Browse by Date where Item Type is "Article" and Year is "2005"

Number of items: 1602.
  • Mortality in New Zealand workers exposed to phenoxy herbicides and dioxins. (2005) 't Mannetje, A; McLean, D; Cheng, S; Boffetta, P; Colin, D; Pearce, N
  • Quantitative estimates of work-related death, disease and injury in New Zealand. (2005) 't Mannetje, Andrea; Pearce, Neil
  • Vaccines and unexpected observations: flaws or cause for concern? (2005) Aaby, Peter; Rodrigues, Amabelia; Biai, Sidu; Martins, Cesario; Veirum, Jens Erik; Benn, Christine Stabell; Jensen, Henrik
  • Translating research into policy and practice in developing countries: a case study of magnesium sulphate for pre-eclampsia. (2005) Aaserud, Morten; Lewin, Simon; Innvaer, Simon; Paulsen, Elizabeth J; Dahlgren, Astrid T; Trommald, Mari; Duley, Lelia; Zwarenstein, Merrick; Oxman, Andrew D
  • Influence of ear canal occlusion and static pressure difference on bone conduction thresholds: implications for mechanisms of bone conduction. (2005) Aazh, Hashir; Moore, Brian; Peyvandi, Ali Asghar; Stenfelt, Stefan
  • Field ecology of sylvatic Rhodnius populations (Heteroptera, Triatominae): risk factors for palm tree infestation in western Ecuador. (2005) Abad-Franch, F; Palomeque, FS; Aguilar, HM; Miles, MA
  • Molecular research and the control of Chagas disease vectors. (2005) Abad-Franch, Fernando; Monteiro, Fernando A
  • Psychological impact of terrorist attacks [electronic response to: Roberts I. Book review - Terrorism and Public Health: A balanced approach to strengthening systems and protecting people]. (2005) Abenhaim, L; Dab, W; Lamping, D; Rouillon, F
  • Allium sativum: nutritional properties. (2005) Aboul-Enein, Basil H; Aboul-Enein, Faisal H
  • Promotion of periconceptional folic acid has had limited success. (2005) Abramsky, L; Busby, A; Dolk, H
  • Development and evaluation of a hand held computer based on-call pack for health protection out of hours duty: a pilot study. (2005) Abubakar, Ibrahim; Williams, Christopher J; McEvoy, Marian
  • El consumo de drogas inyectables es un fenómeno de dimensiones planetarias. (2005) Aceijas, C
  • A bioinformatic analysis of the RAB genes of Trypanosoma brucei. (2005) Ackers, John P; Dhir, Vivek; Field, Mark C
  • Report on the 2nd EMBO Workshop on "Pathogenesis of Amoebiasis: From Genomics to Disease" held at Ein Gedi, Israel, November 16-20, 2004. (2005) Ackers, John; Mirelman, David
  • Project 27/28: inquiry into quality of neonatal care and its effect on the survival of infants who were born at 27 and 28 weeks in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland. (2005) Acolet, Dominique; Elbourne, Diana; McIntosh, Neil; Weindling, Michael; Korkodilos, Marilena; Haviland, Jo; Modder, Jo; Macintosh, Mary; Confidential Enquiry Into Maternal and Child Health
  • Disease risks from foods, England and Wales, 1996-2000. (2005) Adak, Goutam K; Meakins, Sallyanne M; Yip, Hopi; Lopman, Benjamin A; O'Brien, Sarah J
  • Does the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness cost more than routine care? Results from the United Republic of Tanzania. (2005) Adam, Taghreed; Manzi, Fatuma; Schellenberg, Joanna Armstrong; Mgalula, Leslie; de Savigny, Don; Evans, David B
  • Are older people dying of depression? Findings from the Medical Research Council trial of the assessment and management of older people in the community. (2005) Adamson, Joy A; Price, Gill M; Breeze, Elizabeth; Bulpitt, Christopher J; Fletcher, Astrid E
  • Elimination of Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) disease from The Gambia after the introduction of routine immunisation with a Hib conjugate vaccine: a prospective study. (2005) Adegbola, Richard A; Secka, Ousman; Lahai, George; Lloyd-Evans, Nellie; Njie, Alpha; Usen, Stanley; Oluwalana, Claire; Obaro, Stephen; Weber, Martin; Corrah, Tumani; Mulholland, Kim; McAdam, Keith; Greenwood, Brian; Milligan, Paul JM
  • Safety culture and accident risk control: Perceptions of professional divers and offshore workers. (2005) Adie, Wendy; Cairns, John; Macdiarmid, Jennie; Ross, John; Watt, Stephen; Taylor, Claire L; Osman, Liesl M
  • How local community knowledge about malaria affects insecticide-treated net use in northern Ghana. (2005) Adongo, Philip B; Kirkwood, Betty; Kendall, Carl
  • The burden of diarrhoea, shigellosis, and cholera in North Jakarta, Indonesia: findings from 24 months surveillance. (2005) Agtini, Magdarina D; Soeharno, Rooswanti; Lesmana, Murad; Punjabi, Narain H; Simanjuntak, Cyrus; Wangsasaputra, Ferry; Nurdin, Dazwir; Pulungsih, Sri Pandam; Rofiq, Ainur; Santoso, Hari; Pujarwoto, H; Sjahrurachman, Agus; Sudarmono, Pratiwi; von Seidlein, Lorenz; Deen, Jacqueline L; Ali, Mohammad; Lee, Hyejon; Kim, Deok Ryun; Han, Oakpil; Park, Jin Kyung; Suwandono, Agus; Ingerani; Oyofo, Buhari A; Campbell, James R; Beecham, H James; Corwin, Andrew L; Clemens, John D
  • Economic evaluation databases as an aid to healthcare decision makers and researchers. (2005) Aguiar-Ibanez, R; Nixon, J; Glanville, J; Craig, D; Rice, S; Christie, J; Drummond, MF
  • Cataract blindness in people 50 years old or older in a semirural area of northern Peru. (2005) Aguila, LP; Carrion, R; Luna, W; Silva, JC; Limburg, H
  • Global health impacts of floods: epidemiologic evidence. (2005) Ahern, Mike; Kovats, R Sari; Wilkinson, Paul; Few, Roger; Matthies, Franziska
  • Community concepts of malaria-related illness with and without convulsions in southern Ghana. (2005) Ahorlu, Collins K; Koram, Kwadwo A; Ahorlu, Cynthia; de Savigny, Don; Weiss, Mitchell G
  • Hormone replacement therapy and cataract: a population-based case-control study. (2005) Aina, FO; Smeeth, L; Hubbard, R; Hurt, LS; Fletcher, AE
  • Wound botulism in injectors of drugs: upsurge in cases in England during 2004. (2005) Akbulut, D; Dennis, J; Gent, M; Grant, KA; Hope, V; Ohai, C; McLauchlin, J; Mithani, V; Mpamugo, O; Ncube, F; de Souza-Thomas, L
  • Are these data real? Statistical methods for the detection of data fabrication in clinical trials. (2005) Al-Marzouki, Sanaa; Evans, Stephen; Marshall, Tom; Roberts, Ian
  • The effect of scientific misconduct on the results of clinical trials: a Delphi survey. (2005) Al-Marzouki, Sanaa; Roberts, Ian; Marshall, Tom; Evans, Stephen
  • Large-scale evaluation of a single-tube nested PCR for the laboratory diagnosis of human brucellosis in Kuwait. (2005) Al-Nakkas, Aref; Mustafa, Abu Salim; Wright, Stephen G
  • Development of the egg hatch assay for detection of anthelminthic resistance in human hookworms. (2005) Albonico, Marco; Wright, Victoria; Ramsan, Mahdi; Haji, Hamadi J; Taylor, Martin; Savioli, Lorenzo; Bickle, Quentin
  • Combined prime-boost vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) using a recombinant vaccinia virus and a bacterial plasmid both expressing TBE virus non-structural NS1 protein. (2005) Aleshin, SE; Timofeev, AV; Khoretonenko, MV; Zakharova, LG; Pashvykina, GV; Stephenson, JR; Shneider, AM; Altstein, AD
  • An index of community ocular Chlamydia trachomatis load for control of trachoma. (2005) Alexander, NDE; Solomon, AW; Holland, MJ; Bailey, RL; West, SK; Shao, JF; Mabey, DCW; Foster, A
  • Analysis of incidence rates in cluster-randomized trials of interventions against recurrent infections, with an application to trachoma. (2005) Alexander, Neal; Emerson, Paul
  • Case-control study of mosquito nets against malaria in the Amazon region of Colombia. (2005) Alexander, Neal; Rodríguez, Mauricio; Pérez, Ligia; Caicedo, Juan Carlos; Cruz, Jesús; Prieto, Guillermo; Arroyo, José Antonio; Cotacio, Maria Cristina; Suárez, Martha; DE LA Hoz, Fernando; Hall, Andrew J
  • Evaluation of two real-time PCR assays for the investigation of mecA gene in clinical isolates of MRSA in Western Saudi Arabia. (2005) Alhaj-Hussein, B; Al-Shehri, M; Azhar, E; Ashankyty, I; Osoba, A
  • Mutation scanning by meltMADGE: validations using BRCA1 and LDLR, and demonstration of the potential to identify severe, moderate, silent, rare, and paucimorphic mutations in the general population. (2005) Alharbi, Khalid K; Aldahmesh, Mohammed A; Spanakis, Emmanuel; Haddad, Lema; Whittall, Roslyn A; Chen, Xiao-he; Rassoulian, Hamid; Smith, Matt J; Sillibourne, Julie; Ball, Nicola J; Graham, Nikki J; Briggs, Patricia J; Simpson, Iain A; Phillips, David IW; Lawlor, Deborah A; Ye, Shu; Humphries, Stephen E; Cooper, Cyrus; Smith, George Davey; Ebrahim, Shah; Eccles, Diana M; Day, Ian NM
  • Use of PCR amplification of tRNA gene-linked short tandem repeats for genotyping Entamoeba histolytica. (2005) Ali, Ibne Karim M; Zaki, Mehreen; Clark, C Graham
  • Sexual and reproductive behaviour among single women aged 15-24 in eight Latin American countries: a comparative analysis. (2005) Ali, Mohamed M; Cleland, John
  • The use of a computerized database to monitor vaccine safety in Viet Nam. (2005) Ali, Mohammad; Canh, Gia Do; Clemens, John D; Park, Jin-Kyung; von Seidlein, Lorenz; Minh, Tan Truong; Thiem, Dinh Vu; Tho, Huu Le; Trach, Duc Dang; Vaccine Safety Datalink Group
  • Herd immunity conferred by killed oral cholera vaccines in Bangladesh: a reanalysis. (2005) Ali, Mohammad; Emch, Michael; von Seidlein, Lorenz; Yunus, Mohammad; Sack, David A; Rao, Malla; Holmgren, Jan; Clemens, John D
  • A doubly inducible system for RNA interference and rapid RNAi plasmid construction in Trypanosoma brucei. (2005) Alibu, Vincent P; Storm, Lilian; Haile, Simon; Clayton, Christine; Horn, David
  • A simple, high-throughput method to detect Plasmodium falciparum single nucleotide polymorphisms in the dihydrofolate reductase, dihydropteroate synthase, and P. falciparum chloroquine resistance transporter genes using polymerase chain reaction- and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay-based technology. (2005) Alifrangis, Michael; Enosse, Sonia; Pearce, Richard; Drakeley, Chris; Roper, Cally; Khalil, Insaf F; Nkya, Watoky Mmm; Rønn, Anita M; Theander, Thor G; Bygbjerg, Ib C
  • A prospective study of serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), IGF-II, IGF-binding protein-3 and breast cancer risk. (2005) Allen, NE; Roddam, AW; Allen, DS; Fentiman, IS; Dos Santos Silva, I; Peto, J; Holly, JMP; Key, TJ
  • What are 'third way' governments learning? Health care consumers and quality in England and Germany. (2005) Allen, Pauline; Hommel, Petra Riemer
  • The Wanless report and decision-making in public health. (2005) Allin, Sara; Mossialos, Elias; McKee, Martin; Holland, Walter
  • Experimental rabies infection in haematophagous bats Desmodus rotundus. (2005) Almeida, MF; Martorelli, LFA; Aires, CC; Sallum, PC; Durigon, EL; Massad, E
  • Indirect oral immunization of captive vampires, Desmodus rotundus. (2005) Almeida, Marilene F; Martorelli, Luzia FA; Aires, Caroline C; Sallum, PC; Massad, Eduardo
  • Multiplex analysis of RNA interference defects in Trypanosoma brucei. (2005) Alsford, Sam; Glover, Lucy; Horn, David
  • Tagging a T. brucei RRNA locus improves stable transfection efficiency and circumvents inducible expression position effects. (2005) Alsford, Sam; Kawahara, Taemi; Glover, Lucy; Horn, David
  • Omitted evidence? (2005) Alvarez-Rosete, A; Bevan, G; Mays, N; Dixon, J:
  • Effect of diverging policy across the NHS. (2005) Alvarez-Rosete, Arturo; Bevan, Gwyn; Mays, Nicholas; Dixon, Jennifer
  • Evaluating the post-licensure effectiveness of a group B meningococcal vaccine in New Zealand: a multi-faceted strategy. (2005) Ameratunga, Shanthi; Macmillan, Alex; Stewart, Joanna; Scott, David; Mulholland, Kim; Crengle, Sue; Meningococcal Management Team
  • Evidence, experts and committees: the shaping of hospital pharmacy policy in Great Britain 1948 to 1974. (2005) Anderson, Stuart
  • The origins and spread of antimalarial drug resistance: lessons for policy makers. (2005) Anderson, Tim JC; Roper, Cally
  • Effects of prednisolone treatment on cytokine expression in patients with leprosy type 1 reactions. (2005) Andersson, Anna K; Chaduvula, MeherVani; Atkinson, Sara E; Khanolkar-Young, Saroj; Jain, Suman; Suneetha, Lavanya; Suneetha, Sujai; Lockwood, Diana NJ
  • Optimal life stage for radiation sterilization of Anopheles males and their fitness for release. (2005) Andreasen, MH; Curtis, CF
  • An assessment of electronically captured data in the patient care enhancement system (PACES) for syndromic surveillance. (2005) Ang, BCH; Chen, MIC; Goh, TLH; Ng, YY; Fan, SW
  • Risk assessment and disease prevention in travelers visiting friends and relatives. (2005) Angell, Sonia Y; Behrens, Ron H
  • Pandemic serovars (O3:K6 and O4:K68) of Vibrio parahaemolyticus associated with diarrhea in Mozambique: spread of the pandemic into the African continent. (2005) Ansaruzzaman, M; Lucas, Marcelino; Deen, Jacqueline L; Bhuiyan, NA; Wang, Xuan-Yi; Safa, Ashrafus; Sultana, Marzia; Chowdhury, A; Nair, G Balakrish; Sack, David A; von Seidlein, Lorenz; Puri, Mahesh K; Ali, Mohammad; Chaignat, Claire-Lise; Clemens, John D; Barreto, Avertino
  • Fragmented population structure of plasmodium falciparum in a region of declining endemicity. (2005) Anthony, Thomas G; Conway, David J; Cox-Singh, Janet; Matusop, Asmad; Ratnam, Shanmuga; Shamsul, Sunita; Singh, Balbir
  • Breast and ovarian cancer risks to carriers of the BRCA1 5382insC and 185delAG and BRCA2 6174delT mutations: a combined analysis of 22 population based studies. (2005) Antoniou, AC; Pharoah, PDP; Narod, S; Risch, HA; Eyfjord, JE; Hopper, JL; Olsson, H; Johannsson, O; Borg, A; Pasini, B; Radice, P; Manoukian, S; Eccles, DM; Tang, N; Olah, E; Anton-Culver, H; Warner, E; Lubinski, J; Gronwald, J; Gorski, B; Tulinius, H; Thorlacius, S; Eerola, H; Nevanlinna, H; Syrjäkoski, K; Kallioniemi, O-P; Thompson, D; Evans, C; Peto, J; Lalloo, F; Evans, DG; Easton, DF
  • Cost of AIDS care in Mexico: what are its main individual predictors? (2005) Aracena, Belkis; Gutiérrez, Juan Pablo; Bertozzi, Stefano M; Gertler, Paul
  • Effects of chronic copper exposure during early life in rhesus monkeys. (2005) Araya, Magdalena; Kelleher, Shannon L; Arredondo, Miguel A; Sierralta, Walter; Vial, María Teresa; Uauy, Ricardo; Lönnerdal, Bo
  • Supplementing copper at the upper level of the adult dietary recommended intake induces detectable but transient changes in healthy adults. (2005) Araya, Magdalena; Olivares, Manuel; Pizarro, Fernando; Méndez, Marco A; González, Mauricio; Uauy, Ricardo
  • An analysis of the effectiveness and benefits of peritoneal dialysis and haemodialysis using Nigerian made PD fluids. (2005) Arogundade, FA; Ishola, DA; Sanusi, AA; Akinsola, A
  • HIV-1 diversity and prevalence differ between urban and rural areas in the Mbeya region of Tanzania. (2005) Arroyo, Miguel A; Hoelscher, Michael; Sateren, Warren; Samky, Eleuter; Maboko, Leonard; Hoffmann, Oliver; Kijak, Gustavo; Robb, Merlin; Birx, Deborah L; McCutchan, Francine E
  • Developing a cultural competence assessment tool for people in recovery from racial, ethnic and cultural backgrounds: the journey, challenges and lessons learned. (2005) Arthur, Thomas E; Reeves, Iris; Morgan, Oscar; Cornelius, Llewellyn J; Booker, Naomi C; Brathwaite, Janice; Tufano, Teresa; Allen, Kim; Donato, Irma
  • Detection, quantification and genotyping of Herpes Simplex Virus in cervicovaginal secretions by real-time PCR: a cross sectional survey. (2005) Aryee, Esther AN; Bailey, Robin L; Natividad-Sancho, Angels; Kaye, Steve; Holland, Martin J
  • Report on the first meeting of the IDEAL (Initiative for Diagnostic and Epidemiological Assays for Leprosy) consortium held at Armauer Hansen Research Institute, ALERT, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on 24-27 October 2004. (2005) Aseffa, Abraham; Brennan, Patrick; Dockrell, Hazel; Gillis, Tom; Hussain, Rabia; Oskam, Linda; Richardus, Jan Hendrik; Ideal Consortium
  • Continuity through change: the rhetoric and reality of health reform in New Zealand. (2005) Ashton, Toni; Mays, Nicholas; Devlin, Nancy
  • Experimental hut evaluation of bednets treated with an organophosphate (chlorpyrifos-methyl) or a pyrethroid (lambdacyhalothrin) alone and in combination against insecticide-resistant Anopheles gambiae and Culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes. (2005) Asidi, AN; N'Guessan, R; Koffi, AA; Curtis, CF; Hougard, JM; Chandre, F; Corbel, V; Darriet, F; Zaim, M; Rowland, MW
  • Experimental hut evaluation of bednets treated with an organophosphate (chlorpyrifos-methyl) or a pyrethroid (lambdacyhalothrin) alone and in combination against insecticide-resistant Anopheles gambiae and Culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes. (2005) Asidi, Alex N; N'Guessan, Raphael; Koffi, Alphonsine A; Curtis, Christopher F; Hougard, Jean-Marc; Chandre, Fabrice; Corbel, Vincent; Darriet, Frédéric; Zaim, Morteza; Rowland, Mark W
  • Seasonal variation and hospital utilization for tuberculosis in Russia: hospitals as social care institutions. (2005) Atun, RA; Samyshkin, YA; Drobniewski, F; Kuznetsov, SI; Fedorin, IM; Coker, RJ
  • Social factors influencing hospital utilisation by tuberculosis patients in the Russian Federation: analysis of routinely collected data. (2005) Atun, RA; Samyshkin, YA; Drobniewski, F; Kuznetsov, SI; Fedorin, IM; Coker, RJ
  • Barriers to sustainable tuberculosis control in the Russian Federation health system. (2005) Atun, RA; Samyshkin, YA; Drobniewski, F; Skuratova, NM; Gusarova, G; Kuznetsov, SI; Fedorin, IM; Coker, RJ
  • Implementing WHO DOTS strategy in the Russian Federation: stakeholder attitudes. (2005) Atun, Rifat A; Baeza, Juan; Drobniewski, Francis; Levicheva, Vera; Coker, Richard J
  • Impact of an effective multidrug-resistant tuberculosis control programme in the setting of an immature HIV epidemic: system dynamics simulation model. (2005) Atun, Rifat A; Lebcir, Reda; Drobniewski, Francis; Coker, Richard J
  • Is the private finance initiative dead? (2005) Atun, Rifat A; McKee, Martin
  • Analysis of how the health systems context shapes responses to the control of human immunodeficiency virus: case-studies from the Russian Federation. (2005) Atun, Rifat A; McKee, Martin; Drobniewski, Francis; Coker, Richard
  • Low-level methylmercury exposure as a risk factor for neurologic abnormalities in adults. (2005) Auger, Nathalie; Kofman, Oscar; Kosatsky, Tom; Armstrong, Ben
  • Deprivation, smoking, and quality of life in asthma. (2005) Austin, JB; Selvaraj, S; Godden, D; Russell, G
  • Residents' perceptions of communication skills in postgraduate medical training programs of Pakistan. (2005) Avan, BI; Raza, SA; Afridi, HR
  • Can we capitalize on the virtues of vaccines? Insights from the polio eradication initiative. (2005) Aylward, R Bruce; Heymann, David L
  • Policy. OPV cessation--the final step to a "polio-free" world. (2005) Aylward, R Bruce; Sutter, Roland W; Heymann, David L
  • Anisakis simplex allergy: a murine model of anaphylaxis induced by parasitic proteins displays a mixed Th1/Th2 pattern. (2005) Baeza, ML; Conejero, L; Higaki, Y; Martín, E; Pérez, C; Infante, S; Rubio, M; Zubeldia, JM
  • The epidemiological impact of antiretroviral use predicted by mathematical models: a review. (2005) Baggaley, Rebecca F; Ferguson, Neil M; Garnett, Geoff P
  • Infant feeding patterns and risks of death and hospitalization in the first half of infancy: multicentre cohort study. (2005) Bahl, R; Frost, C; Kirkwood, BR; Edmond, K; Martines, J; Bhandari, N; Arthur, P
  • Infant feeding patterns and risks of death and hospitalization in the first half of infancy: multicentre cohort study. (2005) Bahl, Rajiv; Frost, Chris; Kirkwood, Betty R; Edmond, Karen; Martines, Jose; Bhandari, Nita; Arthur, Paul
  • Review of Antenatal-Linked Voluntary Counseling and HIV Testing in Sub-Saharan Africa: Lessons and Options for Ghana. (2005) Baiden, F; Baiden, Rita; Williams, J; Akweongo, Patricia; Clerk, Christine; Debpuur, C; Philips, J; Hodgson, A
  • Emergency contraception. (2005) Baiden, Frank
  • Voluntary counseling and HIV testing for pregnant women in the Kassena-Nankana district of northern Ghana: is couple counseling the way forward? (2005) Baiden, Frank; Remes, P; Baiden, R; Williams, J; Hodgson, A; Boelaert, M; Buve, A
  • Efficacy and safety of cholesterol-lowering treatment: prospective meta-analysis of data from 90,056 participants in 14 randomised trials of statins. (2005) Baigent, C; Keech, A; Kearney, PM; Blackwell, L; Buck, G; Pollicino, C; Kirby, A; Sourjina, T; Peto, R; Collins, R; Simes, R; Cholesterol Treatment Trialists' (CTT) Collaborators
  • Clinical guidelines for the management of cutaneous leishmaniasis in British military personnel. (2005) Bailey, MS; Green, AD; Ellis, CJ; O'Dempsey, TJ; Beeching, NJ; Lockwood, DN; Chiodini, PL; Bryceson, AD
  • Cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinases in protozoa. (2005) Baker, David A; Deng, Wensheng
  • The SV stent study: a prospective, multicentre, angiographic evaluation of the BiodivYsio phosphorylcholine coated small vessel stent in small coronary vessels. (2005) Bakhai, A; Booth, J; Delahunty, N; Nugara, F; Clayton, T; McNeill, J; Davies, SW; Cumberland, DC; Stables, RH; SV Stent Investigators
  • Diabetic patients with acute coronary syndromes in the UK: high risk and under treated. Results from the prospective registry of acute ischaemic syndromes in the UK (PRAIS-UK). (2005) Bakhai, A; Collinson, J; Flather, MD; de Arenaza, D Perez; Shibata, MC; Wang, D; Adgey, JA; KAA Fox for the PRAIS-UK Investigators
  • A randomized controlled safety and acceptability trial of dextrin sulphate vaginal microbicide gel in sexually active women in Uganda. (2005) Bakobaki, Julie M; Lacey, Charles J; Bukenya, Michael I; Nunn, Andrew J; McCormack, Sheena; Byaruhanga, Romano N; Okong, Pius; Namukwaya, Stella W; Grosskurth, Heiner; Whitworth, James Ag
  • Sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine plus chloroquine or amodiaquine for uncomplicated falciparum malaria: a randomized, multisite trial to guide national policy in Uganda. (2005) Bakyaita, Nathan; Dorsey, Grant; Yeka, Adoke; Banek, Kristin; Staedke, Sarah G; Kamya, Moses R; Talisuna, Ambrose; Kironde, Fred; Nsobya, Sam; Kilian, Albert; Reingold, Arthur; Rosenthal, Philip J; Wabwire-Mangen, Fred
  • Cervical cancer screening in Bulgaria: what went wrong with the system after 1989? (2005) Balabanova, D; Panayotova, Y; Georgiev, J; Todorova, I; Bradley, J
  • Variability in interpretation of chest radiographs among Russian clinicians and implications for screening programmes: observational study. (2005) Balabanova, Y; Coker, R; Fedorin, I; Zakharova, S; Plavinskij, S; Krukov, N; Atun, R; Drobniewski, F
  • [Occupational exposure to nickel in Tuscany: analysis of a biological monitoring register for the period 1991-1998]. (2005) Baldasseroni, A; Gasparrini, A; Locatelli, Flavia; Lorini, Chiara; Lanciotti, E; Bavazzano, P
  • Design and synthesis of a series of melamine-based nitroheterocycles with activity against Trypanosomatid parasites. (2005) Baliani, Alessandro; Bueno, Gorka Jimenez; Stewart, Mhairi L; Yardley, Vanessa; Brun, Reto; Barrett, Michael P; Gilbert, Ian H
  • Simple clinical criteria to identify sepsis or pneumonia in neonates in the community needing treatment or referral. (2005) Bang, Abhay T; Bang, Rani A; Reddy, M Hanimi; Baitule, Sanjay B; Deshmukh, Mahesh D; Paul, Vinod K; de C Marshal, Tom F
  • Source of infection in household transmission of culture-confirmed pertussis in Brazil. (2005) Baptista, Paulo Neves; Magalhães, Vera; Rodrigues, Laura C; Rocha, Maria Angela Wanderley; Pimentel, Analíria Moraes
  • A standardised method for measuring magnetisation transfer ratio on MR imagers from different manufacturers--the EuroMT sequence. (2005) Barker, GJ; Schreiber, WG; Gass, A; Ranjeva, JP; Campi, A; van Waesberghe, JHTM; Franconi, J-M; Watt, HC; Tofts, PS
  • Does Alzheimer's disease affect hippocampal asymmetry? Evidence from a cross-sectional and longitudinal volumetric MRI study. (2005) Barnes, Josephine; Scahill, Rachael I; Schott, Jonathan M; Frost, Chris; Rossor, Martin N; Fox, Nick C
  • A fragile web: review of 'Global health challenges for human security' by Lincoln Chen, Jennifer Leaning and Vasant Narasimhan. (2005) Barnett, T
  • HIV/AIDS, childhood and governance: sundering the bonds of human society. (2005) Barnett, Tony
  • HIV/AIDS impact: so where have we got to and where next? (2005) Barnett, Tony; Clement, Colette
  • HIV/AIDS: sex, abstinence, and behaviour change. (2005) Barnett, Tony; Parkhurst, Justin
  • Neonatal BCG protection against tuberculosis lasts for 20 years in Brazil. (2005) Barreto, ML; Cunha, SS; Pereira, SM; Genser, B; Hijjar, MA; Yury Ichihara, M; de Brito, SC; Dourado, I; Cruz, A; Santa'Ana, C; Rodrigues, LC
  • The challenge of reducing neonatal mortality in middle-income countries: findings from three Brazilian birth cohorts in 1982, 1993, and 2004. (2005) Barros, Fernando C; Victora, Cesar G; Barros, Aluisio JD; Santos, Ina S; Albernaz, Elaine; Matijasevich, Alicia; Domingues, Marlos R; Sclowitz, Iândora KT; Hallal, Pedro C; Silveira, Mariângela F; Vaughan, J Patrick
  • Treatment of granulomatous cheilitis with infliximab. (2005) Barry, Olivia; Barry, Jane; Langan, Sinead; Murphy, Michelle; Fitzgibbon, James; Lyons, James F
  • The causes and effects of socio-demographic exclusions from clinical trials. (2005) Bartlett, C; Doyal, L; Ebrahim, S; Davey, P; Bachmann, M; Egger, M; Dieppe, P
  • Creating a Poverty Map for Azerbaijan. (2005) Baschieri, A; Falkingham, J; Hornby, D; Hutton, G
  • Optimising the statistical analysis of functional outcome in stroke clinical trials. (2005) Bath, PMW; Bath, PMW; Collier, T
  • Accuracy of adults' recall of childhood social class: findings from the Aberdeen children of the 1950s study. (2005) Batty, G David; Lawlor, Debbie A; Macintyre, Sally; Clark, Heather; Leon, David A
  • What are we capable of? The motivations of perpetrators in South Africa during the Apartheid era. (2005) Bayntun, Claire
  • [Indoor radon exposure and lung cancer risk. Results of an epidemiological study carried out in France]. (2005) Baysson, H; Tirmarche, M; Tymen, G; Gouva, S; Caillaud, D; Artus, JC; Vergnenegre, A; Ducloy, F; Laurier, D
  • Women heroin users: Exploring the limitations of the structural violence approach. (2005) Beckerleg, Susan; Hundt, Gillian Lewando
  • The rise of injecting drug use in East Africa: a case study from Kenya. (2005) Beckerleg, Susan; Telfer, Maggie; Hundt, Gillian Lewando
  • Invasive Gram-negative bacilli are frequently resistant to standard antibiotics for children admitted to hospital in Kilifi, Kenya. (2005) Bejon, Philip; Mwangi, Isaiah; Ngetsa, Caroline; Mwarumba, Salim; Berkley, James A; Lowe, Brett S; Maitland, Kathryn; Marsh, Kevin; English, Mike; Scott, J Anthony G
  • Bone mineral density in women aged 40-49 years using depot-medroxyprogesterone acetate, norethisterone enanthate or combined oral contraceptives for contraception. (2005) Beksinska, Mags E; Smit, Jenni A; Kleinschmidt, Immo; Farley, Timothy MM; Mbatha, Fikile
  • Randomised study of effect of different doses of vitamin A on childhood morbidity and mortality. (2005) Benn, Christine Stabell; Martins, Cesario; Rodrigues, Amabelia; Jensen, Henrik; Lisse, Ida Maria; Aaby, Peter
  • No association between insulin gene variation and adult metabolic phenotypes in a large Finnish birth cohort. (2005) Bennett, A; Sovio, U; Ruokonen, A; Martikainen, H; Pouta, A; Taponen, S; Hartikainen, A-L; Franks, S; Peltonen, L; Elliott, P; Järvelin, M-R; McCarthy, MI
  • Bacteremia among children admitted to a rural hospital in Kenya. (2005) Berkley, James A; Lowe, Brett S; Mwangi, Isaiah; Williams, Thomas; Bauni, Evasius; Mwarumba, Saleem; Ngetsa, Caroline; Slack, Mary PE; Njenga, Sally; Hart, C Anthony; Maitland, Kathryn; English, Mike; Marsh, Kevin; Scott, J Anthony G
  • Use of clinical syndromes to target antibiotic prescribing in seriously ill children in malaria endemic area: observational study. (2005) Berkley, James A; Maitland, Kathryn; Mwangi, Isaiah; Ngetsa, Caroline; Mwarumba, Saleem; Lowe, Brett S; Newton, Charles RJC; Marsh, Kevin; Scott, J Anthony G; English, Mike
  • The inhibition of neutrophil antibacterial activity by ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene particles. (2005) Bernard, Louis; Vaudaux, Pierre; Merle, Corinne; Stern, Richard; Huggler, Elzbieta; Lew, Daniel; Hoffmeyer, Pierre
  • Narcotic culture: A history of drugs in China. (2005) Berridge, V
  • Illicit drugs, infectious disease and public health: A historical perspective. (2005) Berridge, Virginia; Bourne, Shawna
  • Smoking and the new health education in Britain 1950s-1970s. (2005) Berridge, Virginia; Loughlin, Kelly
  • The genome of the African trypanosome Trypanosoma brucei. (2005) Berriman, Matthew; Ghedin, Elodie; Hertz-Fowler, Christiane; Blandin, Gaëlle; Renauld, Hubert; Bartholomeu, Daniella C; Lennard, Nicola J; Caler, Elisabet; Hamlin, Nancy E; Haas, Brian; Böhme, Ulrike; Hannick, Linda; Aslett, Martin A; Shallom, Joshua; Marcello, Lucio; Hou, Lihua; Wickstead, Bill; Alsmark, U Cecilia M; Arrowsmith, Claire; Atkin, Rebecca J; Barron, Andrew J; Bringaud, Frederic; Brooks, Karen; Carrington, Mark; Cherevach, Inna; Chillingworth, Tracey-Jane; Churcher, Carol; Clark, Louise N; Corton, Craig H; Cronin, Ann; Davies, Rob M; Doggett, Jonathon; Djikeng, Appolinaire; Feldblyum, Tamara; Field, Mark C; Fraser, Audrey; Goodhead, Ian; Hance, Zahra; Harper, David; Harris, Barbara R; Hauser, Heidi; Hostetler, Jessica; Ivens, Al; Jagels, Kay; Johnson, David; Johnson, Justin; Jones, Kristine; Kerhornou, Arnaud X; Koo, Hean; Larke, Natasha; Landfear, Scott; Larkin, Christopher; Leech, Vanessa; Line, Alexandra; Lord, Angela; Macleod, Annette; Mooney, Paul J; Moule, Sharon; Martin, David MA; Morgan, Gareth W; Mungall, Karen; Norbertczak, Halina; Ormond, Doug; Pai, Grace; Peacock, Chris S; Peterson, Jeremy; Quail, Michael A; Rabbinowitsch, Ester; Rajandream, Marie-Adele; Reitter, Chris; Salzberg, Steven L; Sanders, Mandy; Schobel, Seth; Sharp, Sarah; Simmonds, Mark; Simpson, Anjana J; Tallon, Luke; Turner, C Michael R; Tait, Andrew; Tivey, Adrian R; Van Aken, Susan; Walker, Danielle; Wanless, David; Wang, Shiliang; White, Brian; White, Owen; Whitehead, Sally; Woodward, John; Wortman, Jennifer; Adams, Mark D; Embley, T Martin; Gull, Keith; Ullu, Elisabetta; Barry, J David; Fairlamb, Alan H; Opperdoes, Fred; Barrell, Barclay G; Donelson, John E; Hall, Neil; Fraser, Claire M; Melville, Sara E; El-Sayed, Najib M
  • Improving uptake and adherence in cardiac rehabilitation: literature review. (2005) Beswick, Andrew D; Rees, Karen; West, Robert R; Taylor, Fiona C; Burke, Margaret; Griebsch, Ingolf; Taylor, Rod S; Victory, Jackie; Brown, Jacqueline; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Antibodies against a secreted protein from hookworm larvae reduce the intensity of hookworm infection in humans and vaccinated laboratory animals. (2005) Bethony, Jeffrey; Loukas, Alex; Smout, Michael; Brooker, Simon; Mendez, Susana; Plieskatt, Jordan; Goud, Gaddam; Bottazzi, Maria Elena; Zhan, Bin; Wang, Yan; Williamson, Angela; Lustigman, Sara; Correa-Oliveira, Rodrigo; Xiao, Shuhua; Hotez, Peter J
  • Direct likelihood analysis versus simple forms of imputation for missing data in randomized clinical trials. (2005) Beunckens, Caroline; Molenberghs, Geert; Kenward, Michael G
  • Primary care patients in the emergency department: who are they? A review of the definition of the 'primary care patient' in the emergency department. (2005) Bezzina, Andrew J; Smith, Peter B; Cromwell, David; Eagar, Kathy
  • Phytoestrogen intake and plasma concentrations in South Asian and British women resident in the United Kingdom. (2005) Bhakta, D; Silva, ID; Higgins, CD; Sevak, L; Adlercreutz, HP; McMichael, AJ
  • A semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire is a valid indicator of the usual intake of phytoestrogens by south Asian women in the UK relative to multiple 24-h dietary recalls and multiple plasma samples. (2005) Bhakta, Dee; dos Santos Silva, Isabel; Higgins, Craig; Sevak, Leena; Kassam-Khamis, Tashmin; Mangtani, Punam; Adlercreutz, Herman; McMichael, Anthony
  • French population exposure to radon, terrestrial gamma and cosmic rays. (2005) Billon, S; Morin, A; Caër, S; Baysson, H; Gambard, JP; Backe, JC; Rannou, A; Tirmarche, M; Laurier, D
  • Formative research for hygiene promotion in Kyrgyzstan. (2005) Biran, Adam; Tabyshalieva, Anara; Salmorbekova, Zumrat
  • Visual maturation of term infants fed long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid-supplemented or control formula for 12 mo. (2005) Birch, Eileen E; Castañeda, Yolanda S; Wheaton, Dianna H; Birch, David G; Uauy, Ricardo D; Hoffman, Dennis R
  • Multilocus sequence typing directly on DNA from clinical samples and a cultured isolate to investigate linked fatal pneumococcal disease in residents of a shelter for homeless men. (2005) Birtles, Andrew; McCarthy, Noel; Sheppard, Carmen L; Rutter, Harry; Guiver, Malcolm; Haworth, Elizabeth; George, Robert C
