Browse by Date where Item Type is "Conference or Workshop Item" and Year is "2001"
Number of items: 126.
The revised CONSORT statement for reporting randomized trials: Explanation and elaboration. (2001)
Altman, DG; Schulz, KF; Moher, D; Egger, M; Davidoff, F; Elbourne, D; Gotzsche, PC; Lang, T
Mides Research Program Measurement of social exclusion and its demographic implications. (2001)
Ambrosetti, E; Garbero, A
Using the case-only approach to investigate susceptibility to health effects of air pollution or weather in time series studies. (2001)
Armstrong, B
Body mass index and metabolic risk factors for coronary heart disease in women [Conference presentation]. (2001)
Ashton, WD; Nanchahal, K; Wood, D
Low birthweight infants, infection, and immunity. (2001)
Ashworth, A
Partial cross-resistance to carbosulfan of pyrethroid-resistant strains of Anopheles: Society Meeting at Manson House, London, 7 December 2000: Research in progress: short presentation. (2001)
Asidi, A; Curtis, C
Resource use and outcomes of acute coronary syndromes stratified by electrocardiogram on admission. Results from PRAIS-UK. (2001)
Bakhai, A; Collinson, J; Shibata, MC; de Arenaza, DP; Wang, DL; Flather, M; Normand, C
Health economic burden of non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes in Europe. Results from PRAIS-UK. (2001)
Bakhai, A; Shibata, MC; Collinson, J; Normand, C; Coles, J; Flather, M; Ward, B
Resource use and outcomes of high risk patients with acute coronary syndromes awaiting in-hospital transfer. Results from PRAIS-UK. (2001)
Bakhai, A; Shibata, MC; Collinson, J; de Arenaza, DP; Wang, DL; Adgey, JA; Fox, KAA; Flather, M
Elderly patients are often denied evidence based medical therapies - will guidelines address this? Results from PRAIS-UK. (2001)
Bakhai, A; de Arenaza, DP; Collinson, J; Shibata, MC; Wang, DL; Flather, M; Adgey, JA; Davidson, C
Keynote address to the DFID-IFPRI consultation on HIV/AIDS and rural livelihoods. (2001)
Barnett, T
Clinical outcomes and patient satisfaction in the Optimal Surgical Care for Arterial Revascularisation (OSCAR) study. (2001)
Booth, J; Mister, R; Flather, M; Goodman, H; Peters, E; Godden, J; Pepper, J; Investigators, O.B.O.O. INC Lamping, D
How safe are hospital at home programmes for CABG? Results of a randomised study (OSCAR). (2001)
Booth, J; Mister, R; Flather, M; Roberts, J; Lamping, D; Wang, D; Goodman, H; Peters, E; Godden, J; Pepper, J; Investigators, OBOO
Health and sustainable development. (2001)
Bradley, D; Cairncross, S; Haines, A; Stephens, C
Assessment of the global burden of disease attributable to climate change. (2001)
Campbell-Lendrum, DH; McMichael, AJ; Kovats, RS; Wilkinson, PW; Pruess, A; Menne, B; Corvalan, CF
Painted models simulating ancient polychromies: a statistical analysis of chemical results. (2001)
Casoli, A; Montanari, A; Palla, L
Risk factors for Giardia intestinalis infection in agricultural villages practicing wastewater irrigation in Mexico. (2001)
Cifuentes, E; Gomez, M; Blumenthal, U; Tellez-Rojo, M; Romieu, I; Palacios, GR; Ruiz-Velazco, S
Prevention of unwanted pregnancies and of sexually transmitted infections: The linkages. (2001)
Cleland, J; Lush, L
Use of Simulated patients to evaluate youth-friendly reproductive health services in rural Tanzania. (2001)
Cleophas-Frisch, B; Obasi, AI; Mshana, G; Wamoyi, J; Plummer, M; Rwakatare, M; Ross, DA
New strategies for clinical trials in patients with sepsis and septic shock. (2001)
