Browse by Date where Item Type is "Thesis" and Year is "2002"

Number of items: 19.
  • Prevalence and determinants of obesity among adolescents in Bahrain. (2002) Al-Sendi, Aneesa Mohammed
  • B
  • Genes of mitochondrial origin in the genus Entamoeba. (2002) Bakatselou, Christina
  • Developing a measure of unplanned pregnancy. (2002) Barrett, Geraldine
  • Health inequalities among older people in Great Britain. (2002) Breeze, E
  • C
  • Verbal autopsies for assessing causes of adult death: development and validation of a model tool. (2002) Chandramohan, Daniel
  • D
  • The long-term effects of child bearing on adult mortality in Matlab, Bangladesh. (2002) Davies, Lisa Sioned
  • H
  • Strategies to widen access to family planning in the Arab world : a case study of Zarqa, Jordan. (2002) Hasna, Fadia Shawqi Ali
  • Pharmacy regulation in Thailand: roles and reflections of inspectors. (2002) Hongsamoot, D
  • M
  • Life course determinants of offspring size at birth: an intergenerational study of aberdeen women. (2002) Morton, Susan Mary Bennett
  • O
  • Drug-susceptibility and molecular characterization of epidemic and endemic malaria in Kenya. (2002) Omar, SA
  • Validity and reliability of the contingent valuation method : a study of willingness to pay for insecticide-treated nets in Nigeria. (2002) Onjukwe, Obinna Emmanuel
  • Development, implementation and evaluation of community-based surveillance system in rural Cambodia. (2002) Oum, S
  • P
  • Influences on the nature and performance of contracts for primary care : case studies from Southern Africa. (2002) Palmer, Natasha Anna Maria
  • Zoophilic and anthropophilic behaviour in the Anopheles gambiae complex. (2002) Pates, Helen Victoria
  • Importance of asymptomatic malaria and its infectivity to Anopheles mosquitoes in Mae Hong Son Province, Thailand. (2002) Pethleart, Aree
  • R
  • Sustaining menstrual regulation policy: a case study of the policy process in Bangladesh. (2002) Ross, Gabrielle Catherine
  • S
  • Screening older people for impaired vision. (2002) Smeeth, Liam
  • The epidemiology of infections in blood donors and assessment of the risk of transfusion transmitted infections. (2002) Soldan, Katherine
  • Z
  • Characterisation of polymorphic DNA and its application to typing of Entamoeba histolytica and Entamoeba dispar. (2002) Zaki, Mehreen