Browse by Date where Item Type is "Article" and Year is "2020"

Number of items: 3253.
  • Effectiveness of seasonal malaria chemoprevention at scale in west and central Africa: an observational study. (2020) ACCESS-SMC Partnership
  • Comparison of HIV Risk Behaviors Between Clinical Trials and Observational Cohorts in Uganda. (2020) Abaasa, Andrew; Mayanja, Yunia; Nash, Stephen; Price, Matt; Fast, Patricia; Kaleebu, Pontiano; Todd, Jim
  • Comparison of HIV Risk Behaviors Between Clinical Trials and Observational Cohorts in Uganda. (2020) Abaasa, Andrew; Nash, Stephen; Mayanja, Yunia; Price, Matt A; Fast, Patricia E; Kaleebu, Pontiano; Todd, Jim
  • Comparison of retention in observational cohorts and nested simulated HIV vaccine efficacy trials in the key populations in Uganda. (2020) Abaasa, Andrew; Todd, Jim; Nash, Stephen; Mayanja, Yunia; Kaleebu, Pontiano; Fast, Patricia E; Price, Matt
  • The effect of co-morbid anxiety on remission from depression for people participating in a randomised controlled trial of the Friendship Bench intervention in Zimbabwe. (2020) Abas, Melanie Amna; Weiss, Helen Anne; Simms, Victoria; Verhey, Ruth; Rusakaniko, Simbarashe; Araya, Ricardo; Chibanda, Dixon
  • How Do Nigerian Newspapers Report Corruption in the Health System? (2020) Abba-Aji, Mohammed; Balabanova, Dina; Hutchinson, Eleanor; McKee, Martin
  • Effects of updated demography, disability weights, and cervical cancer burden on estimates of human papillomavirus vaccination impact at the global, regional, and national levels: a PRIME modelling study. (2020) Abbas, Kaja M; van Zandvoort, Kevin; Brisson, Marc; Jit, Mark
  • Routine childhood immunisation during the COVID-19 pandemic in Africa: a benefit-risk analysis of health benefits versus excess risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection. (2020) Abbas, Kaja; Procter, Simon R; van Zandvoort, Kevin; Clark, Andrew; Funk, Sebastian; Mengistu, Tewodaj; Hogan, Dan; Dansereau, Emily; Jit, Mark; Flasche, Stefan; LSHTM CMMID COVID-19 Working Group
  • The transmissibility of novel Coronavirus in the early stages of the 2019-20 outbreak in Wuhan: Exploring initial point-source exposure sizes and durations using scenario analysis. (2020) Abbott, Sam; Hellewell, Joel; Munday, James; CMMID nCoV working group; Funk, Sebastian
  • Estimating the time-varying reproduction number of SARS-CoV-2 using national and subnational case counts. (2020) Abbott, Sam; Hellewell, Joel; Thompson, Robin N; Sherratt, Katharine; Gibbs, Hamish P; Bosse, Nikos I; Munday, James D; Meakin, Sophie; Doughty, Emma L; Chun, June Young; Chan, Yung-Wai Desmond; Finger, Flavio; Campbell, Paul; Endo, Akira; Pearson, Carl AB; Gimma, Amy; Russell, Tim; Flasche, Stefan; Kucharski, Adam J; Eggo, Rosalind M; Funk, Sebastian
  • Estimating the time-varying reproduction number of SARS-CoV-2 using national and subnational case counts. (2020) Abbott, Sam; Hellewell, Joel; Thompson, Robin N; Sherratt, Katharine; Gibbs, Hamish P; Bosse, Nikos I; Munday, James D; Meakin, Sophie; Doughty, Emma L; Chun, June Young; Chan, Yung-Wai Desmond; Finger, Flavio; Campbell, Paul; Endo, Akira; Pearson, Carl AB; Gimma, Amy; Russell, Tim; Flasche, Stefan; Kucharski, Adam J; Eggo, Rosalind M; Funk, Sebastian
  • Parent-Related Normative Perceptions of Adolescents and Later Weight Control Behavior: Longitudinal Analysis of Cohort Data From Brazil. (2020) Abdalla, Safa; Buffarini, Romina; Weber, Ann M; Cislaghi, Beniamino; Costa, Janaína Calu; Menezes, Ana Maria B; Gonçalves, Helen; Wehrmeister, Fernando C; Meausoone, Valerie; Victora, Cesar G; Darmstadt, Gary L
  • Early feeding practices and associated factors in Sudan: a cross-sectional analysis from multiple Indicator cluster survey. (2020) Abdel-Rahman, Manar E; El-Heneidy, Asmaa; Benova, Lenka; Oakley, Laura
  • The Gini Coefficient as a useful measure of malaria inequality among populations. (2020) Abeles, Jonathan; Conway, David J
  • The Gini coefficient as a useful measure of malaria inequality among populations. (2020) Abeles, Jonathan; Conway, David J
  • Characterization of Posttranslationally Modified Multidrug Efflux Pumps Reveals an Unexpected Link between Glycosylation and Antimicrobial Resistance. (2020) Abouelhadid, Sherif; Raynes, John; Bui, Tam; Cuccui, Jon; Wren, Brendan W
  • Predictors of Survival After Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma in South America: The InterCHANGE Study. (2020) Abrahão, Renata; Perdomo, Sandra; Pinto, Luis Felipe Ribeiro; Nascimento de Carvalho, Flávia; Dias, Fernando Luis; de Podestá, José Roberto V; Ventorin von Zeidler, Sandra; Marinho de Abreu, Priscila; Vilensky, Marta; Giglio, Raul Eduardo; Oliveira, José Carlos; Mineiro, Matinair Siqueira; Kowalski, Luiz P; Ikeda, Mauro K; Cuello, Mauricio; Munyo, Andres; Rodríguez-Urrego, Paula A; Hakim, José Antonio; Suarez-Zamora, David Alfonso; Cayol, Federico; Figari, Marcelo Fernando; Oliver, Javier; Gaborieau, Valerie; Keogh, Ruth H; Brennan, Paul; Curado, Maria Paula; InterCHANGE Group
  • Couples data from north-western Tanzania: Insights from a survey of male partners of women enrolled in the MAISHA cluster randomized trial of an intimate partner violence prevention intervention. (2020) Abramsky, Tanya; Kapinga, Imma; Mshana, Gerry; Lees, Shelley; Hansen, Christian Holm; Hashim, Ramadhan; Stöckl, Heidi; Kapiga, Saidi; Harvey, Sheila
  • Two prolonged viremic SARS-CoV-2 infections with conserved viral genome for two months. (2020) Abu-Raddad, Laith J; Chemaitelly, Hiam; Malek, Joel A; Ahmed, Ayeda A; Mohamoud, Yasmin A; Younuskunju, Shameem; Al Kanaani, Zaina; Al Khal, Abdullatif; Al Kuwari, Einas; Butt, Adeel A; Coyle, Peter; Jeremijenko, Andrew; Kaleeckal, Anvar Hassan; Latif, Ali Nizar; Shaik, Riyazuddin Mohammad; Abdul Rahim, Hanan F; Yassine, Hadi M; Al Kuwari, Mohamed G; Al Romaihi, Hamad Eid; Al-Thani, Mohamed H; Bertollini, Roberto
  • Assessment of the Risk of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Reinfection in an Intense Reexposure Setting. (2020) Abu-Raddad, Laith J; Chemaitelly, Hiam; Malek, Joel A; Ahmed, Ayeda A; Mohamoud, Yasmin A; Younuskunju, Shameem; Ayoub, Houssein H; Al Kanaani, Zaina; Al Khal, Abdullatif; Al Kuwari, Einas; Butt, Adeel A; Coyle, Peter; Jeremijenko, Andrew; Kaleeckal, Anvar Hassan; Latif, Ali Nizar; Shaik, Riyazuddin Mohammad; Abdul Rahim, Hanan F; Yassine, Hadi M; Al Kuwari, Mohamed G; Al Romaihi, Hamad Eid; Al-Thani, Mohamed H; Bertollini, Roberto
  • Interferon-gamma polymorphisms and risk of iron deficiency and anaemia in Gambian children. (2020) Abuga, Kelvin M; Rockett, Kirk A; Muriuki, John Muthii; Koch, Oliver; Nairz, Manfred; Sirugo, Giorgio; Bejon, Philip; Kwiatkowski, Dominic P; Prentice, Andrew M; Atkinson, Sarah H
  • Immune responses to malaria pre-erythrocytic stages: Implications for vaccine development. (2020) Abuga, Kelvin Mokaya; Jones-Warner, William; Hafalla, Julius Clemence R
  • Prevalence and predictors of common mental disorders among Syrian refugees in Istanbul, Turkey: a cross-sectional study. (2020) Acarturk, Ceren; McGrath, Michael; Roberts, Bayard; Ilkkursun, Zeynep; Cuijpers, Pim; Sijbrandij, Marit; Sondorp, Egbert; Ventevogel, Peter; McKee, Martin; Fuhr, Daniela C; STRENGTHS consortium
  • Assessment of the anti-HBs antibody response in Beninese infants following 4 doses of HBV vaccine, including administration at birth, compared to the standard 3 doses regime; a cross-sectional survey. (2020) Accrombessi, Manfred; Adetola, Crepin Victor; Bacharou, Salwane; Dossou, Yannelle; Avokpaho, Euripide; Yakoubou, Annatou; Koumakpai-Adeothy, Sikiratou; Lozes, Evelyne; Issifou, Saadou
  • Uganda's experience in Ebola virus disease outbreak preparedness, 2018-2019. (2020) Aceng, Jane Ruth; Ario, Alex R; Muruta, Allan N; Makumbi, Issa; Nanyunja, Miriam; Komakech, Innocent; Bakainaga, Andrew N; Talisuna, Ambrose O; Mwesigye, Collins; Mpairwe, Allan M; Tusiime, Jayne B; Lali, William Z; Katushabe, Edson; Ocom, Felix; Kaggwa, Mugagga; Bongomin, Bodo; Kasule, Hafisa; Mwoga, Joseph N; Sensasi, Benjamin; Mwebembezi, Edmund; Katureebe, Charles; Sentumbwe, Olive; Nalwadda, Rita; Mbaka, Paul; Fatunmbi, Bayo S; Nakiire, Lydia; Lamorde, Mohammed; Walwema, Richard; Kambugu, Andrew; Nanyondo, Judith; Okware, Solome; Ahabwe, Peter B; Nabukenya, Immaculate; Kayiwa, Joshua; Wetaka, Milton M; Kyazze, Simon; Kwesiga, Benon; Kadobera, Daniel; Bulage, Lilian; Nanziri, Carol; Monje, Fred; Aliddeki, Dativa M; Ntono, Vivian; Gonahasa, Doreen; Nabatanzi, Sandra; Nsereko, Godfrey; Nakinsige, Anne; Mabumba, Eldard; Lubwama, Bernard; Sekamatte, Musa; Kibuule, Michael; Muwanguzi, David; Amone, Jackson; Upenytho, George D; Driwale, Alfred; Seru, Morries; Sebisubi, Fred; Akello, Harriet; Kabanda, Richard; Mutengeki, David K; Bakyaita, Tabley; Serwanjja, Vivian N; Okwi, Richard; Okiria, Jude; Ainebyoona, Emmanuel; Opar, Bernard T; Mimbe, Derrick; Kyabaggu, Denis; Ayebazibwe, Chrisostom; Sentumbwe, Juliet; Mwanja, Moses; Ndumu, Deo B; Bwogi, Josephine; Balinandi, Stephen; Nyakarahuka, Luke; Tumusiime, Alex; Kyondo, Jackson; Mulei, Sophia; Lutwama, Julius; Kaleebu, Pontiano; Kagirita, Atek; Nabadda, Susan; Oumo, Peter; Lukwago, Robinah; Kasozi, Julius; Masylukov, Oleh; Kyobe, Henry Bosa; Berdaga, Viorica; Lwanga, Miriam; Opio, Joe C; Matseketse, David; Eyul, James; Oteba, Martin O; Bukirwa, Hasifa; Bulya, Nulu; Masiira, Ben; Kihembo, Christine; Ohuabunwo, Chima; Antara, Simon N; Owembabazi, Wilberforce; Okot, Paul B; Okwera, Josephine; Amoros, Isabelle; Kajja, Victoria; Mukunda, Basnet S; Sorela, Isabel; Adams, Gregory; Shoemaker, Trevor; Klena, John D; Taboy, Celine H; Ward, Sarah E; Merrill, Rebecca D; Carter, Rosalind J; Harris, Julie R; Banage, Flora; Nsibambi, Thomas; Ojwang, Joseph; Kasule, Juliet N; Stowell, Dan F; Brown, Vance R; Zhu, Bao-Ping; Homsy, Jaco; Nelson, Lisa J; Tusiime, Patrick K; Olaro, Charles; Mwebesa, Henry G; Woldemariam, Yonas Tegegn
  • Stakeholder perspectives of Community Mental Health Forums: a qualitative study in Sierra Leone. (2020) Adams, Ben; Vallières, Frédérique; Duncan, Joshua Abioseh; Higgins, Agnes; Eaton, Julian
  • Combined infant and young child feeding with small-quantity lipid-based nutrient supplementation is associated with a reduction in anemia but no changes in anthropometric status of young children from Katanga Province of the Democratic Republic of Congo: a quasi-experimental effectiveness study. (2020) Addo, O Yaw; Locks, Lindsey M; Jefferds, Maria Elena; Nanama, Simeon; Albert, Bope; Sandalinas, Fanny; Nanema, Ambroise; Whitehead, R Donnie; Mei, Zuguo; Clayton, Heather B; Garg, Aashima; Kupka, Roland; Tripp, Katie
  • Acceptability of a tablet-based application to support early HIV testing among men in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: a mixed method study. (2020) Adeagbo, Oluwafemi; Kim, Hae-Young; Tanser, Frank; Xulu, Sibongiseni; Dlamini, Nondumiso; Gumede, Velaphi; Mathenjwa, Thulile; Bärnighausen, Till; McGrath, Nuala; Blandford, Ann; Seeley, Janet; Shahmanesh, Maryam
  • Zika virus infection in pregnancy: a protocol for the joint analysis of the prospective cohort studies of the ZIKAlliance, ZikaPLAN and ZIKAction consortia. (2020) Ades, AE; Brickley, Elizabeth B; Alexander, Neal; Brown, David; Jaenisch, Thomas; Miranda-Filho, Demócrito de Barros; Pohl, Moritz; Rosenberger, Kerstin D; Soriano-Arandes, Antoni; Thorne, Claire; Ximenes, Ricardo Arraes de Alencar; de Araújo, Thalia Velho Barreto; Avelino-Silva, Vivian I; Bethencourt Castillo, Sarah Esperanza; Borja Aburto, Victor Hugo; Brasil, Patrícia; Christie, Celia DC; de Souza, Wayner Vieira; Gotuzzo H, Jose Eduardo; Hoen, Bruno; Koopmans, Marion; Martelli, Celina Maria Turchi; Martins Teixeira, Mauro; Marques, Ernesto TA; Miranda, Maria Consuelo; Montarroyos, Ulisses Ramos; Moreira, Maria Elisabeth; Morris, J Glenn; Rockx, Barry; Saba Villarroel, Paola Mariela; Soria Segarra, Carmen; Tami, Adriana; Turchi, Marília Dalva; Giaquinto, Carlo; de Lamballerie, Xavier; Wilder-Smith, Annelies; EC Zika Consortia Vertical Transmission Study Group
  • Risk factors for mental illness in adults with atopic eczema or psoriasis: protocol for a systematic review. (2020) Adesanya, Elizabeth I; Schonmann, Yochai; Hayes, Joseph F; Mathur, Rohini; Mulick, Amy R; Rayner, Lauren; Smeeth, Liam; Smith, Catherine H; Langan, Sinéad M; Mansfield, Kathryn E
  • Exposure to carbon monoxide and particulate matter among cassava grits processors in the middle belt of Ghana: a cross-sectional study. (2020) Adeshina, Omolola Oyinkan; Asante, Kwaku Poku; Ae-Ngibise, Kenneth Ayuurebobi; Boamah, Ellen Abrafi; Agyei, Oscar; Quansah, Reggie
  • Clinical presentations and management of COVID-19 infected children seen in a district health facility in Kambia, northern Sierra Leone. (2020) Adetola, Hammed Hassan; Ishola, David; Afolabi, Muhammed Olanrewaju; Bangura, Joseph; Sesay, Isaac Gibril; Pearce, Richmonda; Garrick, Isaac; Kamara, Bomposseh; Leigh, Bailah; Greenwood, Brian; Watson-Jones, Deborah
  • Clinical presentations and management of COVID-19 infected children seen in a district health facility in Kambia, northern Sierra Leone. (2020) Adetola, Hammed Hassan; Ishola, David; Afolabi, Muhammed Olanrewaju; Bangura, Joseph; Sesay, Isaac Gibril; Pearce, Richmonda; Garrick, Isaac; Kamara, Bomposseh; Leigh, Bailah; Greenwood, Brian; Watson-Jones, Deborah
  • Violence Against Immigrant Youth in Canada: Why More Research Is Needed. (2020) Adhia, Avanti; Bhatia, Amiya; Dawson-Hahn, Elizabeth
  • Parental depression and nutrition: findings from a cross-sectional household survey in Nepal. (2020) Adhikari, Ramesh Prasad; Williamson, Ryoko; Sparling, Thalia M; Ferguson, Elaine; Cunningham, Kenda
  • Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of a community-based hypertension improvement project in Ghana: a qualitative study of ComHIP. (2020) Adler, Alma J; Laar, Amos K; Kotoh, Agnes M; Legido-Quigley, Helena; Perel, Pablo; Lamptey, Peter; Lange, Isabelle L
  • Report of the WHO independent high-level commission on NCDs: where is the focus on addressing inequalities? (2020) Aebischer Perone, Sigiriya; Jacquerioz Bausch, Frédérique; Boulle, Philippa; Chappuis, François; Miranda, J Jaime; Beran, David
  • Understanding men, mood, and avoidable deaths from AIDS in Western Kenya. (2020) Aellah, Gemma
  • Living honourably and independently: Dreaming of a good village life in an African rural Health and Demographic Surveillance System site. (2020) Aellah, Gemma; Okoth, Aloise
  • 'Most at risk' for COVID19? The imperative to expand the definition from biological to social factors for equity. (2020) Afifi, Rima A; Novak, Nicole; Gilbert, Paul A; Pauly, Bernadette; Abdulrahim, Sawsan; Rashid, Sabina Faiz; Ortega, Fernando; Ferrand, Rashida A
  • Lessons from the Ebola epidemics and their applications for COVID-19 pandemic response in sub-Saharan Africa. (2020) Afolabi, Muhammed O; Folayan, Morenike Oluwatoyin; Munung, Nchangwi Syntia; Yakubu, Aminu; Ndow, Gibril; Jegede, Ayodele; Ambe, Jennyfer; Kombe, Francis
  • X-ray inactivation of RNA viruses without loss of biological characteristics. (2020) Afrough, Babak; Eakins, Jonathan; Durley-White, Sarah; Dowall, Stuart; Findlay-Wilson, Stephen; Graham, Victoria; Lewandowski, Kuiama; Carter, Daniel P; Hewson, Roger
  • Immunologic Dose-Response to Adenovirus-Vectored Vaccines in Animals and Humans: A Systematic Review of Dose-Response Studies of Replication Incompetent Adenoviral Vaccine Vectors when Given via an Intramuscular or Subcutaneous Route. (2020) Afrough, Sara; Rhodes, Sophie; Evans, Thomas; White, Richard; Benest, John
  • Protocol for a cluster randomised trial in Madhya Pradesh, India: community health promotion and medical provision and impact on neonates (CHAMPION2); and support to rural India's public education system and impact on numeracy and literacy scores (STRIPES2). (2020) Agarwal, Arjun; Banerji, Rukmini; Boone, Peter; Elbourne, Diana; Fazzio, Ila; Frost, Chris; Gopal, Madan; Karnati, Sridevi; Nair, Rakhi; Reddy, Harshavardhan; Reddy, Padmanabh; Sharma, Dropti; Shekhawat, Sajjan Singh; Shivalli, Siddharudha
  • Causal relationships between lipid and glycemic levels in an Indian population: A bidirectional Mendelian randomization approach. (2020) Agarwal, Tripti; Lyngdoh, Tanica; Dudbridge, Frank; Chandak, Giriraj Ratan; Kinra, Sanjay; Prabhakaran, Dorairaj; Reddy, K Srinath; Relton, Caroline L; Davey Smith, George; Ebrahim, Shah; Gupta, Vipin; Walia, Gagandeep Kaur
  • Association of helicopter transportation and improved mortality for patients with major trauma in the northern French Alps trauma system: an observational study based on the TRENAU registry. (2020) Ageron, Francois-Xavier; Debaty, Guillaume; Savary, Dominique; Champly, Frederic; Albasini, Francois; Usseglio, Pascal; Vallot, Cécile; Galvagno, Samuel; Bouzat, Pierre; TRENAU Group
  • Effect of tranexamic acid by baseline risk of death in acute bleeding patients: a meta-analysis of individual patient-level data from 28 333 patients. (2020) Ageron, Francois-Xavier; Gayet-Ageron, Angele; Ker, Katharine; Coats, Timothy J; Shakur-Still, Haleema; Roberts, Ian; Antifibrinolytics Trials Collaboration
  • The Profile of Non-Communicable Disease (NCD) research in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region: Analyzing the NCD burden, research outputs and international research collaboration. (2020) Aggarwal, Ajay; Patel, Preeti; Lewison, Grant; Ekzayez, Abdulkarim; Coutts, Adam; Fouad, Fouad M; Shamieh, Omar; Giacaman, Rita; Kutluk, Tezer; Khalek, Rima Abdul; Lawler, Mark; Boyle, Peter; Sarfati, Diana; Sullivan, Richard
  • Simulating the impact of centralization of prostate cancer surgery services on travel burden and equity in the English National Health Service: A national population based model for health service re-design. (2020) Aggarwal, Ajay; van der Geest, Stéphanie A; Lewis, Daniel; van der Meulen, Jan; Varkevisser, Marco
  • The Technical Feasibility of Integrating Primary Eye Care Into Primary Health Care Systems in Nigeria: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Cross-Sectional Study (Preprint). (2020) Aghaji, Ada; Burchett, Helen; Hameed, Shaffa; Webster, Jayne; Gilbert, Clare
  • The Technical Feasibility of Integrating Primary Eye Care Into Primary Health Care Systems in Nigeria: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Cross-Sectional Study. (2020) Aghaji, Ada; Burchett, Helen; Hameed, Shaffa; Webster, Jayne; Gilbert, Clare
  • Mitochondria: An Integrative Hub Coordinating Circadian Rhythms, Metabolism, the Microbiome, and Immunity. (2020) Aguilar-López, Bruno A; Moreno-Altamirano, María Maximina Bertha; Dockrell, Hazel M; Duchen, Michael R; Sánchez-García, Francisco Javier
  • Extending the measurement of quality beyond service delivery indicators. (2020) Agweyu, Ambrose; Masenge, Theopista; Munube, Deogratias
  • Protecting children in low-income and middle-income countries from COVID-19. (2020) Ahmed, Salahuddin; Mvalo, Tisungane; Akech, Samuel; Agweyu, Ambrose; Baker, Kevin; Bar-Zeev, Naor; Campbell, Harry; Checkley, William; Chisti, Mohammod Jobayer; Colbourn, Tim; Cunningham, Steve; Duke, Trevor; English, Mike; Falade, Adegoke G; Fancourt, Nicholas Ss; Ginsburg, Amy S; Graham, Hamish R; Gray, Diane M; Gupta, Madhu; Hammitt, Laura; Hesseling, Anneke C; Hooli, Shubhada; Johnson, Abdul-Wahab Br; King, Carina; Kirby, Miles A; Lanata, Claudio F; Lufesi, Norman; Mackenzie, Grant A; McCracken, John P; Moschovis, Peter P; Nair, Harish; Oviawe, Osawaru; Pomat, William S; Santosham, Mathuram; Seddon, James A; Thahane, Lineo Keneuoe; Wahl, Brian; Van der Zalm, Marieke; Verwey, Charl; Yoshida, Lay-Myint; Zar, Heather J; Howie, Stephen Rc; McCollum, Eric D
  • Physical integrity and survivorship of long-lasting insecticidal nets distributed to households of the same socio-cultural community in Benin, West Africa. (2020) Ahogni, Idelphonse B; Salako, Albert S; Akinro, Bruno; Sovi, Arthur; Gnanguenon, Virgile; Azondekon, Roseric; Dagnon, Jean F; Akogbeto, Pamela; Tokponon, Filémon; Akogbeto, Martin C
  • Evidence of initial success for China exiting COVID-19 social distancing policy after achieving containment. (2020) Ainslie, Kylie EC; Walters, Caroline E; Fu, Han; Bhatia, Sangeeta; Wang, Haowei; Xi, Xiaoyue; Baguelin, Marc; Bhatt, Samir; Boonyasiri, Adhiratha; Boyd, Olivia; Cattarino, Lorenzo; Ciavarella, Constanze; Cucunuba, Zulma; Cuomo-Dannenburg, Gina; Dighe, Amy; Dorigatti, Ilaria; van Elsland, Sabine L; FitzJohn, Rich; Gaythorpe, Katy; Ghani, Azra C; Green, Will; Hamlet, Arran; Hinsley, Wes; Imai, Natsuko; Jorgensen, David; Knock, Edward; Laydon, Daniel; Nedjati-Gilani, Gemma; Okell, Lucy C; Siveroni, Igor; Thompson, Hayley A; Unwin, H Juliette T; Verity, Robert; Vollmer, Michaela; Walker, Patrick GT; Wang, Yuanrong; Watson, Oliver J; Whittaker, Charles; Winskill, Peter; Donnelly, Christl A; Ferguson, Neil M; Riley, Steven
  • Author Correction: Scalable and robust SARS-CoV-2 testing in an academic center. (2020) Aitken, Jim; Ambrose, Karen; Barrell, Sam; Beale, Rupert; Bineva-Todd, Ganka; Biswas, Dhruva; Byrne, Richard; Caidan, Simon; Cherepanov, Peter; Churchward, Laura; Clark, Graham; Crawford, Margaret; Cubitt, Laura; Dearing, Vicky; Earl, Christopher; Edwards, Amelia; Ekin, Chris; Fidanis, Efthymios; Gaiba, Alessandra; Gamblin, Steve; Gandhi, Sonia; Goldman, Jacki; Goldstone, Robert; Grant, Paul R; Greco, Maria; Heaney, Judith; Hindmarsh, Steve; Houlihan, Catherine F; Howell, Michael; Hubank, Michael; Hughes, Deborah; Instrell, Rachael; Jackson, Deborah; Jamal-Hanjani, Mariam; Jiang, Ming; Johnson, Mark; Jones, Leigh; Kanu, Nnennaya; Kassiotis, George; Kirk, Stuart; Kjaer, Svend; Levett, Andrew; Levett, Lisa; Levi, Marcel; Lu, Wei-Ting; MacRae, James I; Matthews, John; McCoy, Laura E; Moore, Catherine; Moore, David; Nastouli, Eleni; Nicod, Jerome; Nightingale, Luke; Olsen, Jessica; O'Reilly, Nicola; Pabari, Amar; Papayannopoulos, Venizelos; Patel, Namita; Peat, Nigel; Pollitt, Marc; Ratcliffe, Peter; Reis E Sousa, Caetano; Rosa, Annachiara; Rosenthal, Rachel; Roustan, Chloe; Rowan, Andrew; Shin, Gee Yen; Snell, Daniel M; Song, Ok-Ryul; Spyer, Moira J; Strange, Amy; Swanton, Charles; Turner, James MA; Turner, Melanie; Wack, Andreas; Walker, Philip A; Ward, Sophia; Wong, Wai Keong; Wright, Joshua; Wu, Mary; Crick COVID-19 Consortium
  • Shorter Granulocyte Telomeres Among Children and Adolescents With Perinatally Acquired Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection and Chronic Lung Disease in Zimbabwe. (2020) Ajaykumar, Abhinav; Wong, Glenn C; Yindom, Louis-Marie; McHugh, Grace; Dauya, Ethel; Majonga, Edith; Mujuru, Hilda; Ferrand, Rashida A; Rowland-Jones, Sarah L; Côté, Hélène CF
  • Genetic polymorphisms in malaria vaccine candidate Plasmodium falciparum reticulocyte-binding protein homologue-5 among populations in Lagos, Nigeria. (2020) Ajibaye, Olusola; Osuntoki, Akinniyi A; Balogun, Emmanuel O; Olukosi, Yetunde A; Iwalokun, Bamidele A; Oyebola, Kolapo M; Hikosaka, Kenji; Watanabe, Yoh-Ichi; Ebiloma, Godwin U; Kita, Kiyoshi; Amambua-Ngwa, Alfred
  • Clinical and laboratory profile of patients with epistaxis in Kano, Nigeria: A 10-year retrospective review. (2020) Ajiya, A; Adamu, A; Shuaibu, IY
  • Continuous research monitoring improves the quality of research conduct and compliance among research trainees: internal evaluation of a monitoring programme. (2020) Akello, Mirriam; Coutinho, Sarah; N-Mboowa, Mary Gorrethy; Bukirwa, Victoria D; Natukunda, Agnes; Lubyayi, Lawrence; Nabakooza, Grace; Cose, Stephen; Elliott, Alison M
  • Responding to health needs of women, children and adolescents within Syria during conflict: intervention coverage, challenges and adaptations. (2020) Akik, Chaza; Semaan, Aline; Shaker-Berbari, Linda; Jamaluddine, Zeina; Saad, Ghada E; Lopes, Katherine; Constantin, Joanne; Ekzayez, Abdulkarim; Singh, Neha S; Blanchet, Karl; DeJong, Jocelyn; Ghattas, Hala
  • Anthelminthic treatment receipt and its predictors in Lake Victoria fishing communities, Uganda: Intervention coverage results from the LaVIISWA cluster randomised trial. (2020) Akurut, Hellen; Sanya, Richard E; Lubyayi, Lawrence; Nampijja, Margaret; Kizza, Moses; Kaweesa, James; Kizindo, Robert; Sewankambo, Moses; Nsubuga, Denis; Tukahebwa, Edridah; Kabatereine, Narcis B; Elliott, Alison M; Webb, Emily L; LaVIISWA trial team
  • Randomised comparison of two household survey modules for measuring stillbirths and neonatal deaths in five countries: the Every Newborn-INDEPTH study. (2020) Akuze, Joseph; Blencowe, Hannah; Waiswa, Peter; Baschieri, Angela; Gordeev, Vladimir S; Kwesiga, Doris; Fisker, Ane B; Thysen, Sanne M; Rodrigues, Amabelia; Biks, Gashaw A; Abebe, Solomon M; Gelaye, Kassahun A; Mengistu, Mezgebu Y; Geremew, Bisrat M; Delele, Tadesse G; Tesega, Adane K; Yitayew, Temesgen A; Kasasa, Simon; Galiwango, Edward; Natukwatsa, Davis; Kajungu, Dan; Enuameh, Yeetey Ak; Nettey, Obed E; Dzabeng, Francis; Amenga-Etego, Seeba; Newton, Sam K; Tawiah, Charlotte; Asante, Kwaku P; Owusu-Agyei, Seth; Alam, Nurul; Haider, Moinuddin M; Imam, Ali; Mahmud, Kaiser; Cousens, Simon; Lawn, Joy E; Every Newborn-INDEPTH Study Collaborative Group
  • Evidence Based Prediction and Progression Monitoring on Retinal Images from Three Nations. (2020) Al Turk, Lutfiah; Wang, Su; Krause, Paul; Wawrzynski, James; Saleh, George M; Alsawadi, Hend; Alshamrani, Abdulrahman Zaid; Peto, Tunde; Bastawrous, Andrew; Li, Jingren; Tang, Hongying Lilian
  • Views of health care professionals and policy-makers on the use of surveillance data to combat antimicrobial resistance. (2020) Al-Haboubi, Mustafa; Trathen, Andrew; Black, Nick; Eastmure, Elizabeth; Mays, Nicholas
  • Population-based rapid assessment of avoidable blindness survey in Sohag governorate in Egypt. (2020) AlSawahli, Heba; McCormick, Ian; Mpyet, Caleb D; Ezzelarab, Gamal; Shalaby, Mohammad
  • Use of face masks and other personal preventive measures by Hajj pilgrims and their impact on health problems during the Hajj. (2020) Alasmari, Abrar K; Edwards, Phil J; Assiri, Abdullah M; Behrens, Ronald H; Bustinduy, Amaya L
  • Health on the Move (HOME) Study: Using a smartphone app to explore the health and wellbeing of migrants in the United Kingdom. (2020) Aldridge, Robert W; Burns, Rachel; Kirkby, Victoria; Elsay, Nadia; Murray, Elizabeth; Perski, Olga; Navaratnam, Annalan M; Williamson, Elizabeth J; Nieto-Martínez, Ramfis; Miranda, J Jaime; Hugenholtz, Greg CG
  • Seasonality and immunity to laboratory-confirmed seasonal coronaviruses (HCoV-NL63, HCoV-OC43, and HCoV-229E): results from the Flu Watch cohort study. (2020) Aldridge, Robert W; Lewer, Dan; Beale, Sarah; Johnson, Anne M; Zambon, Maria; Hayward, Andrew C; Fragaszy, Ellen B
  • Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic groups in England are at increased risk of death from COVID-19: indirect standardisation of NHS mortality data. (2020) Aldridge, Robert W; Lewer, Dan; Katikireddi, Srinivasa Vittal; Mathur, Rohini; Pathak, Neha; Burns, Rachel; Fragaszy, Ellen B; Johnson, Anne M; Devakumar, Delan; Abubakar, Ibrahim; Hayward, Andrew
  • Impact of Education on Knowledge and Practice of Kala Azar Preventive Measures among Seasonal and Migrant Agricultural Workers in Northwest Ethiopia. (2020) Alemayehu, Mekuriaw; Paintain, Lucy; Adera, Cherinet; Berhe, Resome; Gebeyehu, Abebaw; Gizaw, Zemichael; Herrero, Merce; Mulugeta Beshah, Abate; Den Boer, Margriet; Nigusie, Adane; Alem, Meseret; Yechale, Enyew; Elnaiem, Dia-Eldin A
  • Spatiotemporal Analysis of the Population Risk of Congenital Microcephaly in Pernambuco State, Brazil. (2020) Alexander, Neal DE; Souza, Wayner V; Rodrigues, Laura C; Braga, Cynthia; Sá, André; Bezerra, Luciana Caroline Albuquerque; Turchi Martelli, Celina Maria
  • Spatial spillover analysis of a cluster-randomized trial against dengue vectors in Trujillo, Venezuela. (2020) Alexander, Neal; Lenhart, Audrey; Anaya-Izquierdo, Karim
  • Access to skilled attendant at birth and the coverage of the third dose of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine across 14 West African countries - an equity analysis. (2020) Alhassan, Jacob Albin Korem; Wariri, Oghenebrume; Onuwabuchi, Egwu; Mark, Godwin; Kwarshak, Yakubu; Dase, Eseoghene
  • Trends and correlates of maternal, newborn and child health services utilization in primary healthcare facilities: an explorative ecological study using DHIMSII data from one district in the Volta region of Ghana. (2020) Alhassan, Robert Kaba; Owusu-Agyei, Seth; Ansah, Evelyn Korkor; Gyapong, Margaret; Ashinyo, Anthony; Ashinyo, Mary Eyram; Nketiah-Amponsah, Edward; Akorli-Adzimah, Edem; Ekpor, Edith
  • Special foods and local herbs used to enhance breastmilk production in Ghana: rate of use and beliefs of efficacy. (2020) Ali, Zakari; Bukari, Mohammed; Mwinisonaam, Anita; Abdul-Rahaman, Abdul-Latif; Abizari, Abdul-Razak
  • Long-term impact of West African food system responses to COVID-19. (2020) Ali, Zakari; Green, Rosemary; Zougmoré, Robert B; Mkuhlani, Siyabusa; Palazzo, Amanda; Prentice, Andrew M; Haines, Andy; Dangour, Alan D; Scheelbeek, Pauline Fd
  • Perspectives of patients, carers and mental health staff on early warning signs of relapse in psychosis: a qualitative investigation. (2020) Allan, Stephanie; Bradstreet, Simon; McLeod, Hamish J; Gleeson, John; Farhall, John; Lambrou, Maria; Clark, Andrea; Gumley, Andrew I
  • Socioeconomic factors associated with antimicrobial resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, and Escherichia coli in Chilean hospitals (2008-2017). (2020) Allel, Kasim; García, Patricia; Labarca, Jaime; Munita, José M; Rendic, Magdalena; Grupo Colaborativo de Resistencia Bacteriana; Undurraga, Eduardo A
  • Centre-based care is a significant predictor of lower body mass index in early childhood: Longitudinal evidence from Chile. (2020) Allel, Kasim; Narea, Marigen; Undurraga, Eduardo A
  • Country-level factors associated with the early spread of COVID-19 cases at 5, 10 and 15 days since the onset. (2020) Allel, Kasim; Tapia-Muñoz, Thamara; Morris, Walter
  • Does being on HIV antiretroviral therapy increase the risk of syphilis? An analysis of a large national cohort of MSM living with HIV in England 2009-2016. (2020) Allen, Hester; Kirwan, Peter; Brown, Alison E; Mohammed, Hamish; Hughes, Gwenda; Marks, Michael; Delpech, Valerie
  • Investigating the decline in Lymphogranuloma venereum diagnoses in men who have sex with men in the United Kingdom since 2016: an analysis of surveillance data. (2020) Allen, Hester; Pitt, Rachel; Bardsley, Megan; Smolarchuk, Christa; Sullivan, Ann; Mohammed, Hamish; Cole, Michelle; Fifer, Helen; Wallace, Lesley; Thomas, Daniel; Irvine, Neil; Templeton, Kate; Hughes, Gwenda; Simms, Ian
  • Addressing social determinants of noncommunicable diseases in primary care: a scoping review. (2020) Allen, LN; Smith, RW; Simmons-Jones, F; Roberts, N; Honney, R; Currie, J
  • COVID-19 and international primary care systems: Rebuilding a stronger primary care. (2020) Allen, Luke N; Dambha-Miller, Hajira
  • Democracy and implementation of non-communicable disease policies - Authors' reply. (2020) Allen, Luke N; Goiana-da-Silva, Francisco; Nicholson, Brian D
  • What Happened to Children Who Returned from the Lord’s Resistance Army in Uganda? (2020) Allen, Tim; Atingo, Jackline; Atim, Dorothy; Ocitti, James; Brown, Charlotte; Torre, Costanza; Fergus, Cristin A; Parker, Melissa
  • Management of Gastroschisis: Results From the NETS2G Study, a Joint British, Irish, and Canadian Prospective Cohort Study of 1268 Infants. (2020) Allin, Benjamin SR; Opondo, Charles; Kurinczuk, Jennifer J; Baird, Rob; Puligandla, P; Skarsgard, Erik; Knight, Marian; on behalf of the BAPS-CASS/NETS
  • Outcomes at five to eight years of age for children with Hirschsprung's disease. (2020) Allin, Benjamin Saul Raywood; Opondo, Charles; Bradnock, Timothy John; Kenny, Simon Edward; Kurinczuk, Jennifer J; Walker, Gregor M; Knight, Marian; NETS2HD collaboration
  • Validation and development of models using clinical, biochemical and ultrasound markers for predicting pre-eclampsia: an individual participant data meta-analysis. (2020) Allotey, John; Snell, Kym Ie; Smuk, Melanie; Hooper, Richard; Chan, Claire L; Ahmed, Asif; Chappell, Lucy C; von Dadelszen, Peter; Dodds, Julie; Green, Marcus; Kenny, Louise; Khalil, Asma; Khan, Khalid S; Mol, Ben W; Myers, Jenny; Poston, Lucilla; Thilaganathan, Basky; Staff, Anne C; Smith, Gordon Cs; Ganzevoort, Wessel; Laivuori, Hannele; Odibo, Anthony O; Ramírez, Javier A; Kingdom, John; Daskalakis, George; Farrar, Diane; Baschat, Ahmet A; Seed, Paul T; Prefumo, Federico; da Silva Costa, Fabricio; Groen, Henk; Audibert, Francois; Masse, Jacques; Skråstad, Ragnhild B; Salvesen, Kjell Å; Haavaldsen, Camilla; Nagata, Chie; Rumbold, Alice R; Heinonen, Seppo; Askie, Lisa M; Smits, Luc Jm; Vinter, Christina A; Magnus, Per M; Eero, Kajantie; Villa, Pia M; Jenum, Anne K; Andersen, Louise B; Norman, Jane E; Ohkuchi, Akihide; Eskild, Anne; Bhattacharya, Sohinee; McAuliffe, Fionnuala M; Galindo, Alberto; Herraiz, Ignacio; Carbillon, Lionel; Klipstein-Grobusch, Kerstin; Yeo, SeonAe; Teede, Helena J; Browne, Joyce L; Moons, Karel Gm; Riley, Richard D; Thangaratinam, Shakila
  • Geographical and temporal distribution of SARS-CoV-2 clades in the WHO European Region, January to June 2020. (2020) Alm, Erik; Broberg, Eeva K; Connor, Thomas; Hodcroft, Emma B; Komissarov, Andrey B; Maurer-Stroh, Sebastian; Melidou, Angeliki; Neher, Richard A; O'Toole, Áine; Pereyaslov, Dmitriy; WHO European Region sequencing laboratories and GISAID EpiCoV gr; WHO European Region sequencing laboratories and GISAID EpiCoV gr
  • Examining the quality of record linkage process using nationwide Brazilian administrative databases to build a large birth cohort. (2020) Almeida, Daniela; Gorender, David; Ichihara, Maria Yury; Sena, Samila; Menezes, Luan; Barbosa, George CG; Fiaccone, Rosimeire L; Paixão, Enny S; Pita, Robespierre; Barreto, Mauricio L
  • A pragmatic approach to managing antiretroviral therapy-experienced patients diagnosed with HIV-associated cryptococcal meningitis: impact of antiretroviral therapy adherence and duration. (2020) Alufandika, Melanie; Lawrence, David S; Boyer-Chammard, Timothée; Kanyama, Cecilia; Ndhlovu, Chiratidzo E; Mosepele, Mosepele; Tugume, Lillian; Meya, David; Boulware, David R; Rhein, Joshua; Muzoora, Conrad; Youssouf, Nabila; Molloy, Síle F; Schutz, Charlotte; Lortholary, Olivier; Meintjes, Graeme; Mwandumba, Henry C; Harrison, Thomas S; Jarvis, Joseph N; and the AMBITION-cm Study Group
  • Factors that Influence Potential Success of eHealth Standards Adoption in a Low- and Middle-Income Country: a review. (2020) Alunyu, Andrew; Wamema, Joseph; Kiwanuka, Achilles; Bagyendera, Moses
  • Evidence informing the UK's COVID-19 public health response must be transparent. (2020) Alwan, Nisreen A; Bhopal, Raj; Burgess, Rochelle A; Colburn, Tim; Cuevas, Luis E; Smith, George Davey; Egger, Matthias; Eldridge, Sandra; Gallo, Valentina; Gilthorpe, Mark S; Greenhalgh, Trish; Griffiths, Christopher; Hunter, Paul R; Jaffar, Shabbar; Jepson, Ruth; Low, Nicola; Martineau, Adrian; McCoy, David; Orcutt, Miriam; Pankhania, Bharat; Pikhart, Hynek; Pollock, Allyson; Scally, Gabriel; Smith, James; Sridhar, Devi; Taylor, Stephanie; Tennant, Peter WG; Themistocleous, Yrene; Wilson, Anne; 36 signatories
  • Predictors of change of health workers' knowledge and skills after the Helping Mothers Survive Bleeding after Birth (HMS BAB) in-facility training in Tanzania. (2020) Alwy Al-Beity, Fadhlun; Pembe, Andrea Barnabas; Marrone, Gaetano; Baker, Ulrika; Hanson, Claudia
  • Modelling the test, trace and quarantine strategy to control the COVID-19 epidemic in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. (2020) Amaku, Marcos; Covas, Dimas Tadeu; Bezerra Coutinho, Francisco Antonio; Azevedo Neto, Raymundo Soares; Struchiner, Claudio; Wilder-Smith, Annelies; Massad, Eduardo
  • Hormonal Contraceptive Use and Risk of Attempted and Completed Suicide: a Systematic Review and Narrative Synthesis. (2020) Amarasekera, Sonali; Catalao, Raquel; Molyneaux, Emma; Fuhr, Daniela C
  • Men's nutrition knowledge is important for women's and children's nutrition in Ethiopia. (2020) Ambikapathi, Ramya; Passarelli, Simone; Madzorera, Isabel; Canavan, Chelsey R; Noor, Ramadhani A; Abdelmenan, Semira; Tewahido, Dagmawit; Tadesse, Amare Worku; Sibanda, Lindiwe; Sibanda, Simbarashe; Munthali, Bertha; Madzivhandila, Tshilidzi; Berhane, Yemane; Fawzi, Wafaie; Gunaratna, Nilupa S
  • Survey of women's report for 33 maternal and newborn indicators: EN-BIRTH multi-country validation study. (2020) Ameen, Shafiqul; Siddique, Abu Bakkar; Peven, Kimberly; Rahman, Qazi Sadeq-Ur; Day, Louise T; Shabani, Josephine; Kc, Ashish; Boggs, Dorothy; Shamba, Donat; Tahsina, Tazeen; Rahman, Ahmed Ehsanur; Zaman, Sojib Bin; Hossain, Aniqa Tasnim; Ahmed, Anisuddin; Basnet, Omkar; Malla, Honey; Ruysen, Harriet; Blencowe, Hannah; Arnold, Fred; Requejo, Jennifer; Arifeen, Shams El; Lawn, Joy E; EN-BIRTH Study Group
  • Population genetic analysis of the Plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoite protein in two distinct ecological regions in Ghana. (2020) Amegashie, Elikplim A; Amenga-Etego, Lucas; Adobor, Courage; Ogoti, Peter; Mbogo, Kevin; Amambua-Ngwa, Alfred; Ghansah, Anita
  • An Empirical Analysis of Synergies and Tradeoffs between Sustainable Development Goals. (2020) Ament, Judith M; Freeman, Robin; Carbone, Chris; Vassall, Anna; Watts, Charlotte
  • Sensitive diagnostic tools and targeted drug administration strategies are needed to eliminate schistosomiasis. (2020) Amoah, Abena S; Hoekstra, Pytsje T; Casacuberta-Partal, Miriam; Coffeng, Luc E; Corstjens, Paul LAM; Greco, Beatrice; van Lieshout, Lisette; Lim, Mark D; Markwalter, Christine F; Odiere, Maurice R; Reinhard-Rupp, Jutta; Roestenberg, Meta; Stothard, Russell; Tchuem Tchuenté, Louis-Albert; de Vlas, Sake J; van Dam, Govert J
  • Trends and determinants of adolescent childbirth in Uganda- analysis of rural and urban women using six demographic and health surveys, 1988-2016. (2020) Amongin, Dinah; Benova, Lenka; Nakimuli, Annettee; Nakafeero, Mary; Kaharuza, Frank; Atuyambe, Lynn; Hanson, Claudia
  • Time trends in and factors associated with repeat adolescent birth in Uganda: Analysis of six demographic and health surveys. (2020) Amongin, Dinah; Nakimuli, Annettee; Hanson, Claudia; Nakafeero, Mary; Kaharuza, Frank; Atuyambe, Lynn; Benova, Lenka
  • Calling for a COVID-19 One Health Research Coalition. (2020) Amuasi, John H; Walzer, Christian; Heymann, David; Carabin, Hélène; Huong, Le Thi; Haines, Andrew; Winkler, Andrea S
  • Prevention and management of CVD in LMICs: why do ethnicity, culture, and context matter? (2020) Anand, Shuchi; Bradshaw, Christina; Prabhakaran, Dorairaj
  • Spatial regression and spillover effects in cluster randomized trials with count outcomes. (2020) Anaya-Izquierdo, Karim; Alexander, Neal
  • Update to the AWED (Applying Wolbachia to Eliminate Dengue) trial study protocol: a cluster randomised controlled trial in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. (2020) Anders, Katherine L; Indriani, Citra; Ahmad, Riris Andono; Tantowijoyo, Warsito; Arguni, Eggi; Andari, Bekti; Jewell, Nicholas P; Dufault, Suzanne M; Ryan, Peter A; Tanamas, Stephanie K; Rancès, Edwige; O'Neill, Scott L; Simmons, Cameron P; Utarini, Adi
  • Developing a sustainable exit strategy for COVID-19: health, economic and public policy implications. (2020) Anderson, Michael; Mckee, Martin; Mossialos, Elias
  • Analysis of the MUII-plus mentorship programme: reflections of Fellows’ experiences and lessons for other programmes. (2020) Andia Biraro, Irene; Driciru, Emmanuella; Namaganda, Rehema; Luboga, Fiona; Kato Drago, Charles; Wajja, Anne; Okech, Brenda; Mboowa, Mary Gorrethy N; Muganyizi, Raymond; Kizza, Moses; Cose, Stephen; Bukirwa, Victoria Diana; Nakanjako, Damalie; Elliott, Alison M
  • Analysis of the MUII-plus mentorship programme: reflections of Fellows’ experiences and lessons for other programmes. (2020) Andia Biraro, Irene; Driciru, Emmanuella; Namaganda, Rehema; Luboga, Fiona; Kato Drago, Charles; Wajja, Anne; Okech, Brenda; Mboowa, Mary Gorrethy N; Muganyizi, Raymond; Kizza, Moses; Cose, Stephen; Bukirwa, Victoria Diana; Nakanjako, Damalie; Elliott, Alison M
  • Performance of metabonomic serum analysis for diagnostics in paediatric tuberculosis. (2020) Andreas, Nicholas J; Basu Roy, Robindra; Gomez-Romero, Maria; Horneffer-van der Sluis, Verena; Lewis, Matthew R; Camuzeaux, Stephane SM; Jiménez, Beatriz; Posma, Joram M; Tientcheu, Leopold; Egere, Uzochukwu; Sillah, Abdou; Togun, Toyin; Holmes, Elaine; Kampmann, Beate
  • Nephrotic syndrome in infants and toddlers before and after introduction of the meningococcal B vaccine programme in England: An ecological study. (2020) Andrews, Nick; Stowe, Julia; Miller, Elizabeth
  • Licensed Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) formulations differ markedly in bacterial viability, RNA content and innate immune activation. (2020) Angelidou, Asimenia; Conti, Maria-Giulia; Diray-Arce, Joann; Benn, Christine S; Shann, Frank; Netea, Mihai G; Liu, Mark; Potluri, Lakshmi Prasad; Sanchez-Schmitz, Guzman; Husson, Robert; Ozonoff, Al; Kampmann, Beate; van Haren, Simon Daniël; Levy, Ofer
  • Advancing structured decision-making in drug regulation at the FDA and EMA. (2020) Angelis, Aris; Phillips, Lawrence D
  • Early Health Technology Assessment during Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Drug Development: A Two-Round, Cross-Country, Multicriteria Decision Analysis. (2020) Angelis, Aris; Thursz, Mark; Ratziu, Vlad; O'Brien, Alastair; Serfaty, Lawrence; Canbay, Ali; Schiefke, Ingolf; Costa, Joao Bana E; Lecomte, Pascal; Kanavos, Panos
  • Ticagrelor With or Without Aspirin in High-Risk Patients With Diabetes Mellitus Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention. (2020) Angiolillo, Dominick J; Baber, Usman; Sartori, Samantha; Briguori, Carlo; Dangas, George; Cohen, David J; Mehta, Shamir R; Gibson, C Michael; Chandiramani, Rishi; Huber, Kurt; Kornowski, Ran; Weisz, Giora; Kunadian, Vijay; Oldroyd, Keith G; Ya-Ling, Han; Kaul, Upendra; Witzenbichler, Bernhard; Dudek, Dariusz; Sardella, Gennaro; Escaned, Javier; Sharma, Samin; Shlofmitz, Richard A; Collier, Timothy; Pocock, Stuart; Mehran, Roxana
  • Scalable solution for delivery of diabetes self-management education in Thailand (DSME-T): a cluster randomised trial study protocol. (2020) Angkurawaranon, Chaisiri; Papachristou Nadal, Iliatha; Mallinson, Poppy Alice Carson; Pinyopornpanish, Kanokporn; Quansri, Orawan; Rerkasem, Kittipan; Srivanichakorn, Supattra; Techakehakij, Win; Wichit, Nutchanath; Pateekhum, Chanapat; Hashmi, Ahmar H; Hanson, Kara; Khunti, Kamlesh; Kinra, Sanjay
  • Plasmodium falciparum Merozoite Associated Armadillo Protein (PfMAAP) Is Apically Localized in Free Merozoites and Antibodies Are Associated With Reduced Risk of Malaria. (2020) Aniweh, Yaw; Nyarko, Prince B; Charles-Chess, Essel; Ansah, Felix; Osier, Faith HA; Quansah, Evelyn; Thiam, Laty Gaye; Kamuyu, Gathoni; Marsh, Kevin; Conway, David J; Tetteh, Kevin KA; Awandare, Gordon A
  • Effect of Empagliflozin on Cardiovascular and Renal Outcomes in Patients With Heart Failure by Baseline Diabetes Status: Results From the EMPEROR-Reduced Trial. (2020) Anker, Stefan D; Butler, Javed; Filippatos, Gerasimos; Khan, Muhammad Shahzeb; Marx, Nikolaus; Lam, Carolyn SP; Schnaidt, Sven; Ofstad, Anne Pernille; Brueckmann, Martina; Jamal, Waheed; Bocchi, Edimar A; Ponikowski, Piotr; Perrone, Sergio V; Januzzi, James L; Verma, Subodh; Böhm, Michael; Ferreira, João Pedro; Pocock, Stuart J; Zannad, Faiez; Packer, Milton
  • Baseline characteristics of patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction in the EMPEROR-Preserved trial. (2020) Anker, Stefan D; Butler, Javed; Filippatos, Gerasimos; Shahzeb Khan, Muhammad; Ferreira, João Pedro; Bocchi, Edimar; Böhm, Michael; Brunner-La Rocca, Hans Pieter; Choi, Dong-Ju; Chopra, Vijay; Chuquiure, Eduardo; Giannetti, Nadia; Gomez-Mesa, Juan Esteban; Janssens, Stefan; Januzzi, James L; Gonzalez-Juanatey, Jose R; Merkely, Bela; Nicholls, Stephen J; Perrone, Sergio V; Piña, Ileana L; Ponikowski, Piotr; Senni, Michele; Seronde, Marie-France; Sim, David; Spinar, Jindrich; Squire, Iain; Taddei, Stefano; Tsutsui, Hiroyuki; Verma, Subodh; Vinereanu, Dragos; Zhang, Jian; Jamal, Waheed; Schnaidt, Sven; Schnee, Janet M; Brueckmann, Martina; Pocock, Stuart J; Zannad, Faiez; Packer, Milton; EMPEROR-Preserved Trial Committees and Investigators
  • Delivering a primary-level non-communicable disease programme for Syrian refugees and the host population in Jordan: a descriptive costing study. (2020) Ansbro, Éimhín; Garry, Sylvia; Karir, Veena; Reddy, Amulya; Jobanputra, Kiran; Fardous, Taissir; Sadique, Zia
  • Pay for Performance: A Reflection on How a Global Perspective Could Enhance Policy and Research. (2020) Anselmi, Laura; Borghi, Josephine; Brown, Garrett Wallace; Fichera, Eleonora; Hanson, Kara; Kadungure, Artwell; Kovacs, Roxanne; Kristensen, Søren Rud; Singh, Neha S; Sutton, Matt
  • A survey of Anopheles species composition and insecticide resistance on the island of Bubaque, Bijagos Archipelago, Guinea-Bissau. (2020) Ant, Thomas; Foley, Erin; Tytheridge, Scott; Johnston, Colin; Goncalves, Adriana; Ceesay, Sainey; Ndiath, Mamadou Ousmane; Affara, Muna; Martinez, Julien; Pretorius, Elizabeth; Grundy, Chris; Rodrigues, Amabelia; Djata, Paulo; d'Alessandro, Umberto; Bailey, Robin; Mabey, David; Last, Anna; Logan, James G
  • Development of a risk score for early saphenous vein graft failure: An individual patient data meta-analysis. (2020) Antonopoulos, Alexios S; Odutayo, Ayodele; Oikonomou, Evangelos K; Trivella, Marialena; Petrou, Mario; Collins, Gary S; Antoniades, Charalambos; SAFINOUS-CABG (Saphenous Vein Graft Failure—An Outcomes Study in
  • Clinical and epidemiological characterization of severe Plasmodium vivax malaria in Gujarat, India. (2020) Anvikar, Anupkumar R; van Eijk, Anna Maria; Shah, Asha; Upadhyay, Kamlesh J; Sullivan, Steven A; Patel, Ankita J; Joshi, Jaykumar M; Tyagi, Suchi; Singh, Ranvir; Carlton, Jane M; Gupta, Himanshu; Wassmer, Samuel C
  • A comparative analysis of cervical cancer prevention between Nigeria and Nordic countries that have experienced a decline in cervical cancer incidence. (2020) Anyasi, Helen I; Foss, Anna M
  • Social distancing measures to control the COVID-19 pandemic: potential impacts and challenges in Brazil. (2020) Aquino, Estela ML; Silveira, Ismael Henrique; Pescarini, Julia Moreira; Aquino, Rosana; Souza-Filho, Jaime Almeida de; Rocha, Aline dos Santos; Ferreira, Andrea; Victor, Audêncio; Teixeira, Camila; Machado, Daiane Borges; Paixão, Enny; Alves, Flávia Jôse Oliveira; Pilecco, Flávia; Menezes, Greice; Gabrielli, Ligia; Leite, Luciana; Almeida, Maria da Conceição Chagas de; Ortelan, Naiá; Fernandes, Qeren Hapuk R Ferreira; Ortiz, Renzo Joel Flores; Palmeira, Raquel Nunes; Junior, Elzo Pereira Pinto; Aragão, Erika; Souza, Luis Eugenio Portela Fernandes de; Netto, Manoel Barral; Teixeira, Maria Glória; Barreto, Mauricio Lima; Ichihara, Maria Yury; Lima, Raíza Tourinho dos Reis Silva
  • Spatiotemporal mapping of malaria prevalence in Madagascar using routine surveillance and health survey data. (2020) Arambepola, Rohan; Keddie, Suzanne H; Collins, Emma L; Twohig, Katherine A; Amratia, Punam; Bertozzi-Villa, Amelia; Chestnutt, Elisabeth G; Harris, Joseph; Millar, Justin; Rozier, Jennifer; Rumisha, Susan F; Symons, Tasmin L; Vargas-Ruiz, Camilo; Andriamananjara, Mauricette; Rabeherisoa, Saraha; Ratsimbasoa, Arsène C; Howes, Rosalind E; Weiss, Daniel J; Gething, Peter W; Cameron, Ewan
  • Years of life lost and mortality due to heat and cold in the three largest English cities. (2020) Arbuthnott, Katherine; Hajat, Shakoor; Heaviside, Clare; Vardoulakis, Sotiris
  • Intestinal Schistosomiasis and Giardiasis Co-Infection in Sub-Saharan Africa: Can a One Health Approach Improve Control of Each Waterborne Parasite Simultaneously? (2020) Archer, John; O'Halloran, Lisa; Al-Shehri, Hajri; Summers, Shannan; Bhattacharyya, Tapan; Kabaterine, Narcis B; Atuhaire, Aaron; Adriko, Moses; Arianaitwe, Moses; Stewart, Martyn; LaCourse, E James; Webster, Bonnie L; Bustinduy, Amaya L; Stothard, J Russell
  • Intestinal Schistosomiasis and Giardiasis Co-Infection in Sub-Saharan Africa: Can a One Health Approach Improve Control of Each Waterborne Parasite Simultaneously? (2020) Archer, John; O'Halloran, Lisa; Al-Shehri, Hajri; Summers, Shannan; Bhattacharyya, Tapan; Kabaterine, Narcis; Atuhaire, Aaron; Adriko, Moses; Arianaitwe, Moses; Stewart, Martyn; LaCourse, James; Webster, Bonnie; Bustinduy, Amaya; Stothard, Russell
  • Prioritizing critical-care resources in response to COVID-19: lessons from the development of Thailand's Triage protocol. (2020) Archer, Rachel A; Marshall, Aniqa I; Sirison, Kanchanok; Witthayapipopsakul, Woranan; Sriakkpokin, Pisit; Chotchoungchatchai, Somtanuek; Srisookwatana, Orapan; Teerawattananon, Yot; Tangcharoensathien, Viroj
  • Malaria Diagnosed in an Urban Setting Strongly Associated with Recent Overnight Travel: A Case-Control Study from Kampala, Uganda. (2020) Arinaitwe, Emmanuel; Mpimbaza, Arthur; Nankabirwa, Joaniter I; Kamya, Victor; Asiimwe, Alan; Kuule, Julius K; Kamya, Moses R; Drakeley, Chris; Dorsey, Grant; Rosenthal, Philip J; Staedke, Sarah G
  • Association between recent overnight travel and use of long-lasting insecticidal nets in rural Uganda: a prospective cohort study in Tororo. (2020) Arinaitwe, Emmanuel; Nankabirwa, Joaniter I; Krezanoski, Paul; Rek, John; Kamya, Victor; Epstein, Adrienne; Rosenthal, Philip J; Drakeley, Chris; Kamya, Moses R; Dorsey, Grant; Staedke, Sarah G
  • Sample size issues in time series regressions of counts on environmental exposures. (2020) Armstrong, Ben G; Gasparrini, Antonio; Tobias, Aurelio; Sera, Francesco
  • Understanding the importance of non-material factors in retaining community health workers in low-income settings: a qualitative case-study in Ethiopia. (2020) Arora, Nikita; Hanson, Kara; Spicer, Neil; Estifanos, Abiy Seifu; Keraga, Dorka Woldesenbet; Welearegay, Alemtsehay Tewele; Tela, Freweini Gebrearegay; Hussen, Yemisrach Ahmed; Mandefro, Yordanos Semu; Quaife, Matthew
  • Female Pakistani carers' views on future formal and informal care for their older relatives in Norway. (2020) Arora, Sanjana; Rechel, Bernd; Bergland, Astrid; Straiton, Melanie; Debesay, Jonas
  • Renegotiating formal and informal care while ageing abroad: Older Pakistani women's healthcare access, preferences and expectations in Norway. (2020) Arora, Sanjana; Straiton, Melanie; Bergland, Astrid; Rechel, Bernd; Debesay, Jonas
  • Variation in competent and respectful delivery care in Kenya and Malawi: a retrospective analysis of national facility surveys. (2020) Arsenault, Catherine; English, Mike; Gathara, David; Malata, Address; Mandala, Wilson; Kruk, Margaret E
  • Risk Factors of Microbial Keratitis in Uganda: A Case Control Study. (2020) Arunga, Simon; Kintoki, Guyguy M; Gichuhi, Stephen; Onyango, John; Ayebazibwe, Bosco; Newton, Rob; Leck, Astrid; Macleod, David; Hu, Victor H; Burton, Matthew J
  • Erratum: Who benefits from healthcare spending in Cambodia? Evidence for a universal health coverage policy. (2020) Asante, Augustine D; Ir, Por; Jacobs, Bart; Supon, Limwattananon; Liverani, Marco; Hayen, Andrew; Jan, Stephen; Wiseman, Virginia
  • Atopic eczema and obesity: a population-based study. (2020) Ascott, Anna; Mansfield, Kathryn; Schonmann, Yochai; Mulick, Amy; Abuabara, Katrina; Roberts, Amanda; Smeeth, Liam; Langan, Sinéad
  • Experiences of psychotherapists working with refugees in Germany: a qualitative study. (2020) Asfaw, Baye Berihun; Beiersmann, Claudia; Keck, Verena; Nikendei, Christoph; Benson-Martin, Janine; Schütt, Inken; Lohmann, Julia
  • Women's development group leaders' promotion of maternal, neonatal and child health care in Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study. (2020) Ashebir, Fisseha; Medhanyie, Araya Abrha; Mulugeta, Afework; Persson, Lars Åke; Berhanu, Della
  • Trends in worldwide asthma prevalence. (2020) Asher, M Innes; García-Marcos, Luis; Pearce, Neil E; Strachan, David P
  • <i>Anopheles stephensi</i> as an emerging malaria vector in the Horn of Africa with high susceptibility to Ethiopian <i>Plasmodium vivax</i> and <i>Plasmodium falciparum</i> isolates. (2020) Ashine, Temesgen; Teka, Hiwot; Esayas, Endashaw; Messenger, Louisa A; Chali, Wakweya; Meerstein-Kessel, Lisette; Walker, Thomas; Behaksra, Sinknesh Wolde; Lanke, Kjerstin; Heutink, Roel; Jeffries, Claire L; Mekonnen, Daniel Abebe; Hailemeskel, Elifaged; Tebeje, Surafel K; Tafesse, Temesgen; Gashaw, Abrham; Tsegaye, Tizita; Emiru, Tadele; Simon, Kigozi; Bogale, Eyuel Asemahegn; Yohannes, Gedeon; Kedir, Soriya; Shumie, Girma; Sabir, Senya Asfer; Mumba, Peter; Dengela, Dereje; Kolaczinski, Jan H; Wilson, Anne; Churcher, Thomas S; Chibsa, Sheleme; Murphy, Matthew; Balkew, Meshesha; Irish, Seth; Drakeley, Chris; Gadisa, Endalamaw; Bousema, Teun; Tadesse, Fitsum G
  • Spatiotemporal and Socioeconomic Risk Factors for Dengue at the Province Level in Vietnam, 2013-2015: Clustering Analysis and Regression Model. (2020) Ashmore, Polly; Lindahl, Johanna F; Colón-González, Felipe J; Sinh Nam, Vu; Quang Tan, Dang; Medley, Graham F
  • Risk Factors for Malaria Infection and Seropositivity in the Elimination Area of Grand'Anse, Haiti: A Case-Control Study among Febrile Individuals Seeking Treatment at Public Health Facilities. (2020) Ashton, Ruth A; Joseph, Vena; van den Hoogen, Lotus L; Tetteh, Kevin KA; Stresman, Gillian; Worges, Matt; Druetz, Thomas; Chang, Michelle A; Rogier, Eric; Lemoine, Jean Frantz; Drakeley, Chris; Eisele, Thomas P
  • The Importance of Developing Rigorous Social Science Methods for Community Engagement and Behavior Change During Outbreak Response. (2020) Ashworth, Henry C; Dada, Sara; Buggy, Conor; Lees, Shelley
  • Podoconiosis, skin-NTDs and global health. (2020) Asiedu, Kingsley; Marks, Michael; Hay, Roderick
  • Population-based monitoring of HIV drug resistance early warning indicators in Uganda: A nationally representative survey following revised WHO recommendations. (2020) Asio, Juliet; Watera, Christine; Namuwenge, Norah; Kirungi, Wilford; Musinguzi, Joshua; Mugagga, Kaggwa; Busobozi, Ronald; Tusiime, Bridget Jolly; Lutalo, Tom; Mbidde, Edward Katongole; Kaleebu, Pontiano; Uganda HIV Drug Resistance Technical Working Group
  • Assessment of subpatent Plasmodium infection in northwestern Ethiopia. (2020) Assefa, Ashenafi; Ahmed, Ahmed Ali; Deressa, Wakgari; Wilson, G Glenn; Kebede, Amha; Mohammed, Hussein; Sassine, Maruon; Haile, Mebrahtom; Dilu, Dereje; Teka, Hiwot; Murphy, Matthew W; Sergent, Sheila; Rogier, Eric; Zhiyong, Zhou; Wakeman, Brian S; Drakeley, Chris; Shi, Ya Ping; Von Seidlein, Lorenz; Hwang, Jimee
  • Eye health and quality of life: an umbrella review protocol. (2020) Assi, Lama; Rosman, Lori; Chamseddine, Fatimah; Ibrahim, Perla; Sabbagh, Hadi; Congdon, Nathan; Evans, Jennifer; Ramke, Jacqueline; Kuper, Hannah; Burton, Matthew J; Ehrlich, Joshua R; Swenor, Bonnielin K
  • Investigating the delivery of health and nutrition interventions for women and children in conflict settings: a collection of case studies from the BRANCH Consortium. (2020) Ataullahjan, Anushka; Gaffey, Michelle F; Sami, Samira; Singh, Neha S; Tappis, Hannah; Black, Robert E; Blanchet, Karl; Boerma, Ties; Langer, Ana; Spiegel, Paul B; Waldman, Ronald J; Wise, Paul H; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A
  • Relationships Between Measures of Malaria at Delivery and Adverse Birth Outcomes in a High-Transmission Area of Uganda. (2020) Ategeka, John; Kakuru, Abel; Kajubi, Richard; Wasswa, Razack; Ochokoru, Harriet; Arinaitwe, Emmanuel; Yeka, Adoke; Jagannathan, Prasanna; Kamya, Moses R; Muehlenbachs, Atis; Chico, R Matthew; Dorsey, Grant
  • Antiretroviral Therapy and Detection of High-grade Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia (CIN2+) at Post-CIN Management Follow-up Among Women Living With Human Immunodeficiency Virus: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. (2020) Atemnkeng, Njika; Aji, Abang Desmond; de Sanjose, Silvia; Mayaud, Philippe; Kelly, Helen
  • Withholding Primary Pneumocystis Pneumonia Prophylaxis in Virologically Suppressed Patients With Human Immunodeficiency Virus: An Emulation of a Pragmatic Trial in COHERE. (2020) Atkinson, Andrew; Zwahlen, Marcel; Barger, Diana; d'Arminio Monforte, Antonella; De Wit, Stephane; Ghosn, Jade; Girardi, Enrico; Svedhem, Veronica; Morlat, Philippe; Mussini, Cristina; Noguera-Julian, Antoni; Stephan, Christoph; Touloumi, Giota; Kirk, Ole; Mocroft, Amanda; Reiss, Peter; Miro, Jose M; Carpenter, James R; Furrer, Hansjakob; Opportunistic Infections Project Working Group of the Collaborat
  • Sustainable care for children with cancer: a Lancet Oncology Commission. (2020) Atun, Rifat; Bhakta, Nickhill; Denburg, Avram; Frazier, A Lindsay; Friedrich, Paola; Gupta, Sumit; Lam, Catherine G; Ward, Zachary J; Yeh, Jennifer M; Allemani, Claudia; Coleman, Michel P; Di Carlo, Veronica; Loucaides, Eva; Fitchett, Elizabeth; Girardi, Fabio; Horton, Susan E; Bray, Freddie; Steliarova-Foucher, Eva; Sullivan, Richard; Aitken, Joanne F; Banavali, Shripad; Binagwaho, Agnes; Alcasabas, Patricia; Antillon, Federico; Arora, Ramandeep S; Barr, Ronald D; Bouffet, Eric; Challinor, Julia; Fuentes-Alabi, Soad; Gross, Thomas; Hagander, Lars; Hoffman, Ruth I; Herrera, Cristian; Kutluk, Tezer; Marcus, Karen J; Moreira, Claude; Pritchard-Jones, Kathy; Ramirez, Oscar; Renner, Lorna; Robison, Leslie L; Shalkow, Jaime; Sung, Lillian; Yeoh, Allen; Rodriguez-Galindo, Carlos
  • Low chikungunya virus seroprevalence two years after emergence in Fiji. (2020) Aubry, Maite; Kama, Mike; Henderson, Alasdair D; Teissier, Anita; Vanhomwegen, Jessica; Mariteragi-Helle, Teheipuaura; Paoaafaite, Tuterarii; Manuguerra, Jean-Claude; Christi, Ketan; Watson, Conall H; Lau, Colleen L; Kucharski, Adam J; Cao-Lormeau, Van-Mai
  • First trimester use of artemisinin-based combination therapy and the risk of low birth weight and small for gestational age. (2020) Augusto, Orvalho; Stergachis, Andy; Dellicour, Stephanie; Tinto, Halidou; Valá, Anifa; Ruperez, Maria; Macete, Eusébio; Nakanabo-Diallo, Seydou; Kazienga, Adama; Valéa, Innocent; d'Alessandro, Umberto; Ter Kuile, Feiko O; Calip, Gregory S; Ouma, Peter; Desai, Meghna; Sevene, Esperança
  • Effect of tuberculosis screening and retention interventions on early antiretroviral therapy mortality in Botswana: a stepped-wedge cluster randomized trial. (2020) Auld, Andrew F; Agizew, Tefera; Mathoma, Anikie; Boyd, Rosanna; Date, Anand; Pals, Sherri L; Serumola, Christopher; Mathebula, Unami; Alexander, Heather; Ellerbrock, Tedd V; Rankgoane-Pono, Goabaone; Pono, Pontsho; Shepherd, James C; Fielding, Katherine; Grant, Alison D; Finlay, Alyssa
  • Risk scores for predicting early antiretroviral therapy mortality in sub-Saharan Africa to inform who needs intensification of care: a derivation and external validation cohort study. (2020) Auld, Andrew F; Fielding, Katherine; Agizew, Tefera; Maida, Alice; Mathoma, Anikie; Boyd, Rosanna; Date, Anand; Pals, Sherri L; Bicego, George; Liu, Yuliang; Shiraishi, Ray W; Ehrenkranz, Peter; Serumola, Christopher; Mathebula, Unami; Alexander, Heather; Charalambous, Salome; Emerson, Courtney; Rankgoane-Pono, Goabaone; Pono, Pontsho; Finlay, Alyssa; Shepherd, James C; Holmes, Charles; Ellerbrock, Tedd V; Grant, Alison D
  • Toward a Model of Situations and Their Context. (2020) Aunger, Robert
  • How do SYMPtoms and management tasks in chronic heart failure imPACT a person's life (SYMPACT)? Protocol for a mixed-methods study. (2020) Austin, Rosalynn C; Schoonhoven, Lisette; Richardson, Alison; Kalra, Paul R; May, Carl R
  • Engaging parents in digital sexual and reproductive health education: evidence from the JACK trial. (2020) Aventin, Áine; Gough, Aisling; McShane, Theresa; Gillespie, Kathryn; O'Hare, Liam; Young, Honor; Lewis, Ruth; Warren, Emily; Buckley, Kelly; Lohan, Maria
  • Social marketing interventions for the prevention and control of neglected tropical diseases: A systematic review. (2020) Aya Pastrana, Nathaly; Lazo-Porras, Maria; Miranda, J Jaime; Beran, David; Suggs, L Suzanne
  • Prenatal and Postnatal Cardiac Development in Offspring of Hypertensive Pregnancies. (2020) Aye, Christina YL; Lewandowski, Adam J; Lamata, Pablo; Upton, Ross; Davis, Esther; Ohuma, Eric O; Kenworthy, Yvonne; Boardman, Henry; Frost, Annabelle L; Adwani, Satish; McCormick, Kenny; Leeson, Paul
  • Fetal heart rate monitoring practices at a public hospital in Northern Uganda - what health workers document, do and say. (2020) Ayebare, Elizabeth; Jonas, Wibke; Ndeezi, Grace; Nankunda, Jolly; Hanson, Claudia; Tumwine, James K; Hjelmstedt, Anna
  • Preexisting morbidity profile of women newly diagnosed with breast cancer in sub-Saharan Africa: African Breast Cancer-Disparities in Outcomes study. (2020) Ayeni, Oluwatosin A; Norris, Shane A; Joffe, Maureen; Cubasch, Herbert; Galukande, Moses; Zietsman, Annelle; Parham, Groesbeck; Adisa, Charles; Anele, Angelica; Schüz, Joachim; Anderson, Benjamin O; Foerster, Milena; Dos Santos Silva, Isabel; McCormack, Valerie A
  • Epidemiological Impact of Novel Preventive and Therapeutic HSV-2 Vaccination in the United States: Mathematical Modeling Analyses. (2020) Ayoub, Houssein H; Chemaitelly, Hiam; Abu-Raddad, Laith J
  • Characterizing the historical role of parenteral antischistosomal therapy in hepatitis C virus transmission in Egypt. (2020) Ayoub, Houssein H; Chemaitelly, Hiam; Kouyoumjian, Silva P; Abu-Raddad, Laith J
  • Characterizing key attributes of COVID-19 transmission dynamics in China's original outbreak: Model-based estimations. (2020) Ayoub, Houssein H; Chemaitelly, Hiam; Mumtaz, Ghina R; Seedat, Shaheen; Awad, Susanne F; Makhoul, Monia; Abu-Raddad, Laith J
  • Characterizing key attributes of the epidemiology of COVID-19 in China: Model-based estimations. (2020) Ayoub, Houssein H; Chemaitelly, Hiam; Mumtaz, Ghina R; Seedat, Shaheen; Awad, Susanne F; Makhoul, Monia; Abu-Raddad, Laith J
  • Age could be driving variable SARS-CoV-2 epidemic trajectories worldwide. (2020) Ayoub, Houssein H; Chemaitelly, Hiam; Seedat, Shaheen; Mumtaz, Ghina R; Makhoul, Monia; Abu-Raddad, Laith J
  • Age could be driving variable SARS-CoV-2 epidemic trajectories worldwide. (2020) Ayoub, Houssein H; Chemaitelly, Hiam; Seedat, Shaheen; Mumtaz, Ghina R; Makhoul, Monia; Abu-Raddad, Laith J
  • Postpartum Depression in The Arab Region: A Systematic Literature Review. (2020) Ayoub, Khubaib; Shaheen, Amira; Hajat, Shakoor
  • Multi-locus genotyping reveals established endemicity of a geographically distinct Plasmodium vivax population in Mauritania, West Africa. (2020) Ba, Hampate; Auburn, Sarah; Jacob, Christopher G; Goncalves, Sonia; Duffy, Craig W; Stewart, Lindsay B; Price, Ric N; Deh, Yacine Boubou; Diallo, Mamadou Yero; Tandia, Abderahmane; Kwiatkowski, Dominic P; Conway, David J
  • Ticagrelor alone vs. ticagrelor plus aspirin following percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes: TWILIGHT-ACS. (2020) Baber, Usman; Dangas, George; Angiolillo, Dominick Joseph; Cohen, David Joel; Sharma, Samin Kumar; Nicolas, Johny; Briguori, Carlo; Cha, Jin Yu; Collier, Timothy; Dudek, Dariusz; Džavik, Vladimir; Escaned, Javier; Gil, Robert; Gurbel, Paul; Hamm, Christian W; Henry, Timothy; Huber, Kurt; Kastrati, Adnan; Kaul, Upendra; Kornowski, Ran; Krucoff, Mitchell; Kunadian, Vijay; Marx, Steven Owen; Mehta, Shamir; Moliterno, David; Ohman, Erik Magnus; Oldroyd, Keith; Sardella, Gennaro; Sartori, Samantha; Shlofmitz, Richard; Steg, Philippe Gabriel; Weisz, Giora; Witzenbichler, Bernhard; Han, Ya-Ling; Pocock, Stuart; Gibson, Charles Michael; Mehran, Roxana
  • Immune predictors of oral poliovirus vaccine immunogenicity among infants in South India. (2020) Babji, Sudhir; Manickavasagam, Punithavathy; Chen, Yin-Huai; Jeyavelu, Nithya; Jose, Nisha Vincy; Praharaj, Ira; Syed, Chanduni; Kaliappan, Saravanakumar Puthupalayam; John, Jacob; Giri, Sidhartha; Venugopal, Srinivasan; Kampmann, Beate; Parker, Edward PK; Iturriza-Gómara, Miren; Kang, Gagandeep; Grassly, Nicholas C; Uhlig, Holm H
  • Immune predictors of oral poliovirus vaccine immunogenicity among infants in South India. (2020) Babji, Sudhir; Manickavasagam, Punithavathy; Chen, Yin-Huai; Jeyavelu, Nithya; Jose, Nisha Vincy; Praharaj, Ira; Syed, Chanduni; Kaliappan, Saravanakumar Puthupalayam; John, Jacob; Giri, Sidhartha; Venugopal, Srinivasan; Kampmann, Beate; Parker, Edward PK; Iturriza-Gómara, Miren; Kang, Gagandeep; Grassly, Nicholas C; Uhlig, Holm H
  • Small for gestational age babies and depressive symptoms of mothers during pregnancy: Results from a birth cohort in India. (2020) Babu, Giridhara R; Murthy, GVS; Reddy, Yogesh; Deepa, R; Yamuna, A; Prafulla, S; Krishnan, Anjaly; Lobo, Eunice; Rathnaiah, Mohanbabu; Kinra, Sanjay
  • Small for gestational age babies and depressive symptoms of mothers during pregnancy: Results from a birth cohort in India. (2020) Babu, Giridhara R; Murthy, GVS; Reddy, Yogesh; Deepa, R; Yamuna, A; Prafulla, S; Krishnan, Anjaly; Lobo, Eunice; Rathnaiah, Mohanbabu; Kinra, Sanjay
  • Towards a unified generic framework to define and observe contacts between livestock and wildlife: a systematic review. (2020) Bacigalupo, Sonny A; Dixon, Linda K; Gubbins, Simon; Kucharski, Adam J; Drewe, Julian A
  • Childhood vaccination against seasonal influenza - is there a risk of undesirable outcomes? (2020) Baguelin, Marc; Edmunds, W John
  • Tooling-up for infectious disease transmission modelling. (2020) Baguelin, Marc; Medley, Graham F; Nightingale, Emily S; O'Reilly, Kathleen M; Rees, Eleanor M; Waterlow, Naomi R; Wagner, Moritz
  • Feasibility of establishing an HIV vaccine preparedness cohort in a population of the Uganda Police Force: Lessons learnt from a prospective study. (2020) Bahemuka, Ubaldo Mushabe; Abaasa, Andrew; Seeley, Janet; Byaruhanga, Moses; Kamali, Anatoli; Mayaud, Philippe; Kuteesa, Monica
  • A simplified, combined protocol versus standard treatment for acute malnutrition in children 6-59 months (ComPAS trial): A cluster-randomized controlled non-inferiority trial in Kenya and South Sudan. (2020) Bailey, Jeanette; Opondo, Charles; Lelijveld, Natasha; Marron, Bethany; Onyo, Pamela; Musyoki, Eunice N; Adongo, Susan W; Manary, Mark; Briend, André; Kerac, Marko
  • Targeting the Malaria Parasite cGMP-Dependent Protein Kinase to Develop New Drugs. (2020) Baker, David A; Matralis, Alexios N; Osborne, Simon A; Large, Jonathan M; Penzo, Maria
  • Risk factors for Epstein Barr virus-associated cancers: a systematic review, critical appraisal, and mapping of the epidemiological evidence. (2020) Bakkalci, Deniz; Jia, Yumeng; Winter, Joanne R; Lewis, Joanna Ea; Taylor, Graham S; Stagg, Helen R
  • Enhancing the use of stakeholder analysis for policy implementation research: towards a novel framing and operationalised measures. (2020) Balane, Marysol Astrea; Palafox, Benjamin; Palileo-Villanueva, Lia M; McKee, Martin; Balabanova, Dina
  • Monitoring indirect impact of COVID-19 pandemic on services for cardiovascular diseases in the UK. (2020) Ball, Simon; Banerjee, Amitava; Berry, Colin; Boyle, Jonathan R; Bray, Benjamin; Bradlow, William; Chaudhry, Afzal; Crawley, Rikki; Danesh, John; Denniston, Alastair; Falter, Florian; Figueroa, Jonine D; Hall, Christopher; Hemingway, Harry; Jefferson, Emily; Johnson, Tom; King, Graham; Lee, Kuan Ken; McKean, Paul; Mason, Suzanne; Mills, Nicholas L; Pearson, Ewen; Pirmohamed, Munir; Poon, Michael TC; Priedon, Rouven; Shah, Anoop; Sofat, Reecha; Sterne, Jonathan AC; Strachan, Fiona E; Sudlow, Cathie LM; Szarka, Zsolt; Whiteley, William; Wyatt, Michael; CVD-COVID-UK Consortium
  • The effect of natural antimicrobials against Campylobacter spp. and its similarities to Salmonella spp, Listeria spp., Escherichia coli, Vibrio spp., Clostridium spp. and Staphylococcus spp. (2020) Balta, Igori; Linton, Mark; Pinkerton, Laurette; Kelly, Carmel; Stef, Lavinia; Pet, Ioan; Stef, Ducu; Criste, Adriana; Gundogdu, Ozan; Corcionivoschi, Nicolae
  • Antiviral activity of a novel mixture of natural antimicrobials, in vitro, and in a chicken infection model in vivo. (2020) Balta, Igori; Stef, Lavinia; Pet, Ioan; Ward, Patrick; Callaway, Todd; Ricke, Steven C; Gundogdu, Ozan; Corcionivoschi, Nicolae
  • Multimorbidity: Not Just for the West. (2020) Banerjee, Amitava; Hurst, John; Fottrell, Edward; Miranda, J Jaime
  • e-income countries from a provider's perspective: a systematic review. (2020) Banke-Thomas, Aduragbemi; Abejirinde, Ibukun-Oluwa Omolade; Ayomoh, Francis Ifeanyi; Banke-Thomas, Oluwasola; Eboreime, Ejemai Amaize; Ameh, Charles Anawo
  • Reaching health facilities in situations of emergency: qualitative study capturing experiences of pregnant women in Africa's largest megacity. (2020) Banke-Thomas, Aduragbemi; Balogun, Mobolanle; Wright, Ololade; Ajayi, Babatunde; Abejirinde, Ibukun-Oluwa Omolade; Olaniran, Abimbola; Giwa-Ayedun, Rokibat Olabisi; Odusanya, Bilikisu; Afolabi, Bosede Bukola
  • "Leaving no one behind" also includes taking the elderly along concerning their sexual and reproductive health and rights: a new focus for Reproductive Health. (2020) Banke-Thomas, Aduragbemi; Olorunsaiye, Comfort Z; Yaya, Sanni
  • No One Left Behind? Comparing Poverty and Deprivation between People with and without Disabilities in the Maldives. (2020) Banks, Lena Morgon; Hameed, Shaffa; Kawsar Usman, Sofoora; Kuper, Hannah
  • ‘Obuntu Bulamu’ – Development and Testing of an Indigenous Intervention for Disability Inclusion in Uganda. (2020) Bannink Mbazzi, Femke; Nalugya, Ruth; Kawesa, Elizabeth; Nambejja, Harriet; Nizeyimana, Pamela; Ojok, Patrick; Van Hove, Geert; Seeley, Janet
  • "[Repeat] testing and counseling is one of the key [services] that the government should continue providing": participants' perceptions on extended repeat HIV testing and enhanced counseling (ERHTEC) for primary HIV prevention in pregnant and lactating women in the PRIMAL study, Uganda. (2020) Bannink Mbazzi, Femke; Namukwaya, Zikulah; Amone, Alexander; Ojok, Francis; Etima, Juliane; Byamugisha, Josaphat; Katabira, Elly; Fowler, Mary Glenn; Homsy, Jaco; King, Rachel; PRIMAL Study Team
  • The impact of maternal RSV vaccine to protect infants in Gavi-supported countries: Estimates from two models. (2020) Baral, Ranju; Li, Xiao; Willem, Lander; Antillon, Marina; Vilajeliu, Alba; Jit, Mark; Beutels, Philippe; Pecenka, Clint
  • Cost of illness for childhood diarrhea in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review of evidence and modelled estimates. (2020) Baral, Ranju; Nonvignon, Justice; Debellut, Frédéric; Agyemang, Samuel Agyei; Clark, Andrew; Pecenka, Clint
  • Does national policy in England help deliver better and more consistent care for those at the end of life? (2020) Barker, Rhiannon; Wilson, Patricia; Butler, Claire
  • Genetic overlap between psychotic experiences in the community across age and with psychiatric disorders. (2020) Barkhuizen, Wikus; Pain, Oliver; Dudbridge, Frank; Ronald, Angelica
  • "You talk about problems until you feel free": South African adolescent girls' and young women's narratives on the value of HIV prevention peer support clubs. (2020) Baron, Deborah; Scorgie, Fiona; Ramskin, Lethabo; Khoza, Nomhle; Schutzman, Jennifer; Stangl, Anne; Harvey, Sheila; Delany-Moretlwe, Sinead; EMPOWER study team
  • Correction to: Impact of district mental health care plans on symptom severity and functioning of patients with priority mental health conditions: the Programme for Improving Mental Health Care (PRIME) cohort protocol. (2020) Baron, Emily C; Rathod, Sujit D; Hanlon, Charlotte; Prince, Martin; Fedaku, Abebaw; Kigozi, Fred; Jordans, Mark; Luitel, Nagendra P; Medhin, Girmay; Murhar, Vaibhav; Nakku, Juliet; Patel, Vikram; Petersen, Inge; Selohilwe, One; Shidhaye, Rahul; Ssebunnya, Joshua; Tomlinson, Mark; Lund, Crick; De Silva, Mary
  • Mycobacterium tuberculosis bloodstream infection prevalence, diagnosis, and mortality risk in seriously ill adults with HIV: a systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patient data. (2020) Barr, David A; Lewis, Joseph M; Feasey, Nicholas; Schutz, Charlotte; Kerkhoff, Andrew D; Jacob, Shevin T; Andrews, Ben; Kelly, Paul; Lakhi, Shabir; Muchemwa, Levy; Bacha, Helio A; Hadad, David J; Bedell, Richard; van Lettow, Monique; Zachariah, Rony; Crump, John A; Alland, David; Corbett, Elizabeth L; Gopinath, Krishnamoorthy; Singh, Sarman; Griesel, Rulan; Maartens, Gary; Mendelson, Marc; Ward, Amy M; Parry, Christopher M; Talbot, Elizabeth A; Munseri, Patricia; Dorman, Susan E; Martinson, Neil; Shah, Maunank; Cain, Kevin; Heilig, Charles M; Varma, Jay K; von Gottberg, Anne; Sacks, Leonard; Wilson, Douglas; Squire, S Bertel; Lalloo, David G; Davies, Gerry; Meintjes, Graeme
  • Higher gametocyte production and mosquito infectivity in chronic compared to incident Plasmodium falciparum infections. (2020) Barry, Aissata; Bradley, John; Stone, Will; Guelbeogo, Moussa W; Lanke, Kjerstin; Ouedraogo, Alphonse; Soulama, Issiaka; Nébié, Issa; Serme, Samuel S; Grignard, Lynn; Patterson, Catriona; Wu, Lindsey; Briggs, Jessica J; Janson, Owen; Awandu, Shehu S; Ouedraogo, Mireille; Tarama, Casimire W; Kargougou, Désiré; Zongo, Soumanaba; Sirima, Sodiomon B; Marti, Matthias; Drakeley, Chris; Tiono, Alfred B; Bousema, Teun
  • Bootstrap inference for multiple imputation under uncongeniality and misspecification. (2020) Bartlett, Jonathan W; Hughes, Rachael A
  • The Hazards of Period Specific and Weighted Hazard Ratios. (2020) Bartlett, Jonathan W; Morris, Tim P; Stensrud, Mats J; Daniel, Rhian M; Vansteelandt, Stijn K; Burman, Carl-Fredrik
  • Knowledge, attitude and practice towards tuberculosis in Gambia: a nation-wide cross-sectional survey. (2020) Bashorun, Adedapo Olufemi; Linda, Christopher; Omoleke, Semeeh; Kendall, Lindsay; Donkor, Simon D; Kinteh, Ma-Ansu; Danso, Baba; Leigh, Lamin; Kandeh, Sheriff; D'Alessandro, Umberto; Adetifa, Ifedayo Morayo O
  • COVID-19 and hospitalizations for SARI in Brazil: a comparison up to the 12th epidemiological week of 2020. (2020) Bastos, Leonardo Soares; Niquini, Roberta Pereira; Lana, Raquel Martins; Villela, Daniel AM; Cruz, Oswaldo G; Coelho, Flávio C; Codeço, Claudia T; Gomes, Marcelo FC
  • Protection against mycobacterial infection: A case-control study of mycobacterial immune responses in pairs of Gambian children with discordant infection status despite matched TB exposure. (2020) Basu Roy, Robindra; Sambou, Basil; Sissoko, Muhamed; Holder, Beth; Gomez, Marie P; Egere, Uzochukwu; Sillah, Abdou K; Koukounari, Artemis; Kampmann, Beate
  • Performance of immune-based and microbiological tests in children with tuberculosis meningitis in Europe: a multicentre Paediatric Tuberculosis Network European Trials Group (ptbnet) study. (2020) Basu Roy, Robindra; Thee, Stephanie; Blázquez-Gamero, Daniel; Falcón-Neyra, Lola; Neth, Olaf; Noguera-Julian, Antoni; Lillo, Cristina; Galli, Luisa; Venturini, Elisabetta; Buonsenso, Danilo; Götzinger, Florian; Martinez-Alier, Nuria; Velizarova, Svetlana; Brinkmann, Folke; Welch, Steven B; Tsolia, Maria; Santiago-Garcia, Begoña; Krüger, Renate; Tebruegge, Marc; ptbnet TB Meningitis Study Group
  • The impact of COVID-19 on contraception and abortion care policy and practice: experiences from selected countries. (2020) Bateson, Deborah J; Lohr, Patricia A; Norman, Wendy V; Moreau, Caroline; Gemzell-Danielsson, Kristina; Blumenthal, Paul D; Hoggart, Lesley; Li, Hang-Wun Raymond; Aiken, Abigail RA; Black, Kirsten I
  • Modelling the cost-effectiveness of introducing subsidised malaria rapid diagnostic tests in the private retail sector in sub-Saharan Africa. (2020) Bath, David; Goodman, Catherine; Yeung, Shunmay
  • The spread of chloramphenicol-resistant Neisseria meningitidis in Southeast Asia. (2020) Batty, Elizabeth M; Cusack, Tomas-Paul; Thaipadungpanit, Janjira; Watthanaworawit, Wanitda; Carrara, Verena; Sihalath, Somsavanh; Hopkins, Jill; Soeng, Sona; Ling, Clare; Turner, Paul; Dance, David AB
  • Precision Physical Distancing for COVID-19: An Important Tool in Unlocking the Lockdown. (2020) Bausch, Daniel G
  • Short Communication: Choosing the Right Program for the Identification of HIV-1 Transmission Networks from Nucleotide Sequences Sampled from Different Populations. (2020) Bbosa, Nicholas; Ssemwanga, Deogratius; Kaleebu, Pontiano
  • Phylogenetic and Demographic Characterization of Directed HIV-1 Transmission Using Deep Sequences from High-Risk and General Population Cohorts/Groups in Uganda. (2020) Bbosa, Nicholas; Ssemwanga, Deogratius; Ssekagiri, Alfred; Xi, Xiaoyue; Mayanja, Yunia; Bahemuka, Ubaldo; Seeley, Janet; Pillay, Deenan; Abeler-Dörner, Lucie; Golubchik, Tanya; Fraser, Christophe; Kaleebu, Pontiano; Ratmann, Oliver
  • Yaws re-emergence and bacterial drug resistance selection after mass administration of azithromycin: a genomic epidemiology investigation. (2020) Beale, Mathew A; Noguera-Julian, Marc; Godornes, Charmie; Casadellà, Maria; González-Beiras, Camila; Parera, Mariona; Kapa Jnr, August; Houinei, Wendy; Wangi, James; Corbacho-Monne, Marc; Paredes, Roger; Gonzalez-Candelas, Fernando; Marks, Michael; Lukehart, Sheila A; Thomson, Nicholas R; Mitjà, Oriol
  • A rapid review and meta-analysis of the asymptomatic proportion of PCR-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infections in community settings. (2020) Beale, Sarah; Hayward, Andrew; Shallcross, Laura; Aldridge, Robert W; Fragaszy, Ellen
  • Household transmission of seasonal coronavirus infections: Results from the Flu Watch cohort study. (2020) Beale, Sarah; Lewer, Dan; Aldridge, Robert W; Johnson, Anne M; Zambon, Maria; Hayward, Andrew; Fragaszy, Ellen
  • Assessing the effect of the Samata intervention on factors hypothesised to be on the pathway to child marriage and school drop-out: results from a cluster-randomised trial in rural north Karnataka, India. (2020) Beattie, Tara S; Prakash, Ravi; Javalkar, Prakash; Collumbien, Martine; Ramanaik, Satyanarayana; Thalinja, Raghavendra; Murthy, Srikanta; Davey, Calum; Moses, Stephen; Heise, Lori; Watts, Charlotte; Isac, Shajy; Gafos, Mitzy; Bhattacharjee, Parinita
  • Mental health problems among female sex workers in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis. (2020) Beattie, Tara S; Smilenova, Boryana; Krishnaratne, Shari; Mazzuca, April
  • Multiplex Mediator Displacement Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification for Detection of Treponema pallidum and Haemophilus ducreyi. (2020) Becherer, Lisa; Knauf, Sascha; Marks, Michael; Lueert, Simone; Frischmann, Sieghard; Borst, Nadine; von Stetten, Felix; Bieb, Sibauk; Adu-Sarkodie, Yaw; Asiedu, Kingsley; Mitjà, Oriol; Bakheit, Mohammed
  • MDR M. tuberculosis outbreak clone in Eswatini missed by Xpert has elevated bedaquiline resistance dated to the pre-treatment era. (2020) Beckert, Patrick; Sanchez-Padilla, Elisabeth; Merker, Matthias; Dreyer, Viola; Kohl, Thomas A; Utpatel, Christian; Köser, Claudio U; Barilar, Ivan; Ismail, Nazir; Omar, Shaheed Vally; Klopper, Marisa; Warren, Robin M; Hoffmann, Harald; Maphalala, Gugu; Ardizzoni, Elisa; de Jong, Bouke C; Kerschberger, Bernhard; Schramm, Birgit; Andres, Sönke; Kranzer, Katharina; Maurer, Florian P; Bonnet, Maryline; Niemann, Stefan
  • Living with the COVID-19 pandemic: act now with the tools we have. (2020) Bedford, Juliet; Enria, Delia; Giesecke, Johan; Heymann, David L; Ihekweazu, Chikwe; Kobinger, Gary; Lane, H Clifford; Memish, Ziad A; Oh, Myoung-Don; Sall, Amadou Alpha; Ungchusak, Kumnuan; Wieler, Lothar H; WHO Strategic and Technical Advisory Group for Infectious Hazard
  • COVID-19: towards controlling of a pandemic. (2020) Bedford, Juliet; Enria, Delia; Giesecke, Johan; Heymann, David L; Ihekweazu, Chikwe; Kobinger, Gary; Lane, H Clifford; Memish, Ziad; Oh, Myoung-Don; Sall, Amadou Alpha; Schuchat, Anne; Ungchusak, Kumnuan; Wieler, Lothar H; WHO Strategic and Technical Advisory Group for Infectious Hazard
  • Statin exposure and risk of cancer in people with and without HIV infection. (2020) Bedimo, Roger J; Park, Lesley S; Shebl, Fatima M; Sigel, Keith; Rentsch, Christopher T; Crothers, Kristina; Rodriguez-Barradas, Maria C; Goetz, Matthew Bidwell; Butt, Adeel A; Brown, Sheldon T; Gibert, Cynthia; Justice, Amy C; Tate, Janet P
  • [Increasing global measles cases are also relevant to Germany : The Centre for International Health Protection helps strengthen global health]. (2020) Beermann, Sandra; Denkel, Luisa; Hanefeld, Johanna
  • Ripple effects of research capacity strengthening: a study of the effects of a project to support test facilities in three African countries towards Good Laboratory Practice certification. (2020) Begg, Sara; Wright, Alexandra; Small, Graham; Abdoulaye, Diabate; Kisinza, William; Koudou, Benjamin; Moore, Sarah; Mosha, Franklin; Edi, Constant; Kirby, Matthew; Kija, Patrick; Malima, Robert; Moore, Jason; Bates, Imelda
  • Developing laboratory capacity for Good Laboratory Practice certification: lessons from a Tanzanian insecticide testing facility. (2020) Begg, Sara; Wright, Alexandra; Small, Graham; Mosha, Franklin; Kirby, Matthew; Snetselaar, Janneke; Aziz, Salum; Bharmal, Jameel; Dacombe, Russell; Bates, Imelda
  • Spectrum of Eye Disease in Diabetes (SPEED) in India: A prospective facility-based study. Report # 4. Glaucoma in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus. (2020) Behera, Umesh C; Bhattacharjee, Harsha; Das, Taraprasad; Gilbert, Clare; Murthy, GVS; Rajalakshmi, R; Pant, Hira B; SPEED study group
  • Atovaquone-proguanil exposure in pregnancy should not be condemned from current evidence. (2020) Behrens, Ron; Edwards, Phil
  • Relationship between nitrate headache and outcome in patients with acute stroke: results from the efficacy of nitric oxide in stroke (ENOS) trial. (2020) Beishon, Lucy; Woodhouse, Lisa J; Bereczki, Daniel; Christensen, Hanne K; Collins, Ronan; Gommans, John; Kruuse, Christina; Ntaios, George; Ozturk, Serefnur; Phillips, Stephen; Pocock, Stuart; Szatmari, Szabolcs; Wardlaw, Joanna; Sprigg, Nikola; Bath, Philip M; for ENOS Investigators
  • Selenium Deficiency Is Widespread and Spatially Dependent in Ethiopia. (2020) Belay, Adamu; Joy, Edward JM; Chagumaira, Christopher; Zerfu, Dilnesaw; Ander, E Louise; Young, Scott D; Bailey, Elizabeth H; Lark, R Murray; Broadley, Martin R; Gashu, Dawd
  • Seasonal Variation of Household Food Insecurity and Household Dietary Diversity on Wasting and Stunting among Young Children in A Drought Prone Area in South Ethiopia: A Cohort Study. (2020) Belayneh, Mehretu; Loha, Eskindir; Lindtjørn, Bernt
  • Monitoring environmental change and human health: Planetary Health Watch. (2020) Belesova, Kristine; Haines, Andy; Ranganathan, Janet; Seddon, Jessica; Wilkinson, Paul
  • Integrating climate action for health into covid-19 recovery plans. (2020) Belesova, Kristine; Heymann, David L; Haines, Andy
  • Notifications to Improve Engagement With an Alcohol Reduction App: Protocol for a Micro-Randomized Trial (Preprint). (2020) Bell, Lauren; Garnett, Claire; Qian, Tianchen; Perski, Olga; Potts, Henry WW; Williamson, Elizabeth
  • Notifications to Improve Engagement With an Alcohol Reduction App: Protocol for a Micro-Randomized Trial. (2020) Bell, Lauren; Garnett, Claire; Qian, Tianchen; Perski, Olga; Potts, Henry WW; Williamson, Elizabeth
  • Engagement With a Behavior Change App for Alcohol Reduction: Data Visualization for Longitudinal Observational Study (Preprint). (2020) Bell, Lauren; Garnett, Claire; Qian, Tianchen; Perski, Olga; Williamson, Elizabeth; Potts, Henry WW
  • Engagement With a Behavior Change App for Alcohol Reduction: Data Visualization for Longitudinal Observational Study. (2020) Bell, Lauren; Garnett, Claire; Qian, Tianchen; Perski, Olga; Williamson, Elizabeth; Potts, Henry Ww
  • Is flu vaccination opt-out feasible? Evidence from vaccination programme implementers and managers in the English National Health Service. (2020) Bell, Sadie; Chantler, Tracey; Paterson, Pauline; Mounier-Jack, Sandra
  • Parents' and guardians' views on the acceptability of a future COVID-19 vaccine: A multi-methods study in England. (2020) Bell, Sadie; Clarke, Richard; Mounier-Jack, Sandra; Walker, Jemma L; Paterson, Pauline
  • Parents' and guardians' views and experiences of accessing routine childhood vaccinations during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic: A mixed methods study in England. (2020) Bell, Sadie; Clarke, Richard; Paterson, Pauline; Mounier-Jack, Sandra
  • Parents’ and guardians’ views and experiences of accessing routine childhood vaccinations during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic: A mixed-methods study in England. (2020) Bell, Sadie; Clarke, Richard; Paterson, Pauline; Mounier-Jack, Sandra
  • Journeys to HIV testing and diagnosis among adults aged 50+ years in England: A qualitative interview study. (2020) Bell, Sadie; Doran, Tim; Martin, Fabiola; Adamson, Joy
  • Responding to measles outbreaks in underserved Roma and Romanian populations in England: the critical role of community understanding and engagement. (2020) Bell, Sadie; Saliba, Vanessa; Evans, Gail; Flanagan, Stephen; Ghebrehewet, Sam; McAuslane, Helen; Sibal, Bharat; Mounier-Jack, Sandra
  • What have we learnt from measles outbreaks in 3 English cities? A qualitative exploration of factors influencing vaccination uptake in Romanian and Roma Romanian communities. (2020) Bell, Sadie; Saliba, Vanessa; Ramsay, Mary; Mounier-Jack, Sandra
  • What have we learnt from measles outbreaks in 3 English cities? A qualitative exploration of factors influencing vaccination uptake in Romanian and Roma Romanian communities. (2020) Bell, Sadie; Saliba, Vanessa; Ramsay, Mary; Mounier-Jack, Sandra
  • Factors influencing the decision-making of carers of children with bilateral cataract in Nepal. (2020) Bell, Suzannah J; Singh, Tirtha; Bunce, Catey; Singh, Sanjay Kumar; Bascaran, Cova; Gilbert, Clare; Foster, Allen
  • Erratum: Summarizing and Communicating on Survival Data According to the Audience: A Tutorial on Different Measures Illustrated with Population-Based Cancer Registry Data [Corrigendum]. (2020) Belot, Aurélien; Ndiaye, Aminata; Luque-Fernandez, Miguel-Angel; Kipourou, Dimitra-Kleio; Maringe, Camille; Rubio, Francisco Javier; Rachet, Bernard
  • Attitudes toward sweetened soft drinks and consumption patterns among Saudi women: A cross-sectional study. (2020) Benajiba, Nada; Bernstein, Joshua; Aboul-Enein, Basil H
  • Physical activity interventions promoted in the Arabic-speaking region: A review of the current literature. (2020) Benajiba, Nada; Mahrous, Lana; Janah, Kaoutar; Alqabbani, Samiah F; Chavarria, Enmanuel A; Aboul-Enein, Basil H
  • Patient and Family Member Experiences in Critical Care Research and Quality Improvement Projects. (2020) Bench, Suzanne; O'Shea, Alison; Boaz, Annette
  • Retraction of COVID-19 Pharmacoepidemiology Research Could Have Been Avoided by Effective Use of Reporting Guidelines. (2020) Benchimol, Eric I; Moher, David; Ehrenstein, Vera; Langan, Sinéad M
  • Response Type and Host Species may be Sufficient to Predict Dose-Response Curve Shape for Adenoviral Vector Vaccines. (2020) Benest, John; Rhodes, Sophie; Afrough, Sara; Evans, Thomas; White, Richard
  • Overview of Evidence of Antimicrobial Use and Antimicrobial Resistance in the Food Chain. (2020) Bennani, Houda; Mateus, Ana; Mays, Nicholas; Eastmure, Elizabeth; Stärk, Katharina DC; Häsler, Barbara
  • Preparing for Life: Plasma Proteome Changes and Immune System Development During the First Week of Human Life. (2020) Bennike, Tue Bjerg; Fatou, Benoit; Angelidou, Asimenia; Diray-Arce, Joann; Falsafi, Reza; Ford, Rebecca; Gill, Erin E; van Haren, Simon D; Idoko, Olubukola T; Lee, Amy H; Ben-Othman, Rym; Pomat, William S; Shannon, Casey P; Smolen, Kinga K; Tebbutt, Scott J; Ozonoff, Al; Richmond, Peter C; van den Biggelaar, Anita HJ; Hancock, Robert EW; Kampmann, Beate; Kollmann, Tobias R; Levy, Ofer; Steen, Hanno
  • What is meant by validity in maternal and newborn health measurement? A conceptual framework for understanding indicator validation. (2020) Benova, Lenka; Moller, Ann-Beth; Hill, Kathleen; Vaz, Lara ME; Morgan, Alison; Hanson, Claudia; Semrau, Katherine; Al Arifeen, Shams; Moran, Allisyn C
  • Multi-dimensional characterisation of global food supply from 1961-2013. (2020) Bentham, James; Singh, Gitanjali M; Danaei, Goodarz; Green, Rosemary; Lin, John K; Stevens, Gretchen A; Farzadfar, Farshad; Bennett, James E; Cesare, Mariachiara Di; Dangour, Alan D; Ezzati, Majid
  • The Italian arm of the PREPARE study: an international project to evaluate and license a maternal vaccine against group B streptococcus. (2020) Berardi, Alberto; Cassetti, Tiziana; Creti, Roberta; Vocale, Caterina; Ambretti, Simone; Sarti, Mario; Facchinetti, Fabio; Cose, Stephen; Prepare Network; Heath, Paul; Le Doare, Kirsty
  • Associations between enteric pathogen carriage and height-for-age, weight-for-age and weight-for-height in children under 5 years old in urban Dhaka, Bangladesh. (2020) Berendes, David; Capone, Drew; Knee, Jackie; Holcomb, David; Sultana, Sonia; Pickering, Amy J; Brown, Joe
  • Patterns of beverage purchases amongst British households: A latent class analysis. (2020) Berger, Nicolas; Cummins, Steven; Allen, Alexander; Smith, Richard D; Cornelsen, Laura
  • Have socio-economic inequalities in sugar purchasing widened? A longitudinal analysis of food and beverage consumer data from British households, 2014-2017. (2020) Berger, Nicolas; Cummins, Steven; Smith, Richard D; Cornelsen, Laura
  • Longitudinal associations between neighbourhood trust, social support and physical activity in adolescents: evidence from the Olympic Regeneration in East London (ORiEL) study. (2020) Berger, Nicolas; Lewis, Daniel; Quartagno, Matteo; Njagi, Edmund Njeru; Cummins, Steven
  • Time to apply a social determinants of health lens to addressing sickle cell disorders in sub-Saharan Africa. (2020) Berghs, Maria; Ola, Bola; Cronin De Chavez, Anna; Ebenso, Bassey
  • Protocol for the evaluation of a complex intervention aiming at increased utilisation of primary child health services in Ethiopia: a before and after study in intervention and comparison areas. (2020) Berhanu, Della; Okwaraji, Yemisrach B; Belayneh, Abebe Bekele; Lemango, Ephrem Tekle; Agonafer, Nesibu; Birhanu, Bizuhan Gelaw; Abera, Kurabachew; Betemariam, Wuleta; Medhanyie, Araya Abrha; Abera, Muluemebet; Yitayal, Mezgebu; Belay, Fitsum Woldegebriel; Persson, Lars Åke; Schellenberg, Joanna
  • Does a complex intervention targeting communities, health facilities and district health managers increase the utilisation of community-based child health services? A before and after study in intervention and comparison areas of Ethiopia. (2020) Berhanu, Della; Okwaraji, Yemisrach Behailu; Defar, Atkure; Bekele, Abebe; Lemango, Ephrem Tekle; Medhanyie, Araya Abrha; Wordofa, Muluemebet Abera; Yitayal, Mezgebu; W/Gebriel, Fitsum; Desta, Alem; Gebregizabher, Fisseha Ashebir; Daka, Dawit Wolde; Hunduma, Alemayehu; Beyene, Habtamu; Getahun, Tigist; Getachew, Theodros; Woldemariam, Amare Tariku; Wolassa, Desta; Persson, Lars Åke; Schellenberg, Joanna
  • Sustainability of mHealth Effects on Cardiometabolic Risk Factors: Five-Year Results of a Randomized Clinical Trial. (2020) Bernabe-Ortiz, Antonio; Pauschardt, Julia; Diez-Canseco, Francisco; Miranda, J Jaime
  • Corrigendum to: Interrupted time series regression for the evaluation of public health interventions: a tutorial. (2020) Bernal, James Lopez; Cummins, Steven; Gasparrini, Antonio
  • Transmission dynamics of COVID-19 in household and community settings in the United Kingdom. (2020) Bernal, Jamie Lopez; Panagiotopoulos, Nikolaos; Byers, Chloe; Garcia Vilaplana, Tatiana; Boddington, Nicki; Zhang, Xu-Sheng; Charlett, Andre; Elgohari, Suzanne; Coughlan, Laura; Whillock, Rosie; Logan, Sophie; Bolt, Hikaru; Sinnathamby, Mary; Letley, Louise; MacDonald, Pauline; Vivancos, Roberto; Edeghere, Oboaghe; Anderson, Charlotte; Paranthaman, Karthik; Cottrell, Simon; McMenamin, Jim; Zambon, Maria; Dabrera, Gavin; Ramsay, Mary; Saliba, Vanessa
  • Being young and on the move in South Africa: how ‘waithood’ exacerbates HIV risks and disrupts the success of current HIV prevention interventions. (2020) Bernays, Sarah; Lanyon, Chloe; Dlamini, Vuyiswa; Ngwenya, Nothando; Seeley, Janet
  • Adolescents Living With HIV: Checking Unhelpful Terminology. (2020) Bernays, Sarah; Lanyon, Chloe; Paparini, Sara
  • Scaling up peer-led community-based differentiated support for adolescents living with HIV: keeping the needs of youth peer supporters in mind to sustain success. (2020) Bernays, Sarah; Tshuma, Maureen; Willis, Nicola; Mvududu, Kudzanayi; Chikeya, Adrian; Mufuka, Juliet; Cowan, Frances; Mavhu, Webster
  • Timing of the Infancy-Childhood Growth Transition in Rural Gambia. (2020) Bernstein, Robin M; O'Connor, G Kesler; Vance, Eric A; Affara, Nabeel; Drammeh, Saikou; Dunger, David B; Faal, Abdoulie; Ong, Ken K; Sosseh, Fatou; Prentice, Andrew M; Moore, Sophie E
  • Book review of History of WHO in Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 2020. (2020) Berridge, Virginia
  • HIV Pioneers: Lives Lost, Careers Changed and Survival. (2020) Berridge, Virginia
  • History and the future of addiction. (2020) Berridge, Virginia
  • Marcos Cueto, Theodore M. Brown, and Elizabeth Fee. The World Health Organization: A History. (2020) Berridge, Virginia
  • Comparison of complications after transrectal and transperineal prostate biopsy: a national population-based study. (2020) Berry, Brendan; Parry, Matthew G; Sujenthiran, Arunan; Nossiter, Julie; Cowling, Thomas E; Aggarwal, Ajay; Cathcart, Paul; Payne, Heather; van der Meulen, Jan; Clarke, Noel
  • Passive immunisation of convalescent human anti-Zika plasma protects against challenge with New World Zika virus in cynomolgus macaques. (2020) Berry, Neil; Kempster, Sarah; Ham, Claire; Jenkins, Adrian; Hall, Jo; Page, Mark; Mattiuzzo, Giada; Adedeji, Yemisi; Hewson, Roger; Giles, Elaine; Ferguson, Debbie; Almond, Neil
  • Passive immunisation of convalescent human anti-Zika plasma protects against challenge with New World Zika virus in cynomolgus macaques. (2020) Berry, Neil; Kempster, Sarah; Ham, Claire; Jenkins, Adrian; Hall, Jo; Page, Mark; Mattiuzzo, Giada; Adedeji, Yemisi; Hewson, Roger; Giles, Elaine; Ferguson, Debbie; Almond, Neil
  • Properties of genes encoding transfer RNAs as integration sites for genomic islands and prophages in <i>Klebsiella pneumoniae</i>. (2020) Berríos-Pastén, Camilo; Acevedo, Rodolfo; Arros, Patricio; Varas, Macarena A; Wyres, Kelly L; Lam, Margaret MC; Holt, Kathryn E; Lagos, Rosalba; Marcoleta, Andrés E
  • Emergence of Undetectable Malaria Parasites: A Threat under the Radar amid the COVID-19 Pandemic? (2020) Beshir, Khalid B; Grignard, Lynn; Hajissa, Khalid; Mohammed, Abdulrahman; Nurhussein, Awolkhier M; Ishengoma, Deus S; Lubis, Inke Nadia D; Drakeley, Chris J; Sutherland, Colin J
  • Insufficient referral practices of sick children in Ethiopia shown in a cross-sectional survey. (2020) Beyene, Habtamu; Hailu, Dejene; Tadele, Henok; Persson, Lars Åke; Berhanu, Della
  • Distinct lung microbiota associate with HIV-associated chronic lung disease in children. (2020) Bhadriraju, Sudha; Fadrosh, Douglas W; Shenoy, Meera K; Lin, Din L; Lynch, Kole V; McCauley, Kathryn; Ferrand, Rashida A; Majonga, Edith D; McHugh, Grace; Huang, Laurence; Lynch, Susan V; Metcalfe, John Z
  • A partnership model for capacity-building of primary care physicians in evidence-based management of diabetic retinopathy in India. (2020) Bhalla, Sandeep; Soni, Tanu; Joshi, Manoj; Sharma, Vasudha K; Mishra, Rajesh; Mohan, Viswanathan; Unnikrishnan, Ranjit; Kim, Ramasamy; Murthy, GVS; Prabhakaran, Dorairaj; Rani, Padmaja K; Rajalakshmi, Ramachandran
  • COVID-19 response measures and violence against children. (2020) Bhatia, Amiya; Fabbri, Camilla; Cerna-Turoff, Ilan; Tanton, Clare; Knight, Louise; Turner, Ellen; Lokot, Michelle; Lees, Shelley; Cislaghi, Ben; Peterman, Amber; Guedes, Alessandra; Devries, Karen
  • "Registries are not only a tool for data collection, they are for action": Cancer registration and gaps in data for health equity in six population-based registries in India. (2020) Bhatia, Amiya; Victora, Cesar Gomes; Beckfield, Jason; Budukh, Atul; Krieger, Nancy
  • Cost-Effectiveness of Alirocumab in Patients With Acute Coronary Syndromes: The ODYSSEY OUTCOMES Trial. (2020) Bhatt, Deepak L; Briggs, Andrew H; Reed, Shelby D; Annemans, Lieven; Szarek, Michael; Bittner, Vera A; Diaz, Rafael; Goodman, Shaun G; Harrington, Robert A; Higuchi, Keiko; Joulain, Florence; Jukema, J Wouter; Li, Qian H; Mahaffey, Kenneth W; Sanchez, Robert J; Roe, Matthew T; Lopes, Renato D; White, Harvey D; Zeiher, Andreas M; Schwartz, Gregory G; Gabriel Steg, Ph; ODYSSEY OUTCOMES Investigators
  • Spectrum of Eye Disease in Diabetes (SPEED) in India: A prospective facility-based study. Report # 3. Retinal vascular occlusion in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. (2020) Bhattacharjee, Harsha; Barman, Manabjyoti; Misra, Divakant; Multani, Prabhjot K; Dhar, Shriya; Behera, Umesh C; Das, Taraprasad; Gilbert, Clare; Murthy, GVS; Rajalakshmi, R; Pant, Hira B; SPEED study group
  • Improving the quality of routine maternal and newborn data captured in primary health facilities in Gombe State, Northeastern Nigeria: a before-and-after study. (2020) Bhattacharya, Antoinette Alas; Allen, Elizabeth; Umar, Nasir; Audu, Ahmed; Felix, Habila; Schellenberg, Joanna; Marchant, Tanya
  • "There Is No Link Between Resource Allocation and Use of Local Data": A Qualitative Study of District-Based Health Decision-Making in West Bengal, India. (2020) Bhattacharyya, Sanghita; Issac, Anns; Girase, Bhushan; Guha, Mayukhmala; Schellenberg, Joanna; Iqbal Avan, Bilal
  • Systematic review of Group B Streptococcal capsular types, sequence types and surface proteins as potential vaccine candidates. (2020) Bianchi-Jassir, Fiorella; Paul, Proma; To, Ka-Ning; Carreras-Abad, Clara; Seale, Anna C; Jauneikaite, Elita; Madhi, Shabir A; Russell, Neal J; Hall, Jenny; Madrid, Lola; Bassat, Quique; Kwatra, Gaurav; Le Doare, Kirsty; Lawn, Joy E
  • Risk factors for child food contamination in low-income neighbourhoods of Maputo, Mozambique: An exploratory, cross-sectional study. (2020) Bick, Sarah; Perieres, Lauren; D'Mello-Guyett, Lauren; Baker, Kelly K; Brown, Joe; Muneme, Bacelar; Nala, Rassul; Dreibelbis, Robert; Cumming, Oliver
  • Stopping renin-angiotensin system blockers after acute kidney injury and risk of adverse outcomes: parallel population-based cohort studies in English and Swedish routine care. (2020) Bidulka, Patrick; Fu, Edouard L; Leyrat, Clémence; Kalogirou, Fotini; McAllister, Katherine SL; Kingdon, Edward J; Mansfield, Kathryn E; Iwagami, Masao; Smeeth, Liam; Clase, Catherine M; Bhaskaran, Krishnan; van Diepen, Merel; Carrero, Juan-Jesus; Nitsch, Dorothea; Tomlinson, Laurie A
  • Comparisons of Staphylococcus aureus infection and other outcomes between users of angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers: lessons for COVID-19 from a nationwide cohort study. (2020) Bidulka, Patrick; Iwagami, Masao; Mansfield, Kathryn E; Kalogirou, Fotini; Wong, Angel YS; Douglas, Ian J; Smeeth, Liam; Summers, Charlotte; Tomlinson, Laurie A
  • Exploring clinicians' perspectives on the 'Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injury Care Bundle' national quality improvement programme: a qualitative study. (2020) Bidwell, Posy; Thakar, Ranee; Gurol-Urganci, Ipek; Harris, James M; Silverton, Louise; Hellyer, Alexandra; Freeman, Robert; Morris, Edward; Novis, Vivienne; Sevdalis, Nick
  • Evaluation of the Coverage of 3 Antibiotic Regimens for Neonatal Sepsis in the Hospital Setting Across Asian Countries. (2020) Bielicki, Julia A; Sharland, Mike; Heath, Paul T; Walker, A Sarah; Agarwal, Ramesh; Turner, Paul; Cromwell, David A
  • A serological framework to investigate acute primary and post-primary dengue cases reporting across the Philippines. (2020) Biggs, Joseph R; Sy, Ava Kristy; Brady, Oliver J; Kucharski, Adam J; Funk, Sebastian; Reyes, Mary Anne Joy; Quinones, Mary Ann; Jones-Warner, William; Tu, Yun-Hung; Avelino, Ferchito L; Sucaldito, Nemia L; Mai, Huynh Kim; Lien, Le Thuy; Do Thai, Hung; Nguyen, Hien Anh Thi; Anh, Dang Duc; Iwasaki, Chihiro; Kitamura, Noriko; Yoshida, Lay-Myint; Tandoc, Amado O; la Paz, Eva Cutiongco-de; Capeding, Maria Rosario Z; Padilla, Carmencita D; Hafalla, Julius Clemence R; Hibberd, Martin L
  • Fetal biometry assessment with Intergrowth 21st's and Salomon's equations in rural Burkina Faso. (2020) Bihoun, Biébo; Zango, Serge Henri; Traoré-Coulibaly, Maminata; Valea, Innocent; Ravinetto, Raffaella; Van Geertruyden, Jean-Pierre; D'Alessandro, Umberto; Tinto, Halidou; Robert, Annie
  • Implementation and evaluation of a Project ECHO telementoring program for the Namibian HIV workforce. (2020) Bikinesi, Leonard; O'Bryan, Gillian; Roscoe, Clay; Mekonen, Tadesse; Shoopala, Naemi; Mengistu, Assegid T; Sawadogo, Souleymane; Agolory, Simon; Mutandi, Gram; Garises, Valerie; Pati, Rituparna; Tison, Laura; Igboh, Ledor; Johnson, Carla; Rodriguez, Evelyn M; Ellerbrock, Tedd; Menzies, Heather; Baughman, Andrew L; Brandt, Laura; Forster, Norbert; Scott, John; Wood, Brian; Unruh, Kenton T; Arora, Sanjeev; Iandiorio, Michelle; Kalishman, Summers; Zalud-Cerrato, Sarah; Lehmer, Jutta; Lee, Stephen; Mahdi, Mohammed A; Spedoske, Samantha; Zuber, Alexandra; Reilley, Brigg; Ramers, Christian B; Hamunime, Ndapewa; O'Malley, Gabrielle; Struminger, Bruce
  • Evaluating performance-based financing in low-income and middle-income countries: the need to look beyond average effect. (2020) Binyaruka, Peter; Lohmann, Julia; De Allegri, Manuela
  • Between preferences and references: Asymmetric price elasticities and the simulation of fiscal policies. (2020) Biondi, Beatrice; Cornelsen, Laura; Mazzocchi, Mario; Smith, Richard
  • A cluster-randomised trial to evaluate an intervention to promote handwashing in rural Nigeria. (2020) Biran, Adam; White, S; Awe, B; Greenland, K; Akabike, K; Chuktu, N; Aunger, R; Curtis, V; Schmidt, W; Van der Voorden, C
  • Population pharmacokinetics of artesunate and dihydroartemisinin in pregnant and non-pregnant women with uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Burkina Faso: an open label trial. (2020) Birgersson, Sofia; Valea, Innocent; Tinto, Halidou; Traore-Coulibaly, Maminata; Toe, Laeticia C; Hoglund, Richard M; Van Geertruyden, Jean-Pierre; Ward, Stephen A; D'Alessandro, Umberto; Abelö, Angela; Tarning, Joel
  • Lack of effectiveness of adherence counselling in reversing virological failure among patients on long-term antiretroviral therapy in rural Uganda. (2020) Birungi, J; Cui, Z; Okoboi, S; Kapaata, A; Munderi, P; Mukajjanga, C; Nanfuka, M; Nyonyintono, MS; Kim, J; Zhu, J; Kaleebu, P; Moore, DM
  • A Comparison of Adult Mosquito Trapping Methods to Assess Potential West Nile Virus Mosquito Vectors in Greece during the Onset of the 2018 Transmission Season. (2020) Bisia, Marina; Jeffries, Claire L; Lytra, Ioanna; Michaelakis, Antonios; Walker, Thomas
  • High prevalence of neurodevelopmental problems in adolescents eligible for bariatric surgery for severe obesity. (2020) Björk, Anna; Dahlgren, Jovanna; Gronowitz, Eva; Henriksson Wessely, Fanny; Janson, Annika; Engström, My; Sjögren, Lovisa; Olbers, Torsten; Järvholm, Kajsa
  • Propensity scores using missingness pattern information: a practical guide. (2020) Blake, Helen A; Leyrat, Clémence; Mansfield, Kathryn E; Seaman, Shaun; Tomlinson, Laurie A; Carpenter, James; Williamson, Elizabeth J
  • Estimating treatment effects with partially observed covariates using outcome regression with missing indicators. (2020) Blake, Helen A; Leyrat, Clémence; Mansfield, Kathryn E; Tomlinson, Laurie A; Carpenter, James; Williamson, Elizabeth J
  • Protecting essential health services in low-income and middle-income countries and humanitarian settings while responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. (2020) Blanchet, Karl; Alwan, Ala; Antoine, Caroline; Cros, Marion Jane; Feroz, Ferozuddin; Amsalu Guracha, Tseguaneh; Haaland, Oystein; Hailu, Alemayehu; Hangoma, Peter; Jamison, Dean; Memirie, Solomon Tessema; Miljeteig, Ingrid; Jan Naeem, Ahmad; Nam, Sara L; Norheim, Ole Frithjof; Verguet, Stéphane; Watkins, David; Johansson, Kjell Arne
  • Non-memory cognitive symptom development in Alzheimer's disease. (2020) Blenkinsop, A; van der Flier, WM; Wolk, D; Lehmann, M; Howard, R; Frost, C; Barnes, J
  • Changes and challenges in markets for animal source foods: a qualitative study among market vendors in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. (2020) Bliznashka, Lilia; Passarelli, Simone; Canavan, Chelsey R; Tadesse, Amare Worku; Berhane, Yemane; Fawzi, Wafaie W
  • Characteristics and sexual health service use of MSM engaging in chemsex: results from a large online survey in England. (2020) Blomquist, Paula Bianca; Mohammed, Hamish; Mikhail, Amy; Weatherburn, Peter; Reid, David; Wayal, Sonali; Hughes, Gwenda; Mercer, Catherine H
  • How the Italian NHS Is Fighting Against the COVID-19 Emergency. (2020) Boccia, Stefania; Cascini, Fidelia; McKee, Martin; Ricciardi, Walter
  • COVID-19 in Great Britain: epidemiological and clinical characteristics of the first few hundred (FF100) cases: a descriptive case series and case control analysis. (2020) Boddington, Nicola L; Charlett, Andre; Elgohari, Suzanne; Walker, Jemma L; Mcdonald, Helen; Byers, Chloe; Coughlan, Laura; Garcia Vilaplana, Tatiana; Whillock, Rosie; Sinnathamby, Mary; Panagiotopoulos, Nikolaos; Letley, Louise; MacDonald, Pauline; Vivancos, Roberto; Edeghere, Obaghe; Shingleton, Joseph; Bennett, Emma; Grint, Daniel J; Strongman, Helen; Mansfield, Kathryn E; Rentsch, Christopher; Minassian, Caroline; Douglas, Ian J; Mathur, Rohini; Peppa, Maria; Cottrell, Simon; McMenamin, Jim; Zambon, Maria; Ramsay, Mary; Dabrera, Gavin; Saliba, Vanessa; Lopez Bernal, Jamie
  • The Challenges of Using Oropharyngeal Samples To Measure Pneumococcal Carriage in Adults. (2020) Boelsen, Laura K; Dunne, Eileen M; Gould, Katherine A; Ratu, F Tupou; Vidal, Jorge E; Russell, Fiona M; Mulholland, E Kim; Hinds, Jason; Satzke, Catherine
  • Obstetric fistula in southern Mozambique: a qualitative study on women's experiences of care pregnancy, delivery and post-partum. (2020) Boene, Helena; Mocumbi, Sibone; Högberg, Ulf; Hanson, Claudia; Valá, Anifa; Bergström, Anna; Sevene, Esperança; Munguambe, Khátia
  • Correction: Rating early child development outcome measurement tools for routine health programme use. (2020) Boggs, D; Milner, KM; Chandna, J; Hughes, Rob; Tann, Cally; Lawn, Joy
  • Estimating assistive product need in Cameroon and India: results of population-based surveys and comparison of self-report and clinical impairment assessment approaches. (2020) Boggs, Dorothy; Kuper, Hannah; Mactaggart, Islay; Murthy, Gvs; Oye, Joseph; Polack, Sarah
  • NHS procurement and the origins of the personal protective equipment crisis. (2020) Boiko, Olga; Allen, Pauline; Osipovic, Dorota; Sanderson, Marie; Checkland, Katherine
  • NHS procurement and the origins of the NHS PPE crisis. (2020) Boiko, Olga; Allen, Pauline; Sanderson, Marie; Osipovic, Dorota; Checkland, Katherine
  • Risks of use and non-use of antibiotics in primary care: qualitative study of prescribers' views. (2020) Boiko, Olga; Burgess, Caroline; Fox, Robin; Ashworth, Mark; Gulliford, Martin C
  • Revisiting patient expectations and experiences of antibiotics in an era of antimicrobial resistance: Qualitative study. (2020) Boiko, Olga; Gulliford, Martin C; Burgess, Caroline
  • Impact of Intrapartum Oral Azithromycin on the Acquired Macrolide Resistome of Infants' Nasopharynx: A Randomized Controlled Trial. (2020) Bojang, Abdoulie; Baines, Sarah L; Camara, Bully; Guerillot, Romain; Donovan, Liam; Marqués, Raquel Sánchez; Secka, Ousman; D'Alessandro, Umberto; Bottomley, Christian; Howden, Benjamin P; Roca, Anna
  • Pregnancy cohorts and biobanking in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review. (2020) Bone, Jeffrey N; Pickerill, Kelly; Woo Kinshella, Mai-Lei; Vidler, Marianne; Craik, Rachel; Poston, Lucilla; Stones, William; Sevene, Esperanca; Temmerman, Marleen; Koech Etyang, Angela; Roca, Anna; Russell, Donna; Tribe, Rachel M; von Dadelszen, Peter; Magee, Laura A; PRECISE Network
  • Does sunlight drive seasonality of TB in Vietnam? A retrospective environmental ecological study of tuberculosis seasonality in Vietnam from 2010 to 2015. (2020) Bonell, Ana; Contamin, Lucie; Thai, Pham Quang; Thuy, Hoang Thi Thanh; van Doorn, H Rogier; White, Richard; Nadjm, Behzad; Choisy, Marc
  • A protocol for an observational cohort study of heat strain and its effect on fetal wellbeing in pregnant farmers in The Gambia. (2020) Bonell, Ana; Hirst, Jane; Vicedo-Cabrera, Ana M; Haines, Andy; Prentice, Andrew M; Maxwell, Neil S
  • An evidence-based theory of change for reducing SARS-CoV-2 transmission in reopened schools. (2020) Bonell, Chris; Melendez-Torres, GJ; Viner, Russell M; Rogers, M Brooke; Whitworth, Michael; Rutter, Harry; Rubin, G James; Patton, George
  • Harnessing behavioural science in public health campaigns to maintain 'social distancing' in response to the COVID-19 pandemic: key principles. (2020) Bonell, Chris; Michie, Susan; Reicher, Stephen; West, Robert; Bear, Laura; Yardley, Lucy; Curtis, Val; Amlôt, Richard; Rubin, G James
  • Will it work here? A realist approach to local decisions about implementing interventions evaluated as effective elsewhere. (2020) Bonell, Chris; Prost, Audrey; Melendez-Torres, GJ; Davey, Calum; Hargreaves, James R
  • Broader impacts of an intervention to transform school environments on student behaviour and school functioning: post hoc analyses from the INCLUSIVE cluster randomised controlled trial. (2020) Bonell, Christopher; Dodd, Matthew; Allen, Elizabeth; Bevilacqua, Leonardo; McGowan, Jennifer; Opondo, Charles; Sturgess, Joanna; Elbourne, Diana; Warren, Emily; Viner, Russell M
  • Hyperglycemia in pregnancy diagnosed using glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) in Uganda: a preliminary cross-sectional report. (2020) Bongomin, Felix; Kyazze, Andrew P; Ninsiima, Sandra; Olum, Ronald; Nattabi, Gloria; Nabakka, Winnie; Kukunda, Rebecca; Batte, Charles; Ssekamatte, Phillip; Baruch Baluku, Joseph; Kibirige, Davis; Cose, Stephen; Andia-Biraro, Irene
  • A flexible format LAMP assay for rapid detection of Ebola virus. (2020) Bonney, Laura C; Watson, Robert J; Slack, Gillian S; Bosworth, Andrew; Wand, Nadina I Vasileva; Hewson, Roger
  • A Comprehensive Genomics Solution for HIV Surveillance and Clinical Monitoring in Low-Income Settings. (2020) Bonsall, David; Golubchik, Tanya; de Cesare, Mariateresa; Limbada, Mohammed; Kosloff, Barry; MacIntyre-Cockett, George; Hall, Matthew; Wymant, Chris; Ansari, M Azim; Abeler-Dörner, Lucie; Schaap, Ab; Brown, Anthony; Barnes, Eleanor; Piwowar-Manning, Estelle; Eshleman, Susan; Wilson, Ethan; Emel, Lynda; Hayes, Richard; Fidler, Sarah; Ayles, Helen; Bowden, Rory; Fraser, Christophe; HPTN 071 (PopART) Team
  • Financial risk of seeking maternal and neonatal healthcare in southern Ethiopia: a cohort study of rural households. (2020) Borde, Moges Tadesse; Loha, Eskindir; Johansson, Kjell Arne; Lindtjørn, Bernt
  • Incidence of postpartum and neonatal illnesses and utilization of healthcare services in rural communities in southern Ethiopia: A prospective cohort study. (2020) Borde, Moges Tadesse; Loha, Eskindir; Lindtjørn, Bernt
  • ‘We come in as “the nothing”’. (2020) Borgstrom, Erica; Cohn, Simon; Driessen, Annelieke
  • Remdesivir induced viral RNA and subgenomic RNA suppression, and evolution of viral variants in SARS-CoV-2 infected patients. (2020) Boshier, Florencia AT; Pang, Juanita; Penner, Justin; Hughes, Joseph; Parker, Matthew; Shepherd, James; Alders, Nele; Bamford, Alasdair; Grandjean, Louis; Grunewald, Stephanie; Hatcher, James; Best, Timothy; Dalton, Caroline; Bynoe, Patricia Dyal; Frauenfelder, Claire; Köeglmeier, Jutta; Myerson, Phoebe; Roy, Sunando; Williams, Rachel; Thomson, Emma C; de Silva, Thushan I; Goldstein, Richard A; Breuer, Judith
  • Draft Genome Sequences of the Type Strains of Actinobacillus indolicus (46K2C) and Actinobacillus porcinus (NM319), Two NAD-Dependent Bacterial Species Found in the Respiratory Tract of Pigs. (2020) Bossé, Janine T; Li, Yanwen; Fernandez Crespo, Roberto; Angen, Øystein; Holden, Matthew TG; Weinert, Lucy A; Maskell, Duncan J; Tucker, Alexander W; Wren, Brendan W; Rycroft, Andrew N; Langford, Paul R; BRaDP1T consortium
  • Profiles of Plasmodium falciparum infections detected by microscopy through the first year of life in Kintampo a high transmission area of Ghana. (2020) Botwe, Akua Kyerewaa; Owusu-Agyei, Seth; Asghar, Muhammad; Hammar, Ulf; Oppong, Felix Boakye; Gyaase, Stephaney; Dosoo, David; Jakpa, Gabriel; Boamah, Ellen; Twumasi, Mieks Frenken; Osier, Faith; Färnert, Anna; Asante, Kwaku Poku
  • Observed feeding behaviours and effects on child weight and length at 12 months of age: Findings from the SPRING cluster-randomized controlled trial in rural India. (2020) Boucheron, Pauline; Bhopal, Sunil; Verma, Deepali; Roy, Reetabrata; Kumar, Divya; Divan, Gauri; Kirkwood, Betty
  • Plasmodium falciparum isolate with histidine-rich protein 2 gene deletion from Nyala City, Western Sudan. (2020) Boush, Mohammed A; Djibrine, Moussa A; Mussa, Ali; Talib, Mustafa; Maki, A; Mohammed, Abdulrahman; Beshir, Khalid B; Mohamed, Zeehaida; Hajissa, Khalid
  • “Kankasha” in Kassala: a prospective observational cohort study of the clinical characteristics, epidemiology, genetic origin, and chronic impact of the 2018 epidemic of Chikungunya virus infection in Kassala, Sudan. (2020) Bower, Hilary; Karsany, Mubarak el; Adam Hussein, Abd Alhadi; Idriss, Mubarak Ibrahim; AlZain, Ma’aaza Abasher; Ahmed Alfakiyousif, Mohamed Elamin; Mohamed, Rehab; Mahmoud, Iman; Albadri, Omer; Alnour Mahmoud, Suha Abdulaziz; Abdalla, Orwa Ibrahim; Eldigail, Mawahib; Elagib, Nuha; Arnold, Ulrike; Gutierrez, Bernardo; Pybus, Oliver G; Carter, Daniel P; Pullan, Steven T; Jacob, Shevin T; Abdallah, Tajeldin Mohammedein; Gannon, Benedict; Fletcher, Tom E
  • Supporting antidepressant discontinuation: the development and optimisation of a digital intervention for patients in UK primary care using a theory, evidence and person-based approach. (2020) Bowers, Hannah M; Kendrick, Tony; Glowacka, Marta; Williams, Samantha; Leydon, Geraldine; May, Carl; Dowrick, Chris; Moncrieff, Joanna; Laine, Rebecca; Nestoriuc, Yvonne; Andersson, Gerhard; Geraghty, Adam WA
  • International travel to obtain medical treatment for primary retinoblastoma: A global cohort study. (2020) Bowman, Richard JC; Foster, Allen; Stacey, Andrew; Keren-Froim, Naama; Bascaran, Cova; Kivelä, Tero T; Munier, Francis; Fabian, Ido Didi
  • Determinants of Variation in the Use of Adjuvant Chemotherapy for Stage III Colon Cancer in England. (2020) Boyle, JM; Kuryba, A; Cowling, TE; Aggarwal, A; Hill, J; van der Meulen, J; Walker, K; Braun, MS
  • Informing Balanced Investment in Services and Health Systems: A Case Study of Priority Setting for Tuberculosis Interventions in South Africa. (2020) Bozzani, Fiammetta M; Sumner, Tom; Mudzengi, Don; Gomez, Gabriela B; White, Richard; Vassall, Anna
  • The cost-effectiveness of controlling dengue in Indonesia using wMel Wolbachia released at scale: a modelling study. (2020) Brady, Oliver J; Kharisma, Dinar D; Wilastonegoro, Nandyan N; O'Reilly, Kathleen M; Hendrickx, Emilie; Bastos, Leonardo S; Yakob, Laith; Shepard, Donald S
  • The potential cost-effectiveness of controlling dengue in Indonesia using <i>wMel Wolbachia</i> released at scale: a modelling study. (2020) Brady, Oliver J; Kharisma, Dinar D; Wilastonegoro, Nandyan N; O’Reilly, Kathleen M; Hendricx, Emilie; Bastos, Leonardo S; Yakob, Laith; Shepard, Donald S
  • Dilemmas of school-based relationships and sexuality education for and about consent. (2020) Bragg, Sara; Ponsford, Ruth; Meiksin, Rebecca; Emmerson, Lucy; Bonell, Chris
  • Are men who have sex with men in Europe protected from hepatitis B? (2020) Brandl, M; Schmidt, AJ; Marcus, U; An der Heiden, M; Dudareva, S
  • Zika virus vertical transmission in children with confirmed antenatal exposure. (2020) Brasil, Patrícia; Vasconcelos, Zilton; Kerin, Tara; Gabaglia, Claudia Raja; Ribeiro, Ieda P; Bonaldo, Myrna C; Damasceno, Luana; Pone, Marcos V; Pone, Sheila; Zin, Andrea; Tsui, Irena; Adachi, Kristina; Pereira, Jose Paulo; Gaw, Stephanie L; Carvalho, Liege; Cunha, Denise C; Guida, Leticia; Rocha, Mirza; Cherry, James D; Wang, Lulan; Aliyari, Saba; Cheng, Genhong; Foo, Suan-Sin; Chen, Weiqiang; Jung, Jae; Brickley, Elizabeth; Moreira, Maria Elisabeth L; Nielsen-Saines, Karin
  • The Long and Winding Road: A Systematic Literature Review Conceptualising Pathways for Hypertension Care and Control in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. (2020) Brathwaite, Rachel; Hutchinson, Eleanor; McKee, Martin; Palafox, Benjamin; Balabanova, Dina
  • Determining the viability of Schistosoma mansoni cercariae using fluorescence assays: An application for water treatment. (2020) Braun, Laura; Hazell, Lucinda; Webb, Alexander J; Allan, Fiona; Emery, Aidan M; Templeton, Michael R
  • Chlorination of Schistosoma mansoni cercariae. (2020) Braun, Laura; Sylivester, Yasinta Daniel; Zerefa, Meseret Dessalegne; Maru, Muluwork; Allan, Fiona; Zewge, Feleke; Emery, Aidan M; Kinung'hi, Safari; Templeton, Michael R
  • A return to Teacherbot: rethinking the development of educational technology at the University of Edinburgh. (2020) Breines, Markus Roos; Gallagher, Michael
  • Social media among African students: Recentring typologies of non-use. (2020) Breines, Markus Roos; Madge, Clare; Dalu, Mwazvita Tapiwa Beatrice
  • Understanding the neuroprotective effect of tranexamic acid: an exploratory analysis of the CRASH-3 randomised trial. (2020) Brenner, Amy; Belli, Antonio; Chaudhri, Rizwana; Coats, Timothy; Frimley, Lauren; Jamaluddin, Sabariah Faizah; Jooma, Rashid; Mansukhani, Raoul; Sandercock, Peter; Shakur-Still, Haleema; Shokunbi, Temitayo; Roberts, Ian; CRASH-3 trial collaborators
  • Effect Heterogeneity in Responding to Performance-Based Incentives: A Quasi-Experimental Comparison of Impacts on Health Service Indicators Between Hospitals and Health Centers in Malawi. (2020) Brenner, Stephan; Chase, Rachel P; McMahon, Shannon A; Lohmann, Julia; Makwero, Christopher J; Muula, Adamson S; De Allegri, Manuela
  • The duration of chemoprophylaxis against malaria after treatment with artesunate-amodiaquine and artemether-lumefantrine and the effects of pfmdr1 86Y and pfcrt 76T: a meta-analysis of individual patient data. (2020) Bretscher, Michael T; Dahal, Prabin; Griffin, Jamie; Stepniewska, Kasia; Bassat, Quique; Baudin, Elisabeth; D'Alessandro, Umberto; Djimde, Abdoulaye A; Dorsey, Grant; Espié, Emmanuelle; Fofana, Bakary; González, Raquel; Juma, Elizabeth; Karema, Corine; Lasry, Estrella; Lell, Bertrand; Lima, Nines; Menéndez, Clara; Mombo-Ngoma, Ghyslain; Moreira, Clarissa; Nikiema, Frederic; Ouédraogo, Jean B; Staedke, Sarah G; Tinto, Halidou; Valea, Innocent; Yeka, Adoke; Ghani, Azra C; Guerin, Philippe J; Okell, Lucy C
  • Evidence of high bed net usage from a list randomization experiments in rural Gambia. (2020) Brew, Joe; Pinder, Margaret; D'Alessandro, Umberto; Lindsay, Steven W; Jones, Caroline; Sicuri, Elisa
  • Prevalence and clinical impact of malaria infections detected with a highly sensitive HRP2 rapid diagnostic test in Beninese pregnant women. (2020) Briand, Valérie; Cottrell, Gilles; Tuike Ndam, Nicaise; Martiáñez-Vendrell, Xavier; Vianou, Bertin; Mama, Atika; Kouwaye, Bienvenue; Houzé, Sandrine; Bailly, Justine; Gbaguidi, Erasme; Sossou, Darius; Massougbodji, Achille; Accrombessi, Manfred; Mayor, Alfredo; Ding, Xavier C; Fievet, Nadine
  • Correction to: Prevalence and clinical impact of malaria infections detected with a highly sensitive HRP2 rapid diagnostic test in Beninese pregnant women. (2020) Briand, Valérie; Cottrell, Gilles; Tuikue Ndam, Nicaise; Martiáñez-Vendrell, Xavier; Vianou, Bertin; Mama, Atika; Kouwaye, Bienvenue; Houzé, Sandrine; Bailly, Justine; Gbaguidi, Erasme; Sossou, Darius; Massougbodji, Achille; Accrombessi, Manfred; Mayor, Alfredo; Ding, Xavier C; Fievet, Nadine
  • Intestinal Antibody Responses to 2 Novel Live Attenuated Type 2 Oral Poliovirus Vaccines in Healthy Adults in Belgium. (2020) Brickley, Elizabeth B; Connor, Ruth I; Wieland-Alter, Wendy; Weiner, Joshua A; Ackerman, Margaret E; Arita, Minetaro; Gast, Chris; De Coster, Ilse; Van Damme, Pierre; Bandyopadhyay, Ananda S; Wright, Peter F
  • Understanding the structure of a country's health service providers for defence health engagement. (2020) Bricknell, Martin; Hinrichs-Krapels, S; Ismail, S; Sullivan, R
  • Two-year outcomes among stable high-risk patients following acute MI. Insights from a global registry in 25 countries. (2020) Brieger, David; Pocock, Stuart J; Blankenberg, Stefan; Chen, Ji Yan; Cohen, Mauricio G; Granger, Christopher B; Grieve, Richard; Nicolau, Jose C; Simon, Tabassome; Westermann, Dirk; Yasuda, Satoshi; Gregson, John; Rennie, Kirsten L; Hedman, Katarina; Sundell, Karolina Andersson; Goodman, Shaun G
  • Covariate-adjusted analysis of the Phase 3 REFLECT study of lenvatinib versus sorafenib in the treatment of unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma. (2020) Briggs, Andrew; Daniele, Bruno; Dick, Katherine; Evans, Thomas R Jeffry; Galle, Peter R; Hubner, Richard A; Lopez, Carlos; Siebert, Uwe; Tremblay, Gabriel
  • Sex-based differences in clearance of chronic Plasmodium falciparum infection. (2020) Briggs, Jessica; Teyssier, Noam; Nankabirwa, Joaniter I; Rek, John; Jagannathan, Prasanna; Arinaitwe, Emmanuel; Bousema, Teun; Drakeley, Chris; Murray, Margaret; Crawford, Emily; Hathaway, Nicholas; Staedke, Sarah G; Smith, David; Rosenthal, Phillip J; Kamya, Moses; Dorsey, Grant; Rodriguez-Barraquer, Isabel; Greenhouse, Bryan
  • Rationale and feasibility of a combined rapid assessment of avoidable blindness and hearing loss protocol. (2020) Bright, Tess; McCormick, Ian; Phiri, Mwanaisha; Mulwafu, Wakisa; Burton, Matthew; Polack, Sarah; Mactaggart, Islay; Yip, Jennifer LY; Swanepoel, De Wet; Kuper, Hannah
  • Field test of the Rapid Assessment of Hearing Loss survey protocol in Ntcheu district, Malawi. (2020) Bright, Tess; Mulwafu, Wakisa; Phiri, Mwanaisha; Jiang, Fan; Swanepoel, De Wet; Kuper, Hannah; Mactaggart, Islay; Yip, Jennifer LY; Polack, Sarah
  • Field-testing of a rapid survey method to assess the prevalence and causes of hearing loss in Gao'an, Jiangxi province, China. (2020) Bright, Tess; Shan, Xin; Xu, Jinling; Liang, Jianguo; Xiao, Baixiang; Ensink, Robbert; Mactaggart, Islay; Polack, Sarah; Yip, Jennifer LY
  • Impact of HPV vaccination and cervical screening on cervical cancer elimination: a comparative modelling analysis in 78 low-income and lower-middle-income countries. (2020) Brisson, Marc; Kim, Jane J; Canfell, Karen; Drolet, Mélanie; Gingras, Guillaume; Burger, Emily A; Martin, Dave; Simms, Kate T; Bénard, Élodie; Boily, Marie-Claude; Sy, Stephen; Regan, Catherine; Keane, Adam; Caruana, Michael; Nguyen, Diep TN; Smith, Megan A; Laprise, Jean-François; Jit, Mark; Alary, Michel; Bray, Freddie; Fidarova, Elena; Elsheikh, Fayad; Bloem, Paul JN; Broutet, Nathalie; Hutubessy, Raymond
  • Persistent circulation of a fluoroquinolone-resistant Salmonella enterica Typhi clone in the Indian subcontinent. (2020) Britto, Carl D; Dyson, Zoe A; Mathias, Sitarah; Bosco, Ashish; Dougan, Gordon; Jose, Sanju; Nagaraj, Savitha; Holt, Kathryn E; Pollard, Andrew J
  • High prevalence of coinfection of azithromycin-resistant Mycoplasma genitalium with other STIs: a prospective observational study of London-based symptomatic and STI-contact clinic attendees. (2020) Broad, Claire E; Furegato, Martina; Harrison, Mark A; Pond, Marcus J; Tan, NgeeKeong; Okala, Sandra; Fuller, Sebastian S; Harding-Esch, Emma M; Sadiq, S Tariq
  • An economic analysis of twitching behaviour and species rarity. (2020) Brock, Mike; Fraser, Iain; Law, Cherry; Mitchell, Simon; Roberts, David L
  • Host transcriptional response to TB preventive therapy differentiates two sub-groups of IGRA-positive individuals. (2020) Broderick, Claire; Cliff, Jacqueline M; Lee, Ji-Sook; Kaforou, Myrsini; Moore, David AJ
  • Host transcriptional response to TB preventive therapy differentiates two sub-groups of IGRA-positive individuals. (2020) Broderick, Claire; Cliff, Jacqueline M; Lee, Ji-Sook; Kaforou, Myrsini; Moore, David Aj
  • Broad cross-national public support for accelerated COVID-19 vaccine trial designs. (2020) Broockman, David; Kalla, Joshua; Guerrero, Alexander; Budolfson, Mark; Eyal, Nir; Jewell, Nicholas P; Magalhaes, Monica; Sekhon, Jasjeet S
  • Detection of the United States Neisseria meningitidis urethritis clade in the United Kingdom, August and December 2019 - emergence of multiple antibiotic resistance calls for vigilance. (2020) Brooks, Avril; Lucidarme, Jay; Campbell, Helen; Campbell, Laura; Fifer, Helen; Gray, Steve; Hughes, Gwenda; Lekshmi, Aiswarya; Schembri, Gabriel; Rayment, Michael; Ladhani, Shamez N; Ramsay, Mary E; Borrow, Ray
  • Respiratory health in professional cleaners: Symptoms, lung function, and risk factors. (2020) Brooks, Collin; Slater, Tania; Corbin, Marine; McLean, Dave; Firestone, Ridvan Tua; Zock, Jan-Paul; Pearce, Neil; Douwes, Jeroen
  • A model of tuberculosis clustering in low incidence countries reveals more transmission in the United Kingdom than the Netherlands between 2010 and 2015. (2020) Brooks-Pollock, Ellen; Danon, Leon; Korthals Altes, Hester; Davidson, Jennifer A; Pollock, Andrew MT; van Soolingen, Dick; Campbell, Colin; Lalor, Maeve K
  • The Population Attributable Fraction (PAF) of cases due to gatherings and groups with relevance to COVID-19 mitigation strategies. (2020) Brooks-Pollock, Ellen; Read, Jonathan M; House, Thomas; Medley, Graham F; Keeling, Matt J; Danon, Leon
  • "We All Join Hands": Perceptions of the Kangaroo Method Among Female Relatives of Newborns in The Gambia. (2020) Brotherton, Helen; Daly, Maura; Johm, Penda; Jarju, Bintou; Schellenberg, Joanna; Penn-Kekana, Loveday; Lawn, Joy Elizabeth
  • Protocol for a randomised trial of early kangaroo mother care compared to standard care on survival of pre-stabilised preterm neonates in The Gambia (eKMC). (2020) Brotherton, Helen; Gai, Abdou; Tann, Cally J; Samateh, Ahmadou Lamin; Seale, Anna C; Zaman, Syed MA; Cousens, Simon; Roca, Anna; Lawn, Joy E
  • Dexamethasone for COVID-19: data needed from randomised clinical trials in Africa. (2020) Brotherton, Helen; Usuf, Effua; Nadjm, Behzad; Forrest, Karen; Bojang, Kalifa; Samateh, Ahmadou Lamin; Bittaye, Mustapha; Roberts, Charles Ap; d'Alessandro, Umberto; Roca, Anna
  • Margaret Sparrow, Risking Their Lives: New Zealand Abortion Stories, 1900 - 1939. (2020) Brown, Hayley
  • The future of environmental sustainability labelling on food products. (2020) Brown, Kerry Ann; Harris, Francesca; Potter, Christina; Knai, Cécile
  • The future of environmental sustainability labelling on food products. (2020) Brown, Kerry Ann; Harris, Francesca; Potter, Christina; Knai, Cécile
  • Subjective Environmental Experiences and Women's Breastfeeding Journeys: A Survival Analysis Using an Online Survey of UK Mothers. (2020) Brown, Laura J; Myers, Sarah; Page, Abigail E; Emmott, Emily H
  • The global incidence and diagnosis of fungal keratitis. (2020) Brown, Lottie; Leck, Astrid K; Gichangi, Michael; Burton, Matthew J; Denning, David W
  • Human exposure to zoonotic malaria vectors in village, farm and forest habitats in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. (2020) Brown, Rebecca; Chua, Tock H; Fornace, Kimberly; Drakeley, Chris; Vythilingam, Indra; Ferguson, Heather M
  • Multiple Interventions for Diabetic Foot Ulcer Treatment Trial (MIDFUT): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. (2020) Brown, Sarah; Nixon, Jane; Ransom, Myka; Gilberts, Rachael; Dewhirst, Nikki; McGinnis, Elizabeth; Longo, Roberta; Game, Frances; Bojke, Chris; Chadwick, Paul; Chandrasekar, Akila; Chetter, Ian; Collier, Howard; Fernandez, Catherine; Homer-Vanniasinkam, Shervanthi; Jude, Edward; Leigh, Richard; Lomas, Richard; Vowden, Peter; Wason, James; Sharples, Linda; Russell, David
  • Breastfeeding assessment tools for at-risk and malnourished infants aged under 6 months old: a systematic review. (2020) Brugaletta, Concetta; Le Roch, Karine; Saxton, Jennifer; Bizouerne, Cécile; McGrath, Marie; Kerac, Marko
  • Comparing Approaches to Collecting Self-Reported Data on HIV Status in Population-Based Surveys. (2020) Brumfield, Sarah; Dube, Albert; Reniers, Georges; Helleringer, Stephane
  • Response to: Comment on: 'The inverse-research law of global eye health'. (2020) Buchan, John C; Dean, William H; Ramke, Jacqueline; Burton, Matthew J
  • The Royal College of Ophthalmologists' National Ophthalmology Database study of cataract surgery: Report 7, immediate sequential bilateral cataract surgery in the UK: Current practice and patient selection. (2020) Buchan, John C; Donachie, Paul HJ; Cassels-Brown, Andy; Liu, Christopher; Pyott, Andrew; Yip, Jennifer LY; Zarei-Ghanavati, Mehran; Sparrow, John M
  • Research funding priorities need to reflect the magnitude of causes of global blindness: translating efficacy into effectiveness. (2020) Buchan, John; Dean, william; ramke, jacqueline; Burton, matthew
  • Olfactory testing does not predict β-amyloid, MRI measures of neurodegeneration or vascular pathology in the British 1946 birth cohort. (2020) Buchanan, Sarah M; Parker, Thomas D; Lane, Christopher A; Keshavan, Ashvini; Keuss, Sarah E; Lu, Kirsty; James, Sarah-Naomi; Murray-Smith, Heidi; Wong, Andrew; Nicholas, Jennifer; Cash, David M; Malone, Ian B; Coath, William; Thomas, David L; Sudre, Carole; Fox, Nick C; Richards, Marcus; Schott, Jonathan M
  • Characterization of Proteolytic Activity of Artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.) Flower Extracts on Bovine Casein to Obtain Bioactive Peptides. (2020) Bueno-Gavilá, Estefanía; Abellán, Adela; Bermejo, María Soledad; Salazar, Eva; Cayuela, José María; Prieto-Merino, David; Tejada, Luis
  • Computational MHC-I epitope predictor identifies 95% of experimentally mapped HIV-1 clade A and D epitopes in a Ugandan cohort. (2020) Bugembe, Daniel Lule; Ekii, Andrew Obuku; Ndembi, Nicaise; Serwanga, Jennifer; Kaleebu, Pontiano; Pala, Pietro
  • Main Routes of Entry and Genomic Diversity of SARS-CoV-2, Uganda. (2020) Bugembe, Daniel Lule; Kayiwa, John; Phan, My VT; Tushabe, Phiona; Balinandi, Stephen; Dhaala, Beatrice; Lexow, Jonas; Mwebesa, Henry; Aceng, Jane; Kyobe, Henry; Ssemwanga, Deogratius; Lutwama, Julius; Kaleebu, Pontiano; Cotten, Matthew
  • How Follow-Up Counselling Increases Linkage to Care Among HIV-Positive Persons Identified Through Home-Based HIV Counselling and Testing: A Qualitative Study in Uganda. (2020) Bukenya, Dominic; Seeley, Janet; Tumwekwase, Grace; Kabunga, Elizabeth; Ruzagira, Eugene
  • Systematic review of social norms, attitudes, and factual beliefs linked to the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents. (2020) Buller, Ana Maria; Pichon, Marjorie; McAlpine, Alys; Cislaghi, Beniamino; Heise, Lori; Meiksin, Rebecca