  • Review of ' Management mistakes in healthcare. Identification, correction and prevention.' Hofmann PB, Perry F (eds). (2005) Black, N
  • Rise and demise of the hospital: a reappraisal of nursing. (2005) Black, Nick
  • The estimation of infant mortality from the proportions dying among births in the past 24 months. (2005) Blacker, J; Brass, W
  • Fertility in Kenya and Uganda: a comparative study of trends and determinants. (2005) Blacker, John; Opiyo, Collins; Jasseh, Momodou; Sloggett, Andy; Ssekamatte-Ssebuliba, John
  • Searching for evidence-based information in eye care. (2005) Blackhall, Karen
  • Setting up Kangaroo Mother Care at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Blantyre - A practical approach. (2005) Blencowe, H; Molyneux, E
  • Prison Health in Russia: is it safer to be detained. (2005) Bobrik, A; Danishevski, K; Eroshina, K; McKee, M
  • Prison health in Russia: the larger picture. (2005) Bobrik, Alexey; Danishevski, Kirill; Eroshina, Ksenia; McKee, Martin
  • Social-cognitive predictors of consistent condom use among young people in Moscow. (2005) Bobrova, Natalia; Sergeev, Oleg; Grechukhina, Tatyana; Kapiga, Saidi
  • [Antibiotic-resistance in Italy: activity of the first year of the surveillance project AR-ISS]. (2005) Boccia, D; D'Ancona, F; Salmaso, S; Monaco, M; Del Grosso, M; D'Ambrosio, F; Giannitelli, S; Lana, S; Fokas, S; Pantosti, A; Gruppo AR-ISS
  • Efficacy and safety of two dosages of cotrimoxazole as preventive treatment for HIV-infected Malawian adults with new smear-positive tuberculosis. (2005) Boeree, Martin J; Sauvageot, Delphine; Banda, Hastings T; Harries, Anthony D; Zijlstra, Eduard E
  • Occupational X-ray examinations and lung cancer risk. (2005) Boffetta, Paolo; Mannetje, Andrea't; Zaridze, David; Szeszenia-Dabrowska, Neonila; Rudnai, Peter; Lissowska, Jolanta; Fabiánová, Eleonóra; Mates, Dana; Bencko, Vladimir; Navratilova, Marie; Janout, Vladimir; Cardis, Elisabeth; Fevotte, Joelle; Fletcher, Tony; Brennan, Paul
  • Trends and socio-economic inequalities in cancer survival of patients with Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosed in England and Wales between 1986 and 1999. (2005) Bohlius, J; Rachet, B; Nolte, E; Engert, A; Coleman, M
  • Apparent effect on blood pressure is only partly responsible for the risk reduction due to antihypertensive treatments. (2005) Boissel, Jean-Pierre; Gueyffier, François; Boutitie, Florent; Pocock, Stuart; Fagard, Robert
  • Safety and immunogenicty of RTS,S/AS02A candidate malaria vaccine in Gambian children. (2005) Bojang, Kalifa A; Olodude, Folasade; Pinder, Margaret; Ofori-Anyinam, Opokua; Vigneron, Laurence; Fitzpatrick, Steve; Njie, Fanta; Kassanga, Adams; Leach, Amanda; Milman, Jessica; Rabinovich, Regina; McAdam, Keith PWJ; Kester, Kent E; Heppner, D Gray; Cohen, Joe D; Tornieporth, Nadia; Milligan, Paul JM
  • 'Kuyendela odwala TB'--visiting TB patients: the widening role of home-based care organisations in the management of tuberculosis patients in Lusaka, Zambia. (2005) Bond, VA; Tihon, V; Muchimba, M; Godfrey-Faussett, P
  • Letting them die: Why HIV/AIDS prevention programmes fail. (2005) Bonell, C
  • The effect of dislike of school on risk of teenage pregnancy: testing of hypotheses using longitudinal data from a randomised trial of sex education. (2005) Bonell, C; Allen, E; Strange, V; Copas, A; Oakley, A; Stephenson, J; Johnson, A
  • Pygmy populations seronegative for Marburg virus. (2005) Borchert, Matthias; Mulangu, Sabue; Swanepoel, Robert; Tshomba, Antoine; Afounde, Afongenda; Kulidri, Amayo; Muyembe-Tamfum, Jean-Jacques; Van der Stuyft, Patrick
  • Lessons from the outbreak of Marburg virus. (2005) Borchert, Matthias; Mulangu, Sabue; Van der Stuyft, Patrick
  • Dynamics between sylvatic, peridomestic and domestic populations of Triatoma brasiliensis (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) in Ceara State, Northeastern Brazil. (2005) Borges, Erika Carime; Dujardin, Jean-Pierre; Schofield, Chris John; Romanha, Alvaro José; Diotaiuti, Liléia
  • The cost-effectiveness of a competitive voucher scheme to reduce sexually transmitted infections in high-risk groups in Nicaragua. (2005) Borghi, Josephine; Gorter, Anna; Sandiford, Peter; Segura, Zoyla
  • Economic assessment of a women's group intervention to improve birth outcomes in rural Nepal. (2005) Borghi, Josephine; Thapa, Bidur; Osrin, David; Jan, Stephen; Morrison, Joanna; Tamang, Suresh; Shrestha, Bhim Prasad; Wade, Angie; Manandhar, Dharma S; Costello, Anthony M de L
  • Population biology of multispecies helminth infection: interspecific interactions and parasite distribution. (2005) Bottomley, C; Isham, V; Basáñez, MG
  • Mechanisms controlling termination of V-J recombination at the TCRgamma locus: implications for allelic and isotypic exclusion of TCRgamma chains. (2005) Boucontet, Laurent; Sepúlveda, Nuno; Carneiro, Jorge; Pereira, Pablo
  • The Pakistan national blindness and visual impairment survey--research design, eye examination methodology and results of the pilot study. (2005) Bourne, Rupert; Dineen, Brendan; Jadoon, Zahid; Lee, Pak S; Khan, Aman; Johnson, Gordon J; Foster, Allen; Khan, Daud; Pakistan National Eye Survey Study Group
  • Glycosylphosphatidylinositols in malaria pathogenesis and immunity: potential for therapeutic inhibition and vaccination. (2005) Boutlis, CS; Riley, EM; Anstey, NM; de Souza, JB
  • Congenital anomaly surveillance in England--ascertainment deficiencies in the national system. (2005) Boyd, PA; Armstrong, B; Dolk, H; Botting, B; Pattenden, S; Abramsky, L; Rankin, J; Vrijheid, M; Wellesley, D
  • Bancroftian filariasis in an endemic area of Brazil: differences between genders during puberty. (2005) Braga, C; Dourado, I; Ximenes, R; Miranda, J; Alexander, N
  • Bancroftian filariasis in an endemic area of Brazil: differences between genders during puberty. (2005) Braga, Cynthia; Dourado, Inês; Ximenes, Ricardo; Miranda, Janaína; Alexander, Neal
  • Tests of bednet traps (Mbita traps) for monitoring mosquito populations and time of biting in Tanzania and possible impact of prolonged insecticide treated net use. (2005) Braimah, Nafisah; Drakeley, Chris; Kweka, Eliningaya; Mosha, Frank; Helinski, Michelle; Pates, Helen; Maxwell, Caroline; Massawe, Thedy; Kenward, Michael G; Curtis, Chris
  • Pathways of care and resource utilization in a national cohort of patients with transfusion-acquired hepatitis C. (2005) Brant, L; Harris, HE; Ramsay, ME; Grieve, R; Roberts, J; HCV National Register Steering Group*
  • Incidence trends of adenocarcinoma of the cervix in 13 European countries. (2005) Bray, Freddie; Carstensen, Bendix; Møller, Henrik; Zappa, Marco; Zakelj, Maja Primic; Lawrence, Gill; Hakama, Matti; Weiderpass, Elisabete
  • Endometrial cancer incidence trends in Europe: underlying determinants and prospects for prevention. (2005) Bray, Freddie; Dos Santos Silva, Isabel; Moller, Henrik; Weiderpass, Elisabete
  • Trends in cervical squamous cell carcinoma incidence in 13 European countries: changing risk and the effects of screening. (2005) Bray, Freddie; Loos, Anja H; McCarron, Peter; Weiderpass, Elizabete; Arbyn, Mark; Møller, Henrik; Hakama, Matti; Parkin, D Max
  • Geographic and temporal variations in cancer of the corpus uteri: incidence and mortality in pre- and postmenopausal women in Europe. (2005) Bray, Freddie; Loos, Anja H; Oostindier, Mariet; Weiderpass, Elisabete
  • Area deprivation, social class, and quality of life among people aged 75 years and over in Britain. (2005) Breeze, E; Jones, DA; Wilkinson, P; Bulpitt, CJ; Grundy, C; Latif, AM; Fletcher, AE
  • Texaco and its consultants. (2005) Breilh, Jaime; Branco Jefer, Castelo; Castelman, Barry I; Cherniack, Martin; Christiani, David C; Cicolella, André; Cifuentes, Enrique; Clapp, Richard; Cole, Donald C; Corn, Morton; De Ben, Stella; Diaz, Rafael; Egilman, David; Finkelstein, Yoram; Franco, Giuliano; Frank, Arthur L; Friedman, Lee; Gassert, Thomas H; Gochfeld, Michael; Greenberg, Morris; Hansen, Eva S; Hay, Alastair; Hogstedt, Christer; Huff, James; Joshi, Tushar Kant; Kriebel, David; Laborde, Amalia; LaDou, Joseph; Levenstein, Charles; Levin, Stephen M; Loewenson, Rene; Mikheev, Mikhail; Montenegro, Raul; Naidoo, Rajen; Ozonoff, David; Partanen, Timo; Pendito, Raquel Irene; Povey, George; Richter, Elihu D; Robbins, Anthony; Rodrigues Corrèa Filho, Heleno; Rosenman, Kenneth D; Samuels, Sheldon W; Sousa, Santana Vilma; Schwartz, Brian S; Siqueira, C Eduardo; Soskolne, Colin L; Spiegel, Jerry; Stephens, Carolyn; Mansoureh, Tajik; Takaro, Tim K; Teitelbaum, Daniel Thau; Tickner, Joel A; Tomatis, Lorenzo; Victora, Cesar; Waltner-Toews, David; Wedeen, Richard P; Wegman, David H; Wesseling, Catharina; Wing, Steven; Yassi, Annalee
  • A hierarchical model for compositional data analysis. (2005) Brewer, Mark J; Filipe, João AN; Elston, David A; Dawson, Lorna A; Mayes, Robert W; Soulsby, Chris; Dunn, Sarah M
  • Survival is not the same as mortality! [Rapid Response]. (2005) Brewster, DH; Coleman, MP; Forman, D; Møller, H; Quinn, MJ
  • Epidemiologic, immunologic and practical considerations in developing and evaluating a human hookworm vaccine. (2005) Brooker, S; Bethony, JM; Rodrigues, LC; Alexander, N; Geiger, SM; Hotez, PJ
  • Epidemiologic, immunologic and practical considerations in developing and evaluating a human hookworm vaccine. (2005) Brooker, Simon; Bethony, Jeffrey M; Rodrigues, Laura C; Alexander, Neal; Geiger, Stefan M; Hotez, Peter J
  • Rapid assessment of Schistosoma mansoni: the validity, applicability and cost-effectiveness of the Lot Quality Assurance Sampling method in Uganda. (2005) Brooker, Simon; Kabatereine, Narcis B; Myatt, Mark; Russell Stothard, J; Fenwick, Alan
  • Successful liposomal amphotericin B treatment of Leishmania braziliensis cutaneous leishmaniasis. (2005) Brown, M; Noursadeghi, M; Boyle, J; Davidson, RN
  • Treatment of Schistosoma mansoni infection increases helminth-specific type 2 cytokine responses and HIV-1 loads in coinfected Ugandan adults. (2005) Brown, Michael; Mawa, Patrice A; Joseph, Sarah; Bukusuba, Joseph; Watera, Christine; Whitworth, James AG; Dunne, David W; Elliott, Alison M
  • Images in clinical medicine. Chromoblastomycosis. (2005) Brown, Michael; Pasvol, Geoffrey
  • The Global Fund at three years--flying in crowded air space. (2005) Brugha, Ruairí
  • Psychosis in the community and in prisons: a report from the British National Survey of psychiatric morbidity. (2005) Brugha, Traolach; Singleton, Nicola; Meltzer, Howard; Bebbington, Paul; Farrell, Michael; Jenkins, Rachel; Coid, Jeremy; Fryers, Tom; Melzer, David; Lewis, Glyn
  • Can the world afford to save the lives of 6 million children each year? (2005) Bryce, Jennifer; Black, Robert E; Walker, Neff; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Lawn, Joy E; Steketee, Richard W
  • WHO estimates of the causes of death in children. (2005) Bryce, Jennifer; Boschi-Pinto, Cynthia; Shibuya, Kenji; Black, Robert E; WHO Child Health Epidemiology Reference Group
  • Improving quality and efficiency of facility-based child health care through Integrated Management of Childhood Illness in Tanzania. (2005) Bryce, Jennifer; Gouws, Eleanor; Adam, Taghreed; Black, Robert E; Schellenberg, Joanna Armstrong; Manzi, Fatuma; Victora, Cesar G; Habicht, Jean-Pierre
  • Accuracy of referencing in the ophthalmic literature. (2005) Buchan, John C; Norris, John; Kuper, Hannah
  • Current strategies for the reduction of maternal mortality. (2005) Bullough, Colin; Meda, Nicolas; Makowiecka, Krystyna; Ronsmans, Carine; Achadi, Endang L; Hussein, Julia
  • The change from intravenous to crack cocaine and its impact on reducing HIV incidence in Brazilian prisons. (2005) Burattini, Marcelo Nascimento; Strazza, Leila; Paoliello, Antonio Augusto; de Carvalho, Heráclito Barbosa; de Azevedo, Raymundo Soares; Coutinho, Francisco Antonio Bezerra; Massad, Eduardo
  • Factors associated with HIV testing among black Africans in Britain. (2005) Burns, F; Fenton, KA; Morison, L; Mercer, C; Erens, B; Field, J; Copas, AJ; Wellings, K; Johnson, AM
  • Attenuated virulence of an Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida type III secretion mutant in a rainbow trout model. (2005) Burr, Sarah E; Pugovkin, Dmitri; Wahli, Thomas; Segner, Helmut; Frey, Joachim
  • Palliative care: challenges in caring for dying people. (2005) Burt, Jenni; Shipman, Cathy
  • Long term outcome of trichiasis surgery in the Gambia. (2005) Burton, MJ; Bowman, RJC; Faal, H; Aryee, EAN; Ikumapayi, UN; Alexander, NDE; Adegbola, RA; West, SK; Mabey, DCW; Foster, A; Johnson, GJ; Bailey, RL
  • A randomised controlled trial of azithromycin following surgery for trachomatous trichiasis in the Gambia. (2005) Burton, MJ; Kinteh, F; Jallow, O; Sillah, A; Bah, M; Faye, M; Aryee, EAN; Ikumapayi, UN; Alexander, NDE; Adegbola, RA; Faal, H; Mabey, DCW; Foster, A; Johnson, GJ; Bailey, RL
  • Re-emergence of Chlamydia trachomatis infection after mass antibiotic treatment of a trachoma-endemic Gambian community: a longitudinal study. (2005) Burton, Matthew J; Holland, Martin J; Makalo, Pateh; Aryee, Esther AN; Alexander, Neal DE; Sillah, Ansumana; Faal, Hannah; West, Sheila K; Foster, Allen; Johnson, Gordon J; Mabey, David CW; Bailey, Robin L
  • Preventing neural tube defects in Europe: a missed opportunity. (2005) Busby, Araceli; Abramsky, Lenore; Dolk, Helen; Armstrong, Ben; Addor, Marie-Claude; Anneren, Goran; Armstrong, Nicola; Baguette, Andre; Barisic, Ingeborg; Berghold, Andrea; Bianca, Sebastiano; Braz, Paula; Calzolari, Elisa; Christiansen, Marianne; Cocchi, Guido; Daltveit, Anne Kjersti; De Walle, Hermien; Edwards, Grace; Gatt, Miriam; Gener, Blanca; Gillerot, Yves; Gjergja, Romana; Goujard, Janine; Haeusler, Martin; Latos-Bielenska, Anna; McDonnell, Robert; Neville, Amanda; Olars, Birgitta; Portillo, Isabel; Ritvanen, Annukka; Robert-Gnansia, Elizabeth; Rösch, Christine; Scarano, Gioacchino; Steinbicker, Volker
  • Preventing neural tube defects in Europe: population based study. (2005) Busby, Araceli; Abramsky, Lenore; Dolk, Helen; Armstrong, Ben; Eurocat Folic Acid Working Group
  • Eye anomalies: seasonal variation and maternal viral infections. (2005) Busby, Araceli; Dolk, Helen; Armstrong, Ben
  • Survey of informed consent for registration of congenital anomalies in Europe. (2005) Busby, Araceli; Ritvanen, Annukka; Dolk, Helen; Armstrong, Nicola; De Walle, Hermien; Riaño-Galán, Isolina; Gatt, Miriam; McDonnell, Robert; Nelen, Vera; Stone, David
  • How does a "risk group" perceive risk? Voices of vietnamese sex workers in Cambodia. (2005) Busza, J
  • Evolutionary genetics: microarrays and species origins. (2005) Butlin, Roger; Roper, Cally
  • Immunogenicity and safety of a combination pneumococcal-meningococcal vaccine in infants: a randomized controlled trial. (2005) Buttery, Jim P; Riddell, Anna; McVernon, Jodie; Chantler, Tracey; Lane, Laura; Bowen-Morris, Jane; Diggle, Linda; Morris, Rhonwen; Harnden, Anthony; Lockhart, Steven; Pollard, Andrew J; Cartwright, Keith; Moxon, E Richard
  • The long shadow of childhood: associations between parental social class and own social class, educational attainment and timing of first birth; results from the ONS Longitudinal Study. (2005) Buxton, Julian; Clarke, Lynda; Grundy, Emily; Marshall, CE
  • What causes sustainable changes in hygiene behaviour? A cross-sectional study from Kerala, India. (2005) Cairncross, Sandy; Shordt, Kathleen; Zacharia, Suma; Govindan, Beena Kumari
  • What are nurses worth? (2005) Cairns, John; Naish, Jane
  • On Top of the World: Emergency Medicine at Mount Everest Base Camp. (2005) Callaghan, M
  • Description of an individual patient methodology for calculating for cost-effectiveness of treatments for osteoporosis in women. (2005) Calvert, N
  • Forty-eight hour access to primary care: practice factors predicting patients' perceptions. (2005) Campbell, John L; Ramsay, Jean; Green, Judith; Harvey, Kate
  • [The CONSORT statement for cluster randomised trials]. (2005) Campbell, Marion K; Elbourne, Diana R; Altman, Douglas G; CONSORT CLUSTER group
  • National maternal mortality ratio in Egypt halved between 1992-93 and 2000. (2005) Campbell, Oona; Gipson, Reginald; Issa, Adel Hakim; Matta, Nahed; El Deeb, Bothina; El Mohandes, Ayman; Alwen, Anna; Mansour, Esmat
  • How much does the health community care about global environmental change? (2005) Campbell-Lendrum, Diarmid
  • Genetic control of parasite clearance leads to resistance to Plasmodium berghei ANKA infection and confers immunity. (2005) Campino, S; Bagot, S; Bergman, M-L; Almeida, P; Sepúlveda, N; Pied, S; Penha-Gonçalves, C; Holmberg, D; Cazenave, P-A
  • The global burden of group A streptococcal diseases. (2005) Carapetis, Jonathan R; Steer, Andrew C; Mulholland, E Kim; Weber, Martin
  • Repeat sudden unexpected and unexplained infant deaths: natural or unnatural? (2005) Carpenter, RG; Waite, A; Coombs, RC; Daman-Willems, C; McKenzie, A; Huber, J; Emery, JL
  • Repeat sudden unexpected infant deaths. (2005) Carpenter, RG; Waite, A; Coombs, RC; Damen-Willems, C; Huber, J
  • Operational and economic evaluation of an NGO-led sexually transmitted infections intervention: north-western Cambodia. (2005) Carrara, Verena; Terris-Prestholt, Fern; Kumaranayake, Lilani; Mayaud, Philippe
  • A new release on life: emerging concepts in proteolysis and parasite invasion. (2005) Carruthers, Vern B; Blackman, Michael J
  • Homocysteine and stroke: evidence on a causal link from mendelian randomisation. (2005) Casas, Juan P; Bautista, Leonelo E; Smeeth, Liam; Sharma, Pankaj; Hingorani, Aroon D
  • Effect of inhibitors of the renin-angiotensin system and other antihypertensive drugs on renal outcomes: systematic review and meta-analysis. (2005) Casas, Juan P; Chua, Weiliang; Loukogeorgakis, Stavros; Vallance, Patrick; Smeeth, Liam; Hingorani, Aroon D; MacAllister, Raymond J
  • The reach and impact of Child Support Grants: evidence from KwaZulu-Natal. (2005) Case, Anne; Hosegood, Victoria; Lund, Frances
  • Is the risk of lung cancer reduced among eczema patients? (2005) Castaing, Marine; Youngson, Judith; Zaridze, David; Szeszenia-Dabrowska, Neonila; Rudnai, Peter; Lissowska, Jolanta; Fabiánová, Eleonóra; Mates, Dana; Bencko, Vladimir; Foretova, Lenka; Navratilova, Marie; Janout, Vladimir; Fletcher, Tony; Brennan, Paul; Boffetta, Paolo
  • La gestion identitaire des incivilités par les agents de la SNCF et de La Poste [Social identity and incivilities management by agents of SNCF and La Poste]. (2005) Castano, C; Sautkina, E; Amador, S; Casal, A
  • Chlamydia trachomatis infection in female partners of circumcised and uncircumcised adult men. (2005) Castellsagué, Xavier; Peeling, Rosanna W; Franceschi, Silvia; de Sanjosé, Silvia; Smith, Jennifer S; Albero, Ginesa; Díaz, Mireia; Herrero, Rolando; Muñoz, Nubia; Bosch, F Xavier; IARC Multicenter Cervical Cancer Study Group
  • Extensive DNA inversions in the B. fragilis genome control variable gene expression. (2005) Cerdeño-Tárraga, Ana M; Patrick, Sheila; Crossman, Lisa C; Blakely, Garry; Abratt, Val; Lennard, Nicola; Poxton, Ian; Duerden, Brian; Harris, Barbara; Quail, Mike A; Barron, Andrew; Clark, Louise; Corton, Craig; Doggett, Jonathan; Holden, Matthew TG; Larke, Natasha; Line, Alexandra; Lord, Angela; Norbertczak, Halina; Ormond, Doug; Price, Claire; Rabbinowitsch, Ester; Woodward, John; Barrell, Bart; Parkhill, Julian
  • Endosulfan and its metabolites in fertile women, placenta, cord blood, and human milk. (2005) Cerrillo, Isabel; Granada, Alicia; López-Espinosa, María-José; Olmos, Begoña; Jiménez, Margarita; Caño, Africa; Olea, Nicolas; Fátima Olea-Serrano, María
  • Human resource policies: health sector reform and the management of PHC services in South Africa. (2005) Chabikuli, N; Blauuw, D; Gilson, L; Schneider, H
  • No time to wait: how many HIV-infected homosexual men are diagnosed late and consequently die? (England and Wales, 1993-2002). (2005) Chadborn, Timothy R; Baster, Kathleen; Delpech, Valerie C; Sabin, Caroline A; Sinka, Katy; Rice, Brian D; Evans, Barry G
  • Comparative phylogenomics of the food-borne pathogen Campylobacter jejuni reveals genetic markers predictive of infection source. (2005) Champion, Olivia L; Gaunt, Michael W; Gundogdu, Ozan; Elmi, Abdi; Witney, Adam A; Hinds, Jason; Dorrell, Nick; Wren, Brendan W
  • Rectal sensorimotor dysfunction in patients with urge faecal incontinence: evidence from prolonged manometric studies. (2005) Chan, CLH; Lunniss, PJ; Wang, D; Williams, NS; Scott, SM
  • Long-term ursodeoxycholic acid therapy for primary biliary cirrhosis: a follow-up to 12 years. (2005) Chan, CW; Gunsar, F; Feudjo, M; Rigamonti, C; Vlachogiannakos, J; Carpenter, JR; Burroughs, AK
  • Survival following the development of ascites and/or peripheral oedema in primary biliary cirrhosis: a staged prognostic model. (2005) Chan, Chun-Wing; Carpenter, James R; Rigamonti, Cristina; Gunsar, Fulya; Burroughs, Andrew K
  • Who you live with and where you live: setting the context for health using multiple membership multilevel models. (2005) Chandola, Tarani; Clarke, Paul; Wiggins, Richard D; Bartley, Mel
  • Cluster randomised trial of intermittent preventive treatment for malaria in infants in area of high, seasonal transmission in Ghana. (2005) Chandramohan, Daniel; Owusu-Agyei, Seth; Carneiro, Ilona; Awine, Timothy; Amponsa-Achiano, Kwame; Mensah, Nathan; Jaffar, Shabbar; Baiden, Rita; Hodgson, Abraham; Binka, Fred; Greenwood, Brian
  • Ethical issues in the application of verbal autopsies in mortality surveillance systems. (2005) Chandramohan, Daniel; Soleman, Nadia; Shibuya, Kenji; Porter, John
  • Use of cervical cancer screening among insured women: the extent of missed opportunities. (2005) Chattopadhyay, Sajal K; Ebrahim, Shahul H; Tao, Guoyu; McKenna, Matthew T
  • Sexual conduct before marriage and subsequent marital happiness in Shanghai. (2005) Che, Y; Cleland, J
  • HPN Network Paper 52: Interpreting and using mortality data in humanitarian emergencies: a primer for non-epidemiologists. (2005) Checchi, F; Roberts, L
  • Evidence basis for antimalarial policy change in Sierra Leone: five in vivo efficacy studies of chloroquine, sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine and amodiaquine. (2005) Checchi, Francesco; Roddy, Paul; Kamara, Sarian; Williams, Arthur; Morineau, Guy; Wurie, Abdul Rahman; Hora, Bona; Lamotte, Nadine de; Baerwaldt, Tim; Heinzelmann, Annette; Danks, Alison; Pinoges, Loretxu; Oloo, Aggrey; Durand, Rémy; Ranford-Cartwright, Lisa; Smet, Martin; Sierra Leone Antimalarial Efficacy Study Collaboration
  • HIV/AIDS and human resources. (2005) Chen, L; Hanvoravongchai, P
  • Standardized interpretation of paediatric chest radiographs for the diagnosis of pneumonia in epidemiological studies. (2005) Cherian, Thomas; Mulholland, E Kim; Carlin, John B; Ostensen, Harald; Amin, Ruhul; de Campo, Margaret; Greenberg, David; Lagos, Rosanna; Lucero, Marilla; Madhi, Shabir A; O'Brien, Katherine L; Obaro, Steven; Steinhoff, Mark C
  • Structural comparison of apical membrane antigen 1 orthologues and paralogues in apicomplexan parasites. (2005) Chesne-Seck, Marie-Laure; Pizarro, Juan Carlos; Vulliez-Le Normand, Brigitte; Collins, Christine R; Blackman, Michael J; Faber, Bart W; Remarque, Edmond J; Kocken, Clemens HM; Thomas, Alan W; Bentley, Graham A
  • Factors influencing young women's decision making regarding hormonal contraceptives: a qualitative study. (2005) Cheung, Eileen; Free, Caroline
  • Validation of the English and Chinese versions of the Quick-FLIC quality of life questionnaire. (2005) Cheung, Y-B; Khoo, K-S; Thumboo, J; Ng, G-Y; Wee, J; Goh, C
  • Obstetric intervention to shorten gestational duration is better decided based on conventional measures of gestational age-specific mortality without calculating fetuses at risk. (2005) Cheung, Yin Bun
  • Bivariate poisson-poisson model of zero-inflated absenteeism data. (2005) Cheung, Yin Bun; Lam, KF
  • In Reply:. (2005) Cheung, Yin-Bun; Goh, Cynthia; Thumboo, Julian; Khoo, Kei-Siong; Wee, Joseph
  • Variability and sample size requirements of quality-of-life measures: a randomized study of three major questionnaires. (2005) Cheung, Yin-Bun; Goh, Cynthia; Thumboo, Julian; Khoo, Kei-Siong; Wee, Joseph
  • Order effects: a randomised study of three major cancer-specific quality of life instruments. (2005) Cheung, Yin-Bun; Lim, Celestine; Goh, Cynthia; Thumboo, Julian; Wee, Joseph
  • A framework for the analysis of community forestry performance in the Terai. (2005) Chhetry, B; Francis, P; Gurung, M; Iversen, V; Kafle, G; Pain, A; Seeley, J
  • Trachoma. (2005) Chidambaram, JD; Lietman, TM
  • The order is rapidly fadin'. (2005) Chidambaram, JD; Lietman, TM
  • Mass antibiotics for trachoma and the Allee effect. (2005) Chidambaram, Jaya D; Lee, David C; Porco, Travis C; Lietman, Thomas M
  • Scaling up HIV/AIDS and joint HIV-TB services in Malawi. (2005) Chimzizi, R; Harries, AD; Gausi, F; Golombe, C; Manda, E; Khonyongwa, A; Salaniponi, FM; Libamba, E; Schouten, EJ; Mwansambo, A; Mpazanje, R
  • The use of a monitoring tool to assess counselling and HIV testing in the public health sector in Malawi. (2005) Chimzizi, Rhehab B; Harries, Anthony D; Manda, Eluby; Khonyongwa, Angela; Killam, William P; Salaniponi, Felix M
  • Binge drinking. (2005) Chinnock, P
  • Cochrane Library feedback. (2005) Chinnock, P
  • Cochrane injuries group. (2005) Chinnock, P
  • Road safety campaigns: do they work? (2005) Chinnock, P
  • Gangliosides for acute spinal cord injury. (2005) Chinnock, P; Roberts, I
  • Is evidence-based medicine relevant to the developing world? (2005) Chinnock, Paul; Siegfried, Nandi; Clarke, Mike
  • New diagnostics in parasitology. (2005) Chiodini, Peter L
  • Factors affecting the duration of exclusive breastfeeding among HIV-infected and -uninfected women in Lusaka, Zambia. (2005) Chisenga, Molly; Kasonka, Lackson; Makasa, Mpundu; Sinkala, Moses; Chintu, Chifumbe; Kaseba, Christine; Kasolo, Francis; Tomkins, Andrew; Murray, Susan; Filteau, Suzanne
  • Routines in facility-based maternity care: Evidence from the Arab World. (2005) Choices And Challenges In Changing Childbirth Research Network I; Khalil, K; Sholkamy, H; Hassanein, N; Cherine, M; Elnoury, A; Mohsen, L; Breebaart, M; Kabakian-Khasholian, T; Shayboub, R; Khayat, R; Campbell, OMR; Osman, H; Mourtada, R; Hafez, R; Sinno, D; Mikki, N; L., Wick; Bashour, H; Abdulsalam, A; Sheikha, S
  • Estimating the burden of shigellosis in Thailand: 36-month population-based surveillance study. (2005) Chompook, Pornthip; Samosornsuk, Seksun; von Seidlein, Lorenz; Jitsanguansuk, Supot; Sirima, Nunta; Sudjai, Sanit; Mangjit, Prasitchai; Kim, Deok Ryun; Wheeler, Jeremy G; Todd, Jim; Lee, Hyejon; Ali, Mohammad; Clemens, John; Tapchaisri, Pramuan; Chaicumpa, Wanpen
  • Preventing HIV transmission to children: quality of counselling of mothers in South Africa. (2005) Chopra, Mickey; Doherty, Tanya; Jackson, Debra; Ashworth, Ann
  • Association analysis of the chromosome 4p-located G protein-coupled receptor 78 (GPR78) gene in bipolar affective disorder and schizophrenia. (2005) Christoforou, A; Underwood, SL; Hellard, SL; Wray, NR; Morris, SW; Tenesa, A; Thomson, PA; Whittaker, J; Blackwood, DH; Muir, WJ; Porteous, DJ; Evans, KL
  • Survival differences between European and US patients with colorectal cancer: role of stage at diagnosis and surgery. (2005) Ciccolallo, L; Capocaccia, R; Coleman, MP; Berrino, F; Coebergh, JWW; Damhuis, RAM; Faivre, J; Martinez-Garcia, C; Møller, H; Ponz de Leon, M; Launoy, G; Raverdy, N; Williams, EMI; Gatta, G
  • Finding associations in dense genetic maps: a genetic algorithm approach. (2005) Clark, Taane G; De Iorio, Maria; Griffiths, Robert C; Farrall, Martin
  • Readmission to hospital 5 years after hysterectomy or endometrial resection in a national cohort study. (2005) Clarke, A; Judge, A; Herbert, A; McPherson, K; Bridgman, S; Maresh, M; Overton, C; Altman, D
  • Fathering behind Bars in English Prisons: Imprisoned Fathers' Identity and Contact with their Children. (2005) Clarke, L; O'Brien, M; Day, R; Godwin, H; Connolly, J; Hemmings, J; van Leeson, T
  • Analysing change based on two measures taken under different conditions. (2005) Clarke, Paul S
  • On maximum likelihood estimation for log-linear models with non-ignorable non-response. (2005) Clarke, Paul S; Smith, Peter WF
  • Projections of the future course of the primary vCJD epidemic in the UK: inclusion of subclinical infection and the possibility of wider genetic susceptibility. (2005) Clarke, Paul; Ghani, Azra C
  • Dose-dependent effects of folic acid on plasma homocysteine Concentrations. A meta-analysis of the randomised trials. (2005) Clarke, R; Frost, C; Sherliker, P; Lewington, S; Collins, R
  • Sodium dichloroisocyanurate (NaDCC) tablets as an alternative to sodium hypochlorite for the routine treatment of drinking water at the household level. (2005) Clasen, Thomas; Edmondson, Paul
  • Household-based ceramic water filters for the prevention of diarrhea: a randomized, controlled trial of a pilot program in Colombia. (2005) Clasen, Thomas; Garcia Parra, Gloria; Boisson, Sophie; Collin, Simon
  • Down-regulating gene expression by RNA interference in Trypanosoma brucei. (2005) Clayton, Christine E; Estévez, Antonio M; Hartmann, Claudia; Alibu, Vincent P; Field, Mark; Horn, David
  • Recent respiratory infection and the risk of myocardial infarction. (2005) Clayton, TC; Capps, NE; Stephens, NG; Wedzicha, JA; Meade, TW
  • Risk score for predicting death, myocardial infarction, and stroke in patients with stable angina, based on a large randomised trial cohort of patients. (2005) Clayton, Tim C; Lubsen, Jacobus; Pocock, Stuart J; Vokó, Zoltán; Kirwan, Bridget-Anne; Fox, Keith AA; Poole-Wilson, Philip A
  • Use of the male condom within marriage. (2005) Cleland, J
  • What would Malthus say about AIDS in Africa? (2005) Cleland, John; Sinding, Steven
  • Data monitoring in randomized controlled trials: surveys of recent practice and policies. (2005) Clemens, Felicity; Elbourne, Diana; Darbyshire, Janet; Pocock, Stuart; DAMOCLES Group
  • Consent in emergency research: new regulations. (2005) Coats, TJ; Shakur, H
  • Antifibrinolytic agents in traumatic hemorrhage. (2005) Coats, Tim; Hunt, Beverley; Roberts, Ian; Shakur, Haleema
  • Antifibrinolytic agents in traumatic hemorrhage: a large scale randomized controlled trial is needed. (2005) Coats, Tim; Hunt, Beverley; Roberts, Ian; Shakur, Haleema
  • Antifibrinolytic agents in traumatic haemorrhage. (2005) Coats, Tim; Hunt, Beverly; Roberts, Ian; Shakur, Haleema
  • HIV and the magnitude of pregnancy-related mortality in Pointe Noire, Congo. (2005) Coeur, Sophie Le; Khlat, Myriam; Halembokaka, Gaston; Augereau-Vacher, Christine; Batala-M’Pondo, Georges; Baty, Gaelle; Ronsmans, Carine
  • Health system frailties in tuberculosis service provision in Russia: an analysis through the lens of formal nutritional support. (2005) Coker, RJ; Dimitrova, B; Drobniewski, F; Samyshkin, Y; Pomerleau, J; Hohlova, GY; Skuratova, N; Kuznetsov, S; Fedorin, I; Atun, R
  • Developmental changes in leptin as a measure of energy status in human infants in a natural ecologic setting. (2005) Collinson, Andrew; Moore, Sophie; O'Connell, Maria; Charalambos, Charles; Prentice, Andrew
  • Cerebral malaria: Which parasite? Which model? (2005) Combes, V; De Souza, JB; Renia, L; Hunt, NH; Grau, GE
  • Mapping the binding site for gossypol-like inhibitors of Plasmodium falciparum lactate dehydrogenase. (2005) Conners, Rebecca; Schambach, Felix; Read, Jon; Cameron, Angus; Sessions, Richard B; Vivas, Livia; Easton, Anna; Croft, Simon L; Brady, R Leo
  • Modelling study suggests pandemic influenza could be controlled at source. (2005) Cooke, Mary; Van-Tam, Jonathan
  • Clinical significance of emergence of bacterial antimicrobial resistance in the hospital environment. (2005) Cookson, B
  • Socio-economic position across the life course and hysterectomy in three British cohorts: a cross-cohort comparative study. (2005) Cooper, Rachel; Lawlor, Debbie A; Hardy, Rebecca; Ebrahim, Shah; Leon, David A; Wadsworth, Michael EJ; Kuh, Diana
  • Multiple-bias modelling for analysis of observational data - Discussion. (2005) Copas, J; Jones, DR; Spiegelhalter, D; Rice, K; Armstrong, B; Senn, S; Carpenter, J; Kenward, M; De Stavola, B; Nitsch, D; Muirhead, CR; Hodges, J; Longford, NT; Gelman, A; Draper, D; Gustafson, P; McCandless, L; Rubin, DB
  • Reply to Talbot et al. (2005) Corbett, EL; Munyati, SS; Mungofa, S; Gwanzura, L; Mutsvangwa, J; Mason, PR
  • Improvements in an oral aspirin challenge protocol for the diagnosis of aspirin hypersensitivity. (2005) Cormican, LJ; Farooque, S; Altmann, DR; Lee, TH
