Browse by Date where Item Type is "Monograph" and Year is "2005"
Number of items: 39.
Analysis of hospital reform policy in Bulgaria. Final Report. (2005)
Balabanova, D; Tsolova, S; Delcheva, E; Konstantinova, T
The implications of early detection of HIV: some speculations about cost savings that might have resulted from early detection of HIV-1. (2005)
Barnett, T
Are the Poor Missing out in the Achievement of the MDGs? (2005)
Baschieri, A; Falkingham, J; Grant, G
Socio-economic Atlas of Tajikistan. (2005)
Baschieri, A; Falkingham, J; Harfoot, A; Murdock, A; Hutton, G
The Millennium Development Goals will not be attained without new research addressing health system constraints to delivering effective interventions: Report of the Task Force on Health Systems Research. (2005)
Becerra-Posada, F; Berwick, D; Bhutta, Z; Chowdhury, M; de Savigny, D; Haines, A; Hyder, A; Lavis, J; Lumbiganon, P; Mills, A; Mshinda, H; Narayan, R; Oxman, A; Sanders, D; Tomson, G; Victora, C
Temperance: Its History and Impact on Current and Future Alcohol Policy. (2005)
Berridge, V
Policy Brief: Cross-Border Health Care in Europe. (2005)
Bertinato, L; Busse, R; Fahy, N; Legido-Quigley, H; McKee, M; Palm, W; Passarani, I; Ronfini, F
Linking Security to Development and Implications for Fragile States. (2005)
Bornemisza, O
Evaluation of the dracunculiasis surveillance system in 4 districts in Ghana. (2005)
Cairncross, S
Estimates of the burden of malaria morbidity in Africa in children under the age of fives years (2005). (2005)
Carneiro, I; Roca-Feltrer, A; Schellenberg, JA
Feasibility study into the establishment of a retrospective cohort study in the British semiconductor industry. (2005)
Cowie, HA; Creely, K; Miller, BG; Ahern, M; Fletcher, T; Armstrong, B
It Makes Me Sick: Heterosexism, homophobia and the health of gay and bisexual men. (2005)
Dodds, C; Keogh, P; Hickson, F
Grievous harm: use of the Offences Against the Person Act 1861 for sexual transmission of HIV. (2005)
Dodds, C; Weatherburn, P; Hickson, F; Keogh, P; Nutland, W
Grevious harm: Use of the Offences Against the Person Act 1861 for sexual transmission of HIV. (2005)
Dodds, C; Weatherburn, P; Keogh, P; Hickson, F; Nutland, W
The availability of treatment for addictions in medium secure psychiatric in-patient services. Final Report to the Department of Health. (2005)
Durand, M; Lelliott, P; Coyle, N
The Addiction Psychiatry Services Project: A study of the number, roles, responsibilities and activities of specialist addiction psychiatrists in England. Final Report to the Department of Health. (2005)
Durand, M; Lelliott, P; Crome, I; Coyle, N
HIV and orphanhood: report on collaborative study prepared for UNICEF. (2005)
Floyd, S; Marston, M; Hosegood, V; Scholten, F; Zaba, B
World Blindness and its Prevention VISION2020 the Right to Sight. Volume 7. (2005)
Gilbert, C; Raman, U; Francis, V
Supporting the retention of HRH: SADC Policy Context: Paper prepared for EQUINET/Health Systems Trust. (2005)
Gilson, L; Erasmus, E
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm: A service in need of surgery? A report of the National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death. (2005)
Gray, A; Landsdown, M; Hargraves, C; Cullinane, M; Tsang, C; Smith, N
Report of the Task Force on Health Systems Research to the WHO Advisory Committee on Health Research. (2005)
Haines, A
Recommendations for the Reproductive & Sexual Health Care of Trafficked Women in Ukraine: Focus on STI/RTI Care. (2005)
Hossain, M; Zimmerman, C; Hawkes, S; Watts, C
Using climate to predict infectious disease epidemics. (2005)
Kuhn, K; Campbell-Lendrum, D; Haines, A; Cox, J
Quality of Care, Patient Orientation, Information to Patients and Professionals. (2005)
Legido-Quigley, H; McKee, M; Nolte, E
Messages and findings from the Department of Health drugs misuse research initiative: final overview report. (2005)
MacGregor, S
Details of approaches to synthesis – a methodological appendix to the paper: systematically reviewing qualitative and quantitative evidence to inform management and policy making in the health field. (2005)
Mays, N; Pope, C; Popay, J
Promoting equitable health care financing in the African context: current challenges and future prospects. (2005)
McIntyre, D; Gilson, L; Mutyambizi, V
Indoor concentrations in buildings from sources outdoors. (2005)
Milner, JT; Dimitroulopoulou, C; Apsimon, HM
The Cost-Effectiveness of Malaria Control Interventions. (2005)
Mulligan, J; Morel, C; Mills, A
Decentralisation, centralisation and devolution in publicly funded health services: decentralisation as an organisational model for health-care in England. (2005)
Peckham, S; Exworthy, M; Powell, M; Greener, I
Doing it well: Good practice guide for choosing and implementing community based HIV prevention interventions with African communities in England. (2005)
Pulle, S., Lubega, J., Davidson, O., Chinouya, M
What makes a good employer? (2005)
Rafferty, A; Maben, J; West, E
Étude du lien socio-environnemental: distinction sociale et conduites d’incivilité dans les espaces commerciaux ouverts au public (gares de la SNCF, bureaux de poste, Galeries Lafayette) [A study of socio-environmental link: social distinction and incivilities in places of business open to the public (SNCF railway stations, french post offices, Galeries Lafayette)]. (2005)
Sautkina, E; Amador, S; Castano, C; Casal, A; Koutaba, M
Building MESH Infrastructure to Support Equity and Efficiency in Primary Health Care. Report prepared for: National Department of Health and DANIDA. (2005)
Thomas, S; Mooney, G; Mbatsha, S; Mubangizi, D; Khumalo, G; Chitha, W; Gilson, L; Okorafor, O
Psychosocial and health systems dimensions of cervical cancer screening in Bulgaria and Romania. Final report. (2005)
Todorova, I; Balabanova, D; Panayotova, Y; Alexandrova, A; Bradley, J
Measuring social capital and mental health in Vietnam: a validity study. (2005)
Tuan, T; Harpham, T; Huong, N; de Silva, M
Risk and reflexion: findings from the United Kingdom Gay Men's Sex Survey 2004. (2005)
Weatherburn, P; Reid, D; Hickson, F; Hammond, G; Stephens, M
Protecting all pregnant women and children under five years living in malaria endemic areas in Africa with insecticide treated mosquito nets. Report for the Roll Back Malaria Department. (2005)
Webster, J; Lines, J; Smith, L
Rapport d’évaluation du projet cases de santé au Sénégal de l’ASDI et Sankana. (2005)
van Ginneken, NH