Browse by Date where Item Type is "Book Section" and Year is "2003"
Number of items: 121.
Trichomonas. (2003)
Ackers, JP
Drug misuse and the community pharmacist: a historical overview. (2003)
Anderson, S; Berridge, V
Severe malnutrition. (2003)
Ashworth, A
Cultural transmission and diffusion. (2003)
Aunger, R
HIV/AIDS, human development and the coming epidemic in the Balkans, Baltic, Russian Federation and the CIS. (2003)
Barnett, T
Socioeconomic position and coronary heart disease risk factors in children and young people. (2003)
Batty, GD; Leon, DA
Visiting friends and relatives. (2003)
Behrens, RH
Travel medicine. (2003)
Behrens, RH; Steffen, R
The Black report: interpreting history. (2003)
Berridge, V
Evaluación de intervenciones: ¿Cuál es el papel de la economía? (2003)
Bertozzi, SM; Gutierrez, JP; Bautista, S
Sexual health should be subject to experimental evaluation. (2003)
Bonell, C; Bennett, R; Oakley, A
Egypt 1992-2000. (2003)
Campbell, OMR
How much disease could climate change cause? (2003)
Campbell-Lendrum, DH; Pruss-Ustun, A; Corvalan, CF
Comparative analysis for four European countries. (2003)
Castagnaro, C; Garbero, A; Iezzi, F
Zimbabweans in England: building capacity for culturally competent health promotion. (2003)
Chinouya, M
Babesiosis. (2003)
Chiodini, PL
Parasitic infections. (2003)
Chiodini, PL
Other protozoal infections. (2003)
Chiodini, PL; Schuster, H
Family Change and the Role of Grandparents. (2003)
Clarke, L; Grundy, E
Children's changing families and family resources. (2003)
Clarke, L; Joshi, H
Father Involvement in Britain: the research and policy evidence. (2003)
Clarke, L; O'Brien, M
Mortality-Fertility Relationships. (2003)
Cleland, J
World Fertility Survey. (2003)
Cleland, J
The value of the imperfect: the contribution of interview surveys to the study of gynaecological ill health. (2003)
Cleland, J; Harlow, S
Integrating qualitative and quantitative methods in resaerch on reproductive health. (2003)
Cleland, J; Pelto, P
Cancer. (2003)
Coleman, MP
What are the relative advantages of biological, behavioural, and psychosocial outcome measures? (2003)
Cowan, FM; Plummer, M
Taxonomy and classification of human parasites. (2003)
Cox, F
Antiprotozoals. (2003)
Croft, SL
Disease vector control: development and implementation of control methods. (2003)
Curtis, CF
Measuring public-health outcomes of release of transgenic mosquitoes. (2003)
Curtis, CF
Covariance decompositions and betting markets: early insights using data from French trotting. (2003)
Dowie, J
Health impact: its estimation, assessment and analysis. (2003)
Dowie, J
Violence against women. (2003)
Dutton, MA; Kilpatrick, D; Friedman, M; Patel, V
Clinical definitions of gynecological morbidity relating to infections of the reproductive tract. (2003)
Elias, C; Low, NM; Hawkes, S
Introduction. Learning from HIV and AIDS: from multidisciplinary to interdisciplinarity. (2003)
Ellison, G; Parker, M; Campbell, C
Sources of information in tropical medicine. (2003)
Eyers, JE
Using information technologies and teaching online. (2003)
Eyers, JE; Sackville, A
Global Issues. (2003)
Fletcher, T
Teenage Pregnancy. (2003)
Free, C
Pneumococcal Disease. (2003)
French, N; Gilks, C
Measurement of Social Exclusion and its Demographic Implications in Ireland. (2003)
Garbero, A
Measurement of Social Exclusion and its Demographic Implications in Spain. (2003)
Garbero, A