  • Presence of donor-encoded centromeric KIR B content increases the risk of infectious mortality in recipients of myeloablative, T-cell deplete, HLA-matched HCT to treat AML. (2020) Bultitude, Will P; Schellekens, Jennifer; Szydlo, Richard M; Anthias, Chloe; Cooley, Sarah A; Miller, Jeffrey S; Weisdorf, Daniel J; Shaw, Bronwen E; Roberts, Chrissy H; Garcia-Sepulveda, Christian A; Lee, Julia; Pearce, Rachel M; Wilson, Marie C; Potter, Michael N; Byrne, Jenny L; Russell, Nigel H; MacKinnon, Stephen; Bloor, Adrian J; Patel, Amit; McQuaker, I Grant; Malladi, Ram; Tholouli, Eleni; Orchard, Kim; Potter, Victoria T; Madrigal, J Alejandro; Mayor, Neema P; Marsh, Steven GE
  • Validation of a life-logging wearable camera method and the 24-h diet recall method for assessing maternal and child dietary diversity. (2020) Bulungu, Andrea LS; Palla, Luigi; Priebe, Jan; Forsythe, Lora; Katic, Pamela; Varley, Gwen; Galinda, Bernice D; Sarah, Nakimuli; Nambooze, Joweria; Wellard, Kate; Ferguson, Elaine L
  • Iron Deficiency Is Associated With Reduced Levels of Plasmodium falciparum-specific Antibodies in African Children. (2020) Bundi, Caroline K; Nalwoga, Angela; Lubyayi, Lawrence; Muriuki, John Muthii; Mogire, Reagan M; Opi, Herbert; Mentzer, Alexander J; Mugyenyi, Cleopatra K; Mwacharo, Jedida; Webb, Emily L; Bejon, Philip; Williams, Thomas N; Gikunju, Joseph K; Beeson, James G; Elliott, Alison M; Ndungu, Francis M; Atkinson, Sarah H
  • A commentary on the interagency symposium: 'Building a Healthier Future: A Human Capital Perspective on Health and Education', presented at the European Congress of Tropical Medicine and International Health, Liverpool, UK, October 2019. (2020) Bundy, Donald; Burbano, Carmen; Lloyd-Evans, Edward; Sorgho, Gaston; Lavadenz, Fernando; Adam, Zeinab; Drake, Lesley; Rowland-Jones, Sarah; Piot, Peter
  • When assessing generalisability, focusing on differences in population or setting alone is insufficient. (2020) Burchett, Helen ED; Kneale, Dylan; Blanchard, Laurence; Thomas, James
  • Risk factors associated with failing pre-transmission assessment surveys (pre-TAS) in lymphatic filariasis elimination programs: Results of a multi-country analysis. (2020) Burgert-Brucker, Clara R; Zoerhoff, Kathryn L; Headland, Maureen; Shoemaker, Erica A; Stelmach, Rachel; Karim, Mohammad Jahirul; Batcho, Wilfrid; Bougouma, Clarisse; Bougma, Roland; Benjamin Didier, Biholong; Georges, Nko'Ayissi; Marfo, Benjamin; Lemoine, Jean Frantz; Pangaribuan, Helena Ullyartha; Wijayanti, Eksi; Coulibaly, Yaya Ibrahim; Doumbia, Salif Seriba; Rimal, Pradip; Salissou, Adamou Bacthiri; Bah, Yukaba; Mwingira, Upendo; Nshala, Andreas; Muheki, Edridah; Shott, Joseph; Yevstigneyeva, Violetta; Ndayishimye, Egide; Baker, Margaret; Kraemer, John; Brady, Molly
  • "We give them threatening advice…": expectations of adherence to antiretroviral therapy and their consequences among adolescents living with HIV in rural Malawi. (2020) Burns, Rose; Magalasi, Denview; Blasco, Philippe; Szumilin, Elisabeth; Pasquier, Estelle; Schramm, Birgit; Wringe, Alison
  • Could This Child Have Schistosomiasis?: When to Suspect It and What to Do About It. (2020) Bustinduy, Amaya L; Edielu, Andrew; Sturt, Amy S
  • Population Pharmacokinetics of Praziquantel in Pregnant and Lactating Filipino Women Infected with Schistosoma japonicum. (2020) Bustinduy, Amaya L; Kolamunnage-Dona, Ruwanthi; Mirochnick, Mark H; Capparelli, Edmund V; Tallo, Veronica; Acosta, Luz P; Olveda, Remigio M; Friedman, Jennifer F; Hope, William W
  • Understanding early uptake of PrEP by female sex workers in Zimbabwe. (2020) Busza, Joanna; Phillips, Andrew N; Mushati, Phillis; Chiyaka, Tarisai; Magutshwa, Sitholubuhle; Musemburi, Sithembile; Cowan, Frances M
  • Ocular Chlamydia trachomatis infection, anti-Pgp3 antibodies and conjunctival scarring in Vanuatu and Tarawa, Kiribati before antibiotic treatment for trachoma. (2020) Butcher, Robert; Handley, Becca; Garae, Mackline; Taoaba, Raebwebwe; Pickering, Harry; Bong, Annie; Sokana, Oliver; Burton, Matthew J; Sepúlveda, Nuno; Cama, Ana; Mesurier, Richard Le; Solomon, Anthony W; Mabey, David; Taleo, Fasihah; Tekeraoi, Rabebe; Roberts, Chrissy H
  • Conjunctival Scarring, Corneal Pannus, and Herbert's Pits in Adolescent Children in Trachoma-endemic Populations of the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu. (2020) Butcher, Robert; Tagabasoe, Junely; Manemaka, Joseph; Bong, Annie; Garae, Mackline; Daniel, Lui; Roberts, Chrissy; Handley, Becca L; Hu, Victor H; Harding-Esch, Emma M; Bakhtiari, Ana; Willis, Rebecca; Müller, Andreas; Kaldor, John; Le Mesurier, Richard; Mabey, David; Cama, Anasaini; Sokana, Oliver; Taleo, Fasihah; Taylor, Hugh R; Solomon, Anthony W
  • Diagnosing type 2 diabetes using Hemoglobin A1c: a systematic review and meta-analysis of the diagnostic cutpoint based on microvascular complications. (2020) Butler, Alexandra E; English, Emma; Kilpatrick, Eric S; Östlundh, Linda; Chemaitelly, Hiam S; Abu-Raddad, Laith J; Alberti, K George MM; Atkin, Stephen L; John, W Garry
  • Social response to the delivery of HIV self-testing in households: experiences from four Zambian HPTN 071 (PopART) urban communities. (2020) Bwalya, Chiti; Simwinga, Musonda; Hensen, Bernadette; Gwanu, Lwiindi; Hang'andu, Able; Mulubwa, Chama; Phiri, Mwelwa; Hayes, Richard; Fidler, Sarah; Mwinga, Alwyn; Ayles, Helen; Bond, Virginia; HPTN 071 (PopART) study team
  • Core temperatures of nesting female hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) in the north-east of Tobago. (2020) Byrne, Isabel; Murray-Uren, Duncan
  • Observations on metamorphosing tadpoles of Hyalinobatrachium orientale (Anura: Centrolenidae). (2020) Byrne, Isabel; Thomson, Robyn; Thomson, Rory; Murray-Uren, Duncan; Downie, J Roger
  • Correction to: Rationale and design of two randomized sham‑controlled of catheter‑based renal denervation in subjects with uncontrolled hypertension in the absence (SPYRAL HTN‑OFF MED Pivotal) and presence (SPYRAL HTN‑ON MED Expansion) of antihypertensive medications: a novel approach using Bayesian design. (2020) Böhm, Michael; Townsend, Raymond R; Kario, Kazuomi; Kandzari, David; Mahfoud, Felix; Weber, Michael A; Schmieder, Roland E; Tsioufis, Konstantinos; Hickey, Graeme L; Fahy, Martin; DeBruin, Vanessa; Brar, Sandeep; Pocock, Stuart
  • Rationale and design of two randomized sham-controlled trials of catheter-based renal denervation in subjects with uncontrolled hypertension in the absence (SPYRAL HTN-OFF MED Pivotal) and presence (SPYRAL HTN-ON MED Expansion) of antihypertensive medications: a novel approach using Bayesian design. (2020) Böhm, Michael; Townsend, Raymond R; Kario, Kazuomi; Kandzari, David; Mahfoud, Felix; Weber, Michael A; Schmieder, Roland E; Tsioufis, Konstantinos; Hickey, Graeme L; Fahy, Martin; DeBruin, Vanessa; Brar, Sandeep; Pocock, Stuart
  • Tailored implementation of internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy in the multinational context of the ImpleMentAll project: a study protocol for a stepped wedge cluster randomized trial. (2020) Bührmann, Leah; Schuurmans, Josien; Ruwaard, Jeroen; Fleuren, Margot; Etzelmüller, Anne; Piera-Jiménez, Jordi; Finch, Tracy; Rapley, Tim; Potthoff, Sebastian; Aouizerate, Bruno; Batterham, Philip J; Calear, Alison; Christensen, Helen; Pedersen, Claus Duedal; Ebert, David Daniel; Van der Eycken, Erik; Fanaj, Naim; van Genugten, Claire; Hanssen, Denise; Hegerl, Ulrich; Hug, Juliane; Kleiboer, Annet; Mathiasen, Kim; May, Carl; Mustafa, Sevim; Oehler, Caroline; Cerga-Pashoja, Arlinda; Pope, Catherine; Qirjako, Gentiana; Rosmalen, Judith; Sacco, Ylenia; Samalin, Ludovic; Skjøth, Mette Maria; Tarp, Kristine; Titzler, Ingrid; Zanalda, Enrico; Zbukvic, Isabel; Smit, Johannes H; Riper, Heleen; Vis, Christiaan; ImpleMentAll consortium
  • Ambiguity and Conflict in Policy Implementation: The Case of the New Care Models (Vanguard) Programme in England. (2020) COLEMAN, ANNA; BILLINGS, JENNY; ALLEN, PAULINE; MIKELYTE, RASA; CROKE, SARAH; MACINNES, JULIE; CHECKLAND, KATH
  • Tranexamic acid in traumatic brain injury: an explanatory study nested within the CRASH-3 trial. (2020) CRASH-3 Intracranial Bleeding Mechanistic Study Collaborators
  • Case Report: Multiorgan Involvement with Congenital Zika Syndrome. (2020) Cachay, Rodrigo; Schwalb, Alvaro; Watanabe, Takashi; Guzman, Doris; Jaenisch, Thomas; Guillén-Pinto, Daniel; Gotuzzo, Eduardo
  • Evaluation of seasonal malaria chemoprevention in two areas of intense seasonal malaria transmission: Secondary analysis of a household-randomised, placebo-controlled trial in Houndé District, Burkina Faso and Bougouni District, Mali. (2020) Cairns, Matthew E; Sagara, Issaka; Zongo, Issaka; Kuepfer, Irene; Thera, Ismaila; Nikiema, Frederic; Diarra, Modibo; Yerbanga, Serge R; Barry, Amadou; Tapily, Amadou; Coumare, Samba; Milligan, Paul; Tinto, Halidou; Ouédraogo, Jean Bosco; Chandramohan, Daniel; Greenwood, Brian; Djimde, Abdoulaye; Dicko, Alassane
  • Clinical and epidemiological performance of WHO Ebola case definitions: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2020) Caleo, Grazia; Theocharaki, Foivi; Lokuge, Kamalini; Weiss, Helen A; Inamdar, Leena; Grandesso, Francesco; Danis, Kostas; Pedalino, Biagio; Kobinger, Gary; Sprecher, Armand; Greig, Jane; Di Tanna, Gian Luca
  • The utility of high-flow nasal oxygen for severe COVID-19 pneumonia in a resource-constrained setting: A multi-centre prospective observational study. (2020) Calligaro, Gregory L; Lalla, Usha; Audley, Gordon; Gina, Phindile; Miller, Malcolm G; Mendelson, Marc; Dlamini, Sipho; Wasserman, Sean; Meintjes, Graeme; Peter, Jonathan; Levin, Dion; Dave, Joel A; Ntusi, Ntobeko; Meier, Stuart; Little, Francesca; Moodley, Desiree L; Louw, Elizabeth H; Nortje, Andre; Parker, Arifa; Taljaard, Jantjie J; Allwood, Brian W; Dheda, Keertan; Koegelenberg, Coenraad FN
  • Direct maternal deaths attributable to HIV in the era of antiretroviral therapy: evidence from three population-based HIV cohorts with verbal autopsy. (2020) Calvert, Clara; Marston, Milly; Slaymaker, Emma; Crampin, Amelia C; Price, Alison J; Klein, Nigel; Herbst, Kobus; Michael, Denna; Urassa, Mark; Clark, Samuel J; Ronsmans, Carine; Reniers, Georges
  • Cross-country differences in age trends in alcohol consumption among older adults: a cross-sectional study of individuals aged 50 years and older in 22 countries. (2020) Calvo, Esteban; Allel, Kasim; Staudinger, Ursula M; Castillo-Carniglia, Alvaro; Medina, José T; Keyes, Katherine M
  • The use of molecular xenomonitoring for surveillance of mosquito-borne diseases. (2020) Cameron, Mary M; Ramesh, Anita
  • Antimicrobial and micronutrient interventions for the management of infants under 6 months of age identified with severe malnutrition: a literature review. (2020) Campion-Smith, Timothy J; Kerac, Marko; McGrath, Marie; Berkley, James A
  • Surveillance of Aedes aegypti populations in the city of Praia, Cape Verde: Zika virus infection, insecticide resistance and genetic diversity. (2020) Campos, Monica; Ward, Daniel; Morales, Raika Francesca; Gomes, Ana Rita; Silva, Keily; Sepúlveda, Nuno; Gomez, Lara Ferrero; Clark, Taane G; Campino, Susana
  • Evolution and epidemic spread of SARS-CoV-2 in Brazil. (2020) Candido, Darlan S; Claro, Ingra M; de Jesus, Jaqueline G; Souza, William M; Moreira, Filipe RR; Dellicour, Simon; Mellan, Thomas A; du Plessis, Louis; Pereira, Rafael HM; Sales, Flavia CS; Manuli, Erika R; Thézé, Julien; Almeida, Luiz; Menezes, Mariane T; Voloch, Carolina M; Fumagalli, Marcilio J; Coletti, Thaís M; da Silva, Camila AM; Ramundo, Mariana S; Amorim, Mariene R; Hoeltgebaum, Henrique H; Mishra, Swapnil; Gill, Mandev S; Carvalho, Luiz M; Buss, Lewis F; Prete, Carlos A; Ashworth, Jordan; Nakaya, Helder I; Peixoto, Pedro S; Brady, Oliver J; Nicholls, Samuel M; Tanuri, Amilcar; Rossi, Átila D; Braga, Carlos KV; Gerber, Alexandra L; de C Guimarães, Ana Paula; Gaburo, Nelson; Alencar, Cecila Salete; Ferreira, Alessandro CS; Lima, Cristiano X; Levi, José Eduardo; Granato, Celso; Ferreira, Giulia M; Francisco, Ronaldo S; Granja, Fabiana; Garcia, Marcia T; Moretti, Maria Luiza; Perroud, Mauricio W; Castiñeiras, Terezinha MPP; Lazari, Carolina S; Hill, Sarah C; de Souza Santos, Andreza Aruska; Simeoni, Camila L; Forato, Julia; Sposito, Andrei C; Schreiber, Angelica Z; Santos, Magnun NN; de Sá, Camila Zolini; Souza, Renan P; Resende-Moreira, Luciana C; Teixeira, Mauro M; Hubner, Josy; Leme, Patricia AF; Moreira, Rennan G; Nogueira, Maurício L; Brazil-UK Centre for Arbovirus Discovery, Diagnosis, Genomics an; Ferguson, Neil M; Costa, Silvia F; Proenca-Modena, José Luiz; Vasconcelos, Ana Tereza R; Bhatt, Samir; Lemey, Philippe; Wu, Chieh-Hsi; Rambaut, Andrew; Loman, Nick J; Aguiar, Renato S; Pybus, Oliver G; Sabino, Ester C; Faria, Nuno Rodrigues
  • Maternal Dietary Patterns during Pregnancy and Their Association with Gestational Weight Gain and Nutrient Adequacy. (2020) Cano-Ibáñez, Naomi; Martínez-Galiano, Juan Miguel; Luque-Fernández, Miguel Angel; Martín-Peláez, Sandra; Bueno-Cavanillas, Aurora; Delgado-Rodríguez, Miguel
  • Rapamycin Re-Directs Lysosome Network, Stimulates ER-Remodeling, Involving Membrane CD317 and Affecting Exocytosis, in Campylobacter Jejuni-Lysate-Infected U937 Cells. (2020) Canonico, Barbara; Cesarini, Erica; Montanari, Mariele; Di Sario, Gianna; Campana, Raffaella; Galluzzi, Luca; Sola, Federica; Gundogdu, Ozan; Luchetti, Francesca; Diotallevi, Aurora; Baffone, Wally; Giordano, Antonio; Papa, Stefano
  • An assessment of adult mosquito collection techniques for studying species abundance and diversity in Maferinyah, Guinea. (2020) Cansado-Utrilla, Cintia; Jeffries, Claire L; Kristan, Mojca; Brugman, Victor A; Heard, Patrick; Camara, Gnepou; Sylla, Moussa; Beavogui, Abdoul H; Messenger, Louisa A; Irish, Seth R; Walker, Thomas
  • [Mental health in the perinatal period and maternal stress during the Covid-19 pandemic: influence on fetal development.]. (2020) Caparros-Gonzalez, Rafael A; Luque-Fernández, Miguel Ángel
  • "Not Just a Journal Club - It's Where the Magic Happens": Knowledge Mobilization through Co-Production for Health System Development in the Western Cape Province, South Africa. (2020) Cape Hpsr Journal Club Team, The Western
  • Analysis of Fecal Sludges Reveals Common Enteric Pathogens in Urban Maputo, Mozambique. (2020) Capone, Drew; Berendes, David; Cumming, Oliver; Knee, Jackie; Nalá, Rassul; Risk, Benjamin B; Stauber, Christine; Zhu, Kevin; Brown, Joe
  • Impact of an intervention to improve pit latrine emptying practices in low income urban neighborhoods of Maputo, Mozambique. (2020) Capone, Drew; Buxton, Helen; Cumming, Oliver; Dreibelbis, Robert; Knee, Jackie; Nalá, Rassul; Ross, Ian; Brown, Joe
  • Water and Sanitation in Urban America, 2017-2019. (2020) Capone, Drew; Cumming, Oliver; Nichols, Dennis; Brown, Joe
  • Chromoblastomycosis: A Case of a Verrucous Plaque from the Tropics. (2020) Carcamo, Paloma M; Schwalb, Alvaro; Seas, Carlos
  • Violence against children and intimate partner violence against women: overlap and common contributing factors among caregiver-adolescent dyads. (2020) Carlson, Catherine; Namy, Sophie; Norcini Pala, Andrea; Wainberg, Milton L; Michau, Lori; Nakuti, Janet; Knight, Louise; Allen, Elizabeth; Ikenberg, Carin; Naker, Dipak; Devries, Karen
  • Discussion on 'Testing small study effects in multivariate meta-analysis' by Chuan Hong, Georgia Salanti, Sally Morton, Richard Riley, Haitao Chu, Stephen E Kimmel and Yong Chen. (2020) Carpenter, James R; Rücker, Gerta; Schwarzer, Guido
  • Open-Source 3D Printable GPS Tracker to Characterize the Role of Human Population Movement on Malaria Epidemiology in River Networks: A Proof-of-Concept Study in the Peruvian Amazon. (2020) Carrasco-Escobar, Gabriel; Fornace, Kimberly; Wong, Daniel; Padilla-Huamantinco, Pierre G; Saldaña-Lopez, Jose A; Castillo-Meza, Ober E; Caballero-Andrade, Armando E; Manrique, Edgar; Ruiz-Cabrejos, Jorge; Barboza, Jose Luis; Rodriguez, Hugo; Henostroza, German; Gamboa, Dionicia; Castro, Marcia C; Vinetz, Joseph M; Llanos-Cuentas, Alejandro
  • Travel Time to Health Facilities as a Marker of Geographical Accessibility Across Heterogeneous Land Coverage in Peru. (2020) Carrasco-Escobar, Gabriel; Manrique, Edgar; Tello-Lizarraga, Kelly; Miranda, J Jaime
  • Spatio-temporal co-occurrence of hotspots of tuberculosis, poverty and air pollution in Lima, Peru. (2020) Carrasco-Escobar, Gabriel; Schwalb, Alvaro; Tello-Lizarraga, Kelly; Vega-Guerovich, Percy; Ugarte-Gil, Cesar
  • Author Correction: Revealing the air pollution burden associated with internal Migration in Peru. (2020) Carrasco-Escobar, Gabriel; Schwarz, Lara; Miranda, J Jaime; Benmarhnia, Tarik
  • Revealing the air pollution burden associated with internal Migration in Peru. (2020) Carrasco-Escobar, Gabriel; Schwarz, Lara; Miranda, J Jaime; Benmarhnia, Tarik
  • Prevalence of COVID-19-related risk factors and risk of severe influenza outcomes in cancer survivors: A matched cohort study using linked English electronic health records data. (2020) Carreira, Helena; Strongman, Helen; Peppa, Maria; McDonald, Helen I; Dos-Santos-Silva, Isabel; Stanway, Susannah; Smeeth, Liam; Bhaskaran, Krishnan
  • Quality of life and mental health in breast cancer survivors compared with non-cancer controls: a study of patient-reported outcomes in the United Kingdom. (2020) Carreira, Helena; Williams, Rachael; Dempsey, Harley; Stanway, Susannah; Smeeth, Liam; Bhaskaran, Krishnan
  • Brazilian Maternal and Child Nutrition Consortium: establishment, data harmonization and basic characteristics. (2020) Carrilho, Thaís Rangel Bousquet; Farias, Dayana Rodrigues; Batalha, Mônica Araújo; Costa, Nathalia Cristina Freitas; Rasmussen, Kathleen M; Reichenheim, Michael E; Ohuma, Eric O; Hutcheon, Jennifer A; Kac, Gilberto; Brazilian Maternal and Child Nutrition Consortium
  • Machine learning health-related applications in low-income and middle-income countries: a scoping review protocol. (2020) Carrillo-Larco, Rodrigo M; Tudor Car, Lorainne; Pearson-Stuttard, Jonathan; Panch, Trishan; Miranda, J Jaime; Atun, Rifat
  • How are missing data in covariates handled in observational time-to-event studies in oncology? A systematic review. (2020) Carroll, Orlagh U; Morris, Tim P; Keogh, Ruth H
  • Mitigating costs for people living with TB: from measurement to action. (2020) Carter, DJ; Pedrazzoli, D
  • What questions we should be asking about COVID-19 in humanitarian settings: perspectives from the Social Sciences Analysis Cell in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. (2020) Carter, Simone E; Gobat, Nina; Pfaffmann Zambruni, Jérôme; Bedford, Juliet; van Kleef, Esther; Jombart, Thibaut; Mossoko, Mathias; Bulemfu Nkakirande, Dorothée; Navarro Colorado, Carlos; Ahuka-Mundeke, Steve
  • Early epilepsy in children with Zika-related microcephaly in a cohort in Recife, Brazil: Characteristics, electroencephalographic findings, and treatment response. (2020) Carvalho, Maria Durce CG; Ximenes, Ricardo AA; Montarroyos, Ulisses R; da Silva, Paula FS; Andrade-Valença, Luciana PA; Eickmann, Sophie H; Ramos, Regina C; Rocha, Maria Ângela W; de Araujo, Thalia VB; de Albuquerque, Maria de Fátima PM; Martelli, Celina MT; de Souza, Wayner V; Brickley, Elizabeth B; Miranda-Filho, Demócrito de B; Microcephaly Epidemic Research Group
  • Association of past dengue fever epidemics with the risk of Zika microcephaly at the population level in Brazil. (2020) Carvalho, Marilia Sá; Freitas, Laís Picinini; Cruz, Oswaldo Gonçalves; Brasil, Patrícia; Bastos, Leonardo Soares
  • Cross-sectional study of the anthropometric characteristics of children with congenital Zika syndrome up to 12 months of life. (2020) Carvalho-Sauer, Rita de Cássia Oliveira de; Costa, Maria da Conceição Nascimento; Paixão, Enny S; de Jesus Silva, Natanael; Barreto, Florisneide Rodrigues; Teixeira, Maria Gloria
  • Adjusting the Lens: Real World Outcomes in Nephrotic Syndrome. (2020) Castledine, Clare; Tomlinson, Laurie A
  • Implementation science to improve the quality of tuberculosis diagnostic services in Uganda. (2020) Cattamanchi, Adithya; Berger, Christopher A; Shete, Priya B; Turyahabwe, Stavia; Joloba, Moses; Moore, David Aj; Davis, Lucian J; Katamba, Achilles
  • CpG-creating mutations are costly in many human viruses. (2020) Caudill, Victoria R; Qin, Sarina; Winstead, Ryan; Kaur, Jasmeen; Tisthammer, Kaho; Pineda, E Geo; Solis, Caroline; Cobey, Sarah; Bedford, Trevor; Carja, Oana; Eggo, Rosalind M; Koelle, Katia; Lythgoe, Katrina; Regoes, Roland; Roy, Scott; Allen, Nicole; Aviles, Milo; Baker, Brittany A; Bauer, William; Bermudez, Shannel; Carlson, Corey; Castellanos, Edgar; Catalan, Francisca L; Chemel, Angeline Katia; Elliot, Jacob; Evans, Dwayne; Fiutek, Natalie; Fryer, Emily; Goodfellow, Samuel Melvin; Hecht, Mordecai; Hopp, Kellen; Hopson, E Deshawn; Jaberi, Amirhossein; Kinney, Christen; Lao, Derek; Le, Adrienne; Lo, Jacky; Lopez, Alejandro G; López, Andrea; Lorenzo, Fernando G; Luu, Gordon T; Mahoney, Andrew R; Melton, Rebecca L; Nascimento, Gabriela Do; Pradhananga, Anjani; Rodrigues, Nicole S; Shieh, Annie; Sims, Jasmine; Singh, Rima; Sulaeman, Hasan; Thu, Ricky; Tran, Krystal; Tran, Livia; Winters, Elizabeth J; Wong, Albert; Pennings, Pleuni S
  • Bayesian hierarchical methods in the detection of potentially teratogenic first-trimester medications. (2020) Cavadino, Alana; Prieto-Merino, David; Morris, Joan K
  • What the percentage of births in facilities does not measure: readiness for emergency obstetric care and referral in Senegal. (2020) Cavallaro, Francesca L; Benova, Lenka; Dioukhane, El Hadji; Wong, Kerry; Sheppard, Paula; Faye, Adama; Radovich, Emma; Dumont, Alexandre; Mbengue, Abdou Salam; Ronsmans, Carine; Martinez-Alvarez, Melisa
  • Evaluating the real-world implementation of the Family Nurse Partnership in England: protocol for a data linkage study. (2020) Cavallaro, Francesca L; Gilbert, Ruth; Wijlaars, Linda; Kennedy, Eilis; Swarbrick, Ailsa; van der Meulen, Jan; Harron, Katie
  • Association of pulse wave velocity and intima-media thickness with cardiovascular risk factors in young adults. (2020) Cecelja, Marina; Sriswan, Raja; Kulkarni, Bharati; Kinra, Sanjay; Nitsch, Dorothea
  • Added value or added burden? A qualitative investigation of blending internet self-help with face-to-face cognitive behaviour therapy for depression. (2020) Cerga-Pashoja, Arlinda; Doukani, Asmae; Gega, Lina; Walke, Jennifer; Araya, Ricardo
  • Did internal displacement from the 2010 earthquake in Haiti lead to long-term violence against children? A matched pairs study design. (2020) Cerna-Turoff, Ilan; Kane, Jeremy C; Devries, Karen; Mercy, James; Massetti, Greta; Baiocchi, Mike
  • Benefits and Costs of a Community-Led Total Sanitation Intervention in Rural Ethiopia-A Trial-Based ex post Economic Evaluation. (2020) Cha, Seungman; Jung, Sunghoon; Bizuneh, Dawit Belew; Abera, Tadesse; Doh, Young-Ah; Seong, Jieun; Ross, Ian
  • Assessing Bias in Population Size Estimates Among Hidden Populations When Using the Service Multiplier Method Combined With Respondent-Driven Sampling Surveys: Survey Study. (2020) Chabata, Sungai T; Fearon, Elizabeth; Webb, Emily L; Weiss, Helen A; Hargreaves, James R; Cowan, Frances M
  • Condom use among young women who sell sex in Zimbabwe: a prevention cascade analysis to identify gaps in HIV prevention programming. (2020) Chabata, Sungai T; Hensen, Bernadette; Chiyaka, Tarisai; Mushati, Phillis; Busza, Joanna; Floyd, Sian; Birdthistle, Isolde; Hargreaves, James R; Cowan, Frances M
  • Effect of Pediatric Influenza Vaccination on Antibiotic Resistance, England and Wales. (2020) Chae, Chungman; Davies, Nicholas G; Jit, Mark; Atkins, Katherine E
  • Within-host microevolution of Streptococcus pneumoniae is rapid and adaptive during natural colonisation. (2020) Chaguza, Chrispin; Senghore, Madikay; Bojang, Ebrima; Gladstone, Rebecca A; Lo, Stephanie W; Tientcheu, Peggy-Estelle; Bancroft, Rowan E; Worwui, Archibald; Foster-Nyarko, Ebenezer; Ceesay, Fatima; Okoi, Catherine; McGee, Lesley; Klugman, Keith P; Breiman, Robert F; Barer, Michael R; Adegbola, Richard A; Antonio, Martin; Bentley, Stephen D; Kwambana-Adams, Brenda A
  • Bacterial genome-wide association study of hyper-virulent pneumococcal serotype 1 identifies genetic variation associated with neurotropism. (2020) Chaguza, Chrispin; Yang, Marie; Cornick, Jennifer E; du Plessis, Mignon; Gladstone, Rebecca A; Kwambana-Adams, Brenda A; Lo, Stephanie W; Ebruke, Chinelo; Tonkin-Hill, Gerry; Peno, Chikondi; Senghore, Madikay; Obaro, Stephen K; Ousmane, Sani; Pluschke, Gerd; Collard, Jean-Marc; Sigaùque, Betuel; French, Neil; Klugman, Keith P; Heyderman, Robert S; McGee, Lesley; Antonio, Martin; Breiman, Robert F; von Gottberg, Anne; Everett, Dean B; Kadioglu, Aras; Bentley, Stephen D
  • Serum From Melioidosis Survivors Diminished Intracellular Burkholderia pseudomallei Growth in Macrophages: A Brief Research Report. (2020) Chaichana, Panjaporn; Kronsteiner, Barbara; Rongkard, Patpong; Teparrukkul, Prapit; Limmathurotsakul, Direk; Chantratita, Narisara; Day, Nicholas PJ; Fletcher, Helen A; Dunachie, Susanna J
  • Catastrophic Health Impacts of Spiraling Climate Change: How Certain Can We Be About Their Magnitudes? (2020) Chalabi, Zaid; Foss, Anna M
  • Comparison of infectivity of Plasmodium vivax to wild-caught and laboratory-adapted (colonized) Anopheles arabiensis mosquitoes in Ethiopia. (2020) Chali, Wakweya; Ashine, Temesgen; Hailemeskel, Elifaged; Gashaw, Abrham; Tafesse, Temesgen; Lanke, Kjerstin; Esayas, Endashaw; Kedir, Soriya; Shumie, Girma; Behaksra, Sinknesh Wolde; Bradley, John; Yewhalaw, Delenasaw; Mamo, Hassen; Petros, Beyene; Drakeley, Chris; Gadisa, Endalamaw; Bousema, Teun; Tadesse, Fitsum G
  • Access and Unmet Needs of Orphan Drugs in 194 Countries and 6 Areas: A Global Policy Review With Content Analysis. (2020) Chan, Adrienne YL; Chan, Vivien KY; Olsson, Sten; Fan, Min; Jit, Mark; Gong, Mengchun; Zhang, Shuyang; Ge, Mengqin; Pathadka, Swathi; Chung, Claudia CY; Chung, Brian HY; Chui, Celine SL; Chan, Esther W; Wong, Gloria HY; Lum, Terry Y; Wong, Ian CK; Ip, Patrick; Li, Xue
  • Tailored, psychological intervention for anxiety and/or depression in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), TANDEM (Tailored intervention for ANxiety and DEpression Management in COPD): statistical analysis plan for a randomised controlled trial. (2020) Chan, Claire L; Smuk, Melanie; Sohanpal, Ratna; Pinnock, Hilary; Taylor, Stephanie JC; TANDEM Investigators
  • Transmission dynamics, serial interval and epidemiology of COVID-19 diseases in Hong Kong under different control measures. (2020) Chan, Yung-Wai Desmond; Flasche, Stefan; Lam, Tin-Long Terence; Leung, Mei-Hung Joanna; Wong, Miu-Ling; Lam, Ho-Yeung; Chuang, Shuk-Kwan
  • Transmission dynamics, serial interval and epidemiology of COVID-19 diseases in Hong Kong under different control measures. (2020) Chan, Yung-Wai Desmond; Flasche, Stefan; Lam, Tin-Long Terence; Leung, Mei-Hung Joanna; Wong, Miu-Ling; Lam, Ho-Yeung; Chuang, Shuk-Kwan
  • Seasonal malaria vaccination: protocol of a phase 3 trial of seasonal vaccination with the RTS,S/AS01E vaccine, seasonal malaria chemoprevention and the combination of vaccination and chemoprevention. (2020) Chandramohan, Daniel; Dicko, Alassane; Zongo, Issaka; Sagara, Issaka; Cairns, Matthew; Kuepfer, Irene; Diarra, Modibo; Tapily, Amadou; Issiaka, Djibrilla; Sanogo, Koualy; Mahamar, Almahamoudou; Sompougdou, Frederic; Yerbanga, Serge; Thera, Ismaila; Milligan, Paul; Tinto, Halidou; Ofori-Anyinam, Opokua; Ouedraogo, Jean-Bosco; Greenwood, B
  • Bacteremia Caused by Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae in Vientiane, Lao PDR: A 5-Year Study. (2020) Chang, Ko; Rattanavong, Sayaphet; Mayxay, Mayfong; Keoluangkhot, Valy; Davong, Viengmon; Vongsouvath, Manivanh; Luangraj, Manophab; Simpson, Andrew JH; Newton, Paul N; Dance, David AB
  • Does electronic consent improve the logistics and uptake of hpv vaccination in adolescent girls? A mixed methods theory informed evaluation of an intervention. (2020) Chantler, Tracey; Pringle, Ellen; Bell, Sadie; Cooper, Rosie; Edmundson, Emily; Nielsen, Heidi; Roberts, Sheila; Edelstein, Michael; Jack, Sandra Mounier
  • Does electronic consent improve the logistics and uptake of HPV vaccination in adolescent girls? A mixed-methods theory informed evaluation of a pilot intervention. (2020) Chantler, Tracey; Pringle, Ellen; Bell, Sadie; Cooper, Rosie; Edmundson, Emily; Nielsen, Heidi; Roberts, Sheila; Edelstein, Michael; Mounier-Jack, Sandra
  • High-Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin and the Universal Definition of Myocardial Infarction. (2020) Chapman, Andrew R; Adamson, Philip D; Shah, Anoop SV; Anand, Atul; Strachan, Fiona E; Ferry, Amy V; Lee, Kuan Ken; Berry, Colin; Findlay, Iain; Cruikshank, Anne; Reid, Alan; Gray, Alasdair; Collinson, Paul O; Apple, Fred; McAllister, David A; Maguire, Donogh; Fox, Keith AA; Vallejos, Catalina A; Keerie, Catriona; Weir, Christopher J; Newby, David E; Mills, Nicholas L; High-STEACS Investigators
  • Inferring transmission trees to guide targeting of interventions against visceral leishmaniasis and post-kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis. (2020) Chapman, Lloyd AC; Spencer, Simon EF; Pollington, Timothy M; Jewell, Chris P; Mondal, Dinesh; Alvar, Jorge; Hollingsworth, T Déirdre; Cameron, Mary M; Bern, Caryn; Medley, Graham F
  • Rapid Assessment of Avoidable Blindness and Willingness to Pay for Cataract Surgery in Tribal Region of Surat District of Gujarat State, India. (2020) Chariwala, Rohan A; Shah, Shaheen P; Patel, Daksha; Chaudhari, Sheetal P; Gajiwala, Uday R
  • Effectiveness of health education and monetary incentive on uptake of diabetic retinopathy screening at a community health center in South Gujarat, India. (2020) Chariwala, Rohan Arvindbhai; Shukla, Rajan; Gajiwala, Uday R; Gilbert, Clare; Pant, Hira; Lewis, Melissa Glenda; Murthy, GVS
  • Understanding the risks for post-disaster infectious disease outbreaks: a systematic review protocol. (2020) Charnley, Gina EC; Kelman, Ilan; Gaythorpe, Katy; Murray, Kris
  • Strategies discussed at the XIIth international conference on Kangaroo mother care for implementation on a countrywide scale. (2020) Charpak, Nathalie; Angel, María I; Banker, Deepa; Bergh, Anne-Marie; María Bertolotto, Ana; De Leon-Mendoza, Socorro; Godoy, Natalia; Lincetto, Ornella; Lozano, Juan M; Ludington-Hoe, Susan; Mazia, Goldy; Mokhachane, Mantoa; Montealegre, Adriana; Ramirez, Erika; Sirivansanti, Nicole; Solano, Jose Maria; Day, Louise-Tina; Uy, Maria Esterlita
  • Nitrous oxide/oxygen plus acetaminophen versus morphine in ST elevation myocardial infarction: open-label, cluster-randomized, non-inferiority study. (2020) Charpentier, Sandrine; Galinski, Michel; Bounes, Vincent; Ricard-Hibon, Agnès; El-Khoury, Carlos; Elbaz, Meyer; Ageron, François-Xavier; Manzo-Silberman, Stéphane; Soulat, Louis; Lapostolle, Frédéric; Gérard, Alexandre; Bregeaud, Delphine; Bongard, Vanina; Bonnefoy-Cudraz, Eric; SCADOL II investigators
  • Acute malnutrition recovery energy requirements based on mid-upper arm circumference: Secondary analysis of feeding program data from 5 countries, Combined Protocol for Acute Malnutrition Study (ComPAS) Stage 1. (2020) Chase, Rachel P; Kerac, Marko; Grant, Angeline; Manary, Mark; Briend, André; Opondo, Charles; Bailey, Jeanette
  • Assessing the validity of and factors that influence accurate self-reporting of HIV status after testing: a population-based study. (2020) Chasimpha, Steady JD; Mclean, Estelle M; Dube, Albert; McCormack, Valerie; Dos-Santos-Silva, Isabel; Glynn, Judith R
  • G-computation, propensity score-based methods, and targeted maximum likelihood estimator for causal inference with different covariates sets: a comparative simulation study. (2020) Chatton, Arthur; Le Borgne, Florent; Leyrat, Clémence; Gillaizeau, Florence; Rousseau, Chloé; Barbin, Laetitia; Laplaud, David; Léger, Maxime; Giraudeau, Bruno; Foucher, Yohann
  • Development of a Yoga Program for Type-2 Diabetes Prevention (YOGA-DP) Among High-Risk People in India. (2020) Chattopadhyay, Kaushik; Mishra, Pallavi; Manjunath, Nandi Krishnamurthy; Harris, Tess; Hamer, Mark; Greenfield, Sheila Margaret; Wang, Haiquan; Singh, Kavita; Lewis, Sarah Anne; Tandon, Nikhil; Kinra, Sanjay; Prabhakaran, Dorairaj
  • Yoga programme for type-2 diabetes prevention (YOGA-DP) among high risk people in India: a multicentre feasibility randomised controlled trial protocol. (2020) Chattopadhyay, Kaushik; Mishra, Pallavi; Singh, Kavita; Harris, Tess; Hamer, Mark; Greenfield, Sheila Margaret; Lewis, Sarah Anne; Manjunath, Nandi Krishnamurthy; Nair, Rukamani; Mukherjee, Somnath; Harper, David Ross; Tandon, Nikhil; Kinra, Sanjay; Prabhakaran, Dorairaj; YOGA-DP Study Team
  • On Estimation of Stress-Strength Reliability Using Lower Record Values from Proportional Reversed Hazard Family. (2020) Chaturvedi, Ajit; Malhotra, Ananya
  • HSV-2 as a biomarker of HIV epidemic potential in female sex workers: meta-analysis, global epidemiology and implications. (2020) Chemaitelly, Hiam; Weiss, Helen A; Abu-Raddad, Laith J
  • Heatwaves and dengue outbreaks in Hanoi, Vietnam: New evidence on early warning. (2020) Cheng, Jian; Bambrick, Hilary; Yakob, Laith; Devine, Gregor; Frentiu, Francesca D; Toan, Do Thi Thanh; Thai, Pham Quang; Xu, Zhiwei; Hu, Wenbiao
  • Promoting routine syphilis screening among men who have sex with men in China: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial of syphilis self-testing and lottery incentive. (2020) Cheng, Weibin; Wang, Cheng; Tang, Weiming; Ong, Jason J; Fu, Hongyun; Marks, Michael; Smith, M Kumi; Li, Changchang; Nie, Juan; Zhao, Peizhen; Zheng, Heping; Yang, Bin; Tucker, Joseph D
  • The 'Netflix plus model': can subscription financing improve access to medicines in low- and middle-income countries? (2020) Cherla, Avi; Howard, Natasha; Mossialos, Elias
  • COVID-19 in Africa: care and protection for frontline healthcare workers. (2020) Chersich, Matthew F; Gray, Glenda; Fairlie, Lee; Eichbaum, Quentin; Mayhew, Susannah; Allwood, Brian; English, Rene; Scorgie, Fiona; Luchters, Stanley; Simpson, Greg; Haghighi, Marjan Mosalman; Pham, Minh Duc; Rees, Helen
  • Associations between high temperatures in pregnancy and risk of preterm birth, low birth weight, and stillbirths: systematic review and meta-analysis. (2020) Chersich, Matthew Francis; Pham, Minh Duc; Areal, Ashtyn; Haghighi, Marjan Mosalam; Manyuchi, Albert; Swift, Callum P; Wernecke, Bianca; Robinson, Matthew; Hetem, Robyn; Boeckmann, Melanie; Hajat, Shakoor; Climate Change and Heat-Health Study Group
  • Statistical inference in matched case-control studies of recurrent events. (2020) Cheung, Yin Bun; Ma, Xiangmei; Lam, KF; Li, Jialiang; Yung, Chee Fu; Milligan, Paul; Mackenzie, Grant
  • Estimation of the primary, secondary and composite effects of malaria vaccines using data on multiple clinical malaria episodes. (2020) Cheung, Yin Bun; Ma, Xiangmei; Lam, KF; Milligan, Paul
  • Mental health research capacity building in sub-Saharan Africa: the African Mental Health Research Initiative. (2020) Chibanda, Dixon; Abas, Melanie; Musesengwa, Rosemary; Merritt, Chris; Sorsdahl, Katherine; Mangezi, Walter; Bandawe, Chiwoza; Cowan, Frances; Araya, Ricardo; Gomo, Exnevia; Gibson, Lorna; Weiss, Helen; Hanlon, Charlotte; Lund, Crick
  • Human Papillomavirus Seroprevalence and Seroconversion Among Men Living With HIV: Cohort Study in South Africa. (2020) Chikandiwa, Admire; Faust, Helena; Chersich, Matthew F; Mayaud, Philippe; Dillner, Joakim; Delany-Moretlwe, Sinead
  • Missing men with tuberculosis: the need to address structural influences and implement targeted and multidimensional interventions. (2020) Chikovore, Jeremiah; Pai, Madhukar; Horton, Katherine Chisholm; Daftary, Amrita; Kumwenda, Moses Kelly; Hart, Graham; Corbett, Elizabeth Lucy
  • Directed and target focused multi-sectoral adolescent HIV prevention: Insights from implementation of the 'DREAMS Partnership' in rural South Africa. (2020) Chimbindi, Natsayi; Birdthistle, Isolde; Floyd, Sian; Harling, Guy; Mthiyane, Nondumiso; Zuma, Thembelihle; Hargreaves, James R; Seeley, Janet; Shahmanesh, Maryam
  • Auditing use of antibiotics in Zimbabwean neonates. (2020) Chimhini, G; Chimhuya, S; Madzudzo, L; Heys, M; Crehan, C; Robertson, V; Ferrand, RA; Sado, B; Sharland, M; Walker, AS; Klein, N; Fitzgerald, FC
  • Impact of pretreatment low-abundance HIV-1 drug-resistant variants on virological failure among HIV-1/TB-co-infected individuals. (2020) Chimukangara, Benjamin; Giandhari, Jennifer; Lessells, Richard; Yende-Zuma, Nonhlanhla; Sartorius, Benn; Samuel, Reshmi; Khanyile, Khulekani S; Stray-Pedersen, Babill; Moodley, Pravi; Metzner, Karin J; Padayatchi, Nesri; Naidoo, Kogieleum; De Oliveira, Tulio
  • Investigating the implementation of differentiated HIV services and implications for pregnant and postpartum women: A mixed methods multi-country study. (2020) Chimukuche, Rujeko S; Wringe, Alison; Songo, John; Hassan, Farida; Luwanda, Lameck; Kalua, Thoko; Moshabela, Mosa; Renju, Jenny; Seeley, Janet
  • Effectiveness of a peer-led adolescent mental health intervention on HIV virological suppression and mental health in Zimbabwe: protocol of a cluster-randomised trial. (2020) Chinoda, Silindweyinkosi; Mutsinze, Abigail; Simms, Victoria; Beji-Chauke, Rhulani; Verhey, Ruth; Robinson, Joanna; Barker, Taryn; Mugurungi, Owen; Apollo, Tsitsi; Munetsi, Epiphany; Sithole, Dorcas; Weiss, Helen A; Chibanda, Dixon; Willis, Nicola
  • Childhood malaria case incidence in Malawi between 2004 and 2017: spatio-temporal modelling of climate and non-climate factors. (2020) Chirombo, James; Ceccato, Pietro; Lowe, Rachel; Terlouw, Dianne J; Thomson, Madeleine C; Gumbo, Austin; Diggle, Peter J; Read, Jonathan M
  • Developing excellence in biostatistics leadership, training and science in Africa: How the Sub-Saharan Africa Consortium for Advanced Biostatistics (SSACAB) training unites expertise to deliver excellence. (2020) Chirwa, Tobias F; Matsena Zingoni, Zvifadzo; Munyewende, Pascalia; Manda, Samuel O; Mwambi, Henry; Kandala, Ngianga-Bakwin; Kinyanjui, Samson; Young, Taryn; Musenge, Eustasius; Simbeye, Jupiter; Musonda, Patrick; Mahande, Michael Johnson; Weke, Patrick; Onyango, Nelson Owuor; Kazembe, Lawrence; Tumwesigye, Nazarius Mboma; Zuma, Khangelani; Yende-Zuma, Nonhlanhla; Omanyondo Ohambe, Marie-Claire; Kweku, Emmanuel Nakua; Maposa, Innocent; Ayele, Birhanu; Achia, Thomas; Machekano, Rhoderick; Thabane, Lehana; Levin, Jonathan; Eijkemans, Marinus JC; Carpenter, James; Chasela, Charles; Klipstein-Grobusch, Kerstin; Todd, Jim
  • Developing excellence in biostatistics leadership, training and science in Africa: How the Sub-Saharan Africa Consortium for Advanced Biostatistics (SSACAB) training unites expertise to deliver excellence. (2020) Chirwa, Tobias F; Matsena Zingoni, Zvifadzo; Munyewende, Pascalia; Manda, Samuel O; Mwambi, Henry; Kandala, Ngianga-Bakwin; Kinyanjui, Samson; Young, Taryn; Musenge, Eustasius; Simbeye, Jupiter; Musonda, Patrick; Mahande, Michael Johnson; Weke, Patrick; Onyango, Nelson Owuor; Kazembe, Lawrence; Tumwesigye, Nazarius Mbona; Zuma, Khangelani; Yende-Zuma, Nonhlanhla; Omanyondo Ohambe, Marie-Claire; Kweku, Emmanuel Nakua; Maposa, Innocent; Ayele, Birhanu; Achia, Thomas; Machekano, Rhoderick; Thabane, Lehana; Levin, Jonathan; Eijkemans, Marinus JC; Carpenter, James; Chasela, Charles; Klipstein-Grobusch, Kerstin; Todd, Jim
  • Building momentum for malaria vaccine research and development: key considerations. (2020) Chitnis, Chetan E; Schellenberg, David; Vekemans, Johan; Asturias, Edwin J; Bejon, Philip; Collins, Katharine A; Crabb, Brendan S; Herrera, Socrates; Laufer, Miriam; Rabinovich, N Regina; Roestenberg, Meta; Shearley, Adelaide; Tinto, Halidou; Wentworth, Marian; O'Brien, Kate; Alonso, Pedro
  • First national tuberculosis patient cost survey in Lao People's Democratic Republic: Assessment of the financial burden faced by TB-affected households and the comparisons by drug-resistance and HIV status. (2020) Chittamany, Phonenaly; Yamanaka, Takuya; Suthepmany, Sakhone; Sorsavanh, Thepphouthone; Siphanthong, Phitsada; Sebert, Jacques; Viney, Kerri; Vixaysouk, Thipphasone; Nagai, Moeko; Seevisay, Vilath; Izumi, Kiyohiko; Morishita, Fukushi; Nishikiori, Nobuyuki
  • In-Flight Transmission of SARS-CoV-2. (2020) Choi, Edward M; Chu, Daniel KW; Cheng, Peter KC; Tsang, Dominic NC; Peiris, Malik; Bausch, Daniel G; Poon, Leo LM; Watson-Jones, Deborah
  • Measuring linkage to HIV treatment services following HIV self-testing in low-income settings. (2020) Choko, Augustine T; Jamil, Muhammad S; MacPherson, Peter; Corbett, Elizabeth; Chitembo, Lastone; Ingold, Heather; Bermudez Aza, Elkin; d'Elbee, Marc; DiCarlo, Meghan; Majam, Mohammed; Schewchuk, Tanya; Wong, Vincent; Baggaley, Rachel; Johnson, Cheryl; World Health Organization HIV self-testing technical working gro
  • Ethical issues in cluster randomized trials conducted in low- and middle-income countries: an analysis of two case studies. (2020) Choko, Augustine T; Roshandel, Gholamreza; Conserve, Donaldson F; Corbett, Elizabeth L; Fielding, Katherine; Hemming, Karla; Malekzadeh, Reza; Weijer, Charles
  • Adding new experimental arms to randomised clinical trials: Impact on error rates. (2020) Choodari-Oskooei, Babak; Bratton, Daniel J; Gannon, Melissa R; Meade, Angela M; Sydes, Matthew R; Parmar, Mahesh Kb
  • Addressing the persistent inequities in immunization coverage. (2020) Chopra, Mickey; Bhutta, Zulfiqar; Chang Blanc, Diana; Checchi, Francesco; Gupta, Anuradha; Lemango, Ephrem T; Levine, Orin S; Lyimo, Dafrossa; Nandy, Robin; O'Brien, Katherine L; Okwo-Bele, Jean-Marie; Rees, Helen; Soepardi, Jane; Tolhurst, Rachel; Victora, Cesar G
  • What underlies inadequate and unequal fruit and vegetable consumption in India? An exploratory analysis. (2020) Choudhury, Samira; Shankar, Bhavani; Aleksandrowicz, Lukasz; Tak, Mehroosh; Green, Rosemary; Harris, Francesca; Scheelbeek, Pauline; Dangour, Alan
  • A Multisectoral Nutrition Program in Nepal Improves Knowledge of Dietary Diversity, Sick Child Feeding, and Handwashing, but Not All Practices: a Program Impact Pathways Mediation Analysis. (2020) Choufani, Jowel; Jamaluddine, Zeina; Cunningham, Kenda
  • Availability and affordability of medicines and cardiovascular outcomes in 21 high-income, middle-income and low-income countries. (2020) Chow, Clara Kayei; Nguyen, Tu Ngoc; Marschner, Simone; Diaz, Rafael; Rahman, Omar; Avezum, Alvaro; Lear, Scott A; Teo, Koon; Yeates, Karen E; Lanas, Fernando; Li, Wei; Hu, Bo; Lopez-Jaramillo, Patricio; Gupta, Rajeev; Kumar, Rajesh; Mony, Prem K; Bahonar, Ahmad; Yusoff, Khalid; Khatib, Rasha; Kazmi, Khawar; Dans, Antonio L; Zatonska, Katarzyna; Alhabib, Khalid F; Kruger, Iolanthe Marike; Rosengren, Annika; Gulec, Sadi; Yusufali, Afzalhussein; Chifamba, Jephat; Rangarajan, Sumathy; McKee, Martin; Yusuf, Salim; PURE Study
  • Social consequences of mass quarantine during epidemics: a systematic review with implications for the COVID-19 response. (2020) Chu, Isaac Yen-Hao; Alam, Prima; Larson, Heidi J; Lin, Leesa
  • Scaling up malaria elimination management and leadership: a pilot in three provinces in Zimbabwe, 2016-2018. (2020) Chung, Amanda Marr; Case, Peter; Gosling, Jonathan; Gosling, Roland; Madinga, Munashe; Chikodzore, Rudo; Hove, Macdonald; Viljoen, Greyling; Chitapi, Precious; Gumbi, Matsiliso; Mnguni, Peliwe; Murungu, Joseph; Dube, Busisani; Dhliwayo, Patience; Mberikunashe, Joseph
  • CONSORT Extension for Within-Person Randomized Clinical Trials. (2020) Chung, B; Pandis, N; Scherer, RW; Elbourne, D
  • Reproductive health under COVID-19 - challenges of responding in a global crisis. (2020) Church, Kathryn; Gassner, Jennifer; Elliott, Megan
  • The potential impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the tuberculosis epidemic a modelling analysis. (2020) Cilloni, Lucia; Fu, Han; Vesga, Juan F; Dowdy, David; Pretorius, Carel; Ahmedov, Sevim; Nair, Sreenivas A; Mosneaga, Andrei; Masini, Enos; Sahu, Suvanand; Arinaminpathy, Nimalan
  • Trade-offs between cost and accuracy in active case finding for tuberculosis: A dynamic modelling analysis. (2020) Cilloni, Lucia; Kranzer, Katharina; Stagg, Helen R; Arinaminpathy, Nimalan
  • Gender equality and global health: intersecting political challenges. (2020) Cislaghi, Beniamino; Weber, Ann M; Gupta, Geeta Rao; Darmstadt, Gary L
  • How many are at increased risk of severe COVID-19 disease? Rapid global, regional and national estimates for 2020. (2020) Clark, Andrew; Jit, Mark; Warren-Gash, Charlotte; Guthrie, Bruce; Wang, Harry HX; Mercer, Stewart W; Sanderson, Colin; McKee, Martin; Troeger, Christopher; Ong, Kanyin I; Checchi, Francesco; Perel, Pablo; Joseph, Sarah; Gibbs, Hamish P; Banerjee, Amitava; Eggo, Rosalind M
  • Global, regional, and national estimates of the population at increased risk of severe COVID-19 due to underlying health conditions in 2020: a modelling study. (2020) Clark, Andrew; Jit, Mark; Warren-Gash, Charlotte; Guthrie, Bruce; Wang, Harry HX; Mercer, Stewart W; Sanderson, Colin; McKee, Martin; Troeger, Christopher; Ong, Kanyin L; Checchi, Francesco; Perel, Pablo; Joseph, Sarah; Gibbs, Hamish P; Banerjee, Amitava; Eggo, Rosalind M; Centre for the Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases COV
  • Predicting acute ovarian failure in female survivors of childhood cancer: a cohort study in the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study (CCSS) and the St Jude Lifetime Cohort (SJLIFE). (2020) Clark, Rebecca A; Mostoufi-Moab, Sogol; Yasui, Yutaka; Vu, Ngoc Khanh; Sklar, Charles A; Motan, Tarek; Brooke, Russell J; Gibson, Todd M; Oeffinger, Kevin C; Howell, Rebecca M; Smith, Susan A; Lu, Zhe; Robison, Leslie L; Chemaitilly, Wassim; Hudson, Melissa M; Armstrong, Gregory T; Nathan, Paul C; Yuan, Yan
  • Safety and immunogenicity of a novel 10-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine candidate in adults, toddlers, and infants in The Gambia-Results of a phase 1/2 randomized, double-blinded, controlled trial. (2020) Clarke, Ed; Bashorun, Adedapo O; Okoye, Michael; Umesi, Ama; Badjie Hydara, Mariama; Adigweme, Ikechukwu; Dhere, Rajeev; Sethna, Vistasp; Kampmann, Beate; Goldblatt, David; Tate, Andi; Weiner, Debra H; Flores, Jorge; Alderson, Mark R; Lamola, Steve
  • Corrigendum to Addition of docetaxel to hormonal therapy in low- and high-burden metastatic hormone sensitive prostate cancer: long-term survival results from the STAMPEDE trial: Ann Oncol 2019; 30: 1992-2003. (2020) Clarke, NW; Ali, A; Ingleby, FC; Hoyle, A; Amos, CL; Attard, G; Brawley, CD; Calvert, J; Chowdhury, S; Cook, A; Cross, W; Dearnaley, DP; Douis, H; Gilbert, D; Gillessen, S; Jones, RJ; Langley, RE; MacNair, A; Malik, Z; Mason, MD; Matheson, D; Millman, R; Parker, CC; Ritchie, AWS; Rush, H; Russell, JM; Brown, J; Beesley, S; Birtle, A; Capaldi, L; Gale, J; Gibbs, S; Lydon, A; Nikapota, A; Omlin, A; O'Sullivan, JM; Parikh, O; Protheroe, A; Rudman, S; Srihari, NN; Simms, M; Tanguay, JS; Tolan, S; Wagstaff, J; Wallace, J; Wylie, J; Zarkar, A; Sydes, MR; Parmar, MKB; James, ND; STAMPEDE investigators
  • How many human pathogens are there in Laos? An estimate of national human pathogen diversity and analysis of historical trends. (2020) Clarkson, Madeleine Claire; Aguas, Ricardo; Sweet, Kathryn; Roberts, Tamalee; Strobel, Michel; Newton, Paul N
  • Weekend and weekday associations between the residential built environment and physical activity: Findings from the ENABLE London study. (2020) Clary, Christelle; Lewis, Daniel; Limb, Elizabeth S; Nightingale, Claire M; Ram, Bina; Rudnicka, Alicja R; Procter, Duncan; Page, Angie S; Cooper, Ashley R; Ellaway, Anne; Giles-Corti, Billie; Whincup, Peter H; Cook, Derek G; Owen, Christopher G; Cummins, Steven
  • Longitudinal impact of changes in the residential built environment on physical activity: findings from the ENABLE London cohort study. (2020) Clary, Christelle; Lewis, Daniel; Limb, Elizabeth; Nightingale, Claire M; Ram, Bina; Page, Angie S; Cooper, Ashley R; Ellaway, Anne; Giles-Corti, Billie; Whincup, Peter H; Rudnicka, Alicja R; Cook, Derek G; Owen, Christopher G; Cummins, Steven
  • Design and Rationale of the HAPIN Study: A Multicountry Randomized Controlled Trial to Assess the Effect of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Stove and Continuous Fuel Distribution. (2020) Clasen, Thomas; Checkley, William; Peel, Jennifer L; Balakrishnan, Kalpana; McCracken, John P; Rosa, Ghislaine; Thompson, Lisa M; Barr, Dana Boyd; Clark, Maggie L; Johnson, Michael A; Waller, Lance A; Jaacks, Lindsay M; Steenland, Kyle; Miranda, J Jaime; Chang, Howard H; Kim, Dong-Yun; McCollum, Eric D; Davila-Roman, Victor G; Papageorghiou, Aris; Rosenthal, Joshua P; HAPIN Investigators
  • Core components of mental health stigma reduction interventions in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review. (2020) Clay, J; Eaton, J; Gronholm, PC; Semrau, M; Votruba, N
  • Update on Transplacental Transfer of IgG Subclasses: Impact of Maternal and Fetal Factors. (2020) Clements, Toby; Rice, Thomas F; Vamvakas, George; Barnett, Sara; Barnes, Megan; Donaldson, Beverly; Jones, Christine E; Kampmann, Beate; Holder, Beth
  • Effectiveness of interventions targeting air travellers for delaying local outbreaks of SARS-CoV-2. (2020) Clifford, Samuel; Pearson, Carl AB; Klepac, Petra; Van Zandvoort, Kevin; Quilty, Billy J; CMMID COVID-19 working group; Eggo, Rosalind M; Flasche, Stefan
  • Living risk prediction algorithm (QCOVID) for risk of hospital admission and mortality from coronavirus 19 in adults: national derivation and validation cohort study. (2020) Clift, Ash K; Coupland, Carol AC; Keogh, Ruth H; Diaz-Ordaz, Karla; Williamson, Elizabeth; Harrison, Ewen M; Hayward, Andrew; Hemingway, Harry; Horby, Peter; Mehta, Nisha; Benger, Jonathan; Khunti, Kamlesh; Spiegelhalter, David; Sheikh, Aziz; Valabhji, Jonathan; Lyons, Ronan A; Robson, John; Semple, Malcolm G; Kee, Frank; Johnson, Peter; Jebb, Susan; Williams, Tony; Hippisley-Cox, Julia
  • Parenting, mental health and economic pathways to prevention of violence against children in South Africa. (2020) Cluver, L; Shenderovich, Y; Meinck, F; Berezin, MN; Doubt, J; Ward, CL; Parra-Cardona, J; Lombard, C; Lachman, JM; Wittesaele, C; Wessels, I; Gardner, F; Steinert, JI
  • Perspectives of Environmental Health Promotion and the Mediterranean Diet: A Thematic Narrative Synthesis. (2020) Coats, Laura; Aboul-Enein, Basil H; Dodge, Elizabeth; Benajiba, Nada; Kruk, Joanna; Khaled, Meghit Boumédiène; Diaf, Mustapha; El Herrag, Salah Eddine
  • The Role of Health in Education and Human Capital: Why an Integrated Approach to School Health Could Make a Difference in the Futures of Schoolchildren in Low-Income Countries. (2020) Cohee, Lauren M; Halliday, Katherine E; Gelli, Aulo; Mwenyango, Irene; Lavadenz, Fernando; Burbano, Carmen; Drake, Lesley; Bundy, Donald AP
  • Preventive malaria treatment among school-aged children in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review and meta-analyses. (2020) Cohee, Lauren M; Opondo, Charles; Clarke, Siân E; Halliday, Katherine E; Cano, Jorge; Shipper, Andrea G; Barger-Kamate, Breanna; Djimde, Abdoulaye; Diarra, Seybou; Dokras, Aditi; Kamya, Moses R; Lutumba, Pascal; Ly, Alioune Badara; Nankabirwa, Joaniter I; Njagi, J Kiambo; Maiga, Hamma; Maiteki-Sebuguzi, Catherine; Matangila, Junior; Okello, George; Rohner, Fabian; Roschnik, Natalie; Rouhani, Saba; Sissoko, Mahamadou S; Staedke, Sarah G; Thera, Mahamadou A; Turner, Elizabeth L; Van Geertruyden, JP; Zimmerman, Michael B; Jukes, Matthew CH; Brooker, Simon J; Allen, Elizabeth; Laufer, Miriam K; Chico, R Matthew
  • Hepatitis B virus preS2Δ38-55 variants: A newly identified risk factor for hepatocellular carcinoma. (2020) Cohen, Damien; Ghosh, Sumantra; Shimakawa, Yusuke; Ramou, Njie; Garcia, Pierre Simon; Dubois, Anaëlle; Guillot, Clément; Kakwata-Nkor Deluce, Nora; Tilloy, Valentin; Durand, Geoffroy; Voegele, Catherine; Ndow, Gibril; d'Alessandro, Umberto; Brochier-Armanet, Céline; Alain, Sophie; Le Calvez-Kelm, Florence; Hall, Janet; Zoulim, Fabien; Mendy, Maimuna; Thursz, Mark; Lemoine, Maud; Chemin, Isabelle
  • Red light camera interventions for reducing traffic violations and traffic crashes: A systematic review. (2020) Cohn, Ellen G; Kakar, Suman; Perkins, Chloe; Steinbach, Rebecca; Edwards, Phil
  • Reducing the use of inhaled corticosteroids in mild-moderate COPD: an observational study in east London. (2020) Cole, James N; Mathur, Rohini A; Hull, Sally A
  • CoMix: comparing mixing patterns in the Belgian population during and after lockdown. (2020) Coletti, Pietro; Wambua, James; Gimma, Amy; Willem, Lander; Vercruysse, Sarah; Vanhoutte, Bieke; Jarvis, Christopher I; Van Zandvoort, Kevin; Edmunds, John; Beutels, Philippe; Hens, Niel
  • Definition of a genetic relatedness cutoff to exclude recent transmission of meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: a genomic epidemiology analysis. (2020) Coll, Francesc; Raven, Kathy E; Knight, Gwenan M; Blane, Beth; Harrison, Ewan M; Leek, Danielle; Enoch, David A; Brown, Nicholas M; Parkhill, Julian; Peacock, Sharon J
  • The malaria parasite sheddase SUB2 governs host red blood cell membrane sealing at invasion. (2020) Collins, Christine R; Hackett, Fiona; Howell, Steven A; Snijders, Ambrosius P; Russell, Matthew Rg; Collinson, Lucy M; Blackman, Michael J
  • Communicating and understanding pain: Limitations of pain scales for patients with sickle cell disorder and other painful conditions. (2020) Collins, Peter J; Renedo, Alicia; Marston, Cicely A
  • Barriers to Buruli ulcer treatment completion in the Ashanti and Central Regions, Ghana. (2020) Collinson, Shelui; Frimpong, Venus NB; Agbavor, Bernadette; Montgomery, Bethany; Oppong, Michael; Frimpong, Michael; Amoako, Yaw A; Marks, Michael; Phillips, Richard O
  • The prevalence of scabies in Monrovia, Liberia: a population-based survey. (2020) Collinson, Shelui; Timothy, Joseph; Zayay, Samuel K; Kollie, Karsor K; Lebas, Eglantine; Halliday, Katherine E; Pullan, Rachel; Fallah, Mosoka; Walker, Stephen L; Marks, Michael
  • The prevalence of scabies in Monrovia, Liberia: A population-based survey. (2020) Collinson, Shelui; Timothy, Joseph; Zayzay, Samuel K; Kollie, Karsor K; Lebas, Eglantine; Candy, Neima; Halliday, Katherine E; Pullan, Rachel; Fallah, Mosoka; Walker, Stephen L; Marks, Michael
  • 'It has become everybody's business and nobody's business': Policy actor perspectives on the implementation of TB infection prevention and control (IPC) policies in South African public sector primary care health facilities. (2020) Colvin, Christopher J; Kallon, Idriss I; Swartz, Alison; MacGregor, Hayley; Kielmann, Karina; Grant, Alison D
  • ECMO for severe ARDS: systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis. (2020) Combes, Alain; Peek, Giles J; Hajage, David; Hardy, Pollyanna; Abrams, Darryl; Schmidt, Matthieu; Dechartres, Agnès; Elbourne, Diana
  • Phylogenomic Perspective on a Unique Mycobacterium bovis Clade Dominating Bovine Tuberculosis Infections among Cattle and Buffalos in Northern Brazil. (2020) Conceição, Marília Lima da; Conceição, Emilyn Costa; Furlaneto, Ismari Perini; Silva, Sandro Patroca da; Guimarães, Arthur Emil Dos Santos; Gomes, Pedro; Boschiroli, María Laura; Michelet, Lorraine; Kohl, Thomas Andreas; Kranzer, Katharina; Francez, Loreno da Costa; Lima, Luana Nepomuceno Gondim Costa; Portugal, Isabel; Perdigão, João; Lima, Karla Valéria Batista
  • Pharmacological management of modifiable cardiovascular risk factors (blood pressure and lipids) following diagnosis of myocardial infarction, stroke and diabetes: comparison between population-based studies in Russia and Norway. (2020) Cook, Sarah; Hopstock, Laila A; Eggen, Anne Elise; Bates, Katie; Iakunchykova, Olena; Kontsevaya, Anna; McKee, Martin; Schirmer, Henrik; Voevoda, Michael; Kudryavtsev, Alexander V; Malyutina, Sofia; Leon, David A
  • Prevalence of symptoms, ever having received a diagnosis and treatment of depression and anxiety, and associations with health service use amongst the general population in two Russian cities. (2020) Cook, Sarah; Kudryavtsev, Alexander V; Bobrova, Natalia; Saburova, Lyudmila; Denisova, Diana; Malyutina, Sofia; Lewis, Glyn; Leon, David A
  • Health related quality of life utility weights for economic evaluation through different stages of chronic kidney disease: a systematic literature review. (2020) Cooper, Jacie T; Lloyd, Andrew; Sanchez, Juan Jose Garcia; Sörstadius, Elisabeth; Briggs, Andrew; McFarlane, Phil
  • An evaluation of whether propensity score adjustment can remove the self-selection bias inherent to web panel surveys addressing sensitive health behaviours. (2020) Copas, Andrew; Burkill, Sarah; Conrad, Fred; Couper, Mick P; Erens, Bob
  • Epidemiology of COVID-19 in an Urban Dialysis Center. (2020) Corbett, Richard W; Blakey, Sarah; Nitsch, Dorothea; Loucaidou, Marina; McLean, Adam; Duncan, Neill; Ashby, Damien R; West London Renal and Transplant Centre
  • The Effects of Temperature on Accident and Emergency Department Attendances in London: A Time-Series Regression Analysis. (2020) Corcuera Hotz, Ines; Hajat, Shakoor
  • Mapping male circumcision for HIV prevention efforts in sub-Saharan Africa. (2020) Cork, Michael A; Wilson, Kate F; Perkins, Samantha; Collison, Michael L; Deshpande, Aniruddha; Eaton, Jeffrey W; Earl, Lucas; Haeuser, Emily; Justman, Jessica E; Kinyoki, Damaris K; Mayala, Benjamin K; Mosser, Jonathan F; Murray, Christopher JL; Nkengasong, John N; Piot, Peter; Sartorius, Benn; Schaeffer, Lauren E; Serfes, Audrey L; Sligar, Amber; Steuben, Krista M; Tanser, Frank C; VanderHeide, John D; Yang, Mingyou; Wabiri, Njeri; Hay, Simon I; Dwyer-Lindgren, Laura
  • Framing and signalling effects of taxes on sugary drinks: A discrete choice experiment among households in Great Britain. (2020) Cornelsen, Laura; Quaife, Matthew; Lagarde, Mylene; Smith, Richard D
  • Validity of hearing screening using hearTest smartphone-based audiometry: performance evaluation of different response modes. (2020) Corona, Ana Paula; Ferrite, Silvia; Bright, Tess; Polack, Sarah
  • New Insights on the Zika Virus Arrival in the Americas and Spatiotemporal Reconstruction of the Epidemic Dynamics in Brazil. (2020) Costa, Larissa Catharina; Veiga, Rafael Valente; Oliveira, Juliane Fonseca; Rodrigues, Moreno S; Andrade, Roberto FS; Paixão, Enny S; Teixeira, Maria Glória; Costa, Maria da Conceição N; Cardim, Luciana L; Carmo, Eduardo H; Oliveira, Wanderson K; Gonçalves, José ÍK; Fernandes, Qeren HRF; Barreto, Maurício L; Queiroz, Artur TL; Gräf, Tiago
  • The effect of glucocorticoid therapy on mortality in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and concomitant type II diabetes: a retrospective cohort study. (2020) Costello, Ruth E; Marsden, Antonia; Movahedi, Mohammad; Lunt, Mark; Humphreys, Jenny H; Emsley, Richard; Dixon, William G
  • Genomic analysis of natural intra-specific hybrids among Ethiopian isolates of Leishmania donovani. (2020) Cotton, James A; Durrant, Caroline; Franssen, Susanne U; Gelanew, Tesfaye; Hailu, Asrat; Mateus, David; Sanders, Mandy J; Berriman, Matthew; Volf, Petr; Miles, Michael A; Yeo, Matthew
  • One-arm safety intervention study on community case management of chest indrawing pneumonia in children in Nigeria - a study protocol. (2020) Counihan, Helen; Baba, Ebenezer; Oresanya, Olusola; Adesoro, Olatunde; Hamzat, Yahya; Marks, Sarah; Ward, Charlotte; Gimba, Patrick; Qazi, Shamim Ahmad; Källander, Karin
  • The Health Effects Of Expanding The Earned Income Tax Credit: Results From New York City. (2020) Courtin, Emilie; Aloisi, Kali; Miller, Cynthia; Allen, Heidi L; Katz, Lawrence F; Muennig, Peter
  • Can Social Policies Improve Health? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of 38 Randomized Trials. (2020) Courtin, Emilie; Kim, Sooyoung; Song, Shanshan; Yu, Wenya; Muennig, Peter
  • Is the rise of crowdfunding for medical expenses in the United Kingdom symptomatic of systemic gaps in health and social care? (2020) Coutrot, Isabel Pifarré; Smith, Richard; Cornelsen, Laura
  • One-year mortality of colorectal cancer patients: development and validation of a prediction model using linked national electronic data. (2020) Cowling, Thomas E; Bellot, Alexis; Boyle, Jemma; Walker, Kate; Kuryba, Angela; Galbraith, Sarah; Aggarwal, Ajay; Braun, Michael; Sharples, Linda D; van der Meulen, Jan
  • A novel approach selected small sets of diagnosis codes with high prediction performance in large healthcare datasets. (2020) Cowling, Thomas E; Cromwell, David A; Sharples, Linda D; van der Meulen, Jan
  • Clinical perspectives on treatment of rifampicin-resistant/multidrug-resistant TB. (2020) Cox, V; McKenna, L; Acquah, R; Reuter, A; Wasserman, S; Vambe, D; Ustero, P; Udwadia, Z; Triviño-Duran, L; Tommasi, M; Skrahina, A; Seddon, JA; Rodolfo, R; Rich, M; Padanilam, X; Oyewusi, L; Ohler, L; Lungu, P; Loveday, M; Khan, U; Khan, P; Hughes, J; Hewison, C; Guglielmetti, L; Furin, J
  • PRECISE pregnancy cohort: challenges and strategies in setting up a biorepository in sub-Saharan Africa. (2020) Craik, Rachel; Russell, Donna; Tribe, Rachel M; Poston, Lucilla; Omuse, Geoffrey; Okiro, Patricia; Chege, David; Diatta, Mathurin; Sesay, Abdul Karim; Cuamba, Inocencia; Carrilho, Carla; Sevene, Esperança; Flint-O'Kane, Meriel; von Dadelszen, Peter; PRECISE Network
  • Creativity and working knowledge: what healthcare managers can learn from architects. (2020) Cranfield, Steven
  • Switching antipsychotic medication to reduce sexual dysfunction in people with psychosis: the REMEDY RCT. (2020) Crawford, Michael J; Thana, Lavanya; Evans, Rachel; Carne, Alexandra; O'Connell, Lesley; Claringbold, Amy; Saravanamuthu, Arunan; Case, Rebecca; Munjiza, Jasna; Jayacodi, Sandra; Reilly, Joseph G; Hughes, Elizabeth; Hoare, Zoe; Barrett, Barbara; Leeson, Verity C; Paton, Carol; Keown, Patrick; Pappa, Sofia; Green, Charlotte; Barnes, Thomas Re
  • Structured Psychological Support for people with personality disorder: feasibility randomised controlled trial of a low-intensity intervention. (2020) Crawford, Mike J; Thana, Lavanya; Parker, Jennie; Turner, Oliver; Carney, Aidan; McMurran, Mary; Moran, Paul; Weaver, Timothy; Barrett, Barbara; Roberts, Sarah; Claringbold, Amy; Bassett, Paul; Sanatinia, Rahil; Spong, Amanda
  • Recent Developments in Tuberculous Meningitis Pathogenesis and Diagnostics. (2020) Cresswell, Fiona V; Davis, Angharad G; Sharma, Kusum; Basu Roy, Robindra; Ganiem, Ahmad Rizal; Kagimu, Enock; Solomons, Regan; Wilkinson, Robert J; Bahr, Nathan C; Thuong, Nguyen Thuy Thuong
  • Standardized Urine-Based Tuberculosis (TB) Screening With TB-Lipoarabinomannan and Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra in Ugandan Adults With Advanced Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease and Suspected Meningitis. (2020) Cresswell, Fiona V; Ellis, Jayne; Kagimu, Enock; Bangdiwala, Ananta S; Okirwoth, Michael; Mugumya, Gerald; Rutakingirwa, Morris; Kasibante, John; Quinn, Carson M; Ssebambulidde, Kenneth; Rhein, Joshua; Nuwagira, Edwin; Tugume, Lillian; Martyn, Emily; Skipper, Caleb P; Muzoora, Conrad; Grint, Daniel; Meya, David B; Bahr, Nathan C; Elliott, Alison M; Boulware, David R
  • A Journey of Hope: giving research participants a voice to share their experiences and improve community engagement around advanced HIV disease in Uganda. (2020) Cresswell, Fiona V; Kasibante, John; Martyn, Emily M; Tugume, Lillian; Stead, Gavin; Ssembambulidde, Kenneth; Rutakingirwa, Morris K; Kagimu, Enock; Nsangi, Laura; Namuju, Carol; Ndyetukira, Jane F; Ahimbisibwe, Cynthia; Kugonza, Florence; Sadiq, Alisat; Namudde, Alice; Dobbin, Joanna; Srishyla, Diksha; Quinn, Carson; Kabahubya, Mable; Muzoora, Conrad; Watiti, Stephen; Meya, David B; Elliott, Alison M
  • A Journey of Hope: giving research participants a voice to share their experiences and improve community engagement around advanced HIV disease in Uganda. (2020) Cresswell, Fiona V; Kasibante, John; Martyn, Emily M; Tugume, Lillian; Stead, Gavin; Ssembambulidde, Kenneth; Rutakingirwa, Morris K; Kagimu, Enock; Nsangi, Laura; Namuju, Carol; Ndyetukira, Jane F; Ahimbisibwe, Cynthia; Kugonza, Florence; Sadiq, Alisat; Namudde, Alice; Dobbin, Joanna; Srishyla, Diksha; Quinn, Carson; Kabahubya, Mable; Muzoora, Conrad; Watiti, Stephen; Meya, David B; Elliott, Alison M
  • Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra for the diagnosis of HIV-associated tuberculous meningitis: a prospective validation study. (2020) Cresswell, Fiona V; Tugume, Lillian; Bahr, Nathan C; Kwizera, Richard; Bangdiwala, Ananta S; Musubire, Abdu K; Rutakingirwa, Morris; Kagimu, Enock; Nuwagira, Edwin; Mpoza, Edward; Rhein, Joshua; Williams, Darlisha A; Muzoora, Conrad; Grint, Daniel; Elliott, Alison M; Meya, David B; Boulware, David R; ASTRO-CM team
  • Measurement of maternal functioning during pregnancy and postpartum: findings from the cross-sectional WHO pilot study in Jamaica, Kenya, and Malawi. (2020) Cresswell, Jenny A; Barbour, Kelli D; Chou, Doris; McCaw-Binns, Affette; Filippi, Veronique; Cecatti, Jose Guilherme; Barreix, Maria; Petzold, Max; Kostanjsek, Nenad; Cottler-Casanova, Sara; Say, Lale
  • The UK as a global centre for health and health science. (2020) Crisp, Nigel; Curran, Sarah; Legido-Quigley, Helena; Spencer, Julia; Poulter, Daniel
  • Serovar-dependent differences in Hfq-regulated phenotypes in Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae. (2020) Crispim, Josicelli Souza; da Silva, Thyara Ferreira; Sanches, Newton Moreno; da Silva, Giarlã Cunha; Pereira, Monalessa Fábia; Rossi, Ciro César; Li, Yanwen; Terra, Vanessa Sofia; Vohra, Prerna; Wren, Brendan W; Langford, Paul R; Bossé, Janine T; Bazzolli, Denise Mara Soares
  • Determination of changes in the microbial and chemical composition of Țaga cheese during maturation. (2020) Criste, Adriana; Copolovici, Lucian; Copolovici, Dana; Kovacs, Melinda; Madden, Robert H; Corcionivoschi, Nicolae; Gundogdu, Ozan; Berchez, Mihaela; Urcan, Adriana Cristina
  • A four-step strategy for handling missing outcome data in randomised trials affected by a pandemic. (2020) Cro, Suzie; Morris, Tim P; Kahan, Brennan C; Cornelius, Victoria R; Carpenter, James R
  • Sensitivity analysis for clinical trials with missing continuous outcome data using controlled multiple imputation: A practical guide. (2020) Cro, Suzie; Morris, Tim P; Kenward, Michael G; Carpenter, James R
  • Early postnatal hypoferremia in low birthweight and preterm babies: A prospective cohort study in hospital-delivered Gambian neonates. (2020) Cross, James H; Jarjou, Ousman; Mohammed, Nuredin Ibrahim; Rayment Gomez, Santiago; Touray, Bubacarr JB; Prentice, Andrew M; Cerami, Carla
  • Hepcidin, Serum Iron, and Transferrin Saturation in Full-Term and Premature Infants during the First Month of Life: A State-of-the-Art Review of Existing Evidence in Humans. (2020) Cross, James H; Prentice, Andrew M; Cerami, Carla
  • Transcriptional remodeling during metacyclogenesis in Trypanosoma cruzi I. (2020) Cruz-Saavedra, Lissa; Vallejo, Gustavo A; Guhl, Felipe; Messenger, Louisa A; Ramírez, Juan David
  • Dynamic hematological changes in patients undergoing distal pancreatectomy with or without splenectomy: a population-based cohort study. (2020) Cui, Ming; Liu, Jing-Kai; Zheng, Bang; Liu, Qiao-Fei; Zhang, Lu; Zhang, Li; Guo, Jun-Chao; Dai, Meng-Hua; Zhang, Tai-Ping; Liao, Quan
  • High Expression of Cancer-Derived Glycosylated Immunoglobulin G Predicts Poor Prognosis in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma. (2020) Cui, Ming; You, Lei; Zheng, Bang; Huang, Xinmei; Liu, Qiaofei; Huang, Jing; Pan, Boju; Qiu, Xiaoyan; Liao, Quan; Zhao, Yupei
  • The H in WASH: a reflection on the contribution, style and legacy of Professor Val Curtis. (2020) Cumming, O; Howard, G; Kolsky, P; Luby, SP; Chilengi, R; Colford, JM; Iyer, P; Cairncross, S; Evans, BE
  • COVID-19: impact on the urban food retail system and dietary inequalities in the UK. (2020) Cummins, Steven; Berger, Nicolas; Cornelsen, Laura; Eling, Judith; Er, Vanessa; Greener, Robert; Kalbus, Alexandra; Karapici, Amanda; Law, Cherry; Ndlovu, Denise; Yau, Amy
  • Correction to: A Systematic Review of Methodological Variation in Healthcare Provider Perspective Tuberculosis Costing Papers Conducted in Low- and Middle-Income Settings, Using An Intervention-Standardised Unit Cost Typology. (2020) Cunnama, Lucy; Gomez, Gabriela B; Siapka, Mariana; Herzel, Ben; Hill, Jeremy; Kairu, Angela; Levin, Carol; Okello, Dickson; DeCormier Plosky, Willyanne; Garcia Baena, Inés; Sweeney, Sedona; Vassall, Anna; Sinanovic, Edina
  • A Systematic Review of Methodological Variation in Healthcare Provider Perspective Tuberculosis Costing Papers Conducted in Low- and Middle-Income Settings, Using An Intervention-Standardised Unit Cost Typology. (2020) Cunnama, Lucy; Gomez, Gabriela B; Siapka, Mariana; Herzel, Ben; Hill, Jeremy; Kairu, Angela; Levin, Carol; Okello, Dickson; DeCormier Plosky, Willyanne; Garcia Baena, Inés; Sweeney, Sedona; Vassall, Anna; Sinanovic, Edina
  • Assessing expanded community wide treatment for schistosomiasis: Baseline infection status and self-reported risk factors in three communities from the Greater Accra region, Ghana. (2020) Cunningham, Lucas J; Campbell, Suzy J; Armoo, Samuel; Koukounari, Artemis; Watson, Victoria; Selormey, Pamela; Stothard, J Russell; Idun, Bright; Asiedu, Manfred; Ashong, Yvonne; Adams, Emily R; Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Yaw
  • OpenSAFELY: impact of national guidance on switching from warfarin to direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) in early phase of COVID-19 pandemic in England. (2020) Curtis, Helen J; MacKenna, Brian; Walker, Alex J; Croker, Richard; Mehrkar, Amir; Morton, Caroline E; Bacon, Seb; Hickman, George; Inglesby, Peter; Bates, Chris; Evans, David; Ward, Tom; Cockburn, Jonathan; Davy, Simon; Bhaskaran, Krishnan; Schultze, Anna; Rentsch, Christopher T; Williamson, Elizabeth; Hulme, William; McDonald, Helen I; Tomlinson, Laurie; Mathur, Rohini; Drysdale, Henry; Eggo, Rosalind M; Wing, Kevin; Wong, Angel YS; Forbes, Harriet; Parry, John; Hester, Frank; Harper, Sam; Evans, Stephen JW; Douglas, Ian J; Smeeth, Liam; Goldacre, Ben
  • How to set up government-led national hygiene communication campaigns to combat COVID-19: a strategic blueprint. (2020) Curtis, Val; Dreibelbis, Robert; Sidibe, Myriam; Cardosi, Jason; Sara, Jennifer; Bonell, Chris; Mwambuli, Kaposo; Ghosh Moulik, Soma; White, Sian; Aunger, Robert
  • Inter-professional education in a child mental health-care context: children’s nursing and clinical psychology students learning together. (2020) Cust, Fiona; Combes, Helen; Priest, Helena; Cust, Henry
  • Comparison of Face Washing and Face Wiping Methods for Trachoma Control: A Pilot Study. (2020) Czerniewska, Alexandra; Versteeg, Aalbertus; Shafi, Oumer; Dumessa, Gebeyehu; Aga, Muluadam Abraham; Last, Anna; MacLeod, David; Sarah, Virginia; Dodson, Sarity; Negussu, Nebiyu; Sori, Birhanu Kenate; Kirumba, Michael; Biran, Adam; Cairncross, Sandy; Burton, Matthew J; Greenland, Katie
  • Hygiene programming during outbreaks: a qualitative case study of the humanitarian response during the Ebola outbreak in Liberia. (2020) Czerniewska, Alexandra; White, Sian
  • Prevention and control of cholera with household and community water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) interventions: A scoping review of current international guidelines. (2020) D'Mello-Guyett, Lauren; Gallandat, Karin; Van den Bergh, Rafael; Taylor, Dawn; Bulit, Gregory; Legros, Dominique; Maes, Peter; Checchi, Francesco; Cumming, Oliver
  • Distribution of hygiene kits during a cholera outbreak in Kasaï-Oriental, Democratic Republic of Congo: a process evaluation. (2020) D'Mello-Guyett, Lauren; Greenland, Katie; Bonneville, Sharla; D'hondt, Rob; Mashako, Maria; Gorski, Alexandre; Verheyen, Dorien; Van den Bergh, Rafael; Maes, Peter; Checchi, Francesco; Cumming, Oliver
  • Distribution of hygiene kits during a cholera outbreak in Kasaï-Oriental, Democratic Republic of Congo: a process evaluation. (2020) D'Mello-Guyett, Lauren; Greenland, Katie; Bonneville, Sharla; D'hondt, Rob; Mashako, Maria; Gorski, Alexandre; Verheyen, Dorien; Van den Bergh, Rafael; Maes, Peter; Checchi, Francesco; Cumming, Oliver
  • Mass Drug Administration With High-Dose Ivermectin and Dihydroartemisinin-Piperaquine for Malaria Elimination in an Area of Low Transmission With High Coverage of Malaria Control Interventions: Protocol for the MASSIV Cluster Randomized Clinical Trial. (2020) Dabira, Edgard Diniba; Soumare, Harouna M; Lindsay, Steven W; Conteh, Bakary; Ceesay, Fatima; Bradley, John; Kositz, Christian; Broekhuizen, Henk; Kandeh, Balla; Fehr, Alexandra E; Nieto-Sanchez, Claudia; Ribera, Joan Muela; Peeters Grietens, Koen; Smit, Menno Roderick; Drakeley, Chris; Bousema, Teun; Achan, Jane; D'Alessandro, Umberto
  • Clinical outcomes of teicoplanin use in the OPAT setting. (2020) Dabrowski, Hannah; Wickham, Helena; De, Surjo; Underwood, Jonathan; Morris-Jones, Stephen; Logan, Sarah; Marks, Michael; Pollara, Gabriele
  • Reforms for financial protection schemes towards universal health coverage, Senegal. (2020) Daff, Bocar Mamadou; Diouf, Serigne; Diop, Elhadji Sala Madior; Mano, Yukichi; Nakamura, Ryota; Sy, Mouhamed Mahi; Tobe, Makoto; Togawa, Shotaro; Ngom, Mor
  • COVID-19 control in low-income settings and displaced populations: what can realistically be done? (2020) Dahab, Maysoon; van Zandvoort, Kevin; Flasche, Stefan; Warsame, Abdihamid; Ratnayake, Ruwan; Favas, Caroline; Spiegel, Paul B; Waldman, Ronald J; Checchi, Francesco
  • Quality of clinical assessment and management of sick children by Health Extension Workers in four regions of Ethiopia: A cross-sectional survey. (2020) Daka, Dawit Wolde; Wordofa, Muluemebet Abera; Woldie, Mirkuzie; Persson, Lars Åke; Berhanu, Della
  • Accurately Reflecting Uncertainty When Using Patient-Level Simulation Models to Extrapolate Clinical Trial Data. (2020) Dakin, Helen A; Leal, José; Briggs, Andrew; Clarke, Philip; Holman, Rury R; Gray, Alastair
  • Cancer cure for 32 cancer types: results from the EUROCARE-5 study. (2020) Dal Maso, Luigino; Panato, Chiara; Tavilla, Andrea; Guzzinati, Stefano; Serraino, Diego; Mallone, Sandra; Botta, Laura; Boussari, Olayidé; Capocaccia, Riccardo; Colonna, Marc; Crocetti, Emanuele; Dumas, Agnes; Dyba, Tadek; Franceschi, Silvia; Gatta, Gemma; Gigli, Anna; Giusti, Francesco; Jooste, Valerie; Minicozzi, Pamela; Neamtiu, Luciana; Romain, Gaëlle; Zorzi, Manuel; De Angelis, Roberta; Francisci, Silvia; EUROCARE-5 Working Group
  • Community-acquired Group B streptococcal meningitis in adults. (2020) Dance, Dab; Zadoks, RN; Luangraj, M; Simpson, A; Chen, SL; Barkham, T
  • Harnessing genomics in the battle against antimicrobial resistance and neglected tropical diseases. (2020) Dance, David AB; Batty, Elizabeth M
  • Ticagrelor With or Without Aspirin After Complex PCI. (2020) Dangas, George; Baber, Usman; Sharma, Samin; Giustino, Gennaro; Mehta, Shamir; Cohen, David J; Angiolillo, Dominick J; Sartori, Samantha; Chandiramani, Rishi; Briguori, Carlo; Dudek, Dariusz; Escaned, Javier; Huber, Kurt; Collier, Timothy; Kornowski, Ran; Kunadian, Vijay; Kaul, Upendra; Oldroyd, Keith; Sardella, Gennaro; Shlofmitz, Richard; Witzenbichler, Bernhard; Ya-Ling, Han; Pocock, Stuart; Gibson, C Michael; Mehran, Roxana
  • The contribution of qualitative research within the PRECISE study in sub-Saharan Africa. (2020) Daniele, Marina AS; Martinez-Alvarez, Melisa; Etyang, Angela Koech; Vidler, Marianne; Salisbury, Tatiana; Makanga, Prestige Tatenda; Musitia, Peris; Flint-O'Kane, Meriel; Brown, Tanya Wells; Diallo, Brahima Amara; Boene, Helena; Stones, William; von Dadelszen, Peter; Magee, Laura A; Sandall, Jane; PRECISE Network
  • The changing relation between alcohol and life expectancy in Russia in 1965-2017. (2020) Danilova, Inna; Shkolnikov, Vladimir M; Andreev, Evgeny; Leon, David A
  • Age-Related Dynamics of Circulating Innate Lymphoid Cells in an African Population. (2020) Darboe, Alansana; Nielsen, Carolyn M; Wolf, Asia-Sophia; Wildfire, Jacob; Danso, Ebrima; Sonko, Bakary; Bottomley, Christian; Moore, Sophie E; Riley, Eleanor M; Goodier, Martin R
  • Health-related quality of life associated with erythema nodosum leprosum in Purulia, West Bengal, India. (2020) Darlong, Joydeepa; Govindharaj, Pitchaimani; Mahato, Bhabananda; Lockwood, Diana; Walker, Stephen L
  • Spectrum of eye disorders in diabetes (SPEED) in India: Eye care facility based study. Report # 1. Eye disorders in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus. (2020) Das, Taraprasad; Behera, Umesh C; Bhattacharjee, Harsha; Gilbert, Clare; Murthy, GVS; Rajalakshmi, Ramachandran; Pant, Hira B; Shukla, Rajan; SPEED Study group
  • Applying the WHO ICD-PM classification system to stillbirths in a major referral Centre in Northeast Nigeria: a retrospective analysis from 2010-2018. (2020) Dase, Eseoghene; Wariri, Oghenebrume; Onuwabuchi, Egwu; Alhassan, Jacob AK; Jalo, Iliya; Muhajarine, Nazeem; Okomo, Uduak; ElNafaty, Aliyu U
  • Validity of Acute Cardiovascular Outcome Diagnoses Recorded in European Electronic Health Records: A Systematic Review. (2020) Davidson, Jennifer; Banerjee, Amitava; Muzambi, Rutendo; Smeeth, Liam; Warren-Gash, Charlotte
  • An observational study of the lung clearance index throughout childhood in cystic fibrosis: early years matter. (2020) Davies, Gwyneth; Stanojevic, Sanja; Raywood, Emma; Duncan, Julie A; Stocks, Janet; Lum, Sooky; Bush, Andrew; Viviani, Laura; Wade, Angie; Calder, Alistair; Owens, Catherine M; Goubau, Christophe; Carr, Siobhán B; Bossley, Cara J; Pao, Caroline; Aurora, Paul; London Cystic Fibrosis Collaboration
  • The RNA Replication Site of Tula Orthohantavirus Resides within a Remodelled Golgi Network. (2020) Davies, Katherine A; Chadwick, Benjamin; Hewson, Roger; Fontana, Juan; Mankouri, Jamel; Barr, John N
  • Estimated transmissibility and impact of SARS-CoV-2 lineage B.1.1.7 in England. (2020) Davies, Nicholas G; Abbott, Sam; Barnard, Rosanna C; Jarvis, Christopher I; Kucharski, Adam J; Munday, James D; Pearson, Carl AB; Russell, Timothy W; Tully, Damien C; Washburne, Alex D; Wenseleers, Tom; Gimma, Amy; Waites, William; Wong, Kerry LM; van Zandvoort, Kevin; Silverman, Justin D; Diaz-Ordaz, Karla; Keogh, Ruth; Eggo, Rosalind M; Funk, Sebastian; Jit, Mark; Atkins, Katherine E; Edmunds, W John
  • Association of tiered restrictions and a second lockdown with COVID-19 deaths and hospital admissions in England: a modelling study. (2020) Davies, Nicholas G; Barnard, Rosanna C; Jarvis, Christopher I; Russell, Timothy W; Semple, Malcolm G; Jit, Mark; Edmunds, W John; Centre for Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases COVID-1; ISARIC4C investigators
  • The effect of non-pharmaceutical interventions on COVID-19 cases, deaths and demand for hospital services in the UK: a modelling study. (2020) Davies, Nicholas G; Kucharski, Adam J; Eggo, Rosalind M; Gimma, Amy; Edmunds, W John
  • Effects of non-pharmaceutical interventions on COVID-19 cases, deaths, and demand for hospital services in the UK: a modelling study. (2020) Davies, Nicholas G; Kucharski, Adam J; Eggo, Rosalind M; Gimma, Amy; Edmunds, W John; Centre for the Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases COV
  • The impact of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) on health systems and household resources in Africa and South Asia. (2020) Davies, Nicholas; Sweeney, Sedona; Torres-Rueda, Sergio; Bozzani, Fiammetta; Kitson, Nichola; Barasa, Edwine; Procter, Simon R; Quaife, Matthew; Eggo, Rosalind M; Vassall, Anna; Jit, Mark
  • An imperfect tool: contact tracing could provide valuable reductions in COVID-19 transmission if good adherence can be achieved and maintained. (2020) Davis, Emma L; Lucas, Tim CD; Borlase, Anna; Pollington, Timothy M; Abbott, Sam; Ayabina, Diepreye; Crellen, Thomas; Hellewell, Joel; Pi, Li; Medley, Graham F; Hollingsworth, T Déirdre; Klepac, Petra
  • Seasonal influenza vaccination in Kenya: an economic evaluation using dynamic transmission modelling. (2020) Dawa, Jeanette; Emukule, Gideon O; Barasa, Edwine; Widdowson, Marc Alain; Anzala, Omu; van Leeuwen, Edwin; Baguelin, Marc; Chaves, Sandra S; Eggo, Rosalind M
  • Labour and delivery ward register data availability, quality, and utility - Every Newborn - birth indicators research tracking in hospitals (EN-BIRTH) study baseline analysis in three countries. (2020) Day, Louise Tina; Gore-Langton, Georgia R; Rahman, Ahmed Ehsanur; Basnet, Omkar; Shabani, Josephine; Tahsina, Tazeen; Poudel, Asmita; Shirima, Kizito; Ameen, Shafiqul; K C, Ashish; Salim, Nahya; Zaman, Sojib Bin; Shamba, Donat; Blencowe, Hannah; Ruysen, Harriet; El Arifeen, Shams; Boggs, Dorothy; Gordeev, Vladimir S; Rahman, Qazi Sadeq-Ur; Hossain, Tanvir; Joshi, Elisha; Thapa, Sabu; Poudel, Rajendra Prasad; Poudel, Durga; Chaudhary, Priyanka; Karki, Rabina; Chitrakar, Bibek; Mkopi, Namala; Wisiko, Anna; Kitende, Alodear Patrick; Shirati, Marystella Revocatus; Chingalo, Christostomus; Semhando, Amina Omari; Mtei, Cleopatra; Mwenisongole, Victoria; Bakuza, John Mathias; Kombo, Japhet; Mbaruku, Godfrey; Lawn, Joy E
  • Assessment of the validity of the measurement of newborn and maternal health-care coverage in hospitals (EN-BIRTH): an observational study. (2020) Day, Louise Tina; Sadeq-Ur Rahman, Qazi; Ehsanur Rahman, Ahmed; Salim, Nahya; Kc, Ashish; Ruysen, Harriet; Tahsina, Tazeen; Masanja, Honorati; Basnet, Omkar; Gore-Langton, Georgia R; Zaman, Sojib Bin; Shabani, Josephine; Jha, Anjani Kumar; Gordeev, Vladimir Sergeevich; Ameen, Shafiqul; Shamba, Donat; Jha, Bijay; Boggs, Dorothy; Hossain, Tanvir; Shirima, Kizito; Bastola, Ram Chandra; Peven, Kimberly; Siddique, Abu Bakkar; Mbaruku, Godfrey; Paudel, Rajendra; Baschieri, Angela; Hossain, Aniqa Tasnim; Kong, Stefanie; Paudel, Asmita; Ahmed, Anisuddin; Cousens, Simon; El Arifeen, Shams; Lawn, Joy E; EN-BIRTH validation collaborative group; EN-BIRTH Expert Advisory Group
  • Broadening community engagement in clinical research: Designing and assessing a pilot crowdsourcing project to obtain community feedback on an HIV clinical trial. (2020) Day, Suzanne; Mathews, Allison; Blumberg, Meredith; Vu, Thi; Rennie, Stuart; Tucker, Joseph D
  • Exploiting the emergent nature of mixed methods designs: insights from a mixed methods impact evaluation in Malawi. (2020) De Allegri, Manuela; Brenner, Stephan; Kambala, Christabel; Mazalale, Jacob; Muula, Adamson S; Chinkhumba, Jobiba; Wilhelm, Danielle; Lohmann, Julia
  • The nutritional status of children living within institutionalized care: a systematic review. (2020) DeLacey, Emily; Tann, Cally; Groce, Nora; Kett, Maria; Quiring, Michael; Bergman, Ethan; Garcia, Caryl; Kerac, Marko
  • Updates on malaria epidemiology and profile in Cabo Verde from 2010 to 2019: the goal of elimination. (2020) DePina, Adilson José; Stresman, Gillian; Barros, Helga Sofia Baptista; Moreira, António Lima; Dia, Abdoulaye Kane; Furtado, Ullardina Domingos; Faye, Ousmane; Seck, Ibrahima; Niang, El Hadji Amadou
  • Baseline patterns of infection in regions of Benin, Malawi and India seeking to interrupt transmission of soil transmitted helminths (STH) in the DeWorm3 trial. (2020) DeWorm3 Trials Team
  • Creating a Framework for Conducting Randomized Clinical Trials during Disease Outbreaks. (2020) Dean, Natalie E; Gsell, Pierre-Stéphane; Brookmeyer, Ron; Crawford, Forrest W; Donnelly, Christl A; Ellenberg, Susan S; Fleming, Thomas R; Halloran, M Elizabeth; Horby, Peter; Jaki, Thomas; Krause, Philip R; Longini, Ira M; Mulangu, Sabue; Muyembe-Tamfum, Jean-Jacques; Nason, Martha C; Smith, Peter G; Wang, Rui; Henao-Restrepo, Ana M; De Gruttola, Victor
  • Ophthalmology training in sub-Saharan Africa: a scoping review. (2020) Dean, William H; Buchan, John C; Gichuhi, Stephen; Faal, Hannah; Mpyet, Caleb; Resnikoff, Serge; Gordon, Iris; Matende, Ibrahim; Samuel, Andrew; Visser, Linda; Burton, Matthew J
  • Intense Simulation-Based Surgical Education for Manual Small-Incision Cataract Surgery: The Ophthalmic Learning and Improvement Initiative in Cataract Surgery Randomized Clinical Trial in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zimbabwe. (2020) Dean, William H; Gichuhi, Stephen; Buchan, John C; Makupa, William; Mukome, Agrippa; Otiti-Sengeri, Juliet; Arunga, Simon; Mukherjee, Subhashis; Kim, Min J; Harrison-Williams, Lloyd; MacLeod, David; Cook, Colin; Burton, Matthew J
  • Introduction of rotavirus vaccination in Palestine: An evaluation of the costs, impact, and cost-effectiveness of ROTARIX and ROTAVAC. (2020) Debellut, Frédéric; Jaber, Samer; Bouzya, Yaser; Sabbah, Jehad; Barham, Mustafa; Abu-Awwad, Fakhr; Hjaija, Diaa; Ramlawi, Assad; Pecenka, Clint; Clark, Andrew; Mvundura, Mercy
  • Approaches for combining primary care electronic health record data from multiple sources: a systematic review of observational studies. (2020) Dedman, Daniel; Cabecinha, Melissa; Williams, Rachael; Evans, Stephen JW; Bhaskaran, Krishnan; Douglas, Ian J
  • What influences child feeding in the Northern Triangle? A mixed-methods systematic review. (2020) Deeney, Megan; Harris-Fry, Helen
  • Can synthetic controls improve causal inference in interrupted time series evaluations of public health interventions? (2020) Degli Esposti, Michelle; Spreckelsen, Thees; Gasparrini, Antonio; Wiebe, Douglas J; Bonander, Carl; Yakubovich, Alexa R; Humphreys, David K
  • Community engagement strategy for increased uptake of routine immunization and select perinatal services in north-west Ethiopia: A descriptive analysis. (2020) Demissie, Shiferaw Dechasa; Kozuki, Naoko; Olorunsaiye, Comfort Z; Gebrekirstos, Petros; Mohammed, Siraj; Kiapi, Lilian; Chantler, Tracey; Karafillakis, Emilie; Landegger, Justine
  • More-than-harm reduction: Engaging with alternative ontologies of 'movement' in UK drug services. (2020) Dennis, Fay; Rhodes, Tim; Harris, Magdalena
  • Examining user fee reductions in public primary healthcare facilities in Kenya, 1997-2012: effects on the use and content of antenatal care. (2020) Dennis, Mardieh L; Benova, Lenka; Goodman, Catherine; Barasa, Edwine; Abuya, Timothy; Campbell, Oona MR
  • The pandemic of social media panic travels faster than the COVID-19 outbreak. (2020) Depoux, Anneliese; Martin, Sam; Karafillakis, Emilie; Preet, Raman; Wilder-Smith, Annelies; Larson, Heidi
  • Missed opportunities for tuberculosis investigation in a municipal hospital in Ghana: evidence from patient exit interviews. (2020) Der, Joyce B; Grint, Daniel J; Narh, Clement T; Bonsu, Frank; Grant, Alison D
  • Where are patients missed in the tuberculosis diagnostic cascade? A prospective cohort study in Ghana. (2020) Der, Joyce B; Grint, Daniel; Narh, Clement T; Bonsu, Frank; Grant, Alison D
  • Measuring the spatial heterogeneity on the reduction of vaginal fistula burden in Ethiopia between 2005 and 2016. (2020) Deribe, Kebede; Fronterre, Claudio; Dejene, Tariku; Biadgilign, Sibhatu; Deribew, Amare; Abdullah, Muna; Cano, Jorge
  • Predicting the environmental suitability and population at risk of podoconiosis in Africa. (2020) Deribe, Kebede; Simpson, Hope; Pullan, Rachel L; Bosco, Mbonigaba Jean; Wanji, Samuel; Weaver, Nicole Davis; Murray, Christopher JL; Newport, Melanie J; Hay, Simon I; Davey, Gail; Cano, Jorge
  • DjinniChip: evaluation of a novel molecular rapid diagnostic device for the detection of Chlamydia trachomatis in trachoma-endemic areas. (2020) Derrick, Tamsyn R; Sandetskaya, Natalia; Pickering, Harry; Kölsch, Andreas; Ramadhani, Athumani; Mafuru, Elias; Massae, Patrick; Malisa, Aiweda; Mtuy, Tara; Burton, Matthew J; Holland, Martin J; Kuhlmeier, Dirk
  • Immunopathogenesis of Progressive Scarring Trachoma: Results of a 4-Year Longitudinal Study in Tanzanian Children. (2020) Derrick, Tamsyn; Ramadhani, Athumani M; Macleod, David; Massae, Patrick; Mafuru, Elias; Aiweda, Malisa; Mbuya, Kelvin; Makupa, William; Mtuy, Tara; Bailey, Robin L; Mabey, David CW; Holland, Martin J; Burton, Matthew J
  • High incidence of Hepatitis C virus infection observed in the PROUD study of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis. (2020) Desai, Monica; White, Ellen; Vora, Nina; Gilson, Richard; Lacey, Charles; Gafos, Mitzy; Clarke, Amanda; Sullivan, Ann; White, David; Fox, Julie; Piontkowsky, David; McCormack, Sheena; Dunn, David T
  • Risk Factors for Scrub Typhus, Murine Typhus, and Spotted Fever Seropositivity in Urban Areas, Rural Plains, and Peri-Forest Hill Villages in South India: A Cross-Sectional Study. (2020) Devamani, Carol S; Schmidt, Wolf-Peter; Ariyoshi, Koya; Anitha, Arumugam; Kalaimani, Saravanan; Prakash, John AJ
  • Context of Violence in Adolescence Cohort (CoVAC) study: protocol for a mixed methods longitudinal study in Uganda. (2020) Devries, Karen; Parkes, Jenny; Knight, Louise; Allen, Elizabeth; Namy, Sophie; Datzberger, Simone; Nalukenge, Winifred; Atuhaire, Lydia; Kyegombe, Nambusi; Walakira, Eddy; Seeley, Janet; Weiss, Helen A; Naker, Dipak
  • Availability and use of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) for neonatal care in public health facilities in India: a cross-sectional cluster survey. (2020) Dewez, Juan Emmanuel; Nangia, Sushma; Chellani, Harish; White, Sarah; Mathai, Matthews; van den Broek, Nynke
  • LTBI-associated Immuno-diagnostic Test Responses (Standardized IGRAs and the TST) as Biomarkers of Incipient TB: Fruitful or Futile? (2020) Dheda, Keertan; Davids, Malika
  • The Great Masquerader: Tuberculosis Presenting as Community-Acquired Pneumonia. (2020) Dheda, Keertan; Makambwa, Edson; Esmail, Aliasgar
  • Changes in nutritional status of children who lived in temporary shelters in Bhaktapur municipality after the 2015 Nepal earthquake. (2020) Dhoubhadel, Bhim Gopal; Raya, Ganendra Bhakta; Shrestha, Dhruba; Shrestha, Raj Kumar; Dhungel, Yogendra; Suzuki, Motoi; Yasunami, Michio; Smith, Chris; Ariyoshi, Koya; Parry, Christopher M
  • Trends in short-term survival from distant-stage cutaneous melanoma in the United States, 2001-2013 (CONCORD-3). (2020) Di Carlo, Veronica; Estève, Jacques; Johnson, Christopher; Girardi, Fabio; Weir, Hannah K; Wilson, Reda J; Minicozzi, Pamela; Cress, Rosemary D; Lynch, Charles F; Pawlish, Karen S; Rees, Judith R; Coleman, Michel P; Allemani, Claudia; US CONCORD Working Group
  • NOACs Added to WHO's Essential Medicines List: Recommendations for Future Policy Actions. (2020) Di Cesare, Mariachiara; Jarvis, Jordan D; Scarlatescu, Oana; Leng, Xinyi; Zaidel, Ezequiel J; Burrone, Esteban; Eiselé, Jean-Luc; Prabhakaran, Dorairaj; Sliwa, Karen
  • Data-adaptive doubly robust instrumental variable methods for treatment effect heterogeneity. (2020) Diaz-Ordaz, Karla; Daniel, Rhian; Kreif, Noemi
  • Online vaccine-related information-seeking in mothers and HPV vaccine uptake in their daughters. (2020) Dib, F; Mayaud, P; Longfier, L; Launay, O
  • Design and content validation of a survey questionnaire assessing the determinants of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine hesitancy in France: A reactive Delphi study. (2020) Dib, Fadia; Mayaud, Philippe; Launay, Odile; Chauvin, Pierre; FSQD-HPVH Study Group
  • Evaluation of a Package of Behaviour Change Interventions (Baduta Program) to Improve Maternal and Child Nutrition in East Java, Indonesia: Protocol for an Impact Study. (2020) Dibley, Michael John; Alam, Ashraful; Fahmida, Umi; Ariawan, Iwan; Titaley, Christiana Rialine; Htet, Min Kyaw; Damayanti, Rita; Li, Mu; Sutrisna, Aang; Ferguson, Elaine
  • Application of a Mapping Function to Estimate Utilities for Ragweed Allergy Immunotherapy Trials. (2020) Dick, Katherine; Briggs, Andrew; Brandi, Henrik
  • Modelling lockdown and exit strategies for COVID-19 in Singapore. (2020) Dickens, Borame L; Koo, Joel R; Lim, Jue Tao; Park, Minah; Quaye, Sharon; Sun, Haoyang; Sun, Yinxiaohe; Pung, Rachael; Wilder-Smith, Annelies; Chai, Louis Yi Ann; Lee, Vernon J; Cook, Alex R
  • Application of Functional Data Analysis to Identify Patterns of Malaria Incidence, to Guide Targeted Control Strategies. (2020) Dieng, Sokhna; Michel, Pierre; Guindo, Abdoulaye; Sallah, Kankoe; Ba, El-Hadj; Cissé, Badara; Carrieri, Maria Patrizia; Sokhna, Cheikh; Milligan, Paul; Gaudart, Jean
  • A molecular barcode to inform the geographical origin and transmission dynamics of Plasmodium vivax malaria. (2020) Diez Benavente, Ernest; Campos, Monica; Phelan, Jody; Nolder, Debbie; Dombrowski, Jamille G; Marinho, Claudio RF; Sriprawat, Kanlaya; Taylor, Aimee R; Watson, James; Roper, Cally; Nosten, Francois; Sutherland, Colin J; Campino, Susana; Clark, Taane G
  • Leadership for success in transforming medical abortion policy in Canada. (2020) Dineley, Brigid; Munro, Sarah; Norman, Wendy V
  • Estimates of aid for reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health: findings from application of the Muskoka2 method, 2002-17. (2020) Dingle, Antonia; Schäferhoff, Marco; Borghi, Josephine; Lewis Sabin, Miriam; Arregoces, Leonardo; Martinez-Alvarez, Melisa; Pitt, Catherine
  • Utility of broad-spectrum antibiotics for diagnosing pulmonary tuberculosis in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2020) Divala, Titus H; Fielding, Katherine L; Kandulu, Chikondi; Nliwasa, Marriott; Sloan, Derek J; Gupta-Wright, Ankur; Corbett, Elizabeth L
  • Accuracy and consequences of using trial-of-antibiotics for TB diagnosis (ACT-TB study): protocol for a randomised controlled clinical trial. (2020) Divala, Titus Henry; Fielding, Katherine L; Sloan, Derek J; French, Neil; Nliwasa, Marriott; MacPherson, Peter; Kandulu, Chikondi Charity; Chiume, Lingstone; Chilanga, Sanderson; Ndaferankhande, Masiye John; Corbett, Elizabeth L
  • Africa faces difficult choices in responding to COVID-19. (2020) Divala, Titus; Burke, Rachael M; Ndeketa, Latif; Corbett, Elizabeth L; MacPherson, Peter
  • Efficient Surveillance of Plasmodium knowlesi Genetic Subpopulations, Malaysian Borneo, 2000-2018. (2020) Divis, Paul CS; Hu, Ting H; Kadir, Khamisah A; Mohammad, Dayang SA; Hii, King C; Daneshvar, Cyrus; Conway, David J; Singh, Balbir
  • Antibiotics, rational drug use and the architecture of global health in Zimbabwe. (2020) Dixon, Justin; Manyau, Salome; Kandiye, Faith; Kranzer, Katharina; Chandler, Clare IR
  • Minimal tillage and intermittent flooding farming systems show a potential reduction in the proliferation of Anopheles mosquito larvae in a rice field in Malanville, Northern Benin. (2020) Djègbè, Innocent; Zinsou, Merdie; Dovonou, Edia Flavien; Tchigossou, Geneviève; Soglo, Murielle; Adéoti, Razack; Gbaguidi, Brice; Atoyebi, Seun; Chandre, Fabrice; Akogbéto, Martin; Lines, Jo; Djouaka, Rousseau
  • Can data from paediatric cohorts solve the COVID-19 puzzle? (2020) Do, Lien Anh Ha; Anderson, Jeremy; Mulholland, Edward Kim; Licciardi, Paul V
  • Patterns of healthcare seeking among people reporting chronic conditions in rural sub-Saharan Africa: findings from a population-based study in Burkina Faso. (2020) Do, Stefanie; Lohmann, Julia; Brenner, Stephan; Koulidiati, Jean-Louis; Souares, Aurelia; Kuunibe, Naasegnibe; Hamadou, Saidou; Hien, Hervé; Winkler, Volker; De Allegri, Manuela
  • The Long and Winding Road: Archiving and Re-Using Qualitative Data from 12 Research Projects Spanning 16 Years. (2020) Dodds, Catherine; Keogh, Peter; Bourne, Adam; McDaid, Lisa; Squire, Corinne; Weatherburn, Peter; Young, Ingrid
  • Treatment variation in early breast cancer in the UK. (2020) Dodwell, David; Jauhari, Yasmin; Gathani, Toral; Cromwell, David; Gannon, Melissa; Clements, Karen; Horgan, Kieran
  • Development and Validation of a Nomogram for Assessing Survival in Patients With COVID-19 Pneumonia. (2020) Dong, Yi-Min; Sun, Jia; Li, Yi-Xin; Chen, Qian; Liu, Qing-Quan; Sun, Zhou; Pang, Ran; Chen, Fei; Xu, Bing-Yang; Manyande, Anne; Clark, Taane G; Li, Jin-Ping; Orhan, Ilkay Erdogan; Tian, Yu-Ke; Wang, Tao; Wu, Wei; Ye, Da-Wei
  • Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra for the Diagnosis of Tuberculous Meningitis: A Small Step Forward. (2020) Donovan, Joseph; Cresswell, Fiona V; Thuong, Nguyen Thuy Thuong; Boulware, David R; Thwaites, Guy E; Bahr, Nathan C; Tuberculous Meningitis International Research Consortium
  • Factors associated with skin and soft tissue infections among people who inject drugs in the United Kingdom: A comparative examination of data from two surveys. (2020) Doran, Jason; Harris, Magdalena; Hope, Vivian D; Wright, Talen; Edmundson, Claire; Sinka, Katy; Heinsbroek, Ellen
  • Coronary 18F-Fluoride Uptake and Progression of Coronary Artery Calcification. (2020) Doris, Mhairi K; Meah, Mohammed N; Moss, Alastair J; Andrews, Jack PM; Bing, Rong; Gillen, Rebecca; Weir, Nick; Syed, Maaz; Daghem, Marwa; Shah, Anoop; Williams, Michelle C; van Beek, Edwin JR; Forsyth, Laura; Dey, Damini; Slomka, Piotr J; Dweck, Marc R; Newby, David E; Adamson, Philip D
  • Genomics of the Argentinian cholera epidemic elucidate the contrasting dynamics of epidemic and endemic Vibrio cholerae. (2020) Dorman, Matthew J; Domman, Daryl; Poklepovich, Tomás; Tolley, Charlotte; Zolezzi, Gisella; Kane, Leanne; Viñas, María Rosa; Panagópulo, Marcela; Moroni, Miriam; Binsztein, Norma; Caffer, María Inés; Clare, Simon; Dougan, Gordon; Salmond, George PC; Parkhill, Julian; Campos, Josefina; Thomson, Nicholas R
  • 'Community evolution' - laboratory strains and pedigrees in the age of genomics. (2020) Dorman, Matthew J; Thomson, Nicholas R
  • Epidemiology of malaria among pregnant women during their first antenatal clinic visit in the middle belt of Ghana: a cross sectional study. (2020) Dosoo, David Kwame; Chandramohan, Daniel; Atibilla, Dorcas; Oppong, Felix Boakye; Ankrah, Love; Kayan, Kingsley; Agyemang, Veronica; Adu-Gyasi, Dennis; Twumasi, Mieks; Amenga-Etego, Seeba; Bruce, Jane; Asante, Kwaku Poku; Greenwood, Brian; Owusu-Agyei, Seth
  • "Ten years of war! You expect people to fear a 'germ'?": A qualitative study of initial perceptions and responses to the COVID-19 pandemic among displaced communities in opposition-controlled northwest Syria. (2020) Douedari, Yazan; Alhaffar, Mervat; Al-Twaish, Muhammed; Mkhallalati, Hala; Alwany, Raheb; Ibrahim, Nafeesah Bte Mohamed; Zaseela, Ayshath; Horanieh, Nour; Abbara, Aula; Howard, Natasha
  • Strategic advertising of online news articles as an intervention to influence wildlife product consumers. (2020) Doughty, Hunter; Wright, Joss; Veríssimo, Diogo; Lee, Janice SH; Oliver, Kathryn; Milner‐Gulland, EJ
  • Mitigating the wider health effects of covid-19 pandemic response. (2020) Douglas, Margaret; Katikireddi, Srinivasa Vittal; Taulbut, Martin; McKee, Martin; McCartney, Gerry
  • Towards a conceptual framework of the working alliance in a blended low-intensity cognitive behavioural therapy intervention for depression in primary mental health care: a qualitative study. (2020) Doukani, Asmae; Free, Caroline; Michelson, Daniel; Araya, Ricardo; Montero-Marin, Jesús; Smith, Sarah; Cerga-Pashoja, Arlinda; Kakuma, Ritsuko
  • Improving protein glycan coupling technology (PGCT) for glycoconjugate vaccine production. (2020) Dow, Jennifer Mhairi; Mauri, Marta; Scott, Timothy Alexander; Wren, Brendan William
  • Hantavirus infection in type I interferon receptor-deficient (A129) mice. (2020) Dowall, Stuart D; Graham, Victoria A; Aram, Marilyn; Findlay-Wilson, Stephen; Salguero, Francisco J; Emery, Kirsty; Hewson, Roger
  • Towards quantification of protective antibody responses by passive transfer of the 1st WHO International Standard for Ebola virus antibody in a guinea pig model. (2020) Dowall, Stuart D; Kempster, Sarah; Findlay-Wilson, Stephen; Mattiuzzo, Giada; Graham, Victoria A; Page, Mark; Hewson, Roger; Almond, Neil
  • COVID-19, the Swedish 'Experiment', and Me. (2020) Dowie, Jack
  • Decision Quality Is a Preference-Sensitive Formative Concept: How Do Some Existing Measures Compare? (2020) Dowie, Jack; Kaltoft, Mette Kjer
  • Evaluations of Decision Support Tools Are Preference-Sensitive and Interest-Conflicted: The Case of Deliberation Aids. (2020) Dowie, Jack; Kaltoft, Mette Kjer; Rajput, Vije Kumar
  • Measures of Decision Aid Quality Are Preference-Sensitive and Interest-Conflicted – 1: Normative Measures. (2020) Dowie, Jack; Kaltoft, Mette Kjer; Rajput, Vije Kumar
  • Measures of Decision Aid Quality Are Preference-Sensitive and Interest-Conflicted – 2: Empirical Measures. (2020) Dowie, Jack; Kaltoft, Mette Kjer; Rajput, Vije Kumar
  • Discordant bioinformatic predictions of antimicrobial resistance from whole-genome sequencing data of bacterial isolates: an inter-laboratory study. (2020) Doyle, Ronan M; O'Sullivan, Denise M; Aller, Sean D; Bruchmann, Sebastian; Clark, Taane; Coello Pelegrin, Andreu; Cormican, Martin; Diez Benavente, Ernest; Ellington, Matthew J; McGrath, Elaine; Motro, Yair; Phuong Thuy Nguyen, Thi; Phelan, Jody; Shaw, Liam P; Stabler, Richard A; van Belkum, Alex; van Dorp, Lucy; Woodford, Neil; Moran-Gilad, Jacob; Huggett, Jim F; Harris, Kathryn A
  • Protocol for the SAFEST review: the Shock-Absorbing Flooring Effectiveness SysTematic review including older adults and staff in hospitals and care homes. (2020) Drahota, Amy; Felix, Lambert M; Keenan, Bethany E; Lachance, Chantelle C; Laing, Andrew; Mackey, Dawn C; Raftery, James
  • Ways of Home Making in Care for Later LifePasveer, B., Synnes, O., and Moser, I. (eds) . Singapore: Springer Nature. 2019. 312 pp. £89.99 (hardcover) £71.50 (ebk) ISBN 978‐981‐15‐0405‐1. (2020) Driessen, Annelieke
  • Does respiratory syncytial virus lower respiratory illness in early life cause recurrent wheeze of early childhood and asthma? Critical review of the evidence and guidance for future studies from a World Health Organization-sponsored meeting. (2020) Driscoll, Amanda J; Arshad, S Hasan; Bont, Louis; Brunwasser, Steven M; Cherian, Thomas; Englund, Janet A; Fell, Deshayne B; Hammitt, Laura L; Hartert, Tina V; Innis, Bruce L; Karron, Ruth A; Langley, Gayle E; Mulholland, E Kim; Munywoki, Patrick K; Nair, Harish; Ortiz, Justin R; Savitz, David A; Scheltema, Nienke M; Simões, Eric AF; Smith, Peter G; Were, Fred; Zar, Heather J; Feikin, Daniel R
  • Programmatic options for monitoring malaria in elimination settings: easy access group surveys to investigate Plasmodium falciparum epidemiology in two regions with differing endemicity in Haiti. (2020) Druetz, Thomas; Stresman, Gillian; Ashton, Ruth A; van den Hoogen, Lotus L; Joseph, Vena; Fayette, Carl; Monestime, Frank; Hamre, Karen E; Chang, Michelle A; Lemoine, Jean F; Drakeley, Chris; Eisele, Thomas P
  • The determinants of vaccine hesitancy in China: A cross-sectional study following the Changchun Changsheng vaccine incident. (2020) Du, Fanxing; Chantler, Tracey; Francis, Mark R; Sun, Fiona Yueqian; Zhang, Xuan; Han, Kaiyi; Rodewald, Lance; Yu, Hongjie; Tu, Shiyi; Larson, Heidi; Hou, Zhiyuan
  • Consequences of male partner engagement policies on HIV care-seeking in three African countries: Findings from the SHAPE UTT study. (2020) Dube, Albert; Renju, Jenny; Wamoyi, Joyce; Hassan, Farida; Seeley, Janet; Chimukuche, Rujeko Samanthia; Songo, John; Kalua, Thokozani; Crampin, Amelia; Moshabela, Mosa; Wringe, Alison
  • Interactions between the Physical and Social Environments with Adverse Pregnancy Events Related to Placental Disorders-A Scoping Review. (2020) Dube, Yolisa Prudence; Nyapwere, Newton; Magee, Laura A; Vidler, Marianne; Moore, Sophie E; Barratt, Benjamin; Craik, Rachel; von Dadelszen, Peter; Makanga, Prestige Tatenda; The Precise Network
  • COVID-19 in the Context of Forced Displacement: Perspectives from the Middle East and East Africa. (2020) Duclos, Diane; Palmer, Jennifer
  • Criteria for evaluating risk prediction of multiple outcomes. (2020) Dudbridge, Frank
  • Analysis of counts for cluster randomized trials: Negative controls and test-negative designs. (2020) Dufault, Suzanne M; Jewell, Nicholas P
  • Impact of a school-based water, sanitation and hygiene programme on children's independent handwashing and toothbrushing habits: a cluster-randomised trial. (2020) Duijster, Denise; Buxton, Helen; Benzian, Habib; Dimaisip-Nabuab, Jed; Monse, Bella; Volgenant, Catherine; Dreibelbis, Robert
  • Co-construction of the family-focused support conversation: a participatory learning and action research study to implement support for family members whose relatives are being discharged for end-of-life care at home or in a nursing home. (2020) Duke, Sue; Campling, Natasha; May, Carl R; Lund, Susi; Lunt, Neil; Hospital to Home Co-researcher group; Richardson, Alison
  • Doubly robust tests of exposure effects under high-dimensional confounding. (2020) Dukes, Oliver; Avagyan, Vahe; Vansteelandt, Stijn
  • A behavioural change intervention study for the prevention of childhood obesity in South Africa: protocol for a randomized controlled trial. (2020) Dukhi, Natisha; Sartorius, Benn; Taylor, Myra
  • Implementation and evaluation of nonclinical interventions for appropriate use of cesarean section in low- and middle-income countries: protocol for a multisite hybrid effectiveness-implementation type III trial. (2020) Dumont, Alexandre; Betrán, Ana Pilar; Kaboré, Charles; de Loenzien, Myriam; Lumbiganon, Pisake; Bohren, Meghan A; Mac, Quoc Nhu Hung; Opiyo, Newton; Carroli, Guillermo; Annerstedt, Kristi Sidney; Ridde, Valéry; Escuriet, Ramón; Robson, Michael; Hanson, Claudia; QUALI-DEC research group
  • Dengue virus on the rise in Nepal. (2020) Dumre, Shyam Prakash; Acharya, Dhiraj; Lal, Bibek Kumar; Brady, Oliver J
  • The coronavirus outbreak: the central role of primary care in emergency preparedness and response. (2020) Dunlop, Catherine; Howe, Amanda; Li, Donald; Allen, Luke N
  • Insights Into Pneumococcal Pneumonia Using Lung Aspirates and Nasopharyngeal Swabs Collected From Pneumonia Patients in The Gambia. (2020) Dunne, Eileen M; Hua, Yinglei; Salaudeen, Rasheed; Hossain, Ilias; Ndiaye, Malick; Ortika, Belinda D; Mulholland, E Kim; Hinds, Jason; Manna, Sam; Mackenzie, Grant A; Satzke, Catherine
  • Lessons from humanitarian clusters to strengthen health system responses to mass displacement in low and middle-income countries: A scoping review. (2020) Durrance-Bagale, Anna; Salman, Omar Mukhtar; Omar, Maryam; Alhaffar, Mervat; Ferdaus, Muhammad; Newaz, Sanjida; Krishnan, Sneha; Howard, Natasha
  • Shifting the paradigm: using disease outbreaks to build resilient health systems. (2020) Durski, Kara N; Osterholm, Michael; Majumdar, Suman S; Nilles, Eric; Bausch, Daniel G; Atun, Rifat
  • Juntos: A Support Program for Families Impacted by Congenital Zika Syndrome in Brazil. (2020) Duttine, Antony; Smythe, Tracey; Calheiros de Sa, Miriam Ribeiro; Ferrite, Silvia; Moreira, Maria Elisabeth; Kuper, Hannah
  • Congenital Zika Syndrome-Assessing the Need for a Family Support Programme in Brazil. (2020) Duttine, Antony; Smythe, Tracey; Ribiero Calheiro de Sá, Míriam; Ferrite, Silvia; Zuurmond, Maria; Moreira, Maria Elisabeth; Collins, Anna; Milner, Kate; Kuper, Hannah
  • Addressing the challenges and relational aspects of index-linked HIV testing for children and adolescents: insights from the B-GAP study in Zimbabwe. (2020) Dziva Chikwari, Chido; Bernays, Sarah; Dringus, Stefanie; Simms, Victoria; Weiss, Helen A; Sibanda, Edwin; Kranzer, Katharina; Ncube, Gertrude; Chikodzore, Rudo; Webb, Karen; Chirimambowa, Trevor; Sithole, Kenny; Ndondo, Nonhlanhla; Apollo, Tsitsi; Mutseta, Miriam; Ferrand, Rashida A
  • Comparison of index-linked HIV testing for children and adolescents in health facility and community settings in Zimbabwe: findings from the interventional B-GAP study. (2020) Dziva Chikwari, Chido; Simms, Victoria; Kranzer, Katharina; Dringus, Stefanie; Chikodzore, Rudo; Sibanda, Edwin; Webb, Karen; Engelsmann, Barbara; Redzo, Nicol; Bandason, Tsitsi; Mujuru, Hilda; Apollo, Tsitsi; Ncube, Getrude; Hatzold, Karen; Weiss, Helen A; Ferrand, Rashida A
  • Draft for internal testing Scientific Committee guidance on appraising and integrating evidence from epidemiological studies for use in EFSA's scientific assessments. (2020) EFSA Scientific Committee; More, Simon; Bambidis, Vasileos; Benford, Diane; Bragard, Claude; Hernandez-Jerez, Antonio; Bennekou, Susanne Hougaard; Koutsoumanis, Kostas; Machera, Kyriaki; Naegeli, Hanspeter; Nielsen, Soren Saxmose; Schlatter, Josef R; Schrenk, Dieter; Silano, Vittorio; Turck, Dominique; Younes, Maged; Fletcher, Tony; Greiner, Matthias; Ntzani, Evangelia; Pearce, Neil; Vinceti, Marco; Ciccolallo, Laura; Georgiadis, Marios; Gervelmeyer, Andrea; Halldorsson, Thorhallur I
  • ULBP1 Is Elevated in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Predicts Outcome. (2020) Easom, Nicholas JW; Marks, Michael; Jobe, Dawda; Gillmore, Roopinder; Meyer, Tim; Maini, Mala K; Njie, Ramou
  • Non-market strategy as a framework for exploring commercial involvement in health policy: A primer. (2020) Eastmure, Elizabeth; Cummins, Steven; Sparks, Leigh
  • Wellbeing and mental health during the COVID-19 outbreak. (2020) Eaton, J
  • Protecting Mental Health During the COVID-19 Outbreak. (2020) Eaton, Julian
  • From adversity to resilience in the COVID-19 era: strengthening mental health systems in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. (2020) Eaton, Julian; Rahman, Atif; Gater, Richard; Saxena, Shekhar; Hammerich, Asmus; Saeed, Khalid
  • Which mechanisms explain motivation the of primary health workers? Insights from the realist evaluation of a maternal and child health programme in Nigeria. (2020) Ebenso, Bassey; Mbachu, Chinyere; Etiaba, Enyi; Huss, Reinhard; Manzano, Ana; Onwujekwe, Obinna; Uzochukwu, Benjamin; Ezumah, Nkoli; Ensor, Timothy; Hicks, Joseph Paul; Mirzoev, Tolib
  • Generation and Evaluation of a Glaesserella (Haemophilus) parasuis Capsular Mutant. (2020) Eberle, Kirsten C; Hau, Samantha J; Luan, Shi-Lu; Weinert, Lucy A; Stasko, Judith A; Wang, Jinhong; Peters, Sarah E; Langford, Paul R; Rycroft, Andrew N; Wren, Brendan W; Maskell, Duncan J; Tucker, Alexander W; Brockmeier, Susan L
  • How much can we remedy very low learning levels in rural parts of low-income countries? Impact and generalizability of a multi-pronged para-teacher intervention from a cluster-randomized trial in the Gambia. (2020) Eble, Alex; Frost, Chris; Camara, Alpha; Bouy, Baboucarr; Bah, Momodou; Sivaraman, Maitri; Hsieh, Pei-Tseng Jenny; Jayanty, Chitra; Brady, Tony; Gawron, Piotr; Vansteelandt, Stijn; Boone, Peter; Elbourne, Diana
  • Prevalence of latent tuberculosis infection in HIV-1-infected children on antiretroviral therapy in Jos, Nigeria. (2020) Ebonyi, AO; Oguche, S; Kampmann, B
  • 'Any and every cure for COVID-19': an imminent epidemic of alternative remedies amidst the pandemic? (2020) Eboreime, Ejemai Amaize; Iwu, Chinwe Juliana; Banke-Thomas, Aduragbemi
  • Improving the indicator for premature deaths from noncommunicable diseases. (2020) Ebrahim, Shah; Ordunez, Pedro; Lloyd-Sherlock, Peter; McKee, Martin; Martinez, Ramon; Soliz, Patricia
  • All Hands on Deck: A synchronized whole-of-world approach for COVID-19 mitigation. (2020) Ebrahim, Shahul H; Zhuo, Jiatong; Gozzer, Ernesto; Ahmed, Qanta A; Imtiaz, Rubina; Ahmed, Yusuf; Doumbia, Seydou; Mujeeb Rahman, NM; Elachola, Habida; Wilder-Smith, A; Memish, Ziad A
  • The Etiology of Pneumonia From Analysis of Lung Aspirate and Pleural Fluid Samples: Findings From the Pneumonia Etiology Research for Child Health (PERCH) Study. (2020) Ebruke, Bernard E; Deloria Knoll, Maria; Haddix, Meredith; Zaman, Syed MA; Prosperi, Christine; Feikin, Daniel R; Hammitt, Laura L; Levine, Orin S; O'Brien, Katherine L; Murdoch, David R; Brooks, W Abdullah; Scott, J Anthony G; Kotloff, Karen L; Madhi, Shabir A; Thea, Donald M; Baillie, Vicky L; Chisti, Mohammod Jobayer; Dione, Michel; Driscoll, Amanda J; Fancourt, Nicholas; Karron, Ruth A; Le, Tham T; Mohamed, Shebe; Moore, David P; Morpeth, Susan C; Mwaba, John; Mwansa, James; Bin Shahid, Abu Sadat Mohammad Sayeem; Sow, Samba O; Tapia, Milagritos D; Antonio, Martin; Howie, Stephen RC
  • WHF IASC Roadmap on Chagas Disease. (2020) Echeverría, Luis Eduardo; Marcus, Rachel; Novick, Gabriel; Sosa-Estani, Sergio; Ralston, Kate; Zaidel, Ezequiel Jose; Forsyth, Colin; RIbeiro, Antonio Luiz P; Mendoza, Iván; Falconi, Mariano Luis; Mitelman, Jorge; Morillo, Carlos A; Pereiro, Ana Cristina; Pinazo, María Jesús; Salvatella, Roberto; Martinez, Felipe; Perel, Pablo; Liprandi, Álvaro Sosa; Piñeiro, Daniel José; Molina, Gustavo Restrepo
  • Trajectories of Self-Reported Opioid Use Among Patients With HIV Engaged in Care: Results From a National Cohort Study. (2020) Edelman, E Jennifer; Li, Yu; Barry, Declan; Brennan Braden, Jennifer; Crystal, Stephen; Kerns, Robert D; Gaither, Julie R; Gordon, Kirsha S; Manhapra, Ajay; Merlin, Jessica S; Moore, Brent A; Oldfield, Benjamin J; Park, Lesley S; Rentsch, Christopher T; Skanderson, Melissa; Williams, Emily C; Justice, Amy C; Tate, Janet P; Becker, William C; Marshall, Brandon DL
  • Correction to: First COVID-19 infections in the Philippines: a case report. (2020) Edrada, Edna M; Lopez, Edmundo B; Villarama, Jose Benito; Salva Villarama, Eumelia P; Dagoc, Bren F; Smith, Chris; Sayo, Ana Ria; Verona, Jeffrey A; Trifalgar-Arches, Jamie; Lazaro, Jezreel; Balinas, Ellen Grace M; Telan, Elizabeth Freda O; Roy, Lynsil; Galon, Myvie; Florida, Carl Hill N; Ukawa, Tatsuya; Villanueva, Annavi Marie G; Saito, Nobuo; Nepomuceno, Jean Raphael; Ariyoshi, Koya; Carlos, Celia; Nicolasora, Amalea Dulcene; Solante, Rontgene M
  • First COVID-19 infections in the Philippines: a case report. (2020) Edrada, Edna M; Lopez, Edmundo B; Villarama, Jose Benito; Salva Villarama, Eumelia P; Dagoc, Bren F; Smith, Chris; Sayo, Ana Ria; Verona, Jeffrey A; Trifalgar-Arches, Jamie; Lazaro, Jezreel; Balinas, Ellen Grace M; Telan, Elizabeth Freda O; Roy, Lynsil; Galon, Myvie; Florida, Carl Hill N; Ukawa, Tatsuya; Villaneuva, Annavi Marie G; Saito, Nobuo; Nepomuceno, Jean Raphael; Ariyoshi, Koya; Carlos, Celia; Nicolasora, Amalea Dulcene; Solante, Rontgene M
  • HIV serostatus, inflammatory biomarkers and the frailty phenotype among older people in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. (2020) Edwards, Anita; Siedner, Mark J; Nash, Stephen; Neuman, Melissa; Danaviah, Sivapragashini; Smit, Theresa; Gareta, Dickman; Kowal, Paul; Seeley, Janet
  • SNPPar: identifying convergent evolution and other homoplasies from microbial whole-genome alignments. (2020) Edwards, David J; Duchêne, Sebastián; Pope, Bernard; Holt, Kathryn E
  • Effects of comorbidities on quality of life in Filipino people with tuberculosis. (2020) Edwards, T; White, LV; Lee, N; Castro, MC; Saludar, NR; Faguer, BN; Fuente, ND; Mayoga, F; Ariyoshi, K; Garfin, AMCG; Solon, JA; Cox, SE
  • Effects of comorbidities on quality of life in Filipino people with tuberculosis. (2020) Edwards, T; White, LV; Lee, N; Castro, MC; Saludar, NR; Faguer, BN; Fuente, ND; Mayoga, F; Ariyoshi, K; Garfin, AMCG; Solon, JA; Cox, SE
  • Applying a Systems Perspective to Preventive Health: How Can It Be Useful? Comment on "What Can Policy-Makers Get Out of Systems Thinking? Policy Partners' Experiences of a Systems-Focused Research Collaboration in Preventive Health". (2020) Egan, Matt; McGill, Elizabeth
  • Feasibility of controlling COVID-19 - Authors' reply. (2020) Eggo, Rosalind M; Hellewell, Joel; Funk, Sebastian
  • Association between vision impairment and mortality: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2020) Ehrlich, Joshua R; Ramke, Jacqueline; Macleod, David; Swenor, Bonnielin K; Burn, Helen; Lee, Chan Ning; Waldock, William J; Zhang, Justine H; Gordon, Iris; Congdon, Nathan; Burton, Matthew; Evans, Jennifer R
  • Microalbuminuria and retinopathy in adolescents and young adults with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. (2020) Ek, Anna E; Samuelsson, Ulf; Janson, Annika; Carlsson, Annelie; Elimam, Amira; Marcus, Claude
  • Assessing COVID-19 through the lens of health systems' preparedness: time for a change. (2020) El Bcheraoui, Charbel; Weishaar, Heide; Pozo-Martin, Francisco; Hanefeld, Johanna
  • First-line HIV treatment outcomes following the introduction of integrase inhibitors in UK guidelines. (2020) El Bouzidi, Kate; Jose, Sophie; Phillips, Andrew N; Pozniak, Anton; Ustianowski, Andrew; Gompels, Mark; Winston, Alan; Schaap, Ab; Dunn, David T; Sabin, Caroline A; UK CHIC Study
  • Using COVID-19 responses to help strengthen the mental health system in Lebanon. (2020) El Chammay, Rabih; Roberts, Bayard
  • Risks to healthcare workers following tracheal intubation of patients with COVID-19: a prospective international multicentre cohort study. (2020) El-Boghdadly, K; Wong, DJN; Owen, R; Neuman, MD; Pocock, S; Carlisle, JB; Johnstone, C; Andruszkiewicz, P; Baker, PA; Biccard, BM; Bryson, GL; Chan, MTV; Cheng, MH; Chin, KJ; Coburn, M; Jonsson Fagerlund, M; Myatra, SN; Myles, PS; O'Sullivan, E; Pasin, L; Shamim, F; van Klei, WA; Ahmad, I
  • How the EMERGE guideline on medication adherence can improve the quality of clinical trials. (2020) Eliasson, Lina; Clifford, Sarah; Mulick, Amy; Jackson, Christina; Vrijens, Bernard
  • Global Asthma Network Phase I Surveillance: Geographical Coverage and Response Rates. (2020) Ellwood, Philippa; Ellwood, Eamon; Rutter, Charlotte; Perez-Fernandez, Virginia; Morales, Eva; García-Marcos, Luis; Pearce, Neil; Asher, M Innes; Strachan, David; On Behalf Of The Gan Phase I Study Group
  • Receptive anal sex contributes substantially to heterosexually acquired HIV infections among at-risk women in twenty US cities: Results from a modelling analysis. (2020) Elmes, Jocelyn; Silhol, Romain; Hess, Kristen L; Gedge, Lukyn M; Nordsletten, Ashley; Staunton, Roisin; Anton, Peter; Shacklett, Barbara; McGowan, Ian; Dang, Que; Adimora, Adaora A; Dimitrov, Dobromir T; Aral, Sevgi; Handanagic, Senad; Paz-Bailey, Gabriela; Boily, Marie-Claude
  • Non-malarial febrile illness: a systematic review of published aetiological studies and case reports from Africa, 1980-2015. (2020) Elven, Jeanne; Dahal, Prabin; Ashley, Elizabeth A; Thomas, Nigel V; Shrestha, Poojan; Stepniewska, Kasia; Crump, John A; Newton, Paul N; Bell, David; Reyburn, Hugh; Hopkins, Heidi; Guérin, Philippe J
  • Characterizing street-connected children and youths' social and health inequities in Kenya: a qualitative study. (2020) Embleton, L; Shah, P; Gayapersad, A; Kiptui, R; Ayuku, D; Braitstein, P
  • The contribution of asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections to transmission on the Diamond Princess cruise ship. (2020) Emery, Jon C; Russell, Timothy W; Liu, Yang; Hellewell, Joel; Pearson, Carl Ab; CMMID COVID-19 Working Group; Knight, Gwenan M; Eggo, Rosalind M; Kucharski, Adam J; Funk, Sebastian; Flasche, Stefan; Houben, Rein Mgj
  • Typologies of postnatal support and breastfeeding at two months in the UK. (2020) Emmott, Emily H; Page, Abigail E; Myers, Sarah
  • Typologies of postnatal support and breastfeeding at two months in the UK: Response to comments by Harpur & Haddon. (2020) Emmott, Emily H; Page, Abigail E; Myers, Sarah
  • Barriers and drivers to capacity-building in global mental health projects. (2020) Endale, Tarik; Qureshi, Onaiza; Ryan, Grace Kathryn; Esponda, Georgina Miguel; Verhey, Ruth; Eaton, Julian; De Silva, Mary; Murphy, Jill
  • Bias correction methods for test-negative designs in the presence of misclassification. (2020) Endo, A; Funk, S; Kucharski, AJ
  • Age and geographic dependence of Zika virus infection during the outbreak on Yap island, 2007. (2020) Endo, A; Nishiura, H
  • Letter to the Editor: correspondence to Yokota et al. (2020) "Mass screening of asymptomatic persons for SARS-CoV-2 using saliva". (2020) Endo, Akira
  • Estimating the overdispersion in COVID-19 transmission using outbreak sizes outside China. (2020) Endo, Akira; Centre for the Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases COV; Abbott, Sam; Kucharski, Adam J; Funk, Sebastian
  • Implication of backward contact tracing in the presence of overdispersed transmission in COVID-19 outbreaks. (2020) Endo, Akira; Centre for the Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases COV; Leclerc, Quentin J; Knight, Gwenan M; Medley, Graham F; Atkins, Katherine E; Funk, Sebastian; Kucharski, Adam J
  • Implication of backward contact tracing in the presence of overdispersed transmission in COVID-19 outbreaks. (2020) Endo, Akira; Centre for the Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases COV; Leclerc, Quentin J; Knight, Gwenan M; Medley, Graham F; Atkins, Katherine E; Funk, Sebastian; Kucharski, Adam J
  • The 2020 International Alliance for the Control of Scabies Consensus Criteria for the Diagnosis of Scabies. (2020) Engelman, D; Yoshizumi, J; Hay, RJ; Osti, M; Micali, G; Norton, S; Walton, S; Boralevi, F; Bernigaud, C; Bowen, AC; Chang, AY; Chosidow, O; Estrada-Chavez, G; Feldmeier, H; Ishii, N; Lacarrubba, F; Mahé, A; Maurer, T; Mahdi, MMA; Murdoch, ME; Pariser, D; Nair, PA; Rehmus, W; Romani, L; Tilakaratne, D; Tuicakau, M; Walker, SL; Wanat, KA; Whitfeld, MJ; Yotsu, RR; Steer, AC; Fuller, LC
  • Integration of prevention and control measures for female genital schistosomiasis, HIV and cervical cancer. (2020) Engels, Dirk; Hotez, Peter J; Ducker, Camilla; Gyapong, Margaret; Bustinduy, Amaya L; Secor, William E; Harrison, Wendy; Theobald, Sally; Thomson, Rachael; Gamba, Victoria; Masong, Makia C; Lammie, Patrick; Govender, Kreeneshni; Mbabazi, Pamela S; Malecela, Mwelecele N
  • Lessons from a Health Policy and Systems Research programme exploring the quality and coverage of newborn care in Kenya. (2020) English, Mike; Gathara, David; Nzinga, Jacinta; Kumar, Pratap; Were, Fred; Warfa, Osman; Tallam-Kimaiyo, Edna; Nandili, Mary; Obengo, Alfred; Abuya, Nancy; Jackson, Debra; Brownie, Sharon; Molyneux, Sassy; Jones, Caroline Olivia Holmes; Murphy, Georgina AV; McKnight, Jacob
  • Programme theory and linked intervention strategy for large-scale change to improve hospital care in a low and middle-income country - A Study Pre-Protocol. (2020) English, Mike; Nzinga, Jacinta; Irimu, Grace; Gathara, David; Aluvaala, Jalemba; McKnight, Jacob; Wong, Geoffrey; Molyneux, Sassy
  • Unsettled authority and humanitarian practice: reflections on local Iegitimacy from Sierra Leone’s borderlands. (2020) Enria, Luisa
  • Trust and Transparency in times of Crisis: Results from an Online Survey During the First Wave (April 2020) of the COVID-19 Epidemic in the UK. (2020) Enria, Luisa; Waterlow, Naomi; Rogers, Nina T; Brindle, Hannah; Lal, Sham; Eggo, Rosalind M; Lees, Shelley; Roberts, Chrissy H
  • Estimating malaria incidence from routine health facility-based surveillance data in Uganda. (2020) Epstein, Adrienne; Namuganga, Jane Frances; Kamya, Emmanuel Victor; Nankabirwa, Joaniter I; Bhatt, Samir; Rodriguez-Barraquer, Isabel; Staedke, Sarah G; Kamya, Moses R; Dorsey, Grant; Greenhouse, Bryan
  • Using vignettes to examine preferences for paying for long-term social care in online and interview surveys. (2020) Erens, Robert; Read, Sanna; Knapp, Martin; Wistow, Gerald; Wittenberg, Raphael; Mays, Nicholas
  • Can schools of global public health dismantle colonial legacies? (2020) Erondu, Ngozi A; Peprah, Dorothy; Khan, Mishal S
  • Association between acculturation surrogates and alcohol consumption in rural-to-urban migrants: The PERU MIGRANT study. (2020) Escobar-Agreda, Stefan; Taype-Rondan, Alvaro; Miranda, J Jaime
  • Management of idiopathic childhood nephrotic syndrome in sub-Saharan Africa: Ibadan consensus statement. (2020) Esezobor, Christopher; Ademola, Adebowale D; Adetunji, Adewale E; Anigilaje, Emmanuel A; Batte, Anthony; Jiya-Bello, Fatima N; Furia, Francis F; Muoneke, Uzoamaka; McCulloch, Mignon; Nourse, Peter; Obiagwu, Patience; Odetunde, Odutola; Okyere, Perditer; Solarin, Adaobi; Tannor, Elliot K; Noone, Damien; Gbadegesin, Rasheed; Parekh, Rulan S; Human Hereditary and Health in Africa Kidney Disease Research Ne
  • Determination of HIV status and identification of incident HIV infections in a large, community-randomized trial: HPTN 071 (PopART). (2020) Eshleman, Susan H; Piwowar-Manning, Estelle; Wilson, Ethan A; Lennon, Denni; Fogel, Jessica M; Agyei, Yaw; Sullivan, Philip A; Weng, Lei; Moore, Ayana; Laeyendecker, Oliver; Kosloff, Barry; Bwalya, Justin; Maarman, Gerald; van Deventer, Anneen; Floyd, Sian; Bock, Peter; Ayles, Helen; Fidler, Sarah; Hayes, Richard; Donnell, Deborah; HPTN 071 (PopART) Study Team
  • An Optimal Diagnostic Strategy for Tuberculosis in Hospitalized HIV-Infected Patients Using GeneXpert MTB/RIF and Alere Determine TB LAM Ag. (2020) Esmail, Aliasgar; Pooran, Anil; Sabur, Natasha F; Fadul, Mohammed; Brar, Mantaj S; Oelofse, Suzette; Tomasicchio, Michele; Dheda, Keertan
  • Comparison of Xpert MTB/RIF (G4) and Xpert Ultra, including trace readouts, for the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis in a TB and HIV endemic setting. (2020) Esmail, Aliasgar; Tomasicchio, Michele; Meldau, Richard; Makambwa, Edson; Dheda, Keertan
  • Determinants of clean birthing practices in low- and middle-income countries: a scoping review. (2020) Esteves Mills, Joanna; Flynn, Erin; Cumming, Oliver; Dreibelbis, Robert
  • Systematic Review of the Epidemiological Burden of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Across Europe: Current Evidence and EUROMENE Research Recommendations for Epidemiology. (2020) Estévez-López, Fernando; Mudie, Kathleen; Wang-Steverding, Xia; Bakken, Inger Johanne; Ivanovs, Andrejs; Castro-Marrero, Jesús; Nacul, Luis; Alegre, Jose; Zalewski, Paweł; Słomko, Joanna; Strand, Elin Bolle; Pheby, Derek; Shikova, Evelina; Lorusso, Lorenzo; Capelli, Enrica; Sekulic, Slobodan; Scheibenbogen, Carmen; Sepúlveda, Nuno; Murovska, Modra; Lacerda, Eliana
  • "If you are on duty, you may be afraid to come out to attend to a person": fear of crime and security challenges in maternal acute care in Nigeria from a realist perspective. (2020) Etiaba, Enyi; Manzano, Ana; Agbawodikeizu, Uju; Ogu, Udochukwu; Ebenso, Bassey; Uzochukwu, Benjamin; Onwujekwe, Obinna; Ezumah, Nkoli; Mirzoev, Tolib
  • Outcomes After Being Lost to Follow-up Differ for Pregnant and Postpartum Women When Compared With the General HIV Treatment Population in Rural South Africa. (2020) Etoori, David; Gomez-Olive, Francesc Xavier; Reniers, Georges; Rice, Brian; Renju, Jenny; Kabudula, Chodziwadziwa W; Wringe, Alison
  • 'If the results are negative, they motivate us'. Experiences of early infant diagnosis of HIV and engagement in Option B. (2020) Etoori, David; Renju, Jenny; Reniers, Georges; Ndhlovu, Violet; Ndubane, Sherly; Makhubela, Princess; Maritze, Meriam; Gomez-Olive, Francesc Xavier; Wringe, Alison
  • Misreporting of Patient Outcomes in the South African National HIV Treatment Database: Consequences for Programme Planning, Monitoring, and Evaluation. (2020) Etoori, David; Wringe, Alison; Kabudula, Chodziwadziwa Whiteson; Renju, Jenny; Rice, Brian; Gomez-Olive, F Xavier; Reniers, Georges
  • Challenges with tracing patients on antiretroviral therapy who are late for clinic appointments in rural South Africa and recommendations for future practice. (2020) Etoori, David; Wringe, Alison; Renju, Jenny; Kabudula, Chodziwadziwa Whiteson; Gomez-Olive, Francesc Xavier; Reniers, Georges
  • What kind of home is your care home? A typology of personalised care provided in residential and nursing homes. (2020) Ettelt, Stefanie; Williams, Lorraine; Damant, Jacqueline; Perkins, Margaret; Wittenberg, Raphael
  • A randomised feasibility trial of an intervention to support sharing of HIV status for 18-25-year olds living with perinatally acquired HIV compared with standard care: HIV Empowering Adults' Decisions to Share-UK/Uganda Project (HEADS-UP). (2020) Evangeli, Michael; Foster, Caroline; Musiime, Victor; Fidler, Sarah; Seeley, Janet; Gnan, Georgina
  • PM2.5 and NO2 exposure errors using proxy measures, including derived personal exposure from outdoor sources: A systematic review and meta-analysis. (2020) Evangelopoulos, Dimitris; Katsouyanni, Klea; Keogh, Ruth H; Samoli, Evangelia; Schwartz, Joel; Barratt, Ben; Zhang, Hanbin; Walton, Heather
  • Radiotherapy for neovascular age-related macular degeneration. (2020) Evans, Jennifer R; Igwe, Chinedu; Jackson, Timothy L; Chong, Victor
  • Radiotherapy for neovascular age-related macular degeneration. (2020) Evans, Jennifer R; Igwe, Chinedu; Jackson, Timothy L; Chong, Victor
  • Outcomes in randomised controlled trials of multifocal lenses in cataract surgery: the case for development of a core outcome set. (2020) Evans, Jennifer R; de Silva, Samantha R; Ziaei, Mohammed; Kirthi, Varo; Leyland, Martin D
  • Equity was rarely considered in Cochrane Eyes and Vision systematic reviews and primary studies on cataract. (2020) Evans, Jennifer; Mwangi, Nyawira; Burn, Helen; Ramke, Jacqueline
  • Rationale and design of the LIBERATES trial: Protocol for a randomised controlled trial of flash glucose monitoring for optimisation of glycaemia in individuals with type 2 diabetes and recent myocardial infarction. (2020) Everett, Colin C; Reynolds, Catherine; Fernandez, Catherine; Stocken, Deborah D; Sharples, Linda D; Sathyapalan, Thozhukat; Heller, Simon; Storey, Robert F; Ajjan, Ramzi A
  • Trihalomethanes in Drinking Water and Bladder Cancer Burden in the European Union. (2020) Evlampidou, Iro; Font-Ribera, Laia; Rojas-Rueda, David; Gracia-Lavedan, Esther; Costet, Nathalie; Pearce, Neil; Vineis, Paolo; Jaakkola, Jouni JK; Delloye, Francis; Makris, Konstantinos C; Stephanou, Euripides G; Kargaki, Sophia; Kozisek, Frantisek; Sigsgaard, Torben; Hansen, Birgitte; Schullehner, Jörg; Nahkur, Ramon; Galey, Catherine; Zwiener, Christian; Vargha, Marta; Righi, Elena; Aggazzotti, Gabriella; Kalnina, Gunda; Grazuleviciene, Regina; Polanska, Kinga; Gubkova, Dasa; Bitenc, Katarina; Goslan, Emma H; Kogevinas, Manolis; Villanueva, Cristina M
  • Pancreatic cancer incidence and survival and the role of specialist centres in resection rates in England, 2000 to 2014: A population-based study. (2020) Exarchakou, Aimilia; Papacleovoulou, Georgia; Rous, Brian; Magadi, Winnie; Rachet, Bernard; Neoptolemos, John P; Coleman, Michel P
  • Provision of essential evidence-based interventions during facility-based childbirth: cross-sectional observations of births in northeast Nigeria. (2020) Exley, Josephine; Hanson, Claudia; Umar, Nasir; Willey, Barbara; Shuaibu, Abdulrahman; Marchant, Tanya
  • Human Challenge Studies to Accelerate Coronavirus Vaccine Licensure. (2020) Eyal, Nir; Lipsitch, Marc; Smith, Peter G
  • Reply to Hasford and to Spinola et al. (2020) Eyal, Nir; Lipsitch, Marc; Smith, Peter G
  • Response to Cioffi. (2020) Eyal, Nir; Lipsitch, Marc; Smith, Peter G
  • Response to Dawson et al. (2020) Eyal, Nir; Lipsitch, Marc; Smith, Peter G
  • Impact of baseline cases of cough and fever on UK COVID-19 diagnostic testing rates: estimates from the Bug Watch community cohort study. (2020) Eyre, Max T; Burns, Rachel; Kirkby, Victoria; Smith, Catherine; Denaxas, Spiros; Nguyen, Vincent; Hayward, Andrew; Shallcross, Laura; Fragaszy, Ellen; Aldridge, Robert W
