Browse by Date where Item Type is "Book Section" and Year is "2008"

Number of items: 76.
  • Making progress against cancer. (2008) Albreht, T; McKee, M; Alexe, DM; Coleman, M; Martin-Moreno, J
  • Responding to the challenge of cancer in Europe. (2008) Alexe, DM; Albreht, T; McKee, M; Coleman, M
  • Measurement and modelling: systematic reviews in public health. (2008) Armstrong, R; Waters, E; Roberts, I; Anderson, LM; Oliver, S; Petticrew, M
  • Health financing and communicable disease control: Conceptual issues and implications. (2008) Atun, RA; Politi, C; Gurol-Urganci, I; Kutzin, J
  • B
  • The long wave of HIV/AIDS: a special case of pathogen-host-environment interactions. (2008) Barnett, T
  • Travel Medicine. (2008) Behrens, RH; Steffen, R
  • Conclusions: Implications for national policy and international assistance. (2008) Bennett, S; Mills, A; and Gilson, L
  • Protecting the poor from the costs of services through financing reform. (2008) Bennett, S; and Gilson, L
  • Medicine and the Public: The 1962 Report of the Royal College of Physicians and the New Public Health. (2008) Berridge, V
  • Crisis and Opportunity in Drug Policy: Changing the Direction of British Drug Services in the 1980s. (2008) Berridge, V; Mold, A
  • Perceived gynaecological morbidity, health-seeking behaviour and expenditure in Karnataka. (2008) Bhatia, J; Cleland, J
  • Overview of the Costs of Obstetric Care and the Economic and Social Consequences for Households. (2008) Borghi, J; Storeng, KT; Filippi, V
  • Chlamydial Infections. (2008) Burton, MJ
  • Paying for chronic disease care. (2008) Busse, R; Mays, N
  • C
  • Stopping women dying during childbirth. How are the Commonwealth countries doing? (2008) Campbell, O; Graham, WJ
  • Stopping women dying during childbirth. How are the Commonwealth countries doing? (2008) Campbell, O; Graham, WJ
  • Comparative genomics of Campylobacter jejuni. (2008) Champion, O; Al-Jaberi, S; Stabler, R; Wren, B
  • Contemporary emerging and re-emerging to electable diseases: challenges to control. (2008) Coker, R; Atun, R; McKee, M
  • Health systems and communicable diseases: predicting and responding to future challenges. (2008) Coker, R; Atun, R; Menusa, A; McKee, M
  • Cancer Section. (2008) Coleman, M.P.(Ed)
  • Integrated vector management against malaria. (2008) Curtis, CF
  • D
  • Changes in women's paid work. (2008) Dex, S; Joshi, H; Neuburger, J; Bukodi, E
  • BCG Vaccination: Epidemiology and Immunology. (2008) Dockrell, HM; Gorak-Stolinska, P; Rodrigues, LC
  • E
  • Networks in Epidemiology. (2008) Eames, KTD; Read, JM
  • Improving the Effectiveness of Health Targets. (2008) Ernst, K; Wismar, M; Busse, R; McKee, M
  • Improving the Effectiveness of Health Targets. (2008) Ernst, K; Wismar, M; Busse, R; McKee, M
  • Planning health care capacity: whose responsibility? (2008) Ettelt, S; McKee, M; Nolte, E; Mays, N; Thomson, S
  • F
  • Analysis of small GTPase function in trypanosomes. (2008) Field, MC; Horn, D; Carrington, M
  • Chapter 2. Patient Organizations and the Economic and Industrial World: Towards New Types of Relationship? Summary of the discussion (group 2). (2008) Filipe, AM
  • Chapter 3. Social and political stakes of associative networks, coalitions, and collectives. Summary of the discussion (group 1). (2008) Filipe, AM
  • G
  • World-Wide Causes of Blindness in Children. (2008) Gilbert, CE
  • Human herpesviruses 6 and 7 (Herpesviridae). (2008) Gompels, U
  • Introduction. Edgy spaces: technology, the environment and public health. (2008) Green, J
