Browse by Date where Item Type is "Conference or Workshop Item" and Year is "2015"
Number of items: 60.
Optimising Methods for Collecting Participant-Reported Safety Endpoints in Antimalarial Drug Clinical Research. (2015)
Allen, E; Chandler, CI; Mehta, U; Mandimika, N; Pace, C; Bames, KI
Peripheral neuropathy at first-line failure and on second-line in sub-Saharan Africa. (2015)
Arenas-Pinto, A; Thompson, J; Musoro, G; Musana, H; Lugemwa, A; Kambugu, A; Mweemba, A; Walker, AS; Paton, N; Team., FTET
How Do Frontline Workers Provide the Four Cs of CBNC?
Contact with newborns, Case identification, Care and Completion of treatment. (2015)
Berhanu, Della; Avan, Bilal
The Role of Early Life Stress in Early Child Development in Rural India: SPRING-ELS. (2015)
Bhopal, S; Divan, G; Avan, B; Hill, Z; Roy, R; Barlow, J; Patel, V; Kirkwood, B
Analysing the sustainability of the physical rehabilitation sector in seven fragile countries through multi-stakeholder involvement using a participatory consensus tool. (2015)
Boggs, D; Urseau, I; Gallien, P; Lippolis, G
Impact and cost-effectiveness of point-of-care testing for chlamydia: accounting for geographic variation in infection burden and testing rates, health service configuration, and implementation strategy. (2015)
Dangerfield, CE; Sherrard-Smith, E; Green, N; Harding-Esch, EM; Howell-Jones, R; Choi, Y; Lowndes, CM; White, PJ
Assessing sensitivity to assumptions in mixed effects analyses of stepped-wedge trials. (2015)
Davey, C; Thompson, JA
Proteolytic characterisation of Campylobacter jejuni outer membrane vesicles: insights into unanticipated functions of serine proteases. (2015)
Elmi, A; Nasher, F; Gundogdu, O; Wren, WB; Dorrell, N
O14.1 Is an automated online clinical care pathway for people with genital chlamydia (chlamydia-occp) within an esexual health clinic feasible and acceptable? proof of concept study. (2015)
Estcourt, C; Gibbs, J; Sutcliffe, L; Gkatzidou, V; Tickle, L; Hone, K; Aicken, C; Lowndes, C; Harding-Esch, E; Eaton, S; Oakeshott, P; Szczepura, A; Ashcroft, R; Hogan, G; Nettleship, A; Pinson, D; Sadiq, S; Sonnenberg, P
Contested category and situated process: Doing a PhD on the diagnosis of ADHD. (2015)
Filipe, AM
On the pursuit of attentiveness: Meanings, practices and values in an ADHD clinic. (2015)
Filipe, AM
Patient experience and involvement in a paradigm of evidence-based healthcare. (2015)
Filipe, AM; Renedo, A; Marston, C
Integrating remote sensing and spatially explicit epidemiological modeling. (2015)
Finger, F; Knox, A; Bertuzzo, E; Mari, L; Bompangue, D; Gatto, M; Rinaldo, A
Developing and using the eclinical care pathway framework: a novel tool for creating online clinical care pathways and its application to management of genital chlamydia. (2015)
Gibbs, J; Sutcliffe, LJ; Gkatzidou, V; Sonnenberg, P; Hone, K; Ashcroft, R; Harding-Esch, EM; Lowndes, CM; Sadiq, ST; Estcourt, CS
How do health care providers respond to PROMs data to improve patient care? A realist synthesis. (2015)
Greenhalgh, J; Dalkin, S; Gibbons, E; Black, N; Valderas, JM; Wright, J; Meads, D; Lingard, L; Wood, L; Jackson, J
Second-line treatment in sub-Saharan Africa: week 144 follow-up of the EARNEST trial. (2015)
Hakim, J; Thompson, J; Kityo, C; Walker, AS; van Oosterhout, JJ; Hoppe, A; Kambugu, A; Mugyenyi, P; Paton, N; Team., FTET
A facility to enable high-quality, time-efficient evaluations of diagnostics for stis. (2015)
Harding-Esch, E; Pond, M; Nori, A; Fuller, S; Chow, S.-, LC; Howell-Jones, R; Hall, C; Harrison, M; Nardone, A; Planche, T; Butcher, P; Lowndes, C; Sadiq, ST
P08.29 Web-tool to assess the cost-effectiveness of chlamydia point-of-care tests at the local level. (2015)
Harding-Esch, E; Sherrard-Smith, E; Dangerfield, C; Choi, Y; Green, N; Jit, M; Marshall, R; Mercer, C; Nardone, A; Howell-Jones, R; Johnson, O; Clarkson, J; Wolstenholme, J; Price, C; Gaydos, C; Sadiq, S; White, P; Lowndes, C