  • Author Correction: Integrating standardized whole genome sequence analysis with a global Mycobacterium tuberculosis antibiotic resistance knowledgebase. (2020) Ezewudo, Matthew; Borens, Amanda; Chiner-Oms, Álvaro; Miotto, Paolo; Chindelevitch, Leonid; Starks, Angela M; Hanna, Debra; Liwski, Richard; Zignol, Matteo; Gilpin, Christopher; Niemann, Stefan; Kohl, Thomas Andreas; Warren, Robin M; Crook, Derrick; Gagneux, Sebastien; Hoffner, Sven; Rodrigues, Camilla; Comas, Iñaki; Engelthaler, David M; Alland, David; Rigouts, Leen; Lange, Christoph; Dheda, Keertan; Hasan, Rumina; McNerney, Ruth; Cirillo, Daniela M; Schito, Marco; Rodwell, Timothy C; Posey, James
  • Modelling the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on violent discipline against children. (2020) Fabbri, Camilla; Bhatia, Amiya; Petzold, Max; Jugder, Munkhbadar; Guedes, Alessandra; Cappa, Claudia; Devries, Karen
  • Retinoblastoma management during the COVID-19 pandemic: A report by the Global Retinoblastoma Study Group including 194 centers from 94 countries. (2020) Fabian, Ido Didi; Stacey, Andrew W; Bowman, Richard; Khetan, Vikas; Blum, Sharon; Keren-Froim, Naama; Staffieri, Sandra; Foster, Allen; Global Retinoblastoma Study Group
  • Travel burden and clinical presentation of retinoblastoma: analysis of 1024 patients from 43 African countries and 518 patients from 40 European countries. (2020) Fabian, Ido Didi; Stacey, Andrew W; Foster, Allen; Kivelä, Tero T; Munier, Francis L; Keren-Froim, Naama; Gomel, Nir; Cassoux, Nathalie; Sagoo, Mandeep S; Reddy, M Ashwin; Harby, Lamis Al; Zondervan, Marcia; Bascaran, Covadonga; Abdallah, Elhassan; Abdullahi, Shehu U; Boubacar, Sahadatou Adamou; Ademola-Popoola, Dupe S; Adio, Adedayo; Aghaji, Ada E; Portabella, Silvia Alarcón; Alfa Bio, Amadou I; Ali, Amany M; Alia, Donjeta B; All-Eriksson, Charlotta; Almeida, Argentino A; Alsawidi, Khalifa M; Antonino, Romanzo; Astbury, Nicholas J; Atsiaya, Rose; Balaguer, Julia; Balwierz, Walentyna; Barranco, Honorio; Popovic, Maja Beck; Benmiloud, Sarra; Guebessi, Nissrine Bennani; Berete, Rokia C; Biddulph, Shelley J; Biewald, Eva M; Blum, Sharon; Bobrova, Nadia; Boehme, Marianna; Bornfeld, Norbert; Bouda, Gabrielle C; Bouguila, Hédi; Boumedane, Amaria; Brichard, Bénédicte G; L, Michael Capra; Castela, Guilherme; Català-Mora, Jaume; Chantada, Guillermo L; Chernodrinska, Violeta S; Chiwanga, Faraja S; Cieslik, Krzysztof; Comsa, Codruta; Correa Llano, Maria G; Csóka, Monika; Da Gama, Isac V; Davidson, Alan; Potter, Patrick De; Desjardins, Laurence; Dragomir, Monica D; Bruyn, Magritha Du; Kettani, Asmaa El; Elbahi, Amal M; Elgalaly, Dina; Elhaddad, Alaa M; Ali Elhassan, Moawia M; Elzembely, Mahmoud M; Essuman, Vera A; Evina, Ted Grimbert A; Fasina, Oluyemi; Fernández-Teijeiro, Ana; Gandiwa, Moira; Aldana, David García; Geel, Jennifer A; Gizachew, Zelalem; Gregersen, Pernille A; Guedenon, Koffi M; Hadjistilianou, Theodora; Hassan, Sadiq; Hederova, Stanislava; Hessissen, Laila; Hordofa, Diriba F; Hummlen, Marlies; Husakova, Kristina; Ida, Russo; Ilic, Vesna R; Jenkinson, Helen; Amani Kabesha, Theophile B; Kabore, Rolande L; Kalinaki, Abubakar; Kapelushnik, Noa; Kardava, Tamar; Kemilev, Pavlin Kroumov; Kepak, Tomas; Khotenashvili, Zaza; Klett, Artur; Kosh Komba Palet, Jess Elio; Krivaitiene, Dalia; Kruger, Mariana; Kyara, Alice; Lachmann, Eva S; Latinović, Slobodanka; Lecuona, Karin; Lukamba, Robert M; Lumbroso, Livia; Lysytsia, Lesia; Maka, Erika; Makan, Mayuri; Manda, Chatonda; Begue, Nieves Martín; Matende, Ibrahim O; Matua, Marchelo; Mayet, Ismail; Mbumba, Freddy B; Mengesha, Aemero A; Midena, Edoardo; Mndeme, Furahini G; Mohamedani, Ahmed A; Moll, Annette C; Moreira, Claude; Msina, Mchikirwa S; Msukwa, Gerald; Muma, Kangwa I; Murgoi, Gabriela; Musa, Kareem O; Mustak, Hamzah; Muyen, Okwen M; Naidu, Gita; Naumenko, Larisa; Ndoye Roth, Paule Aïda; Neroev, Vladimir; Nikitovic, Marina; Nkanga, Elizabeth D; Nkumbe, Henry; Nyaywa, Mutale; Obono-Obiang, Ghislaine; Oguego, Ngozi C; Olechowski, Andrzej; Oscar, Alexander Hugo; Osei-Bonsu, Peter; Painter, Sally L; Paintsil, Vivian; Paiva, Luisa; Papyan, Ruzanna; Parrozzani, Raffaele; Parulekar, Manoj; Pawinska-Wasikowska, Katarzyna; Perić, Sanja; Philbert, Remezo; Pochop, Pavel; Polyakov, Vladimir G; Pompe, Manca T; Pons, Jonathan J; Raobela, Léa; Renner, Lorna A; Reynders, David; Ribadu, Dahiru; Riheia, Mussagy M; Ritter-Sovinz, Petra; Saakyan, Svetlana; Said, Azza Ma; Román Pacheco, Sonsoles San; Scanlan, Trish A; Schoeman, Judy; Seregard, Stefan; Sherief, Sadik T; Cheikh, Sidi Sidi; Silva, Sónia; Sorochynska, Tetyana; Ssali, Grace; Stathopoulos, Christina; Kranjc, Branka Stirn; Stones, David K; Svojgr, Karel; Sylla, Fatoumata; Tamamyan, Gevorg; Tandili, Alketa; Tateshi, Bekim; Theophile, Tuyisabe; Traoré, Fousseyni; Tyau-Tyau, Harba; Umar, Ali B; Urbak, Steen F; Ushakova, Tatiana L; Valeina, Sandra; Hoefen Wijsard, Milo van; Veleva-Krasteva, Nevyana V; Viksnins, Maris; Wackernagel, Werner; Waddell, Keith; Wade, Patricia D; Wali Nigeria, Amina H; Wime, Amelia Dc; Dod, Charlotte Wolley; Yanga, Jenny M; Yarovaya, Vera A; Yarovoy, Andrey A; Zein, Ekhtelbenina; Sharabi, Shirley; Zhilyaeva, Katsiaryna; Ziko, Othman Ao; Bowman, Richard
  • Association between admission criteria and body composition among young children with moderate acute malnutrition, a cross-sectional study from Burkina Faso. (2020) Fabiansen, Christian; Cichon, Bernardette; Yaméogo, Charles W; Iuel-Brockdorf, Ann-Sophie; Phelan, Kevin PQ; Wells, Jonathan C; Ritz, Christian; Filteau, Suzanne; Briend, André; Christensen, Vibeke B; Ashorn, Per; Michaelsen, Kim F; Shepherd, Susan; Friis, Henrik
  • Financial incentives to promote retention in care and viral suppression in adults with HIV initiating antiretroviral therapy in Tanzania: a three-arm randomised controlled trial. (2020) Fahey, Carolyn A; Njau, Prosper F; Katabaro, Emmanuel; Mfaume, Rashid S; Ulenga, Nzovu; Mwenda, Natalino; Bradshaw, Patrick T; Dow, William H; Padian, Nancy S; Jewell, Nicholas P; McCoy, Sandra I
  • Assessing the potential impact on health of the UK's future relationship agreement with the EU: analysis of the negotiating positions. (2020) Fahy, Nick; Hervey, Tamara; Dayan, Mark; Flear, Mark; Galsworthy, Mike; Greer, Scott; Jarman, Holly; McKee, Martin
  • Sexual behaviour, changes in sexual behaviour and associated factors among women at high risk of HIV participating in feasibility studies for prevention trials in Tanzania. (2020) Faini, Diana; Hanson, Claudia; Baisley, Kathy; Kapiga, Saidi; Hayes, Richard
  • "I did not plan to have a baby. This is the outcome of our work": a qualitative study exploring unintended pregnancy among female sex workers. (2020) Faini, Diana; Munseri, Patricia; Bakari, Muhammad; Sandström, Eric; Faxelid, Elisabeth; Hanson, Claudia
  • Factors associated with low birth weight at term: a population-based linkage study of the 100 million Brazilian cohort. (2020) Falcão, Ila R; Ribeiro-Silva, Rita de Cássia; de Almeida, Marcia F; Fiaccone, Rosemeire L; Dos S Rocha, Aline; Ortelan, Naiá; Silva, Natanael J; Paixao, Enny S; Ichihara, Maria Yury; Rodrigues, Laura C; Barreto, Mauricio L
  • Influence of China's 2009 healthcare reform on the utilisation of continuum of care for maternal health services: evidence from two cross-sectional household surveys in Shaanxi Province. (2020) Fan, Xiaojing; Kumar, Meghan Bruce; Zhou, Zhongliang; Lee, Ching-Hung; Wang, Duolao; Liu, Haixia; Dang, Shaonong; Gao, Jianmin
  • Re: Hiten D. Patel, Farzana A. Faisal, Bruce J. Trock, et al. Effect of Pharmacologic Prophylaxis on Venous Thromboembolism After Radical Prostatectomy: The PREVENTER Randomized Clinical Trial. Eur Urol 2020;78:360-8. (2020) Fankhauser, Christian D; Parry, Matthew G; Clarke, Noel W
  • Corrigendum to "Cost-effectiveness of introducing a domestic pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV7-TT) into the Cuban national immunization programme" [Int. J. Infect. Dis. 97 (2020) 182-189]. (2020) Fariñas, Anai García; Linares-Pérez, Nivaldo; Clark, Andrew; Toledo-Romaní, María Eugenia; Omeiri, Nathalie El; Araújo, Martha C Marrero; Luis, Isabel Pilar Gonzálvez; Peraza, Gilda Toraño; Jiménez, Alicia Reyes; Ambrón, Lena López; Cuban Pneumococcal Vaccine Working Group
  • Mapping the community: use of research evidence in policy and practice. (2020) Farley-Ripple, Elizabeth N; Oliver, Kathryn; Boaz, Annette
  • Silent casualty of COVID-19: Training and education. (2020) Farooqui, Javed Hussain; Das, Sima; Sabherwal, Shalinder; Mathur, Umang; Iqbal, Sana
  • Assessment of Test Anxiety, Student Preferences and Performance on Different Examination Models in Umm AlQura University, Saudi Arabia. (2020) Farrag, Shewikar; Hammad, Dayana; Afolabi, Muhammed Olanrewaju
  • Prevalence, risk factors and health consequences of soil-transmitted helminth infection on the Bijagos Islands, Guinea Bissau: A community-wide cross-sectional study. (2020) Farrant, Olivia; Marlais, Tegwen; Houghton, Joanna; Goncalves, Adriana; Teixeira da Silva Cassama, Eunice; Cabral, Marito Gomes; Nakutum, Jose; Manjuba, Cristovao; Rodrigues, Amabelia; Mabey, David; Bailey, Robin; Last, Anna
  • Utilising animal models to evaluate oseltamivir efficacy against influenza A and B viruses with reduced in vitro susceptibility. (2020) Farrukee, Rubaiyea; Tai, Celeste Ming-Kay; Oh, Ding Yuan; Anderson, Danielle E; Gunalan, Vithiagaran; Hibberd, Martin; Lau, Gary Yuk-Fai; Barr, Ian G; Messling, Veronika von; Maurer-Stroh, Sebastian; Hurt, Aeron C
  • World Gastroenterology Organisation Global Guidelines: Management of Strongyloidiasis February 2018-Compact Version>. (2020) Farthing, Michael; Albonico, Marco; Bisoffi, Zeno; Bundy, Donald; Buonfrate, Dora; Chiodini, Peter; Katelaris, Peter; Kelly, Paul; Savioli, Lorenzo; Mair, Anton Le
  • Access to care for childhood cancers in India: perspectives of health care providers and the implications for universal health coverage. (2020) Faruqui, Neha; Bernays, Sarah; Martiniuk, Alexandra; Abimbola, Seye; Arora, Ramandeep; Lowe, Jennifer; Denburg, Avram; Joshi, Rohina
  • Re-sensitization of Mycobacterium smegmatis to Rifampicin Using CRISPR Interference Demonstrates Its Utility for the Study of Non-essential Drug Resistance Traits. (2020) Faulkner, Valwynne; Cox, Adrienne Adele; Goh, Shan; van Bohemen, Annelies; Gibson, Amanda J; Liebster, Oliver; Wren, Brendan W; Willcocks, Sam; Kendall, Sharon L
  • Simple ideas to mitigate the impacts of the COVID-19 epidemic on refugees with chronic diseases. (2020) Fawad, Muhammad; Rawashdeh, Fatima; Parmar, Parveen K; Ratnayake, Ruwan
  • Online socializing among men who have sex with men and transgender people in Nairobi and Johannesburg and implications for public health-related research and health promotion: an analysis of qualitative and respondent-driven sampling survey data. (2020) Fearon, Elizabeth; Bourne, Adam; Tenza, Siyanda; Palanee-Phillips, Thesla; Kabuti, Rhoda; Weatherburn, Peter; Nutland, Will; Kimani, Joshua; Smith, Adrian D
  • Estimating the Population Size of Female Sex Workers in Zimbabwe: Comparison of Estimates Obtained Using Different Methods in Twenty Sites and Development of a National-Level Estimate. (2020) Fearon, Elizabeth; Chabata, Sungai T; Magutshwa, Sitholubuhle; Ndori-Mharadze, Tendayi; Musemburi, Sithembile; Chidawanyika, Henry; Masendeke, Absolom; Napierala, Sue; Gonese, Elizabeth; Herman Roloff, Amy; Tippett Barr, Beth A; Kilmarx, Peter H; Wong-Gruenwald, Ramona; Chidiya, Samson; Mhangara, Mutsa; Hanisch, Dagmar; Edwards, Jessie K; Rice, Brian; Taramusi, Isaac; Mbengeranwa, Tendai; Manangazira, Portia; Mugurungi, Owen; Hargreaves, James R; Cowan, Frances M
  • HIV testing, care and viral suppression among men who have sex with men and transgender individuals in Johannesburg, South Africa. (2020) Fearon, Elizabeth; Tenza, Siyanda; Mokoena, Cecilia; Moodley, Kerushini; Smith, Adrian D; Bourne, Adam; Weatherburn, Peter; Palanee-Phillips, Thesla
  • Post-pandemic recovery: use of scientific advice to achieve social equity, planetary health, and economic benefits. (2020) Fears, Robin; Gillett, William; Haines, Andy; Norton, Michael; Ter Meulen, Volker
  • Eosinophilic meningitis due to Angiostrongylus cantonensis in Europe. (2020) Federspiel, Frederik; Skovmand, Sofie; Skarphedinsson, Sigurdur
  • Transcriptome-wide association study of breast cancer risk by estrogen-receptor status. (2020) Feng, Helian; Gusev, Alexander; Pasaniuc, Bogdan; Wu, Lang; Long, Jirong; Abu-Full, Zomoroda; Aittomäki, Kristiina; Andrulis, Irene L; Anton-Culver, Hoda; Antoniou, Antonis C; Arason, Adalgeir; Arndt, Volker; Aronson, Kristan J; Arun, Banu K; Asseryanis, Ella; Auer, Paul L; Azzollini, Jacopo; Balmaña, Judith; Barkardottir, Rosa B; Barnes, Daniel R; Barrowdale, Daniel; Beckmann, Matthias W; Behrens, Sabine; Benitez, Javier; Bermisheva, Marina; Białkowska, Katarzyna; Blanco, Ana; Blomqvist, Carl; Boeckx, Bram; Bogdanova, Natalia V; Bojesen, Stig E; Bolla, Manjeet K; Bonanni, Bernardo; Borg, Ake; Brauch, Hiltrud; Brenner, Hermann; Briceno, Ignacio; Broeks, Annegien; Brüning, Thomas; Burwinkel, Barbara; Cai, Qiuyin; Caldés, Trinidad; Caligo, Maria A; Campbell, Ian; Canisius, Sander; Campa, Daniele; Carter, Brian D; Carter, Jonathan; Castelao, Jose E; Chang-Claude, Jenny; Chanock, Stephen J; Christiansen, Hans; Chung, Wendy K; Claes, Kathleen BM; Clarke, Christine L; GEMO Study Collaborators; EMBRACE Collaborators; GC-HBOC study Collaborators; Couch, Fergus J; Cox, Angela; Cross, Simon S; Cybulski, Cezary; Czene, Kamila; Daly, Mary B; de la Hoya, Miguel; De Leeneer, Kim; Dennis, Joe; Devilee, Peter; Diez, Orland; Domchek, Susan M; Dörk, Thilo; Dos-Santos-Silva, Isabel; Dunning, Alison M; Dwek, Miriam; Eccles, Diana M; Ejlertsen, Bent; Ellberg, Carolina; Engel, Christoph; Eriksson, Mikael; Fasching, Peter A; Fletcher, Olivia; Flyger, Henrik; Fostira, Florentia; Friedman, Eitan; Fritschi, Lin; Frost, Debra; Gabrielson, Marike; Ganz, Patricia A; Gapstur, Susan M; Garber, Judy; García-Closas, Montserrat; García-Sáenz, José A; Gaudet, Mia M; Giles, Graham G; Glendon, Gord; Godwin, Andrew K; Goldberg, Mark S; Goldgar, David E; González-Neira, Anna; Greene, Mark H; Gronwald, Jacek; Guénel, Pascal; Haiman, Christopher A; Hall, Per; Hamann, Ute; Hake, Christopher; He, Wei; Heyworth, Jane; Hogervorst, Frans BL; Hollestelle, Antoinette; Hooning, Maartje J; Hoover, Robert N; Hopper, John L; Huang, Guanmengqian; Hulick, Peter J; Humphreys, Keith; Imyanitov, Evgeny N; ABCTB Investigators; HEBON Investigators; BCFR Investigators; OCGN Investigators; Isaacs, Claudine; Jakimovska, Milena; Jakubowska, Anna; James, Paul; Janavicius, Ramunas; Jankowitz, Rachel C; John, Esther M; Johnson, Nichola; Joseph, Vijai; Jung, Audrey; Karlan, Beth Y; Khusnutdinova, Elza; Kiiski, Johanna I; Konstantopoulou, Irene; Kristensen, Vessela N; Laitman, Yael; Lambrechts, Diether; Lazaro, Conxi; Leroux, Dominique; Leslie, Goska; Lester, Jenny; Lesueur, Fabienne; Lindor, Noralane; Lindström, Sara; Lo, Wing-Yee; Loud, Jennifer T; Lubiński, Jan; Makalic, Enes; Mannermaa, Arto; Manoochehri, Mehdi; Manoukian, Siranoush; Margolin, Sara; Martens, John WM; Martinez, Maria E; Matricardi, Laura; Maurer, Tabea; Mavroudis, Dimitrios; McGuffog, Lesley; Meindl, Alfons; Menon, Usha; Michailidou, Kyriaki; Kapoor, Pooja M; Miller, Austin; Montagna, Marco; Moreno, Fernando; Moserle, Lidia; Mulligan, Anna M; Muranen, Taru A; Nathanson, Katherine L; Neuhausen, Susan L; Nevanlinna, Heli; Nevelsteen, Ines; Nielsen, Finn C; Nikitina-Zake, Liene; Offit, Kenneth; Olah, Edith; Olopade, Olufunmilayo I; Olsson, Håkan; Osorio, Ana; Papp, Janos; Park-Simon, Tjoung-Won; Parsons, Michael T; Pedersen, Inge S; Peixoto, Ana; Peterlongo, Paolo; Peto, Julian; Pharoah, Paul DP; Phillips, Kelly-Anne; Plaseska-Karanfilska, Dijana; Poppe, Bruce; Pradhan, Nisha; Prajzendanc, Karolina; Presneau, Nadege; Punie, Kevin; Pylkäs, Katri; Radice, Paolo; Rantala, Johanna; Rashid, Muhammad Usman; Rennert, Gad; Risch, Harvey A; Robson, Mark; Romero, Atocha; Saloustros, Emmanouil; Sandler, Dale P; Santos, Catarina; Sawyer, Elinor J; Schmidt, Marjanka K; Schmidt, Daniel F; Schmutzler, Rita K; Schoemaker, Minouk J; Scott, Rodney J; Sharma, Priyanka; Shu, Xiao-Ou; Simard, Jacques; Singer, Christian F; Skytte, Anne-Bine; Soucy, Penny; Southey, Melissa C; Spinelli, John J; Spurdle, Amanda B; Stone, Jennifer; Swerdlow, Anthony J; Tapper, William J; Taylor, Jack A; Teixeira, Manuel R; Terry, Mary Beth; Teulé, Alex; Thomassen, Mads; Thöne, Kathrin; Thull, Darcy L; Tischkowitz, Marc; Toland, Amanda E; Tollenaar, Rob AEM; Torres, Diana; Truong, Thérèse; Tung, Nadine; Vachon, Celine M; van Asperen, Christi J; van den Ouweland, Ans MW; van Rensburg, Elizabeth J; Vega, Ana; Viel, Alessandra; Vieiro-Balo, Paula; Wang, Qin; Wappenschmidt, Barbara; Weinberg, Clarice R; Weitzel, Jeffrey N; Wendt, Camilla; Winqvist, Robert; Yang, Xiaohong R; Yannoukakos, Drakoulis; Ziogas, Argyrios; Milne, Roger L; Easton, Douglas F; Chenevix-Trench, Georgia; Zheng, Wei; Kraft, Peter; Jiang, Xia
  • Correlation models for monitoring fetal growth. (2020) Feng, Yuan; Xiao, Luo; Li, Cai; Chen, Stephanie T; Ohuma, Eric O
  • Effectiveness of nurse-led group CBT for hot flushes and night sweats in women with breast cancer: Results of the MENOS4 randomised controlled trial. (2020) Fenlon, Deborah; Maishman, Tom; Day, Laura; Nuttall, Jacqueline; May, Carl; Ellis, Mary; Raftery, James; Turner, Lesley; Fields, Jo; Griffiths, Gareth; Hunter, Myra S
  • Emergency department outcome of elderly patients assisted by professional home services, the EPIGER study. (2020) Feral-Pierssens, Anne-Laure; Toury, Gustave; Sehimi, Fatima; Peschanski, Nicolas; Laribi, Saïd; Carpentier, Amélie; Kraif, Magali; Carbonnier, Clément; Duchateau, François-Xavier; Freund, Yonathan; Juvin, Philippe; EPIGER IRU-SFMU study group
  • Eye clinic attendance at the olympic and paralympic games Rio 2016 and its correlation to the WHO indicators on eye health. (2020) Fernandes, Arthur Gustavo; Bastawrous, Andrew; Ferraz, Nívea Nunes; Hennig, Benjamin; Lima, Vagner Loduca; Viana, Rodrigo Galvao; Campos, Mauro; Furtado, João Marcello
  • INTERGROWTH-21st Project international INTER-NDA standards for child development at 2 years of age: an international prospective population-based study. (2020) Fernandes, Michelle; Villar, José; Stein, Alan; Staines Urias, Eleonora; Garza, Cutberto; Victora, Cesar G; Barros, Fernando C; Bertino, Enrico; Purwar, Manorama; Carvalho, Maria; Giuliani, Francesca; Wulff, Katharina; Abubakar, Amina A; Kihara, Michael; Cheikh Ismail, Leila; Aranzeta, Luis; Albernaz, Elaine; Kunnawar, Naina; Di Nicola, Paola; Ochieng, Roseline; Sandells, Tamsin; Savini, Sandy; Temple, Sophie; Murray, Elizabeth; Ohuma, Eric O; Gravett, Michael G; Pang, Ruyan; Jaffer, Yasmine A; Noble, Julia Alison; Winsey, Adele; Lambert, Ann; Papageorghiou, Aris T; Bhutta, Zulfiqar; Kennedy, Stephen
  • Cost-effectiveness of intermittent preventive treatment with dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine for malaria during pregnancy: an analysis using efficacy results from Uganda and Kenya, and pooled data. (2020) Fernandes, Silke; Were, Vincent; Gutman, Julie; Dorsey, Grant; Kakuru, Abel; Desai, Meghna; Kariuki, Simon; Kamya, Moses R; Ter Kuile, Feiko O; Hanson, Kara
  • Tackling second-hand exposure to tobacco smoke and aerosols of electronic cigarettes: the TackSHS project protocol. (2020) Fernández, Esteve; López, María José; Gallus, Silvano; Semple, Sean; Clancy, Luke; Behrakis, Panagiotis; Ruprecht, Ario; Gorini, Giuseppe; López-Nicolás, Ángel; Radu-Loghin, Cornel; Soriano, Joan B; TackSHS Project Investigators; TackSHS Project Investigators
  • Effect of Once-Weekly Azithromycin vs Placebo in Children With HIV-Associated Chronic Lung Disease: The BREATHE Randomized Clinical Trial. (2020) Ferrand, Rashida A; McHugh, Grace; Rehman, Andrea M; Mujuru, Hilda; Simms, Victoria; Majonga, Edith D; Nicol, Mark P; Flaegstad, Trond; Gutteberg, Tore J; Gonzalez-Martinez, Carmen; Corbett, Elizabeth L; Rowland-Jones, Sarah L; Kranzer, Katharina; Weiss, Helen A; Odland, Jon O; BREATHE Trial Group
  • AUDITING USE OF ANTIBIOTICS IN ZIMBABWEAN NEONATES. (2020) Ferrand, Rashida; Chimhini, Gwendoline; Chimhuya, S; Madzudzo, L; Heys, M; Crehan, C; Robertson, V; Sado, B; Sharland, M; Walker, AS; Klein, N; Fitzgerald, FC
  • Estimating the Lifetime Benefits of Treatments for Heart Failure. (2020) Ferreira, João Pedro; Docherty, Kieran F; Stienen, Susan; Jhund, Pardeep S; Claggett, Brian L; Solomon, Scott D; Petrie, Mark C; Gregson, John; Pocock, Stuart J; Zannad, Faiez; McMurray, John JV
  • Non-invasive monitoring of drug action: A new live in vitro assay design for Chagas' disease drug discovery. (2020) Fesser, Anna F; Braissant, Olivier; Olmo, Francisco; Kelly, John M; Mäser, Pascal; Kaiser, Marcel
  • Lassa Fever Induced Hearing Loss: The Neglected Disability of Hemorrhagic Fever. (2020) Ficenec, Samuel C; Percak, Jeffrey; Arguello, Sara; Bays, Alison; Goba, Augustine; Gbakie, Michael; Shaffer, Jeffrey G; Emmett, Susan D; Schieffelin, John S; Bausch, Daniel
  • SEPSIS project: a protocol for studying biomarkers of neonatal sepsis and immune responses of infants in a malaria-endemic region. (2020) Fievet, Nadine; Ezinmegnon, Sem; Agbota, Gino; Sossou, Darius; Ladekpo, Rodolphe; Gbedande, Komi; Briand, Valerie; Cottrell, Gilles; Vachot, Laurence; Yugueros Marcos, Javier; Pachot, Alexandre; Textoris, Julien; Blein, Sophie; Lausten-Thomsen, Ulrik; Massougbodji, Achille; Bagnan, Lehila; Tchiakpe, Nicole; d'Almeida, Marceline; Alao, Jules; Dossou-Dagba, Ida; Tissieres, Pierre; SEPSIS study group collaborators; SEPSIS study group
  • Referral patterns of children with glaucoma and their caretakers in Northern Tanzania. (2020) Fieß, Achim; Godfrey, Furahini; Schuster, Alexander K; Bowman, Richard; Philippin, Heiko
  • Lessons learnt from ceftriaxone-resistant gonorrhoea in the UK and Australia. (2020) Fifer, Helen; Hughes, Gwenda; Whiley, David; Lahra, Monica M
  • High blood pressure predicts hippocampal atrophy rate in cognitively impaired elders. (2020) Fiford, Cassidy M; Nicholas, Jennifer M; Biessels, Geert Jan; Lane, Christopher A; Cardoso, M Jorge; Barnes, Josephine
  • Automated White Matter Hyperintensity Segmentation Using Bayesian Model Selection: Assessment and Correlations with Cognitive Change. (2020) Fiford, Cassidy M; Sudre, Carole H; Pemberton, Hugh; Walsh, Phoebe; Manning, Emily; Malone, Ian B; Nicholas, Jennifer; Bouvy, Willem H; Carmichael, Owen T; Biessels, Geert Jan; Cardoso, M Jorge; Barnes, Josephine; Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative
  • Genomic epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 spread in Scotland highlights the role of European travel in COVID-19 emergence. (2020) Filipe, Ana da Silva; Shepherd, James; Williams, Thomas; Hughes, Joseph; Aranday-Cortes, Elihu; Asamaphan, Patawee; Balcazar, Carlos; Brunker, Kirstyn; Carmichael, Stephen; Dewar, Rebecca; Gallagher, Michael D; Gunson, Rory; Ho, Antonia; Jesudason, Natasha; Johnson, Natasha; Leitch, E Carol McWilliam; Li, Kathy; MacLean, Alasdair; Mair, Daniel; McDonald, Sarah E; McHugh, Martin; Nichols, Jenna; Niebel, Marc; Nomikou, Kyriaki; Orton, Richard J; O’Toole, Áine; Palmarini, Massimo; Parr, Yasmin A; Rambaut, Andrew; Rooke, Stefan; Shaaban, Sharif; Shah, Rajiv; Singer, Joshua B; Smollett, Katherine; Starinskij, Igor; Tong, Lily; Vattipally, Sreenu; Wastnedge, Elizabeth; Robertson, David L; Holden, Matthew TG; Templeton, Kate; Thomson, Emma C
  • Development and internal validation of a diagnostic prediction model for COVID-19 at time of admission to hospital. (2020) Fink, DL; Khan, PY; Goldman, N; Cai, J; Hone, L; Mooney, C; El-Shakankery, KH; Sismey, G; Whitford, V; Marks, M; Thomas, S
  • How to make your research jump off the page: Co-creation to broaden public engagement in medical research. (2020) Finley, Nina; Swartz, Talia H; Cao, Kevin; Tucker, Joseph D
  • Drug therapy for delirium in terminally ill adults. (2020) Finucane, Anne M; Jones, Louise; Leurent, Baptiste; Sampson, Elizabeth L; Stone, Patrick; Tookman, Adrian; Candy, Bridget
  • Using a real-world network to model localized COVID-19 control strategies. (2020) Firth, Josh A; Hellewell, Joel; Klepac, Petra; Kissler, Stephen; CMMID COVID-19 Working Group; Kucharski, Adam J; Spurgin, Lewis G
  • Robustness of Serologic Investigations for Chikungunya and Mayaro Viruses following Coemergence. (2020) Fischer, Carlo; Bozza, Fernando; Merino Merino, Xiomara Jeanleny; Pedroso, Celia; de Oliveira Filho, Edmilson F; Moreira-Soto, Andrés; Schwalb, Alvaro; de Lamballerie, Xavier; Netto, Eduardo Martins; Bozza, Patrícia T; Sarno, Manoel; Brites, Carlos; Gotuzzo, Eduardo; Talledo, Michael; Drexler, Jan Felix
  • Q&A: The novel coronavirus outbreak causing COVID-19. (2020) Fisher, Dale; Heymann, David
  • Co-production of an educational package for the universal human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination programme tailored for schools with low uptake: a participatory study protocol. (2020) Fisher, Harriet; Audrey, Suzanne; Chantler, Tracey; Finn, Adam; Letley, Louise; Mounier-Jack, Sandra; Thomas, Clare; Yates, Julie; Hickman, Matthew
  • Are health care assistants part of the long-term solution to the nursing workforce deficit in Kenya? (2020) Fitzgerald, Louise; Gathara, David; McKnight, Jacob; Nzinga, Jacinta; English, Mike
  • School absence and achievement in children with isolated orofacial clefts. (2020) Fitzsimons, Kate J; Deacon, Scott A; Copley, Lynn P; Park, Min Hae; Medina, Jibby; van der Meulen, Jan H
  • Estimating the contribution of different age strata to vaccine serotype pneumococcal transmission in the pre vaccine era: a modelling study. (2020) Flasche, Stefan; Lipsitch, Marc; Ojal, John; Pinsent, Amy
  • Understanding the acceptability, barriers and facilitators for chlamydia and gonorrhoea screening in technical colleges: qualitative process evaluation of the "Test n Treat" trial. (2020) Fleming, Charlotte; Drennan, Vari M; Kerry-Barnard, Sarah; Reid, Fiona; Adams, Elisabeth J; Sadiq, S Tariq; Phillips, Rachel; Majewska, Wendy; Harding-Esch, Emma M; Cousins, Emma C; Yoward, Freya; Oakeshott, Pippa
  • The Relative Role of Climate Variation and Control Interventions on Malaria Elimination Efforts in El Oro, Ecuador: A Modeling Study. (2020) Fletcher, Isabel K; Stewart-Ibarra, Anna M; Sippy, Rachel; Carrasco-Escobar, Gabriel; Silva, Mercy; Beltran-Ayala, Efrain; Ordoñez, Tania; Adrian, Jefferson; Sáenz, Fabián E; Drakeley, Chris; Jones, Kate E; Lowe, Rachel
  • Expanding postgraduate clinical research capacity: an exploration of key resistances. (2020) Fletcher, Simon; Whiting, Cheryl; Boaz, Annette; Reeves, Scott
  • Harnessing the PRECISE network as a platform to strengthen global capacity for maternal and child health research in sub-Saharan Africa. (2020) Flint-O'Kane, Meriel; von Dadelszen, Peter; Makanga, Prestige Tatenda; Sevene, Esperança; Roca, Anna; Dukes, Peter; Hinrichs-Krapels, Saba; Craik, Rachel; Magee, Laura A; Temmerman, Marleen; PRECISE Network
  • Hard to reach: COVID-19 responses and the complexities of homelessness. (2020) Flook, Mary; Grohmann, Steph; Stagg, Helen R
  • HIV testing and treatment coverage achieved after 4 years across 14 urban and peri-urban communities in Zambia and South Africa: An analysis of findings from the HPTN 071 (PopART) trial. (2020) Floyd, Sian; Shanaube, Kwame; Yang, Blia; Schaap, Ab; Griffith, Sam; Phiri, Mwelwa; Macleod, David; Sloot, Rosa; Sabapathy, Kalpana; Bond, Virginia; Bock, Peter; Ayles, Helen; Fidler, Sarah; Hayes, Richard; HPTN 071 (PopART) study team
  • Dissecting the journey to breast cancer diagnosis in sub-Saharan Africa: Findings from the multicountry ABC-DO cohort study. (2020) Foerster, Milena; McKenzie, Fiona; Zietsman, Annelle; Galukande, Moses; Anele, Angelica; Adisa, Charles; Parham, Groesbeck; Pinder, Leeya; Schüz, Joachim; McCormack, Valerie; Dos-Santos-Silva, Isabel
  • Efficacy of Fludora® Fusion (a mixture of deltamethrin and clothianidin) for indoor residual spraying against pyrethroid-resistant malaria vectors: laboratory and experimental hut evaluation. (2020) Fongnikin, Augustin; Houeto, Nadia; Agbevo, Abel; Odjo, Abibath; Syme, Thomas; N'Guessan, Raphael; Ngufor, Corine
  • Connected diagnostics systems: The future of disease control in Africa. (2020) Fongwen, Noah; Boeras, Debi; Peeling, Rosanna W; Amukele, Timothy
  • Country adherence to WHO recommendations to improve the quality of HIV diagnosis: a global policy review. (2020) Fonner, Virginia A; Sands, Anita; Figueroa, Carmen; Baggaley, Rachel; Quinn, Caitlin; Jamil, Muhammad S; Johnson, Cheryl
  • Can universal health coverage eliminate unsafe abortion? (2020) Footman, Katharine; Dessalegn, Banchiamlack; Hayes, George; Church, Kathryn
  • Risk of herpes zoster after exposure to varicella to explore the exogenous boosting hypothesis: self controlled case series study using UK electronic healthcare data. (2020) Forbes, Harriet; Douglas, Ian; Finn, Adam; Breuer, Judith; Bhaskaran, Krishnan; Smeeth, Liam; Packer, Simon; Langan, Sinéad M; Mansfield, Kathryn E; Marlow, Robin; Whitaker, Heather; Warren-Gash, Charlotte
  • Association between living with children and outcomes from COVID-19: an OpenSAFELY cohort study of 12 million adults in England. (2020) Forbes, Harriet; Morton, Caroline E; Bacon, Seb; McDonald, Helen I; Minassian, Caroline; Brown, Jeremy P; Rentsch, Christopher T; Mathur, Rohini; Schultze, Anna; DeVito, Nicholas J; MacKenna, Brian; Hulme, William J; Croker, Richard; Walker, Alex J; Williamson, Elizabeth J; Bates, Chris; Mehrkar, Amir; Curtis, Helen J; Evans, David; Wing, Kevin; Inglesby, Peter; Drysdale, Henry; Wong, Angel YS; Cockburn, Jonathan; McManus, Robert; Parry, John; Hester, Frank; Harper, Sam; Douglas, Ian J; Smeeth, Liam; Evans, Stephen JW; Bhaskaran, Krishnan; Eggo, Rosalind M; Goldacre, Ben; Tomlinson, Laurie A
  • Changes in patient experience associated with growth and collaboration in general practice: observational study using data from the UK GP Patient Survey. (2020) Forbes, Lindsay Jl; Forbes, Hannah; Sutton, Matt; Checkland, Katherine; Peckham, Stephen
  • Data Resource Profile: Mental Health of Children and Young People (MHCYP) Surveys. (2020) Ford, Tamsin; Vizard, Tim; Sadler, Katharine; McManus, Sally; Goodman, Anna; Merad, Salah; Tejerina-Arreal, Maria; Collinson, Dan; MHCYP Collaboration
  • 12 Lessons learned from the management of the coronavirus pandemic. (2020) Forman, Rebecca; Atun, Rifat; McKee, Martin; Mossialos, Elias
  • Evaluating survey designs for targeting preventive chemotherapy against Schistosoma haematobium and Schistosoma mansoni across sub-Saharan Africa: a geostatistical analysis and modelling study. (2020) Fornace, Kimberly M; Fronterrè, Claudio; Fleming, Fiona M; Simpson, Hope; Zoure, Honorat; Rebollo, Maria; Mwinzi, Pauline; Vounatsou, Penelope; Pullan, Rachel L
  • Disentangling fine-scale effects of environment on malaria detection and infection to design risk-based disease surveillance systems in changing landscapes. (2020) Fornace, Kimberly M; Reyes, Ralph A; Macalinao, Maria Lourdes M; Bareng, Alison Paolo N; Luchavez, Jennifer S; Hafalla, Julius Clemence R; Espino, Fe Esperanza J; Drakeley, Chris J
  • Evaluating survey designs for targeting preventive chemotherapy against Schistosoma haematobium and Schistosoma mansoni across Sub-Saharan Africa: a geostatistical analysis and modelling study. (2020) Fornace, Kimberly; Fronterrè, Claudio; Fleming, Fiona M; Simpson, Hope; Zoure, Honorat; Rebollo, Maria; Mwinzi, Pauline; Pullan, Rachel L
  • Evaluating survey designs for targeting preventive chemotherapy against Schistosoma haematobium and Schistosoma mansoni across Sub-Saharan Africa: a geostatistical analysis and modelling study. (2020) Fornace, Kimberly; Fronterrè, Claudio; Fleming, Fiona M; Simpson, Hope; Zoure, Honorat; Rebollo, Maria; Mwinzi, Pauline; Vounatsou, Penelope; Pullan, Rachel L
  • Evaluating survey designs for targeting preventive chemotherapy against Schistosoma haematobium and Schistosoma mansoni across Sub-Saharan Africa: a geostatistical analysis and modelling study. (2020) Fornace, Kimberly; Fronterrè, Claudio; Fleming, Fiona M; Simpson, Hope; Zoure, Honorat; Rebollo, Maria; Mwinzi, Pauline; Vounatsou, Penelope; Pullan, Rachel L
  • Using data from 'visible' populations to estimate the size and importance of 'hidden' populations in an epidemic: A modelling technique. (2020) Foss, Anna M; Prudden, Holly J; Mitchell, Kate M; Pickles, Michael; Washington, Reynold; Phillips, Anna E; Alary, Michel; Boily, Marie-Claude; Moses, Stephen; Watts, Charlotte H; Vickerman, Peter T
  • Genomic diversity of Escherichia coli isolates from non-human primates in the Gambia. (2020) Foster-Nyarko, Ebenezer; Alikhan, Nabil-Fareed; Ravi, Anuradha; Thilliez, Gaëtan; Thomson, Nicholas M; Baker, David; Kay, Gemma; Cramer, Jennifer D; O'Grady, Justin; Antonio, Martin; Pallen, Mark J
  • Genomic diversity of <i>Escherichia coli</i> isolates from non-human primates in the Gambia. (2020) Foster-Nyarko, Ebenezer; Alikhan, Nabil-Fareed; Ravi, Anuradha; Thilliez, Gaëtan; Thomson, Nicholas; Baker, David; Kay, Gemma; Cramer, Jennifer D; O’Grady, Justin; Antonio, Martin; Pallen, Mark J
  • Genomic diversity of Escherichia coli isolates from backyard chickens and guinea fowl in the Gambia. (2020) Foster-Nyarko, Ebenezer; Alikhan, Nabil-Fareed; Ravi, Anuradha; Thomson, Nicholas M; Jarju, Sheikh; Kwambana-Adams, Brenda A; Secka, Arss; O'Grady, Justin; Antonio, Martin; Pallen, Mark John
  • Comorbidity prevalence among cancer patients: a population-based cohort study of four cancers. (2020) Fowler, Helen; Belot, Aurelien; Ellis, Libby; Maringe, Camille; Luque-Fernandez, Miguel Angel; Njagi, Edmund Njeru; Navani, Neal; Sarfati, Diana; Rachet, Bernard
  • Cardiovascular Risk After Adjuvant Trastuzumab in Early Breast Cancer: An Italian Population-Based Cohort Study. (2020) Franchi, Matteo; Trama, Annalisa; Merlo, Ivan; Minicozzi, Pamela; Tarantini, Luigi; Garau, Donatella; Kirchmayer, Ursula; Di Martino, Mirko; Romero, Marilena; De Carlo, Ilenia; Scondotto, Salvatore; Apolone, Giovanni; Corrao, Giovanni; FABIO working group
  • An Individual Participant Data Population Pharmacokinetic Meta-analysis of Drug-Drug Interactions between Lumefantrine and Commonly Used Antiretroviral Treatment. (2020) Francis, Jose; Barnes, Karen I; Workman, Lesley; Kredo, Tamara; Vestergaard, Lasse S; Hoglund, Richard M; Byakika-Kibwika, Pauline; Lamorde, Mohammed; Walimbwa, Stephen I; Chijioke-Nwauche, Ifeyinwa; Sutherland, Colin J; Merry, Concepta; Scarsi, Kimberley K; Nyagonde, Nyagonde; Lemnge, Martha M; Khoo, Saye H; Bygbjerg, Ib C; Parikh, Sunil; Aweeka, Francesca T; Tarning, Joel; Denti, Paolo
  • Technologies, strategies and approaches for testing populations at risk of sexually transmitted infections: a systematic review protocol to inform prevention and control in EU/EEA countries. (2020) Francis, Suzanna C; Parajuli, Arun; Mardh, Otilia; Falconer, Jane; Andreasen, Aura; Harding-Esch, Emma; NASSTI
  • The Vaginal Microbiota Among Adolescent Girls in Tanzania Around the Time of Sexual Debut. (2020) Francis, Suzanna Carter; Crucitti, Tania; Smekens, Tom; Hansen, Christian Holm; Andreasen, Aura; Jespers, Vicky; Hardy, Liselotte; Irani, Julia; Changalucha, John; Baisley, Kathy; Hayes, Richard; Watson-Jones, Deborah; Buvé, Anne
  • Challenges in Chagas Disease Drug Development. (2020) Francisco, Amanda F; Jayawardhana, Shiromani; Olmo, Francisco; Lewis, Michael D; Wilkinson, Shane R; Taylor, Martin C; Kelly, John M
  • Novel structural CYP51 mutation in Trypanosoma cruzi associated with multidrug resistance to CYP51 inhibitors and reduced infectivity. (2020) Franco, Caio H; Warhurst, David C; Bhattacharyya, Tapan; Au, Ho YA; Le, Hai; Giardini, Miriam A; Pascoalino, Bruno S; Torrecilhas, Ana Claudia; Romera, Lavinia MD; Madeira, Rafael Pedro; Schenkman, Sergio; Freitas-Junior, Lucio H; Chatelain, Eric; Miles, Michael A; Moraes, Carolina B
  • The burden of unintentional drowning: global, regional and national estimates of mortality from the Global Burden of Disease 2017 Study. (2020) Franklin, Richard Charles; Peden, Amy E; Hamilton, Erin B; Bisignano, Catherine; Castle, Chris D; Dingels, Zachary V; Hay, Simon I; Liu, Zichen; Mokdad, Ali H; Roberts, Nicholas LS; Sylte, Dillon O; Vos, Theo; Abady, Gdiom Gebreheat; Abosetugn, Akine Eshete; Ahmed, Rushdia; Alahdab, Fares; Andrei, Catalina Liliana; Antonio, Carl Abelardo T; Arabloo, Jalal; Arba, Aseb Arba Kinfe; Badiye, Ashish D; Bakkannavar, Shankar M; Banach, Maciej; Banik, Palash Chandra; Banstola, Amrit; Barker-Collo, Suzanne Lyn; Barzegar, Akbar; Bayati, Mohsen; Bhardwaj, Pankaj; Bhaumik, Soumyadeep; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Bijani, Ali; Boloor, Archith; Carvalho, Félix; Chowdhury, Mohiuddin Ahsanul Kabir; Chu, Dinh-Toi; Colquhoun, Samantha M; Dagne, Henok; Dagnew, Baye; Dandona, Lalit; Dandona, Rakhi; Daryani, Ahmad; Dharmaratne, Samath Dhamminda; Dibaji Forooshani, Zahra Sadat; Do, Hoa Thi; Driscoll, Tim Robert; Eagan, Arielle Wilder; El-Khatib, Ziad; Fernandes, Eduarda; Filip, Irina; Fischer, Florian; Gebremichael, Berhe; Gupta, Gaurav; Haagsma, Juanita A; Hassan, Shoaib; Hendrie, Delia; Hoang, Chi Linh; Hole, Michael K; Holla, Ramesh; Hostiuc, Sorin; Househ, Mowafa; Ilesanmi, Olayinka Stephen; Inbaraj, Leeberk Raja; Irvani, Seyed Sina Naghibi; Islam, M Mofizul; Ivers, Rebecca Q; Jayatilleke, Achala Upendra; Joukar, Farahnaz; Kalhor, Rohollah; Kanchan, Tanuj; Kapoor, Neeti; Kasaeian, Amir; Khan, Maseer; Khan, Ejaz Ahmad; Khubchandani, Jagdish; Krishan, Kewal; Kumar, G Anil; Lauriola, Paolo; Lopez, Alan D; Madadin, Mohammed; Majdan, Marek; Maled, Venkatesh; Manafi, Navid; Manafi, Ali; McKee, Martin; Meles, Hagazi Gebre; Menezes, Ritesh G; Meretoja, Tuomo J; Miller, Ted R; Mithra, Prasanna; Mohammadian-Hafshejani, Abdollah; Mohammadpourhodki, Reza; Mohebi, Farnam; Molokhia, Mariam; Mustafa, Ghulam; Negoi, Ionut; Nguyen, Cuong Tat; Nguyen, Huong Lan Thi; Olagunju, Andrew T; Olagunju, Tinuke O; Padubidri, Jagadish Rao; Pakshir, Keyvan; Pathak, Ashish; Polinder, Suzanne; Pribadi, Dimas Ria Angga; Rabiee, Navid; Radfar, Amir; Rana, Saleem Muhammad; Rickard, Jennifer; Safari, Saeed; Salamati, Payman; Samy, Abdallah M; Sarker, Abdur Razzaque; Schwebel, David C; Senthilkumaran, Subramanian; Shaahmadi, Faramarz; Shaikh, Masood Ali; Shin, Jae Il; Singh, Pankaj Kumar; Soheili, Amin; Stokes, Mark A; Suleria, Hafiz Ansar Rasul; Tarigan, Ingan Ukur; Temsah, Mohamad-Hani; Tesfay, Berhe Etsay; Valdez, Pascual R; Veisani, Yousef; Ye, Pengpeng; Yonemoto, Naohiro; Yu, Chuanhua; Yusefzadeh, Hasan; Zaman, Sojib Bin; Zhang, Zhi-Jiang; James, Spencer L
  • Global genome diversity of the Leishmania donovani complex. (2020) Franssen, Susanne U; Durrant, Caroline; Stark, Olivia; Moser, Bettina; Downing, Tim; Imamura, Hideo; Dujardin, Jean-Claude; Sanders, Mandy J; Mauricio, Isabel; Miles, Michael A; Schnur, Lionel F; Jaffe, Charles L; Nasereddin, Abdelmajeed; Schallig, Henk; Yeo, Matthew; Bhattacharyya, Tapan; Alam, Mohammad Z; Berriman, Matthew; Wirth, Thierry; Schönian, Gabriele; Cotton, James A
  • Subclinical Tuberculosis Disease-A Review and Analysis of Prevalence Surveys to Inform Definitions, Burden, Associations, and Screening Methodology. (2020) Frascella, Beatrice; Richards, Alexandra S; Sossen, Bianca; Emery, Jon C; Odone, Anna; Law, Irwin; Onozaki, Ikushi; Esmail, Hanif; Houben, Rein MGJ
  • Backing what works? Social Impact Bonds and evidence-informed policy and practice. (2020) Fraser, Alec; Tan, Stefanie; Boaz, Annette; Mays, Nicholas
  • Safetxt: a safer sex intervention delivered by mobile phone messaging on sexually transmitted infections (STI) among young people in the UK - protocol for a randomised controlled trial. (2020) Free, Caroline; McCarthy, Ona L; Palmer, Melissa J; Knight, Rosemary; Edwards, Phil; French, Rebecca; Baraitser, Paula; Hickson, Ford Colin Ian; Wellings, Kaye; Roberts, Ian; Bailey, Julia V; Hart, Graham; Michie, Susan; Clayton, Tim; Ploubidis, George B; Carpenter, James R; Turner, Katy ME; Devries, Karen; Potter, Kimberley
  • Changes in the prevalence and profile of users of contraception in Britain 2000-2010: evidence from two National Surveys of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles. (2020) French, Rebecca S; Gibson, Lorna; Geary, Rebecca; Glasier, Anna; Wellings, Kaye
  • (Not) talking about fertility: the role of digital technologies and health services in helping plan pregnancy. A qualitative study. (2020) French, Rebecca S; Shawe, Jill; Tilouche, Nerissa; Earle, Sarah; Grenfell, Pippa
  • Global Health in the Age of COVID-19: Responsive Health Systems Through a Right to Health Fund. (2020) Friedman, Eric A; Gostin, Lawrence O; Maleche, Allan; Nilo, Alessandra; Foguito, Fogue; Rugege, Umunyana; Stevenson, Sasha; Gitahi, Githinji; Ruano, Ana Lorena; Barry, Michele; Hossain, Sara; Lucien, Franciscka; Rusike, Itai; Hevia, Martin; Alwan, Ala; Cameron, Edwin; Farmer, Paul; Flores, Walter; Hassim, Adila; Mburu, Rosemary; Mukherjee, Joia; Mulumba, Moses; Pūras, Dainius; Periago, Mirta Roses
  • Chronic comorbidities in children and adolescents with perinatally acquired HIV infection in sub-Saharan Africa in the era of antiretroviral therapy. (2020) Frigati, Lisa J; Ameyan, Wole; Cotton, Mark F; Gregson, Celia L; Hoare, Jacqueline; Jao, Jennifer; Majonga, Edith D; Myer, Landon; Penazzato, Martina; Rukuni, Ruramayi; Rowland-Jones, Sarah; Zar, Heather J; Ferrand, Rashida A
  • Prevention of child wasting: Results of a Child Health & Nutrition Research Initiative (CHNRI) prioritisation exercise. (2020) Frison, Severine; Angood, Chloe; Khara, Tanya; Bahwere, Paluku; Black, Robert E; Briend, André; Connell, Nicki; Fenn, Bridget; Isanaka, Sheila; James, Philip; Kerac, Marko; Mayberry, Amy; Myatt, Mark; Dolan, Carmel; wasting prevention Working Group Collaborators
  • Planning the scale up of brief psychological interventions using theory of change. (2020) Fuhr, Daniela C; Acarturk, Ceren; Sijbrandij, Marit; Brown, Felicity L; Jordans, Mark JD; Woodward, Aniek; McGrath, Michael; Sondorp, Egbert; Ventevogel, Peter; Ikkursun, Zeynep; El Chammay, Rabih; Cuijpers, Pim; Roberts, Bayard
  • Pathways towards scaling up Problem Management Plus in Turkey: a theory of change workshop. (2020) Fuhr, Daniela C; Acarturk, Ceren; Uygun, Ersin; McGrath, Michael; Ilkkursun, Zeynep; Kaykha, Sadaf; Sondorp, Egbert; Sijbrandij, Marit; Ventevogel, Peter; Cuijpers, Pim; Roberts, Bayard; STRENGTHS consortium
  • Improving health facility delivery rates in Zanzibar, Tanzania through a large-scale digital community health volunteer programme: a process evaluation. (2020) Fulcher, Isabel R; Nelson, Allyson R; Tibaijuka, Jalia I; Seif, Samira S; Lilienfeld, Sam; Abdalla, Omar A; Beckmann, Nadine; Layer, Erica H; Hedt-Gauthier, Bethany; Hofmann, Rachel Lieber
  • Hazara Nairovirus Requires COPI Components in both Arf1-Dependent and Arf1-Independent Stages of Its Replication Cycle. (2020) Fuller, J; Álvarez-Rodríguez, B; Todd, EJAA; Mankouri, J; Hewson, R; Barr, JN
  • Achieving accurate estimates of fetal gestational age and personalised predictions of fetal growth based on data from an international prospective cohort study: a population-based machine learning study. (2020) Fung, Russell; Villar, Jose; Dashti, Ali; Ismail, Leila Cheikh; Staines-Urias, Eleonora; Ohuma, Eric O; Salomon, Laurent J; Victora, Cesar G; Barros, Fernando C; Lambert, Ann; Carvalho, Maria; Jaffer, Yasmin A; Noble, J Alison; Gravett, Michael G; Purwar, Manorama; Pang, Ruyan; Bertino, Enrico; Munim, Shama; Min, Aung Myat; McGready, Rose; Norris, Shane A; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Kennedy, Stephen H; Papageorghiou, Aris T; Ourmazd, Abbas; International Fetal and Newborn Growth Consortium for the 21st C
  • Short-term forecasts to inform the response to the Covid-19 epidemic in the UK. (2020) Funk, S; Abbott, S; Atkins, BD; Baguelin, M; Baillie, JK; Birrell, P; Blake, J; Bosse, NI; Burton, J; Carruthers, J; Davies, NG; De Angelis, D; Dyson, L; Edmunds, WJ; Eggo, RM; Ferguson, NM; Gaythorpe, K; Gorsich, E; Guyver-Fletcher, G; Hellewell, J; Hill, EM; Holmes, A; House, TA; Jewell, C; Jit, M; Jombart, T; Joshi, I; Keeling, MJ; Kendall, E; Knock, ES; Kucharski, AJ; Lythgoe, KA; Meakin, SR; Munday, JD; Openshaw, PJM; Overton, CE; Pagani, F; Pearson, J; Perez-Guzman, PN; Pellis, L; Scarabel, F; Semple, MG; Sherratt, K; Tang, M; Tildesley, MJ; Van Leeuwen, E; Whittles, LK
  • Indoor use of attractive toxic sugar bait in combination with long-lasting insecticidal net against pyrethroid-resistant Anopheles gambiae: an experimental hut trial in Mbé, central Côte d'Ivoire. (2020) Furnival-Adams, Joanna EC; Camara, Soromane; Rowland, Mark; Koffi, Alphonsine A; Ahoua Alou, Ludovic P; Oumbouke, Welbeck A; N'Guessan, Raphael
  • House modifications for preventing malaria. (2020) Furnival-Adams, Joanna; Olanga, Evelyn A; Napier, Mark; Garner, Paul
  • Risk factors for acquisition of multidrug-resistant Enterobacterales among international travellers: a synthesis of cumulative evidence. (2020) Furuya-Kanamori, Luis; Stone, Jennifer; Yakob, Laith; Kirk, Martyn; Collignon, Peter; Mills, Deborah J; Lau, Colleen L
  • Filling the gaps in global antimicrobial resistance research/surveillance. (2020) Furuya-Kanamori, Luis; Yakob, Laith
  • Complex relationships between Aedes vectors, socio-economics and dengue transmission-Lessons learned from a case-control study in northeastern Thailand. (2020) Fustec, Benedicte; Phanitchat, Thipruethai; Hoq, Mohammad Injamul; Aromseree, Sirinart; Pientong, Chamsai; Thaewnongiew, Kesorn; Ekalaksananan, Tipaya; Bangs, Michael J; Corbel, Vincent; Alexander, Neal; Overgaard, Hans J
  • Global and regional burden of cancer in 2016 arising from occupational exposure to selected carcinogens: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. (2020) GBD 2016 Occupational Carcinogens Collaborators
  • Global and regional burden of chronic respiratory disease in 2016 arising from non-infectious airborne occupational exposures: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. (2020) GBD 2016 Occupational Chronic Respiratory Risk Factors Collabora; GBD 2016 occupational chronic respiratory risk factors collabora
  • Quantifying risks and interventions that have affected the burden of diarrhoea among children younger than 5 years: an analysis of the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. (2020) GBD 2017 Diarrhoeal Disease Collaborators
  • The global, regional, and national burden of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease in 195 countries and territories, 1990-2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. (2020) GBD 2017 Gastro-oesophageal Reflux Disease Collaborators
  • Quantifying risks and interventions that have affected the burden of lower respiratory infections among children younger than 5 years: an analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. (2020) GBD 2017 Lower Respiratory Infections Collaborators
  • The global, regional, and national burden of oesophageal cancer and its attributable risk factors in 195 countries and territories, 1990-2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. (2020) GBD 2017 Oesophageal Cancer Collaborators
  • Global age-sex-specific fertility, mortality, healthy life expectancy (HALE), and population estimates in 204 countries and territories, 1950-2019: a comprehensive demographic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. (2020) GBD 2019 Demographics Collaborators
  • Global burden of 369 diseases and injuries in 204 countries and territories, 1990-2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. (2020) GBD 2019 Diseases and Injuries Collaborators
  • Measuring universal health coverage based on an index of effective coverage of health services in 204 countries and territories, 1990-2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. (2020) GBD 2019 Universal Health Coverage Collaborators
  • Attitudes towards risk-reducing early salpingectomy with delayed oophorectomy for ovarian cancer prevention: a cohort study. (2020) Gaba, F; Blyuss, O; Chandrasekaran, D; Osman, M; Goyal, S; Gan, C; Izatt, L; Tripathi, V; Esteban, I; McNicol, L; Ragupathy, K; Crawford, R; Evans, DG; Legood, R; Menon, U; Manchanda, R
  • Prevalence and determinants of genital Chlamydia trachomatis among school-going, sexually experienced adolescents in urban and rural Indigenous regions of Panama. (2020) Gabster, Amanda; Mayaud, Philippe; Ortiz, Alma; Castillo, Jorge; Castillero, Omar; Martínez, Alexander; López, Anyelini; Aizprúa, Betsy; Pitano, Sherly; Murillo, Anet; Pascale, Juan Miguel
  • "PROUD to have been involved": an evaluation of participant and community involvement in the PROUD HIV prevention trial. (2020) Gafos, Mitzy; South, Annabelle; Hanley, Bec; Brodnicki, Elizabeth; Hodson, Matthew; McCormack, Sheena; Witzel, T Charles; Harbottle, Justin; Vale, Claire
  • Field performance of ultrasensitive and conventional malaria rapid diagnostic tests in southern Mozambique. (2020) Galatas, Beatriz; Mayor, Alfredo; Gupta, Himanshu; Balanza, Núria; Jang, Ihn Kyung; Nhamussua, Lidia; Simone, Wilson; Cisteró, Pau; Chidimatembue, Arlindo; Munguambe, Humberto; Saúte, Francisco; Aide, Pedro; Bassat, Quique
  • Walking the tightrope: cardiovascular risk prediction in patients after acute coronary syndrome. (2020) Gallacher, Peter J; Shah, Anoop SV
  • Ontological Transparency, (In)visibility, and Hidden Curricula: Critical Pedagogy Amidst Contentious Edtech. (2020) Gallagher, Michael; Breines, Markus; Blaney, Myles
  • Household spraying in cholera outbreaks: Insights from three exploratory, mixed-methods field effectiveness evaluations. (2020) Gallandat, Karin; Huang, Annie; Rayner, Justine; String, Gabrielle; Lantagne, Daniele S
  • A systematic review of chlorine-based surface disinfection efficacy to inform recommendations for low-resource outbreak settings. (2020) Gallandat, Karin; Kolus, Riley C; Julian, Timothy R; Lantagne, Daniele S
  • Concussion and long-term cognitive impairment among professional or elite sport-persons: a systematic review. (2020) Gallo, Valentina; Motley, Kim; Kemp, Simon PT; Mian, Saba; Patel, Tara; James, Laura; Pearce, Neil; McElvenny, Damien
  • Maternally Orphaned Children and Intergenerational Concerns Associated With Breast Cancer Deaths Among Women in Sub-Saharan Africa. (2020) Galukande, Moses; Schüz, Joachim; Anderson, Benjamin O; Zietsman, Annelle; Adisa, Charles; Anele, Angelica; Parham, Groesbeck; Pinder, Leeya F; Mutumba, Songiso; Lombe, Dorothy; Cabanes, Anna; Foerster, Milena; Dos-Santos-Silva, Isabel; McCormack, Valerie
  • Initiation of adjuvant chemotherapy and trastuzumab for human epidermal growth receptor 2-positive early invasive breast cancer in a population-based cohort study of older women in England. (2020) Gannon, Melissa Ruth; Dodwell, David; Jauhari, Yasmin; Horgan, Kieran; Clements, Karen; Medina, Jibby; Cromwell, David Alan
  • Cost-effectiveness of introducing a domestic pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV7-TT) into the Cuban national immunization programme. (2020) García Fariñas, Anai; Linares-Pérez, Nivaldo; Clark, Andrew; Toledo-Romaní, María Eugenia; Omeiri, Nathalie El; Marrero Araújo, Martha C; Gonzálvez Luis, Isabel Pilar; Toraño Peraza, Gilda; Reyes Jiménez, Alicia; López Ambrón, Lena; Cuban Pneumococcal Vaccine Working Group
  • "You said the hospital can't be bombed". (2020) García-Mingo, Ana; Abbara, Aula; Roy, Robindra Basu
  • Is glycaemia associated with poorer brain health and risk of dementia? Cross sectional and follow-up analysis of the UK Biobank. (2020) Garfield, Victoria; Farmaki, Aliki-Eleni; Eastwood, Sophie V; Mathur, Rohini; Rentsch, Christopher T; Bhaskaran, Krishnan; Smeeth, Liam; Chaturvedi, Nish
  • Detection of simple and complex de novo mutations with multiple reference sequences. (2020) Garimella, Kiran V; Iqbal, Zamin; Krause, Michael A; Campino, Susana; Kekre, Mihir; Drury, Eleanor; Kwiatkowski, Dominic; Sá, Juliana M; Wellems, Thomas E; McVean, Gil
  • ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Nairoviridae. (2020) Garrison, Aura R; Alkhovsky Альховский Сергей Владимирович, Sergey V; Avšič-Županc, Tatjana; Bente, Dennis A; Bergeron, Éric; Burt, Felicity; Di Paola, Nicholas; Ergünay, Koray; Hewson, Roger; Kuhn, Jens H; Mirazimi, Ali; Papa, Anna; Sall, Amadou Alpha; Spengler, Jessica R; Palacios, Gustavo; Consortium, Ictv Report
  • Considerations for planning COVID-19 treatment services in humanitarian responses. (2020) Garry, Sylvia; Abdelmagid, Nada; Baxter, Louisa; Roberts, Natalie; le Polain de Waroux, Olivier; Ismail, Sharif; Ratnayake, Ruwan; Favas, Caroline; Lewis, Elizabeth; Checchi, Francesco
  • Considerations for planning COVID-19 treatment services in humanitarian responses. (2020) Garry, Sylvia; Abdelmagid, Nada; Baxter, Louisa; Roberts, Natalie; le Polain de Waroux, Olivier; Ismail, Sharif; Ratnayake, Ruwan; Favas, Caroline; Lewis, Elizabeth; Checchi, Francesco
  • Spatial prediction of the concentration of selenium (Se) in grain across part of Amhara Region, Ethiopia. (2020) Gashu, D; Lark, RM; Milne, AE; Amede, T; Bailey, EH; Chagumaira, C; Dunham, SJ; Gameda, S; Kumssa, DB; Mossa, AW; Walsh, MG; Wilson, L; Young, SD; Ander, EL; Broadley, MR; Joy, EJM; McGrath, SP
  • Challenging the management of drug-resistant tuberculosis. (2020) Gaskell, Katherine M; Moore, David AJ
  • Evaluating the effect of healthcare providers on the clinical path of heart failure patients through a semi-Markov, multi-state model. (2020) Gasperoni, Francesca; Ieva, Francesca; Paganoni, Anna Maria; Jackson, Christopher H; Sharples, Linda
  • Missed nursing care in newborn units: a cross-sectional direct observational study. (2020) Gathara, David; Serem, George; Murphy, Georgina AV; Obengo, Alfred; Tallam, Edna; Jackson, Debra; Brownie, Sharon; English, Mike
  • Developing metrics for nursing quality of care for low- and middle-income countries: a scoping review linked to stakeholder engagement. (2020) Gathara, David; Zosi, Mathias; Serem, George; Nzinga, Jacinta; Murphy, Georgina AV; Jackson, Debra; Brownie, Sharon; English, Mike
  • Religious affiliation and the risk of COVID 19 related mortality; a retrospective analysis of variation in pre and post lockdown risk by religious group in England and Wales. (2020) Gaughan, Charlotte Hannah; Ayoubkhani, Daniel; Nafilyan, Vahe; Goldblatt, Peter; White, Chris; Tingay, Karen; Bannister, Neil
  • The association of hyperglycaemia and insulin resistance with incident depressive symptoms over 4 years of follow-up: The Maastricht Study. (2020) Geraets, Anouk FJ; Köhler, Sebastian; Muzambi, Rutendo; Schalkwijk, Casper G; Oenema, Anke; Eussen, Simone JPM; Dagnelie, Pieter C; Stehouwer, Coen DA; Schaper, Nicolaas C; Henry, Ronald MA; van der Kallen, Carla JH; Wesselius, Anke; Koster, Annemarie; Verhey, Frans RJ; Schram, Miranda T
  • Assessing the quality of care in sick child services at health facilities in Ethiopia. (2020) Getachew, Theodros; Abebe, Solomon Mekonnen; Yitayal, Mezgebu; Persson, Lars Åke; Berhanu, Della
  • Childhood vaccination coverage and equity impact in Ethiopia by socioeconomic, geographic, maternal, and child characteristics. (2020) Geweniger, Anne; Abbas, Kaja M
  • Child-level double burden of malnutrition in the MENA and LAC regions: Prevalence and social determinants. (2020) Ghattas, Hala; Acharya, Yubraj; Jamaluddine, Zeina; Assi, Moubadda; El Asmar, Khalil; Jones, Andrew D
  • Capacity for health economics research and practice in Jordan, Lebanon, the occupied Palestinian territories and Turkey: needs assessment and options for development. (2020) Gheorghe, Adrian; Gad, Mohamed; Ismail, Sharif A; Chalkidou, Kalipso
  • How useful are malaria risk maps at the country level? Perceptions of decision-makers in Kenya, Malawi and the Democratic Republic of Congo. (2020) Ghilardi, Ludovica; Okello, George; Nyondo-Mipando, Linda; Chirambo, Chawanangwa Mahebere; Malongo, Fathy; Hoyt, Jenna; Lee, Jieun; Sedekia, Yovitha; Parkhurst, Justin; Lines, Jo; Snow, Robert W; Lynch, Caroline A; Webster, Jayne
  • Changing travel patterns in China during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. (2020) Gibbs, Hamish; Liu, Yang; Pearson, Carl AB; Jarvis, Christopher I; Grundy, Chris; Quilty, Billy J; Diamond, Charlie; LSHTM CMMID COVID-19 working group; Eggo, Rosalind M
  • Detecting behavioural changes in human movement to inform the spatial scale of interventions against COVID-19. (2020) Gibbs, Hamish; Nightingale, Emily; Liu, Yang; Cheshire, James; Danon, Leon; Smeeth, Liam; Pearson, Carl AB; Grundy, Chris; Kucharski, Adam J; Eggo, Rosalind M
  • The association of smoking and socioeconomic status on cutaneous melanoma: a population-based, data-linkage, case-control study. (2020) Gibson, JAG; Dobbs, TD; Griffiths, R; Song, J; Akbari, A; Whitaker, S; Watkins, A; Langan, SM; Hutchings, HA; Lyons, RA; Whitaker, IS
  • A mixed-methods analysis of patient safety incidents involving opioid substitution treatment with methadone or buprenorphine in community-based care in England and Wales. (2020) Gibson, Russell; MacLeod, Natalie; Donaldson, Liam J; Williams, Huw; Hibbert, Peter; Parry, Gareth; Bhatt, Jay; Sheikh, Aziz; Carson-Stevens, Andrew
  • Trends in knowledge of HIV status and efficiency of HIV testing services in Sub-Saharan Africa (2000-2020): a modelling study of survey and HIV testing program data. (2020) Giguère, Katia; Eaton, Jeffrey W; Marsh, Kimberly; Johnson, Leigh F; Johnson, Cheryl C; Ehui, Eboi; Jahn, Andreas; Wanyeki, Ian; Mbofana, Francisco; Bakiono, Fidèle; Mahy, Mary; Maheu-Giroux, Mathieu
  • Use of virtual consultations in an orthopaedic rehabilitation setting: how do changes in the work of being a patient influence patient preferences? A systematic review and qualitative synthesis. (2020) Gilbert, Anthony W; Jones, Jeremy; Jaggi, Anju; May, Carl R
  • Guidelines for the prevention and management of diabetic retinopathy and diabetic eye disease in India: A synopsis. (2020) Gilbert, Clare; Gordon, Iris; Mukherjee, Chandoshi Rhea; Govindhari, Vishal
  • The Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Trust's avoidable blindness programme. (2020) Gilbert, Clare; Murthy, GVS; Cooper, Andrew
  • Retinopathy of prematurity: Overview and highlights of an initiative to integrate prevention, screening, and management into the public health system in India. (2020) Gilbert, Clare; Shukla, Rajan; Murthy, GVS; Santosha, Bala VM; Gudlavalleti, Anirudh G; Mukpalkar, Srividya; Yamarthi, Pavani; Pendyala, Suneetha; Puppala, Anusha; Edla, Supriya; Batchu, Tripura; India ROP Partners Implementation Consortium
  • Distemper, extinction, and vaccination of the Amur tiger. (2020) Gilbert, Martin; Sulikhan, Nadezhda; Uphyrkina, Olga; Goncharuk, Mikhail; Kerley, Linda; Castro, Enrique Hernandez; Reeve, Richard; Seimon, Tracie; McAloose, Denise; Seryodkin, Ivan V; Naidenko, Sergey V; Davis, Christopher A; Wilkie, Gavin S; Vattipally, Sreenu B; Adamson, Walt E; Hinds, Chris; Thomson, Emma C; Willett, Brian J; Hosie, Margaret J; Logan, Nicola; McDonald, Michael; Ossiboff, Robert J; Shevtsova, Elena I; Belyakin, Stepan; Yurlova, Anna A; Osofsky, Steven A; Miquelle, Dale G; Matthews, Louise; Cleaveland, Sarah
  • Risk of pneumococcal bacteremia in Kenyan children with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency. (2020) Gilchrist, James J; Uyoga, Sophie; Pirinen, Matti; Rautanen, Anna; Mwarumba, Salim; Njuguna, Patricia; Mturi, Neema; Kenyan Bacteraemia Study Group; Hill, Adrian VS; Scott, J Anthony G; Williams, Thomas N
  • Implications for women testing positive for human papillomavirus. (2020) Gilham, C
  • What is public trust in the healthcare system? A new conceptual framework developed from qualitative data in England. (2020) Gille, Felix; Smith, Sarah; Mays, Nicholas
  • Organizational change and everyday health system resilience: Lessons from Cape Town, South Africa. (2020) Gilson, Lucy; Ellokor, Soraya; Lehmann, Uta; Brady, Leanne
  • What role can health policy and systems research play in supporting responses to COVID-19 that strengthen socially just health systems? (2020) Gilson, Lucy; Marchal, Bruno; Ayepong, Irene; Barasa, Edwine; Dossou, Jean-Paul; George, Asha; Guinaran, Ryan; Maceira, Daniel; Molyneux, Sassy; Prashanth, NS; Schneider, Helen; Shawar, Yusra; Shiffman, Jeremy R; Sheikh, Kabir; Spicer, Neil; Van Belle, Sara; Whyle, Eleanor
  • Imiquimod versus podophyllotoxin, with and without human papillomavirus vaccine, for anogenital warts: the HIPvac factorial RCT. (2020) Gilson, Richard; Nugent, Diarmuid; Bennett, Kate; Doré, Caroline J; Murray, Macey L; Meadows, Jade; Haddow, Lewis J; Lacey, Charles; Sandmann, Frank; Jit, Mark; Soldan, Kate; Tetlow, Michelle; Caverly, Emilia; Nathan, Mayura; Copas, Andrew J
  • Mycobacterium tuberculosis-specific plasmablast levels are differentially modulated in tuberculosis infection and disease. (2020) Gindeh, Awa; Owolabi, Olumuyiwa; Donkor, Simon; Sutherland, Jayne S
  • Performance of lung ultrasound in the diagnosis of pediatric pneumonia in Mozambique and Pakistan. (2020) Ginsburg, Amy Sarah; Lenahan, Jennifer L; Jehan, Fyezah; Bila, Rubao; Lamorte, Alessandro; Hwang, Jun; Madrid, Lola; Nisar, Muhammad Imran; Vitorino, Pio; Kanth, Neel; Balcells, Reyes; Baloch, Benazir; May, Susanne; Valente, Marta; Varo, Rosauro; Nadeem, Naila; Bassat, Quique; Volpicelli, Giovanni
  • Global Trends in Survival From Astrocytic Tumors in Adolescents and Young Adults: A Systematic Review. (2020) Girardi, Fabio; Allemani, Claudia; Coleman, Michel P
  • How do patients pass through stroke services? Identifying stroke care pathways using national audit data. (2020) Gittins, Matthew; Lugo-Palacios, David G; Paley, Lizz; Bray, Benjamin; Bowen, Audrey; Vail, Andy; Gannon, Brenda; Tyson, Sarah
  • Delivery, dose, outcomes and resource use of stroke therapy: the SSNAPIEST observational study. (2020) Gittins, Matthew; Lugo-Palacios, David; Vail, Andy; Bowen, Audrey; Paley, Lizz; Bray, Benjamin; Gannon, Brenda; Tyson, Sarah F
  • Stroke impairment categories: A new way to classify the effects of stroke based on stroke-related impairments. (2020) Gittins, Matthew; Lugo-Palacios, David; Vail, Andy; Bowen, Audrey; Paley, Lizz; Bray, Benjamin; Tyson, Sarah
  • Factors influencing the amount of therapy received during inpatient stroke care: an analysis of data from the UK Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme. (2020) Gittins, Matthew; Vail, Andy; Bowen, Audrey; Lugo-Palacios, David; Paley, Lizz; Bray, Benjamin; Gannon, Brenda; Tyson, Sarah
  • Mortality After Repeat Revascularization Following PCI or CABG for Left Main Disease: The EXCEL Trial. (2020) Giustino, Gennaro; Serruys, Patrick W; Sabik, Joseph F; Mehran, Roxana; Maehara, Akiko; Puskas, John D; Simonton, Charles A; Lembo, Nicholas J; Kandzari, David E; Morice, Marie-Claude; Taggart, David P; Gershlick, Anthony H; Ragosta, Michael; Kron, Irving L; Liu, Yangbo; Zhang, Zixuan; McAndrew, Thomas; Dressler, Ovidiu; Généreux, Philippe; Ben-Yehuda, Ori; Pocock, Stuart J; Kappetein, Arie Pieter; Stone, Gregg W
  • Birthweight measurement processes and perceived value: qualitative research in one EN-BIRTH study hospital in Tanzania. (2020) Gladstone, Miriam E; Salim, Nahya; Ogillo, Karama; Shamba, Donat; Gore-Langton, Georgia R; Day, Louise T; Blencowe, Hannah; Lawn, Joy E; EN-BIRTH Study Group
  • Mass drug administration with azithromycin for trachoma elimination and the population structure of Streptococcus pneumoniae in the nasopharynx. (2020) Gladstone, Rebecca A; Bojang, Ebrima; Hart, John; Harding-Esch, Emma M; Mabey, David; Sillah, Ansumana; Bailey, Robin L; Burr, Sarah E; Roca, Anna; Bentley, Stephen D; Holland, Martin J
  • Mass drug administration with azithromycin for trachoma elimination and the population structure of Streptococcus pneumoniae in the nasopharynx. (2020) Gladstone, Rebecca A; Bojang, Ebrima; Hart, John; Harding-Esch, Emma M; Mabey, David; Sillah, Ansumana; Bailey, Robin L; Burr, Sarah E; Roca, Anna; Bentley, Stephen D; Holland, Martin J
  • Visualizing variation within Global Pneumococcal Sequence Clusters (GPSCs) and country population snapshots to contextualize pneumococcal isolates. (2020) Gladstone, Rebecca A; Lo, Stephanie W; Goater, Richard; Yeats, Corin; Taylor, Ben; Hadfield, James; Lees, John A; Croucher, Nicholas J; van Tonder, Andries J; Bentley, Leon J; Quah, Fu Xiang; Blaschke, Anne J; Pershing, Nicole L; Byington, Carrie L; Balaji, Veeraraghavan; Hryniewicz, Waleria; Sigauque, Betuel; Ravikumar, KL; Almeida, Samanta Cristine Grassi; Ochoa, Theresa J; Ho, Pak Leung; du Plessis, Mignon; Ndlangisa, Kedibone M; Cornick, Jennifer E; Kwambana-Adams, Brenda; Benisty, Rachel; Nzenze, Susan A; Madhi, Shabir A; Hawkins, Paulina A; Pollard, Andrew J; Everett, Dean B; Antonio, Martin; Dagan, Ron; Klugman, Keith P; von Gottberg, Anne; Metcalf, Benjamin J; Li, Yuan; Beall, Bernard W; McGee, Lesley; Breiman, Robert F; Aanensen, David M; Bentley, Stephen D; The Global Pneumococcal Sequencing Consortium
  • Global Retinoblastoma Presentation and Analysis by National Income Level. (2020) Global Retinoblastoma Study Group; Fabian, Ido Didi; Abdallah, Elhassan; Abdullahi, Shehu U; Abdulqader, Rula A; Adamou Boubacar, Sahadatou; Ademola-Popoola, Dupe S; Adio, Adedayo; Afshar, Armin R; Aggarwal, Priyanka; Aghaji, Ada E; Ahmad, Alia; Akib, Marliyanti NR; Al Harby, Lamis; Al Ani, Mouroge H; Alakbarova, Aygun; Portabella, Silvia Alarcón; Al-Badri, Safaa AF; Alcasabas, Ana Patricia A; Al-Dahmash, Saad A; Alejos, Amanda; Alemany-Rubio, Ernesto; Alfa Bio, Amadou I; Alfonso Carreras, Yvania; Al-Haddad, Christiane; Al-Hussaini, Hamoud HY; Ali, Amany M; Alia, Donjeta B; Al-Jadiry, Mazin F; Al-Jumaily, Usama; Alkatan, Hind M; All-Eriksson, Charlotta; Al-Mafrachi, Ali ARM; Almeida, Argentino A; Alsawidi, Khalifa M; Al-Shaheen, Athar ASM; Al-Shammary, Entissar H; Amiruddin, Primawita O; Antonino, Romanzo; Astbury, Nicholas J; Atalay, Hatice T; Atchaneeyasakul, La-Ongsri; Atsiaya, Rose; Attaseth, Taweevat; Aung, Than H; Ayala, Silvia; Baizakova, Baglan; Balaguer, Julia; Balayeva, Ruhengiz; Balwierz, Walentyna; Barranco, Honorio; Bascaran, Covadonga; Beck Popovic, Maja; Benavides, Raquel; Benmiloud, Sarra; Bennani Guebessi, Nissrine; Berete, Rokia C; Berry, Jesse L; Bhaduri, Anirban; Bhat, Sunil; Biddulph, Shelley J; Biewald, Eva M; Bobrova, Nadia; Boehme, Marianna; Boldt, HC; Bonanomi, Maria Teresa BC; Bornfeld, Norbert; Bouda, Gabrielle C; Bouguila, Hédi; Boumedane, Amaria; Brennan, Rachel C; Brichard, Bénédicte G; Buaboonnam, Jassada; Calderón-Sotelo, Patricia; Calle Jara, Doris A; Camuglia, Jayne E; Cano, Miriam R; Capra, Michael; Cassoux, Nathalie; Castela, Guilherme; Castillo, Luis; Català-Mora, Jaume; Chantada, Guillermo L; Chaudhry, Shabana; Chaugule, Sonal S; Chauhan, Argudit; Chawla, Bhavna; Chernodrinska, Violeta S; Chiwanga, Faraja S; Chuluunbat, Tsengelmaa; Cieslik, Krzysztof; Cockcroft, Ruellyn L; Comsa, Codruta; Correa, Zelia M; Correa Llano, Maria G; Corson, Timothy W; Cowan-Lyn, Kristin E; Csóka, Monika; Cui, Xuehao; Da Gama, Isac V; Dangboon, Wantanee; Das, Anirban; Das, Sima; Davanzo, Jacquelyn M; Davidson, Alan; De Potter, Patrick; Delgado, Karina Q; Demirci, Hakan; Desjardins, Laurence; Diaz Coronado, Rosdali Y; Dimaras, Helen; Dodgshun, Andrew J; Donaldson, Craig; Donato Macedo, Carla R; Dragomir, Monica D; Du, Yi; Du Bruyn, Magritha; Edison, Kemala S; Eka Sutyawan, I Wayan; El Kettani, Asmaa; Elbahi, Amal M; Elder, James E; Elgalaly, Dina; Elhaddad, Alaa M; Elhassan, Moawia M Ali; Elzembely, Mahmoud M; Essuman, Vera A; Evina, Ted Grimbert A; Fadoo, Zehra; Fandiño, Adriana C; Faranoush, Mohammad; Fasina, Oluyemi; Fernández, Delia DPG; Fernández-Teijeiro, Ana; Foster, Allen; Frenkel, Shahar; Fu, Ligia D; Fuentes-Alabi, Soad L; Gallie, Brenda L; Gandiwa, Moira; Garcia, Juan L; García Aldana, David; Gassant, Pascale Y; Geel, Jennifer A; Ghassemi, Fariba; Girón, Ana V; Gizachew, Zelalem; Goenz, Marco A; Gold, Aaron S; Goldberg-Lavid, Maya; Gole, Glen A; Gomel, Nir; Gonzalez, Efren; Gonzalez Perez, Graciela; González-Rodríguez, Liudmira; Garcia Pacheco, Henry N; Graells, Jaime; Green, Liz; Gregersen, Pernille A; Grigorovski, Nathalia DAK; Guedenon, Koffi M; Gunasekera, D Sanjeeva; Gündüz, Ahmet K; Gupta, Himika; Gupta, Sanjiv; Hadjistilianou, Theodora; Hamel, Patrick; Hamid, Syed A; Hamzah, Norhafizah; Hansen, Eric D; Harbour, J William; Hartnett, M Elizabeth; Hasanreisoglu, Murat; Hassan, Sadiq; Hassan, Shadab; Hederova, Stanislava; Hernandez, Jose; Hernandez, Lorelay Marie Carcamo; Hessissen, Laila; Hordofa, Diriba F; Huang, Laura C; Hubbard, GB; Hummlen, Marlies; Husakova, Kristina; Hussein Al-Janabi, Allawi N; Ida, Russo; Ilic, Vesna R; Jairaj, Vivekaraj; Jeeva, Irfan; Jenkinson, Helen; Ji, Xunda; Jo, Dong Hyun; Johnson, Kenneth P; Johnson, William J; Jones, Michael M; Kabesha, Theophile B Amani; Kabore, Rolande L; Kaliki, Swathi; Kalinaki, Abubakar; Kantar, Mehmet; Kao, Ling-Yuh; Kardava, Tamar; Kebudi, Rejin; Kepak, Tomas; Keren-Froim, Naama; Khan, Zohora J; Khaqan, Hussain A; Khauv, Phara; Kheir, Wajiha J; Khetan, Vikas; Khodabande, Alireza; Khotenashvili, Zaza; Kim, Jonathan W; Kim, Jeong Hun; Kiratli, Hayyam; Kivelä, Tero T; Klett, Artur; Komba Palet, Jess Elio Kosh; Krivaitiene, Dalia; Kruger, Mariana; Kulvichit, Kittisak; Kuntorini, Mayasari W; Kyara, Alice; Lachmann, Eva S; Lam, Carol PS; Lam, Geoffrey C; Larson, Scott A; Latinovic, Slobodanka; Laurenti, Kelly D; Le, Bao Han A; Lecuona, Karin; Leverant, Amy A; Li, Cairui; Limbu, Ben; Long, Quah Boon; López, Juan P; Lukamba, Robert M; Lumbroso, Livia; Luna-Fineman, Sandra; Lutfi, Delfitri; Lysytsia, Lesia; Magrath, George N; Mahajan, Amita; Majeed, Abdul Rahim; Maka, Erika; Makan, Mayuri; Makimbetov, Emil K; Manda, Chatonda; Martín Begue, Nieves; Mason, Lauren; Mason, John O; Matende, Ibrahim O; Materin, Miguel; Mattosinho, Clarissa CDS; Matua, Marchelo; Mayet, Ismail; Mbumba, Freddy B; McKenzie, John D; Medina-Sanson, Aurora; Mehrvar, Azim; Mengesha, Aemero A; Menon, Vikas; Mercado, Gary John VD; Mets, Marilyn B; Midena, Edoardo; Mishra, Divyansh KC; Mndeme, Furahini G; Mohamedani, Ahmed A; Mohammad, Mona T; Moll, Annette C; Montero, Margarita M; Morales, Rosa A; Moreira, Claude; Mruthyunjaya, Prithvi; Msina, Mchikirwa S; Msukwa, Gerald; Mudaliar, Sangeeta S; Muma, Kangwa I; Munier, Francis L; Murgoi, Gabriela; Murray, Timothy G; Musa, Kareem O; Mushtaq, Asma; Mustak, Hamzah; Muyen, Okwen M; Naidu, Gita; Nair, Akshay Gopinathan; Naumenko, Larisa; Ndoye Roth, Paule Aïda; Nency, Yetty M; Neroev, Vladimir; Ngo, Hang; Nieves, Rosa M; Nikitovic, Marina; Nkanga, Elizabeth D; Nkumbe, Henry; Nuruddin, Murtuza; Nyaywa, Mutale; Obono-Obiang, Ghislaine; Oguego, Ngozi C; Olechowski, Andrzej; Oliver, Scott CN; Osei-Bonsu, Peter; Ossandon, Diego; Paez-Escamilla, Manuel A; Pagarra, Halimah; Painter, Sally L; Paintsil, Vivian; Paiva, Luisa; Pal, Bikramjit P; Palanivelu, Mahesh Shanmugam; Papyan, Ruzanna; Parrozzani, Raffaele; Parulekar, Manoj; Pascual Morales, Claudia R; Paton, Katherine E; Pawinska-Wasikowska, Katarzyna; Pe'er, Jacob; Peña, Armando; Peric, Sanja; Pham, Chau TM; Philbert, Remezo; Plager, David A; Pochop, Pavel; Polania, Rodrigo A; Polyakov, Vladimir G; Pompe, Manca T; Pons, Jonathan J; Prat, Daphna; Prom, Vireak; Purwanto, Ignatius; Qadir, Ali O; Qayyum, Seema; Qian, Jiang; Rahman, Ardizal; Rahman, Salman; Rahmat, Jamalia; Rajkarnikar, Purnima; Ramanjulu, Rajesh; Ramasubramanian, Aparna; Ramirez-Ortiz, Marco A; Raobela, Léa; Rashid, Riffat; Reddy, M Ashwin; Reich, Ehud; Renner, Lorna A; Reynders, David; Ribadu, Dahiru; Riheia, Mussagy M; Ritter-Sovinz, Petra; Rojanaporn, Duangnate; Romero, Livia; Roy, Soma R; Saab, Raya H; Saakyan, Svetlana; Sabhan, Ahmed H; Sagoo, Mandeep S; Said, Azza MA; Saiju, Rohit; Salas, Beatriz; San Román Pacheco, Sonsoles; Sánchez, Gissela L; Sayalith, Phayvanh; Scanlan, Trish A; Schefler, Amy C; Schoeman, Judy; Sedaghat, Ahad; Seregard, Stefan; Seth, Rachna; Shah, Ankoor S; Shakoor, Shawkat A; Sharma, Manoj K; Sherief, Sadik T; Shetye, Nandan G; Shields, Carol L; Siddiqui, Sorath Noorani; Sidi Cheikh, Sidi; Silva, Sónia; Singh, Arun D; Singh, Niharika; Singh, Usha; Singha, Penny; Sitorus, Rita S; Skalet, Alison H; Soebagjo, Hendrian D; Sorochynska, Tetyana; Ssali, Grace; Stacey, Andrew W; Staffieri, Sandra E; Stahl, Erin D; Stathopoulos, Christina; Stirn Kranjc, Branka; Stones, David K; Strahlendorf, Caron; Suarez, Maria Estela Coleoni; Sultana, Sadia; Sun, Xiantao; Sundy, Meryl; Superstein, Rosanne; Supriyadi, Eddy; Surukrattanaskul, Supawan; Suzuki, Shigenobu; Svojgr, Karel; Sylla, Fatoumata; Tamamyan, Gevorg; Tan, Deborah; Tandili, Alketa; Tarrillo Leiva, Fanny F; Tashvighi, Maryam; Tateshi, Bekim; Tehuteru, Edi S; Teixeira, Luiz F; Teh, Kok Hoi; Theophile, Tuyisabe; Toledano, Helen; Trang, Doan L; Traoré, Fousseyni; Trichaiyaporn, Sumalin; Tuncer, Samuray; Tyau-Tyau, Harba; Umar, Ali B; Unal, Emel; Uner, Ogul E; Urbak, Steen F; Ushakova, Tatiana L; Usmanov, Rustam H; Valeina, Sandra; van Hoefen Wijsard, Milo; Varadisai, Adisai; Vasquez, Liliana; Vaughan, Leon O; Veleva-Krasteva, Nevyana V; Verma, Nishant; Victor, Andi A; Viksnins, Maris; Villacís Chafla, Edwin G; Vishnevskia-Dai, Vicktoria; Vora, Tushar; Wachtel, Antonio E; Wackernagel, Werner; Waddell, Keith; Wade, Patricia D; Wali, Amina H; Wang, Yi-Zhuo; Weiss, Avery; Wilson, Matthew W; Wime, Amelia DC; Wiwatwongwana, Atchareeya; Wiwatwongwana, Damrong; Wolley Dod, Charlotte; Wongwai, Phanthipha; Xiang, Daoman; Xiao, Yishuang; Yam, Jason C; Yang, Huasheng; Yanga, Jenny M; Yaqub, Muhammad A; Yarovaya, Vera A; Yarovoy, Andrey A; Ye, Huijing; Yousef, Yacoub A; Yuliawati, Putu; Zapata López, Arturo M; Zein, Ekhtelbenina; Zhang, Chengyue; Zhang, Yi; Zhao, Junyang; Zheng, Xiaoyu; Zhilyaeva, Katsiaryna; Zia, Nida; Ziko, Othman AO; Zondervan, Marcia; Bowman, Richard
  • A framework for identifying and mitigating the equity harms of COVID-19 policy interventions. (2020) Glover, Rebecca E; van Schalkwyk, May CI; Akl, Elie A; Kristjannson, Elizabeth; Lotfi, Tamara; Petkovic, Jennifer; Petticrew, Mark P; Pottie, Kevin; Tugwell, Peter; Welch, Vivian
  • Effect of Acute Illness on Contact Patterns, Malawi, 2017. (2020) Glynn, Judith R; McLean, Estelle; Malava, Jullita; Dube, Albert; Katundu, Cynthia; Crampin, Amelia C; Geis, Steffen
  • Systematic analysis of infectious disease outcomes by age shows lowest severity in school-age children. (2020) Glynn, Judith R; Moss, Paul AH
  • Child Salivary SIgA and Its Relationship to Enteric Infections and EED Biomarkers in Maputo, Mozambique. (2020) Goddard, Frederick GB; Knee, Jacqueline; Sumner, Trent; Nalá, Rassul; Clasen, Thomas; Brown, Joe
  • Fixed dose drug combinations - are they pharmacoeconomically sound? Findings and implications especially for lower- and middle-income countries. (2020) Godman, Brian; McCabe, Holly; D Leong, Trudy
  • Erratum to: Trachoma Prevalence After Discontinuation of Mass Azithromycin Distribution. (2020) Godwin, William; Prada, Joaquin M; Emerson, Paul; Hooper, PJ; Bakhtiari, Ana; Deiner, Michael; Porco, Travis C; Mahmud, Hamidah; Landskroner, Emma; Hollingsworth, T Deirdre; Medley, Graham F; Pinsent, Amy; Bailey, Robin; Lietman, Thomas M; Oldenburg, Catherine E
  • Using satellite imagery to estimate heavy vehicle volume for ecological injury analysis in India. (2020) Goel, Rahul; Miranda, J Jaime; Gouveia, Nelson; Woodcock, James
  • Impact of breastfeeding, maternal antiretroviral treatment and health service factors on 18-month vertical transmission of HIV and HIV-free survival: results from a nationally representative HIV-exposed infant cohort, South Africa. (2020) Goga, Ameena Ebrahim; Lombard, Carl; Jackson, Debra; Ramokolo, Vundli; Ngandu, Nobubelo Kwanele; Sherman, Gayle; Puren, Adrian; Chirinda, Witness; Bhardwaj, Sanjana; Makhari, Nobuntu; Ramraj, Trisha; Magasana, Vuyolwethu; Singh, Yagespari; Pillay, Yogan; Dinh, Thu-Ha
  • How to make hand sanitiser gel. (2020) Goh, Choon Fu; Mohamed Ahmed, Abeer HA
  • Projected impact of the Portuguese sugar-sweetened beverage tax on obesity incidence across different age groups: A modelling study. (2020) Goiana-da-Silva, Francisco; Severo, Milton; Cruz E Silva, David; Gregório, Maria João; Allen, Luke N; Muc, Magdalena; Morais Nunes, Alexandre; Torres, Duarte; Miraldo, Marisa; Ashrafian, Hutan; Rito, Ana; Wickramasinghe, Kremlin; Breda, João; Darzi, Ara; Araújo, Fernando; Lopes, Carla
  • Burden of asthma exacerbations and health care utilization in pediatric patients with asthma in the US and England. (2020) Gokhale, Mugdha; Hattori, Takako; Evitt, Lee; Lenney, Warren; Nordstrom, Beth; Collins, Jenna; Schultze, Anna; Van Dyke, Melissa K
  • The biology of unconventional invasion of Duffy-negative reticulocytes by Plasmodium vivax and its implication in malaria epidemiology and public health. (2020) Golassa, Lemu; Amenga-Etego, Lucas; Lo, Eugenia; Amambua-Ngwa, Alfred
  • High prevalence and extended deletions in Plasmodium falciparum hrp2/3 genomic loci in Ethiopia. (2020) Golassa, Lemu; Messele, Alebachew; Amambua-Ngwa, Alfred; Swedberg, Gote
  • Estimating treatment effects under untestable assumptions with nonignorable missing data. (2020) Gomes, Manuel; Kenward, Michael G; Grieve, Richard; Carpenter, James
  • Estimating Cost Functions for Resource Allocation Using Transmission Models: A Case Study of Tuberculosis Case Finding in South Africa. (2020) Gomez, Gabriela B; Mudzengi, Don L; Bozzani, Fiammetta; Menzies, Nicholas A; Vassall, Anna
  • A Practical Guide to Using Time-and-Motion Methods to Monitor Compliance With Hand Hygiene Guidelines: Experience From Tanzanian Labor Wards. (2020) Gon, Giorgia; Ali, Said M; Aunger, Robert; Campbell, Oona M; de Barra, Mícheál; de Bruin, Marijn; Juma, Mohammed; Nash, Stephen; Tajo, Amour; Westbrook, Johanna; Woodd, Susannah; Graham, Wendy J
  • Reducing hand recontamination of healthcare workers during COVID-19. (2020) Gon, Giorgia; Dancer, Stephanie; Dreibelbis, Robert; Graham, Wendy J; Kilpatrick, Claire
  • Behavioural Determinants of Hand Washing and Glove Recontamination before Aseptic Procedures at Birth: A Time-and-Motion Study and Survey in Zanzibar Labour Wards. (2020) Gon, Giorgia; Virgo, Sandra; de Barra, Mícheál; Ali, Said M; Campbell, Oona M; Graham, Wendy J; Nash, Stephen; Woodd, Susannah L; de Bruin, Marijn
  • Birth attendants' hand hygiene compliance in healthcare facilities in low and middle-income countries: a systematic review. (2020) Gon, Giorgia; de Barra, Mícheál; Dansero, Lucia; Nash, Stephen; Campbell, Oona MR
  • Childhood Malnutrition and Association of Lean Mass with Metabolome and Hormone Profile in Later Life. (2020) Gonzales, Gerard Bryan; Lelijveld, Natasha; Bourdon, Celine; Chimwezi, Emmanuel; Nyirenda, Moffat J; Wells, Jonathan C; Kerac, Marko; Bandsma, Robert HJ
  • Chagas disease in the United Kingdom: A review of cases at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases London 1995-2018. The current state of detection of Chagas disease in the UK. (2020) González Sanz, Marta; De Sario, Valentina; García-Mingo, Ana; Nolder, Debbie; Dawood, Naghum; Álvarez-Martínez, Míriam J; Daly, Rosemarie; Lowe, Patricia; Yacoub, Sophie; Moore, David Aj; Chiodini, Peter L
  • Dietary recommendations in Spain -affordability and environmental sustainability? (2020) González-García, Sara; Green, Rosemary F; Scheelbeek, Pauline F; Harris, Francesca; Dangour, Alan D
  • Documenting the decline of leprosy in Europe: The example of Northern Portugal. (2020) Gonçalves, Guilherme; Andrade, Isabel; Pinheiro, Carlos; Fine, Paul EM
  • Effect of adding azithromycin to the antimalarials used for seasonal malaria chemoprevention on the nutritional status of African children. (2020) Gore-Langton, Georgia R; Cairns, Matthew; Compaoré, Yves Daniel; Sagara, Issaka; Kuepfer, Irene; Zongo, Issaka; de Wit, Mariken M; Barry, Amadou; Diarra, Modibo; Tapily, Amadou; Coumare, Samba; Thera, Ismail; Nikiema, Frederic; Yerbanga, R Serge; Guissou, Rosemonde M; Tinto, Halidou; Dicko, Alassane; Chandramohan, Daniel; Greenwood, Brian; Ouedraogo, Jean Bosco
  • Contagion, Isolation, and Biopolitics in Victorian London by Matthew L. Newsom Kerr. (2020) Gorsky, Martin
  • Marcos Cueto, Theodore M. Brown and Elizabeth Fee, The World Health Organization: A History, Global Health Histories. (2020) Gorsky, Martin
  • Human rights/human capital: a hundred years of ‘universal’ health coverage as a global goal. (2020) Gorsky, Martin; Sirrs, Christopher
  • Universal health coverage as a global public health goal: the work of the International Labour Organisation, c.1925-2018. (2020) Gorsky, Martin; Sirrs, Christopher
  • District-level approach for tailoring and targeting interventions: a new path for malaria control and elimination. (2020) Gosling, Roly; Chimumbwa, John; Uusiku, Petrina; Rossi, Sara; Ntuku, Henry; Harvard, Kelly; White, Chris; Tatarsky, Allison; Chandramohan, Daniel; Chen, Ingrid
  • Practical considerations for measuring the effective reproductive number, Rt. (2020) Gostic, Katelyn M; McGough, Lauren; Baskerville, Edward B; Abbott, Sam; Joshi, Keya; Tedijanto, Christine; Kahn, Rebecca; Niehus, Rene; Hay, James A; De Salazar, Pablo M; Hellewell, Joel; Meakin, Sophie; Munday, James D; Bosse, Nikos I; Sherrat, Katharine; Thompson, Robin N; White, Laura F; Huisman, Jana S; Scire, Jérémie; Bonhoeffer, Sebastian; Stadler, Tanja; Wallinga, Jacco; Funk, Sebastian; Lipsitch, Marc; Cobey, Sarah
  • Practical considerations for measuring the effective reproductive number, R t. (2020) Gostic, Katelyn M; McGough, Lauren; Baskerville, Edward B; Abbott, Sam; Joshi, Keya; Tedijanto, Christine; Kahn, Rebecca; Niehus, Rene; Hay, James; De Salazar, Pablo M; Hellewell, Joel; Meakin, Sophie; Munday, James; Bosse, Nikos I; Sherrat, Katharine; Thompson, Robin N; White, Laura F; Huisman, Jana S; Scire, Jérémie; Bonhoeffer, Sebastian; Stadler, Tanja; Wallinga, Jacco; Funk, Sebastian; Lipsitch, Marc; Cobey, Sarah
  • Estimated effectiveness of symptom and risk screening to prevent the spread of COVID-19. (2020) Gostic, Katelyn; Gomez, Ana Cr; Mummah, Riley O; Kucharski, Adam J; Lloyd-Smith, James O
  • Gonococcal vaccines: Public health value and preferred product characteristics; report of a WHO global stakeholder consultation, January 2019. (2020) Gottlieb, Sami L; Ndowa, Francis; Hook, Edward W; Deal, Carolyn; Bachmann, Laura; Abu-Raddad, Laith; Chen, Xiang-Sheng; Jerse, Ann; Low, Nicola; MacLennan, Calman A; Petousis-Harris, Helen; Seib, Kate L; Unemo, Magnus; Vincent, Leah; Giersing, Birgitte K; Gonococcal Vaccine PPC Expert Advisory Group
  • Hepatitis B infection in people living with HIV who initiate antiretroviral therapy in Zimbabwe. (2020) Goverwa-Sibanda, TP; Mupanguri, C; Timire, C; Harries, AD; Ngwenya, S; Chikwati, E; Mapfuma, C; Mushambi, F; Tweya, H; Ndlovu, M
  • A qualitative enquiry into the meaning and experiences of wellbeing among young people living with and without HIV in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. (2020) Govindasamy, Darshini; Ferrari, Giulia; Maruping, Kealeboga; Bodzo, Paidamoyo; Mathews, Catherine; Seeley, Janet
  • Informing the measurement of wellbeing among young people living with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa for policy evaluations: a mixed-methods systematic review. (2020) Govindasamy, Darshini; Seeley, Janet; Olaru, Ioana D; Wiyeh, Alison; Mathews, Catherine; Ferrari, Giulia
  • Review of the Quality Control Checks Performed by Current Genome-Wide and Targeted-Genome Association Studies on Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. (2020) Grabowska, Anna D; Lacerda, Eliana M; Nacul, Luís; Sepúlveda, Nuno
  • Protecting hard-won gains for mothers and newborns in low-income and middle-income countries in the face of COVID-19: call for a service safety net. (2020) Graham, Wendy Jane; Afolabi, Bosede; Benova, Lenka; Campbell, Oona Maeve Renee; Filippi, Veronique; Nakimuli, Annettee; Penn-Kekana, Loveday; Sharma, Gaurav; Okomo, Uduak; Valongueiro, Sandra; Waiswa, Peter; Ronsmans, Carine
  • Association between bacterial homoplastic variants and radiological pathology in tuberculosis. (2020) Grandjean, Louis; Monteserin, Joha; Gilman, Robert; Pauschardt, Julia; Rokadiya, Sakib; Bonilla, Cesar; Ritacco, Viviana; Vidal, Julia Rios; Parkhill, Julian; Peacock, Sharon; Moore, David Aj; Balloux, Francois
  • A review of the use of propensity score diagnostics in papers published in high-ranking medical journals. (2020) Granger, Emily; Watkins, Tim; Sergeant, Jamie C; Lunt, Mark
  • Is modelling complexity always needed? Insights from modelling PrEP introduction in South Africa. (2020) Grant, Hannah; Foss, Anna M; Watts, Charlotte; Medley, Graham F; Mukandavire, Zindoga
  • Time to Scale Up Preexposure Prophylaxis Beyond the Highest-Risk Populations? Modeling Insights From High-Risk Women in Sub-Saharan Africa. (2020) Grant, Hannah; Gomez, Gabriela B; Kripke, Katharine; Barnabas, Ruanne V; Watts, Charlotte; Medley, Graham F; Mukandavire, Zindoga
  • Pervasive and non-random recombination in near full-length HIV genomes from Uganda. (2020) Grant, Heather E; Hodcroft, Emma B; Ssemwanga, Deogratius; Kitayimbwa, John M; Yebra, Gonzalo; Esquivel Gomez, Luis Roger; Frampton, Dan; Gall, Astrid; Kellam, Paul; de Oliveira, Tulio; Bbosa, Nicholas; Nsubuga, Rebecca N; Kibengo, Freddie; Kwan, Tsz Ho; Lycett, Samantha; Kao, Rowland; Robertson, David L; Ratmann, Oliver; Fraser, Christophe; Pillay, Deenan; Kaleebu, Pontiano; Leigh Brown, Andrew J
  • Sexually Transmitted Infections in Pregnancy: A Narrative Review of the Global Research Gaps, Challenges, and Opportunities. (2020) Grant, Juliana S; Chico, R Matthew; Lee, Anne Cc; Low, Nicola; Medina-Marino, Andrew; Molina, Rose L; Morroni, Chelsea; Ramogola-Masire, Doreen; Stafylis, Chrysovalantis; Tang, Weiming; Vallely, Andrew J; Wynn, Adriane; Yeganeh, Nava; Klausner, Jeffrey D
  • Pharmacokinetics of intramuscular tranexamic acid in bleeding trauma patients: a clinical trial. (2020) Grassin-Delyle, Stanislas; Shakur-Still, Haleema; Picetti, Roberto; Frimley, Lauren; Jarman, Heather; Davenport, Ross; McGuinness, William; Moss, Phil; Pott, Jason; Tai, Nigel; Lamy, Elodie; Urien, Saïk; Prowse, Danielle; Thayne, Andrew; Gilliam, Catherine; Pynn, Harvey; Roberts, Ian
  • Comparison of molecular testing strategies for COVID-19 control: a mathematical modelling study. (2020) Grassly, Nicholas C; Pons-Salort, Margarita; Parker, Edward PK; White, Peter J; Ferguson, Neil M; Imperial College COVID-19 Response Team
  • A Framework for Methodological Choice and Evidence Assessment for Studies Using External Comparators from Real-World Data. (2020) Gray, Christen M; Grimson, Fiona; Layton, Deborah; Pocock, Stuart; Kim, Joseph
  • Cryptococcal meningitis: a review of cryptococcal antigen screening programs in Africa. (2020) Greene, Greg; Lawrence, David S; Jordan, Alex; Chiller, Tom; Jarvis, Joseph N
  • The effect of initiation of renin-angiotensin system inhibitors on haemoglobin: A national cohort study. (2020) Greenhall, George HB; Mansfield, Kathryn E; Nitsch, Dorothea; Iwagami, Masao; Leyrat, Clemence; Johnston, Rosalynd; Smeeth, Liam; Tomlinson, Laurie A
  • Fertility and digital technology: narratives of using smartphone app 'Natural Cycles' while trying to conceive. (2020) Grenfell, Pippa; Tilouche, Nerissa; Shawe, Jill; French, Rebecca S
  • Potentially Heterogeneous Cross-Sectional Associations of Seafood Consumption with Diabetes and Glycemia in Urban South Asia. (2020) Gribble, Matthew O; Head, Jennifer R; Prabhakaran, Dorairaj; Kapoor, Deksha; Garg, Vandana; Mohan, Deepa; Anjana, Ranjit Mohan; Mohan, Viswanathan; Vasudevan, Sudha; Kadir, M Masood; Tandon, Nikhil; Narayan, KM Venkat; Patel, Shivani A; Jaacks, Lindsay M
  • A novel multiplex qPCR assay for detection of Plasmodium falciparum with histidine-rich protein 2 and 3 (pfhrp2 and pfhrp3) deletions in polyclonal infections. (2020) Grignard, Lynn; Nolder, Debbie; Sepúlveda, Nuno; Berhane, Araia; Mihreteab, Selam; Kaaya, Robert; Phelan, Jody; Moser, Kara; van Schalkwyk, Donelly A; Campino, Susana; Parr, Jonathan B; Juliano, Jonathan J; Chiodini, Peter; Cunningham, Jane; Sutherland, Colin J; Drakeley, Chris; Beshir, Khalid B
  • Disabled People's Organisations increase access to services and improve well-being: evidence from a cluster randomized trial in North India. (2020) Grills, Nathan John; Hoq, Monsurul; Wong, Chun-Ping Pam; Allagh, Komal; Singh, Lawrence; Soji, Fairlene; Murthy, GVS
  • Exploring maintenance of physical activity behaviour change among people living with and beyond gastrointestinal cancer: a cross-sectional qualitative study and typology. (2020) Grimmett, Chloe; Foster, Claire; Bradbury, Katherine; Lally, Phillippa; May, Carl R; Myall, Michelle; Pinto, Bernardine; Corbett, Teresa
  • Safety of inadvertent administration of live zoster vaccine to immunosuppressed individuals in a UK-based observational cohort analysis. (2020) Grint, Daniel J; McDonald, Helen I; Walker, Jemma L; Amirthalingam, Gayatri; Andrews, Nick; Thomas, Sara
  • In-flight transmission of foodborne disease: How can airlines improve? (2020) Grout, Andrea; Speakman, Elizabeth M
  • The importance of proper and prompt treatment of ocular syphilis: a lesson from permanent vision loss in 52 eyes. (2020) Gu, X; Gao, Y; Yan, Y; Marks, M; Zhu, L; Lu, H; Guan, Z; Shi, M; Ni, L; Peng, R; Zhao, W; Wu, J; Qi, T; Lu, S; Qian, Y; Gong, W; Zhou, P
  • Evaluation of competence training for the minimally trained health worker in type 2 diabetes: A cluster randomized controlled trial. (2020) Gudlavalleti, Anirudh Gaurang; Babu, Giridhara R; van Schayck, Onno CP; Schaper, Nicolaas C; Lewis, Melissa Glenda; Murthy, GVS
  • Establishing peer support groups for diabetic retinopathy in India: Lessons learned and way ahead. (2020) Gudlavalleti, Anirudh Gaurang; Gilbert, Clare; Shukla, Rajan; Gajiwala, Uday; Shukla, Ajay; Murthy, GVS; Batchu, Tripura; Mukpalkar, Sridivya; Bala Vidyadhar, MS; Sheikh, Azhar
  • Health and sustainability in post-pandemic economic policies. (2020) Guerriero, Carla; Haines, Andy; Pagano, Marco
  • Lung cancer risk in painters: results from the SYNERGY pooled case-control study consortium. (2020) Guha, Neela; Bouaoun, Liacine; Kromhout, Hans; Vermeulen, Roel; Brüning, Thomas; Behrens, Thomas; Peters, Susan; Luzon, Véronique; Siemiatycki, Jack; Xu, Mengting; Kendzia, Benjamin; Guenel, Pascal; Luce, Danièle; Karrasch, Stefan; Wichmann, Heinz-Erich; Consonni, Dario; Landi, Maria Teresa; Caporaso, Neil E; Gustavsson, Per; Plato, Nils; Merletti, Franco; Mirabelli, Dario; Richiardi, Lorenzo; Jöckel, Karl-Heinz; Ahrens, Wolfgang; Pohlabeln, Hermann; Tse, Lap Ah; Yu, Ignatius Tak-Sun; Tardón, Adonina; Boffetta, Paolo; Zaridze, David; 't Mannetje, Andrea; Pearce, Neil; Davies, Michael PA; Lissowska, Jolanta; Świątkowska, Beata; McLaughlin, John; Demers, Paul A; Bencko, Vladimir; Foretova, Lenka; Janout, Vladimir; Pándics, Tamás; Fabianova, Eleonora; Mates, Dana; Forastiere, Francesco; Bueno-de-Mesquita, Bas; Schüz, Joachim; Straif, Kurt; Olsson, Ann
  • Slow implementation of mifepristone medical termination of pregnancy in Quebec, Canada: a qualitative investigation. (2020) Guilbert, Edith; Wagner, Marie-Soleil; Munro, Sarah; Wilcox, Elizabeth S; Dunn, Sheila; Soon, Judith A; Devane, Courtney; Norman, Wendy V
  • Serious bacterial infections and antibiotic prescribing in primary care: cohort study using electronic health records in the UK. (2020) Gulliford, Martin C; Sun, Xiaohui; Charlton, Judith; Winter, Joanne R; Bunce, Catey; Boiko, Olga; Fox, Robin; Little, Paul; Moore, Michael; Hay, Alastair D; Ashworth, Mark; SafeAB Research Group
  • Early Signs Monitoring to Prevent Relapse in Psychosis and Promote Well-Being, Engagement, and Recovery: Protocol for a Feasibility Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial Harnessing Mobile Phone Technology Blended With Peer Support. (2020) Gumley, Andrew; Bradstreet, Simon; Ainsworth, John; Allan, Stephanie; Alvarez-Jimenez, Mario; Beattie, Louise; Bell, Imogen; Birchwood, Max; Briggs, Andrew; Bucci, Sandra; Castagnini, Emily; Clark, Andrea; Cotton, Sue M; Engel, Lidia; French, Paul; Lederman, Reeva; Lewis, Shon; Machin, Matthew; MacLennan, Graeme; Matrunola, Claire; McLeod, Hamish; McMeekin, Nicola; Mihalopoulos, Cathrine; Morton, Emma; Norrie, John; Reilly, Frank; Schwannauer, Matthias; Singh, Swaran P; Smith, Lesley; Sundram, Suresh; Thomson, David; Thompson, Andrew; Whitehill, Helen; Wilson-Kay, Alison; Williams, Christopher; Yung, Alison; Farhall, John; Gleeson, John
  • Microbe Profile: Campylobacter jejuni - survival instincts. (2020) Gundogdu, Ozan; Wren, Brendan W
  • Distance education as socio‐material assemblage: Place, distribution, and aggregation. (2020) Gunter, Ashley; Raghuram, Parvati; Breines, Markus Roos; Prinsloo, Paul
  • Effect of mass dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine administration in southern Mozambique on the carriage of molecular markers of antimalarial resistance. (2020) Gupta, Himanshu; Galatas, Beatriz; Chidimatembue, Arlindo; Huijben, Silvie; Cisteró, Pau; Matambisso, Gloria; Nhamussua, Lidia; Simone, Wilson; Bassat, Quique; Ménard, Didier; Ringwald, Pascal; Rabinovich, N Regina; Alonso, Pedro L; Saúte, Francisco; Aide, Pedro; Mayor, Alfredo
  • Systematic evaluation and external validation of 22 prognostic models among hospitalised adults with COVID-19: an observational cohort study. (2020) Gupta, Rishi K; Marks, Michael; Samuels, Thomas HA; Luintel, Akish; Rampling, Tommy; Chowdhury, Humayra; Quartagno, Matteo; Nair, Arjun; Lipman, Marc; Abubakar, Ibrahim; van Smeden, Maarten; Wong, Wai Keong; Williams, Bryan; Noursadeghi, Mahdad; UCLH COVID-19 Reporting Group
  • Community attitudes and gendered influences on decision making around contraceptive implant use in rural Papua New Guinea. (2020) Gupta, Sarika; Bernays, Sarah; Black, Kirsten Isla; Ramsay, Philippa; Bolnga, John; Kelly-Hanku, Angela
  • Virological failure, HIV-1 drug resistance, and early mortality in adults admitted to hospital in Malawi: an observational cohort study. (2020) Gupta-Wright, Ankur; Fielding, Katherine; van Oosterhout, Joep J; Alufandika, Melanie; Grint, Daniel J; Chimbayo, Elizabeth; Heaney, Judith; Byott, Matthew; Nastouli, Eleni; Mwandumba, Henry C; Corbett, Elizabeth L; Gupta, Ravindra K
  • Impact of a quality improvement project to reduce the rate of obstetric anal sphincter injury: a multicentre study with a stepped-wedge design. (2020) Gurol-Urganci, I; Bidwell, P; Sevdalis, N; Silverton, L; Novis, V; Freeman, R; Hellyer, A; van der Meulen, J; Thakar, R
  • Determinants of referral of women with urinary incontinence to specialist services: a national cohort study using primary care data from the UK. (2020) Gurol-Urganci, Ipek; Geary, Rebecca S; Mamza, Jil B; Iwagami, Masao; El-Hamamsy, Dina; Duckett, Jonathan; Wilson, Andrew; Tincello, Douglas; van der Meulen, Jan
  • How to reduce household costs for people with tuberculosis: a longitudinal costing survey in Nepal. (2020) Gurung, Suman Chandra; Rai, Bhola; Dixit, Kritika; Worrall, Eve; Paudel, Puskar Raj; Dhital, Raghu; Sah, Manoj Kumar; Pandit, Ram Narayan; Aryal, Tara Prasad; Majhi, Govinda; Wingfield, Tom; Squire, Bertie; Lönnroth, Knut; Levy, Jens W; Viney, Kerri; van Rest, Job; Ramsay, Andrew; Santos da Costa, Rafaely Marcia; Basnyat, Buddha; Thapa, Anil; Mishra, Gokul; Moreira Pescarini, Julia; Caws, Maxine; Teixeira de Siqueira-Filha, Noemia
  • Evidence for treating malaria with artemisinin-based combination therapy in the first trimester of pregnancy. (2020) Gutman, Julie R; Chico, R Matthew
  • There is no ideal place, but it is best to deliver in a hospital: expectations and experiences of health facility-based childbirth in Imo State, Nigeria. (2020) Gwacham-Anisiobi, Uchenna Chinenye; Banke-Thomas, Aduragbemi
  • Effects of a high-dose 24-h infusion of tranexamic acid on death and thromboembolic events in patients with acute gastrointestinal bleeding (HALT-IT): an international randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. (2020) HALT-IT Trial Collaborators
  • Combating the COVID-19 Epidemic: Experiences from Vietnam. (2020) Ha, Bui Thi Thu; Ngoc Quang, La; Mirzoev, Tolib; Tai, Nguyen Trong; Thai, Pham Quang; Dinh, Phung Cong
  • Implementation of Health Policy on Establishment of Provincial Center of Diseases Control (CDC) in Vietnam. (2020) Ha, Bui Thi Thu; Pham Van, Tac; Mirzoev, Tolib
  • Engagement of private healthcare providers for case finding of tuberculosis and diabetes mellitus in Pakistan. (2020) Habib, Shifa Salman; Rafiq, Sana; Jamal, Wafa Zehra; Ayub, Shaikh Muhammad; Ferrand, Rashida Abbas; Khan, Aamir; Zaidi, Syed Mohammad Asad
  • Evaluation of computer aided detection of tuberculosis on chest radiography among people with diabetes in Karachi Pakistan. (2020) Habib, Shifa Salman; Rafiq, Sana; Zaidi, Syed Mohammad Asad; Ferrand, Rashida Abbas; Creswell, Jacob; Van Ginneken, Bram; Jamal, Wafa Zehra; Azeemi, Kiran Sohail; Khowaja, Saira; Khan, Aamir
  • Do not violate the International Health Regulations during the COVID-19 outbreak. (2020) Habibi, Roojin; Burci, Gian Luca; de Campos, Thana C; Chirwa, Danwood; Cinà, Margherita; Dagron, Stéphanie; Eccleston-Turner, Mark; Forman, Lisa; Gostin, Lawrence O; Meier, Benjamin Mason; Negri, Stefania; Ooms, Gorik; Sekalala, Sharifah; Taylor, Allyn; Yamin, Alicia Ely; Hoffman, Steven J
  • Effect of repeated epilation for minor trachomatous trichiasis on lash burden, phenotype and surgical management willingness: A cohort study. (2020) Habtamu, Esmael; Wondie, Tariku; Gobezie, Wubshet; Tadesse, Zerihun; Gashaw, Bizuayehu; Gebeyehu, Abebaw; Roberts, Chrissy H; Callahan, E Kelly; Macleod, David; Burton, Matthew J
  • Variation in antibiotic prescription rates in febrile children presenting to emergency departments across Europe (MOFICHE): A multicentre observational study. (2020) Hagedoorn, Nienke N; Borensztajn, Dorine M; Nijman, Ruud; Balode, Anda; von Both, Ulrich; Carrol, Enitan D; Eleftheriou, Irini; Emonts, Marieke; van der Flier, Michiel; de Groot, Ronald; Herberg, Jethro; Kohlmaier, Benno; Lim, Emma; Maconochie, Ian; Martinon-Torres, Federico; Nieboer, Daan; Pokorn, Marko; Strle, Franc; Tsolia, Maria; Yeung, Shunmay; Zavadska, Dace; Zenz, Werner; Vermont, Clementien; Levin, Michael; Moll, Henriëtte A; PERFORM consortium
  • Prevalence and factors associated with exclusive breastfeeding among rural mothers of infants less than six months of age in Southern Nations, Nationalities, Peoples (SNNP) and Tigray regions, Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study. (2020) Hagos, Dawit; Tadesse, Amare Worku
  • Lockdown measures in response to COVID-19 in nine sub-Saharan African countries. (2020) Haider, Najmul; Osman, Abdinasir Yusuf; Gadzekpo, Audrey; Akipede, George O; Asogun, Danny; Ansumana, Rashid; Lessells, Richard John; Khan, Palwasha; Hamid, Muzamil Mahdi Abdel; Yeboah-Manu, Dorothy; Mboera, Leonard; Shayo, Elizabeth Henry; Mmbaga, Blandina T; Urassa, Mark; Musoke, David; Kapata, Nathan; Ferrand, Rashida Abbas; Kapata, Pascalina-Chanda; Stigler, Florian; Czypionka, Thomas; Zumla, Alimuddin; Kock, Richard; McCoy, David
  • COVID-19-Zoonosis or Emerging Infectious Disease? (2020) Haider, Najmul; Rothman-Ostrow, Peregrine; Osman, Abdinasir Yusuf; Arruda, Liã Bárbara; Macfarlane-Berry, Laura; Elton, Linzy; Thomason, Margaret J; Yeboah-Manu, Dorothy; Ansumana, Rashid; Kapata, Nathan; Mboera, Leonard; Rushton, Jonathan; McHugh, Timothy D; Heymann, David L; Zumla, Alimuddin; Kock, Richard A
  • The Global Health Security index and Joint External Evaluation score for health preparedness are not correlated with countries' COVID-19 detection response time and mortality outcome. (2020) Haider, Najmul; Yavlinsky, Alexei; Chang, Yu-Mei; Hasan, Mohammad Nayeem; Benfield, Camilla; Osman, Abdinasir Yusuf; Uddin, Md Jamal; Dar, Osman; Ntoumi, Francine; Zumla, Alimuddin; Kock, Richard
  • European Green Deal: a major opportunity for health improvement. (2020) Haines, Andy; Scheelbeek, Pauline
  • The health case for urgent action on climate change. (2020) Haines, Andy; Scheelbeek, Pauline
  • Glycan–glycan interactions determine <i>Leishmania</i> attachment to the midgut of permissive sand fly vectors. (2020) Hall, Amy R; Blakeman, Jamie T; Eissa, Ahmed M; Chapman, Paul; Morales-García, Ana L; Stennett, Laura; Martin, Oihane; Giraud, Emilie; Dockrell, David H; Cameron, Neil R; Wiese, Martin; Yakob, Laith; Rogers, Matthew E; Geoghegan, Mark
  • Service user and family participation in mental health policy making in Timor-Leste: a qualitative study with multiple stakeholders. (2020) Hall, Teresa; Kakuma, Ritsuko; Palmer, Lisa; Minas, Harry; Martins, João; Armstrong, Greg
  • A 'strategy of resistance'? How can a place-based empowerment programme influence local media portrayals of neighbourhoods and what are the implications for tackling health inequalities? (2020) Halliday, Emma; Collins, Michelle; Egan, Matthew; Ponsford, Ruth; Scott, Courtney; Popay, Jennie
  • Impact of school-based malaria case management on school attendance, health and education outcomes: a cluster randomised trial in southern Malawi. (2020) Halliday, Katherine E; Witek-McManus, Stefan S; Opondo, Charles; Mtali, Austin; Allen, Elizabeth; Bauleni, Andrew; Ndau, Saidi; Phondiwa, Emmanuel; Ali, Doreen; Kachigunda, Virginia; Sande, John H; Jawati, Mpumulo; Verney, Allison; Chimuna, Tiyese; Melody, David; Moestue, Helen; Roschnik, Natalie; Brooker, Simon J; Mathanga, Don P
  • The Helsinki Declaration 2020: Europe that protects. (2020) Halonen, Jaana I; Erhola, Marina; Furman, Eeva; Haahtela, Tari; Jousilahti, Pekka; Barouki, Robert; Bergman, Åke; Billo, Nils E; Fuller, Richard; Haines, Andrew; Kogevinas, Manolis; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike; Krauze, Kinga; Lanki, Timo; Vicente, Joana Lobo; Messerli, Peter; Nieuwenhuijsen, Mark; Paloniemi, Riikka; Peters, Annette; Posch, Karl-Heinz; Timonen, Pekka; Vermeulen, Roel; Virtanen, Suvi M; Bousquet, Jean; Antó, Josep M
  • A call for urgent action to safeguard our planet and our health in line with the helsinki declaration. (2020) Halonen, Jaana I; Erhola, Marina; Furman, Eeva; Haahtela, Tari; Jousilahti, Pekka; Barouki, Robert; Bergman, Åke; Billo, Nils E; Fuller, Richard; Haines, Andrew; Kogevinas, Manolis; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike; Krauze, Kinga; Lanki, Timo; Vicente, Joana Lobo; Messerli, Peter; Nieuwenhuijsen, Mark; Paloniemi, Riikka; Peters, Annette; Posch, Karl-Heinz; Timonen, Pekka; Vermeulen, Roel; Virtanen, Suvi M; Bousquet, Jean; Antó, Josep M
  • Social innovation in global health: sparking location action. (2020) Halpaap, Beatrice M; Tucker, Joseph D; Mathanga, Don; Juban, Noel; Awor, Phyllis; Saravia, Nancy G; Han, Larry; de Villiers, Katusha; Kitamura, Makiko; Cuervo, Luis Gabriel; Peeling, Rosanna; Reeder, John C
  • From words to actions: systematic review of interventions to promote sexual and reproductive health of persons with disabilities in low- and middle-income countries. (2020) Hameed, Shaffa; Maddams, Alexander; Lowe, Hattie; Davies, Lowri; Khosla, Rajat; Shakespeare, Tom
  • Cytomegalovirus-Specific Immunoglobulin G Is Associated With Chronic Lung Disease in Children and Adolescents from Sub-Saharan Africa Living With Perinatal Human Immunodeficiency Virus. (2020) Hameiri Bowen, Dan; Sovershaeva, Evgeniya; Charlton, Bethany; Schive, Cecilie; Odland, Jon; McHugh, Grace; Bandason, Tsitsi; Mayini, Justin; Ferrand, Rashida A; Yindom, Louis-Marie; Rowland-Jones, Sarah L
  • Insecticide resistance in indoor and outdoor-resting Anopheles gambiae in Northern Ghana. (2020) Hamid-Adiamoh, Majidah; Amambua-Ngwa, Alfred; Nwakanma, Davis; D'Alessandro, Umberto; Awandare, Gordon A; Afrane, Yaw A
  • Stories from the Field: Mapping Innovation in Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic. (2020) Hamilton, Alisa; Sala, Giovanni; Qureshi, Onaiza; Eaton, Julian
  • Prevalence and risk factors for chronic kidney disease of unknown cause in Malawi: a cross-sectional analysis in a rural and urban population. (2020) Hamilton, Sophie A; Nakanga, Wisdom P; Prynn, Josephine E; Crampin, Amelia C; Fecht, Daniela; Vineis, Paolo; Caplin, Ben; Pearce, Neil; Nyirenda, Moffat J
  • Interventions to promote access to eye care for non-Indigenous, non-dominant ethnic groups in high-income countries: a scoping review protocol. (2020) Hamm, Lisa Marie; Black, Joanna; Burn, Helen; Grey, Corina; Harwood, Matire; Peiris-John, Roshini; Gordon, Iris; Burton, Matthew J; Evans, Jennifer R; Ramke, Jacqueline
  • Integrated delivery of family planning and childhood immunisation services in routine outreach clinics: findings from a realist evaluation in Malawi. (2020) Hamon, Jessie K; Krishnaratne, Shari; Hoyt, Jenna; Kambanje, Misozi; Pryor, Shannon; Webster, Jayne
  • Geographic location determines beta-cell autoimmunity among adult Ghanaians: Findings from the RODAM study. (2020) Hampe, Christiane S; Sahabandu, Diomira; Kaiser, Vivien; Telieps, Tanja; Smeeth, Liam; Agyemang, Charles; Spranger, Joachim; Schulze, Matthias B; Mockenhaupt, Frank P; Danquah, Ina; Rolandsson, Olov
  • The resilience of Taiwan's health system to address the COVID-19 pandemic. (2020) Han, Emeline; Chiou, Shu-Ti; McKee, Martin; Legido-Quigley, Helena
  • Lessons learnt from easing COVID-19 restrictions: an analysis of countries and regions in Asia Pacific and Europe. (2020) Han, Emeline; Tan, Melisa Mei Jin; Turk, Eva; Sridhar, Devi; Leung, Gabriel M; Shibuya, Kenji; Asgari, Nima; Oh, Juhwan; García-Basteiro, Alberto L; Hanefeld, Johanna; Cook, Alex R; Hsu, Li Yang; Teo, Yik Ying; Heymann, David; Clark, Helen; McKee, Martin; Legido-Quigley, Helena
  • COVID-19 - exploring the implications of long-term condition type and extent of multimorbidity on years of life lost: a modelling study. (2020) Hanlon, Peter; Chadwick, Fergus; Shah, Anoop; Wood, Rachael; Minton, Jon; McCartney, Gerry; Fischbacher, Colin; Mair, Frances S; Husmeier, Dirk; Matthiopoulos, Jason; McAllister, David A
  • Glasgow Early Treatment Arm Favirpiravir (GETAFIX) for adults with early stage COVID-19: A structured summary of a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. (2020) Hanna, Catherine R; Blyth, Kevin G; Burley, Glenn; Carmichael, Samantha; Evans, Carol; Hinsley, Samantha; Khadra, Ibrahim; Khoo, Saye; Lewsley, Liz-Anne; Jones, Robert R; Sharma, Raman; Taladriz-Sender, Andrea; Thomson, Emma C; Scott, Janet T
  • Mortality due to cancer treatment delay: systematic review and meta-analysis. (2020) Hanna, Timothy P; King, Will D; Thibodeau, Stephane; Jalink, Matthew; Paulin, Gregory A; Harvey-Jones, Elizabeth; O'Sullivan, Dylan E; Booth, Christopher M; Sullivan, Richard; Aggarwal, Ajay
  • How to strengthen a health research system: WHO's review, whose literature and who is providing leadership? (2020) Hanney, Stephen R; Kanya, Lucy; Pokhrel, Subhash; Jones, Teresa H; Boaz, Annette
  • Effects of the Helping Mothers Survive Bleeding after Birth training on near miss morbidity and mortality in Uganda: A cluster-randomized trial. (2020) Hanson, Claudia; Atuhairwe, Susan; Lucy Atim, Joyce; Marrone, Gaetano; Morris, Jessica L; Kaharuza, Frank
  • Health system redesign for equity in maternal and newborn health must be codesigned, country led, adapted to context and fit for purpose. (2020) Hanson, Claudia; Waiswa, Peter; Pembe, Andrea; Sandall, Jane; Schellenberg, Joanna
  • The association between region of birth and sexually transmitted infections among people of black Caribbean ethnicity attending sexual health services in England, 2015. (2020) Harb, Ana K; Mohammed, Hamish; Furegato, Martina; Wayal, Sonali; Mercer, Catherine H; Hughes, Gwenda
  • Integrated survey methodologies for neglected tropical diseases. (2020) Harding-Esch, Emma M; Brady, Molly A; Angeles, Cristiam A Carey; Fleming, Fiona M; Martin, Diana L; McPherson, Scott; Hurtado, Hollman Miller; Nesemann, John M; Nwobi, Benjamin C; Scholte, Ronaldo GC; Taleo, Fasihah; Talero, Sandra Liliana; Solomon, Anthony W; Saboyá-Díaz, Martha Idalí
  • Facial cleanliness indicators by time of day: results of a cross-sectional trachoma prevalence survey in Senegal. (2020) Harding-Esch, Emma M; Holland, Martin J; Schémann, Jean-François; Sissoko, Mactar; Sarr, Boubacar; Butcher, Robert MR; Molina-Gonzalez, Sandra; Andreasen, Aura A; Mabey, David CW; Bailey, Robin L
  • Antimicrobial resistance point-of-care testing for gonorrhoea treatment regimens: cost-effectiveness and impact on ceftriaxone use of five hypothetical strategies compared with standard care in England sexual health clinics. (2020) Harding-Esch, Emma M; Huntington, Susie E; Harvey, Michael J; Weston, Georgie; Broad, Claire E; Adams, Elisabeth J; Sadiq, S Tariq
  • Individual adherence to mass drug administration in neglected tropical disease control: a probability model conditional on past behaviour. (2020) Hardwick, Robert J; Truscott, James E; Oswald, William E; Werkman, Marleen; Halliday, Katherine E; Pullan, Rachel L; Anderson, Roy M
  • Strengthening primary HIV prevention: better use of data to improve programmes, develop strategies and evaluate progress. (2020) Hargreaves, James R; Auerbach, Judith D; Hensen, Bernadette; Johnson, Saul; Gregson, Simon
  • HIV Stigma and Viral Suppression Among People Living With HIV in the Context of Universal Test and Treat: Analysis of Data From the HPTN 071 (PopART) Trial in Zambia and South Africa. (2020) Hargreaves, James R; Pliakas, Triantafyllos; Hoddinott, Graeme; Mainga, Tila; Mubekapi-Musadaidzwa, Constance; Donnell, Deborah; Piwowar-Manning, Estelle; Agyei, Yaw; Mandla, Nomhle F; Dunbar, Rory; Macleod, David; Floyd, Sian; Bock, Peter; Fidler, Sarah; Hayes, Richard J; Seeley, Janet; Stangl, Anne; Bond, Virginia; Ayles, Helen; HPTN 071 (PopART) Study Team
  • Three lessons for the COVID-19 response from pandemic HIV. (2020) Hargreaves, James; Davey, Calum; Group for lessons from pandemic HIV prevention for the COVID-19
  • Europe's migrant containment policies threaten the response to covid-19. (2020) Hargreaves, Sally; Kumar, Bernadette N; McKee, Martin; Jones, Lucy; Veizis, Apostolos
  • Characterizing a Leak in the HIV Care Cascade: Assessing Linkage Between HIV Testing and Care in Tanzania. (2020) Harklerode, Richelle; Todd, Jim; de Wit, Mariken; Beard, James; Urassa, Mark; Machemba, Richard; Maduhu, Bernard; Hargreaves, James; Somi, Geoffrey; Rice, Brian
  • Trading water: virtual water flows through interstate cereal trade in India. (2020) Harris, Francesca; Dalin, Carole; Cuevas, Soledad; Lakshmikantha, NR; Adhya, Tapan; Joy, Edward JM; Scheelbeek, Pauline FD; Kayatz, Benjamin; Nicholas, Owen; Shankar, Bhavani; Dangour, Alan D; Green, Rosemary
  • Normalised pain and severe health care delay among people who inject drugs in London: Adapting cultural safety principles to promote care. (2020) Harris, Magdalena
  • An urgent impetus for action: safe inhalation interventions to reduce COVID-19 transmission and fatality risk among people who smoke crack cocaine in the United Kingdom. (2020) Harris, Magdalena
  • Correction to: Navigating environmental constraints to injection preparation: the use of saliva and other alternatives to sterile water among unstably housed PWID in London. (2020) Harris, Magdalena; Scott, Jenny; Hope, Vivian; Wright, Talen; McGowan, Catherine; Ciccarone, Daniel
  • Navigating environmental constraints to injection preparation: the use of saliva and other alternatives to sterile water among unstably housed PWID in London. (2020) Harris, Magdalena; Scott, Jenny; Hope, Vivian; Wright, Talen; McGowan, Catherine; Ciccarone, Daniel
  • Potential impact of tuberculosis vaccines in China, South Africa, and India. (2020) Harris, Rebecca C; Sumner, Tom; Knight, Gwenan M; Zhang, Hui; White, Richard G
  • Agricultural and empowerment pathways from land ownership to women's nutrition in India. (2020) Harris-Fry, Helen; Krishnan, Sneha; Beaumont, Emma; Prost, Audrey; Gouda, Sanghamitra; Mohanty, Satyanarayan; Pradhan, Ronali; Rath, Suchitra; Rath, Shibanand; Pradhan, Shibnath; Mishra, Naba Kishore; Allen, Elizabeth; Kadiyala, Suneetha
  • Gender equity in agriculture for improving nutritional status, diets, and household food security: a mixed-methods systematic review. (2020) Harris-Fry, Helen; Nur, Hayaan; Shankar, Bhavani; Zanello, Giacomo; Srinivasan, Chittur; Kadiyala, Suneetha
  • The impact of gender equity in agriculture on nutritional status, diets, and household food security: a mixed-methods systematic review. (2020) Harris-Fry, Helen; Nur, Hayaan; Shankar, Bhavani; Zanello, Giacomo; Srinivasan, Chittur; Kadiyala, Suneetha
  • How to design a complex behaviour change intervention: experiences from a nutrition-sensitive agriculture trial in rural India. (2020) Harris-Fry, Helen; O'Hearn, Meghan; Pradhan, Ronali; Krishnan, Sneha; Nair, Nirmala; Rath, Suchitra; Rath, Shibanand; Koniz-Booher, Peggy; Danton, Heather; Aakesson, Ashley; Pradhan, Shibananth; Mishra, Naba Kishore; Kumar, Abhinav; Upadhay, Avinash; Prost, Audrey; Kadiyala, Suneetha
  • Clostridioides difficile para-Cresol Production Is Induced by the Precursor para-Hydroxyphenylacetate. (2020) Harrison, Mark A; Faulds-Pain, Alexandra; Kaur, Harparkash; Dupuy, Bruno; Henriques, Adriano O; Martin-Verstraete, Isabelle; Wren, Brendan W; Dawson, Lisa F
  • Clostridioides difficile para-Cresol Production Is Induced by the Precursor para-Hydroxyphenylacetate. (2020) Harrison, Mark A; Faulds-Pain, Alexandra; Kaur, Harparkash; Dupuy, Bruno; Henriques, Adriano O; Martin-Verstraete, Isabelle; Wren, Brendan W; Dawson, Lisa F
  • Preterm birth, unplanned hospital contact, and mortality in infants born to teenage mothers in five countries: An administrative data cohort study. (2020) Harron, Katie; Verfuerden, Maximiliane; Ibiebele, Ibinabo; Liu, Can; Kopp, Alex; Guttmann, Astrid; Ford, Jane; van der Meulen, Jan; Hjern, Anders; Gilbert, Ruth
  • Cost-Effectiveness of Mass Treatment with Azithromycin for Reducing Child Mortality in Malawi: Secondary Analysis from the MORDOR Trial. (2020) Hart, John D; Kalua, Khumbo; Keenan, Jeremy D; Lietman, Thomas M; Bailey, Robin L
  • Effect of Mass Treatment with Azithromycin on Causes of Death in Children in Malawi: Secondary Analysis from the MORDOR Trial. (2020) Hart, John D; Kalua, Khumbo; Keenan, Jeremy D; Lietman, Thomas M; Bailey, Robin L
  • Mortality surveillance and verbal autopsy strategies: experiences, challenges and lessons learnt in Papua New Guinea. (2020) Hart, John D; Kwa, Viola; Dakulala, Paison; Ripa, Paulus; Frank, Dale; Lei, Theresa; Moiya, Ninkama; Lagani, William; Adair, Tim; McLaughlin, Deirdre; Riley, Ian D; Lopez, Alan D
  • Effects of Biannual Azithromycin Mass Drug Administration on Malaria in Malawian Children: A Cluster-Randomized Trial. (2020) Hart, John D; Samikwa, Lyson; Sikina, Feston; Kalua, Khumbo; Keenan, Jeremy D; Lietman, Thomas M; Burr, Sarah E; Bailey, Robin L
  • Improving medical certification of cause of death: effective strategies and approaches based on experiences from the Data for Health Initiative. (2020) Hart, John D; Sorchik, Renee; Bo, Khin Sandar; Chowdhury, Hafizur R; Gamage, Saman; Joshi, Rohina; Kwa, Viola; Li, Hang; Mahesh, Buddhika PK; Mclaughlin, Deirdre; Mikkelsen, Lene; Miki, Janet; Napulan, Roderick; Rampatige, Rasika; Reeve, Matthew; Sarmiento, Carmina; War, Nang Su; Richards, Nicola; Riley, Ian D; Lopez, Alan D
  • A theoretical framework for transitioning from patient-level to population-scale epidemiological dynamics: influenza A as a case study. (2020) Hart, WS; Maini, PK; Yates, CA; Thompson, RN
  • Barriers to accessing primary healthcare services for people with disabilities in low and middle-income countries, a Meta-synthesis of qualitative studies. (2020) Hashemi, Goli; Wickenden, Mary; Bright, Tess; Kuper, Hannah
  • Implementation and experiences of integrated prevention of mother-to-child transmission services in Tanzania, Malawi and South Africa: A mixed methods study. (2020) Hassan, Farida; Renju, Jenny; Songo, John; Chimukuche, Rujeko Samanthia; Kalua, Thokozani; McLean, Estelle; Luwanda, Lameck; Geubbels, Eveline; Seeley, Janet; Moshabela, Mosa; Kajoka, Deborah; Wringe, Alison
  • A qualitative study exploring the barriers and facilitators of implementing a cardiovascular disease risk reducing intervention for people with severe mental illness into primary care contexts across England: the 'PRIMROSE' trial. (2020) Hassan, Suzan; Heinkel, Samira; Burton, Alexandra; Blackburn, Ruth; McCloud, Tayla; Ross, Jamie; Osborn, David; Walters, Kate
  • Exploring how health behaviours are supported and changed in people with severe mental illness: A qualitative study of a cardiovascular risk reducing intervention in Primary Care in England. (2020) Hassan, Suzan; Ross, Jamie; Marston, Louise; Burton, Alexandra; Osborn, David; Walters, Kate
  • Clinical Development of New TB Vaccines: Recent Advances and Next Steps. (2020) Hatherill, Mark; White, Richard G; Hawn, Thomas R
  • Evaluation of the recombinant proteins RlpB and VacJ as a vaccine for protection against Glaesserella parasuis in pigs. (2020) Hau, Samantha J; Luan, Shi-Lu; Loving, Crystal L; Nicholson, Tracy L; Wang, Jinhong; Peters, Sarah E; Seilly, David; Weinert, Lucy A; Langford, Paul R; Rycroft, Andrew N; Wren, Brendan W; Maskell, Duncan J; Tucker, Alexander W; Brockmeier, Susan L; BRaDP1T Consortium
  • What do the Universal Test and Treat trials tell us about the path to HIV epidemic control? (2020) Havlir, Diane; Lockman, Shahin; Ayles, Helen; Larmarange, Joseph; Chamie, Gabriel; Gaolathe, Tendani; Iwuji, Collins; Fidler, Sarah; Kamya, Moses; Floyd, Sian; Moore, Janet; Hayes, Richard; Petersen, Maya; Dabis, Francois; (Universal Test, Treat Trials) UT3 Consortium
  • Impact of insertion sequences on convergent evolution of Shigella species. (2020) Hawkey, Jane; Monk, Jonathan M; Billman-Jacobe, Helen; Palsson, Bernhard; Holt, Kathryn E
  • Alcohol policy, multi-level governance and corporate political strategy: The campaign for Scotland's minimum unit pricing in Edinburgh, London and Brussels. (2020) Hawkins, Benjamin; McCambridge, Jim
  • 'Tied up in a legal mess': The alcohol industry's use of litigation to oppose minimum alcohol pricing in Scotland. (2020) Hawkins, Benjamin; McCambridge, Jim
  • An open source tool to infer epidemiological and immunological dynamics from serological data: serosolver. (2020) Hay, James A; Minter, Amanda; Ainslie, Kylie EC; Lessler, Justin; Yang, Bingyi; Cummings, Derek AT; Kucharski, Adam J; Riley, Steven
  • Association between C reactive protein and microvascular and macrovascular dysfunction in sub-Saharan Africans with and without diabetes: the RODAM study. (2020) Hayfron-Benjamin, Charles Frederick; Maitland-van der Zee, Anke H; van den Born, Bert-Jan; Amoah, Albert GB; Meeks, Karlijn AC; Klipstein-Grobusch, Kerstin; Schulze, Matthias B; Spranger, Joachim; Danquah, Ina; Smeeth, Liam; Beune, Erik JAJ; Mockenhaupt, Frank; Agyemang, Charles O
  • Public activities preceding the onset of acute respiratory infection syndromes in adults in England - implications for the use of social distancing to control pandemic respiratory infections. (2020) Hayward, Andrew C; Beale, Sarah; Johnson, Anne M; Fragaszy, Ellen B; Flu Watch Group
  • Public activities preceding the onset of acute respiratory infection syndromes in adults in England - implications for the use of social distancing to control pandemic respiratory infections. (2020) Hayward, Andrew C; Beale, Sarah; Johnson, Anne M; Fragaszy, Ellen B; Flu Watch Group
  • A systematic review of the impact of psychosocial factors on immunity: Implications for enhancing BCG response against tuberculosis. (2020) Hayward, Sally E; Dowd, Jennifer B; Fletcher, Helen; Nellums, Laura B; Wurie, Fatima; Boccia, Delia
  • Extrapulmonary tuberculosis among migrants in Europe, 1995 to 2017. (2020) Hayward, Sally E; Rustage, Kieran; Nellums, Laura B; van der Werf, Marieke J; Noori, Teymur; Boccia, Delia; Friedland, Jon S; Hargreaves, Sally
  • An age-dependent ovulatory strategy explains the evolution of dizygotic twinning in humans. (2020) Hazel, Wade N; Black, Robert; Smock, Richard C; Sear, Rebecca; Tomkins, Joseph L
  • Geographical disparities in the impacts of heat on diabetes mortality and the protective role of greenness in Thailand: A nationwide case-crossover analysis. (2020) He, Yiling; Cheng, Liangliang; Bao, Junzhe; Deng, Shizhou; Liao, Wenmin; Wang, Qiong; Tawatsupa, Benjawan; Hajat, Shakoor; Huang, Cunrui
  • The allocation of USdollar;105 billion in global funding from G20 countries for infectious disease research between 2000 and 2017: a content analysis of investments. (2020) Head, Michael G; Brown, Rebecca J; Newell, Marie-Louise; Scott, J Anthony G; Batchelor, James; Atun, Rifat
  • Circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration and cause-specific mortality in the Melbourne Collaborative Cohort Study. (2020) Heath, Alicia K; Hodge, Allison M; Ebeling, Peter R; Kvaskoff, David; Eyles, Darryl W; Giles, Graham G; English, Dallas R; Williamson, Elizabeth J
  • Rationale and protocol of the Dapagliflozin And Prevention of Adverse outcomes in Chronic Kidney Disease (DAPA-CKD) randomized controlled trial. (2020) Heerspink, Hiddo JL; Stefansson, Bergur V; Chertow, Glenn M; Correa-Rotter, Ricardo; Greene, Tom; Hou, Fan-Fan; Lindberg, Magnus; McMurray, John; Rossing, Peter; Toto, Roberto; Langkilde, Anna Maria; Wheeler, David C; DAPA-CKD Investigators
  • Association of neighbourhood deprivation with risks of major amputation and death following lower limb revascularisation. (2020) Heikkilä, Katriina; Loftus, Ian M; Waton, Sam; Johal, Amundeep S; Boyle, Jonathan R; Cromwell, David A
  • Plasma glial fibrillary acidic protein is raised in progranulin-associated frontotemporal dementia. (2020) Heller, Carolin; Foiani, Martha S; Moore, Katrina; Convery, Rhian; Bocchetta, Martina; Neason, Mollie; Cash, David M; Thomas, David; Greaves, Caroline V; Woollacott, Ione Oc; Shafei, Rachelle; Van Swieten, John C; Moreno, Fermin; Sanchez-Valle, Raquel; Borroni, Barbara; Laforce, Robert; Masellis, Mario; Tartaglia, Maria Carmela; Graff, Caroline; Galimberti, Daniela; Rowe, James B; Finger, Elizabeth; Synofzik, Matthis; Vandenberghe, Rik; de Mendonca, Alexandre; Tagliavini, Fabrizio; Santana, Isabel; Ducharme, Simon; Butler, Christopher R; Gerhard, Alex; Levin, Johannes; Danek, Adrian; Frisoni, Giovanni; Sorbi, Sandro; Otto, Markus; Heslegrave, Amanda J; Zetterberg, Henrik; Rohrer, Jonathan D; GENFI
  • Feasibility of controlling COVID-19 outbreaks by isolation of cases and contacts. (2020) Hellewell, Joel; Abbott, Sam; Gimma, Amy; Bosse, Nikos I; Jarvis, Christopher I; Russell, Timothy W; Munday, James D; Kucharski, Adam J; Edmunds, W John; Centre for the Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases COV; Funk, Sebastian; Eggo, Rosalind M
  • Feasibility of controlling 2019-nCoV outbreaks by isolation of cases and contacts. (2020) Hellewell, Joel; Abbott, Sam; Gimma, Amy; Bosse, Nikos I; Jarvis, Christopher I; Russell, Timothy W; Munday, James D; Kucharski, Adam J; Edmunds, W John; Funk, Sebastian; Eggo, Rosalind M
  • On the fallibility of simulation models in informing pandemic responses - Authors' reply. (2020) Hellewell, Joel; Funk, Sebastian; Eggo, Rosalind M
  • Estimating the effectiveness of routine asymptomatic PCR testing at different frequencies for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 infections. (2020) Hellewell, Joel; Russell, Timothy W; Beale, Rupert; Kelly, Gavin; Houlihan, Catherine; Nastouli, Eleni; Kucharski, Adam J
  • Assessing the impact of low-technology emanators alongside long-lasting insecticidal nets to control malaria. (2020) Hellewell, Joel; Sherrard-Smith, Ellie; Ogoma, Sheila; Churcher, Thomas S
  • Serotype Profile of Nasopharyngeal Isolates of Streptococcus pneumoniae Obtained from Children in Burkina Faso before and after Mass Administration of Azithromycin. (2020) Hema-Ouangraoua, Soumeya; Zongo, Issaka; Kabore, Nongodo Firmin; Frédéric, Nikiema; Yerbanga, Rakiswende Serge; Tinto, Halidou; Compaore, Yves Daniel; Kuepfer, Irene; Chandramohan, Daniel; Greenwood, Brian; Ouedraogo, Jean Bosco
  • Zika seroprevalence declines and neutralizing antibodies wane in adults following outbreaks in French Polynesia and Fiji. (2020) Henderson, Alasdair D; Aubry, Maite; Kama, Mike; Vanhomwegen, Jessica; Teissier, Anita; Mariteragi-Helle, Teheipuaura; Paoaafaite, Tuterarii; Teissier, Yoann; Manuguerra, Jean-Claude; Edmunds, John; Whitworth, Jimmy; Watson, Conall H; Lau, Colleen L; Cao-Lormeau, Van-Mai; Kucharski, Adam J
  • Prenatal alcohol exposure is associated with early motor, but not language development in a South African cohort. (2020) Hendricks, Gaironeesa; Malcolm-Smith, Susan; Stein, Dan J; Zar, Heather J; Wedderburn, Catherine J; Nhapi, Raymond T; Chivese, Tawanda; Adnams, Colleen M; Donald, Kirsten A
  • The Plasmodium falciparum Artemisinin Susceptibility-Associated AP-2 Adaptin μ Subunit is Clathrin Independent and Essential for Schizont Maturation. (2020) Henrici, Ryan C; Edwards, Rachel L; Zoltner, Martin; van Schalkwyk, Donelly A; Hart, Melissa N; Mohring, Franziska; Moon, Robert W; Nofal, Stephanie D; Patel, Avnish; Flueck, Christian; Baker, David A; Odom John, Audrey R; Field, Mark C; Sutherland, Colin J
  • The Plasmodium falciparum Artemisinin Susceptibility-Associated AP-2 Adaptin μ Subunit is Clathrin Independent and Essential for Schizont Maturation. (2020) Henrici, Ryan C; Edwards, Rachel L; Zoltner, Martin; van Schalkwyk, Donelly A; Hart, Melissa N; Mohring, Franziska; Moon, Robert W; Nofal, Stephanie D; Patel, Avnish; Flueck, Christian; Baker, David A; Odom John, Audrey R; Field, Mark C; Sutherland, Colin J
  • Who Accepts and Who Uses Community-Based Secondary Distribution HIV Self-Testing (HIVST) Kits? Findings From the Intervention Arm of a Cluster-Randomized Trial of HIVST Distribution Nested in Four HPTN 071 (PopART) Communities in Zambia. (2020) Hensen, Bernadette; Schaap, Albertus J; Mulubwa, Chama; Floyd, Sian; Shanaube, Kwame; Phiri, Mwelwa M; Bond, Virginia; Bwalya, Chiti; Simwinga, Musonda; Fidler, Sarah; Hayes, Richard; Mwinga, Alwyn; Ayles, Helen
  • Controlled drinking-non-abstinent versus abstinent treatment goals in alcohol use disorder: a systematic review, meta-analysis and meta-regression. (2020) Henssler, Jonathan; Müller, Martin; Carreira, Helena; Bschor, Tom; Heinz, Andreas; Baethge, Christopher
  • The sustainability of public health interventions in schools: a systematic review. (2020) Herlitz, Lauren; MacIntyre, Helen; Osborn, Tom; Bonell, Chris
  • In-hospital mortality among incident hemodialysis older patients in Peru. (2020) Herrera-Añazco, Percy; Ortiz, Pedro J; Peinado, Jesus E; Tello, Tania; Valero, Fabiola; Hernandez, Adrian V; Miranda, J Jaime
  • Guidelines for Modeling and Reporting Health Effects of Climate Change Mitigation Actions. (2020) Hess, Jeremy J; Ranadive, Nikhil; Boyer, Chris; Aleksandrowicz, Lukasz; Anenberg, Susan C; Aunan, Kristin; Belesova, Kristine; Bell, Michelle L; Bickersteth, Sam; Bowen, Kathryn; Burden, Marci; Campbell-Lendrum, Diarmid; Carlton, Elizabeth; Cissé, Guéladio; Cohen, Francois; Dai, Hancheng; Dangour, Alan David; Dasgupta, Purnamita; Frumkin, Howard; Gong, Peng; Gould, Robert J; Haines, Andy; Hales, Simon; Hamilton, Ian; Hasegawa, Tomoko; Hashizume, Masahiro; Honda, Yasushi; Horton, Daniel E; Karambelas, Alexandra; Kim, Ho; Kim, Satbyul Estella; Kinney, Patrick L; Kone, Inza; Knowlton, Kim; Lelieveld, Jos; Limaye, Vijay S; Liu, Qiyong; Madaniyazi, Lina; Martinez, Micaela Elvira; Mauzerall, Denise L; Milner, James; Neville, Tara; Nieuwenhuijsen, Mark; Pachauri, Shonali; Perera, Frederica; Pineo, Helen; Remais, Justin V; Saari, Rebecca K; Sampedro, Jon; Scheelbeek, Pauline; Schwartz, Joel; Shindell, Drew; Shyamsundar, Priya; Taylor, Timothy J; Tonne, Cathryn; Van Vuuren, Detlef; Wang, Can; Watts, Nicholas; West, J Jason; Wilkinson, Paul; Wood, Stephen A; Woodcock, James; Woodward, Alistair; Xie, Yang; Zhang, Ying; Ebi, Kristie L
  • Strengthening the global response to climate change and infectious disease threats. (2020) Hess, Jeremy; Boodram, Laura-Lee G; Paz, Shlomit; Stewart Ibarra, Anna M; Wasserheit, Judith N; Lowe, Rachel
  • Successful smallpox eradication: what can we learn to control COVID-19? (2020) Heymann, DL; Wilder-Smith, Annelies
  • COVID-19: what is next for public health? (2020) Heymann, David L; Shindo, Nahoko; WHO Scientific and Technical Advisory Group for Infectious Hazar
  • Community-based family and carer-support programmes for children with disabilities. (2020) Heys, Michelle; Lakhanpaul, Monica; Allaham, Shereen; Manikam, Logan; Owugha, Jessica; Oulton, Kate; Morris, Christopher; Martin, Karen R; Tann, Cally; Martin, Jennifer; Kuper, Hannah
  • Sexual and Mental Health Inequalities across Gender Identity and Sex-Assigned-at-Birth among Men-Who-Have-Sex-with-Men in Europe: Findings from EMIS-2017. (2020) Hickson, Ford; Appenroth, Max; Koppe, Uwe; Schmidt, Axel J; Reid, David; Weatherburn, Peter
  • Effect of kidney donation on bone mineral metabolism. (2020) Hiemstra, Thomas F; Smith, Jane C; Lim, Kenneth; Xu, Dihua; Kulkarni, Shreya; Bradley, J Andrew; Paapstel, Kaido; Schoenmakers, Inez; Bradley, John R; Tomlinson, Laurie; McEniery, Carmel M; Wilkinson, Ian B
  • Cohort study of neonatal resuscitation skill retention in frontline healthcare facilities in Bihar, India, after PRONTO simulation training. (2020) Higgins, Brennan V; Medvedev, Melissa M; Spindler, Hilary; Ghosh, Rakesh; Longkumer, Ojungsangla; Cohen, Susanna R; Das, Aritra; Gore, Aboli; Mahapatra, Tanmay; Walker, Dilys M
  • Drug-resistant tuberculosis patient care journeys in South Africa: a pilot study using routine laboratory data. (2020) Hill, J; Dickson-Hall, L; Grant, AD; Grundy, C; Black, J; Kielmann, K; Mlisana, K; Mitrani, L; Loveday, M; Moshabela, M; Le Roux, S; Jassat, W; Nicol, M; Cox, H
  • Intermittent screening and treatment with dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine for the prevention of malaria in pregnancy: implementation feasibility in a routine healthcare system setting in western Kenya. (2020) Hill, Jenny; Ouma, Peter; Oluoch, Seth; Bruce, Jane; Kariuki, Simon; Desai, Meghna; Webster, Jayne
  • Are We Using the Right Approach to Change Newborn Care Practices in the Community? Qualitative Evidence From Ethiopia and Northern Nigeria. (2020) Hill, Zelee; Scheelbeek, Pauline; Hamza, Yashua; Amare, Yared; Schellenberg, Joanna
  • "Everything is from God but it is always better to get to the hospital on time": A qualitative study with community members to identify factors that influence facility delivery in Gombe State, Nigeria. (2020) Hill, Zelee; Scheelbeek, Pauline; Schellenberg, Joanna; Hamza, Yashua
  • Causal graphs for the analysis of genetic cohort data. (2020) Hines, Oliver; Diaz-Ordaz, Karla; Vansteelandt, Stijn; Jamshidi, Yalda
  • Exposures to Fumigants and Residual Chemicals in Workers Handling Cargo from Shipping Containers and Export Logs in New Zealand. (2020) Hinz, Ruth; Mannetje, Andrea 't; Glass, Bill; McLean, Dave; Pearce, Neil; Douwes, Jeroen
  • Association between chronic kidney disease and incident diagnosis of dementia in England: a cohort study in Clinical Practice Research Datalink. (2020) Hiramatsu, Rikako; Iwagami, Masao; Nitsch, Dorothea
  • Meningitis patients with Angiostrongylus cantonensis may present without eosinophilia in the cerebrospinal fluid in northern Vietnam. (2020) Hiraoka, Tomoko; Cuong, Ngo Chi; Hamaguchi, Sugihiro; Kikuchi, Mihoko; Katoh, Shungo; Anh, Le Kim; Anh, Nguyen Thi Hien; Anh, Dang Duc; Smith, Chris; Maruyama, Haruhiko; Yoshida, Lay-Myint; Cuong, Do Duy; Thuy, Pham Thanh; Ariyoshi, Koya
