Browse by Date where Item Type is "Monograph" and Year is "2011"

Number of items: 28.
  • Raising Standards - Lowering Barriers: Documentation of, access to and preservation of research data at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. (2011) LSHTMResearchDataWorkingGroup; Leon, D
  • Evaluation of the Community Foundation Trust Programme: Final report. (2011) Allen, P; Cameron, A; Durand, M; Hutchings, A; Williams, L; Perotin, V; Bartlett, W
  • Investigation of the governance of NHS Foundation Trusts Final report for NIHR SDO programme. (2011) Allen, P; Wright, J; Keen, J; Dempster, P; Townsend, J; Street, A; Verzulli, R
  • Provider diversity in the NHS: impact on quality and innovation. Final report for the NIHR Policy Research Programme. (2011) Bartlett, W; Allen, P; Perotin, V; Turner, S; Zamora, B; Matchaya, G; Roberts, J
  • Plus One: HIV diagnosis and disclosure. (2011) Bourne, A; Dodds, C; Weatherburn, P; Madyara, A; Ntabyera, E; Owour, J; Mahaka, P; Jessup, K; Hammond, G
  • Plus One: Executive Summary. (2011) Bourne, A; Dodds, C; Weatherburn, P; Madyara, A; Ntabyera, E; Owour, J; Ola, L; Mahaka, P; Jessup, K; Hammond, G
  • Plus One: External Influences. (2011) Bourne, A; Dodds, C; Weatherburn, P; Madyara, A; Ntabyera, E; Owour, J; Ola, L; Mahaka, P; Jessup, K; Hammond, G
  • Plus One: HIV sero-discordant relationships among black African people in England. (2011) Bourne, A; Dodds, C; Weatherburn, P; Madyara, A; Ntabyera, E; Owour, J; Ola, L; Mahaka, P; Jessup, K; Hammond, G
  • Plus One: Managing the relationship. (2011) Bourne, A; Dodds, C; Weatherburn, P; Madyara, A; Ntabyera, E; Owour, J; Ola, L; Mahaka, P; Jessup, K; Hammond, G
  • Plus One: Sex and risk. (2011) Bourne, A; Dodds, C; Weatherburn, P; Madyara, A; Ntabyera, E; Owour, J; Ola, L; Mahaka, P; Jessup, K; Hammond, G
  • On the front line: a review of programmes that address HIV among international peacekeepers and uniformed services 2005–2010. (2011) Carael, M; Homans, H; Barnett, T; Carballo, M; The Joint United Nations Programme On Hiv/, Aids; UnitedNationsDepartmentOfPeacekeepingOperations
  • Freedom to Be (F2B) summer camp: outcome evaluation. (2011) Dodds, C
  • What Works to Prevent Partner Violence? An Evidence Overview. (2011) Heise, L
  • Contractual governance in a system with mixed modes of regulation: Final report. (2011) Hughes, D; Allen, P; Doheny, S; Petsoulas, C; Roberts, J; Vincent-Jones, P
  • Health economic assessment tools (HEAT) for walking and for cycling. (2011) Kahlmeier, S; Cavill, N; Dinsdale, H; Rutter, H; Gotschi, T; Foster, C; Racioppi, F
  • Health Impacts of Catastrophic Climate Change: Expert Workshop. Avoid Dangerous Climate Change (AVOID). (2011) Kovats, S; Ebi, K; Annunziata, G; Bagaria, J; Banatvala, N; Baschieri, A; Campbell-Lendrum, D; Chalabi, Z; Chand, S; Clark, J; Downing, T; Frame, D; Gosling, S; Grynszpan, D; Haines, A; Hayes, L; Hemming, D; Leonardi, G; Lowe, J; Menne, B; Nerlander, L; Ranger, N; Scaramella, C; Sondorp, E; Tacoli, C; van der Linden, P; Warren, R; Zanev, C
  • Quality and Safety strategies in the European Union in Cross-border healthcare in the EU: mapping and analysing practices and policies. (2011) Legido-Quigley, H; Walshe, K; Glinos, I; Cucic, C; van Beek, B; McKee, M
  • Age-based dosing, duration of protection, and predicted cost effectiveness, of IPTc (SMC). (2011) Milligan, Paul
  • Understanding vulnerability and resilience in individuals to the influence of Al Qaida violent extremism: A Rapid Evidence Assessment. (2011) Munton, T; Martin, A; Lorenc, T; Marrero-Guillamon, I; Jamal, F; Lehmann, A; Cooper, C; Sexton, M
  • Global health: What it has been so far, what it should be, and what it could become. (2011) Ooms, G; Rachel, H; Decoster, K; van Damme, W
  • Health Service Delivery, Governance and Supportive Supervision under the Health Sector Services Fund National Baseline Survey. (2011) Opwora, A; Toda, M; Waweru, E; Edwards, T; Fegan, G; Noor, A; Molyneux, S; Goodman, C
  • A comparative study of the construction and implementation of patient choice policies in the UK. Final report project 08/1718/147. Southampton: NIHR Service Delivery and Organisation programme,. (2011) Peckham, S; Sanderson, M; Entwistle, V; Thompson, A; Hughes, D; Prior, L; Allen, P; Mays, N; Brown, M; Kelly, G; Powell, A; Baldie, D; Linyard, A; Duguid, A; Davies, H
  • Economic Report for the WHO Technical Expert Group Meeting on Intermittent Preventive Treatment of Malaria in Children. (2011) Pitt, C; NDiaye, M; Patouillard, E; Milligan, P; Conteh, L
  • Modelling the Impact of Stigma on the Prevention of Mother to Child HIV Transmission for a setting in South Africa. (2011) Prudden, H; Dzialowy, N; Foss, A; Black, V; Wallace, N; Watts, C; Nyblade, L
  • Tobacco industry influence on tobacco excise policy in Bulgaria: a story of lobbying, smuggling and failed privatisations. Research Report. (2011) Skafida, V; Silver, K; Rechel, B; Gilmore, A
  • UNICEF Discussion Paper Urban social and environmental Inequities; Impacts on Child Rights, Health and Wellbeing in Cities. (2011) Stephens, C
  • The Second Study of Infectious Intestinal Disease in the Community. (2011) Tam, CC; Viviani, L; Adak, GK; Bolton, FJ; Dodds, J; Cowden, J; Evans, M; Gray, JJ; Hunter, P; Jackson, K; Letley, L; Neal, K; Rait, G; Smith, G; Smyth, B; Tompkins, DS; van der Es, M; Rodrigues, LC; O’Brien, SJ
  • GUARD study report: Good Use of Antimalarials and Rapid Diagnostic Tests in Cambodia study report. (2011) Yeung, Shunmay; Chandler, Clare; Tabernero, Patricia; DeSouza, Mikhael; Rada, Ouk; Nguon, Chea