Browse by Date where Item Type is "Conference or Workshop Item" and Year is "2003"
Number of items: 95.
  • Are trichomonads other than Trichomonas vaginalis involved in the aetiology of vaginal trichomoniasis?e. (2003) Adu-Sarkodie, YA; Weiss, HA; Mabey, DCW
  • Cytokine expression and regulation in skin lesions of leprosy patients in type 1 reactions. (2003) Andersson, AK; Chaduvula, M; Khanolkar-Young, S; Holland, M; Jain, S; Suneetha, L; Suneetha, S; Lockwood, DNJ
  • Wiggle worry: How much to smooth the explanatory variable time when investigating acute effects of air pollution? (2003) Armstrong, B; Hajat, S
  • B
  • Mitigation of the impact of HIV/AIDS on rural livelihoods through low-labour input agriculture and related activities. (2003) Barnett, T; Grellier, R
  • Mitigation of HIV/AIDS impacts through agriculture and rural development. (2003) Barnett, T; Topouzis, D
  • Size at birth and cardiovascular disease mortality: Evidence from the Aberdeen Children of the 1950s study. (2003) Batty, GD; Morton, SMB; MacIntyre, S; Leon, DA
  • Blood pressure control in the hypertension in the very elderly trial (HYVET). (2003) Beckett, N; Banya, W; Peters, R; Nunes, M; Nachev, C; Dumitrascu, D; Fletcher, A; Bulpitt, C
  • An assessment of a variant of the DNA repair gene XRCC3 as a possible naevus or melanoma susceptibility genotype. (2003) Bertram, CG; Gaut, RM; Barrett, JH; Whitaker, L; Turner, F; Bataille, V; Dos Santos Silva, I; Swerdlow, AJ; Bishop, DT; Bishop, JAN
  • Health economic evaluation of the cost effectiveness of antenatal screening for HPA-1a induced neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (NAIT). (2003) Bessos, H; Turner, M; Fagge, T; Harkness, M; Rentoul, F; Seymour, J; Wilson, D; Gary, I; Ahya, R; Cairns, J; Urbaniak, S
  • Clinical outcome in diabetic patients with multi-vessel coronary artery disease treated with percutaneous coronary intervention compared to coronary bypass surgery: Results from the stent or surgery (SOS) trial. (2003) Booth, J; Stables, RH; Clayton, T; Nugara, F; Pepper, J; Sigwart, U
  • Prevalence of refractive error in Bangladeshi adults - Results of the national blindness and low vision survey of Bangladesh. (2003) Bourne, RR; Dineen, BP; Huq, DMN; Ali, SM; Johnson, GJ
  • Mansonella perstans infection in a cohort of HIV-infected adults in Uganda. (2003) Brown, M; Nkurunziza, P; Pickering, J; Khaukha, P; Kizza, M; Mawa, P; Watera, C; Whitworth, J; Elliott, A
  • Gender, Risk And Alcohol: Perceptions From Rural Uganda. (2003) Bufumbo, L; Wolff, B; Busza, J; Whitworth, J
  • Retinopathy in Gambian children admitted to hospital with malaria. (2003) Burton, MJ; Nyong'o, O; Burton, KJ; John, W; Inkoom, E; Pinder, M; Corrah, T; Johnson, GJ; Bailey, RL
  • Multiple truths: combining methods for sexual health research among sensitive populations. (2003) Busza, J
  • C
  • The use of visual function measures for predicting a relocating prism for patients with AMD. (2003) Cacho, I; Dickinson, CM; Harper, RA; Reeves, BC; Smith, HJ
  • Urban air pollution and other factors related with the occurrence of wheezing in childhood: A birth cohort in the city of Sao Paulo (projeto chiado). (2003) Cardoso, MRA; Siqueira, LFD; Pannuti, CS; Machado, C; Filho, Lvff; D'Angelo, LAV; Cacavallo, R; Golcalves, FLT; Sampaio, MC; Cousens, SN
  • A method for utilising expert opinion to interpret a RCT with non-response, applied to a RCT of interventions to improve peer review. (2003) Carpenter, J; Evans, S; Kenward, M
  • Modelling advent of complications in primary biliary cirrhosis. (2003) Chan, CW; Carpenter, JR; Mela, M; Patch, DW; Burroughs, AK
  • Design, synthesis, and evaluation of taxanes as potential antimalarial agents. (2003) Chen, J; Kuznetsova, L; Chibale, K; Clarkson, C; Smith, P; Croft, SL; Ojima, I
  • Distribution of malaria risk among schoolchildren in highland and lowland Kenya [Abstract]. (2003) Clarke, S; Brooker, S; Njagi, JK; Polack, S; Ouma, J
  • Problems in the reporting of trials and (mis)interpretation of results: Lessons from the RITA-3 trial. (2003) Clayton, T; Pocock, S