  • Postneonatal under-5 mortality in peri-urban and rural Eastern Uganda, 2005-2015. (2020) Hirose, Atsumi; Kajungu, Dan; Tusubira, Valerie; Waiswa, Peter; Alfven, Tobias; Hanson, Claudia
  • Mental health, coloniality and fieldwork in the European university: a reflection in three challenges – commentary to Taylor. (2020) Hirsch, Lioba
  • Race and the spatialisation of risk during the 2013-2016 West African Ebola epidemic. (2020) Hirsch, Lioba A
  • Designing effective control of dengue with combined interventions. (2020) Hladish, Thomas J; Pearson, Carl AB; Toh, Kok Ben; Rojas, Diana Patricia; Manrique-Saide, Pablo; Vazquez-Prokopec, Gonzalo M; Halloran, M Elizabeth; Longini, Ira M
  • Population Genomic Structure and Recent Evolution of Plasmodium knowlesi, Peninsular Malaysia. (2020) Hocking, Suzanne E; Divis, Paul CS; Kadir, Khamisah A; Singh, Balbir; Conway, David J
  • Evaluating the next generation of RSV intervention strategies: a mathematical modelling study and cost-effectiveness analysis. (2020) Hodgson, David; Pebody, Richard; Panovska-Griffiths, Jasmina; Baguelin, Marc; Atkins, Katherine E
  • Efficacy of single versus four repeated doses of praziquantel against Schistosoma mansoni infection in school-aged children from Côte d'Ivoire based on Kato-Katz and POC-CCA: An open-label, randomised controlled trial (RePST). (2020) Hoekstra, Pytsje T; Casacuberta-Partal, Miriam; van Lieshout, Lisette; Corstjens, Paul LAM; Tsonaka, Roula; Assaré, Rufin K; Silué, Kigbafori D; Meité, Aboulaye; N'Goran, Eliézer K; N'Gbesso, Yves K; Amoah, Abena S; Roestenberg, Meta; Knopp, Stefanie; Utzinger, Jürg; Coulibaly, Jean T; van Dam, Govert J
  • In vivo confocal microscopy and trachomatous conjunctival scarring: Predictors for clinical progression. (2020) Hoffman, Jeremy J; Massae, Patrick; Weiss, Helen A; Makupa, William; Burton, Matthew J; Hu, Victor H
  • Assault-related severe ocular chemical injury at a London ophthalmic referral hospital: a 3-year retrospective observational study. (2020) Hoffman, Jeremy John; Casswell, Edward Joshua; Shortt, Alex John
  • Topical chlorhexidine 0.2% versus topical natamycin 5% for fungal keratitis in Nepal: rationale and design of a randomised controlled non-inferiority trial. (2020) Hoffman, Jeremy John; Yadav, Reena; Das Sanyam, Sandip; Chaudhary, Pankaj; Roshan, Abhishek; Singh, Sanjay Kumar; Arunga, Simon; Matayan, Einoti; Macleod, David; Weiss, Helen Anne; Leck, Astrid; Hu, Victor; Burton, Matthew J
  • Viral diseases of the eye. (2020) Hoffman, Jeremy; Foster, Allen
  • Type of Track and Trigger system and incidence of in-hospital cardiac arrest: an observational registry-based study. (2020) Hogan, Helen; Hutchings, Andrew; Wulff, Jerome; Carver, Catherine; Holdsworth, Elizabeth; Nolan, Jerry; Welch, John; Harrison, David; Black, Nick
  • Human fecal contamination of water, soil, and surfaces in households sharing poor-quality sanitation facilities in Maputo, Mozambique. (2020) Holcomb, David A; Knee, Jackie; Sumner, Trent; Adriano, Zaida; de Bruijn, Ellen; Nalá, Rassul; Cumming, Oliver; Brown, Joe; Stewart, Jill R
  • Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus, United Kingdom. (2020) Holding, Maya; Dowall, Stuart D; Medlock, Jolyon M; Carter, Daniel P; Pullan, Steven T; Lewis, James; Vipond, Richard; Rocchi, Mara S; Baylis, Matthew; Hewson, Roger
  • What do we need to know? Data sources to support evidence-based decisions using health technology assessment in Ghana. (2020) Hollingworth, Samantha A; Downey, Laura; Ruiz, Francis J; Odame, Emmanuel; Dsane-Selby, Lydia; Gyansa-Lutterodt, Martha; Nonvignon, Justice; Chalkidou, Kalipso
  • Health technology assessment capacity at national level in sub-Saharan Africa: an initial survey of stakeholders. (2020) Hollingworth, Samantha A; Ruiz, Francis; Gad, Mohamed; Chalkidou, Kalipso
  • Policies to prevent non-communicable disease: implementation trends in 194 countries 2015–2020. (2020) Holmer, H; Allen, L
  • Modeling Treatment Strategies to Inform Yaws Eradication. (2020) Holmes, Alex; Tildesley, Michael J; Solomon, Anthony W; Mabey, David CW; Sokana, Oliver; Marks, Michael; Dyson, Louise
  • Diversity and evolution of surface polysaccharide synthesis loci in Enterobacteriales. (2020) Holt, Kathryn E; Lassalle, Florent; Wyres, Kelly L; Wick, Ryan; Mostowy, Rafał J
  • Counting stillbirths and COVID 19-there has never been a more urgent time. (2020) Homer, Caroline SE; Leisher, Susannah Hopkins; Aggarwal, Neelam; Akuze, Joseph; Babona, Delly; Blencowe, Hannah; Bolgna, John; Chawana, Richard; Christou, Aliki; Davies-Tuck, Miranda; Dandona, Rakhi; Gordijn, Sanne; Gordon, Adrienne; Jan, Rafat; Korteweg, Fleurisca; Maswime, Salome; Murphy, Margaret M; Quigley, Paula; Storey, Claire; Vallely, Lisa M; Waiswa, Peter; Whitehead, Clare; Zeitlin, Jennifer; Flenady, Vicki
  • Impact of the Programa Mais médicos (more doctors Programme) on primary care doctor supply and amenable mortality: quasi-experimental study of 5565 Brazilian municipalities. (2020) Hone, Thomas; Powell-Jackson, Timothy; Santos, Leonor Maria Pacheco; de Sousa Soares, Ricardo; de Oliveira, Felipe Proenço; Sanchez, Mauro Niskier; Harris, Matthew; de Oliveira de Souza Santos, Felipe; Millett, Christopher
  • Febrile Illness Evaluation in a Broad Range of Endemicities (FIEBRE): protocol for a multisite prospective observational study of the causes of fever in Africa and Asia. (2020) Hopkins, Heidi; Bassat, Quique; Chandler, Clare Ir; Crump, John A; Feasey, Nicholas A; Ferrand, Rashida A; Kranzer, Katharina; Lalloo, David G; Mayxay, Mayfong; Newton, Paul N; Mabey, David; FIEBRE Consortium
  • Dissonance of Choice: Biomedical and Lived Perspectives on HIV Treatment-Taking. (2020) Horter, Shona; Seeley, Janet; Bernays, Sarah; Kerschberger, Bernhard; Lukhele, Nomthandazo; Wringe, Alison
  • Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Sex Differences in Social Contact Patterns and Implications for Tuberculosis Transmission and Control. (2020) Horton, Katherine C; Hoey, Anne L; Béraud, Guillaume; Corbett, Elizabeth L; White, Richard G
  • Risk factors for maternal mortality among 1.9 million women in nine empowered action group states in India: secondary analysis of Annual Health Survey data. (2020) Horwood, Geneviève; Opondo, Charles; Choudhury, Saswati Sanyal; Rani, Anjali; Nair, Manisha
  • Use of traditional serological methods and oral fluids to assess immunogenicity in children aged 2-16 years after successive annual vaccinations with LAIV. (2020) Hoschler, Katja; Maharjan, Sunil; Whitaker, Heather; Southern, Jo; Okai, Blessing; Baldevarona, Janice; Turner, Paul J; Andrews, Nick J; Miller, Elizabeth; Zambon, Maria
  • Gender-based violence and its association with mental health among Somali women in a Kenyan refugee camp: a latent class analysis. (2020) Hossain, Mazeda; Pearson, Rachel Jane; McAlpine, Alys; Bacchus, Loraine J; Spangaro, Jo; Muthuri, Stella; Muuo, Sheru; Franchi, Giorgia; Hess, Tim; Bangha, Martin; Izugbara, Chimaraoke
  • Disability, violence, and mental health among Somali refugee women in a humanitarian setting. (2020) Hossain, Mazeda; Pearson, Rachel; McAlpine, Alys; Bacchus, Loraine; Muuo, Sheru W; Muthuri, Stella K; Spangaro, Jo; Kuper, Hannah; Franchi, Giorgia; Pla Cordero, Ricardo; Cornish-Spencer, Sarah; Hess, Tim; Bangha, Martin; Izugbara, Chimaraoke
  • The risk of Plasmodium vivax parasitaemia after P. falciparum malaria: An individual patient data meta-analysis from the WorldWide Antimalarial Resistance Network. (2020) Hossain, Mohammad S; Commons, Robert J; Douglas, Nicholas M; Thriemer, Kamala; Alemayehu, Bereket H; Amaratunga, Chanaki; Anvikar, Anupkumar R; Ashley, Elizabeth A; Asih, Puji BS; Carrara, Verena I; Lon, Chanthap; D'Alessandro, Umberto; Davis, Timothy ME; Dondorp, Arjen M; Edstein, Michael D; Fairhurst, Rick M; Ferreira, Marcelo U; Hwang, Jimee; Janssens, Bart; Karunajeewa, Harin; Kiechel, Jean R; Ladeia-Andrade, Simone; Laman, Moses; Mayxay, Mayfong; McGready, Rose; Moore, Brioni R; Mueller, Ivo; Newton, Paul N; Thuy-Nhien, Nguyen T; Noedl, Harald; Nosten, Francois; Phyo, Aung P; Poespoprodjo, Jeanne R; Saunders, David L; Smithuis, Frank; Spring, Michele D; Stepniewska, Kasia; Suon, Seila; Suputtamongkol, Yupin; Syafruddin, Din; Tran, Hien T; Valecha, Neena; Van Herp, Michel; Van Vugt, Michele; White, Nicholas J; Guerin, Philippe J; Simpson, Julie A; Price, Ric N
  • Structural effects of the highly protective V127 polymorphism on human prion protein. (2020) Hosszu, Laszlo LP; Conners, Rebecca; Sangar, Daljit; Batchelor, Mark; Sawyer, Elizabeth B; Fisher, Stuart; Cliff, Matthew J; Hounslow, Andrea M; McAuley, Katherine; Leo Brady, R; Jackson, Graham S; Bieschke, Jan; Waltho, Jonathan P; Collinge, John
  • Correction: Female genital schistosomiasis and HIV/AIDS: Reversing the neglect of girls and women. (2020) Hotez, Peter J; Harrison, Wendy; Fenwick, Alan; Bustinduy, Amaya L; Ducker, Camilla; Mbabazi, Pamela Sabina; Engels, Dirk; Kjetland, Eyrun Floerecke
  • Assessment of public attention, risk perception, emotional and behavioural responses to the COVID-19 outbreak: social media surveillance in China. (2020) Hou, Zhiyuan; Du, Fanxing; Jiang, Hao; Zhou, Xinyu; Lin, Leesa
  • Cross-Country Comparison of Public Awareness, Rumors, and Behavioral Responses to the COVID-19 Epidemic: Infodemiology Study. (2020) Hou, Zhiyuan; Du, Fanxing; Zhou, Xinyu; Jiang, Hao; Martin, Sam; Larson, Heidi; Lin, Leesa
  • Public Exposure to Live Animals, Behavioural Change, and Support in Containment Measures in response to COVID-19 Outbreak: a population-based cross sectional survey in China. (2020) Hou, Zhiyuan; Lin, Leesa; Liang, Lu; Du, Fanxing; Qian, Mengcen; Liang, Yuxia; Zhang, Juanjuan; Yu, Hongjie
  • Subnational burden estimation in Tuberculosis: generation and application of a new tool in Indonesia. (2020) Houben, Rein; Parwati, Cicilia Gita; Farid, Muhammad Noor; Nasution, Helmi Suryani; Sulistyo, Sulistyo; Basri, Carmelia; Gebhard, Agnes; Tiemersma, Edine; Pambudi, Imran; Surya, Asik
  • Stillbirths and neonatal deaths among 18 942 women with postpartum hemorrhage: Analysis of perinatal outcomes in the WOMAN trial. (2020) Hough, Amy; Shakur-Still, Haleema; Roberts, Ian; Koukounari, Artemis; Lawn, Joy E; WOMAN Trial Collaborators
  • Pandemic peak SARS-CoV-2 infection and seroconversion rates in London frontline health-care workers. (2020) Houlihan, Catherine F; Vora, Nina; Byrne, Thomas; Lewer, Dan; Kelly, Gavin; Heaney, Judith; Gandhi, Sonia; Spyer, Moira J; Beale, Rupert; Cherepanov, Peter; Moore, David; Gilson, Richard; Gamblin, Steve; Kassiotis, George; McCoy, Laura E; Swanton, Charles; Crick COVID-19 Consortium; Hayward, Andrew; Nastouli, Eleni; SAFER Investigators
  • Dynamics of Submicroscopic Plasmodium falciparum Infections Throughout Pregnancy: A Preconception Cohort Study in Benin. (2020) Hounkonnou, Cornélia PA; Briand, Valérie; Fievet, Nadine; Accrombessi, Manfred; Yovo, Emmanuel; Mama, Atikatou; Sossou, Darius; Vianou, Bertin; Massougbodji, Achille; Ndam, Nicaise Tuikue; Cot, Michel; Cottrell, Gilles
  • Patients' and kidney care team's perspectives of treatment burden and capacity in older people with chronic kidney disease: a qualitative study. (2020) Hounkpatin, Hilda O; Leydon, Geraldine M; Veighey, Kristin; Armstrong, Kirsten; Santer, Miriam; Taal, Maarten W; Annells, Pete; May, Carl; Roderick, Paul J; Fraser, Simon Ds
  • COVID-19: urgent actions, critical reflections and future relevance of 'WaSH': lessons for the current and future pandemics. (2020) Howard, Guy; Bartram, Jamie; Brocklehurst, Clarissa; Colford, John M; Costa, Federico; Cunliffe, David; Dreibelbis, Robert; Eisenberg, Joseph Neil Spindel; Evans, Barbara; Girones, Rosina; Hrudey, Steve; Willetts, Juliet; Wright, Caradee Y
  • COVID-19: urgent actions, critical reflections and future relevance of ‘WaSH’: lessons for the current and future pandemics. (2020) Howard, Guy; Bartram, Jamie; Brocklehurst, Clarissa; Colford, John M; Costa, Federico; Cunliffe, David; Dreibelbis, Robert; Eisenberg, Joseph Neil Spindel; Evans, Barbara; Girones, Rosina; Hrudey, Steve; Willetts, Juliet; Wright, Caradee Y
  • 'I trap her with a CD, then tomorrow find her with a big old man who bought her a smart phone'. Constructions of masculinities and transactional sex: a qualitative study from North-Western Tanzania. (2020) Howard-Merrill, Lottie; Wamoyi, Joyce; Nyato, Daniel; Kyegombe, Nambusi; Heise, Lori; Buller, Ana Maria
  • The development and implementation of an oxygen treatment solution for health facilities in low and middle-income countries. (2020) Howie, Stephen RC; Ebruke, Bernard E; Gil, Mireia; Bradley, Beverly; Nyassi, Ebrima; Edmonds, Timothy; Boladuadua, Sainimere; Rasili, Senimili; Rafai, Eric; Mackenzie, Grant; Cheng, Yu Ling; Peel, David; Vives-Tomas, Joan; Zaman, Syed MA
  • The development and implementation of an oxygen treatment solution for health facilities in low and middle-income countries. (2020) Howie, Stephen Rc; Ebruke, Bernard E; Gil, Mireia; Bradley, Beverly; Nyassi, Ebrima; Edmonds, Timothy; Boladuadua, Sainimere; Rasili, Senimili; Rafai, Eric; Mackenzie, Grant; Cheng, Yu Ling; Peel, David; Vives-Tomas, Joan; Zaman, Syed Ma
  • Effectiveness of reactive focal mass drug administration and reactive focal vector control to reduce malaria transmission in the low malaria-endemic setting of Namibia: a cluster-randomised controlled, open-label, two-by-two factorial design trial. (2020) Hsiang, Michelle S; Ntuku, Henry; Roberts, Kathryn W; Dufour, Mi-Suk Kang; Whittemore, Brooke; Tambo, Munyaradzi; McCreesh, Patrick; Medzihradsky, Oliver F; Prach, Lisa M; Siloka, Griffith; Siame, Noel; Gueye, Cara Smith; Schrubbe, Leah; Wu, Lindsey; Scott, Valerie; Tessema, Sofonias; Greenhouse, Bryan; Erlank, Erica; Koekemoer, Lizette L; Sturrock, Hugh JW; Mwilima, Agnes; Katokele, Stark; Uusiku, Petrina; Bennett, Adam; Smith, Jennifer L; Kleinschmidt, Immo; Mumbengegwi, Davis; Gosling, Roly
  • Protecting yourself and your patients from COVID-19 in eye care. (2020) Hu, VH; Watts, E; Burton, M; Kyari, F; Mathenge, C; Heidary, F; Hoffman, J; Wolvaardt, E
  • Responding to COVID-19 in eye health. (2020) Hu, Victor; Prajna, N Venkatesh; Arunga, Simon; Wolvaardt, Elmien; Kyari, Fatima; Leck, Astrid; Habtamu, Esmael; Philippin, Heiko
  • Neonatal genetics of gene expression reveal potential origins of autoimmune and allergic disease risk. (2020) Huang, Qin Qin; Tang, Howard HF; Teo, Shu Mei; Mok, Danny; Ritchie, Scott C; Nath, Artika P; Brozynska, Marta; Salim, Agus; Bakshi, Andrew; Holt, Barbara J; Khor, Chiea Chuen; Sly, Peter D; Holt, Patrick G; Holt, Kathryn E; Inouye, Michael
  • High HIV Incidence Among Men Who Have Sex With Men in 8 Chinese Cities: Results From a Trial. (2020) Huang, Wenting; Wang, Yehua; Lu, Haidong; Wu, Dan; Pan, Stephen W; Tucker, Joseph D; Tang, Weiming
  • Correction to: Prepared for PrEP: preferences for HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis among Chinese men who have sex with men in an online national survey. (2020) Huang, Wenting; Wu, Dan; Ong, Jason J; Smith, M Kumi; Pan, Stephen; Yang, Fan; Fu, Hongyun; Tang, Weiming; Tucker, Joseph D
  • The Structure and Parameterization of the Breast Cancer Transition Model Among Chinese Women. (2020) Huang, Yuan; Li, Qin; Torres-Rueda, Sergio; Li, Jiayuan
  • Temperature-related excess mortality in German cities at 2 °C and higher degrees of global warming. (2020) Huber, Veronika; Krummenauer, Linda; Peña-Ortiz, Cristina; Lange, Stefan; Gasparrini, Antonio; Vicedo-Cabrera, Ana M; Garcia-Herrera, Ricardo; Frieler, Katja
  • Nairobi Early Childcare in Slums (NECS) Study Protocol: a mixed-methods exploration of paid early childcare in Mukuru slum, Nairobi. (2020) Hughes, Robert C; Kitsao-Wekulo, Patricia; Bhopal, Sunil; Kimani-Murage, Elizabeth W; Hill, Zelee; Kirkwood, Betty R
  • The accuracy and accessibility of cited evidence: a study examining mental health policy documents. (2020) Hui, Aika; Rains, Luke Sheridan; Todd, Anita; Boaz, Annette; Johnson, Sonia
  • The continuing 2019-nCoV epidemic threat of novel coronaviruses to global health - The latest 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China. (2020) Hui, David S; I Azhar, Esam; Madani, Tariq A; Ntoumi, Francine; Kock, Richard; Dar, Osman; Ippolito, Giuseppe; Mchugh, Timothy D; Memish, Ziad A; Drosten, Christian; Zumla, Alimuddin; Petersen, Eskild
  • The potential for atmospheric water harvesting to accelerate household access to safe water. (2020) Humphrey, Jean H; Brown, Joseph; Cumming, Oliver; Evans, Barbara; Howard, Guy; Kulabako, Robinah N; Lamontagne, Jonathan; Pickering, Amy J; Wang, Evelyn N
  • Cost-effectiveness evidence for HPV self-sampling could be improved by giving greater attention to vulnerable populations. (2020) Humphreys, Emily; Foss, Anna; Legood, Rosa
  • Healthcare Professionals' Beliefs, Attitudes, Knowledge, and Behavior Around Vaping in Pregnancy and Postpartum: A Qualitative Study. (2020) Hunter, Abby; Yargawa, Judith; Notley, Caitlin; Ussher, Michael; Bobak, Alex; Murray, Rachael L; Nath, Srabani; Cooper, Sue
  • Impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions against COVID-19 in Europe: A quasi-experimental study. (2020) Hunter, Paul R; Colón-González, Felipe J; Brainard, Julii; Rushton, Steven
  • Personalized prediction of daily eczema severity scores using a mechanistic machine learning model. (2020) Hurault, Guillem; Domínguez-Hüttinger, Elisa; Langan, Sinéad M; Williams, Hywel C; Tanaka, Reiko J
  • Critical review of multimorbidity outcome measures suitable for low-income and middle-income country settings: perspectives from the Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases (GACD) researchers. (2020) Hurst, John R; Agarwal, Gina; van Boven, Job FM; Daivadanam, Meena; Gould, Gillian Sandra; Wan-Chun Huang, Erick; Maulik, Pallab K; Miranda, J Jaime; Owolabi, MO; Premji, Shahirose Sadrudin; Soriano, Joan B; Vedanthan, Rajesh; Yan, Lijing; Levitt, Naomi; GACD Multi-Morbidity Working Group
  • Prevalence and Sequelae of Cryptococcal Antigenemia in Antiretroviral Therapy-Experienced Populations: An Evaluation of Reflex Cryptococcal Antigen Screening in Botswana. (2020) Hurt, William J; Tenforde, Mark W; Molefi, Mooketsi; Mitchell, Hannah K; Milton, Thandi; Azama, Martin S; Goercke, Irene; Mulenga, Fredah; Tlhako, Nametso; Tsholo, Katlego; Srivastava, Tuhina; Leeme, Tshepo B; Simoonga, Godfrey; Muthoga, Charles; Lechiile, Kwana; Mine, Madisa; Jarvis, Joseph N
  • Point-of-Care Ultrasound in the Diagnosis of Melioidosis in Laos. (2020) Huson, Michaëla AM; Kling, Kerstin; Chankongsin, Somaphone; Phongluxa, Khampheng; Keoluangkhot, Valy; Newton, Paul N; Dance, David; Heller, Tom; Neumayr, Andreas
  • Inter-European social workers’ mobility within a dynamic social work and immigration policy context: a case study of England. (2020) Hussein, Shereen
  • Use of pyriproxyfen in control of Aedes mosquitoes: A systematic review. (2020) Hustedt, John Christian; Boyce, Ross; Bradley, John; Hii, Jeffrey; Alexander, Neal
  • Ability of the Premise Condition Index to Identify Premises with Adult and Immature Aedes Mosquitoes in Kampong Cham, Cambodia. (2020) Hustedt, John; Doum, Dyna; Keo, Vanney; Ly, Sokha; Sam, BunLeng; Chan, Vibol; Boyer, Sebastien; Liverani, Marco; Alexander, Neal; Bradley, John; Prasetyo, Didot Budi; Rachmat, Agus; Lopes, Sergio; Leang, Rithea; Hii, Jeffrey
  • A survey of knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding malaria and bed nets on Bubaque Island, Guinea-Bissau. (2020) Hutchins, Harry; Power, Grace; Ant, Thomas; Teixeira da Silva, Eunice; Goncalves, Adriana; Rodrigues, Amabelia; Logan, James; Mabey, David; Last, Anna
  • Beyond Talking: We Need Effective Measures to Tackle Systemic Corruption and the Power That Allows It to Persist in Health Systems; A Response to Recent Commentaries. (2020) Hutchinson, Eleanor; Balabanova, Dina; McKee, Martin
  • Targeting anticorruption interventions at the front line: developmental governance in health systems. (2020) Hutchinson, Eleanor; Naher, Nahitun; Roy, Pallavi; McKee, Martin; Mayhew, Susannah H; Ahmed, Syed Masud; Balabanova, Dina
  • The impact of nature documentaries on public environmental preferences and willingness to pay: entropy balancing and the blue planet II effect. (2020) Hynes, Stephen; Ankamah-Yeboah, Isaac; O’Neill, Stephen; Needham, Katherine; Xuan, Bui Bich; Armstrong, Claire
  • Novel risk stratification algorithm for estimating the risk of death in patients with relapsed multiple myeloma: external validation in a retrospective chart review. (2020) Hájek, Roman; Gonzalez-McQuire, Sebastian; Szabo, Zsolt; Delforge, Michel; DeCosta, Lucy; Raab, Marc S; Bouwmeester, Walter; Campioni, Marco; Briggs, Andrew
  • In vivo biomolecular imaging of zebrafish embryos using confocal Raman spectroscopy. (2020) Høgset, Håkon; Horgan, Conor C; Armstrong, James PK; Bergholt, Mads S; Torraca, Vincenzo; Chen, Qu; Keane, Timothy J; Bugeon, Laurence; Dallman, Margaret J; Mostowy, Serge; Stevens, Molly M
  • Evidence for a Direct Harmful Effect of Alcohol on Myocardial Health: A Large Cross-Sectional Study of Consumption Patterns and Cardiovascular Disease Risk Biomarkers From Northwest Russia, 2015 to 2017. (2020) Iakunchykova, Olena; Averina, Maria; Kudryavtsev, Alexander V; Wilsgaard, Tom; Soloviev, Andrey; Schirmer, Henrik; Cook, Sarah; Leon, David A
  • Data to support small area health impact modelling of air pollution in the United Kingdom. (2020) Ibbetson, Andrew; Symonds, Phil; Hutchinson, Emma
  • Selective whole genome amplification of Plasmodium malariae DNA from clinical samples reveals insights into population structure. (2020) Ibrahim, Amy; Diez Benavente, Ernest; Nolder, Debbie; Proux, Stephane; Higgins, Matthew; Muwanguzi, Julian; Gomez Gonzalez, Paula Josefina; Fuehrer, Hans-Peter; Roper, Cally; Nosten, Francois; Sutherland, Colin; Clark, Taane G; Campino, Susana
  • Evaluation of US Hospital Episode Spending for Acute Inpatient Conditions After the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. (2020) Ibrahim, Andrew M; Nuliyalu, Ushapoorna; Lawton, Emily J; O'Neil, Stephen; Dimick, Justin B; Gulseren, Baris; Sinha, Shashank S; Hollingsworth, John M; Engler, Tedi A; Ryan, Andrew M
  • Serological Protection 5-6 Years Post Vaccination Against Yellow Fever in African Infants Vaccinated in Routine Programmes. (2020) Idoko, Olubukola T; Domingo, Cristina; Tapia, Milagritos D; Sow, Samba O; Geldmacher, Christof; Saathoff, Elmar; Kampmann, Beate
  • Clinical Protocol for a Longitudinal Cohort Study Employing Systems Biology to Identify Markers of Vaccine Immunogenicity in Newborn Infants in The Gambia and Papua New Guinea. (2020) Idoko, Olubukola T; Smolen, Kinga K; Wariri, Oghenebrume; Imam, Abdulazeez; Shannon, Casey P; Dibassey, Tida; Diray-Arce, Joann; Darboe, Alansana; Strandmark, Julia; Ben-Othman, Rym; Odumade, Oludare A; McEnaney, Kerry; Amenyogbe, Nelly; Pomat, William S; van Haren, Simon; Sanchez-Schmitz, Guzmán; Brinkman, Ryan R; Steen, Hanno; Hancock, Robert EW; Tebbutt, Scott J; Richmond, Peter C; van den Biggelaar, Anita HJ; Kollmann, Tobias R; Levy, Ofer; Ozonoff, Al; Kampmann, Beate
  • Corrigendum: Clinical Protocol for a Longitudinal Cohort Study Employing Systems Biology to Identify Markers of Vaccine Immunogenicity in Newborn Infants in The Gambia and Papua New Guinea. (2020) Idoko, Olubukola T; Smolen, Kinga K; Wariri, Oghenebrume; Imam, Abdulazeez; Shannon, Casey P; Dibassey, Tida; Diray-Arce, Joann; Darboe, Alansana; Strandmark, Julia; Ben-Othman, Rym; Odumade, Oludare A; McEnaney, Kerry; Amenyogbe, Nelly; Pomat, William S; van Haren, Simon; Sanchez-Schmitz, Guzmán; Brinkman, Ryan R; Steen, Hanno; Hancock, Robert EW; Tebbutt, Scott J; Richmond, Peter C; van den Biggelaar, Anita HJ; Kollmann, Tobias R; Levy, Ofer; Ozonoff, Al; Kampmann, Beate
  • Prevalence of non-communicable diseases and its risk factors among Ijegun-Isheri Osun residents in Lagos State, Nigeria: a community based cross-sectional study. (2020) Idris, Israel Oluwaseyidayo; Oguntade, Ayodipupo Sikiru; Mensah, Ekow Adom; Kitamura, Noriko
  • Influenza surveillance capacity improvements in Africa during 2011-2017. (2020) Igboh, Ledor S; McMorrow, Meredith; Tempia, Stefano; Emukule, Gideon O; Talla Nzussouo, Ndahwouh; McCarron, Margaret; Williams, Thelma; Weatherspoon, Vashonia; Moen, Ann; Fawzi, Derrar; Njouom, Richard; Nakoune, Emmanuel; Dauoda, Coulibaly; Kavunga-Membo, Hugo; Okeyo, Mary; Heraud, Jean-Michel; Mambule, Ivan Kiggundu; Sow, Samba Ousmane; Tivane, Almiro; Lagare, Adamou; Adebayo, Adedeji; Dia, Ndongo; Mmbaga, Vida; Maman, Issaka; Lutwama, Julius; Simusika, Paul; Walaza, Sibongile; Mangtani, Punam; Nguipdop-Djomo, Patrick; Cohen, Cheryl; Azziz-Baumgartner, Eduardo; ANISE Network Working Group
  • Knowledge, behaviour and attitudes towards Chagas disease among the Bolivian migrant population living in Japan: a cross-sectional study. (2020) Iglesias Rodríguez, Inés María; Mizukami, Shusaku; Manh, Dao Huy; Thuan, Tieu Minh; Justiniano, Hugo Alberto; Miura, Sachio; Ito, George; Huy, Nguyen Tien; Smith, Chris; Hirayama, Kenji
  • Bringing ethical thinking to social change initiatives: Why it matters. (2020) Igras, Susan; Kohli, Anjalee; Bukuluki, Paul; Cislaghi, Beniamino; Khan, Sonali; Tier, Catherine
  • Protection conferred by typhoid fever against recurrent typhoid fever in urban Kolkata. (2020) Im, Justin; Islam, Md Taufiqul; Kim, Deok Ryun; Ahmmed, Faisal; Chon, Yun; Zaman, K; Khan, Ashraful Islam; Ali, Mohammad; Sur, Dipika; Kanungo, Suman; Dutta, Shanta; Bhattacharya, Sujit K; Dougan, Gordon; Holt, Kathryn E; Marks, Florian; Kim, Jerome H; Qadri, Firdausi; Clemens, John D
  • Effect of adiposity on differences in carotid plaque burden in studies conducted in Norway and Russia: a cross-sectional analysis of two populations at very different risk of cardiovascular mortality. (2020) Imahori, Yume; Frost, Chris; Mathiesen, Ellisiv B; Ryabikov, Andrey; Kudryavtsev, Alexander V; Malyutina, Sofia; Kornev, Michael; Hughes, Alun D; Hopstock, Laila A; Leon, David A
  • The association between anthropometric measures of adiposity and the progression of carotid atherosclerosis. (2020) Imahori, Yume; Mathiesen, Ellisiv B; Morgan, Katy E; Frost, Chris; Hughes, Alun D; Hopstock, Laila A; Johnsen, Stein Harald; Emaus, Nina; Leon, David A
  • Adoption and impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions for COVID-19. (2020) Imai, Natsuko; Gaythorpe, Katy AM; Abbott, Sam; Bhatia, Sangeeta; van Elsland, Sabine; Prem, Kiesha; Liu, Yang; Ferguson, Neil M
  • Adoption and impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions for COVID-19. (2020) Imai, Natsuko; Gaythorpe, Katy AM; Abbott, Sam; Bhatia, Sangeeta; van Elsland, Sabine; Prem, Kiesha; Liu, Yang; Ferguson, Neil M
  • Subnational mapping of under-5 and neonatal mortality trends in India: the Global Burden of Disease Study 2000-17. (2020) India State-Level Disease Burden Initiative Child Mortality Coll
  • Who is Reached by HIV Self-Testing? Individual Factors Associated With Self-Testing Within a Community-Based Program in Rural Malawi. (2020) Indravudh, Pitchaya P; Hensen, Bernadette; Nzawa, Rebecca; Chilongosi, Richard; Nyirenda, Rose; Johnson, Cheryl C; Hatzold, Karin; Fielding, Katherine; Corbett, Elizabeth L; Neuman, Melissa
  • Reduced dengue incidence following deployments of Wolbachia-infected Aedes aegypti in Yogyakarta, Indonesia: a quasi-experimental trial using controlled interrupted time series analysis. (2020) Indriani, Citra; Tantowijoyo, Warsito; Rancès, Edwige; Andari, Bekti; Prabowo, Equatori; Yusdi, Dedik; Ansari, Muhammad Ridwan; Wardana, Dwi Satria; Supriyati, Endah; Nurhayati, Indah; Ernesia, Inggrid; Setyawan, Sigit; Fitriana, Iva; Arguni, Eggi; Amelia, Yudiria; Ahmad, Riris Andono; Jewell, Nicholas P; Dufault, Suzanne M; Ryan, Peter A; Green, Benjamin R; McAdam, Thomas F; O'Neill, Scott L; Tanamas, Stephanie K; Simmons, Cameron P; Anders, Katherine L; Utarini, Adi
  • Assessment of the concordance between individual-level and area-level measures of socio-economic deprivation in a cancer patient cohort in England and Wales. (2020) Ingleby, Fiona C; Belot, Aurélien; Atherton, Iain; Baker, Matthew; Elliss-Brookes, Lucy; Woods, Laura M
  • Spatial Variability of Heat-Related Mortality in Barcelona from 1992-2015: A Case Crossover Study Design. (2020) Ingole, Vijendra; Marí-Dell'Olmo, Marc; Deluca, Anna; Quijal, Marcos; Borrell, Carme; Rodríguez-Sanz, Maica; Achebak, Hicham; Lauwaet, Dirk; Gilabert, Joan; Murage, Peninah; Hajat, Shakoor; Basagaña, Xavier; Ballester, Joan
  • Household and area-level social determinants of multimorbidity: a systematic review. (2020) Ingram, Elizabeth; Ledden, Sarah; Beardon, Sarah; Gomes, Manuel; Hogarth, Sue; McDonald, Helen; Osborn, David P; Sheringham, Jessica
  • Pulmonary complications for women with sickle cell disease in pregnancy: systematic review and meta-analysis. (2020) Inparaj, Sivarajini; Buckingham, Mickey; Oakley, Laura; Seed, Paul T; Lucas, Sebastian; Oteng-Ntim, Eugene
  • Antileishmanial Activity and Synergistic Effects of Amphotericin B Deoxycholate with Allicin and Andrographolide against Leishmania martiniquensis In Vitro. (2020) Intakhan, Nuchpicha; Chanmol, Wetpisit; Somboon, Pradya; Bates, Michelle D; Yardley, Vanessa; Bates, Paul A; Jariyapan, Narissara
  • High levels of resistance to nucleoside/nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors in newly diagnosed antiretroviral treatment-naive children in sub-Saharan Africa. (2020) Inzaule, Seth C; Jordan, Michael R; Bello, George; Wadonda-Kabondo, Nellie; Mounerou, Salou; Mbulli, Innocent A; Akanmu, Sulaimon A; Vubil, Adolfo; Hunt, Gillian; Kaleebu, Pontiano; Mthethwa-Hleza, Simangele; Dzangare, Janet; Njukeng, Patrick; Penazzato, Martina; Rinke de Wit, Tobias F; Eshleman, Susan H; Bertagnolio, Silvia; Infant HIV Drug Resistance Survey Team
  • Horses for courses? Assessing the potential value of a surrogate, point-of-care test for SARS-CoV-2 epidemic control. (2020) Ismail, Sharif A; Huntley, Catherine; Post, Nathan; Rigby, Samuel; Shrotri, Madhumita; Williams, Sarah V; Peacock, Sharon J
  • SARS-CoV-2 infection and transmission in educational settings: a prospective, cross-sectional analysis of infection clusters and outbreaks in England. (2020) Ismail, Sharif A; Saliba, Vanessa; Lopez Bernal, Jamie; Ramsay, Mary E; Ladhani, Shamez N
  • Larotrectinib versus Prior Therapies in Tropomyosin Receptor Kinase Fusion Cancer: An Intra-Patient Comparative Analysis. (2020) Italiano, Antoine; Nanda, Shivani; Briggs, Andrew; Garcia-Foncillas, Jesus; Lassen, Ulrik; Vassal, Gilles; Kummar, Shivaani; van Tilburg, Cornelis M; Hong, David S; Laetsch, Theodore W; Keating, Karen; Reeves, John A; Fellous, Marc; Childs, Barrett H; Drilon, Alexander; Hyman, David M
  • Accelerating invasion potential of disease vector Aedes aegypti under climate change. (2020) Iwamura, Takuya; Guzman-Holst, Adriana; Murray, Kris A
  • The 4 youth by youth HIV self-testing crowdsourcing contest: A qualitative evaluation. (2020) Iwelunmor, Juliet; Ezechi, Oliver; Obiezu-Umeh, Chisom; Gbaja-Biamila, Titilola; Nwaozuru, Ucheoma; Oladele, David; Musa, Adesola Z; Idigbe, Ifeoma; Uzoaru, Florida; Airhihenbuwa, Collins; Muessig, Kathryn; Conserve, Donaldson F; Kapogiannis, Bill; Tucker, Joseph D
  • Clinical outcomes after first-line HIV treatment failure in South Africa: the next cascade of care. (2020) Iwuji, CC; Shahmanesh, M; Koole, O; Herbst, K; Pillay, D; Siedner, MJ; Baisley, K; H-DREAM Network
  • Test but not treat: Community members' experiences with barriers and facilitators to universal antiretroviral therapy uptake in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. (2020) Iwuji, Collins; Chimukuche, Rujeko Samanthia; Zuma, Thembelihle; Plazy, Melanie; Larmarange, Joseph; Orne-Gliemann, Joanna; Siedner, Mark; Shahmanesh, Maryam; Seeley, Janet
  • Developing sustainable capacity-building in mental health research: implementation outcomes of training of trainers in systematic reviewing. (2020) Jack, Helen E; Merritt, Christopher; Medhin, Girmay; Musesengwa, Rosemary; Mafuta, Chitsanzo; Gibson, Lorna J; Hanlon, Charlotte; Sorsdahl, Katherine; Chibanda, Dixon; Abas, Melanie
  • Consolidating strategic information to monitor progress against the UNAIDS 90-90-90 targets: evaluating the operational feasibility of an electronic HIV testing register in Cape Town, South Africa. (2020) Jacob, Nisha; Rice, Brian; Kalk, Emma; Heekes, Alexa; Morgan, Jennie; Brinkmann, Samantha; Hargreaves, James; Orgill, Marsha; Boulle, Andrew
  • Utility of digitising point of care HIV test results to accurately measure, and improve performance towards, the UNAIDS 90-90-90 targets. (2020) Jacob, Nisha; Rice, Brian; Kalk, Emma; Heekes, Alexa; Morgan, Jennie; Hargreaves, James; Boulle, Andrew
  • Pre-pregnancy obesity and risk of congenital abnormalities of the kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT)-systematic review, meta-analysis and ecological study. (2020) Jadresić, Lyda; Au, Howard; Woodhouse, Christopher; Nitsch, Dorothea
  • The relation of gender role attitudes with depression and generalised anxiety disorder in two Russian cities. (2020) Jaehn, Philipp; Bobrova, Natalia; Saburova, Lyudmila; Kudryavtsev, Alexander V; Malyutina, Sofia; Cook, Sarah
  • A Genotyping Study in Benin Comparing the Carriage of Plasmodium falciparum Infections Before Pregnancy and in Early Pregnancy: Story of a Persistent Infection. (2020) Jafari-Guemouri, Sayeh; Courtois, Laura; Mama, Atika; Rouas, Baptiste; Neto Braga, Gabriel; Accrombessi, Manfred; Massougbodji, Achille; Ding, Xavier C; Tuikue Ndam, Nicaise; Fievet, Nadine; Briand, Valérie
  • Differences in the frequency of genetic variants associated with iron imbalance among global populations. (2020) Jallow, Momodou W; Cerami, Carla; Clark, Taane G; Prentice, Andrew M; Campino, Susana
  • Patient and public involvement prior to trial initiation: lessons learnt for rapid partnership in the COVID-19 era. (2020) Jamal, Zahra; Perkins, Alexander; Allen, Christopher; Group, Research Advisory; Evans, Richard; Sturgess, Joanna; Snowdon, Claire; Clayton, Tim; Elbourne, Diana
  • A Community-Based School Nutrition Intervention Improves Diet Diversity and School Attendance in Palestinian Refugee Schoolchildren in Lebanon. (2020) Jamaluddine, Zeina; Choufani, Jowel; Masterson, Amelia Reese; Hoteit, Reem; Sahyoun, Nadine R; Ghattas, Hala
  • ‘Who Can Sing the Song of MSF?’. (2020) James, Myfanwy
  • Could nutrition modulate COVID-19 susceptibility and severity of disease? A systematic review. (2020) James, Philip T; Ali, Zakari; Armitage, Andrew E; Bonell, Ana; Cerami, Carla; Drakesmith, Hal; Jobe, Modou; Jones, Kerry S; Liew, Zara; Moore, Sophie E; Morales-Berstein, Fernanda; Nabwera, Helen M; Nadjm, Behzad; Pasricha, Sant-Rayn; Scheelbeek, Pauline; Silver, Matt J; Teh, Megan R; Prentice, Andrew M
  • Estimating global injuries morbidity and mortality: methods and data used in the Global Burden of Disease 2017 study. (2020) James, Spencer L; Castle, Chris D; Dingels, Zachary V; Fox, Jack T; Hamilton, Erin B; Liu, Zichen; Roberts, Nicholas LS; Sylte, Dillon O; Bertolacci, Gregory J; Cunningham, Matthew; Henry, Nathaniel J; LeGrand, Kate E; Abdelalim, Ahmed; Abdollahpour, Ibrahim; Abdulkader, Rizwan Suliankatchi; Abedi, Aidin; Abegaz, Kedir Hussein; Abosetugn, Akine Eshete; Abushouk, Abdelrahman I; Adebayo, Oladimeji M; Adsuar, Jose C; Advani, Shailesh M; Agudelo-Botero, Marcela; Ahmad, Tauseef; Ahmed, Muktar Beshir; Ahmed, Rushdia; Eddine Aichour, Miloud Taki; Alahdab, Fares; Alanezi, Fahad Mashhour; Alema, Niguse Meles; Alemu, Biresaw Wassihun; Alghnam, Suliman A; Ali, Beriwan Abdulqadir; Ali, Saqib; Alinia, Cyrus; Alipour, Vahid; Aljunid, Syed Mohamed; Almasi-Hashiani, Amir; Almasri, Nihad A; Altirkawi, Khalid; Abdeldayem Amer, Yasser Sami; Andrei, Catalina Liliana; Ansari-Moghaddam, Alireza; T Antonio, Carl Abelardo; Anvari, Davood; Yaw Appiah, Seth Christopher; Arabloo, Jalal; Arab-Zozani, Morteza; Arefi, Zohreh; Aremu, Olatunde; Ariani, Filippo; Arora, Amit; Asaad, Malke; Ayala Quintanilla, Beatriz Paulina; Ayano, Getinet; Ayanore, Martin Amogre; Azarian, Ghasem; Badawi, Alaa; Badiye, Ashish D; Baig, Atif Amin; Bairwa, Mohan; Bakhtiari, Ahad; Balachandran, Arun; Banach, Maciej; Banerjee, Srikanta K; Banik, Palash Chandra; Banstola, Amrit; Barker-Collo, Suzanne Lyn; Bärnighausen, Till Winfried; Barzegar, Akbar; Bayati, Mohsen; Bazargan-Hejazi, Shahrzad; Bedi, Neeraj; Behzadifar, Masoud; Belete, Habte; Bennett, Derrick A; Bensenor, Isabela M; Berhe, Kidanemaryam; Bhagavathula, Akshaya Srikanth; Bhardwaj, Pankaj; Bhat, Anusha Ganapati; Bhattacharyya, Krittika; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Bibi, Sadia; Bijani, Ali; Boloor, Archith; Borges, Guilherme; Borschmann, Rohan; Borzì, Antonio Maria; Boufous, Soufiane; Braithwaite, Dejana; Briko, Nikolay Ivanovich; Brugha, Traolach; Budhathoki, Shyam S; Car, Josip; Cárdenas, Rosario; Carvalho, Félix; Castaldelli-Maia, João Mauricio; Castañeda-Orjuela, Carlos A; Castelpietra, Giulio; Catalá-López, Ferrán; Cerin, Ester; Chandan, Joht S; Chapman, Jens Robert; Chattu, Vijay Kumar; Chattu, Soosanna Kumary; Chatziralli, Irini; Chaudhary, Neha; Cho, Daniel Youngwhan; Choi, Jee-Young J; Kabir Chowdhury, Mohiuddin Ahsanul; Christopher, Devasahayam J; Chu, Dinh-Toi; Cicuttini, Flavia M; Coelho, João M; Costa, Vera M; Dahlawi, Saad MA; Daryani, Ahmad; Dávila-Cervantes, Claudio Alberto; Leo, Diego De; Demeke, Feleke Mekonnen; Demoz, Gebre Teklemariam; Demsie, Desalegn Getnet; Deribe, Kebede; Desai, Rupak; Nasab, Mostafa Dianati; Silva, Diana Dias da; Dibaji Forooshani, Zahra Sadat; Do, Hoa Thi; Doyle, Kerrie E; Driscoll, Tim Robert; Dubljanin, Eleonora; Adema, Bereket Duko; Eagan, Arielle Wilder; Elemineh, Demelash Abewa; El-Jaafary, Shaimaa I; El-Khatib, Ziad; Ellingsen, Christian Lycke; Zaki, Maysaa El Sayed; Eskandarieh, Sharareh; Eyawo, Oghenowede; Faris, Pawan Sirwan; Faro, Andre; Farzadfar, Farshad; Fereshtehnejad, Seyed-Mohammad; Fernandes, Eduarda; Ferrara, Pietro; Fischer, Florian; Folayan, Morenike Oluwatoyin; Fomenkov, Artem Alekseevich; Foroutan, Masoud; Francis, Joel Msafiri; Franklin, Richard Charles; Fukumoto, Takeshi; Geberemariyam, Biniyam Sahiledengle; Gebremariam, Hadush; Gebremedhin, Ketema Bizuwork; Gebremeskel, Leake G; Gebremeskel, Gebreamlak Gebremedhn; Gebremichael, Berhe; Gedefaw, Getnet Azeze; Geta, Birhanu; Getenet, Agegnehu Bante; Ghafourifard, Mansour; Ghamari, Farhad; Gheshlagh, Reza Ghanei; Gholamian, Asadollah; Gilani, Syed Amir; Gill, Tiffany K; Goudarzian, Amir Hossein; Goulart, Alessandra C; Grada, Ayman; Grivna, Michal; Guimarães, Rafael Alves; Guo, Yuming; Gupta, Gaurav; Haagsma, Juanita A; Hall, Brian James; Hamadeh, Randah R; Hamidi, Samer; Handiso, Demelash Woldeyohannes; Haro, Josep Maria; Hasanzadeh, Amir; Hassan, Shoaib; Hassanipour, Soheil; Hassankhani, Hadi; Hassen, Hamid Yimam; Havmoeller, Rasmus; Hendrie, Delia; Heydarpour, Fatemeh; Híjar, Martha; Ho, Hung Chak; Hoang, Chi Linh; Hole, Michael K; Holla, Ramesh; Hossain, Naznin; Hosseinzadeh, Mehdi; Hostiuc, Sorin; Hu, Guoqing; Ibitoye, Segun Emmanuel; Ilesanmi, Olayinka Stephen; Inbaraj, Leeberk Raja; Naghibi Irvani, Seyed Sina; Mofizul Islam, M; Shariful Islam, Sheikh Mohammed; Ivers, Rebecca Q; Jahani, Mohammad Ali; Jakovljevic, Mihajlo; Jalilian, Farzad; Jayaraman, Sudha; Jayatilleke, Achala Upendra; Jha, Ravi Prakash; John-Akinola, Yetunde O; Jonas, Jost B; Jones, Kelly M; Joseph, Nitin; Joukar, Farahnaz; Jozwiak, Jacek Jerzy; Jungari, Suresh Banayya; Jürisson, Mikk; Kabir, Ali; Kahsay, Amaha; Kalankesh, Leila R; Kalhor, Rohollah; Kamil, Teshome Abegaz; Kanchan, Tanuj; Kapoor, Neeti; Karami, Manoochehr; Kasaeian, Amir; Kassaye, Hagazi Gebremedhin; Kavetskyy, Taras; Kayode, Gbenga A; Keiyoro, Peter Njenga; Kelbore, Abraham Getachew; Khader, Yousef Saleh; Khafaie, Morteza Abdullatif; Khalid, Nauman; Khalil, Ibrahim A; Khalilov, Rovshan; Khan, Maseer; Khan, Ejaz Ahmad; Khan, Junaid; Khanna, Tripti; Khazaei, Salman; Khazaie, Habibolah; Khundkar, Roba; Kiirithio, Daniel N; Kim, Young-Eun; Kim, Yun Jin; Kim, Daniel; Kisa, Sezer; Kisa, Adnan; Komaki, Hamidreza; Kondlahalli, Shivakumar KM; Koolivand, Ali; Korshunov, Vladimir Andreevich; Koyanagi, Ai; Kraemer, Moritz UG; Krishan, Kewal; Defo, Barthelemy Kuate; Bicer, Burcu Kucuk; Kugbey, Nuworza; Kumar, Nithin; Kumar, Manasi; Kumar, Vivek; Kumar, Narinder; Kumaresh, Girikumar; Lami, Faris Hasan; Lansingh, Van C; Lasrado, Savita; Latifi, Arman; Lauriola, Paolo; Vecchia, Carlo La; Leasher, Janet L; Huey Lee, Shaun Wen; Li, Shanshan; Liu, Xuefeng; Lopez, Alan D; Lotufo, Paulo A; Lyons, Ronan A; Machado, Daiane Borges; Madadin, Mohammed; Abd El Razek, Muhammed Magdy; Mahotra, Narayan Bahadur; Majdan, Marek; Majeed, Azeem; Maled, Venkatesh; Malta, Deborah Carvalho; Manafi, Navid; Manafi, Amir; Manda, Ana-Laura; Manjunatha, Narayana; Mansour-Ghanaei, Fariborz; Mansournia, Mohammad Ali; Maravilla, Joemer C; Mason-Jones, Amanda J; Masoumi, Seyedeh Zahra; Massenburg, Benjamin Ballard; Maulik, Pallab K; Mehndiratta, Man Mohan; Melketsedik, Zeleke Aschalew; Memiah, Peter TN; Mendoza, Walter; Menezes, Ritesh G; Mengesha, Melkamu Merid; Meretoja, Tuomo J; Meretoja, Atte; Merie, Hayimro Edemealem; Mestrovic, Tomislav; Miazgowski, Bartosz; Miazgowski, Tomasz; Miller, Ted R; Mini, GK; Mirica, Andreea; Mirrakhimov, Erkin M; Mirzaei-Alavijeh, Mehdi; Mithra, Prasanna; Moazen, Babak; Moghadaszadeh, Masoud; Mohamadi, Efat; Mohammad, Yousef; Darwesh, Aso Mohammad; Mohammadian-Hafshejani, Abdollah; Mohammadpourhodki, Reza; Mohammed, Shafiu; Mohammed, Jemal Abdu; Mohebi, Farnam; Mohseni Bandpei, Mohammad A; Molokhia, Mariam; Monasta, Lorenzo; Moodley, Yoshan; Moradi, Masoud; Moradi, Ghobad; Moradi-Lakeh, Maziar; Moradzadeh, Rahmatollah; Morawska, Lidia; Velásquez, Ilais Moreno; Morrison, Shane Douglas; Mossie, Tilahun Belete; Muluneh, Atalay Goshu; Musa, Kamarul Imran; Mustafa, Ghulam; Naderi, Mehdi; Nagarajan, Ahamarshan Jayaraman; Naik, Gurudatta; Naimzada, Mukhammad David; Najafi, Farid; Nangia, Vinay; Nascimento, Bruno Ramos; Naserbakht, Morteza; Nayak, Vinod; Nazari, Javad; Ndwandwe, Duduzile Edith; Negoi, Ionut; Ngunjiri, Josephine W; Nguyen, Trang Huyen; Nguyen, Cuong Tat; Nguyen, Diep Ngoc; Thi Nguyen, Huong Lan; Nikbakhsh, Rajan; Anggraini Ningrum, Dina Nur; Nnaji, Chukwudi A; Ofori-Asenso, Richard; Ogbo, Felix Akpojene; Oghenetega, Onome Bright; Oh, In-Hwan; Olagunju, Andrew T; Olagunju, Tinuke O; Bali, Ahmed Omar; Onwujekwe, Obinna E; Orpana, Heather M; Ota, Erika; Otstavnov, Nikita; Otstavnov, Stanislav S; P A, Mahesh; Padubidri, Jagadish Rao; Pakhale, Smita; Pakshir, Keyvan; Panda-Jonas, Songhomitra; Park, Eun-Kee; Patel, Sangram Kishor; Pathak, Ashish; Pati, Sanghamitra; Paulos, Kebreab; Peden, Amy E; Filipino Pepito, Veincent Christian; Pereira, Jeevan; Phillips, Michael R; Polibin, Roman V; Polinder, Suzanne; Pourmalek, Farshad; Pourshams, Akram; Poustchi, Hossein; Prakash, Swayam; Angga Pribadi, Dimas Ria; Puri, Parul; Syed, Zahiruddin Quazi; Rabiee, Navid; Rabiee, Mohammad; Radfar, Amir; Rafay, Anwar; Rafiee, Ata; Rafiei, Alireza; Rahim, Fakher; Rahimi, Siavash; Rahman, Muhammad Aziz; Rajabpour-Sanati, Ali; Rajati, Fatemeh; Rakovac, Ivo; Rao, Sowmya J; Rashedi, Vahid; Rastogi, Prateek; Rathi, Priya; Rawaf, Salman; Rawal, Lal; Rawassizadeh, Reza; Renjith, Vishnu; Resnikoff, Serge; Rezapour, Aziz; Ribeiro, Ana Isabel; Rickard, Jennifer; Rios González, Carlos Miguel; Roever, Leonardo; Ronfani, Luca; Roshandel, Gholamreza; Saddik, Basema; Safarpour, Hamid; Safdarian, Mahdi; Mohammad Sajadi, S; Salamati, Payman; Rashad Salem, Marwa R; Salem, Hosni; Salz, Inbal; Samy, Abdallah M; Sanabria, Juan; Riera, Lidia Sanchez; Santric Milicevic, Milena M; Sarker, Abdur Razzaque; Sarveazad, Arash; Sathian, Brijesh; Sawhney, Monika; Sayyah, Mehdi; Schwebel, David C; Seedat, Soraya; Senthilkumaran, Subramanian; Seyedmousavi, Seyedmojtaba; Sha, Feng; Shaahmadi, Faramarz; Shahabi, Saeed; Shaikh, Masood Ali; Shams-Beyranvand, Mehran; Sheikh, Aziz; Shigematsu, Mika; Shin, Jae Il; Shiri, Rahman; Siabani, Soraya; Sigfusdottir, Inga Dora; Singh, Jasvinder A; Singh, Pankaj Kumar; Sinha, Dhirendra Narain; Soheili, Amin; Soriano, Joan B; Sorrie, Muluken Bekele; Soyiri, Ireneous N; Stokes, Mark A; Sufiyan, Mu'awiyyah Babale; Sykes, Bryan L; Tabarés-Seisdedos, Rafael; Tabb, Karen M; Taddele, Biruk Wogayehu; Tefera, Yonatal Mesfin; Tehrani-Banihashemi, Arash; Tekulu, Gebretsadkan Hintsa; Tesema Tesema, Ayenew Kassie; Tesfay, Berhe Etsay; Thapar, Rekha; Titova, Mariya Vladimirovna; Tlaye, Kenean Getaneh; Tohidinik, Hamid Reza; Topor-Madry, Roman; Tran, Khanh Bao; Tran, Bach Xuan; Tripathy, Jaya Prasad; Tsai, Alexander C; Tsatsakis, Aristidis; Car, Lorainne Tudor; Ullah, Irfan; Ullah, Saif; Unnikrishnan, Bhaskaran; Upadhyay, Era; Uthman, Olalekan A; Valdez, Pascual R; Vasankari, Tommi Juhani; Veisani, Yousef; Venketasubramanian, Narayanaswamy; Violante, Francesco S; Vlassov, Vasily; Waheed, Yasir; Wang, Yuan-Pang; Wiangkham, Taweewat; Wolde, Haileab Fekadu; Woldeyes, Dawit Habte; Wondmeneh, Temesgen Gebeyehu; Wondmieneh, Adam Belay; Wu, Ai-Min; Wyper, Grant MA; Yadav, Rajaram; Yadollahpour, Ali; Yano, Yuichiro; Yaya, Sanni; Yazdi-Feyzabadi, Vahid; Ye, Pengpeng; Yip, Paul; Yisma, Engida; Yonemoto, Naohiro; Yoon, Seok-Jun; Youm, Yoosik; Younis, Mustafa Z; Yousefi, Zabihollah; Yu, Chuanhua; Yu, Yong; Moghadam, Telma Zahirian; Zaidi, Zoubida; Zaman, Sojib Bin; Zamani, Mohammad; Zandian, Hamed; Zarei, Fatemeh; Zhang, Zhi-Jiang; Zhang, Yunquan; Ziapour, Arash; Zodpey, Sanjay; Dandona, Rakhi; Dharmaratne, Samath Dhamminda; Hay, Simon I; Mokdad, Ali H; Pigott, David M; Reiner, Robert C; Vos, Theo
  • Global injury morbidity and mortality from 1990 to 2017: results from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. (2020) James, Spencer L; Castle, Chris D; Dingels, Zachary V; Fox, Jack T; Hamilton, Erin B; Liu, Zichen; S Roberts, Nicholas L; Sylte, Dillon O; Henry, Nathaniel J; LeGrand, Kate E; Abdelalim, Ahmed; Abdoli, Amir; Abdollahpour, Ibrahim; Abdulkader, Rizwan Suliankatchi; Abedi, Aidin; Abosetugn, Akine Eshete; Abushouk, Abdelrahman I; Adebayo, Oladimeji M; Agudelo-Botero, Marcela; Ahmad, Tauseef; Ahmed, Rushdia; Ahmed, Muktar Beshir; Eddine Aichour, Miloud Taki; Alahdab, Fares; Alamene, Genet Melak; Alanezi, Fahad Mashhour; Alebel, Animut; Alema, Niguse Meles; Alghnam, Suliman A; Al-Hajj, Samar; Ali, Beriwan Abdulqadir; Ali, Saqib; Alikhani, Mahtab; Alinia, Cyrus; Alipour, Vahid; Aljunid, Syed Mohamed; Almasi-Hashiani, Amir; Almasri, Nihad A; Altirkawi, Khalid; Abdeldayem Amer, Yasser Sami; Amini, Saeed; Loreche Amit, Arianna Maever; Andrei, Catalina Liliana; Ansari-Moghaddam, Alireza; T Antonio, Carl Abelardo; Yaw Appiah, Seth Christopher; Arabloo, Jalal; Arab-Zozani, Morteza; Arefi, Zohreh; Aremu, Olatunde; Ariani, Filippo; Arora, Amit; Asaad, Malke; Asghari, Babak; Awoke, Nefsu; Ayala Quintanilla, Beatriz Paulina; Ayano, Getinet; Ayanore, Martin Amogre; Azari, Samad; Azarian, Ghasem; Badawi, Alaa; Badiye, Ashish D; Bagli, Eleni; Baig, Atif Amin; Bairwa, Mohan; Bakhtiari, Ahad; Balachandran, Arun; Banach, Maciej; Banerjee, Srikanta K; Banik, Palash Chandra; Banstola, Amrit; Barker-Collo, Suzanne Lyn; Bärnighausen, Till Winfried; Barrero, Lope H; Barzegar, Akbar; Bayati, Mohsen; Baye, Bayisa Abdissa; Bedi, Neeraj; Behzadifar, Masoud; Bekuma, Tariku Tesfaye; Belete, Habte; Benjet, Corina; Bennett, Derrick A; Bensenor, Isabela M; Berhe, Kidanemaryam; Bhardwaj, Pankaj; Bhat, Anusha Ganapati; Bhattacharyya, Krittika; Bibi, Sadia; Bijani, Ali; Bin Sayeed, Muhammad Shahdaat; Borges, Guilherme; Borzì, Antonio Maria; Boufous, Soufiane; Brazinova, Alexandra; Briko, Nikolay Ivanovich; Budhathoki, Shyam S; Car, Josip; Cárdenas, Rosario; Carvalho, Félix; Castaldelli-Maia, João Mauricio; Castañeda-Orjuela, Carlos A; Castelpietra, Giulio; Catalá-López, Ferrán; Cerin, Ester; Chandan, Joht S; Chanie, Wagaye Fentahun; Chattu, Soosanna Kumary; Chattu, Vijay Kumar; Chatziralli, Irini; Chaudhary, Neha; Cho, Daniel Youngwhan; Kabir Chowdhury, Mohiuddin Ahsanul; Chu, Dinh-Toi; Colquhoun, Samantha M; Constantin, Maria-Magdalena; Costa, Vera M; Damiani, Giovanni; Daryani, Ahmad; Dávila-Cervantes, Claudio Alberto; Demeke, Feleke Mekonnen; Demis, Asmamaw Bizuneh; Demoz, Gebre Teklemariam; Demsie, Desalegn Getnet; Derakhshani, Afshin; Deribe, Kebede; Desai, Rupak; Nasab, Mostafa Dianati; da Silva, Diana Dias; Dibaji Forooshani, Zahra Sadat; Doyle, Kerrie E; Driscoll, Tim Robert; Dubljanin, Eleonora; Adema, Bereket Duko; Eagan, Arielle Wilder; Eftekhari, Aziz; Ehsani-Chimeh, Elham; Sayed Zaki, Maysaa El; Elemineh, Demelash Abewa; El-Jaafary, Shaimaa I; El-Khatib, Ziad; Ellingsen, Christian Lycke; Emamian, Mohammad Hassan; Endalew, Daniel Adane; Eskandarieh, Sharareh; Faris, Pawan Sirwan; Faro, Andre; Farzadfar, Farshad; Fatahi, Yousef; Fekadu, Wubalem; Ferede, Tomas Y; Fereshtehnejad, Seyed-Mohammad; Fernandes, Eduarda; Ferrara, Pietro; Feyissa, Garumma Tolu; Filip, Irina; Fischer, Florian; Folayan, Morenike Oluwatoyin; Foroutan, Masoud; Francis, Joel Msafiri; Franklin, Richard Charles; Fukumoto, Takeshi; Geberemariyam, Biniyam Sahiledengle; Gebre, Abadi Kahsu; Gebremedhin, Ketema Bizuwork; Gebremeskel, Gebreamlak Gebremedhn; Gebremichael, Berhe; Gedefaw, Getnet Azeze; Geta, Birhanu; Ghafourifard, Mansour; Ghamari, Farhad; Ghashghaee, Ahmad; Gholamian, Asadollah; Gill, Tiffany K; Goulart, Alessandra C; Grada, Ayman; Grivna, Michal; Mohialdeen Gubari, Mohammed Ibrahim; Guimarães, Rafael Alves; Guo, Yuming; Gupta, Gaurav; Haagsma, Juanita A; Hafezi-Nejad, Nima; Bidgoli, Hassan Haghparast; Hall, Brian James; Hamadeh, Randah R; Hamidi, Samer; Haro, Josep Maria; Hasan, Md Mehedi; Hasanzadeh, Amir; Hassanipour, Soheil; Hassankhani, Hadi; Hassen, Hamid Yimam; Havmoeller, Rasmus; Hayat, Khezar; Hendrie, Delia; Heydarpour, Fatemeh; Híjar, Martha; Ho, Hung Chak; Hoang, Chi Linh; Hole, Michael K; Holla, Ramesh; Hossain, Naznin; Hosseinzadeh, Mehdi; Hostiuc, Sorin; Hu, Guoqing; Ibitoye, Segun Emmanuel; Ilesanmi, Olayinka Stephen; Ilic, Irena; Ilic, Milena D; Inbaraj, Leeberk Raja; Indriasih, Endang; Naghibi Irvani, Seyed Sina; Shariful Islam, Sheikh Mohammed; Islam, M Mofizul; Ivers, Rebecca Q; Jacobsen, Kathryn H; Jahani, Mohammad Ali; Jahanmehr, Nader; Jakovljevic, Mihajlo; Jalilian, Farzad; Jayaraman, Sudha; Jayatilleke, Achala Upendra; Jha, Ravi Prakash; John-Akinola, Yetunde O; Jonas, Jost B; Joseph, Nitin; Joukar, Farahnaz; Jozwiak, Jacek Jerzy; Jungari, Suresh Banayya; Jürisson, Mikk; Kabir, Ali; Kadel, Rajendra; Kahsay, Amaha; Kalankesh, Leila R; Kalhor, Rohollah; Kamil, Teshome Abegaz; Kanchan, Tanuj; Kapoor, Neeti; Karami, Manoochehr; Kasaeian, Amir; Kassaye, Hagazi Gebremedhin; Kavetskyy, Taras; Kebede, Hafte Kahsay; Keiyoro, Peter Njenga; Kelbore, Abraham Getachew; Kelkay, Bayew; Khader, Yousef Saleh; Khafaie, Morteza Abdullatif; Khalid, Nauman; Khalil, Ibrahim A; Khalilov, Rovshan; Khammarnia, Mohammad; Khan, Ejaz Ahmad; Khan, Maseer; Khanna, Tripti; Khazaie, Habibolah; Shadmani, Fatemeh Khosravi; Khundkar, Roba; Kiirithio, Daniel N; Kim, Young-Eun; Kim, Daniel; Kim, Yun Jin; Kisa, Adnan; Kisa, Sezer; Komaki, Hamidreza; M Kondlahalli, Shivakumar K; Korshunov, Vladimir Andreevich; Koyanagi, Ai; G Kraemer, Moritz U; Krishan, Kewal; Bicer, Burcu Kucuk; Kugbey, Nuworza; Kumar, Vivek; Kumar, Nithin; Kumar, G Anil; Kumar, Manasi; Kumaresh, Girikumar; Kurmi, Om P; Kuti, Oluwatosin; Vecchia, Carlo La; Lami, Faris Hasan; Lamichhane, Prabhat; Lang, Justin J; Lansingh, Van C; Laryea, Dennis Odai; Lasrado, Savita; Latifi, Arman; Lauriola, Paolo; Leasher, Janet L; Huey Lee, Shaun Wen; Lenjebo, Tsegaye Lolaso; Levi, Miriam; Li, Shanshan; Linn, Shai; Liu, Xuefeng; Lopez, Alan D; Lotufo, Paulo A; Lunevicius, Raimundas; Lyons, Ronan A; Madadin, Mohammed; El Razek, Muhammed Magdy Abd; Mahotra, Narayan Bahadur; Majdan, Marek; Majeed, Azeem; Malagon-Rojas, Jeadran N; Maled, Venkatesh; Malekzadeh, Reza; Malta, Deborah Carvalho; Manafi, Navid; Manafi, Amir; Manda, Ana-Laura; Manjunatha, Narayana; Mansour-Ghanaei, Fariborz; Mansouri, Borhan; Mansournia, Mohammad Ali; Maravilla, Joemer C; March, Lyn M; Mason-Jones, Amanda J; Masoumi, Seyedeh Zahra; Massenburg, Benjamin Ballard; Maulik, Pallab K; Meles, Gebrekiros Gebremichael; Melese, Addisu; Melketsedik, Zeleke Aschalew; N Memiah, Peter T; Mendoza, Walter; Menezes, Ritesh G; Mengesha, Meresa Berwo; Mengesha, Melkamu Merid; Meretoja, Tuomo J; Meretoja, Atte; Merie, Hayimro Edemealem; Mestrovic, Tomislav; Miazgowski, Bartosz; Miazgowski, Tomasz; Miller, Ted R; Mini, GK; Mirica, Andreea; Mirrakhimov, Erkin M; Mirzaei-Alavijeh, Mehdi; Mithra, Prasanna; Moazen, Babak; Moghadaszadeh, Masoud; Mohamadi, Efat; Mohammad, Yousef; Mohammad, Karzan Abdulmuhsin; Darwesh, Aso Mohammad; Gholi Mezerji, Naser Mohammad; Mohammadian-Hafshejani, Abdollah; Mohammadoo-Khorasani, Milad; Mohammadpourhodki, Reza; Mohammed, Shafiu; Mohammed, Jemal Abdu; Mohebi, Farnam; Molokhia, Mariam; Monasta, Lorenzo; Moodley, Yoshan; Moosazadeh, Mahmood; Moradi, Masoud; Moradi, Ghobad; Moradi-Lakeh, Maziar; Moradpour, Farhad; Morawska, Lidia; Velásquez, Ilais Moreno; Morisaki, Naho; Morrison, Shane Douglas; Mossie, Tilahun Belete; Muluneh, Atalay Goshu; Murthy, Srinivas; Musa, Kamarul Imran; Mustafa, Ghulam; Nabhan, Ashraf F; Nagarajan, Ahamarshan Jayaraman; Naik, Gurudatta; Naimzada, Mukhammad David; Najafi, Farid; Nangia, Vinay; Nascimento, Bruno Ramos; Naserbakht, Morteza; Nayak, Vinod; Ndwandwe, Duduzile Edith; Negoi, Ionut; Ngunjiri, Josephine W; Nguyen, Cuong Tat; Thi Nguyen, Huong Lan; Nikbakhsh, Rajan; Anggraini Ningrum, Dina Nur; Nnaji, Chukwudi A; Nyasulu, Peter S; Ogbo, Felix Akpojene; Oghenetega, Onome Bright; Oh, In-Hwan; Okunga, Emmanuel Wandera; Olagunju, Andrew T; Olagunju, Tinuke O; Bali, Ahmed Omar; Onwujekwe, Obinna E; Asante, Kwaku Oppong; Orpana, Heather M; Ota, Erika; Otstavnov, Nikita; Otstavnov, Stanislav S; A, Mahesh P; Padubidri, Jagadish Rao; Pakhale, Smita; Pakshir, Keyvan; Panda-Jonas, Songhomitra; Park, Eun-Kee; Patel, Sangram Kishor; Pathak, Ashish; Pati, Sanghamitra; Patton, George C; Paulos, Kebreab; Peden, Amy E; Filipino Pepito, Veincent Christian; Pereira, Jeevan; Pham, Hai Quang; Phillips, Michael R; Pinheiro, Marina; Polibin, Roman V; Polinder, Suzanne; Poustchi, Hossein; Prakash, Swayam; Angga Pribadi, Dimas Ria; Puri, Parul; Syed, Zahiruddin Quazi; Rabiee, Mohammad; Rabiee, Navid; Radfar, Amir; Rafay, Anwar; Rafiee, Ata; Rafiei, Alireza; Rahim, Fakher; Rahimi, Siavash; Rahimi-Movaghar, Vafa; Rahman, Muhammad Aziz; Rajabpour-Sanati, Ali; Rajati, Fatemeh; Rakovac, Ivo; Ranganathan, Kavitha; Rao, Sowmya J; Rashedi, Vahid; Rastogi, Prateek; Rathi, Priya; Rawaf, Salman; Rawal, Lal; Rawassizadeh, Reza; Renjith, Vishnu; N Renzaho, Andre M; Resnikoff, Serge; Rezapour, Aziz; Ribeiro, Ana Isabel; Rickard, Jennifer; Rios González, Carlos Miguel; Ronfani, Luca; Roshandel, Gholamreza; Saad, Anas M; Sabde, Yogesh Damodar; Sabour, Siamak; Saddik, Basema; Safari, Saeed; Safari-Faramani, Roya; Safarpour, Hamid; Safdarian, Mahdi; Sajadi, S Mohammad; Salamati, Payman; Salehi, Farkhonde; Zahabi, Saleh Salehi; Rashad Salem, Marwa R; Salem, Hosni; Salman, Omar; Salz, Inbal; Samy, Abdallah M; Sanabria, Juan; Riera, Lidia Sanchez; Santric Milicevic, Milena M; Sarker, Abdur Razzaque; Sarveazad, Arash; Sathian, Brijesh; Sawhney, Monika; Sawyer, Susan M; Saxena, Sonia; Sayyah, Mehdi; Schwebel, David C; Seedat, Soraya; Senthilkumaran, Subramanian; Sepanlou, Sadaf G; Seyedmousavi, Seyedmojtaba; Sha, Feng; Shaahmadi, Faramarz; Shahabi, Saeed; Shaikh, Masood Ali; Shams-Beyranvand, Mehran; Shamsizadeh, Morteza; Sharif-Alhoseini, Mahdi; Sharifi, Hamid; Sheikh, Aziz; Shigematsu, Mika; Shin, Jae Il; Shiri, Rahman; Siabani, Soraya; Sigfusdottir, Inga Dora; Singh, Pankaj Kumar; Singh, Jasvinder A; Sinha, Dhirendra Narain; Smarandache, Catalin-Gabriel; R Smith, Emma U; Soheili, Amin; Soleymani, Bija; Soltanian, Ali Reza; Soriano, Joan B; Sorrie, Muluken Bekele; Soyiri, Ireneous N; Stein, Dan J; Stokes, Mark A; Sufiyan, Mu'awiyyah Babale; Rasul Suleria, Hafiz Ansar; Sykes, Bryan L; Tabarés-Seisdedos, Rafael; Tabb, Karen M; Taddele, Biruk Wogayehu; Tadesse, Degena Bahrey; Tamiru, Animut Tagele; Tarigan, Ingan Ukur; Tefera, Yonatal Mesfin; Tehrani-Banihashemi, Arash; Tekle, Merhawi Gebremedhin; Tekulu, Gebretsadkan Hintsa; Tesema, Ayenew Kassie; Tesfay, Berhe Etsay; Thapar, Rekha; Tilahune, Asres Bedaso; Tlaye, Kenean Getaneh; Tohidinik, Hamid Reza; Topor-Madry, Roman; Tran, Bach Xuan; Tran, Khanh Bao; Tripathy, Jaya Prasad; Tsai, Alexander C; Car, Lorainne Tudor; Ullah, Saif; Ullah, Irfan; Umar, Maida; Unnikrishnan, Bhaskaran; Upadhyay, Era; Uthman, Olalekan A; Valdez, Pascual R; Vasankari, Tommi Juhani; Venketasubramanian, Narayanaswamy; Violante, Francesco S; Vlassov, Vasily; Waheed, Yasir; Weldesamuel, Girmay Teklay; Werdecker, Andrea; Wiangkham, Taweewat; Wolde, Haileab Fekadu; Woldeyes, Dawit Habte; Wondafrash, Dawit Zewdu; Wondmeneh, Temesgen Gebeyehu; Wondmieneh, Adam Belay; Wu, Ai-Min; Yadav, Rajaram; Yadollahpour, Ali; Yano, Yuichiro; Yaya, Sanni; Yazdi-Feyzabadi, Vahid; Yip, Paul; Yisma, Engida; Yonemoto, Naohiro; Yoon, Seok-Jun; Youm, Yoosik; Younis, Mustafa Z; Yousefi, Zabihollah; Yu, Yong; Yu, Chuanhua; Yusefzadeh, Hasan; Moghadam, Telma Zahirian; Zaidi, Zoubida; Zaman, Sojib Bin; Zamani, Mohammad; Zamanian, Maryam; Zandian, Hamed; Zarei, Ahmad; Zare, Fatemeh; Zhang, Zhi-Jiang; Zhang, Yunquan; Zodpey, Sanjay; Dandona, Lalit; Dandona, Rakhi; Degenhardt, Louisa; Dharmaratne, Samath Dhamminda; Hay, Simon I; Mokdad, Ali H; Reiner, Robert C; Sartorius, Benn; Vos, Theo
  • Comments on: Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Everting Sutures with a Lateral Tarsal Strip for Involutional Lower Eyelid Entropion. (2020) Jamison, Aaron; Gilmour, David F; Buchan, John
  • Key criteria for the ethical acceptability of COVID-19 human challenge studies: Report of a WHO Working Group. (2020) Jamrozik, Euzebiusz; Littler, Katherine; Bull, Susan; Emerson, Claudia; Kang, Gagandeep; Kapulu, Melissa; Rey, Elena; Saenz, Carla; Shah, Seema; Smith, Peter G; Upshur, Ross; Weijer, Charles; Selgelid, Michael J; WHO Working Group for Guidance on Human Challenge Studies in COV
  • A randomized controlled trial comparing intensive non-surgical treatment with bariatric surgery in adolescents aged 13-16 years (AMOS2): Rationale, study design, and patient recruitment. (2020) Janson, Annika; Järvholm, Kajsa; Gronowitz, Eva; Sjögren, Lovisa; Klaesson, Sven; Engström, My; Peltonen, Markku; Ekbom, Kerstin; Dahlgren, Jovanna; Olbers, Torsten
  • Maternity services in the UK during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic: a national survey of modifications to standard care. (2020) Jardine, J; Relph, S; Magee, LA; von Dadelszen, P; Morris, E; Ross-Davie, M; Draycott, T; Khalil, A
  • Risk of complicated birth at term in nulliparous and multiparous women using routinely collected maternity data in England: cohort study. (2020) Jardine, Jennifer; Blotkamp, Andrea; Gurol-Urganci, Ipek; Knight, Hannah; Harris, Tina; Hawdon, Jane; van der Meulen, Jan; Walker, Kate; Pasupathy, Dharmintra
  • Climate change mitigation through dietary change: a systematic review of empirical and modelling studies on the environmental footprints and health effects of 'sustainable diets'. (2020) Jarmul, Stephanie; Dangour, Alan D; Green, Rosemary; Liew, Zara; Haines, Andy; Scheelbeek, Pauline Fd
  • Assessment of Sodium Knowledge and Urinary Sodium Excretion among Regions of the United Arab Emirates: A Cross-Sectional Study. (2020) Jarrar, Amjad H; Stojanovska, Lily; Apostolopoulos, Vasso; Cheikh Ismail, Leila; Feehan, Jack; Ohuma, Eric O; Ahmad, Ala Z; Alnoaimi, Asma A; Al Khaili, Latifa S; Allowch, Najah H; Meqbaali, Fatima T Al; Souka, Usama; Al Dhaheri, Ayesha S
  • Quantifying the impact of physical distance measures on the transmission of COVID-19 in the UK. (2020) Jarvis, Christopher I; Van Zandvoort, Kevin; Gimma, Amy; Prem, Kiesha; CMMID COVID-19 working group; Klepac, Petra; Rubin, G James; Edmunds, W John
  • Quantifying the impact of physical distance measures on the transmission of COVID-19 in the UK. (2020) Jarvis, Christopher I; Van Zandvoort, Kevin; Gimma, Amy; Prem, Kiesha; Klepac, Petra; Rubin, G James; Edmunds, W John
  • Evaluation of a Novel Semiquantitative Cryptococcal Antigen Lateral Flow Assay in Patients with Advanced HIV Disease. (2020) Jarvis, Joseph N; Tenforde, Mark W; Lechiile, Kwana; Milton, Thandi; Boose, Amber; Leeme, Tshepo B; Tawe, Leabaneng; Muthoga, Charles; Rukasha, Ivy; Mulenga, Fredah; Rulaganyang, Ikanyeng; Molefi, Mooketsi; Molloy, Síle F; Ngidi, Julia; Harrison, Thomas S; Govender, Nelesh P; Mine, Madisa
  • Impact of alcohol on mortality in Eastern Europe: Trends and policy responses. (2020) Jasilionis, Domantas; Leon, David A; Pechholdová, Markéta
  • Construction of the secondary care administrative records frailty (SCARF) index and validation on older women with operable invasive breast cancer in England and Wales: a cohort study. (2020) Jauhari, Yasmin; Gannon, Melissa Ruth; Dodwell, David; Horgan, Kieran; Clements, Karen; Medina, Jibby; Tsang, Carmen; Robinson, Thompson; Tang, Sarah Shuk-Kay; Pettengell, Ruth; Cromwell, David A
  • The impact of armed conflict on cancer among civilian populations in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review. (2020) Jawad, Mohammed; Millett, Cristopher; Sullivan, Richard; Alturki, Fadel; Roberts, Bayard; Vamos, Eszter P
  • Detection of Cell-Fusing Agent virus across ecologically diverse populations of Aedes aegypti on the Caribbean island of Saint Lucia. (2020) Jeffries, Claire L; White, Mia; Wilson, Louisia; Yakob, Laith; Walker, Thomas
  • Detection of a novel insect-specific flavivirus across ecologically diverse populations of Aedes aegypti on the Caribbean island of Saint Lucia. (2020) Jeffries, Claire L; White, Mia; Wilson, Louisia; Yakob, Laith; Walker, Thomas
  • Evaluation of a capacity building intervention on malaria treatment for under-fives in rural health facilities in Niger State, Nigeria. (2020) Jegede, Ayodele; Willey, Barbara; Hamade, Prudence; Oshiname, Fredrick; Chandramohan, Daniel; Ajayi, IkeOluwa; Falade, Catherine; Baba, Ebenezer; Webster, Jayne
  • The impact of the rotavirus vaccine on diarrhoea, five years following national introduction in Fiji. (2020) Jenney, Adam WJ; Reyburn, Rita; Ratu, Felisita T; Tuivaga, Evelyn; Nguyen, Cattram; Covea, Sokoveti; Thomas, Sarah; Rafai, Eric; Devi, Rachel; Bright, Kathryn; Jenkins, Kylie; Temple, Beth; Tikoduadua, Lisi; Kado, Joe; Mulholland, E Kim; Kirkwood, Carl D; Fox, Kimberley K; Bines, Julie E; Grabovac, Varja; Khan, Aalisha Sahu; Kama, Mike; Russell, Fiona M
  • Diabetes prevalence by HbA1c and oral glucose tolerance test among HIV-infected and uninfected Tanzanian adults. (2020) Jeremiah, Kidola; Filteau, Suzanne; Faurholt-Jepsen, Daniel; Kitilya, Brenda; Kavishe, Bazil B; Krogh-Madsen, Rikke; Olsen, Mette F; Changalucha, John; Rehman, Andrea M; Range, Nyagosya; Kamwela, Jerome; Ramaiya, Kaushik; Andersen, Aase B; Friis, Henrik; Heimburger, Douglas C; PrayGod, George
  • Caution Warranted: Using the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation Model for Predicting the Course of the COVID-19 Pandemic. (2020) Jewell, Nicholas P; Lewnard, Joseph A; Jewell, Britta L
  • Predictive Mathematical Models of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Underlying Principles and Value of Projections. (2020) Jewell, Nicholas P; Lewnard, Joseph A; Jewell, Britta L
  • Contraception Practices Among Women on Opioid Agonist Therapy. (2020) Jia, Lingsa; Norman, Wendy V
  • Long-term functional outcomes of hearing and speech rehabilitation efficacy among paediatric cochlear implant recipients in Shandong, China. (2020) Jiang, Fan; Alimu, Dayimu; Qin, Wen-Zhe; Kupper, Hannah
  • The relationship between mental health conditions and hearing loss in low- and middle-income countries. (2020) Jiang, Fan; Kubwimana, Chris; Eaton, Julian; Kuper, Hannah; Bright, Tess
  • Etiology of Childhood Bilateral Sensorineural Hearing Loss in Shandong Province, China. (2020) Jiang, Fan; Kuper, Hannah; Bright, Tess; Qin, Wen-Zhe
  • Exploring perceptions, attitudes and beliefs of Thai patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus as they relate to medication adherence at an out-patient primary care clinic in Chiang Mai, Thailand. (2020) Jiraporncharoen, Wichuda; Pinyopornpanish, Kanokporn; Junjom, Korsin; Dejkriengkraikul, Nisachol; Wisetborisut, Anawat; Papachristou, Iliatha; Hashmi, Ahmar; Angkurawaranon, Chaisiri
  • Estimating number of cases and spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) using critical care admissions, United Kingdom, February to March 2020. (2020) Jit, Mark; Jombart, Thibaut; Nightingale, Emily S; Endo, Akira; Abbott, Sam; LSHTM Centre for Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases C; Edmunds, W John
  • Quantifying the economic cost of antibiotic resistance and the impact of related interventions: rapid methodological review, conceptual framework and recommendations for future studies. (2020) Jit, Mark; Ng, Dorothy Hui Lin; Luangasanatip, Nantasit; Sandmann, Frank; Atkins, Katherine E; Robotham, Julie V; Pouwels, Koen B
  • Development and Validation of an Objective, Passive Dietary Assessment Method for Estimating Food and Nutrient Intake in Households in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Study Protocol. (2020) Jobarteh, Modou L; McCrory, Megan A; Lo, Benny; Sun, Mingui; Sazonov, Edward; Anderson, Alex K; Jia, Wenyan; Maitland, Kathryn; Qiu, Jianing; Steiner-Asiedu, Matilda; Higgins, Janine A; Baranowski, Tom; Olupot-Olupot, Peter; Frost, Gary
  • Pharmacokinetic and safety study of co-administration of albendazole, diethylcarbamazine, Ivermectin and azithromycin for the integrated treatment of Neglected Tropical Diseases. (2020) John, Lucy N; Bjerum, Catherine; Martinez, Pere Millat; Likia, Rhoda; Silus, Linda; Wali, Chilaka; Elizah, Arthur; Chhonker, Yashpal S; Bala, Veenu; King, Christopher L; Murry, Daryl J; Mitja, Oriol; Marks, Michael
  • Awareness, use and willingness to self-test for HIV: An analysis of cross-sectional population-based surveys in Malawi and Zimbabwe. (2020) Johnson, Cheryl Case; Neuman, Melissa; MacPherson, Peter; Choko, Augustine; Quinn, Caitlin; Wong, Vincent J; Hatzold, Karin; Nyirenda, Rose; Ncube, Getrude; Baggaley, Rachel; Terris-Prestholt, Fern; Corbett, Elizabeth
  • Use, awareness and willingness to self-test for HIV: An analysis of cross-sectional population-based surveys in Malawi and Zimbabwe. (2020) Johnson, Cheryl Case; Neuman, Melissa; MacPherson, Peter; Choko, Augustine; Quinn, Caitlin; Wong, Vincent J; Hatzold, Karin; Nyirenda, Rose; Ncube, Getrude; Baggaley, Rachel; Terris-Prestholt, Fern; Corbett, Elizabeth
  • ‘Too old to test?’: A life course approach to HIV-related risk and self-testing among midlife-older adults in Malawi. (2020) Johnson, Cheryl; Kumwenda, Moses; Meghji, Jamilah; Choko, Augustine; Phiri, Mackwellings; Hatzold, Karin; Baggaley, Rachel; Taegtmeyer, Miriam; Terris-Prestholt, Fern; Desmond, Nicola; Corbett, Elizabeth L
  • Use and awareness of and willingness to self-test for HIV: an analysis of cross-sectional population-based surveys in Malawi and Zimbabwe. (2020) Johnson, Cheryl; Neuman, Melissa; MacPherson, Peter; Choko, Augustine; Quinn, Caitlin; Wong, Vincent J; Hatzold, Karin; Nyrienda, Rose; Ncube, Getrude; Baggaley, Rachel; Terris-Prestholt, Fern; Corbett, Elizabeth L
  • Air Pollutant Exposure and Stove Use Assessment Methods for the Household Air Pollution Intervention Network (HAPIN) Trial. (2020) Johnson, Michael A; Steenland, Kyle; Piedrahita, Ricardo; Clark, Maggie L; Pillarisetti, Ajay; Balakrishnan, Kalpana; Peel, Jennifer L; Naeher, Luke P; Liao, Jiawen; Wilson, Daniel; Sarnat, Jeremy; Underhill, Lindsay J; Burrowes, Vanessa; McCracken, John P; Rosa, Ghislaine; Rosenthal, Joshua; Sambandam, Sankar; de Leon, Oscar; Kirby, Miles A; Kearns, Katherine; Checkley, William; Clasen, Thomas; HAPIN Investigators
  • The cost of insecurity: from flare-up to control of a major Ebola virus disease hotspot during the outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2019. (2020) Jombart, Thibaut; Jarvis, Christopher I; Mesfin, Samuel; Tabal, Nabil; Mossoko, Mathias; Mpia, Luigino Minikulu; Abedi, Aaron Aruna; Chene, Sonia; Forbin, Ekokobe Elias; Belizaire, Marie Roseline D; de Radiguès, Xavier; Ngombo, Richy; Tutu, Yannick; Finger, Flavio; Crowe, Madeleine; Edmunds, W John; Nsio, Justus; Yam, Abdoulaye; Diallo, Boubacar; Gueye, Abdou Salam; Ahuka-Mundeke, Steve; Yao, Michel; Fall, Ibrahima Socé
  • Inferring the number of COVID-19 cases from recently reported deaths. (2020) Jombart, Thibaut; van Zandvoort, Kevin; Russell, Timothy W; Jarvis, Christopher I; Gimma, Amy; Abbott, Sam; Clifford, Sam; Funk, Sebastian; Gibbs, Hamish; Liu, Yang; Pearson, Carl AB; Bosse, Nikos I; Centre for the Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases COV; Eggo, Rosalind M; Kucharski, Adam J; Edmunds, W John
  • Inferring the number of COVID-19 cases from recently reported deaths. (2020) Jombart, Thibaut; van Zandvoort, Kevin; Russell, Timothy W; Jarvis, Christopher I; Gimma, Amy; Abbott, Sam; Clifford, Sam; Funk, Sebastian; Gibbs, Hamish; Liu, Yang; Pearson, Carl AB; Bosse, Nikos I; Centre for the Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases COV; Eggo, Rosalind M; Kucharski, Adam J; Edmunds, W John
  • Inferring the number of COVID-19 cases from recently reported deaths. (2020) Jombart, Thibaut; van Zandvoort, Kevin; Russell, Timothy W; Jarvis, Christopher I; Gimma, Amy; Abbott, Sam; Clifford, Sam; Funk, Sebastian; Gibbs, Hamish; Liu, Yang; Pearson, Carl AB; Bosse, Nikos I; Centre for the Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases COV; Eggo, Rosalind M; Kucharski, Adam J; Edmunds, W John
  • Association between HIV stigma and antiretroviral therapy adherence among adults living with HIV: baseline findings from the HPTN 071 (PopART) trial in Zambia and South Africa. (2020) Jones, Harriet S; Floyd, Sian; Stangl, Anne; Bond, Virginia; Hoddinott, Graeme; Pliakas, Triantafyllos; Bwalya, Justin; Mandla, Nomtha; Moore, Ayana; Donnell, Deborah; Bock, Peter; Fidler, Sarah; Hayes, Richard; Ayles, Helen; Hargreaves, James R; HPTN 071 (PopART) Study Team
  • Novel control strategies for mosquito-borne diseases. (2020) Jones, Robert T; Ant, Thomas H; Cameron, Mary M; Logan, James G
  • Could bio-detection dogs be used to limit the spread of COVID-19 by travellers? (2020) Jones, Robert T; Guest, Claire; Lindsay, Steve W; Kleinschmidt, Immo; Bradley, John; Dewhirst, Sarah; Last, Anna; Logan, James G
  • The use of islands and cluster-randomized trials to investigate vector control interventions: a case study on the Bijagós archipelago, Guinea-Bissau. (2020) Jones, Robert T; Pretorius, Elizabeth; Ant, Thomas H; Bradley, John; Last, Anna; Logan, James G
  • The Role of the Private Sector in Supporting Malaria Control in Resource Development Settings. (2020) Jones, Robert T; Tusting, Lucy S; Smith, Hugh MP; Segbaya, Sylvester; Macdonald, Michael B; Bangs, Michael J; Logan, James G
  • Artemisinin Activity in Red Blood Cells from Anemic Children. (2020) Joof, Fatou; Goheen, Morgan M; Cerami, Carla
  • A Qualitative Research Study Which Explores Humanitarian Stakeholders' Views on Healthcare Access for Refugees in Greece. (2020) Joseph, Liz; Ismail, Sharif A; Gunst, Meghan; Jarman, Kate; Prior, Dina; Harris, Matthew; Abbara, Aula
  • Impact of fractures and orthopedic surgeries in patients with HTLV-1 associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis. (2020) Julca-Copello, Pablo; Schwalb, Alvaro; Cachay, Rodrigo; Tipismana, Martín; Alvarez, Carolina; Mejía, Fernando; González-Lagos, Elsa; Gotuzzo, Eduardo
  • A comparative evaluation of thermal camera and visual counting methods for primate census in a riparian forest at the Lower Kinabatangan Wildlife Sanctuary (LKWS), Malaysian Borneo. (2020) Jumail, Amaziasizamoria; Liew, Thor-Seng; Salgado-Lynn, Milena; Fornace, Kimberly M; Stark, Danica J
  • Mind the gaps: age and cause specific mortality and life expectancy in the older population of South Korea and Japan. (2020) Jung, Myunggu; Ko, Woorim; Muhwava, William; Choi, Yeohee; Kim, Hanna; Park, Young Su; Jambere, Gizachew Balew; Cho, Youngtae
  • Agents of change: Comparing HIV-related risk behavior of people attending ART clinics in Dar es Salaam with members of their social networks. (2020) Kaaya, Sylvia; Siril, Hellen; McAdam, Keith; Ainebyona, Donald; Somba, Magreat; McAdam, Elspeth; Oljemark, Kicki; Todd, James; Andrew, Irene; Simwinga, Alice; Mleli, Neema; Makongwa, Samwel; Liu, Yuanyuan; Lienert, Jeffrey; Haberlen, Sabina; Smith Fawzi, Mary C
  • Urban-rural differences in immune responses to mycobacterial and tetanus vaccine antigens in a tropical setting: A role for helminths? (2020) Kabagenyi, Joyce; Natukunda, Agnes; Nassuuna, Jacent; Sanya, Richard E; Nampijja, Margaret; Webb, Emily L; Elliott, Alison M; Nkurunungi, Gyaviira
  • Assessment of missed opportunities for vaccination (MOV) in Burkina Faso using the World Health Organization's revised MOV strategy: Findings and strategic considerations to improve routine childhood immunization coverage. (2020) Kaboré, Lassané; Meda, Bertrand; Médah, Isaie; Shendale, Stephanie; Nic Lochlainn, Laura; Sanderson, Colin; Ouattara, Mâ; Kaboré, William MF; Betsem, Edouard; Ogbuanu, Ikechukwu U
  • Shocks, stress and everyday health system resilience: experiences from the Kenyan coast. (2020) Kagwanja, Nancy; Waithaka, Dennis; Nzinga, Jacinta; Tsofa, Benjamin; Boga, Mwanamvua; Leli, Hassan; Mataza, Christine; Gilson, Lucy; Molyneux, Sassy; Barasa, Edwine
  • Associations between red blood cell variants and malaria among children and adults from three areas of Uganda: a prospective cohort study. (2020) Kakande, Elijah; Greenhouse, Bryan; Bajunirwe, Francis; Drakeley, Chris; Nankabirwa, Joaniter I; Walakira, Andrew; Nsobya, Samuel L; Katureebe, Agaba; Rek, John; Arinaitwe, Emmanuel; Rosenthal, Philip J; Kamya, Moses R; Dorsey, Grant; Rodriguez-Barraquer, Isabel
  • Impact of intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy with dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine versus sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine on the incidence of malaria in infancy: a randomized controlled trial. (2020) Kakuru, Abel; Jagannathan, Prasanna; Kajubi, Richard; Ochieng, Teddy; Ochokoru, Harriet; Nakalembe, Miriam; Clark, Tamara D; Ruel, Theodore; Staedke, Sarah G; Chandramohan, Daniel; Havlir, Diane V; Kamya, Moses R; Dorsey, Grant
  • Infant sex modifies associations between placental malaria and risk of malaria in infancy. (2020) Kakuru, Abel; Roh, Michelle E; Kajubi, Richard; Ochieng, Teddy; Ategeka, John; Ochokoru, Harriet; Nakalembe, Miriam; Clark, Tamara D; Ruel, Theodore; Staedke, Sarah G; Chandramohan, Daniel; Havlir, Diane V; Kamya, Moses R; Dorsey, Grant; Jagannathan, Prasanna
  • Positive Voices: The National Survey of People Living with HIV. (2020) Kall, Meaghan; Kelly, Carole; Auzenbergs, Megan; Delpech, Valerie
  • How to estimate glomerular filtration rate in sub-Saharan Africa: design and methods of the African Research into Kidney Diseases (ARK) study. (2020) Kalyesubula, Robert; Fabian, June; Nakanga, Wisdom; Newton, Robert; Ssebunnya, Billy; Prynn, Josephine; George, Jaya; Wade, Alisha N; Seeley, Janet; Nitsch, Dorothea; Hansen, Christian; Nyirenda, Moffat; Smeeth, Liam; Naicker, Saraladevi; Crampin, Amelia C; Tomlinson, Laurie A
  • Predictors of lost to follow-up in a "test and treat" programme among adult women with high-risk sexual behavior in Kampala, Uganda. (2020) Kamacooko, Onesmus; Mayanja, Yunia; Bagiire, Daniel; Namale, Gertrude; Hansen, Christian Holm; Seeley, Janet
  • A systematic review of changing malaria disease burden in sub-Saharan Africa since 2000: comparing model predictions and empirical observations. (2020) Kamau, Alice; Mogeni, Polycarp; Okiro, Emelda A; Snow, Robert W; Bejon, Philip
  • Correction to: Whole genome sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of human metapneumovirus strains from Kenya and Zambia. (2020) Kamau, Everlyn; Oketch, John W; de Laurent, Zaydah R; Phan, My VT; Agoti, Charles N; Nokes, D James; Cotten, Matthew
  • Whole genome sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of human metapneumovirus strains from Kenya and Zambia. (2020) Kamau, Everlyn; Oketch, John W; de Laurent, Zaydah R; Phan, My VT; Agoti, Charles N; Nokes, D James; Cotten, Matthew
  • Acceptability of menstrual products interventions for menstrual hygiene management among women and girls in Malawi. (2020) Kambala, Christabel; Chinangwa, Angela; Chipeta, Effie; Torondel, Belen; Morse, Tracy
  • What matters, most-especially now? (2020) Kampmann, Beate
  • The Fallacy of Using Administrative Data in Assessing the Effectiveness of Food Fortification. Comment on: "Folic Acid Fortification and Neural Tube Defect Risk: Analysis of the Food Fortification Initiative Dataset. Nutrients 2020, 12, 247". (2020) Kancherla, Vijaya; Pachón, Helena; Blencowe, Hannah; Martinez, Homero; Oakley, Godfrey P; Berry, Robert J
  • Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies Novel Colony Stimulating Factor 1 Locus Conferring Susceptibility to Cryptococcosis in Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected South Africans. (2020) Kannambath, Shichina; Jarvis, Joseph N; Wake, Rachel M; Longley, Nicky; Loyse, Angela; Matzaraki, Vicky; Aguirre-Gamboa, Raúl; Wijmenga, Cisca; Doyle, Ronan; Paximadis, Maria; Tiemessen, Caroline T; Kumar, Vinod; Pittman, Alan; Meintjes, Graeme; Harrison, Thomas S; Netea, Mihai G; Bicanic, Tihana
  • Menstrual health intervention and school attendance in Uganda (MENISCUS-2): a pilot intervention study. (2020) Kansiime, Catherine; Hytti, Laura; Nalugya, Ruth; Nakuya, Kevin; Namirembe, Prossy; Nakalema, Shamirah; Neema, Stella; Tanton, Clare; Alezuyo, Connie; Namuli Musoke, Saidat; Torondel, Belen; Francis, Suzanna C; Ross, David A; Bonell, Christopher; Seeley, Janet; Weiss, Helen Anne
  • Legislating for public accountability in universal health coverage, Thailand. (2020) Kantamaturapoj, Kanang; Kulthanmanusorn, Anond; Witthayapipopsakul, Woranan; Viriyathorn, Shaheda; Patcharanarumol, Walaiporn; Kanchanachitra, Churnrurtai; Wibulpolprasert, Suwit; Tangcharoensathien, Viroj
  • Performance of Thailand's universal health coverage scheme: Evaluating the effectiveness of annual public hearings. (2020) Kantamaturapoj, Kanang; Marshall, Aniqa I; Chotchoungchatchai, Somtanuek; Kiewnin, Kamonwan; Patcharanarumol, Walaiporn; Tangcharoensathien, Viroj
  • Is Africa prepared for tackling the COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) epidemic. Lessons from past outbreaks, ongoing pan-African public health efforts, and implications for the future. (2020) Kapata, Nathan; Ihekweazu, Chikwe; Ntoumi, Francine; Raji, Tajudeen; Chanda-Kapata, Pascalina; Mwaba, Peter; Mukonka, Victor; Bates, Matthew; Tembo, John; Corman, Victor; Mfinanga, Sayoki; Asogun, Danny; Elton, Linzy; Arruda, Liã Bárbara; Thomason, Margaret J; Mboera, Leonard; Yavlinsky, Alexei; Haider, Najmul; Simons, David; Hollmann, Lara; Lule, Swaib A; Veas, Francisco; Abdel Hamid, Muzamil Mahdi; Dar, Osman; Edwards, Sarah; Vairo, Francesco; McHugh, Timothy D; Drosten, Christian; Kock, Richard; Ippolito, Giuseppe; Zumla, Alimuddin
  • The burden of HIV, syphilis and schistosome infection and associated factors among adults in the fishing communities in northwestern Tanzania. (2020) Kapiga, Saidi; Hansen, Christian H; Downs, Jennifer A; Sichalwe, Simon; Hashim, Ramadhan; Mngara, Julius; van Dam, Govert J; Corstjens, Paul LAM; Kingery, Justin R; Peck, Robert N; Grosskurth, Heiner
  • Assessing health system responsiveness in primary health care facilities in Tanzania. (2020) Kapologwe, Ntuli A; Kibusi, Stephen M; Borghi, Josephine; Gwajima, Dorothy O; Kalolo, Albino
  • Interventions for preventing ophthalmia neonatorum. (2020) Kapoor, Vimal Scott; Evans, Jennifer R; Vedula, S Swaroop
  • Stakeholder views on the acceptability of human infection studies in Malawi. (2020) Kapumba, Blessings M; Jambo, Kondwani; Rylance, Jamie; Gmeiner, Markus; Sambakunsi, Rodrick; Parker, Michael; Gordon, Stephen B; Gooding, Kate
  • Evidence for the Use of Triage, Respiratory Isolation, and Effective Treatment to Reduce the Transmission of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis in Healthcare Settings: A Systematic Review. (2020) Karat, Aaron S; Gregg, Meghann; Barton, Hannah E; Calderon, Maria; Ellis, Jayne; Falconer, Jane; Govender, Indira; Harris, Rebecca C; Tlali, Mpho; Moore, David AJ; Fielding, Katherine L
  • Burkholderia pseudomallei multi-centre study to establish EUCAST MIC and zone diameter distributions and epidemiological cut-off values. (2020) Karatuna, O; Dance, DAB; Matuschek, E; Åhman, J; Turner, P; Hopkins, J; Amornchai, P; Wuthiekanun, V; Cusack, T-P; Baird, R; Hennessy, J; Norton, R; Armstrong, M; Zange, S; Zoeller, L; Wahab, T; Jacob, D; Grunow, R; Kahlmeter, G
  • History of malaria control in Rwanda: implications for future elimination in Rwanda and other malaria-endemic countries. (2020) Karema, Corine; Wen, Shawn; Sidibe, Abigail; Smith, Jennifer L; Gosling, Roly; Hakizimana, Emmanuel; Tanner, Marcel; Noor, Abdisalan M; Tatarsky, Allison
  • Monitoring and control of E. coli cell integrity. (2020) Kastenhofer, Jens; Rajamanickam, Vignesh; Libiseller-Egger, Julian; Spadiut, Oliver
  • Whole genome sequencing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates and clinical outcomes of patients treated for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Tanzania. (2020) Katale, Bugwesa Z; Mbelele, Peter M; Lema, Nsiande A; Campino, Susana; Mshana, Stephen E; Rweyemamu, Mark M; Phelan, Jody E; Keyyu, Julius D; Majigo, Mtebe; Mbugi, Erasto V; Dockrell, Hazel M; Clark, Taane G; Matee, Mecky I; Mpagama, Stellah
  • Genetic diversity and risk factors for the transmission of antimicrobial resistance across human, animals and environmental compartments in East Africa: a review. (2020) Katale, Bugwesa Z; Misinzo, Gerald; Mshana, Stephen E; Chiyangi, Harriet; Campino, Susana; Clark, Taane G; Good, Liam; Rweyemamu, Mark M; Matee, Mecky I
  • ERP markers are associated with neurodevelopmental outcomes in 1-5 month old infants in rural Africa and the UK. (2020) Katus, Laura; Mason, Luke; Milosavljevic, Bosiljka; McCann, Samantha; Rozhko, Maria; Moore, Sophie E; Elwell, Clare E; Lloyd-Fox, Sarah; de Haan, Michelle; BRIGHT project team
  • Sustaining academics during COVID-19 pandemic: The role of online teaching-learning. (2020) Kaup, Soujanya; Jain, Rashmi; Shivalli, Siddharudha; Pandey, Suresh; Kaup, Soumya
  • Leishmaniasis immunopathology-impact on design and use of vaccines, diagnostics and drugs. (2020) Kaye, Paul M; Cruz, Israel; Picado, Albert; Van Bocxlaer, Katrien; Croft, Simon L
  • Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic response on intrapartum care, stillbirth, and neonatal mortality outcomes in Nepal: a prospective observational study. (2020) Kc, Ashish; Gurung, Rejina; Kinney, Mary V; Sunny, Avinash K; Moinuddin, Md; Basnet, Omkar; Paudel, Prajwal; Bhattarai, Pratiksha; Subedi, Kalpana; Shrestha, Mahendra Prasad; Lawn, Joy E; Målqvist, Mats
  • Not Crying After Birth as a Predictor of Not Breathing. (2020) Kc, Ashish; Lawn, Joy E; Zhou, Hong; Ewald, Uwe; Gurung, Rejina; Gurung, Abhishek; Sunny, Avinash K; Day, Louise Tina; Singhal, Nalini
  • Neonatal resuscitation: EN-BIRTH multi-country validation study. (2020) Kc, Ashish; Peven, Kimberly; Ameen, Shafiqul; Msemo, Georgina; Basnet, Omkar; Ruysen, Harriet; Zaman, Sojib Bin; Mkony, Martha; Sunny, Avinash K; Rahman, Qazi Sadeq-Ur; Shabani, Josephine; Bastola, Ram Chandra; Assenga, Evelyne; Kc, Naresh P; El Arifeen, Shams; Kija, Edward; Malla, Honey; Kong, Stefanie; Singhal, Nalini; Niermeyer, Susan; Lincetto, Ornella; Day, Louise T; Lawn, Joy E; and EN-BIRTH Study Group
  • Planning and Public Health professionals' experiences of using the planning system to regulate hot food takeaway outlets in England: A qualitative study. (2020) Keeble, Matthew; Burgoine, Thomas; White, Martin; Summerbell, Carolyn; Cummins, Steven; Adams, Jean
  • Cause-specific mortality of children younger than 5 years in communities receiving biannual mass azithromycin treatment in Niger: verbal autopsy results from a cluster-randomised controlled trial. (2020) Keenan, Jeremy D; Arzika, Ahmed M; Maliki, Ramatou; Elh Adamou, Sanoussi; Ibrahim, Fatima; Kiemago, Mariama; Galo, Nana Fatima; Lebas, Elodie; Cook, Catherine; Vanderschelden, Benjamin; Bailey, Robin L; West, Sheila K; Porco, Travis C; Lietman, Thomas M; MORDOR-Niger Study Group
  • The timing of adrenarche in Maya girls, Merida, Mexico. (2020) Keestra, Sarai M; Bentley, Gillian R; Núñez-de la Mora, Alejandra; Houghton, Lauren C; Wilson, Hannah; Vázquez-Vázquez, Adriana; Cooper, Gillian D; Dickinson, Federico; Griffiths, Paula; Bogin, Barry A; Varela-Silva, Maria Inês
  • HIV-1C env and gag Variation in the Cerebrospinal Fluid and Plasma of Patients with HIV-Associated Cryptococcal Meningitis in Botswana. (2020) Kelentse, Nametso; Moyo, Sikhulile; Mogwele, Mompati L; Ditshwanelo, Doreen; Mokaleng, Baitshepi; Moraka, Natasha O; Lechiile, Kwana; Leeme, Tshepo B; Lawrence, David S; Musonda, Rosemary; Kasvosve, Ishmael; Harrison, Thomas S; Jarvis, Joseph N; Gaseitsiwe, Simani
  • Differences in human immunodeficiency virus-1C viral load and drug resistance mutation between plasma and cerebrospinal fluid in patients with human immunodeficiency virus-associated cryptococcal meningitis in Botswana. (2020) Kelentse, Nametso; Moyo, Sikhulile; Mogwele, Mompati; Lechiile, Kwana; Moraka, Natasha O; Maruapula, Dorcas; Seatla, Kaelo K; Esele, Lerato; Molebatsi, Kesaobaka; Leeme, Tshepo B; Lawrence, David S; Musonda, Rosemary; Kasvosve, Ishmael; Harrison, Thomas S; Jarvis, Joseph N; Gaseitsiwe, Simani
  • Examining the transnational health preferences of a group of Eastern European migrants relative to a European host population using the EQ-5D-5L. (2020) Kelleher, Dan; Barry, Luke; Hobbins, Anna; O'Neill, Stephen; Doherty, Edel; O'Neill, Ciaran
  • An appeal for practical social justice in the COVID-19 global response in low-income and middle-income countries. (2020) Kelley, Maureen; Ferrand, Rashida A; Muraya, Kui; Chigudu, Simukai; Molyneux, Sassy; Pai, Madhukar; Barasa, Edwine
  • Association of antiretroviral therapy with anal high-risk human papillomavirus, anal intraepithelial neoplasia, and anal cancer in people living with HIV: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2020) Kelly, Helen; Chikandiwa, Admire; Alemany Vilches, Laia; Palefsky, Joel M; de Sanjose, Silvia; Mayaud, Philippe
  • Randomised, double-blind, placebo controlled multi-centre study to assess the efficacy, tolerability and safety of Enterosgel® in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhoea (IBS-D) in adults. (2020) Kemppinen, Anu; Howell, Carol; Allgar, Victoria; Dodd, Matthew; Gregson, John; Knowles, Charles; McLaughlin, John; Pandya, Preeti; Whorwell, Peter; Markaryan, Elena; Yiannakou, Yan
  • REDUCE (Reviewing long-term antidepressant use by careful monitoring in everyday practice) internet and telephone support to people coming off long-term antidepressants: protocol for a randomised controlled trial. (2020) Kendrick, Tony; Geraghty, Adam WA; Bowers, Hannah; Stuart, Beth; Leydon, Geraldine; May, Carl; Yao, Guiqing; O'Brien, Wendy; Glowacka, Marta; Holley, Simone; Williams, Samantha; Zhu, Shihua; Dewar-Haggart, Rachel; Palmer, Bryan; Bell, Margaret; Collinson, Sue; Fry, Imogen; Lewis, Glyn; Griffiths, Gareth; Gilbody, Simon; Moncrieff, Joanna; Moore, Michael; Macleod, Una; Little, Paul; Dowrick, Christopher
  • Patient-reported outcome measures for monitoring primary care patients with depression (PROMDEP): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. (2020) Kendrick, Tony; Moore, Michael; Leydon, Geraldine; Stuart, Beth; Geraghty, Adam WA; Yao, Guiqing; Lewis, Glyn; Griffiths, Gareth; May, Carl; Dewar-Haggart, Rachel; Williams, Samantha; Zhu, Shihua; Dowrick, Christopher
  • COVID-19: Identifying countries with indicators of success in responding to the outbreak. (2020) Kennedy, David S; Vu, VK; Ritchie, Hannah; Bartlein, Rebecca; Rothschild, Oliver; Bausch, Daniel G; Roser, Max; Seale, Anna C
  • Softening the blow of the pandemic: will the International Monetary Fund and World Bank make things worse? (2020) Kentikelenis, Alexander; Gabor, Daniela; Ortiz, Isabel; Stubbs, Thomas; McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David
  • The changing demography of the cystic fibrosis population: forecasting future numbers of adults in the UK. (2020) Keogh, Ruth H; Tanner, Kamaryn; Simmonds, Nicholas J; Bilton, Diana
  • The impact of Covid-19, associated behaviours and policies on the UK economy: A computable general equilibrium model. (2020) Keogh-Brown, Marcus R; Jensen, Henning Tarp; Edmunds, W John; Smith, Richard D
  • Indoor air pollution concentrations and cardiometabolic health across four diverse settings in Peru: a cross-sectional study. (2020) Kephart, Josiah L; Fandiño-Del-Rio, Magdalena; Koehler, Kirsten; Bernabe-Ortiz, Antonio; Miranda, J Jaime; Gilman, Robert H; Checkley, William
  • 'Severe malnutrition': thinking deeplyS, communicating simply. (2020) Kerac, Marko; McGrath, Marie; Connell, Nichola; Kompala, Chytanya; Moore, William H; Bailey, Jeanette; Bandsma, Robert; Berkley, James A; Briend, André; Collins, Steve; Girma, Tsinuel; Wells, Jonathan C
  • Short communication: A practical farm-based trial to compare ewe nematode control strategies in peri-parturient ewes. (2020) Kerr, Charlotte L; Armstrong, David R; Anderson, Alison J
  • Prevalence of Trachoma in Pakistan: Results of 42 Population-Based Prevalence Surveys from the Global Trachoma Mapping Project. (2020) Khan, Asad Aslam; Florea, Victor V; Hussain, Arif; Jadoon, Zahid; Boisson, Sophie; Willis, Rebecca; Dejene, Michael; Bakhtiari, Ana; Mpyet, Caleb; Pavluck, Alexandre L; Gillani, Munazza; Qureshi, Babar; Solomon, Anthony W
  • HIV-1 Vpr antagonizes innate immune activation by targeting karyopherin-mediated NF-κB/IRF3 nuclear transport. (2020) Khan, Hataf; Sumner, Rebecca P; Rasaiyaah, Jane; Tan, Choon Ping; Rodriguez-Plata, Maria Teresa; Van Tulleken, Chris; Fink, Douglas; Zuliani-Alvarez, Lorena; Thorne, Lucy; Stirling, David; Milne, Richard Sb; Towers, Greg J
  • Is enhancing the professionalism of healthcare providers critical to tackling antimicrobial resistance in low- and middle-income countries? (2020) Khan, Mishal S; Bory, Sothavireak; Rego, Sonia; Suy, Sovanthida; Durrance-Bagale, Anna; Sultana, Zia; Chhorn, Sophea; Phou, Socheata; Prien, Chanra; Heng, Sotheara; Hanefeld, Johanna; Hasan, Rumina; Saphonn, Vonthanak
  • Using critical information to strengthen pandemic preparedness: the role of national public health agencies. (2020) Khan, Mishal S; Dar, Osman; Erondu, Ngozi A; Rahman-Shepherd, Afifah; Hollmann, Lara; Ihekweazu, Chikwe; Ukandu, Okechukwu; Agogo, Emmanuel; Ikram, Aamer; Rathore, Tayyab Razi; Okereke, Ebere; Squires, Neil
  • What are the barriers to implementing national antimicrobial resistance action plans? A novel mixed-methods policy analysis in Pakistan. (2020) Khan, Mishal S; Durrance-Bagale, Anna; Mateus, Ana; Sultana, Zia; Hasan, Rumina; Hanefeld, Johanna
  • A pay for performance scheme in primary care: Meta-synthesis of qualitative studies on the provider experiences of the quality and outcomes framework in the UK. (2020) Khan, Nagina; Rudoler, David; McDiarmid, Mary; Peckham, Stephen
  • Development of Azithromycin Resistance in <i>Streptococcus pneumoniae</i> in the Setting of Trachoma Mass Drug Administration: A Systematic Review. (2020) Khan, Nazia; Onen, Barbara Lachana; Hilder, Robin; Bailey, Robin
  • A global review of publicly available datasets for ophthalmological imaging: barriers to access, usability, and generalisability. (2020) Khan, Saad M; Liu, Xiaoxuan; Nath, Siddharth; Korot, Edward; Faes, Livia; Wagner, Siegfried K; Keane, Pearse A; Sebire, Neil J; Burton, Matthew J; Denniston, Alastair K
  • COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons learned and future directions. (2020) Khanna, Rohit C; Cicinelli, Maria Vittoria; Gilbert, Suzanne S; Honavar, Santosh G; Murthy, Gudlavalleti SV
  • Fifteen-year incidence rate and risk factors of pterygium in the Southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. (2020) Khanna, Rohit C; Marmamula, Srinivas; Cicinelli, Maria Vittoria; Mettla, Asha Latha; Giridhar, Pyda; Banerjee, Seema; Shekhar, Konegari; Chakrabarti, Subhabrata; Murthy, Gudlavalleti VS; Gilbert, Clare E; Rao, Gullapalli Nageswara; Andhra Pradesh Eye Disease Study Group; Andhra Pradesh Eye Disease Study Group
  • Incidence, Incident Causes, and Risk Factors of Visual Impairment and Blindness in a Rural Population in India: 15-Year Follow-up of the Andhra Pradesh Eye Disease Study. (2020) Khanna, Rohit C; Marmamula, Srinivas; Pendri, Pooja; Mettla, Asha Latha; Giridhar, Pyda; Banerjee, Seema; Shekhar, Konegari; Chakrabarti, Subhabrata; Murthy, Gudlavalleti VS; Gilbert, Clare; Rao, Gullapalli N; Andhra Pradesh Eye Disease Study Group
  • Primary eye care in India - The vision center model. (2020) Khanna, Rohit C; Sabherwal, Shalinder; Sil, Asim; Gowth, Mohammed; Dole, Kuldeep; Kuyyadiyil, Subeesh; Chase, Heidi
  • Metformin discontinuation in patients beginning second-line glucose-lowering therapy: results from the global observational DISCOVER study programme. (2020) Khunti, Kamlesh; Gomes, Marilia B; Kosiborod, Mikhail; Nicolucci, Antonio; Pocock, Stuart; Rathmann, Wolfgang; Shestakova, Marina V; Shimomura, Iichiro; Watada, Hirotaka; Chen, Hungta; Cid-Ruzafa, Javier; Fenici, Peter; Hammar, Niklas; Tang, Fengming; Ji, Linong; DISCOVER Scientific Committee and all DISCOVER investigators
  • How "benign" is cutaneous mastocytosis? A Danish registry-based matched cohort study. (2020) Kibsgaard, Line; Deleuran, Mette; Flohr, Carsten; Langan, Sinéad; Braae Olesen, Anne; Vestergaard, Christian
  • Tuberculosis infection prevention and control: why we need a whole systems approach. (2020) Kielmann, Karina; Karat, Aaron S; Zwama, Gimenne; Colvin, Christopher; Swartz, Alison; Voce, Anna S; Yates, Tom A; MacGregor, Hayley; McCreesh, Nicky; Kallon, Idriss; Vassall, Anna; Govender, Indira; Seeley, Janet; Grant, Alison D
  • Prevalence of microalbuminuria and associated factors among HIV - infected ART naïve patients at Mulago hospital: a cross-sectional study in Uganda. (2020) Kiggundu, Thomas; Kalyesubula, Robert; Andia-Biraro, Irene; Makanga, Gyaviira; Byakika-Kibwika, Pauline
  • Practical Implications of a Relationship between Health Management Information System and Community Cohort-Based Malaria Incidence Rates. (2020) Kigozi, Simon P; Giorgi, Emanuele; Mpimbaza, Arthur; Kigozi, Ruth N; Bousema, Teun; Arinaitwe, Emmanuel; Nankabirwa, Joaniter I; Sebuguzi, Catherine M; Kamya, Moses R; Staedke, Sarah G; Dorsey, Grant; Pullan, Rachel L
  • Rapid shifts in the age-specific burden of malaria following successful control interventions in four regions of Uganda. (2020) Kigozi, Simon P; Kigozi, Ruth N; Epstein, Adrienne; Mpimbaza, Arthur; Sserwanga, Asadu; Yeka, Adoke; Nankabirwa, Joaniter I; Halliday, Katherine; Pullan, Rachel L; Rutazaana, Damian; Sebuguzi, Catherine M; Opigo, Jimmy; Kamya, Moses R; Staedke, Sarah G; Dorsey, Grant; Greenhouse, Bryan; Rodriguez-Barraquer, Isabel
  • Spatial-temporal patterns of malaria incidence in Uganda using HMIS data from 2015 to 2019. (2020) Kigozi, Simon P; Kigozi, Ruth N; Sebuguzi, Catherine M; Cano, Jorge; Rutazaana, Damian; Opigo, Jimmy; Bousema, Teun; Yeka, Adoke; Gasasira, Anne; Sartorius, Benn; Pullan, Rachel L
  • Factors that influence vaccination decision-making among pregnant women: A systematic review and meta-analysis. (2020) Kilich, Eliz; Dada, Sara; Francis, Mark R; Tazare, John; Chico, R Matthew; Paterson, Pauline; Larson, Heidi J
  • Diagnostic Potential of a PPE Protein Derived from Mycobacterium tuberculosis Beijing/K Strain. (2020) Kim, Ahreum; Park, Kwang Joo; Kim, Young Sun; Cho, Sang Nae; Dockrell, Hazel M; Hur, Yun Gyoung
  • Spatiotemporal analysis of insecticide-treated net use for children under 5 in relation to socioeconomic gradients in Central and East Africa. (2020) Kim, Hana; Miller, F DeWolfe; Hernandez, Andres; Tanser, Frank; Mogeni, Polycarp; Cuadros, Diego F
  • Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection is associated with increased B cell responses to unrelated pathogens. (2020) Kimuda, Simon G; Andia-Biraro, Irene; Sebina, Ismail; Egesa, Moses; Nalwoga, Angela; Smith, Steven G; Bagaya, Bernard S; Levin, Jonathan; Elliott, Alison M; Raynes, John G; Cose, Stephen
  • Population impact and effectiveness of sequential 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate and monovalent rotavirus vaccine introduction on infant mortality: prospective birth cohort studies from Malawi. (2020) King, Carina; Bar-Zeev, Naor; Phiri, Tambosi; Beard, James; Mvula, Hazzie; Crampin, Amelia; Heinsbroek, Ellen; Hungerford, Dan; Lewycka, Sonia; Verani, Jennifer; Whitney, Cynthia; Costello, Anthony; Mwansambo, Charles; Cunliffe, Nigel; Heyderman, Rob; French, Neil; VacSurv Consortium
  • COVID-19-a very visible pandemic. (2020) King, Carina; Einhorn, Lena; Brusselaers, Nele; Carlsson, Marcus; Einhorn, Stefan; Elgh, Fredrik; Frisén, Jonas; Gustafsson, Åke; Hanson, Stefan; Hanson, Claudia; Hedner, Thomas; Isaksson, Olle; Jansson, Anders; Lundkvist, Åke; Lötvall, Jan; Lundback, Bo; Olsen, Björn; Söderberg-Nauclér, Cecilia; Wahlin, Anders; Steineck, Gunner; Vahlne, Anders
  • HPV16 and HPV18 seropositivity and DNA detection among men who have sex with men: a cross-sectional study conducted in a sexual health clinic in London. (2020) King, Eleanor M; Mesher, David; Sonnenberg, Pam; Linley, Ezra; Panwar, Kavita; Beddows, Simon; Soldan, Kate; Borrow, Ray; Jit, Mark; Gilson, Richard
  • Development and validation of a 30-day mortality index based on pre-existing medical administrative data from 13,323 COVID-19 patients: The Veterans Health Administration COVID-19 (VACO) Index. (2020) King, Joseph T; Yoon, James S; Rentsch, Christopher T; Tate, Janet P; Park, Lesley S; Kidwai-Khan, Farah; Skanderson, Melissa; Hauser, Ronald G; Jacobson, Daniel A; Erdos, Joseph; Cho, Kelly; Ramoni, Rachel; Gagnon, David R; Justice, Amy C
  • PMTCT Option B+ 2012 to 2018 - Taking stock: barriers and strategies to improve adherence to Option B+ in urban and rural Uganda. (2020) King, Rachel; Matovu, Joyce Namale; Rujumba, Joseph; Wavamunno, Priscilla; Amone, Alexander; Gabagaya, Grace; Fowler, Mary Glenn; Homsy, Jaco; Seeley, Janet; Musoke, Philippa
  • Health Care Responsibility and Compassion-Visiting the Housebound Patient Severely Affected by ME/CFS. (2020) Kingdon, Caroline; Giotas, Dionysius; Nacul, Luis; Lacerda, Eliana
  • Cohabitation, infection and breast cancer risk. (2020) Kinlen, Leo J; Gilham, Clare; Ray, Roberta; Thomas, David B; Peto, Julian
  • Effect of supplemental nutrition in pregnancy on offspring's risk of cardiovascular disease in young adulthood: Long-term follow-up of a cluster trial from India. (2020) Kinra, Sanjay; Gregson, John; Prabhakaran, Poornima; Gupta, Vipin; Walia, Gagandeep Kaur; Bhogadi, Santhi; Gupta, Ruby; Aggarwal, Aastha; Mallinson, Poppy Alice Carson; Kulkarni, Bharati; Prabhakaran, Dorairaj; Davey Smith, George; Radha Krishna, KV; Ebrahim, Shah; Kuper, Hannah; Ben-Shlomo, Yoav
  • Relative contribution of diet and physical activity to increased adiposity among rural to urban migrants in India: A cross-sectional study. (2020) Kinra, Sanjay; Mallinson, Poppy Alice Carson; Cresswell, Jenny A; Bowen, Liza J; Lyngdoh, Tanica; Prabhakaran, Dorairaj; Reddy, Kolli Srinath; Vaz, Mario; Kurpad, Anura V; Davey Smith, George; Ben-Shlomo, Yoav; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Entamoeba and Giardia parasites implicated as hosts of CRESS viruses. (2020) Kinsella, Cormac M; Bart, Aldert; Deijs, Martin; Broekhuizen, Patricia; Kaczorowska, Joanna; Jebbink, Maarten F; van Gool, Tom; Cotten, Matthew; van der Hoek, Lia
  • Enhancing science preparedness for health emergencies in Africa through research capacity building. (2020) Kinyanjui, Sam; Fonn, Sharon; Kyobutungi, Catherine; Vicente-Crespo, Marta; Bonfoh, Bassirou; Ndungu, Thumbi; Sewankambo, Nelson Kaulukusi; Djimde, Abdoulaye A; Gaye, Oumar; Chirwa, Tobias; Musenge, Eustasius; Elliot, Alison; Nakanjako, Damalie; Chibanda, Dixon; Awandare, Gordon
  • Direct modeling of the crude probability of cancer death and the number of life years lost due to cancer without the need of cause of death: a pseudo-observation approach in the relative survival setting. (2020) Kipourou, Dimitra-Kleio; Perme, Maja Pohar; Rachet, Bernard; Belot, Aurelien
  • Prospective study to explore changes in quality of care and perinatal outcomes after implementation of perinatal death audit in Uganda. (2020) Kirabira, Victoria Nakibuuka; Aminu, Mamuda; Dewez, Juan Emmanuel; Byaruhanga, Romano; Okong, Pius; van den Broek, Nynke
  • Setting the standard: multidisciplinary hallmarks for structural, equitable and tracked antibiotic policy. (2020) Kirchhelle, Claas; Atkinson, Paul; Broom, Alex; Chuengsatiansup, Komatra; Ferreira, Jorge Pinto; Fortané, Nicolas; Frost, Isabel; Gradmann, Christoph; Hinchliffe, Stephen; Hoffman, Steven J; Lezaun, Javier; Nayiga, Susan; Outterson, Kevin; Podolsky, Scott H; Raymond, Stephanie; Roberts, Adam P; Singer, Andrew C; So, Anthony D; Sringernyuang, Luechai; Tayler, Elizabeth; Rogers Van Katwyk, Susan; Chandler, Clare IR
  • Structural and socio-cultural barriers to accessing mental healthcare among Syrian refugees and asylum seekers in Switzerland. (2020) Kiselev, Nikolai; Pfaltz, Monique; Haas, Florence; Schick, Matthis; Kappen, Marie; Sijbrandij, Marit; De Graaff, Anne M; Bird, Martha; Hansen, Pernille; Ventevogel, Peter; Fuhr, Daniela C; Schnyder, Ulrich; Morina, Naser
  • The use of Bayesian networks for realist evaluation of complex interventions: evidence for prevention of human trafficking. (2020) Kiss, Ligia; Fotheringhame, David; Mak, Joelle; McAlpine, Alys; Zimmerman, Cathy
  • Male and LGBT survivors of sexual violence in conflict situations: a realist review of health interventions in low-and middle-income countries. (2020) Kiss, Ligia; Quinlan-Davidson, Meaghen; Pasquero, Laura; Tejero, Patricia Ollé; Hogg, Charu; Theis, Joachim; Park, Andrew; Zimmerman, Cathy; Hossain, Mazeda
  • Expansion of HIV testing in Eswatini: stakeholder perspectives on reaching the first 90. (2020) Kitchen, Philip J; Bärnighausen, Kate; Dube, Lenhle; Mnisi, Zandi; Dlamini-Nqeketo, Sithembile; Johnson, Cheryl C; Bärnighausen, Till; De Neve, Jan Walter; McMahon, Shannon A
  • Implementation of accelerated research: strategies for implementation as applied in a phase 1 Ad26.ZEBOV, MVA-BN-Filo two-dose Ebola vaccine clinical trial in Uganda. (2020) Kitonsa, Jonathan; Ggayi, Abu-Baker; Anywaine, Zacchaeus; Kisaakye, Eva; Nsangi, Laura; Basajja, Vincent; Nyantaro, Mary; Watson-Jones, Deborah; Shukarev, Georgi; Ilsbroux, Ine; Robinson, Cynthia; Kaleebu, Pontiano
  • Determinants of two-year mortality among HIV positive patients with Cryptococcal meningitis initiating standard antifungal treatment with or without adjunctive dexamethasone in Uganda. (2020) Kitonsa, Jonathan; Nsubuga, Rebecca; Mayanja, Yunia; Kiwanuka, Julius; Nikweri, Yofesi; Onyango, Martin; Anywaine, Zacchaeus; Ggayi, Abu-Baker; Kibengo, Freddie Mukasa; Kaleebu, Pontiano; Day, Jeremy
  • Preoperative intravenous iron before cardiac surgery: a prospective multicentre feasibility study. (2020) Klein, Andrew A; Chau, Marisa; Yeates, James A; Collier, Timothy; Evans, Caroline; Agarwal, Seema; Richards, Toby; UK Cardiac and Vascular Surgery Interventional Anaemia Response
  • A landscape of genomic alterations at the root of a near-untreatable tuberculosis epidemic. (2020) Klopper, Marisa; Heupink, Tim Hermanus; Hill-Cawthorne, Grant; Streicher, Elizabeth Maria; Dippenaar, Anzaan; de Vos, Margaretha; Abdallah, Abdallah Musa; Limberis, Jason; Merker, Matthias; Burns, Scott; Niemann, Stefan; Dheda, Keertan; Posey, James; Pain, Arnab; Warren, Robin Mark
  • Longitudinal Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Biomarkers Correlate With Treatment Outcome in Drug-Sensitive Pulmonary Tuberculosis: A Population Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Analysis. (2020) Kloprogge, Frank; Mwandumba, Henry C; Banda, Gertrude; Kamdolozi, Mercy; Shani, Doris; Corbett, Elizabeth L; Kontogianni, Nadia; Ward, Steve; Khoo, Saye H; Davies, Geraint R; Sloan, Derek J
  • Interacting with Members of the Public to Discuss the Impact of Food Choices on Climate Change-Experiences from Two UK Public Engagement Events. (2020) Kluczkovski, Alana; Cook, Joanne; Downie, Helen F; Fletcher, Alison; McLoughlin, Lauryn; Markwick, Andrew; Bridle, Sarah L; Reynolds, Christian J; Rivera, Ximena Schmidt; Martindale, Wayne; Frankowska, Angelina; Moraes, Marcio M; Birkett, Ali J; Summerton, Sara; Green, Rosemary; Fennell, Joseph T; Smith, Pete; Ingram, John; Langley, India; Yates, Lucy; Ajagun-Brauns, Jade
  • Schistosomiasis-associated pulmonary arterial hypertension: a systematic review. (2020) Knafl, Daniela; Gerges, Christian; King, Charles H; Humbert, Marc; Bustinduy, Amaya L
  • Predictors of silicosis and variation in prevalence across mines among employed gold miners in South Africa. (2020) Knight, Dave; Ehrlich, Rodney; Cois, Annibale; Fielding, Katherine; Grant, Alison D; Churchyard, Gavin
  • No antimicrobial resistance research agenda without tuberculosis. (2020) Knight, Gwenan M; Raviglione, Mario C; White, Richard G
  • Determining the serotype composition of mixed samples of pneumococcus using whole-genome sequencing. (2020) Knight, James R; Dunne, Eileen M; Mulholland, E Kim; Saha, Sudipta; Satzke, Catherine; Tothpal, Adrienn; Weinberger, Daniel M
  • Long-Term Outcomes of the Good School Toolkit Primary School Violence Prevention Intervention Among Adolescents: Protocol for a Nonrandomized Quasi-Experimental Study. (2020) Knight, Louise; Atuhaire, Lydia; Allen, Elizabeth; Namy, Sophie; Anton-Erxleben, Katharina; Nakuti, Janet; Mirembe, Angel Faridah; Nakiboneka, Mastula; Seeley, Janet; Weiss, Helen A; Parkes, Jenny; Bonell, Chris; Naker, Dipak; Devries, Karen
  • Inviting the stranger in: Intimacy, digital technology and new geographies of encounter. (2020) Koch, Regan; Miles, Sam
  • 2019-nCoV in context: lessons learned? (2020) Kock, Richard A; Karesh, William B; Veas, Francisco; Velavan, Thirumalaisamy P; Simons, David; Mboera, Leonard EG; Dar, Osman; Arruda, Liã Bárbara; Zumla, Alimuddin
  • Population Structure of Mycobacterium bovis in Germany: a Long-Term Study Using Whole-Genome Sequencing Combined with Conventional Molecular Typing Methods. (2020) Kohl, Thomas A; Kranzer, Katharina; Andres, Sönke; Wirth, Thierry; Niemann, Stefan; Moser, Irmgard
  • Human resources and curricula content for early child development implementation: multicountry mixed methods evaluation. (2020) Kohli-Lynch, Maya; Ponce Hardy, Victoria; Bernal Salazar, Raquel; Bhopal, Sunil S; Brentani, Alexandra; Cavallera, Vanessa; Goh, Esther; Hamadani, Jena D; Hughes, Rob; Manji, Karim; Milner, Kate M; Radner, James; Sharma, Sonia; Silver, Karlee L; Lawn, Joy E; Tann, Cally J
  • Risk factors for blood transfusion in traumatic and postpartum hemorrhage patients: Analysis of the CRASH-2 and WOMAN trials. (2020) Kolin, David A; Shakur-Still, Haleema; Bello, Adenike; Chaudhri, Rizwana; Bates, Imelda; Roberts, Ian
  • Changing probability of experiencing food insecurity by socioeconomic and demographic groups during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK. (2020) Koltai, Jonathan; Toffolutti, Veronica; McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David
  • Deaths of Despair and Brexit Votes: Cross-Local Authority Statistical Analysis in England and Wales. (2020) Koltai, Jonathan; Varchetta, Francesco Maria; McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David
  • Exact solving and sensitivity analysis of stochastic continuous time Boolean models. (2020) Koltai, Mihály; Noel, Vincent; Zinovyev, Andrei; Calzone, Laurence; Barillot, Emmanuel
  • Integrating epidemiological and genetic data with different sampling intensities into a dynamic model of respiratory syncytial virus transmission. (2020) Kombe, Ivy K; Agoti, Charles N; Munywoki, Patrick K; Nokes, D James; Medley, Graham F
  • Different Plasmodium falciparum clearance times in two Malian villages following artesunate monotherapy. (2020) Kone, Aminatou; Sissoko, Sekou; Fofana, Bakary; Sangare, Cheick O; Dembele, Demba; Haidara, Aboubecrine Sedhigh; Diallo, Nouhoum; Coulibaly, Aoua; Traore, Aliou; Toure, Sekou; Haidara, Kadidia; Sanogo, Kassim; Sagara, Issaka; Beshir, Khalid B; Gil, José P; Doumbo, Ogobara K; Djimde, Abdoulaye A
  • Birthweight: EN-BIRTH multi-country validation study. (2020) Kong, Stefanie; Day, Louise T; Zaman, Sojib Bin; Peven, Kimberly; Salim, Nahya; Sunny, Avinash K; Shamba, Donat; Rahman, Qazi Sadeq-Ur; K C, Ashish; Ruysen, Harriet; El Arifeen, Shams; Mee, Paul; Gladstone, Miriam E; Blencowe, Hannah; Lawn, Joy E; EN-BIRTH Study Group
  • Management of patients with acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction in Russian hospitals adheres to international guidelines. (2020) Kontsevaya, Anna V; Bates, Katie; Schirmer, Henrik; Bobrova, Natalia; Leon, David; McKee, Martin
  • Surveys of knowledge and awareness of antibiotic use and antimicrobial resistance in general population: A systematic review. (2020) Kosiyaporn, Hathairat; Chanvatik, Sunicha; Issaramalai, Tibet; Kaewkhankhaeng, Wanwisa; Kulthanmanusorn, Anond; Saengruang, Nithiwat; Witthayapipopsakul, Woranan; Viriyathorn, Shaheda; Kirivan, Supapat; Kunpeuk, Watinee; Suphanchaimat, Rapeepong; Lekagul, Angkana; Tangcharoensathien, Viroj
  • Simultaneous multiple allelic replacement in the malaria parasite enables dissection of PKG function. (2020) Koussis, Konstantinos; Withers-Martinez, Chrislaine; Baker, David A; Blackman, Michael J
  • How are pay-for-performance schemes in healthcare designed in low- and middle-income countries? Typology and systematic literature review. (2020) Kovacs, Roxanne J; Powell-Jackson, Timothy; Kristensen, Søren R; Singh, Neha; Borghi, Josephine
  • Determinants of Breastfeeding Practices and Its Association With Infant Anthropometry: Results From a Prospective Cohort Study in South India. (2020) Koya, Srinidhi; Babu, Giridhara R; Deepa, R; Iyer, Veena; Yamuna, A; Lobo, Eunice; Prafulla, S; Kinra, Sanjay; Murthy, GVS
  • Innovative strategies to fight antimicrobial resistance: crowdsourcing to expand medical training. (2020) Kpokiri, Eneyi E; Budak, Jehan Z; Chang, Christina C; Ong, Jason J; Mabilat, Claude; Peeling, Rosanna W; Van Duin, David; Tucker, Joseph D
  • Diagnostic Infectious Diseases Testing Outside Clinics: A Global Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. (2020) Kpokiri, Eneyi E; Marley, Gifty; Tang, Weiming; Fongwen, Noah; Wu, Dan; Berendes, Sima; Ambil, Bhavana; Loveday, Sarah-Jane; Sampath, Ranga; Walker, Jennifer S; Matovu, Joseph KB; Boehme, Catharina; Pai, Nitika Pant; Tucker, Joseph D
  • Development of Antimicrobial Stewardship Programmes in Low and Middle-Income Countries: A Mixed-Methods Study in Nigerian Hospitals. (2020) Kpokiri, Eneyi E; Taylor, David G; Smith, Felicity J
  • Social innovation research checklist: A crowdsourcing open call and digital hackathon to develop a checklist for research to advance social innovation in health. (2020) Kpokiri, Eneyi; Chen, Elizabeth; Li, Jingjing; Payne, Sarah; Shrestha, Priyanka; Afsana, Kaosar; Amazigo, Uche; Awor, Phyllis; de Lavison, Jean-Francois; Khan, Saqif; Mier-Alpaño, Jana D; Ong, Alberto; Subhedar, Shivani; Wachmuth, Isabelle; Mehta, Kala M; Halpaap, Beatrice; Tucker, Joseph D
  • Breast Cancer Polygenic Risk Score and Contralateral Breast Cancer Risk. (2020) Kramer, Iris; Hooning, Maartje J; Mavaddat, Nasim; Hauptmann, Michael; Keeman, Renske; Steyerberg, Ewout W; Giardiello, Daniele; Antoniou, Antonis C; Pharoah, Paul DP; Canisius, Sander; Abu-Ful, Zumuruda; Andrulis, Irene L; Anton-Culver, Hoda; Aronson, Kristan J; Augustinsson, Annelie; Becher, Heiko; Beckmann, Matthias W; Behrens, Sabine; Benitez, Javier; Bermisheva, Marina; Bogdanova, Natalia V; Bojesen, Stig E; Bolla, Manjeet K; Bonanni, Bernardo; Brauch, Hiltrud; Bremer, Michael; Brucker, Sara Y; Burwinkel, Barbara; Castelao, Jose E; Chan, Tsun L; Chang-Claude, Jenny; Chanock, Stephen J; Chenevix-Trench, Georgia; Choi, Ji-Yeob; Clarke, Christine L; NBCS Collaborators; Collée, J Margriet; Couch, Fergus J; Cox, Angela; Cross, Simon S; Czene, Kamila; Daly, Mary B; Devilee, Peter; Dörk, Thilo; Dos-Santos-Silva, Isabel; Dunning, Alison M; Dwek, Miriam; Eccles, Diana M; Evans, D Gareth; Fasching, Peter A; Flyger, Henrik; Gago-Dominguez, Manuela; García-Closas, Montserrat; García-Sáenz, José A; Giles, Graham G; Goldgar, David E; González-Neira, Anna; Haiman, Christopher A; Håkansson, Niclas; Hamann, Ute; Hartman, Mikael; Heemskerk-Gerritsen, Bernadette AM; Hollestelle, Antoinette; Hopper, John L; Hou, Ming-Feng; Howell, Anthony; ABCTB Investigators; kConFab Investigators; Ito, Hidemi; Jakimovska, Milena; Jakubowska, Anna; Janni, Wolfgang; John, Esther M; Jung, Audrey; Kang, Daehee; Kets, C Marleen; Khusnutdinova, Elza; Ko, Yon-Dschun; Kristensen, Vessela N; Kurian, Allison W; Kwong, Ava; Lambrechts, Diether; Le Marchand, Loic; Li, Jingmei; Lindblom, Annika; Lubiński, Jan; Mannermaa, Arto; Manoochehri, Mehdi; Margolin, Sara; Matsuo, Keitaro; Mavroudis, Dimitrios; Meindl, Alfons; Milne, Roger L; Mulligan, Anna Marie; Muranen, Taru A; Neuhausen, Susan L; Nevanlinna, Heli; Newman, William G; Olshan, Andrew F; Olson, Janet E; Olsson, Håkan; Park-Simon, Tjoung-Won; Peto, Julian; Petridis, Christos; Plaseska-Karanfilska, Dijana; Presneau, Nadege; Pylkäs, Katri; Radice, Paolo; Rennert, Gad; Romero, Atocha; Roylance, Rebecca; Saloustros, Emmanouil; Sawyer, Elinor J; Schmutzler, Rita K; Schwentner, Lukas; Scott, Christopher; See, Mee-Hoong; Shah, Mitul; Shen, Chen-Yang; Shu, Xiao-Ou; Siesling, Sabine; Slager, Susan; Sohn, Christof; Southey, Melissa C; Spinelli, John J; Stone, Jennifer; Tapper, William J; Tengström, Maria; Teo, Soo Hwang; Terry, Mary Beth; Tollenaar, Rob AEM; Tomlinson, Ian; Troester, Melissa A; Vachon, Celine M; van Ongeval, Chantal; van Veen, Elke M; Winqvist, Robert; Wolk, Alicja; Zheng, Wei; Ziogas, Argyrios; Easton, Douglas F; Hall, Per; Schmidt, Marjanka K
  • COVID-19 vaccine trials should seek worthwhile efficacy. (2020) Krause, Philip; Fleming, Thomas R; Longini, Ira; Henao-Restrepo, Ana Maria; Peto, Richard; World Health Organization Solidarity Vaccines Trial Expert Group
  • A Rapid Cost Modeling Tool for Evaluating and Improving Public Health Supply Chain Designs. (2020) Krautmann, Michael; Zameer, Mariam; Thomas, Dorothy; Phillips-White, Nora; Costache, Ana; Leroueil, Pascale R
  • Stigma and Judgment Toward People Living with HIV and Key Population Groups Among Three Cadres of Health Workers in South Africa and Zambia: Analysis of Data from the HPTN 071 (PopART) Trial. (2020) Krishnaratne, Shari; Bond, Virginia; Stangl, Anne; Pliakas, Triantafyllos; Mathema, Hlengani; Lilleston, Pamela; Hoddinott, Graeme; Bock, Peter; Ayles, Helen; Fidler, Sarah; Hargreaves, James R
  • Measures implemented in the school setting to contain the COVID-19 pandemic: a scoping review. (2020) Krishnaratne, Shari; Pfadenhauer, Lisa M; Coenen, Michaela; Geffert, Karin; Jung-Sievers, Caroline; Klinger, Carmen; Kratzer, Suzie; Littlecott, Hannah; Movsisyan, Ani; Rabe, Julia E; Rehfuess, Eva; Sell, Kerstin; Strahwald, Brigitte; Stratil, Jan M; Voss, Stephan; Wabnitz, Katharina; Burns, Jacob
  • Evaluation of Senegal supply chain intervention on contraceptive stockouts using routine stock data. (2020) Krug, Catarina; Cavallaro, Francesca L; Wong, Kerry LM; Gasparrini, Antonio; Faye, Adama; Lynch, Caroline A
  • Physical exercise and catecholamines response: benefits and health risk: possible mechanisms. (2020) Kruk, Joanna; Kotarska, Katarzyna; Aboul-Enein, Basil H
  • Invisible spread of SARS-CoV-2 - Authors' reply. (2020) Kucharski, Adam J; Eggo, Rosalind M
  • The COVID-19 response illustrates that traditional academic reward structures and metrics do not reflect crucial contributions to modern science. (2020) Kucharski, Adam J; Funk, Sebastian; Eggo, Rosalind M
  • Effectiveness of isolation, testing, contact tracing, and physical distancing on reducing transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in different settings: a mathematical modelling study. (2020) Kucharski, Adam J; Klepac, Petra; Conlan, Andrew JK; Kissler, Stephen M; Tang, Maria L; Fry, Hannah; Gog, Julia R; Edmunds, W John; CMMID COVID-19 working group
  • Early dynamics of transmission and control of COVID-19: a mathematical modelling study. (2020) Kucharski, Adam J; Russell, Timothy W; Diamond, Charlie; Liu, Yang; Edmunds, John; Funk, Sebastian; Eggo, Rosalind M
  • Early dynamics of transmission and control of COVID-19: a mathematical modelling study. (2020) Kucharski, Adam J; Russell, Timothy W; Diamond, Charlie; Liu, Yang; Edmunds, John; Funk, Sebastian; Eggo, Rosalind M; Centre for Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases COVID-1
  • 2020 taxonomic update for phylum Negarnaviricota (Riboviria: Orthornavirae), including the large orders Bunyavirales and Mononegavirales. (2020) Kuhn, Jens H; Adkins, Scott; Alioto, Daniela; Alkhovsky, Sergey V; Amarasinghe, Gaya K; Anthony, Simon J; Avšič-Županc, Tatjana; Ayllón, María A; Bahl, Justin; Balkema-Buschmann, Anne; Ballinger, Matthew J; Bartonička, Tomáš; Basler, Christopher; Bavari, Sina; Beer, Martin; Bente, Dennis A; Bergeron, Éric; Bird, Brian H; Blair, Carol; Blasdell, Kim R; Bradfute, Steven B; Breyta, Rachel; Briese, Thomas; Brown, Paul A; Buchholz, Ursula J; Buchmeier, Michael J; Bukreyev, Alexander; Burt, Felicity; Buzkan, Nihal; Calisher, Charles H; Cao, Mengji; Casas, Inmaculada; Chamberlain, John; Chandran, Kartik; Charrel, Rémi N; Chen, Biao; Chiumenti, Michela; Choi, Il-Ryong; Clegg, J Christopher S; Crozier, Ian; da Graça, John V; Dal Bó, Elena; Dávila, Alberto MR; de la Torre, Juan Carlos; de Lamballerie, Xavier; de Swart, Rik L; Di Bello, Patrick L; Di Paola, Nicholas; Di Serio, Francesco; Dietzgen, Ralf G; Digiaro, Michele; Dolja, Valerian V; Dolnik, Olga; Drebot, Michael A; Drexler, Jan Felix; Dürrwald, Ralf; Dufkova, Lucie; Dundon, William G; Duprex, W Paul; Dye, John M; Easton, Andrew J; Ebihara, Hideki; Elbeaino, Toufic; Ergünay, Koray; Fernandes, Jorlan; Fooks, Anthony R; Formenty, Pierre BH; Forth, Leonie F; Fouchier, Ron AM; Freitas-Astúa, Juliana; Gago-Zachert, Selma; Gāo, George Fú; García, María Laura; García-Sastre, Adolfo; Garrison, Aura R; Gbakima, Aiah; Goldstein, Tracey; Gonzalez, Jean-Paul J; Griffiths, Anthony; Groschup, Martin H; Günther, Stephan; Guterres, Alexandro; Hall, Roy A; Hammond, John; Hassan, Mohamed; Hepojoki, Jussi; Hepojoki, Satu; Hetzel, Udo; Hewson, Roger; Hoffmann, Bernd; Hongo, Seiji; Höper, Dirk; Horie, Masayuki; Hughes, Holly R; Hyndman, Timothy H; Jambai, Amara; Jardim, Rodrigo; Jiāng, Dàohóng; Jin, Qi; Jonson, Gilda B; Junglen, Sandra; Karadağ, Serpil; Keller, Karen E; Klempa, Boris; Klingström, Jonas; Kobinger, Gary; Kondō, Hideki; Koonin, Eugene V; Krupovic, Mart; Kurath, Gael; Kuzmin, Ivan V; Laenen, Lies; Lamb, Robert A; Lambert, Amy J; Langevin, Stanley L; Lee, Benhur; Lemos, Elba RS; Leroy, Eric M; Li, Dexin; Lǐ, Jiànróng; Liang, Mifang; Liú, Wénwén; Liú, Yàn; Lukashevich, Igor S; Maes, Piet; Marciel de Souza, William; Marklewitz, Marco; Marshall, Sergio H; Martelli, Giovanni P; Martin, Robert R; Marzano, Shin-Yi L; Massart, Sébastien; McCauley, John W; Mielke-Ehret, Nicole; Minafra, Angelantonio; Minutolo, Maria; Mirazimi, Ali; Mühlbach, Hans-Peter; Mühlberger, Elke; Naidu, Rayapati; Natsuaki, Tomohide; Navarro, Beatriz; Navarro, José A; Netesov, Sergey V; Neumann, Gabriele; Nowotny, Norbert; Nunes, Márcio RT; Nylund, Are; Økland, Arnfinn L; Oliveira, Renata C; Palacios, Gustavo; Pallas, Vicente; Pályi, Bernadett; Papa, Anna; Parrish, Colin R; Pauvolid-Corrêa, Alex; Pawęska, Janusz T; Payne, Susan; Pérez, Daniel R; Pfaff, Florian; Radoshitzky, Sheli R; Rahman, Aziz-Ul; Ramos-González, Pedro L; Resende, Renato O; Reyes, Carina A; Rima, Bertus K; Romanowski, Víctor; Robles Luna, Gabriel; Rota, Paul; Rubbenstroth, Dennis; Runstadler, Jonathan A; Ruzek, Daniel; Sabanadzovic, Sead; Salát, Jiří; Sall, Amadou Alpha; Salvato, Maria S; Sarpkaya, Kamil; Sasaya, Takahide; Schwemmle, Martin; Shabbir, Muhammad Z; Shí, Xiǎohóng; Shí, Zhènglì; Shirako, Yukio; Simmonds, Peter; Širmarová, Jana; Sironi, Manuela; Smither, Sophie; Smura, Teemu; Song, Jin-Won; Spann, Kirsten M; Spengler, Jessica R; Stenglein, Mark D; Stone, David M; Straková, Petra; Takada, Ayato; Tesh, Robert B; Thornburg, Natalie J; Tomonaga, Keizō; Tordo, Noël; Towner, Jonathan S; Turina, Massimo; Tzanetakis, Ioannis; Ulrich, Rainer G; Vaira, Anna Maria; van den Hoogen, Bernadette; Varsani, Arvind; Vasilakis, Nikos; Verbeek, Martin; Wahl, Victoria; Walker, Peter J; Wang, Hui; Wang, Jianwei; Wang, Xifeng; Wang, Lin-Fa; Wèi, Tàiyún; Wells, Heather; Whitfield, Anna E; Williams, John V; Wolf, Yuri I; Wú, Zhìqiáng; Yang, Xin; Yáng, Xīnglóu; Yu, Xuejie; Yutin, Natalya; Zerbini, F Murilo; Zhang, Tong; Zhang, Yong-Zhen; Zhou, Guohui; Zhou, Xueping
  • Retinopathy of prematurity: Maharashtra state model. (2020) Kulkarni, Sucheta; Kadam, Sandeep; Patil, Archana; Gilbert, Clare
  • How do decision-makers use evidence in community health policy and financing decisions? A qualitative study and conceptual framework in four African countries. (2020) Kumar, Meghan Bruce; Taegtmeyer, Miriam; Madan, Jason; Ndima, Sozinho; Chikaphupha, Kingsley; Kea, Aschenaki; Barasa, Edwine
  • Lack of sexual behavior disclosure may distort STI testing outcomes. (2020) Kumar, Navin; Forastiere, Laura; Zhang, Tiange; Yang, Fan; Li, Katherine T; Tang, Weiming; Tucker, Joseph D; Christakis, Nicholas A; Alexander, Marcus
  • Development of a quality improvement package for reducing sight-threatening retinopathy of prematurity. (2020) Kumar, Praveen; Chawla, Deepak; Thukral, Anu; Deorari, Ashok; Shukla, Rajan; Gilbert, Clare
  • From data to decisions: understanding information flows within regulatory water quality monitoring programs. (2020) Kumpel, Emily; MacLeod, Clara; Stuart, Kara; Cock-Esteb, Alicea; Khush, Ranjiv; Peletz, Rachel
  • Exploring the evolution of policies for universal antiretroviral therapy and their implementation across three sub-Saharan African countries: Findings from the SHAPE study. (2020) Kumwenda, Moses; Skovdal, Morten; Wringe, Alison; Kalua, Thoko; Kweka, Hadija; Songo, John; Hassan, Farida; Chimukuche, Rujeko Samanthia; Moshabela, Mosa; Seeley, Janet; Renju, Jenny
  • Disability, mental health, stigma and discrimination and neglected tropical diseases. (2020) Kuper, Hannah
  • Disability-inclusive COVID-19 response: What it is, why it is important and what we can learn from the United Kingdom's response. (2020) Kuper, Hannah; Banks, Lena Morgon; Bright, Tess; Davey, Calum; Shakespeare, Tom
  • Trials and Tribulations of Collecting Evidence on Effectiveness in Disability-Inclusive Development: A Narrative Review. (2020) Kuper, Hannah; Davey, Calum; Banks, Lena Morgon; Shakespeare, Tom
  • Modelling the effect of a dengue vaccine on reducing the evolution of resistance against antibiotic due to misuse in dengue cases. (2020) Kurauchi, Ana; Struchiner, Claudio Jose; Wilder-Smith, Annelies; Massad, Eduardo
  • Epidemiology of Alcohol Misuse and Illicit Drug Use Among Young People Aged 15-24 Years in Fishing Communities in Uganda. (2020) Kuteesa, Monica O; Weiss, Helen A; Cook, Sarah; Seeley, Janet; Ssentongo, Josephine N; Kizindo, Robert; Ngonzi, Paul; Sewankambo, Moses; Webb, Emily L
  • Epidemiology of Alcohol Misuse and Illicit Drug Use Among Young People Aged 15-24 Years in Fishing Communities in Uganda. (2020) Kuteesa, Monica O; Weiss, Helen A; Cook, Sarah; Seeley, Janet; Ssentongo, Josephine N; Kizindo, Robert; Ngonzi, Paul; Sewankambo, Moses; Webb, Emily L
  • What happens when performance-based financing meets free healthcare? Evidence from an interrupted time-series analysis. (2020) Kuunibe, Naasegnibe; Lohmann, Julia; Hillebrecht, Michael; Nguyen, Hoa Thi; Tougri, Gauthier; De Allegri, Manuela
  • Etiology of Pediatric Meningitis in West Africa Using Molecular Methods in the Era of Conjugate Vaccines against Pneumococcus, Meningococcus, and Haemophilus influenzae Type b. (2020) Kwambana-Adams, Brenda A; Liu, Jie; Okoi, Catherine; Mwenda, Jason M; Mohammed, Nuredin I; Tsolenyanu, Enyonam; Renner, Lorna Awo; Ansong, Daniel; Tagbo, Beckie N; Bashir, Muhammad F; Hama, Mamadou Kourna; Sonko, Mouhamadou A; Gratz, Jean; Worwui, Archibald; Ndow, Peter; Cohen, Adam L; Serhan, Fatima; Mihigo, Richard; Antonio, Martin; Houpt, Eric; Paediatric Bacterial Meningitis Surveillance Network in West Afr
  • State-of-the-art in the pneumococcal field: Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Pneumococci and Pneumococcal Diseases (ISPPD-11). (2020) Kwambana-Adams, Brenda Anna; Mulholland, E Kim; Satzke, Catherine; ISPPD group
  • Cyberbullying and Children and Young People's Mental Health: A Systematic Map of Systematic Reviews. (2020) Kwan, Irene; Dickson, Kelly; Richardson, Michelle; MacDowall, Wendy; Burchett, Helen; Stansfield, Claire; Brunton, Ginny; Sutcliffe, Katy; Thomas, James
  • Gene expression responses to anti-tuberculous drugs in a whole blood model. (2020) Kwan, Philip Kam Weng; Lin, Wenwei; Naim, Ahmad Nazri Mohamed; Periaswamy, Balamurugan; De Sessions, Paola Florez; Hibberd, Martin L; Paton, Nicholas I
  • A blood RNA transcript signature for TB exposure in household contacts. (2020) Kwan, Philip Kam Weng; Periaswamy, Balamurugan; De Sessions, Paola Florez; Lin, Wenwei; Molton, James S; Naftalin, Claire M; Naim, Ahmad Nazri Mohamed; Hibberd, Martin L; Paton, Nicholas I
  • Influence of hemoglobinopathies and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency on diagnosis of diabetes by HbA1c among Tanzanian adults with and without HIV: A cross-sectional study. (2020) Kweka, Belinda; Lyimo, Eric; Jeremiah, Kidola; Filteau, Suzanne; Rehman, Andrea M; Friis, Henrik; Manjurano, Alphaxard; Faurholt-Jepsen, Daniel; Krogh-Madsen, Rikke; PrayGod, George; Heimburger, Douglas C
  • Understanding mobility and sexual risk behaviour among women in fishing communities of Lake Victoria in East Africa: a qualitative study. (2020) Kwena, Zachary; Nakamanya, Sarah; Nanyonjo, Gertrude; Okello, Elialilia; Fast, Pat; Ssetaala, Ali; Oketch, Bertha; Price, Matt; Kapiga, Saidi; Bukusi, Elizabeth; Seeley, Janet; LVCHR
  • Can Patient Reported Outcomes (PROs) from Population Surveys Provide Accurate Estimates of Pre-Admission Health Status of Emergency Hospital Admissions? (2020) Kwong, Esther; Abel, Gary; Black, Nick
  • How to adapt your eye service in the time of COVID-19. (2020) Kyari, F; Watts, E
  • Community perspectives on the extent to which transactional sex is viewed as sexual exploitation in Central Uganda. (2020) Kyegombe, N; Meiksin, R; Namakula, S; Mulindwa, J; Muhumuza, R; Wamoyi, J; Heise, L; Buller, AM
  • Sexual health of adolescent girls and young women in Central Uganda: exploring perceived coercive aspects of transactional sex. (2020) Kyegombe, Nambusi; Meiksin, Rebecca; Wamoyi, Joyce; Heise, Lori; Stoebenau, Kirsten; Buller, Ana Maria
  • Seroepidemiology of maternally-derived antibody against Group B Streptococcus (GBS) in Mulago/Kawempe Hospitals Uganda - PROGRESS GBS. (2020) Kyohere, Mary; Davies, Hannah Georgia; Musoke, Philippa; Nakimuli, Annettee; Tusubira, Valerie; Tasimwa, Hannington Baluku; Nsimire, Juliet Sendagala; Heath, Paul; Cose, Stephen; Baker, Carol; Le Doare, Kirsty; Sekikubo, Musa
  • Understanding the effects of dichotomization of continuous outcomes on geostatistical inference. (2020) Kyomuhangi, Irene; Abeku, Tarekegn A; Kirby, Matthew J; Tesfaye, Gezahegn; Giorgi, Emanuele
  • Author Correction: Mapping local patterns of childhood overweight and wasting in low- and middle-income countries between 2000 and 2017. (2020) LBD Double Burden of Malnutrition Collaborators
  • Mapping local patterns of childhood overweight and wasting in low- and middle-income countries between 2000 and 2017. (2020) LBD Double Burden of Malnutrition Collaborators
  • A non-enveloped arbovirus released in lysosome-derived extracellular vesicles induces super-infection exclusion. (2020) Labadie, Thomas; Roy, Polly
  • Multiple Routes of Bluetongue Virus Egress. (2020) Labadie, Thomas; Sullivan, Edward; Roy, Polly
  • Corrigendum: What's Normal? Microbiomes in Human Milk and Infant Feces Are Related to Each Other but Vary Geographically: The INSPIRE Study. (2020) Lackey, Kimberly A; Williams, Janet E; Meehan, Courtney L; Zachek, Jessica A; Benda, Elizabeth D; Price, William J; Foster, James A; Sellen, Daniel W; Kamau-Mbuthia, Elizabeth W; Kamundia, Egidioh W; Mbugua, Samwel; Moore, Sophie E; Prentice, Andrew M; K., Debela Gindola; Kvist, Linda J; Otoo, Gloria E; García-Carral, Cristina; Jiménez, Esther; Ruiz, Lorena; Rodríguez, Juan M; Pareja, Rossina G; Bode, Lars; McGuire, Mark A; McGuire, Michelle K
  • Estimated impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cancer services and excess 1-year mortality in people with cancer and multimorbidity: near real-time data on cancer care, cancer deaths and a population-based cohort study. (2020) Lai, Alvina G; Pasea, Laura; Banerjee, Amitava; Hall, Geoff; Denaxas, Spiros; Chang, Wai Hoong; Katsoulis, Michail; Williams, Bryan; Pillay, Deenan; Noursadeghi, Mahdad; Linch, David; Hughes, Derralynn; Forster, Martin D; Turnbull, Clare; Fitzpatrick, Natalie K; Boyd, Kathryn; Foster, Graham R; Enver, Tariq; Nafilyan, Vahe; Humberstone, Ben; Neal, Richard D; Cooper, Matt; Jones, Monica; Pritchard-Jones, Kathy; Sullivan, Richard; Davie, Charlie; Lawler, Mark; Hemingway, Harry
  • Genomic Epidemiology of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2, Colombia. (2020) Laiton-Donato, Katherine; Villabona-Arenas, Christian Julián; Usme-Ciro, José A; Franco-Muñoz, Carlos; Álvarez-Díaz, Diego A; Villabona-Arenas, Liz Stephany; Echeverría-Londoño, Susy; Cucunubá, Zulma M; Franco-Sierra, Nicolás D; Flórez, Astrid C; Ferro, Carolina; Ajami, Nadim J; Walteros, Diana Marcela; Prieto, Franklin; Durán, Carlos Andrés; Ospina-Martínez, Martha Lucia; Mercado-Reyes, Marcela
  • Protocol for a cluster-randomised non-inferiority trial of one versus two doses of ivermectin for the control of scabies using a mass drug administration strategy (the RISE study). (2020) Lake, Susanna J; Phelan, Sophie L; Engelman, Daniel; Sokana, Oliver; Nasi, Titus; Boara, Dickson; Gorae, Christina; Schuster, Tibor; Grobler, Anneke C; Osti, Millicent H; Andrews, Ross; Marks, Michael; Whitfeld, Margot J; Romani, Lucia; Kaldor, John; Steer, Andrew