Part B: Quantitative Baseline Survey. (2003)
Garbero, A
Social Exclusion: conceptual and meausurement issues. (2003)
Garbero, A
The epidemiology of HIV and AIDS: contributions to infectious disease epidemiology. (2003)
Ghani, A; Boily, M
Retinopathy of Prematurity. (2003)
Gilbert, C
Visual impairment and blindness in children. (2003)
Gilbert, C; Rahi, J; Quinn, G
Tobacco control and the liberal state: the legal, ethical and policy debates. (2003)
Gilmore, A; McKee, M
Intervening in the public private mix ? the strategy of policy action. (2003)
Gilson, L; Thomas, S
The ultimate challenge for risk technologies: controlling the accidental. (2003)
Green, J
Generalisability of Trials and Implementation of Research into Practice. (2003)
Grosskurth, H; Kumaranayake, L
The epidemiology of aging. (2003)
Grundy, EMD
Providing Health Services to HIV/AIDS Patients in Southern Africa. (2003)
Haacker, M
Quality of Life and Child Behavior. (2003)
Haggard, MP; Smith, SC; Nicholls, EE
Impacts on health of climate extremes. (2003)
Hales, S; Edwards, S; Kovats, RS
Genetic eipdemiology. (2003)
Hammond, C; Gilbert, C
Reproductive health: men's roles and men's rights. (2003)
Hawkes, S; Hart, G
Cluster randomized trials of sexual health interventions. (2003)
Hayes, RJ
Evolving Infectious Disease Threats to National and Global Security. (2003)
Heymann, DL
Infectious Disease Threats to National and Global Security. (2003)
Heymann, DL
SARS: A Global Perspective. (2003)
Heymann, DL; Stohr, K
Diverse Family Living Situations and Child Development: a multi-level analysis comparing longitudinal evidence from Britain and the United States. (2003)
Joshi, H; Cooksey, EC; Wiggins, RD; McCulloch, A; Verropoulou, G; Clarke, L
Adolescent reproductive health in Latin America among low income groups. (2003)
Juarez, F
Oxidative Damage in Inflammatory Joint Diseases. (2003)
Kaur, H
Murine Leishmaniasis. (2003)
Kaye, PM; Engwerda, CRE
Treatment. (2003)
King, M; Bebbington, P; Nur, U
Factors affecting the reduction of maternal mortality. (2003)
Koblinsky, MA; Campbell, O
National assessments of health impacts of climate change: a review. (2003)
Kovats, RS; Menne, B; Ahern, M; Patz, J
Coping with private health markets: regulatory effectiveness in Sub-Saharan Africa. (2003)
Kumaranayake, L; Hongoro, C; Lake, S; Mujinja, P; Mpembeni, R
Interdisciplinary approaches towards TB control. (2003)
Lienhardt, C; Ogden, J; Sow, O
Leprosy (Hansen's Disease). (2003)
Lockwood, DNJ
Sexually transmitted infections (excluding HIV). (2003)
Mabey, D; Richens, J
From School to the Labour Market. (2003)
Makepeace, G; Dolton, P; Woods, L; Joshi, H; Galinda-Rueda, F
Herpes genital. (2003)
Malkin, J-, E; Mayaud, P; Belec, L
Drugs - therapy and pleasure. (2003)
Mars, S; Berridge, V
Interpreting results from different sources of data. (2003)
Marshall, T; Filippi, V; Meheus, A; Bulut, A
Origins and development of the National Health Service. (2003)
Mays, N
European Journal of Public Health and EUPHA ? 10 years on. (2003)
McKee, M
Public health in eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. (2003)
McKee, M; Zatonski, W
Environment as a global public good for health (Chapter 5). (2003)
McMichael, AJ; Butler, C; Ahern, M
The haemostatic system in arterial disease. (2003)
Meade, TW; MacCallum, PK; Miller, GJ
American Trypanosomiasis (Chagas Disease). (2003)
Miles, MA
American trypanosomiasis. (2003)
Miles, MA
