Browse by Date where Item Type is "Book" and Year is "2003"
Number of items: 28.
  • Caring for severely malnourished children. (2003) Ashworth, A; Burgess, A
  • Guidelines for the inpatient treatment of severely malnourished children. (2003) Ashworth, A; Khanum, S; Jackson, A; : Schofield, C
  • Reflexive Ethnographic Science. (2003) Aunger, R
  • Poor health: social inequality before and after the Black report. (2003) Berridge, V; Blume, S
  • Transborder health risks and the UK: Case studies on population mobility and tobacco control. (2003) Collin, J; Lee, K
  • Moving up with diabetes: the transition from paediatric to adult care. (2003) Datta, J
  • Learning from HIV and AIDS. (2003) Ellison, G; Parker, M; Campbell, C
  • A Short Introduction to Stata 8 for Biostatistics. (2003) Hills, M; de Stavola, BL
  • Design and Analysis of Cross-Over Trials, Second Edition. (2003) Jones, B; Kenward, MG
  • Molecular Mechanisms in the Pathogenesis of Chagas? Disease. (2003) Kelly, JM
  • Essential Medical Statistics. (2003) Kirkwood, BR; Sterne, JAC
  • Methods of assessing human health vulnerability and public health adaptation to climate change. (2003) Kovats, RS; Ebi, K; Menne, B; Contributing authors:; Campbell-Lendrum, D; Canziani, OF; Githeko, A; Kuhn, K; Le Sueur, D; Martens, P; McMichael, AJ; Moreno, AR; Patz, J; Riedel, D; Scheraga, J; Seymour, E; Sharpe, M; Street, R
  • Globalisation and health: an introduction. (2003) Lee, K
  • Health impacts of globalization, Towards global governance. (2003) Lee, K
  • Public health, foreign policy and security: a discussion paper. (2003) Lee, K; McInnes, C
  • Handbook on the use of tobacco industry documents for research. (2003) MacKenzie, R; Collin, J; Lee, K
  • L'acquisto di cure in medicina generale: l'esperienza inglese dal fundholding al total purchasing (in Italian). (2003) Mays, N; Wyke, S; Malbon, G; Goodwin, N
  • Climate change and human health - risks and responses. (2003) McMichael, AJ; Campbell-Lendrum, DH; Corval?n, CF; Ebi, KL; Githeko, A; Scheraga, JD; Woodward, A
  • Economics of AIDS and access to HIV-AIDS care in developing countries: issues and challenges. (2003) Moatti, J.-, P; Barnett, T; Coriat, B; Souteyrand, Y; Dumoulin, J; Flori, Y.-, A
  • Where there is No Psychiatrist. (2003) Patel, V
  • Meeting the mental health needs of developing countries: NGO innovations in India. (2003) Patel, V; Thara, R
  • Primary Care: Policy, Organisation and Management. (2003) Peckham, S; Exworthy, M
  • Healing the crisis. A prescription for public health action in South-Eastern Europe. (2003) Rechel, B; McKee, M
  • Assessing the economic impact of communicable disease outbreaks: the case of SARS. (2003) Smith, R; Sommers, T
  • Global Public Goods for Health: a health economic and public health perspective. (2003) Smith, RD; Beaglehole, R; Drager, N; Woodward, D
  • Effective Sexual Health Interventions: Issues in Experimental Evaluation. (2003) Stephenson, J; Imrie, J; Bonell, C
  • Evidence Based Ophthalmology. (2003) Wormald, R; Smeeth, L; Henshaw, K
  • The health risks and consequences of trafficking in women and adolescents: Findings from a European study. (2003) Zimmerman, C; Yun, K; Shvab, I; Watts, C; Trappolin, L; Treppete, M; Bimbi, F; Adams, B; Jiraporn, S; Beci, L; Albrecht, M; Bindel, J; Regan, L