  • Public Health and Health Promotion. (2008) Green, J
  • Introduction. From critique to engagement: why critical public health matters. (2008) Green, J; Labonte, R
  • The challenges of ageing: Prospects for the family support of older people in 21st century Europe. (2008) Grundy, E
  • H
  • Pig semiochemicals and their potential for feral pig control in NE Australia. (2008) Hiese-Pavlov, S; Logan, JG
  • Evolution of Pathogen Yersinia. (2008) Hinchliffe, SJ; Strong, PCR; Howard, SL; Wren, BW
  • Commercial Welfare. (2008) Holden, C
  • International Trade and Welfare. (2008) Holden, C
  • Regulation, Accountability and Trade in Health Services. (2008) Holden, C
  • Women and work in the development context: an introduction to changing perspectives and gains over the last 40 years. (2008) Hutchinson, E
  • K
  • Campylobacter jejuni capsule polysaccharide. (2008) Karlyshev, A; Wren, B; Moran, A
  • Communicable disease in Europe. (2008) Karmali, S; Amato-Gauci, A; AmmonA; McKee, M
  • Pragmatic Evidence and the Politics of Everyday Practice. (2008) Kelly, A
  • Multiple Imputation. (2008) Kenward, MG; Carpenter, JR
  • L
  • Effective governmental responses to communicable disease challenges. (2008) Lee, K; Wyn Owen, J
  • Health in Developing Countries. (2008) Legido-Quigley, H
  • Economic models of hospital behaviour. (2008) Liu, X; Mills, A
  • Economic models of hospital behaviour. (2008) Liu, X; Mills, A
  • M
  • Trachoma: Recent developments. (2008) Mabey, D
  • Interest groups and civil society in public health policy. (2008) Mays, N
  • Origins and development of the National Health Service. (2008) Mays, N
  • On target? Monitoring and Evaluation. (2008) McKee, M
  • The changing face of transitional societies. (2008) McKee, M; Falkingham, J
  • Health, Economic Development and Household Poverty: the role of the health sector. (2008) Mills, A; Bennett, S; Gilson, L
  • Sensitivity Analysis for Incomplete Data. (2008) Molenberghs, G; Verbeke, G; Kenward, MG
  • 'The "ineffable freemasonry of sex": feminist surgeons and the establishment of radiotherapy in early twentieth-century Britain'. (2008) Moscucci, O
  • Air Pollution and Urban Built Environment. (2008) Mumovic, D; Milner, J
  • N
  • Surveillance of viral infections. (2008) Noah, N
  • Managing chronic conditions: An introduction to the experience in eight countries. (2008) Nolte, E; McKee, M; Knai, C
  • P
  • Public health partnerships. (2008) Peckham, S
  • R
  • Access to care and the right to life of disabled children in Bulgaria. (2008) Rechel, B
  • Belarus. (2008) Rechel, B
  • The Burden of Tuberculosis in Pediatric and Maternal Populations. (2008) Reddy, KP; Moore, DAJ; Gilman, RH
  • Molecular Dissection of Bluetongue virus. (2008) Roy, P
  • Structure and function of Bluetongue virus and its proteins. (2008) Roy, P
  • S
  • The Emergence of Health Targets: Some Basic Principles. (2008) Srivastava, D; McKee, M
  • Urban Health in Developing Countries. (2008) Stephens, C; Satterthwaite, D
  • Environmental Justice and Health. (2008) Stephens, C; Willis, R; Church, C
  • T
  • Potential family support for older people 2000-2030. (2008) Tomassini, C; Grundy, E; Kalogirou, S
  • W
  • Chapter 7: The Economics and Financing of Tropical and Infectious Disease Control. (2008) Walker, D; Goodman, C
  • The Parasite. (2008) Warhurst, DC
  • Cancer Epidemiology. (2008) Wark, PA; Peto, J
  • Vitamin A deficiency and its prevention. (2008) Wedner, SH; Ross, DA
  • Introduction. (2008) Wismar, M; McKee, M; Busse, R; Ernst, K