Browse by Date where Item Type is "Conference or Workshop Item" and Year is "2008"
Number of items: 115.
  • Cross-Scale Patterns of Palm Tree Infestation by Triatomine Bugs (Heteroptera: Triatominae) in Amazonia. (2008) Abad-Franch, F; Ferraz, G; Campos, C; Palomeque, FS; Grijalva, MJ; Aguilar, HM; Miles, MA
  • Artemether-Lumefantrine Versus Dihydroartemisinin-Piperaquine for Treatment of Uncomplicated Falciparum Malaria: A Randomized Trial to Guide National Policy in Uganda. (2008) Adolke, Y; Dorsey, G; Kamya, MR; Talisuna, A; Lugemwa, M; Rwakimari, JB; Staedke, SG; Rosenthal, PJ; Mangen, FW; Bukirwa, H
  • Reduced cerebellar grey matter volume is associated with cerebellar dysfunction in multiple sclerosis. (2008) Anderson, VM; Fisniku, LK; Altmann, D; Chard, DT; Thompson, AJ; Miller, DH
  • Knowledge translation to support local action for obesity prevention. (2008) Armstrong, R; Waters, E; Moore, L; Swinburn, B; Carter, R; lo, SK; Dobbins, M; Anderson, L; Prosser, L; Petticrew, M
  • Effect of Regulative European Policies to the Level of DBP Exposure from Normal Use of Consumer Products. (2008) Asikainen, A; Vermande, E; Schuur, G; Vardoulakis, S; Jantunen, M
  • Testing Validity of Reported Drug Coverage Rates of the Neglected Tropical Disease Control Program in Four Countries. (2008) Baker, MC; Trofimovich, L; Sankara, D; Linehan, M; Brooker, S; Bosque-Oliva, E; Garba, A; Toure, S; Biritwum, N; Onapa, A; Namwanje, H
  • Phase Iib, Randomized, Double-Blind Trial to Assess the Efficacy, Safety and Immunogenicity of the Candidate Malaria Vaccine Rts,S/As01 in Kenyan and Tanzanian Children. (2008) Bejon, P; Lusingu, J; Olotu, A; Leach, A; Lievens, M; Vekemans, J; Msham, S; Lang, T; Gould, J; Dubois, MC; Demoitie, MA; Vansadia, P; Carter, T; Njuguna, P; Kawuondo, K; Gesase, S; Drakeley, C; Savarese, B; Villafana, T; Ballou, WR; Cohen, J; Riley, E; Lemnge, M; Marsh, K; von Seidlein, L
  • Seasonal and Regional Short-Term Effects of Fine Particles on Hospital Admissions in 202 US Counties, 1999-2005. (2008) Bell, ML; Ebisu, K; Peng, RD; Walker, J; Samet, JM; Zeger, SL; Dominici, F
  • Pharmacovigilance and Antimalarial Treatment in Uganda: A Pilot System of Enhanced Passive Surveillance. (2008) Bukirwa, H; Mwebaza, N; Nayiga, S; Hopkins, H; D'Alessandro, U; Talisuna, AO; Staedke, SG
  • Assessing the Impact of Indoor Residual Spraying on Malaria Indicators Using a Sentinel Site Surveillance System in Western Uganda. (2008) Bukirwa, HF; Yau, V; Kigozi, R; Quick, L; Lugemwa, M; Dissanayake, G; Staedke, SG; Kamya, MR; Wabwire-Mangen, F; Dorsey, G
  • Variability in malaria prophylaxis prescribing across Europe: A Delphi method analysis. (2008) Calleri, G; Behrens, RH; Bisoffi, Z; Bjorkman, A; Castelli, F; Gascon, J; Gobbi, F; Grobusch, MP; Jelinek, T; Schmid, ML; Niero, M; Caramello, P
  • Community Engagement at a Critical Juncture in Preparations for an HIV Vaccine Trial. (2008) Chantler, T; Thomas, T; Chege, W; Nyikuri, M; Laserson, K; Chen, R; Kretsinger, K; Gust, D; Geissler, PW
  • The MS-STAT trial: a Phase II trial of high dose simvastatin in secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. (2008) Chataway, J; Chan, D; Anderson, V; Polito, B; Kallis, C; Frost, C; Calder, V; Greenwood, J; Nicholas, R; Mstc