  • The quality, content and style of epidemiological publications: A survey of recent practice. (2003) Collier, T; Pocock, S; Dandreo, K; de Stavola, B; Goldman, M; Kalish, L; Kasten, L; McCormack, V
  • Early seasonal effects on leucocyte and lymphocyte numbers in rural Gambian infants. (2003) Collinson, AC; N'Gom, PT; Moore, SE; Morgan, G; Prentice, AM; Keneba, MRC
  • Biting times of malaria vectors in Cambodia. (2003) Cooke, M; Vanne, S
  • Measuring public-health outcomes of release of transgenic mosquitoes. (2003) Curtis, CF
  • D
  • Determinants of muscle strength in free-living older people in Santiago, Chile (abstract). (2003) Dangour, AD; Bunout, D; Barrera, G; Uauy, R
  • Is the effect of birth weight on early breast cancer mediated through childhood growth? (2003) Dos Santos Silva, I; de Stavola, B; McCormack, V; Kuh, D; Hardy, R; Wadsworth, M
  • Multiple imputations to study the association between childhood growth and early breast cancer. (2003) de Stavola, BL; Dos Santos Silva, I; McCormack, V; Hardy, R; Wadsworth, MEJ; Koh, D
  • E
  • Sequential probability ratio tests applied to public health problems. (2003) Evans, S
  • Comparisons of statistical methods of detecting signals of adverse drug reactions. (2003) Evans, S; Heeley, E
  • F
  • Geographic targeting: a cost-effective way to enhance programme impact? (2003) Fenn, B; Morris, SS
  • Public health opposition in the UK to the war on Iraq and the position of ISEE. (2003) Fletcher, T
  • Evaluation of the Family Allowance Program (PRAF) in Honduras: nutritional impact. (2003) Flores, R; Morris, SS; Olinto, P; Medina, J; Neidecker, O
  • The impact of CARE-SHAKTI IDU intervention in Dhaka: model projections [Abstract 845 460-2542]. (2003) Foss, A; Watts, C; Vickerman, P; Guinness, L; Azim, T; Jana, S
  • Understanding the components of HRQL amongst the Kamba of Kenya: Putting a qualitatively-derived conceptual model to the psychometric test. (2003) Fox-Rushby, J; Bowden, A; Smith, S; Lamping, D
  • A contextual and dynamic model of young women?s contraception use: changes in young women?s contraception use over time. (2003) Free, C; Lee, R; Ogden, J
  • A contextual and dynamic model of young women?s contraception use: key themes. (2003) Free, C; Lee, R; Ogden, J
  • What young people do when contraception goes wrong. (2003) Free, C; Ogden, J
  • HIV in married couples: factors affecting concordancy and discordancy in four African cities. (2003) Freeman, EE; Glynn, JR
  • G
  • The long-term effects of perinatal malnutrition on immunity: Lymphocyte subset distribution and kinetics in young Gambian men (Abstract). (2003) Ghattas, H; Irvine, A; Wallace, D; Solon, J; Morgan, G; Prentice, A; MacAllan, D
  • The effect of sepsis on long term survival. (2003) Ghelani, DR; Moran, JL; Sloggett, A
  • Chemokine receptors and chemokine ligand in human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6), relationship to cellular receptors, inducible signalling and immunomodulation. (2003) Gompels, UA; Dewin, D
  • Cost-effectiveness of the CARE-SHAKTI IDU intervention in Bangladesh [Abstract 844 460-2541]. (2003) Guinness, L; Foss, A; Watts, C; Quayyuum, Z; Vickerman, P; Azim, T; Jana, S; Kumaranayake, L
  • A culturally-specific measure of visual outcome in India: Development and validation of the Indian Visual Function Questionnaire-33 (IND-VFQ33). (2003) Gupta, S; Viswanath, K; Thulasiraj, R; Murthy, G; Lamping, D; Smith, S; Donoghue, M; Fletcher, A
  • H
  • The relationship between high and low temperatures and emergency hospital admissions in Greater London. (2003) Hajat, S; Kovats, RS; Wilkinson, P
  • The Five-Factor Personality Inventory: Cross-cultural generalizability across 13 countries. (2003) Hendriks, AAJ; Perugini, M; Angleitner, A; Ostendorf, F; Johnson, JA; de Fruyt, F; Hrebickova, M; Kreitler, S; Murakami, T; Bratko, D; Conner, M; Nagy, J; Rodriguez-Fornells, A; Ruisel, I
  • J
  • Bad smell as a proxy for danger and the implications for global improvements in sanitation. Research in progress [oral presentation]. (2003) Jenkins, M; Aunger, R
  • K