  • Why does Russia have such high cardiovascular mortality rates? Comparisons of blood-based biomarkers with Norway implicate non-ischaemic cardiac damage. (2020) Lakunchykova, Olena; Averina, Maria; Wilsgaard, Tom; Watkins, Hugh; Malyutina, Sofia; Ragino, Yulia; Keogh, Ruth H; Kudryavtsev, Alexander V; Govorun, Vadim; Cook, Sarah; Schirmer, Henrik; Eggen, Anne Elise; Hopstock, Laila Arnesdatter; Leon, David A
  • Optimizing Pandemic Preparedness and Response Through Health Information Systems: Lessons Learned From Ebola to COVID-19. (2020) Lal, Arush; Ashworth, Henry C; Dada, Sara; Hoemeke, Laura; Tambo, Ernest
  • Understanding integrated care at the frontline using organisational learning theory: A participatory evaluation of multi-professional teams in East London. (2020) Lalani, Mirza; Bussu, Sonia; Marshall, Martin
  • Co-location, an enabler for service integration? Lessons from an evaluation of integrated community care teams in East London. (2020) Lalani, Mirza; Marshall, Martin
  • The epidemiology of COVID-19 cases and the successful containment strategy in Hong Kong-January to May 2020. (2020) Lam, Ho Yeung; Lam, Tsz Sum; Wong, Chi Hong; Lam, Wing Hang; Leung, Chi Mei Emily; Au, Ka Wing Albert; Lam, Chau Kuen Yonnie; Lau, Tin Wai Winnie; Chan, Yung Wai Desmond; Wong, Ka Hing; Chuang, Shuk Kwan
  • Tranexamic acid quantification in human whole blood using liquid samples or volumetric absorptive microsampling devices. (2020) Lamy, Elodie; Runge, Ileana; Roberts, Ian; Shakur-Still, Haleema; Grassin-Delyle, Stanislas
  • The novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) emergency and the role of timely and effective national health surveillance. (2020) Lana, Raquel Martins; Coelho, Flávio Codeço; Gomes, Marcelo Ferreira da Costa; Cruz, Oswaldo Gonçalves; Bastos, Leonardo Soares; Villela, Daniel Antunes Maciel; Codeço, Cláudia Torres
  • Futuring a world without disease: visualising the elimination of hepatitis C. (2020) Lancaster, Kari; Rhodes, Tim
  • Towards an ontological politics of drug policy: Intervening through policy, evidence and method. (2020) Lancaster, Kari; Rhodes, Tim
  • Making evidence and policy in public health emergencies: lessons from COVID-19 for adaptive evidence-making and intervention. (2020) Lancaster, Kari; Rhodes, Tim; Rosengarten, Marsha
  • Cutaneous Larva Migrans Presenting with Folliculitis. (2020) Lander, Mark; Checkley, Anna M; Walker, Stephen L
  • The Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19): Making a Connection between Infectious Disease Outbreaks and Rehabilitation. (2020) Landry, Michel D; Tupetz, Anna; Jalovcic, Djenana; Sheppard, Phillip; Jesus, Tiago S; Raman, Sudha R
  • "We need more big trees as well as the grass roots": going beyond research capacity building to develop sustainable careers in mental health research in African countries. (2020) Langhaug, Lisa F; Jack, Helen; Hanlon, Charlotte; Holzer, Stefan; Sorsdahl, Katherine; Mutedzi, Barbara; Mangezi, Walter; Merritt, Christopher; Alem, Atalay; Stewart, Robert; Bandawe, Chiwoza; Musesengwa, Rosemary; Abas, Melanie; Chibanda, Dixon; Lund, Crick
  • "Because we all have to grow up": supporting adolescents in Uganda to develop core competencies to transition towards managing their HIV more independently. (2020) Lanyon, Chloe; Seeley, Janet; Namukwaya, Stella; Musiime, Victor; Paparini, Sara; Nakyambadde, Helen; Matama, Christine; Turkova, Anna; Bernays, Sarah
  • Mortality Risk Associated with Haloperidol Use Compared with Other Antipsychotics: An 11-Year Population-Based Propensity-Score-Matched Cohort Study. (2020) Lao, Kim SJ; Wong, Angel YS; Wong, Ian CK; Besag, Frank MC; Chang, WC; Lee, Edwin HM; Chen, Eric YH; Blais, Joseph E; Chan, Esther W
  • Safety of Administering Live Vaccines During Pregnancy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Pregnancy Outcomes. (2020) Laris-González, Almudena; Bernal-Serrano, Daniel; Jarde, Alexander; Kampmann, Beate
  • Nasa dugo ('It's in the blood'): lay conceptions of hypertension in the Philippines. (2020) Lasco, Gideon; Mendoza, Jhaki; Renedo, Alicia; Seguin, Maureen L; Palafox, Benjamin; Palileo-Villanueva, Lia M; Amit, Arianna Maever L; Dans, Antonio L; Balabanova, Dina; McKee, Martin
  • Nasa dugo ('It's in the blood'): lay conceptions of hypertension in the Philippines. (2020) Lasco, Gideon; Mendoza, Jhaki; Renedo, Alicia; Seguin, Maureen L; Palafox, Benjamin; Palileo-Villanueva, Lia M; Amit, Arianna Maever L; Dans, Antonio L; Balabanova, Dina; McKee, Martin
  • Detecting extra-ocular Chlamydia trachomatis in a trachoma-endemic community in Ethiopia: Identifying potential routes of transmission. (2020) Last, Anna; Versteeg, Bart; Shafi Abdurahman, Oumer; Robinson, Ailie; Dumessa, Gebeyehu; Abraham Aga, Muluadam; Shumi Bejiga, Gemechu; Negussu, Nebiyu; Greenland, Katie; Czerniewska, Alexandra; Thomson, Nicholas; Cairncross, Sandy; Sarah, Virginia; Macleod, David; Solomon, Anthony W; Logan, James; Burton, Matthew J
  • Economic burden of the persistent morbidity of nodding syndrome on caregivers in affected households in Northern Uganda. (2020) Latio, Lugala Samson Yoane; Nam, Nguyen Hai; Shah, Jaffer; Smith, Chris; Sakai, Kikuko; Stonewall Shaban, Kato; Idro, Richard; Makoto, Nishi; Huy, Nguyen Tien; Hamano, Shinjiro; Moji, Kazuhiko
  • The global burden of atopic dermatitis: lessons from the Global Burden of Disease Study 1990-2017. (2020) Laughter, MR; Maymone, MBC; Mashayekhi, S; Arents, BWM; Karimkhani, C; Langan, SM; Dellavalle, RP; Flohr, C
  • The impact of UK soft drinks industry levy on manufacturers' domestic turnover. (2020) Law, Cherry; Cornelsen, Laura; Adams, Jean; Pell, David; Rutter, Harry; White, Martin; Smith, Richard
  • An analysis of the stock market reaction to the announcements of the UK Soft Drinks Industry Levy. (2020) Law, Cherry; Cornelsen, Laura; Adams, Jean; Penney, Tarra; Rutter, Harry; White, Martin; Smith, Richard
  • National tuberculosis prevalence surveys in Africa, 2008-2016: an overview of results and lessons learned. (2020) Law, Irwin; Floyd, Katherine; African TB Prevalence Survey Group
  • Learning from Nepal's Progress to Inform the Path to the Sustainable Development Goals for Health, Leaving No-One Behind. (2020) Lawn, Joy E; Ashish, KC
  • Spotlight on global health research. (2020) Lawrence, David S; Gyapong, Margaret
  • Decolonising global health: transnational research partnerships under the spotlight. (2020) Lawrence, David S; Hirsch, Lioba A
  • Shared interests or sexual conflict? Spousal age gap, women's wellbeing and fertility in rural Tanzania. (2020) Lawson, David W; Schaffnit, Susan B; Hassan, Anushé; Urassa, Mark
  • A global survey of potential acceptance of a COVID-19 vaccine. (2020) Lazarus, Jeffrey V; Ratzan, Scott C; Palayew, Adam; Gostin, Lawrence O; Larson, Heidi J; Rabin, Kenneth; Kimball, Spencer; El-Mohandes, Ayman
  • COVID-SCORE: A global survey to assess public perceptions of government responses to COVID-19 (COVID-SCORE-10). (2020) Lazarus, Jeffrey V; Ratzan, Scott; Palayew, Adam; Billari, Francesco C; Binagwaho, Agnes; Kimball, Spencer; Larson, Heidi J; Melegaro, Alessia; Rabin, Kenneth; White, Trenton M; El-Mohandes, Ayman
  • Intermediate hyperglycaemia and 10-year mortality in resource-constrained settings: the PERU MIGRANT Study. (2020) Lazo-Porras, M; Ruiz-Alejos, A; Miranda, JJ; Carrillo-Larco, RM; Gilman, RH; Smeeth, L; Bernabé-Ortiz, A
  • Foot thermometry with mHeath-based supplementation to prevent diabetic foot ulcers: A randomized controlled trial. (2020) Lazo-Porras, Maria; Bernabe-Ortiz, Antonio; Taype-Rondan, Alvaro; Gilman, Robert H; Malaga, German; Manrique, Helard; Neyra, Luis; Calderon, Jorge; Pinto, Miguel; Armstrong, David G; Montori, Victor M; Miranda, J Jaime
  • Foot thermometry with mHeath-based supplementation to prevent diabetic foot ulcers: A randomized controlled trial. (2020) Lazo-Porras, Maria; Bernabe-Ortiz, Antonio; Taype-Rondan, Alvaro; Gilman, Robert H; Malaga, German; Manrique, Helard; Neyra, Luis; Calderon, Jorge; Pinto, Miguel; Armstrong, David G; Montori, Victor M; Miranda, J Jaime
  • Foot thermometry with mHeath-based supplementation to prevent diabetic foot ulcers: A randomized controlled trial. (2020) Lazo-Porras, Maria; Bernabe-Ortiz, Antonio; Taype-Rondan, Alvaro; Gilman, Robert H; Malaga, German; Manrique, Helard; Neyra, Luis; Calderon, Jorge; Pinto, Miguel; Armstrong, David G; Montori, Victor M; Miranda, J Jaime
  • Lessons learned about co-creation: developing a complex intervention in rural Peru. (2020) Lazo-Porras, Maria; Perez-Leon, Silvana; Cardenas, Maria Kathia; Pesantes, M Amalia; Miranda, J Jaime; Suggs, L Suzanne; Chappuis, François; Perel, Pablo; Beran, David
  • Rapid antiretroviral therapy initiation in the Botswana Combination Prevention Project: a quasi-experimental before and after study. (2020) Lebelonyane, Refeletswe; Bachanas, Pamela; Block, Lisa; Ussery, Faith; Abrams, William; Roland, Michelle; Theu, Joe; Kapanda, Max; Matambo, Stembile; Lockman, Shahin; Gaolathe, Tendani; Makhema, Joseph; Moore, Janet; Jarvis, Joseph N
  • Advanced HIV disease in the Botswana combination prevention project: prevalence, risk factors, and outcomes. (2020) Lebelonyane, Refeletswe; Mills, Lisa A; Mogorosi, Chipo; Ussery, Faith; Marukutira, Tafireyi; Theu, Joe; Kapanda, Max; Matambo, Stembile; Block, Lisa; Raizes, Elliot; Makhema, Joseph; Lockman, Shahin; Bachanas, Pamela; Moore, Janet; Jarvis, Joseph N
  • What settings have been linked to SARS-CoV-2 transmission clusters? (2020) Leclerc, Quentin J; Fuller, Naomi M; Knight, Lisa E; CMMID COVID-19 Working Group; Funk, Sebastian; Knight, Gwenan M
  • Feasibility of informing syndrome-level empiric antibiotic recommendations using publicly available antibiotic resistance datasets. (2020) Leclerc, Quentin J; Naylor, Nichola R; Aiken, Alexander M; Coll, Francesc; Knight, Gwenan M
  • Are we advancing universal health coverage through cataract services? Protocol for a scoping review. (2020) Lee, Chan Ning; Ramke, Jacqueline; McCormick, Ian; Zhang, Justine H; Aghaji, Ada; Mwangi, Nyawira; Burn, Helen; Gordon, Iris; Yusufu, Mayinuer; He, Mingguang; Silva, Juan Carlos; Burton, Matthew J
  • Association of anthropometry and weight change with risk of dementia and its major subtypes: A meta-analysis consisting 2.8 million adults with 57 294 cases of dementia. (2020) Lee, Crystal ManYing; Woodward, Mark; Batty, G David; Beiser, Alexa S; Bell, Steven; Berr, Claudine; Bjertness, Espen; Chalmers, John; Clarke, Robert; Dartigues, Jean-Francois; Davis-Plourde, Kendra; Debette, Stéphanie; Di Angelantonio, Emanuele; Feart, Catherine; Frikke-Schmidt, Ruth; Gregson, John; Haan, Mary N; Hassing, Linda B; Hayden, Kathleen M; Hoevenaar-Blom, Marieke P; Kaprio, Jaakko; Kivimaki, Mika; Lappas, Georgios; Larson, Eric B; LeBlanc, Erin S; Lee, Anne; Lui, Li-Yung; Moll van Charante, Eric P; Ninomiya, Toshiharu; Nordestgaard, Liv Tybjaerg; Ohara, Tomoyuki; Ohkuma, Toshiaki; Palviainen, Teemu; Peres, Karine; Peters, Ruth; Qizilbash, Nawab; Richard, Edo; Rosengren, Annika; Seshadri, Sudha; Shipley, Martin; Singh-Manoux, Archana; Strand, Bjorn Heine; van Gool, Willem A; Vuoksimaa, Eero; Yaffe, Kristine; Huxley, Rachel R
  • Influence of temperature on prevalence of health and welfare conditions in pigs: time-series analysis of pig abattoir inspection data in England and Wales. (2020) Lee, H; Perkins, C; Gray, H; Hajat, S; Friel, M; Smith, RP; Williamson, S; Edwards, P; Collins, LM
  • Health and healthcare in North Korea: a retrospective study among defectors. (2020) Lee, Hayoung; Robinson, Courtland; Kim, Jaeshin; McKee, Martin; Cha, Jiho
  • Adverse health effects associated with household air pollution: a systematic review, meta-analysis, and burden estimation study. (2020) Lee, Kuan Ken; Bing, Rong; Kiang, Joanne; Bashir, Sophia; Spath, Nicholas; Stelzle, Dominik; Mortimer, Kevin; Bularga, Anda; Doudesis, Dimitrios; Joshi, Shruti S; Strachan, Fiona; Gumy, Sophie; Adair-Rohani, Heather; Attia, Engi F; Chung, Michael H; Miller, Mark R; Newby, David E; Mills, Nicholas L; McAllister, David A; Shah, Anoop SV
  • Short-term exposure to carbon monoxide and myocardial infarction: A systematic review and meta-analysis. (2020) Lee, Kuan Ken; Spath, Nicholas; Miller, Mark R; Mills, Nicholas L; Shah, Anoop SV
  • Prediction model for short-term mortality after palliative radiotherapy for patients having advanced cancer: a cohort study from routine electronic medical data. (2020) Lee, Shing Fung; Luk, Hollis; Wong, Aray; Ng, Chuk Kwan; Wong, Frank Chi Sing; Luque-Fernandez, Miguel Angel
  • Epidemic preparedness in urban settings: new challenges and opportunities. (2020) Lee, Vernon J; Ho, Marc; Kai, Chen Wen; Aguilera, Ximena; Heymann, David; Wilder-Smith, Annelies
  • Projections of excess mortality related to diurnal temperature range under climate change scenarios: a multi-country modelling study. (2020) Lee, Whanhee; Kim, Yoonhee; Sera, Francesco; Gasparrini, Antonio; Park, Rokjin; Michelle Choi, Hayon; Prifti, Kristi; Bell, Michelle L; Abrutzky, Rosana; Guo, Yuming; Tong, Shilu; de Sousa Zanotti Stagliorio Coelho, Micheline; Nascimento Saldiva, Paulo Hilario; Lavigne, Eric; Orru, Hans; Indermitte, Ene; Jaakkola, Jouni JK; Ryti, Niilo RI; Pascal, Mathilde; Goodman, Patrick; Zeka, Ariana; Hashizume, Masahiro; Honda, Yasushi; Hurtado Diaz, Magali; César Cruz, Julio; Overcenco, Ala; Nunes, Baltazar; Madureira, Joana; Scovronick, Noah; Acquaotta, Fiorella; Tobias, Aurelio; Vicedo-Cabrera, Ana Maria; Ragettli, Martina S; Guo, Yue-Liang Leon; Chen, Bing-Yu; Li, Shanshan; Armstrong, Ben; Zanobetti, Antonella; Schwartz, Joel; Kim, Ho
  • Utility of CD4 count measurement in the era of universal antiretroviral therapy: an analysis of routine laboratory data in Botswana. (2020) Leeme, TB; Mine, M; Lechiile, K; Mulenga, F; Mosepele, M; Mphoyakgosi, T; Muthoga, C; Ngidi, J; Nkomo, B; Ramaabya, D; Tau, M; Tenforde, MW; Hayes, R; Jarvis, JN
  • Comparative ethnographies of medical research: materiality, social relations, citizenship and hope in Tanzania and Sierra Leone. (2020) Lees, Shelley; Enria, Luisa
  • Intimate Partner Relationships and Gender Norms in Mali: The Scope of Cash Transfers Targeted to Men to Reduce Intimate Partner Violence. (2020) Lees, Shelley; Kyegombe, Nambusi; Diatta, Ampa; Zogrone, Amanda; Roy, Shalini; Hidrobo, Melissa
  • The transformative effects of a participatory social empowerment intervention in the MAISHA intimate partner violence trial in Tanzania. (2020) Lees, Shelley; Marchant, Mark; Selestine, Veronica; Mshana, Gerry; Kapiga, Saidi; Harvey, Sheila
  • Contested legitimacy for anthropologists involved in medical humanitarian action: experiences from the 2014-2016 West Africa Ebola epidemic. (2020) Lees, Shelley; Palmer, Jennifer; Procureur, Fanny; Blanchet, Karl
  • Implementer and recipient perspectives of community-wide mass drug administration for soil-transmitted helminths in Kwale County, Kenya. (2020) Legge, Hugo; Kepha, Stella; Prochazka, Mateo; Halliday, Katherine; Pullan, Rachel; Gwayi-Chore, Marie-Claire; Njomo, Doris
  • Are high-performing health systems resilient against the COVID-19 epidemic? (2020) Legido-Quigley, Helena; Asgari, Nima; Teo, Yik Ying; Leung, Gabriel M; Oshitani, Hitoshi; Fukuda, Keiji; Cook, Alex R; Hsu, Li Yang; Shibuya, Kenji; Heymann, David
  • Southeast Asian health system challenges and responses to the 'Andaman Sea refugee crisis': A qualitative study of health-sector perspectives from Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Thailand. (2020) Legido-Quigley, Helena; Leh Hoon Chuah, Fiona; Howard, Natasha
  • The resilience of the Spanish health system against the COVID-19 pandemic. (2020) Legido-Quigley, Helena; Mateos-García, José Tomás; Campos, Vanesa Regulez; Gea-Sánchez, Montserrat; Muntaner, Carles; McKee, Martin
  • Cost-Utility Analysis of a Complex Intervention to Reduce School-Based Bullying and Aggression: An Analysis of the Inclusive RCT. (2020) Legood, Rosa; Opondo, Charles; Warren, Emily; Jamal, Farah; Bonell, Chris; Viner, Russell; Sadique, Zia
  • What matters when managing childhood fever in the emergency department? A discrete-choice experiment comparing the preferences of parents and healthcare professionals in the UK. (2020) Leigh, Simon; Robinson, Jude; Yeung, Shunmay; Coenen, Frans; Carrol, Enitan D; Niessen, Louis W
  • How antibiotics are used in pig farming: a mixed-methods study of pig farmers, feed mills and veterinarians in Thailand. (2020) Lekagul, Angkana; Tangcharoensathien, Viroj; Mills, Anne; Rushton, Jonathan; Yeung, Shunmay
  • Loss of life expectancy from air pollution compared to other risk factors: a worldwide perspective. (2020) Lelieveld, Jos; Pozzer, Andrea; Pöschl, Ulrich; Fnais, Mohammed; Haines, Andy; Münzel, Thomas
  • Long-term outcomes for children with disability and severe acute malnutrition in Malawi. (2020) Lelijveld, Natasha; Groce, Nora; Patel, Seema; Nnensa, Theresa; Chimwezi, Emmanuel; Gladstone, Melissa; Mallewa, Macpherson; Wells, Jonathan; Seal, Andrew; Kerac, Marko
  • Improving quality and use of routine health information system data in low- and middle-income countries: A scoping review. (2020) Lemma, Seblewengel; Janson, Annika; Persson, Lars-Åke; Wickremasinghe, Deepthi; Källestål, Carina
  • The effectiveness of social bubbles as part of a Covid-19 lockdown exit strategy, a modelling study. (2020) Leng, Trystan; White, Connor; Hilton, Joe; Kucharski, Adam; Pellis, Lorenzo; Stage, Helena; Davies, Nicholas G; Centre for Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Disease 2019 nCo; Keeling, Matt J; Flasche, Stefan
  • The impact of insecticide treated curtains on dengue virus transmission: A cluster randomized trial in Iquitos, Peru. (2020) Lenhart, Audrey; Morrison, Amy C; Paz-Soldan, Valerie A; Forshey, Brett M; Cordova-Lopez, Jhonny J; Astete, Helvio; Elder, John P; Sihuincha, Moises; Gotlieb, Esther E; Halsey, Eric S; Kochel, Tadeusz J; Scott, Thomas W; Alexander, Neal; McCall, Philip J
  • Access to routinely collected health data for clinical trials - review of successful data requests to UK registries. (2020) Lensen, Sarah; Macnair, Archie; Love, Sharon B; Yorke-Edwards, Victoria; Noor, Nurulamin M; Martyn, Meredith; Blenkinsop, Alexandra; Diaz-Montana, Carlos; Powell, Graham; Williamson, Elizabeth; Carpenter, James; Sydes, Matthew R
  • Conducting operational research in humanitarian settings: is there a shared path for humanitarians, national public health authorities and academics? (2020) Leresche, Enrica; Truppa, Claudia; Martin, Christophe; Marnicio, Ariana; Rossi, Rodolfo; Zmeter, Carla; Harb, Hilda; Hamadeh, Randa Sami; Leaning, Jennifer
  • Ivermectina dentro del protocolo de tratamiento para la COVID-19 en Perú: Uso sin evidencia científica. (2020) Lescano, Jesús; Pinto, Chris
  • National mapping of soil-transmitted helminth and schistosome infections in Ethiopia. (2020) Leta, Gemechu Tadesse; Mekete, Kalkidan; Wuletaw, Yonas; Gebretsadik, Abeba; Sime, Heven; Mekasha, Sindew; Woyessa, Adugna; Shafi, Oumer; Vercruysse, Jozef; Grimes, Jack ET; Gardiner, Iain; French, Michael; Levecke, Bruno; Drake, Lesley; Harrison, Wendy; Fenwick, Alan
  • Preclinical assessment of a new live attenuated Mycobacterium tuberculosis Beijing-based vaccine for tuberculosis. (2020) Levillain, Florence; Kim, Hongmin; Woong Kwon, Kee; Clark, Simon; Cia, Felipe; Malaga, Wladimir; Lanni, Faye; Brodin, Priscille; Gicquel, Brigitte; Guilhot, Christophe; Bancroft, Gregory J; Williams, Ann; Jae Shin, Sung; Poquet, Yannick; Neyrolles, Olivier
  • Diarrhoeal disease and subsequent risk of death in infants and children residing in low-income and middle-income countries: analysis of the GEMS case-control study and 12-month GEMS-1A follow-on study. (2020) Levine, Myron M; Nasrin, Dilruba; Acácio, Sozinho; Bassat, Quique; Powell, Helen; Tennant, Sharon M; Sow, Samba O; Sur, Dipika; Zaidi, Anita KM; Faruque, Abu SG; Hossain, M Jahangir; Alonso, Pedro L; Breiman, Robert F; O'Reilly, Ciara E; Mintz, Eric D; Omore, Richard; Ochieng, John B; Oundo, Joseph O; Tamboura, Boubou; Sanogo, Doh; Onwuchekwa, Uma; Manna, Byomkesh; Ramamurthy, Thandavarayan; Kanungo, Suman; Ahmed, Shahnawaz; Qureshi, Shahida; Quadri, Farheen; Hossain, Anowar; Das, Sumon K; Antonio, Martin; Saha, Debasish; Mandomando, Inacio; Blackwelder, William C; Farag, Tamer; Wu, Yukun; Houpt, Eric R; Verweiij, Jaco J; Sommerfelt, Halvor; Nataro, James P; Robins-Browne, Roy M; Kotloff, Karen L
  • Patient Health Questionnaire-9 scores do not accurately estimate depression prevalence: individual participant data meta-analysis. (2020) Levis, Brooke; Benedetti, Andrea; Ioannidis, John PA; Sun, Ying; Negeri, Zelalem; He, Chen; Wu, Yin; Krishnan, Ankur; Bhandari, Parash Mani; Neupane, Dipika; Imran, Mahrukh; Rice, Danielle B; Riehm, Kira E; Saadat, Nazanin; Azar, Marleine; Boruff, Jill; Cuijpers, Pim; Gilbody, Simon; Kloda, Lorie A; McMillan, Dean; Patten, Scott B; Shrier, Ian; Ziegelstein, Roy C; Alamri, Sultan H; Amtmann, Dagmar; Ayalon, Liat; Baradaran, Hamid R; Beraldi, Anna; Bernstein, Charles N; Bhana, Arvin; Bombardier, Charles H; Carter, Gregory; Chagas, Marcos H; Chibanda, Dixon; Clover, Kerrie; Conwell, Yeates; Diez-Quevedo, Crisanto; Fann, Jesse R; Fischer, Felix H; Gholizadeh, Leila; Gibson, Lorna J; Green, Eric P; Greeno, Catherine G; Hall, Brian J; Haroz, Emily E; Ismail, Khalida; Jetté, Nathalie; Khamseh, Mohammad E; Kwan, Yunxin; Lara, Maria Asunción; Liu, Shen-Ing; Loureiro, Sonia R; Löwe, Bernd; Marrie, Ruth Ann; Marsh, Laura; McGuire, Anthony; Muramatsu, Kumiko; Navarrete, Laura; Osório, Flávia L; Petersen, Inge; Picardi, Angelo; Pugh, Stephanie L; Quinn, Terence J; Rooney, Alasdair G; Shinn, Eileen H; Sidebottom, Abbey; Spangenberg, Lena; Tan, Pei Lin Lynnette; Taylor-Rowan, Martin; Turner, Alyna; van Weert, Henk C; Vöhringer, Paul A; Wagner, Lynne I; White, Jennifer; Winkley, Kirsty; Thombs, Brett D
  • Incidence and treatment costs of severe bacterial infections among people who inject heroin: A cohort study in South London, England. (2020) Lewer, Dan; Hope, Vivian D; Harris, Magdalena; Kelleher, Michael; Jewell, Amelia; Pritchard, Megan; Strang, John; Morley, Katherine I
  • Fatal progression of experimental visceral leishmaniasis is associated with intestinal parasitism and secondary infection by commensal bacteria, and is delayed by antibiotic prophylaxis. (2020) Lewis, Michael D; Paun, Andrea; Romano, Audrey; Langston, Harry; Langner, Charlotte A; Moore, Ian N; Bock, Kevin W; Francisco, Amanda Fortes; Brenchley, Jason M; Sacks, David L
  • Navigating new sexual partnerships in midlife: a socioecological perspective on factors shaping STI risk perceptions and practices. (2020) Lewis, Ruth; Mitchell, Kirstin R; Mercer, Catherine H; Datta, Jessica; Jones, Kyle G; Wellings, Kaye
  • Incidence, clinical outcomes, and transmission dynamics of severe coronavirus disease 2019 in California and Washington: prospective cohort study. (2020) Lewnard, Joseph A; Liu, Vincent X; Jackson, Michael L; Schmidt, Mark A; Jewell, Britta L; Flores, Jean P; Jentz, Chris; Northrup, Graham R; Mahmud, Ayesha; Reingold, Arthur L; Petersen, Maya; Jewell, Nicholas P; Young, Scott; Bellows, Jim
  • Common Methods for Handling Missing Data in Marginal Structural Models: What Works and Why. (2020) Leyrat, Clémence; Carpenter, James R; Bailly, Sébastien; Williamson, Elizabeth J
  • Assessment of missed opportunities for vaccination in Kenyan health facilities, 2016. (2020) Li, Anyie J; Tabu, Collins; Shendale, Stephanie; Sergon, Kibet; Okoth, Peter O; Mugoya, Isaac K; Machekanyanga, Zorodzai; Onuekwusi, Iheoma U; Sanderson, Colin; Ogbuanu, Ikechukwu Udo
  • A Men Who Have Sex With Men-Friendly Doctor Finder Hackathon in Guangzhou, China: Development of a Mobile Health Intervention to Enhance Health Care Utilization. (2020) Li, Chunyan; Xiong, Yuan; Sit, Hao Fong; Tang, Weiming; Hall, Brian J; Muessig, Kathryn E; Wei, Chongyi; Bao, Huanyu; Wei, Shufang; Zhang, Dapeng; Mi, Guodong; Yu, Fei; Tucker, Joseph D
  • Towards understanding global patterns of antimicrobial use and resistance in neonatal sepsis: insights from the NeoAMR network. (2020) Li, Grace; Bielicki, Julia Anna; Ahmed, ASM Nawshad Uddin; Islam, Mohammad Shahidul; Berezin, Eitan Naaman; Gallacci, Clery B; Guinsburg, Ruth; da Silva Figueiredo, Carlos Eduardo; Santarone Vieira, Rosilene; Silva, Andre Ricardo; Teixeira, Cristiane; Turner, Paul; Nhan, Ladin; Orrego, Jaime; Pérez, Paola Marsela; Qi, Lifeng; Papaevangelou, Vassiliki; Triantafyllidou, Pinelope; Iosifidis, Elias; Roilides, Emmanuel; Sarafidis, Kosmas; Jinka, Dasaratha Ramaiah; Nayakanti, Raghuprakash Reddy; Kumar, Praveen; Gautam, Vikas; Prakash, Vinayagam; Seeralar, Arasar; Murki, Srinivas; Kandraju, Hemasree; Singh, Sanjeev; Kumar, Anil; Lewis, Leslie; Pukayastha, Jayashree; Nangia, Sushma; K N, Yogesha; Chaurasia, Suman; Chellani, Harish; Obaro, Stephen; Dramowski, Angela; Bekker, Adrie; Whitelaw, Andrew; Thomas, Reenu; Velaphi, Sithembiso Christopher; Ballot, Daynia Elizabeth; Nana, Trusha; Reubenson, Gary; Fredericks, Joy; Anugulruengkitt, Suvaporn; Sirisub, Anongnart; Wong, Pimol; Lochindarat, Sorasak; Boonkasidecha, Suppawat; Preedisripipat, Kanchana; Cressey, Tim R; Paopongsawan, Pongsatorn; Lumbiganon, Pagakrong; Pongpanut, Dounghatai; Sukrakanchana, Pra-Ornsuda; Musoke, Philippa; Olson, Linus; Larsson, Mattias; Heath, Paul T; Sharland, Michael
  • Faecal immunochemical testing in bowel cancer screening: Estimating outcomes for different diagnostic policies. (2020) Li, Shuping J; Sharples, Linda D; Benton, Sally C; Blyuss, Oleg; Mathews, Christopher; Sasieni, Peter; Duffy, Stephen W
  • Health and economic burden of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) disease and the cost-effectiveness of potential interventions against RSV among children under 5 years in 72 Gavi-eligible countries. (2020) Li, Xiao; Willem, Lander; Antillon, Marina; Bilcke, Joke; Jit, Mark; Beutels, Philippe
  • Investigating the Role of FlhF Identifies Novel Interactions With Genes Involved in Flagellar Synthesis in Campylobacter jejuni. (2020) Li, Xiaofei; Ren, Fangzhe; Cai, Guoqiang; Huang, Pingyu; Chai, Qinwen; Gundogdu, Ozan; Jiao, Xinan; Huang, Jinlin
  • Correction: The use of bluetooth low energy Beacon systems to estimate indirect personal exposure to household air pollution. (2020) Liao, Jiawen; McCracken, John P; Piedrahita, Ricardo; Thompson, Lisa; Mollinedo, Erick; Canuz, Eduardo; De Léon, Oscar; Díaz-Artiga, Anaité; Johnson, Michael; Clark, Maggie; Pillarisetti, Ajay; Kearns, Katherine; Naeher, Luke; Steenland, Kyle; Checkley, William; Peel, Jennifer; Clasen, Thomas F
  • Environmental flexibility does not explain metabolic robustness. (2020) Libiseller-Egger, Julian; Coltman, Ben; Gerstl, Matthias P; Zanghellini, Jürgen
  • Robust detection of point mutations involved in multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the presence of co-occurrent resistance markers. (2020) Libiseller-Egger, Julian; Phelan, Jody; Campino, Susana; Mohareb, Fady; Clark, Taane G
  • Changing family structures and self-rated health of India's older population (1995-96 to 2014). (2020) Lieber, Judith; Clarke, Lynda; Timæus, Ian M; Mallinson, Poppy Alice Carson; Kinra, Sanjay
  • Selenium deficiency risks in sub-Saharan African food systems and their geospatial linkages. (2020) Ligowe, IS; Phiri, FP; Ander, EL; Bailey, EH; Chilimba, ADC; Gashu, D; Joy, EJM; Lark, RM; Kabambe, V; Kalimbira, AA; Kumssa, DB; Nalivata, PC; Young, SD; Broadley, MR
  • Inflammation Adjustment by Two Methods Decreases the Estimated Prevalence of Zinc Deficiency in Malawi. (2020) Likoswe, Blessings H; Phiri, Felix P; Broadley, Martin R; Joy, Edward JM; Patson, Noel; Maleta, Kenneth M; Phuka, John C
  • Effects and cost of different strategies to eliminate hepatitis C virus transmission in Pakistan: a modelling analysis. (2020) Lim, Aaron G; Walker, Josephine G; Mafirakureva, Nyashadzaishe; Khalid, Gul Ghuttai; Qureshi, Huma; Mahmood, Hassan; Trickey, Adam; Fraser, Hannah; Aslam, Khawar; Falq, Gregoire; Fortas, Camille; Zahid, Hassaan; Naveed, Ammara; Auat, Rosa; Saeed, Quaid; Davies, Charlotte F; Mukandavire, Christinah; Glass, Nancy; Maman, David; Martin, Natasha K; Hickman, Matthew; May, Margaret T; Hamid, Saeed; Loarec, Anne; Averhoff, Francisco; Vickerman, Peter
  • Clinical and epidemiologic characteristics associated with dengue fever in Mombasa, Kenya. (2020) Lim, Jacqueline Kyungah; Matendechero, Sultani Hadley; Alexander, Neal; Lee, Jung-Seok; Lee, Kang Sung; Namkung, Suk; Andia, Esther; Oyembo, Noah; Lim, Sl-Ki; Kanyi, Henry; Bae, So Hee; Yang, Jae Seung; Ochola, Mary A; Edwards, Tansy; Yoon, In-Kyu; Njenga, Sammy M
  • The effect of moving to East Village, the former London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games Athletes' Village, on mode of travel (ENABLE London study, a natural experiment). (2020) Limb, Elizabeth S; Procter, Duncan S; Cooper, Ashley R; Page, Angie S; Nightingale, Claire M; Ram, Bina; Shankar, Aparna; Clary, Christelle; Lewis, Daniel; Cummins, Steven; Ellaway, Anne; Giles-Corti, Billie; Whincup, Peter H; Rudnicka, Alicja R; Cook, Derek G; Owen, Christopher G
  • Solidarity with China as it holds the global front line during COVID-19 outbreak. (2020) Lin, Leesa
  • Public target interventions to reduce the inappropriate use of medicines or medical procedures: a systematic review. (2020) Lin, Leesa; Alam, Prima; Fearon, Elizabeth; Hargreaves, James R
  • Decisions to use antibiotics for upper respiratory tract infections across China: a large-scale cross-sectional survey among university students. (2020) Lin, Leesa; Fearon, Elizabeth; Harbarth, Stephan; Wang, Xiaomin; Lu, Chunling; Zhou, Xudong; Hargreaves, James R
  • Survey of Parental Use of Antimicrobial Drugs for Common Childhood Infections, China. (2020) Lin, Leesa; Harbarth, Stephan; Wang, Xiaomin; Zhou, Xudong
  • Combat COVID-19 with artificial intelligence and big data. (2020) Lin, Leesa; Hou, Zhiyuan
  • Factors influencing inappropriate use of antibiotics in outpatient and community settings in China: a mixed-methods systematic review. (2020) Lin, Leesa; Sun, Ruyu; Yao, Tingting; Zhou, Xudong; Harbarth, Stephan
  • Cleaning up China's Medical Cabinet-An Antibiotic Take-Back Programme to Reduce Household Antibiotic Storage for Unsupervised Use in Rural China: A Mixed-Methods Feasibility Study. (2020) Lin, Leesa; Wang, Xiaomin; Wang, Weiyi; Zhou, Xudong; Hargreaves, James R
  • Threats to Belonging-Stressful Life Events and Mental Health Symptoms in Aging Men-A Longitudinal Cohort Study. (2020) Lindert, Jutta; Lee, Lewina O; Weisskopf, Marc G; McKee, Martin; Sehner, Susanne; Spiro, Avron
  • Malaria nets shape up for resistance. (2020) Lines, Jo
  • Serial blood cytokine and chemokine mRNA and microRNA over 48 h are insult specific in a piglet model of inflammation-sensitized hypoxia-ischaemia. (2020) Lingam, Ingran; Avdic-Belltheus, Adnan; Meehan, Christopher; Martinello, Kathryn; Ragab, Sara; Peebles, Donald; Barkhuizen, Melinda; Tann, Cally J; Tachtsidis, Ilias; Wolfs, Tim GAM; Hagberg, Henrik; Klein, Nigel; Fleiss, Bobbi; Gressens, Pierre; Golay, Xavier; Kramer, Boris W; Robertson, Nicola J
  • In vivo/ex vivo efficacy of artemether-lumefantrine and artesunate-amodiaquine as first-line treatment for uncomplicated falciparum malaria in children: an open label randomized controlled trial in Burkina Faso. (2020) Lingani, Moussa; Bonkian, Léa Nadège; Yerbanga, Isidore; Kazienga, Adama; Valéa, Innocent; Sorgho, Hermann; Ouédraogo, Jean Bosco; Mens, Petronella Francisca; Schallig, Henk DFH; Ravinetto, Raffaella; d'Alessandro, Umberto; Tinto, Halidou
  • Evaluation of a five-year predicted survival model for cystic fibrosis in later time periods. (2020) Liou, Theodore G; Kartsonaki, Christiana; Keogh, Ruth H; Adler, Frederick R
  • Anticipated HIV stigma among HIV negative men who have sex with men in China: a cross-sectional study. (2020) Liu, Chuncheng; Zhang, Ye; Pan, Stephen W; Cao, Bolin; Ong, Jason J; Fu, Hongyun; Wu, Dan; Fu, Rong; Wei, Chongyi; Tucker, Joseph D; Tang, Weiming
  • 'When she rises, we all rise': a crowdsourcing challenge to increase women's participation in an infectious diseases research fellowship. (2020) Liu, Ewen; Iwelunmor, Juliet; Gabagaya, Grace; Anyasi, Helen; Leyton, Alejandra; Goraleski, Karen A; Wei, Shufang; Del Barrio, Mariam Otmani; Olaleye, Atinuke; Launois, Pascal; Tucker, Joseph D
  • Oral microbiome and risk of malignant esophageal lesions in a high-risk area of China: A nested case-control study. (2020) Liu, Fangfang; Liu, Mengfei; Liu, Ying; Guo, Chuanhai; Zhou, Yunlai; Li, Fenglei; Xu, Ruiping; Liu, Zhen; Deng, Qiuju; Li, Xiang; Zhang, Chaoting; Pan, Yaqi; Ning, Tao; Dong, Xiao; Hu, Zhe; Bao, Huanyu; Cai, Hong; Silva, Isabel Dos Santos; He, Zhonghu; Ke, Yang
  • Germline HOXB13 mutations p.G84E and p.R217C do not confer an increased breast cancer risk. (2020) Liu, Jingjing; Prager-van der Smissen, Wendy JC; Collée, J Margriet; Bolla, Manjeet K; Wang, Qin; Michailidou, Kyriaki; Dennis, Joe; Ahearn, Thomas U; Aittomäki, Kristiina; Ambrosone, Christine B; Andrulis, Irene L; Anton-Culver, Hoda; Antonenkova, Natalia N; Arndt, Volker; Arnold, Norbert; Aronson, Kristan J; Augustinsson, Annelie; Auvinen, Päivi; Becher, Heiko; Beckmann, Matthias W; Behrens, Sabine; Bermisheva, Marina; Bernstein, Leslie; Bogdanova, Natalia V; Bogdanova-Markov, Nadja; Bojesen, Stig E; Brauch, Hiltrud; Brenner, Hermann; Briceno, Ignacio; Brucker, Sara Y; Brüning, Thomas; Burwinkel, Barbara; Cai, Qiuyin; Cai, Hui; Campa, Daniele; Canzian, Federico; Castelao, Jose E; Chang-Claude, Jenny; Chanock, Stephen J; Choi, Ji-Yeob; Christiaens, Melissa; Clarke, Christine L; NBCS Collaborators; Couch, Fergus J; Czene, Kamila; Daly, Mary B; Devilee, Peter; Dos-Santos-Silva, Isabel; Dwek, Miriam; Eccles, Diana M; Eliassen, A Heather; Fasching, Peter A; Figueroa, Jonine; Flyger, Henrik; Fritschi, Lin; Gago-Dominguez, Manuela; Gapstur, Susan M; García-Closas, Montserrat; García-Sáenz, José A; Gaudet, Mia M; Giles, Graham G; Goldberg, Mark S; Goldgar, David E; Guénel, Pascal; Haiman, Christopher A; Håkansson, Niclas; Hall, Per; Harrington, Patricia A; Hart, Steven N; Hartman, Mikael; Hillemanns, Peter; Hopper, John L; Hou, Ming-Feng; Hunter, David J; Huo, Dezheng; ABCTB Investigators; Ito, Hidemi; Iwasaki, Motoki; Jakimovska, Milena; Jakubowska, Anna; John, Esther M; Kaaks, Rudolf; Kang, Daehee; Keeman, Renske; Khusnutdinova, Elza; Kim, Sung-Won; Kraft, Peter; Kristensen, Vessela N; Kurian, Allison W; Le Marchand, Loic; Li, Jingmei; Lindblom, Annika; Lophatananon, Artitaya; Luben, Robert N; Lubiński, Jan; Mannermaa, Arto; Manoochehri, Mehdi; Manoukian, Siranoush; Margolin, Sara; Mariapun, Shivaani; Matsuo, Keitaro; Maurer, Tabea; Mavroudis, Dimitrios; Meindl, Alfons; Menon, Usha; Milne, Roger L; Muir, Kenneth; Mulligan, Anna Marie; Neuhausen, Susan L; Nevanlinna, Heli; Offit, Kenneth; Olopade, Olufunmilayo I; Olson, Janet E; Olsson, Håkan; Orr, Nick; Park, Sue K; Peterlongo, Paolo; Peto, Julian; Plaseska-Karanfilska, Dijana; Presneau, Nadege; Rack, Brigitte; Rau-Murthy, Rohini; Rennert, Gad; Rennert, Hedy S; Rhenius, Valerie; Romero, Atocha; Ruebner, Matthias; Saloustros, Emmanouil; Schmutzler, Rita K; Schneeweiss, Andreas; Scott, Christopher; Shah, Mitul; Shen, Chen-Yang; Shu, Xiao-Ou; Simard, Jacques; Sohn, Christof; Southey, Melissa C; Spinelli, John J; Tamimi, Rulla M; Tapper, William J; Teo, Soo H; Terry, Mary Beth; Torres, Diana; Truong, Thérèse; Untch, Michael; Vachon, Celine M; van Asperen, Christi J; Wolk, Alicja; Yamaji, Taiki; Zheng, Wei; Ziogas, Argyrios; Ziv, Elad; Torres-Mejía, Gabriela; Dörk, Thilo; Swerdlow, Anthony J; Hamann, Ute; Schmidt, Marjanka K; Dunning, Alison M; Pharoah, Paul DP; Easton, Douglas F; Hooning, Maartje J; Martens, John WM; Hollestelle, Antoinette
  • Climate factors and the East Asian summer monsoon may drive large outbreaks of dengue in China. (2020) Liu, Keke; Hou, Xiang; Ren, Zhoupeng; Lowe, Rachel; Wang, Yiguan; Li, Ruiyun; Liu, Xiaobo; Sun, Jimin; Lu, Liang; Song, Xiupin; Wu, Haixia; Wang, Jun; Yao, Wenwu; Zhang, Chutian; Sang, Shaowei; Gao, Yuan; Li, Jing; Li, Jianping; Xu, Lei; Liu, Qiyong
  • The contribution of pre-symptomatic infection to the transmission dynamics of COVID-2019. (2020) Liu, Yang; Centre for Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases nCoV Wo; Funk, Sebastian; Flasche, Stefan
  • Secondary attack rate and superspreading events for SARS-CoV-2. (2020) Liu, Yang; Eggo, Rosalind M; Kucharski, Adam J
  • Designing a multi-layered surveillance approach to detecting SARS-CoV-2: A modelling study. (2020) Liu, Yang; Gong, Wenfeng; Clifford, Samuel; Sundaram, Maria E; Jit, Mark; Flasche, Stefan; Klepac, Petra
  • The reproductive number of COVID-19 is higher compared to SARS coronavirus. (2020) Liu, Ying; Gayle, Albert A; Wilder-Smith, Annelies; Rocklöv, Joacim
  • Cross-border medical travels from Cambodia: pathways to care, associated costs and equity implications. (2020) Liverani, Marco; Ir, Por; Jacobs, Bart; Asante, Augustine; Jan, Stephen; Leang, Supheap; Man, Nicola; Hayen, Andrew; Wiseman, Virginia
  • Granuloma formation and tissue pathology in Schistosoma japonicum versus Schistosoma mansoni infections. (2020) Llanwarne, Felix; Helmby, Helena
  • WHO must prioritise the needs of older people in its response to the covid-19 pandemic. (2020) Lloyd-Sherlock, Peter G; Kalache, Alexandre; McKee, Martin; Derbyshire, Justin; Geffen, Leon; Casas, F Gomez-Olive
  • A mosaic tetracycline resistance gene tet(S/M) detected in an MDR pneumococcal CC230 lineage that underwent capsular switching in South Africa. (2020) Lo, Stephanie W; Gladstone, Rebecca A; van Tonder, Andries J; Du Plessis, Mignon; Cornick, Jennifer E; Hawkins, Paulina A; Madhi, Shabir A; Nzenze, Susan A; Kandasamy, Rama; Ravikumar, KL; Elmdaghri, Naima; Kwambana-Adams, Brenda; Almeida, Samanta Cristine Grassi; Skoczynska, Anna; Egorova, Ekaterina; Titov, Leonid; Saha, Samir K; Paragi, Metka; Everett, Dean B; Antonio, Martin; Klugman, Keith P; Li, Yuan; Metcalf, Benjamin J; Beall, Bernard; McGee, Lesley; Breiman, Robert F; Bentley, Stephen D; von Gottberg, Anne; Global Pneumococcal Sequencing Consortium
  • The frequency and clinical presentation of Zika virus coinfections: a systematic review. (2020) Lobkowicz, Ludmila; Ramond, Anna; Sanchez Clemente, Nuria; Ximenes, Ricardo Arraes de Alencar; Miranda-Filho, Demócrito de Barros; Montarroyos, Ulisses Ramos; Martelli, Celina Maria Turchi; de Araújo, Thalia Velho Barreto; Brickley, Elizabeth B
  • The global distribution of lymphatic filariasis, 2000-18: a geospatial analysis. (2020) Local Burden of Disease 2019 Neglected Tropical Diseases Collabo
  • Mapping child growth failure across low- and middle-income countries. (2020) Local Burden of Disease Child Growth Failure Collaborators
  • Mapping geographical inequalities in childhood diarrhoeal morbidity and mortality in low-income and middle-income countries, 2000-17: analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. (2020) Local Burden of Disease Diarrhoea Collaborators
  • Mapping geographical inequalities in oral rehydration therapy coverage in low-income and middle-income countries, 2000-17. (2020) Local Burden of Disease Diarrhoea Collaborators
  • Mapping routine measles vaccination in low- and middle-income countries. (2020) Local Burden of Disease Vaccine Coverage Collaborators; inc. Accrombessi, Manfred
  • Mapping geographical inequalities in access to drinking water and sanitation facilities in low-income and middle-income countries, 2000-17. (2020) Local Burden of Disease WaSH Collaborators
  • Single-dose rifampicin and BCG to prevent leprosy. (2020) Lockwood, Diana N; De Barros, Barbara; Walker, Stephen L
  • Reclaiming comprehensive public health. (2020) Loewenson, Rene; Accoe, Kirsten; Bajpai, Nitin; Buse, Kent; Deivanayagam, Thilagawathi Abi; London, Leslie; Méndez, Claudio A; Mirzoev, Tolib; Nelson, Erica; Parray, Ateeb Ahmad; Probandari, Ari; Sarriot, Eric; Tetui, Moses; van Rensburg, André Janse
  • Migrant Women's Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health Services in Malaysia: A Qualitative Study. (2020) Loganathan, Tharani; Chan, Zhie X; de Smalen, Allard W; Pocock, Nicola S
  • Healthcare for migrant workers in destination countries: a comparative qualitative study of China and Malaysia. (2020) Loganathan, Tharani; Rui, Deng; Pocock, Nicola Suyin
  • Nonlinear mediation analysis with high-dimensional mediators whose causal structure is unknown. (2020) Loh, Wen Wei; Moerkerke, Beatrijs; Loeys, Tom; Vansteelandt, Stijn
  • "It Depends on What They Experience in Each Health Facility. Some Are Satisfied, Others Are Not." A MixedMethods Exploration of Health Workers' Attitudes Towards Performance-Based Financing in Burkina Faso. (2020) Lohmann, Julia; Koulidiati, Jean-Louis; Somda, Serge Ma; De Allegri, Manuela
  • Chitosan Contribution to Therapeutic and Vaccinal Approaches for the Control of Leishmaniasis. (2020) Loiseau, Philippe M; Pomel, Sébastien; Croft, Simon L
  • Intersectionality as a lens to the COVID-19 pandemic: implications for sexual and reproductive health in development and humanitarian contexts. (2020) Lokot, Michelle; Avakyan, Yeva
  • Unequal and Invisible: A Feminist Political Economy Approach to Valuing Women's Care Labor in the COVID-19 Response. (2020) Lokot, Michelle; Bhatia, Amiya
  • Corporal punishment, discipline and social norms: A systematic review in low- and middle-income countries. (2020) Lokot, Michelle; Bhatia, Amiya; Kenny, Leah; Cislaghi, Beniamino
  • Could This Child Have Schistosomiasis? When to Suspect It and What to Do About It. (2020) Lopez Bustinduy, Amaya; Edielu, Andrew; Sturt, Amy
  • Genomic and Phenotypic Analyses of Acinetobacter baumannii Isolates From Three Tertiary Care Hospitals in Thailand. (2020) Loraine, Jessica; Heinz, Eva; Soontarach, Rosesathorn; Blackwell, Grace A; Stabler, Richard A; Voravuthikunchai, Supayang P; Srimanote, Potjanee; Kiratisin, Pattarachai; Thomson, Nicholas R; Taylor, Peter W
  • Self-reported health as a predictor of mortality: A cohort study of its relation to other health measurements and observation time. (2020) Lorem, Geir; Cook, Sarah; Leon, David A; Emaus, Nina; Schirmer, Henrik
  • Comparative functional survival and equivalent annual cost of 3 long-lasting insecticidal net (LLIN) products in Tanzania: A randomised trial with 3-year follow up. (2020) Lorenz, Lena M; Bradley, John; Yukich, Joshua; Massue, Dennis J; Mageni Mboma, Zawadi; Pigeon, Olivier; Moore, Jason; Kilian, Albert; Lines, Jo; Kisinza, William; Overgaard, Hans J; Moore, Sarah J
  • Biofortification of wheat with zinc for eliminating deficiency in Pakistan: study protocol for a cluster-randomised, double-blind, controlled effectiveness study (BIZIFED2). (2020) Lowe, Nicola M; Zaman, Mukhtiar; Moran, Victoria Hall; Ohly, Heather; Sinclair, Jonathan; Fatima, Sadia; Broadley, Martin R; Joy, Edward JM; Mahboob, Usman; Lark, R Murray; Zia, Munir H; Ander, E Louise; Sharp, Paul A; Bailey, Elizabeth H; Young, Scott D; Khan, Muhammad Jaffar
  • Emerging arboviruses in the urbanized Amazon rainforest. (2020) Lowe, Rachel; Lee, Sophie; Martins Lana, Raquel; Torres Codeço, Cláudia; Castro, Marcia C; Pascual, Mercedes
  • Building resilience to mosquito-borne diseases in the Caribbean. (2020) Lowe, Rachel; Ryan, Sadie J; Mahon, Roché; Van Meerbeeck, Cedric J; Trotman, Adrian R; Boodram, Laura-Lee G; Borbor-Cordova, Mercy J; Stewart-Ibarra, Anna M
  • Fecal Contamination of Drinking Water Was Associated with Diarrheal Pathogen Carriage among Children Younger than 5 Years in Three Peruvian Rural Communities. (2020) Loyola, Steev; Sanchez, Juan F; Maguiña, Edson; Canal, Enrique; Castillo, Rosa; Bernal, Manuela; Meza, Yocelinda; Tilley, Drake H; Oswald, William E; Heitzinger, Kristen; Lescano, Andres G; Rocha, Claudio A
  • Corruption in Health Systems: The Conversation Has Started, Now Time to Continue it Comment on "We Need to Talk About Corruption in Health Systems". (2020) Lu, Hongsheng S; Ho, Bing X; Miranda, J Jaime
  • The impacts of parent-child communication on left-behind children's mental health and suicidal ideation: A cross sectional study in Anhui. (2020) Lu, Jingjing; Lin, Leesa; Roy, Brita; Riley, Carley; Wang, Emily; Wang, Karen; Li, Lu; Wang, Feng; Zhou, Xudong
  • Increased variability in reaction time is associated with amyloid beta pathology at age 70. (2020) Lu, Kirsty; Nicholas, Jennifer M; James, Sarah-Naomi; Lane, Christopher A; Parker, Thomas D; Keshavan, Ashvini; Keuss, Sarah E; Buchanan, Sarah M; Murray-Smith, Heidi; Cash, David M; Sudre, Carole H; Malone, Ian B; Coath, William; Wong, Andrew; Henley, Susie MD; Fox, Nick C; Richards, Marcus; Schott, Jonathan M; Crutch, Sebastian J
  • Monetary incentives and peer referral in promoting digital network-based secondary distribution of HIV self-testing among men who have sex with men in China: study protocol for a three-arm randomized controlled trial. (2020) Lu, Ying; Ni, Yuxin; Li, Xiaofeng; He, Xi; Huang, Shanzi; Zhou, Yi; Dai, Wencan; Wu, Dan; Tucker, Joseph D; Shen, Guangquan; Sha, Yongjie; Jiang, Hongbo; Huang, Liqun; Tang, Weiming
  • Expression and production of the SERPING1-encoded endogenous complement regulator C1-inhibitor in multiple cohorts of tuberculosis patients. (2020) Lubbers, Rosalie; Sutherland, Jayne S; Goletti, Delia; de Paus, Roelof A; Dijkstra, Douwe J; van Moorsel, Coline HM; Veltkamp, Marcel; Vestjens, Stefan MT; Bos, Willem JW; Petrone, Linda; Malherbe, Stephanus T; Walzl, Gerhard; Gelderman, Kyra A; Groeneveld, Geert H; Geluk, Annemieke; Ottenhoff, Tom HM; Joosten, Simone A; Trouw, Leendert A
  • Plasmodium falciparum Isolates Carrying pfk13 Polymorphisms Harbor the SVMNT Allele of pfcrt in Northwestern Indonesia. (2020) Lubis, Inke ND; Wijaya, Hendri; Lubis, Munar; Lubis, Chairuddin P; Beshir, Khalid B; Sutherland, Colin J
  • Recurrence of Plasmodium malariae and P. falciparum Following Treatment of Uncomplicated Malaria in North Sumatera With Dihydroartemisinin-Piperaquine or Artemether-Lumefantrine. (2020) Lubis, Inke Nadia D; Wijaya, Hendri; Lubis, Munar; Lubis, Chairuddin P; Beshir, Khalid B; Staedke, Sarah G; Sutherland, Colin J
  • Maternal Latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis Does Not Affect the Infant Immune Response Following BCG at Birth: An Observational Longitudinal Study in Uganda. (2020) Lubyayi, Lawrence; Mawa, Patrice A; Nabakooza, Grace; Nakibuule, Marjorie; Tushabe, John Vianney; Serubanja, Joel; Aibo, Dorothy; Akurut, Hellen; Tumusiime, Josephine; Hasso-Agopsowicz, Mateusz; Kaleebu, Pontiano; Levin, Jonathan; Dockrell, Hazel M; Smith, Steven; Webb, Emily L; Elliott, Alison M; Cose, Stephen
  • Improving disaggregation models of malaria incidence by ensembling non-linear models of prevalence. (2020) Lucas, Tim CD; Nandi, Anita K; Keddie, Suzanne H; Chestnutt, Elisabeth G; Howes, Rosalind E; Rumisha, Susan F; Arambepola, Rohan; Bertozzi-Villa, Amelia; Python, Andre; Symons, Tasmin L; Millar, Justin J; Amratia, Punam; Hancock, Penelope; Battle, Katherine E; Cameron, Ewan; Gething, Peter W; Weiss, Daniel J
  • Lifetime risk of diabetes in metropolitan cities in India. (2020) Luhar, Shammi; Kondal, Dimple; Jones, Rebecca; Anjana, Ranjit M; Patel, Shivani A; Kinra, Sanjay; Clarke, Lynda; Ali, Mohammed K; Prabhakaran, Dorairaj; Kadir, M Masood; Tandon, Nikhil; Mohan, Viswanathan; Narayan, KM Venkat
  • Forecasting the prevalence of overweight and obesity in India to 2040. (2020) Luhar, Shammi; Timæus, Ian M; Jones, Rebecca; Cunningham, Solveig; Patel, Shivani A; Kinra, Sanjay; Clarke, Lynda; Houben, Rein
  • Multimorbidity and short-term overall mortality among colorectal cancer patients in Spain: A population-based cohort study. (2020) Luque-Fernandez, Miguel A; Gonçalves, Karen; Salamanca-Fernández, Elena; Redondo-Sanchez, Daniel; Lee, Shing F; Rodríguez-Barranco, Miguel; Carmona-García, Ma C; Marcos-Gragera, Rafael; Sánchez, María-José
  • Multimorbidity by Patient and Tumor Factors and Time-to-Surgery Among Colorectal Cancer Patients in Spain: A Population-Based Study. (2020) Luque-Fernandez, Miguel Angel; Redondo-Sanchez, Daniel; Lee, Shing Fung; Rodríguez-Barranco, Miguel; Carmona-García, Ma Carmen; Marcos-Gragera, Rafael; Sánchez, María-José
  • Socioeconomic Inequalities in Colorectal Cancer Survival in Southern Spain: A Multilevel Population-Based Cohort Study. (2020) Luque-Fernandez, Miguel Angel; Redondo-Sánchez, Daniel; Rodríguez-Barranco, Miguel; Chang-Chan, Yoe-Ling; Salamanca-Fernández, Elena; Núñez, Olivier; Fernandez-Navarro, Pablo; Pollán, Marina; Sánchez, María-José
  • Assessing the implementation of facility-based HIV testing policies in Malawi, South Africa and Tanzania from 2013-2018: Findings from SHAPE-UTT study. (2020) Luwanda, Lameck B; Vyas, Seema; Songo, John; Chimukuche, Rujeko Samanthia; McLean, Estelle; Hassan, Farida; Schouten, Erik; Todd, Jim; Geubbels, Eveline; Wringe, Alison; Renju, Jenny
  • Making a decision about surgery for female urinary incontinence: a qualitative study of women's views. (2020) Lynch, Rebecca; Toozs-Hobson, Philip; Duckett, Jonathan; Tincello, Douglas; Cohn, Simon
  • Prevalence and distribution of schistosomiasis in human, livestock, and snail populations in northern Senegal: a One Health epidemiological study of a multi-host system. (2020) Léger, Elsa; Borlase, Anna; Fall, Cheikh B; Diouf, Nicolas D; Diop, Samba D; Yasenev, Lucy; Catalano, Stefano; Thiam, Cheikh T; Ndiaye, Alassane; Emery, Aidan; Morrell, Alice; Rabone, Muriel; Ndao, Momar; Faye, Babacar; Rollinson, David; Rudge, James W; Sène, Mariama; Webster, Joanne P
  • Immunogenicity and Efficacy of Zika Virus Envelope Domain III in DNA, Protein, and ChAdOx1 Adenoviral-Vectored Vaccines. (2020) López-Camacho, César; De Lorenzo, Giuditta; Slon-Campos, Jose Luis; Dowall, Stuart; Abbink, Peter; Larocca, Rafael A; Kim, Young Chan; Poggianella, Monica; Graham, Victoria; Findlay-Wilson, Stephen; Rayner, Emma; Carmichael, Jennifer; Dejnirattisai, Wanwisa; Boyd, Michael; Hewson, Roger; Mongkolsapaya, Juthathip; Screaton, Gavin R; Barouch, Dan H; Burrone, Oscar R; Patel, Arvind H; Reyes-Sandoval, Arturo
  • Impact of a pay-for-performance scheme for long-acting reversible contraceptive (LARC) advice on contraceptive uptake and abortion in British primary care: An interrupted time series study. (2020) Ma, Richard; Cecil, Elizabeth; Bottle, Alex; French, Rebecca; Saxena, Sonia
  • Urban-rural disparity in prevalence of multimorbidity in China: a cross-sectional nationally representative study. (2020) Ma, Xiaochen; He, Yu; Xu, Jin
  • Bringing the commercial determinants of health out of the shadows: a review of how the commercial determinants are represented in conceptual frameworks. (2020) Maani, Nason; Collin, Jeff; Friel, Sharon; Gilmore, Anna B; McCambridge, Jim; Robertson, Lindsay; Petticrew, Mark P
  • COVID-19 and Underinvestment in the Health of the US Population. (2020) Maani, Nason; Galea, Sandro
  • COVID-19 and Underinvestment in the Public Health Infrastructure of the United States. (2020) Maani, Nason; Galea, Sandro
  • The Role of Physicians in Addressing Social Determinants of Health. (2020) Maani, Nason; Galea, Sandro
  • Corporate practices and the health of populations: a research and translational agenda. (2020) Maani, Nason; McKee, Martin; Petticrew, Mark; Galea, Sandro
  • Periconceptional environment predicts leukocyte telomere length in a cross-sectional study of 7-9 year old rural Gambian children. (2020) Maasen, Kim; James, Philip T; Prentice, Andrew M; Moore, Sophie E; Fall, Caroline H; Chandak, Giriraj R; Betts, Modupeh; Silver, Matt J; Buxton, Jessica L
  • How many neglected tropical diseases can we eliminate by 2030? (2020) Mabey, David
  • Towards a comprehensive research and development plan to support the control, elimination and eradication of neglected tropical diseases. (2020) Mabey, David; Agler, Ellen; Amuasi, John H; Hernandez, Leda; Hollingsworth, T Déirdre; Hotez, Peter J; Lammie, Patrick J; Malecela, Mwelecele N; Matendechero, Sultani H; Ottesen, Eric; Phillips, Richard O; Reeder, John C; Szwarcwald, Célia Landmann; Shott, Joseph P; Solomon, Anthony W; Steer, Andrew; Swaminathan, Soumya
  • Priorities in reducing child mortality: Azithromycin and other interventions. (2020) Mabey, David; Okomo, Uduak; Greenwood, Brian
  • The Pub and the People. A Worktown Study by Mass Observation. (2020) MacGregor, Susanne
  • Nosocomial Infections During Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation in Neonatal, Pediatric, and Adult Patients: A Comprehensive Narrative Review. (2020) MacLaren, Graeme; Schlapbach, Luregn J; Aiken, Alexander M
  • Sex, power, marginalisation and HIV amongst young fishermen in Malawi: Exploring intersecting inequalities. (2020) MacPherson, Eleanor E; Phiri, Mackwellings; Sadalaki, John; Nyongopa, Victoria; Desmond, Nicola; Mwapasa, Victor; Lalloo, David G; Seeley, Janet; Theobald, Sally
  • Prevalence and risk factors for latent tuberculosis infection among household contacts of index cases in two South African provinces: Analysis of baseline data from a cluster-randomised trial. (2020) MacPherson, Peter; Lebina, Limakatso; Motsomi, Kegaugetswe; Bosch, Zama; Milovanovic, Minja; Ratsela, Andrew; Lala, Sanjay; Variava, Ebrahim; Golub, Jonathan E; Webb, Emily L; Martinson, Neil A
  • Does The Reformed Cancer Drug Fund Generate Evidence On Effectiveness? A Cross-sectional Analysis On Publicly Accessible Documentation. (2020) Macdonald, Helen; Goldacre, Ben
  • Containment of Antibiotic REsistance-measures to improve antibiotic use in pregnancy, childbirth and young children (CAREChild): a protocol of a prospective, quasiexperimental interventional study in Lao PDR. (2020) Machowska, Anna; Sihavong, Amphoy; Eriksen, Jaran; Vongsouvath, Manivanh; Marrone, Gaetano; Sychareun, Vanphanom; Hanson, Claudia; Keohavong, Bounxou; Brauner, Annelie; Mayxay, Mayfong; Kounnavong, Sengchanh; Lundborg, Cecilia Stalsby
  • Evolving epidemiology of poliovirus serotype 2 following withdrawal of the serotype 2 oral poliovirus vaccine. (2020) Macklin, GR; O'Reilly, KM; Grassly, NC; Edmunds, WJ; Mach, O; Santhana Gopala Krishnan, R; Voorman, A; Vertefeuille, JF; Abdelwahab, J; Gumede, N; Goel, A; Sosler, S; Sever, J; Bandyopadhyay, AS; Pallansch, MA; Nandy, R; Mkanda, P; Diop, OM; Sutter, RW
  • Update on Immunodeficiency-Associated Vaccine-Derived Polioviruses - Worldwide, July 2018-December 2019. (2020) Macklin, Grace; Diop, Ousmane M; Humayun, Asghar; Shahmahmoodi, Shohreh; El-Sayed, Zeinab A; Triki, Henda; Rey, Gloria; Avagyan, Tigran; Grabovac, Varja; Jorba, Jaume; Farag, Noha; Mach, Ondrej
  • Coming of age with HIV: a temporal understanding of young women's experiences in Zambia. (2020) Mackworth-Young, Constance RS; Bond, Virginia; Stangl, Anne L; Chonta, Mutale; Wringe, Alison
  • Secrets and Silence: Agency of Young Women Managing HIV Disclosure. (2020) Mackworth-Young, Constance RS; Bond, Virginia; Wringe, Alison
  • Critical Reflections on Individual Collages as a Research Method With Young Women Living With HIV in Zambia. (2020) Mackworth-Young, Constance RS; Wringe, Alison; Clay, Sue; Chonta, Mutale; Chiiya, Chipo; Konayuma, Katongo; Sievwright, Kirsty; Mbewe, Madalitso; Mwale, Mwangala; Stangl, Anne L; Bond, Virginia
  • Community perspectives on the COVID-19 response, Zimbabwe. (2020) Mackworth-Young, Constance Rs; Chingono, Rudo; Mavodza, Constancia; McHugh, Grace; Tembo, Mandikudza; Chikwari, Chido Dziva; Weiss, Helen A; Rusakaniko, Simbarashe; Ruzario, Sithembile; Bernays, Sarah; Ferrand, Rashida A
  • Trachoma, Anti-Pgp3 Serology, and Ocular Chlamydia trachomatis Infection in Papua New Guinea. (2020) Macleod, Colin K; Butcher, Robert; Javati, Sarah; Gwyn, Sarah; Jonduo, Marinjho; Abdad, Mohammad Yazid; Roberts, Chrissy H; Keys, Drew; Koim, Samuel Peter; Ko, Robert; Garap, Jambi; Pahau, David; Houinei, Wendy; Martin, Diana L; Pomat, William S; Solomon, Anthony W
  • A receptor for the complement regulator factor H increases transmission of trypanosomes to tsetse flies. (2020) Macleod, Olivia JS; Bart, Jean-Mathieu; MacGregor, Paula; Peacock, Lori; Savill, Nicholas J; Hester, Svenja; Ravel, Sophie; Sunter, Jack D; Trevor, Camilla; Rust, Steven; Vaughan, Tristan J; Minter, Ralph; Mohammed, Shabaz; Gibson, Wendy; Taylor, Martin C; Higgins, Matthew K; Carrington, Mark
  • "To die is better for me", social suffering among Syrian refugees at a noncommunicable disease clinic in Jordan: a qualitative study. (2020) Maconick, Lucy; Ansbro, Éimhín; Ellithy, Sara; Jobanputra, Kiran; Tarawneh, Mohammad; Roberts, Bayard
  • Is International Travel an Emerging Issue on Transmission of Beijing Lineage Mycobacterium tuberculosis? (2020) Madamarandawala, Pavithra S; Satyanarayana, Srinath; Timire, Collins; Yaqoob, Aashifa; Madegedara, Dushantha; Magana-Arachchi, Dhammika N
  • SEEP-CI: A Structured Economic Evaluation Process for Complex Health System Interventions. (2020) Madan, Jason; Bruce Kumar, Meghan; Taegtmeyer, Miriam; Barasa, Edwine; Singh, Swaran Preet
  • Validation of the global lung initiative 2012 multi-ethnic spirometric reference equations in healthy urban Zimbabwean 7-13 year-old school children: a cross-sectional observational study. (2020) Madanhire, Tafadzwa; Ferrand, Rashida A; Attia, Engi F; Sibanda, Elopy N; Rusakaniko, Simba; Rehman, Andrea M
  • Effectiveness of a psychological intervention delivered by general nurses for alcohol use disorders in people living with HIV in Zimbabwe: a cluster randomized controlled trial. (2020) Madhombiro, Munyaradzi; Kidd, Martin; Dube, Bazondlile; Dube, Michelle; Mutsvuke, Wilson; Muronzie, Thabani; Zhou, Danai Tavonga; Derveeuw, Sarah; Chibanda, Dixon; Chingono, Alfred; Rusakaniko, Simbarashe; Hutson, Alan; Morse, Gene D; Abas, Melanie A; Seedat, Soraya
  • Azithromycin for child survival: digging without getting too dirty into the differential effect on cause-specific mortality. (2020) Madrid, Lola; Bassat, Quique
  • The PRECISE (PREgnancy Care Integrating translational Science, Everywhere) database: open-access data collection in maternal and newborn health. (2020) Magee, Laura A; Strang, Amber; Li, Larry; Tu, Domena; Tumtaweetikul, Warancha; Craik, Rachel; Daniele, Marina; Etyang, Angela Koech; D'Alessandro, Umberto; Ogochukwu, Ofordile; Roca, Anna; Sevene, Esperança; Chin, Paulo; Tchavana, Corssino; Temmerman, Marleen; von Dadelszen, Peter; PRECISE Network
  • The HOME Study: Statistical and economic analysis plan for a randomised controlled trial comparing the addition of Proactive Psychological Medicine to usual care, with usual care alone, on the  time spent in hospital by older acute hospital inpatients. (2020) Magill, Nicholas; White, Ian R; Walker, Jane; Burke, Katy; Toynbee, Mark; van Niekerk, Maike; Yang, Fan; Walker, Simon; Sculpher, Mark; Sharpe, Michael; Frost, Chris
  • The seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in patients on haemodialysis. (2020) Mahalingasivam, Viyaasan; Tomlinson, Laurie
  • Exploring community perceptions in preparation for a randomised controlled trial of biofortified flour in Pakistan. (2020) Mahboob, Usman; Ohly, Heather; Joy, Edward JM; Moran, Victoria; Zaman, Mukhtiar; Lowe, Nicola M
  • Understanding Women's Help-Seeking With Intimate Partner Violence in Tanzania. (2020) Mahenge, Bathsheba; Stöckl, Heidi
  • A framework to model global, regional, and national estimates of intimate partner violence. (2020) Maheu-Giroux, Mathieu; Sardinha, Lynnmarie; Stöckl, Heidi; Meyer, Sarah; Godin, Arnaud; Alexander, Monica; García-Moreno, Claudia
  • Contact Mixing Patterns and Population Movement among Migrant Workers in an Urban Setting in Thailand. (2020) Mahikul, Wiriya; Kripattanapong, Somkid; Hanvoravongchai, Piya; Meeyai, Aronrag; Iamsirithaworn, Sopon; Auewarakul, Prasert; Pan-Ngum, Wirichada
  • Risk-mitigating behaviours in people with inflammatory skin and joint disease during the COVID-19 pandemic differ by treatment type: a cross-sectional patient survey. (2020) Mahil, SK; Yates, M; Langan, SM; Yiu, ZZN; Tsakok, T; Dand, N; Mason, KJ; McAteer, H; Meynell, F; Coker, B; Vincent, A; Urmston, D; Vesty, A; Kelly, J; Lancelot, C; Moorhead, L; Bachelez, H; Bruce, IN; Capon, F; Contreras, CR; Cope, AP; De La Cruz, C; Di Meglio, P; Gisondi, P; Hyrich, K; Jullien, D; Lambert, J; Marzo-Ortega, H; McInnes, I; Naldi, L; Norton, S; Puig, L; Sengupta, R; Spuls, P; Torres, T; Warren, RB; Waweru, H; Weinman, J; Griffiths, CEM; Barker, JN; Brown, MA; Galloway, JB; Smith, CH; PsoProtect, CORE-UK study groups
  • Global reporting of cases of COVID-19 in psoriasis and atopic dermatitis: an opportunity to inform care during a pandemic. (2020) Mahil, SK; Yiu, ZZN; Mason, KJ; Dand, N; Coker, B; Wall, D; Fletcher, G; Bosma, A; Capon, F; Iversen, L; Langan, SM; Di Meglio, P; Musters, AH; Prieto-Merino, D; Tsakok, T; Warren, RB; Flohr, C; Spuls, PI; Griffiths, CEM; Barker, J; Irvine, AD; Smith, CH; Secure-AD and PsoProtect study groups
  • Development of Potent PfCLK3 Inhibitors Based on TCMDC-135051 as a New Class of Antimalarials. (2020) Mahindra, Amit; Janha, Omar; Mapesa, Kopano; Sanchez-Azqueta, Ana; Alam, Mahmood M; Amambua-Ngwa, Alfred; Nwakanma, Davis C; Tobin, Andrew B; Jamieson, Andrew G
  • Effect of tranexamic acid on intracranial haemorrhage and infarction in patients with traumatic brain injury: a pre-planned substudy in a sample of CRASH-3 trial patients. (2020) Mahmood, Abda; Needham, Kelly; Shakur-Still, Haleema; Harris, Tim; Jamaluddin, Sabariah Faizah; Davies, David; Belli, Antonio; Mohamed, Fatahul Laham; Leech, Caroline; Lotfi, Hamzah Mohd; Moss, Phil; Lecky, Fiona; Hopkins, Philip; Wong, Darin; Boyle, Adrian; Wilson, Mark; Darwent, Melanie; Roberts, Ian
  • Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Populations With Liver-Related Diseases in the Middle East and North Africa. (2020) Mahmud, Sarwat; Chemaitelly, Hiam; Al Kanaani, Zaina; Kouyoumjian, Silva P; Abu-Raddad, Laith J
  • The status of hepatitis C virus infection among people who inject drugs in the Middle East and North Africa. (2020) Mahmud, Sarwat; Mumtaz, Ghina R; Chemaitelly, Hiam; Al Kanaani, Zaina; Kouyoumjian, Silva P; Hermez, Joumana G; Abu-Raddad, Laith J
  • The status of hepatitis C virus infection among people who inject drugs in the Middle East and North Africa. (2020) Mahmud, Sarwat; Mumtaz, Ghina R; Chemaitelly, Hiam; Al Kanaani, Zaina; Kouyoumjian, Silva P; Hermez, Joumana G; Abu-Raddad, Laith J
  • Provider-initiated HIV testing and TB screening in the era of universal coverage: Are the right people being reached? A cohort study in Blantyre, Malawi. (2020) Mair, Luke; Corbett, Elizabeth L; Feasey, Helena RA; Kamchedzera, Wala; Khundi, McEwen; Lalloo, David G; Maheswaran, Hendramoorthy; Nliwasa, Marriott; Squire, S Bertel; Webb, Emily L; MacPherson, Peter
  • Prevalence and incidence rate of tuberculosis among HIV-infected patients enrolled in HIV care, treatment, and support program in mainland Tanzania. (2020) Majigo, M; Somi, G; Joachim, A; Manyahi, J; Nondi, J; Sambu, V; Rwebembera, A; Makyao, N; Ramadhani, A; Maokola, W; Todd, J; Matee, MI
  • Carotid intima media thickness in older children and adolescents with HIV taking antiretroviral therapy. (2020) Majonga, Edith D; Chiesa, Scott T; McHugh, Grace; Mujuru, Hilda; Nathoo, Kusum; Odland, Jon Oyvind; Kaski, Juan Pablo; Ferrand, Rashida A
  • Coping with Migration-Related Stressors: A Systematic Review of the Literature. (2020) Mak, Joelle; Roberts, Bayard; Zimmerman, Cathy
  • Hand hygiene intervention to optimize helminth infection control: Design and baseline results of Mikono Safi-An ongoing school-based cluster-randomised controlled trial in NW Tanzania. (2020) Makata, Kenneth; Kinung'hi, Safari; Hansen, Christian; Ayieko, Philip; Sichalwe, Simon; Mcharo, Onike; Ensink, Jeroen; Dreibelbis, Robert; Rockowitz, Sarah; Okello, Elialilia; Grosskurth, Heiner; Kapiga, Saidi
  • Chronic Illness in a Pakistani Labour Diaspora. (2020) Makela, Petra
  • The influence of concern about COVID-19 on mental health in the Republic of Georgia: a cross-sectional study. (2020) Makhashvili, Nino; Javakhishvili, Jana Darejan; Sturua, Lela; Pilauri, Ketevan; Fuhr, Daniela C; Roberts, Bayard
  • Epidemiological Impact of SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination: Mathematical Modeling Analyses. (2020) Makhoul, Monia; Ayoub, Houssein H; Chemaitelly, Hiam; Seedat, Shaheen; Mumtaz, Ghina R; Al-Omari, Sarah; Abu-Raddad, Laith J
  • Applying a complex adaptive systems approach to the evaluation of a school-based intervention for intimate partner violence prevention in Mexico. (2020) Makleff, Shelly; Billowitz, Marissa; Garduño, Jovita; Cruz, Mariana; Silva Márquez, Vanessa Ivon; Marston, Cicely
  • Integrating eye health training into the primary child healthcare programme in Tanzania: a pre-training and post-training study. (2020) Malik, Aeesha NJ; Mafwiri, Mlika; Gilbert, Clare; Kim, Min J; Schellenberg, Joanna
  • Author Correction: Investigating the drivers of the spatio-temporal patterns of genetic differences between Plasmodium falciparum malaria infections in Kilifi County, Kenya. (2020) Malinga, Josephine; Mogeni, Polycarp; Omedo, Irene; Rockett, Kirk; Hubbart, Christina; Jeffreys, Anne; Williams, Thomas N; Kwiatkowski, Dominic; Bejon, Philip; Ross, Amanda
  • Establishing support groups to support parents of preterm babies with retinopathy of prematurity: A pilot study. (2020) Malladi, Bala Vidyadhar S; Iyer, Gowri K; Murthy, GVS; Gilbert, Clare; Shukla, Rajan; Gudlavalleti, Anirudh G; Yamarthi, Pavani; Mukpalkar, Sridivya
  • Connecting communities to primary care: a qualitative study on the roles, motivations and lived experiences of community health workers in the Philippines. (2020) Mallari, Eunice; Lasco, Gideon; Sayman, Don Jervis; Amit, Arianna Maever L; Balabanova, Dina; McKee, Martin; Mendoza, Jhaki; Palileo-Villanueva, Lia; Renedo, Alicia; Seguin, Maureen; Palafox, Benjamin
  • Childhood socio-economic conditions and risk of cardiovascular disease: results from a pooled sample of 14 011 adults from India. (2020) Mallinson, Poppy Alice Carson; Lieber, Judith; Bhogadi, Santhi; Kinra, Sanjay
  • Impact of obstetric unit closures, travel time and distance to obstetric services on maternal and neonatal outcomes in high-income countries: a systematic review. (2020) Malouf, Reem Saleem; Tomlinson, Claire; Henderson, Jane; Opondo, Charles; Brocklehurst, Peter; Alderdice, Fiona; Phalguni, Angaja; Dretzke, Janine
  • Variation in surgical treatment advice for women with stress urinary incontinence: a study using clinical case vignettes. (2020) Mamza, Jil Billy; Geary, Rebecca; El-Hamamsy, Dina; Gurol, Ipek; Duckett, Jonathan; Mahmood, Tahir; Monga, Ash; Toozs-Hobson, Philip; Wilson, Andrew; Tincello, Douglas; Van der Meulen, Jan
  • Economic Evaluation of Population-Based BRCA1/BRCA2 Mutation Testing across Multiple Countries and Health Systems. (2020) Manchanda, Ranjit; Sun, Li; Patel, Shreeya; Evans, Olivia; Wilschut, Janneke; De Freitas Lopes, Ana Carolina; Gaba, Faiza; Brentnall, Adam; Duffy, Stephen; Cui, Bin; Coelho De Soarez, Patricia; Husain, Zakir; Hopper, John; Sadique, Zia; Mukhopadhyay, Asima; Yang, Li; Berkhof, Johannes; Legood, Rosa
  • Does peer education go beyond giving reproductive health information? Cohort study in Bulawayo and Mount Darwin, Zimbabwe. (2020) Mangombe, Aveneni; Owiti, Philip; Madzima, Bernard; Xaba, Sinokuthemba; Makoni, Talent M; Takarinda, Kudakwashe C; Timire, Collins; Chimwaza, Anesu; Senkoro, Mbazi; Mabaya, Simbarashe; Samuelson, Julia; Ameyan, Wole; Tapera, Talent; Zwangobani, Nonhlanhla; Tripathy, Jaya Prasad; Kumar, Ajay MV
  • The prevalence and risk factors for human Brucella species infection in a cross-sectional survey of a rural population in Punjab, India. (2020) Mangtani, Punam; Berry, Isha; Beauvais, Wendy; Holt, Hannah R; Kulashri, Amit; Bharti, Satinder; Sagar, Vivek; Nguipdop-Djomo, Patrick; Bedi, Jasbir; Kaur, Manmeet; Guitian, Javier; McGiven, John; Kaur, Paviter; Singh Gill, Jatinder P; Grover, Gagandeep Singh; Kumar, Rajesh
  • Couples' Economic Equilibrium, Gender Norms and Intimate Partner Violence in Kirumba, Tanzania. (2020) Manji, Karima; Heise, Lori; Cislaghi, Beniamino
  • Drug-cured experimental Trypanosoma cruzi infections confer long-lasting and cross-strain protection. (2020) Mann, Gurdip Singh; Francisco, Amanda F; Jayawardhana, Shiromani; Taylor, Martin C; Lewis, Michael D; Olmo, Francisco; de Freitas, Elisangela Oliveira; Leoratti, Fabiana MS; López-Camacho, Cesar; Reyes-Sandoval, Arturo; Kelly, John M
  • BMI and All-Cause Mortality in a Population-Based Cohort in Rural South Africa. (2020) Manne-Goehler, Jennifer; Baisley, Kathy; Vandormael, Alain; Bärnighausen, Till; Tanser, Frank; Herbst, Kobus; Pillay, Deenan; Siedner, Mark J
  • COVID-19 collateral: Indirect acute effects of the pandemic on physical and mental health in the UK. (2020) Mansfield, Kathryn E; Mathur, Rohini; Tazare, John; Henderson, Alasdair D; Mulick, Amy; Carreira, Helena; Matthews, Anthony A; Bidulka, Patrick; Gayle, Alicia; Forbes, Harriet; Cook, Sarah; Wong, Angel YS; Strongman, Helen; Wing, Kevin; Warren-Gash, Charlotte; Cadogan, Sharon L; Smeeth, Liam; Hayes, Joseph F; Quint, Jennifer K; McKee, Martin; M Langan, Sinéad
  • Association Between Atopic Eczema and Cancer in England and Denmark. (2020) Mansfield, Kathryn E; Schmidt, Sigrún AJ; Darvalics, Bianka; Mulick, Amy; Abuabara, Katrina; Wong, Angel YS; Sørensen, Henrik Toft; Smeeth, Liam; Bhaskaran, Krishnan; Dos Santos Silva, Isabel; Silverwood, Richard J; Langan, Sinéad M
  • Atopic eczema and cancer: parallel cohort studies in England and Denmark. (2020) Mansfield, Kathryn; Schmidt, Sigrún; Darvalics, Bianka; Mulick, Amy; Wong, Y; Søresen, Henrik Toft; Smeeth, Liam; Bhaskaran, Krishnan; Dos Santos Silva, Isabel; Silverwood, Richard; Langan, Sinéad
  • COVID-19-associated hyperinflammation and escalation of patient care: a retrospective longitudinal cohort study. (2020) Manson, Jessica J; Crooks, Colin; Naja, Meena; Ledlie, Amanda; Goulden, Bethan; Liddle, Trevor; Khan, Emon; Mehta, Puja; Martin-Gutierrez, Lucia; Waddington, Kirsty E; Robinson, George A; Ribeiro Santos, Liliana; McLoughlin, Eve; Snell, Antonia; Adeney, Christopher; Schim van der Loeff, Ina; Baker, Kenneth F; Duncan, Christopher JA; Hanrath, Aidan T; Lendrem, B Clare; De Soyza, Anthony; Peng, Junjie; J'Bari, Hajar; Greenwood, Mandy; Hawkins, Ellie; Peckham, Hannah; Marks, Michael; Rampling, Tommy; Luintel, Akish; Williams, Bryan; Brown, Michael; Singer, Mervyn; West, Joe; Jury, Elizabeth C; Collin, Matthew; Tattersall, Rachel S
  • Accuracy of time to treatment estimates in the CRASH-3 clinical trial: impact on the trial results. (2020) Mansukhani, Raoul; Frimley, Lauren; Shakur-Still, Haleema; Sharples, Linda; Roberts, Ian
  • Clapperton Chakanetsa Mavhunga. <i>The Mobile Workshop: The Tsetse Fly and African Knowledge Production</i>. xvii + 412 pp., notes, bibl., index. Cambridge, Mass./London: MIT Press, 2018. $37 (paper). ISBN 9780262535021. (2020) Manton, John
  • Prevalence, risk factors and treatment outcomes of isoniazid resistant TB in Bulawayo city, Zimbabwe: A cohort study. (2020) Manyame-Murwira, Barbara; Takarinda, Kudakwashe Collins; Thekkur, Pruthu; Payera, Bright; Mutunzi, Herbert; Simbi, Raiva; Siziba, Nicholas; Sibanda, Edwin; Banana, Catherine; Muleya, Norbert; Makombe, Evidence; Jongwe, Paula Littia; Bhebhe, Regina; Mangwanya, Douglas; Dzangare, Janet; Mudzengerere, Fungai Hamilton; Timire, Collins; Wekiya, Enock; Sandy, Charles
  • Harnessing the health systems strengthening potential of quality improvement using realist evaluation: an example from southern Tanzania. (2020) Manzi, Fatuma; Marchant, Tanya; Hanson, Claudia; Schellenberg, Joanna; Mkumbo, Elibariki; Mlaguzi, Mwanaidi; Tancred, Tara
  • Performance of and Factors Associated With Tuberculosis Screening and Diagnosis Among People Living With HIV: Analysis of 2012-2016 Routine HIV Data in Tanzania. (2020) Maokola, Werner; Ngowi, Bernard; Lawson, Lovetti; Mahande, Michael; Todd, Jim; Msuya, Sia E
  • Coverage of isoniazid preventive therapy among people living with HIV; A retrospective cohort study in Tanzania (2012-2016). (2020) Maokola, Werner; Ngowi, Bernard; Lawson, Lovetti; Robert, Masanja; Mahande, Michael; Todd, Jim; Msuya, Sia
  • High dose oral rifampicin to improve survival from adult tuberculous meningitis: A randomised placebo-controlled double-blinded phase III trial (the HARVEST study). (2020) Marais, Suzaan; Cresswell, Fiona V; Hamers, Raph L; te Brake, Lindsey HM; Ganiem, Ahmad R; Imran, Darma; Bangdiwala, Ananta; Martyn, Emily; Kasibante, John; Kagimu, Enock; Musubire, Abdu; Maharani, Kartika; Estiasari, Riwanti; Kusumaningrum, Ardiana; Kusumadjayanti, Nadytia; Yunivita, Vycke; Naidoo, Kogieleum; Lessells, Richard; Moosa, Yunus; Svensson, Elin M; Huppler Hullsiek, Katherine; Aarnoutse, Rob E; Boulware, David R; van Crevel, Reinout; Ruslami, Rovina; Meya, David B
  • Measurement and accountability for maternal, newborn and child health: fit for 2030? (2020) Marchant, Tanya; Boerma, Ties; Diaz, Theresa; Huicho, Luis; Kyobutungi, Catherine; Mershon, Claire-Helene; Schellenberg, Joanna; Somers, Kate; Waiswa, Peter; Nairobi Group
  • Prediction of cancer survival for cohorts of patients most recently diagnosed using multi-model inference. (2020) Maringe, Camille; Belot, Aurélien; Rachet, Bernard
  • Reflection on modern methods: trial emulation in the presence of immortal-time bias. Assessing the benefit of major surgery for elderly lung cancer patients using observational data. (2020) Maringe, Camille; Benitez Majano, Sara; Exarchakou, Aimilia; Smith, Matthew; Rachet, Bernard; Belot, Aurélien; Leyrat, Clémence
  • Reply to: Versatility of the clone-censor-weight approach: response to ''trial emulation in the presence of immortal-time bias''. (2020) Maringe, Camille; Benitez Majano, Sara; Exarchakou, Aimilia; Smith, Matthew; Rachet, Bernard; Belot, Aurélien; Leyrat, Clémence
  • The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cancer deaths due to delays in diagnosis in England, UK: a national, population-based, modelling study. (2020) Maringe, Camille; Spicer, James; Morris, Melanie; Purushotham, Arnie; Nolte, Ellen; Sullivan, Richard; Rachet, Bernard; Aggarwal, Ajay
  • Associations between interpregnancy interval and preterm birth by previous preterm birth status in four high-income countries: a cohort study. (2020) Marinovich, ML; Regan, AK; Gissler, M; Magnus, MC; Håberg, SE; Mayo, JA; Shaw, GM; Bell, J; Nassar, N; Ball, S; Gebremedhin, AT; Marston, C; de Klerk, N; Betrán, AP; Padula, AM; Pereira, G
  • Antimicrobial Resistance in Gonorrhea: Diagnostics to the Rescue. (2020) Marks, M; Harding-Esch, E
  • Impact of Community Treatment With Ivermectin for the Control of Scabies on the Prevalence of Antibodies to Strongyloides stercoralis in Children. (2020) Marks, Michael; Gwyn, Sarah; Toloka, Hilary; Kositz, Christian; Asugeni, James; Asugeni, Rowena; Diau, Jason; Kaldor, John M; Romani, Lucia; Redman-MacLaren, Michelle; MacLaren, David; Solomon, Anthony W; Mabey, David CW; Steer, Andrew C; Martin, Diana
  • Transmission of COVID-19 in 282 clusters in Catalonia, Spain: a cohort study. (2020) Marks, Michael; Millat-Martinez, Pere; Ouchi, Dan; Roberts, Chrissy H; Alemany, Andrea; Corbacho-Monné, Marc; Ubals, Maria; Tobias, Aurelio; Tebé, Cristian; Ballana, Ester; Vall-Mayans, Martí; G-Beiras, Camila; Prat, Nuria; Ara, Jordi; Clotet, Bonaventura; Mitjà, Oriol
  • Routine OPAT clinic review minimises inpatient re-admission. (2020) Marks, Michael; Morris-Jones, Stephen; Logan, Sarah; Pollara, Gabriele
  • Isolation and characterisation of Leishmania donovani protein antigens from urine of visceral leishmaniasis patients. (2020) Marlais, Tegwen; Bhattacharyya, Tapan; Pearson, Callum; Gardner, Bathsheba L; Marhoon, Safiyyah; Airs, Stephanie; Hayes, Kiera; Falconar, Andrew K; Singh, Om Prakash; Reed, Steven G; El-Safi, Sayda; Sundar, Shyam; Miles, Michael A
  • Estimating the global cost of vision impairment and its major causes: protocol for a systematic review. (2020) Marques, Ana Patricia; Ramke, Jacqueline; Cairns, John; Butt, Thomas; Zhang, Justine H; Faal, Hannah B; Taylor, Hugh; Jones, Iain; Congdon, Nathan; Bastawrous, Andrew; Braithwaite, Tasanee; Jovic, Marty; Resnikoff, Serge; Nandakumar, Allyala; Khaw, Peng Tee; Bourne, Rupert RA; Gordon, Iris; Frick, Kevin; Burton, Matthew J
  • An enhanced toolkit for the generation of knockout and marker-free fluorescent Plasmodium chabaudi. (2020) Marr, Edward J; Milne, Rachel M; Anar, Burcu; Girling, Gareth; Schwach, Frank; Mooney, Jason P; Nahrendorf, Wiebke; Spence, Philip J; Cunningham, Deirdre; Baker, David A; Langhorne, Jean; Rayner, Julian C; Billker, Oliver; Bushell, Ellen S; Thompson, Joanne
  • Effective coverage measurement in maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health and nutrition: progress, future prospects, and implications for quality health systems. (2020) Marsh, Andrew D; Muzigaba, Moise; Diaz, Theresa; Requejo, Jennifer; Jackson, Debra; Chou, Doris; Cresswell, Jenny A; Guthold, Regina; Moran, Allisyn C; Strong, Kathleen L; Banerjee, Anshu; Soucat, Agnès; Effective Coverage Think Tank Group
  • Early VEGF testing in inflammatory neuropathy avoids POEMS syndrome misdiagnosis and associated costs. (2020) Marsh, Eleanor S; Keddie, Stephen; Terris-Prestholt, Fern; D'Sa, Shirley; Lunn, Michael P
  • Effect of Exercise Intensity and Duration on Cardiac Troponin Release. (2020) Marshall, Lucy; Lee, Kuan Ken; Stewart, Stacey D; Wild, Adam; Fujisawa, Takeshi; Ferry, Amy V; Stables, Catherine L; Lithgow, Hannah; Chapman, Andrew R; Anand, Atul; Shah, Anoop SV; Dhaun, Neeraj; Strachan, Fiona E; Mills, Nicholas L; Ross, Mark D
  • Working together to co-produce better health: The experience of the Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care for Northwest London. (2020) Marston, Cicely A; Matthews, Rachel; Renedo, Alicia; Reed, Julie E
  • Using qualitative evaluation components to help understand context: case study of a family planning intervention with female community health volunteers (FCHVs) in Nepal. (2020) Marston, Cicely; Arjyal, Abriti; Maskey, Smriti; Regmi, Shophika; Baral, Sushil
  • Methods to measure effects of social accountability interventions in reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health programs: systematic review and critique. (2020) Marston, Cicely; McGowan, Catherine R; Boydell, Victoria; Steyn, Petrus
  • Community participation is crucial in a pandemic. (2020) Marston, Cicely; Renedo, Alicia; Miles, Sam
  • Bridge-It trial-a step towards better contraception services. (2020) Marston, Cicely; Sowemimo, Annabel
  • Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Antiretroviral Therapy, and Fertility in Sub-Saharan Africa: Pieces Still Missing in the Jigsaw Puzzle. (2020) Marston, Milly; Gregson, Simon
  • "Vital": HIV counselling and testing staff's views of addressing mental health with HIV in Uganda. (2020) Martin, Faith; Nalukenge, Winfred; Lazarus, Oucul; Birungi, Josephine; Seeley, Janet
  • Differential attraction in mosquito-human interactions and implications for disease control: Differential attraction to mosquitoes. (2020) Martinez, J; Showering, A; Oke, C; Jones, RT; Logan, JG
  • Equity of resource flows for reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health: are those most in need being left behind? (2020) Martinez-Alvarez, Melisa; Federspiel, Frederik; Singh, Neha S; Schäferhoff, Marco; Lewis Sabin, Miriam; Onoka, Chima; Mounier-Jack, Sandra; Borghi, Josephine; Pitt, Catherine
  • COVID-19 pandemic in west Africa. (2020) Martinez-Alvarez, Melisa; Jarde, Alexander; Usuf, Effua; Brotherton, Helen; Bittaye, Mustapha; Samateh, Ahmadou L; Antonio, Martin; Vives-Tomas, Joan; D'Alessandro, Umberto; Roca, Anna
  • Governments and international institutions should urgently attend to the unjust disparities that COVID-19 is exposing and causing. (2020) Martinez-Juarez, Luis Alberto; Sedas, Ana Cristina; Orcutt, Miriam; Bhopal, Raj
  • The burden of tuberculosis and attributable risk factors in Brazil, 1990-2017: results from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. (2020) Martins-Melo, Francisco Rogerlândio; Bezerra, Juliana Maria Trindade; Barbosa, David Soeiro; Carneiro, Mariângela; Andrade, Kleydson Bonfim; Ribeiro, Antonio Luiz Pinho; Naghavi, Mohsen; Werneck, Guilherme Loureiro
  • Cerebrospinal Fluid Bacillary Load by Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra Polymerase Chain Reaction Cycle Threshold Value Predicts 2-Week Mortality in Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Associated Tuberculous Meningitis. (2020) Martyn, Emily M; Bangdiwala, Ananta S; Kagimu, Enock; Rutakingirwa, Morris K; Kasibante, John; Okirwoth, Michael; Stead, Gavin; Wadda, Vincent; Pullen, Matthew F; Bold, Tyler D; Meya, David B; Boulware, David R; Bahr, Nathan C; Cresswell, Fiona V
  • Defeating neglected tropical diseases in our new world living with COVID-19. (2020) Martínez-Juárez, Luis Alberto; Álvarez-Hernandez, Diego-Abelardo; Sedas, Ana Cristina; Spencer, Julia; Piot, Peter
  • Increased resolution of African swine fever virus genome patterns based on profile HMMs of protein domains. (2020) Masembe, Charles; Phan, My VT; Robertson, David L; Cotten, Matthew
  • Genetic risk of obesity as a modifier of associations between neighbourhood environment and body mass index: an observational study of 335 046 UK Biobank participants. (2020) Mason, Kate E; Palla, Luigi; Pearce, Neil; Phelan, Jody; Cummins, Steven
  • Genetic risk of obesity as a modifier of associations between neighbourhood environment and body mass index: an observational study of 335,046 UK Biobank participants. (2020) Mason, Kate E; Palla, Luigi; Pearce, Neil; Phelan, Jody; Cummins, Steven
  • Do neighbourhood characteristics act together to influence BMI? A cross-sectional study of urban parks and takeaway/fast-food stores as modifiers of the effect of physical activity facilities. (2020) Mason, Kate E; Pearce, Neil; Cummins, Steven
  • Two complementary model-based methods for calculating the risk of international spreading of a novel virus from the outbreak epicentre. The case of COVID-19. (2020) Massad, Eduardo; Amaku, Marcos; Wilder-Smith, Annelies; Costa Dos Santos, Paulo Cesar; Struchiner, Claudio Jose; Coutinho, Francisco Antonio Bezerra
  • Sensitivity matters. Comparing the use of multiple indicators and of a multidimensional poverty index in the evaluation of a poverty eradication program. (2020) Masset, Edoardo; García-Hombrados, Jorge
  • Aiming high and falling low: The SADA-Northern Ghana Millennium Village Project. (2020) Masset, Edoardo; García-Hombrados, Jorge; Acharya, Arnab
  • Evidence-based intrapartum practice and its associated factors at a tertiary teaching hospital in the Philippines, a descriptive mixed-methods study. (2020) Masuda, Chisato; Ferolin, Shirley Kristine; Masuda, Ken; Smith, Chris; Matsui, Mitsuaki
  • Family planning practices of women working in the Cambodian garment industry: a qualitative study. (2020) Masuda, Chisato; Oreglia, Elisa; Ly, Sokhey; McLaren, Megan; Free, Caroline; Tijamo, Camille; Ou, Amra; van Velthoven, Michelle Helena; Williamson, Amy; Smith, Chris
  • Pooling financial resources for universal health coverage: options for reform. (2020) Mathauer, Inke; Vinyals Torres, Lluis; Kutzin, Joseph; Jakab, Melitta; Hanson, Kara
  • Development and Acceptability of a Tablet-Based App to Support Men to Link to HIV Care: Mixed Methods Approach. (2020) Mathenjwa, Thulile; Adeagbo, Oluwafemi; Zuma, Thembelihle; Dikgale, Keabetswe; Zeitlin, Anya; Matthews, Philippa; Seeley, Janet; Wyke, Sally; Tanser, Frank; Shahmanesh, Maryam; Blandford, Ann
  • 'Informed and empowered': a mixed-methods study of crowdsourcing contests to promote uptake of HIV self-testing kits among African Americans. (2020) Mathews, Allison; Conserve, Donaldson; Mason, Hailey; Alston, Le'Marus; Rennie, Stuart; Tucker, Joseph
  • "Meet people where they are": a qualitative study of community barriers and facilitators to HIV testing and HIV self-testing among African Americans in urban and rural areas in North Carolina. (2020) Mathews, Allison; Farley, Samantha; Conserve, Donaldson F; Knight, Kimberly; Le'Marus, Alston; Blumberg, Meredith; Rennie, Stuart; Tucker, Joseph
  • Improving measurement of child abuse and neglect: A systematic review and analysis of national prevalence studies. (2020) Mathews, Ben; Pacella, Rosana; Dunne, Michael P; Simunovic, Marko; Marston, Cicely
  • Ethnic differences in the severity and clinical management of type 2 diabetes at time of diagnosis: A cohort study in the UK Clinical Practice Research Datalink. (2020) Mathur, R; Palla, L; Farmer, RE; Chaturvedi, N; Smeeth, L
  • Urgent actions and policies needed to address COVID-19 among UK ethnic minorities. (2020) Mathur, Rohini; Bear, Laura; Khunti, Kamlesh; Eggo, Rosalind M
  • Ethnic disparities in initiation and intensification of diabetes treatment in adults with type 2 diabetes in the UK, 1990-2017: A cohort study. (2020) Mathur, Rohini; Farmer, Ruth E; Eastwood, Sophie V; Chaturvedi, Nish; Douglas, Ian; Smeeth, Liam
  • Ethnic differences in the severity and clinical management of type 2 diabetes at time of diagnosis: A cohort study in the UK Clinical Practice Research Datalink. (2020) Mathur, Rohini; Palla, Luigi; Farmer, Ruth; Chaturvedi, Nish; Smeeth, Liam
  • Ethnic differences in SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19-related hospitalisation, intensive care unit admission, and death in 17 million adults in England: an observational cohort study using the OpenSAFELY platform. (2020) Mathur, Rohini; Rentsch, Christopher T; Morton, Caroline E; Hulme, William J; Schultze, Anna; MacKenna, Brian; Eggo, Rosalind M; Bhaskaran, Krishnan; Wong, Angel YS; Williamson, Elizabeth J; Forbes, Harriet; Wing, Kevin; McDonald, Helen I; Bates, Chris; Bacon, Seb; Walker, Alex J; Evans, David; Inglesby, Peter; Mehrkar, Amir; Curtis, Helen J; DeVito, Nicholas J; Croker, Richard; Drysdale, Henry; Cockburn, Jonathan; Parry, John; Hester, Frank; Harper, Sam; Douglas, Ian J; Tomlinson, Laurie; Evans, Stephen JW; Grieve, Richard; Harrison, David; Rowan, Kathy; Khunti, Kamlesh; Chaturvedi, Nishi; Smeeth, Liam; Goldacre, Ben; OpenSAFELY Collaborative
  • Patterns of pesticide usage in agriculture in rural Tanzania call for integrating agricultural and public health practices in managing insecticide-resistance in malaria vectors. (2020) Matowo, Nancy S; Tanner, Marcel; Munhenga, Givemore; Mapua, Salum A; Finda, Marceline; Utzinger, Jürg; Ngowi, Vera; Okumu, Fredros O
  • Competing risk of mortality on loss to follow-up outcome among patients with HIV on ART: a retrospective cohort study from the Zimbabwe national ART programme. (2020) Matsena Zingoni, Zvifadzo; Chirwa, Tobias; Todd, Jim; Musenge, Eustasius
  • The parasitophorous vacuole of the blood-stage malaria parasite. (2020) Matz, Joachim M; Beck, Josh R; Blackman, Michael J
  • A lipocalin mediates unidirectional heme biomineralization in malaria parasites. (2020) Matz, Joachim M; Drepper, Benjamin; Blum, Thorsten B; van Genderen, Eric; Burrell, Alana; Martin, Peer; Stach, Thomas; Collinson, Lucy M; Abrahams, Jan Pieter; Matuschewski, Kai; Blackman, Michael J
  • South Africa's COVID-19 Alcohol Sales Ban: The Potential for Better Policy-Making. (2020) Matzopoulos, Richard; Walls, Helen; Cook, Sarah; London, Leslie
  • Exportation of Monkeypox Virus From the African Continent. (2020) Mauldin, Matthew R; McCollum, Andrea M; Nakazawa, Yoshinori J; Mandra, Anna; Whitehouse, Erin R; Davidson, Whitni; Zhao, Hui; Gao, Jinxin; Li, Yu; Doty, Jeffrey; Yinka-Ogunleye, Adesola; Akinpelu, Afolabi; Aruna, Olusola; Naidoo, Dhamari; Lewandowski, Kuiama; Afrough, Babak; Graham, Victoria; Aarons, Emma; Hewson, Roger; Vipond, Richard; Dunning, Jake; Chand, Meera; Brown, Colin; Cohen-Gihon, Inbar; Erez, Noam; Shifman, Ohad; Israeli, Ofir; Sharon, Melamed; Schwartz, Eli; Beth-Din, Adi; Zvi, Anat; Mak, Tze Minn; Ng, Yi Kai; Cui, Lin; Lin, Raymond TP; Olson, Victoria A; Brooks, Tim; Paran, Nir; Ihekweazu, Chikwe; Reynolds, Mary G
  • Pyoderma gangrenosum. (2020) Maverakis, Emanual; Marzano, Angelo V; Le, Stephanie T; Callen, Jeffrey P; Brüggen, Marie-Charlotte; Guenova, Emmanuella; Dissemond, Joachim; Shinkai, Kanade; Langan, Sinéad M
  • Effect of a differentiated service delivery model on virological failure in adolescents with HIV in Zimbabwe (Zvandiri): a cluster-randomised controlled trial. (2020) Mavhu, Webster; Willis, Nicola; Mufuka, Juliet; Bernays, Sarah; Tshuma, Maureen; Mangenah, Collin; Maheswaran, Hendramoorthy; Mangezi, Walter; Apollo, Tsitsi; Araya, Ricardo; Weiss, Helen A; Cowan, Frances M
  • Sampling bias and incorrect rooting make phylogenetic network tracing of SARS-COV-2 infections unreliable. (2020) Mavian, Carla; Pond, Sergei Kosakovsky; Marini, Simone; Magalis, Brittany Rife; Vandamme, Anne-Mieke; Dellicour, Simon; Scarpino, Samuel V; Houldcroft, Charlotte; Villabona-Arenas, Julian; Paisie, Taylor K; Trovão, Nídia S; Boucher, Christina; Zhang, Yun; Scheuermann, Richard H; Gascuel, Olivier; Lam, Tommy Tsan-Yuk; Suchard, Marc A; Abecasis, Ana; Wilkinson, Eduan; de Oliveira, Tulio; Bento, Ana I; Schmidt, Heiko A; Martin, Darren; Hadfield, James; Faria, Nuno; Grubaugh, Nathan D; Neher, Richard A; Baele, Guy; Lemey, Philippe; Stadler, Tanja; Albert, Jan; Crandall, Keith A; Leitner, Thomas; Stamatakis, Alexandros; Prosperi, Mattia; Salemi, Marco
  • Pre-exposure prophylaxis use among men who have sex with men who have experienced problematic chemsex. (2020) Maxwell, Steven; Gafos, Mitzy; Moncrieff, Monty; Shahmanesh, Maryam; Stirrup, Oliver
  • Managing patient preferences and clinical responses in acute pathophysiological deterioration: What do clinicians think treatment escalation plans do? (2020) May, Carl; Myall, Michelle; Lund, Susi; Campling, Natasha; Bogle, Sarah; Dace, Sally; Richardson, Alison
  • Willingness of female sex workers in Kampala, Uganda to participate in future HIV vaccine trials: a case control study. (2020) Mayanja, Yunia; Abaasa, Andrew; Namale, Gertrude; Price, Matt A; Kamali, Anatoli
  • Epidemiological Findings of Alcohol Misuse and Dependence Symptoms among Adolescent Girls and Young Women Involved in High-Risk Sexual Behavior in Kampala, Uganda. (2020) Mayanja, Yunia; Kamacooko, Onesmus; Bagiire, Daniel; Namale, Gertrude; Seeley, Janet
  • Health systems software factors and their effect on the integration of sexual and reproductive health and HIV services. (2020) Mayhew, Susannah H; Warren, Charlotte E; Ndwiga, Charity; Narasimhan, Manjulaa; Wilcher, Rose; Mutemwa, Richard; Abuya, Timothy; Colombini, Manuela
  • Habitat and Seasonality Affect Mosquito Community Composition in the West Region of Cameroon. (2020) Mayi, Marie Paul Audrey; Bamou, Roland; Djiappi-Tchamen, Borel; Fontaine, Albin; Jeffries, Claire L; Walker, Thomas; Antonio-Nkondjio, Christophe; Cornel, Anthony John; Tchuinkam, Timoléon
  • Examining purchasing reforms towards universal health coverage by the National Hospital Insurance Fund in Kenya. (2020) Mbau, Rahab; Kabia, Evelyn; Honda, Ayako; Hanson, Kara; Barasa, Edwine
  • Management of Childhood Infections in Poorly Planned Urban Settlements in Kampala and Wakiso Districts of Uganda. (2020) Mbonye, Anthony K; Awor, Phyllis; Kayendeke, Miriam; Hansen, Kristian S; Magnussen, Pascal; Clarke, Sian E
  • Treatment of Sick Children Seeking Care in the Private Health Sector in Uganda: A Cluster Randomized Trial. (2020) Mbonye, Anthony K; Buregyeya, Esther; Rutebemberwa, Elizeus; Lal, Sham; Clarke, Siân E; Hansen, Kristian S; Magnussen, Pascal; LaRussa, Philip
  • Tolerance of Gambian Plasmodium falciparum to Dihydroartemisinin and Lumefantrine Detected by Ex Vivo Parasite Survival Rate Assay. (2020) Mbye, Haddijatou; Bojang, Fatoumata; Jawara, Aminata Seedy; Njie, Bekai; Mohammed, Nuredin Ibrahim; Okebe, Joseph; D'Alessandro, Umberto; Amambua-Ngwa, Alfred
  • Research challenges in evaluating gender-based violence response services in a refugee camp. (2020) McAlpine, Alys; Bacchus, Loraine J; Muuo, Sheru W; Muthuri, Stella K; Bangha, Martin; Izugbara, Chimaraoke; Franchi, Giorgia; Hess, Tim; Spangaro, Jo; Pearson, Rachel; Hossain, Mazeda
  • Agent-based modeling for migration and modern slavery research: a systematic review. (2020) McAlpine, Alys; Kiss, Ligia; Zimmerman, Cathy; Chalabi, Zaid
  • Vitamin D deficiency is associated with tuberculosis disease in British children. (2020) McArdle, AJ; Keane, D; Seddon, JA; Bernatoniene, J; Paton, J; McMaster, P; Williams, A; Williams, B; Kampmann, B
  • Correction: A lineage-specific rapid diagnostic test (Chagas Sero K-SeT) identifies Brazilian Trypanosoma cruzi II/V/VI reservoir hosts among diverse mammalian orders. (2020) McClean, Mairi CW; Bhattacharyya, Tapan; Mertens, Pascal; Murphy, Niamh; Gilleman, Quentin; Gustin, Yves; Zeippen, Nicolas; Xavier, Samanta CC; Jansen, Ana M; Miles, Michael A
  • A lineage-specific rapid diagnostic test (Chagas Sero K-SeT) identifies Brazilian Trypanosoma cruzi II/V/VI reservoir hosts among diverse mammalian orders. (2020) McClean, Mairi CW; Bhattacharyya, Tapan; Mertens, Pascal; Murphy, Niamh; Gilleman, Quentin; Gustin, Yves; Zeippen, Nicolas; Xavier, Samanta CC; Jansen, Ana M; Miles, Michael A
  • SARS to novel coronavirus - old lessons and new lessons. (2020) McCloskey, Brian; Heymann, David L
  • Impact of COVID-19 on maternal and child health. (2020) McClure, Elizabeth M; Kinney, Mary V; Leisher, Susannah Hopkins; Nam, Sara L; Quigley, Paula; Storey, Claire; Christou, Aliki; Blencowe, Hannah; Stillbirth Advocacy Working Group
  • Digital auscultation in PERCH: Associations with chest radiography and pneumonia mortality in children. (2020) McCollum, Eric D; Park, Daniel E; Watson, Nora L; Fancourt, Nicholas SS; Focht, Christopher; Baggett, Henry C; Brooks, W Abdullah; Howie, Stephen RC; Kotloff, Karen L; Levine, Orin S; Madhi, Shabir A; Murdoch, David R; Scott, J Anthony G; Thea, Donald M; Awori, Juliet O; Chipeta, James; Chuananon, Somchai; DeLuca, Andrea N; Driscoll, Amanda J; Ebruke, Bernard E; Elhilali, Mounya; Emmanouilidou, Dimitra; Githua, Louis Peter; Higdon, Melissa M; Hossain, Lokman; Jahan, Yasmin; Karron, Ruth A; Kyalo, Joshua; Moore, David P; Mulindwa, Justin M; Naorat, Sathapana; Prosperi, Christine; Verwey, Charl; West, James E; Knoll, Maria Deloria; O'Brien, Katherine L; Feikin, Daniel R; Hammitt, Laura L
  • Effective refractive error coverage: an eye health indicator to measure progress towards universal health coverage. (2020) McCormick, Ian; Mactaggart, Islay; Bastawrous, Andrew; Burton, Matthew J; Ramke, Jacqueline
  • Tuberculosis from transmission in clinics in high HIV settings may be far higher than contact data suggest. (2020) McCreesh, N; Grant, AD; Yates, TA; Karat, AS; White, RG
  • Impact of social distancing regulations and epidemic risk perception on social contact and SARS-CoV-2 transmission potential in rural South Africa: analysis of repeated cross-sectional surveys. (2020) McCreesh, Nicky; Dlamini, Vuyiswa; Edwards, Anita; Olivier, Stephen; Dayi, Njabulo; Dikgale, Keabetswe; Nxumalo, Siyabonga; Dreyer, Jaco; Baisley, Kathy; Siedner, Mark J; White, Richard G; Herbst, Kobus; Grant, Alison D; Harling, Guy
  • Health inequalities in timely antenatal care: audit of pre- and post-referral delays in antenatal bookings in London 2015-16. (2020) McDonald, H; Moren, C; Scarlett, J
  • Early impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing measures on routine childhood vaccinations in England, January to April 2020. (2020) McDonald, Helen I; Tessier, Elise; White, Joanne M; Woodruff, Matthew; Knowles, Charlotte; Bates, Chris; Parry, John; Walker, Jemma L; Scott, J Anthony; Smeeth, Liam; Yarwood, Joanne; Ramsay, Mary; Edelstein, Michael
  • Early impact of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic and physical distancing measures on routine childhood vaccinations in England, January to April 2020. (2020) McDonald, Helen I; Tessier, Elise; White, Joanne M; Woodruff, Matthew; Knowles, Charlotte; Bates, Chris; Parry, John; Walker, Jemma L; Scott, J Anthony; Smeeth, Liam; Yarwood, Joanne; Ramsay, Mary; Edelstein, Michael
  • Qualitative process evaluation from a complex systems perspective: A systematic review and framework for public health evaluators. (2020) McGill, Elizabeth; Marks, Dalya; Er, Vanessa; Penney, Tarra; Petticrew, Mark; Egan, Matt
  • Applying a complex systems perspective to alcohol consumption and the prevention of alcohol-related harms in the 21st century: a scoping review. (2020) McGill, Elizabeth; Petticrew, Mark; Marks, Dalya; McGrath, Michael; Rinaldi, Chiara; Egan, Matt
  • High prevalence of albuminuria amongst people who inject drugs: A cross-sectional study. (2020) McGowan, CR; Wright, T; Nitsch, D; Lewer, D; Brathwaite, R; Scott, J; Hope, V; Ciccarone, D; Dunn, J; Gillmore, J; Story, A; Harris, M
  • Mobile clinics in humanitarian emergencies: a systematic review. (2020) McGowan, Catherine R; Baxter, Louisa; Deola, Claudio; Gayford, Megan; Marston, Cicely; Cummings, Rachael; Checchi, Francesco
  • Preparing humanitarians to address ethical problems. (2020) McGowan, Catherine R; Baxter, Louisa; DuBois, Marc; Sheather, Julian; Khondaker, Ruma; Cummings, Rachael; Watkins, Kevin
  • A graphic elicitation technique to represent patient rights. (2020) McGowan, Catherine R; Hellman, Nora; Baxter, Louisa; Chakma, Sonali; Nahar, Samchun; Daula, Ahasan Ud; Rowe, Kelly; Gilday, Josie; Kingori, Patricia; Pounds, Rachel; Cummings, Rachael
  • COVID-19 testing acceptability and uptake amongst the Rohingya and host community in Camp 21, Teknaf, Bangladesh. (2020) McGowan, Catherine R; Hellman, Nora; Chowdhury, Sayem; Mannan, Abdul; Newell, Katherine; Cummings, Rachael
  • Somatic distress among Syrian refugees in Istanbul, Turkey: A cross-sectional study. (2020) McGrath, M; Acarturk, C; Roberts, B; Ilkkursun, Z; Sondorp, E; Sijbrandij, M; Cuijpers, P; Ventevogel, P; McKee, M; Fuhr, DC
  • A comparison of HIV outpatient care in primary and secondary healthcare-level settings in Zimbabwe. (2020) McHugh, G; Brunskill, A; Dauya, E; Bandason, T; Bwakura, T; Duri, C; Munyati, S; Ferrand, RA
  • Chronic lung disease in children and adolescents with HIV: a case-control study. (2020) McHugh, Grace; Rehman, Andrea M; Simms, Victoria; Gonzalez-Martinez, Carmen; Bandason, Tsitsi; Dauya, Ethel; Moyo, Brewster; Mujuru, Hilda; Rylance, Jamie; Sovershaeva, Evgeniya; Weiss, Helen A; Kranzer, Katharina; Odland, Jon; Ferrand, Rashida A; BREATHE Clinical Trial Team
  • Cycle training and factors associated with cycling among adolescents in England. (2020) McKay, Ailsa; Goodman, Anna; van Sluijs, Esther; Millett, Christopher; Laverty, Anthony A
  • Protection by Exclusion: Another Missed Opportunity to Include Pregnant Women in Research During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic. (2020) McKay, Gillian; Lees, Shelley
  • A European roadmap out of the covid-19 pandemic. (2020) McKee, Martin
  • Are Populist Leaders Creating the Conditions for the Spread of COVID-19? Comment on "A Scoping Review of Populist Radical Right Parties' Influence on Welfare Policy and its Implications for Population Health in Europe". (2020) McKee, Martin; Gugushvili, Alexi; Koltai, Jonathan; Stuckler, David
  • Winners and losers in the global trade in food. (2020) McKee, Martin; van Schalkwyk, May
  • A new year's resolution for health workers. (2020) McKee, Martin; van Schalkwyk, May CI; Maani, Nason; Galea, Sandro
  • Impact of industrial production system parameters on chicken microbiomes: mechanisms to improve performance and reduce Campylobacter. (2020) McKenna, Aaron; Ijaz, Umer Zeeshan; Kelly, Carmel; Linton, Mark; Sloan, William T; Green, Brian D; Lavery, Ursula; Dorrell, Nick; Wren, Brendan W; Richmond, Anne; Corcionivoschi, Nicolae; Gundogdu, Ozan
  • Impact of industrial production system parameters on chicken microbiomes: mechanisms to improve performance and reduce Campylobacter. (2020) McKenna, Aaron; Ijaz, Umer Zeeshan; Kelly, Carmel; Linton, Mark; Sloan, William T; Green, Brian D; Lavery, Ursula; Dorrell, Nick; Wren, Brendan W; Richmond, Anne; Corcionivoschi, Nicolae; Gundogdu, Ozan
  • Impact of industrial production system parameters on chicken microbiomes: mechanisms to improve performance and reduce <i>Campylobacter</i>. (2020) McKenna, Aaron; Ijaz, Umer Zeeshan; Kelly, Carmel; Linton, Mark; Sloan, William; Green, Brian; Lavery, Ursula; Dorrell, Nick; Wren, Brendan; Richmond, Anne; Corcionivoschi, Nicolae; Gundogdu, Ozan
  • Correction to: Why public health matters today and tomorrow: the role of applied public health research. (2020) McLaren, Lindsay; Braitstein, Paula; Buckeridge, David; Contandriopoulos, Damien; Creatore, Maria I; Faulkner, Guy; Hammond, David; Hoffman, Steven J; Kestens, Yan; Leatherdale, Scott; McGavock, Jonathan; Norman, Wendy V; Nykiforuk, Candace; Ridde, Valéry; Smylie, Janet
  • Hepatitis B virus seroepidemiology data for Africa: Modelling intervention strategies based on a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2020) McNaughton, Anna L; Lourenço, José; Bester, Phillip Armand; Mokaya, Jolynne; Lumley, Sheila F; Obolski, Uri; Forde, Donall; Maponga, Tongai G; Katumba, Kenneth R; Goedhals, Dominique; Gupta, Sunetra; Seeley, Janet; Newton, Robert; Ocama, Ponsiano; Matthews, Philippa C
  • Ongoing challenges to understanding multidrug- and rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis in children versus adults. (2020) McQuaid, C Finn; Cohen, Ted; Dean, Anna S; Houben, Rein MGJ; Knight, Gwenan M; Zignol, Matteo; White, Richard G
  • The risk of multidrug- or rifampicin-resistance in males versus females with tuberculosis. (2020) McQuaid, C Finn; Horton, Katherine C; Dean, Anna S; Knight, Gwenan M; White, Richard G
  • The potential impact of COVID-19-related disruption on tuberculosis burden. (2020) McQuaid, C Finn; McCreesh, Nicky; Read, Jonathan M; Sumner, Tom; CMMID COVID-19 Working Group; Houben, Rein MGJ; White, Richard G; Harris, Rebecca C
  • The potential impact of COVID-19-related disruption on tuberculosis burden. (2020) McQuaid, C Finn; McCreesh, Nicola; Read, Jonathan M; Sumner, Tom; CMMID COVID-19 Working Group; Houben, Rein; White, Richard G; Harris, Rebecca
  • Risky sexual behaviours among young adults attending Higher Learning Institutions in Mbeya, Tanzania: implications for STIs and HIV preventive programs. (2020) Mcharo, Ruby Doryn; Olomi, Willyhelmina; Mayaud, Philippe; Msuya, Sia E
  • "Don't You Think It Is Violence Forcing Me to Have Sex While Not Happy?" Women's Conceptualization of Enjoyable Sex and Sexual Intimate Partner Violence in Mwanza, Tanzania. (2020) Mchome, Zaina; Mshana, Gerry; Aloyce, Diana; Peter, Esther; Malibwa, Donati; Dwarumpudi, Annapoorna; Kapiga, Saidi; Stöckl, Heidi
  • Biometric assessments of the posterior fossa by fetal MRI: A systematic review. (2020) Mckinnon, Katie; Kendall, Giles S; Tann, Cally J; Dyet, Leigh; Sokolska, Magdalena; Baruteau, Kelly Pegoretti; Marlow, Neil; Robertson, Nicola J; Peebles, Donald; Srinivasan, Latha
  • The role of gender inclusive leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic to support vulnerable populations in conflict settings. (2020) Meagher, Kristen; Singh, Neha S; Patel, Preeti
  • Effects of Maternal Suicidal Ideation on Child Cognitive Development: A Longitudinal Analysis. (2020) Mebrahtu, H; Sherr, L; Simms, V; Weiss, HA; Rehman, AM; Ndlovu, P; Cowan, FM
  • The impact of common mental disorders among caregivers living with HIV on child cognitive development in Zimbabwe. (2020) Mebrahtu, Helen; Sherr, Lorraine; Simms, Victoria; Weiss, Helen A; Chingono, Rudo; Rehman, Andrea M; Ndlovu, Patience; Cowan, Frances M
  • Population age structure only partially explains the large number of COVID-19 deaths at the oldest ages. (2020) Medford, Anthony; Trias-Llimós, Sergi
  • Management of mother-newborn dyads in the COVID-19 era. (2020) Medvedev, Melissa M
  • Development and validation of a simplified score to predict neonatal mortality risk among neonates weighing 2000 g or less (NMR-2000): an analysis using data from the UK and The Gambia. (2020) Medvedev, Melissa M; Brotherton, Helen; Gai, Abdou; Tann, Cally; Gale, Christopher; Waiswa, Peter; Elbourne, Diana; Lawn, Joy E; Allen, Elizabeth
  • Operationalising kangaroo Mother care before stabilisation amongst low birth Weight Neonates in Africa (OMWaNA): protocol for a randomised controlled trial to examine mortality impact in Uganda. (2020) Medvedev, Melissa M; Tumukunde, Victor; Mambule, Ivan; Tann, Cally J; Waiswa, Peter; Canter, Ruth R; Hansen, Christian H; Ekirapa-Kiracho, Elizabeth; Katumba, Kenneth; Pitt, Catherine; Greco, Giulia; Brotherton, Helen; Elbourne, Diana; Seeley, Janet; Nyirenda, Moffat; Allen, Elizabeth; Lawn, Joy E
  • The impact of HIV status on the distance traveled to health facilities and adherence to care. A record-linkage study from rural South Africa. (2020) Mee, Paul; Rice, Brian; Kabudula, Chodziwadziwa Whiteson; Tollman, Stephen M; Gómez-Olivé, Francesc Xavier; Reniers, Georges
  • The long term effect of pulmonary tuberculosis on income and employment in a low income, urban setting. (2020) Meghji, Jamilah; Gregorius, Stefanie; Madan, Jason; Chitimbe, Fatima; Thomson, Rachael; Rylance, Jamie; Banda, Ndaziona Pk; Gordon, Stephen B; Corbett, Elizabeth L; Mortimer, Kevin; Squire, Stephen Bertel
  • Patient outcomes associated with post-tuberculosis lung damage in Malawi: a prospective cohort study. (2020) Meghji, Jamilah; Lesosky, Maia; Joekes, Elizabeth; Banda, Peter; Rylance, Jamie; Gordon, Stephen; Jacob, Joseph; Zonderland, Harmien; MacPherson, Peter; Corbett, Elizabeth L; Mortimer, Kevin; Squire, Stephen Bertel
  • Fairer financing of vaccines in a world living with COVID-19. (2020) Megiddo, Itamar; Nonvignon, Justice; Owusu, Richmond; Chalkidou, Kalipso; Colson, Abigail; Gad, Mohamed; Klepac, Petra; Ruiz, Francis; Morton, Alec
  • Grand Challenges in Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health. (2020) Mehta, Supriya Dinesh; Seeley, Janet
  • Implementing a whole-school relationships and sex education intervention to prevent dating and relationship violence: evidence from a pilot trial in English secondary schools. (2020) Meiksin, Rebecca; Campbell, Rona; Crichton, Joanna; Morgan, Gemma S; Williams, Pippa; Willmott, Micky; Tilouche, Nerissa; Ponsford, Ruth; Barter, Christine A; Sweeting, Helen; Taylor, Bruce; Young, Honor; Melendez-Torres, GJ; McNaughton Reyes, H Luz; Bonell, Chris
  • A school intervention for 13- to 15-year-olds to prevent dating and relationship violence: the Project Respect pilot cluster RCT. (2020) Meiksin, Rebecca; Crichton, Jo; Dodd, Matthew; Morgan, Gemma S; Williams, Pippa; Willmott, Micky; Allen, Elizabeth; Tilouche, Nerissa; Sturgess, Joanna; Morris, Steve; Barter, Christine; Young, Honor; Melendez-Torres, GJ; Taylor, Bruce; Reyes, H Luz McNaughton; Elbourne, Diana; Sweeting, Helen; Hunt, Kate; Ponsford, Ruth; Campbell, Rona; Bonell, Chris
  • Association of Reduced Long-Lasting Insecticidal Net Efficacy and Pyrethroid Insecticide Resistance With Overexpression of CYP6P4, CYP6P3, and CYP6Z1 in Populations of Anopheles coluzzii From Southeast Côte d'Ivoire. (2020) Meiwald, Anne; Clark, Emma; Kristan, Mojca; Edi, Constant; Jeffries, Claire L; Pelloquin, Bethanie; Irish, Seth R; Walker, Thomas; Messenger, Louisa A
  • Reduced long-lasting insecticidal net efficacy and pyrethroid insecticide resistance are associated with over-expression of <i>CYP6P4, CYP6P3</i> and <i>CYP6Z1</i> in populations of <i>Anopheles coluzzii</i> from South-East Côte d’Ivoire. (2020) Meiwald, Anne; Clark, Emma; Kristan, Mojca; Edi, Constant; Jeffries, Claire L; Pelloquin, Bethanie; Irish, Seth R; Walker, Thomas; Messenger, Louisa A
  • Características clínicas y factores asociados a mortalidad en pacientes adultos hospitalizados por COVID-19 en un hospital público de Lima, Perú. (2020) Mejía, Fernando; Medina, Carlos; Cornejo, Enrique; Morello, Enrique; Vásquez, Sergio; Alave, Jorge; Schwalb, Alvaro; Málaga, Germán
  • Oxygen saturation as a predictor of mortality in hospitalized adult patients with COVID-19 in a public hospital in Lima, Peru. (2020) Mejía, Fernando; Medina, Carlos; Cornejo, Enrique; Morello, Enrique; Vásquez, Sergio; Alave, Jorge; Schwalb, Alvaro; Málaga, Germán
  • Association of collective attitudes and contraceptive practice in nine sub-Saharan African countries. (2020) Mejía-Guevara, Iván; Cislaghi, Beniamino; Weber, Ann; Hallgren, Emma; Meausoone, Valerie; Cullen, Mark R; Darmstadt, Gary L
  • An investigation into the knowledge, perceptions and role of personal protective technologies in Zika prevention in Colombia. (2020) Mendoza, Carolina; Jaramillo, Gloria-Isabel; Ant, Thomas H; Power, Grace M; Jones, Robert T; Quintero, Juliana; Alexander, Neal; Webster, Jayne; Osorio, Lyda; Logan, James G
  • Measuring violence perpetration: Stability of teachers' self-reports before and after an anti-violence training in Cote d'Ivoire. (2020) Merrill, Katherine G; Smith, Sarah C; Quintero, Lucia; Devries, Karen M
  • Impact of tricuspid regurgitation on survival in patients with heart failure: a large electronic health record patient-level database analysis. (2020) Messika-Zeitoun, David; Verta, Patrick; Gregson, John; Pocock, Stuart J; Boero, Isabel; Feldman, Ted E; Abraham, William T; Lindenfeld, JoAnn; Bax, Jeroen; Leon, Martin; Enriquez-Sarano, Maurice
  • A qualitative study of diphenhydramine injection in Kyrgyz prisons and implications for harm reduction. (2020) Meyer, Jaimie P; Culbert, Gabriel J; Azbel, Lyuba; Bachireddy, Chethan; Kurmanalieva, Ainura; Rhodes, Tim; Altice, Frederick L
  • Mechanisms for addressing and managing the influence of corporations on public health policy, research and practice: a scoping review. (2020) Mialon, Melissa; Vandevijvere, Stefanie; Carriedo-Lutzenkirchen, Angela; Bero, Lisa; Gomes, Fabio; Petticrew, Mark; McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David; Sacks, Gary
  • Mortality impacts of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak by sex and age: rapid mortality surveillance system, Italy, 1 February to 18 April 2020. (2020) Michelozzi, Paola; de'Donato, Francesca; Scortichini, Matteo; De Sario, Manuela; Noccioli, Fiammetta; Rossi, Pasqualino; Davoli, Marina
  • Publisher Correction to: Temporal dynamics in total excess mortality and COVID-19 deaths in Italian cities. (2020) Michelozzi, Paola; de'Donato, Francesca; Scortichini, Matteo; Pezzotti, Patrizio; Stafoggia, Massimo; De Sario, Manuela; Costa, Giuseppe; Noccioli, Fiammetta; Riccardo, Flavia; Bella, Antonino; Demaria, Moreno; Rossi, Pasqualino; Brusaferro, Silvio; Rezza, Giovanni; Davoli, Marina
  • Temporal dynamics in total excess mortality and COVID-19 deaths in Italian cities. (2020) Michelozzi, Paola; de'Donato, Francesca; Scortichini, Matteo; Pezzotti, Patrizio; Stafoggia, Massimo; De Sario, Manuela; Costa, Giuseppe; Noccioli, Fiammetta; Riccardo, Flavia; Bella, Antonino; Demaria, Moreno; Rossi, Pasqualino; Brusaferro, Silvio; Rezza, Giovanni; Davoli, Marina
  • Effectiveness of a brief lay counsellor-delivered, problem-solving intervention for adolescent mental health problems in urban, low-income schools in India: a randomised controlled trial. (2020) Michelson, Daniel; Malik, Kanika; Parikh, Rachana; Weiss, Helen A; Doyle, Aoife M; Bhat, Bhargav; Sahu, Rooplata; Chilhate, Bhagwant; Mathur, Sonal; Krishna, Madhuri; Sharma, Rhea; Sudhir, Paulomi; King, Michael; Cuijpers, Pim; Chorpita, Bruce; Fairburn, Christopher G; Patel, Vikram
  • Reducing SARS-CoV-2 transmission in the UK: A behavioural science approach to identifying options for increasing adherence to social distancing and shielding vulnerable people. (2020) Michie, Susan; West, Robert; Rogers, M Brooke; Bonell, Chris; Rubin, G James; Amlôt, Richard
  • International Sexual Health And REproductive health (I-SHARE) survey during COVID-19: study protocol for online national surveys and global comparative analyses. (2020) Michielsen, Kristien; Larrson, Elin C; Kågesten, Anna; Erausquin, Jennifer Toller; Griffin, Sally; Van de Velde, Sarah; Tucker, Joseph D; I-SHARE Team
  • Health service needs and perspectives of remote forest communities in Papua New Guinea: study protocol for combined clinical and rapid anthropological assessments with parallel treatment of urgent cases. (2020) Middleton, Jo; Abdad, Mohammad Yazid; Beauchamp, Emilie; Colthart, Gavin; Cooper, Maxwell JF; Dem, Francesca; Fairhead, James; Grundy, Caroline L; Head, Michael G; Inacio, Joao; Jimbudo, Mavis; Jones, Christopher Iain; Konecna, Martina; Laman, Moses; MacGregor, Hayley; Novotny, Vojtech; Peck, Mika; Paliau, Jason; Philip, Jonah; Pomat, Willie; Roberts, Chrissy H; Sui, Shen; Stewart, Alan J; Walker, Stephen L; Cassell, Jackie A
  • Accuracy of different diagnostic techniques for Schistosoma haematobium to estimate treatment needs in Zimbabwe: Application of a hierarchical Bayesian egg count model. (2020) Midzi, Nicholas; Bärenbold, Oliver; Manangazira, Portia; Phiri, Isaac; Mutsaka-Makuvaza, Masceline J; Mhlanga, Gibson; Utzinger, Jürg; Vounatsou, Penelope
  • Hunter-gatherer multilevel sociality accelerates cumulative cultural evolution. (2020) Migliano, Andrea B; Battiston, Federico; Viguier, Sylvain; Page, Abigail E; Dyble, Mark; Schlaepfer, Rodolph; Smith, Daniel; Astete, Leonora; Ngales, Marilyn; Gomez-Gardenes, Jesus; Latora, Vito; Vinicius, Lucio
  • MDR/XDR-TB management of patients and contacts: Challenges facing the new decade. The 2020 clinical update by the Global Tuberculosis Network. (2020) Migliori, Giovanni Battista; Tiberi, Simon; Zumla, Alimuddin; Petersen, Eskild; Chakaya, Jeremiah Muhwa; Wejse, Christian; Muñoz Torrico, Marcela; Duarte, Raquel; Alffenaar, Jan Willem; Schaaf, H Simon; Marais, Ben J; Cirillo, Daniela Maria; Alagna, Riccardo; Rendon, Adrian; Pontali, Emanuele; Piubello, Alberto; Figueroa, José; Ferlazzo, Gabriella; García-Basteiro, Alberto; Centis, Rosella; Visca, Dina; D'Ambrosio, Lia; Sotgiu, Giovanni; members of the Global Tuberculosis Network
  • Implementation process and outcomes of a mental health programme integrated in primary care clinics in rural Mexico: a mixed-methods study. (2020) Miguel-Esponda, Georgina; Bohm-Levine, Nathaniel; Rodríguez-Cuevas, Fátima Gabriela; Cohen, Alex; Kakuma, Ritsuko
  • Surgery of the primary tumour in women with metastatic breast cancer at diagnosis in England and Wales – how do treatment rates vary at an individual and regional level? (2020) Miller, K; Gannon, M; Medina, J; Clements, K; Dodwell, D; Horgan, K; Cromwell, D
  • Prevention, Partners, and Power Imbalances: Women's Views on How Male Partners Affected Their Adherence to Vaginal Microbicide Gels During HIV Prevention Trials in Africa. (2020) Miller, Lori; Morar, Neetha; Kapiga, Saidi; Ramjee, Gita; Hayes, Richard
  • Assessing community health worker service delivery in humanitarian settings. (2020) Miller, Nathan P; Richards, Adam K; Marx, Melissa A; Checchi, Francesco; Kozuki, Naoko
  • Cheaper Medicines for the Better Off? A Comparison of Medicine Prices and Client Socioeconomic Status Between Chain and Independent Retail Pharmacies in Urban India. (2020) Miller, Rosalind; Goodman, Catherine
  • Comparison of oral glucose tolerance test and ambulatory glycaemic profiles in pregnant women in Uganda with gestational diabetes using the FreeStyle Libre flash glucose monitoring system. (2020) Milln, JM; Walugembe, E; Ssentayi, S; Nkabura, H; Jones, AG; Nyirenda, MJ
  • Shiitake Mushroom Dermatitis in a Returning Traveler. (2020) Mills, Henrietta; Walker, Stephen L
  • Health benefits of policies to reduce carbon emissions. (2020) Milner, James; Hamilton, Ian; Woodcock, James; Williams, Martin; Davies, Mike; Wilkinson, Paul; Haines, Andy
  • Corporate power and the international trade regime as drivers of NCD policy non-decisions: a realist review. (2020) Milsom, Penelope; Smith, Richard; Baker, Phillip; Walls, Helen
  • Expanding Public Health Policy Analysis for Transformative Change: The Importance of Power and Ideas Comment on "What Generates Attention to Health in Trade Policy-Making? Lessons From Success in Tobacco Control and Access to Medicines: A Qualitative Study of Australia and the (Comprehensive and Progressive) Trans-Pacific Partnership". (2020) Milsom, Penelope; Smith, Richard; Walls, Helen
  • Land-Use Change and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in an Urbanizing Area of South India: A Population-Based Cohort Study. (2020) Milà, Carles; Ranzani, Otavio; Sanchez, Margaux; Ambrós, Albert; Bhogadi, Santhi; Kinra, Sanjay; Kogevinas, Manolis; Dadvand, Payam; Tonne, Cathryn
  • [In silico prediction of B- and T-cell epitopes in the CD2v protein of african swine fever virus (African swine fever virus, Asfivirus, Asfarviridae).]. (2020) Mima, KA; Katorkina, EI; Katorkin, SA; Tsybanov, SZ; Malogolovkin, AS
  • Latent tuberculosis infection screening and treatment in congregate settings (TB FREE COREA): protocol for a prospective observational study in Korea. (2020) Min, Jinsoo; Kim, Hyung Woo; Stagg, Helen R; Lipman, Marc; Rangaka, Molebogeng X; Myong, Jun-Pyo; Yim, Hyeon Woo; Lim, Jeong Uk; Lee, Yunhee; Koo, Hyeon-Kyoung; Lee, Sung-Soon; Park, Jae Seuk; Cho, Kyung Sook; Kim, Ju Sang
  • Cost-minimisation Analysis from a Non-inferiority Trial of Ready-Made versus Custom-Made Spectacles for School Children in India. (2020) Minakaran, Neda; Morjaria, Priya; Frick, Kevin D; Gilbert, Clare
  • Social, cultural and economic aspects of antimicrobial resistance. (2020) Minssen, Timo; Outterson, Kevin; Rogers Van Katwyk, Susan; Batista, Pedro Henrique D; Chandler, Clare IR; Ciabuschi, Francesco; Harbarth, Stephan; Kesselheim, Aaron S; Laxminarayan, Ramanan; Liddell, Kathleen; Osterholm, Michael T; Price, Lance; Hoffman, Steven J
  • Estimation of Seasonal Influenza Attack Rates and Antibody Dynamics in Children Using Cross-Sectional Serological Data. (2020) Minter, Amanda; Hoschler, Katja; Jagne, Ya Jankey; Sallah, Hadijatou; Armitage, Edwin; Lindsey, Benjamin; Hay, James A; Riley, Steven; de Silva, Thushan I; Kucharski, Adam J
  • Risk of arbovirus emergence via bridge vectors: case study of the sylvatic mosquito Aedes malayensis in the Nakai district, Laos. (2020) Miot, Elliott F; Calvez, Elodie; Aubry, Fabien; Dabo, Stéphanie; Grandadam, Marc; Marcombe, Sébastien; Oke, Catherine; Logan, James G; Brey, Paul T; Lambrechts, Louis
  • The Effect of a Priest-Led Intervention on the Choice and Preference of Soda Beverages: A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial in Catholic Parishes. (2020) Miranda, J Jaime; Taype-Rondan, Alvaro; Bazalar-Palacios, Janina; Bernabe-Ortiz, Antonio; Ariely, Dan
  • Tracing theories in realist evaluations of large-scale health programmes in low- and middle-income countries: experience from Nigeria. (2020) Mirzoev, Tolib; Etiaba, Enyi; Ebenso, Bassey; Uzochukwu, Benjamin; Ensor, Tim; Onwujekwe, Obinna; Huss, Reinhard; Ezumah, Nkoli; Manzano, Ana
  • A High Spatiotemporal Resolution Global Gridded Dataset of Historical Human Discomfort Indices. (2020) Mistry, Malcolm N
  • Concerns over calculating injury-related deaths associated with temperature. (2020) Mitchell, Dann; Allen, Myles; Ebi, Kristie L; Gasparrini, Antonio; Heaviside, Clare; Lo, YT Eunice; Vicedo-Cabrera, Ana M
  • Racial/ethnic and socioeconomic survival disparities for children and adolescents with central nervous system tumours in the United States, 2000-2015. (2020) Mitchell, Hannah K; Morris, Melanie; Ellis, Libby; Abrahão, Renata; Bonaventure, Audrey
  • Author Correction: Exposure to paternal tobacco smoking increased child hospitalization for lower respiratory infections but not for other diseases in Vietnam. (2020) Miyahara, Reiko; Takahashi, Kensuke; Anh, Nguyen Thi Hien; Thiem, Vu Dinh; Suzuki, Motoi; Yoshino, Hiroshi; Tho, Le Huu; Moriuchi, Hiroyuki; Cox, Sharon E; Yoshida, Lay Myint; Anh, Dang Duc; Ariyoshi, Koya; Yasunami, Michio
  • Determinants of growth measurements in rural Cambodian infants: a cross-sectional study. (2020) Miyazaki, Asuka; Matsui, Mitsuaki; Tung, Rathavy; Taing, Bunsreng; White, Laura V; Iwamoto, Azusa; Cox, Sharon E
  • Frequent unregulated use of antibiotics in rural Cambodian infants. (2020) Miyazaki, Asuka; Tung, Rathavy; Taing, Bunsreng; Matsui, Mitsuaki; Iwamoto, Azusa; Cox, Sharon E
  • Impact of air pollution on educational attainment for respiratory health treated students: A cross sectional data linkage study. (2020) Mizen, Amy; Lyons, Jane; Milojevic, Ai; Doherty, Ruth; Wilkinson, Paul; Carruthers, David; Akbari, Ashley; Lake, Iain; Davies, Gwyneth A; Al Sallakh, Mohammad; Fry, Richard; Dearden, Lorraine; Rodgers, Sarah E
  • Red reflex examination in reproductive and child health clinics for early detection of paediatric cataract and ocular media disorders: cross-sectional diagnostic accuracy and feasibility studies from Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. (2020) Mndeme, Furahini G; Mmbaga, Blandina T; Kim, Min J; Sinke, Lucy; Allen, Louise; Mgaya, Evarista; Bastawrous, Andrew; MacLeod, David; Burton, Matthew J; Gilbert, Clare; Bowman, Richard
  • Effectiveness and safety of pneumococcal vaccines used alone or combined with influenza vaccination in dialysis patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis. (2020) Mo, Yenan; Zeng, Jiahao; Xiao, Cuixia; Zhang, La; Wang, Lixin; Lu, Fuhua; Johnson, David W; Stålsby Lundborg, Cecilia; Nitsch, Dorothea; Liu, Xusheng; Su, Guobin
  • Recommendations for the COVID-19 Response at the National Level Based on Lessons Learned from the Ebola Virus Disease Outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. (2020) Mobula, Linda Meta; Samaha, Hadia; Yao, Michel; Gueye, Abdou Salam; Diallo, Boubacar; Umutoni, Chantal; Anoko, Julienne; Lokonga, Jean-Pierre; Minikulu, Luigi; Mossoko, Mathias; Bruni, Emanuele; Carter, Simone; Jombart, Thibaut; Fall, Ibrahima Soce; Ahuka-Mundeke, Steve
  • Longitudinal Care Cascade Outcomes Among People Eligible for Antiretroviral Therapy Who Are Newly Linking to Care in Zambia: A Multistate Analysis. (2020) Mody, Aaloke; Glidden, David V; Eshun-Wilson, Ingrid; Sikombe, Kombatende; Simbeza, Sandra; Mukamba, Njekwa; Somwe, Paul; Beres, Laura K; Pry, Jake; Bolton-Moore, Carolyn; Padian, Nancy; Holmes, Charles B; Sikazwe, Izukanji; Geng, Elvin H
  • HIV-associated Cryptococcal Meningitis: a Review of Novel Short-Course and Oral Therapies. (2020) Moeng, Letumile R; Milburn, James; Jarvis, Joseph N; Lawrence, David S
  • Impact of community piped water coverage on re-infection with urogenital schistosomiasis in rural South Africa. (2020) Mogeni, Polycarp; Vandormael, Alain; Cuadros, Diego; Appleton, Christopher; Tanser, Frank
  • How to make hand sanitiser/hand rub. (2020) Mohamed Ahmed, Abeer HA; Goh, Choon Fu
  • Menstrual knowledge, sociocultural restrictions, and barriers to menstrual hygiene management in Ghana: Evidence from a multi-method survey among adolescent schoolgirls and schoolboys. (2020) Mohammed, Shamsudeen; Larsen-Reindorf, Roderick Emil
  • Differential Localization of Structural and Non-Structural Proteins during the Bluetongue Virus Replication Cycle. (2020) Mohl, Bjorn-Patrick; Kerviel, Adeline; Labadie, Thomas; Matsuo, Eiko; Roy, Polly
  • CRISPR-Cas9 Genome Editing of Plasmodium knowlesi. (2020) Mohring, Franziska; Hart, Melissa N; Patel, Avnish; Baker, David A; Moon, Robert W
  • Multiplication and Growth Inhibition Activity Assays for the Zoonotic Malaria Parasite, Plasmodium knowlesi. (2020) Mohring, Franziska; Rawlinson, Thomas A; Draper, Simon J; Moon, Robert W
  • Alcohol, health education and changing notions of risk in Britain, 1980-1990. (2020) Mold, Alex
  • From the alcoholic to the sensible drinker: alcohol health education campaigns in England. (2020) Mold, Alex
  • Application of a recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) assay and pilot field testing for Giardia duodenalis at Lake Albert, Uganda. (2020) Molina-Gonzalez, Sandra J; Bhattacharyya, Tapan; AlShehri, Hajri R; Poulton, Kate; Allen, Stephen; Miles, Michael A; Arianitwe, Moses; Tukahebwa, Edridah M; Webster, Bonnie; Russell Stothard, J; Bustinduy, Amaya L
  • Effect of tuberculosis infection on mortality of HIV-infected patients in Northern Tanzania. (2020) Mollel, Edson W; Todd, Jim; Mahande, Michael J; Msuya, Sia E
  • Uncoded chronic kidney disease in primary care: a cross-sectional study of inequalities and cardiovascular disease risk management. (2020) Molokhia, Mariam; Okoli, Grace N; Redmond, Patrick; Asgari, Elham; Shaw, Catriona; Schofield, Peter; Ashworth, Mark; Durbaba, Stevo; Nitsch, Dorothea
  • Uncoded chronic kidney disease n primary care: a cross-sectional study of inequalities and cardiovascular disease risk management. (2020) Molokhia, Mariam; Okoli, Grace N; Redmond, Patrick; Asgari, Elham; Shaw, Catriona; Schofield, Peter; Ashworth, Mark; Durbaba, Stevo; Nitsch, Dorothea
  • Association of Maternal Factors and HIV Infection With Innate Cytokine Responses of Delivering Mothers and Newborns in Mozambique. (2020) Moncunill, Gemma; Dobaño, Carlota; González, Raquel; Smolen, Kinga K; Manaca, Maria N; Balcells, Reyes; Jairoce, Chenjerai; Cisteró, Pau; Vala, Anifa; Sevene, Esperança; Rupérez, María; Aponte, John J; Macete, Eusébio; Menéndez, Clara; Kollmann, Tobias R; Mayor, Alfredo
  • Insights into the salivary N-glycome of Lutzomyia longipalpis, vector of visceral leishmaniasis. (2020) Mondragon-Shem, Karina; Wongtrakul-Kish, Katherine; Kozak, Radoslaw P; Yan, Shi; Wilson, Iain BH; Paschinger, Katharina; Rogers, Matthew E; Spencer, Daniel IR; Acosta-Serrano, Alvaro
  • Insights into the salivary<i>N</i>-glycome of<i>Lutzomyia longipalpis</i>, vector of visceral leishmaniasis. (2020) Mondragon-Shem, Karina; Wongtrakul-Kish, Katherine; Kozak, Radoslaw P; Yan, Shi; Wilson, Iain; Paschinger, Katharina; Rogers, Matthew E; Spencer, Daniel IR; Acosta-Serrano, Alvaro
  • Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF) virus-specific antibody detection in blood donors, Castile-León, Spain, summer 2017 and 2018. (2020) Monsalve Arteaga, Lía; Muñoz Bellido, Juan Luis; Vieira Lista, María Carmen; Vicente Santiago, María Belén; Fernández Soto, Pedro; Bas, Isabel; Leralta, Nuria; de Ory Manchón, Fernando; Negredo, Ana Isabel; Sánchez Seco, María Paz; Alonso Sardón, Montserrat; Pérez González, Sonia; Jiménez Del Bianco, Ana; Blanco Peris, Lydia; Alamo-Sanz, Rufino; Hewson, Roger; Belhassen-García, Moncef; Muro, Antonio
  • Analysis of Risk Factors in Occupational Accidents in Brazil: A Population-Based Study. (2020) Monteiro Ferreira, Marcelo José; Silveira Correa, Francisco Gustavo; Lacerda, Eliana Mattos; Hajat, Shakoor; de Araújo, Larissa Fortunato
  • The Right to Health in Times of Pandemic: What Can We Learn from the UK's Response to the COVID-19 Outbreak? (2020) Montel, Lisa; Kapilashrami, Anuj; Coleman, Michel P; Allemani, Claudia
  • A situational report on low vision services in tertiary hospitals in South-East Nigeria. (2020) Monye, HI; Kyari, F; Momoh, RO
  • Natural Killer Cells Dampen the Pathogenic Features of Recall Responses to Influenza Infection. (2020) Mooney, Jason P; Qendro, Tedi; Keith, Marianne; Philbey, Adrian W; Groves, Helen T; Tregoning, John S; Goodier, Martin R; Riley, Eleanor M
  • A modified Camel and Cactus Test detects presymptomatic semantic impairment in genetic frontotemporal dementia within the GENFI cohort. (2020) Moore, Katrina; Convery, Rhian; Bocchetta, Martina; Neason, Mollie; Cash, David M; Greaves, Caroline; Russell, Lucy L; Clarke, Mica TM; Peakman, Georgia; van Swieten, John; Jiskoot, Lize; Moreno, Fermin; Barandiaran, Myriam; Sanchez-Valle, Raquel; Borroni, Barbara; Laforce, Robert; Doré, Marie-Claire; Masellis, Mario; Tartaglia, Maria Carmela; Graff, Caroline; Galimberti, Daniela; Rowe, James B; Finger, Elizabeth; Synofzik, Matthis; Karnath, Hans-Otto; Vandenberghe, Rik; de Mendonça, Alexandre; Maruta, Carolina; Tagliavini, Fabrizio; Santana, Isabel; Ducharme, Simon; Butler, Chris; Gerhard, Alex; Levin, Johannes; Danek, Adrian; Otto, Markus; Warren, Jason D; Rohrer, Jonathan D; Genetic FTD Initiative, GENFI*
  • Park use, perceived park proximity, and neighborhood characteristics: Evidence from 11 cities in Latin America. (2020) Moran, Mika R; Rodríguez, Daniel A; Cotinez-O'Ryan, Andrea; Miranda, J Jaime
  • Challenges of maintaining accountability in networks of health and care organisations: A study of developing Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships in the English National Health Service. (2020) Moran, Valerie; Allen, Pauline; Sanderson, Marie; McDermott, Imelda; Osipovic, Dorota
  • Land use in relation to composition and abundance of phlebotomines (Diptera: Psychodidae) in five foci of domiciliary transmission of cutaneous leishmaniasis in the Andean region of Colombia. (2020) Moreno, Mabel; Guzmán-Rodríguez, Lina; Valderrama-Ardila, Carlos; Alexander, Neal; Ocampo, Clara B
  • Concordance in the recording of stroke across UK primary and secondary care datasets: a population-based cohort study. (2020) Morgan, Ann; Sinnott, Sarah-Jo; Smeeth, Liam; Minassian, Caroline; Quint, Jennifer
  • Lessons from the field: integrated programmes for neglected tropical diseases. (2020) Morice, Ana; Taleo, Fasihah; Barogui, Yves; C Steer, Andrew; Marks, Michael
  • Intensified research on tuberculosis in the Western Pacific Region: a bibliometric analysis, 2000-2019. (2020) Morishita, Fukushi; Yamanaka, Takuya; Islam, Tauhid
  • Effectiveness of a novel mobile health (Peek) and education intervention on spectacle wear amongst children in India: Results from a randomized superiority trial in India. (2020) Morjaria, Priya; Bastawrous, Andrew; Murthy, Gudlavalleti Venkata Satyanarayana; Evans, Jennifer; Sagar, Mekala Jayanthi; Pallepogula, Dinesh Raj; Viswanath, Kalluri; Gilbert, Clare
  • Fleshing out the data: when epidemiological researchers engage with patients and carers. Learning lessons from a patient involvement activity. (2020) Morris, Melanie; Alencar, Yuki; Rachet, Bernard; Stephens, Richard; Coleman, Michel P
  • Understanding the link between health systems and cancer survival: A novel methodological approach using a system-level conceptual model. (2020) Morris, Melanie; Landon, Susan; Reguilon, Irene; Butler, John; McKee, Martin; Nolte, Ellen
  • Demographic and socioeconomic patterns in healthcare-seeking behaviour for respiratory symptoms in England: a comparison with non-respiratory symptoms and between three healthcare services. (2020) Morrison, Kirsty E; Colón-González, Felipe J; Morbey, Roger A; Hunter, Paul R; Rutter, Judith; Stuttard, Gareth; de Lusignan, Simon; Yeates, Alex; Pebody, Richard; Smith, Gillian; Elliot, Alex J; Lake, Iain R
  • Pneumonia and Exposure to Household Air Pollution in Children Under the Age of 5 Years in Rural Malawi: Findings From the Cooking and Pneumonia Study. (2020) Mortimer, Kevin; Lesosky, Maia; Semple, Sean; Malava, Jullita; Katundu, Cynthia; Crampin, Amelia; Wang, Duolao; Weston, William; Pope, Dan; Havens, Deborah; Gordon, Stephen B; Balmes, John
  • Establishment of a high-dependency unit in Malawi. (2020) Morton, Ben; Banda, Ndaziona Peter; Nsomba, Edna; Ngoliwa, Clara; Antoine, Sandra; Gondwe, Joel; Limbani, Felix; Henrion, Marc Yves Romain; Chirombo, James; Baker, Tim; Kamalo, Patrick; Phiri, Chimota; Masamba, Leo; Phiri, Tamara; Mallewa, Jane; Mwandumba, Henry Charles; Mndolo, Kwazizira Samson; Gordon, Stephen; Rylance, Jamie