  • Applying a Real Time Pcr Assay to the Routine Laboratory Diagnosis of Falciparum Malaria. (2008) Checkley, A; Burke, M; Chiodini, PL; Nolder, D; Sutherland, C
  • A genome-wide survey of gene amplifications and deletions in laboratory and field isolates of Plasmodium falciparam. (2008) Cheeseman, I; Gomez-Escobar, N; Carret, C; Ivens, A; Tetteh, Kevin; Stewart, L; Conway, David
  • Malaria Decision Support Systems - Lessons Learnt. (2008) Coleman, M; Morris, N; Kleinschmidt, I; Maharaj, R; Hemingway, J
  • Validating Serological Methods to Estimate Malaria Transmission in Cambodia. (2008) Cook, J; Corran, P; Socheat, D; Meek, S; Bruce, J; Cox, J; Lines, J; Kohl, V; Griffin, J; Ghani, A; Fukuda, M; Riley, E; Drakeley, C
  • Identifying context appropriate strategies for introducing microbicides into different settings in order to maximise impact. (2008) Cox, A; Foss, AM; Kumaranayake, L; Vickerman, P; Terris-Prestholt, F; Vyas, S; Watts, C
  • The impact of community level treatment and preventative interventions on trachoma prevalence in rural Ethiopia. (2008) Cumberland, P; Edwards, T; Hailu, G; Harding-Esch, E; Andreasen, A; Mabey, D; Todd, J
  • Fighting poverty to control tuberculosis. (2008) Curatola, AR; Montoya, R; Lopez, P; Ynga, W; Franco, J; Alva, J; Rivero, M; Zevallos, K; Herrera, B; Ramos, E; Tovar, M; Hargreaves, J; Porter, J; Evans, CA
  • Potential Contribution of Sero-Epidemiological Analysis for Malaria Elimination: Historical and Current Perspectives. (2008) Drakeley, C; Cook, J; Corran, P; Griffin, J; Okell, L; Ghani, A; Riley, E
  • Genetic diagnosis and clinical outcome in patients with synchronous ovarian and endometrial cancer. (2008) Elmasry, K; Ramus, S; Whittaker, J; Luo, Z; Gammerman, A; Lu, K; Ayhan, A; Singh, N; McGluggage, G; Jacobs, I; Gayther, S
  • Housing and health: health risk modelling in the INTARESE project. (2008) Fenn, B; Chalabi, Z; Foss, A; Wilkinson, P
  • Mechanistic Insights: Cardiovascular Events During Hot Weather. (2008) Fenn, B; Hajat, S; Wilkinson, P
  • Health systems, health and wealth: Assessing the case for investing in health systems. (2008) Figueras, J; McKee, M; Lessof, S; Duran, A; Menabde, N
  • Changes in brain lesion load over 20 years and subsequent brain atrophy in clinically isolated syndrome patients. (2008) Fisniku, LK; Brex, PA; Chard, DT; Jackson, J; Altmann, D; Miszkiel, KA; Thompson, AJ; Miller, D
  • "Escaping from prison'': Female students' substance use and the school environment. (2008) Fletcher, A; Bonell, C
  • Reaching communities: evaluation of alternative strategies for microbicide introduction in South Africa. (2008) Foss, AM; Kumaranayake, L; Cox, A; Vickerman, P; Terris-Prestholt, F; Moyes, J; Delany-Moretlwe, S; Rees, H; Watts, C
  • Phasing introduction – what is the impact? Examination of potential microbicide introduction strategies in India. (2008) Foss, AM; Kumaranayake, L; Vickerman, P; Cox, A; Vyas, S; Reza-Paul, S; Ramesh, BM; Beattie, T; Guinness, L; Lowndes, C; Alary, M; Moses, S; Watts, C
  • Exploring the interactions between HSV-2 and HIV: model predictions for a southern Indian setting. (2008) Foss, AM; Vickerman, P; Mayaud, P; Weiss, H; Ramesh, BM; Reza-Paul, S; Washington, R; Lowndes, CM; Alary, M; Watts, C
  • HIV/AIDS and rape: modelling predictions of the increase in individual risk of contracting HIV from forced sex in South Africa. (2008) Foss, AM; von Simson, R; Zimmerman, C; Hossain, M; Watts, C
