Browse by Date where Item Type is "Book" and Year is "2011"
Number of items: 16.
  • Environment, Health and History. (2011) Berridge, V; Gorsky, M
  • Public Health in History. (2011) Berridge, V; Gorsky, M; Mold, A
  • Many Reasons to Intervene: French and British Approaches to Humanitarian Action. (2011) Blanchet, K; Martin, B
  • Many Reasons to Intervene: French and British Approaches to Humanitarian Action. (2011) Blanchet, K; Martin, B
  • Childhood obesity and educational attainment: a systematic review. (2011) Caird, J; Kavanagh, J; Oliver, K; Oliver, S; O’Mara, A; Stansfield, C; Thomas, J
  • Introduction to Epidemiology, Second Edition. (2011) Carneiro, I; Howard, N
  • Working in International Health. (2011) Gedde, M; Edjang, S; Mandeville, K
  • Evidence, Ethos and Experiment: the Anthropology and History of Medical Research in Africa. (2011) Geissler, PW; Molyneux, C
  • Introduction to Health Economics (Understanding Public Health). (2011) Guinness, L; Wiseman, V
  • Researching Families and Relationships: Reflections on Process. (2011) Jamieson, L; Simpson, R; Lewis, R; (Eds)
  • Class, Labour and Experimentation: On the Value of Medical Research in Africa. (2011) Kelly, A; Geissler, PW
  • Understanding New Labour's market reforms of the English NHS. (2011) Mays, N; Dixon, A; Jones, L
  • Global Health: Diseases, Programmes Systems and Policies. (2011) Merson, M; Black, R; Mills, A
  • Migration and health in the European Union. (2011) Rechel, B; Mladovsky, P; Devillé, W; Rijks, B; Petrova-Benedict, R; McKee, M
  • Health systems in low- and middle-income countries: an economic and policy perspective. (2011) Smith, R; Hanson, K
  • Health Justice. An Argument from the Capabilities Approach. (2011) Venkatapuram, S