Browse by Date where Item Type is "Thesis" and Year is "2005"

Number of items: 34.
  • Epidemiology of trichomoniasis in Kumasi, Ghana. (2005) Adu-sarkodie, Yaw Amankwaa
  • Strain variation of respiratory syncytial virus in Qatar and its relationship to B-cell epitopes from the attachment (G) protein of RSV (B) strain. (2005) Al-Thani, A
  • Development and testing of markers for genotyping of 'Entamoeba histolytica'. (2005) Ali, IKM
  • 'Visiting rights only' : the early experience of nursing in higher education, 1918-1960. (2005) Brooks, Jane
  • Community health workers in Sergipe, Brazil : Implications for their future role in maternal and child health. (2005) Cesar, Juraci A
  • An investigation into the genetic diversity of the food-borne pathogen campylobacter jejuni using DNA microarrays. (2005) Champion, Olivia Lucy
  • An investigation of novel DNA based vaccines for protection against Brucellosis. (2005) Commander, Nicola Jane
  • Conflict within intimacy : a socio-demographic analysis of male involvement in physical intimate partner violence in Mexico. (2005) Contreras Urbina, Juan Manuel
  • Context and composition? : social capital and maternal mental health in low income countries. (2005) De Silva, Mary Joan
  • An evaluation of partnership in the development of strategic health policy. (2005) Elston, J
  • Do parents matter? : a study of parental influence on young people's sexuality in a low-income community of Brazil. (2005) Franca-Koh, Ana Claudia
  • Quality of care for reproductive tract morbidities by rural private practitioners in North India. (2005) Gautham, Meenakshi
  • Developmentally regulated genes in Trypansoma Cruzi. (2005) Gluenz, E
  • An economic analysis of the retail market for fever and malaria treatment in rural Tanzania. (2005) Goodman, Catherine Anne
  • An investigation of cost variation across health care settings and the implications for economic evaluation. (2005) Grieve, Richard David
  • The history of ministerial workforce policy and planning in British nursing, 1939-1960. (2005) Hatchett, Richard Paul
  • Methodological, theoretical and empirical considerations in the analysis of the determinants of aggregate health care expenditures in OECD countries, 1960-1997. (2005) Kanavos, Panagiotis Grigoriou
  • Providing sexual health services in England: meeting the needs of young people. (2005) Kane, R
  • Sexual identity, risk perceptions and AIDS prevention scripts among young people in Mozambique. (2005) Karlyn, AS
  • Promoting worker health rights within global supply chains and beyond : a case study of the Kenyan export floriculture business. (2005) Kilbourne, Julia E
  • An Economic Analysis of Direct Payment for Health Services in Urban Zambia: Implications for Equity. (2005) Kondo, M
  • Patches of Equity: Policy and Financing of Indigenous Primary Health Care Providers in Canada, Australia and New Zealand. (2005) Lavoie, Josée G.
  • The seasonality of preterm birth in a British cohort: a time-series investigation. (2005) Lee, SJ
  • Sexual conduct of secondary school students in Mongolia and their sexual health information needs. (2005) Maidrag, Mashbileg
  • A methodology for developing plant-based mosquito biocides. (2005) Moore, SJ
  • A population genetic analysis of antifolate resistance in Plasmodium falciparum in Southeast Africa. (2005) Pearce, RJ
  • The introduction of the universal coverage of health care in Thailand : policy responses. (2005) Pitayarangsarit, Siriwan
  • Trauma' and the lives of women refugees in resettlement. (2005) Roche, Brenda Anne
  • From perceptions to reality: a qualitative study on female youth migration and sexual exploitation in Northern Vietnam. (2005) Rushing, Rosanne Marie
  • Collaboration, participation and non-participation: decisions about involvement in randomised controlled trials for clinicians and parents in two neonatal trials. (2005) Snowdon, Claire
  • Financial protection and enabling access to care for Thai elderly: the role of public insurance. (2005) Srithamrongsawat, S
  • A randomised controlled trial of three drug regimes for the treatment of malaria in pregnancy in Ghana. (2005) Tagbor, H
  • The neurological sequelae of cerebral malaria in children and adults in Uganda. (2005) Tibenderana, JK
  • Outcome prediction for patients with obstructive lung disease considered for admission to critical care units in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. (2005) Wildman, Martin James