Browse by Date where Item Type is "Conference or Workshop Item" and Year is "2016"
Number of items: 77.
  • Euroscore II and STS Risk Model Scores in Aortic Stenosis: Can We Rely on Them? (2016) Aggarwal, N; Selvendran, S; Newsome, S; Malley, T; Auger, D; Prasad, S; Vassiliou, V
  • B
  • Global Trends in Survival from Acute Myeloid Leukaemia in Children: Is Survival Approaching the Levels for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia? (CONCORD-2 STUDY). (2016) Bonaventure, A; Harewood, R; Coleman, MP; Allemani, C
  • C
  • Risk Factors for Premature Birth in Austria from 2008-2012-Analysis of the Austrian National Birth Registry. (2016) Cardona, F; Leitner, H; Oberaigner, W; Shannon, C
  • How Common is Rectal Chlamydia trachomatis Infection in Women? A Systematic Review, 1997 to 2015. (2016) Chandra, LN; Folkard, K; Broad, C; Harding-Esch, EM; Woodhall, SC; Sadiq, ST; Saunders, J; Dunbar, K
  • TCT-205 Incidence and clinical outcomes associated with DAPT discontinuation in complex PCI patients: From the PARIS registry. (2016) Chandrasekhar, J; Baber, U; Sartori, S; Aquino, M; Stuckey, T; Henry, T; Moliterno, D; Cohen, D; Steg, PG; Iakovou, I; Bruckel, J; Pocock, S; Kini, A; Colombo, A; Chieffo, A; Witzenbichler, B; Weisz, G; Dangas, G; Gibson, CM; Mehran, R
  • Using Bayesian Networks to Assist Decision-Making in Syndromic Surveillance. (2016) Colón-González, Felipe J; Lake, Iain; Barker, Gary; Smith, Gillian E; Elliot, Alex J; Morbey, Roger picture_as_pdf
  • A performance evaluation of the ATLAS Genetics io system: a novel and rapid point-of-care in vitro diagnostic test for Chlamydia trachomatis. (2016) Cousins, E; Harding-Esch, E; Chow, C; Phillips, L; Hall, C; Fuller, S; Dunbar, K; Green, M; Shenton, D; Bannister, S; Clarkson, J; Lowndes, C; Sadiq, S
  • D
  • Depression and Anxiety Associate with Pain and Dyspnea but Not Fev1 in the Mountain West. (2016) Daines, C; Brown, P; Chatfield, BA; Heynekamp, TR; Lysinger, J; Nakamura, C; Radford, P; Sagel, SD; Taylor-Cousar, JL; Quittner, AL; Lechtzin, N; Keogh, RH; Szczesniak, RD; Elborn, JS; Liou, TG
  • Intra-household access to WASH in Uganda and Zambia: do variations exist? (2016) Danquah, Lisa; Wilbur, Jane
  • Evaluation of Different Missing Data Strategies in Propensity Score Analyses. (2016) Driessen, J; Williamson, E; Carpenter, J; de Vries, F
  • E
  • Treatment And Prevention for Female Sex Workers in South Africa: First-year Results for the TAPS Demonstration Project. (2016) Eakle, R; Gomez, G; Mbogua, J; Bothma, R; Naicker, N; Moorhouse, M; Venter, WDF; Rees, H
  • Sex Work, Risk and Incentives: An Exploration of Risk Perceptions and Relationship Dynamics among Female Sex Workers in Ekurhuleni, South Africa. (2016) Eakle, R; Quaife, M; Cabrera, M; Vickerman, P; Delany-Moretlwe, S; Terris-Prestholt, F
  • Investigating the role of the bile salt sodium taurocholate in influencing Campylobacter jejuni outer membrane vesicle production, content and function. (2016) Elmi, A; Dorey, A; Jagatia, H; Gundogdu, O; Bajaj-Elliott, M; Wren, WB; Dorrell, N
  • F
  • Global knowledge, local practices and emerging data: ADHD as a case in point. (2016) Filipe, AM
  • Problematic data? Prevalence rates, psychostimulant prescriptions and the ambiguous epidemiology of ADHD in Portugal. (2016) Filipe, AM