  • [Tuberculosis in Salvador, Brazil: costs to health system and families]. (2005) Costa, João G; Santos, Andreia C; Rodrigues, Laura C; Barreto, Mauricio L; Roberts, Jennifer A
  • ES-62 is unable to modulate Toxoplasma gondii-driven Th1 responses and pathology. (2005) Couper, KN; Chen, W; Houston, KM; Harnett, W; Johnson, LL
  • Parasite-specific IgM plays a significant role in the protective immune response to asexual erythrocytic stage Plasmodium chabaudi AS infection. (2005) Couper, KN; Phillips, RS; Brombacher, F; Alexander, J
  • Toxoplasma gondii-specific immunoglobulin M limits parasite dissemination by preventing host cell invasion. (2005) Couper, Kevin N; Roberts, Craig W; Brombacher, Frank; Alexander, James; Johnson, Lawrence L
  • An approximate threshold condition for non-autonomous system: An application to a vector-borne infection. (2005) Coutinho, FAB; Burattini, MN; Lopez, LF; Massad, E
  • Comparison of the effect of two systems for the promotion of exclusive breastfeeding. (2005) Coutinho, Sonia Bechara; de Lira, Pedro Israel Cabral; de Carvalho Lima, Marilia; Ashworth, Ann
  • The appropriateness of core group interventions using presumptive periodic treatment among rural Zimbabwean women who exchange sex for gifts or money. (2005) Cowan, Frances M; Hargrove, John W; Langhaug, Lisa F; Jaffar, Shabbar; Mhuriyengwe, Lovemore; Swarthout, Todd D; Peeling, Rosanna; Latif, Ahmed; Bassett, Mary T; Brown, David WG; Mabey, David; Hayes, Richard J; Wilson, David
  • Is sexual contact with sex workers important in driving the HIV epidemic among men in rural Zimbabwe? (2005) Cowan, Frances M; Langhaug, Lisa F; Hargrove, John W; Jaffar, Shabbar; Mhuriyengwe, Lovemore; Swarthout, Todd D; Peeling, Rosanna; Latif, Ahmed; Basset, Mary T; Brown, David WG; Mabey, David; Hayes, Richard J; Wilson, David
  • A PCR based assay for detection and differentiation of African trypanosome species in blood. (2005) Cox, Andrew; Tilley, Aimee; McOdimba, Francis; Fyfe, Jenna; Eisler, Mark; Hide, Geoff; Welburn, Susan
  • Human balantidiasis in Iran: are camels reservoir hosts? (2005) Cox, Frank EG
  • Parasitology yesterday--following the trends. (2005) Cox, Frank EG
  • Rapid acquisition of isolate-specific antibodies to chondroitin sulfate A-adherent plasmodium falciparum isolates in Ghanaian primigravidae. (2005) Cox, Sharon E; Staalsoe, Trine; Arthur, Paul; Bulmer, Judith N; Hviid, Lars; Yeboah-Antwi, Kojo; Kirkwood, Betty R; Riley, Eleanor M
  • Maternal vitamin A supplementation and immunity to malaria in pregnancy in Ghanaian primigravids. (2005) Cox, Sharon E; Staalsoe, Trine; Arthur, Paul; Bulmer, Judith N; Tagbor, Harry; Hviid, Lars; Frost, Chris; Riley, Eleanor M; Kirkwood, Betty R
  • The origin and evolution of mosquito APE retroposons. (2005) Crainey, James L; Garvey, Clare F; Malcolm, Colin A
  • Isoniazid treatment of children: can genetics help guide treatment? (2005) Cranswick, N; Mulholland, K
  • Suicidal ideation and suicide attempts among ethnic minority groups in England: results of a national household survey. (2005) Crawford, MJ; Nur, U; McKenzie, K; Tyrer, P
  • Structural and functional studies of the enteropathogenic Escherichia coli type III needle complex protein EscJ. (2005) Crepin, Valérie F; Prasannan, Sunil; Shaw, Rob K; Wilson, Rebecca K; Creasey, Elizabeth; Abe, Cecilia M; Knutton, Stuart; Frankel, Gad; Matthews, Steve
  • Polarity of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli EspA filament assembly and protein secretion. (2005) Crepin, Valérie F; Shaw, Robert; Abe, Cecilia M; Knutton, Stuart; Frankel, Gad
  • Molecular basis of antigenic polymorphism of EspA filaments: development of a peptide display technology. (2005) Crepin, Valérie F; Shaw, Robert; Knutton, Stuart; Frankel, Gad
  • Statistical software review. (2005) Croudace, T; Ploubidis, G; Abbott, R
  • Report of the Co-Editors - 2004. (2005) Cullis, B; Freedman, L; Kenward, M; Lin, X
  • Active trachoma in children aged three to nine years in rural communities in Ethiopia: prevalence, indicators and risk factors. (2005) Cumberland, Phillippa; Hailu, Girum; Todd, Jim
  • Healthy cities: The impact of food retail-led regeneration on food access, choice and retail structure. (2005) Cummins, S; Findlay, A; Petticrew, M; Sparks, L
  • Large scale food retail interventions and diet: Improving retail provision alone may not have a substantial impact on diet. (2005) Cummins, S; Petticrew, M; Sparks, L; Findlay, A
  • From steam engines to Sunny Delight. (2005) Cummins, SCJ; Petticrew, M; Higgins, C; Sparks, L; Findlay, A
  • McDonald's restaurants and neighborhood deprivation in Scotland and England. (2005) Cummins, Steven CJ; McKay, Laura; MacIntyre, Sally
  • Healthy Cities: The Impact of Food Retail-led Regeneration on Food Access, Choice and Retail Structure. (2005) Cummins, Steven; Findlay, Anne; Petticrew, Mark; Sparks, Leigh
  • Measuring neighbourhood social and material context: generation and interpretation of ecological data from routine and non-routine sources. (2005) Cummins, Steven; Macintyre, Sally; Davidson, Sharon; Ellaway, Anne
  • Large scale food retailing as an intervention for diet and health: quasi-experimental evaluation of a natural experiment. (2005) Cummins, Steven; Petticrew, Mark; Higgins, Cassie; Findlay, Anne; Sparks, Leigh
  • Neighbourhood environment and its association with self rated health: evidence from Scotland and England. (2005) Cummins, Steven; Stafford, Mai; Macintyre, Sally; Marmot, Michael; Ellaway, Anne
  • Bednets treated with pyrethroids against malaria mosquitoes [Editorial]. (2005) Curtis, CF
  • Insecticide-treated nets against malaria vectors and polystyrene beads against Culex larvae. (2005) Curtis, Chris
  • Efficacy of nine-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine against pneumonia and invasive pneumococcal disease in The Gambia: randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. (2005) Cutts, FT; Zaman, SMA; Enwere, G; Jaffar, S; Levine, OS; Okoko, JB; Oluwalana, C; Vaughan, A; Obaro, SK; Leach, A; McAdam, KP; Biney, E; Saaka, M; Onwuchekwa, U; Yallop, F; Pierce, NF; Greenwood, BM; Adegbola, RA; Gambian Pneumococcal Vaccine Trial Group
  • C-reactive protein (+1444C>T) polymorphism influences CRP response following a moderate inflammatory stimulus. (2005) D'Aiuto, Francesco; Casas, Juan P; Shah, Tina; Humphries, Steve E; Hingorani, Aroon D; Tonetti, Maurizio S
  • Incidence of vaccine preventable pneumococcal invasive infections and blood culture practices in Italy. (2005) D'Ancona, Fortunato; Salmaso, Stefania; Barale, Antonella; Boccia, Delia; Lopalco, Pier Luigi; Rizzo, Caterina; Monaco, Monica; Massari, Marco; Demicheli, Vittorio; Pantosti, Annalisa; Italian PNC-Euro working group
  • A proposed charter for clinical trial data monitoring committees: helping them to do their job well. (2005) DAMOCLES Study Group, NHS Health Technology Assessment Programme
  • Temporal trends in the incidence of childhood leukemia, lymphomas and solid tumors in north-west Italy, 1967-2001. A report of the Childhood Cancer Registry of Piedmont. (2005) Dalmasso, Paola; Pastore, Guido; Zuccolo, Luisa; Maule, Milena Maria; Pearce, Neil; Merletti, Franco; Magnani, Corrado
  • The clinical characteristics and investigations planned in patients with stable angina presenting to cardiologists in Europe: from the Euro Heart Survey of Stable Angina. (2005) Daly, Caroline A; Clemens, Felicity; Sendon, Jose L Lopez; Tavazzi, Luigi; Boersma, Eric; Danchin, Nicholas; Delahaye, Francois; Gitt, Anselm; Julian, Desmond; Mulcahy, David; Ruzyllo, Witold; Thygesen, Kristian; Verheugt, Freek; Fox, Kim M; Euro Heart Survey Investigators
  • The initial management of stable angina in Europe, from the Euro Heart Survey: a description of pharmacological management and revascularization strategies initiated within the first month of presentation to a cardiologist in the Euro Heart Survey of Stable Angina. (2005) Daly, Caroline A; Clemens, Felicity; Sendon, Jose L Lopez; Tavazzi, Luigi; Boersma, Eric; Danchin, Nicholas; Delahaye, Francois; Gitt, Anselm; Julian, Desmond; Mulcahy, David; Ruzyllo, Witold; Thygesen, Kristian; Verheugt, Freek; Fox, Kim M; Euro Heart Survey Investigators
  • Association of DLG5 R30Q variant with inflammatory bowel disease. (2005) Daly, Mark J; Pearce, Alexandra V; Farwell, Lisa; Fisher, Sheila A; Latiano, Anna; Prescott, Natalie J; Forbes, Alastair; Mansfield, John; Sanderson, Jeremy; Langelier, Diane; Cohen, Albert; Bitton, Alain; Wild, Gary; Lewis, Cathryn M; Annese, Vito; Mathew, Christopher G; Rioux, John D
  • Sex behaviour of men who have sex with men and risk of HIV in Andhra Pradesh, India. (2005) Dandona, Lalit; Dandona, Rakhi; Gutierrez, Juan Pablo; Kumar, G Anil; McPherson, Sam; Bertozzi, Stefano M; ASCI FPP Study Team
  • High risk of HIV in non-brothel based female sex workers in India. (2005) Dandona, Rakhi; Dandona, Lalit; Gutierrez, Juan Pablo; Kumar, Anil G; McPherson, Sam; Samuels, Fiona; Bertozzi, Stefano M; ASCI FPP Study Team
  • HIV testing among female sex workers in Andhra Pradesh, India. (2005) Dandona, Rakhi; Dandona, Lalit; Kumar, G Anil; Gutierrez, Juan Pablo; McPherson, Sam; Bertozzi, Stefano M; ASCI FPP Study Team
  • Chile's national nutritional supplementation program for older people: lessons learned. (2005) Dangour, Alan D; Moreno, Ximena; Albala, Cecilia; Rivera-Marquez, Alberto; Lera, Lydia; Villalobos, Alicia; Morris, Saul S; Uauy, Ricardo
  • Inequalities in birth outcomes in Russia: evidence from Tula oblast. (2005) Danishevski, Kirill; Balabanova, Dina; McKee, Martin; Nolte, Ellen; Schwalbe, Nina; Vasilieva, Natalia
  • Reforming the Russian health-care system. (2005) Danishevski, Kirill; McKee, Martin
  • Radon in homes and risk of lung cancer: collaborative analysis of individual data from 13 European case-control studies. (2005) Darby, S; Hill, D; Auvinen, A; Barros-Dios, JM; Baysson, H; Bochicchio, F; Deo, H; Falk, R; Forastiere, F; Hakama, M; Heid, I; Kreienbrock, L; Kreuzer, M; Lagarde, F; Mäkeläinen, I; Muirhead, C; Oberaigner, W; Pershagen, G; Ruano-Ravina, A; Ruosteenoja, E; Rosario, A Schaffrath; Tirmarche, M; Tomásek, L; Whitley, E; Wichmann, H-E; Doll, R
  • Evidence-based, cost-effective interventions: how many newborn babies can we save? (2005) Darmstadt, Gary L; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Cousens, Simon; Adam, Taghreed; Walker, Neff; de Bernis, Luc; Lancet Neonatal Survival Steering Team
  • Pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum: predictors of early and medium-term outcome in a population-based study. (2005) Daubeney, Piers EF; Wang, D; Delany, DJ; Keeton, BR; Anderson, RH; Slavik, Z; Flather, M; Webber, SA; UK and Ireland Collaborative Study of Pulmonary Atresia with Int
  • Folate supplementation and cardiovascular disease. (2005) Davey Smith, George; Ebrahim, Shah
  • What can mendelian randomisation tell us about modifiable behavioural and environmental exposures? (2005) Davey Smith, George; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Genetic epidemiology and public health: hope, hype, and future prospects. (2005) Davey Smith, George; Ebrahim, Shah; Lewis, Sarah; Hansell, Anna L; Palmer, Lyle J; Burton, Paul R
  • Association of C-reactive protein with blood pressure and hypertension: life course confounding and mendelian randomization tests of causality. (2005) Davey Smith, George; Lawlor, Debbie A; Harbord, Roger; Timpson, Nic; Rumley, Ann; Lowe, Gordon DO; Day, Ian NM; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Increasing normal-appearing grey and white matter magnetisation transfer ratio abnormality in early relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. (2005) Davies, GR; Altmann, DR; Hadjiprocopis, A; Rashid, W; Chard, DT; Griffin, CM; Tofts, PS; Barker, GJ; Kapoor, R; Thompson, AJ; Miller, DH
  • Emergence of thalamic magnetization transfer ratio abnormality in early relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. (2005) Davies, GR; Altmann, DR; Rashid, W; Chard, DT; Griffin, CM; Barker, GJ; Kapoor, R; Thompson, AJ; Miller, DH
  • Prevalence, incidence and geographical distribution of serovars of Salmonella on dairy farms in England and Wales. (2005) Davison, HC; Smith, RP; Pascoe, SJS; Sayers, AR; Davies, RH; Weaver, JP; Kidd, SA; Dalziel, RW; Evans, SJ
  • HIV testing in the era of treatment scale up. (2005) De Cock, Kevin M
  • The sound of one hand clapping: tuberculosis and antiretroviral therapy in Africa. (2005) De Cock, Kevin M; Marston, Barbara
  • Psychometric and cognitive validation of a social capital measurement tool in Peru and Vietnam. (2005) De Silva, MJ; Harpham, T; Tuan, T; Bartolini, R; Penny, ME; Huttly, SR
  • Social capital and mental illness: a systematic review. (2005) De Silva, MJ; McKenzie, K; Harpham, T; Huttly, SR
  • Social capital and mental illness: a systematic review. (2005) De Silva, Mary J; McKenzie, Kwame; Harpham, Trudy; Huttly, Sharon RA
  • Birth weight and breast cancer. (2005) De Stavola, Bianca L; dos Santos Silva, Isabel; Wadsworth, Michael J
  • Differential polyadenylation of ribosomal RNA during post-transcriptional processing in Leishmania. (2005) Decuypere, S; Vandesompele, J; Yardley, V; De Donckeri, S; Laurent, T; Rijal, S; Llanos-Cuentas, A; Chappuis, F; Arevalo, J; Dujardin, JC
  • Gene expression analysis of the mechanism of natural Sb(V) resistance in Leishmania donovani isolates from Nepal. (2005) Decuypere, Saskia; Rijal, Suman; Yardley, Vanessa; De Doncker, Simonne; Laurent, Thierry; Khanal, Basudha; Chappuis, François; Dujardin, Jean-Claude
  • Minimum income standards: How might budget standards be set for the UK? (2005) Deeming, C
  • Keeping healthy on a minimum wage. (2005) Deeming, Christopher
  • Bacterial vaginosis, vaginal flora patterns and vaginal hygiene practices in patients presenting with vaginal discharge syndrome in The Gambia, West Africa. (2005) Demba, Edward; Morison, Linda; van der Loeff, Maarten Schim; Awasana, Akum A; Gooding, Euphemia; Bailey, Robin; Mayaud, Philippe; West, Beryl
  • Impact of candesartan on nonfatal myocardial infarction and cardiovascular death in patients with heart failure. (2005) Demers, Catherine; McMurray, John JV; Swedberg, Karl; Pfeffer, Marc A; Granger, Christopher B; Olofsson, Bertil; McKelvie, Robert S; Ostergren, Jan; Michelson, Eric L; Johansson, Peter A; Wang, Duolao; Yusuf, Salim; CHARM Investigators
  • Increase in daytime symptoms is a sensitive and specific criterion for predicting corticosteroid-treated exacerbations in a clinical asthma trial. (2005) Dennis, SM; Altmann, DR; Lee, TH
  • A typology of groups at risk of HIV/STI in a gold mining town in north-western Tanzania. (2005) Desmond, Nicola; Allen, Caroline F; Clift, Simon; Justine, Butolwa; Mzugu, Joseph; Plummer, Mary L; Watson-Jones, Deborah; Ross, David A
  • Acceptability of azithromycin for the control of trachoma in Northern Tanzania. (2005) Desmond, Nicola; Solomon, Anthony W; Massae, Patrick A; Lema, Ndeeshi; Anemona, Alessandra; Foster, Allen; Mabey, David CW
  • International lung cancer trends by histologic type: male:female differences diminishing and adenocarcinoma rates rising. (2005) Devesa, Susan S; Bray, Freddie; Vizcaino, A Paloma; Parkin, D Max
  • Ticks, ivermectin, and experimental Chagas disease. (2005) Dias, João Carlos Pinto; Schofield, Christopher J; Machado, Evandro Mm; Fernandes, Alexandre José
  • New strategies for HIV surveillance in resource-constrained settings: an overview. (2005) Diaz, Theresa; De Cock, Kevin; Brown, Tim; Ghys, Peter D; Boerma, J Ties
  • Surveillance methods to monitor the impact of HIV therapy programmes in resource-constrained countries. (2005) Diaz, Theresa; Loth, George; Whitworth, James; Sutherland, Donald
  • The whole truth and nothing but the truth? The research that Philip Morris did not want you to see. (2005) Diethelm, Pascal A; Rielle, Jean-Charles; McKee, Martin
  • Short-term outcomes of five heroin detoxification methods in the Australian NEPOD Project. (2005) Digiusto, Erol; Lintzeris, Nicholas; Breen, Courtney; Kimber, Jo; Mattick, Richard P; Bell, James; Ali, Robert; Saunders, John B; NEPOD Research Group
  • Increased risk of tuberculosis among health care workers in Samara Oblast, Russia: analysis of notification data. (2005) Dimitrova, B; Hutchings, A; Atun, R; Drobniewski, F; Marchenko, G; Zakharova, S; Fedorin, I; Coker, RJ
  • Carr A J, Higginson I J, Robinson P G, (editors). Quality of life. London: BMJ Books, 2003. 133 pp. ISBN 0-7279-1544-4. (2005) Dimitrova, Boika
  • Integrated working. (2005) Donaldson, LJ; Reynolds, DJ
  • Inequality in willingness-to-pay for community-based health insurance. (2005) Dong, Hengjin; Kouyate, Bocar; Cairns, John; Sauerborn, Rainer
  • Gender difference in HIV-1 RNA viral loads. (2005) Donnelly, CA; Bartley, LM; Ghani, AC; Le Fevre, AM; Kwong, GP; Cowling, BJ; van Sighem, AI; de Wolf, F; Rode, RA; Anderson, RM
  • Malaria and urbanization in sub-Saharan Africa. (2005) Donnelly, Martin J; McCall, PJ; Lengeler, Christian; Bates, Imelda; D'Alessandro, Umberto; Barnish, Guy; Konradsen, Flemming; Klinkenberg, Eveline; Townson, Harold; Trape, Jean-Francois; Hastings, Ian M; Mutero, Clifford
  • Comparative phylogenomics of pathogenic bacteria by microarray analysis. (2005) Dorrell, Nick; Hinchliffe, Stewart J; Wren, Brendan W
  • Epidemiology of HIV among black and minority ethnic men who have sex with men in England and Wales. (2005) Dougan, S; Elford, J; Rice, B; Brown, AE; Sinka, K; Evans, BG; Gill, ON; Fenton, KA
  • Economic evaluation: what does a nurse manager need to know? (2005) Douglas, Hannah-Rose; Normand, Charles
  • A new approach to eliciting patients' preferences for palliative day care: the choice experiment method. (2005) Douglas, Hannah-Rose; Normand, Charles E; Higginson, Irene J; Goodwin, Danielle M
  • Increasing contraceptive use in rural Pakistan: an evaluation of the Lady Health Worker Programme. (2005) Douthwaite, Megan; Ward, Patrick
  • No room for kinkiness in a public healthcare system. (2005) Dowie, Jack
  • Research Implications of Science-Informed, Value-Based Decision Making. (2005) Dowie, Jack
  • Effect of dietary supplementation with conjugated linoleic acid on markers of calcium and bone metabolism in healthy adult men. (2005) Doyle, L; Jewell, C; Mullen, A; Nugent, AP; Roche, HM; Cashman, KD
  • Estimating medium- and long-term trends in malaria transmission by using serological markers of malaria exposure. (2005) Drakeley, CJ; Corran, PH; Coleman, PG; Tongren, JE; McDonald, SLR; Carneiro, I; Malima, R; Lusingu, J; Manjurano, A; Nkya, WMM; Lemnge, MM; Cox, J; Reyburn, H; Riley, EM
  • Altitude-dependent and -independent variations in Plasmodium falciparum prevalence in northeastern Tanzania. (2005) Drakeley, Chris J; Carneiro, Ilona; Reyburn, Hugh; Malima, Robert; Lusingu, John PA; Cox, Jonathan; Theander, Thor G; Nkya, Watoky MMM; Lemnge, Martha M; Riley, Eleanor M
  • Malaria diagnosis and treatment: one size does not fit all. (2005) Drakeley, Chris; Gosling, Roly; Reyburn, Hugh
  • Occupational bladder cancer in New Zealand: a 1-year review of cases notified to the New Zealand Cancer Registry. (2005) Dryson, E; Walls, C; McLean, D; Pearce, N
  • Evidence base for interventions in complex emergencies. (2005) Duffield, Arabella; Reid, Garth; Shoham, Jeremy; Walker, Damian
  • Rolling Back a Malaria Epidemic in South Africa. (2005) Duffy, Patrick E; Mutabingwa, Theonest K
  • Plasma zinc concentrations are depressed during the acute phase response in children with falciparum malaria. (2005) Duggan, Christopher; MacLeod, William B; Krebs, Nancy F; Westcott, Jamie L; Fawzi, Wafaie W; Premji, Zul G; Mwanakasale, Victor; Simon, Jonathon L; Yeboah-Antwi, Kojo; Hamer, Davidson H
  • Screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm in a geographically isolated area. (2005) Duncan, JL; Wolf, B; Nichols, DM; Lindsay, SM; Cairns, J; Godden, DJ
  • The use of edge-betweenness clustering to investigate biological function in protein interaction networks. (2005) Dunn, Ruth; Dudbridge, Frank; Sanderson, Christopher M
  • Efficacy of combination therapy with artesunate plus amodiaquine compared to monotherapy with chloroquine, amodiaquine or sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine for treatment of uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum in Afghanistan. (2005) Durrani, Naeem; Leslie, Toby; Rahim, Sayed; Graham, Kate; Ahmad, Fayaz; Rowland, Mark
  • High-fat feeding during gestation and nursing period have differential effects on the insulin secretory capacity in offspring from normal Wistar rats. (2005) Dyrskog, Stig EU; Gregersen, Søren; Hermansen, Kjeld
  • The diterpene glycoside, rebaudioside A, does not improve glycemic control or affect blood pressure after eight weeks treatment in the Goto-Kakizaki rat. (2005) Dyrskog, Stig EU; Jeppesen, Per B; Chen, Jianguo; Christensen, Lars P; Hermansen, Kjeld
  • Severe falciparum malaria in Gabonese children: clinical and laboratory features. (2005) Dzeing-Ella, Arnaud; Nze Obiang, Pascal C; Tchoua, Rose; Planche, Timothy; Mboza, Béatrice; Mbounja, Monique; Muller-Roemer, Ulrich; Jarvis, Joseph; Kendjo, Eric; Ngou-Milama, Edouard; Kremsner, Peter G; Krishna, Sanjeev; Kombila, Maryvonne
  • Using autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models to predict and monitor the number of beds occupied during a SARS outbreak in a tertiary hospital in Singapore. (2005) Earnest, Arul; Chen, Mark I; Ng, Donald; Sin, Leo Yee
  • Allende, Cochrane, war and terrorism. (2005) Ebrahim, S
  • Salt and smoking: a role for interventional epidemiology? (2005) Ebrahim, S
  • Salt and smoking: a role for interventional epidemiology? (2005) Ebrahim, S
  • Sexual behaviour: related adverse health burden in the United States. (2005) Ebrahim, SH; McKenna, MT; Marks, JS
  • Author's Reply. (2005) Ebrahim, Shah
  • Socioeconomic position (again), causes and confounding. (2005) Ebrahim, Shah
  • Non-communicable diseases in low and middle-income countries: a priority or a distraction? (2005) Ebrahim, Shah; Smeeth, Liam
  • Reciprocal immunomodulation in a schistosome and hepatotropic virus coinfection model. (2005) Edwards, Matthew J; Buchatska, Olena; Ashton, Miranda; Montoya, Maria; Bickle, Quentin D; Borrow, Persephone
  • Final results of MRC CRASH, a randomised placebo-controlled trial of intravenous corticosteroid in adults with head injury-outcomes at 6 months. (2005) Edwards, Phil; Arango, Miguel; Balica, Laura; Cottingham, Rowland; El-Sayed, Hesham; Farrell, Barbara; Fernandes, Janice; Gogichaisvili, Tamar; Golden, Nyoman; Hartzenberg, Bennie; Husain, Mazhar; Ulloa, Mario Izurieta; Jerbi, Zouheir; Khamis, Hussein; Komolafe, Edward; Laloë, Véronique; Lomas, Gabrielle; Ludwig, Silke; Mazairac, Guy; Muñoz Sanchéz, Maria de los Angeles; Nasi, Luis; Olldashi, Fatos; Plunkett, Patrick; Roberts, Ian; Sandercock, Peter; Shakur, Haleema; Soler, Caridad; Stocker, Reto; Svoboda, Petr; Trenkler, Stefan; Venkataramana, NK; Wasserberg, Jonathan; Yates, David; Yutthakasemsunt, Surakrant; CRASH trial collaborators
  • Meta-analysis of randomised trials of monetary incentives and response to mailed questionnaires. (2005) Edwards, Phil; Cooper, Rachel; Roberts, Ian; Frost, Chris
  • Dietary exposure to aflatoxin from maize and groundnut in young children from Benin and Togo, West Africa. (2005) Egal, S; Hounsa, A; Gong, YY; Turner, PC; Wild, CP; Hall, AJ; Hell, K; Cardwell, KF
  • Intermittent preventive treatment for malaria control in infants: moving towards evidence-based policy and public health action. (2005) Egan, Andrea; Crawley, Jane; Schellenberg, David; IPTi Consortium
  • Informing healthy transport policies : Systematic reviews and research synthesis. (2005) Egan, M; Petticrew, M; Ogilvie, D
  • The genome sequence of Trypanosoma cruzi, etiologic agent of Chagas disease. (2005) El-Sayed, Najib M; Myler, Peter J; Bartholomeu, Daniella C; Nilsson, Daniel; Aggarwal, Gautam; Tran, Anh-Nhi; Ghedin, Elodie; Worthey, Elizabeth A; Delcher, Arthur L; Blandin, Gaëlle; Westenberger, Scott J; Caler, Elisabet; Cerqueira, Gustavo C; Branche, Carole; Haas, Brian; Anupama, Atashi; Arner, Erik; Aslund, Lena; Attipoe, Philip; Bontempi, Esteban; Bringaud, Frédéric; Burton, Peter; Cadag, Eithon; Campbell, David A; Carrington, Mark; Crabtree, Jonathan; Darban, Hamid; da Silveira, Jose Franco; de Jong, Pieter; Edwards, Kimberly; Englund, Paul T; Fazelina, Gholam; Feldblyum, Tamara; Ferella, Marcela; Frasch, Alberto Carlos; Gull, Keith; Horn, David; Hou, Lihua; Huang, Yiting; Kindlund, Ellen; Klingbeil, Michele; Kluge, Sindy; Koo, Hean; Lacerda, Daniela; Levin, Mariano J; Lorenzi, Hernan; Louie, Tin; Machado, Carlos Renato; McCulloch, Richard; McKenna, Alan; Mizuno, Yumi; Mottram, Jeremy C; Nelson, Siri; Ochaya, Stephen; Osoegawa, Kazutoyo; Pai, Grace; Parsons, Marilyn; Pentony, Martin; Pettersson, Ulf; Pop, Mihai; Ramirez, Jose Luis; Rinta, Joel; Robertson, Laura; Salzberg, Steven L; Sanchez, Daniel O; Seyler, Amber; Sharma, Reuben; Shetty, Jyoti; Simpson, Anjana J; Sisk, Ellen; Tammi, Martti T; Tarleton, Rick; Teixeira, Santuza; Van Aken, Susan; Vogt, Christy; Ward, Pauline N; Wickstead, Bill; Wortman, Jennifer; White, Owen; Fraser, Claire M; Stuart, Kenneth D; Andersson, Björn
  • Hip dysplasia and ultrasound imaging of whole populations: the precautionary principle revisited. (2005) Elbourne, D; Dezateux, C
  • Hip dysplasia and ultrasound imaging of whole populations: the precautionary principle revisited. (2005) Elbourne, D; Dezateux, C
  • Helminth infection during pregnancy and development of infantile eczema. (2005) Elliott, Alison M; Mpairwe, Harriet; Quigley, Maria A; Nampijja, Margaret; Muhangi, Lawrence; Oweka-Onyee, James; Muwanga, Moses; Ndibazza, Juliet; Whitworth, James AG
  • A randomised controlled trial of the effects of albendazole in pregnancy on maternal responses to mycobacterial antigens and infant responses to Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) immunisation [ISRCTN32849447]. (2005) Elliott, Alison M; Namujju, Proscovia B; Mawa, Patrice A; Quigley, Maria A; Nampijja, Margaret; Nkurunziza, Peter M; Belisle, John T; Muwanga, Moses; Whitworth, James AG; Mother and Baby study team
  • Coronary heart disease prevention in clinical practice: are patients with diabetes special? Evidence from two studies of older men and women. (2005) Emberson, JR; Whincup, PH; Lawlor, DA; Montaner, D; Ebrahim, S
  • Household pit latrines as a potential source of the fly Musca sorbens--a one year longitudinal study from The Gambia. (2005) Emerson, Paul M; Simms, Victoria M; Makalo, Pateh; Bailey, Robin L
  • Giardia duodenalis infection and wastewater irrigation in Pakistan. (2005) Ensink, Jeroen HJ; van der Hoek, Wim; Amerasinghe, Felix P
  • High risk of hookworm infection among wastewater farmers in Pakistan. (2005) Ensink, Jeroen HJ; van der Hoek, Wim; Mukhtar, M; Tahir, Zarfishan; Amerasinghe, Felix P
  • Influence of social environment in smoking among adolescents in Turkey. (2005) Erbaydar, Tugrul; Lawrence, Susan; Dagli, Elif; Hayran, Osman; Collishaw, Neil E
  • Epidemiology of forest malaria in central Vietnam: a large scale cross-sectional survey. (2005) Erhart, Annette; Ngo, Duc Thang; Phan, Van Ky; Ta, Thi Tinh; Van Overmeir, Chantal; Speybroeck, Niko; Obsomer, Valerie; Le, Xuan Hung; Le, Khanh Thuan; Coosemans, Marc; D'alessandro, Umberto
  • Adoption of the new antimalarial drug policy in Tanzania--a cross-sectional study in the community. (2005) Eriksen, Jaran; Nsimba, Stephen ED; Minzi, Omary MS; Sanga, Anku J; Petzold, Max; Gustafsson, Lars L; Warsame, Marian Y; Tomson, Göran
  • Maternal consumption of dairy products during pregnancy and lactation, and the development of cow's milk antibodies in the offspring. (2005) Erkkola, Maijaliisa; Kronberg-Kippilä, Carina; Savilahti, Erkki; Kenward, Michael G; Salonen, Marja; Ilonen, Jorma; Knip, Mikael; Akerblom, Hans K; Virtanen, Suvi M
  • Environmental and social factors as determinants of respiratory dysfunction in junior school children in Moscow. (2005) Eroshina, K; Danishevski, K; Wilkinson, P; McKee, M; Zaitseva, E
  • Synthesis of malarial plasmepsin inhibitors and prediction of binding modes by molecular dynamics simulations. (2005) Ersmark, Karolina; Nervall, Martin; Hamelink, Elizabeth; Janka, Linda K; Clemente, Jose C; Dunn, Ben M; Blackman, Michael J; Samuelsson, Bertil; Aqvist, Johan; Hallberg, Anders
  • Surveillance of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in the post-outbreak period. (2005) Escudero, IHG; Chen, MI; Leo, YS
  • HIV in South America. (2005) Evans, Carlton AW; Friedland, Jon S; Gotuzzo, Eduardo
  • Practice nurses and older people: a case management approach to care. (2005) Evans, Catherine; Drennan, Vari; Roberts, Julia
  • 28,000 Cases of age related macular degeneration causing visual loss in people aged 75 years and above in the United Kingdom may be attributable to smoking. (2005) Evans, JR; Fletcher, AE; Wormald, RPL
  • Environmental risks in the developing world: exposure indicators for evaluating interventions, programmes, and policies. (2005) Ezzati, Majid; Utzinger, Jürg; Cairncross, Sandy; Cohen, Aaron J; Singer, Burton H
  • Temporal cytokine gene expression patterns in subjects with trachoma identify distinct conjunctival responses associated with infection. (2005) Faal, N; Bailey, R; L; Sarr, I; Joof, H; Mabey, D; CW; Holland, M; J
  • Temporal cytokine gene expression patterns in subjects with trachoma identify distinct conjunctival responses associated with infection. (2005) Faal, N; Bailey, RL; Sarr, I; Joof, H; Mabey, DCW; Holland, MJ
  • Recrudescence of imported falciparum malaria after quinine therapy: potential drug interaction with phenytoin. (2005) Fabre, C; Criddle, J; Nolder, D; Klein, JL
  • Interventions used to improve control of blood pressure in patients with hypertension. (2005) Fahey, T; Schroeder, K; Ebrahim, S
  • The polypill and cardiovascular disease. (2005) Fahey, Tom; Brindle, Peter; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Educational and organisational interventions used to improve the management of hypertension in primary care: a systematic review. (2005) Fahey, Tom; Schroeder, Knut; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Recent increases in platinum metals in the environment from vehicle catalytic converters. (2005) Farago, Margaret E; Hutchinson, Emma J; Simpson, Peter R; Thornton, Iain
  • Minority report. (2005) Farooq, S; Coleman, MP
  • Breast cancer survival in South Asian women in England and Wales. (2005) Farooq, Sabya; Coleman, Michel P
  • Tuberculosis treatment outcomes in Europe: a systematic review. (2005) Faustini, A; Hall, AJ; Perucci, CA
  • Rapid assessment for prioritisation of trachoma control at community level in one district of the Kaolack Region, Senegal. (2005) Faye, Marcel; Kuper, Hannah; Dineen, Brendan; Bailey, Robin
  • Moving towards true integration. (2005) Feachem, Richard GA; Sekhri, Neelam K
  • Comorbidity in childhood in northern Ghana: magnitude, associated factors, and impact on mortality. (2005) Fenn, Bridget; Morris, Saul S; Black, Robert E
  • Reported sexually transmitted disease clinic attendance and sexually transmitted infections in britain: prevalence, risk factors, and proportionate population burden. (2005) Fenton, Kevin A; Mercer, Catherine H; Johnson, Anne M; Byron, Christos L; McManus, Sally; Erens, Bob; Copas, Andrew J; Nanchahal, Kiran; Macdowall, Wendy; Wellings, Kaye
  • Ethnic variations in sexual behaviour in Great Britain and risk of sexually transmitted infections: a probability survey. (2005) Fenton, Kevin A; Mercer, Catherine H; McManus, Sally; Erens, Bob; Wellings, Kaye; Macdowall, Wendy; Byron, Christos L; Copas, Andrew J; Nanchahal, Kiran; Field, Julia; Johnson, Anne M
  • Adherence to antiretroviral therapy and its impact on clinical outcome in HIV-infected patients. (2005) Ferguson, NM; Donnelly, CA; Hooper, J; Ghani, AC; Fraser, C; Bartley, LMA; Rode, RA; Vernazza, P; Lapins, DL; Mayer, SL; Anderson, RM
  • Strategies for containing an emerging influenza pandemic in Southeast Asia. (2005) Ferguson, Neil M; Cummings, Derek AT; Cauchemez, Simon; Fraser, Christophe; Riley, Steven; Meeyai, Aronrag; Iamsirithaworn, Sopon; Burke, Donald S
  • Maturation of Rhodococcus equi-containing vacuoles is arrested after completion of the early endosome stage. (2005) Fernandez-Mora, Eugenia; Polidori, Marco; Lührmann, Anja; Schaible, Ulrich E; Haas, Albert
  • Interferon-gamma responses to ESAT-6 in tuberculosis patients early into and after anti-tuberculosis treatment. (2005) Ferrand, RA; Bothamley, GH; Whelan, A; Dockrell, HM
