Browse by Date where Item Type is "Book" and Year is "2008"
Number of items: 18.
Health, Economic Development and Household Poverty: From Understanding to Action. (2008)
Bennett, S; Gilson, L; and Mills, A; (eds.)
Innovative mental health programs in Latin America. (2008)
Caldas de Almeida, JM; Cohen, A
Responding to the challenge of cancer in Europe. (2008)
Coleman, MP; Alexe, DM; Albreht, T; McKee, M
A shared responsibility: safeguarding arrangements between hospitals and children's social services. (2008)
Datta, J; Hart, D
Mims' Medical Microbiology. (2008)
Goering, RV; Dockrell, HM; Zuckerman, M; Wakelin, D; Roitt, IM; Mims, C; Chiodini, PL
Critical Perspectives in Public Health. (2008)
Green, J; Labonte, R
Sexually Transmitted Diseases. (2008)
Holmes, KK; Sparling, PF; Stamm, WE; Piot, P; Wasserheit, JN; Corey, L; Cohen, MS
Assuring the Quality of Health Care in the European Union: A Call for Action. (2008)
Legido-Quigley, H; McKee, M; Nolte, E; Glinos, I
Heroin: The Treatment of Addiction in Twentieth-century Britain. (2008)
Mold, A
Managing chronic conditions: An introduction to the experience in eight countries. (2008)
Nolte, E; Knai, C; McKee, M
Caring for people with chronic conditions: A health system perspective. (2008)
Nolte, E; McKee, M
Health promotion, inequalities and young people’s health. (2008)
Oliver, S; Kavanagh, J; Caird, J; Lorenc, T; Oliver, K; Harden, A
A political practice of occupational therapy. (2008)
Pollard, N; Sakellariou, D; Kronenberg, F
Qualitative research in health care 3rd Edn (Japanese language edition). (2008)
Pope, C; Mays, N
The long way back to Europe: minority protection in Bulgaria. (2008)
Rechel, B
Trafficking of women into forced prostitution- the example of the Republic of Uzbekistan (German: Frauenhandel in die Zwangsprostitution- am Beispiel der Republik Usbekistan). (2008)
Stoeckl, H
Targeted youth support: Rapid Evidence Assessment of effective early interventions for youth at risk of future poor outcomes. (2008)
Thomas, J; Vigurs, C.-, A; Oliver, K; Suarez, B; Newman, M; Dickson, K; Sinclair, J
Targets for health: uses and abuses. (2008)
Wismar, M; McKee, M; Busse, R; Ernst, K