Cohen, J; Guyatt, G; Bernard, GR; Calandra, T; Cook, D; Elbourne, D; Marshall, J; Nunn, A; Opal, S
Influence of season and size at birth on thymic size in rural Gambian infants. Abstract FC2/6. (2001)
Collinson, AC; Moore, SE; Prentice, AM
Seasonal influence on thymic size in rural Gambian infants [Abstract]. (2001)
Collinson, AC; Moore, SE; Prentice, AM
Adult body size and the thermal environment [Abstract]. (2001)
Dangour, AD
Secular change among Guyanese Amerindians [Abstract]. (2001)
Dangour, AD
National Survey for Salmonella in pigs at slaugher in Great Britian. (2001)
Davies, RH; Dalziel, R; Wilesmith, J; Ryan, JBM; Evans, J; Paiba, GA; Byrne, C; Pascoe, S
Additional corticosteroid use and daytime symptoms as a proxy for asthma exacerbation. (2001)
Dennis, SM; Altmann, DR; Lee, TH
The relationship between TRUST exacerbations and morning peak expiratory flow. (2001)
Dennis, SM; Altmann, DR; Lee, TH
Study of the reproductive health of UK Gulf War veterans and the health of their children: Response rates and preliminary data description [Abstract]. (2001)
Doyle, P; Maconochie, N
Pre-conceptual exposure to ionising radiation and pregnancy outcome [Abstract]. (2001)
Doyle, P; Roman, E; Maconochie, N; Smith, P; Beral, V
Lay perceptions of risk in relation to food safety and BSE in the UK: preliminary findings [Conference abstract]. (2001)
Draper, A; Dowler, E; Green, J
Novel beta herpes virus chemokine receptor shows rantes binding and transcriptional down regulation. (2001)
Dyer, AP; Mattick, C; Milnes, R; Gompels, UA
Novel herpes virus beta chemokine receptor shows rantes binding and down-regulation. (2001)
Dyer, AP; Mattick, C; Milnes, R; Gompels, UA
Involving consumers in the design, conduct and interpretation of randomised controlled trials (Abstract). (2001)
Elbourne, D; Hanley, B; Truesdale, A; King, A; Chalmers, I
On indoor air in Central Europe. (2001)
Fabianova, E; Fletcher, T; Koppova, K; Hruba, F; Houthuijs, D; Antonova, T; Volf, J; Rudnai, P; Zejda, J; Niciu, E
Evaluation of the efficacy of carbosulfan and permethrin-impregnated curtains against Anopheles gambiae in a village in Burkina Faso, West Africa: Society Meeting at Manson House, London, 7 December 2000: Research in progress: short presentation. (2001)
Fanello, C; Sanogo-, Ilboudo; Cuzin-, Ouattara; Badolo, A; Curtis, C
Estimates of the magnitude of the potential cancer burden due to arsenic in drinking water in Bangladesh - Addressing the uncertainties. (2001)
Fletcher, T; Leonardi, G
Plasma tissue plasminogen activator is higher in South Asians versus Europeans and associated with the insulin resistance syndrome in both ethnic groups. (2001)
Forouhi, NG; Sattar, N; Rumley, A; Lowe, G; McKeigue, P
To use or not to use emergency contraception? Within subject attitudinal and situational differences between the last episode of emergency contraception use and the last episode of contraceptive risk not followed by emergency contraception use. (2001)
Free, C; Ogden, J
Emergency contraception use in young women: differences between users and non users. (2001)
Free, C; Ogden, J; Lee, R
Ageing and Exclusion. (2001)
Garbero, A
Determinants of inequalities in self-perceived health in Ukraine. (2001)
Gilmore, A; McKee, M; Rose, R
Chemokine receptor and ligand gene families in HHV-6/-7. (2001)
Gompels, UA
Socio-economic differentials in the temperature-mortality relationship in Sao Paulo, Brazil. (2001)