  • Association Between Common Infections and Incident Post-Stroke Dementia: A Cohort Study Using the Clinical Practice Research Datalink. (2020) Morton, Caroline E; Forbes, Harriet J; Pearce, Neil; Smeeth, Liam; Warren-Gash, Charlotte
  • Evaluation of a behavior-centered design strategy for creating demand for oral PrEP among young women in Cape Town, South Africa. (2020) Morton, Jennifer F; Myers, Laura; Gill, Katherine; Bekker, Linda-Gail; Stein, Gabrielle; Thomas, Katherine K; Duyver, Menna; van der Straten, Ariane; McConnell, Margaret; Aunger, Robert; Curtis, Valerie; de Witt Huberts, Jessie; Van Damme, Lut; Baeten, Jared M; Celum, Connie
  • Risk factors for malaria infection prevalence and household vector density between mass distribution campaigns of long-lasting insecticidal nets in North-western Tanzania. (2020) Mosha, Jacklin F; Lukole, Eliud; Charlwood, J Derek; Wright, Alexandra; Rowland, Mark; Bullock, Olivia; Manjurano, Alphaxard; Kisinza, William; Mosha, Franklin W; Kleinschmidt, Immo; Protopopoff, Natacha
  • Analytical methods used in estimating the prevalence of HIV/AIDS from demographic and cross-sectional surveys with missing data: a systematic review. (2020) Mosha, Neema R; Aluko, Omololu S; Todd, Jim; Machekano, Rhoderick; Young, Taryn
  • Ex vivo 18F-fluoride uptake and hydroxyapatite deposition in human coronary atherosclerosis. (2020) Moss, Alastair J; Sim, Alisia M; Adamson, Philip D; Seidman, Michael A; Andrews, Jack PM; Doris, Mhairi K; Shah, Anoop SV; BouHaidar, Ralph; Alcaide-Corral, Carlos J; Williams, Michelle C; Leipsic, Jonathon A; Dweck, Marc R; MacRae, Vicky E; Newby, David E; Tavares, Adriana AS; Sellers, Stephanie L
  • Precision of Measurements Performed by a Cadre of Anthropometrists Trained for a Large Household Nutrition Survey in Ethiopia. (2020) Moss, Cami; Kuche, Desalegn; Bekele, Tesfaye Hailu; Salasibew, Mihretab; Ayana, Girmay; Abera, Andinet; Eshetu, Solomon; Dangour, Alan D; Allen, Elizabeth
  • The effects of crop diversity and crop type on biological diversity in agricultural landscapes: a systematic review protocol. (2020) Moss, Cami; Lukac, Martin; Harris, Francesca; Outhwaite, Charlotte L; Scheelbeek, Pauline FD; Green, Rosemary; Berstein, Fernanda Morales; Dangour, Alan D
  • KN95 filtering facepiece respirators distributed in South Africa fail safety testing protocols. (2020) Mottay, L; Le Roux, J; Perumal, R; Esmail, A; Timm, L; Sivarasu, S; Dheda, K
  • Organisational factors affecting performance in delivering influenza vaccination to staff in NHS Acute Hospital Trusts in England: A qualitative study. (2020) Mounier-Jack, Sandra; Bell, Sadie; Chantler, Tracey; Edwards, Angela; Yarwood, Jo; Gilbert, Douglas; Paterson, Pauline
  • The impact of delayed treatment of uncomplicated P. falciparum malaria on progression to severe malaria: A systematic review and a pooled multicentre individual-patient meta-analysis. (2020) Mousa, Andria; Al-Taiar, Abdullah; Anstey, Nicholas M; Badaut, Cyril; Barber, Bridget E; Bassat, Quique; Challenger, Joseph D; Cunnington, Aubrey J; Datta, Dibyadyuti; Drakeley, Chris; Ghani, Azra C; Gordeuk, Victor R; Grigg, Matthew J; Hugo, Pierre; John, Chandy C; Mayor, Alfredo; Migot-Nabias, Florence; Opoka, Robert O; Pasvol, Geoffrey; Rees, Claire; Reyburn, Hugh; Riley, Eleanor M; Shah, Binal N; Sitoe, Antonio; Sutherland, Colin J; Thuma, Philip E; Unger, Stefan A; Viwami, Firmine; Walther, Michael; Whitty, Christopher JM; William, Timothy; Okell, Lucy C
  • Risk factors associated with rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis and eczema among schoolchildren in Uganda. (2020) Mpairwe, Harriet; Nkurunungi, Gyaviira; Tumwesige, Pius; Akurut, Hellen; Namutebi, Milly; Nambuya, Irene; Nnaluwooza, Marble; Apule, Barbara; Onen, Caroline; Katongole, Tonny; Niwagaba, Emmanuel; Mukasa, Mike; Webb, Emily L; Elliott, Alison M; Pearce, Neil
  • Challenges to peer support in low- and middle-income countries during COVID-19. (2020) Mpango, Richard; Kalha, Jasmine; Shamba, Donat; Ramesh, Mary; Ngakongwa, Fileuka; Kulkarni, Arti; Korde, Palak; Nakku, Juliet; Ryan, Grace K
  • The age-specific incidence of hospitalized paediatric malaria in Uganda. (2020) Mpimbaza, Arthur; Walemwa, Richard; Kapisi, James; Sserwanga, Asadu; Namuganga, Jane Frances; Kisambira, Yasin; Tagoola, Abner; Nanteza, Jane Frances; Rutazaana, Damain; Staedke, Sarah G; Dorsey, Grant; Opigo, Jimmy; Kamau, Alice; Snow, Robert W
  • Old age is associated with decreased wealth in rural villages in Mtwara, Tanzania: findings from a cross-sectional survey. (2020) Mshamu, Salum; Peerawaranun, Pimnara; Kahabuka, Catherine; Deen, Jacqueline; Tusting, Lucy; Lindsay, Steve W; Knudsen, Jakob; Mukaka, Mavuto; von Seidlein, Lorenz
  • Sanitation and Hygiene Practices in Small Towns in Tanzania: The Case of Babati District, Manyara Region. (2020) Mshida, Hoyce; Malima, Gabriel; Machunda, Revocatus; Muzuka, Alfred NN; Banzi, Joseph; Gautam, Om Prasad; Mbeguere, Mbaye; Smith, Kyla; Cairncross, Sandy; Shana, Edward S; Herman, Amadeus; Njau, Karoli N
  • Regional Frequency Analysis at Ungauged Sites with Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines. (2020) Msilini, A; Masselot, P; Ouarda, TBMJ
  • N-Acetyltransferase 2 Genotypes among Zulu-Speaking South Africans and Isoniazid and N-Acetyl-Isoniazid Pharmacokinetics during Antituberculosis Treatment. (2020) Mthiyane, Thuli; Millard, James; Adamson, John; Balakrishna, Yusentha; Connolly, Cathy; Owen, Andrew; Rustomjee, Roxana; Dheda, Keertan; McIlleron, Helen; Pym, Alexander S
  • N-Acetyltransferase 2 Genotypes among Zulu-Speaking South Africans and Isoniazid and N-Acetyl-lsoniazid Pharmacokinetics during Antituberculosis Treatment. (2020) Mthiyane, Thuli; Millard, James; Adamson, John; Balakrishna, Yusentha; Connolly, Cathy; Owen, Andrew; Rustomjee, Roxana; Dheda, Keertan; McIlleron, Helen; Pym, Alexander S
  • Understanding hard-to-reach communities: local perspectives and experiences of trachoma control among the pastoralist Maasai in northern Tanzania. (2020) Mtuy, Tara B; Bardosh, Kevin; Ngondi, Jeremiah; Mwingira, Upendo; Seeley, Janet; Burton, Matthew; Lees, Shelley
  • Bypassing or successful referral? A population-based study of reasons why women travel far for childbirth in Eastern Uganda. (2020) Mubiri, Paul; Kajjo, Darious; Okuga, Monica; Marchant, Tanya; Peterson, Stefan; Waiswa, Peter; Hanson, Claudia
  • Recommendations for Epidemiological Research in ME/CFS from the EUROMENE Epidemiology Working Group. (2020) Mudie, Kathleen; Estévez-López, Fernando; Sekulic, Slobodan; Ivanovs, Andrejs; Sepulveda, Nuno; Zalewski, Pawel; Mengshoel, Anne Marit; De Korwin, Jean-Dominique; Hinic Capo, Natasa; Alegre-Martin, Jose; Castro-Marrero, Jesus; Murovska, Modra; Nacul, Luis; Lacerda, Eliana
  • Individual and community-level benefits of PrEP in western Kenya and South Africa: Implications for population prioritization of PrEP provision. (2020) Mudimu, Edinah; Peebles, Kathryn; Mukandavire, Zindoga; Nightingale, Emily; Sharma, Monisha; Medley, Graham F; Klein, Daniel J; Kripke, Katharine; Bershteyn, Anna
  • Neutrophils in Tuberculosis-Associated Inflammation and Lung Pathology. (2020) Muefong, Caleb N; Sutherland, Jayne S
  • “Oh God! Why Did You Let Me Have This Disability?”: Religion, Spirituality and Disability in Three African countries. (2020) Mugeere, Anthony Buyinza; Omona, Julius; State, Andrew Ellias; Shakespeare, Tom
  • Survival of people aged 50 years and older by HIV and HIV treatment status: findings from three waves of the SAGE-Wellbeing of Older People Study (SAGE-WOPS) in Uganda. (2020) Mugisha Okello, Joseph; Nash, Stephen; Kowal, Paul; Naidoo, Nirmala; Chatterji, Somnath; Boerma, Ties; Seeley, Janet
  • Health care professionals' perspectives on barriers to treatment seeking for formal health services among orphan children and adolescents with HIV/AIDS and mental distress in a rural district in central, Uganda. (2020) Mugisha, James; Kinyanda, Eugene; Osafo, Joseph; Nalukenge, Winfred; Knizek, Birthe Loa
  • "We shall have gone to a higher standard": Training village heath teams (VHTs) to use a smartphone-guided intervention to link older Ugandans with hypertension and diabetes to care. (2020) Mugisha, Joseph Okello; Seeley, Janet
  • “We shall have gone to a higher standard”: Training village heath teams (VHTs) to use a smartphone-guided intervention to link older Ugandans with hypertension and diabetes to care. (2020) Mugisha, Joseph Okello; Seeley, Janet
  • Cross-species reactivity of antibodies against Plasmodium vivax blood-stage antigens to Plasmodium knowlesi. (2020) Muh, Fauzi; Kim, Namhyeok; Nyunt, Myat Htut; Firdaus, Egy Rahman; Han, Jin-Hee; Hoque, Mohammad Rafiul; Lee, Seong-Kyun; Park, Ji-Hoon; Moon, Robert W; Lau, Yee Ling; Kaneko, Osamu; Han, Eun-Taek
  • Uptake of long acting reversible contraception following integrated couples HIV and fertility goal-based family planning counselling in Catholic and non-Catholic, urban and rural government health centers in Kigali, Rwanda. (2020) Mukamuyango, Jeannine; Ingabire, Rosine; Parker, Rachel; Nyombayire, Julien; Abaasa, Andrew; Asiki, Gershim; Easter, Sarah Rae; Wall, Kristin M; Nyirazinyoye, Laetitia; Tichacek, Amanda; Kaslow, Nadine; Price, Matt A; Allen, Susan; Karita, Etienne
  • Haplotype of RNASE 3 polymorphisms is associated with severe malaria in an Indian population. (2020) Mukhi, Benudhar; Gupta, Himanshu; Wassmer, Samuel C; Anvikar, Anupkumar R; Ghosh, Susanta Kumar
  • 1800 121 2096 Diabeteshelp - A toll free helpline for people with diabetes. (2020) Mukpalkar, Sridivya; Gilbert, Clare; Murthy, GVS; Gudlavalleti, Anirudh G; Batchu, Tripura; Edla, Supriya; Hebrew, Vandana; Vemulapalli, Leela; Janagama, Harika; Shukla, Rajan; Bala, Vidyadhar MS; Yamarthi, Pavani; Pendyala, Suneetha; Puppala, Anusha
  • "The Actor Is Policy": Application of Elite Theory to Explore Actors' Interests and Power Underlying Maternal Health Policies in Uganda, 2000-2015. (2020) Mukuru, Moses; Kiwanuka, Suzanne N; Gilson, Lucy; Shung-King, Maylene; Ssengooba, Freddie
  • The English National Cohort Study of Flooding & Health: psychological morbidity at three years of follow up. (2020) Mulchandani, Ranya; Armstrong, Ben; Beck, Charles R; Waite, Thomas David; Amlôt, Richard; Kovats, Sari; Leonardi, Giovanni; Rubin, G James; Oliver, Isabel
  • Management of childhood pneumonia in Nigeria. (2020) Mulholland, Kim
  • Impact of COVID-19 on accident and emergency attendances and emergency and planned hospital admissions in Scotland: an interrupted time-series analysis. (2020) Mulholland, Rachel H; Wood, Rachael; Stagg, Helen R; Fischbacher, Colin; Villacampa, Jaime; Simpson, Colin R; Vasileiou, Eleftheria; McCowan, Colin; Stock, Sarah J; Docherty, Annemarie B; Ritchie, Lewis D; Agrawal, Utkarsh; Robertson, Chris; Murray, Josephine Lk; MacKenzie, Fiona; Sheikh, Aziz
  • High Density Lipoprotein pathway as a therapeutic target for coronary heart disease: individual participant meta-analysis in 28,597 individuals with 4197 coronary events. (2020) Mulick, Amy R; Prieto-Merino, David; Tillin, Therese; Havulinna, Aki; Shipley, Martin; Valera-Gran, Desiree; Gentry-Maharaj, Aleksandra; Ryan, Andy; Kumari, Meena; Jukema, J Wouter; McConnachie, Alex; Salomaa, Veikko; Chaturvedi, Nish; Wannamethee, Goya; Menon, Usha; Jefferis, Barbara; Kivimaki, Mika; Packard, Chris J; Sattar, Naveed; Whittaker, John; Hingorani, Aroon; Ploubidis, George B; Casas, JP
  • Safety and efficacy of belimumab after B cell depletion therapy in systemic LUPUS erythematosus (BEAT-LUPUS) trial: statistical analysis plan. (2020) Muller, Patrick; Chowdhury, Kashfia; Gordon, Caroline; Ehrenstein, Michael R; Doré, Caroline J
  • A randomised, multi-centre trial of total ankle replacement versus ankle arthrodesis in the treatment of patients with end stage ankle osteoarthritis (TARVA): statistical analysis plan. (2020) Muller, Patrick; Skene, Simon S; Chowdhury, Kashfia; Cro, Suzie; Goldberg, Andrew J; Doré, Caroline J; TARVA Study Group
  • Temporal and geographic changes in stage at diagnosis in England during 2008-2013: A population-based study of colorectal, lung and ovarian cancers. (2020) Muller, Patrick; Woods, Laura; Walters, Sarah
  • Characterisation of genetic regulatory effects for osteoporosis risk variants in human osteoclasts. (2020) Mullin, Benjamin H; Tickner, Jennifer; Zhu, Kun; Kenny, Jacob; Mullin, Shelby; Brown, Suzanne J; Dudbridge, Frank; Pavlos, Nathan J; Mocarski, Edward S; Walsh, John P; Xu, Jiake; Wilson, Scott G
  • Perspectives Among Canadian Physicians on Factors Influencing Implementation of Mifepristone Medical Abortion: A National Qualitative Study. (2020) Munro, Sarah; Guilbert, Edith; Wagner, Marie-Soleil; Wilcox, Elizabeth S; Devane, Courtney; Dunn, Sheila; Brooks, Melissa; Soon, Judith A; Mills, Megan; Leduc-Robert, Genevieve; Wahl, Kate; Zannier, Erik; Norman, Wendy V
  • The Antimicrobial Peptide, Bactenecin 5, Supports Cell-Mediated but Not Humoral Immunity in the Context of a Mycobacterial Antigen Vaccine Model. (2020) Munshi, Tulika; Sparrow, Adam; Wren, Brendan W; Reljic, Rajko; Willcocks, Samuel J
  • Impact of WHO guidelines on trends in HIV testing and ART initiation among children living with HIV in Zambia. (2020) Munthali, Tendai; Michelo, Charles; Mee, Paul; Moyo, Crispin; Kashoka, Andrew; Liswaniso, Liswaniso; Chiboma, Innocent; Todd, Jim
  • Survival of Children Living With HIV on Art in Zambia: A 13-Years Retrospective Cohort Analysis. (2020) Munthali, Tendai; Michelo, Charles; Mee, Paul; Todd, Jim
  • What individual and neighbourhood-level factors increase the risk of heat-related mortality? A case-crossover study of over 185,000 deaths in London using high-resolution climate datasets. (2020) Murage, Peninah; Kovats, Sari; Sarran, Christophe; Taylor, Jonathon; McInnes, Rachel; Hajat, Shakoor
  • Estimating the burden of iron deficiency among African children. (2020) Muriuki, John Muthii; Mentzer, Alexander J; Webb, Emily L; Morovat, Alireza; Kimita, Wandia; Ndungu, Francis M; Macharia, Alex W; Crane, Rosie J; Berkley, James A; Lule, Swaib A; Cutland, Clare; Sirima, Sodiomon B; Diarra, Amidou; Tiono, Alfred B; Bejon, Philip; Madhi, Shabir A; Hill, Adrian VS; Prentice, Andrew M; Suchdev, Parminder S; Elliott, Alison M; Williams, Thomas N; Atkinson, Sarah H
  • Economic sanctions and Iran's capacity to respond to COVID-19. (2020) Murphy, Adrianna; Abdi, Zhaleh; Harirchi, Iraj; McKee, Martin; Ahmadnezhad, Elham
  • The household economic burden of non-communicable diseases in 18 countries. (2020) Murphy, Adrianna; Palafox, Benjamin; Walli-Attaei, Marjan; Powell-Jackson, Timothy; Rangarajan, Sumathy; Alhabib, Khalid F; Avezum, Alvaro Jr; Calik, Kevser Burcu Tumerdem; Chifamba, Jephat; Choudhury, Tarzia; Dagenais, Gilles; Dans, Antonio L; Gupta, Rajeev; Iqbal, Romaina; Kaur, Manmeet; Kelishadi, Roya; Khatib, Rasha; Kruger, Iolanthe Marike; Kutty, Vellappillil Raman; Lear, Scott A; Li, Wei; Lopez-Jaramillo, Patricio; Mohan, Viswanathan; Mony, Prem K; Orlandini, Andres; Rosengren, Annika; Rosnah, Ismail; Seron, Pamela; Teo, Koon; Tse, Lap Ah; Tsolekile, Lungiswa; Wang, Yang; Wielgosz, Andreas; Yan, Ruohua; Yeates, Karen E; Yusoff, Khalid; Zatonska, Katarzyna; Hanson, Kara; Yusuf, Salim; McKee, Martin
  • Malnutrition in community-dwelling older people: lessons learnt using a new procedure. (2020) Murphy, Jane; Bracher, Michael; Tkacz, Daria; Aburrow, Annemarie; Allmark, Grace; Steward, Kathy; Wallis, Kathy; May, Carl
  • Glycosylation of Trypanosoma cruzi TcI antigen reveals recognition by chagasic sera. (2020) Murphy, Niamh; Rooney, Barrie; Bhattacharyya, Tapan; Triana-Chavez, Omar; Krueger, Anja; Haslam, Stuart M; O'Rourke, Victoria; Pańczuk, Magdalena; Tsang, Jemima; Bickford-Smith, Jack; Gilman, Robert H; Tetteh, Kevin; Drakeley, Chris; Smales, C Mark; Miles, Michael A
  • Procedural justice, compliance with the law and police stop-and-search: a study of young people in England and Scotland. (2020) Murray, Kath; McVie, Susan; Farren, Diego; Herlitz, Lauren; Hough, Mike; Norris, Paul
  • Tracking infectious diseases in a warming world. (2020) Murray, Kris A; Escobar, Luis E; Lowe, Rachel; Rocklöv, Joacim; Semenza, Jan C; Watts, Nick
  • Overview and project highlights of an initiative to integrate diabetic retinopathy screening and management in the public health system in India. (2020) Murthy, GVS; Gilbert, Clare; Shukla, Rajan; Bala, Vidyadhar; Anirudh, Gaurang G; Mukpalkar, Sridivya; Yamarthi, Pavani; Pendyala, Suneetha; Puppala, Anusha; Supriya, Edla; Batchu, Tripura; India DR Partners Implementation Consortium
  • Operational guidelines for diabetic retinopathy in India: Summary. (2020) Murthy, GVS; Sundar, Gomathi; Gilbert, Clare; Shukla, Rajan; IIPH DR Project Implementation Core Team
  • A scalable, self-sustaining model for screening and treatment of diabetic retinopathy in rural Karnataka. (2020) Murthy, Krishna R; Murthy, Praveen R; Murali, Bhargavi; Basavaraju, V; Sindhu, BS; Churi, Anusha; Kumar, Dinesh; Roopa, BS; Babu, Giridhara R; Shapeti, Suresh; Gilbert, Clare; Murthy, GVS
  • Long-lasting insecticidal nets retain bio-efficacy after 5 years of storage: implications for malaria control programmes. (2020) Musa, Jeremiah J; Moore, Sarah J; Moore, Jason; Mbuba, Emmanuel; Mbeyela, Edgar; Kobe, Dickson; Swai, Johnson K; Odufuwa, Olukayode G
  • Tailoring Immunization Programmes: using patient file data to explore vaccination uptake and associated factors. (2020) Musa, Sanjin; Bach Habersaat, Katrine; Jackson, Cath; Kulo, Aida; Primorac, Emilija; Smjecanin, Mirsad; Funk, Sebastian
  • Identification and characterization of immature Anopheles and culicines (Diptera: Culicidae) at three sites of varying malaria transmission intensities in Uganda. (2020) Musiime, Alex K; Smith, David L; Kilama, Maxwell; Geoffrey, Otto; Kyagamba, Patrick; Rek, John; Conrad, Melissa D; Nankabirwa, Joaniter I; Arinaitwe, Emmanuel; Akol, Anne M; Kamya, Moses R; Dorsey, Grant; Staedke, Sarah G; Drakeley, Chris; Lindsay, Steve W
  • Long-Term Impact of War, Civil War, and Persecution in Civilian Populations—Conflict and Post-Traumatic Stress in African Communities. (2020) Musisi, Seggane; Kinyanda, Eugene
  • Willingness to participate in future HIV vaccine trials among men who have sex with men and female sex workers living in Nairobi, Kenya. (2020) Mutisya, Elizabeth Mueni; Mutua, Gaudensia; Nyasani, Delvin; Nduta, Hannah; Kabuti, Rhoda W; Muturi-Kioi, Vincent; Omosa-Manyonyi, Gloria; Abaasa, Andrew; Lindan, Krysia; Price, Matt A; Kimani, Joshua; Anzala, Aggrey Omu
  • Effects of vitamin D deficiency on neurobehavioural outcomes in children: a systematic review. (2020) Mutua, Agnes M; Mogire, Reagan M; Elliott, Alison M; Williams, Thomas N; Webb, Emily L; Abubakar, Amina; Atkinson, Sarah H
  • Effects of vitamin D deficiency on neurobehavioural outcomes in children: a systematic review. (2020) Mutua, Agnes M; Mogire, Reagan M; Elliott, Alison M; Williams, Thomas N; Webb, Emily L; Abubakar, Amina; Atkinson, Sarah H
  • Vitamin D Status Is Not Associated with Cognitive or Motor Function in Pre-School Ugandan Children. (2020) Mutua, Agnes M; Nampijja, Margaret; Elliott, Alison M; Pettifor, John M; Williams, Thomas N; Abubakar, Amina; Webb, Emily L; Atkinson, Sarah H
  • The Forgotten Agenda of Wasting in Southeast Asia: Burden, Determinants and Overlap with Stunting: A Review of Nationally Representative Cross-Sectional Demographic and Health Surveys in Six Countries. (2020) Mutunga, Mueni; Frison, Severine; Rava, Matteo; Bahwere, Paluku
  • Barriers and facilitators to care-seeking among survivors of gender-based violence in the Dadaab refugee complex. (2020) Muuo, Sheru; Muthuri, Stella Kagwiria; Mutua, Martin Kavao; McAlpine, Alys; Bacchus, Loraine J; Ogego, Hope; Bangha, Martin; Hossain, Mazeda; Izugbara, Chimaraoke
  • Effectiveness of Lifelong ART (Option B+) in the Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV Programme in Zambia: Observations Based on Routinely Collected Health Data. (2020) Muyunda, Brian; Musonda, Patrick; Mee, Paul; Todd, Jim; Michelo, Charles
  • Common Bacterial Infections and Risk of Dementia or Cognitive Decline: A Systematic Review. (2020) Muzambi, Rutendo; Bhaskaran, Krishnan; Brayne, Carol; Davidson, Jennifer A; Smeeth, Liam; Warren-Gash, Charlotte
  • Level of education and preferred language of informed consent for clinical research in a multi-lingual community. (2020) Muzanyi, Grace; Sekitoleko, Isaac; Johnson, John L; Lunkuse, Jane; Nalugwa, Gladys; Nassali, Joanita; Mafigiri, David Kaawa
  • Feasibility of a cluster randomized controlled trial on the effectiveness of peer-led health education interventions to increase uptake of retinal examination for diabetic retinopathy in Kirinyaga, Kenya: a pilot trial. (2020) Mwangi, Nyawira; Bascaran, Covadonga; Ng'ang'a, Mark; Ramke, Jacqueline; Kipturgo, Mathew; Gichuhi, Stephen; Kim, Min; Macleod, David; Moorman, Consuela; Muraguri, David; Gakuo, Esbon; Muthami, Lawrence; Foster, Allen
  • Peer-support to increase uptake of screening for diabetic retinopathy: process evaluation of the DURE cluster randomized trial. (2020) Mwangi, Nyawira; Bascaran, Covadonga; Ramke, Jacqueline; Kipturgo, Mathew; Kim, Min; Ng'ang'a, Mark; Gichuhi, Stephen; Mutie, Dorothy; Moorman, Consuela; Muthami, Lawrence; Foster, Allen
  • Can Combining Performance-Based Financing With Equity Measures Result in Greater Equity in Utilization of Maternal Care Services? Evidence From Burkina Faso. (2020) Mwase, Takondwa; Lohmann, Julia; Hamadou, Saidou; Brenner, Stephan; Somda, Serge MA; Hien, Hervé; Hillebrecht, Michael; De Allegri, Manuela
  • Policy makers, regulators and researchers’ perspectives on genomics research and the capacity of the National Health Research Act of 2013 to regulate genomics research in Zambia. (2020) Mweemba, Oliver; Musuku, John; Matenga, Tulani Francis L; Parker, Michael; Rutakumwa, Rwamahe; Seeley, Janet; Simanga, Twambo; Tindana, Paulina; de Vries, Jantina
  • Creating pre-conditions for change in clinical practice: the influence of interactions between multiple contexts and human agency. (2020) Myall, Michelle; May, Carl; Richardson, Alison; Bogle, Sarah; Campling, Natasha; Dace, Sally; Lund, Susi
  • Transcatheter aortic valve implantation via surgical subclavian versus direct aortic access: A United Kingdom analysis. (2020) Myat, Aung; Papachristofi, Olympia; Trivedi, Uday; Bapat, Vinayak; Young, Christopher; de Belder, Adam; Cockburn, James; Baumbach, Andreas; Banning, Adrian P; Blackman, Daniel J; MacCarthy, Philip; Mullen, Michael; Muir, Douglas F; Nolan, James; Zaman, Azfar; de Belder, Mark; Cox, Ian; Kovac, Jan; Brecker, Stephen; Turner, Mark; Khogali, Saib; Malik, Iqbal; Redwood, Simon; Prendergast, Bernard; Ludman, Peter; Sharples, Linda; Hildick-Smith, David
  • Transcatheter aortic valve implantation via surgical subclavian versus direct aortic access: A United Kingdom analysis. (2020) Myat, Aung; Papachristofi, Olympia; Trivedi, Uday; Bapat, Vinayak; Young, Christopher; de Belder, Adam; Cockburn, James; Baumbach, Andreas; Banning, Adrian P; Blackman, Daniel J; MacCarthy, Philip; Mullen, Michael; Muir, Douglas F; Nolan, James; Zaman, Azfar; de Belder, Mark; Cox, Ian; Kovac, Jan; Brecker, Stephen; Turner, Mark; Khogali, Saib; Malik, Iqbal; Redwood, Simon; Prendergast, Bernard; Ludman, Peter; Sharples, Linda; Hildick-Smith, David
  • Prevalence and Risk Factors for Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection Among Adolescents in Rural South Africa. (2020) Mzembe, Themba; Lessells, Richard; Karat, Aaron S; Randera-Rees, Safiyya; Edwards, Anita; Khan, Palwasha; Tomita, Andrew; Tanser, Frank; Baisley, Kathy; Grant, Alison D
  • Emotion and Narrative: Perspectives in Autobiographical Storytelling. (2020) Mäkelä, Petra
  • The work of older people and their informal caregivers in managing an acute health event in a hospital at home or hospital inpatient setting. (2020) Mäkelä, Petra; Stott, David; Godfrey, Mary; Ellis, Graham; Schiff, Rebekah; Shepperd, Sasha
  • Estimation of Rift Valley fever virus spillover to humans during the Mayotte 2018-2019 epidemic. (2020) Métras, Raphaëlle; Edmunds, W John; Youssouffi, Chouanibou; Dommergues, Laure; Fournié, Guillaume; Camacho, Anton; Funk, Sebastian; Cardinale, Eric; Le Godais, Gilles; Combo, Soihibou; Filleul, Laurent; Youssouf, Hassani; Subiros, Marion
  • Case Fatality Rate Related to Microcephaly Congenital Zika Syndrome and Associated Factors: A Nationwide Retrospective Study in Brazil †. (2020) N Costa, Maria Conceição; Cardim, Luciana Lobato; Teixeira, Maria Gloria; Barreto, Mauricio L; Carvalho-Sauer, Rita de Cassia Oliveira de; Barreto, Florisneide R; Carvalho, Martha Suely Itaparica; Oliveira, Wanderson K; França, Giovanny VA; Carmo, Eduardo Hage; Andrade, Roberto FS; Rodrigues, Moreno S; Veiga, Rafael V; Oliveira, Juliane F; Fernandes, Qeren HRF; Costa, Larissa C; Coelho, Giovanini E; Paixao, Enny S
  • Height and body-mass index trajectories of school-aged children and adolescents from 1985 to 2019 in 200 countries and territories: a pooled analysis of 2181 population-based studies with 65 million participants. (2020) NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC)
  • Quantitative Bias Analysis for a Misclassified Confounder: A Comparison Between Marginal Structural Models and Conditional Models for Point Treatments. (2020) Nab, Linda; Groenwold, Rolf HH; van Smeden, Maarten; Keogh, Ruth H
  • Burden, predictors and short-term outcomes of peripartum cardiomyopathy in a black African cohort. (2020) Nabbaale, Juliet; Okello, Emmy; Kibirige, Davis; Ssekitoleko, Isaac; Isanga, Joseph; Karungi, Patience; Sebatta, Elias; Zhu, Zhang Wan; Nakimuli, Annettee; Omagino, John; Kayima, James
  • 'Sometimes you are forced to play God…': a qualitative study of healthcare worker experiences of using continuous positive airway pressure in newborn care in Kenya. (2020) Nabwera, Helen M; Wright, Jemma L; Patil, Manasi; Dickinson, Fiona; Godia, Pamela; Maua, Judith; Sammy, Mercy K; Naimoi, Bridget C; Warfa, Osman H; Dewez, Juan Emmanuel; Murila, Florence; Manu, Alexander; Smith, Helen; Mathai, Matthews
  • How Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) Progresses: The Natural History of ME/CFS. (2020) Nacul, Luis; O'Boyle, Shennae; Palla, Luigi; Nacul, Flavio E; Mudie, Kathleen; Kingdon, Caroline C; Cliff, Jacqueline M; Clark, Taane G; Dockrell, Hazel M; Lacerda, Eliana M
  • Mental Healthcare Act, 2017, and addiction treatment. (2020) Nadkarni, Abhijit; Bhatia, Urvita; Velleman, Richard; Agrawal, Ravindra; Pathare, Soumitra
  • Ethnicity, Household Composition and COVID-19 Mortality: A National Linked Data Study. (2020) Nafilyan, Vahé; Islam, Nazrul; Ayoubkhani, Daniel; Gilles, Clare; Katikireddi, Srinivasa Vittal; Mathur, Rohini; Summerfield, Annabel; Tingay, Karen; Asaria, Miqdad; John, Ann; Goldblatt, Peter; Banerjee, Amitava; Khunti, Kamlesh
  • Gender Norms and Weight Control Behaviors in U.S. Adolescents: A Prospective Cohort Study (1994-2002). (2020) Nagata, Jason M; Domingue, Benjamin W; Darmstadt, Gary L; Weber, Ann M; Meausoone, Valerie; Cislaghi, Beniamino; Shakya, Holly B
  • Achieving the SDGs in the European Region. (2020) Nagyova, Iveta; McKee, Martin; Droogers, Maaike
  • Do social accountability approaches work? A review of the literature from selected low- and middle-income countries in the WHO South-East Asia region. (2020) Naher, Nahitun; Balabanova, Dina; Hutchinson, Eleanor; Marten, Robert; Hoque, Roksana; Tune, Samiun Nazrin Bente Kamal; Islam, Bushra Zarin; Ahmed, Syed Masud
  • Correction to: The influence of corruption and governance in the delivery of frontline health care services in the public sector: a scoping review of current and future prospects in low and middle-income countries of south and south-east Asia. (2020) Naher, Nahitun; Hoque, Roksana; Hassan, Muhammad Shaikh; Balabanova, Dina; Adams, Alayne M; Ahmed, Syed Masud
  • The influence of corruption and governance in the delivery of frontline health care services in the public sector: a scoping review of current and future prospects in low and middle-income countries of south and south-east Asia. (2020) Naher, Nahitun; Hoque, Roksana; Hassan, Muhammad Shaikh; Balabanova, Dina; Adams, Alayne M; Ahmed, Syed Masud
  • Genetic Markers in S. Paratyphi C Reveal Primary Adaptation to Pigs. (2020) Nair, Satheesh; Fookes, Maria; Corton, Craig; Thomson, Nicholas R; Wain, John; Langridge, Gemma C
  • Career development for infection and immunity research in Uganda: a decade of experience from the Makerere University - Uganda Virus Research Institute research and training programme. (2020) Nakanjako, Damalie; Zalwango, Flavia; Wairagala, Pamela; Luboga, Fiona; Andia Biraro, Irene; Bukirwa, Victoria Diana; Mboowa, Mary Gorrethy; Cose, Steve; Seeley, Janet; Elliott, Alison
  • Career development for infection and immunity research in Uganda: a decade of experience from the Makerere University – Uganda Virus Research Institute research and training programme. (2020) Nakanjako, Damalie; Zalwango, Flavia; Wairagala, Pamela; Luboga, Fiona; Andia Biraro, Irene; Bukirwa, Victoria Diana; Mboowa, Mary Gorrethy; Cose, Steve; Seeley, Janet; Elliott, Alison
  • Career development for infection and immunity research in Uganda: a decade of experience from the Makerere University – Uganda Virus Research Institute research and training programme. (2020) Nakanjako, Damalie; Zalwango, Flavia; Wairagala, Pamela; Luboga, Fiona; Andia Biraro, Irene; Bukirwa, Victoria Diana; Mboowa, Mary Gorrethy; Cose, Steve; Seeley, Janet; Elliott, Alison
  • "They have this not care - don't care attitude:" A Mixed Methods Study Evaluating Community Readiness for Oral PrEP in Adolescent Girls and Young Women in a Rural Area of South Africa. (2020) Nakasone, Sarah E; Chimbindi, Natsayi; Mthiyane, Nondumiso; Nkosi, Busisiwe; Zuma, Thembelihle; Baisley, Kathy; Dreyer, Jaco; Pillay, Deenan; Floyd, Sian; Birdthistle, Isolde; Seeley, Janet; Shahmanesh, Maryam
  • An e-registry for household contacts exposed to multidrug resistant TB in Mongolia. (2020) Naker, Kush; Gaskell, Katherine M; Dorjravdan, Munhjargal; Dambaa, Naranzul; Roberts, Chrissy H; Moore, David AJ
  • Attitudes and practices of public health academics towards research funding from for-profit organizations: cross-sectional survey. (2020) Nakkash, Rima; Ali, AK; Alaouie, H; Asmar, K; Hirschhorn, N; Mugharbil, S; Nuwayhid, I; London, L; Saban, A; Rashid, SF; Ahmed, MK; Knai, Cecile; Bigland, Charlotte; Afifi, Rima
  • Attitudes and practices of public health academics towards research funding from for-profit organizations: cross-sectional survey. (2020) Nakkash, Rima; Ali, Ahmed; Alaouie, Hala; Asmar, Khalil; Hirschhorn, Norbert; Mugharbil, Sanaa; Nuwayhid, Iman; London, Leslie; Saban, Amina; Rashid, Sabina Faiz; Ahmed, Md Koushik; Knai, Cecile; Bigland, Charlotte; Afifi, Rima A
  • Vitamin B12 and Folate Status in Cognitively Healthy Older Adults and Associations with Cognitive Performance. (2020) Nalder, L; Zheng, B; Chiandet, G; Middleton, LT; de Jager, CA
  • Challenges with scale-up of GeneXpert MTB/RIF® in Uganda: a health systems perspective. (2020) Nalugwa, Talemwa; Shete, Priya B; Nantale, Mariam; Farr, Katherine; Ojok, Christopher; Ochom, Emma; Mugabe, Frank; Joloba, Moses; Dowdy, David W; Moore, David AJ; Davis, J Lucian; Cattamanchi, Adithya; Katamba, Achilles
  • Hygiene along the continuum of care in the early post-natal period: an observational study in Nigeria. (2020) Nalule, Yolisa; Buxton, Helen; Flynn, Erin; Oluyinka, Olutunde; Sara, Stephen; Cumming, Oliver; Dreibelbis, Robert
  • Field evaluation of the performance of a SARS-CoV-2 antigen rapid diagnostic test in Uganda using nasopharyngeal samples. (2020) Nalumansi, Aminah; Lutalo, Tom; Kayiwa, John; Watera, Christine; Balinandi, Stephen; Kiconco, Jocelyn; Nakaseegu, Joweria; Olara, Denis; Odwilo, Emmanuel; Serwanga, Jennifer; Kikaire, Bernard; Ssemwanga, Deogratius; Nabadda, Susan; Ssewanyana, Isaac; Atwine, Diane; Mwebesa, Henry; Bosa, Henry Kyobe; Nsereko, Christopher; Cotten, Matthew; Downing, Robert; Lutwama, Julius; Kaleebu, Pontiano
  • Variation in KSHV prevalence between geographically proximate locations in Uganda. (2020) Nalwoga, Angela; Webb, Emily L; Muserere, Claudios; Chihota, Belinda; Miley, Wendell; Labo, Nazzarena; Elliott, Alison; Cose, Stephen; Whitby, Denise; Newton, Robert
  • Monocytes from neonates and adults have a similar capacity to adapt their cytokine production after previous exposure to BCG and β-glucan. (2020) Namakula, Rhoda; de Bree, L Charlotte J; A Tvedt, Tor Henrik; Netea, Mihai G; Cose, Stephen; Hanevik, Kurt
  • Predictors of 30-day and 90-day mortality among hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke patients in urban Uganda: a prospective hospital-based cohort study. (2020) Namale, Gertrude; Kamacooko, Onesmus; Makhoba, Anthony; Mugabi, Timothy; Ndagire, Maria; Ssanyu, Proscovia; Ddamulira, John Bosco M; Yperzeele, Laetitia; Cras, Patrick; Ddumba, Edward; Seeley, Janet; Newton, Robert
  • Caring for children with neurodevelopmental disability: Experiences from caretakers and health workers in rural eastern Uganda. (2020) Namazzi, Gertrude; Hanson, Claudia; Nalwadda, Christine; Tetui, Moses; Nampijja, Margaret; Waiswa, Peter; Tumwine, James K; Hildenwall, Helena
  • Neurodevelopmental outcomes of preterm babies during infancy in Eastern Uganda: a prospective cohort study. (2020) Namazzi, Gertrude; Tumwine, James K; Hildenwall, Helena; Ndeezi, Grace; Mubiri, Paul; Hanson, Claudia; Kakooza-Mwesige, Angelina; Waiswa, Peter
  • Effect of intensive versus standard anthelminthic treatment on growth and cognition among children living in a high Schistosoma mansoni transmission setting: a study nested within a cluster-randomised trial. (2020) Nampijja, Margaret; Lubyayi, Lawrence; Tumusiime, Josephine; Nabulime, Juliet; Kizindo, Robert; Kabuubi, Prossy; Sanya, Richard E; Kabagenyi, Joy; Akurut, Hellen; Muhangi, Lawrence; Webb, Emily L; Alcock, Katie; Elliott, Alison M
  • Lessons learnt in recruiting schoolchildren into a large asthma case-control study in urban Uganda. (2020) Namutebi, Milly; Nnaluwooza, Marble; Tumwesige, Pius; Mukasa, Mike; Apule, Barbara; Onen, Caroline; Katongole, Tonny; Tumusiime, Josephine; Akurut, Hellen; Elliott, Alison; Mpairwe, Harriet
  • Preoperative anaemia management in patients undergoing vascular surgery. (2020) Nandhra, S; Chau, M; Klein, AA; Yeates, JA; Collier, T; Evans, C; Agarwal, S; Richards, T; UK Cardiac and Vascular Surgery Interventional Anaemia Response
  • Malaria Transmission, Infection, and Disease following Sustained Indoor Residual Spraying of Insecticide in Tororo, Uganda. (2020) Nankabirwa, Joaniter I; Arinaitwe, Emmanuel; Rek, John; Kilama, Maxwell; Kizza, Timothy; Staedke, Sarah G; Rosenthal, Phillip J; Rodriguez-Barraquer, Isabel; Briggs, Jessica; Greenhouse, Bryan; Bousema, Teun; Drakeley, Chris; Roos, David S; Tomko, Sheena S; Smith, David L; Kamya, Moses R; Dorsey, Grant
  • Robust barcoding and identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis lineages for epidemiological and clinical studies. (2020) Napier, Gary; Campino, Susana; Merid, Yared; Abebe, Markos; Woldeamanuel, Yimtubezinash; Aseffa, Abraham; Hibberd, Martin L; Phelan, Jody; Clark, Taane G
  • International standards for fetal brain structures based on serial ultrasound measurements from Fetal Growth Longitudinal Study of INTERGROWTH-21st Project. (2020) Napolitano, R; Molloholli, M; Donadono, V; Ohuma, EO; Wanyonyi, SZ; Kemp, B; Yaqub, MK; Ash, S; Barros, FC; Carvalho, M; Jaffer, YA; Noble, JA; Oberto, M; Purwar, M; Pang, R; Cheikh Ismail, L; Lambert, A; Gravett, MG; Salomon, LJ; Bhutta, ZA; Kennedy, SH; Villar, J; Papageorghiou, AT; International Fetal and Newborn Growth Consortium for the 21st C
  • Phylodynamic analysis of HIV-1 subtypes B, C and CRF 02_AG in Senegal. (2020) Nascimento, Fabrícia F; Baral, Stefan; Geidelberg, Lily; Mukandavire, Christinah; Schwartz, Sheree R; Turpin, Gnilane; Turpin, Nguissali; Diouf, Daouda; Diouf, Nafissatou Leye; Coly, Karleen; Kane, Coumba Toure; Ndour, Cheikh; Vickerman, Peter; Boily, Marie-Claude; Volz, Erik M
  • Combined HIV Adolescent Prevention Study (CHAPS): comparison of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis regimens for adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa-study protocol for a mixed-methods study including a randomised controlled trial. (2020) Nash, S; Dietrich, J; Ssemata, AS; Herrera, C; O'Hagan, K; Else, L; Chiodi, F; Kelly, C; Shattock, R; Chirenje, M; Lebina, L; Khoo, S; Bekker, L-G; Weiss, HA; Gray, C; Stranix-Chibanda, L; Kaleebu, P; Seeley, J; Martinson, N; Fox, J; CHAPS team
  • Are commercial antibody assays substantially underestimating SARS-CoV-2 ever infection? An analysis on a population-based sample in a high exposure setting. (2020) Nasrallah, Gheyath K; Dargham, Soha R; Shurrab, Farah; Al-Sadeq, Duaa W; Al-Jighefee, Hadeel; Chemaitelly, Hiam; Kanaani, Zaina Al; Khal, Abdullatif Al; Kuwari, Einas Al; Coyle, Peter; Jeremijenko, Andrew; Kaleeckal, Anvar Hassan; Latif, Ali Nizar; Shaik, Riyazuddin Mohammad; Abdul Rahim, Hanan F; Yassine, Hadi M; Al Kuwari, Mohamed G; Qotba, Hamda; Romaihi, Hamad Eid Al; Tang, Patrick; Bertollini, Roberto; Al-Thani, Mohamed; Althani, Asmaa A; Abu-Raddad, Laith J
  • Reduction in Baseline CD4 Count Testing Following Human Immunodeficiency Virus "Treat All" Adoption in Uganda. (2020) Nasuuna, Esther; Tenforde, Mark W; Muganzi, Alex; Jarvis, Joseph N; Manabe, Yukari C; Kigozi, Joanita
  • Effectiveness of Hypopressive Exercises in Women with Pelvic Floor Dysfunction: A Randomised Controlled Trial. (2020) Navarro-Brazález, Beatriz; Prieto-Gómez, Virginia; Prieto-Merino, David; Sánchez-Sánchez, Beatriz; McLean, Linda; Torres-Lacomba, María
  • Use of antibiotics to treat humans and animals in Uganda: a cross-sectional survey of households and farmers in rural, urban and peri-urban settings. (2020) Nayiga, Susan; Kayendeke, Miriam; Nabirye, Christine; Willis, Laurie Denyer; Chandler, Clare IR; Staedke, Sarah G
  • Quantitatively evaluating the cross-sectoral and One Health impact of interventions: A scoping review and case study of antimicrobial resistance. (2020) Naylor, Nichola R; Lines, Jo; Waage, Jeff; Wieland, Barbara; Knight, Gwenan M
  • Characterization of DNA methylation in Malawian Mycobacterium tuberculosis clinical isolates. (2020) Ndhlovu, Victor; Kiran, Anmol; Sloan, Derek J; Mandala, Wilson; Nliwasa, Marriott; Everett, Dean B; Kumwenda, Benjamin; Mwapasa, Mphatso; Kontogianni, Konstantina; Kamdolozi, Mercy; Corbett, Elizabeth; Caws, Maxine; Davies, Gerry
  • Parents as carers on a neonatal unit: Qualitative study of parental and staff perceptions in a low-income setting. (2020) Ndiaye, S; Bosowski, J; Tuyisenge, L; Penn-Kekana, L; Thorogood, N; Moxon, SG; Lissauer, T
  • Factors associated with pneumococcal carriage and density in children and adults in Fiji, using four cross-sectional surveys. (2020) Neal, Eleanor FG; Nguyen, Cattram D; Ratu, Felista T; Dunne, Eileen M; Kama, Mike; Ortika, Belinda D; Boelsen, Laura K; Kado, Joseph; Tikoduadua, Lisi; Devi, Rachel; Tuivaga, Evelyn; Reyburn, Rita C; Satzke, Catherine; Rafai, Eric; Mulholland, E Kim; Russell, Fiona M
  • [New guidelines for GACETA SANITARIA. Improving the quality and transfer of scientific knowledge]. (2020) Negrín, Miguel A; Bermúdez-Tamayo, Clara; García-Calvente, María Del Mar; Carrasco Portiño, Mercedes; Hernán, Mariano; Miranda, J Jaime; González Zapata, Laura Inés; Briones-Vozmediano, Erica; García, Javier; Santillán, Azucena; Segura, Andreu; Álvarez-Dardet, Carlos
  • Predictors of undesirable treatment outcomes of severe acute malnutrition among inpatient children in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: a retrospective cohort study. (2020) Negussie, Absalat Serawit; Tadesse, Amare Worku
  • Plasmodium falciparum sexual parasites develop in human erythroblasts and affect erythropoiesis. (2020) Neveu, Gaëlle; Richard, Cyrielle; Dupuy, Florian; Behera, Prativa; Volpe, Fiona; Subramani, Pradeep Annamalai; Marcel-Zerrougui, Benjamin; Vallin, Patrice; Andrieu, Muriel; Minz, Aruna Mukti; Azar, Nabih; Martins, Rafael M; Lorthiois, Audrey; Gazeau, Florence; Lopez-Rubio, José-Juan; Mazier, Dominique; Silva, Amanda KA; Satpathi, Sanghamitra; Wassmer, Samuel C; Verdier, Frédérique; Lavazec, Catherine
  • COVID-19 and risks to the supply and quality of tests, drugs, and vaccines. (2020) Newton, Paul N; Bond, Katherine C; 53 signatories from 20 countries
  • The Pandemic of Hate is Giving COVID-19 a Helping Hand. (2020) Ng, Edmond
  • Pausing the Fight Against Malaria to Combat the COVID-19 Pandemic in Africa: Is the Future of Malaria Bleak? (2020) Nghochuzie, Nora Nganyewo; Olwal, Charles Ochieng'; Udoakang, Aniefiok John; Amenga-Etego, Lucas Naam-Kayagre; Amambua-Ngwa, Alfred
  • Efficacy of Royal Guard, a new alpha-cypermethrin and pyriproxyfen treated mosquito net, against pyrethroid-resistant malaria vectors. (2020) Ngufor, Corine; Agbevo, Abel; Fagbohoun, Josias; Fongnikin, Augustin; Rowland, Mark
  • Indoor spraying with chlorfenapyr (a pyrrole insecticide) provides residual control of pyrethroid-resistant malaria vectors in southern Benin. (2020) Ngufor, Corine; Fongnikin, Augustin; Hobbs, Neil; Gbegbo, Martial; Kiki, Laurette; Odjo, Abibath; Akogbeto, Martin; Rowland, Mark
  • Small-area level socio-economic deprivation and tuberculosis rates in England: An ecological analysis of tuberculosis notifications between 2008 and 2012. (2020) Nguipdop-Djomo, Patrick; Rodrigues, Laura C; Abubakar, Ibrahim; Mangtani, Punam
  • Drug misuse, tobacco smoking, alcohol and other social determinants of tuberculosis in UK-born adults in England: a community-based case-control study. (2020) Nguipdop-Djomo, Patrick; Rodrigues, Laura C; Smith, Peter G; Abubakar, Ibrahim; Mangtani, Punam
  • Associations between vision impairment and driving and the effectiveness of vision-related interventions: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2020) Nguyen, Helen; Di Tanna, Gian Luca; Coxon, Kristy; Brown, Julie; Ren, Kerrie; Ramke, Jacqueline; Burton, Matthew J; Gordon, Iris; Zhang, Justine H; Furtado, João M; Mdala, Shaffi; Kitema, Gatera Fiston; Keay, Lisa
  • 'I guess we have to treat them, but … ': health care provider perspectives on management of women presenting with unsafe abortion in Botswana. (2020) Ngwako, Karabo; Banke-Thomas, Aduragbemi
  • Participant understanding of informed consent in a multidisease community-based health screening and biobank platform in rural South Africa. (2020) Ngwenya, Nothando; Luthuli, Manono; Gunda, Resign; Gumede, Ntombizonke A; Adeagbo, Oluwafemi; Nkosi, Busisiwe; Gareta, Dickman; Koole, Olivier; Siedner, Mark; Wong, Emily B; Seeley, Janet; Vukuzazi team
  • Behavioural and socio-ecological factors that influence access and utilisation of health services by young people living in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: Implications for intervention. (2020) Ngwenya, Nothando; Nkosi, Busisiwe; Mchunu, Lerato S; Ferguson, Jane; Seeley, Janet; Doyle, Aoife M
  • Discordant retention of HIV-infected mothers and children: Evidence for a family-based approach from Southern Mozambique. (2020) Nhampossa, Tacilta; Fernandez, Sheila; Augusto, Orvalho; Fuente-Soro, Laura; Maculuve, SÓ Nia; Bernardo, Edson; Saura, Anna; Casellas, Aina; Gonzalez, Raquel; Ruperez, Maria; Karajeans, Esmeralda; Vaz, Paula; Menendez, Clara; Buck, W Chris; Naniche, Denise; Lopez-Varela, Elisa
  • The witness seminar: A research note. (2020) Nicholls, Emily Jay
  • Diabetes association with self-reported health, resource utilization, and prognosis post-myocardial infarction. (2020) Nicolau, José C; Brieger, David; Owen, Ruth; Furtado, Remo HM; Goodman, Shaun G; Cohen, Mauricio G; Simon, Tabassome; Westermann, Dirk; Granger, Christopher B; Grieve, Richard; Yasuda, Satoshi; Chen, Jiyan; Hedman, Katarina; Mellström, Carl; Brandrup-Wognsen, Gunnar; Pocock, Stuart J
  • Setting a baseline for global urban virome surveillance in sewage. (2020) Nieuwenhuijse, David F; Oude Munnink, Bas B; Phan, My VT; Global Sewage Surveillance project consortium; Munk, Patrick; Venkatakrishnan, Shweta; Aarestrup, Frank M; Cotten, Matthew; Koopmans, Marion PG
  • The importance of saturating density dependence for predicting SARS-CoV-2 resurgence. (2020) Nightingale, ES; Brady, OJ; Yakob, L
  • A spatio-temporal approach to short-term prediction of visceral leishmaniasis diagnoses in India. (2020) Nightingale, Emily S; Chapman, Lloyd AC; Srikantiah, Sridhar; Subramanian, Swaminathan; Jambulingam, Purushothaman; Bracher, Johannes; Cameron, Mary M; Medley, Graham F
  • Interpretation of the Epigenetic Signature of Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy in Light of Genotype-Phenotype Studies. (2020) Nikolic, Ana; Jones, Takako I; Govi, Monica; Mele, Fabiano; Maranda, Louise; Sera, Francesco; Ricci, Giulia; Ruggiero, Lucia; Vercelli, Liliana; Portaro, Simona; Villa, Luisa; Fiorillo, Chiara; Maggi, Lorenzo; Santoro, Lucio; Antonini, Giovanni; Filosto, Massimiliano; Moggio, Maurizio; Angelini, Corrado; Pegoraro, Elena; Berardinelli, Angela; Maioli, Maria Antonetta; D'Angelo, Grazia; Di Muzio, Antonino; Siciliano, Gabriele; Tomelleri, Giuliano; D'Esposito, Maurizio; Della Ragione, Floriana; Brancaccio, Arianna; Piras, Rachele; Rodolico, Carmelo; Mongini, Tiziana; Magdinier, Frederique; Salsi, Valentina; Jones, Peter L; Tupler, Rossella
  • Towards effective participation of the private health sector in Ghana’s COVID-19 response. (2020) Nimako, BA; Baiden, F; Awoonor-Williams, JK
  • Dynamics of within-host Mycobacterium tuberculosis diversity and heteroresistance during treatment. (2020) Nimmo, Camus; Brien, Kayleen; Millard, James; Grant, Alison D; Padayatchi, Nesri; Pym, Alexander S; O'Donnell, Max; Goldstein, Richard; Breuer, Judith; Balloux, François
  • Bedaquiline resistance in drug-resistant tuberculosis HIV co-infected patients. (2020) Nimmo, Camus; Millard, James; Brien, Kayleen; Moodley, Sashen; van Dorp, Lucy; Lutchminarain, Keeren; Wolf, Allison; Grant, Alison D; Balloux, Francois; Pym, Alexander S; Padayatchi, Nesri; O'Donnell, Max
  • Population-level emergence of bedaquiline and clofazimine resistance-associated variants among patients with drug-resistant tuberculosis in southern Africa: a phenotypic and phylogenetic analysis. (2020) Nimmo, Camus; Millard, James; van Dorp, Lucy; Brien, Kayleen; Moodley, Sashen; Wolf, Allison; Grant, Alison D; Padayatchi, Nesri; Pym, Alexander S; Balloux, François; O'Donnell, Max
  • Network interventions for managing the COVID-19 pandemic and sustaining economy. (2020) Nishi, Akihiro; Dewey, George; Endo, Akira; Neman, Sophia; Iwamoto, Sage K; Ni, Michael Y; Tsugawa, Yusuke; Iosifidis, Georgios; Smith, Justin D; Young, Sean D
  • Are perceived barriers to accessing health care associated with inadequate antenatal care visits among women of reproductive age in Rwanda? (2020) Nisingizwe, Marie Paul; Tuyisenge, Germaine; Hategeka, Celestin; Karim, Mohammad Ehsanul
  • Evaluating Housing Health Hazards: Prevalence, Practices and Priorities in Delhi's Informal Settlements. (2020) Nix, Emily; Paulose, Jacob; Shrubsole, Clive; Altamirano-Medina, Hector; Davies, Michael; Khosla, Renu; Belesova, Kristine; Wilkinson, Paul
  • Prevalence of multidrug-, extensive drug-, and pandrug-resistant commensal Escherichia coli isolated from healthy humans in community settings in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2020) Nkansa-Gyamfi, Nana Adoma; Kazibwe, Joseph; Traore, Daouda AK; Nji, Emmanuel
  • Prevalence of rheumatic heart disease in North-Central Nigeria: a school-based cross-sectional pilot study. (2020) Nkereuwem, Esin; Ige, Olukemi O; Yilgwan, Christopher; Jobe, Modou; Erhart, Annette; Bode-Thomas, Fidelia
  • Comparing accuracy of lipoarabinomannan urine tests for diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis in children from four African countries: a cross-sectional study. (2020) Nkereuwem, Esin; Togun, Toyin; Gomez, Marie P; Székely, Rita; Macé, Aurélien; Jobe, Dawda; Schumacher, Samuel G; Kampmann, Beate; Denkinger, Claudia M; Reach4KidsAfrica (R4KA) Consortium
  • Managing ancillary care in resource-constrained settings: Dilemmas faced by frontline HIV prevention researchers in a rural area in South Africa. (2020) Nkosi, Busisiwe; Seeley, Janet; Chimbindi, Natsayi; Zuma, Thembelihle; Kelley, Maureen; Shahmanesh, Maryam
  • Cross-reactive carbohydrate determinant-specific IgE obscures true atopy and exhibits ⍺-1,3-fucose epitope-specific inverse associations with asthma. (2020) Nkurunungi, Gyaviira; Mpairwe, Harriet; Versteeg, Serge A; van Diepen, Angela; Nassuuna, Jacent; Kabagenyi, Joyce; Nambuya, Irene; Sanya, Richard E; Nampijja, Margaret; Serna, Sonia; Reichardt, Niels-Christian; Hokke, Cornelis H; Webb, Emily L; van Ree, Ronald; Yazdanbakhsh, Maria; Elliott, Alison M
  • Asthma control factors in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries and the effectiveness of ICS/LABA fixed dose combinations: a dual rapid literature review. (2020) Noibi, Saeed; Mohy, Ahmed; Gouhar, Raef; Shaker, Fadel; Lukic, Tamara; Al-Jahdali, Hamdan
  • A call for precision in coronavirus disease case reporting: a crucial step more important now than ever. (2020) Norman, Wendy V
  • Let's keep our eye on the ball. (2020) Norman, Wendy V; Munro, Sarah
  • Patient-Reported Functional Outcomes After Hypofractionated or Conventionally Fractionated Radiation for Prostate Cancer: A National Cohort Study in England. (2020) Nossiter, Julie; Sujenthiran, Arunan; Cowling, Thomas E; Parry, Matthew G; Charman, Susan C; Cathcart, Paul; Clarke, Noel W; Payne, Heather; van der Meulen, Jan; Aggarwal, Ajay
  • Effect of birth weight, exclusive breastfeeding and growth in infancy on fat mass and fat free mass indices in early adolescence: an analysis of the Entebbe Mother and Baby Study (EMaBs) cohort. (2020) Nsamba, Jonathan; Lule, Swaib A; Namara, Benigna; Zziwa, Christopher; Akurut, Hellen; Lubyayi, Lawrence; Akello, Florence; Tumusiime, Josephine; Elliott, Alison M; Webb, Emily L
  • Effect of birth weight, exclusive breastfeeding and growth in infancy on fat mass and fat free mass indices in early adolescence: an analysis of the Entebbe Mother and Baby Study (EMaBs) cohort. (2020) Nsamba, Jonathan; Lule, Swaib A; Namara, Benigna; Zziwa, Christopher; Akurut, Hellen; Lubyayi, Lawrence; Akello, Florence; Tumusiime, Josephine; Elliott, Alison M; Webb, Emily L
  • Uptake of antenatal care in high HIV-prevalence settings: Results from three population-based surveys in South Africa. (2020) Nsibande, DF; Goga, A; Laubscher, R; Lombard, C; Cheyip, M; Jackson, D; Larsen, A; Mogashoa, M; Dinh, T-H; Ngandu, NK
  • Poor mental health of livestock farmers in Africa: a mixed methods case study from Ghana. (2020) Nuvey, Francis Sena; Kreppel, Katharina; Nortey, Priscilla Awo; Addo-Lartey, Adolphina; Sarfo, Bismark; Fokou, Gilbert; Ameme, Donne Kofi; Kenu, Ernest; Sackey, Samuel; Addo, Kennedy Kwasi; Afari, Edwin; Chibanda, Dixon; Bonfoh, Bassirou
  • Depression and experience of incarceration in North Central Nigeria: a situation analysis at Makurdi medium security prison. (2020) Nwefoh, Emeka; Aguocha, Chinyere M; Ryan, Grace; Ode, Philip; Ighagbon, Festus O; Akinjola, Oyedele; Omoi, Samuel; Abdulmalik, Jibril; Agbir, Terkura M; Obekpa, Obekpa; Ogbole, Samuel; Eaton, Julian
  • Neurocognitive impairment in treatment-experienced adults living with HIV attending primary care clinics in Zimbabwe. (2020) Nyamayaro, Primrose; Gouse, Hetta; Hakim, James; Robbins, Reuben N; Chibanda, Dixon
  • Investigating a Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte invasion phenotype switch at the whole transcriptome level. (2020) Nyarko, Prince B; Tarr, Sarah J; Aniweh, Yaw; Stewart, Lindsay B; Conway, David J; Awandare, Gordon A
  • Prevalence of renal dysfunction among HIV infected patients receiving Tenofovir at Mulago: a cross-sectional study. (2020) Nyende, Louis; Kalyesubula, Robert; Sekasanvu, Emmanuel; Byakika-Kibwika, Pauline
  • Using research networks to generate trustworthy qualitative public health research findings from multiple contexts. (2020) Nyirenda, Lot; Kumar, Meghan Bruce; Theobald, Sally; Sarker, Malabika; Simwinga, Musonda; Kumwenda, Moses; Johnson, Cheryl; Hatzold, Karin; Corbett, Elizabeth L; Sibanda, Euphemia; Taegtmeyer, Miriam
  • A comprehensive framework for considering additional unintended consequences in economic evaluation. (2020) Nymark, Liv; Vassall, Anna
  • Linking health facility data from young adults aged 18-24 years to longitudinal demographic data: Experience from The Kilifi Health and Demographic Surveillance System. (2020) Nyundo, Christopher; Doyle, Aoife M; Walumbe, David; Otiende, Mark; Kinuthia, Michael; Amadi, David; Jibendi, Boniface; Mochamah, George; Kihuha, Norbert; Williams, Thomas N; Ross, David A; Bauni, Evasius
  • Declining Trends in Childhood TB Notifications and Profile of Notified Patients in the City of Harare, Zimbabwe, from 2009 to 2018. (2020) Nzombe, Phoebe; Satyanarayana, Srinath; Tweya, Hannock; Timire, Collins; Charambira, Kelvin; Ncube, Ronald T; Zishiri, Christopher; Dlodlo, Riitta A; Duri, Clemence; Chonzi, Prosper; Mbiva, Fredrick; Siziba, Nicholas; Sandy, Charles
  • Patients with positive malaria tests not given artemisinin-based combination therapies: a research synthesis describing under-prescription of antimalarial medicines in Africa. (2020) O'Boyle, Shennae; Bruxvoort, Katia J; Ansah, Evelyn K; Burchett, Helen ED; Chandler, Clare IR; Clarke, Siân E; Goodman, Catherine; Mbacham, Wilfred; Mbonye, Anthony K; Onwujekwe, Obinna E; Staedke, Sarah G; Wiseman, Virginia L; Whitty, Christopher JM; Hopkins, Heidi
  • Biannual azithromycin distribution and child mortality among malnourished children: A subgroup analysis of the MORDOR cluster-randomized trial in Niger. (2020) O'Brien, Kieran S; Arzika, Ahmed M; Maliki, Ramatou; Manzo, Farouk; Mamkara, Alio K; Lebas, Elodie; Cook, Catherine; Bailey, Robin L; West, Sheila K; Oldenburg, Catherine E; Porco, Travis C; Arnold, Benjamin; Keenan, Jeremy D; Lietman, Thomas M; MORDOR Study Group
  • Plasma phospho-tau181 in presymptomatic and symptomatic familial Alzheimer's disease: a longitudinal cohort study. (2020) O'Connor, Antoinette; Karikari, Thomas K; Poole, Teresa; Ashton, Nicholas J; Lantero Rodriguez, Juan; Khatun, Ayesha; Swift, Imogen; Heslegrave, Amanda J; Abel, Emily; Chung, Elisha; Weston, Philip SJ; Pavisic, Ivanna M; Ryan, Natalie S; Barker, Suzie; Rossor, Martin N; Polke, James M; Frost, Chris; Mead, Simon; Blennow, Kaj; Zetterberg, Henrik; Fox, Nick C
  • Imported melioidosis in the United Kingdom: Increasing incidence but continued under-reporting. (2020) O'Connor, Cavan; Kenna, Dervla; Walsh, Amanda; Zamarreño, Dania V; Dance, David
  • Factors associated with reporting antibiotic use as STI prophylaxis among HIV PrEP users: findings from a cross-sectional online community survey, May-July 2019, UK. (2020) O'Halloran, Charlotte; Croxford, Sara; Mohammed, Hamish; Gill, Owen Noel; Hughes, Gwenda; Fifer, Helen; Allen, Hester; Owen, Greg; Nutland, Will; Delpech, Valerie; Saunders, John Michael
  • Liver function tests and fibrosis scores in a rural population in Africa: a cross-sectional study to estimate the burden of disease and associated risk factors. (2020) O'Hara, Geraldine; Mokaya, Jolynne; Hau, Jeffrey P; Downs, Louise O; McNaughton, Anna L; Karabarinde, Alex; Asiki, Gershim; Seeley, Janet; Matthews, Philippa C; Newton, Robert
  • Novel 2D and 3D Assays to Determine the Activity of Anti-Leishmanial Drugs. (2020) O'Keeffe, Alec; Hale, Christine; Cotton, James A; Yardley, Vanessa; Gupta, Kapish; Ananthanarayanan, Abhishek; Murdan, Sudaxshina; Croft, Simon L
  • A comparison of methods for health policy evaluation with controlled pre-post designs. (2020) O'Neill, Stephen; Kreif, Noemi; Sutton, Matt; Grieve, Richard
  • Surveillance optimisation to detect poliovirus in the pre-eradication era: a modelling study of England and Wales. (2020) O'Reilly, KM; Grassly, NC; Allen, DJ; Bannister-Tyrrell, M; Cameron, A; Carrion Martin, AI; Ramsay, M; Pebody, R; Zambon, M
  • The challenges of informative wastewater sampling for SARS-CoV-2 must be met: lessons from polio eradication. (2020) O'Reilly, Kathleen M; Allen, David J; Fine, Paul; Asghar, Humayun
  • Effective transmission across the globe: the role of climate in COVID-19 mitigation strategies. (2020) O'Reilly, Kathleen M; Auzenbergs, Megan; Jafari, Yalda; Liu, Yang; Flasche, Stefan; Lowe, Rachel
  • Serial prophylactic exchange blood transfusion in pregnant women with sickle cell disease (TAPS-2): study protocol for a randomised controlled feasibility trial. (2020) Oakley, Laura L; Awogbade, Moji; Brien, Sarah; Briley, Annette; Chorozoglou, Maria; Drasar, Emma; Johns, Jemma; Rhodes, Elizabeth; Robinson, Vicky; Seed, Paul; Sharif, Joseph; Singh, Claire; Telfer, Paul; Thompson, Hilary; Watt-Coote, Ingrid; Howard, Jo; Oteng-Ntim, Eugene
  • Translation of genomic epidemiology of infectious pathogens: Enhancing African genomics hubs for outbreaks. (2020) Oboh, Mary Aigbiremo; Omoleke, Semeeh Akinwale; Ajibola, Olumide; Manneh, Jarra; Kanteh, Abdoulie; Sesay, Abdul-Karim; Amambua-Ngwa, Alfred
  • Beyond SARS-CoV-2: Lessons That African Governments Can Apply in Preparation for Possible Future Epidemics. (2020) Oboh, Mary Aigbiremo; Omoleke, Semeeh Akinwale; Imafidon, Christian Eseigbe; Ajibola, Olumide; Oriero, Eniyou Cheryll; Amambua-Ngwa, Alfred
  • Assessing the value of human papillomavirus vaccination in Gavi-eligible low-income and middle-income countries. (2020) Ochalek, Jessica; Abbas, Kaja; Claxton, Karl; Jit, Mark; Lomas, James
  • Spatial and spatio-temporal methods for mapping malaria risk: a systematic review. (2020) Odhiambo, Julius Nyerere; Kalinda, Chester; Macharia, Peter M; Snow, Robert W; Sartorius, Benn
  • Mapping of anaemia prevalence among pregnant women in Kenya (2016-2019). (2020) Odhiambo, Julius Nyerere; Sartorius, Benn
  • Identifying, Prioritizing and Visually Mapping Barriers to Injury Care in Rwanda: A Multi-disciplinary Stakeholder Exercise. (2020) Odland, Maria Lisa; Whitaker, John; Nepogodiev, Dmitri; Aling', Carolyn Achieng'; Bagahirwa, Irene; Dushime, Theophile; Erlangga, Darius; Mpirimbanyi, Christophe; Muneza, Severien; Nkeshimana, Menelas; Nyundo, Martin; Umuhoza, Christian; Uwitonze, Eric; Steans, Jill; Rushton, Alison; Belli, Antonio; Byiringiro, Jean Claude; Bekele, Abebe; Davies, Justine
  • Household factors associated with access to insecticide-treated nets and house modification in Bagamoyo and Ulanga districts, Tanzania. (2020) Odufuwa, Olukayode G; Ross, Amanda; Mlacha, Yeromin P; Juma, Omary; Mmbaga, Selemani; Msellemu, Daniel; Moore, Sarah
  • Which contraceptive side effects matter most? Evidence from current and past users of injectables and implants in Western Kenya. (2020) Odwe, George; Obare, Francis; Machiyama, Kazuyo; Cleland, John
  • Comparative genomics shows differences in the electron transport and carbon metabolic pathways of Mycobacterium africanum relative to Mycobacterium tuberculosis and suggests an adaptation to low oxygen tension. (2020) Ofori-Anyinam, Boatema; Riley, Abi Janet; Jobarteh, Tijan; Gitteh, Ensa; Sarr, Binta; Faal-Jawara, Tutty Isatou; Rigouts, Leen; Senghore, Madikay; Kehinde, Aderemi; Onyejepu, Nneka; Antonio, Martin; de Jong, Bouke C; Gehre, Florian; Meehan, Conor J
  • Intraseasonal Precipitation Variability over West Africa under 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C Global Warming Scenarios: Results from CORDEX RCMs. (2020) Ogega, Obed M; Gyampoh, Benjamin A; Mistry, Malcolm N
  • Impact of class-level labelling change on prescriptions of antidepressants for adolescents: An interrupted time-series study using a health insurance claims database in Japan, 2005-2013. (2020) Ogino, Yumiko; Schmidt, Axel Jeremias
  • Response to the Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) Pandemic Across Africa: Successes, Challenges, and Implications for the Future. (2020) Ogunleye, Olayinka O; Basu, Debashis; Mueller, Debjani; Sneddon, Jacqueline; Seaton, R Andrew; Yinka-Ogunleye, Adesola F; Wamboga, Joshua; Miljković, Nenad; Mwita, Julius C; Rwegerera, Godfrey Mutashambara; Massele, Amos; Patrick, Okwen; Niba, Loveline Lum; Nsaikila, Melaine; Rashed, Wafaa M; Hussein, Mohamed Ali; Hegazy, Rehab; Amu, Adefolarin A; Boahen-Boaten, Baffour Boaten; Matsebula, Zinhle; Gwebu, Prudence; Chirigo, Bongani; Mkhabela, Nongabisa; Dlamini, Tenelisiwe; Sithole, Siphiwe; Malaza, Sandile; Dlamini, Sikhumbuzo; Afriyie, Daniel; Asare, George Awuku; Amponsah, Seth Kwabena; Sefah, Israel; Oluka, Margaret; Guantai, Anastasia N; Opanga, Sylvia A; Sarele, Tebello Violet; Mafisa, Refeletse Keabetsoe; Chikowe, Ibrahim; Khuluza, Felix; Kibuule, Dan; Kalemeera, Francis; Mubita, Mwangana; Fadare, Joseph; Sibomana, Laurien; Ramokgopa, Gwendoline Malegwale; Whyte, Carmen; Maimela, Tshegofatso; Hugo, Johannes; Meyer, Johanna C; Schellack, Natalie; Rampamba, Enos M; Visser, Adel; Alfadl, Abubakr; Malik, Elfatih M; Malande, Oliver Ombeva; Kalungia, Aubrey C; Mwila, Chiluba; Zaranyika, Trust; Chaibva, Blessmore Vimbai; Olaru, Ioana D; Masuka, Nyasha; Wale, Janney; Hwenda, Lenias; Kamoga, Regina; Hill, Ruaraidh; Barbui, Corrado; Bochenek, Tomasz; Kurdi, Amanj; Campbell, Stephen; Martin, Antony P; Phuong, Thuy Nguyen Thi; Thanh, Binh Nguyen; Godman, Brian
  • Acute myocardial infarctions and stroke triggered by laboratory-confirmed respiratory infections in Denmark, 2010 to 2016. (2020) Ohland, Jessica; Warren-Gash, Charlotte; Blackburn, Ruth; Mølbak, Kåre; Valentiner-Branth, Palle; Nielsen, Jens; Emborg, Hanne-Dorthe
  • International values for haemoglobin distributions in healthy pregnant women. (2020) Ohuma, Eric O; Young, Melissa F; Martorell, Reynaldo; Ismail, Leila Cheikh; Peña-Rosas, Juan Pablo; Purwar, Manorama; Garcia-Casal, Maria Nieves; Gravett, Michael G; de Onis, Mercedes; Wu, QingQing; Carvalho, Maria; Jaffer, Yasmin A; Lambert, Ann; Bertino, Enrico; Papageorghiou, Aris T; Barros, Fernando C; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Kennedy, Stephen H; Villar, Jose
  • Revealing the extent of the COVID-19 pandemic in Kenya based on serological and PCR-test data. (2020) Ojal, John; Brand, Samuel PC; Were, Vincent; Okiro, Emelda A; Kombe, Ivy K; Mburu, Caroline; Aziza, Rabia; Ogero, Morris; Agweyu, Ambrose; Warimwe, George M; Uyoga, Sophie; Adetifa, Ifedayo MO; Scott, J Anthony G; Otieno, Edward; Ochola-Oyier, Lynette I; Agoti, Charles N; Kasera, Kadondi; Amoth, Patrick; Mwangangi, Mercy; Aman, Rashid; Ng’ang’a, Wangari; Tsofa, Benjamin; Bejon, Philip; Barasa, Edwine; Keeling, Matt J; Nokes, D James
  • Health systems readiness and quality of inpatient malaria case-management in Kano State, Nigeria. (2020) Ojo, Abiodun A; Maxwell, Kolawole; Oresanya, Olusola; Adaji, Justice; Hamade, Prudence; Tibenderana, James K; Abubakar, Saddiq S; Audu, Bala M; Njidda, Ahmad; Gubio, Aishatu B; Snow, Robert W; Zurovac, Dejan
  • Maternal plasma lipid levels across pregnancy and the risks of small-for-gestational age and low birth weight: a cohort study from rural Gambia. (2020) Okala, Sandra G; Sise, Ebrima A; Sosseh, Fatou; Prentice, Andrew M; Woollett, Laura A; Moore, Sophie E
  • The burden of viral respiratory infections in young children in low-resource settings. (2020) Okomo, Uduak; Idoko, Olubukola T; Kampmann, Beate
  • Investigation of sequential outbreaks of Burkholderia cepacia and multidrug-resistant extended spectrum β-lactamase producing Klebsiella species in a West African tertiary hospital neonatal unit: a retrospective genomic analysis. (2020) Okomo, Uduak; Senghore, Madikay; Darboe, Saffiatou; Bojang, Ebrima; Zaman, Syed MA; Hossain, Mohammad Jahangir; Nwakanma, Davis; Le Doare, Kirsty; Holt, Kathryn E; Hos, Nina Judith; Lawn, Joy E; Bentley, Stephen D; Kampmann, Beate
  • Implementation of the 'Optimising the Health Extension Program' Intervention in Ethiopia: A Process Evaluation Using Mixed Methods. (2020) Okwaraji, Yemisrach B; Hill, Zelee; Defar, Atkure; Berhanu, Della; Wolassa, Desta; Persson, Lars Åke; Gonfa, Geremew; Schellenberg, Joanna A
  • COVID-19 in Nigeria: Implications for Management of Related Co-morbidities, Prevalent Public Health Challenges, and Future Epidemic Preparedness. (2020) Ola, Bolanle Adeyemi; Nkereuwem, Esin; Oriero, Eniyou; Okomo, Uduak; Afolabi, Muhammed; Togun, Toyin
  • Risk assessment for rationalizing the use of personal protective equipment for SARS-CoV2 in healthcare settings with special focus on low- and middle-income settings. (2020) Olaru, Ioana D; Ferrand, Rashida A; Magwenzi, Marcelyn T; Robertson, Valerie; Musenyereki, Vimbainashe; Kranzer, Katharina
  • Assessment of antimicrobial use and prescribing practices among pediatric inpatients in Zimbabwe. (2020) Olaru, Ioana D; Meierkord, Anne; Godman, Brian; Ngwenya, Crispen; Fitzgerald, Felicity; Dondo, Vongai; Ferrand, Rashida A; Kranzer, Katharina
  • Antimicrobial Resistance in Gram-negative bacteria from Urinary Specimens: a study of prevalence, risk factors and molecular mechanisms of resistance (ARGUS) in Zimbabwe - a study protocol. (2020) Olaru, Ioana D; Yeung, Shunmay; Ferrand, Rashida A; Stabler, Richard; Chonzi, Prosper; Mabey, David; Hopkins, Heidi; Bradley, John; Masunda, Kudzai PE; Munyati, Shungu; Kranzer, Katharina
  • Antimicrobial Resistance in Gram-negative bacteria from Urinary Specimens: a study of prevalence, risk factors and molecular mechanisms of resistance (ARGUS) in Zimbabwe - a study protocol. (2020) Olaru, Ioana D; Yeung, Shunmay; Ferrand, Rashida A; Stabler, Richard; Chonzi, Prosper; Mabey, David; Hopkins, Heidi; Bradley, John; Masunda, Kudzai PE; Munyati, Shungu; Kranzer, Katharina
  • Comparison of Oropharyngeal Dysphagia in Brazilian Children with Prenatal Exposure to Zika Virus, With and Without Microcephaly. (2020) Oliveira, Danielle Maria da Silva; Miranda-Filho, Demócrito de Barros; Ximenes, Ricardo Arraes de Alencar; Montarroyos, Ulisses Ramos; Martelli, Celina Maria Turchi; Brickley, Elizabeth B; Gouveia, Mariana de Carvalho Leal; Ramos, Regina Coeli; Rocha, Maria Ângela Wanderley; Araujo, Thalia Velho Barreto de; Eickmann, Sophie Helena; Rodrigues, Laura Cunha; Bernardes, Jeyse Polliane de Oliveira Soares; Pinto, Maria Helena Teixeira; Soares, Karina Polo Norte Danda; Araújo, Claudia Marina Tavares de; Militão-Albuquerque, Maria de Fátima Pessoa; Santos, Ana Célia Oliveira Dos
  • Interdependence between confirmed and discarded cases of dengue, chikungunya and Zika viruses in Brazil: A multivariate time-series analysis. (2020) Oliveira, Juliane F; Rodrigues, Moreno S; Skalinski, Lacita M; Santos, Aline ES; Costa, Larissa C; Cardim, Luciana L; Paixão, Enny S; Costa, Maria da Conceição N; Oliveira, Wanderson K; Barreto, Maurício L; Teixeira, Maria Glória; Andrade, Roberto FS
  • The global scientific research response to the public health emergency of Zika virus infection. (2020) Oliveira, Juliane Fonseca de; Pescarini, Julia Moreira; Rodrigues, Moreno de Souza; Almeida, Bethania de Araujo; Henriques, Claudio Maierovitch Pessanha; Gouveia, Fabio Castro; Rabello, Elaine Teixeira; Matta, Gustavo Correa; Barreto, Mauricio L; Sampaio, Ricardo Barros
  • Impact of food supplements on early child development in children with moderate acute malnutrition: A randomised 2 x 2 x 3 factorial trial in Burkina Faso. (2020) Olsen, Mette F; Iuel-Brockdorff, Ann-Sophie; Yaméogo, Charles W; Cichon, Bernardette; Fabiansen, Christian; Filteau, Suzanne; Phelan, Kevin; Ouédraogo, Albertine; Michaelsen, Kim F; Gladstone, Melissa; Ashorn, Per; Briend, André; Ritz, Christian; Friis, Henrik; Christensen, Vibeke B
  • The implementation and effectiveness of the one stop centre model for intimate partner and sexual violence in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review of barriers and enablers. (2020) Olson, Rose McKeon; García-Moreno, Claudia; Colombini, Manuela
  • Global Burden of Childhood Epilepsy, Intellectual Disability, and Sensory Impairments. (2020) Olusanya, Bolajoko O; Wright, Scott M; Nair, MKC; Boo, Nem-Yun; Halpern, Ricardo; Kuper, Hannah; Abubakar, Amina A; Almasri, Nihad A; Arabloo, Jalal; Arora, Narendra K; Backhaus, Sophia; Berman, Brad D; Breinbauer, Cecilia; Carr, Gwen; de Vries, Petrus J; Del Castillo-Hegyi, Christie; Eftekhari, Aziz; Gladstone, Melissa J; Hoekstra, Rosa A; Kancherla, Vijaya; Mulaudzi, Mphelekedzeni C; Kakooza-Mwesige, Angelina; Ogbo, Felix A; Olsen, Helen E; Olusanya, Jacob O; Pandey, Ashok; Samms-Vaughan, Maureen E; Servili, Chiara; Shaheen, Amira; Smythe, Tracey; Wertlieb, Donald; Williams, Andrew N; Newton, Charles RJ; Davis, Adrian C; Kassebaum, Nicholas J; Global Research on Developmental Disabilities Collaborators (GRD
  • Prevalence of Antibodies to Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus in Ruminants, Nigeria, 2015. (2020) Oluwayelu, Daniel; Afrough, Babak; Adebiyi, Adebowale; Varghese, Anitha; Eun-Sil, Park; Fukushi, Shuetsu; Yoshikawa, Tomoki; Saijo, Masayuki; Neumann, Eric; Morikawa, Shigeru; Hewson, Roger; Tomori, Oyewale
  • Health and social care-associated harm amongst vulnerable children in primary care: mixed methods analysis of national safety reports. (2020) Omar, Adhnan; Rees, Philippa; Cooper, Alison; Evans, Huw; Williams, Huw; Hibbert, Peter; Makeham, Meredith; Parry, Gareth; Donaldson, Liam; Edwards, Adrian; Carson-Stevens, Andrew
  • WHO SAGE roadmap for prioritizing uses of COVID-19 vaccines in the context of limited supply. (2020) Omer, Saad; Faden, Ruth; Kochhar, Sonali; Kaslow, David; Pallas, Sarah; Olayinka, Folake; Afolabi, Muhammed; Smith, Peter; Wilder-Smith, Annelies
  • Informal task-sharing practices in inpatient newborn settings in a low-income setting-A task analysis approach. (2020) Omondi, Gregory B; Murphy, Georgina AV; Jackson, Debra; Brownie, Sharon; English, Mike; Gathara, David
  • The Preferred Qualities of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Testing and Self-Testing Among Men Who Have Sex With Men: A Discrete Choice Experiment. (2020) Ong, Jason J; De Abreu Lourenco, Richard; Street, Deborah; Smith, Kirsty; Jamil, Muhammad S; Terris-Prestholt, Fern; Fairley, Christopher K; McNulty, Anna; Hynes, Adam; Johnson, Karl; Chow, Eric PF; Bavinton, Benjamin; Grulich, Andrew; Stoove, Mark; Holt, Martin; Kaldor, John; Guy, Rebecca
  • Was the Maternal Health Cash Transfer Programme in Nigeria Sustainable and Cost-Effective? (2020) Onwujekwe, Obinna; Ensor, Tim; Ogbozor, Pamela; Okeke, Chinyere; Ezenwaka, Uche; Hicks, Joseph P; Etiaba, Enyi; Uzochukwu, Benjamin; Ebenso, Bassey; Mirzoev, Tolib
  • Exploring facilitators and barriers to condition self-management in young people with perinatal hiv. (2020) Onyewuenyi, C; Ely, A; Mak, J
  • UK case control study of smoking and risk of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. (2020) Opie-Martin, Sarah; Jones, Ashley; Iacoangeli, Alfredo; Al-Khleifat, Ahmad; Oumar, Mohamed; Shaw, Pamela J; Shaw, Chris E; Morrison, Karen E; Wootton, Robyn E; Davey-Smith, George; Pearce, Neil; Al-Chalabi, Ammar
  • Variations in neonatal mortality, infant mortality, preterm birth and birth weight in England and Wales according to ethnicity and maternal country or region of birth: an analysis of linked national data from 2006 to 2012. (2020) Opondo, Charles; Jayaweera, Hiranthi; Hollowell, Jennifer; Li, Yangmei; Kurinczuk, Jennifer J; Quigley, Maria A
  • Development of an Intervention to Support the Reproductive Health of Cambodian Women Who Seek Medical Abortion: Research Protocol. (2020) Oreglia, Elisa; Ly, Sokhey; Tijamo, Camille; Ou, Amra; Free, Caroline; Smith, Chris
  • Seroprevalence and Parasite Rates of Plasmodium malariae in a High Malaria Transmission Setting of Southern Nigeria. (2020) Oriero, Eniyou C; Olukosi, Adeola Y; Oduwole, Olabisi A; Djimde, Abdoulaye; D'Alessandro, Umberto; Meremikwu, Martin M; Amambua-Ngwa, Alfred
  • Experiences of violence among adolescent girls and young women in Nairobi's informal settlements prior to scale-up of the DREAMS Partnership: Prevalence, severity and predictors. (2020) Orindi, Benedict O; Maina, Beatrice W; Muuo, Sheru W; Birdthistle, Isolde; Carter, Daniel J; Floyd, Sian; Ziraba, Abdhalah
  • Effect Modification by Baseline Mortality in the MORDOR Azithromycin Trial. (2020) Oron, Assaf P; Burstein, Roy; Mercer, Laina D; Arzika, Ahmed M; Kalua, Khumbo; Mrango, Zakayo; West, Sheila K; Bailey, Robin L; Porco, Travis C; Lietman, Thomas M
  • Efficacy of processed amaranth-containing bread compared to maize bread on hemoglobin, anemia and iron deficiency anemia prevalence among two-to-five year-old anemic children in Southern Ethiopia: A cluster randomized controlled trial. (2020) Orsango, Alemselam Zebdewos; Loha, Eskindir; Lindtjørn, Bernt; Engebretsen, Ingunn Marie S
  • Evidence of extrinsic factors dominating intrinsic blood host preferences of major African malaria vectors. (2020) Orsborne, James; Mohammed, Abdul Rahim; Jeffries, Claire L; Kristan, Mojca; Afrane, Yaw A; Walker, Thomas; Yakob, Laith
  • Cessation outcomes in adult dual users of e-cigarettes and cigarettes: the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health cohort study, USA, 2013-2016. (2020) Osibogun, Olatokunbo; Bursac, Zoran; Mckee, Martin; Li, Tan; Maziak, Wasim
  • Using discrete choice experiments to design interventions for heterogeneous preferences: protocol for a pragmatic randomised controlled trial of a preference-informed, heterogeneity-focused, HIV testing offer for high-risk populations. (2020) Ostermann, Jan; Njau, Bernard; Hobbie, Amy; Mtuy, Tara; Masaki, Martha L; Shayo, Aisa; van Zwetselaar, Marco; Masnick, Max; Flaherty, Brian; Brown, Derek S; Mühlbacher, Axel C; Thielman, Nathan M
  • Development and application of an electronic treatment register: a system for enumerating populations and monitoring treatment during mass drug administration. (2020) Oswald, William E; Kennedy, David S; Farzana, Jasmine; Kaliappan, Saravanakumar Puthupalayam; Atindegla, Eloic; Houngbégnon, Parfait; Chisambi, Alvin; Witek-McManus, Stefan; Galagan, Sean R; Emmanuel-Fabula, Mira; Gwayi-Chore, Marie-Claire; Legge, Hugo; Yard, Elodie; Kalua, Khumbo; Ibikounlé, Moudachirou; Ajjampur, Sitara Swarna Rao; Means, Arianna Rubin; Ásbjörnsdóttir, Kristjana H; Halliday, Katherine E; Walson, Judd L
  • Patterns of individual non-treatment during multiple rounds of mass drug administration for control of soil-transmitted helminths in the TUMIKIA trial, Kenya: a secondary longitudinal analysis. (2020) Oswald, William E; Kepha, Stella; Halliday, Katherine E; Mcharo, Carlos; Safari, Th'uva; Witek-McManus, Stefan; Hardwick, Robert J; Allen, Elizabeth; Matendechero, Sultani H; Brooker, Simon J; Njenga, Sammy M; Mwandawiro, Charles S; Anderson, Roy M; Pullan, Rachel L
  • Surveillance of endemic human coronaviruses (HCoV-NL63, OC43 and 229E) associated with childhood pneumonia in Kilifi, Kenya. (2020) Otieno, Grieven P; Murunga, Nickson; Agoti, Charles N; Gallagher, Katherine E; Awori, Juliet O; Nokes, D James
  • Surveillance of endemic human coronaviruses (HCoV-NL63, OC43 and 229E) associated with pneumonia in Kilifi, Kenya. (2020) Otieno, Grieven P; Murunga, Nickson; Agoti, Charles N; Gallagher, Katherine E; Awori, Juliet O; Nokes, D James
  • Combining national survey with facility-based HIV testing data to obtain more accurate estimate of HIV prevalence in districts in Uganda. (2020) Ouma, Joseph; Jeffery, Caroline; Valadez, Joseph J; Wanyenze, Rhoda K; Todd, Jim; Levin, Jonathan
  • Difference in HIV prevalence by testing venue: results from population level survey in Uganda. (2020) Ouma, Joseph; Jeffery, Caroline; Valadez, Joseph J; Wanyenze, Rhoda K; Todd, Jim; Levin, Jonathan
  • Using statistics and mathematical modelling to understand infectious disease outbreaks: COVID-19 as an example. (2020) Overton, Christopher E; Stage, Helena B; Ahmad, Shazaad; Curran-Sebastian, Jacob; Dark, Paul; Das, Rajenki; Fearon, Elizabeth; Felton, Timothy; Fyles, Martyn; Gent, Nick; Hall, Ian; House, Thomas; Lewkowicz, Hugo; Pang, Xiaoxi; Pellis, Lorenzo; Sawko, Robert; Ustianowski, Andrew; Vekaria, Bindu; Webb, Luke
  • Patterns and Trajectories of Anal Intercourse Practice Over the Life Course Among US Women at Risk of HIV. (2020) Owen, Branwen Nia; Baggaley, Rebecca F; Maheu-Giroux, Mathieu; Elmes, Jocelyn; Adimora, Adaora A; Ramirez, Catalina; Edmonds, Andrew; Sosanya, Kemi; Taylor, Tonya; Plankey, Michael; Cederbaum, Julie; Seidman, Dominika; Weber, Kathleen M; Golub, Elizabeth T; Sheth, Anandi N; Bolivar, Hector; Konkle-Parker, Deborah; Boily, Marie-Claude
  • Active design of built environments for increasing levels of physical activity in adults: the ENABLE London natural experiment study. (2020) Owen, Christopher G; Limb, Elizabeth S; Nightingale, Claire M; Rudnicka, Alicja R; Ram, Bina; Shankar, Aparna; Cummins, Steven; Lewis, Daniel; Clary, Christelle; Cooper, Ashley R; Page, Angie S; Procter, Duncan; Ellaway, Anne; Giles-Corti, Billie; Whincup, Peter H; Cook, Derek G
  • Delay in the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis in The Gambia, West Africa: A cross-sectional study. (2020) Owolabi, Olumuyiwa A; Jallow, Alpha O; Jallow, Momodou; Sowe, Gambia; Jallow, Rohey; Genekah, Monica D; Donkor, Simon; Wurrie, Alieu; Kampmann, Beate; Sutherland, Jayne; Togun, Toyin
  • A light-touch routing optimization tool (RoOT) for vaccine and medical supply distribution in Mozambique. (2020) P G Petroianu, Larissa; Zabinsky, Zelda B; Zameer, Mariam; Chu, Yi; Muteia, Mamiza M; Resende, Mauricio GC; Coelho, Aida L; Wei, Jiarui; Purty, Turam; Draiva, Abel; Lopes, Alvaro
  • Optimizing the efficiency and implementation of cash transfers to improve adherence to antiretroviral therapy: study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial. (2020) Packel, Laura; Njau, Prosper; Fahey, Carolyn; Ramadhani, Angela; Dow, William H; Jewell, Nicholas P; McCoy, Sandra
  • Design of a prospective patient-level pooled analysis of two parallel trials of empagliflozin in patients with established heart failure. (2020) Packer, Milton; Butler, Javed; Filippatos, Gerasimos; Zannad, Faiez; Ferreira, Joao Pedro; Zeller, Cordula; Brueckmann, Martina; Jamal, Waheed; Pocock, Stuart J; Anker, Stefan D; EMPEROR Trial Committees and Investigators
  • Retinopathy of prematurity care in peripheral districts in Odisha, India: Pilot for a sustainable model. (2020) Padhi, Tapas R; Pradhan, Lingaraj; Padhy, Srikanta K; Meherda, Ashwani; Samantaray, Balakrushna; Patro, Kumari K; Devi, Sabita; Mishra, Mita; Mahapatra, Sujit; Sutar, Samir; Nayak, Sameer R; Kelgaonkar, Anup; Khalsa, Ashish; Shukla, Rajan; Gilbert, Clare
  • Entomological assessment of the risk of dengue outbreak in Abomey-Calavi Commune, Benin. (2020) Padonou, Germain Gil; Ossè, Razaki; Salako, Albert Sourou; Aikpon, Rock; Sovi, Arthur; Kpanou, Casimir; Sagbohan, Hermann; Akadiri, Yessoufou; Lamine, Baba-Moussa; Akogbeto, Martin C
  • Being and Becoming a Monk on Mount Athos: An Ontological Approach to Relational Monastic Personhood in the “Garden of the Virgin Mary” as a Rite of Passage. (2020) Paganopoulos, Michelangelo
  • "The Changing World of Satyajit Ray: Reflections on Anthropology and History". (2020) Paganopoulos, Michelangelo
  • Reconstructing prehistoric demography: What role for extant hunter-gatherers? (2020) Page, Abigail E; French, Jennifer C
  • The Role of Zinc in Depressed Pregnant and Non-Pregnant Women: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. (2020) Page, Nadine B; Brown, Anna M; Pascoe, Erin; Braithwaite, Sally; Townsend, Michelle L; Herbert, Jane S; Davies, Hilary; Hart, Kathryn H; Moore, J Bernadette
  • Cost-effectiveness of intermittent preventive treatment with dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine versus single screening and treatment for the control of malaria in pregnancy in Papua, Indonesia: a provider perspective analysis from a cluster-randomised trial. (2020) Paintain, Lucy; Hill, Jenny; Ahmed, Rukhsana; Umbu Reku Landuwulang, Chandra; Ansariadi, Ansariadi; Rini Poespoprodjo, Jeanne; Syafruddin, Din; Khairallah, Carole; Burdam, Faustina Helena; Bonsapia, Irene; Ter Kuile, Feiko O; Webster, Jayne
  • Adaption of the ex vivo mycobacterial growth inhibition assay for use with murine lung cells. (2020) Painter, Hannah; Prabowo, Satria A; Cia, Felipe; Stockdale, Lisa; Tanner, Rachel; Willcocks, Samuel; Reljic, Rajko; Fletcher, Helen A; Zelmer, Andrea
  • Maintaining population health in low- and middle-income countries during the COVID-19 pandemic: Why we should be investing in Community Health Workers. (2020) Palafox, Benjamin; Renedo, Alicia; Lasco, Gideon; Palileo-Villanueva, Lia; Balabanova, Dina; McKee, Martin
  • The Hep-CORE policy score: A European hepatitis C national policy implementation ranking based on patient organization data. (2020) Palayew, Adam; Stumo, Samya R; Cooke, Graham S; Hutchinson, Sharon J; Jauffret-Roustide, Marie; Maticic, Mojca; Harris, Magdalena; Metwally, Ammal M; Razavi, Homie; Lazarus, Jeffrey V; Hep-CORE Study Group
  • Where Do Adolescents Eat Less-Healthy Foods? Correspondence Analysis and Logistic Regression Results from the UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey. (2020) Palla, Luigi; Chapman, Andrew; Beh, Eric; Pot, Gerda; Almiron-Roig, Eva
  • Understanding the Role of the Diagnostic 'Reflex' in the Elimination of Human African Trypanosomiasis. (2020) Palmer, Jennifer J; Jones, Caroline; Surur, Elizeous I; Kelly, Ann H
  • Targeted client communication via mobile devices for improving maternal, neonatal, and child health. (2020) Palmer, Melissa J; Henschke, Nicholas; Bergman, Hanna; Villanueva, Gemma; Maayan, Nicola; Tamrat, Tigest; Mehl, Garrett L; Glenton, Claire; Lewin, Simon; Fønhus, Marita S; Free, Caroline
  • Targeted client communication via mobile devices for improving sexual and reproductive health. (2020) Palmer, Melissa J; Henschke, Nicholas; Villanueva, Gemma; Maayan, Nicola; Bergman, Hanna; Glenton, Claire; Lewin, Simon; Fønhus, Marita S; Tamrat, Tigest; Mehl, Garrett L; Free, Caroline
  • A public-private partnership for dialysis provision in Ethiopia: a model for high-cost care in low-resource settings. (2020) Paltiel, Ora; Berhe, Ephrem; Aberha, Amanuel Haile; Tequare, Mengistu Hagazi; Balabanova, Dina
  • Social, ethical and behavioural aspects of COVID-19. (2020) Pan-ngum, Wirichada; Poomchaichote, Tassawan; Cuman, Giulia; Cheah, Phee-Kheng; Waithira, Naomi; Mukaka, Mavuto; Naemiratch, Bhensri; Kulpijit, Natinee; Chanviriyavuth, Rita; Asarath, Supa-at; Ruangkajorn, Supanat; Silan, Margherita; Stoppa, Silvia; Zuanna, Gianpiero Della; Ongkili, Darlene; Cheah, Phaik Kin; Osterrieder, Anne; Schneiders, Mira; Mackworth-Young, Constance RS; Cheah, Phaik Yeong
  • Plasmodium Condensin Core Subunits SMC2/SMC4 Mediate Atypical Mitosis and Are Essential for Parasite Proliferation and Transmission. (2020) Pandey, Rajan; Abel, Steven; Boucher, Matthew; Wall, Richard J; Zeeshan, Mohammad; Rea, Edward; Freville, Aline; Lu, Xueqing Maggie; Brady, Declan; Daniel, Emilie; Stanway, Rebecca R; Wheatley, Sally; Batugedara, Gayani; Hollin, Thomas; Bottrill, Andrew R; Gupta, Dinesh; Holder, Anthony A; Le Roch, Karine G; Tewari, Rita
  • A method for evaluating the cost-benefit of different preparedness planning policies against pandemic influenza. (2020) Panovska-Griffiths, Jasmina; Grieco, Luca; van Leeuwen, Edwin; Grove, Peter; Utley, Martin
  • Determining the optimal strategy for reopening schools, the impact of test and trace interventions, and the risk of occurrence of a second COVID-19 epidemic wave in the UK: a modelling study. (2020) Panovska-Griffiths, Jasmina; Kerr, Cliff C; Stuart, Robyn M; Mistry, Dina; Klein, Daniel J; Viner, Russell M; Bonell, Chris
  • Application of "Actor Interface Analysis" to Examine Practices of Power in Health Policy Implementation: An Interpretive Synthesis and Guiding Steps. (2020) Parashar, Rakesh; Gawde, Nilesh; Gilson, Lucy
  • Unpacking the implementation blackbox using 'actor interface analysis': how did actor relations and practices of power influence delivery of a free entitlement health policy in India? (2020) Parashar, Rakesh; Gawde, Nilesh; Gupt, Anadi; Gilson, Lucy
  • Lipophilic Guanylhydrazone Analogues as Promising Trypanocidal Agents: An Extended SAR Study. (2020) Pardali, Vasiliki; Giannakopoulou, Erofili; Balourdas, Dimitrios-Ilias; Myrianthopoulos, Vassilios; Taylor, Martin C; Šekutor, Marina; Mlinarić-Majerski, Kata; Kelly, John M; Zoidis, Grigoris
  • A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Diabetes During Pregnancy and Congenital Genitourinary Abnormalities. (2020) Parimi, Mounika; Nitsch, Dorothea
  • Differential antimicrobial susceptibility profiles between symptomatic and asymptomatic non-typhoidal Salmonella infections in Vietnamese children. (2020) Parisi, Andrea; Le Thi Phuong, Tu; Mather, Alison E; Jombart, Thibaut; Thanh Tuyen, Ha; Phu Huong Lan, Nguyen; Hoang Thu Trang, Nguyen; Carrique-Mas, Juan; Campbell, James I; Glass, Kathryn; Kirk, Martyn D; Baker, Stephen
  • The role of animals as a source of antimicrobial resistant nontyphoidal Salmonella causing invasive and non-invasive human disease in Vietnam. (2020) Parisi, Andrea; Phuong, Tu Le Thi; Mather, Alison E; Jombart, Thibaut; Tuyen, Ha Thanh; Lan, Nguyen Phu Huong; Trang, Nguyen Hoang Thu; Carrique-Mas, Juan; Campbell, James I; Trung, Nguyen Vinh; Glass, Kathryn; Kirk, Martyn D; Baker, Stephen
  • Strengthening the UK primary care response to covid-19. (2020) Park, Sophie; Elliott, Josephine; Berlin, Anita; Hamer-Hunt, Julia; Haines, Andy
  • Keeping track of the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine pipeline. (2020) Parker, Edward PK; Shrotri, Madhumita; Kampmann, Beate
  • Amyloid β influences the relationship between cortical thickness and vascular load. (2020) Parker, Thomas D; Cash, David M; Lane, Christopher A; Lu, Kirsty; Malone, Ian B; Nicholas, Jennifer M; James, Sarah-Naomi; Keshavan, Ashvini; Murray-Smith, Heidi; Wong, Andrew; Buchanan, Sarah M; Keuss, Sarah E; Sudre, Carole H; Thomas, David L; Crutch, Sebastian J; Fox, Nick C; Richards, Marcus; Schott, Jonathan M
  • Latent class analysis of sexual health markers among men and women participating in a British probability sample survey. (2020) Parkes, Alison; Waltenberger, Michael; Mercer, Catherine; Johnson, Anne; Wellings, Kaye; Mitchell, Kirstin
  • Understanding evidence use from a programmatic perspective: conceptual development and empirical insights from national malaria control programmes. (2020) Parkhurst, Justin; Ghilardi, Ludovica; Webster, Jayne; Hoyt, Jenna; Hill, Jenny; Lynch, Caroline A
  • Competing interests, clashing ideas and institutionalizing influence: insights into the political economy of malaria control from seven African countries. (2020) Parkhurst, Justin; Ghilardi, Ludovica; Webster, Jayne; Snow, Robert W; Lynch, Caroline A
  • Understanding the cumulative risk of maternal prenatal biopsychosocial factors on birth weight: a DynaHEALTH study on two birth cohorts. (2020) Parmar, Priyanka; Lowry, Estelle; Vehmeijer, Florianne; El Marroun, Hanan; Lewin, Alex; Tolvanen, Mimmi; Tzala, Evangelia; Ala-Mursula, Leena; Herzig, Karl-Heinz; Miettunen, Jouko; Prokopenko, Inga; Rautio, Nina; Jaddoe, Vincent Wv; Järvelin, Marjo-Riitta; Felix, Janine; Sebert, Sylvain
  • A Critical Analysis of the Drivers of Human Migration Patterns in the Presence of Climate Change: A New Conceptual Model. (2020) Parrish, Rebecca; Colbourn, Tim; Lauriola, Paolo; Leonardi, Giovanni; Hajat, Shakoor; Zeka, Ariana
  • Risk stratification for prostate cancer management: value of the Cambridge Prognostic Group classification for assessing treatment allocation. (2020) Parry, MG; Cowling, TE; Sujenthiran, A; Nossiter, J; Berry, B; Cathcart, P; Aggarwal, A; Payne, H; van der Meulen, J; Clarke, NW; Gnanapragasam, VJ
  • Patient-reported functional outcomes following external beam radiation therapy for prostate cancer with and without a high-dose rate brachytherapy boost: A national population-based study. (2020) Parry, Matthew G; Nossiter, Julie; Cowling, Thomas E; Sujenthiran, Arunan; Berry, Brendan; Cathcart, Paul; Clarke, Noel W; Payne, Heather; van der Meulen, Jan; Aggarwal, Ajay
  • Toxicity of Pelvic Lymph Node Irradiation With Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy for High-Risk and Locally Advanced Prostate Cancer: A National Population-Based Study Using Patient-Reported Outcomes. (2020) Parry, Matthew G; Nossiter, Julie; Cowling, Thomas E; Sujenthiran, Arunan; Berry, Brendan; Cathcart, Paul; Clarke, Noel W; Payne, Heather; van der Meulen, Jan; Aggarwal, Ajay
  • Impact of High-Dose-Rate and Low-Dose-Rate Brachytherapy Boost on Toxicity, Functional and Cancer Outcomes in Patients Receiving External Beam Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer: A National Population-Based Study. (2020) Parry, Matthew G; Nossiter, Julie; Sujenthiran, Arunan; Cowling, Thomas E; Patel, Rajan N; Morris, Melanie; Berry, Brendan; Cathcart, Paul; Clarke, Noel W; Payne, Heather; van der Meulen, Jan; Aggarwal, Ajay
  • Estimation of subnational tuberculosis burden: generation and application of a new tool in Indonesia. (2020) Parwati, CG; Farid, MN; Nasution, HS; Basri, C; Lolong, D; Gebhard, A; Tiemersma, EW; Pambudi, I; Surya, A; Houben, RMGJ
  • A Chicken Production Intervention and Additional Nutrition Behavior Change Component Increased Child Growth in Ethiopia: A Cluster-Randomized Trial. (2020) Passarelli, Simone; Ambikapathi, Ramya; Gunaratna, Nilupa S; Madzorera, Isabel; Canavan, Chelsey R; Noor, Abdallah R; Worku, Amare; Berhane, Yemane; Abdelmenan, Semira; Sibanda, Simbarashe; Munthali, Bertha; Madzivhandila, Tshilidzi; Sibanda, Lindiwe M; Geremew, Kumlachew; Dessie, Tadelle; Abegaz, Solomon; Assefa, Getnet; Sudfeld, Christopher; McConnell, Margaret; Davison, Kirsten; Fawzi, Wafaie
  • Ferric Citrate Regulator FecR Is Translocated across the Bacterial Inner Membrane via a Unique Twin-Arginine Transport-Dependent Mechanism. (2020) Passmore, Ian J; Dow, Jennifer M; Coll, Francesc; Cuccui, Jon; Palmer, Tracy; Wren, Brendan W
  • The promise and pitfalls of social science research in an emergency: lessons from studying the Zika epidemic in Brazil, 2015-2016. (2020) Passos, Maria Joana; Matta, Gustavo; Lyra, Tereza Maciel; Moreira, Maria Elisabeth Lopes; Kuper, Hannah; Penn-Kekana, Loveday; Mendonça, Mila
  • May Measurement Month 2019: an analysis of blood pressure screening results from India. (2020) Patil, Mansi; Jose, Arun Pulikkottil; More, Arun; Maheshwari, Anuj; Verma, Narsingh; Shah, Rohan; Kaur, Amrit; Kaushik, Aparajita; Sepat, Priyanka; Beaney, Thomas; Clarke, Jonathan; Bagadia, Leena; Jadhav, Swati; Poulter, Neil R; Prabhakaran, Dorairaj
  • A novel cohorting and isolation strategy for suspected COVID-19 cases during a pandemic. (2020) Patterson, B; Marks, M; Martinez-Garcia, G; Bidwell, G; Luintel, A; Ludwig, D; Parks, T; Gothard, P; Thomas, R; Logan, S; Shaw, K; Stone, N; Brown, M
  • Associations between commute mode and cardiovascular disease, cancer, and all-cause mortality, and cancer incidence, using linked Census data over 25 years in England and Wales: a cohort study. (2020) Patterson, Richard; Panter, Jenna; Vamos, Eszter P; Cummins, Steven; Millett, Christopher; Laverty, Anthony A
  • Quantifying long-term health and economic outcomes for survivors of group B Streptococcus invasive disease in infancy: protocol of a multi-country study in Argentina, India, Kenya, Mozambique and South Africa. (2020) Paul, Proma; Procter, Simon R; Dangor, Ziyaad; Bassat, Quique; Abubakar, Amina; Santhanam, Sridhar; Libster, Romina; Gonçalves, Bronner P; Madhi, Shabir A; Bardají, Azucena; Mwangome, Eva; Mabrouk, Adam; John, Hima B; Sánchez Yanotti, Clara; Chandna, Jaya; Sithole, Pamela; Mucasse, Humberto; Katana, Patrick V; Koukounari, Artemis; Harden, Lois M; Aerts, Celine; Ghoor, Azra; Leahy, Shannon; Mbatha, Sibongile; Lowick, Sarah; Lala, Sanjay G; Bramugy, Justina; Newton, Charles; Hossain, AKM Tanvir; Sadeq-Ur Rahman, Qazi; Lambach, Philipp; Jit, Mark; Lawn, Joy E
  • The impact of population-wide rapid antigen testing on SARS-CoV-2 prevalence in Slovakia. (2020) Pavelka, Martin; Van-Zandvoort, Kevin; Abbott, Sam; Sherratt, Katharine; Majdan, Marek; Analýz, Inštitút Zdravotných; Jarčuška, Pavol; Krajčí, Marek; Flasche, Stefan; Funk, Sebastian
  • Disease duration in autosomal dominant familial Alzheimer disease: A survival analysis. (2020) Pavisic, Ivanna M; Nicholas, Jennifer M; O'Connor, Antoinette; Rice, Helen; Lu, Kirsty; Fox, Nick C; Ryan, Natalie S
  • Re: Sponsorship by Big Oil, Like the Tobacco Industry, Should be Banned by the Research Community. (2020) Pearce, Neil
  • Erratum to: Causal inference-so much more than statistics. (2020) Pearce, Neil; Lawlor, Debbie A
  • Comparisons between countries are essential for the control of COVID-19. (2020) Pearce, Neil; Lawlor, Deborah A; Brickley, Elizabeth B
  • Is death from Covid-19 a multistep process? (2020) Pearce, Neil; Moirano, Giovenale; Maule, Milena; Kogevinas, Manolis; Rodo, Xavier; Lawlor, Deborah A; Vandenbroucke, Jan; Vandenbroucke-Grauls, Christina; Polack, Fernando P; Custovic, Adnan
  • Accurate Statistics on COVID-19 Are Essential for Policy Guidance and Decisions. (2020) Pearce, Neil; Vandenbroucke, Jan P; VanderWeele, Tyler J; Greenland, Sander
  • Accurate Statistics on COVID-19 Are Essential for Policy Guidance and Decisions. (2020) Pearce, Neil; Vandenbroucke, Jan P; VanderWeele, Tyler J; Greenland, Sander
  • Projected early spread of COVID-19 in Africa through 1 June 2020. (2020) Pearson, Carl Ab; Van Schalkwyk, Cari; Foss, Anna M; O'Reilly, Kathleen M; SACEMA Modelling and Analysis Response Team; CMMID COVID-19 working group; Pulliam, Juliet Rc
  • Diagnostics in the response to antimicrobial resistance. (2020) Peeling, Rosanna W; Boeras, Debrah; Gadde, Renuka; Fongwen, Noah
  • Serology testing in the COVID-19 pandemic response. (2020) Peeling, Rosanna W; Wedderburn, Catherine J; Garcia, Patricia J; Boeras, Debrah; Fongwen, Noah; Nkengasong, John; Sall, Amadou; Tanuri, Amilcar; Heymann, David L
  • Expanding safe fecal sludge management in Kisumu, Kenya: an experimental comparison of latrine pit-emptying services. (2020) Peletz, Rachel; Feng, Andy; MacLeod, Clara; Vernon, Dianne; Wang, Tim; Kones, Joan; Delaire, Caroline; Haji, Salim; Khush, Ranjiv
  • When pits fill up: Supply and demand for safe pit-emptying services in Kisumu, Kenya. (2020) Peletz, Rachel; MacLeod, Clara; Kones, Joan; Samuel, Edinah; Easthope-Frazer, Alicea; Delaire, Caroline; Khush, Ranjiv
  • Anticipatory changes in British household purchases of soft drinks associated with the announcement of the Soft Drinks Industry Levy: A controlled interrupted time series analysis. (2020) Pell, David; Penney, Tarra L; Mytton, Oliver; Briggs, Adam; Cummins, Steven; Rayner, Mike; Rutter, Harry; Scarborough, Peter; Sharp, Stephen J; Smith, Richard D; White, Martin; Adams, Jean
  • Effects of spironolactone on serum markers of fibrosis in people at high risk of developing heart failure: rationale, design and baseline characteristics of a proof-of-concept, randomised, precision-medicine, prevention trial. The Heart OMics in AGing (HOMAGE) trial. (2020) Pellicori, Pierpaolo; Ferreira, João Pedro; Mariottoni, Beatrice; Brunner-La Rocca, Hans-Peter; Ahmed, Fozia Z; Verdonschot, Job; Collier, Tim; Cuthbert, Joe J; Petutschnigg, Johannes; Mujaj, Blerim; Girerd, Nicolas; González, Arantxa; Clark, Andrew L; Cosmi, Franco; Staessen, Jan A; Heymans, Stephane; Latini, Roberto; Rossignol, Patrick; Zannad, Faiez; Cleland, John GF
  • RISK6, a 6-gene transcriptomic signature of TB disease risk, diagnosis and treatment response. (2020) Penn-Nicholson, Adam; Mbandi, Stanley Kimbung; Thompson, Ethan; Mendelsohn, Simon C; Suliman, Sara; Chegou, Novel N; Malherbe, Stephanus T; Darboe, Fatoumatta; Erasmus, Mzwandile; Hanekom, Willem A; Bilek, Nicole; Fisher, Michelle; Kaufmann, Stefan HE; Winter, Jill; Murphy, Melissa; Wood, Robin; Morrow, Carl; Van Rhijn, Ildiko; Moody, Branch; Murray, Megan; Andrade, Bruno B; Sterling, Timothy R; Sutherland, Jayne; Naidoo, Kogieleum; Padayatchi, Nesri; Walzl, Gerhard; Hatherill, Mark; Zak, Daniel; Scriba, Thomas J; Adolescent Cohort Study team; GC6-74 Consortium; SATVI Clinical and Laboratory Team; ScreenTB Consortium; AE-TBC Consortium; RePORT Brazil Team; Peruvian Household Contacts Cohort Team; CAPRISA IMPRESS team
  • Development of a Molecular Snail Xenomonitoring Assay to Detect Schistosoma haematobium and Schistosoma bovis Infections in their Bulinus Snail Hosts. (2020) Pennance, Tom; Archer, John; Lugli, Elena Birgitta; Rostron, Penny; Llanwarne, Felix; Ali, Said Mohammed; Amour, Amour Khamis; Suleiman, Khamis Rashid; Li, Sarah; Rollinson, David; Cable, Jo; Knopp, Stefanie; Allan, Fiona; Ame, Shaali Makame; Webster, Bonnie Lee
  • Seasonal Influenza Vaccination During Pregnancy and the Risk of Major Congenital Malformations in Live-born Infants: A 2010-2016 Historical Cohort Study. (2020) Peppa, Maria; Thomas, Sara L; Minassian, Caroline; Walker, Jemma L; McDonald, Helen I; Andrews, Nick J; Kempley, Stephen T; Mangtani, Punam
  • Genomic Epidemiology of Carbapenemase Producing Klebsiella pneumoniae Strains at a Northern Portuguese Hospital Enables the Detection of a Misidentified Klebsiella variicola KPC-3 Producing Strain. (2020) Perdigão, João; Caneiras, Cátia; Elias, Rita; Modesto, Ana; Spadar, Anton; Phelan, Jody; Campino, Susana; Clark, Taane G; Costa, Eliana; Saavedra, Maria José; Duarte, Aida
  • Using genomics to understand the origin and dispersion of multidrug and extensively drug resistant tuberculosis in Portugal. (2020) Perdigão, João; Gomes, Pedro; Miranda, Anabela; Maltez, Fernando; Machado, Diana; Silva, Carla; Phelan, Jody E; Brum, Laura; Campino, Susana; Couto, Isabel; Viveiros, Miguel; Clark, Taane G; Portugal, Isabel
  • Whole-genome sequencing resolves a polyclonal outbreak by extended-spectrum beta-lactam and carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae in a Portuguese tertiary-care hospital. (2020) Perdigão, João; Modesto, Ana; Pereira, AL; Neto, O; Matos, V; Godinho, A; Phelan, Jody; Charleston, James; Spadar, Anton; de Sessions, Paola Florez; Hibberd, Martin; Campino, Susana; Costa, A; Fernandes, F; Ferreira, F; Correia, AB; Gonçalves, Luisa; Clark, Taane G; Duarte, Aida
  • Emergence of multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis of the Beijing lineage in Portugal and Guinea-Bissau: a snapshot of moving clones by whole-genome sequencing. (2020) Perdigão, João; Silva, Carla; Maltez, Fernando; Machado, Diana; Miranda, Anabela; Couto, Isabel; Rabna, Paulo; Florez de Sessions, Paola; Phelan, Jody; Pain, Arnab; McNerney, Ruth; Hibberd, Martin L; Mokrousov, Igor; Clark, Taane G; Viveiros, Miguel; Portugal, Isabel
  • The need for fast-track, high-quality and low-cost studies about the role of the BCG vaccine in the fight against COVID-19. (2020) Pereira, Marcos; Paixão, Enny; Trajman, Anete; de Souza, Ramon Andrade; da Natividade, Marcio Santos; Pescarini, Julia M; Pereira, Susan Martins; Barreto, Florisneide Rodrigues; Ximenes, Ricardo; Dalcomo, Margareth; Ichihara, Maria Yury; Nunes, Ceuci; Barral-Netto, Manoel; Barreto, Maurício L
  • The Heart in the Time of the 'Coronavirus'. (2020) Perel, Pablo; Grobbee, Diederick E
  • cAMP signalling and its role in host cell invasion by malaria parasites. (2020) Perrin, Abigail J; Patel, Avnish; Flueck, Christian; Blackman, Michael J; Baker, David A
  • Face masks to prevent community transmission of viral respiratory infections: A rapid evidence review using Bayesian analysis. (2020) Perski, Olga; Simons, David; West, Robert; Michie, Susan
  • Incidence, prevalence and mortality of bullous pemphigoid in England 1998-2017: a population-based cohort study. (2020) Persson, MSM; Harman, KE; Vinogradova, Y; Langan, SM; Hippisley-Cox, J; Thomas, KS; Gran, S
  • Validation study of bullous pemphigoid and pemphigus vulgaris recording in routinely collected electronic primary healthcare records in England. (2020) Persson, Monica SM; Harman, Karen E; Vinogradova, Yana; Langan, Sinead M; Hippisley-Cox, Julia; Thomas, Kim S; Gran, Sonia
  • [Healthcare challenges for people with diabetes during the national state of emergency due to COVID-19 in Lima, Peru: primary healthcare recommendations]. (2020) Pesantes, M Amalia; Lazo-Porras, Maria; Cárdenas, Maria Kathia; Diez-Canseco, Francisco; Tanaka-Zafra, Jessica Hanae; Carrillo-Larco, Rodrigo M; Bernabé-Ortiz, Antonio; Málaga, Germán; Miranda, J Jaime
  • Evaluating the impact of the Bolsa Familia conditional cash transfer program on premature cardiovascular and all-cause mortality using the 100 million Brazilian cohort: a natural experiment study protocol. (2020) Pescarini, Julia M; Craig, Peter; Allik, Mirjam; Amorim, Leila; Ali, Sanni; Smeeth, Liam; Barreto, Mauricio L; Leyland, Alastair H; Aquino, Estela ML; Katikireddi, Srinivasa Vittal
  • Conditional Cash Transfer Program and Leprosy Incidence: Analysis of 12.9 Million Families From the 100 Million Brazilian Cohort. (2020) Pescarini, Julia M; Williamson, Elizabeth; Ichihara, Maria Y; Fiaccone, Rosemeire L; Forastiere, Laura; Ramond, Anna; Nery, Joilda Silva; Penna, Maria Lucia F; Strina, Agostino; Reis, Sandra; Smeeth, Liam; Rodrigues, Laura C; Brickley, Elizabeth B; Penna, Gerson O; Barreto, Mauricio L
  • Effect of a conditional cash transfer programme on leprosy treatment adherence and cure in patients from the nationwide 100 Million Brazilian Cohort: a quasi-experimental study. (2020) Pescarini, Julia M; Williamson, Elizabeth; Nery, Joilda S; Ramond, Anna; Ichihara, Maria Yury; Fiaccone, Rosemeire L; Penna, Maria Lucia F; Smeeth, Liam; Rodrigues, Laura C; Penna, Gerson O; Brickley, Elizabeth B; Barreto, Mauricio L
  • Untreated hypertension in Russian 35-69 year olds - a cross-sectional study. (2020) Petersen, Jakob; Kontsevaya, Anna; McKee, Martin; Kudryavtsev, Alexander V; Malyutina, Sofia; Cook, Sarah; Leon, David A
  • Primary care use and cardiovascular disease risk in Russian 40-69 year olds: a cross-sectional study. (2020) Petersen, Jakob; Kontsevaya, Anna; McKee, Martin; Richardson, Erica; Cook, Sarah; Malyutina, Sofia; Kudryavtsev, Alexander V; Leon, David A
  • Uncontrolled and apparent treatment resistant hypertension: a cross-sectional study of Russian and Norwegian 40-69 year olds. (2020) Petersen, Jakob; Malyutina, Sofia; Ryabikov, Andrey; Kontsevaya, Anna; Kudryavtsev, Alexander V; Eggen, Anne Elise; McKee, Martin; Cook, Sarah; Hopstock, Laila A; Schirmer, Henrik; Leon, David A
  • Effects of the school environment on early sexual risk behavior: A longitudinal analysis of students in English secondary schools. (2020) Peterson, Amy J; Allen, Elizabeth; Viner, Russell; Bonell, Chris
  • Weekly COVID-19 testing with household quarantine and contact tracing is feasible and would probably end the epidemic. (2020) Peto, J; Carpenter, J; Smith, GD; Duffy, S; Houlston, R; Hunter, DJ; Mcpherson, K; Pearce, N; Romer, P; Sasieni, P; Turnbull, C
  • Universal weekly testing as the UK COVID-19 lockdown exit strategy. (2020) Peto, Julian; Alwan, Nisreen A; Godfrey, Keith M; Burgess, Rochelle A; Hunter, David J; Riboli, Elio; Romer, Paul; 27 signatories
  • Weekly COVID-19 testing with household quarantine and contact tracing is feasible and would probably end the epidemic. (2020) Peto, Julian; Carpenter, James; Smith, George Davey; Duffy, Stephen; Houlston, Richard; Hunter, David J; McPherson, Klim; Pearce, Neil; Romer, Paul; Sasieni, Peter; Turnbull, Clare
  • Covid-19 mass testing: throwing the baby out with the bathwater? (2020) Peto, Julian; Hunter, David J; Riboli, Elio
  • Intended and unintended effects: community perspectives on a performance-based financing programme in Malawi. (2020) Petross, Chisomo; McMahon, Shannon; Lohmann, Julia; Chase, Rachel P; Muula, Adamson S; De Allegri, Manuela
  • The 2018–2019 weak El Niño: Predicting the risk of a dengue outbreak in Machala, Ecuador. (2020) Petrova, Desislava; Rodó, Xavier; Sippy, Rachel; Ballester, Joan; Mejía, Raul; Beltrán‐Ayala, Efraín; Borbor‐Cordova, Mercy J; Vallejo, G Mauricio; Olmedo, Alfredo J; Stewart‐Ibarra, Anna M; Lowe, Rachel
  • Dark Nudges and Sludge in Big Alcohol: Behavioral Economics, Cognitive Biases, and Alcohol Industry Corporate Social Responsibility. (2020) Petticrew, Mark; Maani, Nason; Pettigrew, Luisa; Rutter, Harry; VAN Schalkwyk, May Ci
  • Primary care networks: the impact of covid-19 and the challenges ahead. (2020) Pettigrew, Luisa M; Kumpunen, Stephanie; Mays, Nicholas
  • Evaluating implementation strategies for essential newborn care interventions in low- and low middle-income countries: a systematic review. (2020) Peven, Kimberly; Bick, Debra; Purssell, Edward; Rotevatn, Torill Alise; Nielsen, Jane Hyldgaard; Taylor, Cath
  • Stillbirths including intrapartum timing: EN-BIRTH multi-country validation study. (2020) Peven, Kimberly; Day, Louise T; Ruysen, Harriet; Tahsina, Tazeen; Kc, Ashish; Shabani, Josephine; Kong, Stefanie; Ameen, Shafiqul; Basnet, Omkar; Haider, Rajib; Rahman, Qazi Sadeq-Ur; Blencowe, Hannah; Lawn, Joy E; EN-BIRTH Study Group
  • Breastfeeding support in low and middle-income countries: Secondary analysis of national survey data. (2020) Peven, Kimberly; Purssell, Edward; Taylor, Cath; Bick, Debra; Lopez, Velma K
  • Neurodevelopment of children exposed intra-uterus by Zika virus: A case series. (2020) Peçanha, Pedro Massaroni; Gomes Junior, Saint Clair; Pone, Sheila Moura; Pone, Marcos Vinicius da Silva; Vasconcelos, Zilton; Zin, Andrea; Vilibor, Renata Hydee Hasue; Costa, Roozemeria Pereira; Meio, Maria Dalva Barbosa Baker; Nielsen-Saines, Karin; Brasil, Patricia; Brickley, Elizabeth; Lopes Moreira, Maria Elisabeth
  • Shedding of Yellow Fever Virus From an Imported Case in the Netherlands After Travel to Brazil. (2020) Phan, My VT; Mendonca Melo, Mariana; van Nood, Els; Aron, Georgina; Kreeft-Voermans, Jolanda JC; Koopmans, Marion PG; Reusken, Chantal; GeurtsvanKessel, Corine H; Cotten, Matthew
  • COVID-19 numbers and models: Misleading us, or leading us out of misery? (2020) Philippin, H; Knoll, KM; Macleod, D
  • COVID-19 numbers and models: misleading us, or leading us out of misery? (2020) Philippin, Heiko; Knoll, Karin M; Macleod, David
  • Urine selenium concentration is a useful biomarker for assessing population level selenium status. (2020) Phiri, Felix P; Ander, E Louise; Lark, R Murray; Bailey, Elizabeth H; Chilima, Benson; Gondwe, Jellita; Joy, Edward JM; Kalimbira, Alexander A; Phuka, John C; Suchdev, Parminder S; Middleton, Daniel RS; Hamilton, Elliott M; Watts, Michael J; Young, Scott D; Broadley, Martin R
  • Spatial analysis of urine zinc (Zn) concentration for women of reproductive age and school age children in Malawi. (2020) Phiri, Felix P; Ander, E Louise; Lark, R Murray; Joy, Edward JM; Kalimbira, Alexander A; Suchdev, Parminder S; Gondwe, Jellita; Hamilton, Elliott M; Watts, Michael J; Broadley, Martin R
  • The WOMAN Trial: Clinical and Contextual Factors Surrounding the Deaths of 483 Women Following Post-Partum Hemorrhage in Developing Countries. (2020) Picetti, Roberto; Miller, Lori; Shakur-Still, Haleema; Pepple, Tracey; Beaumont, Danielle; Balogun, Eni; Asonganyi, Etienne; Chaudhri, Rizwana; El-Sheikh, Mohamed; Vwalika, Bellington; Arulkumaran, Sabaratnam; Roberts, Ian
  • The WOMAN trial: clinical and contextual factors surrounding the deaths of 483 women following post-partum haemorrhage in developing countries. (2020) Picetti, Roberto; Miller, Lori; Shakur-Still, Haleema; Pepple, Tracey; Beaumont, Danielle; Balogun, Eni; Asonganyi, Etienne; Chaudhri, Rizwana; El-Sheikh, Mohamed; Vwalika, Bellington; Arulkumaran, Sabaratnam; Roberts, Ian; WOMAN trial collaborators
  • A Mixed-Methods Systematic Review: Infidelity, Romantic Jealousy and Intimate Partner Violence against Women. (2020) Pichon, Marjorie; Treves-Kagan, Sarah; Stern, Erin; Kyegombe, Nambusi; Stöckl, Heidi; Buller, Ana Maria
  • Genomics of Ocular Chlamydia trachomatis After 5 Years of SAFE Interventions for Trachoma in Amhara, Ethiopia. (2020) Pickering, Harry; Chernet, Ambahun; Sata, Eshetu; Zerihun, Mulat; Williams, Charlotte A; Breuer, Judith; Nute, Andrew W; Haile, Mahteme; Zeru, Taye; Tadesse, Zerihun; Bailey, Robin L; Callahan, E Kelly; Holland, Martin J; Nash, Scott D
  • Generating national projections of dementia cases for Ireland using a calibrated macro-simulation model. (2020) Pierse, Tom; Keogh, Fiona; O'Neill, Stephen
  • The effect of laboratory testing on COVID-19 monitoring indicators: an analysis of the 50 countries with the highest number of cases. (2020) Pilecco, Flávia Bulegon; Coelho, Carolina Gomes; Fernandes, Qeren Hapuk Rodrigues Ferreira; Silveira, Ismael Henrique; Pescarini, Júlia Moreira; Ortelan, Naiá; Gabrielli, Ligia; Aquino, Estela ML; Barreto, Maurício Lima
  • Understanding India's urban dengue surveillance: A qualitative policy analysis of Hyderabad district. (2020) Pilot, Eva; Murthy, GVS; Nittas, Vasileios
  • Building a Methodological Foundation for Impactful Urban Planetary Health Science. (2020) Pineo, Helen; Audia, Camilla; Black, Daniel; French, Matthew; Gemmell, Emily; Lovasi, Gina S; Milner, James; Montes, Felipe; Niu, Yanlin; Pérez-Ferrer, Carolina; Siri, José; Taruc, Ruzka R
  • Multidimensional poverty and disability: A case control study in India, Cameroon, and Guatemala. (2020) Pinilla-Roncancio, Mónica; Mactaggart, Islay; Kuper, Hannah; Dionicio, Carlos; Naber, Jonathan; Murthy, GVS; Polack, Sarah
  • Profile of American tegumentary leishmaniasis in transmission areas in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, from 2007 to 2017. (2020) Pinto, Mariana Olímpia Köhler Marra; de Oliveira, Tiago Mendonça; de Assis Aguiar, Andreza Nayla; Pinto, Paulo Eustáquio Marra; Barbosa, David Soeiro; de Araújo Diniz, Soraia; Silva, Marcos Xavier
  • Availability of eye care infrastructure and human resources for managing diabetic retinopathy in the western province of Sri Lanka. (2020) Piyseana, Mapa Mudiyanselage Prabhath Nishantha; Murthy, Gudlavalleti Venkata S
  • Online patient simulation training to improve clinical reasoning: a feasibility randomised controlled trial. (2020) Plackett, Ruth; Kassianos, Angelos P; Kambouri, Maria; Kay, Natasha; Mylan, Sophie; Hopwood, Jenny; Schartau, Patricia; Gray, Shani; Timmis, Jessica; Bennett, Sarah; Valerio, Chris; Rodrigues, Veena; Player, Emily; Hamilton, Willie; Raine, Rosalind; Duffy, Stephen; Sheringham, Jessica
  • Sex workers must not be forgotten in the COVID-19 response. (2020) Platt, Lucy; Elmes, Jocelyn; Stevenson, Luca; Holt, Victoria; Rolles, Stephen; Stuart, Rachel
  • COVID-19 in children with chronic kidney disease: findings from the UK renal registry. (2020) Plumb, Lucy; Benoy-Deeney, Fran; Casula, Anna; Braddon, Fiona EM; Tse, Yincent; Inward, Carol; Marks, Stephen; Steenkamp, Retha; Medcalf, James; Nitsch, Dorothea
  • Are electronic health records ready for clinical trial use? (2020) Plumb, Lucy; Nitsch, Dorothea
  • Moving towards culturally competent health systems for migrants? Applying systems thinking in a qualitative study in Malaysia and Thailand. (2020) Pocock, Nicola Suyin; Chan, Zhie; Loganathan, Tharani; Suphanchaimat, Rapeepong; Kosiyaporn, Hathairat; Allotey, Pascale; Chan, Wei-Kay; Tan, David
  • Challenges to pre-migration interventions to prevent human trafficking: Results from a before-and-after learning assessment of training for prospective female migrants in Odisha, India. (2020) Pocock, Nicola Suyin; Kiss, Ligia; Dash, Mamata; Mak, Joelle; Zimmerman, Cathy
  • Access to hip and knee replacement surgery in patients with chronic diseases according to patient-reported pain and functional status. (2020) Podmore, Bélène; Hutchings, Andrew; Konan, Sujith; Robson, John; van der Meulen, Jan
  • Parents' Perceptions about Salt Consumption in Urban Areas of Peru: Formative Research for a Social Marketing Strategy. (2020) Ponce-Lucero, Vilarmina; Saavedra-Garcia, Lorena; Cateriano-Arévalo, Erik; Perez-Leon, Silvana; Villarreal-Zegarra, David; Horna-Alva, Diego; Miranda, J Jaime
  • Power, control, communities and health inequalities. Part II: measuring shifts in power. (2020) Ponsford, Ruth; Collins, Michelle; Egan, Matt; Halliday, Emma; Lewis, Sue; Orton, Lois; Powell, Kate; Barnes, Amy; Salway, Sarah; Townsend, Anne; Whitehead, Margaret; Popay, Jennie
  • Power, control, communities and health inequalities I: theories, concepts and analytical frameworks. (2020) Popay, Jennie; Whitehead, Margaret; Ponsford, Ruth; Egan, Matt; Mead, Rebecca
  • Prediction of rifampicin resistance beyond the RRDR using structure-based machine learning approaches. (2020) Portelli, Stephanie; Myung, Yoochan; Furnham, Nicholas; Vedithi, Sundeep Chaitanya; Pires, Douglas EV; Ascher, David B
  • The impact of vaccination on gender equity: conceptual framework and human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine case study. (2020) Portnoy, Allison; Clark, Samantha; Ozawa, Sachiko; Jit, Mark
  • Antibody response to SARS-CoV-2 infection in humans: A systematic review. (2020) Post, Nathan; Eddy, Danielle; Huntley, Catherine; van Schalkwyk, May CI; Shrotri, Madhumita; Leeman, David; Rigby, Samuel; Williams, Sarah V; Bermingham, William H; Kellam, Paul; Maher, John; Shields, Adrian M; Amirthalingam, Gayatri; Peacock, Sharon J; Ismail, Sharif A
  • Effectiveness of a multicomponent pharmacist intervention at hospital discharge for drug-related problems: A cluster randomised cross-over trial. (2020) Pourrat, Xavier; Leyrat, Clémence; Allenet, Benoît; Bouzige, Brigitte; Develay, Armelle; Fraysse, Martial; Garnier, Valérie; Halimi, Jean-Michel; Roux-Marson, Clarisse; Giraudeau, Bruno
  • Power, control, communities and health inequalities III: participatory spaces-an English case. (2020) Powell, Katie; Barnes, Amy; Anderson de Cuevas, Rachel; Bambra, Clare; Halliday, Emma; Lewis, Sue; McGill, Rory; Orton, Lois; Ponsford, Ruth; Salway, Sarah; Townsend, Anne; Whitehead, Margaret; Popay, Jennie
  • Infection prevention and control compliance in Tanzanian outpatient facilities: a cross-sectional study with implications for the control of COVID-19. (2020) Powell-Jackson, Timothy; King, Jessica JC; Makungu, Christina; Spieker, Nicole; Woodd, Susannah; Risha, Peter; Goodman, Catherine
  • Examining the Association of Socioeconomic Position with Microcephaly and Delayed Childhood Neurodevelopment among Children with Prenatal Zika Virus Exposure. (2020) Power, Grace M; Francis, Suzanna C; Sanchez Clemente, Nuria; Vasconcelos, Zilton; Brasil, Patricia; Nielsen-Saines, Karin; Brickley, Elizabeth B; Moreira, Maria E
  • The significance and expectations of HIV cure research among people living with HIV in Australia. (2020) Power, Jennifer; Dowsett, Gary W; Westle, Andrew; Tucker, Joseph D; Hill, Sophie; Sugarman, Jeremy; Lewin, Sharon R; Brown, Graham; Lucke, Jayne
  • Regional and global contributions of air pollution to risk of death from COVID-19. (2020) Pozzer, Andrea; Dominici, Francesca; Haines, Andy; Witt, Christian; Münzel, Thomas; Lelieveld, Jos
  • Yoga-Based Cardiac Rehabilitation After Acute Myocardial Infarction: A Randomized Trial. (2020) Prabhakaran, Dorairaj; Chandrasekaran, Ambalam M; Singh, Kalpana; Mohan, Bishav; Chattopadhyay, Kaushik; Chadha, Davinder S; Negi, Prakash C; Bhat, Prabhavathi; Sadananda, Kanchanahalli S; Ajay, Vamadevan S; Singh, Kavita; Praveen, Pradeep A; Devarajan, Raji; Kondal, Dimple; Soni, Divya; Mallinson, Poppy; Manchanda, Subhash C; Madan, Kushal; Hughes, Alun D; Chathurvedi, Nishi; Roberts, Ian; Ebrahim, Shah; Reddy, Kolli S; Tandon, Nikhil; Pocock, Stuart; Roy, Ambuj; Kinra, Sanjay; Yoga-CaRe Trial Investigators
  • Correction: Management of Cardiovascular Disease Patients With Confirmed or Suspected COVID-19 in Limited Resource Settings. (2020) Prabhakaran, Dorairaj; Perel, Pablo; Roy, Ambuj; Singh, Kavita; Raspail, Lana; Faria-Neto, José Rocha; Gidding, Samuel S; Ojji, Dike; Hakim, Ferdous; Newby, L Kristin; Stępińska, Janina; Lam, Carolyn SP; Jobe, Modou; Kraus, Sarah; Chuquiure-Valenzuela, Eduardo; Piñeiro, Daniel; Khaw, Kay-Tee; Bahiru, Ehete; Banerjee, Amitava; Narula, Jagat; Pinto, Fausto J; Wood, David A; Sliwa, Karen
  • Management of Cardiovascular Disease Patients With Confirmed or Suspected COVID-19 in Limited Resource Settings. (2020) Prabhakaran, Dorairaj; Perel, Pablo; Roy, Ambuj; Singh, Kavita; Raspail, Lana; Faria-Neto, José Rocha; Gidding, Samuel S; Ojji, Dike; Hakim, Ferdous; Newby, L Kristin; Stępińska, Janina; Lam, Carolyn SP; Jobe, Modou; Kraus, Sarah; Chuquiure-Valenzuela, Eduardo; Piñeiro, Daniel; Khaw, Kay-Tee; Bahiru, Ehete; Banerjee, Amitava; Narula, Jagat; Pinto, Fausto J; Wood, David A; Sliwa, Karen
  • Normalizing Alcohol Consumption among Youth: Role of Peers, Media, and Access to Alcohol in Mumbai. (2020) Prabhughate, Priti; Srinivasan, Sriyanchita; Ranga, Vikram; Fritz, Katherine; Gafos, Mitzy
  • Bratislava Statement: consensus recommendations for improving pancreatic cancer care. (2020) Prades, Joan; Arnold, Dirk; Brunner, Thomas; Cardone, Antonella; Carrato, Alfredo; Coll-Ortega, Cristina; De Luze, Samuel; Garel, Pascal; Goossens, Maria E; Grilli, Roberto; Harris, Meggan; Louagie, Marleen; Malats, Núria; Minicozzi, Pamela; Partelli, Stefano; Pastorekova, Silvia; Petrulionis, Marius; Price, Richard; Sclafani, Francesco; Smolkova, Bozena; Borras, Josep M
  • Changes in Family-Level Attitudes and Norms and Association with Secondary School Completion and Child Marriage Among Adolescent Girls: Results from an Exploratory Study Nested Within a Cluster-Randomised Controlled Trial in India. (2020) Prakash, Ravi; Beattie, Tara S; Cislaghi, Beniamino; Bhattacharjee, Parinita; Javalkar, Prakash; Ramanaik, Satyanarayana; Thalinja, Raghavendra; Davey, Calum; Gafos, Mitzy; Watts, Charlotte; Collumbien, Martine; Moses, Stephen; Isac, Shajy; Heise, Lori
  • Accuracy of the smartphone-based nonmydriatic retinal camera in the detection of sight-threatening diabetic retinopathy. (2020) Prathiba, Vijayaraghavan; Rajalakshmi, Ramachandran; Arulmalar, Subramaniam; Usha, Manoharan; Subhashini, Radhakrishnan; Gilbert, Clare E; Anjana, Ranjit Mohan; Mohan, Viswanathan
  • Justice: a key consideration in health policy and systems research ethics. (2020) Pratt, Bridget; Wild, Verina; Barasa, Edwine; Kamuya, Dorcas; Gilson, Lucy; Hendl, Tereza; Molyneux, Sassy
  • The effect of control strategies to reduce social mixing on outcomes of the COVID-19 epidemic in Wuhan, China: a modelling study. (2020) Prem, Kiesha; Liu, Yang; Russell, Timothy W; Kucharski, Adam J; Eggo, Rosalind M; Davies, Nicholas; Centre for the Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases COV; Jit, Mark; Klepac, Petra
  • Correction to: Investigating the non-specific effects of BCG vaccination on the innate immune system in Ugandan neonates: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. (2020) Prentice, Sarah; Webb, Emily L; Dockrell, Hazel M; Kaleebu, Pontiano; Elliott, Alison M; Cose, Stephen
  • Changes in Blood Pressure and Arterial Hemodynamics following Living Kidney Donation. (2020) Price, Anna M; Greenhall, George HB; Moody, William E; Steeds, Richard P; Mark, Patrick B; Edwards, Nicola C; Hayer, Manvir K; Pickup, Luke C; Radhakrishnan, Ashwin; Law, Jonathan P; Banerjee, Debasish; Campbell, Tunde; Tomson, Charles RV; Cockcroft, John R; Shrestha, Badri; Wilkinson, Ian B; Tomlinson, Laurie A; Ferro, Charles J; Townend, Jonathan N; EARNEST investigators
  • Early analysis of the Australian COVID-19 epidemic. (2020) Price, David J; Shearer, Freya M; Meehan, Michael T; McBryde, Emma; Moss, Robert; Golding, Nick; Conway, Eamon J; Dawson, Peter; Cromer, Deborah; Wood, James; Abbott, Sam; McVernon, Jodie; McCaw, James M
  • "Buruli ulcer and leprosy, they are intertwined": Patient experiences of integrated case management of skin neglected tropical diseases in Liberia. (2020) Prochazka, Mateo; Timothy, Joseph; Pullan, Rachel; Kollie, Karsor; Rogers, Emerson; Wright, Abednego; Palmer, Jennifer
  • A review of the costs of delivering maternal immunisation during pregnancy. (2020) Procter, Simon R; Salman, Omar; Pecenka, Clint; Gonçalves, Bronner P; Paul, Proma; Hutubessy, Raymond; Lambach, Philipp; Lawn, Joy E; Jit, Mark
  • Assessment of a patient-reported outcome measure in men with prostate cancer who had radical surgery: a Rasch analysis. (2020) Protopapa, Eva; van der Meulen, Jan; Moore, Caroline M; Smith, Sarah C
  • Meeting Report: WHO Workshop on modelling global mortality and aetiology estimates of enteric pathogens in children under five. Cape Town, 28-29th November 2018. (2020) Prudden, HJ; Hasso-Agopsowicz, M; Black, RE; Troeger, C; Reiner, RC; Breiman, RF; Jit, M; Kang, G; Lamberti, L; Lanata, CF; Lopman, BA; Ndifon, W; Pitzer, VE; Platts-Mills, JA; Riddle, MS; Smith, PG; Hutubessy, R; Giersing, B
  • Self-reported disability in relation to mortality in rural Malawi: a longitudinal study of over 16 000 adults. (2020) Prynn, Josephine E; Dube, Albert; Mkandawire, Joseph; Koole, Olivier; Geis, Steffen; Mwaiyeghele, Elenaus; Mwiba, Oddie; Price, Alison J; Kachiwanda, Lackson; Nyirenda, Moffat; Kuper, Hannah; Crampin, Amelia C
  • Self-reported disability in rural Malawi: prevalence, incidence, and relationship to chronic conditions. (2020) Prynn, Josephine E; Dube, Albert; Mwaiyeghele, Elenaus; Mwiba, Oddie; Geis, Steffen; Koole, Olivier; Nyirenda, Moffat; Kuper, Hannah; Crampin, Amelia C
  • Childbirth care in Egypt: a repeat cross-sectional analysis using Demographic and Health Surveys between 1995 and 2014 examining use of care, provider mix and immediate postpartum care content. (2020) Pugliese-Garcia, Miguel; Radovich, Emma; Campbell, Oona MR; Hassanein, Nevine; Khalil, Karima; Benova, Lenka
  • Implementing the World Health Organization Pandemic Influenza Severity Assessment framework-Singapore's experience. (2020) Pung, Rachael; Lee, Vernon Jian Ming
  • Reducing spread of COVID-19 in closed environments: an outbreak investigation and modelling study in dormitory settings. (2020) Pung, Rachael; Lin, Bernard; Maurer-Stroh, Sebastian; Sirota, Fernanda L; Mak, Tze Minn; Octavia, Sophie; Pang, Junxiong; Tan, Iain Beehuat; Tan, Clive; Ong, Biauw Chi; Cook, Alex; Lee, Vernon
  • Health for all? A qualitative study of NGO support to migrants affected by structural violence in northern France. (2020) Pursch, Benita; Tate, Alexandra; Legido-Quigley, Helena; Howard, Natasha
  • Drivers of the Adoption and Exclusive Use of Clean Fuel for Cooking in Sub-Saharan Africa: Learnings and Policy Considerations from Cameroon. (2020) Pye, Alison; Ronzi, Sara; Mbatchou Ngahane, Bertrand Hugo; Puzzolo, Elisa; Ashu, Atongno Humphrey; Pope, Daniel
  • Commentary: Short-Chain Alcohols Upregulate GILZ Gene Expression and Attenuate LPS-Induced Septic Immune Response. (2020) Pál, László; Bujdosó, Orsolya; McKee, Martin; Sándor, János; Szűcs, Sándor
  • Heavy metal contamination in recorded and unrecorded spirits. Should we worry? (2020) Pál, László; Muhollari, Teuta; Bujdosó, Orsolya; Baranyai, Edina; Nagy, Attila; Árnyas, Ervin; Ádány, Róza; Sándor, János; McKee, Martin; Szűcs, Sándor
  • Mitochondrial Signature in Human Monocytes and Resistance to Infection in C. elegans During Fumarate-Induced Innate Immune Training. (2020) Pérez-Hernández, C Angélica; Kern, Carina C; Butkeviciute, Egle; McCarthy, Elizabeth; Dockrell, Hazel M; Moreno-Altamirano, María Maximina Bertha; Aguilar-López, Bruno A; Bhosale, Gauri; Wang, Hongyuan; Gems, David; Duchen, Michael R; Smith, Steven G; Sánchez-García, Francisco Javier
  • Host-parasite dynamics in Chagas disease from systemic to hyper-local scales. (2020) Pérez-Mazliah, Damián; Ward, Alexander I; Lewis, Michael D
  • Rural and urban differences in health system performance among older Chinese adults: cross-sectional analysis of a national sample. (2020) Qin, Vicky Mengqi; McPake, Barbara; Raban, Magdalena Z; Cowling, Thomas E; Alshamsan, Riyadh; Chia, Kee Seng; Smith, Peter C; Atun, Rifat; Lee, John Tayu
  • Post-tuberculosis mortality and morbidity: valuing the hidden epidemic. (2020) Quaife, Matthew; Houben, Rein MGJ; Allwood, Brian; Cohen, Ted; Coussens, Anna K; Harries, Anthony D; van Kampen, Sanne; Marx, Florian M; Sweeney, Sedona; Wallis, Robert S; Menzies, Nicolas A
  • Modelling the effect of market forces on the impact of introducing HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis among female sex workers. (2020) Quaife, Matthew; Terris-Prestholt, Fern; Mukandavire, Zindoga; Vickerman, Peter
  • Modelling the effect of market forces on the impact of introducing human immunodeficiency virus pre-exposure prophylaxis among female sex workers. (2020) Quaife, Matthew; Terris-Prestholt, Fern; Mukandavire, Zindoga; Vickerman, Peter
  • The impact of COVID-19 control measures on social contacts and transmission in Kenyan informal settlements. (2020) Quaife, Matthew; van Zandvoort, Kevin; Gimma, Amy; Shah, Kashvi; McCreesh, Nicky; Prem, Kiesha; Barasa, Edwine; Mwanga, Daniel; Kangwana, Beth; Pinchoff, Jessie; CMMID COVID-19 Working Group; Edmunds, W John; Jarvis, Christopher I; Austrian, Karen
  • The impact of COVID-19 control measures on social contacts and transmission in Kenyan informal settlements. (2020) Quaife, Matthew; van Zandvoort, Kevin; Gimma, Amy; Shah, Kashvi; McCreesh, Nicky; Prem, Kiesha; Barasa, Edwine; Mwanga, Daniel; Kangwana, Beth; Pinchoff, Jessie; Edmunds, W John; Jarvis, Christopher I; Austrian, Karen
  • Effectiveness of airport screening at detecting travellers infected with novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV). (2020) Quilty, Billy J; Clifford, Sam; CMMID nCoV working group2; Flasche, Stefan; Eggo, Rosalind M
  • The effect of travel restrictions on the geographical spread of COVID-19 between large cities in China: a modelling study. (2020) Quilty, Billy J; Diamond, Charlie; Liu, Yang; Gibbs, Hamish; Russell, Timothy W; Jarvis, Christopher I; Prem, Kiesha; Pearson, Carl AB; Clifford, Samuel; Flasche, Stefan; CMMID COVID-19 working group; Klepac, Petra; Eggo, Rosalind M; Jit, Mark
  • Tuberculosis IRIS: Pathogenesis, Presentation, and Management across the Spectrum of Disease. (2020) Quinn, Carson M; Poplin, Victoria; Kasibante, John; Yuquimpo, Kyle; Gakuru, Jane; Cresswell, Fiona V; Bahr, Nathan C
  • Effectiveness of an intervention for Aedes aegypti control scaled-up under an inter-sectoral approach in a Colombian city hyper-endemic for dengue virus. (2020) Quintero, Juliana; Ronderos Pulido, Nicolás; Logan, James; Ant, Thomas; Bruce, Jane; Carrasquilla, Gabriel
  • Learning sites for health system governance in Kenya and South Africa: reflecting on our experience. (2020) RESYST/DIAHLS learning site team
  • Estimating Annual Fluctuations in Malaria Transmission Intensity and in the Use of Malaria Control Interventions in Five Sub-Saharan African Countries. (2020) RTS,S Epidemiology EPI-MAL-005 Study Group The RTS,S Epidemiolog; Adeniji, Elisha; Asante, Kwaku Poku; Boahen, Owusu; Compaoré, Guillaume; Coulibaly, Boubacar; Kaali, Seyram; Kabore, Youssouf; Lamy, Mathieu; Lusingu, John; Malabeja, Anangisye; Mens, Petra; Orsini, Mattéa; Otieno, Lucas; Otieno, Walter; Owusu-Agyei, Seth; Oyieko, Janet; Pirçon, Jean-Yves; Praet, Nicolas; Roman, François; Sie, Ali; Sing'oei, Valentine; Sirima, Sodiomon B; Sylla, Khadime; Tine, Roger; Tiono, Alfred B; Tivura, Mathilda; Usuf, Effua; Wéry, Stéphanie
  • An evaluation of inverse probability weighting using the propensity score for baseline covariate adjustment in smaller population randomised controlled trials with a continuous outcome. (2020) Raad, Hanaya; Cornelius, Victoria; Chan, Susan; Williamson, Elizabeth; Cro, Suzie
  • Phage biocontrol to combat Pseudomonas syringae pathogens causing disease in cherry. (2020) Rabiey, Mojgan; Roy, Shyamali R; Holtappels, Dominique; Franceschetti, Linda; Quilty, Billy J; Creeth, Ryan; Sundin, George W; Wagemans, Jeroen; Lavigne, Rob; Jackson, Robert W
  • Using Land Runoff to Survey the Distribution and Genetic Diversity of Burkholderia pseudomallei in Vientiane, Laos. (2020) Rachlin, Audrey; Luangraj, Manophab; Kaestli, Mirjam; Rattanavong, Sayaphet; Phoumin, Phonelavanh; Webb, Jessica R; Mayo, Mark; Currie, Bart J; Dance, David AB
  • European Union training programme for tuberculosis laboratory experts: design, contribution and future direction. (2020) Raftery, Philomena; Ködmön, Csaba; van der Werf, Marieke J; Nikolayevskyy, Vladyslav
  • Beyond #FeesMustFall: International students, fees and everyday agency in the era of decolonisation. (2020) Raghuram, Parvati; Breines, Markus Roos; Gunter, Ashley
  • Antibiotic use for inpatient newborn care with suspected infection: EN-BIRTH multi-country validation study. (2020) Rahman, Ahmed Ehsanur; Hossain, Aniqa Tasnim; Zaman, Sojib Bin; Salim, Nahya; K C, Ashish; Day, Louise T; Ameen, Shafiqul; Ruysen, Harriet; Kija, Edward; Peven, Kimberly; Tahsina, Tazeen; Ahmed, Anisuddin; Rahman, Qazi Sadeq-Ur; Khan, Jasmin; Kong, Stefanie; Campbell, Harry; Hailegebriel, Tedbabe Degefie; Ram, Pavani K; Qazi, Shamim A; El Arifeen, Shams; Lawn, Joy E; EN-BIRTH Study Group
  • Evaluation of potential risk of transmission of avian influenza A viruses at live bird markets in response to unusual crow die‐offs in Bangladesh. (2020) Rahman, Mahbubur; Mangtani, Punam; Uyeki, Timothy M; Cardwell, Jacqueline M; Torremorell, Montserrat; Islam, Ariful; Samad, Mohammed A; Muraduzzaman, AKM; Giasuddin, Md; Sarkar, Sudipta; Alamgir, ASM; Salimuzzaman, M; Flora, Meerjady S
  • Population structure and antimicrobial resistance patterns of Salmonella Typhi isolates in urban Dhaka, Bangladesh from 2004 to 2016. (2020) Rahman, Sadia Isfat Ara; Dyson, Zoe A; Klemm, Elizabeth J; Khanam, Farhana; Holt, Kathryn E; Chowdhury, Emran Kabir; Dougan, Gordon; Qadri, Firdausi
  • A Calcium Sensor Discovered in Bluetongue Virus Nonstructural Protein 2 Is Critical for Virus Replication. (2020) Rahman, Shah Kamranur; Kerviel, Adeline; Mohl, Bjorn-Patrick; He, Yao; Zhou, Z Hong; Roy, Polly
  • Pornography use and sexting amongst children and young people: a systematic overview of reviews. (2020) Raine, Gary; Khouja, Claire; Scott, Rachel; Wright, Kath; Sowden, Amanda J
  • Adolescents' and caregivers' perceptions of caregiver-provided testing and HIV self-testing using oral mucosal transudate tests in Zimbabwe: a short report. (2020) Rainer, Crissi; Chihota, Belinda; Dziva Chikwari, Chido; McHugh, Grace; Dauya, Ethel; Mujuru, Hilda; Ferrand, Rashida A; Stewart, Kearsley A
  • Diabetic retinopathy screening uptake after health education with or without retinal imaging within the facility in two AYUSH hospitals in Hyderabad, India: A nonrandomized pilot study. (2020) Raj, Pruthvi; Singh, Samiksha; Lewis, Melissa G; Shukla, Rajan; Murthy, GVS; Gilbert, Clare
  • Spectrum of eye disorders in diabetes (SPEED) in India. Report # 2. Diabetic retinopathy and risk factors for sight threatening diabetic retinopathy in people with type 2 diabetes in India. (2020) Rajalakshmi, Ramachandran; Behera, Umesh C; Bhattacharjee, Harsha; Das, Taraprasad; Gilbert, Clare; Murthy, GVS; Pant, Hira B; Shukla, Rajan; SPEED Study group
  • Assessment of diabetic retinopathy in type 1 diabetes in a diabetes care center in South India-Feasibility and awareness improvement study. (2020) Rajalakshmi, Ramachandran; Shanthirani, Coimbatore Subramaniam; Anandakumar, Amutha; Anjana, Ranjit Mohan; Murthy, GVS; Gilbert, Clare; Mohan, Viswanathan
