Browse by Date where Item Type is "Monograph" and Year is "2014"
Number of items: 51.
LSHTM Research Online monthly statistics info-graphic for November 2014. (2014)
LSHTM Research Online monthly statistics info-graphic for October 2014. (2014)
LSHTM Research Online monthly statistics report for April 2014. (2014)
LSHTM Research Online monthly statistics report for August 2014. (2014)
LSHTM Research Online monthly statistics report for December 2013. (2014)
LSHTM Research Online monthly statistics report for February 2014. (2014)
LSHTM Research Online monthly statistics report for January 2014. (2014)
LSHTM Research Online monthly statistics report for July 2014. (2014)
LSHTM Research Online monthly statistics report for June 2014. (2014)
LSHTM Research Online monthly statistics report for March 2014. (2014)
LSHTM Research Online monthly statistics report for May 2014. (2014)
LSHTM Research Online monthly statistics report for September 2014. (2014)
LSHTM Research Online statistics report for August 2013 - July 2014. (2014)
Housing improvement and home safety Effectiveness Matters. (2014)
Crd; Sphr@, L; MrcSphsu
Commissioning through Competition and Cooperation. Interim Report. (2014)
Allen, P; Osipovic, D; Shepherd, E; Coleman, A; Perkins, N
Health inequities in the Eastern Mediterranean Region Selected country case studies. (2014)
Baschieri, A
How does money influence health? (2014)
Benzeval, M; Bond, L; Campbell, M; Egan, M; Lorenc, T; Petticrew, M; Popham, F
Community Based Newborn Care Baseline Survey Report
Ethiopia, October 2014. (2014)
Berhanu, D; Avan, BI
The four health systems of the United Kingdom: how do they compare? Summary report. (2014)
Bevan, G; Karanikolos, M; Exley, J; Nolte, E; Connolly, S; Mays, N
What is the impact of BEAMS research? An evaluation of REF impact case studies from UCL BEAMS. (2014)
Biri, D; Oliver, K; Cooper, A
The Chemsex study: drug use in sexual settings among gay and bisexual men in Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham. (2014)
Bourne, A; Reid, D; Hickson, F; Torres Rueda, S; Weatherburn, P
Postpartum Family Planning in Burkina Faso. STEP UP Research Report. (2014)
Daniele, M
Knowledge Summary 31: Maternal mental health: Why it matters and what countries with limited resources can do. (2014)
Ejaz, I
Impact of School Closures on an Influenza Pandemic: Scientific Evidence Base Review. (2014)
Health, DO; Mangtani, P
What is strategic purchasing for health? (2014)
Honda, Ayako
Sex Differences in the uptake of health care services in persons with disabilities. Identifying barriers to health care access. (2014)
John, N; Murthy, GVS; Komal, PA; Sagar, J; Kamalakannan, SK
The Centre for Maternal, Adolsecent, Reporoductive & Child Health (MARCH) Report. (2014)
Lawn, Joy; Marchant, Tanya; Ross, David; Marston, Cicely; Filippi, V; Chico, Matthew; Yeung, Shunmay
Interdisciplinary teams in clinical practice of end-of-life palliative care: efficiency and degree of integration. [In French : Interdisciplinarité en pratique clinique de soins palliatifs de fin de vie: efficacité et degré d'intégration]. (2014)
Leclerc, Bernard-Simon; Lessard, Sabrina; Blanchard, Laurence; Cantinotti, Michael; Couturier, Yves; Gervais, Denis; Mongeau, Suzanne
Review 3b: Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of education, information and support to increase the uptake of, or adherence to, treatment for people with active or latent TB. (2014)
Lorenc, Theo; Garrett, Zoe; Tyner, Elizabeth; Levay, Paul
Welfare: theoretical and analytical paradigms. (2014)
MacGregor, S
Evaluation of the choice of GP practice pilot, 2012-13. (2014)
Mays, N; Eastmure, E; Erens, B; Lagarde, M; Roland, M; Tan, S; Wright, M
