Browse by Date where Item Type is "Conference or Workshop Item" and Year is "2018"
Number of items: 33.
  • Chagas disease. A systematic review of case reports through the XXI century. (2018) Alvarez-Hernandez, Diego-Abelardo; Diaz-Huizar, María-José; Gonzalez-Chavez, Alberto-Manuel; Garcia-Rodriguez-Arana, Rodolfo; Ascencio-Aragon, Jorge-Alberto; Hernandez-Ponce, Yolanda; Alvarez-Sanchez, Mariana; Martinez-Juarez, Luis Alberto; Estefan-Melgarejo, Emmanuel; Vazquez-Lopez, Rosalino; Fernandes-Presas, Ana Maria picture_as_pdf
  • Meeting report: 5th Global Forum on TB Vaccines, 20-23 February 2018, New Delhi India. (2018) Atmakuri, Krishnamohan; Penn-Nicholson, Adam; Tanner, Rachel; Dockrell, Hazel M
  • B
  • High prevalence of chlamydia trachomatis and co-infection with mycoplasma genitalium and neisseria gonorrhoeae in symptomatic clinic attendees. (2018) Broad, CE; Harrison, MA; Pond, M; Tan, NK; Okala, S; Soares, C; Fuller, SS; Furegato, M; Harding-Esch, EM; Sadiq, ST
  • C
  • The potential impact of integrating services for the secondary prevention of cardiovascular outcomes into HIV care in Kenya: A mathematical modelling study. (2018) Cassidy, Rachel; Perez-Guzman, P; Hallett, T; Smit, M
  • The potential impact of integrating services for the secondary prevention of cardiovascular outcomes into HIV care in Kenya: A mathematical modelling study. (2018) Cassidy, Rachel; Perez-Guzman, P; Hallett, T; Smit, M
  • D
  • Investigating the biogenesis of Campylobacter jejuni outer membrane vesicle production. (2018) Davies, C; Taylor, A; Gundogdu, O; Wren, WB; Elmi, A; Dorrell, N
  • G
  • The Campylobacter jejuni oxidative stress regulator RrpB is associated with a genomic hypervariable region and altered oxidative stress resistance. (2018) Gundogdu, O; Teixeira da Silva, D; Mohammad, B; Elmi, A; Wren, WB; van Vliet, A; Dorrell, N
  • H
  • Defining the relationship between the extent of mid-wall late gadolinium enhancement and adverse heart failure events in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy. (2018) Halliday, B; Baksi, A; Gulati, A; Ali, A; Newsome, S; Arzanauskaite, M; Izgi, C; Lota, A; Tayal, U; Vassiliou, V; Cook, S; Cleland, J; Pennell, D; Prasad, S
  • Sex differences in the natural history and outcome of dilated cardiomyopathy. (2018) Halliday, B; Gulati, A; Ali, A; Newsome, S; Lota, A; Tayal, U; Vassiliou, V; Arzanauskaite, M; Izgi, C; Cook, S; Pennell, D; Collins, P; Cleland, J; Prasad, S
  • Tropical Data: Prevalence Surveys For Elimination Of Trachoma And Other Neglected Tropical Diseases. (2018) Harding-Esch, EM; Bakhtiari, A; Dejene, M; Hooper, P; Jimenez, C; Millar, T; Mpyet, C; Ngondi, JM; Renneker, K; Rotondo, LA; Willis, R; Solomon, AW
  • L
  • Mortality risk associated with haloperidol use compared with other antipsychotics: An 11-year population-based propensity score-matched cohort study. (2018) Lao, Kim Shijian; Wong, Angel YS; Wong, Ian CK; Besag, Frank MC; Chan, Esther W description
  • Investigation of the role of Campylobacter jejuni Type VI secretion system during interactions with host cells. (2018) Liaw, J; Hong, G; Hachani, A; Wren, WB; Gundogdu, O; Dorrell, N
  • Prognostic significance of non-ischaemic myocardial fibrosis in patients with normal LV size and function: A large CMR registry study. (2018) Lota, A; Tsao, A; Al-Balah, A; Patel, A; Newsome, S; Mouy, F; Halliday, B; Cleland, J; Ware, J; Cook, S; Pennell, D; Prasad, S
  • M
  • Investigating eating time patterns in UK adults from The 2008–2012 National Diet and Nutrition Survey. (2018) Mansukhani, R; Palla, L
  • Assessment of survey items on social norms relating to sexual behaviour and dating and relationship violence among young adolescents in England: cognitive interviews within two pilot studies. (2018) Meiksin, Rebecca; Ponsford, Ruth; Bonell, Chris
