Browse by Date where Item Type is "Monograph" and Year is "2014"
Number of items: 51.
  • LSHTM Research Online monthly statistics info-graphic for November 2014. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • LSHTM Research Online monthly statistics info-graphic for October 2014. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • LSHTM Research Online monthly statistics report for April 2014. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • LSHTM Research Online monthly statistics report for August 2014. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • LSHTM Research Online monthly statistics report for December 2013. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • LSHTM Research Online monthly statistics report for February 2014. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • LSHTM Research Online monthly statistics report for January 2014. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • LSHTM Research Online monthly statistics report for July 2014. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • LSHTM Research Online monthly statistics report for June 2014. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • LSHTM Research Online monthly statistics report for March 2014. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • LSHTM Research Online monthly statistics report for May 2014. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • LSHTM Research Online monthly statistics report for September 2014. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • LSHTM Research Online statistics report for August 2013 - July 2014. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • Housing improvement and home safety Effectiveness Matters. (2014) Crd; Sphr@, L; MrcSphsu
  • Commissioning through Competition and Cooperation. Interim Report. (2014) Allen, P; Osipovic, D; Shepherd, E; Coleman, A; Perkins, N
  • Health inequities in the Eastern Mediterranean Region Selected country case studies. (2014) Baschieri, A
  • How does money influence health? (2014) Benzeval, M; Bond, L; Campbell, M; Egan, M; Lorenc, T; Petticrew, M; Popham, F
  • Community Based Newborn Care Baseline Survey Report Ethiopia, October 2014. (2014) Berhanu, D; Avan, BI
  • The four health systems of the United Kingdom: how do they compare? Summary report. (2014) Bevan, G; Karanikolos, M; Exley, J; Nolte, E; Connolly, S; Mays, N
  • What is the impact of BEAMS research? An evaluation of REF impact case studies from UCL BEAMS. (2014) Biri, D; Oliver, K; Cooper, A
  • The Chemsex study: drug use in sexual settings among gay and bisexual men in Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham. (2014) Bourne, A; Reid, D; Hickson, F; Torres Rueda, S; Weatherburn, P
  • Postpartum Family Planning in Burkina Faso. STEP UP Research Report. (2014) Daniele, M
  • Knowledge Summary 31: Maternal mental health: Why it matters and what countries with limited resources can do. (2014) Ejaz, I
  • Impact of School Closures on an Influenza Pandemic: Scientific Evidence Base Review. (2014) Health, DO; Mangtani, P
  • What is strategic purchasing for health? (2014) Honda, Ayako
  • Sex Differences in the uptake of health care services in persons with disabilities. Identifying barriers to health care access. (2014) John, N; Murthy, GVS; Komal, PA; Sagar, J; Kamalakannan, SK
  • The Centre for Maternal, Adolsecent, Reporoductive & Child Health (MARCH) Report. (2014) Lawn, Joy; Marchant, Tanya; Ross, David; Marston, Cicely; Filippi, V; Chico, Matthew; Yeung, Shunmay
  • Interdisciplinary teams in clinical practice of end-of-life palliative care: efficiency and degree of integration. [In French : Interdisciplinarité en pratique clinique de soins palliatifs de fin de vie: efficacité et degré d'intégration]. (2014) Leclerc, Bernard-Simon; Lessard, Sabrina; Blanchard, Laurence; Cantinotti, Michael; Couturier, Yves; Gervais, Denis; Mongeau, Suzanne
  • Review 3b: Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of education, information and support to increase the uptake of, or adherence to, treatment for people with active or latent TB. (2014) Lorenc, Theo; Garrett, Zoe; Tyner, Elizabeth; Levay, Paul