Gouveia, N; Hajat, S; Armstrong, B
Demographic trends over the next 20 years - ageing of the population and the health status of elderly people. (2001)
Grundy, E; Murphy, M
The impact of hot temperatures on death in London - A time series approach. (2001)
Hajat, S; Kovats, RS; Atkinson, RW; Haines, A
Measures of visual impairment and dimensions of quality of life in age-related macular degeneration. (2001)
Harper, R; Russell, W; Reeves, BC; Waterman, H; Henson, D; McLeod, D
Issues in the design of randomised controlled trials of vaginal microbicides. (2001)
Hayes, RJ
Choosing quality of life measures for clinical trials of multiple sclerosis (MS): Evidence-based measurement. (2001)
Hobart, J; Riazi, A; Lamping, D; Fitzpatrick, R; Thompson, A
The Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale (MSIS-29): Reliability and validity in hospital-based samples. (2001)
Hobart, J; Riazi, A; Lamping, D; Fitzpatrick, R; Thompson, A
Item reduction: Do different methods produce different scales? (2001)
Hobart, J; Riazi, A; Lamping, D; R, F; Aj, T
Quality of life measurement: Is Rasch item analysis too good to be true? (2001)
Hobart, J; Wright, B; Fitzpatrick, R; Lamping, D; Riazi, A; Thompson, A
Modelling admixture and extracting information about linkage that is generated by admixture from marker genotypes. (2001)
Hoggart, CJ; McKeigue, PM; Clayton, D
Fourth meeting of the International Research Network on Violence Against Women: proceedings: Johannesburg, South Africa, January 22-24 2001. (2001)
Jewkes, RK; Ratsaka, M; Gerber, E
Promotion of exclusive breastfeeding and complementary feeding in an urban community in Bangladesh. (2001)
Kabir, I; Haider, R; Ashworth, A; Huttly, SRA
A randomised controlled trial (RCT) of syndromic STD management and behavioural change interventions to reduce HIV infection in rural Uganda [abstract]. (2001)
Kamali, A; Kintu, P; Nalweyiso, N; Kinsman, J; Whitworth, JAG
Analysis of association between air pollution characteristic of 14 urban areas in Russia and prevalence of chronic respiratory disease. (2001)
Katsneison, B; Privalova, L; Kosheleva, A; Kuzmin, S; Malykh, O; Gurvich, V; Lebedeva, N; Zemljanaya, G; Fourman, V; Spengler, J; Dumyahn, T; Fletcher, T; Pattenden, S
Oxidative Damage in Inflammatory Joint Diseases [Abstract]. (2001)
Kaur, H
Long-term Survival of Hospitalized Patients with a Heart Failure Discharge Code: Early Experience of a Community Based Study. (2001)
Kim, J; Shahar, E; McGovern, P; Barber, C; Duval, S; Luepker, RV
Repeatability of questionnaire data on children's respiratory symptoms and individual risk factors. (2001)
Kosheleva, A; Katsnelson, B; Privalova, L; Kuzmin, S; Malykh, O; Pattenden, S; Fletcher, T; Spengler, J; Rakitin, P; Fourman, V
Psychometric evaluation of the CAP-Sym questionnaire: A new, patient-based measure of symptoms in community acquired pneumonia. (2001)
Lamping, D; Schroter, S; Sagnier, P; Duprat-Lomon, I
Public-private partnerships and guaranteeing drug delivery through health systems: issues needing further research. (2001)
Lush, L
The politics of increased access to essential medicines in developing countries: the case of anti-retrovirals. (2001)
Lush, L
Preliminary results from the The National Women's Health Study- a population-based survey of miscarriage and infertility in the UK [Abstract]. (2001)
Maconochie, N; Doyle, P; Prior, S
