Browse by Date where Item Type is "Book" and Year is "2004"
Number of items: 30.
Guide for Conducting Household Surveys for Key Practices that Safeguard Child Health / Guía para Realizar la Encuesta de Hogares Sobre las Prácticas Clave que Protegen la Salud Infantil. (2004)
Chico, RM; Drasbek, C; Benguigui, Y
Guide for Directors of Community-based Organizations / Guía de Dirigentes de Organizaciones de Base. (2004)
Chico, RM; Drasbek, C; Benguigui, Y
Guide for Facilitators of Community Health Worker Training / Guía para Facilitadores de la Capacitación a Agentes Comunitarios de Salud. (2004)
Chico, RM; Drasbek, C; Benguigui, Y
Guide for Health Service Professionals / Guía para Profesionales de los Servicos de Salud. (2004)
Chico, RM; Drasbek, C; Benguigui, Y
Guide for Local Coordinators, Red Cross and Health Personnel / Guía para Los Coordinadores Locales, la Cruz Roja y Personal de Salud. (2004)
Chico, RM; Drasbek, C; Benguigui, Y
Guide for Mayors and Local Governments / Guía del Alcalde en su Govierno Local. (2004)
Chico, RM; Drasbek, C; Benguigui, Y
Guide for Teachers and Schools / Guía del Maestro y su Esquela. (2004)
Chico, RM; Drasbek, C; Benguigui, Y
Guide for Volunteers of the Red Cross / Guía para Voluntarios de la Cruz Roja. (2004)
Chico, RM; Drasbek, C; Benguigui, Y
Studying the Organization and Delivery of Health Services: A Reader. (2004)
Clarke, A; Allen, P; Anderson, SC; Black, N; Fulop, N
The effects of contraception on obstetric outcomes. (2004)
Marston, C; Cleland, J
European Union enlargement: The implications for health policy. (2004)
McKee, M; MacLehose, L; Nolte, E
Medical Microbiology 3rd Edition. (2004)
Mims, C; Dockrell, HM; Goring, RV; Roitt, I; Wakelin, D; Zuckerman, M
Learning lessons from the experience of the Task Force on Communicable Disease Control in the Baltic sea region: Programme evaluation. (2004)
Rechel, B; McKee, M
Millennium Development Goals for Health in Europe and Central Asia. Relevance and Policy Implications. (2004)
Rechel, B; Shapo, L; McKee, M
Food and Health in Europe: A New Basis for Action (European Series No 96). (2004)
Robertson, A; Tirado, C; Lobstein, T; Knai, C; Jensen, J; Ferro-Luzzi, A; James, W