Browse by Date where Item Type is "Monograph" and Year is "2009"
Number of items: 33.
Global literature review of Haemophilus influenzae type b and Streptococcus pneumoniae invasive disease among children less than five years of age 1980-2005. (2009)
Deloria Knoll, M; O'Brien, K; Henkle, E; Lee, E; Watt, J; McCall, N; Mangtani, P
African HIV prevention Handbook: putting The Knowledge, The Will and The Power into practice. (2009)
Dodds, C
Sexually charged: the views of gay and bisexual men on criminal prosecutions for sexual HIV transmission. (2009)
Dodds, C; Weatherburn, P; Bourne, AH; Hammond, G; Weait, M; Hickson, F; Reid, D; Jessup, K
HIV and AIDS in South Asia: An Economic Development Risk. (2009)
Haacker, M; Claeson, M
Bass Line 2008-09: assessing the sexual HIV prevention needs of African people in England. (2009)
Hickson, F; Owuor, J; Weatherburn, P; Reid, D; Hammond, G; Jessup, K
Testing targets: findings from the United Kingdom Gay Men’s Sex Survey 2007. (2009)
Hickson, F; Weatherburn, P; Reid, D; Jessup, K; Hammond, G
Framework for better living with HIV in England. (2009)
Keogh, P; Azad, Y; Carter, M; Crafer, E; Cregan, S; Morley, C; Nkwenti, P; Nutland, W; Pebody, R; Reynolds, R; Summerside, J; Weatherburn, P
Wasted opportunities: problematic alcohol and drug use among gay men and bisexual men. (2009)
Keogh, P; Reid, D; Bourne, A; Weatherburn, P; Hickson, F; Jessup, K; Hammond, G
National Association of Primary Care: Developing Clinical Leadership. (2009)
Marshall, J; ChanaN; Lynch, R
Real Lives II: findings from the All-Ireland Gay Men’s Sex Surveys, 2005 and 2006. (2009)
McCartney, D; Bader, M; Donlon, S; Hickson, F; Quinlan, M
Constraints to Scaling Up and Costs, Working Group 1 Report. (2009)
Mills, A
The private commercial sector distribution chain for antimalarial drugs in Nigeria - Findings from a rapid survey. (2009)
Palafox, B; Tougher, S; Patouillard, E; Goodman, C; Hanson, K
The private commercial sector distribution chain for antimalarial drugs in Cambodia - Findings from a rapid survey. (2009)
Patouillard, E; Goodman, C; Palafox, B; Tougher, S; Hanson, K
Occupational, domestic and environmental mesothelioma risks in Britain. (2009)
Peto, J; Rake, C; Gilham, C; Hatch, J
Budget Holding Lead Professional Pilots in Multi-Agency Children's Services in England, National Evaluation. (2009)
Walker, J; Donaldson, C; Laing, K; Pennington, M; Wilson, G; Procter, S; Bradley, D; Dickinson, H; Gray, J
What do you need? 2007-08 findings from a national survey of people with diagnosed HIV. (2009)
Weatherburn, P; Keogh, P; Reid, D; Dodds, C; Bourne, A; Owuor, J; Hammond, G; Jessup, K
An exploration of the potential public health impact of the 2012 Olympics. (2009)
Wellings, K; Datta, J; Wilkinson, P; Petticrew, M
A Skills Passport in Health and Well-Being: Report of Initial Consultation. (2009)
Williams, L