  • What is knowledge made of? Lessons from the sociology of health and illness. (2016) Filipe, AM
  • Test to Identify Co-Localization of Genetic Association Signals Across Multiple Traits Using Summary Statistics. (2016) Foley, CN; Staley, JR; Dudbridge, F; Howson, JMM
  • Enhancing the student experience through developing a deeper understanding and recognition of the skills of creativity and innovation among both staff and students. (2016) Foss, A; Locke, L; Lawrence, S; Makowiecka, K; Brammar, L; Marks, D; Woods, C
  • Lessons learnt about creativity and innovation through a thriving collaboration crossing disciplinary and professional boundaries. (2016) Foss, A; Locke, L; Lawrence, S; Makowiecka, K; Brammar, L; Marks, D; Woods, C
  • G
  • The Cost-effectiveness, Affordability and Impact of HIV Prevention: Concepts and Reviews. (2016) Garnett, Geoff P; Krishnaratne, Shari; Rush, Sarah Hamm; Hallett, Tim B; Hargreaves, James R
  • Socio-Economic Status or Caste? Inequities in Maternal and Newborn Health Care in Rural Uttar Pradesh, India. (2016) Gautham, Meenakshi
  • Investigation of the role of the Campylobacter jejuni Type VI secretion system in secretion of virulence factors and interactions with host cells. (2016) Gundogdu, O; Davies, C; Liaw, J; Elmi, A; Hachani, A; Wren, WB; Dorrell, N
  • H
  • Gender differences in the natural history and outcome of dilated cardiomyopathy. (2016) Halliday, B; Ali, A; Gulati, A; Newsome, S; Tayal, U; Lota, A; Vassiliou, V; Arzanauskaite, M; Cook, S; Pennell, D; Prasad, S
  • The natural history of non-ischaemic dilated cardiomyopathy diagnosed after the age of 65 years of age. (2016) Halliday, B; Ali, A; Gulati, A; Newsome, S; Tayal, U; Wage, R; Arzanauskaite, M; Assomull, R; Shakespeare, C; Pakrashi, T; Collinson, J; Cook, S; Pennell, D; Prasad, S
  • Risk stratification of mild-to-moderate phenotypes of dilated cardiomyopathy – the role of mid-wall fibrosis. (2016) Halliday, B; Gulati, A; Ali, A; Guha, K; Arzanauskaite, M; Newsome, S; Lota, A; Tayal, U; Vassiliou, V; Auger, D; Khalique, Z; Pareek, N; Pennell, D; Cook, S; Prasad, S
  • Integrating health impacts of energy efficiency in an energy and building micro-simulation model. (2016) Hamilton, I; Symonds, P; Shrubsole, C; Chalabi, Z; Hutchinson, E; Mavrogianni, A; Milner, J; Taylor, J; Davies, M; Wilkinson, P
  • Performance of a prototype chlamydia and gonorrhoea recombinase polymerase amplification point-of-care test in three sexual health clinics. (2016) Harding-Esch, E; Fuller, S; Chow, C; Harrison, M; Parker, M; Piepenburg, O; Brooks, D; Hall, C; Pond, M; Hay, P; Patel, R; Turpitt, J; Fearnley, N; Sharratt, P; Dunbar, K; Lowndes, C; St, S
  • Comparison of the FTD Urethritis Plus (7-Plex) detection kit with routine sexual health clinic nucleic acid amplification testing for detection of Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis in urine, vaginal, pharyngeal and rectal samples. (2016) Harrison, M; Harding-Esch, EM; Broad, C; Soares, C; Fuller, SS; Okala, S; Saunders, J; Barber, T; Hay, P; Sadiq, ST
  • Ongoing Development of a Typology of Physical Micro-Environment, or Choice Architecture, Interventions. (2016) Hollands, GJ; Bignardi, G; Johnston, M; Kelly, MP; Ogilvie, D; Petticrew, M; Prestwich, A; Shemilt, I; Sutton, S; Marteau, TM