P65 Sexual behaviour in the time period between being tested for chlamydia and receiving test result and treatment. (2015)
Harding-Esch, E; Sherrard-Smith, E; Fuller, SS; Harb, A; Furegato, M; Mercer, C; Sadiq, ST; Howell-Jones, R; Nardone, A; Gates, P; Pearce, A; Keane, F; Colver, H; Nori, A; Dewsnap, C; Schatzberger, R; Estcourt, C; Dakshina, S; Dakshina, C; Lowndes, C
Patients continue to engage in risky sexual behaviour in the time period between being tested for chlamydia and receiving test results and treatment. (2015)
Harding-Esch, EM; Sherrard-Smith, E; Fuller, SS; Harb, A; Furegato, M; Mercer, C; Sadiq, ST; Howell-Jones, R; Nardone, A; White, PJ; Gates, P; Pearce, A; Keane, F; Colver, H; Nori, AV; Dewsnap, C; Schatzberger, R; Estcourt, C; Dakshina, S; Lowndes, CM
Neurocognitive function in patients failing first-line ART in Africa and responses to second-line. (2015)
Kambugu, A; Thompson, J; Hakim, J; Tumukunde, D; van Oosterhout, JJ; Hoppe, A; Kwobah, C; Walker, AS; Paton, N; Team., FTET
Identification of genes involved in sublethal, human beta-defensin (hβD1)-induced stress response in Helicobacter pylori: evidence for unconventional adaptation processes. (2015)
Kazakos, EI; Gundogdu, O; Hussein, BA; Dorrell, N; Kountouras, I
Differences in Resistance Mutations in Non-B Subtypes at First-line Failure in Africa. (2015)
Kityo, C; Walker, AS; Nankya, I; Hoppe, A; Thompson, J; Bertagnolio, S; Easterbrook, PJ; Mugyenyi, P; Paton, N; Team., FTET
Rural-urban differences in screening mammography uptake in Australia and Scotland (poster presentation). (2015)
Leung, J.M., C; McLaughlin, D; Woods, LM; Henderson, R; Watson, A; Kyle, RG; Hubbard, G; Mullen, R; Atherton, I
Duration of protection of infant BCG vaccination in Ethnic minority groups in England. (2015)
Mangtani, P; Nguipdop-Djomo, P; Keogh, R; Abubakar, I; Smith, PG; Rodrigues, LC
Removal of cheap, super-strength beer and cider to address alcohol-related harms: a qualitative study of a local alcohol availability intervention. (2015)
McGill, Elizabeth; Marks, Dalya; Sumpter, Colin; Egan, Matt
Health impacts and cost-effectiveness of home energy efficiency interventions in England. (2015)
Milner, J; Hamilton, I; Chalabi, Z; Das, P; Jones, B; Shrubsole, C; Davies, M; Wilkinson, P
Improving the energy efficiency of the English housing stock: implications for health and cost-effectiveness. (2015)
Milner, J; Hamilton, I; Chalabi, Z; Das, P; Jones, B; Shrubsole, C; Davies, M; Wilkinson, P
The Sustainable Healthy Urban Environments (SHUE) project: using multi-city comparisons to assess potential for addressing health and environmental goals. (2015)
Milner, J; Taylor, J; Barreto, M; Davies, M; Haines, A; Sehgal, M; Wilkinson, P
Herpes zoster, acute cardiovascular events and the role of zoster vaccination. (2015)
Minassian, C; Thomas, S; Smeeth, L; Douglas, I; Brauer, R; Langan, S
Ethnicity, deprivation and screening: an analysis of survival from breast cancer among screening-eligible women in the West Midlands diagnosed from 1989 to 2011. (2015)
Morris, M; Woods, LM; Rogers, N; O’Sullivan, E; Kearins, O; Rachet, B
Ethnicity, deprivation and screening: an analysis of survival from breast cancer among screening-eligible women in the West Midlands diagnosed from 1989 to 2011. (2015)
Morris, M; Woods, LM; Rogers, N; O’Sullivan, E; Kearins, O; Rachet, B
A proposal for standardization of health outcome measures for depression and anxiety. (2015)
Obbarius, A; Clark, D; Crocker, AG; Emmelkamp, P; Furukawa, TA; Hedman, E; Kangas, M; Lesage, A; Mwesigire, DM; Nolte, S; Patel, V; Pilkonis, P; Pincus, HA; Reis, RA; Rojas, G; Sherbourne, C; Stowell, C; Rose, M
Policy networks: what are they and what are they good for? (2015)
Oliver, K; Acuto, M
Kant's Lectures on Anthropology and the Rise of World Society. (2015)
Paganopoulos, Michailangelos
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P03 Visual anthropology in the New World society. (2015)
Paganopoulos, Michailangelos; Okely, Judith; Li, Fangfang; Kucza, Marta; Oosterhoff, Pauline