  • Plasma fibrinogen level and the risk of major cardiovascular diseases and nonvascular mortality: an individual participant meta-analysis. (2005) Fibrinogen Studies Collaboration; Danesh, John; Lewington, Sarah; Thompson, Simon G; Lowe, Gordon DO; Collins, Rory; Kostis, JB; Wilson, AC; Folsom, AR; Wu, K; Benderly, M; Goldbourt, U; Willeit, J; Kiechl, S; Yarnell, JWG; Sweetnam, PM; Elwood, PC; Cushman, M; Psaty, BM; Tracy, RP; Tybjaerg-Hansen, A; Haverkate, F; de Maat, MPM; Fowkes, FGR; Lee, AJ; Smith, FB; Salomaa, V; Harald, K; Rasi, R; Vahtera, E; Jousilahti, P; Pekkanen, J; D'Agostino, R; Kannel, WB; Wilson, PWF; Tofler, G; Arocha-Piñango, CL; Rodriguez-Larralde, A; Nagy, E; Mijares, M; Espinosa, R; Rodriquez-Roa, E; Ryder, E; Diez-Ewald, MP; Campos, G; Fernandez, V; Torres, E; Marchioli, R; Valagussa, F; Rosengren, A; Wilhelmsen, L; Lappas, G; Eriksson, H; Cremer, P; Nagel, D; Curb, JD; Rodriguez, B; Yano, K; Salonen, JT; Nyyssönen, K; Tuomainen, T-P; Hedblad, B; Lind, P; Loewel, H; Koenig, W; Meade, TW; Cooper, JA; De Stavola, B; Knottenbelt, C; Miller, GJ; Cooper, JA; Bauer, KA; Rosenberg, RD; Sato, S; Kitamura, A; Naito, Y; Palosuo, T; Ducimetiere, P; Amouyel, P; Arveiler, D; Evans, AE; Ferrieres, J; Juhan-Vague, I; Bingham, A; Schulte, H; Assmann, G; Cantin, B; Lamarche, B; Després, J-P; Dagenais, GR; Tunstall-Pedoe, H; Woodward, M; Ben-Shlomo, Y; Davey Smith, G; Palmieri, V; Yeh, JL; Rudnicka, A; Ridker, P; Rodeghiero, F; Tosetto, A; Shepherd, J; Ford, I; Robertson, M; Brunner, E; Shipley, M; Feskens, EJM; Kromhout, D; Dickinson, A; Ireland, B; Juzwishin, K; Kaptoge, S; Lewington, S; Memon, A; Sarwar, N; Walker, M; Wheeler, J; White, I; Wood, A
  • Neonatal Ventilation With Inhaled Nitric Oxide Versus Ventilatory Support Without Inhaled Nitric Oxide for Preterm Infants With Severe Respiratory Failure: the INNOVO multicentre randomised controlled trial (ISRCTN 17821339). (2005) Field, D; Elbourne, D; Truesdale, A; Grieve, R; Hardy, P; Fenton, AC; Subhedar, N; Ahluwalia, J; Halliday, HL; Stocks, J; Tomlin, K; Normand, C; INNOVO Trial Collaborating Group
  • Can ROP blindness be eliminated? (2005) Fielder, Alistair R; Gilbert, Clare; Quinn, Graham
  • Human infection patterns and heterogeneous exposure in river blindness. (2005) Filipe, João AN; Boussinesq, Michel; Renz, Alfons; Collins, Richard C; Vivas-Martinez, Sarai; Grillet, María-Eugenia; Little, Mark P; Basáñez, María-Gloria
  • Maternity wards or emergency obstetric rooms? Incidence of near-miss events in African hospitals. (2005) Filippi, Veronique; Ronsmans, Carine; Gohou, Valerie; Goufodji, Sourou; Lardi, Mohamed; Sahel, Amina; Saizonou, Jacques; De Brouwere, Vincent
  • Stopping routine vaccination for tuberculosis in schools. (2005) Fine, Paul
  • Non-specific effects of vaccination. (2005) Fine, Paul EM
  • Health and health care in transitional Europe. (2005) Fister, Kristina; McKee, Martin
  • A review of studies of adherence with antihypertensive drugs using prescription databases. (2005) Fitz-Simon, Nicola; Bennett, Kathleen; Feely, John
  • Long-term efficacy of hepatitis B vaccine, booster policy, and impact of hepatitis B virus mutants. (2005) Fitzsimons, David; François, Guido; Hall, Andrew; McMahon, Brian; Meheus, André; Zanetti, Alessandro; Duval, Bernard; Jilg, Wolfgang; Böcher, Wulf Otto; Lu, Sheng-Nan; Akarca, Ulus; Lavanchy, Daniel; Goldstein, Susan; Banatvala, Jangu; Damme, Pierre Van
  • Polymorphisms and circulating levels in the insulin-like growth factor system and risk of breast cancer: a systematic review. (2005) Fletcher, Olivia; Gibson, Lorna; Johnson, Nichola; Altmann, Dan R; Holly, Jeffrey MP; Ashworth, Alan; Peto, Julian; Silva, Isabel Dos Santos
  • AIDS mortality and the mobility of children in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa. (2005) Ford, Kathleen; Hosegood, Victoria
  • Inter-ocular transfer of the tilt illusion shows that monocular orientation mechanisms are colour selective. (2005) Forte, Jason D; Clifford, Colin WG
  • The ban that kills. (2005) Foss, A; Vickerman, P; Watts, C
  • The impact of Vision 2020 on global blindness. (2005) Foster, A; Resnikoff, S
  • 5-year outcome of an interventional strategy in non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome: the British Heart Foundation RITA 3 randomised trial. (2005) Fox, KAA; Poole-Wilson, P; Clayton, TC; Henderson, RA; Shaw, TRD; Wheatley, DJ; Knight, R; Pocock, SJ
  • When smokers are resistant to change: experimental analysis of the effect of patient resistance on practitioner behaviour. (2005) Francis, Nick; Rollnick, Stephen; McCambridge, Jim; Butler, Chris; Lane, Claire; Hood, Kerenza
  • Genotyping cytochrome P450 3A5 using the Light Cycler. (2005) Fredericks, Salim; Moreton, Michelle; MacPhee, Iain AM; Mohamed, Maha; Marlowe, Sharon; Jorga, AnaMaria; Johnston, Atholl; Carter, Nicholas D; Holt, David W
  • Advice about sexual health for young people. (2005) Free, Caroline
  • Transcultural communication and ethnic comparisons in the experience of services. (2005) Free, Caroline
  • Emergency contraception use and non-use in young women: the application of a contextual and dynamic model. (2005) Free, Caroline; Ogden, Jane
  • Young women's contraception use as a contextual and dynamic behaviour: A qualitative study. (2005) Free, Caroline; Ogden, Jane; Lee, Ray
  • Association between congenital toxoplasmosis and preterm birth, low birthweight and small for gestational age birth. (2005) Freeman, K; Oakley, L; Pollak, A; Buffolano, W; Petersen, E; Semprini, AE; Salt, A; Gilbert, R; European Multicentre Study on Congenital Toxoplasmosis
  • Integrating mental health in global initiatives for HIV/AIDS. (2005) Freeman, Melvyn; Patel, Vikram; Collins, Pamela Y; Bertolote, Jose
  • Analysis of costs and benefits of the Gambian Eye Care Program. (2005) Frick, Kevin D; Foster, Allen; Bah, Momodou; Faal, Hannah
  • Management and outcome of TB suspects admitted to the medical wards of a central hospital in Malawi. (2005) Friend, Jeremy H; Mason, Shirin; Harries, Anthony D; Salaniponi, Felix M; Neuhann, Florian
  • Benzodiazepine use in Santiago, Chile. (2005) Fritsch Montero, R; Rojas Castillo, G; Gaete Olivares, J; Araya Baltra, R; González Rubio, I
  • The effect of measurement error in risk factors that change over time in cohort studies: do simple methods overcorrect for 'regression dilution'? (2005) Frost, Chris; White, Ian R
  • Changing organisations: a study of the context and processes of mergers of health care providers in England. (2005) Fulop, Naomi; Protopsaltis, Gerasimos; King, Annette; Allen, Pauline; Hutchings, Andrew; Normand, Charles
  • Stable isotope dilution techniques for assessing vitamin A status and bioefficacy of provitamin A carotenoids in humans. (2005) Furr, Harold C; Green, Michael H; Haskell, Marjorie; Mokhtar, Najat; Nestel, Penelope; Newton, Sam; Ribaya-Mercado, Judy D; Tang, Guangwen; Tanumihardjo, Sherry; Wasantwisut, Emorn
  • The epidemiology of animal bite injuries in Uganda and projections of the burden of rabies. (2005) Fèvre, EM; Kaboyo, RW; Persson, V; Edelsten, M; Coleman, PG; Cleaveland, S
  • A burgeoning epidemic of sleeping sickness in Uganda. (2005) Fèvre, EM; Picozzi, K; Fyfe, J; Waiswa, C; Odiit, M; Coleman, PG; Welburn, SC
  • Informal payment for health care: evidence from Hungary. (2005) Gaal, Peter; Evetovits, Tamas; McKee, Martin
  • Fee-for-service or donation? Hungarian perspectives on informal payment for health care. (2005) Gaal, Peter; McKee, Martin
  • Acne in adolescence and cause-specific mortality: lower coronary heart disease but higher prostate cancer mortality: the Glasgow Alumni Cohort Study. (2005) Galobardes, B; Davey Smith, G; Jeffreys, M; Kinra, S; McCarron, P
  • [Intolerance to and/or drug interactions of anti-HIV and anti-HVC therapy]. (2005) Galpérine, T; Merle, C; de Truchis, P; Bernard, L; Perronne, C
  • Public health. Violence against women. (2005) Garcia-Moreno, Claudia; Heise, Lori; Jansen, Henrica AFM; Ellsberg, Mary; Watts, Charlotte
  • The hip trial: psychosocial consequences for mothers of using ultrasound to manage infants with developmental hip dysplasia. (2005) Gardner, F; Dezateux, C; Elbourne, D; Gray, A; King, A; Quinn, A; Collaborative Hip Trial Group
  • Enteropathogenic and enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli infections: translocation, translocation, translocation. (2005) Garmendia, Junkal; Frankel, Gad; Crepin, Valérie F
  • DNA vaccines for biodefence. (2005) Garmory, Helen S; Perkins, Stuart D; Phillpotts, Robert J; Titball, Richard W
  • The impact and patterns of hazardous drinking amongst male industrial workers in Goa, India. (2005) Gaunekar, Gaurish; Patel, Vikram; Rane, Anil
  • Rapid subgroup identification of the flaviviruses using degenerate primer E-gene RT-PCR and site specific restriction enzyme analysis. (2005) Gaunt, MW; Gould, EA
  • Topical ocular antibiotics induce bacterial resistance at extraocular sites. (2005) Gaynor, BD; Chidambaram, JD; Cevallos, V; Miao, Y; Miller, K; Jha, HC; Bhatta, RC; Chaudhary, JSP; Osaki Holm, S; Whitcher, JP; Holbrook, KA; Fry, AM; Lietman, TM
  • 'Kachinja are coming!? Encounters around a medical research project in a Kenyan village. (2005) Geissler, PW
  • Mission, Ueberlieferung, AIDS und Pornographie: Die Entdeckung des Sex im westlichen Kenya. (2005) Geissler, PW; Prince, RJ
  • A dynamic analysis approach for a longitudinal survey investigating risk factors for asthma and allergies in children. (2005) Genser, B; Cruz, AA; Carvalho, LP; Cooper, PJ; Stein, RT; de Almeida, N; Cunha, S; Rodrigues, L; Barreto, ML
  • In-depth, longitudinal analysis of viral quasispecies from an individual triply infected with late-stage human immunodeficiency virus type 1, using a multiple PCR primer approach. (2005) Gerhardt, M; Mloka, D; Tovanabutra, S; Sanders-Buell, E; Hoffmann, O; Maboko, L; Mmbando, D; Birx, DL; McCutchan, FE; Hoelscher, M
  • Intervention complexity--a conceptual framework to inform priority-setting in health. (2005) Gericke, Christian A; Kurowski, Christoph; Ranson, M Kent; Mills, Anne
  • Using the Internet to promote sexual health awareness among young people. (2005) Gerressu, Makeda; French, Rebecca S
  • Incidences of vaccine-preventable Haemophilus influenzae type b pneumonia and meningitis in Indonesian children: hamlet-randomised vaccine-probe trial. (2005) Gessner, Bradford D; Sutanto, Agustinus; Linehan, Mary; Djelantik, I Gusti Gede; Fletcher, Tracy; Gerudug, I Komang; Ingerani; Mercer, David; Moniaga, Vanda; Moulton, Lawrence H; Moulton, Lawrence H; Mulholland, Kim; Nelson, Carib; Soemohardjo, Soewignjo; Steinhoff, Mark; Widjaya, Anton; Stoeckel, Philippe; Maynard, James; Arjoso, Soemarjati
  • Methods for estimating the case fatality ratio for a novel, emerging infectious disease. (2005) Ghani, AC; Donnelly, CA; Cox, DR; Griffin, JT; Fraser, C; Lam, TH; Ho, LM; Chan, WS; Anderson, RM; Hedley, AJ; Leung, GM
  • Patterns of sex worker-client contacts and their implications for the persistence of sexually transmitted infections. (2005) Ghani, Azra C; Aral, Sevgi O
  • Measuring lymphocyte kinetics in tropical field settings. (2005) Ghattas, Hala; Darboe, Bakary M; Wallace, Diana L; Griffin, George E; Prentice, Andrew M; Macallan, Derek C
  • Characteristics of infants with severe retinopathy of prematurity in countries with low, moderate, and high levels of development: implications for screening programs. (2005) Gilbert, Clare; Fielder, Alistair; Gordillo, Luz; Quinn, Graham; Semiglia, Renato; Visintin, Patricia; Zin, Andrea; International NO-ROP Group
  • Day care in infancy and risk of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia: findings from UK case-control study. (2005) Gilham, C; Peto, J; Simpson, J; Roman, E; Eden, TOB; Greaves, MF; Alexander, FE; UKCCS Investigators
  • CD8+ T cell responses to human immunodeficiency viruses type 2 (HIV-2) and type 1 (HIV-1) gag proteins are distinguishable by magnitude and breadth but not cellular phenotype. (2005) Gillespie, Geraldine MA; Pinheiro, Susana; Sayeid-Al-Jamee, Mohammad; Alabi, Abraham; Kaye, Steve; Sabally, Sehu; Sarge-Njie, Ramu; Njai, Harr; Joof, Ken; Jaye, Assan; Whittle, Hilton; Rowland-Jones, Sarah; Dorrell, Lucy
  • Effect of subinhibitory concentrations of ciprofloxacin on Mycobacterium fortuitum mutation rates. (2005) Gillespie, Stephen H; Basu, Shreya; Dickens, Anne L; O'Sullivan, Denise M; McHugh, Timothy D
  • Early bactericidal activity of a moxifloxacin and isoniazid combination in smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis. (2005) Gillespie, Stephen H; Gosling, Roly D; Uiso, Leonard; Sam, Noel E; Kanduma, Esther G; McHugh, Timothy D
  • HIV/AIDS and Food and Nutrition Security: Interactions and Response. (2005) Gillespie, Stuart; Kadiyala, Suneetha
  • How the East was won: BAT and Big Tobacco's conquest of the former Soviet Union. (2005) Gilmore, A; McKee, M
  • Exploring the impact of foreign direct investment on tobacco consumption in the former Soviet Union. (2005) Gilmore, AB; McKee, M
  • Pushing up smoking incidence: plans for a privatised tobacco industry in Moldova. (2005) Gilmore, Anna B; Radu-Loghin, Cornel; Zatushevski, Irina; McKee, Martin
  • Building trust and value in health systems in low and middle income countries [Editorial]. (2005) Gilson, L
  • Removing user fees for primary care in Africa: the need for careful action (Education and Debate section). (2005) Gilson, L; and McIntyre, D
  • Editorial: building trust and value in health systems in low- and middle-income countries. (2005) Gilson, Lucy
  • Removing user fees for primary care in Africa: the need for careful action. (2005) Gilson, Lucy; McIntyre, Di
  • Trust and health worker performance: exploring a conceptual framework using South African evidence. (2005) Gilson, Lucy; Palmer, Natasha; Schneider, Helen
  • Determining the cost effectiveness of a smoke alarm give-away program using data from a randomized controlled trial. (2005) Ginnelly, Laura; Sculpher, Mark; Bojke, Chris; Roberts, Ian; Wade, Angie; Diguiseppi, Carolyn
  • The trend of maternal mortality in Egypt from 1992-2000: an emphasis on regional differences. (2005) Gipson, Reginald; El, Mohandes Ayman; Campbell, Oona; Issa, Adel Hakim; Matta, Nahed; Mansour, Esmat
  • Maternal micronutrient status and decreased growth of Zambian infants born during and after the maize price increases resulting from the southern African drought of 2001-2002. (2005) Gitau, R; Makasa, M; Kasonka, L; Sinkala, M; Chintu, C; Tomkins, A; Filteau, S
  • The health consequences of multiple roles at older ages in the UK. (2005) Glaser, Karen; Evandrou, Maria; Tomassini, Cecilia
  • Health Watch exposure estimates: do they underestimate benzene exposure? (2005) Glass, DC; Gray, CN; Jolley, DJ; Gibbons, C; Sim, MR
  • Mycobacterium tuberculosis Beijing genotype, northern Malawi. (2005) Glynn, Judith R; Crampin, Amelia C; Traore, Hamidou; Yates, Malcolm D; Mwaungulu, Frank D; Ngwira, Bagrey M; Chaguluka, Steven D; Mwafulirwa, Donex T; Floyd, Sian; Murphy, Caroline; Drobniewski, Francis A; Fine, Paul EM
  • The importance of recent infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis in an area with high HIV prevalence: a long-term molecular epidemiological study in Northern Malawi. (2005) Glynn, Judith R; Crampin, Amelia C; Yates, Malcolm D; Traore, Hamidou; Mwaungulu, Frank D; Ngwira, Bagrey M; Ndlovu, Richard; Drobniewski, Francis; Fine, Paul EM
  • A comparison of signal instability in 2D and 3D EPI resting-state fMRI. (2005) Goerke, Ute; Möller, Harald E; Norris, David G; Schwarzbauer, Christian
  • Managing patients with an overactive bladder and glaucoma: a questionnaire survey of Japanese urologists on the use of anticholinergics. (2005) Goh, David; Chan, Jin; Vasudevan, Suresh; Yip, Jennifer LY; Foster, Paul J
  • Dietary salt and disease prevention: a global perspective. (2005) Gomez, G; Cappuccio, F
  • Changing from CHD to CVD risk-based guidelines for the management of mild uncomplicated hypertension in different ethnic groups: implications for primary care. (2005) Gomez, GB; Kerry, SM; Oakeshott, P; Rowlands, G; Cappuccio, FP
  • A dominant lethal genetic system for autocidal control of the Mediterranean fruitfly. (2005) Gong, Peng; Epton, Matthew J; Fu, Guoliang; Scaife, Sarah; Hiscox, Alexandra; Condon, Kirsty C; Condon, George C; Morrison, Neil I; Kelly, David W; Dafa'alla, Tarig; Coleman, Paul G; Alphey, Luke
  • Friend or foe? Private sector sales of anti-malarial drugs in rural Tanzania. (2005) Goodman, C; Kachur, S; Abdulla, S; Mwageni, E; Nyoni, J; Schellenburg, J; Mills, A; Bloland, P
  • Reduced interleukin-8 response to Streptococcus pneumoniae by alveolar macrophages from adults with HIV/AIDS. (2005) Gordon, Stephen B; Jarman, Elizabeth R; Kanyanda, Stonard; French, Neil; Pridmore, Alison C; Zijlstra, Eduard E; Molyneux, Malcolm E; Read, Robert C
  • Environmental tobacco smoke (ets) exposure in Florence hospitality venues before and after the smoking ban in Italy. (2005) Gorini, Giuseppe; Gasparrini, Antonio; Fondelli, Maria Cristina; Costantini, Adele Seniori; Centrich, Francesc; Lopez, Maria Josè; Nebot, Manel; Tamang, Elizabeth
  • Hospital Contributory Schemes and the NHS Debates 1937-46: The Rejection of Social Insurance in the British Welfare State? (2005) Gorsky, M
  • From hospital contributory schemes to health cash plans: The mutual ideal in British health care after 1948. (2005) Gorsky, M; Mohan, J; Willis, T
  • Health care-seeking behaviour and out-of-pocket payments in Tbilisi, Georgia. (2005) Gotsadze, George; Bennett, Sara; Ranson, Kent; Gzirishvili, David
  • How can trust be investigated? Drawing lessons from past experience. (2005) Goudge, J; Gilson, L
  • How can trust be investigated? Drawing lessons from past experience. (2005) Goudge, Jane; Gilson, Lucy
  • Measuring the quality of child health care at first-level facilities. (2005) Gouws, Eleanor; Bryce, Jennifer; Pariyo, George; Armstrong Schellenberg, Joanna; Amaral, João; Habicht, Jean-Pierre
  • Reducing inequalities in access to health care: developing a toolkit through action research. (2005) Goyder, EC; Blank, L; Ellis, E; Furber, A; Peters, J; Sartain, K; Massey, C
  • Multi-country field trials comparing wash-resistance of PermaNet and conventional insecticide-treated nets against anopheline and culicine mosquitoes. (2005) Graham, K; Kayedi, MH; Maxwell, C; Kaur, H; Rehman, H; Malima, R; Curtis, CF; Lines, JD; Rowland, MW
  • Issues in data monitoring and interim analysis of trials. (2005) Grant, AM; Altman, DG; Babiker, AB; Campbell, MK; Clemens, FJ; Darbyshire, JH; Elbourne, DR; McLeer, SK; Parmar, MKB; Pocock, SJ; Spiegelhalter, DJ; Sydes, MR; Walker, AE; Wallace, SA; DAMOCLES study group
  • Do young New Zealand Pacific Island and European children differ in bone size or bone mineral? (2005) Grant, AM; Gordon, FK; Ferguson, EL; Williams, SM; Henry, TE; Toafa, VM; Guthrie, BE; Goulding, A
  • Effect of routine isoniazid preventive therapy on tuberculosis incidence among HIV-infected men in South Africa: a novel randomized incremental recruitment study. (2005) Grant, Alison D; Charalambous, Salome; Fielding, Katherine L; Day, John H; Corbett, Elizabeth L; Chaisson, Richard E; De Cock, Kevin M; Hayes, Richard J; Churchyard, Gavin J
  • Methods to estimate the number of orphans as a result of AIDS and other causes in Sub-Saharan Africa. (2005) Grassly, Nicholas C; Timaeus, Ian M
  • Correcting for bias when estimating the cost of hospital-acquired infection: an analysis of lower respiratory tract infections in non-surgical patients. (2005) Graves, Nicholas; Weinhold, Diana; Roberts, Jennifer A
  • Economic evaluation of ultrasonography in the diagnosis and management of developmental hip dysplasia in the United Kingdom and Ireland. (2005) Gray, Alastair; Elbourne, Diana; Dezateux, Carol; King, Andrew; Quinn, Anne; Gardner, Frances
  • The effectiveness of motivational interviewing delivered by youth workers in reducing drinking, cigarette and cannabis smoking among young people: quasi-experimental pilot study. (2005) Gray, Emily; McCambridge, Jim; Strang, John
  • A survey of the specialist public health workforce in the UK in 2003. (2005) Gray, S; Perlman, F; Griffiths, S
  • Better practices: promising approaches to tobacco cessation during pregnancy. (2005) Greaves, L; Cormier, R; Devries, KM; Bottorff, J; Johnson, J; Kirkland, S; Aboussafy, D
  • Managing uncertainty: Etnographic studies of illness, risk and the struggle for control. (2005) Green, J
  • Professions and community. (2005) Green, J
  • Public understanding of food risks in four European countries: a qualitative study. (2005) Green, Judith M; Draper, Alizon K; Dowler, Elizabeth A; Fele, Giolo; Hagenhoff, Vera; Rusanen, Maria; Rusanen, Timo
  • Translators and mediators: bilingual young people's accounts of their interpreting work in health care. (2005) Green, Judith; Free, Caroline; Bhavnani, Vanita; Newman, Tony
  • Interpreting vaccine efficacy. (2005) Greenwood, Brian
  • Malaria vaccines. Evaluation and implementation. (2005) Greenwood, Brian
  • Malaria. (2005) Greenwood, Brian M; Bojang, Kalifa; Whitty, Christopher JM; Targett, Geoffrey AT
  • Why is there a modifying effect of gestational age on risk factors for cerebral palsy? (2005) Greenwood, C; Yudkin, P; Sellers, S; Impey, L; Doyle, P
  • Why is there a modifying effect of gestational age on risk factors for cerebral palsy? (2005) Greenwood, C; Yudkin, P; Sellers, S; Impey, L; Doyle, P
  • Why is there a modifying effect of gestational age on risk factors for cerebral palsy? (2005) Greenwood, C; Yudkin, P; Sellers, S; Impey, L; Doyle, P
  • HIV infection and reproductive health in teenage women orphaned and made vulnerable by AIDS in Zimbabwe. (2005) Gregson, S; Nyamukapa, CA; Garnett, GP; Wambe, M; Lewis, JJC; Mason, PR; Chandiwana, SK; Anderson, RM
  • Review: Health economics: an introduction to economic evaluation. Second edition. (2005) Grieve, R
  • Using multilevel models for assessing the variability of multinational resource use and cost data. (2005) Grieve, Richard; Nixon, Richard; Thompson, Simon G; Normand, Charles
  • Protective efficacy of a recombinant plague vaccine when co-administered with another sub-unit or live attenuated vaccine. (2005) Griffin, Kate; Bedford, Richard; Townson, Kate; Phillpotts, Robert; Funnell, Simon; Morton, Margret; Williamson, Diane; Titball, Richard
  • The cost-effectiveness of introducing hepatitis B vaccine into infant immunization services in Mozambique. (2005) Griffiths, Ulla K; Hutton, Guy; Das Dores Pascoal, Eva
  • Cluster Randomized Trials of Professional and Organizational Behavior Change Interventions in Health Care Settings. (2005) Grimshaw, Jeremy; Eccles, Martin; Campbell, Marion; Elbourne, Diana
  • Increased vaccine efficacy against tuberculosis of recombinant Mycobacterium bovis bacille Calmette-Guérin mutants that secrete listeriolysin. (2005) Grode, Leander; Seiler, Peter; Baumann, Sven; Hess, Jürgen; Brinkmann, Volker; Nasser Eddine, Ali; Mann, Peggy; Goosmann, Christian; Bandermann, Silke; Smith, Debbie; Bancroft, Gregory J; Reyrat, Jean-Marc; van Soolingen, Dick; Raupach, Bärbel; Kaufmann, Stefan HE
  • Evaluating the progress of the health promoting hospitals initiative? A WHO perspective. Commentary on: Whitehead, D. (2004) The European Health Promoting Hospitals (HPH) project: how far on? Health Promotion International, 19, 259-267. (2005) Groene, O
  • Standards for health promotion in hospitals: development and pilot test in nine European countries. (2005) Groene, O; Jorgensen, SJ; Fugleholm, AM; Møller, L; Garcia-Barbero, M
  • Health promotion in hospitals--a strategy to improve quality in health care. (2005) Groene, Oliver; Jorgensen, Svend Juul
  • Avant-propos. Le soutien aux personnes âgés en Europe. (2005) Grundy, E; Festy, P
  • Le soutien aux personnes âgés en Europe. (2005) Grundy, E; Festy, PE
  • Commentary: The McKeown debate: time for burial. (2005) Grundy, Emily
  • Reciprocity in relationships: socio-economic and health influences on intergenerational exchanges between Third Age parents and their adult children in Great Britain. (2005) Grundy, Emily
  • Fertility history and health in later life: a record linkage study in England and Wales. (2005) Grundy, Emily; Tomassini, Cecilia
  • Tobacco industry influence on science and scientists in Germany. (2005) Grüning, Thilo; Gilmore, Anna B; McKee, Martin
  • Lessons from a national survey of Chagas disease transmission risk in Colombia. (2005) Guhl, Felipe; Restrepo, Marco; Angulo, Victor Manuel; Antunes, Carlos MF; Campbell-Lendrum, Diarmid; Davies, Clive R
  • Does scale matter? The costs of HIV-prevention interventions for commercial sex workers in India. (2005) Guinness, Lorna; Kumaranayake, Lilani; Rajaraman, Bhuvaneswari; Sankaranarayanan, Girija; Vannela, Gangadhar; Raghupathi, P; George, Alex
  • Professionalization of hospice volunteer practices: what are the implications? (2005) Guirguis-Younger, Manal; Kelley, Mary-Lou; McKee, Margaret
  • Sclerochoroidal calcification associated with Gitelman syndrome and calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate deposition. (2005) Gupta, R; Hu, V; Reynolds, T; Harrison, R
  • The development of the Indian vision function questionnaire: field testing and psychometric evaluation. (2005) Gupta, SK; Viswanath, K; Thulasiraj, RD; Murthy, GVS; Lamping, DL; Smith, SC; Donoghue, M; Fletcher, AE
  • [Influenza vaccination in the elderly population in Mexico: economic considerations]. (2005) Gutiérrez, Juan Pablo; Bertozzi, Stefano M
  • The adventures of the Randy Professor and Angela the Sugar Mummy: sex in fictional serials in Ugandan popular magazines. (2005) Gysels, M; Pool, R; Nyanzi, S
  • Early versus periprocedural administration of abciximab for primary angioplasty: a pooled analysis of 6 studies. (2005) Gödicke, Jochen; Flather, Marcus; Noc, Marko; Gyöngyösi, Mariann; Arntz, Hans-Richard; Grip, Lars; Gabriel, Henrique Mesquita; Huber, Kurt; Nugara, Fiona; Schröder, Joachim; Svensson, Leif; Wang, Duolao; Zorman, Simona; Montalescot, Gilles
  • Use of total lymphocyte count for informing when to start antiretroviral therapy in HIV-infected children: a meta-analysis of longitudinal data. (2005) HIV Paediatric Prognostic Markers Collaborative Study
  • The impact of adult mortality on the living arrangements of older people in rural South Africa. (2005) HOSEGOOD, VICTORIA; TIMÆUS, IAN M
  • Musculoskeletal disorders among full-time homemakers in poor communities. (2005) Habib, Rima R; Hamdan, Monia; Nuwayhid, Iman; Odaymat, Fatma; Campbell, Oona MR
  • The transcription factor Gli3 regulates differentiation of fetal CD4- CD8- double-negative thymocytes. (2005) Hager-Theodorides, Ariadne L; Dessens, Johannes T; Outram, Susan V; Crompton, Tessa
  • Building capacity to attain the Millennium Development Goals. (2005) Haines, Andy; Sanders, David
  • Mortality Displacement of Heat-Related Deaths: A Comparison of Delhi, Sao Paulo, and London. (2005) Hajat, S; Armstrong, BG; Gouveia, N; Wilkinson, P
  • Hawker J, Begg N, Blair I, Reintjes R, Weinberg J, Communicable disease control handbook. Blackwell Science, 2001. $49.95. 362 pp. ISBN 0-632-05649-5. (2005) Hall, Andrew J
  • Diabetes and the risk of lung cancer. (2005) Hall, Gillian C; Roberts, C Michael; Boulis, Magdy; Mo, Jingping; MacRae, Kenneth D
  • Being realistic about benefits of supervised injecting facilities. (2005) Hall, Wayne; Kimber, Jo
  • Improved survival with VATS pleurectomy-decortication in advanced malignant mesothelioma. (2005) Halstead, JC; Lim, E; Venkateswaran, RM; Charman, SC; Goddard, M; Ritchie, AJ
  • Malaria in the Nuba Mountains of Sudan: baseline genotypic resistance and efficacy of the artesunate plus sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine and artesunate plus amodiaquine combinations. (2005) Hamour, Sally; Melaku, Yoseph; Keus, Kees; Wambugu, Jesse; Atkin, Sara; Montgomery, Jacqui; Ford, Nathan; Hook, Christa; Checchi, Francesco
  • Baseline plasma viral load and CD4 cell percentage predict survival in HIV-1- and HIV-2-infected women in a community-based cohort in The Gambia. (2005) Hansmann, Andreas; Schim van der Loeff, Maarten F; Kaye, Steve; Awasana, Akum Aveika; Sarge-Njie, Ramu; O'Donovan, Diarmuid; Ariyoshi, Koya; Alabi, Abraham; Milligan, Paul; Whittle, Hilton C
  • Preferences for hospital quality in Zambia: results from a discrete choice experiment. (2005) Hanson, Kara; McPake, Barbara; Nakamba, Pamela; Archard, Luke
  • It's good to talk: comparison of a telephone helpline and website for cancer information. (2005) Hardyman, Rachel; Hardy, Pollyanna; Brodie, Judith; Stephens, Richard
  • Serum amyloid A protein binds to outer membrane protein A of gram-negative bacteria. (2005) Hari-Dass, Ranjeeta; Shah, Chandrabala; Meyer, David J; Raynes, John G
  • An association between ATP binding cassette systems, genome sizes and lifestyles of bacteria. (2005) Harland, David N; Garmory, Helen S; Brown, Katherine A; Titball, Richard W
  • Maternal mental health and child nutritional status in four developing countries. (2005) Harpham, Trudy; Huttly, Sharon; De Silva, Mary J; Abramsky, Tanya
  • HIV/AIDS: the epidemic, its impact and turning the tide. (2005) Harries, AD
  • Performance-related allowances within the Malawi National Tuberculosis Control Programme. (2005) Harries, AD; Salaniponi, FM; Nunn, PP; Raviglione, M
  • Human resources for control of tuberculosis and HIV-associated tuberculosis. (2005) Harries, AD; Zachariah, R; Bergström, K; Blanc, L; Salaniponi, FM; Elzinga, G
  • Predicting the failure of 3 by 5. (2005) Harries, Anthony D
  • Improving health workers' performance in low-resource settings. (2005) Harries, Anthony D; Salaniponi, Felix
  • Biting time of Anopheles darlingi in the Bolivian Amazon and implications for control of malaria. (2005) Harris, Angela F; Matias-Arnéz, Abrahan; Hill, Nigel
  • Living with hepatitis C: The medical encounter. (2005) Harris, M
  • Molecular identification of a malaria merozoite surface sheddase. (2005) Harris, Philippa K; Yeoh, Sharon; Dluzewski, Anton R; O'Donnell, Rebecca A; Withers-Martinez, Chrislaine; Hackett, Fiona; Bannister, Lawrence H; Mitchell, Graham H; Blackman, Michael J
  • Early sexual debut among young men in rural South Africa: heightened vulnerability to sexual risk? (2005) Harrison, A; Cleland, J; Gouws, E; Frohlich, J
  • Assessment of the clinical effectiveness of pulmonary artery catheters in management of patients in intensive care (PAC-Man): a randomised controlled trial. (2005) Harvey, Sheila; Harrison, David A; Singer, Mervyn; Ashcroft, Joanne; Jones, Carys M; Elbourne, Diana; Brampton, William; Williams, Dewi; Young, Duncan; Rowan, Kathryn; PAC-Man study collaboration
  • Anaemia, iron deficiency and vitamin A status among school-aged children in rural Kazakhstan. (2005) Hashizume, Masahiro; Chiba, Momoko; Shinohara, Atsuko; Iwabuchi, Shigehiro; Sasaki, Satoshi; Shimoda, Taeko; Kunii, Osamu; Caypil, Wathan; Dauletbaev, Damir; Alnazarova, Akmaral
  • Fatal Outcome of a Hyperinfection Syndrome despite Successful Eradication of Strongyloides with Subcutaneous Ivermectin. (2005) Hauber, HP; Galle, J; Chiodini, PL; Rupp, J; Birke, R; Vollmer, E; Zabel, P; Lange, C
  • Characterization and management of paradoxical upgrading reactions in HIV-uninfected patients with lymph node tuberculosis. (2005) Hawkey, Charlotte R; Yap, Timothy; Pereira, Janis; Moore, David AJ; Davidson, Robert N; Pasvol, Geoffrey; Kon, Onn Min; Wall, Robert A; Wilkinson, Robert J
  • Assessing the Cost-Effectiveness of New Pharmaceuticals in Epilepsy in Adults :. (2005) Hawkins, N; Epstein, D; Drummond, M; Wilby, J
  • Assessing the cost-effectiveness of new pharmaceuticals in epilepsy in adults: the results of a probabilistic decision model. (2005) Hawkins, Neil; Epstein, David; Drummond, Michael; Wilby, Jennifer; Kainth, Anita; Chadwick, David; Sculpher, Mark
  • Cost-effectiveness analysis of treatments for chronic disease: using R to incorporate time dependency of treatment response. (2005) Hawkins, Neil; Sculpher, Mark; Epstein, David
  • The MEMA kwa Vijana project: design of a community randomised trial of an innovative adolescent sexual health intervention in rural Tanzania. (2005) Hayes, Richard J; Changalucha, John; Ross, David A; Gavyole, Awene; Todd, Jim; Obasi, Angela IN; Plummer, Mary L; Wight, Daniel; Mabey, David C; Grosskurth, Heiner
  • Evaluating the impact of the HIV pandemic on measles control and elimination. (2005) Helfand, Rita F; Moss, William J; Harpaz, Rafael; Scott, Susana; Cutts, Felicity
  • Immunity to gastrointestinal nematodes: a story of immune modulation [Review]. (2005) Helmby, H
  • Immunity to gastrointestinal nematodes: a story of immune modulation. (2005) Helmby, Helena
  • Challenges to implementing the national programme for information technology (NPfIT): a qualitative study. (2005) Hendy, Jane; Reeves, Barnaby C; Fulop, Naomi; Hutchings, Andrew; Masseria, Cristina