  • The role of Campylobacter jejuni fibronectinbinding proteins CadF and FlpA during bacterial interactions with host cells: comparison between 11168H and 81-176 strains. (2016) Hussein, M; Naz, N; Gundogdu, O; Elmi, A; Wren, WB; Dorrell, N
  • J
  • Methods to Estimate the Case Load for Fragility Fractures at Hospital Level: Experiences from the Fracture Liaison Service Database (Fls-Db). (2016) Javaid, K; Vasilakis, N; Cromwell, D; Schoo, R; Stanley, R; Rail, S; Finbarr, M
  • K
  • Does Accounting for Fev1% Variability Enable Better Prediction of Survival in Cf? (2016) Keogh, RH; Szczesniak, RD
  • Health Policy Maker's Perspectives on PrEP Implementation and Scale-up in Kenya. (2016) Kiragu, M; Njenga, S; Karuga, R; Paterson, P; Warren, E; Musyoki, H; Kilonzo, N; Mugyenyi, C; Larson, H; Mukoma, W; Bahati, P
  • FEDERALISM MASSIVELY IMPAIRS PAEDIATRIC RESEARCH - LESSONS LEARNED FROM AN FP7 FUNDED MULTICENTRE PROJECT. (2016) Klobassa, DS; Binder, A; Glennie, L; van Leeuwen, E; Martinon Torres, F; Villanueva-Gonzalez, I; Cebey-Lopez, M; Carrol, E; Bojang, K; Anderson, ST; Secka, F; Schlapbach, LJ; Emonts, M; van der Flier, M; Philipsen, R; de Groot, R; Reiter, K; Zukovskaja, V; Ziuraite, I; Herberg, J; Gormley, S; Levin, M; Zenz, W; Consortium., OBOTE
  • Feasibility of Conducting HIV-combination Intervention Effectiveness Trials in Fishing Communities in Uganda: A Cluster Randomized Pilot. (2016) Kuteesa, M; Levin, J; Nsubuga, R; Weiss, H; Seeley, J; Kamali, A
  • L
  • Evaluating Syndromic Surveillance Systems. (2016) Lake, Iain; Colón-González, Felipe J; Morbey, Roger; Elliot, Alex J; Smith, Gillian E; Pebody, Richard picture_as_pdf
  • Infections in children with eczema in UK general practice- a cohort study. (2016) Langan, SM; Abuabara, K; Henrickson, SE; Hoffstad, O; Margolis, DJ
  • Prophylactic Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents for the Prevention of Macular Oedema after Cataract Surgery. (2016) Lim, C; Lim, B; Lim, D; Abeysiri, P; Bunce, C; Evans, J; Wormald, R
  • Mountain West Cf Consortium Sputum Biomarker Study. (2016) Liou, TG; Adler, FR; Brown, P; Chatfield, BA; Clancy, JP; Cox, DR; Daines, C; Elborn, JS; Emmett, P; Francis, J; Jensen, JL; Heynekamp, TR; Keogh, RH; Lechtzin, N; LI, Y; Lysinger, J; Nakamura, C; Olivier, KN; Packer, KA; Quittner, AL; Radford, P; Szczesniak, RD; Taylor-Cousar, JL; Vroom, J; Sagel, SD
  • M
  • Cost-effectiveness of systematic population based screening for BRCA1, BRCA2, RAD51C, RAD51D and BRIP1 gene mutations in unselected general population women. (2016) Manchanda, R; Gordeev, V; Antoniou, A; Smith, S; Lee, A; Hopper, J; MacInnis, R; Paul, P; Simon, G; Susan, R; Menon, U; Jacobs, I; Legood, R
  • Specifying the threshold of 'ovarian cancer risk' for undertaking risk reducing surgery for ovarian cancer prevention in premenopausal women. (2016) Manchanda, R; Legood, R; Antoniou, A; Gordeev, V; Menon, U
  • Sero-prevalence and risk factors for human brucellosis in Ludhiana district in Punjab, India. (2016) Mangtani, P; Beauvais, H; Holt, H; Kulashri, A; Bharti, S; Sagar, V; Bedi, BS; Kaur, M; Guitian, J; Grover, GS; Kumar, R
  • Using Scenarios and Simulations to Validate Syndromic Surveillance Systems. (2016) Morbey, Roger A; Elliot, Alex J; Smith, Gillian E; Lake, Iain R; Colon Gonzalez, Felipe de Jesus
  • N
  • Investigating Treatment Effects using the UK CF Registry: Do treatments affect health in ways not previously identified through trials? (2016) Newsome, S; Keogh, R.D., Rhian
