Browse by Date where Item Type is "Thesis" and Year is "2010"
Number of items: 33.
Treatment of localised cutaneous Leishmania tropica infection in Aleppo, Syria and drug sensitivity of clinical isolates. (2010)
Abazid, Nizar
Implementation of prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV and maternal syphilis screening and treatment programmes in Mwanza region, Tanzania : uptake and challenges. (2010)
Balira, Rebecca
Betaherpesvirus genetic variation and infection in HIV-1 exposed Zambian children. (2010)
Bates, MA
The effects of ambient temperature and the role of air
pollution on the risk of myocardial infarction. (2010)
Bhaskaran, K
The social epidemiology of tuberculosis a study in Zambia. (2010)
Boccia, Delia
The Measure of a Man: Young Male, Interpersonal Violence and Construction of Masculinities An Ethnographic Study from Lima, Peru. (2010)
Buller, AM
Perceptions of the usefulness of public health research in Ghana. (2010)
Burchett, Helen
Older wiser safer: evaluation of the long-term impact of an adolescent sexual health intervention programme (MEMA kwa Vijana) in Mwanza, Tanzania. (2010)
Doyle, Am
Burden of HIV infection and HIV-associated morbidity in Zimbabwean adolescents. (2010)
Ferrand, Rashida Abbas
The influences of distance on health facility delivery in rural Zambia. (2010)
Gabrysch, Sabine
Antiretroviral treatment roll-out in Zambia and South Africa - a policy analysis to sub-national policy implementation processes. (2010)
Hanefeld, J
Impact of maternal nutritional supplementation on offspring blood pressure. (2010)
Hawkesworth, Sophie Ann
A cross-sectional study of the first and second delays among women admitted to a maternity hospital with severe obstetric complications (near-miss) in Afghanistan. (2010)
Hirose, Atsumi
The role of natural killer cells in adaptive immune responses. (2010)
Horowitz, Amir
The Molecular Epidemiology of Tuberculosis and the Impact of HIV
Infection and Antiretroviral Therapy. (2010)
Houben, RM
The assessment of frailty in community dwelling older people. (2010)
Kamaruzzaman, S
Choosing to care : the determinants of nurses job preferences in South Africa. (2010)
Lagarde, Mylaene
The effectiveness of antenatal birth plans in increasing skilled care at delivery and after delivery in rural Tanzania a cluster randomised trial. (2010)
Magoma, Moke Tito Myambita
Effects of environmental change on genetic diversity and distribution pf phelbotomus ariasi, a vector of visceral leishmaniasis in Southwest Europe. (2010)
Mahamdallie, Shazia Sophie
Estimating the impact of influenza vaccination and antigenic drift on influenza-related morbidity and mortality in England & Wales using hidden Markov models. (2010)
Mann, Andrea Gail
Using personal development planning for career development with research scientists in sub-Saharan Africa. (2010)
Mccullough, H
The co-production of gender and technology in HIV prevention research. (2010)
Montgomery, Catherine M
Land of the Virgin Mary: An Ethnography of Monastic Life on Mount Athos. (2010)
Paganopoulos, Michailangelos
The epidemiology of norovirus in England diagnostics, incidence and transmission. (2010)
Phillips, Gemma
Financial incentives for maternal health evaluation of a national programme in Nepal. (2010)
Powell-Jackson, Timothy
Zimbabwean women and HIV care access analysis of UK immigration and health policies. (2010)
Rohan, Hana
Performance-based contracting: case-study for non-profit hospitals in Uganda. (2010)
Ssengooba, Freddie Peter
Safe motherhood: the making of a global health initiative. (2010)
Storeng, KT
Re-medicalizing cannabis : science, medicine and policy, 1973 to the early twenty-first century. (2010)
Taylor, Suzanne
Determinants of women's uptake of new barrier methods for HIV prevention in urban South Africa. (2010)
Terris-Prestholt, Fern
Long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in relation to gut integrity, growth and cognitive development of rural African children. (2010)
Van der Merwe, Liandre Frances
The Measurement, Treatment and Immunopathology of Leprosy Type 1 Reactions. (2010)
Walker, SL
Effects of livestock management and insecticide treatment on the transmission and control of human malaria. (2010)
de Oliveria Franco, AI