Vectors and malaria transmission in a gem mining area in Sri Lanka.
Anopheline vectors of malaria were studied in the Kaluganga gem mining area in the dry zone of central Sri Lanka. Adult mosquitoes were collected using cattle-baited huts and nets, pyrethrum spray sheets, window exit traps and light traps and partial and full-night human landing collections over a period of 17 mo. The collections produced a total of 13,591 anophelines belonging to 14 species. Using ELISA for circumsporozoite proteins of Plasmodium vivax and P. falciparum, Anopheles culicifacies, An. subpictus and An. varuna were incriminated as malaria vectors. For these species, estimated entomological inoculation rates were 5.9, 5.7, and 6.7 infective bites per person per year, respectively. An. culicifacies and An. subpictus show endophagic behavior, while An. varuna were exophagic. Mosquito larval surveys indicated that the gem pits, when filled with water, contributed 60% of the larvae of the three vector species. Parasitological data were collected by two mobile malaria clinics and by hospitals. The incidence rates of fever per 1,000 person-years with P. vivax and P. falciparum were 122.8 and 26.1 respectively, with a significantly higher rate in males over 15 years of age than in females of that age. Changes in the environment due to gem mining may have caused the emergence of An. subpictus and An. varuna as significant malaria vectors. The conventional view of An. culicifacies being the main vector of malaria in Sri Lanka needs to be reconsidered when planning the vector control programs in this study area. Due to migration of malaria patients, there is a likelihood the disease could be spread to other parts of the island. Therefore, action should be taken to eliminate these pits as breeding sites.
Item Type | Article |
ISI | 226589200008 |