  • White matter lesion characteristics predict types of gray matter abnormality on magnetic resonance imaging in secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. (2008) Furby, J; Hayton, T; Smith, KJ; Altmann, D; Brenner, R; Chataway, J; Hughes, RA; Miller, D; Kapoor, R
  • The Intra-Host Dynamics of Pfcrt and Pfmdr-1 Alleles Following Antimalarial Treatment in Sudanese Patients. (2008) Gadalla, NB; Adam, I; Warhurst, DC; el-Sayed, BB; Sutherland, CJ
  • Contribution of Exposure-Reducing Interventions to the Goal of Malaria Elimination in Endemic Areas. (2008) Ghani, AC; Sutherland, CJ; Riley, EM; Drakeley, CJ; Griffin, J; Gosling, RD; Filipe, JA
  • Should stroke trials adjust their primary outcome for prognostic factors? (2008) Gray, LJ; Bath, PM; Collier, T
  • The art and science of questionnaire development: Developing the Carer Well-Being & Support (CWS) questionnaire. (2008) Hamilton, H; Quirk, A; Lamping, D; EtAl
  • Spatial and risk factor analysis of active trachoma and ocular Chlamydia trachomatis infection in The Gambia. (2008) Harding-Esch, E; BischoffM; Sillah, A; Holland, MJ; Andreasen, A; Molina, S; Sarr-Sissoho, I; Edwards, T; Bailey, R; Mabey, DC
  • Impact of Mass Azithromycin Treatment on the Prevalence of Active Trachoma and Ocular Chlamydia Trachomatis in the Gambia. (2008) Harding-Esch, E; Holland, MJ; Sillah, A; Molina, S; Aguirre-Andreasen, A; Snell, P; Edwards, T; Bailey, RL; Mabey, DC
  • An investigation of the retinal nerve fibre layer in progressive multiple sclerosis. (2008) Henderson, APD; Trip, SA; Schlottmann, PG; Altmann, DR; Garway-Heath, DF; Plant, GT; Miller, DH
  • Change in alcohol consumption in control groups in brief intervention studies: A systematic review. (2008) Jenkins, RJ; McAlaney, J; McCambridge, J
  • Using structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging to explain visual loss at the onset of acute optic neuritis. (2008) Jenkins, T; Mancini, L; Ciccarelli, O; Toosy, A; Altmann, D; Chappell, K; Plant, G; Miller, D; Thompson, AJ
  • Euroaction: Do couples attending a hospital-based multidisciplinary family cardiovascular prevention and rehabilitation programme share the same smoking habits? Do they change together? (2008) Jennings, CS; Collier, T; Mead, A; Jones, J; Holden, A; de Bacquer, D; de Backer, G; Wood, D
  • Using mathematical modelling to gain insights into the transmission dynamics of HIV among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Bangalore, India. (2008) Johnson, HC; Foss, AM; Phillips, A
  • Euroaction: Changes in smoking, diet and physical activity over one year in a family-based preventive cardiology programme in hospital and general practice. (2008) Jones, JL; Jennings, CJ; Holden, A; Connolly, SB; Kotseva, K; Collier, T; de Backer, G; Wood, DA
  • Bioethics or local ethics: Can anthropology help answer which is more important in the conduct of medical research in developing countries? (2008) Kingori, P
  • We're just like these.footballers": Medical researchers and their place in international research collaborations. (2008) Kingori, P
  • Screening Homes to Prevent Malaria: A Randomised Controlled Trial. (2008) Kirby, MJ; Milligan, PJ; Jasseh, M; Conway, DJ; Lindsay, SW
