Browse by Date where Item Type is "Thesis" and Year is "2018"

Number of items: 89.
  • Evidence and Impact of NHS Choice and Competition Policies on the Delivery of Prostate Cancer Services: A National Population Based Evaluation. (2018) Aggarwal, A
  • Implementation and Evaluation of Strategies for Control of Schistosomiasis and Soil Transmitted Helminthiasis in Pemba Island, Zanzibar. (2018) Ame, SM
  • PfK13-Independent determinants of susceptibility of African Plasmodium falciparum to artemisinin and partner drugs in vitro. (2018) Aniebo, I
  • Understanding the effect of hyperglycaemia on tuberculosis control in a southern African setting: the impact of HIV and diabetes control. The DARTZ (Diabetes and Risk of Tuberculosis in Zambia) studies. (2018) Bailey, SL
  • Crop Yields, Child Nutrition and Health in Rural Burkina Faso in the Context of Weather Variability: An Epidemiological Study. (2018) Belesova, K
  • Neighbourhood and home environments and adolescent physical activity behaviours: Longitudinal analyses of the Olympic Regeneration in East London (ORiEL) study. (2018) Berger, N
  • Blood-free risk scores and neuropathy assessment tools to detect undiagnosed type 2 diabetes in Peru. (2018) Bernabe-Ortiz, A
  • Development of anaerobic culturing methods to study the evolution and transmission of the human intestinal microbiota. (2018) Browne, HP
  • Progressing health equity in political transition: an analysis of the key determinants of health equity policy space, and its use, in Myanmar, 2006-2016. (2018) Campbell, FM
  • A policy analysis of the 2014 Mexican soda tax. (2018) Carriedo Lutzenkirchen, AA
  • Intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy and infectious causes of adverse birth outcomes in sub-Saharan Africa. (2018) Chico, Matthew
  • Studies in the Diagnosis and Pathophysiology of Severe Microbial Keratitis. (2018) Chidambaram, JD
  • Investigating interventions to increase uptake of HIV testing and linkage to care or prevention for male partners of pregnant women in antenatal clinics in Blantyre, Malawi. (2018) Choko, AT
  • Mortality benefits and intussusception risks of rotavirus vaccination in low- and middle-income countries. (2018) Clark, AD
  • Evidence use for global health policy development: a case study of malaria preventive treatment policy processes at the World Health Organization. (2018) D'Souza, BJ
  • Antibiotics in Mexico: An analysis of problems, policies, and politics. (2018) Dreser Mansilla, A
  • An investigation into the role of the skin odorants and microbiota in the attraction of malaria mosquitoes to human beings. (2018) Due, C
  • Using whole genome sequence data to study genomic diversity and develop molecular barcodes to profile Plasmodium malaria parasites. (2018) Díez Benavente, E
  • Molecular epidemiological and pathogenesis studies of Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 1 strains from West Africa. (2018) Ebruke, CN
  • The effects of co-morbidities on blood transcriptomes in tuberculosis patients before and during treatment. (2018) Eckold, S
  • Determining the Causal Role of Malaria in Elevating Blood Pressure and Pulse Wave Velocity in Kenyan Adolescents and Adults. (2018) Etyang, AO
  • Pathways of care for sexual violence survivors and the benefits and drawbacks of using community health workers to provide support health services to sexual violence survivors: A systematic review and case study in Kenya. (2018) Gatuguta, A
  • Use of the Bayesian family of methods to correct for effects of exposure measurement error in polynomial regression models. (2018) Gray, CM
  • (Un)doing occupational citizenship: sex workers' experiences of everyday violence and resistance in Lima, Peru. (2018) Grenfell, P
  • Mental health workers' perceptions and perspectives on the right to health and a human rights-based approach to mental health: A case study of the Chitwan District in Nepal. (2018) Gunilla Backman, I
  • Investigating mortality risk in hospitalised patients in Africa with HIV-associated tuberculosis and positive urine diagnostics: a clinical, epidemiological and immunological study. (2018) Gupta-Wright, A
  • Informing development strategies for new tuberculosis vaccines: mathematical modelling and novel epidemiological tools. (2018) Harris, Rebecca