  • Resource utilisation and loss of productivity during the 4 months following a diagnosis of deep venous thrombosis. (2003) Kahn, S; Ducruet, T; Johri, M; Arsenault, L; Desjardins, L; Desmarais, S; Boucher, P; Joyal, F; Kassis, J; Lamping, D; Miron, M.-, J; Roussin, A; Shrier, I; Solymoss, S; for the Venous Thrombosis Outcomes (VETO), StudyInvestigators
  • Patients with post-thrombotic syndrome have worse disease severity and quality of life than patients with primary chronic venous disease. (2003) Kahn, S; Kurz, X; Lamping, D; Berard, A; Abenhaim, L; Group, FTVS
  • Change in health-related quality of life during the 4 months following a diagnosis of deep venous thrombosis. (2003) Kahn, SR; Ducruet, T; Lamping, DL; Arsenault, L; Miron, MJ; Roussin, A; Desmarais, S; Joyal, F; Kassis, J; Solymoss, S; Desjardins, L; Johri, M; Shrier, I
  • Oxidative stress in the myocardium and vascular system [Abstract]. (2003) Kaur, H; Rakhit, D; Davies, S
  • A systematic review of studies examining the perspectives of vulnerable groups of men who have sex with men (MSM) on HIV related sexual health. (2003) Kavanagh, J; Rees, R; Shepherd, J; Oliver, S; Harden, A; Burchett, H
  • Environmental temperature and food-borne disease: Time series analyses in 8 European countries. (2003) Kovats, RS; Edwards, S; Hajat, S; Ebi, K
  • Environmental temperature and food-borne disease: time series analyses in European countries. (2003) Kovats, RS; Hajat, S; etal
  • The impact of heat waves on mortality in Budapest, Hungary. (2003) Kovats, RS; Hajat, S; Paldy, A; Bobvos, J
  • Hot weather and hospital admissions. (2003) Kovats, RS; Hajat, S; Wilkinson, P
  • L
  • The South African Old Age Pension: Exploring the role on poverty alleviation in households affected by HIV/AIDS. (2003) Legido-Quigley, H
  • Parental, foetal and developmental influences on childhood blood pressure in 600 SIB pairs: The Uppsala family study. (2003) Leon, DA; Mann, V; Koupilova, I; Tuvemo, T; Lindmark, G; Mohsen, R; Byberg, L; Lithell, H
  • M
  • Effectiveness of influenza vaccine against respiratory hospitalisations and deaths in 65 year olds and older: a cohort study using the United Kingdom General Practice Research Database: Paper presented at Society for Social Medicine Conference Edinburgh 16th to 19th September. (2003) Mangtani, P; Hall, A; Cutts, F; Roberts, J
  • Pitfalls in measurement of sexual coercion: what are we measuring and why? (2003) Marston, CA
  • Priority setting in Ghana?s Health Sector Reforms: Where is sexual and reproductive health? (2003) Mayhew, SH; Adjei, S
  • Ethical and social issues arising from the science of medicine. (2003) Meade, TW
  • Exploiting genetic knowledge. (2003) Meade, TW
  • Quantifying diversion of malaria-vector mosquitoes from repellent-treated 'bait' to unprotected 'collectors' in field tests in the Bolivian Amazon. (2003) Moore, SJ; Davies, CR; Cameron, MM
  • An intergenerational and lifecourse approach to determinants of offspring size at birth: Adding the temporal dimension. (2003) Morton, SMB; Leon, DA; Destavola, BL
  • O
  • Examining modification of the effect of temperature on mortality in Mexico with the case-only design. (2003) O'Neill, M; Bateson, T; Armstrong, B; Romieu, I; Schwartz, JF
  • Temperature and mortality associations by cause and age in two Mexican cities. (2003) O'Neill, M; Hajat, S; Zanobetti, A; Ramirez-Aguilar, M; Schwartz, JF
  • Agency theory and the relationships between recipient governments and international development partners – case study of Uganda [Short-format oral plus poster presentation]. (2003) Oliveira-Cruz, V; McPake, B
  • P
  • A tentative statistical classification of bacterial strains responsible for meat bio-transformation processes through the analysis of gas-chromatographic data. (2003) Palla, L
  • Socio-demographic characteristics, smoking and alcohol consumption in very elderly hypertensives - Baseline data from the hypertension in the very elderly trial (HYVET). (2003) Peters, R; Beckett, N; Banya, W; Nunes, M; Nachev, C; Dumitrascu, D; Solakov, P; Fletcher, A; Bulpitt, C
  • Ethical aspects and stopping rules in equivalence trials: Two case studies. (2003) Piaggio, G; von Hertzen, H; Elbourne, D
