Browse by Date where Item Type is "Book" and Year is "2001"

Number of items: 60.
  • Primary Care Groups and Trusts: Improving Health. (2001) Abbott, S; Florin, D; Fulop, N; Gillam, S
  • Health insurance for the informal sector in Africa: design features, risk protection, and resource mobilization. (2001) Arhin-Tenkorang, DC
  • Mobilizing resources for health: the case for user fees revisited. (2001) Arhin-Tenkorang, DC
  • Duration of exclusive breastfeeding: a review. (2001) Ashworth, A; Tedstone, AE; Folson, G
  • The adaptation and use of generic health-related quality of life measures in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and South America: a critical review of the literature. (2001) Bowden, A; Fox-Rushby, J
  • Community HIV and AIDS prevention strategy. Sixth process evaluation report. (2001) Branigan, P
  • A systematic and independent assessment of European alcohol policies: final report for the Amsterdam Group. (2001) Britton, A; McPherson, K
  • A systematic and independent epidemiological assessment of alcohol and its effect on mortality in European countries: final report for the International Life Sciences Institute. (2001) Britton, A; McPherson, K
  • Design and Analysis of Cluster Randomized Trials. (2001) Campbell, MJ; Donner, A; Elbourne, D
  • National maternal mortality study: Egypt 2000. (2001) Campbell, OMR
  • The effectiveness of mental health services in primary care: The view from the developing world. (2001) Cohen, A
  • Cost effectiveness study of iron supplementation and malaria chemoprophylaxis in the prevention of anaemia and malaria among infants in Northern Ghana - Interim study. (2001) Conteh, L
  • Module for distance based learning. Study unit 502. (2001) Corbett, E; Godfrey-Faussett, P; McNerney, R; Movahedzadeh, F; Porter, JDH; Stoker, N
  • Can more progress be made?: teenage sexual and reproductive behavior in developed countries. (2001) Darroch, JE; Frost, JJ; Singh, S; The Study Team (Including Wellings, K
  • The impact of HIV/AIDS on adult mortality in South Africa. (2001) Dorrington, R; Bourne, D; Bradshaw, D; Laubscher, R; Timaeus, IM
  • Teenage pregnancy co-ordinator biographies: report prepared for the Department of Health. (2001) French, R; Kane, R
  • Studying the organisation and delivery of health services: research methods. (2001) Fulop, NJ; Allen, P; Clarke, AE; Black, NA
  • Determinants of smoking and health in Belarus and Ukraine. Studies in Public Policy no. 348. (2001) Gilmore, A; McKee, M; Rose, R; Telishevska, M
  • Don't look back ? Voluntary and charitable finance of hospitals in Britain, past and present. (2001) Gorsky, M; Mohan, J
  • Health Service utilisation and expenditures in Tbilisi - 2000. (2001) Gotsadze, G; Gzirishvili, D; Bennett, S; Ranson, K
  • Specifications for netting materials: report of an informal consultation WHO, Geneva, 8-9 June 2000. (2001) Guillet, P; Cham, K; Zaim, M; Carnivale, P; Hougard, J.-, M; Lengeler, C; Rowland, M
  • Health Care Reform: Policy Content and Process in the Caribbean. (2001) Hadley, M; Mills, A; (Eds)
  • Health care reform: policy content and process in the Caribbean. Study No. 1: the historical development of the health system in the Bahamas. (2001) Hadley, M; Mills, AJ
  • Health care reform: policy content and process in the Caribbean. Study No. 2: the historical development of the health system in Trinidad and Tobago. (2001) Hadley, M; Mills, AJ
  • Health care reform: policy content and process in the Caribbean. Study No.3: the historical development of the health system in Suriname. (2001) Hadley, M; Mills, AJ
  • Health sector response to gender violence: a model for the development, implementation and evaluation of training for health care workers: project report, January 2001. (2001) Jacobs, T; Jewkes, RK
  • Developing an appropriate health sector response to gender-based violence: report of a workshop jointly hosted by the National Department of Health and South African Gender based Violence and Health Initiative, Farm Inn, Pretoria, 26 -27 March 2001. (2001) Jewkes, RK; Jacobs, T; Penn-Kekana, L; Webster, N
  • Public-private relations in health care. (2001) Keen, J; Light, D; Mays, N
  • Preliminary cost analysis of the prevention clinic for specialist HIV care. (2001) Kumaranayake, L