  • Mind the Traffic: Validation and characterisation of artemisinin resistance pathways in Plasmodium falciparum by genome editing. (2018) Henrici, RC
  • Community Development for HIV Prevention among Males who have Sex with Males in Bangladesh: Rhetoric or Reality? (2018) Hossain, MB
  • Further investigation of the roles of fibronectin-binding proteins CadF and FlpA during Campylobacter jejuni interactions with intestinal epithelial cells. (2018) Hussein, M
  • Can the Midwives Service Scheme (MSS) present an effective and health systems strengthening response to the shortages in human resources for maternal health services in Nigeria? (2018) Ikpeazu, AE
  • Associations between chronic kidney disease and mental health disorders and psychoactive drugs in the UK general population. (2018) Iwagami, M
  • Use of electronic health records to investigate vaccination inequalities in older individuals in England. (2018) Jain, A
  • Spatial Analysis of Cluster Randomised Trials. (2018) Jarvis, C
  • School absenteeism in Karonga district, northern Malawi: Trends, influences and the impact of cleaner burning biomass-fuelled cookstoves. (2018) Kelly, CA
  • Effects of tranexamic acid on surgical, traumatic and obstetric bleeding: a critical analysis of the evidence from randomised trials using systematic reviews and meta-analytic techniques. (2018) Ker, K
  • Investigating Mycobacterium tuberculosis transmission in rural Malawi. (2018) Khan, PY
  • Using routinely collected data to evaluate the performance and quality of English NHS maternity services. (2018) Knight, HE
  • Effects of pyrethroid exposure and insecticide resistance on the sporogonic development of Plasmodium falciparum in Anopheles gambiae s.l. (2018) Kristan, M
  • Surveillance approaches to detect the quality of medicines in low-middle income countries with a focus on artemisinin combination therapies for malaria. (2018) Lalani, M
  • Exploring the genetic architecture and the chromatin organisation of breast cancer. (2018) Leavy, O
  • Near real-time vaccine safety surveillance using United Kingdom electronic health records. (2018) Leite, A
  • Use of biomass briquettes: its effect on household air pollution and on pneumococcal nasopharyngeal carriage in Gambian women and young children. A randomized controlled trial. (2018) Litchfield, T
  • Molecular epidemiology of Plasmodium spp. in North Sumatera, Indonesia, and the efficacy of dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine and artemetherlumefantrine for treatment of clinical malaria. (2018) Lubis, IN
  • The use of interrupted time series for the evaluation of public health interventions. (2018) López Bernal, J
  • Measuring Disability in Population-Based Surveys: The relationship between clinical impairments, self-reported functional limitations and equal opportunities in two Low and Middle Income Country settings. (2018) Mactaggart, I
  • Cardiac abnormalities in HIV infected older children and adolescents in Zimbabwe. (2018) Majonga, ED
  • Articulating the Role of Social Norms in Sustaining Intimate Partner Violence in Mwanza, Tanzania. (2018) Manji, K
  • Sexually Transmitted Infections: A Mixed Methods Study of Stigma, Symptoms and Helpseeking. (2018) Mapp, F
  • Demographic Determinants of Paediatric HIV in Generalised HIV Epidemics. (2018) Marston, M
  • Valuing Follow-up Programs In Head and Neck Cancer. (2018) Meregaglia, M
  • Assessment of the population-level impact of a high coverage HPV immunisation programme in young females. (2018) Mesher, D
  • The rise of chain pharmacies in India: implications for public health. (2018) Miller, R
  • Evidence to improve the Efficiency and Effectiveness of School Eye Health Programmes. (2018) Morjaria, P
  • Development of Novel Predictive 2D and 3D in Vitro Models For Anti-Leishmanial Drug Testing. (2018) O'Keeffe, A
  • Long-term population effects of pneumococcal vaccines on carriage of pneumococcal serotypes and subsequent disease in Kenya. (2018) Ojal, JO
  • Neonatal Infections; a hospital-based study in The Gambia examining aetiology and associated maternal Colonisation. (2018) Okomo, UA
  • A bioinformatic analysis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and host genomic data. (2018) Phelan, J