  • Respiratory symptoms in older people and their association with mortality. (2005) Hewitt, J; Smeeth, L; Bulpitt, CJ; Tulloch, AJ; Fletcher, AE
  • India holds key to polio-free world. (2005) Heymann, David L
  • Social, behavioural and environmental factors and their impact on infectious disease outbreaks. (2005) Heymann, David L
  • A global call for new polio vaccines. (2005) Heymann, David L; Sutter, Roland W; Aylward, R Bruce
  • Coming of age in travel medicine and tropical diseases: a need for continued advocacy and mentorship. (2005) Hill, David R; Bia, Frank J
  • Unconventional approaches to mortality estimation. (2005) Hill, Kenneth; Choi, Yoonjoung; Timaeus, Ian
  • Single blind, randomised, comparative study of the Bug Buster kit and over the counter pediculicide treatments against head lice in the United Kingdom. (2005) Hill, N; Moor, G; Cameron, MM; Butlin, A; Preston, S; Williamson, MS; Bass, C
  • Single blind, randomised, comparative study of the Bug Buster kit and over the counter pediculicide treatments against head lice in the United Kingdom. (2005) Hill, N; Moor, G; Cameron, MM; Butlin, A; Preston, S; Williamson, MS; Bass, C
  • How responsive is the Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale (MSIS-29)? A comparison with some other self report scales. (2005) Hobart, JC; Riazi, A; Lamping, DL; Fitzpatrick, R; Thompson, AJ
  • The expected burden of mesothelioma mortality in Great Britain from 2002 to 2050. (2005) Hodgson, JT; McElvenny, DM; Darnton, AJ; Price, MJ; Peto, J
  • Screening of new entrants for tuberculosis: responses to port notifications. (2005) Hogan, Helen; Coker, Richard; Gordon, Alex; Meltzer, Margie; Pickles, Hilary
  • The Internationalization of Corporate Healthcare: Extent and Emerging Trends. (2005) Holden, C
  • Investigating International Health Markets: Methodological Problems and Challenges. (2005) Holden, C
  • Organizing Across Borders: Profit and Quality in Internationalized Providers. (2005) Holden, C
  • Social Policy and Political Economy: A Tale of (At Least) Two Disciplines. (2005) Holden, C
  • Privatization and trade in health services: a review of the evidence. (2005) Holden, Chris
  • Th2 induction by Nippostrongylus secreted antigens in mice deficient in B cells, eosinophils or MHC Class I-related receptors. (2005) Holland, Martin J; Harcus, Yvonne M; Balic, Adam; Maizels, Rick M
  • Does home based medication review keep older people out of hospital? The HOMER randomised controlled trial. (2005) Holland, Richard; Lenaghan, Elizabeth; Harvey, Ian; Smith, Richard; Shepstone, Lee; Lipp, Alistair; Christou, Maria; Evans, David; Hand, Christopher
  • Rosiglitazone Evaluated for Cardiac Outcomes and Regulation of Glycaemia in Diabetes (RECORD): study design and protocol. (2005) Home, PD; Pocock, SJ; Beck-Nielsen, H; Gomis, R; Hanefeld, M; Dargie, H; Komajda, M; Gubb, J; Biswas, N; Jones, NP
  • Dose-dependent effects of folic acid on blood concentrations of homocysteine: a meta-analysis of the randomized trials. (2005) Homocysteine Lowering Trialists' Collaboration
  • [Household financial costs of illness in urban and rural areas of the Philippines. A comparison between geographical areas and income groups]. (2005) Honda, Ayako
  • Measuring the quality of hospital tuberculosis services: a prospective study in four Zimbabwe hospitals. (2005) Hongoro, Charles; McPake, Barbara; Vickerman, Peter
  • Capturing crack cocaine use: estimating the prevalence of crack cocaine use in London using capture-recapture with covariates. (2005) Hope, Vivian D; Hickman, Matthew; Tilling, Kate
  • HIV prevalence among injecting drug users in England and Wales 1990 to 2003: evidence for increased transmission in recent years. (2005) Hope, Vivian D; Judd, Ali; Hickman, Matthew; Sutton, Andrew; Stimson, Gerry V; Parry, John V; Gill, O Noel
  • Directional enrichment of directly cloned PCR products. (2005) Horn, David
  • The central roles of telomeres and subtelomeres in antigenic variation in African trypanosomes. (2005) Horn, David; Barry, J David
  • Population mobility and household dynamics in rural South Africa: implications for demographic and health research. (2005) Hosegood, V; Benzler, J; Solarsh, G
  • Hookworm infection - Reply. (2005) Hotez, PJ; Brooker, S; Bethony, J
  • Hookworm: “The Great Infection of Mankind”. (2005) Hotez, Peter J; Bethony, Jeff; Bottazzi, Maria Elena; Brooker, Simon; Buss, Paulo
  • Eliminating neglected diseases in Africa. (2005) Hotez, Peter; Bethony, Jeff; Brooker, Simon; Albonico, Marco
  • Distinct mechanisms govern proteolytic shedding of a key invasion protein in apicomplexan pathogens. (2005) Howell, Steven A; Hackett, Fiona; Jongco, Artemio M; Withers-Martinez, Chrislaine; Kim, Kami; Carruthers, Vern B; Blackman, Michael J
  • Help-avoidance: why older people do not always seek help. (2005) Howse, K; Gooberman-Hill, R; Ebrahim, S
  • Vaccine coverage with hepatitis B and other vaccines in the Colombian Amazon: do health worker knowledge and perception influence coverage? (2005) Hoz, Fernando; Perez, Ligia; Wheeler, Jeremy G; Neira, Marlen; Hall, Andrew J
  • Visual loss after cat scratch. (2005) Hu, Victor; Dong, Bruce; MacFarlane, Adrian
  • Use of nicotine replacement therapy and the risk of acute myocardial infarction, stroke, and death. (2005) Hubbard, R; Lewis, S; Smith, C; Godfrey, C; Smeeth, L; Farrington, P; Britton, J
  • Bupropion and the risk of sudden death: a self-controlled case-series analysis using The Health Improvement Network. (2005) Hubbard, R; Lewis, S; West, J; Smith, C; Godfrey, C; Smeeth, L; Farrington, P; Britton, J
  • Integrated transcriptional profiling and linkage analysis for identification of genes underlying disease. (2005) Hubner, Norbert; Wallace, Caroline A; Zimdahl, Heike; Petretto, Enrico; Schulz, Herbert; Maciver, Fiona; Mueller, Michael; Hummel, Oliver; Monti, Jan; Zidek, Vaclav; Musilova, Alena; Kren, Vladimir; Causton, Helen; Game, Laurence; Born, Gabriele; Schmidt, Sabine; Müller, Anita; Cook, Stuart A; Kurtz, Theodore W; Whittaker, John; Pravenec, Michal; Aitman, Timothy J
  • A longitudinal household study of Streptococcus pneumoniae nasopharyngeal carriage in a UK setting. (2005) Hussain, M; Melegaro, A; Pebody, RG; George, R; Edmunds, WJ; Talukdar, R; Martin, SA; Efstratiou, A; Miller, E
  • An experimental study of determinants of the extent of disagreement within clinical guideline development groups. (2005) Hutchings, A; Raine, R; Sanderson, C; Black, N
  • Vehicle exhaust catalysts in Great Britain: an environmental and economic analysis. (2005) Hutchinson, Emma J; Pearson, Peter JG
  • Investigation of HIV-1 transmission events by phylogenetic methods: requirement for scientific rigour. (2005) Hué, Stéphane; Clewley, Jonathan P; Cane, Patricia A; Pillay, Deenan
  • Genetic analysis reveals the complex structure of HIV-1 transmission within defined risk groups. (2005) Hué, Stéphane; Pillay, Deenan; Clewley, Jonathan P; Pybus, Oliver G
  • Decorticate, decerebrate and opisthotonic posturing and seizures in Kenyan children with cerebral malaria. (2005) Idro, Richard; Otieno, Godfrey; White, Steven; Kahindi, Anderson; Fegan, Greg; Ogutu, Bernhards; Mithwani, Sadik; Maitland, Kathryn; Neville, Brian GR; Newton, Charles RJC
  • Comparison of a new, affordable flow cytometric method and the manual magnetic bead technique for CD4 T-lymphocyte counting in a northern Nigerian setting. (2005) Imade, Godwin E; Badung, Bitrus; Pam, Sunday; Agbaji, Oche; Egah, Daniel; Sagay, Atiene S; Sankalé, Jean-Louis; Kapiga, Saidi; Idoko, John; Kanki, Phyllis
  • BILAG 2004. Development and initial validation of an updated version of the British Isles Lupus Assessment Group's disease activity index for patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. (2005) Isenberg, DA; Rahman, A; Allen, E; Farewell, V; Akil, M; Bruce, IN; D'Cruz, D; Griffiths, B; Khamashta, M; Maddison, P; McHugh, N; Snaith, M; Teh, LS; Yee, CS; Zoma, A; Gordon, C
  • In mice, proteinuria and renal inflammatory responses to albumin overload are strain-dependent. (2005) Ishola, David A; van der Giezen, Dionne M; Hahnel, Brunhilde; Goldschmeding, Roel; Kriz, Wilhelm; Koomans, Hein A; Joles, Jaap A
  • The genome of the kinetoplastid parasite, Leishmania major. (2005) Ivens, Alasdair C; Peacock, Christopher S; Worthey, Elizabeth A; Murphy, Lee; Aggarwal, Gautam; Berriman, Matthew; Sisk, Ellen; Rajandream, Marie-Adele; Adlem, Ellen; Aert, Rita; Anupama, Atashi; Apostolou, Zina; Attipoe, Philip; Bason, Nathalie; Bauser, Christopher; Beck, Alfred; Beverley, Stephen M; Bianchettin, Gabriella; Borzym, Katja; Bothe, Gordana; Bruschi, Carlo V; Collins, Matt; Cadag, Eithon; Ciarloni, Laura; Clayton, Christine; Coulson, Richard MR; Cronin, Ann; Cruz, Angela K; Davies, Robert M; De Gaudenzi, Javier; Dobson, Deborah E; Duesterhoeft, Andreas; Fazelina, Gholam; Fosker, Nigel; Frasch, Alberto Carlos; Fraser, Audrey; Fuchs, Monika; Gabel, Claudia; Goble, Arlette; Goffeau, André; Harris, David; Hertz-Fowler, Christiane; Hilbert, Helmut; Horn, David; Huang, Yiting; Klages, Sven; Knights, Andrew; Kube, Michael; Larke, Natasha; Litvin, Lyudmila; Lord, Angela; Louie, Tin; Marra, Marco; Masuy, David; Matthews, Keith; Michaeli, Shulamit; Mottram, Jeremy C; Müller-Auer, Silke; Munden, Heather; Nelson, Siri; Norbertczak, Halina; Oliver, Karen; O'neil, Susan; Pentony, Martin; Pohl, Thomas M; Price, Claire; Purnelle, Bénédicte; Quail, Michael A; Rabbinowitsch, Ester; Reinhardt, Richard; Rieger, Michael; Rinta, Joel; Robben, Johan; Robertson, Laura; Ruiz, Jeronimo C; Rutter, Simon; Saunders, David; Schäfer, Melanie; Schein, Jacquie; Schwartz, David C; Seeger, Kathy; Seyler, Amber; Sharp, Sarah; Shin, Heesun; Sivam, Dhileep; Squares, Rob; Squares, Steve; Tosato, Valentina; Vogt, Christy; Volckaert, Guido; Wambutt, Rolf; Warren, Tim; Wedler, Holger; Woodward, John; Zhou, Shiguo; Zimmermann, Wolfgang; Smith, Deborah F; Blackwell, Jenefer M; Stuart, Kenneth D; Barrell, Bart; Myler, Peter J
  • Temporal changes in home advantage in English football since the Second World War: what explains improved away performance? (2005) Jacklin, Paul B
  • Guidelines for systematic reviews of health promotion and public health interventions. (2005) Jackson, N; Waters, E; Petticrew, M
  • No Evidence for BRAF as a melanoma/nevus susceptibility gene. (2005) Jackson, Sharon; Harland, Mark; Turner, Faye; Taylor, Claire; Chambers, Philip A; Randerson-Moor, Juliette; Swerdlow, Anthony J; dos Santos Silva, Isabel; Beswick, Samantha; Bishop, D Timothy; Newton Bishop, Julia A
  • Functional status of patients before liver transplantation as a predictor of posttransplant mortality. (2005) Jacob, Mathew; Copley, Lynn P; Lewsey, James D; Gimson, Alex; Rela, Mohamed; van der Meulen, Jan HP; UK and Ireland Liver Transplant Audit
  • Systematic review and validation of prognostic models in liver transplantation. (2005) Jacob, Matthew; Lewsey, James D; Sharpin, Carlos; Gimson, Alexander; Rela, Mohammed; van der Meulen, Jan HP
  • Incorporating drug shops in the management of sexually transmitted diseases: suggestions from a study in Uganda. (2005) Jacobs, Bart; Pool, Robert; Whitworth, James
  • Antiretroviral treatment in resource-poor settings: public health research priorities. (2005) Jaffar, Shabbar; Govender, Thilo; Garrib, Anupam; Welz, Tanya; Grosskurth, Heiner; Smith, Peter G; Whittle, Hilton; Bennish, Michael L
  • Immunological predictors of survival in HIV type 2-infected rural villagers in Guinea-Bissau. (2005) Jaffar, Shabbar; Van der Loeff, Maarten Schim; Eugen-Olsen, Jesper; Vincent, Tim; Sarje-Njie, Ramu; Ngom, Pa; Meyer, Anne-Marie; Berry, Neil; Aaby, Peter; Whittle, Hilton
  • Clarifying efficiency-equity tradeoffs through explicit criteria, with a focus on developing countries. (2005) James, Chris; Carrin, Guy; Savedoff, William; Hanvoravongchai, Piya
  • The policy challenge of coexisting undernutrition and nutrition-related chronic diseases. (2005) James, W Philip T
  • Peace through health care in Ireland. (2005) Jamison, J; McKee, M; Legido-Quigley, H
  • Dual job holding by public sector health professionals in highly resource-constrained settings: problem or solution? (2005) Jan, Stephen; Bian, Ying; Jumpa, Manuel; Meng, Qingyue; Nyazema, Norman; Prakongsai, Phusit; Mills, Anne
  • Unique insertions within Plasmodium falciparum subtilisin-like protease-1 are crucial for enzyme maturation and activity. (2005) Jean, Létitia; Withers-Martinez, Chrislaine; Hackett, Fiona; Blackman, Michael J
  • Lifecourse weight patterns and adult-onset diabetes: the Glasgow Alumni and British Women's Heart and Health studies. (2005) Jeffreys, M; Lawlor, DA; Galobardes, B; McCarron, P; Kinra, S; Ebrahim, S; Smith, G Davey
  • Ethnic inequalities in cancer survival in New Zealand: linkage study. (2005) Jeffreys, Mona; Stevanovic, Vladimir; Tobias, Martin; Lewis, Chris; Ellison-Loschmann, Lis; Pearce, Neil; Blakely, Tony
  • Ethnic differences in cause specific mortality among hospitalised patients with diabetes: a linkage study in New Zealand. (2005) Jeffreys, Mona; Wright, Craig; 't Mannetje, Andrea; Huang, Ken; Pearce, Neil
  • Achieving the 'good life': why some people want latrines in rural Benin. (2005) Jenkins, Marion W; Curtis, Val
  • TNF-alpha neutralization in cytokine-driven diseases: a mathematical model to account for therapeutic success in rheumatoid arthritis but therapeutic failure in systemic inflammatory response syndrome. (2005) Jit, M; Henderson, B; Stevens, M; Seymour, RM
  • Quantifying venous flow dynamics by flow-dephased and flow-rephased functional magnetic resonance imaging. (2005) Jochimsen, Thies H; Möller, Harald E
  • Is there a change in water proton density associated with functional magnetic resonance imaging? (2005) Jochimsen, Thies H; Norris, David G; Möller, Harald E
  • Poor mental health and smoking: interactive impact on wages. (2005) Jofre-Bonet, Mireia; Busch, Susan H; Falba, Tracy A; Sindelar, Jody L
  • Design and synthesis of potent inhibitors of plasmepsin I and II: X-ray crystal structure of inhibitor in complex with plasmepsin II. (2005) Johansson, Per-Ola; Lindberg, Jimmy; Blackman, Michael J; Kvarnström, Ingemar; Vrang, Lotta; Hamelink, Elizabeth; Hallberg, Anders; Rosenquist, Asa; Samuelsson, Bertil
  • Can we prevent angle-closure glaucoma? (2005) Johnson, GJ; Foster, PJ
  • The impact of the 2003 heat wave on mortality and hospital admissions in England. (2005) Johnson, Helen; Kovats, R Sari; McGregor, Glenn; Stedman, John; Gibbs, Mark; Walton, Heather; Cook, Lois; Black, Emily
  • Interaction between CHEK2*1100delC and other low-penetrance breast-cancer susceptibility genes: a familial study. (2005) Johnson, Nichola; Fletcher, Olivia; Naceur-Lombardelli, Cristina; dos Santos Silva, Isabel; Ashworth, Alan; Peto, Julian
  • Sexually transmitted infections in New Zealand in 2003. (2005) Johnston, A; Fernando, D; MacBride-Stewart, G
  • Herd-level risk factors associated with tuberculosis breakdowns among cattle herds in England before the 2001 foot-and-mouth disease epidemic. (2005) Johnston, WT; Gettinby, G; Cox, DR; Donnelly, CA; Bourne, J; Clifton-Hadley, R; Le Fevre, AM; McInerney, JP; Mitchell, A; Morrison, WI; Woodroffe, R
  • Amphotericin-B-mediated reactivation of latent HIV-1 infection. (2005) Jones, J; Kosloff, BR; Benveniste, EN; Shaw, GM; Kutsch, O
  • Molecular Characterization, Expression, and in Vivo Analysis of LmexCht1. (2005) Joshi, Manju B; Rogers, Matthew E; Shakarian, Alison M; Yamage, Mat; Al-Harthi, Saeed A; Bates, Paul A; Dwyer, Dennis M
  • Prevalence of, and risk factors for, hepatitis C virus infection among recent initiates to injecting in London and Glasgow: cross sectional analysis. (2005) Judd, A; Hutchinson, S; Wadd, S; Hickman, M; Taylor, A; Jones, S; Parry, JV; Cameron, S; Rhodes, T; Ahmed, S; Bird, S; Fox, R; Renton, A; Stimson, GV; Goldberg, D
  • Incidence of hepatitis C virus and HIV among new injecting drug users in London: prospective cohort study. (2005) Judd, Ali; Hickman, Matthew; Jones, Steve; McDonald, Tamara; Parry, John V; Stimson, Gerry V; Hall, Andrew J
  • Role of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways in the secretion of tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-10 by the PPD antigen of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. (2005) Jung, Saet-Byel; Song, Chang-Hwa; Yang, Chul-Su; Kim, Su-Young; Lee, Kil-Soo; Shin, A-Rum; Lee, Ji-Sook; Nam, Hae Sung; Kim, Hwa-Jung; Park, Jeong-Kyu; Paik, Tae-Hyun; Jo, Eun-Kyeong
  • Issues in reporting epidemiological studies: study raises several concerns. (2005) Jöckel, Karl-Heinz; Stang, Andreas
  • A simple way to increase service use: triggers of women's uptake of postpartum services. (2005) Kabakian-Khasholian, Tamar; Campbell, Oona MR
  • Soil-transmitted helminthiasis in Uganda: epidemiology and cost of control. (2005) Kabatereine, NB; Tukahebwa, EM; Kazibwe, F; Twa-Twa, JM; Barenzi, JFZ; Zaramba, S; Stothard, JR; Fenwick, A; Brooker, S
  • Prospective evaluation of health-related quality of life in patients with deep venous thrombosis. (2005) Kahn, Susan R; Ducruet, Thierry; Lamping, Donna L; Arsenault, Louise; Miron, Marie Jose; Roussin, Andre; Desmarais, Sylvie; Joyal, France; Kassis, Jeannine; Solymoss, Susan; Desjardins, Louis; Johri, Mira; Shrier, Ian
  • Trends in height and BMI of 6-year-old children during the nutrition transition in Chile. (2005) Kain, Juliana; Uauy, Ricardo; Lera, Lydia; Taibo, Marcela; Albala, Cecilia
  • [Evolution of the nutritional status of six years old Chilean children (1987-2003)]. (2005) Kain, Juliana; Uauy, Ricardo; Lera, Lydia; Taibo, Marcela; Espejo, Francisco; Albala, Cecilia
  • Acquired predisposition to mycobacterial disease due to autoantibodies to IFN-gamma. (2005) Kampmann, Beate; Hemingway, Cheryl; Stephens, Alick; Davidson, Robert; Goodsall, Anna; Anderson, Suzanne; Nicol, Mark; Schölvinck, Elisabeth; Relman, David; Waddell, Simon; Langford, Paul; Sheehan, Brian; Semple, Lynn; Wilkinson, Katalin A; Wilkinson, Robert J; Ress, Stanley; Hibberd, Martin; Levin, Michael
  • Risk factors for bacterial vaginosis among bar and hotel workers in Northern Tanzania. (2005) Kapiga, SH; Sam, NE; Masenga, EJ; Manongi, R; Shao, JF
  • The case for strategic international alliances to harness nutritional genomics for public and personal health. (2005) Kaput, Jim; Ordovas, Jose M; Ferguson, Lynnette; van Ommen, Ben; Rodriguez, Raymond L; Allen, Lindsay; Ames, Bruce N; Dawson, Kevin; German, Bruce; Krauss, Ronald; Malyj, Wasyl; Archer, Michael C; Barnes, Stephen; Bartholomew, Amelia; Birk, Ruth; van Bladeren, Peter; Bradford, Kent J; Brown, Kenneth H; Caetano, Rosane; Castle, David; Chadwick, Ruth; Clarke, Stephen; Clément, Karine; Cooney, Craig A; Corella, Dolores; Manica da Cruz, Ivana Beatrice; Daniel, Hannelore; Duster, Troy; Ebbesson, Sven OE; Elliott, Ruan; Fairweather-Tait, Susan; Felton, Jim; Fenech, Michael; Finley, John W; Fogg-Johnson, Nancy; Gill-Garrison, Rosalynn; Gibney, Michael J; Gillies, Peter J; Gustafsson, Jan-Ake; Hartman, John L; He, Lin; Hwang, Jae-Kwan; Jais, Jean-Philippe; Jang, Yangsoo; Joost, Hans; Junien, Claudine; Kanter, Mitchell; Kibbe, Warren A; Koletzko, Berthold; Korf, Bruce R; Kornman, Kenneth; Krempin, David W; Langin, Dominique; Lauren, Denis R; Ho Lee, Jong; Leveille, Gilbert A; Lin, Su-Ju; Mathers, John; Mayne, Michael; McNabb, Warren; Milner, John A; Morgan, Peter; Muller, Michael; Nikolsky, Yuri; van der Ouderaa, Frans; Park, Taesun; Pensel, Norma; Perez-Jimenez, Francisco; Poutanen, Kaisa; Roberts, Matthew; Saris, Wim HM; Schuster, Gertrud; Shelling, Andrew N; Simopoulos, Artemis P; Southon, Sue; Tai, E Shyong; Towne, Bradford; Trayhurn, Paul; Uauy, Ricardo; Visek, Willard J; Warden, Craig; Weiss, Rick; Wiencke, John; Winkler, Jack; Wolff, George L; Zhao-Wilson, Xi; Zucker, Jean-Daniel
  • Assembly and intracellular localization of the bluetongue virus core protein VP3. (2005) Kar, Alak Kanti; Iwatani, Nao; Roy, Polly
  • Development and application of an insertional system for gene delivery and expression in Campylobacter jejuni. (2005) Karlyshev, AV; Wren, BW
  • Analysis of Campylobacter jejuni capsular loci reveals multiple mechanisms for the generation of structural diversity and the ability to form complex heptoses. (2005) Karlyshev, Andrey V; Champion, Olivia L; Churcher, Carol; Brisson, Jean-Robert; Jarrell, Harold C; Gilbert, Michel; Brochu, Denis; St Michael, Frank; Li, Jianjun; Wakarchuk, Warren W; Goodhead, Ian; Sanders, Mandy; Stevens, Kim; White, Brian; Parkhill, Julian; Wren, Brendan W; Szymanski, Christine M
  • The Campylobacter jejuni glycome. (2005) Karlyshev, Andrey V; Ketley, Julian M; Wren, Brendan W
  • Acquired external punctal stenosis: surgical management and long-term follow-up. (2005) Kashkouli, Mohsen Bahmani; Beigi, Bijan; Astbury, Nick
  • 100th anniversary of Robert Koch's Nobel Prize for the discovery of the tubercle bacillus. (2005) Kaufmann, Stefan HE; Schaible, Ulrich E
  • Antigen presentation and recognition in bacterial infections. (2005) Kaufmann, Stefan He; Schaible, Ulrich E
  • A maternity hospital-based infant car-restraint loan scheme: public health and economic evaluation of an intervention for the reduction of road traffic injuries. (2005) Kedikoglou, Simeon; Belechri, Maria; Dedoukou, Xanthi; Spyridopoulos, Themis; Alexe, Delia-Marina; Pappa, Evanthia; Stamou, Asimoula; Petridou, Eleni
  • Networks and epidemic models. (2005) Keeling, Matt J; Eames, Ken TD
  • Statistical design and analysis of pharmacogenetic trials. (2005) Kelly, Patrick J; Stallard, Nigel; Whittaker, John C
  • Post-licence driver education for the prevention of road traffic crashes: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials. (2005) Ker, Katharine; Roberts, Ian; Collier, Timothy; Beyer, Fiona; Bunn, Frances; Frost, Chris
  • Dichotomy of protective cellular immune responses to human visceral leishmaniasis. (2005) Khalil, EAG; Ayed, NB; Musa, AM; Ibrahim, ME; Mukhtar, MM; Zijlstra, EE; Elhassan, IM; Smith, PG; Kieny, PM; Ghalib, HW; Zicker, F; Modabber, F; Elhassan, AM
  • Update of mortality and incidence rates for intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma and other hepatobiliary tumours in England & Wales. (2005) Khan, S; Mandeville, K; Toledano, M; Thomas, H; Taylor-Robinson, S
  • Managing uncertainty around HIV/AIDS in an urban setting: private medical providers and their patients in Pune, India. (2005) Kielmann, Karina; Deshmukh, Deepali; Deshpande, Sucheta; Datye, Vinita; Porter, John; Rangan, Sheela
  • The Commission for Africa: a recipe for success? (2005) Kiely, Sarah; Global Health Monitoring Network
  • The economics of social marketing: the case of mosquito nets in Tanzania. (2005) Kikumbih, Nassor; Hanson, Kara; Mills, Anne; Mponda, Hadji; Schellenberg, Joanna Armstrong
  • Health-related quality of life after interventional or conservative strategy in patients with unstable angina or non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: one-year results of the third Randomized Intervention Trial of unstable Angina (RITA-3). (2005) Kim, Joseph; Henderson, Robert A; Pocock, Stuart J; Clayton, Tim; Sculpher, Mark J; Fox, Keith AA; RITA-3 Trial Investigators
  • Gaining a foothold: tackling poverty, gender inequality, and HIV in Africa. (2005) Kim, Julia C; Watts, Charlotte H
  • Promoting informed choice: evaluating a decision-making tool for family planning clients and providers in Mexico. (2005) Kim, Young Mi; Kols, Adrienne; Martin, Antonieta; Silva, David; Rinehart, Ward; Prammawat, Sarah; Johnson, Sarah; Church, Kathryn
  • Survey of drug consumption rooms: service delivery and perceived public health and amenity impact. (2005) Kimber, Jo; Dolan, Kate; Wodak, Alex
  • Psychotic symptoms in the general population of England--a comparison of ethnic groups (The EMPIRIC study). (2005) King, Michael; Nazroo, James; Weich, Scott; McKenzie, Kwame; Bhui, Kam; Karlsen, Saffron; Stansfeld, Stephen; Tyrer, Peter; Blanchard, Martin; Lloyd, Keith; McManus, Sally; Sproston, Kerry; Erens, Bob
  • Early growth and childhood obesity: a historical cohort study. (2005) Kinra, S; Baumer, JH; Davey Smith, G
  • Evacuation decisions in a chemical air pollution incident: cross sectional survey. (2005) Kinra, S; Lewendon, G; Nelder, R; Herriott, N; Mohan, R; Hort, M; Harrison, S; Murray, V
  • The role played by tumor necrosis factor during localized and systemic infection with Streptococcus pneumoniae. (2005) Kirby, Alun C; Raynes, John G; Kaye, Paul M
  • Hepatocellular carcinoma and polymorphisms in carcinogen-metabolizing and DNA repair enzymes in a population with aflatoxin exposure and hepatitis B virus endemicity. (2005) Kirk, Gregory D; Turner, Paul C; Gong, Yunyun; Lesi, Olufunmilayo A; Mendy, Maimuna; Goedert, James J; Hall, Andrew J; Whittle, Hilton; Hainaut, Pierre; Montesano, Ruggero; Wild, Christopher P
  • Exclusive and predominant breastfeeding - a letter of reply. (2005) Kirkwood, B; Bahl, R; Martines, J
  • Fisherfolk are among groups most at risk of HIV: cross-country analysis of prevalence and numbers infected. (2005) Kissling, Esther; Allison, Edward H; Seeley, Janet A; Russell, Steven; Bachmann, Max; Musgrave, Stanley D; Heck, Simon
  • Identification of CRF10_CD viruses among bar and hotel workers in Moshi, Northern Tanzania. (2005) Kiwelu, Ireen E; Koulinska, Irene N; Nkya, Watoky MMM; Shao, John; Kapiga, Saidi; Essex, Max
  • Increased condom use at sexual debut in the general population of Slovenia and association with subsequent condom use. (2005) Klavs, Irena; Rodrigues, Laura C; Wellings, Kaye; Weiss, Helen A; Hayes, Richard
  • Childhood obesity: the case for binding international legislation. (2005) Knai, Cécile; Lobstein, Tim; McKee, Martin
  • Getting children to eat more fruit and vegetables: a systematic review. (2005) Knai, Cécile; Pomerleau, Joceline; Lock, Karen; McKee, Martin
  • Systematic scaling up of neonatal care in countries. (2005) Knippenberg, Rudolf; Lawn, Joy E; Darmstadt, Gary L; Begkoyian, Genevieve; Fogstad, Helga; Walelign, Netsanet; Paul, Vinod K; Lancet Neonatal Survival Steering Team
  • Re-evaluating the burden of rabies in Africa and Asia. (2005) Knobel, Darryn L; Cleaveland, Sarah; Coleman, Paul G; Fèvre, Eric M; Meltzer, Martin I; Miranda, M Elizabeth G; Shaw, Alexandra; Zinsstag, Jakob; Meslin, François-Xavier
  • Geographically based approaches can identify environmental causes of disease. (2005) Kogevinas, Manolis; Pearce, Neil
  • Roll Back Malaria in the aftermath of complex emergencies: the example of Afghanistan. (2005) Kolaczinski, Jan
  • Malaria control in Afghanistan: progress and challenges. (2005) Kolaczinski, Jan; Graham, Kate; Fahim, Abdullah; Brooker, Simon; Rowland, Mark
  • Lipid-binding proteins in membrane digestion, antigen presentation, and antimicrobial defense. (2005) Kolter, Thomas; Winau, Florian; Schaible, Ulrich E; Leippe, Matthias; Sandhoff, Konrad
  • Comparative efficacy of antimalarial drugs including ACTs in the treatment of uncomplicated malaria among children under 5 years in Ghana. (2005) Koram, Kwadwo A; Abuaku, Benjamin; Duah, Nancy; Quashie, Neils
  • Heterogeneous human NK cell responses to Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes. (2005) Korbel, Daniel S; Newman, Kirsty C; Almeida, Catarina R; Davis, Daniel M; Riley, Eleanor M
  • Determinants of the impact of sexually transmitted infection treatment on prevention of HIV infection: a synthesis of evidence from the Mwanza, Rakai, and Masaka intervention trials. (2005) Korenromp, EL; White, RG; Orroth, KK; Bakker, R; Kamali, A; Serwadda, D; Gray, RH; Grosskurth, H; Habbema, JDF; Hayes, RJ
  • Birth weight, hypertension and "white coat" hypertension: size at birth in relation to office and 24-h ambulatory blood pressure. (2005) Koupil, I; Leon, DA; Byberg, L
  • Length of gestation is associated with mortality from cerebrovascular disease. (2005) Koupil, Ilona; Leon, David A; Lithell, Hans O
  • Morning cortisol does not mediate the association of size at birth with blood pressure in children born from full-term pregnancies. (2005) Koupil, Ilona; Mann, Vera; Leon, David A; Lundberg, Ulf; Byberg, Liisa; Vågerö, Denny
  • Climate change and human health: estimating avoidable deaths and disease. (2005) Kovats, R Sari; Campbell-Lendrum, Diarmid; Matthies, Franziska
  • Climate variability and campylobacter infection: an international study. (2005) Kovats, R Sari; Edwards, Sally J; Charron, Dominique; Cowden, John; D'Souza, Rennie M; Ebi, Kristie L; Gauci, Charmaine; Gerner-Smidt, Peter; Hajat, Shakoor; Hales, Simon; Hernández Pezzi, Gloria; Kriz, Bohumir; Kutsar, Kuulo; McKeown, Paul; Mellou, Kassiani; Menne, Bettina; O'Brien, Sarah; van Pelt, Wilfrid; Schmid, Hans
  • Global climate change and health: recent findings and future steps. (2005) Kovats, R Sari; Haines, Andrew
  • Climate change and health - Response. (2005) Kovats, RS
  • Climate change and human health: Estimating avoidable deaths and disease. (2005) Kovats, RS; Campbell-Lendrum, D; Matthies, F
  • Arginase and polyamine synthesis are key factors in the regulation of experimental leishmaniasis in vivo. (2005) Kropf, Pascale; Fuentes, José M; Fähnrich, Eva; Arpa, Luis; Herath, Shanthi; Weber, Verena; Soler, Germán; Celada, Antonio; Modolell, Manuel; Müller, Ingrid
  • Childhood cognitive ability and age at menopause: evidence from two cohort studies. (2005) Kuh, Diana; Butterworth, Suzanne; Kok, Helen; Richards, Marcus; Hardy, Rebecca; Wadsworth, Michael EJ; Leon, David A
  • Analysis of ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer sequences of the Leishmania donovani complex. (2005) Kuhls, Katrin; Mauricio, Isabel L; Pratlong, Francine; Presber, Wolfgang; Schönian, Gabriele
  • A comprehensive approach for evaluating telemedicine-delivered multidisciplinary breast cancer meetings in southern Scotland. (2005) Kunkler, IH; Fielding, RG; Brebner, J; Prescott, R; Maclean, JR; Cairns, J; Chetty, U; Neades, G; Walls, A; Bowman, A; Dixon, JM; Gardner, T; Smith, M; MacCoubrey, J; Lee, AJ; Swann, S; Mcnab, M; Wilson, J; Nawroz, I
  • Epidemiology for ophthalmologists: an introduction to concepts, study designs, and interpreting findings. (2005) Kuper, H; Gilbert, C
  • Participatory evaluations of trachoma control programmes in eight countries. (2005) Kuper, Hannah; Solomon, Anthony W; Buchan, John C; Zondervan, Marcia; Mabey, David; Foster, Allen
  • Reorienting health-research communication. (2005) Kuruvilla, Shyama; Mays, Nicholas
  • Oral health behavior and self-esteem in Swedish adolescents over four years. (2005) Källestål, Carina; Dahlgren, Lars; Stenlund, Hans
  • Part 2: An inventory of Swedish public health research. (2005) Källestål, Carina; Swanberg, Inga
  • Prevalence and associations of symptoms of upper extremities, repetitive strain injuries (RSI) and 'RSI-like condition'. A cross sectional study of bank workers in Northeast Brazil. (2005) Lacerda, Eliana M; Nácul, Luis C; Augusto, Lia G da S; Olinto, Maria Teresa A; Rocha, Dyhanne C; Wanderley, Danielle C
  • Comparison of non-invasive sampling methods for detection of HPV in rural African women. (2005) Lack, N; West, B; Jeffries, D; Ekpo, G; Morison, L; Soutter, WP; Walraven, G; Boryseiwicz, L
  • Micronutrient intake during pregnancy in relation to birth size. (2005) Lagiou, Pagona; Mucci, Lorelei; Tamimi, Rulla; Kuper, Hannah; Lagiou, Areti; Hsieh, Chung-Cheng; Trichopoulos, Dimitrios
  • Body size from birth to adulthood and bone mineral content and density at 31 years of age: results from the northern Finland 1966 birth cohort study. (2005) Laitinen, J; Kiukaanniemi, K; Heikkinen, J; Koiranen, M; Nieminen, P; Sovio, U; Keinänen-Kiukaanniemi, S; Järvelin, MR
  • Effects of weather and river flow on cryptosporidiosis. (2005) Lake, Iain R; Bentham, Graham; Kovats, R Sari; Nichols, Gordon L
  • Creative use of existing clinical and health outcomes data to assess NHS performance in England: Part 1--performance indicators closely linked to clinical care. (2005) Lakhani, Azim; Coles, James; Eayres, Daniel; Spence, Craig; Rachet, Bernard
  • Creative use of existing clinical and health outcomes data to assess NHS performance in England: part 2--more challenging aspects of monitoring. (2005) Lakhani, Azim; Coles, James; Eayres, Daniel; Spence, Craig; Sanderson, Colin
  • Prediction of BRCA1 status in patients with breast cancer using estrogen receptor and basal phenotype. (2005) Lakhani, Sunil R; Reis-Filho, Jorge S; Fulford, Laura; Penault-Llorca, Frederique; van der Vijver, Marc; Parry, Suzanne; Bishop, Timothy; Benitez, Javier; Rivas, Carmen; Bignon, Yves-Jean; Chang-Claude, Jenny; Hamann, Ute; Cornelisse, Cees J; Devilee, Peter; Beckmann, Matthias W; Nestle-Krämling, Carolin; Daly, Peter A; Haites, Neva; Varley, Jenny; Lalloo, Fiona; Evans, Gareth; Maugard, Christine; Meijers-Heijboer, Hanne; Klijn, Jan GM; Olah, Edith; Gusterson, Barry A; Pilotti, Silvana; Radice, Paolo; Scherneck, Siegfried; Sobol, Hagay; Jacquemier, Jocelyne; Wagner, Teresa; Peto, Julian; Stratton, Michael R; McGuffog, Lesley; Easton, Douglas F; Breast Cancer Linkage Consortium
