Browse by Date where Item Type is "Monograph" and Year is "2008"

Number of items: 30.
  • HIV and state failure: is HIV a security risk? (2008) Barnett, T; Dutta, I
  • Putting evidence into practice: Palliative care. (2008) Brunnuber, K; Nash, S; E Meier, D; E Weissman, D; Woodcock, J
  • Extending further in Enfield: use of services by disabled children and their families. (2008) Datta, J
  • National Child Measurement Programme: Detailed Analysis of the 2006/07 National Dataset. (2008) Dinsdale, H; Rutter, H
  • The knowledge, the will and the power: a plan of action to meet the HIV prevention needs of Africans in England. (2008) Dodds, C; Hickson, F; Chinouya, M; Chwaula, J; Weatherburn, P
  • BASS Line 2007 Survey: assessing the sexual HIV prevention needs of African people in England. (2008) Dodds, C; Hickson, F; Weatherburn, P; Reid, D; Hammond, G; Jessup, K; Adegbite, G
  • Decision-making in health care: Roles and responsibilities at local, regional and national level. (2008) Ettelt, S; Nolte, E; Mays, N
  • Patients' rights and responsibilities in relation to publicly-funded health care. (2008) Ettelt, S; Nolte, E; Mays, N
  • Capacity planning in health care: a review of the international experience. (2008) Ettelt, S; Nolte, E; Thomson, S; Mays, N; InternationalHealthcareComparisonsNetwork
  • Maternal and child health in Tajikistan: Preliminary results from the TLSS 2007. (2008) Falkingham, J; Baschieri, A
  • Health Care as an Investment? Reframing the Health Policy Debates in Europe. (2008) Gusmano, MK; Suhrcke, M; Nolte, E; McKee, M; Rodwin, VG; Weisz, D
  • Demographic evidence of family and household changes in response to the effects of HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa: Implications for efforts to strengthen families. (2008) Hosegood, V
  • Patient and Public Involvement in Healthcare Governance - England and Wales. Report for REFGOV, FP 6 European Project. (2008) Hughes, D; Mullen, C; Vincent-Jones, P; Allen, P; Keen, J; Townsend, J
  • The school lives of children and young people with a spinal cord injury. Report for the Back-Up Trust. (2008) Knight, A; Petrie, P; Potts, P; Zuurmond, M
  • Including diverse groups of children and young people in health promotion and public health research: a review of methodology and practice. (2008) Lorenc, T; Harden, A; Brunton, G; Oakley, A
  • Do lifelong learning and revalidation ensure that physicians are fit to practise. (2008) Merkur, S; Mladovsky, P; Mossialos, E; McKee, M
  • An Assessment of the Health Financing System in Tanzania. Report on SHIELD Work Package 1. (2008) Mtei, G; Mulligan, J; Ally, M; Palmer, N; Mills, A
  • A Case Study of Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) Implementation in Kenya. (2008) Mullei, K; Wafula, F; Goodman, C
  • Paying for (expensive) drugs in the statutory system: an overview of experiences in 13 countries. (2008) Nikoltenzos, A; Nolte, E; Mays, N
  • Health promotion, inequalities and young people's health: a systematic review of research. (2008) Oliver, S; Kavanagh, J; Caird, J; Lorenc, T; Oliver, K; Harden, A; Thomas, J; Greaves, A; Oakley, A
  • AMFm – Economic Appraisal and Access by the Poor. (2008) Pearson, M; Hanson, K; Goodman, C
  • Cancer survival in the Spearhead Primary Care Trusts of England, 1998-2004. (2008) Rachet, B; Coleman, MP; Ellis, L; Shah, A; Cooper, N; Rasulo, D; Westlake, S
  • Understanding non-response to the British Gambling Prevalence Survey 2007. (2008) Scholes, S; Wardle, H; Sproston, K; Erens, B; Griffiths, M; Orford, J
  • Global Change and Health: Mapping the Challenges of Global Non-healthcare Influences on Health. (2008) Smith, RD; Martinez-Alvarez, M
  • Socioeconomic differences in health, health behaviours and access to health care in Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation and Ukraine. (2008) Suhrcke, M; Walters, S; Mazzuco, S; Pomerleau, J; McKee, M; Haerpfer, C
  • An analysis of mode effects using data from the Health Survey for England 2006 and the Boost Survey for London. (2008) Tipping, S; Hope, S; Pickering, K; Mindell, JS; Erens, B
  • Identifying optimal strategies for microbicide distribution in India and South Africa: Modelling and cost-effectiveness analyses. (2008) Watts, C; Foss, A; Kumaranayake, L; Cox, A; Terris-Prestholt, F; Vickerman, P
  • Multiple chances: findings from the United Kingdom Gay Men's Sex Survey 2006. (2008) Weatherburn, P; Hickson, F; Reid, D; Jessup, K; Hammond, G
  • Delivering Malaria Control to Those in Need: How to Succeed in a Time of Renewed Hope. (2008) Whitty, C; Meek, S
  • Social and environmental interventions to reduce childhood obesity: a systematic map of reviews. (2008) Woodman, J; Lorenc, T; Harden, A; Oakley, A