  • Relative Prognostic Utility of Different Bleeding Scales Among Patients Undergoing Primary Angioplasty for Acute Myocardial Infarction: The HORIZONS-AMI Trial. (2008) Kirtane, AJ; Mehran, R; Parise, H; Pocock, S; Clayton, T; Witzenbichler, B; Guagliumi, G; Peruga, J; Kornowski, R; Nikolsky, E; Ohman, EM; Kastrati, A; Dangas, GD; Lansky, AJ; Stone, GW
  • Impact of Blood Transfusion and Other Bleeding Measures on Subsequent Mortality Among Patients Undergoing Primary PCI for Acute Myocardial Infarction: The HORIZONS-AMI Trial. (2008) Kirtane, AJ; Mehran, R; Parise, H; Witzenbichler, B; Guagliumi, G; Peruga, JZ; Brodie, B; Dudek, D; Pocock, S; Clayton, TC; Tourkova, V; Dangas, GD; Lansky, AJ; Stone, GW
  • Direct and Indirect Effects of High Coverage Vector Control on Prevalence of Malarial Infection. (2008) Kleinschmidt, I; Schwabe, C; Benavente, L; Segura, L
  • Steep Increase in Child Survival after Four Years of Integrated Malaria Control in Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea. (2008) Kleinschmidt, I; Schwabe, C; Segura, L; Benavente, L
  • Adapting risk analysis methodology to obesity prevention: Lessons learned from Denmark and Latvia. (2008) Knai, C
  • Development of a policy analysis tool for obesity prevention: the contribution of EURO-PREVOB. (2008) Knai, C; Branca, F; Pomerleau, J; McKee, M; Robertson, A; Brunner, E; Rutter, A; Pudule, I; Maiani, G; Mistura, L
  • Tackling the social and economic determinants of nutrition and physical activity for the prevention of obesity across Europe: EURO-PREVOB. (2008) Knai, C; Pomerleau, J; McKee, M
  • Deaths from Heat in Persons in Residential Care in England. (2008) Kovats, S; Fenn, B; Hajat, S
  • Incidence and mortality of bullous pemphigoid and peraphigus vulgaris in the UK. (2008) Langan, SM; Smeeth, L; Hubbard, R; Fleming, K; Smith, C; West, J
  • How Well Do Potential Trial Participants Understand Vaccine Trial Concepts?: Findings from South Africans Recruited for HVTN 204 and 503 Vaccine Trials. (2008) Latka, MH; Nielson, T; Persotam, S; Moola, F; Wessie, G; Fielding, KL; Churchyard, GJ
  • Making Cochrane Reviews More Accessible to Policymakers. (2008) Lavis, JN; Wilson, MG; Burchett, H; Grimshaw, J; Haynes, RB; Oxman, AD; Raina, P; Gruen, R; Ouimet, M
  • Efficacy of Insecticide Treated Materials (Itms) for Dengue Control in Latin America and Asia: Cluster Randomized Controlled Trials in Venezuela and Thailand. (2008) Lenhart, A; Villegas, E; Castillo, CE; Trongtokit, Y; Apiwathnasorn, C; Alexander, N; McCall, PJ
  • Exposure Assessments to Chemical Contaminants in Food. (2008) Leonardi, GS; Fletcher, T; Gnagnarella, P; Duarte-Davidson, R
  • Contrasting epidemiology of Salmonella Typhi and non-Typhi Salmonella bloodstream infections at two sites in northern Tanzania. (2008) Lyamuya, M; Nadjm, B; Mtove, G; Reyburn, H; Morpeth, SC; Shao, JF; Saganda, W; Mwako, M; Morrissey, AB; Amos, B; Bartlettl, JA; Crump, JA
  • Emergence of a Dhfr Mutation Conferring High-Level Drug Resistance in Plasmodium Falciparum Populations from Southwest Uganda. (2008) Lynch, C
  • The Tanzanian National Voucher Scheme (Tnvs): Evidence on Core Bednet and Malaria Indicators for Pregnant Women and Infants after Three Years of Implementation. (2008) Marchant, TJ; Hanson, K; Nathan, R; Bruce, J; Mponda, H; Jones, C; Schellenberg, JA
  • Genital signs in women with and without laboratory confirmed STIs in MDP301. (2008) Mathur, R; Ndlovu, H; McCormack, S; Foss, A; Crook, A