  • Can context justify an ethical double standard for clinical research in developing countries? (2005) Landes, Megan
  • Vegetative pyoderma gangrenosum: a report of two new cases and a review of the literature. (2005) Langan, Sinead M; Powell, Frank C
  • Analysis of the role of HP0208, a phase-variable open reading frame, and its homologues HP1416 and HP0159 in the biosynthesis of Helicobacter pylori lipopolysaccharide. (2005) Langdon, Rebecca; Craig, Jane E; Goldrick, Marie; Houldsworth, Rebecca; High, Nicola J
  • Induction of human immunodeficiency virus type 1-specific T cells by a bluetongue virus tubule-vectored vaccine prime-recombinant modified virus Ankara boost regimen. (2005) Larke, Natasha; Murphy, Aileen; Wirblich, Christoph; Teoh, Denise; Estcourt, Marie J; McMichael, Andrew J; Roy, Polly; Hanke, Tomás
  • The complete genome sequence of Francisella tularensis, the causative agent of tularemia. (2005) Larsson, Pär; Oyston, Petra CF; Chain, Patrick; Chu, May C; Duffield, Melanie; Fuxelius, Hans-Henrik; Garcia, Emilio; Hälltorp, Greger; Johansson, Daniel; Isherwood, Karen E; Karp, Peter D; Larsson, Eva; Liu, Ying; Michell, Stephen; Prior, Joann; Prior, Richard; Malfatti, Stephanie; Sjöstedt, Anders; Svensson, Kerstin; Thompson, Nick; Vergez, Lisa; Wagg, Jonathan K; Wren, Brendan W; Lindler, Luther E; Andersson, Siv GE; Forsman, Mats; Titball, Richard W
  • Perceptions and practice of concordance in nurses' prescribing consultations: findings from a national questionnaire survey and case studies of practice in England. (2005) Latter, Sue; Maben, Jill; Myall, Michelle; Young, Amanda
  • Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy: MRI study of brain and spinal cord. (2005) Laura, M; Leong, W; Murray, NMF; Ingle, G; Miszkiel, KA; Altmann, DR; Miller, DH; Reilly, MM
  • Beyond comparative anecdotalism: lessons on civil society and participation from São Paulo, Brazil. (2005) Lavalle, Adrián Gurza; Acharya, Arnab; Houtzager, Peter P
  • Association of birth weight with adult lung function: findings from the British Women's Heart and Health Study and a meta-analysis. (2005) Lawlor, DA; Ebrahim, S; Davey Smith, G
  • Vitamin C is not associated with coronary heart disease risk once life course socioeconomic position is taken into account: prospective findings from the British Women's Heart and Health Study. (2005) Lawlor, DA; Ebrahim, S; Kundu, D; Bruckdorfer, KR; Whincup, PH; Smith, G Davey
  • Avoiding milk is associated with a reduced risk of insulin resistance and the metabolic syndrome: findings from the British Women's Heart and Health Study. (2005) Lawlor, DA; Ebrahim, S; Timpson, N; Davey Smith, G
  • Does the new International Diabetes Federation definition of the metabolic syndrome predict CHD any more strongly than older definitions? Findings from the British Women's Heart and Health Study. (2005) Lawlor, DA; Smith, G Davey; Ebrahim, S
  • Childhood socioeconomic position, educational attainment, and adult cardiovascular risk factors: the Aberdeen children of the 1950s cohort study. (2005) Lawlor, Debbie A; Batty, G David; Morton, Susan MB; Clark, Heather; Macintyre, Sally; Leon, David A
  • Early life predictors of childhood intelligence: evidence from the Aberdeen children of the 1950s study. (2005) Lawlor, Debbie A; Batty, G David; Morton, Susan MB; Deary, Ian J; Macintyre, Sally; Ronalds, Georgina; Leon, David A
  • Insulin resistance and depressive symptoms in middle aged men: findings from the Caerphilly prospective cohort study. (2005) Lawlor, Debbie A; Ben-Shlomo, Yoav; Ebrahim, Shah; Davey Smith, George; Stansfeld, Stephen A; Yarnell, John WG; Gallacher, John EJ
  • Plasma adiponectin levels are associated with insulin resistance, but do not predict future risk of coronary heart disease in women. (2005) Lawlor, Debbie A; Davey Smith, George; Ebrahim, Shah; Thompson, Claire; Sattar, Naveed
  • Life-course socioeconomic position, area deprivation, and coronary heart disease: findings from the British Women's Heart and Health Study. (2005) Lawlor, Debbie A; Davey Smith, George; Patel, Rita; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Adverse socioeconomic position across the lifecourse increases coronary heart disease risk cumulatively: findings from the British women's heart and health study. (2005) Lawlor, Debbie A; Ebrahim, Shah; Davey Smith, George
  • Association of body mass index and obesity measured in early childhood with risk of coronary heart disease and stroke in middle age: findings from the aberdeen children of the 1950s prospective cohort study. (2005) Lawlor, Debbie A; Leon, David A
  • 'Conception origin'versus'ambient outdoor temperature throughout pregnancy' in relation to offspring birthweight. (2005) Lawlor, Debbie A; Leon, David A; Davey Smith, George
  • The association of ambient outdoor temperature throughout pregnancy and offspring birthweight: findings from the Aberdeen Children of the 1950s cohort. (2005) Lawlor, Debbie A; Leon, David A; Davey Smith, George
  • Association between childhood and adulthood socioeconomic position and pregnancy induced hypertension: results from the Aberdeen children of the 1950s cohort study. (2005) Lawlor, Debbie A; Morton, Susan MB; Nitsch, Dorothea; Leon, David A
  • Sex differences in the association between birth weight and total cholesterol. A meta-analysis. (2005) Lawlor, Debbie A; Owen, Christopher G; Davies, Anna A; Whincup, Peter H; Ebrahim, Shah; Cook, Derek G; Davey Smith, George
  • Birth weight is inversely associated with incident coronary heart disease and stroke among individuals born in the 1950s: findings from the Aberdeen Children of the 1950s prospective cohort study. (2005) Lawlor, Debbie A; Ronalds, Georgina; Clark, Heather; Smith, George Davey; Leon, David A
  • The associations of physical activity and adiposity with alanine aminotransferase and gamma-glutamyltransferase. (2005) Lawlor, Debbie A; Sattar, Naveed; Smith, George Davey; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Associations of fibrinogen and C-reactive protein with prevalent and incident coronary heart disease are attenuated by adjustment for confounding factors. British Women's Heart and Health Study. (2005) Lawlor, Debbie A; Smith, George Davey; Rumley, Ann; Lowe, Gordon DO; Ebrahim, Shah
  • 4 million neonatal deaths: when? Where? Why? (2005) Lawn, Joy E; Cousens, Simon; Zupan, Jelka; Lancet Neonatal Survival Steering Team
  • No cry at birth: global estimates of intrapartum stillbirths and intrapartum-related neonatal deaths. (2005) Lawn, Joy; Shibuya, Kenji; Stein, Claudia
  • Acute respiratory failure due to Mycobacterium kansasii infection: immune reconstitution disease in a patient with AIDS. (2005) Lawn, SD
  • Tuberculosis and HIV Coinfection (Review). (2005) Lawn, SD
  • Acute bilateral parotitis caused by Mycobacterium scrofulaceum: immune reconstitution disease in a patient with AIDS. (2005) Lawn, SD; Checkley, A; Wansbrough-Jones, MH
  • Acute respiratory failure due to Mycobacterium kansasii infection: immune reconstitution disease in a patient with AIDS. (2005) Lawn, Stephen D
  • Risk factors for tuberculosis among HIV-infected patients receiving antiretroviral treatment. (2005) Lawn, Stephen D; Badri, Motasim; Wood, Robin
  • Tuberculosis among HIV-infected patients receiving HAART: long term incidence and risk factors in a South African cohort. (2005) Lawn, Stephen D; Badri, Motasim; Wood, Robin
  • Immune reconstitution disease associated with mycobacterial infections in HIV-infected individuals receiving antiretrovirals. (2005) Lawn, Stephen D; Bekker, Linda-Gail; Miller, Robert F
  • Cryptococcocal immune reconstitution disease: a major cause of early mortality in a South African antiretroviral programme. (2005) Lawn, Stephen D; Bekker, Linda-Gail; Myer, Landon; Orrell, Catherine; Wood, Robin
  • How effectively does HAART restore immune responses to Mycobacterium tuberculosis? Implications for tuberculosis control. (2005) Lawn, Stephen D; Bekker, Linda-Gail; Wood, Robin
  • Early mortality among adults accessing a community-based antiretroviral service in South Africa: implications for programme design. (2005) Lawn, Stephen D; Myer, Landon; Orrell, Catherine; Bekker, Linda-Gail; Wood, Robin
  • Efficacy of antiretroviral therapy in resource-poor settings: are outcomes comparable to those in the developed world? (2005) Lawn, Stephen D; Myer, Landon; Wood, Robin
  • Incidence of tuberculosis during highly active antiretroviral therapy in high-income and low-income countries. (2005) Lawn, Stephen D; Wood, Robin
  • The nematode Panagrellus redivivus is susceptible to killing by human pathogens at 37 degrees C. (2005) Laws, Thomas R; Smith, Simon A; Smith, Martin P; Harding, Sarah V; Atkins, Timothy P; Titball, Richard W
  • [Survey of the Council of Residents of the Italian Society of Hygiene (SItI) on the smoking habits of physicians training in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine.]. (2005) Lazzarino, Antonio Ivan; Colzani, Edoardo; Perata, Edea
  • HIV and the magnitude of pregnancy-related mortality in Pointe Noire, Congo. (2005) Le Coeur, Sophie; Khlat, Myriam; Halembokaka, Gaston; Augereau-Vacher, Christine; Batala-M'Pondo, Georges; Baty, Gaelle; Ronsmans, Carine
  • Statistical Power Analysis. (2005) Le Fevre, Andrea
  • Irreversible inactivation of trypanothione reductase by unsaturated Mannich bases: a divinyl ketone as key intermediate. (2005) Lee, Brittany; Bauer, Holger; Melchers, Johannes; Ruppert, Thomas; Rattray, Lauren; Yardley, Vanessa; Davioud-Charvet, Elisabeth; Krauth-Siegel, R Luise
  • Seasonal effects in the elimination of trachoma. (2005) Lee, David C; Chidambaram, Jaya D; Porco, Travis C; Lietman, Thomas M
  • Shigellosis remains an important problem in children less than 5 years of age in Thailand. (2005) Lee, H; Kotloff, K; Chukaserm, P; Samosornsuk, S; Chompook, P; Deen, JL; Von Seidlein, L; Clemens, JD; Wanpen, C
  • 20 best resources on globalization. (2005) Lee, Kelley
  • Is the UN broken, and can we fix it? (2005) Lee, Kelley
  • Trade and Health: Is the Health Community Ready for Action? (2005) Lee, Kelley; Koivusalo, Meri
  • Trade and health: is the health community ready for action? (2005) Lee, Kelley; Koivusalo, Meri
  • Predictors of failed attendances in a multi-specialty outpatient centre using electronic databases. (2005) Lee, Vernon J; Earnest, Arul; Chen, Mark I; Krishnan, Bala
  • Screening for cervical cancer in India: How much will it cost? A trial based analysis of the cost per case detected. (2005) Legood, Rosa; Gray, Alastair M; Mahé, Cedric; Wolstenholme, Jane; Jayant, Kasturi; Nene, Bhagwan M; Shastri, Surendra S; Malvi, Sylla G; Muwonge, Richard; Budukh, Atul M; Sankaranarayanan, Rengaswamy
  • Pressure ulcers: guideline development and economic modelling. (2005) Legood, Rosa; McInnes, Elizabeth
  • Fetal, developmental, and parental influences on childhood systolic blood pressure in 600 sib pairs: the Uppsala Family study. (2005) Leon, David A; Koupil, Ilona; Mann, Vera; Tuvemo, Torsten; Lindmark, Gunilla; Mohsen, Rawya; Byberg, Liisa; Lithell, Hans
  • Commentary: Lay health workers in primary and community health care - Response to Walt and Morrow. (2005) Lewin, S; Zwarenstein, M; Dick, J
  • Lay health workers in primary and community health care. (2005) Lewin, SA; Dick, J; Pond, P; Zwarenstein, M; Aja, G; van Wyk, B; Bosch-Capblanch, X; Patrick, M
  • Bridging the equity gap in maternal and child health: lay health workers may help bridge equity gap in maternal and child health. (2005) Lewin, Simon
  • Staff training and ambulatory tuberculosis treatment outcomes: a cluster randomized controlled trial in South Africa. (2005) Lewin, Simon; Dick, Judy; Zwarenstein, Merrick; Lombard, Carl J
  • Treatable factors associated with severe anaemia in adults admitted to medical wards in Blantyre, Malawi, an area of high HIV seroprevalence. (2005) Lewis, David K; Whitty, Christopher JM; Walsh, Amanda L; Epino, Henry; Broek, Nynke R van den; Letsky, Elizabeth A; Munthali, Clyton; Mukiibi, Joshua M; Boeree, Martin J
  • Patterns of uptake of treatment for self reported sexually transmitted infection symptoms in rural Zimbabwe. (2005) Lewis, JJC; Garnett, GP; Nyamukapa, CA; Donnelly, CA; Mason, PR; Gregson, S
  • Beer halls as a focus for HIV prevention activities in rural Zimbabwe. (2005) Lewis, James JC; Garnett, Geoffrey P; Mhlanga, Spiwe; Nyamukapa, Constance A; Donnelly, Christl A; Gregson, Simon
  • Meta-analysis of MTHFR 677C->T polymorphism and coronary heart disease: does totality of evidence support causal role for homocysteine and preventive potential of folate? (2005) Lewis, Sarah J; Ebrahim, Shah; Davey Smith, George
  • Scaling up antiretroviral therapy in Africa: learning from tuberculosis control programmes--the case of Malawi. (2005) Libamba, E; Makombe, S; Harries, AD; Chimzizi, R; Salaniponi, FM; Schouten, EJ; Mpazanje, R
  • Investigation of the risk factors for tuberculosis: a case-control study in three countries in West Africa. (2005) Lienhardt, C; Fielding, K; Sillah, JS; Bah, B; Gustafson, P; Warndorff, D; Palayew, M; Lisse, I; Donkor, S; Diallo, S; Manneh, K; Adegbola, R; Aaby, P; Bah-Sow, O; Bennett, S; McAdam, K
  • Single-dose azithromycin for trachoma. (2005) Lietman, Thomas M; Gaynor, Bruce; Porco, Travis
  • Heritability of macular pigment: a twin study. (2005) Liew, Shiao Hui Melissa; Gilbert, Clare E; Spector, Tim D; Mellerio, John; Marshall, John; van Kuijk, Fredericus J; Beatty, Stephen; Fitzke, Fred; Hammond, Christopher J
  • Visual assessment of atrophy on magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of pathologically confirmed young-onset dementias. (2005) Likeman, Marcus; Anderson, Valerie M; Stevens, John M; Waldman, Adam D; Godbolt, Alison K; Frost, Chris; Rossor, Martin N; Fox, Nick C
  • The impact of stage and cell type on prognosis of pulmonary neuroendocrine tumours. (2005) Lim, E; Yap, Y; De Stavola, B; Nicholson, A; Goldstraw, R
  • Acute axonal damage predicts clinical outcome in patients with multiple sclerosis. (2005) Lim, ET; Sellebjerg, F; Jensen, CV; Altmann, DR; Grant, D; Keir, G; Thompson, EJ; Giovannoni, G
  • The impact of stage and cell type on the prognosis of pulmonary neuroendocrine tumors. (2005) Lim, Eric; Yap, Yoong K; De Stavola, Bianca L; Nicholson, Andrew G; Goldstraw, Peter
  • Routine monitoring of visual outcome of cataract surgery. Part 1: Development of an instrument. (2005) Limburg, H; Foster, A; Gilbert, C; Johnson, GJ; Kyndt, M
  • Routine monitoring of visual outcome of cataract surgery. Part 2: Results from eight study centres. (2005) Limburg, H; Foster, A; Gilbert, C; Johnson, GJ; Kyndt, M; Myatt, M
  • ['Vision 2020 Netherlands': a World Health Organization project against avoidable visual impairment in The Netherlands]. (2005) Limburg, H; den Boon, JM; Hogeweg, M; Gevers, RJ; Keunen, JE; ten Hove, GT
  • [Avoidable visual impairment in The Netherlands: the project "Vision 2020 Netherlands" of the World Health Organization]. (2005) Limburg, H; den Boon, JM; Hogeweg, M; Gevers, RJT; Keunen, JEE; ten Hove, GT
  • Chronic hepatitis B virus infection in the Asia-Pacific region and Africa: review of disease progression. (2005) Lin, Ximin; Robinson, Noah J; Thursz, Mark; Rosenberg, Daniel M; Weild, Andrew; Pimenta, Jeanne M; Hall, Andrew J
  • Functional analysis of the Campylobacter jejuni N-linked protein glycosylation pathway. (2005) Linton, Dennis; Dorrell, Nick; Hitchen, Paul G; Amber, Saba; Karlyshev, Andrey V; Morris, Howard R; Dell, Anne; Valvano, Miguel A; Aebi, Markus; Wren, Brendan W
  • Discovery of a third member of the Maculipennis group in south west England. (2005) Linton, Y-, M; Lee, AS; Curtis, CF
  • Lung cancer and indoor pollution from heating and cooking with solid fuels: the IARC international multicentre case-control study in Eastern/Central Europe and the United Kingdom. (2005) Lissowska, Jolanta; Bardin-Mikolajczak, Alicja; Fletcher, Tony; Zaridze, David; Szeszenia-Dabrowska, Neonila; Rudnai, Peter; Fabianova, Eleonora; Cassidy, Adrian; Mates, Dana; Holcatova, Ivana; Vitova, Vera; Janout, Vladimir; Mannetje, Andrea't; Brennan, Paul; Boffetta, Paolo
  • A model for radiation-induced bystander effects, with allowance for spatial position and the effects of cell turnover. (2005) Little, MP; Filipe, JAN; Prise, KM; Folkard, M; Belyakov, OV
  • Hemoglobin concentration in pregnancy and perinatal mortality: a London-based cohort study. (2005) Little, Mark P; Brocard, Pauline; Elliott, Paul; Steer, Philip J
  • SARS transmission pattern in Singapore reassessed by viral sequence variation analysis. (2005) Liu, Jianjun; Lim, Siew Lan; Ruan, Yijun; Ling, Ai Ee; Ng, Lisa FP; Drosten, Christian; Liu, Edison T; Stanton, Lawrence W; Hibberd, Martin L
  • The effect of performance-related pay of hospital doctors on hospital behaviour: a case study from Shandong, China. (2005) Liu, Xingzhu; Mills, Anne
  • Infants with intrauterine growth restriction have impaired formation of docosahexaenoic acid in early neonatal life: a stable isotope study. (2005) Llanos, Adolfo; Lin, Yuhong; Mena, Patricia; Salem, Norman; Uauy, Ricardo
  • Health impact assessment: assessing opportunities and barriers to intersectoral health improvement in an expanded European Union. (2005) Lock, Karen; McKee, Martin
  • Will Europe's agricultural policy damage progress on cardiovascular disease? (2005) Lock, Karen; McKee, Martin
  • The global burden of disease attributable to low consumption of fruit and vegetables: implications for the global strategy on diet. (2005) Lock, Karen; Pomerleau, Joceline; Causer, Louise; Altmann, Dan R; McKee, Martin
  • Leprosy--a changing picture but a continuing challenge. (2005) Lockwood, Diana NJ
  • Leprosy: too complex a disease for a simple elimination paradigm. (2005) Lockwood, Diana NJ; Suneetha, Sujai
  • The genome of the protist parasite Entamoeba histolytica. (2005) Loftus, Brendan; Anderson, Iain; Davies, Rob; Alsmark, U Cecilia M; Samuelson, John; Amedeo, Paolo; Roncaglia, Paola; Berriman, Matt; Hirt, Robert P; Mann, Barbara J; Nozaki, Tomo; Suh, Bernard; Pop, Mihai; Duchene, Michael; Ackers, John; Tannich, Egbert; Leippe, Matthias; Hofer, Margit; Bruchhaus, Iris; Willhoeft, Ute; Bhattacharya, Alok; Chillingworth, Tracey; Churcher, Carol; Hance, Zahra; Harris, Barbara; Harris, David; Jagels, Kay; Moule, Sharon; Mungall, Karen; Ormond, Doug; Squares, Rob; Whitehead, Sally; Quail, Michael A; Rabbinowitsch, Ester; Norbertczak, Halina; Price, Claire; Wang, Zheng; Guillén, Nancy; Gilchrist, Carol; Stroup, Suzanne E; Bhattacharya, Sudha; Lohia, Anuradha; Foster, Peter G; Sicheritz-Ponten, Thomas; Weber, Christian; Singh, Upinder; Mukherjee, Chandrama; El-Sayed, Najib M; Petri, William A; Clark, C Graham; Embley, T Martin; Barrell, Bart; Fraser, Claire M; Hall, Neil
  • The search for Natural Repellents Against Mosquitoes. (2005) Logan, JG
  • Five cases of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Cambridge, U.K. (2005) Loo, WJ; Chan, SK; Rytina, E; Lockwood, DNJ; Sterling, JC; Todd, P
  • Institutional risk factors for outbreaks of nosocomial gastroenteritis: survival analysis of a cohort of hospital units in South-west England, 2002-2003. (2005) Lopman, BA; Andrews, N; Sarangi, J; Vipond, IB; Brown, DWG; Reacher, MH
  • Individual level injection history: a lack of association with HIV incidence in rural Zimbabwe. (2005) Lopman, Ben A; Garnett, Geoff P; Mason, Peter R; Gregson, Simon
  • Preparation of transition-state analogues of sterol 24-methyl transferase as potential anti-parasitics. (2005) Lorente, Silvia Orenes; Jimenez, Carmen Jimenez; Gros, Ludovic; Yardley, Vanessa; de Luca-Fradley, Kate; Croft, Simon L; A Urbina, Julio; Ruiz-Perez, Luis M; Pacanowska, Dolores Gonzalez; Gilbert, Ian H
  • Spectacle and secrecy: press coverage of conjoined twins in 1950s Britain. (2005) Loughlin, Kelly
  • Poverty, violence and depression during pregnancy: a survey of mothers attending a public hospital in Brazil. (2005) Lovisi, Giovanni Marcos; López, José Ramon RA; Coutinho, Evandro Silva Freire; Patel, Vikram
  • Effectiveness of mass oral cholera vaccination in Beira, Mozambique. (2005) Lucas, Marcelino ES; Deen, Jacqueline L; von Seidlein, Lorenz; Wang, Xuan-Yi; Ampuero, Julia; Puri, Mahesh; Ali, Mohammad; Ansaruzzaman, M; Amos, Juvenaldo; Macuamule, Arminda; Cavailler, Philippe; Guerin, Philippe J; Mahoudeau, Claude; Kahozi-Sangwa, Pierre; Chaignat, Claire-Lise; Barreto, Avertino; Songane, Francisco F; Clemens, John D
  • Early mortality after cardiac transplantation: should we do better? (2005) Luckraz, Heyman; Goddard, Martin; Charman, Susan C; Wallwork, John; Parameshwar, Jayan; Large, Stephen R
  • Does heart transplantation confer survival benefit in all risk groups? (2005) Luckraz, Heyman; Sharples, Linda D; Charman, Susan C; Tsui, Steven SL; Wallwork, John; Parameshwar, Jayan; Large, Stephen R
  • Earth-eating and reinfection with intestinal helminths among pregnant and lactating women in western Kenya. (2005) Luoba, Alfred I; Wenzel Geissler, P; Estambale, Benson; Ouma, John H; Alusala, Dorcas; Ayah, Rosemary; Mwaniki, David; Magnussen, Pascal; Friis, Henrik
  • Trends in the prevalence and management of diagnosed type 2 diabetes 1994-2001 in England and Wales. (2005) Lusignan, Simon; Sismanidis, Charalambos; Carey, Iain M; DeWilde, Stephen; Richards, Nicky; Cook, Derek G
  • Mutations in APC, CTNNB1 and K-ras genes and expression of hMLH1 in sporadic colorectal carcinomas from the Netherlands Cohort Study. (2005) Lüchtenborg, Margreet; Weijenberg, Matty P; Wark, Petra A; Saritas, A Merdan; Roemen, Guido MJM; van Muijen, Goos NP; de Bruïne, Adriaan P; van den Brandt, Piet A; de Goeij, Anton FPM
  • Meat and fish consumption, APC gene mutations and hMLH1 expression in colon and rectal cancer: a prospective cohort study (The Netherlands). (2005) Lüchtenborg, Margreet; Weijenberg, Matty P; de Goeij, Anton FPM; Wark, Petra A; Brink, Mirian; Roemen, Guido MJM; Lentjes, Marjolein HFM; de Bruïne, Adriaan P; Goldbohm, R Alexandra; van 't Veer, Pieter; van den Brandt, Piet A
  • Chlamydia screening in general practice: a missed opportunity? (2005) Ma, Richard
  • Chlamydia screening in general practice: views of professionals on the key elements of a successful programme. (2005) Ma, Richard; Clarke, Aileen
  • B-cell kinetics in humans: rapid turnover of peripheral blood memory cells. (2005) Macallan, Derek C; Wallace, Diana L; Zhang, Yan; Ghattas, Hala; Asquith, Becca; de Lara, Catherine; Worth, Andrew; Panayiotakopoulos, George; Griffin, George E; Tough, David F; Beverley, Peter CL
  • Long-term mortality amongst Gulf War Veterans: is there a relationship with experiences during deployment and subsequent morbidity? (2005) Macfarlane, Gary J; Hotopf, Matthew; Maconochie, Noreen; Blatchley, Nick; Richards, Alison; Lunt, Mark
  • Book Review of<b>Drug treatment and ethnicity: a comparative study in the metropolitan areas of Frankfurt, Tel Aviv and San Francisco</b>Jan Schneider: Psychosozial-Verlag/ Haight-Ashbury Publications, 2001, 289 pp. €29.90. ISBN 3 89806 079 9. (2005) Macgregor, Susanne
  • Out-of-home food outlets and area deprivation: case study in Glasgow, UK. (2005) Macintyre, Sally; McKay, Laura; Cummins, Steven; Burns, Cate
  • Counting counts. (2005) Mackie, Phil; Sim, Fiona
  • Future imperfect. (2005) Mackie, Phil; Sim, Fiona
  • Mercury rising or 'Why is a raven like a writing desk?'. (2005) Mackie, Phil; Sim, Fiona
  • Publishing ethics and Public Health. (2005) Mackie, Phil; Sim, Fiona
  • Time and tide wait for no one. (2005) Mackie, Phil; Sim, Fiona
  • To screen or not to screen? Now that is a question, perhaps? (2005) Mackie, Phil; Sim, Fiona
  • Surveying the literature from animal experiments: systematic review and meta-analysis are important contributions. (2005) Macleod, Malcolm R; Ebrahim, Shah; Roberts, Ian
  • Creating an "enabling environment" for taking insecticide treated nets to national scale: the Tanzanian experience. (2005) Magesa, Stephen M; Lengeler, Christian; deSavigny, Don; Miller, Jane E; Njau, Ritha JA; Kramer, Karen; Kitua, Andrew; Mwita, Alex
  • Acanthamoeba genotype T4 from the UK and Iran and isolation of the T2 genotype from clinical isolates. (2005) Maghsood, Amir Hossein; Sissons, James; Rezaian, Mostafa; Nolder, Debbie; Warhurst, David; Khan, Naveed Ahmed
  • [HIV/AIDS care and prevention expenditures in Mexico: trends and estimations 1997-2002]. (2005) Magis-Rodríguez, Carlos; Rivera-Reyes, María del Pilar; Gasca-Pineda, Ricardo; Gutiérrez, Juan Pablo
  • Body fatness and physical activity at young ages and the risk of breast cancer in premenopausal women. (2005) Magnusson, CMK; Roddam, AW; Pike, MC; Chilvers, C; Crossley, B; Hermon, C; McPherson, K; Peto, J; Vessey, M; Beral, V
  • Chest X-ray-confirmed pneumonia in children in Fiji. (2005) Magree, HC; Russell, FM; Sa'aga, R; Greenwood, P; Tikoduadua, L; Pryor, J; Waqatakirewa, L; Carapetis, JR; Mulholland, EK
  • Aciclovir induced posterior leucoencephalopathy. (2005) Mahad, DJ; Helldén, A; Jarvis, J; Mitra, D; Gholkar, A; Chinnery, PF
  • Integration of sexual and reproductive health services in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. (2005) Maharaj, Pranitha; Cleland, John
  • Risk perception and condom use among married or cohabiting couples in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. (2005) Maharaj, Pranitha; Cleland, John
  • Women on top: the relative influence of wives and husbands on contraceptive use in KwaZulu-Natal. (2005) Maharaj, Pranitha; Cleland, John
  • No evidence of association or interaction between the IL4RA, IL4, and IL13 genes in type 1 diabetes. (2005) Maier, Lisa M; Chapman, Juliet; Howson, Joanna MM; Clayton, David G; Pask, Rebecca; Strachan, David P; McArdle, Wendy L; Twells, Rebecca CJ; Todd, John A
  • The psychological impact of human papillomavirus testing in women with borderline or mildly dyskaryotic cervical smear test results: 6-month follow-up. (2005) Maissi, E; Marteau, TM; Hankins, M; Moss, S; Legood, R; Gray, A
  • Perturbations in electrolyte levels in kenyan children with severe malaria complicated by acidosis. (2005) Maitland, Kathryn; Pamba, Allan; Fegan, Greg; Njuguna, Patricia; Nadel, Simon; Newton, Charles RJC; Lowe, Brett
  • Second primary cancers in patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the skin. (2005) Maitra, SK; Gallo, H; Rowland-Payne, C; Robinson, D; Møller, H
  • What is the best strategy for reducing deaths from heart disease? (2005) Makover, Michael E; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Antimalarial treatment with artemisinin combination therapy in Africa. (2005) Malenga, Grace; Palmer, Ayo; Staedke, Sarah; Kazadi, Walter; Mutabingwa, Theonest; Ansah, Evelyn; Barnes, Karen I; Whitty, Christopher JM
  • Effects of genetic variability of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains on the presentation of disease. (2005) Malik, Aeesha NJ; Godfrey-Faussett, Peter
  • Estimating mean QALYs in trial-based cost-effectiveness analysis: the importance of controlling for baseline utility. (2005) Manca, Andrea; Hawkins, Neil; Sculpher, Mark J
  • Inequalities in influenza vaccine uptake among people aged over 74 years in Britain. (2005) Mangtani, Punam; Breeze, Elizabeth; Kovats, Sari; Ng, Edmond SW; Roberts, Jennifer A; Fletcher, Astrid
  • An economic analysis of a pneumococcal vaccine programme in people aged over 64 years in a developed country setting. (2005) Mangtani, Punam; Roberts, Jennifer A; Hall, Andrew J; Cutts, Felicity T
  • Out-of-pocket payments for under-five health care in rural southern Tanzania. (2005) Manzi, Fatuma; Schellenberg, Joanna Armstrong; Adam, Taghreed; Mshinda, Hassan; Victora, Cesar G; Bryce, Jennifer
  • Increased risk of tuberculosis with human T-lymphotropic virus-1 infection: a case-control study. (2005) Marinho, Jamocyr; Galvão-Castro, Bernardo; Rodrigues, Laura C; Barreto, Mauricio L
  • Microbial strategies to exploit host cells. Meeting on spatial and temporal dynamics of the endomembrane system. (2005) Marjomäki, Varpu; Schaible, Ulrich E
  • Cannabis Britannica: empire, trade, and prohibition 1800-1928. (2005) Mars, S
  • The troublesome legacy of Commissioner Lin. The opium trade and opium suppression in Fujian Province, 1820s to 1920s. (2005) Mars, S
  • [BOOK REVIEW] Marcia T. Segal, Vasilikie Demos and Jennie J. Kronenfeld, Editors, Gender Perspectives on Health and Medicine: Key Themes, Elsevier, Oxford (2003) (330pp., $90, hardback). (2005) Marston, C
  • What is heterosexual coercion? Interpreting narratives from young people in Mexico City. (2005) Marston, Cicely
  • Impact on contraceptive practice of making emergency hormonal contraception available over the counter in Great Britain: repeated cross sectional surveys. (2005) Marston, Cicely; Meltzer, Howard; Majeed, Azeem
  • Estimating the net effect of HIV on child mortality in African populations affected by generalized HIV epidemics. (2005) Marston, Milly; Zaba, Basia; Salomon, Joshua A; Brahmbhatt, Heena; Bagenda, Danstan
  • Globalization and Health. (2005) Martin, Greg
  • Breastfeeding and atherosclerosis: intima-media thickness and plaques at 65-year follow-up of the Boyd Orr cohort. (2005) Martin, Richard M; Ebrahim, Shah; Griffin, Maura; Davey Smith, George; Nicolaides, Andrew N; Georgiou, Niki; Watson, Simone; Frankel, Stephen; Holly, Jeff MP; Gunnell, David
  • Antidepressant treatment and the risk of fatal and non-fatal self harm in first episode depression: nested case-control study. (2005) Martinez, Carlos; Rietbrock, Stephan; Wise, Lesley; Ashby, Deborah; Chick, Jonathan; Moseley, Jane; Evans, Stephen; Gunnell, David
  • Impact of Integrated Management of Childhood Illness on inequalities in child health in rural Tanzania. (2005) Masanja, Honorati; Schellenberg, Joanna Armstrong; de Savigny, Don; Mshinda, Hassan; Victora, Cesar G
  • AIDS, drought, and child malnutrition in southern Africa. (2005) Mason, John B; Bailes, Adam; Mason, Karen E; Yambi, Olivia; Jonsson, Urban; Hudspeth, Claudia; Hailey, Peter; Kendle, Andrea; Brunet, Dominique; Martel, Pierre
  • Prevalence of transmitted HIV-1 drug resistance and the role of resistance algorithms: data from seroconverters in the CASCADE collaboration from 1987 to 2003. (2005) Masquelier, Bernard; Bhaskaran, Krishnan; Pillay, Deenan; Gifford, Robert; Balestre, Eric; Jørgensen, Louise Bruun; Pedersen, Court; van der Hoek, Lia; Prins, Maria; Balotta, Claudia; Longo, Benedetta; Kücherer, Claudia; Poggensee, Gabriele; Ortiz, Marta; de Mendoza, Carmen; Gill, John; Fleury, Hervé; Porter, Kholoud; CASCADE Collaboration
  • Forecasting versus projection models in epidemiology: the case of the SARS epidemics. (2005) Massad, Eduardo; Burattini, Marcelo N; Lopez, Luis F; Coutinho, Francisco AB
  • Yellow fever vaccination: how much is enough? (2005) Massad, Eduardo; Coutinho, Francisco Antonio Bezerra; Burattini, Marcelo Nascimento; Lopez, Luis Fernandez; Struchiner, Cláudio José
  • Legislation generates conflict and opportunity for Asian non-governmental organisations. (2005) Mayhew, S
  • Prioritising sexual and reproductive health in Ghana. (2005) Mayhew, SH; Adjei, S
  • Hegemony, Politics and Ideology: the Role of Legislation in NGO–Government Relations in Asia. (2005) Mayhew, Susannah H
  • Commission for Africa: can it make a difference to health? (2005) Mayhew, Susannah H; Tibenderana, James; Haines, Andy
  • Donor agencies' involvement in reproductive health: saying one thing and doing another? (2005) Mayhew, Susannah H; Walt, Gill; Lush, Louisiana; Cleland, John
  • Systematically reviewing qualitative and quantitative evidence to inform management and policy-making in the health field. (2005) Mays, Nicholas; Pope, Catherine; Popay, Jennie
  • Increased platelet count and leucocyte-platelet complex formation in acute symptomatic compared with asymptomatic severe carotid stenosis. (2005) McCabe, DJH; Harrison, P; Mackie, IJ; Sidhu, PS; Purdy, G; Lawrie, AS; Watt, H; Machin, SJ; Brown, MM
  • Chlamydia trachomatis testing in the second British national survey of sexual attitudes and lifestyles: respondent uptake and treatment outcomes. (2005) McCadden, Angela; Fenton, Kevin A; McManus, Sally; Mercer, Catherine H; Erens, Bob; Carder, Caroline; Ridgway, Geoff; Macdowall, Wendy; Nanchahal, Kiran; Byron, Christos L; Copas, Andrew; Wellings, Kaye; Johnson, Anne M
  • Has there been a decline in the prevalence of cannabis use among British nightclubbers? 5-year survey data. (2005) McCambridge, J; Hunt, N; Winstock, A; Mitcheson, L
  • Can it really be this black and white? An analysis of the relative importance of ethnic group and other sociodemographic factors to patterns of drug use and related risk among young Londoners. (2005) McCambridge, J; Strang, J
