Browse by Date where Item Type is "Book" and Year is "2013"
Number of items: 11.
What are the impacts of approaches to increase the accessibility to education for people with a disability across developed and developing countries and what is known about the cost-effectiveness of different approaches? (2013)
Bakshi, P; Kett, M; Oliver, K
Demons: Our changing attitudes to alcohol, tobacco, and drugs. (2013)
Berridge, V
Multiple imputation and its application. (2013)
Carpenter, J; R; Kenward, M; G
Don't look, don't touch, the science behind revulsion. (2013)
Curtis, V
Mims' Medical Microbiology. (2013)
Goering, RV; Dockrell, HM; Zuckerman, M; Roitt, IM; Chiodini, PL
Malaria control in humanitarian emergencies: An interagency field handbook, 2nd Edition. (2013)
Howard, N; Clements-Hunt, A
Clinical Guidelines for Chronic Conditions in the European Union. (2013)
Legido-Quigley, H; Panteli, D; Car, J; McKee, M; Busse, R
Successes and failures of health policy in Europe:four decades of diverging trends and converging challenges. (2013)
MacKenbach, JP; McKee, M
Building European Reference Networks in Health Care. Exploring concepts and national practices in the European Union. (2013)
Palm, W; Glinos, I; Rechel, B; Garel, P; Busse, R; Figueras, J
HIV & TB Drug Resistance and Clinical Management Case Book. (2013)
Rossouw, T; Lessells, RJ; de Oliveira, T
New Norms and Knowledge in World Politics: Protecting people, intellectual property and the environment. (2013)
Stoeva, P