  • Welfare: theoretical and analytical paradigms. (2014) MacGregor, S
  • Evaluation of the choice of GP practice pilot, 2012-13. (2014) Mays, N; Eastmure, E; Erens, B; Lagarde, M; Roland, M; Tan, S; Wright, M
  • Evaluation of the Choice of GP Practice Pilot, 2012-13. (2014) Mays, N; Eastmure, E; Erens, B; Lagarde, M; Roland, Martin; Tan, S; Wright, Michael
  • Best practice: Medical training from an international perspective. (2014) Miani, C; Hinrichs, S; Pitchforth, E; Bienkowska-Gibbs, T; Dibeschl, S; Roland, M; Nolte, E ['material/summary:fileicon_text/html' not defined]
  • Evidence review and economic analysis of excess winter deaths. Review 1: Factors determining vulnerability to winter- and cold-related mortality/morbidity. (2014) Milner, J; Chalabi, Z; Wilkinson, P; Armstrong, B; Cairns, J; Das, P; Davies, M; Duffy, S; Eggen, B; Hajat, S; Hamilton, I; Jones, L; Petticrew, M; Scovronik, N; Taylor, J; Vardoulakis, S
  • Evidence review and economic analysis of excess winter deaths. Review 2: Interventions and economic studies. (2014) Milner, J; Chalabi, Z; Wilkinson, P; Armstrong, B; Cairns, J; Duffy, S; Hajat, S; Jones, L; Petticrew, M; Scovronik, N
  • Evidence review and economic analysis of excess winter deaths. Review 3: Delivery and implementation of approaches for the prevention of excess winter deaths and morbidity. (2014) Milner, J; Chalabi, Z; Wilkinson, P; Duffy, S; Jones, L; Petticrew, M
  • Evidence review and economic analysis of excess winter deaths. Economic modelling report. (2014) Milner, J; Hamilton, I; Chalabi, Z; Cairns, J; Davies, M; Das, P; WilkinsonP
  • International variation in drug usage: an exploratory analysis of the "causes" of variation. (2014) Nolte, E; Corbett, J
  • Assessing chronic disease management in European health systems. Concepts and approaches. (2014) Nolte, E; Knai, C; Saltman, R
  • What is the evidence on the economic impacts of integrated care? (2014) Nolte, E; Pitchforth, E
  • The changing hospital landscape: an exploration of international experiences. (2014) Nolte, E; Pitchforth, E; Miani, C; McHugh, S ['material/summary:fileicon_text/html' not defined]
  • Covert networks: structures, processes and types. (2014) Oliver, K; Crossley, N; Edwards, G; Koskinen, J; Everett, M
  • Financing global health through a Global Fund for Health? (2014) Ooms, G; Hammonds, R
  • Shared Responsibilities for Health: A Coherent Global Framework for Health Financing. Final Report of the Centre on Global Health Security Working Group on Health Financing. (2014) Røttingen, J.-, A; Ottersen, T; Ablo, A; Arhin-Tenkorang, D; Benn, C; Elovainio, R; Evans, D; Fonseca, L; Frenk, J; McCoy, D; McIntyre, D; Moon, S; Ooms, G; Palu, T; Rao, S; Sridhar, D; Vega, J; Wibulpolprasert, S; Wright, S; Yang, B.-, M
  • Regulating quality and safety of health and social care: international experiences. (2014) Schweppenstedde, D; Hinrichs, S; Ogbu, U; Schneider, E; Kringos, D; Klazinga, N; Healy, J; Vuorenkoski, L; Busse, R; Guerin, B; Pitchforth, E; Nolte, E ['material/summary:fileicon_text/html' not defined]
  • Knowledge Summary 30: Water, sanitation and hygiene – the impact on reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health. (2014) Theiss-nyland, K
  • Review 2: Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of education, information and support to increase the uptake of, or adherence to, treatment for people with active or latent TB. (2014) Tyner, Elizabeth; Lorenc, Theo; Cooper, Chris; Jamal, Farah; Lishi Li, Henry
  • Emerging and Persistent Infectious Diseases (EPID) Workshop Report. (2014) Ulaeto, D; Irving, D; Barnett, T
  • Dissemination activity and impact of maternal and newborn health projects in Ethiopia, India and Nigeria. (2014) Voller, S; Becker, AJ
  • Covering the Informal Sector. (2014) Wolfe, Rebecca; Mcintyre, Denise; Hanson, K; Honda, Ayako
  • Hospital care for mothers and newborn babies quality assessment and improvement tool. Second edition (2014). (2014) World Health Organization (Inc. Daniele, M; )