  • Governance of the Covid-19 response: a call for more inclusive and transparent decision-making. (2020) Rajan, Dheepa; Koch, Kira; Rohrer, Katja; Bajnoczki, Csongor; Socha, Anna; Voss, Maike; Nicod, Marjolaine; Ridde, Valery; Koonin, Justin
  • What do countries need to do to implement effective 'find, test, trace, isolate and support' systems? (2020) Rajan, Selina; D Cylus, Jonathan; Mckee, Martin
  • Healthcare utilization and out-of-pocket expenditures associated with depression in adults: a cross-sectional analysis in Nepal. (2020) Rajan, Selina; Rathod, Sujit D; Luitel, Nagendra P; Murphy, Adrianna; Roberts, Tessa; Jordans, Mark JD
  • The SDGs and health systems: the last step on the long and unfinished journey to universal health care? (2020) Rajan, Selina; Ricciardi, Walter; McKee, Martin
  • Pulmonary Deposition of Radionucleotide-Labeled Palivizumab: Proof-of-Concept Study. (2020) Rajapaksa, Anushi E; Do, Lien Anh Ha; Suryawijaya Ong, Darren; Sourial, Magdy; Veysey, Duncan; Beare, Richard; Hughes, William; Yang, William; Bischof, Robert J; McDonnell, Amarin; Eu, Peter; Yeo, Leslie Y; Licciardi, Paul V; Mulholland, Edward K
  • Are Clinical Decision Support Systems Compatible with Patient-Centred Care? (2020) Rajput, Vije Kumar; Dowie, Jack; Kaltoft, Mette Kjer
  • Multicriteria Decision Support Would Avoid Overdiagnosis and Overtreatment. (2020) Rajput, Vije Kumar; Dowie, Jack; Kaltoft, Mette Kjer
  • High-dose oral vitamin D supplementation and mortality in people aged 65 - 84 years: the VIDAL cluster feasibility RCT of open versus double-blind individual randomisation. (2020) Rake, Christine; Gilham, Clare; Bukasa, Laurette; Ostler, Richard; Newton, Michelle; Peto Wild, James; Aigret, Benoit; Hill, Michael; Gillie, Oliver; Nazareth, Irwin; Sasieni, Peter; Martineau, Adrian; Peto, Julian
  • High-dose oral vitamin D supplementation and mortality in people aged 65-84 years: the VIDAL cluster feasibility RCT of open versus double-blind individual randomisation. (2020) Rake, Christine; Gilham, Clare; Bukasa, Laurette; Ostler, Richard; Newton, Michelle; Peto Wild, James; Aigret, Benoit; Hill, Michael; Gillie, Oliver; Nazareth, Irwin; Sasieni, Peter; Martineau, Adrian; Peto, Julian
  • Evaluating the effect of change in the built environment on mental health and subjective well-being: a natural experiment. (2020) Ram, Bina; Limb, Elizabeth S; Shankar, Aparna; Nightingale, Claire M; Rudnicka, Alicja R; Cummins, Steven; Clary, Christelle; Lewis, Daniel; Cooper, Ashley R; Page, Angie S; Ellaway, Anne; Giles-Corti, Billie; Whincup, Peter H; Cook, Derek G; Owen, Christopher G
  • Evaluation of whether health education using video technology increases the uptake of screening for diabetic retinopathy among individuals with diabetes in a slum population in Hyderabad. (2020) Ramagiri, Radhika; Kannuri, Nanda K; Lewis, Melissa G; Murthy, GVS; Gilbert, Clare
  • 'I have the confidence to ask': thickening agency among adolescent girls in Karnataka, South India. (2020) Ramanaik, Satyanarayana; Collumbien, Martine; Pujar, Ashwini; Howard-Merrill, Lottie; Cislaghi, Beniamino; Prakash, Ravi; Javalkar, Prakash; Thalinja, Raghavendra; Beattie, Tara; Moses, Stephen; Isac, Shajy; Gafos, Mitzy; Bhattacharjee, Parinita; Heise, Lori
  • Sometimes Resigned, Sometimes Conflicted, and Mostly Risk Averse: Primary Care Doctors in India as Street Level Bureaucrats. (2020) Ramani, Sudha; Gilson, Lucy; Sivakami, Muthusamy; Gawde, Nilesh
  • Postnatal symptomatic Zika virus infections in children and adolescents: A systematic review. (2020) Ramond, Anna; Lobkowicz, Ludmila; Clemente, Nuria Sanchez; Vaughan, Aisling; Turchi, Marília Dalva; Wilder-Smith, Annelies; Brickley, Elizabeth B
  • Feeding Interventions for Infants with Growth Failure in the First Six Months of Life: A Systematic Review. (2020) Rana, Ritu; McGrath, Marie; Gupta, Paridhi; Thakur, Ekta; Kerac, Marko
  • Air conditioning and electricity expenditure: The role of climate in temperate countries. (2020) Randazzo, Teresa; De Cian, Enrica; Mistry, Malcolm N
  • An open-label, randomized, non-inferiority trial of the efficacy and safety of ciprofloxacin versus streptomycin + ciprofloxacin in the treatment of bubonic plague (IMASOY): study protocol for a randomized control trial. (2020) Randremanana, Rindra Vatosoa; Raberahona, Mihaja; Randria, Mamy Jean de Dieu; Rajerison, Minoarisoa; Andrianaivoarimanana, Voahangy; Legrand, Agathe; Rasoanaivo, Tsinjo Fehizoro; Randriamparany, Ravaka; Mayouya-Gamana, Théodora; Mangahasimbola, Reziky; Bourner, Josie; Salam, Alex; Gillesen, Annelies; Edwards, Tansy; Schoenhals, Matthieu; Baril, Laurence; Horby, Peter; Olliaro, Piero
  • Training and evaluating simulation debriefers in low-resource settings: lessons learned from Bihar, India. (2020) Raney, Julia H; Medvedev, Melissa M; Cohen, Susanna R; Spindler, Hilary; Ghosh, Rakesh; Christmas, Amelia; Das, Aritra; Gore, Aboli; Mahapatra, Tanmay; Walker, Dilys
  • Agreement between self-reported pre-pregnancy weight and measured first-trimester weight in Brazilian women. (2020) Rangel Bousquet Carrilho, Thaís; M Rasmussen, Kathleen; Rodrigues Farias, Dayana; Freitas Costa, Nathalia Cristina; Araújo Batalha, Mônica; E Reichenheim, Michael; O Ohuma, Eric; Hutcheon, Jennifer A; Kac, Gilberto; Brazilian Maternal and Child Nutrition Consortium
  • Association of Ambient and Household Air Pollution With Bone Mineral Content Among Adults in Peri-urban South India. (2020) Ranzani, Otavio T; Milà, Carles; Kulkarni, Bharati; Kinra, Sanjay; Tonne, Cathryn
  • Association between ambient and household air pollution with carotid intima-media thickness in peri-urban South India: CHAI-Project. (2020) Ranzani, Otavio T; Milà, Carles; Sanchez, Margaux; Bhogadi, Santhi; Kulkarni, Bharati; Balakrishnan, Kalpana; Sambandam, Sankar; Sunyer, Jordi; Marshall, Julian D; Kinra, Sanjay; Tonne, Cathryn
  • Personal exposure to particulate air pollution and vascular damage in peri-urban South India. (2020) Ranzani, Otavio T; Milà, Carles; Sanchez, Margaux; Bhogadi, Santhi; Kulkarni, Bharati; Balakrishnan, Kalpana; Sambandam, Sankar; Sunyer, Jordi; Marshall, Julian D; Kinra, Sanjay; Tonne, Cathryn
  • Long-term survival and cause-specific mortality of patients newly diagnosed with tuberculosis in São Paulo state, Brazil, 2010-15: a population-based, longitudinal study. (2020) Ranzani, Otavio T; Rodrigues, Laura C; Bombarda, Sidney; Minto, Cátia M; Waldman, Eliseu A; Carvalho, Carlos RR
  • Participation by conflict-affected and forcibly displaced communities in humanitarian healthcare responses: A systematic review. (2020) Rass, Ella; Lokot, Michelle; Brown, Felicity L; Fuhr, Daniela C; Asmar, Michèle Kosremelli; Smith, James; McKee, Martin; Orm, Ibrahim Bou; Yeretzian, Joumana Stephan; Roberts, Bayard
  • Global estimation of anti-malarial drug effectiveness for the treatment of uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria 1991-2019. (2020) Rathmes, Giulia; Rumisha, Susan F; Lucas, Tim CD; Twohig, Katherine A; Python, Andre; Nguyen, Michele; Nandi, Anita K; Keddie, Suzanne H; Collins, Emma L; Rozier, Jennifer A; Gibson, Harry S; Chestnutt, Elisabeth G; Battle, Katherine E; Humphreys, Georgina S; Amratia, Punam; Arambepola, Rohan; Bertozzi-Villa, Amelia; Hancock, Penelope; Millar, Justin J; Symons, Tasmin L; Bhatt, Samir; Cameron, Ewan; Guerin, Philippe J; Gething, Peter W; Weiss, Daniel J
  • Serum chymase levels correlate with severe dengue warning signs and clinical fluid accumulation in hospitalized pediatric patients. (2020) Rathore, Abhay PS; Senanayake, Manouri; Athapathu, Arjuna Salinda; Gunasena, Sunethra; Karunaratna, Irantha; Leong, Wei Yee; Lim, Ting; Mantri, Chinmay Kumar; Wilder-Smith, Annelies; St John, Ashley L
  • Quantifying HIV transmission flow between high-prevalence hotspots and surrounding communities: a population-based study in Rakai, Uganda. (2020) Ratmann, Oliver; Kagaayi, Joseph; Hall, Matthew; Golubchick, Tanya; Kigozi, Godfrey; Xi, Xiaoyue; Wymant, Chris; Nakigozi, Gertrude; Abeler-Dörner, Lucie; Bonsall, David; Gall, Astrid; Hoppe, Anne; Kellam, Paul; Bazaale, Jeremiah; Kalibbala, Sarah; Laeyendecker, Oliver; Lessler, Justin; Nalugoda, Fred; Chang, Larry W; de Oliveira, Tulio; Pillay, Deenan; Quinn, Thomas C; Reynolds, Steven J; Spencer, Simon EF; Ssekubugu, Robert; Serwadda, David; Wawer, Maria J; Gray, Ronald H; Fraser, Christophe; Grabowski, M Kate; Rakai Health Sciences Program and the Pangea HIV Consortium
  • Highly targeted spatiotemporal interventions against cholera epidemics, 2000-19: a scoping review. (2020) Ratnayake, Ruwan; Finger, Flavio; Azman, Andrew S; Lantagne, Daniele; Funk, Sebastian; Edmunds, W John; Checchi, Francesco
  • Early detection of cholera epidemics to support control in fragile states: estimation of delays and potential epidemic sizes. (2020) Ratnayake, Ruwan; Finger, Flavio; Edmunds, W John; Checchi, Francesco
  • Access to Care and Prevalence of Hypertension and Diabetes Among Syrian Refugees in Northern Jordan. (2020) Ratnayake, Ruwan; Rawashdeh, Fatma; AbuAlRub, Raeda; Al-Ali, Nahla; Fawad, Muhammad; Bani Hani, Mohammad; Goyal, Ravi; Greenough, P Gregg; Al-Amire, Khaldoun; AlMaaitah, Rowaida; Parmar, Parveen
  • People-centred surveillance: a narrative review of community-based surveillance among crisis-affected populations. (2020) Ratnayake, Ruwan; Tammaro, Meghan; Tiffany, Amanda; Kongelf, Anine; Polonsky, Jonathan A; McClelland, Amanda
  • Defining metrics for whole-genome sequence analysis of MRSA in clinical practice. (2020) Raven, Kathy E; Blane, Beth; Kumar, Narender; Leek, Danielle; Bragin, Eugene; Coll, Francesc; Parkhill, Julian; Peacock, Sharon J
  • Lessons on the COVID-19 pandemic, for and by primary care professionals worldwide. (2020) Rawaf, Salman; Allen, Luke N; Stigler, Florian L; Kringos, Dionne; Quezada Yamamoto, Harumi; van Weel, Chris; Global Forum on Universal Health Coverage and Primary Health Car
  • Children of the (gender) revolution: A theoretical and empirical synthesis of how gendered division of labour influences fertility. (2020) Raybould, Alyce; Sear, Rebecca
  • How to enhance the integration of primary care and public health? Approaches, facilitating factors and policy options. (2020) Rechel, Bernd
  • Developing composite indices of geographical access and need for nursing home care in Ireland using multiple criteria decision analysis. (2020) Reddy, Brian P; O'Neill, Stephen; O'Neill, Ciaran
  • Cost-effectiveness of a Novel Lipoarabinomannan Test for Tuberculosis in Patients With Human Immunodeficiency Virus. (2020) Reddy, Krishna P; Denkinger, Claudia M; Broger, Tobias; McCann, Nicole C; Gupta-Wright, Ankur; Kerkhoff, Andrew D; Pei, Pamela P; Shebl, Fatma M; Fielding, Katherine L; Nicol, Mark P; Horsburgh, C Robert; Meintjes, Graeme; Freedberg, Kenneth A; Wood, Robin; Walensky, Rochelle P
  • Counting on birth registration: mixed-methods research in two EN-BIRTH study hospitals in Tanzania. (2020) Reed, Sarah; Shabani, Josephine; Boggs, Dorothy; Salim, Nahya; Ng'unga, Sillanoga; Day, Louise T; Peven, Kimberly; Kong, Stefanie; Ruysen, Harriet; Jackson, Debra; Shamba, Donat; Lawn, Joy E; EN-BIRTH Study Group
  • COVID-19 length of hospital stay: a systematic review and data synthesis. (2020) Rees, Eleanor M; Nightingale, Emily S; Jafari, Yalda; Waterlow, Naomi R; Clifford, Samuel; B Pearson, Carl A; Group, Cmmid Working; Jombart, Thibaut; Procter, Simon R; Knight, Gwenan M
  • COVID-19 length of hospital stay: a systematic review and data synthesis. (2020) Rees, Eleanor M; Nightingale, Emily S; Jafari, Yalda; Waterlow, Naomi; Clifford, Samuel; Pearson, Carl AB; Jombert, Thibaut; Procter, Simon R; Knight, Gwenan M
  • Interpregnancy interval and risk of perinatal death: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2020) Regan, AK; Arnaout, A; Marinovich, L; Marston, C; Patino, I; Kaur, R; Gebremedhin, A; Pereira, G
  • 'Do you trust those data?'-a mixed-methods study assessing the quality of data reported by community health workers in Kenya and Malawi. (2020) Regeru, Regeru Njoroge; Chikaphupha, Kingsley; Bruce Kumar, Meghan; Otiso, Lilian; Taegtmeyer, Miriam
  • Behaviour change during dietary Type 2 diabetes remission: a longitudinal qualitative evaluation of an intervention using a very low energy diet. (2020) Rehackova, L; Araújo-Soares, V; Steven, S; Adamson, AJ; Taylor, R; Sniehotta, FF
  • Exclusion of enrolled participants in randomised controlled trials: what to do with ineligible participants? (2020) Rehman, Andrea M; Ferrand, Rashida; Allen, Elizabeth; Simms, Victoria; McHugh, Grace; Weiss, Helen Anne
  • The challenge of including people with disabilities in the strategy to address the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil. (2020) Reichenberger, Veronika; Alburquerque, Maria do Socorro Veloso de; David, Renata Bernardes; Ramos, Vinícius Delgado; Lyra, Tereza Maciel; Brito, Christina May Moran de; Köptcke, Luciana Sepúlveda; Kuper, Hannah
  • Indigenous communities’ responses to the COVID-19 pandemic and consequences for maternal and neonatal health in remote Peruvian Amazon: a qualitative study based on routine programme supervision. (2020) Reinders, Stefan; Alva, Angela; Huicho, Luis; Blas, Magaly M
  • A community-based survey on influenza and vaccination knowledge, perceptions and practices in Peru. (2020) Reinders, Stefan; Romero, Candice; Carcamo, Cesar; Tinoco, Yeny; Valderrama, Maria; La Rosa, Sayda; Mallma, Patricia; Neyra, Joan; Soto, Giselle; Azziz-Baumgartner, Eduardo; Garcia, Patricia J
  • Non-adherence to long-lasting insecticide treated bednet use following successful malaria control in Tororo, Uganda. (2020) Rek, John; Musiime, Alex; Zedi, Maato; Otto, Geoffrey; Kyagamba, Patrick; Asiimwe Rwatooro, Jackson; Arinaitwe, Emmanuel; Nankabirwa, Joaniter; Staedke, Sarah G; Drakeley, Chris; Rosenthal, Philip J; Kamya, Moses; Dorsey, Grant; Krezanoski, Paul J
  • Investing in the health of girls and women: a best buy for sustainable development. (2020) Remme, Michelle; Vassall, Anna; Fernando, Gabriela; Bloom, David E
  • Digital crowdsourced intervention to promote HIV testing among MSM in China: study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial. (2020) Ren, Ci; Tucker, Joseph D; Tang, Weiming; Tao, Xiaorun; Liao, Meizhen; Wang, Guoyong; Jiao, Kedi; Xu, Zece; Zhao, Zhe; Yan, Yu; Lin, Yuxi; Li, Chuanxi; Wang, Lin; Li, Yijun; Kang, Dianmin; Ma, Wei
  • Understanding the health-care experiences of people with sickle cell disorder transitioning from paediatric to adult services: This Sickle Cell Life, a longitudinal qualitative study. (2020) Renedo, Alicia; Miles, Sam; Chakravorty, Subarna; Leigh, Andrea; Warner, John O; Marston, Cicely
  • Influence of evolving HIV treatment guidance on CD4 counts and viral load monitoring: A mixed-methods study in three African countries. (2020) Renju, Jenny; Rice, Brian; Songo, John; Hassan, Farida; Chimukuche, Rujeko Samanthia; McLean, Estelle; Kalua, Thokozani; Kajoka, Deborah; Geubbels, Eveline; Moshabela, Mosa; Seeley, Janet; Wringe, Alison
  • Understanding the health systems impacts of Universal Test and Treat in sub-Saharan Africa: The Shape UTT study. (2020) Renju, Jenny; Seeley, Janet; Moshabela, Mosa; Wringe, Alison
  • Impact of receiving recorded mental health recovery narratives on quality of life in people experiencing psychosis, people experiencing other mental health problems and for informal carers: Narrative Experiences Online (NEON) study protocol for three randomised controlled trials. (2020) Rennick-Egglestone, Stefan; Elliott, Rachel; Smuk, Melanie; Robinson, Clare; Bailey, Sylvia; Smith, Roger; Keppens, Jeroen; Hussain, Hannah; Pollock, Kristian; Cuijpers, Pim; Llewellyn-Beardsley, Joy; Ng, Fiona; Yeo, Caroline; Roe, James; Hui, Ada; van der Krieke, Lian; Walcott, Rianna; Slade, Mike
  • Early initiation of prophylactic anticoagulation for prevention of COVID-19 mortality: a nationwide cohort study of hospitalized patients in the United States. (2020) Rentsch, Christopher T; Beckman, Joshua A; Tomlinson, Laurie; Gellad, Walid F; Alcorn, Charles; Kidwai-Khan, Farah; Skanderson, Melissa; Brittain, Evan; King, Joseph T; Ho, Yuk-Lam; Eden, Svetlana; Kundu, Suman; Lann, Michael F; Greevy, Robert A; Ho, P Michael; Heidenreich, Paul A; Jacobson, Daniel A; Douglas, Ian J; Tate, Janet P; Evans, Stephen Jw; Atkins, David; Justice, Amy C; Freiberg, Matthew S
  • Effect of pre-exposure use of hydroxychloroquine on COVID-19 mortality: a population-based cohort study in patients with rheumatoid arthritis or systemic lupus erythematosus using the OpenSAFELY platform. (2020) Rentsch, Christopher T; DeVito, Nicholas J; MacKenna, Brian; Morton, Caroline E; Bhaskaran, Krishnan; Brown, Jeremy P; Schultze, Anna; Hulme, William J; Croker, Richard; Walker, Alex J; Williamson, Elizabeth J; Bates, Chris; Bacon, Seb; Mehrkar, Amir; Curtis, Helen J; Evans, David; Wing, Kevin; Inglesby, Peter; Mathur, Rohini; Drysdale, Henry; Wong, Angel YS; McDonald, Helen I; Cockburn, Jonathan; Forbes, Harriet; Parry, John; Hester, Frank; Harper, Sam; Smeeth, Liam; Douglas, Ian J; Dixon, William G; Evans, Stephen JW; Tomlinson, Laurie; Goldacre, Ben
  • Hydroxychloroquine for prevention of COVID-19 mortality: a population-based cohort study. (2020) Rentsch, Christopher T; DeVito, Nicholas J; MacKenna, Brian; Morton, Caroline E; Bhaskaran, Krishnan; Brown, Jeremy P; Schultze, Anna; J Hulme, William; Croker, Richard; Walker, Alex J; Williamson, Elizabeth J; Bates, Chris; Bacon, Seb; Mehrkar, Amir; Curtis, Helen J; Evans, David; Wing, Kevin; Inglesby, Peter; Mathur, Rohini; Drysdale, Henry; Wong, Angel YS; McDonald, Helen I; Cockburn, Jonathan; Forbes, Harriet; Parry, John; Hester, Frank; Harper, Sam; Smeeth, Liam; Douglas, Ian J; Dixon, William G; Evans, Stephen JW; Tomlinson, Laurie; Goldacre, Ben
  • Risk of 16 cancers across the full glycemic spectrum: a population-based cohort study using the UK Biobank. (2020) Rentsch, Christopher T; Farmer, Ruth E; Eastwood, Sophie V; Mathur, Rohini; Garfield, Victoria; Farmaki, Aliki-Eleni; Bhaskaran, Krishnan; Chaturvedi, Nish; Smeeth, Liam
  • Covid-19 Testing, Hospital Admission, and Intensive Care Among 2,026,227 United States Veterans Aged 54-75 Years. (2020) Rentsch, Christopher T; Kidwai-Khan, Farah; Tate, Janet P; Park, Lesley S; King, Joseph T; Skanderson, Melissa; Hauser, Ronald G; Schultze, Anna; Jarvis, Christopher I; Holodniy, Mark; Lo Re, Vincent; Akgun, Kathleen M; Crothers, Kristina; Taddei, Tamar H; Freiberg, Matthew S; Justice, Amy C
  • Patterns of COVID-19 testing and mortality by race and ethnicity among United States veterans: A nationwide cohort study. (2020) Rentsch, Christopher T; Kidwai-Khan, Farah; Tate, Janet P; Park, Lesley S; King, Joseph T; Skanderson, Melissa; Hauser, Ronald G; Schultze, Anna; Jarvis, Christopher I; Holodniy, Mark; Lo Re, Vincent; Akgün, Kathleen M; Crothers, Kristina; Taddei, Tamar H; Freiberg, Matthew S; Justice, Amy C
  • Safety of Gabapentin Prescribed for Any Indication in a Large Clinical Cohort of 571,718 US Veterans with and without Alcohol Use Disorder. (2020) Rentsch, Christopher T; Morford, Kenneth L; Fiellin, David A; Bryant, Kendall J; Justice, Amy C; Tate, Janet P
  • The inflated mitochondrial genomes of siphonous green algae reflect processes driving expansion of noncoding DNA and proliferation of introns. (2020) Repetti, Sonja I; Jackson, Christopher J; Judd, Louise M; Wick, Ryan R; Holt, Kathryn E; Verbruggen, Heroen
  • Assessing coverage of interventions for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health and nutrition. (2020) Requejo, Jennifer; Diaz, Theresa; Park, Lois; Chou, Doris; Choudhury, Allysha; Guthold, Regina; Jackson, Debra; Moller, Ann-Beth; Monet, Jean-Pierre; Moran, Allisyn C; Say, Lale; Strong, Kathleen L; Banerjee, Anshu
  • Impact of pre-exposure time bias in self-controlled case series when the event conditions the exposure: Hip/femur fracture and use of benzodiazepines as a case study. (2020) Requena, Gema; Douglas, Ian J; Huerta, Consuelo; de Abajo, Francisco
  • Use of a highly specific kinase inhibitor for rapid, simple and precise synchronization of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium knowlesi asexual blood-stage parasites. (2020) Ressurreição, Margarida; Thomas, James A; Nofal, Stephanie D; Flueck, Christian; Moon, Robert W; Baker, David A; van Ooij, Christiaan
  • Evaluating spillover of HIV knowledge from study participants to their network members in a stepped-wedge behavioural intervention in Tanzania. (2020) Rewley, Jeffrey; Fawzi, Mary C Smith; McAdam, Keith; Kaaya, Sylvia; Liu, Yuanyuan; Todd, Jim; Andrew, Irene; Onnela, Jukka Pekka
  • Effect of ten-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine introduction on pneumonia hospital admissions in Fiji: a time-series analysis. (2020) Reyburn, Rita; Tuivaga, Evelyn; Nguyen, Cattram D; Ratu, Felisita T; Nand, Devina; Kado, Joe; Tikoduadua, Lisi; Jenkins, Kylie; de Campo, Margaret; Kama, Mike; Devi, Rachel; Rafai, Eric; Weinberger, Daniel M; Mulholland, E Kim; Russell, Fiona M
  • Enhanced health facility surveys to support malaria control and elimination across different transmission settings in The Philippines. (2020) Reyes, Ralph A; Fornace, Kimberly M; Macalinao, Maria Lourdes M; Boncayao, Beaulah L; De La Fuente, Ellaine S; Sabanal, Hennessey M; Bareng, Alison Paolo N; Medado, Inez Andrea P; Mercado, Edelwisa S; Luchavez, Jennifer S; Hafalla, Julius Clemence R; Drakeley, Chris J; Espino, Fe Esperanza J
  • 'The opportunity to have their say'? Identifying mechanisms of community engagement in local alcohol decision-making. (2020) Reynolds, Joanna; McGrath, Michael; Halliday, Emma; Ogden, Margaret; Hare, Sue; Smolar, Maria; Lafortune, Louise; Lock, Karen; Popay, Jennie; Cook, Penny; Egan, Matt
  • Study protocol: a cluster randomized trial to evaluate the effectiveness and implementation of onsite GeneXpert testing at community health centers in Uganda (XPEL-TB). (2020) Reza, Tania F; Nalugwa, Talemwa; Farr, Katherine; Nantale, Mariam; Oyuku, Denis; Nakaweesa, Annet; Musinguzi, Johnson; Vangala, Moksha; Shete, Priya B; Tucker, Austin; Ferguson, Olivia; Fielding, Katherine; Sohn, Hojoon; Dowdy, David; Moore, David AJ; Davis, J Lucian; Ackerman, Sara L; Handley, Margaret A; Katamba, Achilles; Cattamanchi, Adithya
  • A cohort study of the service-users of online contraception. (2020) Rezel-Potts, Emma; Palmer, Melissa J; Free, Caroline; Baraitser, Paula
  • How to think with models and targets: Hepatitis C elimination as a numbering performance. (2020) Rhodes, Tim; Lancaster, Kari
  • Mathematical models as public troubles in COVID-19 infection control: following the numbers. (2020) Rhodes, Tim; Lancaster, Kari
  • Modelling the pandemic: attuning models to their contexts. (2020) Rhodes, Tim; Lancaster, Kari; Lees, Shelley; Parker, Melissa
  • A model society: maths, models and expertise in viral outbreaks. (2020) Rhodes, Tim; Lancaster, Kari; Rosengarten, Marsha
  • Worldwide COVID-19 spreading explained: traveling numbers as a primary driver for the pandemic. (2020) Ribeiro, SÉrvio P; DÁttilo, Wesley; Barbosa, David S; Coura-Vital, Wendel; Chagas, Igor ASDAS; Dias, Camila P; Silva, Alcides VCDE Castro E; Morais, Maria Helena F; GÓes-Neto, AristÓteles; Azevedo, Vasco AC; Fernandes, Geraldo Wilson; Reis, Alexandre B
  • Large genotype-phenotype study in carriers of D4Z4 borderline alleles provides guidance for facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy diagnosis. (2020) Ricci, Giulia; Mele, Fabiano; Govi, Monica; Ruggiero, Lucia; Sera, Francesco; Vercelli, Liliana; Bettio, Cinzia; Santoro, Lucio; Mongini, Tiziana; Villa, Luisa; Moggio, Maurizio; Filosto, Massimiliano; Scarlato, Marina; Previtali, Stefano C; Tripodi, Silvia Maria; Pegoraro, Elena; Telese, Roberta; Di Muzio, Antonio; Rodolico, Carmelo; Bucci, Elisabetta; Antonini, Giovanni; D'Angelo, Maria Grazia; Berardinelli, Angela; Maggi, Lorenzo; Piras, Rachele; Maioli, Maria Antonietta; Siciliano, Gabriele; Tomelleri, Giuliano; Angelini, Corrado; Tupler, Rossella
  • Can HIV recent infection surveillance help us better understand where primary prevention efforts should be targeted? Results of three pilots integrating a recent infection testing algorithm into routine programme activities in Kenya and Zimbabwe. (2020) Rice, Brian D; de Wit, Mariken; Welty, Susie; Risher, Kathryn; Cowan, Frances M; Murphy, Gary; Chabata, Sungai T; Waruiru, Wanjiru; Magutshwa, Sitholubuhle; Motoku, John; Kwaro, Daniel; Ochieng, Benard; Reniers, Georges; Rutherford, George
  • Antibody glycosylation in pregnancy and in newborns: biological roles and implications. (2020) Rice, Thomas F; Holder, Beth; Kampmann, Beate
  • Re-analysing Ebola spread in Sierra Leone: The importance of local social dynamics. (2020) Richards, Paul; Mokuwa, Gelejimah Alfred; Vandi, Ahmed; Mayhew, Susannah Harding; Ebola Gbalo Research Team
  • Preoperative intravenous iron to treat anaemia before major abdominal surgery (PREVENTT): a randomised, double-blind, controlled trial. (2020) Richards, Toby; Baikady, Ravishankar Rao; Clevenger, Ben; Butcher, Anna; Abeysiri, Sandy; Chau, Marisa; Macdougall, Iain C; Murphy, Gavin; Swinson, Rebecca; Collier, Tim; Van Dyck, Laura; Browne, John; Bradbury, Andrew; Dodd, Matthew; Evans, Richard; Brealey, David; Anker, Stefan D; Klein, Andrew
  • FIRST-line support for assistance in breathing in children (FIRST-ABC): a master protocol of two randomised trials to evaluate the non-inferiority of high-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) versus continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) for non-invasive respiratory support in paediatric critical care. (2020) Richards-Belle, Alvin; Davis, Peter; Drikite, Laura; Feltbower, Richard; Grieve, Richard; Harrison, David A; Lester, Julie; Morris, Kevin P; Mouncey, Paul R; Peters, Mark J; Rowan, Kathryn M; Sadique, Zia; Tume, Lyvonne N; Ramnarayan, Padmanabhan
  • COVID-19 knowledge, beliefs, prevention behaviours and misinformation in the context of an adapted seasonal malaria chemoprevention campaign in six northern Nigerian States. (2020) Richardson, Sol; Ibinaiye, Taiwo; Nikau, Jamilu; Oresanya, Olusola; Marasciulo, Madeleine; Roca-Feltrer, Arantxa; Rassi, Christian; Adesoro, Olatunde
  • Activity of Amphotericin B-Loaded Chitosan Nanoparticles against Experimental Cutaneous Leishmaniasis. (2020) Riezk, Alaa; Van Bocxlaer, Katrien; Yardley, Vanessa; Murdan, Sudaxshina; Croft, Simon L
  • A Scoping Review of Populist Radical Right Parties' Influence on Welfare Policy and its Implications for Population Health in Europe. (2020) Rinaldi, Chiara; Bekker, Marleen PM
  • Lessons from New Zealand's COVID-19 outbreak response. (2020) Robert, Alexis
  • Probabilistic reconstruction of measles transmission clusters from routinely collected surveillance data. (2020) Robert, Alexis; Kucharski, Adam J; Gastañaduy, Paul A; Paul, Prabasaj; Funk, Sebastian
  • Determinants of isoniazid preventive therapy completion among people living with HIV attending care and treatment clinics from 2013 to 2017 in Dar es Salaam Region, Tanzania. A cross-sectional analytical study. (2020) Robert, Masanja; Todd, Jim; Ngowi, Bernard J; Msuya, Sia E; Ramadhani, Angella; Sambu, Veryhel; Jerry, Isaya; Mujuni, Martin R; Mahande, Michael J; Ngocho, James S; Maokola, Werner
  • The history of septin biology and bacterial infection. (2020) Robertin, Stevens; Mostowy, Serge
  • Investigating the spatial variation and risk factors of childhood anaemia in four sub-Saharan African countries. (2020) Roberts, Danielle J; Matthews, Glenda; Snow, Robert W; Zewotir, Temesgen; Sartorius, Benn
  • Cost effectiveness of an intervention to increase uptake of hepatitis C virus testing and treatment (HepCATT): cluster randomised controlled trial in primary care. (2020) Roberts, Kirsty; Macleod, John; Metcalfe, Chris; Hollingworth, Will; Williams, Jack; Muir, Peter; Vickerman, Peter; Clement, Clare; Gordon, Fiona; Irving, Will; Waldron, Cherry-Ann; North, Paul; Moore, Philippa; Simmons, Ruth; Miners, Alec; Horwood, Jeremy; Hickman, Matthew
  • Distance to health services and treatment-seeking for depressive symptoms in rural India: a repeated cross-sectional study. (2020) Roberts, T; Shiode, S; Grundy, C; Patel, V; Shidhaye, R; Rathod, SD
  • Typhoid in Laos: An 18-Year Perspective. (2020) Roberts, Tamalee; Rattanavong, Sayaphet; Phommasone, Koukeo; Chansamouth, Vilada; Davong, Viengmon; Keoluangkhot, Valy; Hongsakhone, Sitthivone; Bounsavath, Naly; Mayxay, Mayfong; Vongsouvath, Manivanh; Dance, David AB; Newton, Paul N
  • INTREPID II: protocol for a multistudy programme of research on untreated psychosis in India, Nigeria and Trinidad. (2020) Roberts, Tessa; Gureje, Oye; Thara, Rangaswamy; Hutchinson, Gerard; Cohen, Alex; Weiss, Helen Anne; John, Sujit; Lee Pow, Joni; Donald, Casswina; Olley, Bola; Miguel Esponda, Georgina; Murray, Robin M; Morgan, Craig
  • Health care use and treatment-seeking for depression symptoms in rural India: an exploratory cross-sectional analysis. (2020) Roberts, Tessa; Shidhaye, Rahul; Patel, Vikram; Rathod, Sujit D
  • "Is there a medicine for these tensions?" Barriers to treatment-seeking for depressive symptoms in rural India: A qualitative study. (2020) Roberts, Tessa; Shrivastava, Ritu; Koschorke, Mirja; Patel, Vikram; Shidhaye, Rahul; Rathod, Sujit D
  • Injecting drug use, the skin and vasculature. (2020) Robertson, Roy; Broers, Barbara; Harris, Magdalena
  • Impact of flooding on health-related quality of life in England: results from the National Study of Flooding and Health. (2020) Robin, Charlotte; Beck, Charles; Armstrong, Ben; Waite, Thomas David; Rubin, G James; English National Study of Flooding and Health Study Group; Oliver, Isabel
  • Responses of the putative trachoma vector, Musca sorbens, to volatile semiochemicals from human faeces. (2020) Robinson, Ailie; Bristow, Julie; Holl, Matthew V; Makalo, Pateh; Alemayehu, Wondu; Bailey, Robin L; Macleod, David; Birkett, Michael A; Caulfield, John C; Sarah, Virginia; Pickett, John A; Dewhirst, Sarah; Chen-Hussey, Vanessa; Woodcock, Christine M; D'Alessandro, Umberto; Last, Anna; Burton, Matthew J; Lindsay, Steve W; Logan, James G
  • Economic evaluation of culprit lesion only PCI vs. immediate multivessel PCI in acute myocardial infarction complicated by cardiogenic shock: the CULPRIT-SHOCK trial. (2020) Robles-Zurita, Jose Antonio; Briggs, Andrew; Rana, Dikshyanta; Quayyum, Zahidul; Oldroyd, Keith G; Zeymer, Uwe; Desch, Steffen; de Waha-Thiele, Suzanne; Thiele, Holger
  • Direct and lost productivity costs associated with avoidable hospital admissions. (2020) Rocha, João Victor Muniz; Marques, Ana Patrícia; Moita, Bruno; Santana, Rui
  • Development of risk prediction models to predict urine culture growth for adults with suspected urinary tract infection in the emergency department: protocol for an electronic health record study from a single UK university hospital. (2020) Rockenschaub, Patrick; Gill, Martin J; McNulty, David; Carroll, Orlagh; Freemantle, Nick; Shallcross, Laura
  • COVID-19 outbreak on the Diamond Princess cruise ship: estimating the epidemic potential and effectiveness of public health countermeasures. (2020) Rocklöv, J; Sjödin, H; Wilder-Smith, A
  • Sexual risk and HIV testing disconnect in men who have sex with men (MSM) recruited to an online HIV self-testing trial. (2020) Rodger, AJ; Dunn, D; McCabe, L; Weatherburn, P; Lampe, FC; Witzel, TC; Burns, F; Ward, D; Pebody, R; Trevelion, R; Brady, M; Kirwan, PD; Khawam, J; Delpech, VC; Gabriel, M; Collaco-Moraes, Y; Phillips, AN; McCormack, S
  • Deletion of the Williams Beuren syndrome critical region unmasks facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy. (2020) Rodolico, Carmelo; Politano, Luisa; Portaro, Simona; Murru, Stefania; Boccone, Loredana; Sera, Francesco; Passamano, Luigia; Brizzi, Teresa; Tupler, Rossella
  • Meningococcal Deduced Vaccine Antigen Reactivity (MenDeVAR) Index: a Rapid and Accessible Tool That Exploits Genomic Data in Public Health and Clinical Microbiology Applications. (2020) Rodrigues, Charlene MC; Jolley, Keith A; Smith, Andrew; Cameron, J Claire; Feavers, Ian M; Maiden, Martin CJ
  • Measuring urbanicity as a risk factor for childhood wheeze in a transitional area of coastal ecuador: a cross-sectional analysis. (2020) Rodriguez, Alejandro; Rodrigues, Laura; Chico, Martha; Vaca, Maritza; Barreto, Mauricio Lima; Brickley, Elizabeth; Cooper, Philip J
  • Cost-effectiveness of dual maternal HIV and syphilis testing strategies in high and low HIV prevalence countries: a modelling study. (2020) Rodriguez, Patricia J; Roberts, D Allen; Meisner, Julianne; Sharma, Monisha; Owiredu, Morkor Newman; Gomez, Bertha; Mello, Maeve B; Bobrik, Alexey; Vodianyk, Arkadii; Storey, Andrew; Githuka, George; Chidarikire, Thato; Barnabas, Ruanne; Barr-Dichiara, Magdalena; Jamil, Muhammad S; Baggaley, Rachel; Johnson, Cheryl; Taylor, Melanie M; Drake, Alison L
  • Behavioral Change Towards Reduced Intensity Physical Activity Is Disproportionately Prevalent Among Adults With Serious Health Issues or Self-Perception of High Risk During the UK COVID-19 Lockdown. (2020) Rogers, Nina Trivedy; Waterlow, Naomi R; Brindle, Hannah; Enria, Luisa; Eggo, Rosalind M; Lees, Shelley; Roberts, Chrissy H
  • Behavioural change towards reduced intensity physical activity is disproportionately prevalent among adults with serious health issues or self-perception of high risk during the UK COVID-19 lockdown. (2020) Rogers, Nina Trivedy; Waterlow, Naomi; Brindle, Hannah; Enria, Luisa; Eggo, Rosalind M; Lees, Shelley; Roberts, Chrissy H
  • Overall, anti-malarial, and non-malarial effect of intermittent preventive treatment during pregnancy with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine on birthweight: a mediation analysis. (2020) Roh, Michelle E; Kuile, Feiko O Ter; Rerolle, Francois; Glymour, M Maria; Shiboski, Stephen; Gosling, Roly; Gutman, Julie; Kakuru, Abel; Desai, Meghna; Kajubi, Richard; L'Ianziva, Anne; Kamya, Moses R; Dorsey, Grant; Chico, R Matthew
  • The Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: why there is no 'silver bullet'. (2020) Rohan, Hana; McKay, Gillian
  • Standardized approaches for clinical sampling and endpoint ascertainment in tuberculous meningitis studies. (2020) Rohlwink, Ursula K; Chow, Felicia C; Wasserman, Sean; Dian, Sofiati; Lai, Rachel Pj; Chaidir, Lidya; Hamers, Raph L; Wilkinson, Robert J; Boulware, David R; Cresswell, Fiona V; van Laarhoven, Arjan; Tuberculous Meningitis International Research Consortium
  • The HIV drug optimization agenda: promoting standards for earlier investigation and approvals of antiretroviral drugs for use in adolescents living with HIV. (2020) Rojo, Pablo; Carpenter, Deborah; Venter, François; Turkova, Anna; Penazzato, Martina
  • The quantification of the psychiatric revolution: a quasi-natural experiment of the suicide impact of the Basaglia Law. (2020) Ronchetti, Caterina; Toffolutti, Veronica; McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David
  • Human Immune Responses to Melioidosis and Cross-Reactivity to Low-Virulence Burkholderia Species, Thailand1. (2020) Rongkard, Patpong; Kronsteiner, Barbara; Hantrakun, Viriya; Jenjaroen, Kemajittra; Sumonwiriya, Manutsanun; Chaichana, Panjaporn; Chumseng, Suchintana; Chantratita, Narisara; Wuthiekanun, Vanaporn; Fletcher, Helen A; Teparrukkul, Prapit; Limmathurotsakul, Direk; Day, Nicholas PJ; Dunachie, Susanna J
  • How is Respect and Social Inclusion Conceptualised by Older Adults in an Aspiring Age-Friendly City? A Photovoice Study in the North-West of England. (2020) Ronzi, Sara; Orton, Lois; Buckner, Stefanie; Bruce, Nigel; Pope, Daniel
  • Temporal and Microspatial Heterogeneity in Transmission Dynamics of Coendemic Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum in Two Rural Cohort Populations in the Peruvian Amazon. (2020) Rosas-Aguirre, Angel; Guzman-Guzman, Mitchel; Chuquiyauri, Raul; Moreno, Marta; Manrique, Paulo; Ramirez, Roberson; Carrasco-Escobar, Gabriel; Rodriguez, Hugo; Speybroeck, Niko; Conn, Jan E; Gamboa, Dionicia; Vinetz, Joseph M; Llanos-Cuentas, Alejandro
  • Severe dengue categories as research endpoints-Results from a prospective observational study in hospitalised dengue patients. (2020) Rosenberger, Kerstin D; Alexander, Neal; Martinez, Eric; Lum, Lucy CS; Dempfle, Carl-Erik; Junghanss, Thomas; Wills, Bridget; Jaenisch, Thomas; DENCO Clinical Study Group
  • Keep Politics out of Funding Decisions for Medical Research and Public Health. (2020) Rosenthal, Philip J; Bausch, Daniel G; Goraleski, Karen A; Hill, David R; Jacobson, Julie A; John, Chandy C; Breman, Joel G
  • COVID-19: Shining the Light on Africa. (2020) Rosenthal, Philip J; Breman, Joel G; Djimde, Abdoulaye A; John, Chandy C; Kamya, Moses R; Leke, Rose GF; Moeti, Matshidiso R; Nkengasong, John; Bausch, Daniel G
  • Cardiovascular risk associated with serum potassium in the context of mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist use in patients with heart failure and left ventricular dysfunction. (2020) Rossignol, Patrick; Duarte, Kevin; Girerd, Nicolas; Karoui, Moez; McMurray, John JV; Swedberg, Karl; van Veldhuisen, Dirk J; Pocock, Stuart; Dickstein, Kenneth; Zannad, Faiez; Pitt, Bertram
  • Global Burden of Cardiovascular Diseases and Risk Factors, 1990-2019: Update From the GBD 2019 Study. (2020) Roth, Gregory A; Mensah, George A; Johnson, Catherine O; Addolorato, Giovanni; Ammirati, Enrico; Baddour, Larry M; Barengo, Noël C; Beaton, Andrea Z; Benjamin, Emelia J; Benziger, Catherine P; Bonny, Aimé; Brauer, Michael; Brodmann, Marianne; Cahill, Thomas J; Carapetis, Jonathan; Catapano, Alberico L; Chugh, Sumeet S; Cooper, Leslie T; Coresh, Josef; Criqui, Michael; DeCleene, Nicole; Eagle, Kim A; Emmons-Bell, Sophia; Feigin, Valery L; Fernández-Solà, Joaquim; Fowkes, Gerry; Gakidou, Emmanuela; Grundy, Scott M; He, Feng J; Howard, George; Hu, Frank; Inker, Lesley; Karthikeyan, Ganesan; Kassebaum, Nicholas; Koroshetz, Walter; Lavie, Carl; Lloyd-Jones, Donald; Lu, Hong S; Mirijello, Antonio; Temesgen, Awoke Misganaw; Mokdad, Ali; Moran, Andrew E; Muntner, Paul; Narula, Jagat; Neal, Bruce; Ntsekhe, Mpiko; Moraes de Oliveira, Glaucia; Otto, Catherine; Owolabi, Mayowa; Pratt, Michael; Rajagopalan, Sanjay; Reitsma, Marissa; Ribeiro, Antonio Luiz P; Rigotti, Nancy; Rodgers, Anthony; Sable, Craig; Shakil, Saate; Sliwa-Hahnle, Karen; Stark, Benjamin; Sundström, Johan; Timpel, Patrick; Tleyjeh, Imad M; Valgimigli, Marco; Vos, Theo; Whelton, Paul K; Yacoub, Magdi; Zuhlke, Liesl; Murray, Christopher; Fuster, Valentin; GBD-NHLBI-JACC Global Burden of Cardiovascular Diseases Writing
  • A diagnostic algorithm for detection of urinary tract infections in hospitalized patients with bacteriuria: The "Triple F" approach supported by Procalcitonin and paired blood and urine cultures. (2020) Rothe, Kathrin; Spinner, Christoph D; Waschulzik, Birgit; Janke, Christian; Schneider, Jochen; Schneider, Heike; Braitsch, Krischan; Smith, Christopher; Schmid, Roland M; Busch, Dirk H; Katchanov, Juri
  • What is the qualitative evidence concerning the risks, diagnosis, management and consequences of gastrointestinal infections in the community in the United Kingdom? A systematic review and meta-ethnography. (2020) Rotheram, Suzanne; Cooper, Jessie; Ronzi, Sara; Barr, Benjamin; Whitehead, Margaret
  • All Nets are Equal, But Some Nets are More Equal Than Others. (2020) Rowland, Mark
  • Highly efficient vaccines for Bluetongue virus and a related Orbivirus based on reverse genetics. (2020) Roy, Polly
  • Association of Social Distancing, Population Density, and Temperature With the Instantaneous Reproduction Number of SARS-CoV-2 in Counties Across the United States. (2020) Rubin, David; Huang, Jing; Fisher, Brian T; Gasparrini, Antonio; Tam, Vicky; Song, Lihai; Wang, Xi; Kaufman, Jason; Fitzpatrick, Kate; Jain, Arushi; Griffis, Heather; Crammer, Koby; Morris, Jeffrey; Tasian, Gregory
  • The Association of Social Distancing, Population Density, and Temperature with the SARS-CoV-2 Instantaneous Reproduction Number in Counties Across the United States. (2020) Rubin, David; Huang, Jing; Fisher, Brian T; Gasparrini, Antonio; Tam, Vicky; Song, Lihai; Wang, Xi; Kaufman, Jason; Fitzpatrick, Kate; Jain, Arushi; Griffis, Heather; Crammer, Koby; Tasian, Gregory
  • Association between tuberculosis and depression on negative outcomes of tuberculosis treatment: A systematic review and meta-analysis. (2020) Ruiz-Grosso, Paulo; Cachay, Rodrigo; de la Flor, Adriana; Schwalb, Alvaro; Ugarte-Gil, Cesar
  • Prevalence and risk factors for youth suicidality among perinatally infected youths living with HIV/AIDS in Uganda: the CHAKA study. (2020) Rukundo, Godfrey Zari; Mpango, Richard Stephen; Ssembajjwe, Wilber; Gadow, Kenneth D; Patel, Vikram; Kinyanda, Eugene
  • The IMpact of Vertical HIV infection on child and Adolescent SKeletal development in Harare, Zimbabwe (IMVASK Study): a protocol for a prospective cohort study. (2020) Rukuni, Ruramayi; Gregson, Celia; Kahari, Cynthia; Kowo, Farirayi; McHugh, Grace; Munyati, Shungu; Mujuru, Hilda; Ward, Kate; Filteau, Suzanne; Rehman, Andrea M; Ferrand, Rashida
  • Who should be prioritised for COVID-19 vaccination? (2020) Russell, Fiona M; Greenwood, Brian
  • A cross-sectional study of periportal fibrosis and Schistosoma mansoni infection among school-aged children in a hard-to-reach area of Madagascar. (2020) Russell, Hannah J; Penney, James M StJ; Linder, Cortland; Joekes, Elizabeth C; Bustinduy, Amaya L; Stothard, J Russell; Rakotomampianina, Daniel AL; Andriamasy, Emmanuel H; Mahary, Lalarizo R; Ranjanoro, Elodie P; Rahetilahy, Alain M; Spencer, Stephen A
  • Social cognition impairment in genetic frontotemporal dementia within the GENFI cohort. (2020) Russell, Lucy L; Greaves, Caroline V; Bocchetta, Martina; Nicholas, Jennifer; Convery, Rhian S; Moore, Katrina; Cash, David M; van Swieten, John; Jiskoot, Lize; Moreno, Fermin; Sanchez-Valle, Raquel; Borroni, Barbara; Laforce, Robert; Masellis, Mario; Tartaglia, Maria Carmela; Graff, Caroline; Rotondo, Emanuela; Galimberti, Daniela; Rowe, James B; Finger, Elizabeth; Synofzik, Matthis; Vandenberghe, Rik; de Mendonça, Alexandre; Tagliavini, Fabrizio; Santana, Isabel; Ducharme, Simon; Butler, Chris; Gerhard, Alex; Levin, Johannes; Danek, Adrian; Otto, Markus; Warren, Jason D; Rohrer, Jonathan D; Genetic FTD Initiative, GENFI
  • Reconstructing the early global dynamics of under-ascertained COVID-19 cases and infections. (2020) Russell, Timothy W; Golding, Nick; Hellewell, Joel; Abbott, Sam; Wright, Lawrence; Pearson, Carl AB; Zandvoort, Kevin van; Jarvis, Christopher I; Gibbs, Hamish; Liu, Yang; Eggo, Rosalind M; Edmunds, W John; Kucharski, Adam J
  • Reconstructing the early global dynamics of under-ascertained COVID-19 cases and infections. (2020) Russell, Timothy W; Golding, Nick; Hellewell, Joel; Abbott, Sam; Wright, Lawrence; Pearson, Carl AB; van Zandvoort, Kevin; Jarvis, Christopher I; Gibbs, Hamish; Liu, Yang; Eggo, Rosalind M; Edmunds, W John; Kucharski, Adam J; CMMID COVID-19 working group
  • Estimating the infection and case fatality ratio for COVID-19 using age-adjusted data from the outbreak on the Diamond Princess cruise ship. (2020) Russell, Timothy W; Hellewell, Joel; Jarvis, Christopher I; Van Zandvoort, Kevin; Abbott, Sam; Ratnayake, Ruwan; Flasche, Stefan; Eggo, Rosalind M; Edmunds, W John; Kucharski, Adam J
  • Estimating the infection and case fatality ratio for coronavirus disease (COVID-19) using age-adjusted data from the outbreak on the Diamond Princess cruise ship, February 2020. (2020) Russell, Timothy W; Hellewell, Joel; Jarvis, Christopher I; van Zandvoort, Kevin; Abbott, Sam; Ratnayake, Ruwan; CMMID COVID-19 working group; Flasche, Stefan; Eggo, Rosalind M; Edmunds, W John; Kucharski, Adam J
  • Tuberculosis in HIV-Associated Cryptococcal Meningitis is Associated with an Increased Risk of Death. (2020) Rutakingirwa, Morris K; Cresswell, Fiona V; Kwizera, Richard; Ssebambulidde, Kenneth; Kagimu, Enock; Nuwagira, Edwin; Tugume, Lillian; Mpoza, Edward; Dobbin, Joanna; Williams, Darlisha A; Muzoora, Conrad; Meya, David B; Boulware, David R; Hullsiek, Kathy H; Rhein, Joshua
  • Comparison of individual-level and population-level risk factors for rhinoconjunctivitis, asthma, and eczema in the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) Phase Three. (2020) Rutter, Charlotte E; Silverwood, Richard J; Asher, M Innes; Ellwood, Philippa; Pearce, Neil; Garcia-Marcos, Luis; Strachan, David P; ISAAC Phase Three Study Group
  • Acceptability and feasibility of genital self-sampling for the diagnosis of female genital schistosomiasis: a cross-sectional study in Zambia. (2020) Rutty Phiri, Comfort; Sturt, Amy S; Webb, Emily L; Chola, Namakau; Hayes, Richard; Shanaube, Kwame; Ayles, Helen; Hansingo, Isaiah; Bustinduy, Amaya L
  • Acceptability and feasibility of genital self-sampling for the diagnosis of female genital schistosomiasis: a cross-sectional study in Zambia. (2020) Rutty Phiri, Comfort; Sturt, Amy S; Webb, Emily L; Chola, Namakau; Hayes, Richard; Shanaube, Kwame; Ayles, Helen; Hansingo, Isaiah; Bustinduy, Amaya L
  • Acceptability and feasibility of genital self-sampling for the diagnosis of female genital schistosomiasis: a cross-sectional study in Zambia. (2020) Rutty Phiri, Comfort; Sturt, Amy S; Webb, Emily L; Chola, Namakau; Hayes, Richard; Shanaube, Kwame; Ayles, Helen; Hansingo, Isaiah; Bustinduy, Amaya L; BILHIV study team
  • Electronic data collection for multi-country, hospital-based, clinical observation of maternal and newborn care: EN-BIRTH study experiences. (2020) Ruysen, Harriet; Rahman, Ahmed Ehsanur; Gordeev, Vladimir Sergeevich; Hossain, Tanvir; Basnet, Omkar; Shirima, Kizito; Rahman, Qazi Sadeq-Ur; Zaman, Sojib Bin; Rana, Nisha; Salim, Nahya; Tahsina, Tazeen; Gore-Langton, Georgia R; Ameen, Shafiqul; Boggs, Dorothy; Kong, Stefanie; Day, Louise T; El Arifeen, Shams; Lawn, Joy E; EN-BIRTH Study Group
  • Uterotonics for prevention of postpartum haemorrhage: EN-BIRTH multi-country validation study. (2020) Ruysen, Harriet; Shabani, Josephine; Hanson, Claudia; Day, Louise T; Pembe, Andrea B; Peven, Kimberly; Rahman, Qazi Sadeq-Ur; Thakur, Nishant; Shirima, Kizito; Tahsina, Tazeen; Gurung, Rejina; Tarimo, Menna Narcis; Moran, Allisyn C; Lawn, Joy E; EN-BIRTH Study Group
  • The association between chronic kidney disease and tuberculosis; a comparative cohort study in England. (2020) Ruzangi, Judith; Iwagami, Masao; Smeeth, Liam; Mangtani, Punam; Nitsch, Dorothea
  • Partnership for the implementation of mental health policy in Nigeria: a case study of the Comprehensive Community Mental Health Programme in Benue State. (2020) Ryan, GK; Nwefoh, E; Aguocha, C; Ode, PO; Okpoju, SO; Ocheche, P; Woyengikuro, A; Abdulmalik, J; Eaton, J
  • Effect of Parents’ Involvement Interventions in Speech Language Delay among Late Talking Toddlers in Egypt: A Quasi-Experimental Study. (2020) S, Farrag
  • Psychometric properties of the adapted measles vaccine hesitancy scale in Sudan. (2020) Sabahelzain, Majdi M; Dubé, Eve; Moukhyer, Mohamed; Larson, Heidi J; van den Borne, Bart; Bosma, Hans
  • Are high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters and laminar air flow necessary in operating rooms to control acute post-operative endophthalmitis? (2020) Sabherwal, Shalinder; Chaku, Deepali; Mathur, Umang; Sangwan, Virender S; Majumdar, Atanu; Gandhi, Arpan; Dubey, Suneeta; Sood, Ishaana
  • Status of Oxygen Monitoring in Four Selected Special Care Newborn Units in India. (2020) Sabherwal, Shalinder; Gilbert, Clare; Foster, Allen; Kumar, Praveen
  • Professional advice for primary healthcare workers in Ethiopia: a social network analysis. (2020) Sabot, Kate; Blanchet, Karl; Berhanu, Della; Spicer, Neil; Schellenberg, Joanna
  • NAD(P) transhydrogenase has vital non-mitochondrial functions in malaria parasite transmission. (2020) Saeed, Sadia; Tremp, Annie Z; Sharma, Vikram; Lasonder, Edwin; Dessens, Johannes T
  • Effect of maternal preconceptional and pregnancy micronutrient interventions on children's DNA methylation: Findings from the EMPHASIS study. (2020) Saffari, Ayden; Shrestha, Smeeta; Issarapu, Prachand; Sajjadi, Sara; Betts, Modupeh; Sahariah, Sirazul Ameen; Tomar, Ashutosh Singh; James, Philip; Dedaniya, Akshay; Yadav, Dilip K; Kumaran, Kalyanaraman; Prentice, Andrew M; Lillycrop, Karen A; Fall, Caroline HD; Chandak, Giriraj R; Silver, Matt J; EMPHASIS Study Group
  • Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging Reveals Different Courses of Disease in Pediatric and Adult Cerebral Malaria. (2020) Sahu, Praveen K; Hoffmann, Angelika; Majhi, Megharay; Pattnaik, Rajyabardhan; Patterson, Catriona; Mahanta, Kishore C; Mohanty, Akshaya K; Mohanty, Rashmi R; Joshi, Sonia; Mohanty, Anita; Bage, Jabamani; Maharana, Sameer; Seitz, Angelika; Bendszus, Martin; Sullivan, Steven A; Turnbull, Ian W; Dondorp, Arjen M; Gupta, Himanshu; Pirpamer, Lukas; Mohanty, Sanjib; Wassmer, Samuel C
  • Causes of maternal deaths and delays in care: comparison between routine maternal death surveillance and response system and an obstetrician expert panel in Tanzania. (2020) Said, Ali; Malqvist, Mats; Pembe, Andrea B; Massawe, Siriel; Hanson, Claudia
  • Prevalence and social determinants of psychological distress among people who use drugs in Cambodia. (2020) Saing, Chan Hang; Prem, Kiesha; Uk, Ponha; Chann, Navy; Chhoun, Pheak; Mun, Phalkun; Tuot, Sovannary; Yi, Siyan
  • Pregnancy outcomes and risk of placental malaria after artemisinin-based and quinine-based treatment for uncomplicated falciparum malaria in pregnancy: a WorldWide Antimalarial Resistance Network systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis. (2020) Saito, Makoto; Mansoor, Rashid; Kennon, Kalynn; Anvikar, Anupkumar R; Ashley, Elizabeth A; Chandramohan, Daniel; Cohee, Lauren M; D'Alessandro, Umberto; Genton, Blaise; Gilder, Mary Ellen; Juma, Elizabeth; Kalilani-Phiri, Linda; Kuepfer, Irene; Laufer, Miriam K; Lwin, Khin Maung; Meshnick, Steven R; Mosha, Dominic; Muehlenbachs, Atis; Mwapasa, Victor; Mwebaza, Norah; Nambozi, Michael; Ndiaye, Jean-Louis A; Nosten, François; Nyunt, Myaing; Ogutu, Bernhards; Parikh, Sunil; Paw, Moo Kho; Phyo, Aung Pyae; Pimanpanarak, Mupawjay; Piola, Patrice; Rijken, Marcus J; Sriprawat, Kanlaya; Tagbor, Harry K; Tarning, Joel; Tinto, Halidou; Valéa, Innocent; Valecha, Neena; White, Nicholas J; Wiladphaingern, Jacher; Stepniewska, Kasia; McGready, Rose; Guérin, Philippe J
  • Diphtheria in Metro Manila, the Philippines 2006-2017: A Clinical, Molecular, and Spatial Characterization. (2020) Saito, Nobuo; Dimapilis, Virginia O; Fujii, Hiroshi; Suzuki, Motoi; Telan, Elizabeth Freda O; Umipig, Dorcas Valencia; Solante, Rontgene M; Dimapilis, Alexis Q; De Guzman, Ferdinand; Salva, Eumelia P; Nakayama, Fumihito; Toda, Kohei; Smith, Chris; Ariyoshi, Koya; Parry, Christopher M
  • Impact of a package of diagnostic tools, clinical algorithm, and training and communication on outpatient acute fever case management in low- and middle-income countries: protocol for a randomized controlled trial. (2020) Salami, Olawale; Horgan, Philip; Moore, Catrin E; Giri, Abhishek; Sserwanga, Asadu; Pathak, Ashish; Basnyat, Buddha; Kiemde, Francois; Smithuis, Frank; Kitutu, Freddy; Phutke, Gajanan; Tinto, Halidou; Hopkins, Heidi; Kapisi, James; Swe, Myo Maung Maung; Taneja, Neelam; Baiden, Rita; Dutta, Shanta; Compaore, Adelaide; Kaawa-Mafigiri, David; Hussein, Rashida; Shakya, Summita Udas; Kukula, Vida; Ongarello, Stefano; Tomar, Anjana; Chadha, Sarabjit S; Walia, Kamini; Kelly-Cirino, Cassandra; Olliaro, Piero
  • COVID-19 epidemic in Switzerland: on the importance of testing, contact tracing and isolation. (2020) Salathé, Marcel; Althaus, Christian L; Neher, Richard; Stringhini, Silvia; Hodcroft, Emma; Fellay, Jacques; Zwahlen, Marcel; Senti, Gabriela; Battegay, Manuel; Wilder-Smith, Annelies; Eckerle, Isabella; Egger, Matthias; Low, Nicola
  • Clusters of Sexual Behavior in Human Immunodeficiency Virus-positive Men Who Have Sex With Men Reveal Highly Dissimilar Time Trends. (2020) Salazar-Vizcaya, Luisa; Kusejko, Katharina; Schmidt, Axel J; Carrillo-Montoya, Germán; Nicca, Dunja; Wandeler, Gilles; Braun, Dominique L; Fehr, Jan; Darling, Katharine EA; Bernasconi, Enos; Schmid, Patrick; Günthard, Huldrych F; Kouyos, Roger D; Rauch, Andri
  • The cost-effectiveness of using performance-based financing to deliver the basic package of health services in Afghanistan. (2020) Salehi, Ahmad S; Borghi, Josephine; Blanchet, Karl; Vassall, Anna
  • Kangaroo mother care: EN-BIRTH multi-country validation study. (2020) Salim, Nahya; Shabani, Josephine; Peven, Kimberly; Rahman, Qazi Sadeq-Ur; Kc, Ashish; Shamba, Donat; Ruysen, Harriet; Rahman, Ahmed Ehsanur; Kc, Naresh; Mkopi, Namala; Zaman, Sojib Bin; Shirima, Kizito; Ameen, Shafiqul; Kong, Stefanie; Basnet, Omkar; Manji, Karim; Kabuteni, Theopista John; Brotherton, Helen; Moxon, Sarah G; Amouzou, Agbessi; Hailegebriel, Tedbabe Degefie; Day, Louise T; Lawn, Joy E; EN-BIRTH Study Group
  • Distinct genetic architectures and environmental factors associate with host response to the γ2-herpesvirus infections. (2020) Sallah, Neneh; Miley, Wendell; Labo, Nazzarena; Carstensen, Tommy; Fatumo, Segun; Gurdasani, Deepti; Pollard, Martin O; Dilthey, Alexander T; Mentzer, Alexander J; Marshall, Vickie; Cornejo Castro, Elena M; Pomilla, Cristina; Young, Elizabeth H; Asiki, Gershim; Hibberd, Martin L; Sandhu, Manjinder; Kellam, Paul; Newton, Robert; Whitby, Denise; Barroso, Inês
  • Correction to: Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of patients with suspected COVID-19 admitted in Metro Manila, Philippines. (2020) Salva, Eumelia P; Villarama, Jose Benito; Lopez, Edmundo B; Sayo, Ana Ria; Villanueva, Annavi Marie G; Edwards, Tansy; Han, Su Myat; Suzuki, Shuichi; Seposo, Xerxes; Ariyoshi, Koya; Smith, Chris
  • Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of patients with suspected COVID-19 admitted in Metro Manila, Philippines. (2020) Salva, Eumelia P; Villarama, Jose Benito; Lopez, Edmundo B; Sayo, Ana Ria; Villanueva, Annavi Marie G; Edwards, Tansy; Han, Su Myat; Suzuki, Shuichi; Seposo, Xerxes; Ariyoshi, Koya; Smith, Chris
  • Can Zika Virus Infection in High Risk Pregnant Women Be Differentiated on the Basis of Symptoms? (2020) Sanchez Clemente, Nuria; Brickley, Elizabeth B; Furquim de Almeida, Marcia; Witkin, Steven S; Duarte Passos, Saulo; Jundiai Zika Cohort Group, The
  • Zika virus infection in pregnancy and adverse fetal outcomes in São Paulo State, Brazil: a prospective cohort study. (2020) Sanchez Clemente, Nuria; Brickley, Elizabeth B; Paixão, Enny S; De Almeida, Marcia F; Gazeta, Rosa E; Vedovello, Danila; Rodrigues, Laura C; Witkin, Steven S; Passos, Saulo D
  • Agreeing the allocation of scarce resources in the English NHS: Ostrom, common pool resources and the role of the state. (2020) Sanderson, Marie; Allen, Pauline; Moran, Valerie; McDermott, Imelda; Osipovic, Dorota
  • The potential health and economic value of SARS-CoV-2 vaccination alongside physical distancing in the UK: a transmission model-based future scenario analysis and economic evaluation. (2020) Sandmann, Frank G; Davies, Nicholas G; Vassall, Anna; Edmunds, W John; Jit, Mark; Centre for the Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases COV
  • Optimizing Benefits of Testing Key Workers for Infection with SARS-CoV-2: A Mathematical Modeling Analysis. (2020) Sandmann, Frank G; White, Peter J; Ramsay, Mary; Jit, Mark
  • Infant Hospitalizations and Fatalities Averted by the Maternal Pertussis Vaccination Program in England, 2012-2017: Post-implementation Economic Evaluation. (2020) Sandmann, Frank; Jit, Mark; Andrews, Nick; Buckley, Hannah L; Campbell, Helen; Ribeiro, Sonia; Sile, Bersabeh; Stowe, Julia; Tessier, Elise; Ramsay, Mary; Choi, Yoon H; Amirthalingam, Gayatri
  • The effect of behavioural interventions targeting hand hygiene practices among nurses in high-income hospital settings: a systematic review. (2020) Sands, Madeline; Aiken, Alexander M; Cumming, Oliver; Aunger, Robert
  • Determinants of hand hygiene compliance among nurses in US hospitals: A formative research study. (2020) Sands, Madeline; Aunger, Robert
  • Inter-pregnancy interval and associated adverse maternal outcomes among women who delivered at Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre in Tanzania, 2000-2015. (2020) Sanga, Leah Anku; Mtuy, Tara; Philemon, Rune Nathaniel; Mahande, Michael Johnson
  • Assessing and decomposing inequality of opportunity in access to child health and nutrition in sub-Saharan Africa: evidence from three countries with low human development index. (2020) Sanoussi, Yacobou; Ahinkorah, Bright Opoku; Banke-Thomas, Aduragbemi; Yaya, Sanni
  • Contrasting impact of rural, versus urban, living on glucose metabolism and blood pressure in Uganda. (2020) Sanya, Richard E; Andia Biraro, Irene; Nampijja, Margaret; Zziwa, Christopher; Nanyunja, Carol; Nsubuga, Denis; Kiwanuka, Samuel; Tumusiime, Josephine; Nassuuna, Jacent; Walusimbi, Bridgious; Cose, Stephen; Ocama, Ponsiano; Grencis, Richard K; Elliott, Alison M; Webb, Emily L
  • Periodontitis and Cardiovascular Diseases. Consensus Report. (2020) Sanz, M; Del Castillo, A Marco; Jepsen, S; Gonzalez-Juanatey, JR; D'Aiuto, F; Bouchard, P; Chapple, I; Dietrich, T; Gotsman, I; Graziani, F; Herrera, D; Loos, B; Madianos, P; Michel, JB; Perel, P; Pieske, B; Shapira, L; Shechter, M; Tonetti, M; Vlachopoulos, C; Wimmer, G
  • Periodontitis and cardiovascular diseases: Consensus report. (2020) Sanz, Mariano; Marco Del Castillo, Alvaro; Jepsen, Søren; Gonzalez-Juanatey, Jose R; D'Aiuto, Francesco; Bouchard, Philippe; Chapple, Iain; Dietrich, Thomas; Gotsman, Israel; Graziani, Filippo; Herrera, David; Loos, Bruno; Madianos, Phoebus; Michel, Jean-Baptiste; Perel, Pablo; Pieske, Burkert; Shapira, Lior; Shechter, Michael; Tonetti, Maurizio; Vlachopoulos, Charalambos; Wimmer, Gernot
  • Evidence and gap map of studies assessing the effectiveness of interventions for people with disabilities in low-and middle-income countries. (2020) Saran, Ashrita; White, Howard; Kuper, Hannah
  • Does suboptimal household flooring increase the risk of diarrhoea and intestinal parasite infection in low and middle income endemic settings? A systematic review and meta-analysis protocol. (2020) Sartorius, Benn; Legge, Hugo; Pullan, Rachel
  • Spatial-temporal trends and risk factors for undernutrition and obesity among children (<5 years) in South Africa, 2008-2017: findings from a nationally representative longitudinal panel survey. (2020) Sartorius, Benn; Sartorius, Kurt; Green, Rosemary; Lutge, Elizabeth; Scheelbeek, Pauline; Tanser, Frank; Dangour, Alan D; Slotow, Rob
  • Distinct Dengue Disease Epidemiology, Clinical, and Diagnosis Features in Western, Central, and Eastern Regions of Indonesia, 2017-2019. (2020) Sasmono, R Tedjo; Santoso, Marsha S; Pamai, Yanuarni WB; Yohan, Benediktus; Afida, Anna M; Denis, Dionisius; Hutagalung, Ingrid A; Johar, Edison; Hayati, Rahma F; Yudhaputri, Frilasita A; Haryanto, Sotianingsih; Stubbs, Samuel CB; Blacklaws, Barbara A; Myint, Khin SA; Frost, Simon DW
  • Maternal Immunization: Nature Meets Nurture. (2020) Saso, Anja; Kampmann, Beate
  • Impact of COVID-19 on Immunization Services for Maternal and Infant Vaccines: Results of a Survey Conducted by Imprint-The Immunising Pregnant Women and Infants Network. (2020) Saso, Anja; Skirrow, Helen; Kampmann, Beate
  • Prevalence and risk factors of Schistosoma mansoni infection among children under two years of age in Mbita, Western Kenya. (2020) Sassa, Miho; Chadeka, Evans A; Cheruiyot, Ngetich B; Tanaka, Mio; Moriyasu, Taeko; Kaneko, Satoshi; Njenga, Sammy M; Cox, Sharon E; Hamano, Shinjiro
  • Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and Other Infections at Large Sports Gatherings: A Surprising Gap in Our Knowledge. (2020) Sassano, Michele; McKee, Martin; Ricciardi, Walter; Boccia, Stefania
  • Doug Altman: Driving critical appraisal and improvements in the quality of methodological and medical research. (2020) Sauerbrei, Willi; Bland, Martin; Evans, Stephen JW; Riley, Richard D; Royston, Patrick; Schumacher, Martin; Collins, Gary S
  • Staying afloat: community perspectives on health system resilience in the management of pregnancy and childbirth care during floods in Cambodia. (2020) Saulnier, Dell D; Hean, Hom; Thol, Dawin; Ir, Por; Hanson, Claudia; Von Schreeb, Johan; Mölsted Alvesson, Helle
  • Equity implications of rice fortification: a modelling study from Nepal. (2020) Saville, Naomi M; Maharjan, Macharaja; Manandhar, Dharma S; Harris-Fry, Helen A
  • Sociodemographic features and mortality of individuals on haemodialysis treatment who test positive for SARS-CoV-2: A UK Renal Registry data analysis. (2020) Savino, Manuela; Casula, Anna; Santhakumaran, Shalini; Pitcher, David; Wong, Esther; Magadi, Winnie; Evans, Katharine M; Benoy-Deeney, Fran; Griffin, James; Plumb, Lucy; Steenkamp, Retha; Nitsch, Dorothea; Medcalf, James
  • ‘Complexity’ as a rhetorical smokescreen for UK public health inaction on diet. (2020) Savona, N; Thompson, C; Smith, D; Cummins, S
  • Ribosome profiling in<i>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</i>reveals robust leaderless translation. (2020) Sawyer, Elizabeth B; Phelan, Jody E; Clark, Taane G; Cortes, Teresa
  • COVID-19 screening on a tuberculosis ward in Manila, the Philippines. (2020) Sayo, Ana Ria; Balinas, Ellen Grace M; Verona, Jeffrey A; Villanueva, Annavi Marie G; Han, Su Myat; Suzuki, Jack; Ariyoshi, Koya; Smith, Chris; Solante, Rontgene M
  • Impact of the announcement and implementation of the UK Soft Drinks Industry Levy on sugar content, price, product size and number of available soft drinks in the UK, 2015-19: A controlled interrupted time series analysis. (2020) Scarborough, Peter; Adhikari, Vyas; Harrington, Richard A; Elhussein, Ahmed; Briggs, Adam; Rayner, Mike; Adams, Jean; Cummins, Steven; Penney, Tarra; White, Martin
  • Improving the use of focus group discussions in low income settings. (2020) Scheelbeek, Pauline FD; Hamza, Yashua A; Schellenberg, Joanna; Hill, Zelee
  • UK's fruit and vegetable supply increasingly dependent on imports from climate vulnerable producing countries. (2020) Scheelbeek, Pauline Fd; Moss, Cami; Kastner, Thomas; Alae-Carew, Carmelia; Jarmul, Stephanie; Green, Rosemary; Taylor, Anna; Haines, Andy; Dangour, Alan D
  • Health impacts and environmental footprints of diets that meet the Eatwell Guide recommendations: analyses of multiple UK studies. (2020) Scheelbeek, Pauline; Green, Rosemary; Papier, Keren; Knuppel, Anika; Alae-Carew, Carmelia; Balkwill, Angela; Key, Timothy J; Beral, Valerie; Dangour, Alan D
  • Major gaps in child survival by ethnic group. (2020) Schellenberg, Joanna RM Armstrong; Berhanu, Della
  • Prevalence of common mental disorders among Syrian refugee children and adolescents in Sultanbeyli district, Istanbul: results of a population-based survey. (2020) Scherer, N; Hameed, S; Acarturk, C; Deniz, G; Sheikhani, A; Volkan, S; Örücü, A; Pivato, I; Akıncı, İ; Patterson, A; Polack, S
  • 'He was trapped in his own web'-Dependent drinking as a poverty trap: A qualitative study from Goa, India. (2020) Schess, Jaclyn; Kumar, Sonali; Velleman, Richard; Adhvaryu, Achyuta; Nadkarni, Abhijit
  • Towards Core Competencies for Health Policy and Systems Research (HPSR) Training: Results From a Global Mapping and Consensus-Building Process. (2020) Schleiff, Meike J; Rangnekar, Avanti; Oviedo Gomez, Francisco; Teddy, Gina; Peters, David H; Balabanova, Dina
  • The Swiss STAR trial - an evaluation of target groups for sexually transmitted infection screening in the sub-sample of men. (2020) Schmidt, Axel Jeremias; Rasi, Manuela; Esson, Cate; Christinet, Vanessa; Ritzler, Michael; Lung, Thomas; Hauser, Christoph V; Stöckle, Marcel; Jouinot, Florent; Lehner, Andreas; Lange, Katharina; Konrad, Torsten; Vernazza, Pietro L
  • Cluster-randomised trial to test the effect of a behaviour change intervention on toilet use in rural India: results and methodological considerations. (2020) Schmidt, Wolf-Peter; Chauhan, Kavita; Bhavsar, Priya; Yasobant, Sandul; Patwardhan, Vaibhav; Aunger, Robert; Mavalankar, Dileep; Saxena, Deepak; Curtis, Val
  • A Satellite-Based Spatio-Temporal Machine Learning Model to Reconstruct Daily PM2.5 Concentrations across Great Britain. (2020) Schneider, Rochelle; Vicedo-Cabrera, Ana M; Sera, Francesco; Masselot, Pierre; Stafoggia, Massimo; de Hoogh, Kees; Kloog, Itai; Reis, Stefan; Vieno, Massimo; Gasparrini, Antonio
  • Outcomes of Lower Limb Angioplasty Vary by Area Deprivation in England. (2020) Schoenweger, Petra; Miller, Fiona; Cromwell, David A; Waton, Sam; Johal, Amundeep S; Boyle, Jonathan R; Heikkila, Katriina
  • Inhaled corticosteroid use and risk COVID-19 related death among 966,461 patients with COPD or asthma: an OpenSAFELY analysis. (2020) Schultze, Anna; Walker, Alex J; MacKenna, Brian; Morton, Caroline E; Bhaskaran, Krishnan; Brown, Jeremy P; Rentsch, Christopher T; Williamson, Elizabeth; Drysdale, Henry; Croker, Richard; Bacon, Seb; Hulme, William; Bates, Chris; Curtis, Helen J; Mehrkar, Amir; Evans, David; Inglesby, Peter; Cockburn, Jonathan; McDonald, Helen I; Tomlinson, Laurie; Mathur, Rohini; Wing, Kevin; Wong, Angel YS; Forbes, Harriet; Parry, John; Hester, Frank; Harper, Sam; Evans, Stephen JW; Quint, Jennifer; Smeeth, Liam; Douglas, Ian J; Goldacre, Ben
  • Risk of COVID-19-related death among patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or asthma prescribed inhaled corticosteroids: an observational cohort study using the OpenSAFELY platform. (2020) Schultze, Anna; Walker, Alex J; MacKenna, Brian; Morton, Caroline E; Bhaskaran, Krishnan; Brown, Jeremy P; Rentsch, Christopher T; Williamson, Elizabeth; Drysdale, Henry; Croker, Richard; Bacon, Seb; Hulme, William; Bates, Chris; Curtis, Helen J; Mehrkar, Amir; Evans, David; Inglesby, Peter; Cockburn, Jonathan; McDonald, Helen I; Tomlinson, Laurie; Mathur, Rohini; Wing, Kevin; Wong, Angel YS; Forbes, Harriet; Parry, John; Hester, Frank; Harper, Sam; Evans, Stephen JW; Quint, Jennifer; Smeeth, Liam; Douglas, Ian J; Goldacre, Ben; OpenSAFELY Collaborative
  • Short interpregnancy interval and pregnancy outcomes: How important is the timing of confounding variable ascertainment? (2020) Schummers, Laura; Hutcheon, Jennifer A; Norman, Wendy V; Liauw, Jessica; Bolatova, Talshyn; Ahrens, Katherine A
  • Culture-free genome-wide locus sequence typing (GLST) provides new perspectives on Trypanosoma cruzi dispersal and infection complexity. (2020) Schwabl, Philipp; Maiguashca Sánchez, Jalil; Costales, Jaime A; Ocaña-Mayorga, Sofía; Segovia, Maikell; Carrasco, Hernán J; Hernández, Carolina; Ramírez, Juan David; Lewis, Michael D; Grijalva, Mario J; Llewellyn, Martin S
  • Adherence to standards of care and mortality in the management of Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia in Peru: A prospective cohort study. (2020) Schwalb, Alvaro; Cachay, Rodrigo; de la Flor, Adriana; García, Coralith; Seas, Carlos
  • Early-Onset HTLV-1-Associated Myelopathy/Tropical Spastic Paraparesis. (2020) Schwalb, Alvaro; Pérez-Muto, Valeria; Cachay, Rodrigo; Tipismana, Martín; Álvarez, Carolina; Mejía, Fernando; González-Lagos, Elsa; Gotuzzo, Eduardo
  • Chromoblastomycosis. (2020) Schwalb, Alvaro; Seas, Carlos
  • Optimizing design of research to evaluate antibiotic stewardship interventions: consensus recommendations of a multinational working group. (2020) Schweitzer, VA; van Werkhoven, CH; Rodríguez Baño, J; Bielicki, J; Harbarth, S; Hulscher, M; Huttner, B; Islam, J; Little, P; Pulcini, C; Savoldi, A; Tacconelli, E; Timsit, J-F; van Smeden, M; Wolkewitz, M; Bonten, MJM; Walker, AS; Llewelyn, MJ; Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance (JPIAMR
  • ‘There is nothing to hide’: Disclosure of PrEP use by young women in South Africa and Tanzania: qualitative findings from a demonstration study. (2020) Scorgie, Fiona; Khoza, Nonle; Lee, Shelley; Baron, Deborah; Ramskin, Lethabo; Harvey, Sheila; Stangl, Anne; Colombini, Manuela; Matsauri, Emma; Delany-Moreltwe, Sinead
  • Excess mortality during the COVID-19 outbreak in Italy: a two-stage interrupted time-series analysis. (2020) Scortichini, Matteo; Schneider Dos Santos, Rochelle; De' Donato, Francesca; De Sario, Manuela; Michelozzi, Paola; Davoli, Marina; Masselot, Pierre; Sera, Francesco; Gasparrini, Antonio
  • Site-directed M2 proton channel inhibitors enable synergistic combination therapy for rimantadine-resistant pandemic influenza. (2020) Scott, Claire; Kankanala, Jayakanth; Foster, Toshana L; Goldhill, Daniel H; Bao, Peng; Simmons, Katie; Pingen, Marieke; Bentham, Matthew; Atkins, Elizabeth; Loundras, Eleni; Elderfield, Ruth; Claridge, Jolyon K; Thompson, Joseph; Stilwell, Peter R; Tathineni, Ranjitha; McKimmie, Clive S; Targett-Adams, Paul; Schnell, Jason R; Cook, Graham P; Evans, Stephen; Barclay, Wendy S; Foster, Richard; Griffin, Stephen
  • What and how: doing good research with young people, digital intimacies, and relationships and sex education. (2020) Scott, Rachel H; Smith, Clarissa; Formby, Eleanor; Hadley, Alison; Hallgarten, Lisa; Hoyle, Alice; Marston, Cicely; McKee, Alan; Tourountsis, Dimitrios
  • Adolescent Sexual Activity, Contraceptive Use, and Pregnancy in Britain and the U.S.: A Multidecade Comparison. (2020) Scott, Rachel H; Wellings, Kaye; Lindberg, Laura
  • Recognising the burden of maternal infection worldwide. (2020) Seale, Anna C
  • Do human ‘life history strategies’ exist? (2020) Sear, Rebecca
  • Strengthening the evolutionary social sciences with more data, less ‘theory-worship’. (2020) Sear, Rebecca
  • A Multi-Filovirus Vaccine Candidate: Co-Expression of Ebola, Sudan, and Marburg Antigens in a Single Vector. (2020) Sebastian, Sarah; Flaxman, Amy; Cha, Kuan M; Ulaszewska, Marta; Gilbride, Ciaran; Sharpe, Hannah; Wright, Edward; Spencer, Alexandra J; Dowall, Stuart; Hewson, Roger; Gilbert, Sarah; Lambe, Teresa
  • Prevalence of positive TST among healthcare workers in high-burden TB setting in Peru. (2020) Sedamano, Juana; Schwalb, Alvaro; Cachay, Rodrigo; Zamudio, Carlos; Ugarte-Gil, César; Soto-Cabezas, Gabriela; Munayco, César V; Seas, Carlos
  • SARS-CoV-2 infection hospitalization, severity, criticality, and fatality rates. (2020) Seedat, Shaheen; Chemaitelly, Hiam; Ayoub, Houssein; Makhoul, Monia; Mumtaz, Ghina R; Kanaani, Zaina Al; Khal, Abdullatif Al; Kuwari, Einas Al; Butt, Adeel A; Coyle, Peter; Jeremijenko, Andrew; Kaleeckal, Anvar Hassan; Latif, Ali Nizar; Shaik, Riyazuddin Mohammad; Yassine, Hadi M; Al Kuwari, Mohamed G; Al Romaihi, Hamad Eid; Al-Thani, Mohamed H; Bertollini, Roberto; Abu-Raddad, Laith J
  • Reducing stigma and discrimination: new evidence and its implications. (2020) Seeley, Janet; Blanc, Ann K
  • Understanding kidney disease in rural central Uganda - Findings from a qualitative study. (2020) Seeley, Janet; Kabunga, Elizabeth; Ssembatya, Joseph; A Tomlinson, Laurie; Fabian, June; Smeeth, Liam; Nyirenda, Moffat; Newton, Robert; Kalyesubula, Robert; Bukenya, Dominic; ARK Consortium
  • Editorial - ethical practice and genomic research. (2020) Seeley, Janet; Parker, Michael
  • The COVID-19 pandemic should not derail global vector control efforts. (2020) Seelig, Frederik; Bezerra, Haroldo; Cameron, Mary; Hii, Jeffrey; Hiscox, Alexandra; Irish, Seth; Jones, Robert T; Lang, Trudie; Lindsay, Steven W; Lowe, Rachel; Nyoni, Tanaka Manikidza; Power, Grace M; Quintero, Juliana; Stewart-Ibarra, Anna M; Tusting, Lucy S; Tytheridge, Scott; Logan, James G
  • Systematic review of frameworks used to conceptualise health pathways of individuals diagnosed with cardiovascular diseases. (2020) Seguin, Maureen L; Rangnekar, Avanti; Renedo, Alicia; Palafox, Benjamin; McKee, Martin; Balabanova, Dina
  • "There's Not Enough Bodies to Do the Demand:" An Exploration of Key Stakeholder Views on the Role of Health Service Capacity in Shaping Cancer Outcomes in 7 International Cancer Benchmarking Partnership Countries. (2020) Seguin, Maureen; Morris, Melanie; McKee, Martin; Nolte, Ellen
  • High Levels of Acquired HIV Drug Resistance Following Virological Nonsuppression in HIV-Infected Women from a High-Risk Cohort in Uganda. (2020) Segujja, Farouk; Omooja, Jonah; Lunkuse, Sandra; Nanyonjo, Maria; Nabirye, Stella E; Nassolo, Faridah; Bugembe, Daniel L; Bbosa, Nicholas; Kateete, David P; Ssenyonga, William; Mayanja, Yunia; Nsubuga, Rebecca N; Seeley, Janet; Kaleebu, Pontiano; Ssemwanga, Deogratius
  • The Global Financing Facility at five: time for a change? (2020) Seidelmann, Lisa; Koutsoumpa, Myria; Federspiel, Frederik; Philips, Mit
  • High variability in the measurement of HIV primary prevention activities and outcomes. (2020) Sekimitsu, Sayuri; DePasse, Jacqueline; Morrison, Michelle; Mahy, Mary; Rice, Brian; Earle, Kristen; Daley, Kate; Larson, Jim; Carter, Anna; Garnett, Geoff P; Holmes, Charles B
  • Voices from the frontline: findings from a thematic analysis of a rapid online global survey of maternal and newborn health professionals facing the COVID-19 pandemic. (2020) Semaan, Aline; Audet, Constance; Huysmans, Elise; Afolabi, Bosede; Assarag, Bouchra; Banke-Thomas, Aduragbemi; Blencowe, Hannah; Caluwaerts, Séverine; Campbell, Oona Maeve Renee; Cavallaro, Francesca L; Chavane, Leonardo; Day, Louise Tina; Delamou, Alexandre; Delvaux, Therese; Graham, Wendy Jane; Gon, Giorgia; Kascak, Peter; Matsui, Mitsuaki; Moxon, Sarah; Nakimuli, Annettee; Pembe, Andrea; Radovich, Emma; van den Akker, Thomas; Benova, Lenka
  • Evolution of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex lineages and their role in an emerging threat of multidrug resistant tuberculosis in Bamako, Mali. (2020) Senghore, Madikay; Diarra, Bassirou; Gehre, Florian; Otu, Jacob; Worwui, Archibald; Muhammad, Abdul Khalie; Kwambana-Adams, Brenda; Kay, Gemma L; Sanogo, Moumine; Baya, Bocar; Orsega, Susan; Doumbia, Seydou; Diallo, Souleymane; de Jong, Bouke C; Pallen, Mark J; Antonio, Martin
  • Assistive technology for visual impairment and trainers at schools for the blind in Delhi. (2020) Senjam, Suraj Singh; Foster, Allen; Bascaran, Covadonga
  • Barriers to using assistive technology among students with visual disability in schools for the blind in Delhi, India. (2020) Senjam, Suraj Singh; Foster, Allen; Bascaran, Covadonga
  • Air Conditioning and Heat-related Mortality. (2020) Sera, Francesco; Hashizume, Masahiro; Honda, Yasushi; Lavigne, Eric; Schwartz, Joel; Zanobetti, Antonella; Tobias, Aurelio; Iñiguez, Carmen; Vicedo-Cabrera, Ana M; Blangiardo, Marta; Armstrong, Ben; Gasparrini, Antonio
  • Air Conditioning and Heat-related Mortality: A Multi-country Longitudinal Study. (2020) Sera, Francesco; Hashizume, Masahiro; Honda, Yasushi; Lavigne, Eric; Schwartz, Joel; Zanobetti, Antonella; Tobias, Aurelio; Iñiguez, Carmen; Vicedo-Cabrera, Ana M; Blangiardo, Marta; Armstrong, Ben; Gasparrini, Antonio
  • Does Malaria Cause Diarrhoea? A Systematic Review. (2020) Sey, Isatou CM; Ehimiyein, Ajoke M; Bottomley, Christian; Riley, Eleanor M; Mooney, Jason P
  • Incidence, Microbiology, and Outcomes in Patients Hospitalized With Infective Endocarditis. (2020) Shah, Anoop SV; McAllister, David A; Gallacher, Peter; Astengo, Federica; Rodríguez Pérez, Jesús Alberto; Hall, Jennifer; Lee, Kuan Ken; Bing, Rong; Anand, Atul; Nathwani, Dilip; Mills, Nicholas L; Newby, David E; Marwick, Charis; Cruden, Nicholas L
  • Risk of hospital admission with coronavirus disease 2019 in healthcare workers and their households: nationwide linkage cohort study. (2020) Shah, Anoop SV; Wood, Rachael; Gribben, Ciara; Caldwell, David; Bishop, Jennifer; Weir, Amanda; Kennedy, Sharon; Reid, Martin; Smith-Palmer, Alison; Goldberg, David; McMenamin, Jim; Fischbacher, Colin; Robertson, Chris; Hutchinson, Sharon; McKeigue, Paul; Colhoun, Helen; McAllister, David A
  • Carrying out embedded implementation research in humanitarian settings: A qualitative study in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh. (2020) Shahabuddin, ASM; B Sharkey, Alyssa; Jackson, Debra; Rutter, Paul; Hasman, Andreas; Sarker, Malabika
  • Barriers to women's disclosure of domestic violence in health services in Palestine: qualitative interview-based study. (2020) Shaheen, Amira; Ashkar, Suzy; Alkaiyat, Abdulsalam; Bacchus, Loraine; Colombini, Manuela; Feder, Gene; Evans, Maggie
  • From the micro to the macro to improve health: microorganism ecology and society in teaching infectious disease epidemiology. (2020) Shahmanesh, Maryam; Harling, Guy; Coltart, Cordelia EM; Bailey, Heather; King, Carina; Gibbs, Jo; Seeley, Janet; Phillips, Andrew; Sabin, Caroline A; Aldridge, Robert W; Sonnenberg, Pam; Hart, Graham; Rowson, Mike; Pillay, Deenan; Johnson, Anne M; Abubakar, Ibrahim; Field, Nigel
  • The RESPECT Study for consensus on global bereavement care after stillbirth. (2020) Shakespeare, Clare; Merriel, Abi; Bakhbakhi, Danya; Blencowe, Hannah; Boyle, Frances M; Flenady, Vicki; Gold, Katherine; Horey, Dell; Lynch, Mary; Mills, Tracey A; Murphy, Margaret M; Storey, Claire; Toolan, Miriam; Siassakos, Dimitrios; RESPECT (Research of Evidence based Stillbirth care Principles t
  • Man up. (2020) Shakespeare, Tom
  • Spatial analysis of individual- and village-level sociodemographic characteristics associated with age at marriage among married adolescents in rural Niger. (2020) Shakya, Holly B; Weeks, John; Challa, Sneha; Fleming, Paul J; Cislaghi, Beniamino; McDougal, Lotus; Boyce, Sabrina C; Raj, Anita; Silverman, Jay G
  • Cultural adaptation of Hap-pas-Hapi, an internet and mobile-based intervention for the treatment of psychological distress among Albanian migrants in Switzerland and Germany. (2020) Shala, Mirëlinda; Morina, Naser; Burchert, Sebastian; Cerga-Pashoja, Arlinda; Knaevelsrud, Christine; Maercker, Andreas; Heim, Eva
  • An interdisciplinary mixed-methods approach to developing antimicrobial stewardship interventions: Protocol for the Preserving Antibiotics through Safe Stewardship (PASS) Research Programme. (2020) Shallcross, Laura; Lorencatto, Fabiana; Fuller, Christopher; Tarrant, Carolyn; West, Jonathan; Traina, Rosanna; Smith, Catherine; Forbes, Gillian; Crayton, Elise; Rockenschaub, Patrick; Dutey-Magni, Peter; Richardson, Emma; Fragaszy, Ellen; Michie, Susan; Hayward, Andrew; PASS Research Group
  • HIV Care Cascade Among Adolescents in a "Test and Treat" Community-Based Intervention: HPTN 071 (PopART) for Youth Study. (2020) Shanaube, Kwame; Macleod, David; Chaila, Mwate Joseph; Mackworth-Young, Constance; Hoddinott, Graeme; Schaap, Ab; Floyd, Sian; Bock, Peter; Hayes, Richard; Fidler, Sarah; Ayles, Helen
  • Navigating new lives: A scoping review and thematic synthesis of forced migrant women's perinatal experiences. (2020) Sharma, Esther; Howard, Natasha; Duclos, Diane
  • Accuracy of noncycloplegic photorefraction using Spot photoscreener in detecting amblyopia risk factors in preschool children in an Indian eye clinic. (2020) Sharma, Manasvini; Ganesh, Suma; Tibrewal, Shailja; Sabharwal, Shalinder; Sachdeva, Neha; Adil, Mohd; Chaudhary, Jyotsana; Siddiqui, Zeeshan
  • Heterogeneity in individual preferences for HIV testing: A systematic literature review of discrete choice experiments. (2020) Sharma, Monisha; Ong, Jason J; Celum, Connie; Terris-Prestholt, Fern
  • Exploring mechanisms of action in clinical trials of complex surgical interventions using mediation analysis. (2020) Sharples, Linda; Papachristofi, Olympia; Rex, Saleema; Landau, Sabine
  • Church attendance and alloparenting: an analysis of fertility, social support and child development among English mothers. (2020) Shaver, John H; Power, Eleanor A; Purzycki, Benjamin G; Watts, Joseph; Sear, Rebecca; Shenk, Mary K; Sosis, Richard; Bulbulia, Joseph A
  • Understanding policymakers’ perspectives on evidence use as a mechanism for improving research-policy relationships. (2020) Shaxson, Louise; Boaz, Annette
  • Ethical issues in intervention studies on the prevention and management of diabetes and hypertension in sub-Saharan Africa. (2020) Shayo, Elizabeth; Van Hout, Marie Claire; Birungi, Josephine; Garrib, Anupam; Kivuyo, Sokoine; Mfinanga, Sayoki; Nyrienda, Moffat J; Namakoola, Ivan; Okebe, Joseph; Ramaiya, Kaushik; Bachmann, Max Oscar; Cullen, Walter; Lazarus, Jeffrey V; Gill, Geoff; Shiri, Tinevimbo; Bukenya, Dominic; Snell, Hazel; Nanfuka, Mastula; Cuevas, Luis E; Shimwela, Meshack; Mutungi, Gerald; Musinguzi, Joshua; Mghamba, Janneth; Mugisha, Kenneth; Jaffar, Shabbar; Smith, Peter G; Sewankambo, Nelson Kaulukusi
  • WHO informal consultation on the guidelines for evaluation of the quality, safety, and efficacy of DNA vaccines, Geneva, Switzerland, December 2019. (2020) Sheets, Rebecca; Kang, Hye-Na; Meyer, Heidi; Knezevic, Ivana; WHO informal consultation on development of guidelines for assur
  • Implementation research in LMICs-evolution through innovation. (2020) Sheikh, Kabir; Hargreaves, James; Khan, Mishal; Mounier-Jack, Sandra
  • Optimal timing of primaquine to reduce Plasmodium falciparum gametocyte carriage when co-administered with artemether-lumefantrine. (2020) Shekalaghe, Seif; Mosha, Dominic; Hamad, Ali; Mbaga, Thabit A; Mihayo, Michael; Bousema, Teun; Drakeley, Chris; Abdulla, Salim
  • Epidemiology and clinical course of COVID-19 in Shanghai, China. (2020) Shen, Yinzhong; Zheng, Fang; Sun, Danfeng; Ling, Yun; Chen, Jun; Li, Feng; Li, Tao; Qian, Zhiping; Zhang, Yuyi; Xu, Qingnian; Liu, Li; Huang, Qin; Shan, Fei; Xu, Lie; Wu, Jun; Zhu, Zhaoqin; Song, Zhigang; Li, Shenyang; Shi, Yuxin; Zhang, Jianliang; Wu, Xueyun; Mendelsohn, Joshua B; Zhu, Tongyu; Lu, Hongzhou
  • The potential public health consequences of COVID-19 on malaria in Africa. (2020) Sherrard-Smith, Ellie; Hogan, Alexandra B; Hamlet, Arran; Watson, Oliver J; Whittaker, Charlie; Winskill, Peter; Ali, Fatima; Mohammad, Audu B; Uhomoibhi, Perpetua; Maikore, Ibrahim; Ogbulafor, Nnenna; Nikau, Jamilu; Kont, Mara D; Challenger, Joseph D; Verity, Robert; Lambert, Ben; Cairns, Matthew; Rao, Bhargavi; Baguelin, Marc; Whittles, Lilith K; Lees, John A; Bhatia, Sangeeta; Knock, Edward S; Okell, Lucy; Slater, Hannah C; Ghani, Azra C; Walker, Patrick GT; Okoko, Okefu Oyale; Churcher, Thomas S
  • Differential IL-18 Dependence of Canonical and Adaptive NK Cells for Antibody Dependent Responses to P. falciparum. (2020) Sherratt, Samuel; Patel, Avnish; Baker, David A; Riley, Eleanor M; Goodier, Martin R
  • Defamation Against Healthcare Workers During COVID-19 Pandemic. (2020) Shimizu, Kazuki; Lin, Leesa
  • A multicomponent secondary school health promotion intervention and adolescent health: An extension of the SEHER cluster randomised controlled trial in Bihar, India. (2020) Shinde, Sachin; Weiss, Helen A; Khandeparkar, Prachi; Pereira, Bernadette; Sharma, Amit; Gupta, Rajesh; Ross, David A; Patton, George; Patel, Vikram
  • Does mobile phone instructional video demonstrating sputum expectoration improve the sputum sample quality and quantity in presumptive pulmonary TB cases? Protocol for a prospective pragmatic non-randomised controlled trial in Karnataka state, India. (2020) Shivalli, Siddharudha; Hondappagol, Amrut; Akshaya, Kibballi Madhukeshwar; Nirgude, Abhay; Varun, Narendra; Reddy, Raveendra Harohally Ramaiah; Sharath, Burugina Nagaraja
  • Time trends in smoking in Russia in the light of recent tobacco control measures: synthesis of evidence from multiple sources. (2020) Shkolnikov, Vladimir M; Churilova, Elena; Jdanov, Dmitry A; Shalnova, Svetlana A; Nilssen, Odd; Kudryavtsev, Alexander; Cook, Sarah; Malyutina, Sofia; McKee, Martin; Leon, David A
  • Factors influencing the early initiation of breast feeding in public primary healthcare facilities in Northeast Nigeria: a mixed-method study. (2020) Shobo, Olukolade George; Umar, Nasir; Gana, Ahmed; Longtoe, Peter; Idogho, Omokhudu; Anyanti, Jennifer
  • Non-malarial febrile illness: a systematic review of published aetiological studies and case reports from Southern Asia and South-eastern Asia, 1980-2015. (2020) Shrestha, Poojan; Dahal, Prabin; Ogbonnaa-Njoku, Chinwe; Das, Debashish; Stepniewska, Kasia; Thomas, Nigel V; Hopkins, Heidi; Crump, John A; Bell, David; Newton, Paul N; Ashley, Elizabeth A; Guérin, Philippe J
  • Ambient and Indoor Air Pollution in Pregnancy and the risk of Low birth weight and Ensuing Effects in Infants (APPLE): A cohort study in Bangalore, South India. (2020) Shriyan, Prafulla; Babu, Giridhara R; Ravi, Deepa; Ana, Yamuna; van Schayck, Onno CP; Thankachan, Prashanth; Murthy, GVS
  • Cellular immune response to SARS-CoV-2 infection in humans: a systematic review. (2020) Shrotri, Madhumita; van Schalkwyk, May CI; Post, Nathan; Eddy, Danielle; Huntley, Catherine; Leeman, David; Rigby, Samuel; Williams, Sarah V; Bermingham, William H; Kellam, Paul; Maher, John; Shields, Adrian M; Amirthalingam, Gayatri; Peacock, Sharon J; Ismail, Sharif A
  • Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex Lineage 3 as Causative Agent of Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Eastern Sudan1. (2020) Shuaib, Yassir A; Khalil, Eltahir AG; Wieler, Lothar H; Schaible, Ulrich E; Bakheit, Mohammed A; Mohamed-Noor, Saad E; Abdalla, Mohamed A; Kerubo, Glennah; Andres, Sönke; Hillemann, Doris; Richter, Elvira; Kranzer, Katharina; Niemann, Stefan; Merker, Matthias
  • Operational guidelines for ROP in India: A summary. (2020) Shukla, Rajan; Murthy, GVS; Gilbert, Clare; Vidyadhar, Bala; Mukpalkar, Sridivya
  • Cost of tuberculosis treatment in low- and middle-income countries: systematic review and meta-regression. (2020) Siapka, M; Vassall, A; Cunnama, L; Pineda, C; Cerecero, D; Sweeney, S; Bautista-Arredondo, S; Bollinger, L; Cameron, D; Levin, C; Gomez, GB
  • Use of data from various sources to evaluate and improve the prevention of mother‐to‐child transmission of HIV programme in Zimbabwe: a data integration exercise. (2020) Sibanda, Euphemia L; Webb, Karen; Fahey, Carolyn A; Kang Dufour, Mi‐Suk; McCoy, Sandra I; Watadzaushe, Constancia; Dirawo, Jeffrey; Deda, Marsha; Chimwaza, Anesu; Taramusi, Isaac; Mushavi, Angela; Mukungunugwa, Solomon; Padian, Nancy; Cowan, Frances M
  • A Novel Case-Finding Instrument for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Low- and Middle-Income Country Settings. (2020) Siddharthan, Trishul; Wosu, Adaeze C; Pollard, Suzanne L; Hossen, Shakir; Alupo, Patricia; Shade, Timothy; Kalyesubula, Robert; Quaderi, Shumonta; Wise, Robert A; Hurst, John R; Kirenga, Bruce; Checkley, William; LiNK Cohort Study Investigators
  • Investigation of an extensive outbreak of HIV infection among children in Sindh, Pakistan: protocol for a matched case-control study. (2020) Siddiqui, Amna R; Ali Nathwani, Apsara; Abidi, Syed H; Mahmood, Syed Faisal; Azam, Iqbal; Sawani, Sobiya; Kazi, Abdul M; Hotwani, Aneeta; Memon, Sikander Ali; Soomro, Jamila; Shaikh, Saqib Ali; Achakzai, Baseer; Saeed, Quaid; Simms, Victoria; Khan, Palwasha; Ferrand, Rashida; Mir, Fatima
  • Protocol: Leveraging a demographic and health surveillance system for Covid-19 Surveillance in rural KwaZulu-Natal. (2020) Siedner, Mark J; Harling, Guy; Derache, Anne; Smit, Theresa; Khoza, Thandeka; Gunda, Resign; Mngomezulu, Thobeka; Gareta, Dickman; Majozi, Nomathamsanqa; Ehlers, Eugene; Dreyer, Jaco; Nxumalo, Siyabonga; Dayi, Njabulo; Ording-Jesperson, Gregory; Ngwenya, Nothando; Wong, Emily; Iwuji, Collins; Shahmanesh, Maryam; Seeley, Janet; De Oliveira, Tulio; Ndung'u, Thumbi; Hanekom, Willem; Herbst, Kobus
  • Protocol: Leveraging a demographic and health surveillance system for Covid-19 Surveillance in rural KwaZulu-Natal. (2020) Siedner, Mark J; Harling, Guy; Derache, Anne; Smit, Theresa; Khoza, Thandeka; Gunda, Resign; Mngomezulu, Thobeka; Gareta, Dickman; Majozi, Nomathamsanqa; Ehlers, Eugene; Dreyer, Jaco; Nxumalo, Siyabonga; Dayi, Njabulo; Ording-Jesperson, Gregory; Ngwenya, Nothando; Wong, Emily; Iwuji, Collins; Shahmanesh, Maryam; Seeley, Janet; De Oliveira, Tulio; Ndung'u, Thumbi; Hanekom, Willem; Herbst, Kobus
  • Access to primary healthcare during lockdown measures for COVID-19 in rural South Africa: an interrupted time series analysis. (2020) Siedner, Mark J; Kraemer, John D; Meyer, Mark J; Harling, Guy; Mngomezulu, Thobeka; Gabela, Patrick; Dlamini, Siphephelo; Gareta, Dickman; Majozi, Nomathamsanqa; Ngwenya, Nothando; Seeley, Janet; Wong, Emily; Iwuji, Collins; Shahmanesh, Maryam; Hanekom, Willem; Herbst, Kobus
  • Addressing challenges for clinical research responses to emerging epidemics and pandemics: a scoping review. (2020) Sigfrid, Louise; Maskell, Katherine; Bannister, Peter G; Ismail, Sharif A; Collinson, Shelui; Regmi, Sadie; Blackmore, Claire; Harriss, Eli; Longuere, Kajsa-Stina; Gobat, Nina; Horby, Peter; Clarke, Mike; Carson, Gail
  • Quantifying the Evolving Contribution of HIV Interventions and Key Populations to the HIV Epidemic in Yaoundé, Cameroon. (2020) Silhol, Romain; Baral, Stefan; Bowring, Anna L; Mukandavire, Christinah; Njindam, Iliassou M; Rao, Amrita; Schwartz, Sheree; Tamoufe, Ubald; Billong, Serge C; Njoya, Oudou; Zoung-Kanyi Bissek, Anne-Cecile; Calleja, Jesus MG; Vickerman, Peter; Mishra, Sharmistha; Boily, Marie-Claude
  • Intergenerational Influences on Child Development: An Epigenetic Perspective. (2020) Silver, Matt J
  • Nonlinear temperature-suicide association in Japan from 1972 to 2015: Its heterogeneity and the role of climate, demographic, and socioeconomic factors. (2020) Sim, Kisung; Kim, Yoonhee; Hashizume, Masahiro; Gasparrini, Antonio; Armstrong, Ben; Sera, Francesco; Ng, Chris Fook Sheng; Honda, Yasushi; Chung, Yeonseung
  • Hope and trust in times of Zika: the views of caregivers and healthcare workers at the forefront of the epidemic in Brazil. (2020) Simas, Clarissa; Penn-Kekana, Loveday; Kuper, Hannah; Lyra, Tereza Maciel; Moreira, Maria Elisabeth Lopes; de Albuquerque, Maria do Socorro Veloso; de Araújo, Thália Velho Barreto; de Melo, Ana Paula Lopes; Figueira Mendes, Corina Helena; Nunes Moreira, Martha Cristina; Ferreira do Nascimento, Marcos Antonio; Pimentel, Camila; Pinto, Marcia; Valongueiro, Sandra; Larson, Heidi
  • Designing a Food Hygiene Intervention in Low-Income, Peri-Urban Context of Kisumu, Kenya: Application of the Trials of Improved Practices Methodology. (2020) Simiyu, Sheillah; Czerniewska, Alexandra; Aseyo, Evalyne R; Baker, Kelly K; Cumming, Oliver; Odhiambo Mumma, Jane Awiti; Dreibelbis, Robert
  • [Review] Smoking and COVID-19: Rapid evidence review for the Royal College of Physicians, London (UK). (2020) Simons, David; Brown, Jamie; Shahab, Lion; Perski, Olga
  • The association of smoking status with SARS-CoV-2 infection, hospitalisation and mortality from COVID-19: A living rapid evidence review (version 5). (2020) Simons, David; Shahab, Lion; Brown, Jamie; Perski, Olga
  • The association of smoking status with SARS-CoV-2 infection, hospitalisation and mortality from COVID-19: A living rapid evidence review (version 6). (2020) Simons, David; Shahab, Lion; Brown, Jamie; Perski, Olga
  • The association of smoking status with SARS-CoV-2 infection, hospitalisation and mortality from COVID-19: A living rapid evidence review with Bayesian meta-analyses (version 7). (2020) Simons, David; Shahab, Lion; Brown, Jamie; Perski, Olga
  • The association of smoking status with SARS-CoV-2 infection, hospitalisation and mortality from COVID-19: A living rapid evidence review with Bayesian meta-analyses (version 8). (2020) Simons, David; Shahab, Lion; Brown, Jamie; Perski, Olga
  • The association of smoking status with SARS-CoV-2 infection, hospitalisation and mortality from COVID-19: A living rapid evidence review with Bayesian meta-analyses (version 9). (2020) Simons, David; Shahab, Lion; Brown, Jamie; Perski, Olga
  • The association of smoking status with SARS-CoV-2 infection, hospitalization and mortality from COVID-19: a living rapid evidence review with Bayesian meta-analyses (version 7). (2020) Simons, David; Shahab, Lion; Brown, Jamie; Perski, Olga
  • Early Pandemic Evaluation and Enhanced Surveillance of COVID-19 (EAVE II): protocol for an observational study using linked Scottish national data. (2020) Simpson, Colin R; Robertson, Chris; Vasileiou, Eleftheria; McMenamin, Jim; Gunson, Rory; Ritchie, Lewis D; Woolhouse, Mark; Morrice, Lynn; Kelly, Dave; Stagg, Helen R; Marques, Diogo; Murray, Josie; Sheikh, Aziz
  • Developing consensus of evidence to target case finding surveys for podoconiosis: a potentially forgotten disease in India. (2020) Simpson, Hope; Panicker, KN; George, Leyanna Susan; Cano, Jorge; Newport, Melanie J; Davey, Gail; Deribe, Kebede
  • Mapping suitability for Buruli ulcer at fine spatial scales across Africa: a modelling study. (2020) Simpson, Hope; Tabah, Earnest Njih; Phillips, Richard; Frimpong, Michael; Maman, Issaka; Timothy, Joseph; Saunderson, Paul; Pullan, Rachel L; Cano, Jorge
  • Human monkeypox - After 40 years, an unintended consequence of smallpox eradication. (2020) Simpson, Karl; Heymann, David; Brown, Colin S; Edmunds, W John; Elsgaard, Jesper; Fine, Paul; Hochrein, Hubertus; Hoff, Nicole A; Green, Andrew; Ihekweazu, Chikwe; Jones, Terry C; Lule, Swaib; Maclennan, Jane; McCollum, Andrea; Mühlemann, Barbara; Nightingale, Emily; Ogoina, Dimie; Ogunleye, Adesola; Petersen, Brett; Powell, Jacqueline; Quantick, Ollie; Rimoin, Anne W; Ulaeato, David; Wapling, Andy
  • Knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding antimicrobial use and resistance among communities of Ilala, Kilosa and Kibaha districts of Tanzania. (2020) Sindato, Calvin; Mboera, Leonard EG; Katale, Bugwesa Z; Frumence, Gasto; Kimera, Sharadhuli; Clark, Taane G; Legido-Quigley, Helena; Mshana, Stephen E; Rweyemamu, Mark M; Matee, Mecky
  • What does ‘leave no one behind’ mean for humanitarian crises-affected populations in the COVID-19 pandemic? (2020) Singh, Lucy; Singh, Neha S; Nezafat Maldonado, Behrouz; Tweed, Sam; Blanchet, Karl; Graham, Wendy Jane
  • COVID-19 in humanitarian settings: documenting and sharing context-specific programmatic experiences. (2020) Singh, Neha S; Abrahim, Orit; Altare, Chiara; Blanchet, Karl; Favas, Caroline; Odlum, Alex; Spiegel, Paul B
  • A realist review to assess for whom, under what conditions and how pay for performance programmes work in low- and middle-income countries. (2020) Singh, Neha S; Kovacs, Roxanne J; Cassidy, Rachel; Kristensen, Søren R; Borghi, Josephine; Brown, Garrett W
  • First line drug treatment for hypertension and reductions in blood pressure according to age and ethnicity: cohort study in UK primary care. (2020) Sinnott, Sarah-Jo; Douglas, Ian J; Smeeth, Liam; Williamson, Elizabeth; Tomlinson, Laurie A
  • Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics, and Antimalarial Activity of the Novel Plasmodium Phosphatidylinositol 4-Kinase Inhibitor MMV390048 in Healthy Volunteers. (2020) Sinxadi, Phumla; Donini, Cristina; Johnstone, Hilary; Langdon, Grant; Wiesner, Lubbe; Allen, Elizabeth; Duparc, Stephan; Chalon, Stephan; McCarthy, James S; Lorch, Ulrike; Chibale, Kelly; Möhrle, Jörg; Barnes, Karen I
  • The value of hope: development and validation of a contextual measure of hope among people living with HIV in urban Tanzania a mixed methods exploratory sequential study. (2020) Siril, Hellen; Smith Fawzi, Mary C; Todd, Jim; Somba, Magreat; Kaale, Anna; Minja, Anna; Killewo, Japhet; Mugusi, Ferdinand; Kaaya, Sylvia F
  • Informative presence and observation in routine health data: A review of methodology for clinical risk prediction. (2020) Sisk, Rose; Lin, Lijing; Sperrin, Matthew; Barrett, Jessica K; Tom, Brian; Diaz-Ordaz, Karla; Peek, Niels; Martin, Glen P
  • Mediators of change in cognitive behavior therapy and interpersonal psychotherapy for eating disorders: A secondary analysis of a transdiagnostic randomized controlled trial. (2020) Sivyer, Katy; Allen, Elizabeth; Cooper, Zafra; Bailey-Straebler, Suzanne; O'Connor, Marianne E; Fairburn, Christopher G; Murphy, Rebecca
  • Only strict quarantine measures can curb the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in Italy, 2020. (2020) Sjödin, Henrik; Wilder-Smith, Annelies; Osman, Sarah; Farooq, Zia; Rocklöv, Joacim
  • Unwarranted optimism about vaccine efficacy. (2020) Skegg, David; Pearce, Neil
  • Evaluation of a midwife-led, hospital based vaccination service for pregnant women. (2020) Skirrow, Helen; Holder, Beth; Meinel, Alison; Narh, Evelyn; Donaldson, Beverly; Bosanquet, Anna; Barnett, Sara; Kampmann, Beate
  • Uncertainties, work conditions and testing biases: Potential pathways to misdiagnosis in point-of-care rapid HIV testing in Zimbabwe. (2020) Skovdal, Morten; Beckmann, Nadine; Maswera, Rufurwokuda; Nyamukapa, Constance; Gregson, Simon
  • Ivermectin as a novel complementary malaria control tool to reduce incidence and prevalence: a modelling study. (2020) Slater, Hannah C; Foy, Brian D; Kobylinski, Kevin; Chaccour, Carlos; Watson, Oliver J; Hellewell, Joel; Aljayyoussi, Ghaith; Bousema, Teun; Burrows, Jeremy; D'Alessandro, Umberto; Alout, Haoues; Ter Kuile, Feiko O; Walker, Patrick GT; Ghani, Azra C; Smit, Menno R
  • Trends in sexual activity and demand for and use of modern contraceptive methods in 74 countries: a retrospective analysis of nationally representative surveys. (2020) Slaymaker, Emma; Scott, Rachel H; Palmer, Melissa J; Palla, Luigi; Marston, Milly; Gonsalves, Lianne; Say, Lale; Wellings, Kaye
  • Interpretation of serial interferon-gamma test results to measure new tuberculosis infection among household contacts in Zambia and South Africa. (2020) Sloot, Rosa; Shanaube, Kwame; Claassens, Mareli; Telisinghe, Lily; Schaap, Ab; Godfrey-Faussett, Peter; Ayles, Helen; Floyd, Sian
  • Antibiotic prescribing in UK care homes 2016-2017: retrospective cohort study of linked data. (2020) Smith, Catherine M; Williams, Haydn; Jhass, Arnoupe; Patel, Selina; Crayton, Elise; Lorencatto, Fabiana; Michie, Susan; Hayward, Andrew C; Shallcross, Laura J; Preserving Antibiotics through Safe Stewardship group
  • How to combine dual aims of reducing population growth and a rights-based non-coercive approach. (2020) Smith, Chris
  • Best practices in digital health to improve antiretroviral treatment adherence. (2020) Smith, Chris; van Velthoven, Michelle Helena
  • How primary healthcare workers obtain information during consultations to aid safe prescribing in low-income and lower middle-income countries: a systematic review. (2020) Smith, Chris; van Velthoven, Michelle Helena; Truong, Nguyen Duc; Nam, Nguyen Hai; Anh, Vũ Phan; Al-Ahdal, Tareq Mohammed Ali; Hassan, Osama Gamal; Kouz, Basel; Huy, Nguyen Tien; Brewster, Malcolm; Pakenham-Walsh, Neil
  • Knowledge production in humanitarian crises: beware of the innovation trap. (2020) Smith, James; Whitehouse, Katherine; Blanchet, Karl
  • Will More of the Same Achieve Malaria Elimination? Results from an Integrated Macroeconomic Epidemiological Demographic Model. (2020) Smith, Richard D; Keogh-Brown, Marcus R; Chico, R Matthew; Bretscher, Michael T; Drakeley, Chris; Jensen, Henning Tarp
  • Proxy reporting of health-related quality of life for people with dementia: a psychometric solution. (2020) Smith, SC; Hendriks, AAJ; Cano, SJ; Black, N
  • Systematic review of interventions for reducing stigma experienced by children with disabilities and their families in low- and middle-income countries: state of the evidence. (2020) Smythe, Tracey; Adelson, Jaimie D; Polack, Sarah
  • Mothers as facilitators for a parent group intervention for children with Congenital Zika Syndrome: Qualitative findings from a feasibility study in Brazil. (2020) Smythe, Tracey; Matos, Monica; Reis, Julia; Duttine, Antony; Ferrite, Silvia; Kuper, Hannah
  • Remote monitoring of clubfoot treatment with digital photographs in low resource settings: Is it accurate? (2020) Smythe, Tracey; Nogaro, Marie-Caroline; Clifton, Laura J; Mudariki, Debra; Theologis, Tim; Lavy, Chris
  • Early intervention for children with developmental disabilities in low and middle-income countries - the case for action. (2020) Smythe, Tracey; Zuurmond, Maria; Tann, Cally J; Gladstone, Melissa; Kuper, Hannah
  • External validation of prognostic models predicting pre-eclampsia: individual participant data meta-analysis. (2020) Snell, Kym IE; Allotey, John; Smuk, Melanie; Hooper, Richard; Chan, Claire; Ahmed, Asif; Chappell, Lucy C; Von Dadelszen, Peter; Green, Marcus; Kenny, Louise; Khalil, Asma; Khan, Khalid S; Mol, Ben W; Myers, Jenny; Poston, Lucilla; Thilaganathan, Basky; Staff, Anne C; Smith, Gordon CS; Ganzevoort, Wessel; Laivuori, Hannele; Odibo, Anthony O; Arenas Ramírez, Javier; Kingdom, John; Daskalakis, George; Farrar, Diane; Baschat, Ahmet A; Seed, Paul T; Prefumo, Federico; da Silva Costa, Fabricio; Groen, Henk; Audibert, Francois; Masse, Jacques; Skråstad, Ragnhild B; Salvesen, Kjell Å; Haavaldsen, Camilla; Nagata, Chie; Rumbold, Alice R; Heinonen, Seppo; Askie, Lisa M; Smits, Luc JM; Vinter, Christina A; Magnus, Per; Eero, Kajantie; Villa, Pia M; Jenum, Anne K; Andersen, Louise B; Norman, Jane E; Ohkuchi, Akihide; Eskild, Anne; Bhattacharya, Sohinee; McAuliffe, Fionnuala M; Galindo, Alberto; Herraiz, Ignacio; Carbillon, Lionel; Klipstein-Grobusch, Kerstin; Yeo, Seon Ae; Browne, Joyce L; Moons, Karel GM; Riley, Richard D; Thangaratinam, Shakila; IPPIC Collaborative Network
  • Crowdfunding for complementary and alternative medicine: What are cancer patients seeking? (2020) Snyder, Jeremy; Zenone, Marco; Caulfield, Timothy
  • A comparison of the associations between adiposity and lipids in Malawi and the United Kingdom. (2020) Soares, Ana Luiza G; Banda, Louis; Amberbir, Alemayehu; Jaffar, Shabbar; Musicha, Crispin; Price, Alison J; Crampin, Amelia C; Nyirenda, Moffat J; Lawlor, Deborah A
  • Preparing to introduce new maternal immunizations in low- and lower-middle-income countries: A report from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation convening "Allies in Maternal and Newborn Care"; May 3-4, 2018. (2020) Sobanjo-Ter Meulen, Ajoke; Liljestrand, Jerker; Lawn, Joy E; Hombach, Joachim; Smith, Jeffrey; Dickson, Kim E; Munoz, Flor M; Omer, Saad B; Williams, B Adam; Klugman, Keith P
  • Bayesian reconstruction of Mycobacterium tuberculosis transmission networks in a high incidence area over two decades in Malawi reveals associated risk factors and genomic variants. (2020) Sobkowiak, Benjamin; Banda, Louis; Mzembe, Themba; Crampin, Amelia C; Glynn, Judith R; Clark, Taane G
  • Pediatric neurodevelopment by prenatal Zika virus exposure: a cross-sectional study of the Microcephaly Epidemic Research Group Cohort. (2020) Sobral da Silva, Paula Fabiana; Eickmann, Sophie Helena; Arraes de Alencar Ximenes, Ricardo; Ramos Montarroyos, Ulisses; de Carvalho Lima, Marilia; Turchi Martelli, Celina M; Velho Barreto de Araújo, Thalia; Brickley, Elizabeth B; Cunha Rodrigues, Laura; Lima da Silva Pastich Gonçalves, Fabiana Cristina; Costa Gomes Carvalho, Maria Durce; Vieira de Souza, Wayner; de Barros Miranda-Filho, Demócrito
  • Tailored, psychological intervention for anxiety or depression in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), TANDEM (Tailored intervention for ANxiety and DEpression Management in COPD): protocol for a randomised controlled trial. (2020) Sohanpal, Ratna; Pinnock, Hilary; Steed, Liz; Heslop Marshall, Karen; Chan, Claire; Kelly, Moira; Priebe, Stefan; Roberts, C Michael; Singh, Sally; Smuk, Melanie; Saqi-Waseem, Sarah; Healey, Andy; Underwood, Martin; White, Patrick; Warburton, Chris; Taylor, Stephanie JC; TANDEM Investigators
  • The Importance of Failure: How Doing Impact Surveys That Fail Saves Trachoma Programs Money. (2020) Solomon, Anthony W; Hooper, Pamela J; Bangert, Mathieu; Mwingira, Upendo J; Bakhtiari, Ana; Brady, Molly A; Fitzpatrick, Christopher; Jones, Iain; Kabona, George; Kello, Amir B; Millar, Tom; Mosher, Aryc W; Ngondi, Jeremiah M; Nshala, Andreas; Renneker, Kristen; Rotondo, Lisa A; Stelmach, Rachel; Harding-Esch, Emma M; Malecela, Mwelecele N
  • The simplified trachoma grading system, amended. (2020) Solomon, Anthony W; Kello, Amir B; Bangert, Mathieu; West, Sheila K; Taylor, Hugh R; Tekeraoi, Rabebe; Foster, Allen
  • Chemokine Receptors and Phagocyte Biology in Zebrafish. (2020) Sommer, Frida; Torraca, Vincenzo; Meijer, Annemarie H
  • Reducing HIV- and TB-Stigma among healthcare co-workers in South Africa: Results of a cluster randomised trial. (2020) Sommerland, Nina; Masquillier, Caroline; Rau, Asta; Engelbrecht, Michelle; Kigozi, Gladys; Pliakas, Triantafyllos; Janse van Rensburg, Andre; Wouters, Edwin
  • Implications of HIV treatment policies on the health workforce in rural Malawi and Tanzania between 2013 and 2017: Evidence from the SHAPE-UTT study. (2020) Songo, John; Wringe, Alison; Hassan, Farida; McLean, Estelle; Vyas, Seema; Dube, Albert; Luwanda, Lameck; Kalua, Thokozani; Kajoka, Deborah; Crampin, Amelia; Todd, Jim; Schouten, Erik; Seeley, Janet; Geubbels, Eveline; Renju, Jenny
  • The prevalence of refractive errors and spectacle uptake in truck drivers: A North Indian cross-sectional study. (2020) Sood, Ishaana; Sabherwal, Shalinder; Chinnakaran, Anand; Majumdar, Atanu; Dasgupta, Shantanu
  • Transmission risk of respiratory viruses in natural and mechanical ventilation environments: implications for SARS-CoV-2 transmission in Africa. (2020) Sopeyin, Anuoluwapo; Hornsey, Emilio; Okwor, Tochi; Alimi, Yewande; Raji, Tajudeen; Mohammed, Abdulaziz; Moges, Hiwot; Onwuekwe, Ezinne VC; Minja, Frank J; Gon, Giorgia; Ogbuagu, Onyema; Ogunsola, Folasade; Paintsil, Elijah
  • Is night-time light intensity associated with cardiovascular disease risk factors among adults in early-stage urbanisation in South India? A cross-sectional study of the Andhra Pradesh Children and Parents Study. (2020) Sorensen, Tina Bonde; Wilson, Robin; Gregson, John; Shankar, Bhavani; Dangour, Alan D; Kinra, Sanjay
  • Controversies of renin-angiotensin system inhibition during the COVID-19 pandemic. (2020) South, Andrew M; Tomlinson, Laurie; Edmonston, Daniel; Hiremath, Swapnil; Sparks, Matthew A
  • An influenza A (H3N2) virus outbreak in the Kingdom of Cambodia during the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020. (2020) Sovann, LY; Sar, B; Kab, V; Yann, S; Kinzer, M; Raftery, P; Albalak, R; Patel, S; Hay, P Long; Seng, H; Um, S; Chin, S; Chau, D; Khalakdina, A; Karlsson, E; Olsen, SJ; Mott, JA
  • Resistance status of Anopheles gambiae s.l. to insecticides following the 2011 mass distribution campaign of long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) in the Plateau Department, south-eastern Benin. (2020) Sovi, Arthur; Govoétchan, Renaud; Ossé, Razaki; Koukpo, Come Z; Salako, Albert S; Syme, Thomas; Anagonou, Rodrigue; Fongnikin, Augustin; Nwangwu, Udoka C; Oké-Agbo, Frédéric; Tokponnon, Filémon; Padonou, Gil Germain; Akogbeto, Martin Codjo
  • Anopheles gambiae (s.l.) exhibit high intensity pyrethroid resistance throughout Southern and Central Mali (2016-2018): PBO or next generation LLINs may provide greater control. (2020) Sovi, Arthur; Keita, Chitan; Sinaba, Youssouf; Dicko, Abdourhamane; Traore, Ibrahim; Cisse, Moussa BM; Koita, Ousmane; Dengela, Dereje; Flatley, Cecilia; Bankineza, Elie; Mihigo, Jules; Belemvire, Allison; Carlson, Jenny; Fornadel, Christen; Oxborough, Richard M
  • Changes in the Transmission Dynamic of Chikungunya Virus in Southeastern Senegal. (2020) Sow, Abdourahmane; Nikolay, Birgit; Faye, Oumar; Cauchemez, Simon; Cano, Jorge; Diallo, Mawlouth; Faye, Ousmane; Sadio, Bakary; Ndiaye, Oumar; Weaver, Scott C; Dia, Anta T; Sall, Amadou Alpha; Malvy, Denis
  • Sound Science before Quick Judgement Regarding RAS Blockade in COVID-19. (2020) Sparks, Matthew A; South, Andrew; Welling, Paul; Luther, J Matt; Cohen, Jordana; Byrd, James Brian; Burrell, Louise M; Batlle, Daniel; Tomlinson, Laurie; Bhalla, Vivek; Rheault, Michelle N; Soler, María José; Swaminathan, Sundar; Hiremath, Swapnil
  • Depression among women of reproductive age in rural Bangladesh is linked to food security, diets and nutrition. (2020) Sparling, Thalia M; Waid, Jillian L; Wendt, Amanda S; Gabrysch, Sabine
  • Normalization of a conversation tool to promote shared decision making about anticoagulation in patients with atrial fibrillation within a practical randomized trial of its effectiveness: a cross-sectional study. (2020) Spencer-Bonilla, Gabriela; Thota, Anjali; Organick, Paige; Ponce, Oscar J; Kunneman, Marleen; Giblon, Rachel; Branda, Megan E; Sivly, Angela L; Behnken, Emma; May, Carl R; Montori, Victor M; Shared Decision Making for Atrial Fibrillation (SDM4AFib) Trial
  • Impact of Hearing Aids on Poverty, Quality of Life and Mental Health in Guatemala: Results of a before and after Study. (2020) Spreckley, Mark; Macleod, David; González Trampe, Brenda; Smith, Andrew; Kuper, Hannah
  • Routine immunization coverage in Pakistan: a survey of children under 1 year of age in community-based vaccination areas. (2020) Sreevatsava, Meghana; Burman, Ashley L; Wahdan, Ashraf; Safdar, Rana M; O'Leary, Aidan; Amjad, Raabya; Salam, Abdul; Quershi, Mansoor; Ishaq, Rakhshanda; Khan, Jawed; Khan, Jehangir; Parker, Edward PK; Sheikh Mahamud, Abdirahman; Ahmed, Jamal
  • Syphilis self-testing to expand test uptake among men who have sex with men: a theoretically informed mixed methods study in Zimbabwe. (2020) Sri-Pathmanathan, Clarisse; Nhamo, Definate; Mamvuto, Takudzwa; Chapwanya, Gwendoline; Terris-Prestholt, Fern; Mahaka, Imelda; Marks, Michael; Tucker, Joseph D
  • Genomic evidence supporting the clonal expansion of extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis bacteria belonging to a rare proto-Beijing genotype. (2020) Srilohasin, Prapaporn; Prammananan, Therdsak; Faksri, Kiatichai; Phelan, Jody E; Suriyaphol, Prapat; Kamolwat, Phalin; Smithtikarn, Saijai; Disratthakit, Areeya; Regmi, Sanjib Mani; Leechawengwongs, Manoon; Twee-Hee Ong, Rick; Teo, Yik Ying; Tongsima, Sissades; Clark, Taane G; Chaiprasert, Angkana
  • Social innovation in diagnostics: three case studies. (2020) Srinivas, Megan L; Yang, Eileen J; Shrestha, Priyanka; Wu, Dan; Peeling, Rosanna W; Tucker, Joseph D
  • Experiences of research ethics committee members and scientists of the research protocol review process in Uganda: a case study. (2020) Ssali, Agnes; Poland, Fiona; Seeley, Janet
  • Delayed iron does not alter cognition or behavior among children with severe malaria and iron deficiency. (2020) Ssemata, Andrew S; Hickson, Meredith; Ssenkusu, John M; Cusick, Sarah E; Nakasujja, Noeline; Opoka, Robert O; Kroupina, Maria; Georgieff, Michael K; Bangirana, Paul; John, Chandy C
  • Neurodevelopmental performance among pre-schoolers treated for severe anaemia at Lira Regional Referral Hospital, Uganda. (2020) Ssemata, Andrew S; Opoka, Robert O; Ssenkusu, John M; Nakasujja, Noeline; John, Chandy C; Bangirana, Paul
  • Associations of childhood exposure to malaria with cognition and behavior outcomes: a systematic review protocol. (2020) Ssemata, Andrew Sentoogo; Nakitende, Jacquelline Ann; Kizito, Simon; Whipple, Elizabeth C; Bangirana, Paul; Nakasujja, Noeline; John, Chandy C; McHenry, Megan S
  • Socio-emotional and adaptive behaviour in children treated for severe anaemia at Lira Regional Referral Hospital, Uganda: a prospective cohort study. (2020) Ssemata, Andrew Sentoogo; Opoka, Robert Opika; Ssenkusu, John Mbaziira; Nakasujja, Noeline; John, Chandy C; Bangirana, Paul
  • Prevalence of viral load suppression, predictors of virological failure and patterns of HIV drug resistance after 12 and 48 months on first-line antiretroviral therapy: a national cross-sectional survey in Uganda. (2020) Ssemwanga, Deogratius; Asio, Juliet; Watera, Christine; Nannyonjo, Maria; Nassolo, Faridah; Lunkuse, Sandra; Salazar-Gonzalez, Jesus F; Salazar, Maria G; Sanyu, Grace; Lutalo, Tom; Kabuga, Usher; Ssewanyana, Isaac; Namatovu, Faridah; Namayanja, Grace; Namale, Alice; Raizes, Elliot; Kaggwa, Mugagga; Namuwenge, Norah; Kirungi, Wilford; Katongole-Mbidde, Edward; Kaleebu, Pontiano; Uganda HIV Drug Resistance Technical Working Group
  • The Molecular Epidemiology and Transmission Dynamics of HIV Type 1 in a General Population Cohort in Uganda. (2020) Ssemwanga, Deogratius; Bbosa, Nicholas; Nsubuga, Rebecca N; Ssekagiri, Alfred; Kapaata, Anne; Nannyonjo, Maria; Nassolo, Faridah; Karabarinde, Alex; Mugisha, Joseph; Seeley, Janet; Yebra, Gonzalo; Leigh Brown, Andrew; Kaleebu, Pontiano
  • Accuracy of Xpert Ultra in Diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis among Children in Uganda: a Substudy from the SHINE Trial. (2020) Ssengooba, Willy; Iragena, Jean de Dieu; Nakiyingi, Lydia; Mujumbi, Serestine; Wobudeya, Eric; Mboizi, Robert; Boulware, David; Meya, David B; Choo, Louise; Crook, Angela M; Lebeau, Kristen; Joloba, Moses; Demers, Anne-Marie; Cresswell, Fiona V; Gibb, Diana M
  • Clustering of health risk behaviors among adolescents in Kilifi, Kenya, a rural Sub-Saharan African setting. (2020) Ssewanyana, Derrick; Abubakar, Amina; Newton, Charles RJC; Otiende, Mark; Mochamah, George; Nyundo, Christopher; Walumbe, David; Nyutu, Gideon; Amadi, David; Doyle, Aoife M; Ross, David A; Nyaguara, Amek; Williams, Thomas N; Bauni, Evasius
  • Treatment Outcomes in Adult Tuberculous Meningitis: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. (2020) Stadelman, Anna M; Ellis, Jayne; Samuels, Thomas HA; Mutengesa, Ernest; Dobbin, Joanna; Ssebambulidde, Kenneth; Rutakingirwa, Morris K; Tugume, Lillian; Boulware, David R; Grint, Daniel; Cresswell, Fiona V
  • Effect of long-lasting insecticidal nets with and without piperonyl butoxide on malaria indicators in Uganda (LLINEUP): a pragmatic, cluster-randomised trial embedded in a national LLIN distribution campaign. (2020) Staedke, Sarah G; Gonahasa, Samuel; Dorsey, Grant; Kamya, Moses R; Maiteki-Sebuguzi, Catherine; Lynd, Amy; Katureebe, Agaba; Kyohere, Mary; Mutungi, Peter; Kigozi, Simon P; Opigo, Jimmy; Hemingway, Janet; Donnelly, Martin J
  • All nonadherence is equal but is some more equal than others? Tuberculosis in the digital era. (2020) Stagg, Helen R; Flook, Mary; Martinecz, Antal; Kielmann, Karina; Abel Zur Wiesch, Pia; Karat, Aaron S; Lipman, Marc CI; Sloan, Derek J; Walker, Elizabeth F; Fielding, Katherine L
  • Comparing the Analysis and Results of a Modified Social Accounting Matrix Framework with Conventional Methods of Reporting Indirect Non-Medical Costs. (2020) Standaert, Baudouin; Sauboin, Christophe; Leclerc, Quentin J; Connolly, Mark P
  • The effect of universal testing and treatment on HIV stigma in 21 communities in Zambia and South Africa. (2020) Stangl, Anne L; Pliakas, Triantafyllos; Mainga, Tila; Steinhaus, Mara; Mubekapi-Musadaidzwa, Constance; Viljoen, Lario; Dunbar, Rory; Schaap, Ab; Floyd, Sian; Mandla, Nomtha; Bond, Virginia; Hoddinott, Graeme; Fidler, Sarah; Hayes, Richard; Ayles, Helen; Bock, Peter; Donnell, Deborah; Hargreaves, James R; HPTN 071 (PopART) study team
  • Oral preexposure prophylaxis continuation, measurement and reporting. (2020) Stankevitz, Kayla; Grant, Hannah; Lloyd, Josie; Gomez, Gabriela B; Kripke, Katharine; Torjesen, Kristine; Ong, Jason J; Terris-Prestholt, Fern
  • Home visits by community health workers in rural South Africa have a limited, but important impact on maternal and child health in the first two years of life. (2020) Stansert Katzen, Linnea; Tomlinson, Mark; Christodoulou, Joan; Laurenzi, Christina; le Roux, Ingrid; Baker, Venetia; Mbewu, Nokwanele; le Roux, Karl W; Rotheram Borus, Mary Jane
  • Review of data and knowledge gaps regarding yellow fever vaccine-induced immunity and duration of protection. (2020) Staples, J Erin; Barrett, Alan DT; Wilder-Smith, Annelies; Hombach, Joachim
  • Perpetration of intimate partner violence and mental health outcomes: sex- and gender-disaggregated associations among adolescents and young adults in Nigeria. (2020) Stark, Lindsay; Seff, Ilana; Weber, Ann M; Cislaghi, Beniamino; Meinhart, Melissa; Bermudez, Laura Gauer; Atuchukwu, Victor; Onotu, Dennis; Darmstadt, Gary L
  • Pseudotyping of VSV with Ebola virus glycoprotein is superior to HIV-1 for the assessment of neutralising antibodies. (2020) Steeds, Kimberley; Hall, Yper; Slack, Gillian S; Longet, Stephanie; Strecker, Thomas; Fehling, Sarah Katharina; Wright, Edward; Bore, Joseph Akoi; Koundouno, Fara Raymond; Konde, Mandy Kader; Hewson, Roger; Hiscox, Julian A; Pollakis, Georgios; Carroll, Miles W
  • Self-reported access to health care, communicable diseases, violence and perception of legal status among online transgender identifying sex workers in the UK. (2020) Steele, S; Taylor, V; Vannoni, M; Hernandez-Salazar, E; McKee, M; Amato-Gauci, A; Stuckler, D; Semenza, J
  • Risk of Bias Assessments and Evidence Syntheses for Observational Epidemiologic Studies of Environmental and Occupational Exposures: Strengths and Limitations. (2020) Steenland, Kyle; Schubauer-Berigan, MK; Vermeulen, R; Lunn, RM; Straif, K; Zahm, S; Stewart, P; Arroyave, WD; Mehta, SS; Pearce, N
  • Poor self-reported adherence to COVID-19-related quarantine/isolation requests, Norway, April to July 2020. (2020) Steens, Anneke; Freiesleben de Blasio, Birgitte; Veneti, Lamprini; Gimma, Amy; Edmunds, W John; Van Zandvoort, Kevin; Jarvis, Christopher I; Forland, Frode; Robberstad, Bjarne
  • A comparison of national essential medicines lists in the Americas. (2020) Steiner, Liane; Maraj, Darshanand; Woods, Hannah; Jarvis, Jordan; Yaphe, Hannah; Adekoya, Itunu; Bali, Anjli; Persaud, Nav
  • Genetic predisposition to hypertension is associated with preeclampsia in European and Central Asian women. (2020) Steinthorsdottir, Valgerdur; McGinnis, Ralph; Williams, Nicholas O; Stefansdottir, Lilja; Thorleifsson, Gudmar; Shooter, Scott; Fadista, João; Sigurdsson, Jon K; Auro, Kirsi M; Berezina, Galina; Borges, Maria-Carolina; Bumpstead, Suzannah; Bybjerg-Grauholm, Jonas; Colgiu, Irina; Dolby, Vivien A; Dudbridge, Frank; Engel, Stephanie M; Franklin, Christopher S; Frigge, Michael L; Frisbaek, Yr; Geirsson, Reynir T; Geller, Frank; Gretarsdottir, Solveig; Gudbjartsson, Daniel F; Harmon, Quaker; Hougaard, David Michael; Hegay, Tatyana; Helgadottir, Anna; Hjartardottir, Sigrun; Jääskeläinen, Tiina; Johannsdottir, Hrefna; Jonsdottir, Ingileif; Juliusdottir, Thorhildur; Kalsheker, Noor; Kasimov, Abdumadjit; Kemp, John P; Kivinen, Katja; Klungsøyr, Kari; Lee, Wai K; Melbye, Mads; Miedzybrodska, Zosia; Moffett, Ashley; Najmutdinova, Dilbar; Nishanova, Firuza; Olafsdottir, Thorunn; Perola, Markus; Pipkin, Fiona Broughton; Poston, Lucilla; Prescott, Gordon; Saevarsdottir, Saedis; Salimbayeva, Damilya; Scaife, Paula Juliet; Skotte, Line; Staines-Urias, Eleonora; Stefansson, Olafur A; Sørensen, Karina Meden; Thomsen, Liv Cecilie Vestrheim; Tragante, Vinicius; Trogstad, Lill; Simpson, Nigel AB; FINNPEC Consortium; GOPEC Consortium; Aripova, Tamara; Casas, Juan P; Dominiczak, Anna F; Walker, James J; Thorsteinsdottir, Unnur; Iversen, Ann-Charlotte; Feenstra, Bjarke; Lawlor, Deborah A; Boyd, Heather Allison; Magnus, Per; Laivuori, Hannele; Zakhidova, Nodira; Svyatova, Gulnara; Stefansson, Kari; Morgan, Linda
  • Pre-empting Pandora's Box: Blastocystis Subtypes Revisited. (2020) Stensvold, Christen Rune; Clark, C Graham
  • Differentiation of Blastocystis and parasitic archamoebids encountered in untreated wastewater samples by amplicon-based next-generation sequencing. (2020) Stensvold, Christen Rune; Lebbad, Marianne; Hansen, Anette; Beser, Jessica; Belkessa, Salem; O'Brien Andersen, Lee; Clark, C Graham
  • Blastocystis. (2020) Stensvold, Christen Rune; Tan, Kevin SW; Clark, C Graham
  • An interactive website to aid young women's choice of contraception: feasibility and efficacy RCT. (2020) Stephenson, Judith; Bailey, Julia V; Blandford, Ann; Brima, Nataliya; Copas, Andrew; D'Souza, Preethy; Gubijev, Anasztazia; Hunter, Rachael; Shawe, Jill; Rait, Greta; Oliver, Sandy
  • An interactive website for informed contraception choice: randomised evaluation of Contraception Choices. (2020) Stephenson, Judith; Bailey, Julia V; Gubijev, Ana; D'Souza, Preethy; Oliver, Sandy; Blandford, Ann; Hunter, Rachael; Shawe, Jill; Rait, Greta; Brima, Nataliya; Copas, Andrew
  • Efficacy of Single-Dose Primaquine With Artemisinin Combination Therapy on Plasmodium falciparum Gametocytes and Transmission: An Individual Patient Meta-Analysis. (2020) Stepniewska, Kasia; Humphreys, Georgina S; Gonçalves, Bronner P; Craig, Elaine; Gosling, Roly; Guerin, Philippe J; Price, Ric N; Barnes, Karen I; Raman, Jaishree; Smit, Menno R; D'Alessandro, Umberto; Stone, Will JR; Bjorkman, Anders; Samuels, Aaron M; Arroyo-Arroyo, Maria I; Bastiaens, Guido JH; Brown, Joelle M; Dicko, Alassane; El-Sayed, Badria B; Elzaki, Salah-Eldin G; Eziefula, Alice C; Kariuki, Simon; Kwambai, Titus K; Maestre, Amanda E; Martensson, Andreas; Mosha, Dominic; Mwaiswelo, Richard O; Ngasala, Billy E; Okebe, Joseph; Roh, Michelle E; Sawa, Patrick; Tiono, Alfred B; Chen, Ingrid; Drakeley, Chris J; Bousema, Teun
  • Fetal programming and epigenetics. (2020) Stevenson, Kerrie; Lillycrop, Karen A; Silver, Matt J
  • Intrinsic multiplication rate variation and plasticity of human blood stage malaria parasites. (2020) Stewart, Lindsay B; Diaz-Ingelmo, Ofelia; Claessens, Antoine; Abugri, James; Pearson, Richard D; Goncalves, Sonia; Drury, Eleanor; Kwiatkowski, Dominic P; Awandare, Gordon A; Conway, David J
  • Injury and depression among 212 039 individuals in 40 low- and middle-income countries. (2020) Stickley, A; Oh, H; Sumiyoshi, T; McKee, M; Koyanagi, A
  • Analysis tools to quantify dissemination of pathology in zebrafish larvae. (2020) Stirling, David R; Suleyman, Oniz; Gil, Eliza; Elks, Philip M; Torraca, Vincenzo; Noursadeghi, Mahdad; Tomlinson, Gillian S
  • Rapid feedback on hospital onset SARS-CoV-2 infections combining epidemiological and sequencing data. (2020) Stirrup, Oliver T; Hughes, Joseph; Parker, Matthew; Partridge, David G; Shepherd, James G; Blackstone, James; Coll, Francesc; Keeley, Alexander J; Lindsey, Benjamin B; Marek, Aleksandra; Peters, Christine; Singer, Joshua B; Tamuri, Asif; de Silva, Thushan I; Thomson, Emma C; Breuer, Judith
  • COVID-19 in Pregnancy in Scotland (COPS): protocol for an observational study using linked Scottish national data. (2020) Stock, Sarah Jane; McAllister, David; Vasileiou, Eleftheria; Simpson, Colin R; Stagg, Helen R; Agrawal, Utkarsh; McCowan, Colin; Hopkins, Leanne; Donaghy, Jack; Ritchie, Lewis; Robertson, Chris; Sheikh, Aziz; Wood, Rachael
  • The impact of an integrated depression and HIV treatment program on mental health and HIV care outcomes among people newly initiating antiretroviral therapy in Malawi. (2020) Stockton, Melissa A; Udedi, Michael; Kulisewa, Kazione; Hosseinipour, Mina C; Gaynes, Bradley N; Mphonda, Steven M; Maselko, Joanna; Pettifor, Audrey E; Verhey, Ruth; Chibanda, Dixon; Lapidos-Salaiz, Ilana; Pence, Brian W
  • Genomic Epidemiology of Complex, Multispecies, Plasmid-Borne blaKPC Carbapenemase in Enterobacterales in the United Kingdom from 2009 to 2014. (2020) Stoesser, Nicole; Phan, Hang TT; Seale, Anna C; Aiken, Zoie; Thomas, Stephanie; Smith, Matthew; Wyllie, David; George, Ryan; Sebra, Robert; Mathers, Amy J; Vaughan, Alison; Peto, Timothy EA; Ellington, Matthew J; Hopkins, Katie L; Crook, Derrick W; Orlek, Alex; Welfare, William; Cawthorne, Julie; Lenney, Cheryl; Dodgson, Andrew; Woodford, Neil; Walker, A Sarah; TRACE Investigators’ Group
  • Dimensions of Health Security-A Conceptual Analysis. (2020) Stoeva, Preslava
  • International norm development and change: can international law play a meaningful role in curbing the lifestyle disease pandemic? (2020) Stoeva, Preslava
  • The risk of Kawasaki disease after pneumococcal conjugate & meningococcal B vaccine in England: A self-controlled case-series analysis. (2020) Stowe, J; Andrews, NJ; Turner, PJ; Miller, E
  • Reassessment of the risk of narcolepsy in children in England 8 years after receipt of the AS03-adjuvanted H1N1 pandemic vaccine: A case-coverage study. (2020) Stowe, Julia; Andrews, Nick; Gringras, Paul; Quinnell, Timothy; Zaiwalla, Zenobia; Shneerson, John; Miller, Elizabeth
  • Educational Inequalities in Hospital Use Among Older Adults in England, 2004-2015. (2020) Stoye, George; Zaranko, Ben; Shipley, Martin; McKee, Martin; Brunner, Eric J
  • Association between the proportion of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax infections detected by passive surveillance and the magnitude of the asymptomatic reservoir in the community: a pooled analysis of paired health facility and community data. (2020) Stresman, Gillian; Sepúlveda, Nuno; Fornace, Kimberly; Grignard, Lynn; Mwesigwa, Julia; Achan, Jane; Miller, John; Bridges, Daniel J; Eisele, Thomas P; Mosha, Jacklin; Lorenzo, Pauline Joy; Macalinao, Maria Lourdes; Espino, Fe Esperanza; Tadesse, Fitsum; Stevenson, Jennifer C; Quispe, Antonio M; Siqueira, André; Lacerda, Marcus; Yeung, Shunmay; Sovannaroth, Siv; Pothin, Emilie; Gallay, Joanna; Hamre, Karen E; Young, Alyssa; Lemoine, Jean Frantz; Chang, Michelle A; Phommasone, Koukeo; Mayxay, Mayfong; Landier, Jordi; Parker, Daniel M; Von Seidlein, Lorenz; Nosten, Francois; Delmas, Gilles; Dondorp, Arjen; Cameron, Ewan; Battle, Katherine; Bousema, Teun; Gething, Peter; D'Alessandro, Umberto; Drakeley, Chris
  • Quantifying Plasmodium falciparum infections clustering within households to inform household-based intervention strategies for malaria control programs: An observational study and meta-analysis from 41 malaria-endemic countries. (2020) Stresman, Gillian; Whittaker, Charlie; Slater, Hannah C; Bousema, Teun; Cook, Jackie
  • What are the implications of using individual and combined sources of routinely collected data to identify and characterise incident site-specific cancers? a concordance and validation study using linked English electronic health records data. (2020) Strongman, Helen; Williams, Rachael; Bhaskaran, Krishnan
  • Assessment of a multiplex PCR and Nanopore-based method for dengue virus sequencing in Indonesia. (2020) Stubbs, Samuel CB; Blacklaws, Barbara A; Yohan, Benediktus; Yudhaputri, Frilasita A; Hayati, Rahma F; Schwem, Brian; Salvaña, Edsel M; Destura, Raul V; Lester, James S; Myint, Khin S; Sasmono, R Tedjo; Frost, Simon DW
  • An investig-ation into the epidemiology of chikungunya virus across neglected regions of Indonesia. (2020) Stubbs, Samuel CB; Johar, Edison; Yudhaputri, Frilasita A; Yohan, Benediktus; Santoso, Marsha S; Hayati, Rahma F; Denis, Dionisius; Blacklaws, Barbara A; Powers, Ann M; Sasmono, R Tedjo; Myint, Khin Saw Aye; Frost, Simon DW
  • Beyond the barrier: Female Genital Schistosomiasis as a potential risk factor for HIV-1 acquisition. (2020) Sturt, AS; Webb, EL; Francis, SC; Hayes, RJ; Bustinduy, AL
  • Genital self-sampling compared with cervicovaginal lavage for the diagnosis of female genital schistosomiasis in Zambian women: The BILHIV study. (2020) Sturt, Amy S; Webb, Emily L; Phiri, Comfort R; Mweene, Tobias; Chola, Namakau; van Dam, Govert J; Corstjens, Paul LAM; Wessels, Els; Stothard, J Russell; Hayes, Richard; Ayles, Helen; Hansingo, Isaiah; van Lieshout, Lisette; Bustinduy, Amaya L
  • Issues in measuring and comparing the incidence of intimate partner homicide and femicide - A focus on Europe. (2020) Stöckl, Heidi; Balica, Ecaterina; Corradi, Consuelo; Costanza Baldry, Anna; Schröttle, Monika; Sanz-Barbero, Belén; Vives-Cases, Carmen
  • Kidney disease and mortality in patients with respiratory tract infections: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2020) Su, Guobin; Iwagami, Masao; Qin, Xindong; McDonald, Helen; Liu, Xusheng; Carrero, Juan Jesus; Stålsby Lundborg, Cecilia; Nitsch, Dorothea
  • Comparison of Treatment-Related Toxicity With Hypofractionated or Conventionally Fractionated Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer: A National Population-Based Study. (2020) Sujenthiran, A; Parry, M; Nossiter, J; Berry, B; Cathcart, PJ; Clarke, NW; Payne, H; van der Meulen, J; Aggarwal, A
  • Determinants of healthcare facility utilization for childbirth in Kuantan Singingi regency, Riau province, Indonesia 2017. (2020) Sukirman, Rajunitrigo; Wahyono, Tri Yunis Miko; Shivalli, Siddharudha
  • Modelling the impact of tuberculosis preventive therapy: the importance of disease progression assumptions. (2020) Sumner, Tom; White, Richard G
  • The predicted impact of tuberculosis preventive therapy: the importance of disease progression assumptions. (2020) Sumner, Tom; White, Richard G
  • Mapping the cryptic spread of the 2015-2016 global Zika virus epidemic. (2020) Sun, Haoyang; Dickens, Borame L; Jit, Mark; Cook, Alex R; Carrasco, L Roman
  • Costs of Early Invasive Breast Cancer in England Using National Patient-Level Data. (2020) Sun, Li; Cromwell, David; Dodwell, David; Horgan, Kieran; Gannon, Melissa Ruth; Medina, Jibby; Pennington, Mark; Legood, Rosa; Dos-Santos-Silva, Isabel; Sadique, Zia
  • Using health facility-based serological surveillance to predict receptive areas at risk of malaria outbreaks in elimination areas. (2020) Surendra, Henry; Supargiyono; Ahmad, Riris A; Kusumasari, Rizqiani A; Rahayujati, Theodola B; Damayanti, Siska Y; Tetteh, Kevin KA; Chitnis, Chetan; Stresman, Gillian; Cook, Jackie; Drakeley, Chris
  • Acceptability of a role for community health workers in integrated mental health care for perinatal depression: a qualitative study from Surabaya, Indonesia. (2020) Surjaningrum, Endang Retno; Minas, Harry; Jorm, Anthony Francis; Kakuma, Ritsuko
  • Development of a multiplex microsphere immunoassay for the detection of antibodies against highly pathogenic viruses in human and animal serum samples. (2020) Surtees, Rebecca; Stern, Daniel; Ahrens, Katharina; Kromarek, Nicole; Lander, Angelika; Kreher, Petra; Weiss, Sabrina; Hewson, Roger; Punch, Emma K; Barr, John N; Witkowski, Peter T; Couacy-Hymann, Emmanuel; Marzi, Andrea; Dorner, Brigitte G; Kurth, Andreas
  • Mammalian malaria: Remembering the Alamo. (2020) Sutherland, Colin J
  • Clinical practice guidelines for acute otitis media in children: a systematic review and appraisal of European national guidelines. (2020) Suzuki, Hijiri G; Dewez, Juan Emmanuel; Nijman, Ruud G; Yeung, Shunmay
  • Autochthonous leprosy in Spain: Has the transmission of Mycobacterium leprae stopped? (2020) Suárez-García, Inés; Gómez-Barroso, Diana; Fine, Paul EM
  • Cost-effectiveness of new MDR-TB regimens: study protocol for the TB-PRACTECAL economic evaluation substudy. (2020) Sweeney, Sedona; Gomez, Gabriela; Kitson, Nichola; Sinha, Animesh; Yatskevich, Natalia; Staples, Suzanne; Moodliar, Ronelle; Motlhako, Sharon; Maloma, Matshepo; Rassool, Mohammed; Ngubane, Nosipho; Ndlovu, Ella; Nyang'wa, Bern-Thomas
  • Examining Approaches to Estimate the Prevalence of Catastrophic Costs Due to Tuberculosis from Small-Scale Studies in South Africa. (2020) Sweeney, Sedona; Vassall, Anna; Guinness, Lorna; Siapka, Mariana; Chimbindi, Natsayi; Mudzengi, Don; Gomez, Gabriela B
  • Is agricultural engagement associated with lower incidence or prevalence of cardiovascular diseases and cardiovascular disease risk factors? A systematic review of observational studies from low- and middle-income countries. (2020) Sørensen, Tina B; Matsuzaki, Mika; Gregson, John; Kinra, Sanjay; Kadiyala, Suneetha; Shankar, Bhavani; Dangour, Alan D
  • Immediate newborn care and breastfeeding: EN-BIRTH multi-country validation study. (2020) Tahsina, Tazeen; Hossain, Aniqa Tasnim; Ruysen, Harriet; Rahman, Ahmed Ehsanur; Day, Louise T; Peven, Kimberly; Rahman, Qazi Sadeq-Ur; Khan, Jasmin; Shabani, Josephine; Kc, Ashish; Mazumder, Tapas; Zaman, Sojib Bin; Ameen, Shafiqul; Kong, Stefanie; Amouzou, Agbessi; Lincetto, Ornella; El Arifeen, Shams; Lawn, Joy E; EN-BIRTH Study Group