  • Acceptability of HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) among Young Women Aged 18-29 Years in Kenya. (2016) Njenga, N; Kilonzo, N; Kiragu, M; Warren, E; Paterson, P; Wilson, R; Mbaabu, S; Karuga, R; Mulwa, R; Reilly, KO; Larson, H
  • P
  • The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (incorporating Man)Expanded EthnographyNotes on the Dialectics between Convergence and Expansion of the EthnographicField in the production of Supereverything*. (2016) Paganopoulos, Michailangelos picture_as_pdf
  • Whole genome sequencing to predict Neisseria gonorrhoeae antibiotic susceptibility: toward tailored antimicrobial therapy. (2016) Phillips, L; Witney, A; Laing, K; Gould, K; Pond, MJ; Hall, C; Harding-Esch, EM; Butcher, P; Sadiq, ST
  • Do cumulative impact zones reduce alcohol availability in UK high streets? Assessment of a natural experiment introducing a new licensing policy. (2016) Pliakas, T; Egan, M; Gibbons, J; Ashton, C; Hart, J; Lock, K
  • Predictors of 2-year mortality following hospital discharge in patients with acute coronary syndromes: a new risk score from the EPICOR and EPICOR Asia studies. (2016) Pocock, SJ; Huo, Y; van de Werf, F; Newsome, S; Chin, CT; Vega, AM; Medina, J; Bueno, H
  • Q
  • Divergent Stated Preferences for New Multipurpose Prevention Products Across Adults, Adolescents and Female Sex Workers in South Africa. (2016) Quaife, M; Cabrera, M; Eakle, R; Vickerman, P; Delany-Moretlwe, S; Terris-Prestholt, F
  • How Could Effective HIV Prevention Products Change Risk Incentives in Sex Work? The Stated Preferences of Female Sex Workers in South Africa. (2016) Quaife, M; Terris-Prestholt, F; Cabrera, M; Eakle, R; Delany-Moretlwe, S; Vickerman, P
  • S
  • The impact of pre-hospital antibiotic use on blood culture yields in a low resource setting. (2016) Sarr, I; Secka, F; Kebbeh, N; Jarju, S; Sey, G; Saidykhan, M; Thomas, G; Darboe, S; Antonio, M; Bojang, K; Anderson, ST
  • Measurement, learning and evaluation for maternal and newborn health - IDEAS satellite session presentation at the Fourth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research. (2016) Schellenberg, Joanna; Marchant, Tanya; Makowiecka, Krystyna; Spicer, Neil; Avan, Bilal desktop_windows
  • Predictors of Exclusive Breastfeeding For Initial Three Months In HIV Exposed Tanzanian Infants. (2016) Secka, F; Akum, AA; Okuma, J; Duggan, C; Fawzi, W; Manji, K
  • Predictors of Bacterial Sepsis in Child hood life-threatening Infections in the Gambia. (2016) Secka, F; Sarr, I; Sey, G; Saidykhan, M; Bojang, K; Anderson, ST; Consortium., OBOTE
  • Strategies for Improving Access to Stroke Rehabilitation Services in Lowand Middle-Income Countries: Evidence from Systematic Reviews. (2016) Sureshkumar, K; Murthy, GVS; Kuper, H
  • T
  • Differential Production of Type I Ifn Determines the Reciprocal Levels of Il-10 and Proinflammatory Cytokines Produced by C57bl/6 and Balb/C Macrophages. (2016) Taubert, C; Howes, A; Blankley, S; Spink, N; Wu, X; Graham, CM; Bancroft, GJ; O'Garra, A
  • Comprehensive assessment of genotype phenotype correlations in dilated cardiomyopathy due to sarcomeric gene mutation. (2016) Tayal, U; Buchan, R; Whiffin, N; Newsome, S; Mazzarotto, F; Walsh, R; Ware, J; Prasad, S; Cook, S
