Aedes aegypti Control Through Modernized, Integrated Vector Management. (2017) Yakob, Laith; Funk, Sebastian; Camacho, Anton; Brady, Oliver; Edmunds, W John
  • 2016
  • Real-time dynamic modelling for the design of a cluster-randomized phase 3 Ebola vaccine trial in Sierra Leone. (2016) Camacho, A; Eggo, RM; Goeyvaerts, N; Vandebosch, A; Mogg, R; Funk, S; Kucharski, AJ; Watson, CH; Vangeneugden, T; Edmunds, WJ
  • Real-time forecasting of infectious disease dynamics with a stochastic semi-mechanistic model. (2016) Funk, Sebastian; Camacho, Anton; Kucharski, Adam J; Eggo, Rosalind M; Edmunds, W John
  • Comparative Analysis of Dengue and Zika Outbreaks Reveals Differences by Setting and Virus. (2016) Funk, Sebastian; Kucharski, Adam J; Camacho, Anton; Eggo, Rosalind M; Yakob, Laith; Murray, Lawrence M; Edmunds, W John
  • Effectiveness of Ring Vaccination as Control Strategy for Ebola Virus Disease. (2016) Kucharski, Adam J; Eggo, Rosalind M; Watson, Conall H; Camacho, Anton; Funk, Sebastian; Edmunds, W John
  • Transmission Dynamics of Zika Virus in Island Populations: A Modelling Analysis of the 2013-14 French Polynesia Outbreak. (2016) Kucharski, Adam J; Funk, Sebastian; Eggo, Rosalind M; Mallet, Henri-Pierre; Edmunds, W John; Nilles, Eric J
  • 2015
  • Temporal changes in ebola transmission in sierra leone and implications for control requirements: A real-time modelling study. (2015) Camacho, A; Kucharski, A; Aki-Sawyerr, Y; White, MA; Flasche, S; Baguelin, M; Pollington, T; Carney, JR; Glover, R; Smout, E; Tiffany, A; Edmunds, WJ; Funk, S picture_as_pdf
  • Estimating the probability of demonstrating vaccine efficacy in the declining Ebola epidemic: a Bayesian modelling approach. (2015) Camacho, Anton; Eggo, Rosalind M; Funk, Sebastian; Watson, Conall H; Kucharski, Adam J; Edmunds, W John
  • Temporal Changes in Ebola Transmission in Sierra Leone and Implications for Control Requirements: a Real-time Modelling Study. (2015) Camacho, Anton; Kucharski, Adam; Aki-Sawyerr, Yvonne; White, Mark A; Flasche, Stefan; Baguelin, Marc; Pollington, Timothy; Carney, Julia R; Glover, Rebecca; Smout, Elizabeth; Tiffany, Amanda; Edmunds, W John; Funk, Sebastian
  • Updated estimate of the duration of the meningo-encephalitic stage in gambiense human African trypanosomiasis. (2015) Checchi, Francesco; Funk, Sebastian; Chandramohan, Daniel; Haydon, Daniel T; Chappuis, François
  • Duration of Ebola virus RNA persistence in semen of survivors: population-level estimates and projections. (2015) Eggo, Rosalind M; Watson, Conall H; Camacho, Anton; Kucharski, Adam J; Funk, Sebastian; Edmunds, W John
  • Modeling infectious disease dynamics in the complex landscape of global health. (2015) Heesterbeek, Hans; Anderson, Roy M; Andreasen, Viggo; Bansal, Shweta; De Angelis, Daniela; Dye, Chris; Eames, Ken TD; Edmunds, W John; Frost, Simon DW; Funk, Sebastian; Hollingsworth, T Deirdre; House, Thomas; Isham, Valerie; Klepac, Petra; Lessler, Justin; Lloyd-Smith, James O; Metcalf, C Jessica E; Mollison, Denis; Pellis, Lorenzo; Pulliam, Juliet RC; Roberts, Mick G; Viboud, Cecile; Isaac Newton Institute IDD Collaboration
  • Evaluation of the benefits and risks of introducing Ebola community care centers, Sierra Leone. (2015) Kucharski, Adam J; Camacho, Anton; Checchi, Francesco; Waldman, Ron; Grais, Rebecca F; Cabrol, Jean-Clement; Briand, Sylvie; Baguelin, Marc; Flasche, Stefan; Funk, Sebastian; Edmunds, W John
  • Measuring the impact of Ebola control measures in Sierra Leone. (2015) Kucharski, Adam J; Camacho, Anton; Flasche, Stefan; Glover, Rebecca E; Edmunds, W John; Funk, Sebastian
  • Ebola virus disease in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 1976-2014. (2015) Rosello, Alicia; Mossoko, Mathias; Flasche, Stefan; Van Hoek, Albert Jan; Mbala, Placide; Camacho, Anton; Funk, Sebastian; Kucharski, Adam; Ilunga, Benoit Kebela; Edmunds, W John; Piot, Peter; Baguelin, Marc; Tamfum, Jean-Jacques Muyembe
  • 2014
  • Incidence and risk factors for influenza-like-illness in the UK: online surveillance using Flusurvey. (2014) Adler, Alma J; Eames, Ken TD; Funk, Sebastian; Edmunds, W John
