Browse by Date where Item Type is "['eprint_typename_podcast' not defined]" and Year is "2013"

Number of items: 56.
  • Alan Dangour - global undernutrition. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • Andy Haines - Global Health Challenges 2013 - Extended Interview. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • Anna Goodman - changes in cycling habits. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • Anne Mills - Fellow of the Royal Society. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • Barry Kosloff - mobile laboratories in Zambia. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • Brian Greenwood - a new meningitis vaccine. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • Camille Maringe - UK bowel cancer survival. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • Cathy Zimmerman - child and labour trafficking. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • Charlotte Watts - Gender violence. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • Choosing vaccines - Anne Mills. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • Chris Drakeley - combatting malaria. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • Chris Grundy and Anne Eggebert - John Snow legacy, art, and how mapping is used in research today. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • Colin Sutherland - is ACT malaria treatment effective? (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • David Schellenberg - eradicating malaria. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • December 2013 podcast - Sex, HIV and flu. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • Did we really want a National Health Service in Britain? Voluntary Hospital Provision before 1948. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • Fathers and childbirth - Linda Bryder. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • Hazel Dockrell - TB research and the effectiveness of vaccination. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • Heidi Larson - tracking public concerns about vaccines. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • Infant mortality by social status in Georgian London. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • James Logan - the manipulation of mosquitoes by malaria. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • Jane Falconer talks about John Snow's work in the LSHTM archives. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • John Edmunds and Sebastian Funk - measles outbreak. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • Joy Lawn & David Ross - health challenges of a growing adolescent population. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • Kaye Wellings - changes in sexual health and behaviour. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • LSHTM - April 2013 Podcast - Malaria Centre, bowel cancer survival, and zombie outbreak. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • LSHTM - August 2013 podcast - an app to test eye health, mobile labs, and changing cycling habits. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • LSHTM - February 2013 podcast - Cancer survival, mosquito repellent resistance, TB vaccination. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • LSHTM - January 2013 Podcast - Flu Survey, Make Health Fair, Looking Ahead. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • LSHTM - July 2013 podcast - Trafficking, adolescent health, and young scientists. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • LSHTM - June 2013 podcast - Gender violence, undernutrition, and the benefits of free bus travel. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • LSHTM - March 2013 Podcast - John Snow bicentenary special. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • LSHTM - May -The Future of Tobacco Control in Australia: High-, Low- or No-tech? (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • LSHTM - May 2013 podcast - Measles, vaccine concerns, and mosquito manipulation. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • LSHTM - October 2013 podcast - Malaria, mental health and flu vaccinations. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • LSHTM - Sep 2013 podcast - defeating meningitis, why we feel disgust, and malaria drug resistance. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • Living Library. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • Marc Baguelin - why we should vaccinate children for flu. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • Medical Tourism - Johanna Hanefeld. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • Michel Coleman - CONCORD study and comparing cancer survival rates. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • November 2013 podcast - medical tourism, choosing vaccines and a living library. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Origins of Rapid Population Growth in Great Lakes East Africa. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • Phil Edwards - the health benefits of free bus travel for young people. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • Preventing blindness in children - Professor Clare Gilbert on her work and recent award. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • Producing a Population Laboratory - Rebecca Williams. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • Sharon Huttly - Distance Learning Programme. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • The UK Flusurvey - what have we discovered so far? (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • Urban hospitals before the NHS: finance, specialisation and integration in provincial England. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • Vikram Patel - global mental health. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • Why NGOs Fail at Preventing Sex Trafficking in Mainland Southeast Asia - Trude Jacobsen. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • Why did infants die in the city? - Barbara Revuelta Eugercios. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • Working with the Aids Alliance - syringe exchange programmes. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • Young scientists programme. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • A general overview of causes of death in Scotland 1855-1955 - Eilidh Garrett. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • A mere ritual or incantation?”: local disinfection policy in late nineteenth century England. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • FluSurvey 2013/14 - Alma Adler. (2013) Adler, Amanda