  • P-falciparum gametogenesis is mediated by cGMPdependent protein kinase. (2008) McRobert, L; Taylor, CJ; Deng, W; Fivelman, Q; Cummings, R; Billker, O; Baker, DA
  • Contrast-Induced Nephropathy Redefined; Impact of Any Acute Kidney Injury on Clinical Outcomes in Patients with ACS undergoing Angiography: Results from the ACUITY Trial. (2008) Mehran, R; Dangas, GD; Weisz, G; Manoukian, SV; Colombo, A; Moses, J; Feit, F; Pocock, S; Ohman, EM; Lincoff, AM; White, HD; Lansky, AJ; Stone, GW
  • Dietary patterns across the life course, mammographic density and implications for breast cancer: results from a British prospective cohort. (2008) Mishra, G; Dos Santos Silva, I; McNaughton, S; McCormack, V; Hardy, R; Stephen, A; Kuh, D
  • Taking it personally: Understanding the variation in responses to sexual difficulties. (2008) Mitchell, K; Wellings, K; King, M; Nazareth, I
  • Quality of Medical Records: Results from an Audit of Six Hospitals in Uganda. (2008) Mpimbaza, A; Katureebe, A; Odiit, A; Quick, L; Ratcliffe, A; Filler, S; Kamya, MR; Staedke, SG
  • Natural Transmission Blocking Immunity to Malaria: Specificity and Duration of Efficacy. (2008) Mwakalinga, S; Roeffen, W; Teelen, K; Lushino, P; Masokoto, A; van Gemert, G; Vande Vegte-Bolmer, M; Drakeley, C; Sauerwein, R
  • Evaluation of Home-Based Management of Fever with Artemether-Lumefantrine in Urban Ugandan Children: A Randomized Trial. (2008) Mwebaza, N; Kamya, MR; Clark, TD; Dorsey, G; Rosenthal, PJ; Whitty, CJ; Staedke, SG
  • Intermittent Preventive Treatment (Ipt) in Schoolchildren: A Randomized Trial to Compare the Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of Antimalarial Regimens in Uganda. (2008) Nankabirwa, JI; Clarke, SE; Kabatereine, N; Cundill, B; Brooker, S; Staedke, SG
  • Efficacy and Cost-Effectiveness of Malaria Prevention in Pregnancy in Low and Unstable Transmission: Results of a Randomised Controlled Trial. (2008) Ndyomugyenyi, R; Clarke, SE; Hutchison, C; Hansen, KS; Chandramohan, D; Magnussen, P
  • Innate immunity to malaria. (2008) Newman, KC; Korbell, DS; Horowitz, A; Norman, PJ; Parham, P; Davis, DM; Riley, EM
  • Are Malaria Treatment Expenditures Catastrophic to Different Socio-Economic and Geographic Groups and How Do They Pay in Southeast Nigeria? (2008) Onwujekwe, O; Hanson, K; Uzochukwu, B
  • Relative Impact of MACE and Varying Definitions of Major Bleeding on Mortality: Results from the HORIZONS-AMI Trial. (2008) Parise, H; Mehran, R; Witzenbichler, B; Guagliumi, G; Peruga, JZ; Brodie, BR; Dudek, D; Kornowski, R; Hartmann, F; Gersh, BJ; Pocock, SJ; Dangas, G; Wong, SC; Kirtane, A; Lansky, AJ; Stone, GW
  • Clinical trials for severe mental disorders in developing countries. (2008) Patel, VH
  • Dispersal of Drug Resistant DHPS Reveals Regional Migration Patterns among African Plasmodium Falciparum. (2008) Pearce, R; Roper, C
  • Impact of Larviciding on Malaria in the Gambia. (2008) Pinder, M; Majambere, S; Ameh, D; Jeffries, D; Jawara, M; Kelly, A; Green, C; Hutchinson, R; Conway, D; Lindsay, S
  • Critical reflections on the rise of qualitative research in health services research. (2008) Pope, C; Mays, N
  • Growth and host-pathogen interactions. (2008) Prentice, AM; Darboe, MK
