Browse by Date where Item Type is "Book" and Year is "2006"
Number of items: 32.
Disease control priorities in developing countries, second edition. (2006)
Alleyne, G; Breman, J; Claeson, M; Evans, D; Jamison, D; Jha, P; Measham, A; Mills, A; and Musgrove, P; (eds)
AIDS in the 21st Century: disease and globalisation. (2006)
Barnett, T; Whiteside, A
The HIV pandemic: local and global implications. (2006)
Beck, EJ; Mays, N; Whiteside, A; Zuniga, J
Walking London's medical history. (2006)
Black, N
Critique de la raison humanitaire. (2006)
Blanchet, K; Martin, B
Health Promotion Theory. (2006)
Davies, M; MacDowall, W
Lifting the Smokescreen: Tobacco industry strategy to defeat smoke free policies and legislation. (2006)
Diethelm, P; McKee, M
Supporting local health care in a chronic crisis: Management and financing in the Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo. (2006)
Dijkzeul, D; Lynch, CA
Human resources for health in Europe. (2006)
Dubois, CAD; McKEE, M; NOLTE, E.(Eds.)
Managing Health Services. (2006)
Goodwin, N; Gruen, R; Iles, V
Managing Networks of 21st Century Organizations. (2006)
Goodwin, N; Peck, E; Freeman, T
Mutualism and health care: British hospital contributory schemes in the twentieth century. (2006)
Gorsky, M; Mohan, J; With Willis, T
Financing Medicine: The British experience since 1750. (2006)
Gorsky, M; Sheard, S
A Short Introduction to Stata for Biostatistics. (2006)
Hills, M; de Stavola, B
The Role of Health Impact Assessment. (2006)
Lee, K
How to regulate health care in England? An international perspective. (2006)
Lewis, R; Alvarez-Rosete, A; Mays, N
Health Promotion Practice. (2006)
Macdowall, W; Bonell, C; Davies, M; (Eds)
Survival Analysis: A Practical Approach. (2006)
Machin, D; Cheung, YB; Parmar, M
Controlling Communicable Disease. (2006)
Noah, N
Controlling communicable disease: the essentials [textbook]. (2006)
Noah, N
Investing in health. Benchmarking health systems. (2006)
Nolte, E; Wait, S; McKee, M
Skills for practice based purchasing. Commissioning Handbook. (2006)
Peckham, S
Systematic reviews in the social sciences: a practical guide. (2006)
Petticrew, M; Roberts, H
Qualitative research in health care. (2006)
Pope, C; Mays, N
The health care workforce in Europe. Learning from experience. (2006)
Rechel, B; Dubois, C.-, A; McKee, M
Drivers of Corporate Investment in Public Sector Capabilities. (2006)
Roemer-Mahler, A
Patient Mobility in the European Union: Learning from experience. (2006)
Rosenmöller, M; McKee, M; Baeten, R
Analytical Models for Decision Making. (2006)
Sanderson, C; Gruen, R
Towards Managed Primary Care: The Role and Experience of Primary Care Organizations. (2006)
Smith, J; Goodwin, N
Clinical Trials: A Practical Guide to Design, Analysis and Reporting. (2006)
Wang, D; Bakhai, A
Care providers, care receivers: a longitudinal perspective. (2006)
Young, H; Grundy, E; Jitlal, M
Stolen Smiles: The physical and psychological health consequences of women and adolescents trafficked in Europe. (2006)
Zimmerman, C; Hossain, M; Yun, K; Roche, B; Morison, L; Watts, C