Browse by Date where Item Type is "Thesis" and Year is "2016"

Number of items: 63.
  • Feasibility of conducting a randomised controlled trial on the effect of motivational interviewing in facilitating hearing aid use. (2016) Aazh, H
  • Acute leukaemia in children, adolescents and young adults in California: trends and inequalities in early death and survival during 1988-2011. (2016) Abrahao, R
  • Functional characterization of the alveolins, a family of cytoskeleton proteins of malaria parasites. (2016) Al-khattaf, F
  • Aid (In)dependence? Promoting long-term sustainability in the response to HIV/AIDS: the case of the Global Fund in Peru. (2016) Amaya, AB
  • Host selection and feeding preferences of farm-associated mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in the United Kingdom. (2016) Brugman, Victor
  • Childhood obesity in Malta: contributions of the obesogenic environment. (2016) Cauchi, D
  • The Drivers of Demand for Ecological Sanitation & Barriers Affecting its Adoption in Low-income and High Population Density Urban Areas. (2016) Chunga, R
  • The Role of Epigenetics and Type 2 Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transitions in Trachoma. (2016) Derrick, T
  • Equity of access to reproductive and maternal health services in Cambodia: equity trends, poverty targeting and demand-side financing. (2016) Dingle, A
  • Evaluation of a Home-Based Walking Exercise Program on Fatigue and Health Related Quality of Life in Prostate Cancer Patients Undergoing Radiation Therapy: A Pilot Study. (2016) Doyle, Ciaran
  • Evaluating communicable disease surveillance in resource-poor settings: A new approach applied to meningitis surveillance in Chad. (2016) Erondu, N
  • Understanding risk factors for herpes zoster and postherpetic neuralgia in UK primary care: investigations to inform vaccine policy. (2016) Forbes, HJ
  • Epidemiology and Management of Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasia in Kenya. (2016) Gichuhi, S
  • The immunopathology of erythema nodosum leprosum. (2016) Gobena, Edessa
  • Script Doctors and Vicious Addicts: Subcultures, Drugs, and Regulation under the 'British System', c.1917 to c.1960. (2016) Hallam, Chris
  • Increasing men's uptake of HIV-testing in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review of interventions and analyses of population-based data from rural Zambia. (2016) Hensen, B
  • Evaluation of a violence prevention intervention and lessons for future research in conflict settings: Working with men to prevent violence against women - a community survey, cluster randomised controlled trial and nested cohort study in Cote d'Ivoire. (2016) Hossain, Mazeda
  • Role of sanitation in preventing faecal contamination of the domestic environment and protecting health: An observational study. (2016) Huda, TM
  • Policy as discursive practice: an ethnographic study of hospital planning in England. (2016) Jones, L
  • Macroeconomic Implications Of Healthcare Financing Reforms: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis Of Uganda. (2016) Kabajulizi, Judith
  • Comparison of effectiveness of using trained key informants versus health surveillance assistants in identifying blind and visually impaired children in Malawi. (2016) Kalua, K
  • Development and Evaluation of a Smartphone-enabled, Carer-supported Educational Intervention for Management of Disabilities Following Stroke in India. (2016) Kamalakannan, SK
  • Effect of cotrimoxazole prophylaxis on malaria in HIV-infected adults on antiretroviral therapy. (2016) Kasirye, Ronnie
  • Public-Private Partnerships in the Health Sector The Case of a National Health Insurance Scheme in India. (2016) Khetrapal, S
  • Shortening the Time to Bring Evidence into Practice: Dissemination of Research Findings Using On-Line Videos. (2016) Kiriya, Junko
  • Why swallow razor blades? An ethnographic study on violence, agency, and negotiated health in the United States prison setting. (2016) Kuester, LB
  • Ship to shore: Mercy Ships, healing and faith along the southern West African coast. (2016) Lange, Isabelle
  • Patient-level simulation of alternative deceased donor kidney allocation schemes for patients awaiting transplantation in the United Kingdom. (2016) Li, B
  • Analysis of the effectiveness of primary care services and of hospital efficiency in the Mexican health care system. (2016) Lugo Palacios, D