  • Five-year trends in patterns of drug use among people who use stimulants in dance contexts in the United Kingdom. (2005) McCambridge, Jim; Mitcheson, Luke; Winstock, Adam; Hunt, Neil
  • Age of first use and ongoing patterns of legal and illegal drug use in a sample of young Londoners. (2005) McCambridge, Jim; Strang, John
  • Deterioration over time in effect of Motivational Interviewing in reducing drug consumption and related risk among young people. (2005) McCambridge, Jim; Strang, John
  • Birth characteristics and adult cancer incidence: Swedish cohort of over 11,000 men and women. (2005) McCormack, Valerie A; dos Santos Silva, Isabel; Koupil, Ilona; Leon, David A; Lithell, Hans O
  • In-depth analysis of a heterosexually acquired human immunodeficiency virus type 1 superinfection: evolution, temporal fluctuation, and intercompartment dynamics from the seronegative window period through 30 months postinfection. (2005) McCutchan, FE; Hoelscher, M; Tovanabutra, S; Piyasirisilp, S; Sanders-Buell, E; Ramos, G; Jagodzinski, L; Polonis, V; Maboko, L; Mmbando, D; Hoffmann, O; Riedner, G; von Sonnenburg, F; Robb, M; Birx, DL
  • Mesothelioma mortality in Great Britain from 1968 to 2001. (2005) McElvenny, Damien M; Darnton, Andrew J; Price, Malcolm J; Hodgson, John T
  • Investigating the relationship between HIV testing and risk behaviour in Britain: National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles 2000. (2005) McGarrigle, Christine A; Mercer, Catherine H; Fenton, Kevin A; Copas, Andrew J; Wellings, Kaye; Erens, Bob; Johnson, Anne M
  • Mycobacterium tuberculosis lineage: a naming of the parts. (2005) McHugh, TD; Batt, SL; Shorten, RJ; Gosling, RD; Uiso, L; Gillespie, SH
  • Health and security. (2005) McInnes, C; Lee, K
  • Review: Communism, health and lifestyle. The paradox of mortality transition in Albania, 1950–1990. (2005) McKee, M
  • Lung cancer in Austria - a cohort analysis. (2005) McKee, M; Bachinger, E
  • European health policy: where now? (2005) McKee, Martin
  • Monitoring health in central and eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. (2005) McKee, Martin
  • Understanding population health: lessons from the former Soviet Union. (2005) McKee, Martin
  • A failure of leadership? Why Northern Ireland must introduce a total ban on workplace smoking. (2005) McKee, Martin
  • The need for development assistance for health in the eastern European Region. (2005) McKee, Martin
  • George W Bush's second term. (2005) McKee, Martin; Foster, Susan
  • International cooperation and health. Part 2: making a difference. (2005) McKee, Martin; Gilmore, Anna B; Schwalbe, Nina
  • International cooperation and health. Part I: Issues and concepts. (2005) McKee, Martin; Gilmore, Anna B; Schwalbe, Nina
  • Counting the cost of violence in the Middle East. (2005) McKee, Martin; Janson, Staffan
  • Social transition and substance abuse. (2005) McKee, Martin; Leon, David A
  • INTERHEART. (2005) McKee, Martin; Leon, David A; Tomkins, Susannah; Shkolnikov, Vladimir M; Andreev, Evgeni
  • Choosing health? First choose your philosophy. (2005) McKee, Martin; Raine, Rosalind
  • Commentary: health and economic transition. (2005) McKee, Martin; Suhrcke, Marc
  • The composition of surrogate alcohols consumed in Russia. (2005) McKee, Martin; Suzcs, Sándor; Sárváry, Attila; Adany, Roza; Kiryanov, Nikolay; Saburova, Ludmila; Tomkins, Susannah; Andreev, Evgeny; Leon, David A
  • Comparing outcomes of cataract surgery: challenges and opportunities. (2005) McKee, Martin; Whatling, Justin M; Wilson, John L; Vallance-Owen, Andrew
  • Mycobacteriophage and their application to disease control. (2005) McNerney, R; Traoré, H
  • Saving the lives of vulnerable children. (2005) McPake, Barbara
  • Boosting BCG with MVA85A: the first candidate subunit vaccine for tuberculosis in clinical trials. (2005) McShane, Helen; Pathan, Ansar A; Sander, Clare R; Goonetilleke, Nilu P; Fletcher, Helen A; Hill, Adrian VS
  • Fibrinogen measurement to assess the risk of arterial thrombosis in individual patients: yes. (2005) Meade, TW
  • Influenza activity increasing in western central Europe and decreasing in Spain: an update from EISS. (2005) Meerhoff, Tamara; Brown, Caroline; Cooke, Mary; Meijer, Adam; Paget, John; Socan, Maja; Van-Tam, Jonathan; Thomas, Yves; EISS
  • Carriage of chloroquine-resistant parasites and delay of effective treatment increase the risk of severe malaria in Gambian children. (2005) Meerman, Larissa; Ord, Rosalynn; Bousema, J Teun; van Niekerk, Maarten; Osman, Emilia; Hallett, Rachel; Pinder, Margaret; Walraven, Gijs; Sutherland, Colin J
  • Validity of the construct of post-traumatic stress disorder in a low-income country: interview study of women in Gujarat, India. (2005) Mehta, Khyati; Vankar, Ganpat; Patel, Vikram
  • Prevalence and incidence of, and risk factors for, HIV-1 infection among factory workers in Ethiopia, 1997-2001. (2005) Mekonnen, Yared; Sanders, Eduard; Messele, Tsehaynesh; Wolday, Dawit; Dorigo-Zestma, Wendelien; Schaap, Ab; Mekonnen, Walelgne; Meless, Hailu; Mihret, Wude; Fontanet, Arnaud; Coutinho, Roel A; Dukers, Nicole HTM
  • Switch from inhibitory to activating NKG2 receptor expression in HIV-1 infection: lack of reversion with highly active antiretroviral therapy. (2005) Mela, Christopher M; Burton, Catherine T; Imami, Nesrina; Nelson, Mark; Steel, Alan; Gazzard, Brian G; Gotch, Frances M; Goodier, Martin R
  • Knowledge and attitudes about abortion legislation and abortion methods among abortion clients in Latvia. (2005) Melgalve, I; Lazdane, G; Trapenciere, I; Shannon, C; Bracken, H; Winikoff, B
  • WHO study on Prevention of REcurrences of Myocardial Infarction and StrokE (WHO-PREMISE). (2005) Mendis, Shanthi; Abegunde, Dele; Yusuf, Salim; Ebrahim, Shah; Shaper, Gerry; Ghannem, Hassen; Shengelia, Bakuti
  • Possible explanations for the increase in the prevalence of male homosexual partnerships and practices in Britain 1990-2000. A response to Boily et al. (2005) Mercer, C; Johnson, A; Copas, A; Fenton, K; Erens, B; Wellings, K
  • Who reports sexual function problems? Empirical evidence from Britain's 2000 National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles. (2005) Mercer, CH; Fenton, KA; Johnson, AM; Copas, AJ; Macdowall, W; Erens, B; Wellings, K
  • Journey quality as the focus of future transport policy. (2005) Metz, David
  • The future of geriatric medicine in an era of patient choice. (2005) Metz, David H; Labrooy, Susan J
  • Domestic violence, lifetime trauma and psychological health of childbearing women. (2005) Mezey, Gillian; Bacchus, Loraine; Bewley, Susan; White, Sarah
  • Serial proton spectroscopy in a case of adult-onset subacute sclerosing panencephalitis. (2005) Michael, Nikolaus; Erfurth, Andreas; Lüdemann, Peter; Schuierer, Gerhard; Möller, Harald E
  • Randomized trial of mifepristone and buccal or vaginal misoprostol for abortion through 56 days of last menstrual period. (2005) Middleton, Tamer; Schaff, Eric; Fielding, Stephen L; Scahill, Mary; Shannon, Caitlin; Westheimer, Emily; Wilkinson, Tracey; Winikoff, Beverly
  • Conjugate pneumococcal vaccine in HIV-infected Ugandans and the effect of past receipt of polysaccharide vaccine. (2005) Miiro, George; Kayhty, Helena; Watera, Christine; Tolmie, Helen; Whitworth, James AG; Gilks, Charles F; French, Neil
  • Continuous arterial spin labeling at the human common carotid artery: the influence of transit times. (2005) Mildner, Toralf; Möller, Harald E; Driesel, Wolfgang; Norris, David G; Trampel, Robert
  • Towards quantification of blood-flow changes during cognitive task activation using perfusion-based fMRI. (2005) Mildner, Toralf; Zysset, Stefan; Trampel, Robert; Driesel, Wolfgang; Möller, Harald E
  • Mass campaigns versus general health services: what have we learnt in 40 years about vertical versus horizontal approaches? (2005) Mills, Anne
  • A Comparative Analysis of Hospital Management Systems in South Africa. (2005) Mills, Anne; Broomberg, Jonathan
  • Comparing estimates of cost effectiveness submitted to the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) by different organisations: retrospective study. (2005) Miners, AH; Garau, M; Fidan, D; Fischer, AJ
  • Comparing estimates of cost effectiveness submitted to the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) by different organisations: retrospective study. (2005) Miners, AH; Garau, Martina; Fidan, Dogan; Fischer, AJ
  • Achieving the Millennium Development Goals: does mental health play a role? (2005) Miranda, J Jaime; Patel, Vikram
  • International Health Electives: Four years of experience. (2005) Miranda, J Jaime; Yudkin, John S; Willott, Chris
  • Rethinking your elective. (2005) Miranda, JJ; Finer, S
  • Frameworks for Understanding Dilemmas of Health Care in a Globalised World: A Case Study of Reproductive Health Policies in Peru. (2005) Miranda, JJ; Yamin, AE
  • Evidenced-based decision making about Hib vaccination. (2005) Mitchell, Violaine; Walker, Damian; Zuber, Patrick; Lydon, Patrick; Ahun, Mercy; GAVI Hib Task Force
  • Concurrence of Plasmodium falciparum dhfr and crt mutations in northern Ghana. (2005) Mockenhaupt, Frank P; Bousema, J Teun; Eggelte, Teunis A; Ehrhardt, Stephan; Otchwemah, Rowland N; Sauerwein, Robert W; Bienzle, Ulrich
  • Phosphorylation of bluetongue virus nonstructural protein 2 is essential for formation of viral inclusion bodies. (2005) Modrof, Jens; Lymperopoulos, Kostas; Roy, Polly
  • Explorative multifactor approach for investigating global survival mechanisms of Campylobacter jejuni under environmental conditions. (2005) Moen, Birgitte; Oust, Astrid; Langsrud, Øyvind; Dorrell, Nick; Marsden, Gemma L; Hinds, Jason; Kohler, Achim; Wren, Brendan W; Rudi, Knut
  • Matters of Substance: Drugs – And Why Everyone’s a User. (2005) Mold, A
  • Applicability of coiling for subarachnoid haemorrhage. (2005) Molyneux, Andrew J; Kerr, Richard; Langham, Julia; Lindsay, Ken
  • On the origin of leprosy. (2005) Monot, Marc; Honoré, Nadine; Garnier, Thierry; Araoz, Romulo; Coppée, Jean-Yves; Lacroix, Céline; Sow, Samba; Spencer, John S; Truman, Richard W; Williams, Diana L; Gelber, Robert; Virmond, Marcos; Flageul, Béatrice; Cho, Sang-Nae; Ji, Baohong; Paniz-Mondolfi, Alberto; Convit, Jacinto; Young, Saroj; Fine, Paul E; Rasolofo, Voahangy; Brennan, Patrick J; Cole, Stewart T
  • Orthopaedic complications of leprosy. (2005) Moonot, P; Ashwood, N; Lockwood, D
  • Appropriate technology in tuberculosis diagnostics. (2005) Moore, David; Evans, Carlton; Gilman, Robert; Vargas, Daniel; Escombe, Rod
  • Commentary: patterns in mortality governed by the seasons. (2005) Moore, Sophie E
  • Maternal malnutrition and the risk of infection in later life. (2005) Moore, Sophie E; Collinson, Andrew C; N'Gom, Pa Tamba; Prentice, Andrew M
  • Defective innate antibacterial host responses during murine Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteremia: tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor 1 deficiency versus therapy with anti-TNF-alpha. (2005) Moore, Thomas A; Lau, Helen Y; Cogen, Anna L; Standiford, Theodore J
  • Preferences for the selection of unique tRNA primers revealed from analysis of HIV-1 replication in peripheral blood mononuclear cells. (2005) Moore-Rigdon, Kenda L; Kosloff, Barry R; Kirkman, Richard L; Morrow, Casey D
  • Survival of mycosis fungoides in patients in the Southeast of England. (2005) Morales, Maria M; Putcha, Venkata; Evans, Helen S; Olsen, Jorn; Llopis, Agustin; Møller, Henrik
  • Cost effectiveness analysis of strategies to combat malaria in developing countries. (2005) Morel, Chantal M; Lauer, Jeremy A; Evans, David B
  • Approaches to increase physical activity: reviewing the evidence for exercise-referral schemes. (2005) Morgan, O
  • Restricting paracetamol in the United Kingdom to reduce poisoning: a systematic review. (2005) Morgan, O; Majeed, A
  • Management of dead bodies in disaster situations. (2005) Morgan, Oliver
  • Revisiting the tsunami: health consequences of flooding. (2005) Morgan, Oliver; Ahern, Mike; Cairncross, Sandy
  • Impact of paracetamol pack size restrictions on poisoning from paracetamol in England and Wales: an observational study. (2005) Morgan, Oliver; Griffiths, Clare; Majeed, Azeem
  • Concerning: equity in waiting times for two surgical specialties. (2005) Morgan, Oliver; Hebblethwaite, James
  • Dispelling disaster myths about dead bodies and disease: the role of scientific evidence and the media. (2005) Morgan, Oliver; de Ville de Goyet, Claude
  • Bacterial vaginosis in relation to menstrual cycle, menstrual protection method, and sexual intercourse in rural Gambian women. (2005) Morison, L; Ekpo, G; West, B; Demba, E; Mayaud, P; Coleman, R; Bailey, R; Walraven, G
  • Pilot study of losartan for pulmonary hypertension in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. (2005) Morrell, Nicholas W; Higham, Matthew A; Phillips, Peter G; Shakur, B Haleema; Robinson, Paul J; Beddoes, Ray J
  • IL-4 receptor expression on CD8+ T cells is required for the development of protective memory responses against liver stages of malaria parasites. (2005) Morrot, Alexandre; Hafalla, Julius CR; Cockburn, Ian A; Carvalho, Luzia H; Zavala, Fidel
  • Gender and cancer in Britain, 1860-1910: the emergence of cancer as a public health concern. (2005) Moscucci, Ornella
  • How does progress towards the child mortality millennium development goal affect inequalities between the poorest and least poor? Analysis of Demographic and Health Survey data. (2005) Moser, Kath A; Leon, David A; Gwatkin, Davidson R
  • World mortality 1950-2000: divergence replaces convergence from the late 1980s. (2005) Moser, Kath; Shkolnikov, Vladimir; Leon, David A
  • HIV risk perception and prevalence in a program for prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission: comparison of women who accept voluntary counseling and testing and those tested anonymously. (2005) Mpairwe, Harriet; Muhangi, Lawrence; Namujju, Proscovia B; Kisitu, Andrew; Tumusiime, Alex; Muwanga, Moses; Whitworth, James AG; Onyango, Saul; Biryahwaho, Benon; Elliott, Alison M
  • Cataract surgical coverage and barriers to uptake of cataract surgery in leprosy villages of north eastern Nigeria. (2005) Mpyet, C; Dineen, BP; Solomon, AW
  • Prevalence and causes of blindness and low vision in leprosy villages of north eastern Nigeria. (2005) Mpyet, C; Solomon, AW
  • Evaluation of Dot-Blot and Phage replication techniques for detection of drug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis. (2005) Mshanga, IM; Matee, MIN; Nyambo, TB; McNerney, R
  • Plasmodium liver stage developmental arrest by depletion of a protein at the parasite-host interface. (2005) Mueller, Ann-Kristin; Camargo, Nelly; Kaiser, Karine; Andorfer, Cathy; Frevert, Ute; Matuschewski, Kai; Kappe, Stefan HI
  • Genetically modified Plasmodium parasites as a protective experimental malaria vaccine. (2005) Mueller, Ann-Kristin; Labaied, Mehdi; Kappe, Stefan HI; Matuschewski, Kai
  • Factors associated with severe anaemia in Zambian children admitted with Plasmodium falciparum malarial anaemia. (2005) Mulenga, Modest; Malunga, Phidelis; Bennett, Steve; Thuma, Philip E; Shulman, Caroline; Fielding, Katherine; Greenwood, Brian M
  • Bacterial infections--a major cause of death among children in Africa. (2005) Mulholland, E Kim; Adegbola, Richard A
  • Commentary: comorbidity as a factor in child health and child survival in developing countries. (2005) Mulholland, Kim
  • The Gambian pneumococcal vaccine trial - implications for control of childhood pneumonia. (2005) Mulholland, Kim
  • Guinea worm disease--the final chapter? (2005) Muller, Ralph
  • Sexually transmitted infections in pregnancy: prevalence, impact on pregnancy outcomes, and approach to treatment in developing countries. (2005) Mullick, S; Watson-Jones, D; Beksinska, M; Mabey, D
  • 'I never go anywhere': extricating the links between women's mobility and uptake of reproductive health services in Pakistan. (2005) Mumtaz, Zubia; Salway, Sarah
  • Lack of association of the COMT (Val158/108 Met) gene and schizophrenia: a meta-analysis of case-control studies. (2005) Munafò, MR; Bowes, L; Clark, TG; Flint, J
  • Does measurement instrument moderate the association between the serotonin transporter gene and anxiety-related personality traits? A meta-analysis. (2005) Munafò, MR; Clark, T; Flint, J
  • Chronic cough in primary health care attendees, Harare, Zimbabwe: diagnosis and impact of HIV infection. (2005) Munyati, Shungu S; Dhoba, Temba; Makanza, Evelyn D; Mungofa, Stanley; Wellington, Maureen; Mutsvangwa, Junior; Gwanzura, Lovemore; Hakim, James; Nyakabau, Morgan; Mason, Peter R; Robertson, Valerie; Rusakaniko, Simba; Butterworth, Anthony E; Corbett, Elizabeth L
  • Advances in leishmaniasis. (2005) Murray, Henry W; Berman, Jonathan D; Davies, Clive R; Saravia, Nancy G
  • Effect of HIV on work-related injury rates in South African gold miners. (2005) Murray, Jill; Sonnenberg, Pam; Nelson, Gill; Shearer, Stuart; Bester, Andre; Begley, Arthur; Glynn, Judith R
  • Patient safety and adverse maternal health outcomes: the missing social inequalities 'lens'. (2005) Murray, Susan F; Bacchus, Loraine
  • Current estimates of blindness in India. (2005) Murthy, G Venkata S; Gupta, SK; Bachani, D; Jose, R; John, N
  • The development of the Indian vision function questionnaire: questionnaire content. (2005) Murthy, GVS; Gupta, SK; Thulasiraj, RD; Viswanath, K; Donoghue, EM; Fletcher, AE
  • Status of speciality training in ophthalmology in India. (2005) Murthy, GVS; Gupta, Sanjeev K; Bachani, Damodar; Sanga, Lalit; John, Neena; Tewari, Hem K
  • Incrimination of Simulium thyolense (Diptera: Simuliidae) as the anthropophilic blackfly in the Thyolo focus of human onchocerciasis in Malawi. (2005) Mustapha, M; Krüger, A; Tambala, PAJ; Post, RJ
  • Artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs): best hope for malaria treatment but inaccessible to the needy! (2005) Mutabingwa, TK
  • Amodiaquine alone, amodiaquine+sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine, amodiaquine+artesunate, and artemether-lumefantrine for outpatient treatment of malaria in Tanzanian children: a four-arm randomised effectiveness trial. (2005) Mutabingwa, Theonest K; Anthony, Devota; Heller, Archie; Hallett, Rachel; Ahmed, Jalal; Drakeley, Chris; Greenwood, Brian M; Whitty, Christopher JM
  • Maternal Malaria and Gravidity Interact to Modify Infant Susceptibility to Malaria. (2005) Mutabingwa, Theonest K; Bolla, Melissa C; Li, Jin-Long; Domingo, Gonzalo J; Li, Xiaohong; Fried, Michal; Duffy, Patrick E
  • Gold trichloride and gold sodium thiosulfate as markers of contact allergy to gold. (2005) Möller, Halvor; Ahnlide, Ingela; Gruvberger, Birgitta; Bruze, Magnus
  • Magnetic resonance spectroscopy in patients with MELAS. (2005) Möller, Harald E; Kurlemann, Gerhard; Pützler, Manfred; Wiedermann, Dirk; Hilbich, Thorsten; Fiedler, Barbara
  • Solution structure of the N-terminal zinc fingers of the Xenopus laevis double-stranded RNA-binding protein ZFa. (2005) Möller, Heiko M; Martinez-Yamout, Maria A; Dyson, H Jane; Wright, Peter E
  • Aetiology and clinical presentation of pneumonia in hospitalized and outpatient children in Northeast Brazil and risk factors for severity. (2005) Nacul, Luis C; Kirkwood, Betty R; Carneiro, Araci C; Pannuti, Claudio S; Magalhaes, Marcelo; Arthur, Paul
  • Longitudinal assessment of HIV-1 and HSV-2 shedding in the genital tract of West African women. (2005) Nagot, Nicolas; Foulongne, Vincent; Becquart, Pierre; Mayaud, Philippe; Konate, Issouf; Ouedraogo, Abdoulaye; Defer, Marie-Christine; Weiss, Helen; Van de Perre, Philippe; Segondy, Michel
  • Coronary heart disease risk in men and the epidemic of overweight and obesity. (2005) Nanchahal, K; Morris, JN; Sullivan, LM; Wilson, PWF
  • Changes in the circumstances of young mothers in Britain: 1990 to 2000. (2005) Nanchahal, Kiran; Wellings, Kaye; Barrett, Geraldine; Copas, Andrew J; Mercer, Catherine H; Macmanus, Sally; Macdowall, Wendy; Fenton, Kevin A; Erens, Bob; Johnson, Anne M
  • Molecular characterization of Kaposi's sarcoma associated herpesvirus (KSHV) from patients with AIDS-associated Kaposi's sarcoma in Sao Paulo, Brazil. (2005) Nascimento, Maria C; Wilder, Natalie; Pannuti, Claudio S; Weiss, Helen A; Mayaud, Philippe
  • Risk of trachomatous scarring and trichiasis in Gambians varies with SNP haplotypes at the interferon-gamma and interleukin-10 loci. (2005) Natividad, A; Wilson, J; Koch, O; Holland, MJ; Rockett, K; Faal, N; Jallow, O; Joof, HM; Burton, MJ; Alexander, NDE; Kwiatkowski, DP; Mabey, DCW; Bailey, RL
  • Factors associated with spousal physical violence against women in Bangladesh. (2005) Naved, Ruchira Tabassum; Persson, Lars Ake
  • On the European Union's new eastern border: health promotion, HIV and Ukraine. (2005) Neil, Lindsay; Zalata, Oleg; Coker, Richard
  • Phylogenetic analysis and description of Eperythrozoon coccoides, proposal to transfer to the genus Mycoplasma as Mycoplasma coccoides comb. nov. and Request for an Opinion. (2005) Neimark, Harold; Peters, Wallace; Robinson, Brian L; Stewart, Lindsay B
  • Functional limitation in long standing illness and quality of life: evidence from a national survey. (2005) Netuveli, Gopalakrishnan; Wiggins, Richard D; Hildon, Zoe; Montgomery, Scott M; Blane, David
  • Phenotypic and transcriptional characterization of the meningococcal PhoPQ system, a magnesium-sensing two-component regulatory system that controls genes involved in remodeling the meningococcal cell surface. (2005) Newcombe, J; Jeynes, JC; Mendoza, E; Hinds, J; Marsden, GL; Stabler, RA; Marti, M; McFadden, JJ
  • Plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D does not vary over the course of a malarial infection. (2005) Newens, Katie; Filteau, Suzanne; Tomkins, Andrew
  • Improving the Usability of Educational Research: Guidelines for the REPOrting of Primary Empirical Research Studies in Education (The REPOSE Guidelines). (2005) Newman, Mark; Elbourne, Diana
  • The risk of cancer in HIV-infected people in southeast England: a cohort study. (2005) Newnham, A; Harris, J; Evans, HS; Evans, BG; Møller, H
  • Vitamin a supplementation does not affect infants' immune responses to polio and tetanus vaccines. (2005) Newton, Sam; Cousens, Simon; Owusu-Agyei, Seth; Filteau, Suzanne; Stanley, Carolynne; Linsell, Louise; Kirkwood, Betty
  • Epilepsy and neurocysticercosis in rural Bolivia: A population-based survey. (2005) Nicoletti, A; Bartoloni, T; Sofia, V; Bartalesi, T; Chavez, JR; Osinaga, R; Paradisi, T; Dumas, JL; Tsang, VCW; Reggio, A; Hall, AJ
  • Epilepsy and neurocysticercosis in rural Bolivia: a population-based survey. (2005) Nicoletti, Alessandra; Bartoloni, Alessandro; Sofia, Vito; Bartalesi, Filippo; Chavez, Josè Rosado; Osinaga, Rimberto; Paradisi, Franco; Dumas, Jean-Luc; Tsang, Victor CW; Reggio, Arturo; Hall, Andrew J
  • Characterisation of rotavirus strains among hospitalised and non-hospitalised children in Guinea-Bissau, 2002 A high frequency of mixed infections with serotype G8. (2005) Nielsen, Nete Munk; Eugen-Olsen, Jesper; Aaby, Peter; Mølbak, Kåre; Rodrigues, Amabelia; Fischer, Thea Kølsen
  • Low hematocrit predicts contrast-induced nephropathy after percutaneous coronary interventions. (2005) Nikolsky, Eugenia; Mehran, Roxana; Lasic, Zoran; Mintz, Gary S; Lansky, Alexandra J; Na, Yingbo; Pocock, Stuart; Negoita, Manuela; Moussa, Issam; Stone, Gregg W; Moses, Jeffrey W; Leon, Martin B; Dangas, George
  • Early life factors, childhood cognition and postal questionnaire response rate in middle age: the Aberdeen Children of the 1950s study. (2005) Nishiwaki, Yuji; Clark, Heather; Morton, Susan M; Leon, David A
  • Pre-incubation of cell-free HIV-1 group M isolates with non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors blocks subsequent viral replication in co-cultures of dendritic cells and T cells. (2005) Njai, Harr F; Lewi, Paul J; Janssen, Cornelus GM; Garcia, Sergio; Fransen, Katrien; Kestens, Luc; Vanham, Guido; Janssen, Paul AJ
  • Epidemiology and infection - going electronic after 100 years. (2005) Noah, N
  • Strengthening health information systems to address health equity challenges. (2005) Nolen, Lexi Bambas; Braveman, Paula; Dachs, J Norberto W; Delgado, Iris; Gakidou, Emmanuela; Moser, Kath; Rolfe, Liz; Vega, Jeanette; Zarowsky, Christina
  • Responding to the challenge of chronic diseases: lessons from England? (2005) Nolte, E; McKee, M
  • Assessment of the AccuSwayPLUS System in Measuring the Effect of Lorazepam on Body Sway in Healthy Volunteers. (2005) Norris, Virginia; Baisley, Kathy J; Calder, Nicole; van Troostenburg, Anne-Ruth; Warrington, Steven J
  • A young child feeding index is not associated with either height-for-age or height velocity in rural Senegalese children. (2005) Ntab, Balthazar; Simondon, Kirsten B; Milet, Jacqueline; Cissé, Badara; Sokhna, Cheikh; Boulanger, Denis; Simondon, François
  • Dealing with incomplete data in questionnaires of food and alcohol consumption. (2005) Nur, UA; Longford, NT; Cade, JE; Greenwood, DC
  • From the many to the few: changes in urological cancer surgery provision. (2005) Nuttall, M; van der Meulen, J; Emberton, M
  • An analysis of the Research Fellowship Scheme of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. (2005) Nuttall, Martin C; van der Meulen, Jan HP; Browne, John P; Emberton, Mark; Coomer, Martyn; Mundy, Anthony R; Morris, Peter J
  • Changes in patient characteristics and outcomes for radical cystectomy in England. (2005) Nuttall, Martin C; van der Meulen, Jan; McIntosh, Gregor; Gillatt, David; Emberton, Mark
  • A description of radical nephrectomy practice and outcomes in England: 1995-2002. (2005) Nuttall, Martin; Cathcart, Paul; van der Meulen, Jan; Gillatt, David; McIntosh, Gregor; Emberton, Mark
  • Predictors of compliance with community-directed ivermectin treatment in Uganda: quantitative results. (2005) Nuwaha, Fred; Okware, Joseph; Ndyomugyenyi, Richard
  • Money, men and markets: economic and sexual empowerment of market women in southwestern Uganda. (2005) Nyanzi, Barbara; Nyanzi, Stella; Wolff, Brent; Whitworth, James
  • "Abortion? That's for women!" Narratives and experiences of commercial motorbike riders in south-western Uganda. (2005) Nyanzi, Stella; Nyanzi, Barbara; Bessie, Kalina
  • Contemporary Myths, Sexuality Misconceptions, Information Sources, and Risk Perceptions of Bodabodamen in Southwest Uganda. (2005) Nyanzi, Stella; Nyanzi, Barbara; Kalina, Bessie
  • Bumsters, big black organs and old white gold: Embodied racial myths in sexual relationships of Gambian beach boys. (2005) Nyanzi, Stella; Rosenberg-Jallow, Ousman; Bah, Ousman; Nyanzi, Susan
  • Cataract in the Kingdom of Morocco: indications for surgery and functional results. (2005) Négrel, A-D; Chami-Khazraji, Y; Arrach, ML; Foster, A; Mahjour, J; Moroccan Evaluation Team of the Blindness Prevention Programme
  • The role of malaria merozoite proteases in red blood cell invasion. (2005) O'Donnell, Rebecca A; Blackman, Michael J
  • Association between the intact foreskin and inferior standards of male genital hygiene behaviour: a cross-sectional study. (2005) O'Farrell, Nigel; Quigley, Maria; Fox, Paul
  • From secondary prevention to primary prevention: a unique strategy that gives hope to a country ravaged by meningococcal disease. (2005) O'Hallahan, Jane; Lennon, Diana; Oster, Philipp; Lane, Robbie; Reid, Stewart; Mulholland, Kim; Stewart, Joanna; Penney, Liane; Percival, Teuila; Martin, Diana
  • Using HIPE data as a research and planning tool: limitations and opportunities. (2005) O'Loughlin, R; Allwright, S; Barry, J; Kelly, A; Teljeur, C
  • Impact of control for air pollution and respiratory epidemics on the estimated associations of temperature and daily mortality. (2005) O'Neill, Marie S; Hajat, Shakoor; Zanobetti, Antonella; Ramirez-Aguilar, Matiana; Schwartz, Joel
  • Analysis of rpoB and pncA mutations in the published literature: an insight into the role of oxidative stress in Mycobacterium tuberculosis evolution? (2005) O'Sullivan, Denise M; McHugh, Timothy D; Gillespie, Stephen H
  • Functional mapping of a trypanosome centromere by chromosome fragmentation identifies a 16-kb GC-rich transcriptional "strand-switch" domain as a major feature. (2005) Obado, Samson O; Taylor, Martin C; Wilkinson, Shane R; Bromley, Elizabeth V; Kelly, John M
  • Salmonella paratyphi A rates, Asia. (2005) Ochiai, R Leon; Wang, XuanYi; von Seidlein, Lorenz; Yang, Jin; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Bhattacharya, Sujit K; Agtini, Magdarina; Deen, Jacqueline L; Wain, John; Kim, Deok Ryun; Ali, Mohammad; Acosta, Camilo J; Jodar, Luis; Clemens, John D
  • Does traditional medicine use hamper efforts at tuberculosis control in urban Peru? (2005) Oeser, Clarissa C; Escombe, Adrian R; Gilman, Robert H; Friedland, Jon S; Evans, Carlton AW; Moore, David AJ
  • Systematic reviews of health effects of social interventions: 2. Best available evidence: how low should you go? (2005) Ogilvie, David; Egan, Matt; Hamilton, Val; Petticrew, Mark
  • Systematic reviews of health effects of social interventions: 1. Finding the evidence: how far should you go? (2005) Ogilvie, David; Hamilton, Val; Egan, Matt; Petticrew, Mark
  • Atypical cancer pattern in patients with Parkinson's disease. (2005) Olsen, JH; Friis, S; Frederiksen, K; McLaughlin, JK; Mellemkjaer, L; Møller, H
  • Where do people from different socio-economic groups receive diagnosis and treatment for presumptive malaria, in south-eastern Nigeria? (2005) Onwujekwe, O; Ojukwu, J; Uzochukwu, B; Dike, N; Ikeme, A; Shu, E
  • Inequities in healthcare seeking in the treatment of communicable endemic diseases in Southeast Nigeria. (2005) Onwujekwe, Obinna
  • Issues of measuring and improving the treatment of malaria in sub-Saharan Africa. (2005) Onwujekwe, Obinna; Dike, Nkem; Uzochukwu, Benjamin
  • Inter-rater and test-retest reliability of three contingent valuation question formats in south-east Nigeria. (2005) Onwujekwe, Obinna; Fox-Rushby, Julia; Hanson, Kara
  • Do divergences between stated and actual willingness to pay signify the existence of bias in contingent valuation surveys? (2005) Onwujekwe, Obinna; Hanson, Kara; Fox-Rushby, Julia
  • Do malaria preventive interventions reach the poor? Socioeconomic inequities in expenditure on and use of mosquito control tools in Sudan. (2005) Onwujekwe, Obinna; Malik, El-Fatih; Mustafa, Sara Hassan; Mnzavaa, Abraham
  • Socio-economic and geographic differentials in costs and payment strategies for primary healthcare services in Southeast Nigeria. (2005) Onwujekwe, Obinna; Uzochukwu, Benjamin
  • Synthesis of some cryptolepine analogues, assessment of their antimalarial and cytotoxic activities, and consideration of their antimalarial mode of action. (2005) Onyeibor, Onyeka; Croft, Simon L; Dodson, Hilary I; Feiz-Haddad, Mohammad; Kendrick, Howard; Millington, Nicola J; Parapini, Silvia; Phillips, Roger M; Seville, Scott; Shnyder, Steven D; Taramelli, Donatella; Wright, Colin W
  • Expenditure ceilings, multilateral financial institutions, and the health of poor populations. (2005) Ooms, Gorik; Schrecker, Ted
  • Fiscal space and the World Bank/IMF: authors' reply. (2005) Ooms, Gorik; Schrecker, Ted
  • High sequence diversity and evidence of balancing selection in the Pvmsp3alpha gene of Plasmodium vivax in the Venezuelan Amazon. (2005) Ord, Rosalynn; Polley, Spencer; Tami, Adriana; Sutherland, Colin J
  • [Increased IL-4 production in response to virulent Mycobacterium tuberculosis in tuberculosis patients with advanced disease]. (2005) Ordway, Diane J; Martins, Marta S; Costa, Leonor M; Freire, Mónica S; Arroz, Maria J; Dockrell, Hazel M; Ventura, Fernando A
  • Gamma delta T cell responses associated with the development of tuberculosis in health care workers. (2005) Ordway, Diane J; Pinto, Luisa; Costa, Leonor; Martins, Marta; Leandro, Clara; Viveiros, Miguel; Amaral, Leonard; Arroz, Maria J; Ventura, Fernando A; Dockrell, Hazel M
  • Biphenylquinuclidines as inhibitors of squalene synthase and growth of parasitic protozoa. (2005) Orenes Lorente, Silvia; Gómez, Rosario; Jiménez, Carmen; Cammerer, Simon; Yardley, Vanessa; de Luca-Fradley, Kate; Croft, Simon L; Ruiz Perez, Luis M; Urbina, Julio; Gonzalez Pacanowska, Dolores; Gilbert, Ian H
  • Evidence-based medicine in Iberoamerica: problems and possible solutions. (2005) Ortiz, Zulma; Perel, Pablo; Pardo, Jordi
  • Effects of antenatal multiple micronutrient supplementation on birthweight and gestational duration in Nepal: double-blind, randomised controlled trial. (2005) Osrin, David; Vaidya, Anjana; Shrestha, Yagya; Baniya, Ram Bahadur; Manandhar, Dharma S; Adhikari, Ramesh K; Filteau, Suzanne; Tomkins, Andrew; Costello, Anthony M de L