  • N
  • Book of Abstracts: The 15th Congress of the European Society of Contraception and Reproductive Health. (2018) Norman, Wendy V; Sarah, Munro; Devane, Courtney; Dunn, Sheila; Guilbert, Edith; Wagner, Marie-Soleil; Soon, Judith; Renner, Regina; Brooks, Melissa; Costescu, Dustin; Waddington, Ashley; Kaczorowski, Janusz; Davies, Cheryl; Kendall, Tamil
  • O
  • Projecting the end of the Zika epidemic in Latin America: A modelling analysis. (2018) O'Reilly, K; Brady, O; Yakob, L
  • Exclusion from health rights: from human rights to citizens' rights and back. (2018) Ooms, G
  • P
  • Appropriating Imagination in Virtual Anthropology of Art. (2018) Paganopoulos, Michailangelos ['material/summary:fileicon_application/msword' not defined]
  • Epidemiological benefits of integrating services for the secondary prevention of cervical cancer into HIV care in Kenya: A mathematical modelling study. (2018) Perez-Guzman, P; Cassidy, R; Hallett, T; Smit, M
  • Epidemiological benefits of integrating services for the secondary prevention of cervical cancer into HIV care in Kenya: A mathematical modelling study. (2018) Perez-Guzman, P; Cassidy, Rachel; Hallett, T; Smit, M
  • Modification of the impact of access to water on childhood diarrhoea by socioeconomic status in the Gaza Strip, 2000-2014. (2018) Ponce Hardy, Victoria; Shaheen, Amira; Milojevic, Ai
  • Stakeholder involvement in the systematic optimisation of two school-based relationships and sex education interventions, Project Respect and Positive Choices. (2018) Ponsford, Ruth; Crichton, Jo; Meiksin, Rebecca; Tancred, Tara; Morgan, Gemma; Tilouche, Nerissa; Campbell, Rona; Bonell, Chris
  • Area reputation as an under-acknowledged determinant of health inequalities: evidence from a systems evaluation of a major community empowerment initiative in England. (2018) Ponsford, Ruth; Halliday, Emma; Collins, Michelle; Egan, Matthew; Scott, Courtney; Popay, Jennie
  • Q
  • Multilevel Multiple Imputation in presence of interactions, non-linearities and random slopes Imputazione Multipla Multilivello in presenza di interazioni, non-linearit`a e pendenze casuali. (2018) Quartagno, M; Carpenter, J
  • R
  • Potential for aerosolization and transmission of Avian Influenza A from animal to human at the human-animal interface of live bird markets in Bangladesh. (2018) Rahman, M; Cardwell, JM; Rahman, Md; Hoque, MdA; Alamgir, ASM; Salimuzzaman, M; Sarkar, S; Samad, MdA; Giasuddin, Md; Fournie, G; Debnath, N; Feiffer, DUP; Flora, MS; Mangtani, P
  • T
  • Virus entry complex changes during tissue culture adaptation of human herpesvirus-6A identified by whole genome deep sequencing and structural modelling. (2018) Tweedy, JG; Escriva, E; Topf, M; Gompels, U
  • V
  • Reaching the first "90" in HIV testing: Implications for efficiency and resource allocation decisions in Malawi. (2018) Vyas, Seema; Songo, John; Dube, Albert; Guinness, Lorna; Kalua, Thokozani; Renju, Jenny; Crampin, Amelia; Geis, Steffen; Todd, Jim; Wringe, Alison ['material/summary:fileicon_application/' not defined]
  • W
  • "Their own project for their own people": Community participation in the Village Health Worker Scheme in Gombe State, Nigeria. (2018) Wickremasinghe, Deepthi; Willey, Barbara; Umar, Nasir; Spicer, Neil; Marchant, Tanya; Gana, Ahmed; Okolo, Magdalene; Hamza, Yashua
  • Designing safer services for patients needing palliative care in gp out of hours services: a national analysis of patient safety data to identify priorities for systems improvement. (2018) Williams, H; Noble, S; Edwards, A; Kenkre, J; Hibbert, P; Donaldson, L; Carson-Stevens, A
  • Y
  • Care-seeking for maternal morbidity in Northern Nigeria: A qualitative study. (2018) Yargawa, Judith; Fottrell, Edward; Hill, Zelee