  • A review of the existing empirical evidence on globalisation and health. (2001) Lee, K; LEE K. and Collin J. (2001), \"A review of the existing empirica, March2001
  • The purchasing of health care by primary care organizations: an evaluation and guide to future policy. (2001) Mays, N; Wyke, S; Malbon, G; Goodwin, N
  • The World health report 2000: advancing the debate. (2001) McKee, M
  • International co-operation in health. (2001) McKee, M; Garner, P; Stott, R
  • Germs, genes and greenhouse gases: the changing landscape of population health: Faculty of Public Health Medicine Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother Lecture, 2000. (2001) McMichael, AJ
  • Human frontiers, environments and disease: past patterns, uncertain futures. (2001) McMichael, AJ
  • Monitoring the progress of the 2010 target for coronary heart disease mortality: estimated consequences on CHD incidence and mortality from changing prevalence of risk factors: a report for the Chief Medical Officer. (2001) McPherson, K; Britton, A; NationalHeartForum
  • International public health. (2001) Merson, M; Black, R; Mills, AJ
  • Quantification of the impacts of air pollution on chronic disease mortality. (2001) Miller, B; Armstrong, B
  • The challenge of health sector reform: what must governments do? (2001) Mills, A; Bennett, S; Russell, S; Attanayake, N; Hongoro, C; Muraleedharan, VR; Smithson, P
  • User fees for health services: guidelines for protecting the poor. (2001) Newbrander, W; Collins, D; Gilson, L
  • The State of Goa?s Health. (2001) Patel, V; de Souza, N; Dias-Saxena, F; Dourado, R
  • Macronutrients as sources of food energy: position paper for FAO/WHO Expert consultation on Energy and Protein requirement for Health. (2001) Prentice, AM
  • Exemplary Research in Nursing and Midwifery. (2001) Rafferty, AM; Traynor, MT
  • Mental illness: a handbook for carers. (2001) Ramsay, R; Gerada, C; Mars, S; Szmukler, G
  • Improving access, maintaining fairness: will the NHS Plan meet the challenge in Health Care UK. (2001) Rosen, R; Florin, D; Clarke, A; Fulop, N
  • Field testing and evaluation of insecticides for indoor residual spraying against domestic vectors of Chagas disease. (2001) Schofield, CJ
  • Malaria and anaemia in pregnancy: importance, detection and prevention [Thesis]. (2001) Shulman, C
  • Working with the private sector providers for better health care, an introductory guide. (2001) Smith, E; Brugha, RF; Zwi, A
  • Discussion Paper no: 2 - A cost-benefit analysis of Neuropage: a memory aid for individuals suffering from severe memory impairment. (2001) Smith, R; M, M; A, ML; Ba, W; H, E
  • An economic evaluation of the costs of the new programme of antenatal care in Saudi Arabia. (2001) Smith, S; Fox-Rushby, J; Hutton, G; Mugford, M
  • Environmental justice - rights and means to a healthy environment for all. (2001) Stephens, C; Bullock, S; Scott, A
  • Cancer Incidence and Mortality in England and Wales: Trends and Risk Factors. (2001) Swerdlow, AJ; Dos Santos Silva, I; Doll, R
  • Report of the World Health Organisation Informal Consultation on schistosomiasis in low transmission areas: control strategies and criterial for elimination. (2001) Taylor, MG; Bickle, QD
  • Tackling the diseases of poverty: accelerating action against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. (2001) Vaughan, J. P., (Global Health Team,)
  • How sensitive does a rapid test for Chlamydia trachomatic or Neisseria gonorrhoea have to be? (2001) Watts, C; Vickerman, P
  • Advertising awareness: evaluation of CHAPS national HIV prevention adverts and leaflets targeted at gay men 1996-2000. (2001) Weatherburn, P; Henderson, L; Reid, D; Branigan, P; Keogh, P; Hickson, F
  • Country report for Great Britain: teenage sexual and reproductive behavior in developed countries. (2001) Wellings, K
  • Press coverage of the young people's campaign, October 2001: report prepared for the Department of Health. (2001) Wellings, K; Grundy, C; Kingori, P
  • Cold comfort: the social and environmental determinants of excess winter death in England, 1986-1996. (2001) Wilkinson, P; Landon, M; Armstrong, B; Stevenson, S; McKee, M
  • Brass tacks: essays in medical demography. (2001) Zaba, B; Blacker, J