  • Effects Of Truncating Variants In Titin On Cardiac Phenotype and Left Ventricular Remodelling In Dilated Cardiomyopathy. (2016) Tayal, U; Buchan, R; Whiffin, N; Newsome, S; Mazzarotto, F; Walsh, R; Ware, J; Prasad, S; Cook, S
  • Clinical and Genetic Characteristics of Familial Dilated Cardiomyopathy in a Large UK Prospective Cohort. (2016) Tayal, U; Buchan, Rachel, J; Whiffin, N; Newsome, S; Mazzarotto, F; Walsh, R; Ware, James, S; Cook, S; Prasad, S
  • The presence of a truncating mutation in titin independently associates with arrhythmic burden in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy. (2016) Tayal, U; Newsome, S; Buchan, R; Whiffin, N; Shakespeare, C; Ware, J; Cook, S; Prasad, S
  • Genetic determinants of arrhythmia in dilated cardiomyopathy. (2016) Tayal, U; Newsome, S; Buchan, R; Whiffin, N; Walsh, R; Ware, J; Cook, S; Prasad, S
  • Defining titin cardiomyopathy: genotype-phenotype correlations in a large prospective cohort of dilated cardiomyopathy patients. (2016) Tayal, U; Newsome, S; Buchan, R; Whiffin, N; Walsh, R; Ware, J; Prasad, S; Cook, S
  • Evaluating the Significance of Left Ventricular Midwall Fibrosis Detected by Late Gadolinium Enhancement Imaging on Left Ventricular Functional Remodelling in Dilated Cardiomyopathy. (2016) Tayal, U; Newsome, S; Wage, R; Ali, A; Halliday, B; Farzad, Z; Pennell, DJ; Cook, S; Prasad, S
  • Evaluation of CMR predictors of Right Ventricular Remodelling in Dilated Cardiomyopathy. (2016) Tayal, U; Newsome, S; Wage, R; Ali, A; Halliday, B; Farzad, Z; Pennell, DJ; Cook, S; Prasad, S
  • The role of the MarR transcriptional regulators RrpA and RrpB in the response of Campylobacter jejuni to oxidative and aerobic stress. (2016) Teixeira da Silva, D; Gundogdu, O; Elmi, A; Wren, WB; Dorrell, N
  • A reanalysis of the Brazil XpertMTB/RIF stepped wedge trial using a novel cluster summary analysis method. (2016) Thompson, JA; Davey, C; Fielding, K; Hargreaves, J; Hayes, RJ
  • Implications of Misspecifed Mixed Effect Models in Stepped Wedge Trial Analysis: How Wrong Can It Be? (2016) Thompson, JA; Fielding, KL; Davey, C; Aiken, AM; Hargreaves, JR; Hayes, RJ
  • Effect of PI Resistance Mutations on Viral Load in Patients on PI Monotherapy. (2016) Thompson, JA; Kityo, C; Walker, AS; Hakim, J; van Oosterhout, JJ; Siika, A; Mweemba, A; van Den Eede, P; Dunn, DT; Paton, N; ForTheEarnestTrialTeam
  • V
  • A simple clinical model to predict presence of myocardial fibrosis in patients with aortic stenosis. (2016) Vassiliou, V; Malley, T; Newsome, S; Chin, CW; Dweck, MR; Pennell, DJ; Prasad, S
  • W
  • A prospective study of scabies outbreaks in ten residential care facilities for the elderly. (2016) Walker, SL; Cassell, JA; Nalabanda, A; Lanza, S; Middleton, J; Head, MG; Bostock, J; Hewitt, K; Jones, CI; Darley, C; Karir, S
  • Aid effectiveness principles for scale-up of innovations to improve maternal and newborn survival in Northeast Nigeria, Ethiopia and Uttar Pradesh State, in India. (2016) Wickremasinghe, Deepthi desktop_windows
  • Mainstreaming Equity and Inclusion in WaterAid: an overview of key triggers for success and challenges. (2016) Wilbur, Jane
  • How can multimedia help improve health services and systems? Photography as a research tool. IDEAS multimedia submission to the Fourth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research. (2016) Williams, Rhys desktop_windows