Browse by Date where Item Type is "['eprint_typename_podcast' not defined]" and Year is "2014"

Number of items: 45.
  • Adam Bourne - Chemsex study. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • African academics - barriers, issues and the impact of international researchers. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • Alison Grant - TB control study in South Africa. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • April 2014 podcast - Chemsex, climate change health risks, and heart disease research. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • August 2014 podcast - cancer risk, anal sex, and mapping NTDs. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • Bayard Roberts - health policy research in conflict-affected areas. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • Caroline Dale - do small amounts of alcohol damage our health? (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • Cicely Marston - Anal sex. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • David Ross - Preventing HIV through football. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • December 2014 - Ebola, food poisoning, and a look back through the year. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • Erinna Bowman - investing in ME/CFS research. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • February 2014 podcast - Human parasites, HIV, obesity. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • Ford Hickson - sexual health and wellbeing of gay and bisexual men. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • Helena Helmby - Infested with parasites! (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • James Logan - which insect repellent should you use? (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • January 2014 podcast - TB control, sexual wellbeing of gay men, and changing attitudes towards drugs. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • Jeemon Panniyammakal - Reducing cardio-vascular disease in India. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • Jeroen Ensink & Ian Banks - Toilets, flies and a Pint Of Science. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • Jon Cox - The use of drones to map the spread of malaria. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • Joy Lawn - making every newborn count. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • Juan P Casas - Cochrane Heart Group and polypills. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • July 2014 podcast - healthcare at war, research in conflict areas, and the risks of alcohol. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • June 2014 podcast - HIV prevention through football, insect awareneess, and a Living Library. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • Karl Blanchet & Olivier Le Polain - Ebola in West Africa. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • Katherine Fielding and Corinne Merle - new TB treatment. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • Krishnan Bhaskaran - BMI and cancer risk. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • Laura Rodrigues - Improving Health in Latin America. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • Living Library special - Saving the lives of trauma victims and using Big Data. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • Mapping NTDS in Ethopia. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • March 2014 podcast - Sally Davies, GP choice, and crowd-sourcing data. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • May 2014 podcast - sexual violence, newborn survival, and reinventing the toilet. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • Mazeda Hossain - sexual violence in conflict. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • Nick Mays - GP choice. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • November 2014 - Ebola, drones, Latin America, and cardio-vascular disease. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • October 2014 - TB treatment, sanitation and HIV. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • Oliver Cumming - does improving sanitation benefit health? (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • Peter Piot - the Ebola epidemic - past and present. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • PopART - an HIV Prevention study. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • Richard Stabler - the threat of antibiotic resistance. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • Sari Kovats - health risks of climate change. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • September 2014 - Ebola, antibiotics and ME/CFS. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • Shunmay Yeung - fighting Ebola in Sierra Leone. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • Steven Cummins - tackling obesity. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • Virginia Berridge - changing attitudes towards drugs. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • An interview with Dame Sally Davies - Chief Medical Officer. (2014) UNSPECIFIED