Items where Year is 1995
Number of items: 30.
Molecular and immunological characterisation of two vaccine dominant antigens of Schistosoma mansoni. (1995)
Oldridge, J
Potential impact of global climate change on malaria risk. (1995)
Martens, W J; Niessen, L W; Rotmans, J; Jetten, T H; McMichael, A J
Association between an MHC class II allele and clearance of hepatitis B virus in the Gambia. (1995)
Thursz, MR; Kwiatkowski, D; Allsopp, CE; Greenwood, B; Thomas, HC; Hill, AV
Simplified PCR for detection of Haemophilus ducreyi and diagnosis of chancroid. (1995)
West, B; Wilson, S.M; Changalucha, J; Patel, S; Mayaud, P; Ballard, RC; Mabey, DC
Immuno-epidemiology of Schistosoma mansoni infections in a recently exposed community in Senegal. (1995)
Gryseels, B.; Stelma, F.; Talla, I.; Polman, K.; Van Dam, G.; Sow, S.; Diaw, M.; Sturrock, R. F.; Decam, C.; Niang, M.; Deelder, A. M.
Use of simple clinical signs to predict pneumonia in young Gambian children: the influence of malnutrition. (1995)
Falade, AG; Tschäppeler, H; Greenwood, B; Mulholland, EK
Risk assessment and other screening options for gonorrhoea and chlamydial infections in women attending rural Tanzanian antenatal clinics. (1995)
Mayaud, P; Grosskurth, H; Changalucha, J; Todd, J; West, B; Gabone, R; Senkoro, K; Rusizoka, M; Laga, M; Hayes, R; Mabey, D
The structural quality of Tanzanian primary health facilities. (1995)
Potential interventions for the prevention of childhood pneumonia in developing countries: a meta-analysis of data from field trials to assess the impact of vitamin A supplementation on pneumonia morbidity and mortality. The Vitamin A and Pneumonia Working Group. (1995)
Sommer, A; Rahmathullah, L; Underwood, B; Milton, R; Reddy, V; West, K; Daulaire, N; Stukel, T; Herrera, G; Stansfield, S; Ross, D; Kirkwood, BR; Arthur, P; Morris, S; Kjolhede, C; Dibley, M; Barreto, M; Bhan, MK; Gove, S
Potential interventions for the prevention of childhood pneumonia in developing countries: a systematic review. (1995)
Kirkwood, BR; Gove, S; Rogers, S; Lob-Levyt, J; Arthur, P; Campbell, H
Assessing health care need for prostatectomy. (1995)
Hunter, Duncan James Webb
Behaviour and ecology of the sandfly 'Lutzomyia longipalpis' in Amazonian Brazil. (1995)
Kelly, David William
Cost-effectiveness analysis of insecticide-impregnated mosquito nets (bednets) used as a malaria control measure : a study from the Gambia. (1995)
Aikins, Moses Kweku Sekyi
Current concepts of snail control. (1995)
Sturrock, RF
Gynaecological and Mental Health of Low-Income Urban Women in India. (1995)
Jaswal, SKP
Health policy and medical research: hepatitis B in the UK since the 1940s. (1995)
Stanton, Jennifer Margaret
Hemostatic factors and the risk of myocardial infarction or sudden death in patients with angina pectoris. European Concerted Action on Thrombosis and Disabilities Angina Pectoris Study Group. (1995)
Thompson, SG; Kienast, J; Pyke, SD; Haverkate, F; Van de Loo, JC
Markets in health care : an analysis of demand, supply and the market structure of health care in the Philippines. (1995)
Bautista, Maria Cristina Ginson
Meta-analysis techniques in medical research : a statistical perspective. (1995)
Hardy, Rebecca Jane
Molecular biological characterisation of amplified esterases from organophosphate resistant and susceptible 'Culex quinquefasciatus'. (1995)
Vaughan, Ashley Michael
Phlebotomine sandfly reproduction : fine structure and function of the spermathecae. (1995)
Ilango, Kandan
Survey shows unprotected sex is a common behaviour in bisexual men. (1995)
Weatherburn, P; Reid, D
Transport and metabolism of polyamines in Trypanosoma cruzi. (1995)
Le Quesne, SA
The clinical role of the hospital pharmacist in the United Kingdom National Health Service. (1995)
Cotter, Siobhan Maire
The impact of comorbidity on the outcome of total hip replacement in Japan and the United Kingdom. (1995)
Imamura, Kyoko
The impact of the NHS reforms on social welfare: the case of coronary revascularisation services. (1995)
Langham, SJ
The role of private practitioners in a rural district of Malaysia and their interactions with public health services. (1995)
Al Junid, Syned Mohamed
A study of the incubation period, or age at onset, of the transmissible spongiform encephalopathies/prion diseases. (1995)
Wooldridge, Marion Joan Anstee