Does screening for a modifiable genetic condition cause distress? Abundance of opinion and paucity of data' [abstract]. (2001)
Marks, D; Lambert, H; Thorogood, M; Neil, H; Humphries, S; Wonderling, D
A comparison of traditional statistical methods and latent factors models to investigate possible associations between fetal environment and breast cancer risk. (2001)
McCormack, V; de Stavola, BL; Dos Santos Silva, I; Leon, D; Mann, V
Health-promoting hospitals: meeting the needs of the people. (2001)
McKee, M; Healy, J
Quick reference guide for clinicians. (2001)
Meade, TW
Technology and science as global public goods: tackling disease priorities of poor countries. (2001)
Mills, A
An analysis of private hospitals in Bangladesh. (2001)
Mills, A; Amin, M
Understanding competition among private hospitals in Bangladesh. (2001)
Mills, A; Amin, M; Hanson, H
Price discrimination for obstetric care in private hospitals in Bangladesh. (2001)
Mills, A; Amin, M; K, H
Understanding the market for the provision of malaria-related treatment in rural Tanzania. (2001)
Mills, A; Goodman, C; Hanson, K
Contracting out primary care services: feasibility and desirability in middle-and low-income countries. (2001)
Mills, A; McIntyre, D; Palmer, N; Gilson, L
The CONSORT statement: revised recommendations for improving the quality of reports of parallel-group randomized trials. (2001)
Moher, D; Schultz, KF; Altman, DG; For The Consort Group (Including Elbourne, D., Pocock, S.)
The CONSORT statement: revised recommendations for improving the quality of reports of parallel-group randomized trials. (2001)
Moher, D; Schultz, KF; Altman, DG; For The Consort Group (Including Elbourne, D., Pocock, S.)
Trends in incidence of testicular cancer and prostate cancer in Denmark. (2001)
Moller, H
Estimation of individual admixture in Trinidad: application to a case-control study of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). (2001)
Molokhia, M; Patrick, AL; Parra, E; Ye, J; Shriver, MD; Silman, AJ; McKeigue, PM
Estimation of individual admixture in Trinidad: application to a case-control study of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). (2001)
Molokhia, M; Patrick, AL; Shriver, M; Parra, E; Ye, J; Silman, AJ; McKeigue, PM
Risk of systemic lupus erythematosus in relation to admixture in west Africans overseas. (2001)
Molokhia, M; Patrick, AL; Shriver, M; Parra, E; Ye, J; Silman, AJ; McKeigue, PM
Longitudinal studies in fetal origins research: the Keneba demographic database. Abstract 26A. (2001)
Moore, SE
Immune function in rural Gambian children is not related to season of birth, birth size, or maternal supplementation status. Abstract. (2001)
Moore, SE; Collinson, AC; Prentice, AM
Immune function in rural Gambian children is not related to season of birth, birth size, or maternal supplementation status. Abstract POS2/6. (2001)
Moore, SE; Collinson, AC; Prentice, AM
Moderate levels of undernutrition have little impact on immune function in rural Gambian children. Abstract. (2001)
Moore, SE; Collinson, AC; Prentice, AM
Leptin, malnutrition and immune response in rural Gambian children. (2001)
Moore, SE; Morgan, G; Collinson, AC; Swain, J; O'Connell, M; Prentice, AM
Glucose, insulin and lipid metabolism in rural Gambians exposed to early malnutrition. Abstract POS7/11. (2001)
Moore, SE; Prentice, AM
The efficacy of different mosquito trapping methods in a forest-fringe village, Yunnan Province, Southern China: Society Meeting at Manson House, London, 7 December 2000: Research in progress: short presentation. (2001)