  • Investigating the Non-Specific Effects of BCG in Neonates. (2018) Prentice, S
  • Using stated preferences to estimate the impact and cost-effectiveness of new HIV prevention products in South Africa. (2018) Quaife, M
  • Cross-sectoral co-financing: Taking a multi-payer perspective in the financing and economic evaluation of structural HIV interventions. (2018) Remme, M
  • Point-of-contact interactive record linkage between demographic surveillance and health facilities to measure patterns of HIV service utilisation in Tanzania. (2018) Rentsch, CT
  • The development of a mathematical modelling framework to translate TB vaccine responses between species and predict the most immunogenic dose in humans using animal data. (2018) Rhodes, SJ
  • The use of social network analysis to study health care provider advice and performance. (2018) Sabot, K
  • The true cost of epidemic and outbreak diseases in hospitals. (2018) Sandmann, FG
  • Long-term net survival among women diagnosed with cancer: accuracy of its estimation and evaluation of its determinants. (2018) Schaffar, R
  • Family planning services in rural southern Tanzania for women who would like to delay their first birth: a mixed method study. (2018) Sedekia, Yovitha
  • Effectiveness of SEHER, a school-based intervention to promote health in adolescents in Bihar, India: A clustered randomised trial. (2018) Shinde, S
  • Referral systems and transport for emergency obstetric care in India. (2018) Singh, S
  • Evidence to improve clubfoot services in Africa with Zimbabwe as a case study. (2018) Smythe, TH
  • The impact of hearing impairment and the provision of hearing aids on poverty, mental health, quality of life and activity participation in Guatemala. (2018) Spreckley, MJ
  • Malaria: what affects who infects? (2018) Stone, William
  • Facing the challenges of high-cost medicines: Multinational comparison of the pricing and reimbursement decision-making processes for the new Hepatitis C treatments. (2018) Sugimoto, A
  • Age-for-grade heterogeneity and primary school dropout in Karonga district, northern Malawi: Causes and consequences. (2018) Sunny, BS
  • Young domestic workers: A qualitative study on the health and wellbeing of girls working in households in Delhi. (2018) Svensson, J
  • A Policy Analysis of the Development of National Condom Policies and Management of Multiple Demands by Sudan National Aids Control Program. (2018) Sy, J
  • Cost-effectiveness of a Protocol for Tuberculosis Diagnosis in People Living With HIV: An Economic Study alongside a Pragmatic Clinical Trial in Brazil. (2018) Teixeira-Filha, N
  • Integrating insecticide treated nets with routine antenatal care and immunization programmes: Policy, practice, and coverage. (2018) Theiss-Nyland, KL
  • Improving the Design and Analysis of Stepped-Wedge Trials. (2018) Thompson, JA
  • Creating Demand for Peri-Urban Sanitation in Lusaka, Zambia. (2018) Tidwell, JB
  • The Journey toward the Patient-Centered Medical Home: A Grounded, Dynamic Theory of Primary Care Transformation. (2018) Tomoaia-cotisel, Andrada
  • Quantitative Text Analysis: Uses and Application in the Institutional Policy Process at EU level. (2018) Vasilescu, CL
  • Investigation of the Relationship between CGMP Signalling and Calcium Mobilisation in Plasmodium Falciparum with a Focus on the Role of Phosphodiesterases in Sexual Development. (2018) Walker, EM
  • Seroepidemiological investigations of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi infection and the potential role of vaccination in the control of typhoid fever in Fiji. (2018) Watson, CH
  • Leadership of Health Innovation: Building an Innovative Health Organisation (A Mixed-Methods Study). (2018) Weintraub, P
  • New pharmacokinetic and PK/PD drug development methodologies for cutaneous leishmaniasis. (2018) Wijnant, GJ
  • The prevalence and importance of malaria infections during pregnancy not detected by microscopy or rapid diagnostic testing. (2018) Williams, JEO
  • "I said no for a reason": Understanding factors influencing vaccination acceptance during pregnancy in Hackney, London. (2018) Wilson, R
  • Navigating the immuno-epidemiology of malaria: Potential metrics for surveillance and cluster randomised trials. (2018) Wu, L