Impact of NRTI Cross-Resistance on Second-line PI + NRTI Therapy Outcomes in Africa. (2015)
Paton, N; Thompson, J; Bagenda, L; Hakim, J; van Oosterhout, JJ; Kambugu, A; Hoppe, A; Walker, AS; Team., FTET
Is England closing the international gap in cancer survival? (2015)
Patrick, M; Walters, S; Benitez-Majano, S
Effectiveness of needle/syringe programmes and opiate substitution therapy in preventing HCV transmission among people who inject drugs. (2015)
Platt, L; Reed, J; Minozzi, S; Hickman, M; French, C; Hope, V; Degenhardt, L; Maher, L; Bruneau, J; Hagan, H; Jordan, A; Vickerman, P
Effectiveness of needle/syringe programmes and opiate substitution therapy in preventing HCV transmission among people who inject drugs. (2015)
Platt, L; Reed, J; Minozzi, S; Hickman, M; French, C; Hope, V; Degenhardt, L; Maher, L; Bruneau, J; Hagan, H; Jordan, A; Vickerman, P
Diagnostic and clinical implications of genotypic fluoroquinolone susceptibility detection for Neisseria gonorrhoeae. (2015)
Pond, MJ; Hall, C; Cole, M; Laing, KG; Miari, V; Jagatia, H; Harding-Esch, EM; Monahan, I; Planche, T; Hinds, J; Ison, C; Chisholm, S; Butcher, PD; T., SS
Experience as evidence: the dialogic construction of health professional knowledge through patient involvement, SAPPHIRE Group
Leicester University, 14 December 2015. (2015)
Renedo, A; Komporozos-Athanasiou, A; Marston, C
Participation of children and young people: theory & practice. (2015)
Renedo, A; Marston, C
Spaces for citizen involvement in healthcare: an ethnographic study. (2015)
Renedo, A; Marston, C
The Scarring Sequelae of Ocular Chlamydia Trachomatis Infections Are Associated with the Hla-C2 Nk Epitope in Early Onset Trachoma. (2015)
Roberts, CH; Goncalves, A; Holland, MJ
Childhood Life-threatening Infections in The Gambia: EUCLIDS In West Africa. (2015)
Secka, F; Sarr, I; Sey, G; Saidykhan, M; Anderson, ST; Consortium., OBOTE
Randomised controlled trial of peer support in Type 2 diabetes (RAPSID). (2015)
Simmons, D; Prevost, A; Bunn, C; Holman, D; Parker, R; Cohn, S; Donald, S; Ward, C; Robins, P; Graffy, J
Effect of a mobile phone-based intervention on post-abortion contraception in Cambodia. (2015)
Smith, Christopher
Effects of a mobile phone-based intervention to increase post-abortion family planning. (2015)
Smith, Christopher; Ngo, Thoai D; Gold, Judy; Edwards, Phil; Uk, Vannak; Ly, Sokhey; Machiyama, Kazuyo; Warnock, Ruby; Slaymaker, Emma; McCarthy, Ona; Free, Caroline
Effects of a mobile phone-based intervention to increase post-abortion family planning. (2015)
Smith, Christopher; Ngo, Thoai D; Gold, Judy; Edwards, Phil; Uk, Vannak; Ly, Sokhey; Machiyama, Kazuyo; Warnock, Ruby; Slaymaker, Emma; McCarthy, Ona; Free, Caroline
Effects of a mobile phone-based intervention to increase post-abortion family planning. (2015)
Smith, Christopher; Ngo, Thoai D; Gold, Judy; Edwards, Phil; Uk, Vannak; Ly, Sokhey; Machiyama, Kazuyo; Warnock, Ruby; Slaymaker, Emma; McCarthy, Ona; Free, Caroline
How can we interpret proxy reports of HRQL when it is no longer possible to obtain a self-report from people with dementia? (2015)
Smith, SC; Hendriks, AAJ; Chrysanthaki, T; Cano, S; Black, N
Improving the measurement of HRQL in dementia: a Rasch measurement theory approach. (2015)
Smith, SC; Hendriks, AAJ; Chrysanthaki, T; Cano, S; Black, N
Rethinking methods for patient costs in economic evaluations in LMIC. (2015)
Sweeney, S; Vassall, A; Foster, N; Simms, V; Ilboudo, P; Kimaro, G; Mudzengi, D; Guinness, L
Comparison of home energy efficiency investments and winter fuel payments for meeting health and environmental goals in England. (2015)
Wilkinson, P; Hamilton, I; Milner, J; Picetti, R; Chalabi, Z; Bonnington, O; Green, J; Davies, M
Home energy efficiency investments: comparison with winter fuel payments for meeting housing-related health and environmental objectives in England. (2015)
Wilkinson, P; Hamilton, I; Milner, J; Picetti, R; Chalabi, Z; Bonnington, O; Green, J; Davies, M