  • Methodological issues in measuring and evaluating physical measures to promote walking and cycling. (2008) Preston, J; Brand, C; Bull, F; Cooper, A; Mutrie, N; Ogilvie, D; Powell, J; Rutter, H
  • Short-Term Effects of Air Pollution and Temperature on Daily Morbidity in Chiang Mai, Thailand. (2008) Pudpong, N; Hajat, S
  • Flexible, multivariable models to estimate complete life tables. (2008) Rachet, B; Maringe, C; Woods, L; Ellis, L
  • Tumor Growth Rate Predicts Transformation-Free Survival in Adult Low-Grade Gliomas. (2008) Rees, JH; Winston, JS; Jager, R; Benton, C; Caseiras, GB; Tofts, PS; Altmann, D; Tozer, D; Waldman, AD
  • Measurement and Modelling of Exposure to Air Toxic Concentrations for Health Effect Studies and Verification by Biomarker (MATCH Study). (2008) Saborit, JMD; Aquilina, N; Baker, S; Meddings, C; Harrad, S; Matthews, I; Anderson, R; Vardoulakis, S; Harrison, RM
  • Introducing GSA: surface antigens of P-falciparum gametocyte-infected erythrocytes. (2008) Saeed, M; Fivelman, Q; Drakeley, CJ; Targett, GAT; Sutherland, C
  • Altered Malaria Endemicity in Rural Communities in the Gambia and in Guinea Bissau. (2008) Satoguina, JS; Oriero, EC; Nwakanma, D; Ebonyi, A; Okebe, J; Vincent, T; Gomez-Escobar, N; Corran, P; Riley, E; Conway, D; Walther, M
  • Adult bacterial meningitis in Malawi: A randomised controlled trail of steroid adjuvant therapy and a comparison of intravenous and intramuscular ceftriaxone. (2008) Scarborough, M; Gordon, S; Whitty, C; French, N; Njalale, Y; Chitani, A; Peto, T; Lalloo, D; Zijlstra, E
  • GENETIC DIVERSITY OF THE MEROZOITE SURFACE PROTEIN-3 alpha LOCUS IN PLASMODIUM VIVAX ISOLATES FROM SRI LANKA. (2008) Schousboe, ML; Rajakaruna, RS; Galappaththy, GN; Amerasinghe, PH; Konradsen, F; Roper, C; Bygbjerg, IC; Alifrangis, M
  • Association Between Eclampsia and Interleukin-6: Genpe Project. (2008) Serrano, N; Diaz, L; Paez, C; Casas, J; Monterrosa, A; Ortiz, R; Beltran, M; Meza, C; Barragan, C; Castellar, W
  • Family History of Hypertension as Risk Marker Associated with Preeclampsia. (2008) Serrano, N; Diaz, L; Paez, C; Guio, E; Sus, S; Casas, J; Hingorani, A; Beltran, M; Meza, C; Monterrosa, A
  • C-Reactive Protein Concentrations and Risk of Preeclampsia: Genpe a Large Scale Study. (2008) Serrano, N; Diaz, L; Paez, C; Sus, S; Casas, J; Hingorani, A; Mesa, C; Monterrosa, A; Beltran, M; Ortiz, R
  • Role of tumour stage and co-morbidity on socioeconomic inequalities in survival among colorectal cancer patients. (2008) Shack, L; Rachet, B; Williams, EMI; Coleman, MP
  • The determinants of unintentional injuries among Palestinian school-aged children. (2008) Shaheen, A; Marshall, T; Fletcher, A; Edwards, P
  • The epidemiology of unintentional injuries among Palestinian school-aged children. (2008) Shaheen, A; Marshall, T; Fletcher, A; Edwards, P
  • Interventions to Improve Prompt and Effective Treatment of Malaria: Do We Know What Works? (2008) Smith, LA; Webster, J; Jones, C
  • The economic costs of ill health in the European Region. (2008) Suhrcke, M; Sauto Arce, R; McKee, M; Rocco, L
  • Predicting disability in patients presenting with optic neuritis: the role of early magnetic resonance imaging parameters. (2008) Swanton, JK; Kryshani, FT; Dalton, C; Miszkiel, KA; Altmann, DR; Plant, G; Chard, DT; Thompson, AJ; Miller, DH