  • Association between recruitment methods and attrition in Internet-based studies. (2014) Bajardi, Paolo; Paolotti, Daniela; Vespignani, Alessandro; Eames, Ken; Funk, Sebastian; Edmunds, W John; Turbelin, Clement; Debin, Marion; Colizza, Vittoria; Smallenburg, Ronald; Koppeschaar, Carl; Franco, Ana O; Faustino, Vitor; Carnahan, AnnaSara; Rehn, Moa; Merletti, Franco; Douwes, Jeroen; Firestone, Ridvan; Richiardi, Lorenzo
  • Determinants of follow-up participation in the Internet-based European influenza surveillance platform Influenzanet. (2014) Bajardi, Paolo; Vespignani, Alessandro; Funk, Sebastian; Eames, Ken Td; Edmunds, W John; Turbelin, Clément; Debin, Marion; Colizza, Vittoria; Smallenburg, Ronald; Koppeschaar, Carl E; Franco, Ana O; Faustino, Vitor; Carnahan, Annasara; Rehn, Moa; Paolotti, Daniela
  • Detecting differential transmissibilities that affect the size of self-limited outbreaks. (2014) Blumberg, Seth; Funk, Sebastian; Pulliam, Juliet RC
  • Potential for large outbreaks of Ebola virus disease. (2014) Camacho, A; Kucharski, AJ; Funk, S; Breman, J; Piot, P; Edmunds, WJ
  • Nine challenges in incorporating the dynamics of behaviour in infectious diseases models. (2014) Funk, Sebastian; Bansal, Shweta; Bauch, Chris T; Eames, Ken TD; Edmunds, W John; Galvani, Alison P; Klepac, Petra
  • Ebola: the power of behaviour change. (2014) Funk, Sebastian; Knight, Gwenan M; Jansen, Vincent AA
  • Mapping Ebola in wild animals for better disease control. (2014) Funk, Sebastian; Piot, Peter
  • Seven challenges for modelling indirect transmission: vector-borne diseases, macroparasites and neglected tropical diseases. (2014) Hollingsworth, T Déirdre; Pulliam, Juliet RC; Funk, Sebastian; Truscott, James E; Isham, Valerie; Lloyd, Alun L
  • Six challenges in the eradication of infectious diseases. (2014) Klepac, Petra; Funk, Sebastian; Hollingsworth, T Deirdre; Metcalf, C Jessica E; Hampson, Katie
  • Nine challenges in modelling the emergence of novel pathogens. (2014) Lloyd-Smith, James O; Funk, Sebastian; McLean, Angela R; Riley, Steven; Wood, James LN
  • Seven challenges in modeling vaccine preventable diseases. (2014) Metcalf, CJE; Andreasen, V; Bjørnstad, ON; Eames, K; Edmunds, WJ; Funk, S; Hollingsworth, TD; Lessler, J; Viboud, C; Grenfell, BT
  • Five challenges in evolution and infectious diseases. (2014) Metcalf, CJE; Birger, RB; Funk, S; Kouyos, RD; Lloyd-Smith, JO; Jansen, VAA
  • 2013
  • LSHTM - May 2013 podcast - Measles, vaccine concerns, and mosquito manipulation. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • John Edmunds and Sebastian Funk - measles outbreak. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • Using network theory to identify the causes of disease outbreaks of unknown origin. (2013) Bogich, Tiffany L; Funk, Sebastian; Malcolm, Trent R; Chhun, Nok; Epstein, Jonathan H; Chmura, Aleksei A; Kilpatrick, A Marm; Brownstein, John S; Hutchison, O Clyde; Doyle-Capitman, Catherine; Deaville, Robert; Morse, Stephen S; Cunningham, Andrew A; Daszak, Peter
  • Word usage mirrors community structure in the online social network Twitter. (2013) Bryden, John; Funk, Sebastian; Jansen, Vincent AA
  • The Talk of the Town: Modelling the Spread of Information and Changes in Behaviour. (2013) Funk, S; Jansen, VAA
  • Quantifying trends in disease impact to produce a consistent and reproducible definition of an emerging infectious disease. (2013) Funk, Sebastian; Bogich, Tiffany L; Jones, Kate E; Kilpatrick, A Marm; Daszak, Peter
  • Identifying transmission cycles at the human-animal interface: the role of animal reservoirs in maintaining gambiense human african trypanosomiasis. (2013) Funk, Sebastian; Nishiura, Hiroshi; Heesterbeek, Hans; Edmunds, W John; Checchi, Francesco
  • 2012
  • Using the internet to estimate influenza vaccine effectiveness. (2012) Edmunds, W John; Funk, Sebastian
  • 2011
  • Stability in flux: community structure in dynamic networks. (2011) Bryden, John; Funk, Sebastian; Geard, Nicholas; Bullock, Seth; Jansen, Vincent AA
  • 2010
  • Endemic disease, awareness, and local behavioural response. (2010) Funk, S; Gilad, E; Jansen, VAA
  • Interacting epidemics on overlay networks. (2010) Funk, Sebastian; Jansen, Vincent AA
  • Modelling the influence of human behaviour on the spread of infectious diseases: a review. (2010) Funk, Sebastian; Salathé, Marcel; Jansen, Vincent AA
  • 2009
  • The spread of awareness and its impact on epidemic outbreaks. (2009) Funk, Sebastian; Gilad, Erez; Watkins, Chris; Jansen, Vincent AA