Moore, SJ; Honnging, Z; Hill, N
Does maternal birth weight mediate the intergenerational continuities in hypertension in pregnancy? [Abstract]. (2001)
Morton, SMB; Leon, DA; de Stavola, BL; Campbell, DM; Hall, MH; Clark, H
Sexual health-related traditional beliefs among young people in northwestern Tanzania. (2001)
Mshana, G; Wamoyi, J; Plummer, M; Wight, D; Ross, DA
Self-reported cure rates among STD patients at government health units (HUs) in Uganda and why patients do not return for follow-up review [abstract]. (2001)
Nalweyiso, N; Kasse, M; Kamali, A; Kintu, P; Whitworth, JAG
Association between blood pressure and predicted (multifactorial) cardiovascular risk in women in the population [Conference presentation]. (2001)
Nanchahal, K; Ashton, WD; Wood, D
Cesar: Sensitization versus doctor diagnosed inhalant allergies in 9-11 year old children from Central and Eastern Europe. (2001)
Niciu, EM; Leonardi, GS; Houthuijs, D; Steerenberg, PA; Pattenden, S; Antova, T; Volf, J; Rudnai, P; Jazwiec-Kanyion, B; Pernisova, M; Lebret, E; van Loveren, H
The increase in very low birthweight infants in Germany: Artefact or reality? (2001)
Nolte, E; Koupilova, I; McKee, M
Bisphosphonates as novel chemotherapeutic agents. (2001)
Oldfield, E; Martin, MB; Croft, SL; Rodriguez, N; Montalvetti, A; Bailey, BN; Docampo, R; Urbina, JA; Khan, AA; Slifer, TR; Araujo, FG; Moreno, SNJ
Constraints to scaling up needle exchange programs in Brazil [Abstract # 2459]. (2001)
Oliveira-Cruz, V; Hanson, K; Mills, A
Higher risk behaviours and STD rates in Tanzania compared to Uganda - contribution to different outcomes of STD treatment trials? [abstract]. (2001)
Orroth, KK; Korenromp, EL; White, RG; Kamali, A; Serwadda, D; Sewankambo, NK; Whitworth, JAG; Grosskurth, H; Habbema, JDF; Hayes, RJ
Deprivation and mortality in a developing city (Belo Horizonte, Brazil). (2001)
Paes-Sousa, R; Stephens, C
Prevalence of faecal carriage of VTEC 0157 in cattle and sheep at slaughter in Great Britain. Concerted Action CT98-3935 Verocytotoxigenic E, coli in Europe 5. Epidemiology of Verocytotoxigenic E.Coli. (2001)
Paiba, GA; Gibbens, JC; Wilesmith, J; Pascoe, SJS; Futter, RJ; Kay, A; McLaren, L; Wilshaw, GA; Cheasty, T; Ryan, JBM; Smith, HR; Kidd, S
A role for glycoprotien gO in mediating cellular fusion of beta herpes viruses. (2001)
Paterson, DA; Dyer, AP; Gompels, UA
First record of trypanosomes from the endemic Indian genus of Triatominae, Linshcosteus sp. nov.: Society Meeting at Manson House, London, 7 December 2000: Research in progress: short presentation. (2001)
Patterson, JS; Rajen, K; Ambrose, DP; Miles, MA
Food allergy information on the web: is it reliable? ABSTRACT. (2001)
Peden, J; Shetty, PS; Meade, R
Calculating Sample Size with Consideration of Uncertain Input Assumptions. (2001)
Phillips, CV; Kim, J; Goodman, KJ
Ultraviolet radiation and autoimmune disease: Insights from epidemiological research. (2001)
Ponsonby, AL; McMichael, AJ; van der Mei, I
Socio-demographic predictors of health-related quality of life in multiple sclerosis and comparisons with other populations. (2001)
Riazi, A; Hobart, J; Lamping, D; Fitzpatrick, R; Freeman, J; Thompson, A
Participatory intervention research - General overview of the principles and strategies. (2001)
Rifkin, SB
Advanced glycation end products in AA amyloidosis. (2001)