  • In Vitro and in Vivo Evaluation and Early Transitioning Studies of Novel Quinolizidinyl-and Quinolizidinylalkyl- Derivatives of 4-Aminoquinoline with Potent Antimalarial Activity. (2008) Taramelli, D; Basilico, N; Casagrande, M; Corbett, Y; Parapini, S; Romeo, S; Rusconi, C; Tosi, A; van Den Bogaart, E; Vivas, L; Jabes, D; Sparatore, A
  • Plasmodium falciparum cGMP-dependent protein kinase plays a central role in schizogony. (2008) Taylor, HM; McRobert, L; Grainger, M; Holder, AA; Baker, DA
  • Studies of natural selection on malaria parasite merozoites in relation to invasion and immunity. (2008) Tetteh, K; Ochola, L; Stewart, L; Ngwa, A; Marsh, K; Conway, D
  • HIV, Gravidity and Malaria during Pregnancy in Southern Malawi: Antagonistic Interaction? (2008) Thwing, JI; Odero, C; Odhiambo, F; Kariuki, S; Roper, C; Ord, R; McMorrow, M; Kachur, SP; Slutsker, L; Vulule, J; Newman, R; Hamel, M; Desai, M
  • A Spatio-Temporal Study Design to Assess the Relationship Between Traffic-Related Air Pollution and Emergency Hospitalizations: An Application to London Around the Introduction of the Congestion Charge Scheme. (2008) Tonne, C; Beevers, S; Kelly, F; Jarup, L; Wilkinson, P; Armstrong, B
  • Effect of Praziquantel Treatment during Pregnancy on Cytokine Responses to Schistosome Antigens: Results of a Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial. (2008) Tweyongyere, R; Mawa, PA; Ngom-Wegi, S; Ndibazza, J; Duong, T; Vennervald, BJ; Dunne, DW; Katunguka-Rwakishaya, E; Elliott, AM
  • International workshop on neuropathology in leprosy--consensus report. (2008) Van Brakel, WH; Saunderson, P; Shetty, V; Brandsma, JW; Post, E; Jellema, R; McKnight, J
  • Assessing Aggregate Human Exposure to Toluene In Europe. (2008) Vardoulakis, S; Jovasevic-Stojanovic, M; Vermande, E; Schuur, G; Jovic-Stosic, J; Chiado-Piat, S; Leonardi, G; Fletcher, T
  • Using modelling to explore the degree to which a microbicide's STI efficacy may contribute to the HIV effectiveness measured in Phase III microbicide trials. (2008) Vickerman, P; Foss, A; Watts, C
  • Full-length conference Paper at The 2nd York Doctoral Symposium on Computer Science and Electronics. (2008) Wang, XS; Dytham, C
  • Apples and oranges? Interpreting success from contraceptive and HIV prevention research. (2008) Watts, C; Heise, L; McCormack, S; Foss, A; Vickerman, P; TrussellJ; Bradford, C
  • 'Cure' from breast cancer amongst two populations of women followed for twenty-three years after diagnosis (poster presentation). (2008) Woods, LM; Rachet, B; Lambert, PL; Baum, M; Coleman, MP
  • 'Cure' from breast cancer amongst two populations of women followed for twenty-three years after diagnosis (poster presentation). (2008) Woods, LM; Rachet, B; Lambert, PL; Baum, M; Coleman, MP
  • Large differences in breast cancer survival between Australia and England: a comparative study using cancer registry data (oral presentation). (2008) Woods, LM; Rachet, B; O'Connell, D; Coleman, MP
  • Cost-effectiveness of magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound surgery for treatment of uterine fibroids. (2008) Zowall, H; Cairns, JA; Brewer, C; Lamping, DL; Gedroyc, WM; Regan, L
  • Early brain atrophy and lesion load measures relate to clinical status after six years in patients with clinically isolated syndromes. (2008) di Filippo, M; Anderson, VM; Altmann, D; Swanton, JK; Plant, GT; Thompson, AJ; Miller, DH