  • Utility of the Theory of Planned Behaviour in predicting practice nurses? intentions to use clinical guidelines and provide smoking cessation advice: exploratory study. (2003) Puffer, S; Rashidian, A
  • R
  • Role of beliefs and attitudes in formation of intentions to prescribe statins according to clinical guidelines. (2003) Rashidian, A; Russell, IT
  • Towards better prescribing: a model for implementing clinical guidelines in Primary Care Organisations in the NHS. (2003) Rashidian, A; Russell, IT
  • Mannitol for acute traumatic brain injury (Cochrane Review). (2003) Roberts, I; Schierhout, G; Wakai, A
  • How sensitive to clinical change are ETDRS logMAR visual acuity measurements? (2003) Rosser, DA; Cousens, S; Murdoch, IE; Fitzke, FW; Laidlaw, DA
  • IPD meta-analysis to identify sub-groups of children with OME that might benefit from treatment with ventilation tubes. (2003) Rovers, MM; Black, N; Browning, Getal
  • S
  • Congestive heart failure in metropolitan Minneapolis-St. Paul: Varying hospitalization rates and high mortality [Abstract]. (2003) Shahar, E; Lee, S; Barber, C; Kim, J; Duval, S; McGovern, P; Luepker, RV
  • Investigations into the chemical ecology of the house dust mite, Dermatophagoides farinae. (2003) Skelton, AC; Birkett, M; Cameron, M; Pickett, J
  • Self- or proxy report in evaluating HRQL in dementia? Development and validation of DEMQOL. (2003) Smith, S; Lamping, D; Banerjee, S; Harwood, R; Foley, B; Smith, P; Cook, J; Murray, J; Prince, M; Levin, E; Mann, A; Knapp, M
  • The use of DNA fingerprinting to correct estimates of the personal protection by insecticide treated bednets in Tanzania. (2003) Soremekun, S; Maxwell, C; Zuwakuu, M; Chen, C; Michael, E; Curtis, C
  • Do insecticide-treated nets protect against visceral leishmaniasis vectors in Venezuela? (2003) Stevenson, JC; Feliciangeli, MD
  • T
  • Long-term follow-up from a national cohort of patients with acute coronary syndrome without ST elevation: results from the prospective registry of acute ischaemic syndromes in the United Kingdom (PRAIS-UK). (2003) Taneja, AK; Bakhai, A; Rather, MD; Perez, D; Wang, D; Mallick, U; Fox, KAA; Collinson, J
  • Back-calculation of the number of inoculated Plasmodium falciparum parasites in a documented case of needlestick malaria in a French nurse. (2003) Tarantola, A; Warhurst, DC; Rachline, A
  • Demographic (and other) influences on trends in the living arrangements of older people. (2003) Tomassini, C; Glaser, K; Grundy, E; Sundstrom, G
  • U
  • Short and long term effects of perinatal essential lipid supply in human neuro-development. (2003) Uauy, R
  • V
  • Why does HIV infection not lead to disseminated strongyloidiasis? (2003) Viney, ME; Brown, M; Omoding, NE; Bailey, JW; Gardner, MP; Roberts, E; Morgan, D; Elliott, A; Whitworth, JAG
  • W
  • Evaluation of changing treatment effects in a calcium supplementation trial using a varying-coefficient model. (2003) Wang, DL; Lees, B
  • Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: An epidemiological update in relation to geographically associated cases and history of vaccination. (2003) Ward, HJT; Everington, D; Cousens, S; Gill, N; Smith, PG; Will, R
  • Should prophylactic antibiotics be given on urinary catheter withdrawal? A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial. (2003) Wazait, HD; Patel, HRH; Kumar, V; Kelsey, M; van der Meulen, JHP; Miller, RA; Emberton, M
  • Unit and hospital outcomes for 3752 admissions with COPD to 128 UK adult critical care units between 1995 and 2001. (2003) Wildman, MJ; Harrison, DA; Brady, AR; Rowan, K
  • The health impact of an energy efficiency programme for England. (2003) Wilkinson, P; Green, G; Critchley, R; Oreszczyn, T; Gilbertson, J; Grimsley, M; Hutchinson, E; Landon, M; Armstrong, B
  • Winter mortality in the elderly in Great Britain: A socio- economic paradox? (2003) Wilkinson, P; Kovats, RS; Pattenden, S; Armstrong, B; Mangtani, P; Fletcher, A; McMichael, AJ
  • Modelling strategies for non-informative and informative missingness in randomised trials. (2003) Wood, A; White, I; Hillsdon, M