  • The phylogenetic and phenotypic analysis of Salmonella enterica serovar Weltevreden. (2016) Makendi Njock, EC
  • Train to retain: the role of specialty training in stemming Malawi's medical brain drain. (2016) Mandeville, K
  • Epidemiology of yaws in the Solomon Islands and the impact of a trachoma control programme. (2016) Marks, M
  • Lifecourse determinants of bone mass accrual in a transitional rural community in South India: the Andhra Pradesh Children and Parents Study (APCAPS). (2016) Matsuzaki, M
  • The economics of antiretroviral therapy in South Africa: The role of budget impact modelling in changing policy. (2016) Meyer-Rath, Gesine
  • Vitamin B12 status and neurological function in older people. (2016) Miles, L
  • Household survival and changes in characteristics of households in rural South-western Uganda through the period of 1989 to 2008. (2016) Muniina, PN
  • Public health policy struggles: Comparison of salt reduction and nutrition labelling in the UK, 1980 - 2015. (2016) Mwatsama, Modi
  • The impact of cytomegalovirus infection on natural killer cell responses to vaccines. (2016) Nielsen, C
  • The Public Health Contribution to the Development of Policy for the Prevention of Violence and Abuse in England. (2016) Nurse, J
  • The acceptability of pre-exposure HIV prophylaxis in men who have sex with men in London. (2016) Nutland, W
  • On Trade-offs and Communal Breeding The Behavioural Ecology of Agta Foragers. (2016) Page, Abigail Emma
  • Determinants of Population Variability in HIV across West Africa: Ecological and Mathematical Modelling Analyses. (2016) Prudden, HJ
  • Multiple Imputation for Individual Patient Data Meta-Analyses. (2016) Quartagno, M
  • Methodological issues in electronic healthcare database studies of drug cancer associations: identification of cancer, and drivers of discrepant results. (2016) Rañopa, ME
  • Enacting 'community': Conceptualisations and practices of 'community' in a UK area-based, empowerment initiative. (2016) Reynolds, J
  • Grant-making foundations for global health: what drives their decision-making? (2016) Ricciuti, E
  • An in vitro assay to measure antibody-mediated inhibition of malaria sporozoite infection. (2016) Rodríguez Galán, Ana
  • Relationship between COPD exacerbations and cardiovascular risk. (2016) Rothnie, K
  • The impact of incentives for competition and co-operation on the behaviour of health care organisations: a case study of the planning and provision of diabetes services in the English NHS. (2016) Sanderson, Marie
  • Resource loss and coping strategies used by internally displaced women in Georgia: A qualitative study. (2016) Seguin, ML
  • A field performance and adherence study of point-of-use water treatment in Zambia and Pakistan. (2016) Shaheed, A
  • Health and Safety in the British Regulatory State, 1961-2001: the HSC, HSE and the Management of Occupational Risk. (2016) Sirrs, C
  • Implementation of community-level quality improvement in southeastern Tanzania: a mixed methods process evaluation of what worked, what didn't, and why? (2016) Tancred, T
  • Can a disease management approach facilitate the inclusion of high-cost conditions in a benefit package? The case of renal therapy in Thailand. (2016) Thammatacharee, N
  • The epidemiology of paediatric diarrhoeal disease and Shigella infections in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. (2016) Thompson, C
  • The social and economic impact of community-based transmission of vaccine-preventable influenza and measles. (2016) Thorrington, D
  • Agriculture, development and malaria in rural Uganda. (2016) Tusting, L
  • Genomic Characterisation of Chromosomally Integrated Human Herpesvirus. (2016) Tweedy, Joshua
  • Pattern-mixture sensitivity analysis in longitudinal trials with drop-out. (2016) Vamvakas, George
  • Improving the quality of primary care delivery and health worker performance in rural Rwanda using the W.H.O. Integrated Management of Adolescent & Adult Illness (IMAI) guidelines. (2016) Vasan, Ashwin
  • Adapting to survive: facilitating recovery after human trafficking. (2016) Viergever, Rf
  • Are risk of mortality and morbidity determinants of abortion behaviour and attitudes in England & Wales? (2016) Virgo, SJ
  • Improving the measurement and detection of serious adverse drug reactions in databases of stored electronic health records. (2016) Wing, Kevin