  • Trend analysis of tuberculosis case notifications with scale-up of antiretroviral therapy and roll-out of isoniazid preventive therapy in Zimbabwe, 2000-2018. (2020) Takarinda, Kudakwashe C; Harries, Anthony D; Mutasa-Apollo, Tsitsi; Sandy, Charles; Choto, Regis C; Mabaya, Simbarashe; Mbito, Cephas; Timire, Collins
  • Socio-demographic factors of cesarean births in Nha Trang city, Vietnam: a community-based survey. (2020) Takegata, Mizuki; Ronsmans, Carine; Nguyen, Hien Anh T; Kitamura, Noriko; Iwasaki, Chihiro; Toizumi, Michiko; Moriuchi, Hiroyuki; Dang, Duc Anh; Yoshida, Lay-Myint
  • Reasons for Increased Caesarean Section Rate in Vietnam: A Qualitative Study among Vietnamese Mothers and Health Care Professionals. (2020) Takegata, Mizuki; Smith, Chris; Nguyen, Hien Anh Thi; Thi, Hai Huynh; Thi Minh, Trang Nguyen; Day, Louise Tina; Kitamura, Toshinori; Toizumi, Michiko; Dang, Duc Anh; Yoshida, Lay-Myint
  • Long-Term Exposure to Particulate Matter and Mortality from Cardiovascular Diseases in Japan: The Ibaraki Prefectural Health Study (IPHS). (2020) Takeuchi, Ayano; Nishiwaki, Yuji; Okamura, Tomonori; Milojevic, Ai; Ueda, Kayo; Asakura, Keiko; Takebayashi, Toru; Hasegawa, Shuichi; Sairenchi, Toshimi; Irie, Fujiko; Ota, Hitoshi; Nitta, Hiroshi
  • A preliminary analysis on the effect of copper on Anopheles coluzzii insecticide resistance in vegetable farms in Benin. (2020) Talom, Armand Defo; Essoung, Michele Agnes; Gbankoto, Adam; Tchigossou, Genevieve; Akoton, Romaric; Sahabi, Bio Bangana A; Atoyebi, Seun Michael; Fotso Kuate, Apollin; Verspoor, Rudi L; Tamò, Manuele; Tchuinkam, Timoleon; Lehman, Gustave Leopold; Lines, Jo; Wondji, Charles S; Djouaka, Rousseau
  • Barriers and facilitators of tuberculosis infection prevention and control in low- and middle-income countries from the perspective of healthcare workers: A systematic review. (2020) Tan, Charlene; Kallon, Idriss I; Colvin, Christopher J; Grant, Alison D
  • Singapore's Pandemic Preparedness: An Overview of the First Wave of COVID-19. (2020) Tan, Jia Bin; Cook, Matthew James; Logan, Prishanee; Rozanova, Liudmila; Wilder-Smith, Annelies
  • Association of dry eye disease and sun exposure in geographically diverse adult (≥40 years) populations of India: The SEED (sun exposure, environment and dry eye disease) study - Second report of the ICMR-EYE SEE study group. (2020) Tandon, Radhika; Vashist, Praveen; Gupta, Noopur; Gupta, Vivek; Sahay, Pranita; Deka, Dipali; Singh, Sachchidanand; Vishwanath, K; Murthy, GVS
  • Replication of Newly Identified Genetic Associations Between Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm and SMYD2, LINC00540, PCIF1/MMP9/ZNF335, and ERG. (2020) Tang, Weihong; Saratzis, Athanasios; Pattee, Jack; Smith, Jacqueline; Pankratz, Nathan; Leavy, Olivia C; Guan, Weihua; Dudbridge, Frank; Pankow, James S; Kitas, George D; Lutsey, Pamela L; Bown, Matthew J
  • The Changing Patterns of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in China: A Tempogeographic Analysis of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Epidemic. (2020) Tang, Weiming; Liao, Huipeng; Marley, Gifty; Wang, Zaisheng; Cheng, Weibin; Wu, Dan; Yu, Rongbinand
  • Adolescent and non-consensual anal sexual debut among Chinese men who have sex with men: a cross-sectional study. (2020) Tang, Weiming; Wang, Yehua; Huang, Wenting; Wu, Dan; Yang, Fan; Xu, Yongshi; Ong, Jason J; Fu, Hongyun; Yang, Bin; Wang, Cheng; Ma, Wei; Wei, Chongyi; Tucker, Joseph D
  • Universal health coverage: time to deliver on political promises. (2020) Tangcharoensathien, Viroj; Mills, Anne; Patcharanarumol, Walaiporn; Witthayapipopsakul, Woranan
  • Taking stock of vaccine hesitancy among migrants: a scoping review protocol. (2020) Tankwanchi, Akhenaten Siankam; Jaca, Anelisa; Larson, Heidi J; Wiysonge, Charles S; Vermund, Sten H
  • Surviving and Thriving: Early Intervention for Neonatal Survivors With Developmental Disability in Uganda. (2020) Tann, Cally J; Kohli-Lynch, Maya; Nalugya, Ruth; Sadoo, Samantha; Martin, Karen; Lassman, Rachel; Nanyunja, Carol; Musoke, Margaret; Sewagaba, Margaret; Nampijja, Margaret; Seeley, Janet; Webb, Emily L
  • Dynamic Survival Prediction Combining Landmarking with a Machine Learning Ensemble: Methodology and Empirical Comparison. (2020) Tanner, Kamaryn T; Sharples, Linda D; Daniel, Rhian M; Keogh, Ruth H
  • Tools for Assessing the Protective Efficacy of TB Vaccines in Humans: in vitro Mycobacterial Growth Inhibition Predicts Outcome of in vivo Mycobacterial Infection. (2020) Tanner, Rachel; Satti, Iman; Harris, Stephanie A; O'Shea, Matthew K; Cizmeci, Deniz; O'Connor, Daniel; Chomka, Agnieszka; Matsumiya, Magali; Wittenberg, Rachel; Minassian, Angela M; Meyer, Joel; Fletcher, Helen A; McShane, Helen
  • Safety, reactogenicity, and immunogenicity of a chimpanzee adenovirus vectored Ebola vaccine in adults in Africa: a randomised, observer-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 2 trial. (2020) Tapia, Milagritos D; Sow, Samba O; Ndiaye, Birahim P; Mbaye, Khardiata D; Thiongane, Aliou; Ndour, Cheikh T; Mboup, Souleymane; Ake, Julie A; Keshinro, Babajide; Akintunde, Gideon A; Kinge, Thompson N; Vernet, Guy; Bigna, Jean Joel; Oguche, Stephen; Koram, Kwadwo A; Asante, Kwaku P; Hogrefe, Wayne R; Günther, Stephan; Naficy, Abdi; De Ryck, Iris; Debois, Muriel; Bourguignon, Patricia; Jongert, Erik; Ballou, William R; Koutsoukos, Marguerite; Roman, François; Zaire EBola Research Alliance group
  • Prevention and treatment of suspected pneumonia in Ethiopian children less than five years from household to primary care. (2020) Tariku, Amare; Okwaraji, Yemisrach B; Worku, Alemayehu; Biks, Gashaw Andargie; Åke Persson, Lars; Berhane, Yemane
  • A malaria parasite subtilisin propeptide-like protein is a potent inhibitor of the egress protease SUB1. (2020) Tarr, Sarah J; Withers-Martinez, Chrislaine; Flynn, Helen R; Snijders, Ambrosius P; Masino, Laura; Koussis, Konstantinos; Conway, David J; Blackman, Michael J
  • Initial findings from a novel population-based child mortality surveillance approach: a descriptive study. (2020) Taylor, Allan W; Blau, Dianna M; Bassat, Quique; Onyango, Dickens; Kotloff, Karen L; Arifeen, Shams El; Mandomando, Inacio; Chawana, Richard; Baillie, Vicky L; Akelo, Victor; Tapia, Milagritos D; Salzberg, Navit T; Keita, Adama Mamby; Morris, Timothy; Nair, Shailesh; Assefa, Nega; Seale, Anna C; Scott, J Anthony G; Kaiser, Reinhard; Jambai, Amara; Barr, Beth A Tippet; Gurley, Emily S; Ordi, Jaume; Zaki, Sherif R; Sow, Samba O; Islam, Farzana; Rahman, Afruna; Dowell, Scott F; Koplan, Jeffrey P; Raghunathan, Pratima L; Madhi, Shabir A; Breiman, Robert F; CHAMPS Consortium
  • Metabolomics datasets in the Born in Bradford cohort. (2020) Taylor, Kurt; McBride, Nancy; J Goulding, Neil; Burrows, Kimberley; Mason, Dan; Pembrey, Lucy; Yang, Tiffany; Azad, Rafaq; Wright, John; A Lawlor, Deborah
  • Bioluminescent:Fluorescent Trypanosoma cruzi Reporter Strains as Tools for Exploring Chagas Disease Pathogenesis and Drug Activity. (2020) Taylor, Martin C; Ward, Alexander I; Olmo, Francisco; Francisco, Amanda F; Jayawardhana, Shiromani; Costa, Fernanda C; Lewis, Michael D; Kelly, John M
  • Intracellular DNA replication and differentiation of Trypanosoma cruzi is asynchronous within individual host cells in vivo at all stages of infection. (2020) Taylor, Martin C; Ward, Alexander; Olmo, Francisco; Jayawardhana, Shiromani; Francisco, Amanda F; Lewis, Michael D; Kelly, John M
  • Editorial: Unravelling T. cruzi Biology. (2020) Taylor, Martin Craig; Lander, Noelia; Yoshida, Nobuko
  • Implementing high-dimensional propensity score principles to improve confounder adjustment in UK electronic health records. (2020) Tazare, John; Smeeth, Liam; Evans, Stephen JW; Williamson, Elizabeth; Douglas, Ian J
  • Incidence of and Factors Associated With Leprosy Among Household Contacts of Patients With Leprosy in Brazil. (2020) Teixeira, Camila Silveira Silva; Pescarini, Júlia Moreira; Alves, Flávia Jôse Oliveira; Nery, Joilda Silva; Sanchez, Mauro Niskier; Teles, Carlos; Ichihara, Maria Yury Travassos; Ramond, Anna; Smeeth, Liam; Fernandes Penna, Maria Lucia; Rodrigues, Laura Cunha; Brickley, Elizabeth B; Penna, Gerson Oliveira; Barreto, Maurício Lima; Silva, Rita de Cássia Ribeiro
  • Menstrual product choice and uptake among young women in Zimbabwe: a pilot study. (2020) Tembo, Mandikudza; Renju, Jenny; Weiss, Helen A; Dauya, Ethel; Bandason, Tsitsi; Dziva-Chikwari, Chido; Redzo, Nicol; Mavodza, Constancia; Losi, Tendai; Ferrand, Rashida; Francis, Suzanna C
  • Mortality from HIV-associated meningitis in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2020) Tenforde, Mark W; Gertz, Alida M; Lawrence, David S; Wills, Nicola K; Guthrie, Brandon L; Farquhar, Carey; Jarvis, Joseph N
  • Outcomes of Reflex Cryptococcal Antigen (CrAg) Screening in Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)-Positive Patients With CD4 Counts of 100-200 Cells/µL in Botswana. (2020) Tenforde, Mark W; Milton, Thandi; Rulaganyang, Ikanyeng; Muthoga, Charles; Tawe, Leabaneng; Chiller, Tom; Greene, Gregory; Jordan, Alexander; Williams, Christopher G; Owen, Leah; Leeme, Tshepo B; Boose, Amber; Ngidi, Julia; Mine, Madisa; Jarvis, Joseph N
  • Cost-effectiveness of reflex laboratory-based cryptococcal antigen screening for the prevention and treatment of cryptococcal meningitis in Botswana. (2020) Tenforde, Mark W; Muthoga, Charles; Callaghan, Andrew; Ponatshego, Ponego; Ngidi, Julia; Mine, Madisa; Jordan, Alexander; Chiller, Tom; Larson, Bruce A; Jarvis, Joseph N
  • Effect of community active case-finding strategies for detection of tuberculosis in Cambodia: study protocol for a pragmatic cluster randomized controlled trial. (2020) Teo, Alvin Kuo Jing; Prem, Kiesha; Evdokimov, Konstantin; Ork, Chetra; Eng, Sothearith; Tuot, Sovannary; Chry, Monyrath; Mao, Tan Eang; Hsu, Li Yang; Yi, Siyan
  • Mobilising community networks for early identification of tuberculosis and treatment initiation in Cambodia: an evaluation of a seed-and-recruit model. (2020) Teo, Alvin Kuo Jing; Prem, Kiesha; Tuot, Sovannary; Ork, Chetra; Eng, Sothearith; Pande, Tripti; Chry, Monyrath; Hsu, Li Yang; Yi, Siyan
  • Concealment of Potential Exposure to COVID-19 and Its Impact on Outbreak Control: Lessons from the HIV Response. (2020) Teo, Alvin Kuo Jing; Tan, Rayner Kay Jin; Prem, Kiesha
  • A reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification for broad coverage detection of Asian and African Zika virus lineages. (2020) Teoh, Boon-Teong; Chin, Kim-Ling; Samsudin, Nur-Izyan; Loong, Shih-Keng; Sam, Sing-Sin; Tan, Kim-Kee; Khor, Chee-Sieng; Abd-Jamil, Juraina; Zainal, Nurhafiza; Wilder-Smith, Annelies; Zandi, Keivan; AbuBakar, Sazaly
  • Constructing Mutants in Serotype 1 Streptococcus pneumoniae strain 519/43. (2020) Terra, Vanessa S; Plumptre, Charles D; Wall, Emma C; Brown, Jeremy S; Wren, Brendan W
  • Construction of a pneumolysin deficient mutant in streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 1 strain 519/43 and phenotypic characterisation. (2020) Terra, Vanessa S; Plumptre, Charles D; Wall, Emma C; Brown, Jeremy S; Wren, Brendan W
  • The potential for quality assurance systems to save costs and lives: the case of early infant diagnosis of HIV. (2020) Terris-Prestholt, F; Boeras, D; Ong, JJ; Torres-Rueda, S; Cassim, N; Mbengue, MAS; Mboup, S; Mwau, M; Munemo, E; Nyegenye, W; Odhiambo, CO; Dabula, P; Sandstrom, P; Sarr, M; Simbi, R; Stevens, W; Tucker, JD; Vickerman, P; Ciaranello, A; Peeling, RW
  • Pulse oximeter with integrated management of childhood illness for diagnosis of severe childhood pneumonia at rural health institutions in Southern Ethiopia: results from a cluster-randomised controlled trial. (2020) Tesfaye, Solomon H; Gebeyehu, Yabibal; Loha, Eskindir; Johansson, Kjell Arne; Lindtjørn, Bernt
  • Spatial and genetic clustering of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax infections in a low-transmission area of Ethiopia. (2020) Tessema, Sofonias K; Belachew, Mulualem; Koepfli, Cristian; Lanke, Kjerstin; Huwe, Tiffany; Chali, Wakweya; Shumie, Girma; Mekuria, Elias F; Drakeley, Chris; Gadisa, Endalamaw; Greenhouse, Bryan; Bousema, Teun; Tadesse, Fitsum G
  • A Roadmap for the Development of Ivermectin as a Complementary Malaria Vector Control Tool. (2020) The Ivermectin Roadmappers; Billingsley, Peter; Binka, Fred; Chaccour, Carlos; Foy, Brian; Gold, Silvia; Gonzalez-Silva, Matiana; Jacobson, Julie; Jagoe, George; Jones, Caroline; Kachur, Patrick; Kobylinski, Kevin; Last, Anna; Lavery, James V; Mabey, David; Mboera, David; Mbogo, Charles; Mendez-Lopez, Ana; Rabinovich, N Regina; Rees, Sarah; Richards, Frank; Rist, Cassidy; Rockwood, Jessica; Ruiz-Castillo, Paula; Sattabongkot, Jetsumon; Saute, Francisco; Slater, Hannah; Steer, Andrew; Xia, Kang; Zullinger, Rose
  • An observational report of universal GeneXpert testing of inpatients with diagnosed or presumptive TB in the Philippines. (2020) Thi, Aye Myat; Lee, Nathaniel; Parris, Victoria; Marin, Flora P; Roy, Lynsil; Calapis, Rugaiya W; Ariyoshi, Koya; Parry, Christopher M; Cox, Sharon E
  • Electronic data capture for large scale typhoid surveillance, household contact tracing, and health utilisation survey: Strategic Typhoid Alliance across Africa and Asia. (2020) Thindwa, Deus; Farooq, Yama G; Shakya, Mila; Saha, Nirod; Tonks, Susan; Anokwa, Yaw; Gordon, Melita A; Hartung, Carl; Meiring, James E; Pollard, Andrew J; Heyderman, Robert S
  • Electronic data capture for large scale typhoid surveillance, household contact tracing, and health utilisation survey: Strategic Typhoid Alliance across Africa and Asia. (2020) Thindwa, Deus; Farooq, Yama G; Shakya, Mila; Saha, Nirod; Tonks, Susan; Anokwa, Yaw; Gordon, Melita A; Hartung, Carl; Meiring, James E; Pollard, Andrew J; Heyderman, Robert S; Strategic Typhoid alliance across Africa and Asia consortium
  • Electronic data capture for large scale typhoid surveillance, household contact tracing, and health utilisation survey: Strategic Typhoid Alliance across Africa and Asia. (2020) Thindwa, Deus; Farooq, Yama G; Shakya, Mila; Saha, Nirod; Tonks, Susan; Anokwa, Yaw; Gordon, Melita A; Hartung, Carl; Meiring, James E; Pollard, Andrew J; Heyderman, Robert S; Strategic Typhoid alliance across Africa and Asia consortium
  • Use of seasonal influenza and pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccines in older adults to reduce COVID-19 mortality. (2020) Thindwa, Deus; Garcia Quesada, Maria; Liu, Yang; Bennett, Julia; Cohen, Cheryl; Knoll, Maria Deloria; von Gottberg, Anne; Hayford, Kyla; Flasche, Stefan
  • Vaccine strategies to reduce the burden of pneumococcal disease in HIV-infected adults in Africa. (2020) Thindwa, Deus; Pinsent, Amy; Ojal, John; Gallagher, Katherine E; French, Neil; Flasche, Stefan
  • Evaluating the clinical and cost-effectiveness of permissive hypotension in critically ill patients aged 65 years or over with vasodilatory hypotension: Statistical and health economic analysis plan for the 65 trial in article. (2020) Thomas, Karen; Patel, Akshay; Sadique, M Zia; Grieve, Richard D; Mason, Alexina J; Moler, Silvia; Gordon, Anthony C; Rowan, Kathryn M; Mouncey, Paul R; Lamontagne, Francois; Harrison, David A
  • Re-evaluating pretomanid analogues for Chagas disease: Hit-to-lead studies reveal both in vitro and in vivo trypanocidal efficacy. (2020) Thompson, Andrew M; O'Connor, Patrick D; Marshall, Andrew J; Francisco, Amanda F; Kelly, John M; Riley, Jennifer; Read, Kevin D; Perez, Catherine J; Cornwall, Scott; Thompson, RC Andrew; Keenan, Martine; White, Karen L; Charman, Susan A; Zulfiqar, Bilal; Sykes, Melissa L; Avery, Vicky M; Chatelain, Eric; Denny, William A
  • Comparison of small-sample standard-error corrections for generalised estimating equations in stepped wedge cluster randomised trials with a binary outcome: A simulation study. (2020) Thompson, JA; Hemming, K; Forbes, A; Fielding, K; Hayes, R
  • Novel Coronavirus Outbreak in Wuhan, China, 2020: Intense Surveillance Is Vital for Preventing Sustained Transmission in New Locations. (2020) Thompson, Robin N
  • Key questions for modelling COVID-19 exit strategies. (2020) Thompson, Robin N; Hollingsworth, T Déirdre; Isham, Valerie; Arribas-Bel, Daniel; Ashby, Ben; Britton, Tom; Challenor, Peter; Chappell, Lauren HK; Clapham, Hannah; Cunniffe, Nik J; Dawid, A Philip; Donnelly, Christl A; Eggo, Rosalind M; Funk, Sebastian; Gilbert, Nigel; Glendinning, Paul; Gog, Julia R; Hart, William S; Heesterbeek, Hans; House, Thomas; Keeling, Matt; Kiss, István Z; Kretzschmar, Mirjam E; Lloyd, Alun L; McBryde, Emma S; McCaw, James M; McKinley, Trevelyan J; Miller, Joel C; Morris, Martina; O'Neill, Philip D; Parag, Kris V; Pearson, Carl AB; Pellis, Lorenzo; Pulliam, Juliet RC; Ross, Joshua V; Tomba, Gianpaolo Scalia; Silverman, Bernard W; Struchiner, Claudio J; Tildesley, Michael J; Trapman, Pieter; Webb, Cerian R; Mollison, Denis; Restif, Olivier
  • The circulating SARS-CoV-2 spike variant N439K maintains fitness while evading antibody-mediated immunity. (2020) Thomson, Emma C; Rosen, Laura E; Shepherd, James G; Spreafico, Roberto; da Silva Filipe, Ana; Wojcechowskyj, Jason A; Davis, Chris; Piccoli, Luca; Pascall, David J; Dillen, Josh; Lytras, Spyros; Czudnochowski, Nadine; Shah, Rajiv; Meury, Marcel; Jesudason, Natasha; De Marco, Anna; Li, Kathy; Bassi, Jessica; O’Toole, Aine; Pinto, Dora; Colquhoun, Rachel M; Culap, Katja; Jackson, Ben; Zatta, Fabrizia; Rambaut, Andrew; Jaconi, Stefano; Sreenu, Vattipally B; Nix, Jay; Jarrett, Ruth F; Beltramello, Martina; Nomikou, Kyriaki; Pizzuto, Matteo; Tong, Lily; Cameroni, Elisabetta; Johnson, Natasha; Wickenhagen, Arthur; Ceschi, Alessandro; Mair, Daniel; Ferrari, Paolo; Smollett, Katherine; Sallusto, Federica; Carmichael, Stephen; Garzoni, Christian; Nichols, Jenna; Galli, Massimo; Hughes, Joseph; Riva, Agostino; Ho, Antonia; Semple, Malcolm G; Openshaw, Peter JM; Baillie, J Kenneth; Rihn, Suzannah J; Lycett, Samantha J; Virgin, Herbert W; Telenti, Amalio; Corti, Davide; Robertson, David L; Snell, Gyorgy
  • Development, implementation and early results of a 12-week web-based intervention targeting 51 children age 5-13 years and their families. (2020) Thorén, Annelie; Janson, Annika; Englund, Erling; Silfverdal, Sven-Arne
  • Boys are more likely to be undernourished than girls: A systematic review and meta-analysis of sex differences in undernutrition. (2020) Thurstans, Susan; Opondo, Charles; Seal, Andrew; Wells, Jonathan C; Khara, Tanya; Dolan, Carmel; Briend, André; Myatt, Mark; Garenne, Michel; Sear, Rebecca; Kerac, Marko
  • Boys are more likely to be undernourished than girls: a systematic review and meta-analysis of sex differences in undernutrition. (2020) Thurstans, Susan; Opondo, Charles; Seal, Andrew; Wells, Jonathan; Khara, Tanya; Dolan, Carmel; Briend, André; Myatt, Mark; Garenne, Michel; Sear, Rebecca; Kerac, Marko
  • Estimating cancer incidence based on claims data from medical insurance systems in two areas lacking cancer registries in China. (2020) Tian, Hongrui; Yang, Wei; Hu, Yanjun; Liu, Zhen; Chen, Lei; Lei, Liang; Zhang, Fan; Cai, Fen; Xu, Huawen; Liu, Mengfei; Guo, Chuanhai; Chen, Yun; Xiao, Ping; Chen, Junhui; Ji, Ping; Fang, Zhengyu; Liu, Fangfang; Liu, Ying; Pan, Yaqi; Dos-Santos-Silva, Isabel; He, Zhonghu; Ke, Yang
  • Where Shared Sanitation is the Only Immediate Option: A Research Agenda for Shared Sanitation in Densely Populated Low-Income Urban Settings. (2020) Tidwell, James B; Chipungu, Jenala; Ross, Ian; Antwi-Agyei, Prince; Alam, Mahbub-Ul; Tumwebaze, Innocent K; Norman, Guy; Cumming, Oliver; Simiyu, Sheillah
  • Author Correction: Genome-wide association study of self-reported walking pace suggests beneficial effects of brisk walking on health and survival. (2020) Timmins, Iain R; Zaccardi, Francesco; Nelson, Christopher P; Franks, Paul W; Yates, Thomas; Dudbridge, Frank
  • Genome-wide association study of self-reported walking pace suggests beneficial effects of brisk walking on health and survival. (2020) Timmins, Iain R; Zaccardi, Francesco; Nelson, Christopher P; Franks, Paul W; Yates, Thomas; Dudbridge, Frank
  • Pathways to Low Fertility: 50 Years of Limitation, Curtailment, and Postponement of Childbearing. (2020) Timæus, Ian M; Moultrie, Tom A
  • Informed consent in genomic research and biobanking: taking feedback of findings seriously. (2020) Tindana, Paulina; Depuur, Cornelius; de Vries, Jantina; Seeley, Janet; Parker, Michael
  • Prevalence and factors associated with overweight and obesity among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Uganda-a descriptive retrospective study. (2020) Tino, Salome; Mayanja, Billy N; Mubiru, Michael Charles; Eling, Emmanuel; Ddumba, Edward; Kaleebu, Pontiano; Nyirenda, Moffat
  • Barriers and facilitators for the sexual and reproductive health and rights of young people in refugee contexts globally: A scoping review. (2020) Tirado, Veronika; Chu, Josephine; Hanson, Claudia; Ekström, Anna Mia; Kågesten, Anna
  • Sexual behaviour change following HIV testing services: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2020) Tiwari, Ruchi; Wang, Jiayu; Han, Hannah; Kalu, Ngozi; Sims, Lee B; Katz, David A; Burke, Barbara; Tsegaye, Adino T; Carter, Kayla A; Freije, Sophie; Guo, Boya; Albirair, Mohamed; Barr-DiChiara, Magdalena; Baggaley, Rachel; Jamil, Muhammad S; Senya, Kafui; Johnson, Cheryl; Khosropour, Christine M
  • Sensitivity of the lateral flow urine lipoarabinomannan assay in ambulant adults with advanced HIV disease: data from the TB Fast Track study. (2020) Tlali, Mpho; Fielding, Katherine L; Karat, Aaron S; Hoffmann, Christopher J; Muravha, Tshifhiwa; Grant, Alison D; Charalambous, Salome
  • Editorial: The Use of Routine Health Data in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. (2020) Todd, Jim; Mahande, Michael Johnson
  • Environmental factors associated with general practitioner consultations for allergic rhinitis in London, England: a retrospective time series analysis. (2020) Todkill, Dan; de Jesus Colon Gonzalez, Felipe; Morbey, Roger; Charlett, Andre; Hajat, Shakoor; Kovats, Sari; Osborne, Nicholas J; McInnes, Rachel; Vardoulakis, Sotiris; Exley, Karen; Edeghere, Obaghe; Smith, Gillian; Elliot, Alex J
  • Geospatial barriers to healthcare access for breast cancer diagnosis in sub-Saharan African settings: The African Breast Cancer-Disparities in Outcomes Cohort Study. (2020) Togawa, Kayo; Anderson, Benjamin O; Foerster, Milena; Galukande, Moses; Zietsman, Annelle; Pontac, Johanna; Anele, Angelica; Adisa, Charles; Parham, Groesbeck; Pinder, Leeya F; McKenzie, Fiona; Schüz, Joachim; Dos Santos-Silva, Isabel; McCormack, Valerie
  • A three-marker protein biosignature distinguishes tuberculosis from other respiratory diseases in Gambian children. (2020) Togun, Toyin; Hoggart, Clive J; Agbla, Schadrac C; Gomez, Marie P; Egere, Uzochukwu; Sillah, Abdou K; Saidy, Binta; Mendy, Francis; Pai, Madhukar; Kampmann, Beate
  • Anticipating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on TB patients and TB control programmes. (2020) Togun, Toyin; Kampmann, Beate; Stoker, Neil Graham; Lipman, Marc
  • Measurement of Human Papillomavirus-Specific Antibodies Using a Pseudovirion-Based ELISA Method. (2020) Toh, Zheng Quan; He, Laura; Chen, Catherine; Huang, Angela; Russell, Fiona M; Garland, Suzanne M; Reyburn, Rita; Ratu, Tupou; Tuivaga, Evelyn; Frazer, Ian H; Mulholland, E Kim; Licciardi, Paul V
  • Brief communication: immunogenicity of measles vaccine when co-administered with 10-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine. (2020) Toh, Zheng Quan; Temple, Beth; Huu, Tran Ngoc; Dai, Vo Thi Trang; Toan, Nguyen Trong; Uyen, Doan Y; Bright, Kathryn; Do, Lien Anh Ha; Mulholland, E Kim; Licciardi, Paul V
  • Adherence to antihypertensive medications and associated factors among hypertensive patients in Ethiopia: Systematic review and meta-analysis. (2020) Tola Gemeda, Assefa; Regassa, Lemma Demissie; Weldesenbet, Adisu Birhanu; Merga, Bedasa Taye; Legesse, Nanti; Tusa, Biruk Shalmeno
  • Molecular detection of drug resistant polymorphisms in Plasmodium falciparum isolates from Southwest, Nigeria. (2020) Tola, Monday; Ajibola, Olumide; Idowu, Emmanuel Taiwo; Omidiji, Olusesan; Awolola, Samson Taiwo; Amambua-Ngwa, Alfred
  • Differential RD-1-specific IFN-γ host responses to diverse Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains in HIV-uninfected persons may be explained by genotypic variation in the ESX-1 region. (2020) Tomasicchio, Michele; Limberis, Jason; van der Merwe, Ruben; Jacobson, Rachael; Meldau, Richard; Theron, Grant; Nicol, Mark; Warren, Rob; Dheda, Keertan
  • Spatial clustering of food insecurity and its association with depression: a geospatial analysis of nationally representative South African data, 2008-2015. (2020) Tomita, Andrew; Cuadros, Diego F; Mabhaudhi, Tafadzwanashe; Sartorius, Benn; Ncama, Busisiwe P; Dangour, Alan D; Tanser, Frank; Modi, Albert T; Slotow, Rob; Burns, Jonathan K
  • Assessing capacity of health facilities to provide routine maternal and newborn care in low-income settings: what proportions are ready to provide good-quality care, and what proportions of women receive it? (2020) Tomlin, Keith; Berhanu, Della; Gautham, Meenakshi; Umar, Nasir; Schellenberg, Joanna; Wickremasinghe, Deepthi; Marchant, Tanya
  • Assessing capacity of health facilities to provide routine maternal and newborn care in low-income settings: what proportions are ready to provide good-quality care, and what proportions of women receive it? (2020) Tomlin, Keith; Berhanu, Della; Gautham, Meenakshi; Umar, Nasir; Schellenberg, Joanna; Wickremasinghe, Deepthi; Marchant, Tanya
  • What drives antimicrobial prescribing for companion animals? A mixed-methods study of UK veterinary clinics. (2020) Tompson, Alice C; Chandler, Clare IR; Mateus, Ana LP; O'Neill, Dan G; Chang, Yui-Mei; Brodbelt, Dave C
  • Producing polished prokaryotic pangenomes with the Panaroo pipeline. (2020) Tonkin-Hill, Gerry; MacAlasdair, Neil; Ruis, Christopher; Weimann, Aaron; Horesh, Gal; Lees, John A; Gladstone, Rebecca A; Lo, Stephanie; Beaudoin, Christopher; Floto, R Andres; Frost, Simon DW; Corander, Jukka; Bentley, Stephen D; Parkhill, Julian
  • When, Who, and How to Sample: Designing Practical Surveillance for 7 Neglected Tropical Diseases as We Approach Elimination. (2020) Toor, Jaspreet; Coffeng, Luc E; Hamley, Jonathan ID; Fronterre, Claudio; Prada, Joaquin M; Castaño, M Soledad; Davis, Emma L; Godwin, William; Vasconcelos, Andreia; Medley, Graham F; Hollingsworth, T Déirdre
  • Successful treatment of a cohort of infants with neonatal diabetes using insulin pumps including data on genetics and estimated incidence. (2020) Torbjörnsdotter, Torun; Marosvari-Barna, Elisabeth; Henckel, Ewa; Corrias, Martino; Norgren, Svante; Janson, Annika
  • Shigella sonnei. (2020) Torraca, Vincenzo; Holt, Kathryn; Mostowy, Serge
  • The health sector cost of different policy responses to COVID-19 in low- and middle- income countries. (2020) Torres Rueda, Sergio; Sweeney, Sedona; Bozzani, Fiammetta; Vassall, Anna
  • What will it cost to prevent violence against women and girls in low- and middle-income countries? Evidence from Ghana, Kenya, Pakistan, Rwanda, South Africa and Zambia. (2020) Torres-Rueda, Sergio; Ferrari, Giulia; Orangi, Stacey; Hitimana, Regis; Daviaud, Emmanuelle; Tawiah, Theresa; Prah, Rebecca Kyerewaa Dwommoh; Karmaliani, Rozina; Kapapa, Eleonah; Barasa, Edwine; Jewkes, Rachel; Vassall, Anna
  • Reproductive aspirations, contraception use and dual protection among adolescent girls and young women: the effect of motherhood and HIV status. (2020) Toska, Elona; Cluver, Lucie; Laurenzi, Christina A; Wittesaele, Camille; Sherr, Lorraine; Zhou, Siyanai; Langwenya, Nontokozo
  • Call to action for health systems integration of point-of-care testing to mitigate the transmission and burden of sexually transmitted infections. (2020) Toskin, Igor; Govender, Veloshnee; Blondeel, Karel; Murtagh, Maurine; Unemo, Magnus; Zemouri, Charifa; Peeling, Rosanna W; Kiarie, James
  • Strong associations and moderate predictive value of early symptoms for SARS-CoV-2 test positivity among healthcare workers, the Netherlands, March 2020. (2020) Tostmann, Alma; Bradley, John; Bousema, Teun; Yiek, Wing-Kee; Holwerda, Minke; Bleeker-Rovers, Chantal; Ten Oever, Jaap; Meijer, Corianne; Rahamat-Langendoen, Janette; Hopman, Joost; van der Geest-Blankert, Nannet; Wertheim, Heiman
  • Phylogenomic analysis of Neisseria gonorrhoeae transmission to assess sexual mixing and HIV transmission risk in England: a cross-sectional, observational, whole-genome sequencing study. (2020) Town, Katy; Field, Nigel; Harris, Simon R; Sánchez-Busó, Leonor; Cole, Michelle J; Pitt, Rachel; Fifer, Helen; Mohammed, Hamish; Hughes, Gwenda
  • Genomic and Phenotypic Variability in Neisseria gonorrhoeae Antimicrobial Susceptibility, England. (2020) Town, Katy; Harris, Simon; Sánchez-Busó, Leonor; Cole, Michelle J; Pitt, Rachel; Fifer, Helen; Mohammed, Hamish; Field, Nigel; Hughes, Gwenda
  • "I realised it weren't about spending the money. It's about doing something together:" the role of money in a community empowerment initiative and the implications for health and wellbeing. (2020) Townsend, A; Abraham, C; Barnes, A; Collins, M; Halliday, E; Lewis, S; Orton, L; Ponsford, R; Salway, S; Whitehead, M; Popay, J
  • The impact of gravidity, symptomatology and timing of infection on placental malaria. (2020) Tran, Erin E; Cheeks, Morgan L; Kakuru, Abel; Muhindo, Mary K; Natureeba, Paul; Nakalembe, Miriam; Ategeka, John; Nayebare, Patience; Kamya, Moses; Havlir, Diane; Feeney, Margaret E; Dorsey, Grant; Gaw, Stephanie L
  • Income security during public health emergencies: the COVID-19 poverty trap in Vietnam. (2020) Tran, Phuong Bich; Hensing, Gunnel; Wingfield, Tom; Atkins, Salla; Sidney Annerstedt, Kristi; Kazibwe, Joseph; Tomeny, Ewan; Biermann, Olivia; Thorpe, Jennifer; Forse, Rachel; Lönnroth, Knut
  • Large-scale field trial of attractive toxic sugar baits (ATSB) for the control of malaria vector mosquitoes in Mali, West Africa. (2020) Traore, Mohamad M; Junnila, Amy; Traore, Sekou F; Doumbia, Seydou; Revay, Edita E; Kravchenko, Vasiliy D; Schlein, Yosef; Arheart, Kristopher L; Gergely, Petrányi; Xue, Rui-De; Hausmann, Axel; Beck, Robert; Prozorov, Alex; Diarra, Rabiatou A; Kone, Aboubakr S; Majambere, Silas; Bradley, John; Vontas, John; Beier, John C; Müller, Günter C
  • Plasmodium berghei LAPs form an extended protein complex that facilitates crystalloid targeting and biogenesis. (2020) Tremp, Annie Z; Saeed, Sadia; Sharma, Vikram; Lasonder, Edwin; Dessens, Johannes T
  • Quantifying the contribution of established risk factors to cardiovascular mortality differences between Russia and Norway. (2020) Trias-Llimós, Sergi; Pennells, Lisa; Tverdal, Aage; Kudryavtsev, Alexander V; Malyutina, Sofia; Hopstock, Laila A; Iakunchykova, Olena; Nikitin, Yuri; Magnus, Per; Kaptoge, Stephen; Di Angelantonio, Emanuele; Leon, David A
  • Overrepresentation of South Asian ethnic groups among cases of influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 during the first phase of the 2009 pandemic in England. (2020) Trienekens, Suzan CM; Shepherd, Wendi; Pebody, Richard G; Mangtani, Punam; Cleary, Paul
  • Fabrication of a foldable all-in-one point-of-care molecular diagnostic microdevice for the facile identification of multiple pathogens. (2020) Trinh, Kieu The Loan; Stabler, Richard A; Lee, Nae Yoon
  • International Survey Reveals Opportunities to Improve Tuberculous Meningitis Management and the Need for Standardized Guidelines. (2020) Tucker, Elizabeth W; Marais, Suzaan; Seddon, James A; van Crevel, Reinout; Ganiem, Ahmad Rizal; Ruslami, Rovina; Zhang, Wenhong; Sun, Feng; Zhou, Xian; Solomons, Regan S; Cresswell, Fiona V; Wilmshurst, Jo; Rohlwink, Ursula
  • Variations in killer-cell immunoglobulin-like receptor and human leukocyte antigen genes and immunity to malaria. (2020) Tukwasibwe, Stephen; Nakimuli, Annettee; Traherne, James; Chazara, Olympe; Jayaraman, Jyothi; Trowsdale, John; Moffett, Ashley; Jagannathan, Prasanna; Rosenthal, Philip J; Cose, Stephen; Colucci, Francesco
  • Combining structure and genomics to understand antimicrobial resistance. (2020) Tunstall, Tanushree; Portelli, Stephanie; Phelan, Jody; Clark, Taane G; Ascher, David B; Furnham, Nicholas
  • Risk factors of HIV infection among female entertainment workers in Cambodia: Findings of a national survey. (2020) Tuot, Sovannary; Teo, Alvin Kuo Jing; Chhoun, Pheak; Mun, Phalkun; Prem, Kiesha; Yi, Siyan
  • Genetic diversity of the Plasmodium falciparum GTP-cyclohydrolase 1, dihydrofolate reductase and dihydropteroate synthetase genes reveals new insights into sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine antimalarial drug resistance. (2020) Turkiewicz, Anna; Manko, Emilia; Sutherland, Colin J; Diez Benavente, Ernest; Campino, Susana; Clark, Taane G
  • Accessing emergency contraception pills from pharmacies: the experience of young women in London. (2020) Turnbull, Gillian; Scott, Rachel H; Mann, Sue; Wellings, Kaye
  • Programmatic implications of the TUMIKIA trial on community-wide treatment for soil-transmitted helminths: further health economic analyses needed before a change in policy. (2020) Turner, Hugo C; Bundy, Donald AP
  • Safety of live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) in children with moderate to severe asthma. (2020) Turner, Paul J; Fleming, Louise; Saglani, Sejal; Southern, Jo; Andrews, Nick J; Miller, Elizabeth; SNIFFLE-4 Study Investigators
  • Does Intensive Treatment Select for Praziquantel Resistance in High-Transmission Settings? Parasitological Trends and Treatment Efficacy Within a Cluster-Randomized Trial. (2020) Tushabe, John Vianney; Lubyayi, Lawrence; Sserubanja, Joel; Kabuubi, Prossy; Abayo, Elson; Kiwanuka, Samuel; Nassuuna, Jacent; Kaweesa, James; Corstjens, Paul; van Dam, Govert; Sanya, Richard E; Ssenyonga, William; Tukahebwa, Edridah Muheki; Kabatereine, Narcis B; Elliott, Alison M; Webb, Emily L; LaVIISWA trial team
  • Environmental temperature and growth faltering in African children: a cross-sectional study. (2020) Tusting, Lucy S; Bradley, John; Bhatt, Samir; Gibson, Harry S; Weiss, Daniel J; Shenton, Fiona C; Lindsay, Steve W
  • Housing and child health in sub-Saharan Africa: A cross-sectional analysis. (2020) Tusting, Lucy S; Gething, Peter W; Gibson, Harry S; Greenwood, Brian; Knudsen, Jakob; Lindsay, Steve W; Bhatt, Samir
  • "I cannot say no when a pregnant woman needs my support to get to the health centre": involvement of community health workers in Rwanda's maternal health. (2020) Tuyisenge, Germaine; Hategeka, Celestin; Luginaah, Isaac; Cechetto, David F; Rulisa, Stephen
  • A membrane-depolarizing toxin substrate of the Staphylococcus aureus type VII secretion system mediates intraspecies competition. (2020) Ulhuq, Fatima R; Gomes, Margarida C; Duggan, Gina M; Guo, Manman; Mendonca, Chriselle; Buchanan, Grant; Chalmers, James D; Cao, Zhenping; Kneuper, Holger; Murdoch, Sarah; Thomson, Sarah; Strahl, Henrik; Trost, Matthias; Mostowy, Serge; Palmer, Tracy
  • Toward improving respectful maternity care: a discrete choice experiment with rural women in northeast Nigeria. (2020) Umar, Nasir; Quaife, Matthew; Exley, Josephine; Shuaibu, Abdulrahman; Hill, Zelee; Marchant, Tanya
  • Costs and effectiveness of alternative dog vaccination strategies to improve dog population coverage in rural and urban settings during a rabies outbreak. (2020) Undurraga, Eduardo A; Millien, Max F; Allel, Kasim; Etheart, Melissa D; Cleaton, Julie; Ross, Yasmeen; Vaccine Evaluation Team; Wallace, Ryan M
  • Persistent and Emerging Pneumococcal Carriage Serotypes in a Rural Gambian Community After 10 Years of Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine Pressure. (2020) Usuf, Effua; Bottomley, Christian; Gladstone, Rebecca; Bojang, Ebrima; Jawneh, Kaddijatou; Cox, Isatou; Jallow, Edrissa; Bojang, Abdoulie; Greenwood, Brian; Adegbola, Richard A; Bentley, Stephen D; Hill, Philip C; Roca, Anna
  • Protocol for a randomized controlled trial: peer-to-peer Group Problem Management Plus (PM+) for adult Syrian refugees in Turkey. (2020) Uygun, Ersin; Ilkkursun, Zeynep; Sijbrandij, Marit; Aker, A Tamer; Bryant, Richard; Cuijpers, Pim; Fuhr, Daniela C; de Graaff, Anne M; de Jong, Joop; McDaid, David; Morina, Naser; Park, A-La; Roberts, Bayard; Ventevogel, Peter; Yurtbakan, Taylan; Acarturk, Ceren; STRENGHTS consortium
  • Seroprevalence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibodies in Kenyan blood donors. (2020) Uyoga, Sophie; Adetifa, Ifedayo MO; Karanja, Henry K; Nyagwange, James; Tuju, James; Wanjiku, Perpetual; Aman, Rashid; Mwangangi, Mercy; Amoth, Patrick; Kasera, Kadondi; Ng'ang'a, Wangari; Rombo, Charles; Yegon, Christine; Kithi, Khamisi; Odhiambo, Elizabeth; Rotich, Thomas; Orgut, Irene; Kihara, Sammy; Otiende, Mark; Bottomley, Christian; Mupe, Zonia N; Kagucia, Eunice W; Gallagher, Katherine E; Etyang, Anthony; Voller, Shirine; Gitonga, John N; Mugo, Daisy; Agoti, Charles N; Otieno, Edward; Ndwiga, Leonard; Lambe, Teresa; Wright, Daniel; Barasa, Edwine; Tsofa, Benjamin; Bejon, Philip; Ochola-Oyier, Lynette I; Agweyu, Ambrose; Scott, J Anthony G; Warimwe, George M
  • Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency and susceptibility to childhood diseases in Kilifi, Kenya. (2020) Uyoga, Sophie; Macharia, Alex W; Ndila, Carolyne M; Nyutu, Gideon; Shebe, Mohammed; Awuondo, Kennedy O; Mturi, Neema; Peshu, Norbert; Tsofa, Benjamin; Scott, J Anthony G; Maitland, Kathryn; Williams, Thomas N
  • Health technology assessment and priority setting for universal health coverage: a qualitative study of stakeholders' capacity, needs, policy areas of demand and perspectives in Nigeria. (2020) Uzochukwu, Benjamin SC; Okeke, Chinyere; O'Brien, Niki; Ruiz, Francis; Sombie, Issiaka; Hollingworth, Samantha
  • Did an Intervention Programme Aimed at Strengthening the Maternal and Child Health Services in Nigeria Improve the Completeness of Routine Health Data Within the Health Management Information System? (2020) Uzochukwu, Benjamin; Mirzoev, Tolib; Okeke, Chinyere; Hicks, Joseph; Etiaba, Enyi; Obi, Uche; Ensor, Tim; Uzochukwu, Adaora; Onwujekwe, Obinna
  • What makes advocacy work? Stakeholders' voices and insights from prioritisation of maternal and child health programme in Nigeria. (2020) Uzochukwu, Benjamin; Onyedinma, Chioma; Okeke, Chinyere; Onwujekwe, Obinna; Manzano, Ana; Ebenso, Bassey; Etiaba, Enyi; Ezuma, Nkoli; Mirzoev, Tolib
  • Travel restrictions and infectious disease outbreaks. (2020) Vaidya, Ria; Herten-Crabb, Asha; Spencer, Julia; Moon, Suerie; Lillywhite, Louis
  • Engaging men to transform inequitable gender attitudes and prevent intimate partner violence: a cluster randomised controlled trial in North and South Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo. (2020) Vaillant, Julia; Koussoubé, Estelle; Roth, Danielle; Pierotti, Rachael; Hossain, Mazeda; Falb, Kathryn L
  • Engaging men to transform inequitable gender attitudes and prevent intimate partner violence: a cluster randomised controlled trial in North and South Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo. (2020) Vaillant, Julia; Koussoubé, Estelle; Roth, Danielle; Pierotti, Rachael; Hossain, Mazeda; Falb, Kathryn L
  • Is development aid to strengthen health systems during protracted conflict a useful investment? The case of South Sudan, 2011-2015. (2020) Valadez, Joseph James; Berendes, Sima; Odhiambo, Jackline; Vargas, William; Devkota, Baburam; Lako, Richard; Jeffery, Caroline
  • Cumulative outcome of pre-implantation genetic diagnosis for sickle cell disease: a 5-year review. (2020) Vali, Saaliha; Mukhtar, Sunbal; Nandi, Anupa; Wilson, Kieren; Oakley, Laura; El-Toukhy, Tarek; Oteng-Ntim, Eugene
  • Ecological divergence and hybridization of Neotropical Leishmania parasites. (2020) Van den Broeck, Frederik; Savill, Nicholas J; Imamura, Hideo; Sanders, Mandy; Maes, Ilse; Cooper, Sinclair; Mateus, David; Jara, Marlene; Adaui, Vanessa; Arevalo, Jorge; Llanos-Cuentas, Alejandro; Garcia, Lineth; Cupolillo, Elisa; Miles, Michael; Berriman, Matthew; Schnaufer, Achim; Cotton, James A; Dujardin, Jean-Claude
  • A Test-Negative Design with Additional Population Controls Can Be Used to Rapidly Study Causes of the SARS-CoV-2 Epidemic. (2020) Vandenbroucke, Jan P; Brickley, Elizabeth B; Vandenbroucke-Grauls, Christina MJE; Pearce, Neil
  • Using volunteered geographic information to assess mobility in the early phases of the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-city time series analysis of 41 cities in 22 countries from March 2nd to 26th 2020. (2020) Vannoni, Matia; McKee, Martin; Semenza, Jan C; Bonell, Chris; Stuckler, David
  • Analysis of the National Cancer Institute�s Investment in Site-Specific Cancer Research Funding Involving Collaborators in Latin America and Its Correspondence to Regional Cancer Burden. (2020) Vargas, Jasmin Serena; Abudu, Rachel; Duncan, Kalina
  • Post-malarial anemia in Mozambican children treated with quinine or artesunate: A retrospective observational study. (2020) Varo, Rosauro; Quintó, Llorenç; Sitoe, Antonio; Madrid, Lola; Acácio, Sozinho; Vitorino, Pio; Valente, Ana Marta; Mayor, Alfredo; Camprubí, Daniel; Muñoz, Jose; Bambo, Gizela; Macete, Eusebio; Menéndez, Clara; Alonso, Pedro L; Aide, Pedro; Bassat, Quique
  • Association of cataract and sun exposure in geographically diverse populations of India: The CASE study. First Report of the ICMR-EYE SEE Study Group. (2020) Vashist, Praveen; Tandon, Radhika; Murthy, GVS; Barua, CK; Deka, Dipali; Singh, Sachchidanand; Gupta, Vivek; Gupta, Noopur; Wadhwani, Meenakshi; Singh, Rashmi; Vishwanath, K; ICMR-EYE SEE Study Group
  • Integrating economic and health evidence to inform Covid-19 policy in low- and middle- income countries. (2020) Vassall, Anna; Sweeney, Sedona; Barasa, Edwine; Prinja, Shankar; Keogh-Brown, Marcus R; Tarp Jensen, Henning; Smith, Richard; Baltussen, Rob; M Eggo, Rosalind; Jit, Mark
  • UMBRELLA protocol: systematic reviews of multivariable biomarker prognostic models developed to predict clinical outcomes in patients with heart failure. (2020) Vazquez-Montes, Maria DLA; Debray, Thomas PA; Taylor, Kathryn S; Speich, Benjamin; Jones, Nicholas; Collins, Gary S; Hobbs, FDR Richard; Magriplis, Emmanuella; Maruri-Aguilar, Hugo; Moons, Karel GM; Parissis, John; Perera, Rafael; Roberts, Nia; Taylor, Clare J; Kadoglou, Nikolaos PE; Trivella, Marialena; proBHF group
  • The impact of city-wide deployment of Wolbachia-carrying mosquitoes on arboviral disease incidence in Medellín and Bello, Colombia: study protocol for an interrupted time-series analysis and a test-negative design study. (2020) Velez, Ivan D; Santacruz, Eduardo; Kutcher, Simon C; Duque, Sandra L; Uribe, Alexander; Barajas, Jovany; Gonzalez, Sandra; Patino, Ana Cristina; Zuluaga, Lina; Martínez, Luis; Muñoz, Estefanía; Mejia, María Camila; Arbelaez, María Patricia; Pulido, Henry; Jewell, Nicholas P; Dufault, Suzanne M; O'Neill, Scott L; Simmons, Cameron P; Anders, Katherine L; Tanamas, Stephanie K
  • Specialist laboratory networks as preparedness and response tool - the Emerging Viral Diseases-Expert Laboratory Network and the Chikungunya outbreak, Thailand, 2019. (2020) Venturi, Giulietta; Aberle, Stephan W; Avšič-Županc, Tatjana; Barzon, Luisa; Batejat, Christoph; Burdino, Elisa; Carletti, Fabrizio; Charrel, Rémi; Christova, Iva; Connell, Jeff; Corman, Victor Max; Emmanouil, Mary; Jääskeläinen, Anne J; Kurolt, Ivan; Lustig, Yaniv; Martinez, Miguel J; Koopmans, Marion; Nagy, Orsolya; Nguyen, Trung; Papa, Anna; Pérez-Ruiz, Mercedes; Pfeffer, Martin; Protic, Jelena; Reimerink, Johan; Rossini, Giada; Sánchez-Seco Fariñas, María Paz; Schmidt-Chanasit, Jonas; Söderholm, Sandra; Sudre, Bertrand; Van Esbroeck, Marjan; CHIKV-Working Group; Reusken, Chantal B
  • Endocrine Dysfunction in Children with Zika-Related Microcephaly Who Were Born during the 2015 Epidemic in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil. (2020) Veras Gonçalves, Andréia; Miranda-Filho, Demócrito de B; Rocha Vilela, Líbia Cristina; Ramos, Regina Coeli Ferreira; de Araújo, Thalia VB; de Vasconcelos, Rômulo AL; Wanderley Rocha, Maria Angela; Eickmann, Sophie Helena; Cordeiro, Marli Tenório; de Oliveira Ventura, Maria Liana Vieira; Montarroyos, Ulisses Ramos; Mertens Brainer, Alessandra; Costa Gomes, Maria Durce; da Silva, Paula Fabiana Sobral; Martelli, Celina MT; Brickley, Elizabeth B; Ximenes, Ricardo AA
  • A 5-year clinical follow-up study from the Italian National Registry for FSHD. (2020) Vercelli, Liliana; Mele, Fabiano; Ruggiero, Lucia; Sera, Francesco; Tripodi, Silvia; Ricci, Giulia; Vallarola, Antonio; Villa, Luisa; Govi, Monica; Maranda, Louise; Di Muzio, Antonio; Scarlato, Marina; Bucci, Elisabetta; Maggi, Lorenzo; Rodolico, Carmelo; Moggio, Maurizio; Filosto, Massimiliano; Antonini, Giovanni; Previtali, Stefano; Angelini, Corrado; Berardinelli, Angela; Pegoraro, Elena; Siciliano, Gabriele; Tomelleri, Giuliano; Santoro, Lucio; Mongini, Tiziana; Tupler, Rossella
  • The Broader Economic Value of School Feeding Programs in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Estimating the Multi-Sectoral Returns to Public Health, Human Capital, Social Protection, and the Local Economy. (2020) Verguet, Stéphane; Limasalle, Paulina; Chakrabarti, Averi; Husain, Arif; Burbano, Carmen; Drake, Lesley; Bundy, Donald AP
  • Implementation outcomes of cognitive behavioural therapy delivered by non-specialists for common mental disorders and substance-use disorders in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review. (2020) Verhey, Ibone J; Ryan, Grace K; Scherer, Nathaniel; Magidson, Jessica F
  • Breast Cancer: global quality care optimizing care delivery with existing financial and personnel resources. (2020) Verhoeven, Didier; Allemani, Claudia; Kaufman, Cary; Mansel, Robert; Siesling, Sabine; Anderson, Benjamin
  • The Swiss STAR trial – an evaluation of target groups for sexually transmitted infection screening in the sub-sample of women. (2020) Vernazza, Pietro; Rasi, Manuela; Ritzler, Michael; Dost, Ferah; Stoffel, Milena; Aebi-Popp, Karoline; Hauser, Christoph V; Esson, Cate; Lange, Katharina; Risch, Lorenz; Schmidt, Axel J
  • Viability PCR shows that non-ocular surfaces could contribute to transmission of Chlamydia trachomatis infection in trachoma. (2020) Versteeg, Bart; Vasileva, Hristina; Houghton, Joanna; Last, Anna; Shafi Abdurahman, Oumer; Sarah, Virginia; Macleod, David; Solomon, Anthony W; Holland, Martin J; Thomson, Nicholas; Burton, Matthew J
  • HIV prevention is not all about HIV - using a discrete choice experiment among women to model how the uptake and effectiveness of HIV prevention products may also rely on pregnancy and STI protection. (2020) Vickerman, Peter; Quaife, Matthew; Kilbourne-Brook, Maggie; Mvundura, Mercy; Eakle, Robyn; Terris-Prestholt, Fern
  • Monitoring Anti-tuberculosis Treatment Response Using Analysis of Whole Blood Mycobacterium tuberculosis Specific T Cell Activation and Functional Markers. (2020) Vickers, Molly A; Darboe, Fatoumatta; Muefong, Caleb N; Mbayo, Georgetta; Barry, Amadou; Gindeh, Awa; Njie, Sainabou; Riley, Abi-Janet; Sarr, Binta; Sambou, Basil; Dockrell, Hazel M; Charalambous, Salome; Rachow, Andrea; Owolabi, Olumuyiwa; Jayasooriya, Shamanthi; Sutherland, Jayne S
  • Education, training, and experience in public health ethics and law within the UK public health workforce. (2020) Viens, AM; Vass, Caroline; McGowan, Catherine R; Tahzib, Farhang
  • A cloud-based bioinformatic analytic infrastructure and Data Management Core for the Expanded Program on Immunization Consortium. (2020) Vignolo, Sofia M; Diray-Arce, Joann; McEnaney, Kerry; Rao, Shun; Shannon, Casey P; Idoko, Olubukola T; Cole, Fatoumata; Darboe, Alansana; Cessay, Fatoumatta; Ben-Othman, Rym; Tebbutt, Scott J; Kampmann, Beate; Levy, Ofer; Ozonoff, Al
  • Universal HIV testing and treatment and HIV stigma reduction: a comparative thematic analysis of qualitative data from the HPTN 071 (PopART) trial in South Africa and Zambia. (2020) Viljoen, Lario; Bond, Virginia A; Reynolds, Lindsey J; Mubekapi-Musadaidzwa, Constance; Baloyi, Dzunisani; Ndubani, Rhoda; Stangl, Anne; Seeley, Janet; Pliakas, Triantafyllos; Bock, Peter; Fidler, Sarah; Hayes, Richard; Ayles, Helen; Hargreaves, James R; Hoddinott, Graeme; HPTN 071 (PopART) study team
  • Number of HIV-1 founder variants is determined by the recency of the source partner infection. (2020) Villabona-Arenas, Ch Julián; Hall, Matthew; Lythgoe, Katrina A; Gaffney, Stephen G; Regoes, Roland R; Hué, Stéphane; Atkins, Katherine E
  • Phylogenetic interpretation during outbreaks requires caution. (2020) Villabona-Arenas, Ch Julián; Hanage, William P; Tully, Damien C
  • Comparison of Deaths Rates for COVID-19 across Europe During the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic. (2020) Villani, Leonardo; McKee, Martin; Cascini, Fidelia; Ricciardi, Walter; Boccia, Stefania
  • COVID-19 Screening for Healthcare Workers in a Tertiary Infectious Diseases Referral Hospital in Manila, the Philippines. (2020) Villanueva, Annavi Marie G; Lazaro, Jezreel; Sayo, Ana Ria; Myat Han, Su; Ukawa, Tatsuya; Suzuki, Shuichi; Takaya, Saho; Telan, Elizabeth; Solante, Rontgene; Ariyoshi, Koya; Smith, Chris
  • Late weaning and maternal closeness, associated with advanced motor and visual maturation, reinforce autonomy in healthy, 2-year-old children. (2020) Villar, José; Ochieng, Roseline; Staines-Urias, Eleonora; Fernandes, Michelle; Ratcliff, Marc; Purwar, Manorama; Barros, Fernando; Horta, Bernardo; Cheikh Ismail, Leila; Albernaz, Elaine; Kunnawar, Naina; Temple, Sophie; Giuliani, Francesca; Sandells, Tamsin; Carvalho, Maria; Ohuma, Eric; Jaffer, Yasmin; Alison Noble, J; Gravett, Michael; Pang, Ruyan; Lambert, Ann; Bertino, Enrico; Di Nicola, Paola; Papageorghiou, Aris; Stein, Alan; Bhutta, Zulfiqar; Kennedy, Stephen
  • Improving the assessment and management of obesity in UK children and adolescents: the PROMISE research programme including a RCT. (2020) Viner, Russell M; Kinra, Sanjay; Christie, Deborah; Cole, Tim J; Costa, Silvia; Croker, Helen; Fry, Tam; Hsia, Yingfen; Hudson, Lee; Kessel, Anthony S; Morris, Steve; Nazareth, Irwin; Nicholls, Dasha; Park, Min Hae; Saxena, Sonia; Taylor, Barry; White, Billy; Wong, Ian C
  • Susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 Infection Among Children and Adolescents Compared With Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. (2020) Viner, Russell M; Mytton, Oliver T; Bonell, Chris; Melendez-Torres, GJ; Ward, Joseph; Hudson, Lee; Waddington, Claire; Thomas, James; Russell, Simon; van der Klis, Fiona; Koirala, Archana; Ladhani, Shamez; Panovska-Griffiths, Jasmina; Davies, Nicholas G; Booy, Robert; Eggo, Rosalind M
  • School closure and management practices during coronavirus outbreaks including COVID-19: a rapid systematic review. (2020) Viner, Russell M; Russell, Simon J; Croker, Helen; Packer, Jessica; Ward, Joseph; Stansfield, Claire; Mytton, Oliver; Bonell, Chris; Booy, Robert
  • Health and wellbeing boards as theatres of accountability: a dramaturgical analysis. (2020) Visram, Shelina; Hunter, David J; Perkins, Neil; Adams, Lee; Finn, Rachael; Gosling, Jennifer; Forrest, Amanda
  • Cost-Effectiveness of HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Among Heterosexual Men in South Africa: A Cost-Utility Modeling Analysis. (2020) Vogelzang, Michelle; Terris-Prestholt, Fern; Vickerman, Peter; Delany-Moretlwe, Sinead; Travill, Danielle; Quaife, Matthew
  • Evaluation of Glycosylated FlpA and SodB as Subunit Vaccines Against Campylobacter jejuni Colonisation in Chickens. (2020) Vohra, Prerna; Chintoan-Uta, Cosmin; Terra, Vanessa S; Bremner, Abi; Cuccui, Jon; Wren, Brendan W; Vervelde, Lonneke; Stevens, Mark P
  • Central Asian Rodents as Model Animals for Leishmania major and Leishmania donovani Research. (2020) Vojtkova, Barbora; Spitzova, Tatiana; Votypka, Jan; Lestinova, Tereza; Kominkova, Iveta; Hajkova, Michaela; Santos-Mateus, David; Miles, Michael A; Volf, Petr; Sadlova, Jovana
  • Evaluating the effects of SARS-CoV-2 Spike mutation D614G on transmissibility and pathogenicity. (2020) Volz, Erik; Hill, Verity; McCrone, John T; Price, Anna; Jorgensen, David; O’Toole, Áine; Southgate, Joel; Johnson, Robert; Jackson, Ben; Nascimento, Fabricia F; Rey, Sara M; Nicholls, Samuel M; Colquhoun, Rachel M; da Silva Filipe, Ana; Shepherd, James; Pascall, David J; Shah, Rajiv; Jesudason, Natasha; Li, Kathy; Jarrett, Ruth; Pacchiarini, Nicole; Bull, Matthew; Geidelberg, Lily; Siveroni, Igor; Goodfellow, Ian; Loman, Nicholas J; Pybus, Oliver G; Robertson, David L; Thomson, Emma C; Rambaut, Andrew; Connor, Thomas R
  • Prevention and control of HPV infection and HPV-related cancers in Colombia- a meeting report. (2020) Vorsters, Alex; Bosch, Francesc Xavier; Bonanni, Paolo; Franco, Eduardo L; Baay, Marc; Simas, Clarissa; Waheed, Dur-E-Nayab; Castro, Carlos; Murillo, Raul; Trujillo, Lina; Wiesner, Carolina; Muñoz, Nubia
  • Cost variations in prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission services integrated within maternal and child health services in rural Tanzania. (2020) Vyas, Seema; Luwanda, Lameck B; Guinness, Lorna; Kajoka, Deborah; Njau, Prosper; Renju, Jenny; Hassan, Farida; Wringe, Alison
  • Assessing the costs and efficiency of HIV testing and treatment services in rural Malawi: implications for future "test and start" strategies. (2020) Vyas, Seema; Songo, John; Guinness, Lorna; Dube, Albert; Geis, Steffen; Kalua, Thokozani; Todd, Jim; Renju, Jenny; Crampin, Amelia; Wringe, Alison
  • After COVID-19, a future for the world's children? (2020) WHO–UNICEF– Lancet Commissioners
  • Ebola virus glycoprotein stimulates IL-18-dependent natural killer cell responses. (2020) Wagstaffe, Helen R; Clutterbuck, Elizabeth A; Bockstal, Viki; Stoop, Jeroen N; Luhn, Kerstin; Douoguih, Macaya; Shukarev, Georgi; Snape, Matthew D; Pollard, Andrew J; Riley, Eleanor M; Goodier, Martin R
  • Systematic review and meta-analysis of the effectiveness of pre-pregnancy care for women with diabetes for improving maternal and perinatal outcomes. (2020) Wahabi, Hayfaa A; Fayed, Amel; Esmaeil, Samia; Elmorshedy, Hala; Titi, Maher A; Amer, Yasser S; Alzeidan, Rasmieh A; Alodhayani, Abdulaziz A; Saeed, Elshazaly; Bahkali, Khawater H; Kahili-Heede, Melissa K; Jamal, Amr; Sabr, Yasser
  • Prolonged health worker strikes in Kenya- perspectives and experiences of frontline health managers and local communities in Kilifi County. (2020) Waithaka, Dennis; Kagwanja, Nancy; Nzinga, Jacinta; Tsofa, Benjamin; Leli, Hassan; Mataza, Christine; Nyaguara, Amek; Bejon, Philip; Gilson, Lucy; Barasa, Edwine; Molyneux, Sassy
  • Leveraging Existing Cohorts to Study Health Effects of Air Pollution on Cardiometabolic Disorders: India Global Environmental and Occupational Health Hub. (2020) Walia, Gagandeep K; Mandal, Siddhartha; Jaganathan, Suganthi; Jaacks, Lindsay M; Sieber, Nancy L; Dhillon, Preet K; Krishna, Bhargav; Magsumbol, Melina S; Madhipatla, Kishore K; Kondal, Dimple; Cash, Richard A; Reddy, K Srinath; Schwartz, Joel; Prabhakaran, D
  • The role of leadership in implementing and sustaining an evidence-based intervention for osteoarthritis (ESCAPE-pain) in NHS physiotherapy services: a qualitative case study. (2020) Walker, Andrew; Boaz, Annette; Hurley, Michael V
  • Leading the spread and adoption of innovation at scale: an Academic Health Science Network’s perspective. (2020) Walker, Andrew; Dale, Catherine; Curran, Natasha; Boaz, Annette; Hurley, Michael V
  • Ultrasound prediction of Zika virus-associated congenital injury using the profile of fetal growth. (2020) Walker, Christie L; Ehinger, Noah; Mason, Brittney; Oler, Elizabeth; Little, Marie-Térèse E; Ohuma, Eric O; Papageorghiou, Aris T; Nayeri, Unzila; Curry, Christine; Adams Waldorf, Kristina M
  • Libraries and the REF: how do librarians contribute to research excellence? (2020) Walker, Dominic
  • Different independent associations of depression and anxiety with survival in patients with cancer. (2020) Walker, Jane; Magill, Nicholas; Mulick, Amy; Symeonides, Stefan; Gourley, Charlie; Toynbee, Mark; van Niekerk, Maike; Burke, Katy; Quartagno, Matteo; Frost, Chris; Sharpe, Michael
  • UK prevalence of underlying conditions which increase the risk of severe COVID-19 disease: a point prevalence study using electronic health records. (2020) Walker, Jemma L; Grint, Daniel J; Strongman, Helen; Eggo, Rosalind M; Peppa, Maria; Minassian, Caroline; Mansfield, Kathryn E; Rentsch, Christopher T; Douglas, Ian J; Mathur, Rohini; Wong, Angel YS; Quint, Jennifer K; Andrews, Nick; Bernal, Jamie Lopez; Scott, J Anthony; Ramsay, Mary; Smeeth, Liam; McDonald, Helen
  • The role of CPAP as a potential bridge to invasive ventilation and as a ceiling-of-care for patients hospitalized with Covid-19-An observational study. (2020) Walker, Jonathan; Dolly, Shaman; Ng, Liji; Prior-Ong, Melissa; Sabapathy, Kalpana
  • Modelling the incremental benefit of introducing malaria screening strategies to antenatal care in Africa. (2020) Walker, Patrick GT; Cairns, Matt; Slater, Hannah; Gutman, Julie; Kayentao, Kassoum; Williams, John E; Coulibaly, Sheick O; Khairallah, Carole; Taylor, Steve; Meshnick, Steven R; Hill, Jenny; Mwapasa, Victor; Kalilani-Phiri, Linda; Bojang, Kalifa; Kariuki, Simon; Tagbor, Harry; Griffin, Jamie T; Madanitsa, Mwayi; Ghani, Azra CH; Desai, Meghna; Ter Kuile, Feiko O
  • The impact of COVID-19 and strategies for mitigation and suppression in low- and middle-income countries. (2020) Walker, Patrick GT; Whittaker, Charles; Watson, Oliver J; Baguelin, Marc; Winskill, Peter; Hamlet, Arran; Djafaara, Bimandra A; Cucunubá, Zulma; Olivera Mesa, Daniela; Green, Will; Thompson, Hayley; Nayagam, Shevanthi; Ainslie, Kylie EC; Bhatia, Sangeeta; Bhatt, Samir; Boonyasiri, Adhiratha; Boyd, Olivia; Brazeau, Nicholas F; Cattarino, Lorenzo; Cuomo-Dannenburg, Gina; Dighe, Amy; Donnelly, Christl A; Dorigatti, Ilaria; van Elsland, Sabine L; FitzJohn, Rich; Fu, Han; Gaythorpe, Katy AM; Geidelberg, Lily; Grassly, Nicholas; Haw, David; Hayes, Sarah; Hinsley, Wes; Imai, Natsuko; Jorgensen, David; Knock, Edward; Laydon, Daniel; Mishra, Swapnil; Nedjati-Gilani, Gemma; Okell, Lucy C; Unwin, H Juliette; Verity, Robert; Vollmer, Michaela; Walters, Caroline E; Wang, Haowei; Wang, Yuanrong; Xi, Xiaoyue; Lalloo, David G; Ferguson, Neil M; Ghani, Azra C
  • The cost-effectiveness of prophylaxis strategies for individuals with advanced HIV starting treatment in Africa. (2020) Walker, Simon M; Cox, Edward; Revill, Paul; Musiime, Victor; Bwakura-Dangarembizi, Mutsa; Mallewa, Jane; Cheruiyot, Priscilla; Maitland, Kathryn; Ford, Nathan; Gibb, Diana M; Walker, A Sarah; Soares, Marta; REALITY trial team
  • A community-based validation of the International Alliance for the Control of Scabies Consensus Criteria by expert and non-expert examiners in Liberia. (2020) Walker, Stephen L; Collinson, Shelui; Timothy, Joseph; Zayzay, Samuel K; Kollie, Karsor K; Candy, Neima; Lebas, Eglantine; Halliday, Katherine; Pullan, Rachel; Fallah, Mosoka; Marks, Michael
  • CSF Levels of Elongation Factor Tu Is Associated With Increased Mortality in Malawian Adults With Streptococcus pneumoniae Meningitis. (2020) Wall, Emma C; Brownridge, Philip; Laing, Gavin; Terra, Vanessa S; Mlozowa, Veronica; Denis, Brigitte; Nyirenda, Mulinda; Allain, Theresa; Ramos-Sevillano, Elisa; Carrol, Enitan; Collins, Andrea; Gordon, Stephen B; Lalloo, David G; Wren, Brendan; Beynon, Robert; Heyderman, Robert S; Brown, Jeremy S
  • Liver transplantation outcomes after transarterial chemotherapy for hepatocellular carcinoma. (2020) Wallace, D; Cowling, TE; Walker, K; Suddle, A; Gimson, A; Rowe, I; Callaghan, C; Sapisochin, G; Mehta, N; Heaton, N; van der Meulen, J
  • Short- and long-term mortality after liver transplantation in patients with and without hepatocellular carcinoma in the UK. (2020) Wallace, D; Cowling, TE; Walker, K; Suddle, A; Rowe, I; Callaghan, C; Gimson, A; Bernal, W; Heaton, N; van der Meulen, J
  • The Impact of Performance Status on Length of Hospital Stay and Clinical Complications Following Liver Transplantation. (2020) Wallace, David; Cowling, Thomas E; Walker, Kate; Suddle, Abid; Gimson, Alex; Rowe, Ian; Callaghan, Chris; Heaton, Nigel; van der Meulen, Jan; Bernal, William
  • Assessing the Time-Dependent Impact of Performance Status on Outcomes After Liver Transplantation. (2020) Wallace, David; Cowling, Thomas; McPhail, Mark J; Brown, Sarah E; Aluvihare, Varuna; Suddle, Abid; Auzinger, Georg; Heneghan, Michael A; Rowe, Ian A; Walker, Kate; Heaton, Nigel; van der Meulen, Jan; Bernal, William
  • Multidisciplinary visual rehabilitation in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review. (2020) Wallace, Sarah; Alao, Rotimi; Kuper, Hannah; Jackson, Mary Lou
  • Association of anxiety and depression with physical and sensory functional difficulties in adults in five population-based surveys in low and middle-income countries. (2020) Wallace, Sarah; Mactaggart, Islay; Banks, Lena Morgon; Polack, Sarah; Kuper, Hannah
  • Advancing alcohol research in low- and middle-income countries: A global alcohol environment framework and a focus on South Africa. (2020) Walls, Helen; Cook, S; Matzapoulos, R; London, L
  • Advancing alcohol research in low-income and middle-income countries: a global alcohol environment framework. (2020) Walls, Helen; Cook, Sarah; Matzopoulos, Richard; London, Leslie
  • Addressing Malnutrition: The Importance of Political Economy Analysis of Power. (2020) Walls, Helen; Nisbett, Nick; Laar, Amos; Drimie, Scott; Zaidi, Shehla; Harris, Jody
  • CSF amyloid is a consistent predictor of white matter hyperintensities across the disease course from aging to Alzheimer's disease. (2020) Walsh, Phoebe; Sudre, Carole H; Fiford, Cassidy M; Ryan, Natalie S; Lashley, Tammaryn; Frost, Chris; Barnes, Josephine; ADNI Investigators
  • GeneMates: an R package for Detecting Horizontal Gene Co-transfer between Bacteria Using Gene-gene Associations Controlled for Population Structure. (2020) Wan, Yu; Wick, Ryan R; Zobel, Justin; Ingle, Danielle J; Inouye, Michael; Holt, Kathryn E
  • GeneMates: an R package for detecting horizontal gene co-transfer between bacteria using gene-gene associations controlled for population structure. (2020) Wan, Yu; Wick, Ryan R; Zobel, Justin; Ingle, Danielle J; Inouye, Michael; Holt, Kathryn E
  • Breaking barriers? Ethnicity and socioeconomic background impact on early career progression in the fields of ecology and evolution. (2020) Wanelik, Klara M; Griffin, Joanne S; Head, Megan L; Ingleby, Fiona C; Lewis, Zenobia
  • Crowdsourcing in health and medical research: a systematic review. (2020) Wang, Cheng; Han, Larry; Stein, Gabriella; Day, Suzanne; Bien-Gund, Cedric; Mathews, Allison; Ong, Jason J; Zhao, Pei-Zhen; Wei, Shu-Fang; Walker, Jennifer; Chou, Roger; Lee, Amy; Chen, Angela; Bayus, Barry; Tucker, Joseph D
  • Correlates of HIV self-testing among female sex workers in China: implications for expanding HIV screening. (2020) Wang, Cheng; Wang, Ya-Jie; Tucker, Joseph D; Xiong, Ming-Zhou; Fu, Hong-Yun; Smith, M Kumi; Tang, Wei-Ming; Ong, Jason J; Zheng, He-Ping; Yang, Bin
  • Mental health and substance use in urban left-behind children in China: A growing problem. (2020) Wang, Feng; Lin, Leesa; Lu, Jingjing; Cai, Jingjing; Xu, Jiayao; Zhou, Xudong
  • An evaluation of EQ-5D-3L health utility scores using five country-specific tariffs in a rural population aged 45-69 years in Hua county, Henan province, China. (2020) Wang, Hui; Cao, Changqi; Guo, Chuanhai; He, Yu; Li, Fenglei; Xu, Ruiping; Liu, Mengfei; Liu, Zhen; Pan, Yaqi; Liu, Fangfang; Liu, Ying; Li, Jingjing; Cai, Hong; He, Zhonghu; Ke, Yang
  • Independent and Combined Effects of Heatwaves and PM2.5 on Preterm Birth in Guangzhou, China: A Survival Analysis. (2020) Wang, Qiong; Li, Bing; Benmarhnia, Tarik; Hajat, Shakoor; Ren, Meng; Liu, Tao; Knibbs, Luke D; Zhang, Huanhuan; Bao, Junzhe; Zhang, Yawei; Zhao, Qingguo; Huang, Cunrui
  • Fear of nosocomial HIV infection may be a barrier to HIV testing among young college and university students in Suzhou, China. (2020) Wang, Wanqi; Shi, Xiao; Jiang, Yifan; Zhao, Hanrui; Ong, Jason J; Wu, Dan; Tucker, Joseph D; Terris-Prestholt, Fern; Pan, Stephen W
  • Risk communication on behavioral responses during COVID-19 among general population in China: A rapid national study. (2020) Wang, Xiaomin; Lin, Leesa; Xuan, Ziming; Xu, Jiayao; Wan, Yuling; Zhou, Xudong
  • The influence of a ban on outpatient intravenous antibiotic therapy among the secondary and tertiary hospitals in China. (2020) Wang, Xiaomin; Wu, Dan; Xuan, Ziming; Wang, Weiyi; Zhou, Xudong
  • Global burden of respiratory infections associated with seasonal influenza in children under 5 years in 2018: a systematic review and modelling study. (2020) Wang, Xin; Li, You; O'Brien, Katherine L; Madhi, Shabir A; Widdowson, Marc-Alain; Byass, Peter; Omer, Saad B; Abbas, Qalab; Ali, Asad; Amu, Alberta; Azziz-Baumgartner, Eduardo; Bassat, Quique; Abdullah Brooks, W; Chaves, Sandra S; Chung, Alexandria; Cohen, Cheryl; Echavarria, Marcela; Fasce, Rodrigo A; Gentile, Angela; Gordon, Aubree; Groome, Michelle; Heikkinen, Terho; Hirve, Siddhivinayak; Jara, Jorge H; Katz, Mark A; Khuri-Bulos, Najwa; Krishnan, Anand; de Leon, Oscar; Lucero, Marilla G; McCracken, John P; Mira-Iglesias, Ainara; Moïsi, Jennifer C; Munywoki, Patrick K; Ourohiré, Millogo; Polack, Fernando P; Rahi, Manveer; Rasmussen, Zeba A; Rath, Barbara A; Saha, Samir K; Simões, Eric Af; Sotomayor, Viviana; Thamthitiwat, Somsak; Treurnicht, Florette K; Wamukoya, Marylene; Yoshida, Lay-Myint; Zar, Heather J; Campbell, Harry; Nair, Harish; Respiratory Virus Global Epidemiology Network
  • In Vivo Analysis of Trypanosoma cruzi Persistence Foci at Single-Cell Resolution. (2020) Ward, Alexander I; Lewis, Michael D; Khan, Archie A; McCann, Conor J; Francisco, Amanda F; Jayawardhana, Shiromani; Taylor, Martin C; Kelly, John M
  • Trypanosoma cruzi amastigotes that persist in the colon during chronic stage murine infections have a reduced replication rate. (2020) Ward, Alexander I; Olmo, Francisco; Atherton, Richard L; Taylor, Martin C; Kelly, John M
  • Determining the Agreement Between an Automated Respiratory Rate Counter and a Reference Standard for Detecting Symptoms of Pneumonia in Children: Protocol for a Cross-Sectional Study in Ethiopia. (2020) Ward, Charlotte; Baker, Kevin; Marks, Sarah; Getachew, Dawit; Habte, Tedila; McWhorter, Cindy; Labarre, Paul; Howard-Brand, Jonathan; Miller, Nathan P; Tarekegn, Hayalnesh; Deribessa, Solomie Jebessa; Petzold, Max; Kallander, Karin
  • Problem gambling and suicidality in England: secondary analysis of a representative cross-sectional survey. (2020) Wardle, H; John, A; Dymond, S; McManus, S
  • "What will my child think of me if he hears I gave him HIV?": a sequential, explanatory, mixed-methods approach on the predictors and experience of caregivers on disclosure of HIV status to infected children in Gombe, Northeast Nigeria. (2020) Wariri, Oghenebrume; Ajani, Ayomikun; Raymond, Mercy Poksireni; Iliya, Asabe; Lukman, Olatoke; Okpo, Emmanuel; Isaac, Elon
  • Population and Individual-Level Double Burden of Malnutrition Among Adolescents in Two Emerging Cities in Northern and Southern Nigeria: A Comparative Cross-Sectional Study. (2020) Wariri, Oghenebrume; Akhimienho, Kingsley Irelosen; Alhassan, Jacob Albin Korem; Jalo, Iliya; Oloyede, Iso Precious; Nyong, Eno Etim; Bode-Thomas, Fidelia
  • Trends in obesity by socioeconomic status among non-pregnant women aged 15-49 y: a cross-sectional, multi-dimensional equity analysis of demographic and health surveys in 11 sub-Saharan Africa countries, 1994-2015. (2020) Wariri, Oghenebrume; Alhassan, Jacob Albin Korem; Mark, Godwin; Adesiyan, Oyinkansola; Hanson, Lori
  • Correction to: Using qualitative research to explore intervention mechanisms: findings from the trial of the learning together whole-school health intervention. (2020) Warren, Emily; Melendez-Torres, GJ; Viner, Russell; Bonell, Chris
  • Using qualitative research to explore intervention mechanisms: findings from the trial of the Learning Together whole-school health intervention. (2020) Warren, Emily; Melendez-Torres, GJ; Viner, Russell; Bonell, Chris
  • Towards systematic evaluation of epidemic responses during humanitarian crises: a scoping review of existing public health evaluation frameworks. (2020) Warsame, Abdihamid; Blanchet, Karl; Checchi, Francesco
  • The practice of evaluating epidemic response in humanitarian and low-income settings: a systematic review. (2020) Warsame, Abdihamid; Murray, Jillian; Gimma, Amy; Checchi, Francesco
  • Intensity of pyrethroid resistance in Anopheles gambiae before and after a mass distribution of insecticide-treated nets in Kinshasa and in 11 provinces of the Democratic Republic of Congo. (2020) Wat'senga, Francis; Agossa, Fiacre; Manzambi, Emile Z; Illombe, Gillon; Mapangulu, Tania; Muyembe, Tamfum; Clark, Tiffany; Niang, Mame; Ntoya, Ferdinand; Sadou, Aboubacar; Plucinski, Mateusz; Li, Yikun; Messenger, Louisa A; Fornadel, Christen; Oxborough, Richard M; Irish, Seth R
  • The value of monitoring data in a process evaluation of hygiene behaviour change in Community Health Clubs to explain findings from a cluster-randomised controlled trial in Rwanda. (2020) Waterkeyn, Juliet; Waterkeyn, Anthony; Uwingabire, Fausca; Pantoglou, Julia; Ntakarutimana, Amans; Mbirira, Marcie; Katabarwa, Joseph; Bigirimana, Zachary; Cairncross, Sandy; Carter, Richard
  • Child handwashing in an internally displaced persons camp in Northern Iraq: A qualitative multi-method exploration of motivational drivers and other handwashing determinants. (2020) Watson, Julie; Cumming, Oliver; Aunger, Robert; Deola, Claudio; Chase, Rachel P; Dreibelbis, Robert
  • Evaluating the performance of malaria genomics for inferring changes in transmission intensity using transmission modelling. (2020) Watson, Oliver J; Okell, Lucy C; Hellewell, Joel; Slater, Hannah C; Unwin, H Juliette T; Omedo, Irene; Bejon, Philip; Snow, Robert W; Noor, Abdisalan M; Rockett, Kirk; Hubbart, Christina; Nankabirwa, Joaniter I; Greenhouse, Bryan; Chang, Hsiao-Han; Ghani, Azra C; Verity, Robert
  • Reducing consumption of unhealthy foods and beverages through banning price promotions: what is the evidence and will it work? (2020) Watt, Toby Ls; Beckert, Walter; Smith, Richard D; Cornelsen, Laura
  • Pooled Multicenter Analysis of Cardiovascular Safety and Population Pharmacokinetic Properties of Piperaquine in African Patients with Uncomplicated Falciparum Malaria. (2020) Wattanakul, Thanaporn; Ogutu, Bernhards; Kabanywanyi, Abdunoor M; Asante, Kwaku-Poku; Oduro, Abraham; Adjei, Alex; Sie, Ali; Sevene, Esperanca; Macete, Eusebio; Compaore, Guillaume; Valea, Innocent; Osei, Isaac; Winterberg, Markus; Gyapong, Margaret; Adjuik, Martin; Abdulla, Salim; Owusu-Agyei, Seth; White, Nicholas J; Day, Nicholas PJ; Tinto, Halidou; Baiden, Rita; Binka, Fred; Tarning, Joel
  • A qualitative study of attitudes towards, typologies, and drivers of concurrent partnerships among people of black Caribbean ethnicity in England and their implications for STI prevention. (2020) Wayal, Sonali; Gerressu, Makeda; Weatherburn, Peter; Gilbart, Victoria; Hughes, Gwenda; Mercer, Catherine H
  • Environmental factors affecting ecological niche of Coccidioides species and spatial dynamics of valley fever in the United States. (2020) Weaver, Elizabeth; Kolivras, Korine N; Thomas, R Quinn; Thomas, Valarie A; Abbas, Kaja M
  • The effectiveness of the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine against hypoxic pneumonia in children in Lao People's Democratic Republic: An observational hospital-based test-negative study. (2020) Weaver, Rupert; Nguyen, Cattram D; Chan, Jocelyn; Vilivong, Keoudomphone; Lai, Jana YR; Lim, Ruth; Satzke, Catherine; Vongsakid, Malisa; Newton, Paul N; Mulholland, Kim; Gray, Amy; Dubot-Pérès, Audrey; Dance, David AB; Russell, Fiona M
  • Myanmar Burkholderia pseudomallei strains are genetically diverse and originate from Asia with phylogenetic evidence of reintroductions from neighbouring countries. (2020) Webb, Jessica R; Win, Mo Mo; Zin, Khwar Nyo; Win, Kyi Kyi Nyein; Wah, Thin Thin; Ashley, Elizabeth A; Smithuis, Frank; Swe, Myo Maung Maung; Mayo, Mark; Currie, Bart J; Dance, David AB
  • Brief Report: Improving Early Infant Diagnosis Observations: Estimates of Timely HIV Testing and Mortality Among HIV-Exposed Infants. (2020) Webb, Karen; Chitiyo, Vivian; Mahachi, Nyikadzino; Huruva Mukungunugwa, Solomon; Mushavi, Angela; Zizhou, Simukai; Engelsmann, Barbara; Abbas Ferrand, Rashida; Neuman, Melissa; Hartogensis, Wendy; Geng, Elvin
  • Adoption of evidence-based global policies at the national level: intermittent preventive treatment for malaria in pregnancy and first trimester treatment in Kenya, Malawi, Mali and The Gambia. (2020) Webster, Jayne; Hoyt, Jenna; Diarra, Samba; Manda-Taylor, Lucinda; Okoth, George; Achan, Jane; Ghilardi, Ludovica; D'Alessandro, Umberto; Madanista, Mwayi; Kariuki, Simon; Kayentao, Kassoum; Hill, Jenny
  • Evaluation of Implementation of Intermittent Screening and Treatment for Control of Malaria in Pregnancy in Jharkhand, India. (2020) Webster, Jayne; Mishra, Vinit Kumar; Anvikar, Anupkumar R; Kuepfer, Irene; Hoyt, Jenna; Bruce, Jane; Greenwood, Brian; Chandramohan, Daniel; Valecha, Neena; Mishra, Neelima
  • Implementing Fixed Dose Combination Medications for the Prevention and Control of Cardiovascular Diseases. (2020) Webster, Ruth; Murphy, Adrianna; Bygrave, Helen; Ansbro, Éimhín; Grobbee, Diederick E; Perel, Pablo
  • Neuroimaging young children and associations with neurocognitive development in a South African birth cohort study. (2020) Wedderburn, Catherine J; Subramoney, Sivenesi; Yeung, Shunmay; Fouche, Jean-Paul; Joshi, Shantanu H; Narr, Katherine L; Rehman, Andrea M; Roos, Annerine; Ipser, Jonathan; Robertson, Frances C; Groenewold, Nynke A; Gibb, Diana M; Zar, Heather J; Stein, Dan J; Donald, Kirsten A
  • Electrophysiologically and behaviourally active semiochemicals identified from bed bug refuge substrate. (2020) Weeks, ENI; Logan, JG; Birkett, MA; Caulfield, JC; Gezan, SA; Welham, SJ; Brugman, VA; Pickett, JA; Cameron, MM
  • New tuberculosis vaccines: advances in clinical development and modelling. (2020) Weerasuriya, CK; Clark, RA; White, RG; Harris, RC
  • Budget Impact of Oral Semaglutide Intensification versus Sitagliptin among US Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Uncontrolled with Metformin. (2020) Wehler, Elizabeth; Lautsch, Dominik; Kowal, Stacey; Davies, Glenn; Briggs, Andrew; Li, Qianyi; Rajpathak, Swapnil; Alsumali, Adnan
  • Habitual snoring, adiposity measures and risk of type 2 diabetes in 0.5 million Chinese adults: a 10-year cohort. (2020) Wei, Yuxia; Zheng, Bang; Fan, Junning; Lv, Jun; Guo, Yu; Bian, Zheng; Du, Huaidong; Yang, Ling; Chen, Yiping; Chen, Jianxin; Zhong, Xunfu; Chen, Junshi; Chen, Zhengming; Yu, Canqing; Li, Liming; China Kadoorie Biobank Collaborative Group
  • Indirect effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on malaria intervention coverage, morbidity, and mortality in Africa: a geospatial modelling analysis. (2020) Weiss, Daniel J; Bertozzi-Villa, Amelia; Rumisha, Susan F; Amratia, Punam; Arambepola, Rohan; Battle, Katherine E; Cameron, Ewan; Chestnutt, Elisabeth; Gibson, Harry S; Harris, Joseph; Keddie, Suzanne; Millar, Justin J; Rozier, Jennifer; Symons, Tasmin L; Vargas-Ruiz, Camilo; Hay, Simon I; Smith, David L; Alonso, Pedro L; Noor, Abdisalan M; Bhatt, Samir; Gething, Peter W
  • Disease control across urban-rural gradients. (2020) Wells, Konstans; Lurgi, Miguel; Collins, Brendan; Lucini, Biagio; Kao, Rowland R; Lloyd, Alun L; Frost, Simon DW; Gravenor, Mike B
  • RECENT HIV INFECTION SURVEILLANCE IN ROUTINE HIV TESTING IN NAIROBI, KENYA: A FEASIBILITY STUDY. (2020) Welty, Susie; Motoku, John; Muriithi, Chris; Rice, Brian; de Wit, Mariken; Ashanda, Brenda; Waruiru, Wanjiru; Mirjahangir, J; Kingwara, L; Bauer, Richard; Njoroge, David; Karimi, Jesse; Njoroge, Alice; Rutherford, George W
  • Post-traumatic growth and its predictors among Syrian refugees in Istanbul: A mental health population survey. (2020) Wen, Karen; McGrath, Michael; Acarturk, Ceren; Ilkkursun, Zeynep; Fuhr, Daniela C; Sondorp, Egbert; Cuijpers, Pim; Sijbrandij, Marit; Roberts, Bayard; STRENGTHS consortium
  • The impact of community-wide, mass drug administration on aggregation of soil-transmitted helminth infection in human host populations. (2020) Werkman, Marleen; Wright, James E; Truscott, James E; Oswald, William E; Halliday, Katherine E; Papaiakovou, Marina; Farrell, Sam H; Pullan, Rachel L; Anderson, Roy M
  • Macroeconomic, demographic and human developmental correlates of physical activity and sitting time among South American adults. (2020) Werneck, André O; Sadarangani, Kabir P; Ramírez-Vélez, Robinson; Baldew, Se-Sergio; Gomes, Thayse N; Ferrari, Gerson; Szwarcwald, Célia L; Miranda, J Jaime; Silva, Danilo R; South American Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior Network
  • Measuring cortical mean diffusivity to assess early microstructural cortical change in presymptomatic familial Alzheimer's disease. (2020) Weston, Philip SJ; Poole, Teresa; Nicholas, Jennifer M; Toussaint, Nicolas; Simpson, Ivor JA; Modat, Marc; Ryan, Natalie S; Liang, Yuying; Rossor, Martin N; Schott, Jonathan M; Ourselin, Sebastien; Zhang, Hui; Fox, Nick C
  • The role of the clinical diagnosis of dengue during an outbreak: A qualitative study of how dengue is triaged and managed at a Malaysian hospital. (2020) Wharton-Smith, A; Bacchus, L; Loh, EC; Chai See, LL; Green, J
  • A Crowdsourcing Open Contest to Design Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Promotion Messages: Protocol for an Exploratory Mixed Methods Study. (2020) White, Jordan J; Mathews, Allison; Henry, Marcus P; Moran, Meghan B; Page, Kathleen R; Latkin, Carl A; Tucker, Joseph D; Yang, Cui
  • Patterns and predictors of co-morbidities in Tuberculosis: A cross-sectional study in the Philippines. (2020) White, Laura V; Edwards, Tansy; Lee, Nathaniel; Castro, Mary C; Saludar, Naomi R; Calapis, Rugaiya W; Faguer, Benjamin N; Fuente, Nelson Dela; Mayoga, Ferdinand; Saito, Nobuo; Ariyoshi, Koya; Garfin, Anna Marie Celina G; Solon, Juan A; Cox, Sharon E
  • Projections of pregnancy: art as the voice for the unheard. (2020) White, Rebecca; Basu Roy, Robindra
  • Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and initial period of lockdown on the mental health and well-being of adults in the UK. (2020) White, Ross G; Van Der Boor, Catharina
  • The determinants of handwashing behaviour in domestic settings: An integrative systematic review. (2020) White, Sian; Thorseth, Astrid Hasund; Dreibelbis, Robert; Curtis, Val
  • Provider-related barriers and enablers to the provision of hepatitis C treatment by general practitioners in Scotland: A behaviour change analysis. (2020) Whiteley, David; Speakman, Elizabeth; Elliott, Lawrie; Davidson, Katherine; Hamilton, Emma; Jarvis, Helen; Quinn, Michael; Flowers, Paul
  • COVID-19: a fast evolving pandemic. (2020) Whitworth, Jimmy
  • Oral rehydration therapies in Senegal, Mali, and Sierra Leone: a spatial analysis of changes over time and implications for policy. (2020) Wiens, Kirsten E; Schaeffer, Lauren E; Sow, Samba O; Ndoye, Babacar; Cain, Carrie Jo; Baumann, Mathew M; Johnson, Kimberly B; Lindstedt, Paulina A; Blacker, Brigette F; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Cormier, Natalie M; Daoud, Farah; Earl, Lucas; Farag, Tamer; Khalil, Ibrahim A; Kinyoki, Damaris K; Larson, Heidi J; LeGrand, Kate E; Cook, Aubrey J; Malta, Deborah C; Månsson, Johan C; Mayala, Benjamin K; Mokdad, Ali H; Ogbuanu, Ikechukwu U; Sankoh, Osman; Sartorius, Benn; Topor-Madry, Roman; Troeger, Christopher E; Welgan, Catherine A; Werdecker, Andrea; Hay, Simon I; Reiner, Robert C
  • Cost of Dengue Illness in Indonesia across Hospital, Ambulatory, and not Medically Attended Settings. (2020) Wilastonegoro, Nandyan N; Kharisma, Dinar D; Laksono, Ida S; Halasa-Rappel, Yara A; Brady, Oliver J; Shepard, Donald S
  • Isolation, quarantine, social distancing and community containment: pivotal role for old-style public health measures in the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) outbreak. (2020) Wilder-Smith, A; Freedman, DO
  • Can we contain the COVID-19 outbreak with the same measures as for SARS? (2020) Wilder-Smith, Annelies; Chiew, Calvin J; Lee, Vernon J
  • Critical Evidence Questions For COVID-19 Vaccines Policy Making. (2020) Wilder-Smith, Annelies; Smith, Peter; Nohynek, Hanna; Olayinka, Folake; Afolabi, Muhammed; Durrheim, David; Kaslow, David; Macete, Eusebio
  • Preventing Dengue Epidemics during the COVID-19 Pandemic. (2020) Wilder-Smith, Annelies; Tissera, Hasitha; Ooi, Eng Eong; Coloma, Josefina; Scott, Thomas W; Gubler, Duane J
  • Comparative effects of sulphonylureas, dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors and sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitors added to metformin monotherapy: a propensity-score matched cohort study in UK primary care. (2020) Wilkinson, Samantha; Williamson, Elizabeth; Pokrajac, Ana; Fogarty, Damian; Stirnadel-Farrant, Heide; Smeeth, Liam; Douglas, Ian J; Tomlinson, Laurie A
  • Revisiting aminocoumarins for the treatment of melioidosis. (2020) Willcocks, SJ; Cia, F; Francisco, AF; Wren, BW
  • Virulence of the emerging pathogen, Burkholderia pseudomallei, depends upon the O-linked oligosaccharyltransferase, PglL. (2020) Willcocks, Samuel J; Denman, Carmen; Cia, Felipe; McCarthy, Elizabeth; Cuccui, Jon; Wren, Brendan W
  • SOCRATES: an online tool leveraging a social contact data sharing initiative to assess mitigation strategies for COVID-19. (2020) Willem, Lander; Van Hoang, Thang; Funk, Sebastian; Coletti, Pietro; Beutels, Philippe; Hens, Niel
  • Prevalence and diversity of enteric pathogens among cholera treatment centre patients with acute diarrhea in Uvira, Democratic Republic of Congo. (2020) Williams, Camille; Cumming, Oliver; Grignard, Lynn; Rumedeka, Baron Bashige; Saidi, Jaime Mufitini; Grint, Daniel; Drakeley, Chris; Jeandron, Aurelie
  • Cost-effectiveness analysis of tranexamic acid for the treatment of traumatic brain injury, based on the results of the CRASH-3 randomised trial: a decision modelling approach. (2020) Williams, Jack; Roberts, Ian; Shakur-Still, Haleema; Lecky, Fiona E; Chaudhri, Rizwana; Miners, Alec
  • An Economic Evaluation of the Cost-Effectiveness of Opt-Out Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C Testing in an Emergency Department Setting in the United Kingdom. (2020) Williams, Jack; Vickerman, Peter; Douthwaite, Sam; Nebbia, Gaia; Hunter, Laura; Wong, Terry; Ruf, Murad; Miners, Alec
  • Designing a comprehensive behaviour change intervention to promote and monitor exclusive use of liquefied petroleum gas stoves for the Household Air Pollution Intervention Network (HAPIN) trial. (2020) Williams, Kendra N; Thompson, Lisa M; Sakas, Zoe; Hengstermann, Mayari; Quinn, Ashlinn; Díaz-Artiga, Anaité; Thangavel, Gurusamy; Puzzolo, Elisa; Rosa, Ghislaine; Balakrishnan, Kalpana; Peel, Jennifer; Checkley, William; Clasen, Thomas F; Miranda, J Jaime; Rosenthal, Joshua P; Harvey, Steven A; Household Air Pollution Intervention Network (HAPIN) trial Inves; HAPIN Investigators
  • Understanding the influence of health systems on women's experiences of Option B+: A meta-ethnography of qualitative research from sub-Saharan Africa. (2020) Williams, Shannon M; Renju, Jenny; Moshabela, Mosa; Wringe, Alison
  • Study protocol: Comparison of different risk prediction modelling approaches for COVID-19 related death using the OpenSAFELY platform. (2020) Williamson, Elizabeth J; Tazare, John; Bhaskaran, Krishnan; Walker, Alex J; McDonald, Helen I; Tomlinson, Laurie; Bacon, Sebastian; Bates, Chris; Curtis, Helen J; Forbes, Harriet; Minassian, Caroline; Morton, Caroline E; Nightingale, Emily; Mehrkar, Amir; Evans, Dave; Nicholson, Brian D; Leon, David; Inglesby, Peter; MacKenna, Brian; Cockburn, Jonathan; Davies, Nicholas G; Hulme, William; Morley, Jessica; Douglas, Ian J; Rentsch, Christopher T; Mathur, Rohini; Wong, Angel; Schultze, Anna; Croker, Richard; Parry, John; Hester, Frank; Harper, Sam; Perera, Rafael; Grieve, Richard; Harrison, David; Steyerberg, Ewout; Eggo, Rosalind M; Diaz-Ordaz, Karla; Keogh, Ruth; Evans, Stephen JW; Smeeth, Liam; Goldacre, Ben
  • Factors associated with COVID-19-related death using OpenSAFELY. (2020) Williamson, Elizabeth J; Walker, Alex J; Bhaskaran, Krishnan; Bacon, Seb; Bates, Chris; Morton, Caroline E; Curtis, Helen J; Mehrkar, Amir; Evans, David; Inglesby, Peter; Cockburn, Jonathan; McDonald, Helen I; MacKenna, Brian; Tomlinson, Laurie; Douglas, Ian J; Rentsch, Christopher T; Mathur, Rohini; Wong, Angel YS; Grieve, Richard; Harrison, David; Forbes, Harriet; Schultze, Anna; Croker, Richard; Parry, John; Hester, Frank; Harper, Sam; Perera, Rafael; Evans, Stephen JW; Smeeth, Liam; Goldacre, Ben
  • The Authors Respond. (2020) Williamson, Elizabeth; Bhaskaran, Krishnan; Walker, Alex; Smeeth, Liam; Goldacre, Ben
  • OpenSAFELY: factors associated with COVID-19-related hospital death in the linked electronic health records of 17 million adult NHS patients. (2020) Williamson, Elizabeth; Walker, Alex J; Bhaskaran, Krishnan; Bacon, Seb; Bates, Chris; Morton, Caroline E; Curtis, Helen J; Mehrkar, Amir; Evans, David; Inglesby, Peter; Cockburn, Jonathan; McDonald, Helen I; MacKenna, Brian; Tomlinson, Laurie; Douglas, Ian J; Rentsch, Christopher T; Mathur, Rohini; Wong, Angel; Grieve, Richard; Harrison, David; Forbes, Harriet; Schultze, Anna; Croker, Richard; Parry, John; Hester, Frank; Harper, Sam; Perera, Raf; Evans, Stephen; Smeeth, Liam; Goldacre, Ben
  • GenomegaMap: Within-Species Genome-Wide dN/dS Estimation from over 10,000 Genomes. (2020) Wilson, Daniel J; CRyPTIC Consortium
  • Incidence of and Risk Factors for Lactational Mastitis: A Systematic Review. (2020) Wilson, Emily; Woodd, Susannah L; Benova, Lenka
  • Temperature alters gene expression in mosquitoes during arbovirus infection. (2020) Wimalasiri-Yapa, BMC Randika; Barrero, Roberto A; Stassen, Liesel; Hafner, Louise M; McGraw, Elizabeth A; Pyke, Alyssa T; Jansen, Cassie C; Suhrbier, Andreas; Yakob, Laith; Hu, Wenbiao; Devine, Gregor J; Frentiu, Francesca D
  • Public Risk-Taking and Rewards During the COVID-19 Pandemic - A Case Study of Remdesivir in the Context of Global Health Equity. (2020) Wimmer, Sabrina; Keestra, Sarai M
  • Real world effects of COPD medications: a cohort study with validation against results from randomised controlled trials. (2020) Wing, Kevin; Williamson, Elizabeth; Carpenter, James R; Wise, Lesley; Schneeweiss, Sebastian; Smeeth, Liam; Quint, Jennifer K; Douglas, Ian
  • Predictors of Epstein-Barr virus serostatus and implications for vaccine policy: A systematic review of the literature. (2020) Winter, Joanne R; Jackson, Charlotte; Lewis, Joanna Ea; Taylor, Graham S; Thomas, Olivia G; Stagg, Helen R
  • The impact of HIV infection on tuberculosis transmission in a country with low tuberculosis incidence: a national retrospective study using molecular epidemiology. (2020) Winter, Joanne R; Smith, Colette J; Davidson, Jennifer A; Lalor, Maeve K; Delpech, Valerie; Abubakar, Ibrahim; Stagg, Helen R
  • Factors associated with cytomegalovirus serostatus in young people in England: a cross-sectional study. (2020) Winter, Joanne R; Taylor, Graham S; Thomas, Olivia G; Jackson, Charlotte; Lewis, Joanna EA; Stagg, Helen R
  • The Influence of Apparent Temperature on Mortality in the Kintampo Health and Demographic Surveillance Area in the Middle Belt of Ghana: A Retrospective Time-Series Analysis. (2020) Wiru, Kenneth; Oppong, Felix Boakye; Agyei, Oscar; Zandoh, Charles; Nettey, Obed Ernest; Adda, Robert; Gasparrini, Antonio; Asante, Kwaku Poku
  • Patients with positive malaria tests not given antimalarial medicines: under-prescription of artemisinin-based combination therapies amongst 106,106 patients with malaria in ACT Consortium studies in Africa. (2020) Wiseman, Virginia; O’Boyle, S; Bruxvoort, KJ; Goodman, C; Clarke, S; Baptiste, L; Mbacham, W; Onwujekwe, O; Staedke, S; Burchett, H; Schellenberg, D; Nyomugyenyi, R; Whitty, CJM; Ansah, E; Abdulla, A; Kachur, P; Reyburn, H; Hopkins, H
  • Biocompatibility of Biomaterials for Nanoencapsulation: Current Approaches. (2020) Witika, Bwalya A; Makoni, Pedzisai A; Matafwali, Scott K; Chabalenge, Billy; Mwila, Chiluba; Kalungia, Aubrey C; Nkanga, Christian I; Bapolisi, Alain M; Walker, Roderick B
  • Nano-Biomimetic Drug Delivery Vehicles: Potential Approaches for COVID-19 Treatment. (2020) Witika, Bwalya A; Makoni, Pedzisai A; Mweetwa, Larry L; Ntemi, Pascal V; Chikukwa, Melissa TR; Matafwali, Scott K; Mwila, Chiluba; Mudenda, Steward; Katandula, Jonathan; Walker, Roderick B
  • Comparing the effects of HIV self-testing to standard HIV testing for key populations: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2020) Witzel, T Charles; Eshun-Wilson, Ingrid; Jamil, Muhammad S; Tilouche, Nerissa; Figueroa, Carmen; Johnson, Cheryl C; Reid, David; Baggaley, Rachel; Siegfried, Nandi; Burns, Fiona M; Rodger, Alison J; Weatherburn, Peter
  • Exploring Mechanisms of Action: Using a Testing Typology to Understand Intervention Performance in an HIV Self-Testing RCT in England and Wales. (2020) Witzel, T Charles; Weatherburn, Peter; Bourne, Adam; Rodger, Alison J; Bonell, Chris; Gafos, Mitzy; Trevelion, Roy; Speakman, Andrew; Lampe, Fiona; Ward, Denise; Dunn, David T; Gabriel, Michelle M; McCabe, Leanne; Harbottle, Justin; Moraes, Yolanda Collaco; Michie, Susan; Phillips, Andrew N; McCormack, Sheena; Burns, Fiona M
  • Cystic Fibrosis Point of Personalized Detection (CFPOPD): An Interactive Web Application. (2020) Wolfe, Christopher; Pestian, Teresa; Gecili, Emrah; Su, Weiji; Keogh, Ruth H; Pestian, John P; Seid, Michael; Diggle, Peter J; Ziady, Assem; Clancy, John Paul; Grossoehme, Daniel H; Szczesniak, Rhonda D; Brokamp, Cole
  • The association between partner bereavement and melanoma: cohort studies in the U.K. and Denmark. (2020) Wong, AYS; Frøslev, T; Dearing, L; Forbes, HJ; Mulick, A; Mansfield, KE; Silverwood, RJ; Kjaersgaard, A; Sørensen, HT; Smeeth, L; Lewin, A; Schmidt, SAJ; Langan, SM
  • Partner bereavement and risk of chronic urticaria, alopecia areata and vitiligo: cohort studies in the UK and Denmark. (2020) Wong, AYS; Kjaersgaard, A; Frøslev, T; Forbes, HJ; Mansfield, KE; Silverwood, RJ; Sørensen, HT; Smeeth, L; Schmidt, SAJ; Langan, SM
  • OpenSAFELY: Do adults prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have an increased risk of death from COVID-19? (2020) Wong, Angel YS; MacKenna, Brian; Morton, Caroline E; Schultze, Anna; Walker, Alex J; Bhaskaran, Krishnan; Brown, Jeremy P; Rentsch, Christopher T; Williamson, Elizabeth; Drysdale, Henry; Croker, Richard; Bacon, Seb; Hulme, William; Bates, Chris; Curtis, Helen J; Mehrkar, Amir; Evans, David; Inglesby, Peter; Cockburn, Jonathan; McDonald, Helen I; Tomlinson, Laurie; Mathur, Rohini; Wing, Kevin; Forbes, Harriet; Parry, John; Hester, Frank; Harper, Sam; Evans, Stephen JW; Smeeth, Liam; Douglas, Ian J; Goldacre, Ben
  • Highlights from the 2019 International Myopia Summit on 'controversies in myopia'. (2020) Wong, Chee Wai; Foo, Li Lian; Morjaria, Priya; Morgan, Ian; Mueller, Andreas; Davis, Amanda; Keys, Drew; He, Mingguang; Sankaridurg, Padmaja; Zhu, Jian Feng; Hendicott, Peter; Tan, Donald; Saw, Seang-Mei; Cheng, Ching Yu; Lamoureux, Ecosse Luc; Crowston, Jonathan G; Gemmy Cheung, Chui Ming; Sng, Chelvin; Chan, Cordelia; Wong, Doric; Lee, Shu Yen; Agrawal, Rupesh; Hoang, Quan V; Su, Xinyi; Koh, Adrian; Ngo, Cheryl; Chen, Hao; Wu, Pei Chang; Chia, Audrey; Jonas, Jost B; Wong, Tien Yin; Ang, Marcus
  • Too poor or too far? Partitioning the variability of hospital-based childbirth by poverty and travel time in Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria and Tanzania. (2020) Wong, Kerry LM; Brady, Oliver J; Campbell, Oona MR; Banke-Thomas, Aduragbemi; Benova, Lenka
  • Crowdsourcing to promote hepatitis C testing and linkage-to-care in China: a randomized controlled trial protocol. (2020) Wong, William CW; Yang, Nancy S; Li, Jingjing; Li, Hang; Wan, Eric YF; Fitzpatrick, Thomas; Xiong, Yuan; Seto, Wai-Kay; Chan, Polin; Liu, Ruihong; Tang, Weiming; Tucker, Joseph D
  • Using Crowdsourcing to Develop a Peer-Led Intervention for Safer Dating App Use: Pilot Study (Preprint). (2020) Wong, William Chi Wai; Song, Lin; See, Christopher; Lau, Stephanie Tze Hei; Sun, Wai Han; Choi, Kitty Wai Ying; Tucker, Joseph
  • Using Crowdsourcing to Develop a Peer-Led Intervention for Safer Dating App Use: Pilot Study. (2020) Wong, William Chi Wai; Song, Lin; See, Christopher; Lau, Stephanie Tze Hei; Sun, Wai Han; Choi, Kitty Wai Ying; Tucker, Joseph
  • Cerebrospinal Fluid YKL-40 and Chitotriosidase Levels in Frontotemporal Dementia Vary by Clinical, Genetic and Pathological Subtype. (2020) Woollacott, Ione OC; Nicholas, Jennifer M; Heller, Carolin; Foiani, Martha S; Moore, Katrina M; Russell, Lucy L; Paterson, Ross W; Keshavan, Ashvini; Schott, Jonathan M; Warren, Jason D; Heslegrave, Amanda; Zetterberg, Henrik; Rohrer, Jonathan D
  • Cerebrospinal fluid YKL-40 and chitotriosidase levels in frontotemporal dementia. (2020) Woollacott, Ione OC; Nicholas, Jennifer; Heller, Carolin; Foiani, Martha S; Moore, Katrina M; Russell, Lucy L; Paterson, Ross W; Keshavan, Ashvini; Schott, Jonathan M; Warren, Jason D; Heslegrave, Amanda; Zetterberg, Henrik; Rohrer, Jonathan D
  • Prevalence and severity of abscesses and cellulitis, and their associations with other health outcomes, in a community-based study of people who inject drugs in London, UK. (2020) Wright, Talen; Hope, Vivian; Ciccarone, Daniel; Lewer, Dan; Scott, Jenny; Harris, Magdalena
  • Schistosoma japonicum SjE16.7 Protein Promotes Tumor Development via the Receptor for Advanced Glycation End Products (RAGE). (2020) Wu, Chenyun; Du, Xinyue; Tang, Lili; Wu, Jianhua; Zhao, Wei; Guo, Xiaokui; Liu, Dengyu; Hu, Wei; Helmby, Helena; Chen, Guangjie; Wang, Zhaojun
  • Homoprejudiced violence among Chinese men who have sex with men: a cross-sectional analysis in Guangzhou, China. (2020) Wu, Dan; Yang, Eileen; Huang, Wenting; Tang, Weiming; Xu, Huifang; Liu, Chuncheng; Baral, Stefan; Day, Suzanne; Tucker, Joseph D
  • Social Media-Based Secondary Distribution of Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Syphilis Self-testing Among Chinese Men Who Have Sex with Men. (2020) Wu, Dan; Zhou, Yi; Yang, Nancy; Huang, Shanzi; He, Xi; Tucker, Joseph; Li, Xiaofeng; Smith, Kumi M; Ritchwood, Tiarney; Jiang, Xiaohui; Liu, Xuan; Wang, Yehua; Huang, Wenting; Ong, Jason; Fu, Hongyun; Bao, Huanyu; Pan, Stephen; Dai, Wencan; Tang, Weiming
  • Recipient Comorbidity and Survival Outcomes After Kidney Transplantation: A UK-wide Prospective Cohort Study. (2020) Wu, Diana A; Robb, Matthew L; Forsythe, John LR; Bradley, Clare; Cairns, John; Draper, Heather; Dudley, Christopher; Johnson, Rachel J; Metcalfe, Wendy; Ravanan, Rommel; Roderick, Paul; Tomson, Charles RV; Watson, Christopher JE; Bradley, J Andrew; Oniscu, Gabriel C
  • Choosing a Mass Immunization Program against Meningococcal B. (2020) Wu, Ken; Mulholland, E Kim; Edwards, Kathryn M
  • Optimisation and standardisation of a multiplex immunoassay of diverse Plasmodium falciparum antigens to assess changes in malaria transmission using sero-epidemiology. (2020) Wu, Lindsey; Hall, Tom; Ssewanyana, Isaac; Oulton, Tate; Patterson, Catriona; Vasileva, Hristina; Singh, Susheel; Affara, Muna; Mwesigwa, Julia; Correa, Simon; Bah, Mamadou; D'Alessandro, Umberto; Sepúlveda, Nuno; Drakeley, Chris; Tetteh, Kevin
  • Optimisation and standardisation of a multiplex immunoassay of diverse Plasmodium falciparum antigens to assess changes in malaria transmission using sero-epidemiology. (2020) Wu, Lindsey; Hall, Tom; Ssewanyana, Isaac; Oulton, Tate; Patterson, Catriona; Vasileva, Hristina; Singh, Susheel; Affara, Muna; Mwesigwa, Julia; Correa, Simon; Bah, Mamadou; D'Alessandro, Umberto; Sepúlveda, Nuno; Drakeley, Chris; Tetteh, Kevin KA
  • Antibody responses to a suite of novel serological markers for malaria surveillance demonstrate strong correlation with clinical and parasitological infection across seasons and transmission settings in The Gambia. (2020) Wu, Lindsey; Mwesigwa, Julia; Affara, Muna; Bah, Mamadou; Correa, Simon; Hall, Tom; Singh, Susheel K; Beeson, James G; Tetteh, Kevin KA; Kleinschmidt, Immo; D'Alessandro, Umberto; Drakeley, Chris
  • Sero-epidemiological evaluation of malaria transmission in The Gambia before and after mass drug administration. (2020) Wu, Lindsey; Mwesigwa, Julia; Affara, Muna; Bah, Mamadou; Correa, Simon; Hall, Tom; Singh, Susheel K; Beeson, James G; Tetteh, Kevin KA; Kleinschmidt, Immo; D'Alessandro, Umberto; Drakeley, Chris
  • The economic burden of cervical cancer from diagnosis to one year after final discharge in Henan Province, China: A retrospective case series study. (2020) Wu, Qianhui; Jia, Manman; Chen, Hongmin; Zhang, Shaokai; Liu, Yang; Prem, Kiesha; Qian, Mengcen; Yu, Hongjie
  • What steps can researchers take to increase research uptake by policymakers? A case study in China. (2020) Wu, Shishi; Khan, Mishal; Legido-Quigley, Helena
  • Understanding factors influencing the length of hospital stay among non-severe COVID-19 patients: A retrospective cohort study in a Fangcang shelter hospital. (2020) Wu, Shishi; Xue, Lanping; Legido-Quigley, Helena; Khan, Mishal; Wu, Hua; Peng, Xiaoxiang; Li, Xuewen; Li, Ping
  • Acquisition of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (ESBL-PE) carriage after exposure to systemic antimicrobials during travel: Systematic review and meta-analysis. (2020) Wuerz, Terence C; Kassim, Sameer S; Atkins, Katherine E
  • Identification of Acinetobacter baumannii loci for capsular polysaccharide (KL) and lipooligosaccharide outer core (OCL) synthesis in genome assemblies using curated reference databases compatible with Kaptive. (2020) Wyres, Kelly L; Cahill, Sarah M; Holt, Kathryn E; Hall, Ruth M; Kenyon, Johanna J
  • Genomic surveillance for hypervirulence and multi-drug resistance in invasive Klebsiella pneumoniae from South and Southeast Asia. (2020) Wyres, Kelly L; Nguyen, To NT; Lam, Margaret MC; Judd, Louise M; van Vinh Chau, Nguyen; Dance, David AB; Ip, Margaret; Karkey, Abhilasha; Ling, Clare L; Miliya, Thyl; Newton, Paul N; Lan, Nguyen Phu Huong; Sengduangphachanh, Amphone; Turner, Paul; Veeraraghavan, Balaji; Vinh, Phat Voong; Vongsouvath, Manivanh; Thomson, Nicholas R; Baker, Stephen; Holt, Kathryn E
  • Validation of handheld fundus camera with mydriasis for retinal imaging of diabetic retinopathy screening in China: a prospective comparison study. (2020) Xiao, Baixiang; Liao, Qinghua; Li, Yanping; Weng, Fan; Jin, Ling; Wang, Yanfang; Huang, Wenyong; Yi, Jinglin; Burton, Matthew J; Yip, Jennifer Ly
  • Epidemiologic, Clinical, and Laboratory Findings of the COVID-19 in the current pandemic: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. (2020) Xie, Yewei; Wang, Zaisheng; Liao, Huipeng; Marley, Gifty; Wu, Dan; Tang, Weiming
  • Epidemiologic, clinical, and laboratory findings of the COVID-19 in the current pandemic: systematic review and meta-analysis. (2020) Xie, Yewei; Wang, Zaisheng; Liao, Huipeng; Marley, Gifty; Wu, Dan; Tang, Weiming
  • Type 2 diabetes remission: 2 year within-trial and lifetime-horizon cost-effectiveness of the Diabetes Remission Clinical Trial (DiRECT)/Counterweight-Plus weight management programme. (2020) Xin, Yiqiao; Davies, Andrew; Briggs, Andrew; McCombie, Louise; Messow, C Martina; Grieve, Eleanor; Leslie, Wilma S; Taylor, Roy; Lean, Michael EJ
  • Parental self-medication with antibiotics for children promotes antibiotic over-prescribing in clinical settings in China. (2020) Xu, Jiayao; Wang, Xiaomin; Sun, Kai Sing; Lin, Leesa; Zhou, Xudong
  • Effectiveness of primary care gatekeeping: difference-in-differences evaluation of a pilot scheme in China. (2020) Xu, Jin; Powell-Jackson, Timothy; Mills, Anne
  • Transmission analysis of a large tuberculosis outbreak in London: a mathematical modelling study using genomic data. (2020) Xu, Yuanwei; Stockdale, Jessica E; Naidu, Vijay; Hatherell, Hollie; Stimson, James; Stagg, Helen R; Abubakar, Ibrahim; Colijn, Caroline
  • Projecting the future of dengue under climate change scenarios: Progress, uncertainties and research needs. (2020) Xu, Zhiwei; Bambrick, Hilary; Frentiu, Francesca D; Devine, Gregor; Yakob, Laith; Williams, Gail; Hu, Wenbiao
  • Does Bangkok have a central role in the dengue dynamics of Thailand? (2020) Xu, Zhiwei; Bambrick, Hilary; Pongsumpun, Puntani; Ming Tang, I; Yakob, Laith; Devine, Gregor; Frentiu, Francesca D; Williams, Gail; Hu, Wenbiao
  • Completeness of Ascertainment of Construction Site Injuries Using First Information Reports (FIRs) of Indian Police: Capture-Recapture Study. (2020) Yadav, Sajjan S; Edwards, Phil; Porter, John
  • Evaluation of first information reports of Delhi police for injury surveillance: Data extraction tool development & validation. (2020) Yadav, Sajjan Singh; Edwards, Phil; Porter, John
  • Spatial pattern of perinatal mortality and its determinants in Ethiopia: Data from Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey 2016. (2020) Yadeta, Tesfaye Assebe; Mengistu, Bizatu; Gobena, Tesfaye; Regassa, Lemma Demissie
  • Mimicry Embedding Facilitates Advanced Neural Network Training for Image-Based Pathogen Detection. (2020) Yakimovich, Artur; Huttunen, Moona; Samolej, Jerzy; Clough, Barbara; Yoshida, Nagisa; Mostowy, Serge; Frickel, Eva-Maria; Mercer, Jason
  • Isolation thresholds for curbing SARS-CoV-2 resurgence. (2020) Yakob, Laith
  • Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type-1 infection associated with sarcopenia: community-based cross-sectional study in Goto, Japan. (2020) Yamanashi, Hirotomo; Nobusue, Kenichi; Nonaka, Fumiaki; Honda, Yukiko; Shimizu, Yuji; Kawashiri, Shin-Ya; Izumida, Mai; Kubo, Yoshinao; Tamai, Mami; Nagata, Yasuhiro; Yanagihara, Katsunori; Kulkarni, Bharati; Kinra, Sanjay; Kawakami, Atsushi; Maeda, Takahiro
  • A cold-health watch and warning system, applied to the province of Quebec (Canada). (2020) Yan, Bixun; Chebana, Fateh; Masselot, Pierre; Campagna, Céline; Gosselin, Pierre; Ouarda, Taha BMJ; Lavigne, Éric
  • Key populations and power: people-centred social innovation in Asian HIV services. (2020) Yang, Fan; Janamnuaysook, Rena; Boyd, Mark A; Phanuphak, Nittaya; Tucker, Joseph D
  • Pay-it-forward gonorrhoea and chlamydia testing among men who have sex with men in China: a randomised controlled trial. (2020) Yang, Fan; Zhang, Tiange P; Tang, Weiming; Ong, Jason J; Alexander, Marcus; Forastiere, Laura; Kumar, Navin; Li, Katherine T; Zou, Fei; Yang, Ligang; Mi, Guodong; Wang, Yehua; Huang, Wenting; Lee, Amy; Zhu, Weizan; Luo, Danyang; Vickerman, Peter; Wu, Dan; Yang, Bin; Christakis, Nicholas A; Tucker, Joseph D
  • Cost-effectiveness of introducing national seasonal influenza vaccination for adults aged 60 years and above in mainland China: a modelling analysis. (2020) Yang, Juan; Atkins, Katherine E; Feng, Luzhao; Baguelin, Marc; Wu, Peng; Yan, Han; Lau, Eric HY; Wu, Joseph T; Liu, Yang; Cowling, Benjamin J; Jit, Mark; Yu, Hongjie
  • Action needed to improve equity and diversity in global eye health leadership. (2020) Yashadhana, Aryati; Zhang, Justine H; Yasmin, Sumrana; Morjaria, Priya; Holland, Peter; Faal, Hannah; Burton, Matthew J; Ramke, Jacqueline
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus; stroke and myocardial infarction risk: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2020) Yazdany, Jinoos; Pooley, Nick; Langham, Julia; Nicholson, Lindsay; Langham, Sue; Embleton, Nina; Wang, Xia; Desta, Barnabas; Barut, Volkan; Hammond, Edward
  • Blood transcriptomics to characterize key biological pathways and identify biomarkers for predicting mortality in melioidosis. (2020) Yimthin, Thatcha; Cliff, Jacqueline Margaret; Phunpang, Rungnapa; Ekchariyawat, Peeraya; Kaewarpai, Taniya; Lee, Ji-Sook; Eckold, Clare; Andrada, Megan; Thiansukhon, Ekkachai; Tanwisaid, Kittisak; Chuananont, Somchai; Morakot, Chumpol; Sangsa, Narongchai; Silakun, Wirayut; Chayangsu, Sunee; Buasi, Noppol; Day, Nicholas; Lertmemongkolchai, Ganjana; Chantratita, Wasun; Eoin West, T; Chantratita, Narisara
  • Risk of hospitalization and death due to infection in people with psoriasis: a population-based cohort study using the Clinical Practice Research Datalink. (2020) Yiu, ZZN; Parisi, R; Lunt, M; Warren, RB; Griffiths, CEM; Langan, SM; Ashcroft, DM
  • Effects of lighting variability on locomotion in posterior cortical atrophy. (2020) Yong, Keir XX; McCarthy, Ian D; Poole, Teresa; Ocal, Dilek; Suzuki, Ayako; Suzuki, Tatsuto; Mengoudi, Kyriaki; Papadosifos, Nikolaos; Boampong, Derrick; Tyler, Nick; Frost, Chris; Crutch, Sebastian J
  • The zebrafish as a novel model for the in vivo study of Toxoplasma gondii replication and interaction with macrophages. (2020) Yoshida, Nagisa; Domart, Marie-Charlotte; Peddie, Christopher J; Yakimovich, Artur; Mazon-Moya, Maria J; Hawkins, Thomas A; Collinson, Lucy; Mercer, Jason; Frickel, Eva-Maria; Mostowy, Serge
  • Interventions to improve the quality of cataract services: protocol for a global scoping review. (2020) Yoshizaki, Miho; Ramke, Jacqueline; Furtado, João M; Burn, Helen; Gichuhi, Stephen; Gordon, Iris; Aghaji, Ada; Marques, Ana P; Dean, William H; Congdon, Nathan; Buchan, John; Burton, Matthew J
  • Influenza vaccine failure in the tropics: a retrospective cohort study of waning effectiveness. (2020) Young, BE; Mak, TM; Ang, LW; Sadarangani, S; Ho, HJ; Wilder-Smith, A; Barkham, T; Chen, M
  • Validity of a Four-Item Household Water Insecurity Experiences Scale for Assessing Water Issues Related to Health and Well-Being. (2020) Young, Sera L; Miller, Joshua D; Frongillo, Edward A; Boateng, Godfred O; Jamaluddine, Zeina; Neilands, Torsten B; and the HWISE Research Coordination Network
  • Seasonality of suicide: a multi-country multi-community observational study. (2020) Yu, J; Yang, D; Kim, Y; Hashizume, M; Gasparrini, A; Armstrong, B; Honda, Y; Tobias, A; Sera, F; Vicedo-Cabrera, AM; Kim, H; Íñiguez, C; Lavigne, E; Ragettli, MS; Scovronick, N; Acquaotta, F; Chen, B; Guo, YL; de Sousa Zanotti Stagliori Coelho, M; Saldiva, P; Zanobetti, A; Schwartz, J; Bell, ML; Diaz, M; De la Cruz Valencia, C; Holobâcă, I; Fratianni, S; Chung, Y
  • Health system reforms in China a half century apart: Continuity but adaptation. (2020) Yuan, Beibei; Jian, Weiyan; Martinez-Alvarez, Melisa; McKee, Martin; Balabanova, Dina
  • Inclusion in the World Health Organization Model List of Essential Medicines of Non-Vitamin K Anticoagulants for Treatment of Non-Valvular Atrial Fibrillation: A Step Towards Reducing the Burden of Cardiovascular Morbidity and Mortality. (2020) Zaidel, Ezequiel J; Leng, Xinyi; Adeoye, Abiodun Moshood; Hakim, Ferdous; Karmacharya, Biraj; Katbeh, Asim; Neubeck, Lis; Partridge, Stephanie; Perel, Pablo; Huffman, Mark D; Cesare, Mariachiara Di
  • COVID-19: Implications for People with Chagas Disease. (2020) Zaidel, Ezequiel José; Forsyth, Colin J; Novick, Gabriel; Marcus, Rachel; Ribeiro, Antonio Luiz P; Pinazo, Maria-Jesus; Morillo, Carlos A; Echeverría, Luis Eduardo; Shikanai-Yasuda, Maria Aparecida; Buekens, Pierre; Perel, Pablo; Meymandi, Sheba K; Ralston, Kate; Pinto, Fausto; Sosa-Estani, Sergio
  • Chlorhexidine for facility-based umbilical cord care: EN-BIRTH multi-country validation study. (2020) Zaman, Sojib Bin; Siddique, Abu Bakkar; Ruysen, Harriet; Kc, Ashish; Peven, Kimberly; Ameen, Shafiqul; Thakur, Nishant; Rahman, Qazi Sadeq-Ur; Salim, Nahya; Gurung, Rejina; Tahsina, Tazeen; Rahman, Ahmed Ehsanur; Coffey, Patricia S; Rawlins, Barbara; Day, Louise T; Lawn, Joy E; Arifeen, Shams El; EN-BIRTH Study Group
  • Impact of routine vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae type b in The Gambia: 20 years after its introduction. (2020) Zaman, Syed Ma; Howie, Stephen Rc; Ochoge, Magnus; Secka, Ousman; Bah, Alasana; Baldeh, Ignatius; Sanneh, Bakary; Darboe, Saffiatou; Ceesay, Buntung; Camara, Haddy Bah; Mawas, Fatme; Ndiaye, Malick; Hossain, Ilias; Salaudeen, Rasheed; Bojang, Kalifa; Ceesay, Samba; Sowe, Dawda; Hossain, M Jahangir; Mulholland, Kim; Kwambana-Adams, Brenda A; Okoi, Catherine; Badjie, Siaka; Ceesay, Lamin; Mwenda, Jason M; Cohen, Adam L; Agocs, Mary; Mihigo, Richard; Bottomley, Christian; Antonio, Martin; Mackenzie, Grant A
  • How and under what circumstances do quality improvement collaboratives lead to better outcomes? A systematic review. (2020) Zamboni, Karen; Baker, Ulrika; Tyagi, Mukta; Schellenberg, Joanna; Hill, Zelee; Hanson, Claudia
  • Promoting equity in immunization coverage through supply chain design in Pakistan. (2020) Zameer, Mariam; Phillips-White, Nora; Folorunso, Olamide; Belt, Rachel; Setayesh, Hamidreza; Asghar, Naeem; Chandio, Arshad
  • Biomarkers for the Discrimination of Acute Kawasaki Disease From Infections in Childhood. (2020) Zandstra, Judith; van de Geer, Annemarie; Tanck, Michael WT; van Stijn-Bringas Dimitriades, Diana; Aarts, Cathelijn EM; Dietz, Sanne M; van Bruggen, Robin; Schweintzger, Nina A; Zenz, Werner; Emonts, Marieke; Zavadska, Dace; Pokorn, Marko; Usuf, Effua; Moll, Henriette A; Schlapbach, Luregn J; Carrol, Enitan D; Paulus, Stephane; Tsolia, Maria; Fink, Colin; Yeung, Shunmay; Shimizu, Chisato; Tremoulet, Adriana; Galassini, Rachel; Wright, Victoria J; Martinón-Torres, Federico; Herberg, Jethro; Burns, Jane; Levin, Michael; Kuijpers, Taco W; EUCLIDS Consortium, PERFORM Consortium and UK Kawasaki Disease G
  • The determinants of handwashing behaviour among internally displaced women in two camps in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. (2020) Zangana, Aso; Shabila, Nazar; Heath, Tom; White, Sian
  • Alcohol-related liver cirrhosis in Poland: the reservoir effect. (2020) Zatoński, Witold A; Zatoński, Mateusz; Janik-Koncewicz, Kinga; McKee, Martin
  • Climate change and COVID-19: reinforcing Indigenous food systems. (2020) Zavaleta-Cortijo, Carol; Ford, James D; Arotoma-Rojas, Ingrid; Lwasa, Shuaib; Lancha-Rucoba, Guillermo; García, Patricia J; Miranda, J Jaime; Namanya, Didacus B; New, Mark; Wright, Carlee J; Berrang-Ford, Lea; Indigenous Health Adaptation to Climate Change Research Team; Harper, Sherilee L
  • Responding to COVID-19 requires strong epidemiological evidence of environmental and societal determining factors. (2020) Zeka, Ariana; Tobias, Aurelio; Leonardi, Giovanni; Bianchi, Fabrizio; Lauriola, Paolo; Crabbe, Helen; Vardoulakis, Sotiris; Guo, Yuming; Honda, Yasushi; Gasparrini, Antonio; Hashizume, Masahiro; Vicedo, Ana Maria; Knudsen, Lisbeth E; Sera, Francesco; Ashworth, Matthew; Scientific Committee of the International Network of Public Heal
  • Global eye health and the sustainable development goals: protocol for a scoping review. (2020) Zhang, Justine H; Ramke, Jacqueline; Mwangi, Nyawira; Furtado, João; Yasmin, Sumrana; Bascaran, Covadonga; Ogundo, Cynthia; Jan, Catherine; Gordon, Iris; Congdon, Nathan; Burton, Matthew J
  • Did the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake trigger a change in the conduct of research on seismic risk? (2020) Zhang, Qiang; Lu, Qibin; Ye, Xuanting; Xu, Shiling; Lin, Leesa K; Ye, Qian; Zeng, An
  • Deficiency in the autophagy modulator Dram1 exacerbates pyroptotic cell death of Mycobacteria-infected macrophages. (2020) Zhang, Rui; Varela, Monica; Forn-Cuní, Gabriel; Torraca, Vincenzo; van der Vaart, Michiel; Meijer, Annemarie H
  • Basic Reproduction Number of Enterovirus 71 and Coxsackievirus A16 and A6: Evidence From Outbreaks of Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease in China Between 2011 and 2018. (2020) Zhang, Zhong; Liu, Yang; Liu, Fengfeng; Ren, Minrui; Nie, Taoran; Cui, Jinzhao; Chang, Zhaorui; Li, Zhongjie
  • Physical multimorbidity, health service use, and catastrophic health expenditure by socioeconomic groups in China: an analysis of population-based panel data. (2020) Zhao, Yang; Atun, Rifat; Oldenburg, Brian; McPake, Barbara; Tang, Shenglan; Mercer, Stewart W; Cowling, Thomas E; Sum, Grace; Qin, Vicky Mengqi; Lee, John Tayu
  • Crowdsourcing contests to facilitate community engagement in HIV cure research: a qualitative evaluation of facilitators and barriers of participation. (2020) Zhao, Yang; Day, Suzanne; Yang, Nancy S; Bao, Huanyu; Li, Linghua; Mathews, Allison; Tucker, Joseph D
  • Cortisol hypersecretion and the risk of Alzheimer's disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis. (2020) Zheng, Bang; Tal, Roy; Yang, Zhirong; Middleton, Lefkos; Udeh-Momoh, Chinedu
  • Long-term antithrombotic management patterns in Asian patients with acute coronary syndrome: 2-year observations from the EPICOR Asia study. (2020) Zheng, Bo; Huo, Yong; Lee, Stephen W-L; Sawhney, Jitendra PS; Kim, Hyo-Soo; Krittayaphong, Rungroj; Pocock, Stuart J; Nhan, Vo T; Alonso Garcia, Angeles; Chin, Chee Tang; Jiang, Jie; Jan, Stephen; Vega, Ana Maria; Hayashi, Nobuya; Ong, Tiong K
  • The evolution of health policy in China and internal migrants: Continuity, change, and current implementation challenges. (2020) Zheng, Yunting; Ji, Ying; Chang, Chun; Liverani, Marco
  • Association of OPRM1 Functional Coding Variant With Opioid Use Disorder: A Genome-Wide Association Study. (2020) Zhou, Hang; Rentsch, Christopher T; Cheng, Zhongshan; Kember, Rachel L; Nunez, Yaira Z; Sherva, Richard M; Tate, Janet P; Dao, Cecilia; Xu, Ke; Polimanti, Renato; Farrer, Lindsay A; Justice, Amy C; Kranzler, Henry R; Gelernter, Joel; Veterans Affairs Million Veteran Program
  • Novel Subclone of Carbapenem-Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae Sequence Type 11 with Enhanced Virulence and Transmissibility, China. (2020) Zhou, Kai; Xiao, Tingting; David, Sophia; Wang, Qin; Zhou, Yanzi; Guo, Lihua; Aanensen, David; Holt, Kathryn E; Thomson, Nicholas R; Grundmann, Hajo; Shen, Ping; Xiao, Yonghong
  • Challenges and Solutions for Scaling up Social Media-based Human Immunodefiency Virus (HIV) Self-testing: Author's Reply. (2020) Zhou, Yi; Wu, Dan; Jiang, Hongbo; Tang, Weiming
  • Site-Specific Factors Influence the Field Performance of a Zn-Biofortified Wheat Variety. (2020) Zia, Munir H; Ahmed, Iftikhar; Bailey, Elizabeth H; Lark, R Murray; Young, Scott D; Lowe, Nicola M; Joy, Edward JM; Wilson, Lolita; Zaman, Mukhtiar; Broadley, Martin R
  • The potential of breast cancer screening in Europe. (2020) Zielonke, Nadine; Kregting, Lindy M; Heijnsdijk, Eveline AM; Veerus, Piret; Heinävaara, Sirpa; McKee, Martin; de Kok, Inge MCM; de Koning, Harry J; van Ravesteyn, Nicolien T; EU-TOPIA collaborators
  • The Zika Virus Individual Participant Data Consortium: A Global Initiative to Estimate the Effects of Exposure to Zika Virus during Pregnancy on Adverse Fetal, Infant, and Child Health Outcomes. (2020) Zika Virus Individual Participant Data Consortium
  • A systematic review and meta-analysis to assess the association between urogenital schistosomiasis and HIV/AIDS infection. (2020) Zirimenya, Ludoviko; Mahmud-Ajeigbe, Fatima; McQuillan, Ruth; Li, You
  • Exposure to household secondhand smoke among adolescents in Kuwait: Results from two school-based cross-sectional studies. (2020) Ziyab, Ali H; Almari, Mohammad; Al-Taiar, Abdullah
  • Prolonged dual antiplatelet therapy in patients with non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: 2-year findings from EPICOR Asia. (2020) Zou, Yanan; Yang, Shuang; Wang, Shipeng; Lv, Bo; Xiu, Lili; Li, Lulu; Lee, Stephen W-L; Chin, Chee Tang; Pocock, Stuart J; Huo, Yong; Yu, Bo
  • Young people's experiences of sexual and reproductive health interventions in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. (2020) Zuma, Thembelihle; Seeley, Janet; Mdluli, Sakhile; Chimbindi, Natsayi; Mcgrath, Nuala; Floyd, Sian; Birdthistle, Isolde; Harling, Guy; Sherr, Lorraine; Shahmanesh, Maryam
  • Exploring caregiver experiences of stigma in Ghana: <i>They insult me because of my child</i>. (2020) Zuurmond, Maria; Seeley, Janet; Nyant, Gifty Gyamah; Baltussen, Marjolein; Abanga, Jedidia; Polack, Sarah; Bernays, Sarah; Shakespeare, Tom
  • Illuminating the empowerment journey of caregivers of children with disabilities: Understanding lessons learnt from Ghana. (2020) Zuurmond, Maria; Seeley, Janet; Shakespeare, Tom; Nyante, Gifty G; Bernays, Sarah
  • Using HIV self-testing to increase the affordability of community-based HIV testing services. (2020) d'Elbée, Marc; Makhetha, Molemo Charles; Jubilee, Makhahliso; Taole, Matee; Nkomo, Cyril; Machinda, Albert; Tlhomola, Mphotleng; Sande, Linda A; Gomez Guillen, Gabriela B; Corbett, Elizabeth L; Johnson, Cheryl C; Hatzold, Karin; Meyer-Rath, Gesine; Terris-Prestholt, Fern
  • Are We Asking Too Much of the Health Sector? Exploring the Readiness of Brazilian Primary Healthcare to Respond to Domestic Violence Against Women. (2020) d'Oliveira, Ana Flávia Pires Lucas; Pereira, Stephanie; Bacchus, Loraine J; Feder, Gene; Schraiber, Lilia Blima; Aguiar, Janaina Marques de; Bonin, Renata Granusso; Vieira Graglia, Cecilia Guida; Colombini, Manuela
  • Does women's age matter in the SDGs era: coverage of demand for family planning satisfied with modern methods and institutional delivery in 91 low- and middle-income countries. (2020) da Silva, Inacio Crochemore M; Everling, Fernanda; Hellwig, Franciele; Ronsmans, Carine; Benova, Lenka; Requejo, Jennifer; Raj, Anita; Barros, Aluisio JD; Victora, Cesar G
  • Correction: Geographic and socioeconomic factors associated with leprosy treatment default: An analysis from the 100 Million Brazilian Cohort. (2020) de Andrade, Kaio Vinicius Freitas; Nery, Joilda Silva; Pescarini, Julia Moreira; Ramond, Anna; Carlos Antônio de Souza Teles Santos; Ichihara, Maria Yury; Fernandes Penna, Maria Lucia; Brickley, Elizabeth B; Rodrigues, Laura C; Smeeth, Liam; Barreto, Mauricio L; Pereira, Susan Martins; Penna, Gerson Oliveira
  • Understanding infection prevention behaviour in maternity wards: A mixed-methods analysis of hand hygiene in Zanzibar. (2020) de Barra, Mícheál; Gon, Giorgia; Woodd, Susannah; Graham, Wendy J; de Bruin, Marijn; Kahabuka, Catherine; Williams, A Jess; Konate, Khadidja; Ali, Said M; Said, Rukaiya; Penn-Kekana, Loveday
  • Mapping global trends in vaccine confidence and investigating barriers to vaccine uptake: a large-scale retrospective temporal modelling study. (2020) de Figueiredo, Alexandre; Simas, Clarissa; Karafillakis, Emilie; Paterson, Pauline; Larson, Heidi J
  • Peer-provided Problem Management Plus (PM+) for adult Syrian refugees: a pilot randomised controlled trial on effectiveness and cost-effectiveness. (2020) de Graaff, AM; Cuijpers, P; McDaid, D; Park, A; Woodward, A; Bryant, RA; Fuhr, DC; Kieft, B; Minkenberg, E; Sijbrandij, M
  • Effectiveness of a peer-refugee delivered psychological intervention to reduce psychological distress among adult Syrian refugees in the Netherlands: study protocol. (2020) de Graaff, Anne M; Cuijpers, Pim; Acarturk, Ceren; Bryant, Richard; Burchert, Sebastian; Fuhr, Daniela C; Huizink, Anja C; de Jong, Joop; Kieft, Barbara; Knaevelsrud, Christine; McDaid, David; Morina, Naser; Park, A-La; Uppendahl, Jana; Ventevogel, Peter; Whitney, Claire; Wiedemann, Nana; Woodward, Aniek; Sijbrandij, Marit
  • "Life Is Taking Me Where I Need to Go": Biographical Disruption and New Arrangements in the Lives of Female Family Carers of Children with Congenital Zika Syndrome in Pernambuco, Brazil. (2020) de Melo, Ana Paula Lopes; Lyra, Tereza; de Araújo, Thália Velho Barreto; de Albuquerque, Maria do Socorro Veloso; Valongueiro, Sandra; Kuper, Hannah; Penn-Kekana, Loveday
  • Effects of Gender, Sterilization, and Environment on the Spatial Distribution of Free-Roaming Dogs: An Intervention Study in an Urban Setting. (2020) de Melo, Saulo Nascimento; da Silva, Eduardo Sergio; Barbosa, David Soeiro; Teixeira-Neto, Rafael Gonçalves; Lacorte, Gustavo Augusto; Horta, Marco Aurélio Pereira; Cardoso, Diogo Tavares; Werneck, Guilherme Loureiro; Struchiner, Claudio José; Belo, Vinícius Silva
  • Natural Infection by SARS-CoV-2 in Companion Animals: A Review of Case Reports and Current Evidence of Their Role in the Epidemiology of COVID-19. (2020) de Morais, Helio Autran; dos Santos, Andrea Pires; do Nascimento, Naila Cannes; Kmetiuk, Louise Bach; Barbosa, David Soeiro; Brandão, Paulo Eduardo; Guimarães, Ana Marcia Sá; Pettan-Brewer, Christina; Biondo, Alexander Welker
  • In silico Strategies to Support Fragment-to-Lead Optimization in Drug Discovery. (2020) de Souza Neto, Lauro Ribeiro; Moreira-Filho, José Teófilo; Neves, Bruno Junior; Maidana, Rocío Lucía Beatriz Riveros; Guimarães, Ana Carolina Ramos; Furnham, Nicholas; Andrade, Carolina Horta; Silva, Floriano Paes
  • Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of the COVID-19 epidemic in Brazil. (2020) de Souza, William Marciel; Buss, Lewis Fletcher; Candido, Darlan da Silva; Carrera, Jean-Paul; Li, Sabrina; Zarebski, Alexander E; Pereira, Rafael Henrique Moraes; Prete, Carlos A; de Souza-Santos, Andreza Aruska; Parag, Kris V; Belotti, Maria Carolina TD; Vincenti-Gonzalez, Maria F; Messina, Janey; da Silva Sales, Flavia Cristina; Andrade, Pamela Dos Santos; Nascimento, Vítor Heloiz; Ghilardi, Fabio; Abade, Leandro; Gutierrez, Bernardo; Kraemer, Moritz UG; Braga, Carlos KV; Aguiar, Renato Santana; Alexander, Neal; Mayaud, Philippe; Brady, Oliver J; Marcilio, Izabel; Gouveia, Nelson; Li, Guangdi; Tami, Adriana; de Oliveira, Silvano Barbosa; Porto, Victor Bertollo Gomes; Ganem, Fabiana; de Almeida, Walquiria Aparecida Ferreira; Fantinato, Francieli Fontana Sutile Tardetti; Macário, Eduardo Marques; de Oliveira, Wanderson Kleber; Nogueira, Mauricio L; Pybus, Oliver G; Wu, Chieh-Hsi; Croda, Julio; Sabino, Ester C; Faria, Nuno Rodrigues
  • Surgical findings in cryptorchidism in children with Zika-related microcephaly: a case series. (2020) de Vasconcelos, Rômulo AL; Ximenes, Ricardo AA; Calado, Adriano A; Martelli, Celina MT; Gonçalves, Andreia V; Brickley, Elizabeth B; de Araújo, Thalia VB; Rocha, Maria AW; Miranda-Filho, Demócrito de B
  • Cryptorchidism in Children with Zika-Related Microcephaly. (2020) de Vasconcelos, Rômulo AL; Ximenes, Ricardo AA; Calado, Adriano A; Martelli, Celina MT; Gonçalves, Andreia V; Brickley, Elizabeth B; de Araújo, Thalia VB; Wanderley Rocha, Maria Angela; Miranda-Filho, Demócrito de B
  • Stigma and HIV service access among transfeminine and gender diverse women in South Africa - a narrative analysis of longitudinal qualitative data from the HPTN 071 (PopART) trial. (2020) de Villiers, Laing; Thomas, Angelique; Jivan, Dionne; Hoddinott, Graeme; Hargreaves, James R; Bond, Virginia; Stangl, Anne; Bock, Peter; Reynolds, Lindsey; HPTN 071 (PopART) study team
  • Estimating spatio-temporal air temperature in London (UK) using machine learning and earth observation satellite data. (2020) dos Santos, Rochelle Schneider
  • Emerging Opportunities Provided by Technology to Advance Research in Child Health Globally. (2020) van Heerden, Alastair; Leppanen, Jukka; Rotheram-Borus, Mary Jane; Worthman, Carol M; Kohrt, Brandon A; Skeen, Sarah; Giese, Sonja; Hughes, Rob; Bohmer, Lisa; Tomlinson, Mark
  • Augmenting contact matrices with time-use data for fine-grained intervention modelling of disease dynamics: A modelling analysis. (2020) van Leeuwen, Edwin; Sandmann, Frank
  • Time use and social mixing during and around festive periods: Potential changes in the age distribution of COVID-19 cases from increased intergenerational interactions. (2020) van Leeuwen, Edwin; Sandmann, Frank G; Eggo, Rosalind M; White, Peter J
  • Use of resuscitation promoting factors to screen for tuberculosis infection in household-exposed children in The Gambia. (2020) van Loon, W; Gomez, MP; Jobe, D; Franken, KLMC; Ottenhoff, THM; Coninx, M; Kestens, L; Sutherland, JS; Kampmann, B; Tientcheu, LD
  • Universities as catalysts of social innovation in health systems in low-and middle-income countries: a multi-country case study. (2020) van Niekerk, Lindi; Mathanga, Don Pascal; Juban, Noel; Castro-Arroyave, Diana Maria; Balabanova, Dina
  • Crowdsourcing to identify social innovation initiatives in health in low- and middle-income countries. (2020) van Niekerk, Lindi; Ongkeko, Arturo; Hounsell, Rachel Alice; Msiska, Barwani Khaura; Mathanga, Don Pascal; Mothe, Josselyn; Juban, Noel; Awor, Phyllis; Balabanova, Dina
  • Achieving universal health coverage for people with stroke in South Africa: protocol for a scoping review. (2020) van Niekerk, Sjan-Mari; Inglis-Jassiem, Gakeemah; Kamalakannan, Sureshkumar; Fernandes, Silke; Webster, Jayne; English, Rene; Smythe, Tracey; Louw, QA
  • Implementation barriers for mHealth for non-communicable diseases management in low and middle income countries: a scoping review and field-based views from implementers. (2020) van Olmen, Josefien; Erwin, Erica; García-Ulloa, Ana Cristina; Meessen, Bruno; Miranda, J Jaime; Bobrow, Kirsty; Iwelunmore, Juliet; Nwaozuru, Ucheoma; Obiezu Umeh, Chisom; Smith, Carter; Harding, Chris; Kumar, Pratap; Gonzales, Clicerio; Hernández-Jiménez, Sergio; Yeates, Karen
  • A novel full-length two-domain KIR2DL5A allele isolated in Zimbabwean samples: KIR2DL5A*0010104. (2020) van Pul, Lisa; Majonga, Edith; Ferrand, Rashida; Rowland-Jones, Sarah L; Yindom, Louis-Marie
  • Novel Endochin-Like Quinolones Exhibit Potent In Vitro Activity against Plasmodium knowlesi but Do Not Synergize with Proguanil. (2020) van Schalkwyk, Donelly A; Riscoe, Michael K; Pou, Sovitj; Winter, Rolf W; Nilsen, Aaron; Duffey, Maëlle; Moon, Robert W; Sutherland, Colin J
  • Novel Endochin-Like Quinolones Exhibit Potent In Vitro Activity against Plasmodium knowlesi but Do Not Synergize with Proguanil. (2020) van Schalkwyk, Donelly A; Riscoe, Michael K; Pou, Sovitj; Winter, Rolf W; Nilsen, Aaron; Duffey, Maëlle; Moon, Robert W; Sutherland, Colin J
  • Size matters: An analysis of cigarette pack sizes across 23 European Union countries using Euromonitor data, 2006 to 2017. (2020) van Schalkwyk, May CI; McKee, Martin; Been, Jasper V; Millett, Christopher; Filippidis, Filippos T
  • Response strategies for COVID-19 epidemics in African settings: a mathematical modelling study. (2020) van Zandvoort, Kevin; Jarvis, Christopher I; Pearson, Carl AB; Davies, Nicholas G; CMMID COVID-19 working group; Ratnayake, Ruwan; Russell, Timothy W; Kucharski, Adam J; Jit, Mark; Flasche, Stefan; Eggo, Rosalind M; Checchi, Francesco
  • Pathobionts in the Vaginal Microbiota: Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis of Three Sequencing Studies. (2020) van de Wijgert, Janneke HHM; Verwijs, Marijn C; Gill, A Christina; Borgdorff, Hanneke; van der Veer, Charlotte; Mayaud, Philippe
  • Comparison of Commercial ELISA Kits to Confirm the Absence of Transmission in Malaria Elimination Settings. (2020) van den Hoogen, Lotus L; Bareng, Paolo; Alves, Joana; Reyes, Ralph; Macalinao, Malou; Rodrigues, Júlio M; Fernandes, José M; Goméz, Lara F; Hall, Tom; Singh, Susheel K; Fornace, Kimberly; Luchavez, Jennifer; Kitchen, Alan; Chiodini, Peter; Espino, Fe; Tetteh, Kevin KA; Stresman, Gillian; Sepúlveda, Nuno; Drakeley, Chris
  • Quality control of multiplex antibody detection in samples from large-scale surveys: the example of malaria in Haiti. (2020) van den Hoogen, Lotus L; Présumé, Jacquelin; Romilus, Ithamare; Mondélus, Gina; Elismé, Tamara; Sepúlveda, Nuno; Stresman, Gillian; Druetz, Thomas; Ashton, Ruth A; Joseph, Vena; Eisele, Thomas P; Hamre, Karen ES; Chang, Michelle A; Lemoine, Jean F; Tetteh, Kevin KA; Boncy, Jacques; Existe, Alexandre; Drakeley, Chris; Rogier, Eric
  • Selection of Antibody Responses Associated With Plasmodium falciparum Infections in the Context of Malaria Elimination. (2020) van den Hoogen, Lotus L; Stresman, Gillian; Présumé, Jacquelin; Romilus, Ithamare; Mondélus, Gina; Elismé, Tamara; Existe, Alexandre; Hamre, Karen ES; Ashton, Ruth A; Druetz, Thomas; Joseph, Vena; Beeson, James G; Singh, Susheel K; Boncy, Jacques; Eisele, Thomas P; Chang, Michelle A; Lemoine, Jean F; Tetteh, Kevin KA; Rogier, Eric; Drakeley, Chris
  • Systematic review of factors associated with quality of life of asylum seekers and refugees in high-income countries. (2020) van der Boor, Catharina F; Amos, Rebekah; Nevitt, Sarah; Dowrick, Christopher; White, Ross G
  • Barriers to Accessing and Negotiating Mental Health Services in Asylum Seeking and Refugee Populations: The Application of the Candidacy Framework. (2020) van der Boor, Catharina F; White, Ross
  • Epigenome-wide association study for perceived discrimination among sub-Saharan African migrants in Europe - the RODAM study. (2020) van der Laan, Loes C; Meeks, Karlijn AC; Chilunga, Felix P; Agyemang, Charles; Venema, Andrea; Mannens, Marcel MAM; Zafarmand, Mohammad H; Klipstein-Grobusch, Kerstin; Smeeth, Liam; Adeyemo, Adebowale; Henneman, Peter
  • Planting sustainable seeds in young minds: the need to teach planetary health to children. (2020) von Borries, Rosa; Guinto, Renzo; Thomson, Deborah J; Abia, Wilfred A; Lowe, Rachel
  • The PRECISE (PREgnancy Care Integrating translational Science, Everywhere) Network's first protocol: deep phenotyping in three sub-Saharan African countries. (2020) von Dadelszen, Peter; Flint-O'Kane, Meriel; Poston, Lucilla; Craik, Rachel; Russell, Donna; Tribe, Rachel M; d'Alessandro, Umberto; Roca, Anna; Jah, Hawanatu; Temmerman, Marleen; Koech Etyang, Angela; Sevene, Esperança; Chin, Paulo; Lawn, Joy E; Blencowe, Hannah; Sandall, Jane; Salisbury, Tatiana T; Barratt, Benjamin; Shennan, Andrew H; Makanga, Prestige Tatenda; Magee, Laura A; PRECISE Network
  • Informing prevention of stillbirth and preterm birth in Malawi: development of a minimum dataset for health facilities participating in the DIPLOMATIC collaboration. (2020) von Wissmann, Beatrix; Wastnedge, Elizabeth; Waters, Donald; Gadama, Luis A; Dube, Queen; Masesa, Clemens; Chodzaza, Elizabeth; Stock, Sarah Jane; Reynolds, Rebecca M; Norrie, John; Makwakwa, Enita; Freyne, Bridget; Campbell, Harry; Norman, Jane E; Wood, Rachael; DIPLOMATIC collaboration
  • Overcoming the global burden of neglected tropical diseases. (2020) Álvarez-Hernández, Diego-Abelardo; Rivero-Zambrano, Luisa; Martínez-Juárez, Luis-Alberto; García-Rodríguez-Arana, Rodolfo
  • Characterization and applications of a Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus nucleoprotein-specific Affimer: Inhibitory effects in viral replication and development of colorimetric diagnostic tests. (2020) Álvarez-Rodríguez, Beatriz; Tiede, Christian; Hoste, Alexis CR; Surtees, Rebecca A; Trinh, Chi H; Slack, Gillian S; Chamberlain, John; Hewson, Roger; Fresco, Alba; Sastre, Patricia; Tomlinson, Darren C; Millner, Paul A; Edwards, Thomas A; Barr, John N
  • Assessment of a novel scanner-supported system for processing of child health and immunization data in Uganda. (2020) Äijö, Annika; Schäffner, Ina; Waiswa, Peter; Kananura, Rornald Muhumuza; Tessma, Mesfin Kassaye; Hanson, Claudia
  • Reply to: Broad definitions of enforcement are unhelpful for understanding evolutionary mechanisms of cooperation. (2020) Ågren, J Arvid; Davies, Nicholas G; Foster, Kevin R