Assesing the distribution of household financial contributions to the health system: Concepts and empirical application. (2003)
Murray, CJL; Xu, K; Klavus, J; Kawabata, K; Hanvoravongchai, P; Zeramdini, R; Aguilar-Rivera, AM; Evans, DB
Diarrheal outbreaks associated with airline flights. (2003)
Mutsch, M; Noah, N
Special Hosts: Children, Pregnant Women, Immunocompromised Patients, the Elderly traveler. (2003)
Oberhelman, RA; McLellan, SLF; Behrens, RH
Allergic conjuctivitis. (2003)
Owen, CG; Henshaw, K; Smeeth, L; Sheikh, A
Allergic conjuctivitis. (2003)
Owen, CG; Henshaw, K; Smeeth, L; Sheikh, A
Serious contractual difficulties? A case study of contracting for PHC in South Africa. (2003)
Palmer, N; Mills, A
Anthropological reflections on HIV prevention strategies: the case for targeting London's backrooms. (2003)
Parker, M
Cultural issues in measurement and research. (2003)
Patel, V
Introduction: The role of NGOs in mental health care. (2003)
Patel, V; Thara, R
Developments in primary care. (2003)
Peckham, S
Improving local health. (2003)
Peckham, S
NHS policy developments. (2003)
Peckham, S
Who are the partners in public health? (2003)
Peckham, S
Primary care and public health. (2003)
Peckham, S; Taylor, P
The new public health worker. (2003)
Peckham, S; Wirrmann, E
All pain and no gain? A study of mergers of NHS trusts in London: two year post-merger findings on the drivers of mergers and the processes of merging. (2003)
Protopsaltis, G; Fulop, N; King, A; Allen, P; Hutchings, A; Normand, C; Walters, R
Reviewing severe maternal morbidity: learning from women who survive life-threatening complications. (2003)
Ronsmans, C; Filippi, V
Health-related quality of life. (2003)
Rowan, K; Jenkinson, C; Black, N
A life-history approach to fertility rates in rural Gambia: evidence for trade-offs or phenotypic correlations? (2003)
Sear, R; MacE, R; McGregor, IA
Screening older people for impaired vision. (2003)
Smeeth, L
What does economics have to offer in the war against antimicrobial resistance? (2003)
Smith, R
Antimicrobial Drug resistance. (2003)
Smith, R; Coast, J
Global Public Goods for health: use and limitations. (2003)
Smith, R; Woodward, D
Global Public Goods For Health: from theory to policy. (2003)
Smith, RD; Beaglehole, R; Drager, N; Woodward, D
Civil Society and Environmental Justice. (2003)
Stephens, C; Bullock, S
NGOs in mental health: Meeting the need? (2003)
Thara, R; Patel, V
Genomics Knowledge. (2003)
Thorsteinsdottir, H; Daar, A; Smith, R; Singer, P
Community Nutrition and its impact on developing countries (the Chilean experience). (2003)
Weisstaub, G; Araya, M; Uauy, R
Famine, starvation and Fasting. (2003)
Widdowson, EM; Ashworth, A
Monitoring the health effects of climate change. (2003)
Wilkinson, P; Campbell-Lendrum, DH
How does Trypanosoma cruzi survive the toxic effects of reactive oxygen species? (2003)
Wilkinson, SR; Kelly, JM
The World of Paid Work. (2003)
Woods, L; Makepeace, G; Joshi, H; Dolton, P
Global Public Goods For Health: concepts and issues. (2003)
Woodward, D; Smith, R
Global public goods for health: concepts and issues: chapter 1. (2003)
Woodward, D; Smith, R
Household health system contributions and capacity to pay: Definitional, empirical and technical challenges. (2003)
Xu, K; Klavus, J; Kawabata, K; Evans, DB; Hanvoravongchai, P; Ortiz de Iturbide, J
AIDS. (2003)
Zaba, B
Sangath--Families as partners. (2003)
de Souza, N; Patel, V