Evaluation of the Choice of GP Practice Pilot, 2012-13. (2014)
Mays, N; Eastmure, E; Erens, B; Lagarde, M; Roland, Martin; Tan, S; Wright, Michael
Best practice: Medical training from an international perspective. (2014)
Miani, C; Hinrichs, S; Pitchforth, E; Bienkowska-Gibbs, T; Dibeschl, S; Roland, M; Nolte, E
['material/summary:fileicon_text/html' not defined]
Evidence review and economic analysis of excess winter deaths. Review 1: Factors determining vulnerability to winter- and cold-related mortality/morbidity. (2014)
Milner, J; Chalabi, Z; Wilkinson, P; Armstrong, B; Cairns, J; Das, P; Davies, M; Duffy, S; Eggen, B; Hajat, S; Hamilton, I; Jones, L; Petticrew, M; Scovronik, N; Taylor, J; Vardoulakis, S
Evidence review and economic analysis of excess winter deaths. Review 2: Interventions and economic studies. (2014)
Milner, J; Chalabi, Z; Wilkinson, P; Armstrong, B; Cairns, J; Duffy, S; Hajat, S; Jones, L; Petticrew, M; Scovronik, N
Evidence review and economic analysis of excess winter deaths. Review 3: Delivery and implementation of approaches for the prevention of excess winter deaths and morbidity. (2014)
Milner, J; Chalabi, Z; Wilkinson, P; Duffy, S; Jones, L; Petticrew, M
Evidence review and economic analysis of excess winter deaths. Economic modelling report. (2014)
Milner, J; Hamilton, I; Chalabi, Z; Cairns, J; Davies, M; Das, P; WilkinsonP
International variation in drug usage: an exploratory analysis of the "causes" of variation. (2014)
Nolte, E; Corbett, J
Assessing chronic disease management in European health systems. Concepts and approaches. (2014)
Nolte, E; Knai, C; Saltman, R
What is the evidence on the economic impacts of integrated care? (2014)
Nolte, E; Pitchforth, E
The changing hospital landscape: an exploration of international experiences. (2014)
Nolte, E; Pitchforth, E; Miani, C; McHugh, S
['material/summary:fileicon_text/html' not defined]
Covert networks: structures, processes and types. (2014)
Oliver, K; Crossley, N; Edwards, G; Koskinen, J; Everett, M
Financing global health through a Global Fund for Health? (2014)
Ooms, G; Hammonds, R
Shared Responsibilities for Health: A Coherent Global Framework for Health Financing. Final Report of the Centre on Global Health Security Working Group on Health Financing. (2014)
Røttingen, J.-, A; Ottersen, T; Ablo, A; Arhin-Tenkorang, D; Benn, C; Elovainio, R; Evans, D; Fonseca, L; Frenk, J; McCoy, D; McIntyre, D; Moon, S; Ooms, G; Palu, T; Rao, S; Sridhar, D; Vega, J; Wibulpolprasert, S; Wright, S; Yang, B.-, M
Regulating quality and safety of health and social care: international experiences. (2014)
Schweppenstedde, D; Hinrichs, S; Ogbu, U; Schneider, E; Kringos, D; Klazinga, N; Healy, J; Vuorenkoski, L; Busse, R; Guerin, B; Pitchforth, E; Nolte, E
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Knowledge Summary 30: Water, sanitation and hygiene – the impact on reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health. (2014)
Theiss-nyland, K
Review 2: Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of education, information and support to increase the uptake of, or adherence to, treatment for people with active or latent TB. (2014)
Tyner, Elizabeth; Lorenc, Theo; Cooper, Chris; Jamal, Farah; Lishi Li, Henry
Emerging and Persistent Infectious Diseases (EPID) Workshop Report. (2014)
Ulaeto, D; Irving, D; Barnett, T
Dissemination activity and impact of maternal and newborn health projects in Ethiopia, India and Nigeria. (2014)
Voller, S; Becker, AJ
Covering the Informal Sector. (2014)
Wolfe, Rebecca; Mcintyre, Denise; Hanson, K; Honda, Ayako
Hospital care for mothers and newborn babies quality assessment and improvement tool. Second edition (2014). (2014)
World Health Organization (Inc. Daniele, M; )