Rocken, C; Schwan, M; Mansfeld, S; Raynes, J; Stix, B; Saeger, W
Final psychometric evaluation of the Coronary Revascularisation Outcome Questionnaire (CROQ-CABG/PTCA). (2001)
Schroter, S; Lamping, D
The relative responsiveness of generic and disease-specific measures of HRQOL in patients undergoing coronary revascularisation. (2001)
Schroter, S; Lamping, D
Beta blockers in heart failure: strength of the evidence after CIBISII, MERIT-HF, BEST and COPERNICUS. (2001)
Shibata, M; Flather, MD; Wang, D
Glaucoma: is there a need for health promotion? (2001)
Siddall, HM; Murdoch, IE; Green, JM
Obtaining self-reports about HRQL from cognitively impaired respondents. (2001)
Smith, S; Lamping, D; Foley, B; Murray, J; Banerjee, S
Degradation of AA amyloid fibril proteins by matrix metalloproteinases. (2001)
Stix, B; Kahne, T; Sletten, K; Raynes, J; Rocken, C
Climate variability and Ross River virus in 8 Australian cities, 1985-1996. (2001)
Tong, S; Donald, K; McMichael, AJ
The effect pf alphacypermetherin-impregnated nets on sporozite rates in mosquitoes in Tanzania: Society Meeting at Manson House, London, 7 December 2000: Research in progress: short presentation. (2001)
Tsang, L; Curtis, C; Maxwell, C
Agenda Setting for Tuberculosis and Sexually Transmitted Diseases. (2001)
Walt, G; Lush, L; Ogden, J
Sexual acts practised among young people in northwestern Tanzania. (2001)
Wamoyi, J; Mshana, G; Plummer, M; Wight, D; Ross, DA
The impact of microbicides on HIV and STD transmission: model projections. (2001)
Watts, C; Vickerman, P
Models of alcohol consumption and mortality for men and women at different ages [Conference presentation]. (2001)
White, IR; Altmann, DR; Nanchahal, K
Choosing surgical mortality thresholds in stage IA non-small cell lung cancer: Insights from decision-analysis. (2001)
Wildman, MJ; Dowie, J
Chameleonbacter jejuni - the changing sugar coat of a foodborne pathogen. (2001)
Wren, BW
Effects of oral L-arginine supplement on peripheral vascular function in chronic heart failure a prospective, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. (2001)
Yousufuddin, M; Flather, M; Wang, D; Yousef, Z; Marber, M; Parker, K; Wilson, K; Banner, N; Amrani, M; Coats, AJS
Part 1. Randomized prospective controlled trial of ferrous sulfate drops versus micronencapsulated ferrous fumarate 'SPRINKLES' for treatment of anemia in Ghanian infants and young children. (2001)
Zlotkin, S; Arthur, P; Antwi, KY; Yeung, G
Part 2. Randomized prospective placebo-controlled trial of microencapsulated ferrous fumarate 'SPRINKLES' with and without vitamin A and ferrous sulfate drops, for prevention of anemia in infants. (2001)
Zlotkin, S; Arthur, P; Antwi, KY; Yeung, G
Misure e implicazioni demografiche dell’esclusione sociale. (2001)
de Azevedo, RC; Garbero, A; Giudici, C
Lifecourse modelling of birthweight, childhood growth and breast cancer risk. (2001)
de Stavola, BL; Mann, V; Hardy, R; McCormack, V; Dos Santos Silva, I; Kuh, D; Wadsworth, M
Life-long vegetarianism and risk of breast cancer: a population-based case-control study among South Asian migrant women living in England. Abstract of the International Epidemiological Association. (2001)
dos Santos Silva, I; MangtaniP; McCormack, V; Bhakta, D; Sevak, L; McMichael, AJ
An alternative interpretation of the hygiene hypothesis. (2001)
van Den Biggelaar, AHJ; van Ree, R; Rodrigues, LC; van der Zee, JS; Deelder, AM; Kremsner, PG; Yazdanbakhsh, M