  • MeNZB: a safe and highly immunogenic tailor-made vaccine against the New Zealand Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B disease epidemic strain. (2005) Oster, Philipp; Lennon, Diana; O'Hallahan, Jane; Mulholland, Kim; Reid, Stewart; Martin, Diana
  • Damping-off epidemics, contact structure, and disease transmission in mixed-species populations. (2005) Otten, W; Filipe, JAN; Gilligan, CA
  • L'enchainement de la violence familiale et conjugale. Les grossesses hors mariage et ruptures du lien social au Burkina Faso. (2005) Ouattara, F; Storeng, K
  • Community-based surveillance: a pilot study from rural Cambodia. (2005) Oum, Sophal; Chandramohan, Daniel; Cairncross, Sandy
  • Failure to complete the TB diagnostic algorithm in urban Perú: a study of contributing factors. (2005) Ouyang, Helen; Chepote, Felipe; Gilman, Robert H; Moore, David AJ
  • Patterns and seasonality of malaria transmission in a rural endemic area in middle Ghana (Kintampo district). (2005) Owusu-Agyei, S; Dery, DB; Asante, KP; Adams, M; Dosoo, DK; Brown, C; Greenwood, B
  • Genome of the host-cell transforming parasite Theileria annulata compared with T. parva. (2005) Pain, Arnab; Renauld, Hubert; Berriman, Matthew; Murphy, Lee; Yeats, Corin A; Weir, William; Kerhornou, Arnaud; Aslett, Martin; Bishop, Richard; Bouchier, Christiane; Cochet, Madeleine; Coulson, Richard MR; Cronin, Ann; de Villiers, Etienne P; Fraser, Audrey; Fosker, Nigel; Gardner, Malcolm; Goble, Arlette; Griffiths-Jones, Sam; Harris, David E; Katzer, Frank; Larke, Natasha; Lord, Angela; Maser, Pascal; McKellar, Sue; Mooney, Paul; Morton, Fraser; Nene, Vishvanath; O'Neil, Susan; Price, Claire; Quail, Michael A; Rabbinowitsch, Ester; Rawlings, Neil D; Rutter, Simon; Saunders, David; Seeger, Kathy; Shah, Trushar; Squares, Robert; Squares, Steven; Tivey, Adrian; Walker, Alan R; Woodward, John; Dobbelaere, Dirk AE; Langsley, Gordon; Rajandream, Marie-Adele; McKeever, Declan; Shiels, Brian; Tait, Andrew; Barrell, Bart; Hall, Neil
  • Contracts in the real world: case studies from Southern Africa. (2005) Palmer, Natasha; Mills, Anne
  • Health financing and access to services. (2005) Palmer, Natasha; Mueller, Dirk; Gilson, Lucy; Mills, Anne; Haines, Andy
  • Risk factors for HIV infection in injection drug users and evidence for onward transmission of HIV to their sexual partners in Chennai, India. (2005) Panda, Samiran; Kumar, M Suresh; Lokabiraman, S; Jayashree, K; Satagopan, MC; Solomon, Suniti; Rao, Usha Anand; Rangaiyan, Gurumurthy; Flessenkaemper, Sabine; Grosskurth, Heiner; Gupte, Mohan D
  • Promoting cultural competence in health care through a research based intervention in the UK. (2005) Papadopoulos, I; Tilki, M; Lees, S
  • Identification of the first pyrimidine nucleobase transporter in Leishmania: similarities with the Trypanosoma brucei U1 transporter and antileishmanial activity of uracil analogues. (2005) Papageorgiou, IG; Yakob, L; Al Salabi, MI; Diallinas, G; Soteriadou, KP; De Koning, HP
  • How much variation in CS rates can be explained by case mix differences? (2005) Paranjothy, S; Frost, C; Thomas, J
  • SNP selection for association studies: maximizing power across SNP choice and study size. (2005) Pardi, F; Lewis, CM; Whittaker, JC
  • On the structural differences between markers and genomic AC microsatellites. (2005) Pardi, Fabio; Sibly, Richard M; Wilkinson, MJ; Whittaker, John C
  • Cetyl-pyridinium chloride is useful for isolation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from sputa subjected to long-term storage. (2005) Pardini, Manuela; Varaine, Francis; Iona, Elisabetta; Arzumanian, Erchanik; Checchi, Francesco; Oggioni, Marco Rinaldo; Orefici, Graziella; Fattorini, Lanfranco
  • Core groups and the transmission of HIV: learning from male sex workers. (2005) Parker, Melissa
  • The Response to HIV/AIDS and the Construction of National Legitimacy: Lessons from Uganda. (2005) Parkhurst, Justin O
  • International maternal health indicators and middle-income countries: Russia. (2005) Parkhurst, Justin O; Danischevski, Kirill; Balabanova, Dina
  • Health systems factors influencing maternal health services: a four-country comparison. (2005) Parkhurst, Justin Oliver; Penn-Kekana, Loveday; Blaauw, Duane; Balabanova, Dina; Danishevski, Kirill; Rahman, Syed Azizur; Onama, Virgil; Ssengooba, Freddie
  • Global cancer statistics, 2002. (2005) Parkin, D Max; Bray, Freddie; Ferlay, J; Pisani, Paola
  • 'It's Not Forever': The Material Culture of Hope. (2005) Parrott, FR
  • Antitrypanosomal, antileishmanial, and antimalarial activities of quaternary arylalkylammonium 2-amino-4-chlorophenyl phenyl sulfides, a new class of trypanothione reductase inhibitor, and of N-acyl derivatives of 2-amino-4-chlorophenyl phenyl sulfide. (2005) Parveen, Seheli; Khan, Mohammed OF; Austin, Susan E; Croft, Simon L; Yardley, Vanessa; Rock, Peter; Douglas, Kenneth T
  • First detection of Leishmania major in peridomestic Phlebotomus papatasi from Isfahan province, Iran: comparison of nested PCR of nuclear ITS ribosomal DNA and semi-nested PCR of minicircle kinetoplast DNA. (2005) Parvizi, P; Mauricio, I; Aransay, AM; Miles, MA; Ready, PD
  • Social origins, biological treatments: the public health significance of common mental disorders in India. (2005) Patel, V
  • Irrational drug use in India: a prescription survey from Goa. (2005) Patel, V; Vaidya, R; Naik, D; Borker, P
  • Poverty, gender and mental health promotion in a global society. (2005) Patel, Vikram
  • Chronic fatigue in developing countries: population based survey of women in India. (2005) Patel, Vikram; Kirkwood, Betty R; Weiss, Helen; Pednekar, Sulochana; Fernandes, Janice; Pereira, Bernadette; Upadhye, Medha; Mabey, David
  • Why do women complain of vaginal discharge? A population survey of infectious and pyschosocial risk factors in a South Asian community. (2005) Patel, Vikram; Pednekar, Sulochana; Weiss, Helen; Rodrigues, Merlyn; Barros, Preetam; Nayak, Bernice; Tanksale, Vandana; West, Beryl; Nevrekar, Prasad; Kirkwood, Betty R; Mabey, David
  • Laboratory studies on the olfactory behaviour of Anopheles quadriannulatus. (2005) Pates, HV; Takken, W; Curtis, CF
  • Mosquito behavior and vector control. (2005) Pates, Helen; Curtis, Christopher
  • Mohs' micrographic surgery for Merkel cell carcinomas of the eyelid. (2005) Pathai, Sophia; Barlow, Richard; Williams, Gillian; Olver, Jane
  • Appropriate waiting time for noncardiac surgery following coronary stent insertion: views of Canadian anesthesiologists [corrected]. (2005) Patterson, Lindsey; Hunter, Duncan; Mann, Andrea
  • Effect of axial length on retinal vascular network geometry. (2005) Patton, Niall; Maini, Rishma; MacGillivary, Tom; Aslam, Tariq M; Deary, Ian J; Dhillon, Baljean
  • Impact of regional climate change on human health. (2005) Patz, Jonathan A; Campbell-Lendrum, Diarmid; Holloway, Tracey; Foley, Jonathan A
  • The effect of correct and consistent condom use on chlamydial and gonococcal infection among urban adolescents. (2005) Paz-Bailey, Gabriela; Koumans, Emilia H; Sternberg, Maya; Pierce, Antonya; Papp, John; Unger, Elizabeth R; Sawyer, Mary; Black, Carolyn M; Markowitz, Lauri E
  • Changes in the etiology of sexually transmitted diseases in Botswana between 1993 and 2002: implications for the clinical management of genital ulcer disease. (2005) Paz-Bailey, Gabriela; Rahman, Mafiz; Chen, Cheng; Ballard, Ronald; Moffat, Howard J; Kenyon, Tom; Kilmarx, Peter H; Totten, Patricia A; Astete, Sabina; Boily, Marie Claude; Ryan, Caroline
  • SIDRIA in the international context. (2005) Pearce, Neil
  • Commentary: asthma time trends--mission accomplished? (2005) Pearce, Neil; Douwes, Jeroen
  • Agricultural exposures and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. (2005) Pearce, Neil; McLean, Dave
  • Reduced variation around drug-resistant dhfr alleles in African Plasmodium falciparum. (2005) Pearce, Richard; Malisa, Allen; Kachur, S Patrick; Barnes, Karen; Sharp, Brian; Roper, Cally
  • The seroepidemiology of Bordetella pertussis infection in Western Europe. (2005) Pebody, RG; Gay, NJ; Giammanco, A; Baron, S; Schellekens, J; Tischer, A; Olander, RM; Andrews, NJ; Edmunds, WJ; Lecoeur, H; Lévy-Bruhl, D; Maple, PAC; de Melker, H; Nardone, A; Rota, MC; Salmaso, S; Conyn-van Spaendonck, MAE; Swidsinski, S; Miller, E
  • Decentralizing Health Services: More Local Accountability or Just More Central Control? (2005) Peckham, Stephen; Exworthy, Mark; Greener, Ian; Powell, Martin
  • Screening for sexually transmitted infection pathogens in semen samples. (2005) Peeling, Rw; Embree, J
  • The effects and costs of expanding the coverage of immunisation services in developing countries: a systematic literature review. (2005) Pegurri, Elisabetta; Fox-Rushby, Julia A; Damian, Walker
  • Tuberculosis skin testing, anergy and protein malnutrition in Peru. (2005) Pelly, TF; Santillan, CF; Gilman, RH; Cabrera, LZ; Garcia, E; Vidal, C; Zimic, MJ; Moore, DAJ; Evans, CA
  • Extended ganciclovir prophylaxis in lung transplantation. (2005) Perreas, KG; McNeil, K; Charman, S; Sharples, LD; Wreghitt, T; Wallwork, J
  • Using HIV surveillance data: recent experiences and avenues for the future. (2005) Pervilhac, Cyril; Stover, John; Pisani, Elizabeth; Brown, Tim; Mayorga, Ruben; Mugurungi, Owen; Shaukat, Mohammed; Fan, Lu; Ghys, Peter D
  • The fmo genes of Caenorhabditis elegans and C. briggsae: characterisation, gene expression and comparative genomic analysis. (2005) Petalcorin, Mark IR; Joshua, George W; Agapow, Paul-Michael; Dolphin, Colin T
  • The chemotherapy of rodent malaria. LXIII. Drug combinations to impede the selection of drug resistance, part 6: the potential value of chlorproguanil and dapsone in combination, and with the addition of artesunate. (2005) Peters, W; Stewart, LB; Robinson, BL
  • Natural experiments: an underused tool for public health? (2005) Petticrew, M; Cummins, S; Ferrell, C; Findlay, A; Higgins, C; Hoy, C; Kearns, A; Sparks, L
  • A community-based study to examine the effect of a youth HIV prevention intervention on young people aged 15-24 in South Africa: results of the baseline survey. (2005) Pettifor, Audrey E; Kleinschmidt, Immo; Levin, Jonathan; Rees, Helen V; MacPhail, Catherine; Madikizela-Hlongwa, Lindiwe; Vermaak, Kerry; Napier, Grant; Stevens, Wendy; Padian, Nancy S
  • Young people's sexual health in South Africa: HIV prevalence and sexual behaviors from a nationally representative household survey. (2005) Pettifor, Audrey E; Rees, Helen V; Kleinschmidt, Immo; Steffenson, Annie E; MacPhail, Catherine; Hlongwa-Madikizela, Lindiwe; Vermaak, Kerry; Padian, Nancy S
  • Aetiology of sexually transmitted infections and response to syndromic treatment in southwest Uganda. (2005) Pickering, JM; Whitworth, JAG; Hughes, P; Kasse, M; Morgan, D; Mayanja, B; Van der Paal, L; Mayaud, P
  • Age at menarche and adult BMI in the Aberdeen children of the 1950s cohort study. (2005) Pierce, Mary B; Leon, David A
  • Effectiveness of speed cameras in preventing road traffic collisions and related casualties: systematic review. (2005) Pilkington, Paul; Kinra, Sanjay
  • Supervised versus unsupervised intake of six-dose artemether-lumefantrine for treatment of acute, uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Mbarara, Uganda: a randomised trial. (2005) Piola, Patrice; Fogg, Carole; Bajunirwe, Francis; Biraro, Samuel; Grandesso, Francesco; Ruzagira, Eugene; Babigumira, Joseph; Kigozi, Isaac; Kiguli, James; Kyomuhendo, Juliet; Ferradini, Laurent; Taylor, Walter; Checchi, Francesco; Guthmann, Jean-Paul
  • Entry screening for severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) or influenza: policy evaluation. (2005) Pitman, RJ; Cooper, BS; Trotter, CL; Gay, NJ; Edmunds, WJ
  • Crystal structure of the malaria vaccine candidate apical membrane antigen 1. (2005) Pizarro, Juan Carlos; Vulliez-Le Normand, Brigitte; Chesne-Seck, Marie-Laure; Collins, Christine R; Withers-Martinez, Chrislaine; Hackett, Fiona; Blackman, Michael J; Faber, Bart W; Remarque, Edmond J; Kocken, Clemens HM; Thomas, Alan W; Bentley, Graham A
  • Impact of gender and sex work on sexual and injecting risk behaviors and their association with HIV positivity among injecting drug users in an HIV epidemic in Togliatti City, Russian Federation. (2005) Platt, Lucy; Rhodes, Tim; Lowndes, Catherine M; Madden, Peter; Sarang, Anya; Mikhailova, Larissa; Renton, Adrian; Pevzner, Yury; Sullivan, Kathleen; Khutorskoy, Mikhail
  • Impact of Invasive Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) on Snail Hosts of Schistosomiasis in Lake Victoria, East Africa. (2005) Plummer, Mary L
  • When (not) to stop a clinical trial for benefit. (2005) Pocock, Stuart J
  • The data monitoring experience in the Candesartan in Heart Failure Assessment of Reduction in Mortality and morbidity (CHARM) program. (2005) Pocock, Stuart; Wang, Duolao; Wilhelmsen, Lars; Hennekens, Charles H
  • The household distribution of trachoma in a Tanzanian village: an application of GIS to the study of trachoma. (2005) Polack, SR; Solomon, AW; Alexander, NDE; Massae, PA; Safari, S; Shao, JF; Foster, A; Mabey, DC
  • Mapping the global distribution of trachoma. (2005) Polack, Sarah; Brooker, Simon; Kuper, Hannah; Mariotti, Silvio; Mabey, David; Foster, Allen
  • Chronic Leishmania donovani infection promotes bystander CD8+-T-cell expansion and heterologous immunity. (2005) Polley, Rosalind; Sanos, Stephanie L; Prickett, Sara; Haque, Ashraful; Kaye, Paul M
  • The fate of heterologous CD4+ T cells during Leishmania donovani infection. (2005) Polley, Rosalind; Zubairi, Soombul; Kaye, Paul M
  • Orthologous gene sequences of merozoite surface protein 1 (MSP1) from Plasmodium reichenowi and P. gallinaceum confirm an ancient divergence of P. falciparum alleles. (2005) Polley, Spencer D; Weedall, Gareth D; Thomas, Alan W; Golightly, Linnie M; Conway, David J
  • A role for poly(dA)poly(dT) tracts in directing activity of the Plasmodium falciparum calmodulin gene promoter. (2005) Polson, Hannah EJ; Blackman, Michael J
  • Gene polymorphism of Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface proteins 4 and 5. (2005) Polson, Hannah EJ; Conway, David J; Fandeur, Thierry; Mercereau-Puijalon, Odile; Longacre, Shirley
  • Interventions designed to increase adult fruit and vegetable intake can be effective: a systematic review of the literature. (2005) Pomerleau, Joceline; Lock, Karen; Knai, Cécile; McKee, Martin
  • Drinking in the Commonwealth of Independent States--evidence from eight countries. (2005) Pomerleau, Joceline; McKee, Martin; Rose, Richard; Haerpfer, Christian W; Rotman, David; Tumanov, Sergej
  • Critical reflections on the micro-ecological approach to home care for people with HIV/AIDS. (2005) Pool, R
  • Public health, ethics, and tuberculosis: is DOTs a breakthrough or inappropriate strategy in the Indian context? (2005) Porter, JD; Ogden, JA
  • Tackling childhood obesity: diet, physical activity or lifestyle change? (2005) Poskitt, Elizabeth ME
  • Role of blood pressure and other variables in the differential cardiovascular event rates noted in the Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial-Blood Pressure Lowering Arm (ASCOT-BPLA). (2005) Poulter, Neil R; Wedel, Hans; Dahlöf, Björn; Sever, Peter S; Beevers, D Gareth; Caulfield, Mark; Kjeldsen, Sverre E; Kristinsson, Arni; McInnes, Gordon T; Mehlsen, Jesper; Nieminen, Markku; O'Brien, Eoin; Ostergren, Jan; Pocock, Stuart; ASCOT Investigators
  • Mothers and daughters: intergenerational patterns of reproduction. (2005) Pouta, Anneli; Järvelin, Marjo-Riitta; Hemminki, Elina; Sovio, Ulla; Hartikainen, Anna-Liisa
  • Analysis of multiple data sets reveals no association between the insulin gene variable number tandem repeat element and polycystic ovary syndrome or related traits. (2005) Powell, Brenda L; Haddad, Lema; Bennett, Amanda; Gharani, Neda; Sovio, Ulla; Groves, Christopher J; Rush, Karen; Goh, Micaela J; Conway, Gerard S; Ruokonen, Aimo; Martikainen, Hannu; Pouta, Anneli; Taponen, Saara; Hartikainen, Anna-Liisa; Halford, Stephanie; Zeggini, Eleftheria; Järvelin, Marjo-Riitta; Franks, Steve; McCarthy, Mark I
  • Screening for amblyopia in childhood. (2005) Powell, C; Porooshani, H; Bohorquez, MC; Richardson, S
  • Screening for correctable visual acuity deficits in school-age children and adolescents. (2005) Powell, C; Wedner, S; Richardson, S
  • Asymptomatic giardiasis and growth in young children; a longitudinal study in Salvador, Brazil. (2005) Prado, MS; Cairncross, S; Strina, A; Barreto, ML; Oliveira-Assis, AM; Rego, S
  • Early programming of adult diseases in resource poor countries. (2005) Prentice, AM; Moore, SE
  • Early influences on human energy regulation: thrifty genotypes and thrifty phenotypes. (2005) Prentice, Andrew M
  • Macronutrients as sources of food energy. (2005) Prentice, Andrew M
  • Starvation in humans: evolutionary background and contemporary implications. (2005) Prentice, Andrew M
  • The emerging epidemic of obesity in developing countries. (2005) Prentice, Andrew M
  • Insights from the developing world: thrifty genotypes and thrifty phenotypes. (2005) Prentice, Andrew M; Rayco-Solon, Pura; Moore, Sophie E
  • A general autoimmunity gene (PTPN22) is not associated with inflammatory bowel disease in a British population. (2005) Prescott, NJ; Fisher, SA; Onnie, C; Pattni, R; Steer, S; Sanderson, J; Forbes, A; Lewis, CM; Mathew, CG
  • The corpus callosum in first episode schizophrenia: a diffusion tensor imaging study. (2005) Price, G; Bagary, MS; Cercignani, M; Altmann, DR; Ron, MA
  • Integrating Microfinance and HIV prevention - perspectives and emerging lessons from rural South Africa. (2005) Pronyk, PM; Kim, JC; Hargreaves, JR; Morison, L; Makhubele, MB; Watts, C; Porter, JDH
  • Persistence of Salmonella Typhimurium DT120 in abattoir paddocks holding sheep. (2005) Purvis, GM; Hullah, K; Pascoe, SJS; Evans, SJ; Davies, RH
  • Mycoplasma genitalium: an organism commonly associated with cervicitis among west African sex workers. (2005) Pépin, J; Labbé, A-C; Khonde, N; Deslandes, S; Alary, M; Dzokoto, A; Asamoah-Adu, C; Méda, H; Frost, E
  • Comparative analysis of two genomic regions among four strains of Buchnera aphidicola, primary endosymbiont of aphids. (2005) Pérez-Brocal, Vicente; Latorre, Amparo; Gil, Rosario; Moya, Andrés
  • The effect of malaria on mortality in a cohort of HIV-infected Ugandan adults. (2005) Quigley, Maria A; Hewitt, Kirsten; Mayanja, Billy; Morgan, Dilys; Eotu, Henry; Ojwiya, Amato; Whitworth, James AG
  • Urban Settings and Opportunities for Healthy Lifestyles: Rediscovering Walking and Cycling and Understanding Their Health Benefits. (2005) Racioppi, Francesca; Dora, Carlos; Rutter, Harry
  • Protective vaccination against experimental canine visceral leishmaniasis using a combination of DNA and protein immunization with cysteine proteinases type I and II of L. infantum. (2005) Rafati, Sima; Nakhaee, Alireza; Taheri, Tahere; Taslimi, Yasaman; Darabi, Haideh; Eravani, Davood; Sanos, Stephanie; Kaye, Paul; Taghikhani, Mohammad; Jamshidi, Shahram; Rad, Mohammad Ali
  • 'Referral into a void': opinions of general practitioners and others on single point of access to mental health care. (2005) Raine, Rosalind; Carter, Simon; Sensky, Tom; Black, Nick
  • Developing clinical guidelines: a challenge to current methods. (2005) Raine, Rosalind; Sanderson, Colin; Black, Nick
  • Prevalence of cognitive impairment: results from the MRC trial of assessment and management of older people in the community. (2005) Rait, Greta; Fletcher, Astrid; Smeeth, Liam; Brayne, Carol; Stirling, Susan; Nunes, Maria; Breeze, Elizabeth; Ng, Edmond Siu-Woon; Bulpitt, Chris J; Jones, Dee; Tulloch, Alistair J
  • Prevalence of congenital anomalies in five British regions, 1991-99. (2005) Rankin, J; Pattenden, S; Abramsky, L; Boyd, P; Jordan, H; Stone, D; Vrijheid, M; Wellesley, D; Dolk, H
  • Making health insurance work for the poor: learning from the Self-Employed Women's Association's (SEWA) community-based health insurance scheme in India. (2005) Ranson, M Kent; Sinha, Tara; Chatterjee, Mirai; Acharya, Akash; Bhavsar, Ami; Morris, Saul S; Mills, Anne J
  • HIV in South America. (2005) Rao, VB; Friedland, JS; Gotuzzo, E; Gilman, RH; Evans, CA
  • Financial incentives and quality improvement. (2005) Rashidian, A; Black, N; Russell, I
  • The influence of social relations on mortality in later life: a study on elderly Danish twins. (2005) Rasulo, Domenica; Christensen, Kaare; Tomassini, Cecilia
  • Associations of socio-economic position and disability among older women in Britain and Jyväskylä, Finland. (2005) Rautio, Nina; Adamson, Joy; Heikkinen, Eino; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Socio-economic position and its relationship to physical capacity among elderly people living in Jyväskylä, Finland: five- and ten-year follow-up studies. (2005) Rautio, Nina; Heikkinen, Eino; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Giant cell arteritis and cardiovascular disease in older adults. (2005) Ray, JG; Mamdani, MM; Geerts, WH
  • A population based survey of the prevalence and types of glaucoma in rural West Bengal: the West Bengal Glaucoma Study. (2005) Raychaudhuri, A; Lahiri, SK; Bandyopadhyay, M; Foster, PJ; Reeves, BC; Johnson, GJ
  • Differential effects of seasonality on preterm birth and intrauterine growth restriction in rural Africans. (2005) Rayco-Solon, Pura; Fulford, Anthony J; Prentice, Andrew M
  • Maternal preconceptional weight and gestational length. (2005) Rayco-Solon, Pura; Fulford, Anthony J; Prentice, Andrew M
  • The effects of dictatorship on health in Turkmenistan. (2005) Rechel, B; McKee, M
  • Are the health Millennium Development Goals appropriate for Eastern Europe and Central Asia? (2005) Rechel, Bernd; Shapo, Laidon; McKee, Martin; Health, Nutrition and Population Group, Europe and Central Asia
  • CpG-DNA protects against a lethal orthopoxvirus infection in a murine model. (2005) Rees, DG Cerys; Gates, Amanda J; Green, Michael; Eastaugh, Lin; Lukaszewski, Roman A; Griffin, Kate F; Krieg, Arthur M; Titball, Richard W
  • Cardiac rehabilitation in the UK: uptake among under-represented groups. (2005) Rees, K; Victory, J; Beswick, AD; Turner, SC; Griebsch, I; Taylor, FC; Taylor, RS; West, RR; Burke, M; Brown, J; Ebrahim, S
  • Evidence about evidence. (2005) Reeves, BC
  • Systematic reviews incorporating evidence from nonrandomized study designs: reasons for caution when estimating health effects. (2005) Reeves, BC; van Binsbergen, J; van Weel, C
  • Efficacy of thermotherapy to treat cutaneous leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania tropica in Kabul, Afghanistan: a randomized, controlled trial. (2005) Reithinger, R; Mohsen, M; Wahid, M; Bismullah, M; Quinnell, RJ; Davies, CR; Kolaczinski, J; David, JR
  • Chagas disease control: deltamethrin-treated collars reduce Triatoma infestans feeding success on dogs. (2005) Reithinger, Richard; Ceballos, Leonardo; Stariolo, Raúl; Davies, Clive R; Gürtler, Ricardo E
  • Monitoring cause-specific adult mortality in developing countries: a comparison of data sources for Addis Ababa and its implications for policy and research. (2005) Reniers, Georges; Araya, Tekebash; Schaap, Ab; Kumie, Abera; Kebede, Derege; Nagelkerke, Nico; Coutinho, Roel; Sanders, Eduard J
  • Association of physical activity with body-composition indexes in children aged 6-8 y at varied risk of obesity. (2005) Rennie, Kirsten L; Livingstone, M Barbara E; Wells, Jonathan CK; McGloin, A; Coward, W Andrew; Prentice, Andrew M; Jebb, Susan A
  • Implementing general practice in Russia: getting beyond the first steps - a key informants study. (2005) Rese, A; Balabanova, D; Danishevski, K; McKee, M; Sheaff, R
  • Implementing general practice in Russia: getting beyond the first steps. (2005) Rese, Andrey; Balabanova, Dina; Danishevski, Kirill; McKee, Martin; Sheaff, Rod
  • Association of transmission intensity and age with clinical manifestations and case fatality of severe Plasmodium falciparum malaria. (2005) Reyburn, Hugh; Mbatia, Redempta; Drakeley, Chris; Bruce, Jane; Carneiro, Ilona; Olomi, Raimos; Cox, Jonathan; Nkya, WMMM; Lemnge, Martha; Greenwood, Brian M; Riley, Eleanor M
  • Hepatitis C virus infection, HIV co-infection, and associated risk among injecting drug users in Togliatti, Russia. (2005) Rhodes, Tim; Platt, Lucy; Judd, Ali; Mikhailova, Larissa Albertovna; Sarang, Anya; Wallis, Nigel; Alpatova, Tatiana; Hickman, Matthew; Parry, John V
  • Transition and the HIV risk environment. (2005) Rhodes, Tim; Simic, Milena
  • The social structural production of HIV risk among injecting drug users. (2005) Rhodes, Tim; Singer, Merrill; Bourgois, Philippe; Friedman, Samuel R; Strathdee, Steffanie A
  • The changing epidemiology of prevalent diagnosed HIV infections in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, 1997 to 2003. (2005) Rice, BD; Payne, LJ; Sinka, K; Patel, B; Evans, BG; Delpech, V
  • Sustaining the rural primary healthcare workforce: survey of healthcare professionals in the Scottish Highlands. (2005) Richards, Helen M; Farmer, Jane; Selvaraj, Sivasubramaniam
  • Remote working: survey of attitudes to eHealth of doctors and nurses in rural general practices in the United Kingdom. (2005) Richards, Helen; King, Gerry; Reid, Margaret; Selvaraj, Sivasubramaniam; McNicol, Iain; Brebner, Eileen; Godden, David
  • Single-dose azithromycin versus penicillin G benzathine for the treatment of early syphilis. (2005) Riedner, Gabriele; Rusizoka, Mary; Todd, Jim; Maboko, Leonard; Hoelscher, Michael; Mmbando, Donan; Samky, Eleuter; Lyamuya, Eligius; Mabey, David; Grosskurth, Heiner; Hayes, Richard
  • Private obstetric practice in a public hospital: mythical trust in obstetric care. (2005) Riewpaiboon, Wachara; Chuengsatiansup, Komatra; Gilson, Lucy; Tangcharoensathien, Viroj
  • Chemotherapy for breast cancer during pregnancy: an 18-year experience from five London teaching hospitals. (2005) Ring, Alistair E; Smith, Ian E; Jones, Alison; Shannon, Catherine; Galani, Eleni; Ellis, Paul A
  • Correlates of high-density mammographic parenchymal patterns by menopausal status in a rural population in Northern Greece. (2005) Riza, Elena; dos Santos Silva, Isabel; De Stavola, Bianca; Perry, Nicholas; Karadedou-Zafiriadou, Efi; Linos, Dimitrios; Remoundos, Dionysios-Dennis; Linos, Athena
  • Confession of a climate criminal. (2005) Roberts, I
  • Death on the road to international development. (2005) Roberts, I
  • Possible explanations for the results of CRASH. (2005) Roberts, I; Edwards, P; Shakur, H
  • Climate change: the implications for policy on injury control and health promotion. (2005) Roberts, I; Hillman, M
  • Antifibrinolytic agents in traumatic hemorrhage. (2005) Roberts, Ian
  • Trauma care research and the war on uncertainty. (2005) Roberts, Ian; Shakur, Haleema; Edwards, Phil; Yates, David; Sandercock, Peter
  • Waiting times for radiotherapy: variation over time and between cancer networks in southeast England. (2005) Robinson, D; Massey, T; Davies, E; Jack, RH; Sehgal, A; Møller, H
  • A dam mutant of Yersinia pestis is attenuated and induces protection against plague. (2005) Robinson, Victoria L; Oyston, Petra CF; Titball, Richard W
  • Description and ontogenetic morphometrics of nymphs of Belminus herreri Lent &amp; Wygodzinsky (Hemiptera: Reduviidae, Triatominae). (2005) Rocha, Dayse da S; Patterson, James S; Sandoval, Claudia M; Jurberg, José; Ângulo, Victor M; Esteban A., Lyda; Galvão, Cleber
  • Street smarts and urban myths: women, sex work, and the role of storytelling in risk reduction and rationalization. (2005) Roche, Brenda; Neaigus, Alan; Miller, Maureen
  • An evaluation of the costs, effectiveness and quality of renal replacement therapy provision in renal satellite units in England and Wales. (2005) Roderick, P; Nicholson, T; Armitage, A; Mehta, R; Mullee, M; Gerard, K; Drey, N; Feest, T; Greenwood, R; Lamping, D; Townsend, J
  • Effect of BCG revaccination on incidence of tuberculosis in school-aged children in Brazil: the BCG-REVAC cluster-randomised trial. (2005) Rodrigues, Laura C; Pereira, Susan M; Cunha, Sergio S; Genser, Bernd; Ichihara, Maria Yury; de Brito, Silvana C; Hijjar, Miguel A; Dourado, Ines; Cruz, Alvaro A; Sant'Anna, Clemax; Bierrenbach, Ana Luiza; Barreto, Mauricio L
  • High frequency of homozygosity of the HLA region in melanoma cell lines reveals a pattern compatible with extensive loss of heterozygosity. (2005) Rodriguez, Teresa; Méndez, Rosa; Roberts, Chrissy H; Ruiz-Cabello, Francisco; Dodi, I Anthony; López Nevot, Miguel Angel; Paco, Laura; Maleno, Isabel; Marsh, Steven GE; Pawelec, Graham; Garrido, Federico
  • Use of psychotropic medication in Santiago, Chile. (2005) Rojas, Graciela; Fritsch, Rosemarie; Gaete, Jorge; González, Isabel; Araya, Ricardo
  • Consultations about changing behaviour. (2005) Rollnick, Stephen; Butler, Christopher C; McCambridge, Jim; Kinnersley, Paul; Elwyn, Glyn; Resnicow, Ken
  • Investigation of relationships between Aedes aegypti egg, larvae, pupae, and adult density indices where their main breeding sites were located indoors. (2005) Romero-Vivas, Claudia ME; Falconar, Andrew KI
  • The cognitive cost of being a twin: evidence from comparisons within families in the Aberdeen children of the 1950s cohort study. (2005) Ronalds, Georgina A; De Stavola, Bianca L; Leon, David A
  • Vaccination technique, PPD reaction and BCG scarring in a cohort of children born in Guinea-Bissau 2000-2002. (2005) Roth, Adam; Sodemann, Morten; Jensen, Henrik; Poulsen, Anja; Gustafson, Per; Gomes, Justino; Djana, Queba; Jakobsen, Marianne; Garly, May-Lill; Rodrigues, Amabelia; Aaby, Peter
  • Extra scrutiny for industry funded trials. (2005) Rothman, Kenneth J; Evans, Stephen
  • HIV/AIDS interventions in low prevalence countries: a case study of Albania. (2005) Roura, M
  • Grommets in otitis media with effusion: an individual patient data meta-analysis. (2005) Rovers, MM; Black, N; Browning, GG; Maw, R; Zielhuis, GA; Haggard, MP
  • How can we achieve and maintain high-quality performance of health workers in low-resource settings? (2005) Rowe, Alexander K; de Savigny, Don; Lanata, Claudio F; Victora, Cesar G
  • Assessing patients' preferences for treatments for angina using a modified repertory grid method. (2005) Rowe, Gene; Lambert, Nigel; Bowling, Ann; Ebrahim, Shah; Wakeling, Ian; Thomson, Richard
  • Adherence to TB preventive therapy for HIV-positive patients in rural South Africa: implications for antiretroviral delivery in resource-poor settings? (2005) Rowe, KA; Makhubele, B; Hargreaves, JR; Porter, JD; Hausler, HP; Pronyk, PM
  • Genetically engineered structure-based vaccine for bluetongue disease. (2005) Roy, P
  • Bluetongue virus proteins and particles and their role in virus entry, assembly, and release. (2005) Roy, Polly
  • Real-time-PCR assay for diagnosis of Entamoeba histolytica infection. (2005) Roy, Shantanu; Kabir, Mamun; Mondal, Dinesh; Ali, Ibne Karim M; Petri, William A; Haque, Rashidul
  • Polymorphisms in prothrombotic genes and their impact on ischemic stroke in a Sardinian population. (2005) Rubattu, Speranza; Di Angelantonio, Emanuele; Nitsch, Dorothea; Gigante, Bruna; Zanda, Bastianina; Stanzione, Rosita; Evangelista, Anna; Pirisi, Angelo; Rosati, Giulio; Volpe, Massimo
  • Gaps in policy-relevant information on burden of disease in children: a systematic review. (2005) Rudan, Igor; Lawn, Joy; Cousens, Simon; Rowe, Alexander K; Boschi-Pinto, Cynthia; Tomasković, Lana; Mendoza, Walter; Lanata, Claudio F; Roca-Feltrer, Arantxa; Carneiro, Ilona; Schellenberg, Joanna A; Polasek, Ozren; Weber, Martin; Bryce, Jennifer; Morris, Saul S; Black, Robert E; Campbell, Harry
  • The predicted impact of coding single nucleotide polymorphisms database. (2005) Rudd, Matthew F; Williams, Richard D; Webb, Emily L; Schmidt, Steffen; Sellick, Gabrielle S; Houlston, Richard S
  • Revised nomenclature of Clostridium difficile toxins and associated genes. (2005) Rupnik, Maja; Dupuy, Bruno; Fairweather, Neil F; Gerding, Dale N; Johnson, Stuart; Just, Ingo; Lyerly, David M; Popoff, Michel R; Rood, Julian I; Sonenshein, Abraham L; Thelestam, Monica; Wren, Brendan W; Wilkins, Tracy D; von Eichel-Streiber, Christoph
  • No association between E- and L-selectin genes and SLE: soluble L-selectin levels do correlate with genotype and a subset in SLE. (2005) Russell, AI; Cunninghame Graham, DS; Chadha, S; Roberton, C; Fernandez-Hart, T; Griffiths, B; D'Cruz, D; Nitsch, D; Whittaker, JC; Vyse, TJ
  • Team-based occupational stress reduction: a European overview from the perspective of the OSCAR Project. (2005) Ryan, P; Hill, R; Anczewska, M; Hardy, P; Kurek, A; Nielson, K; Turner, C; Oscar Group
  • Proteolysis of serum amyloid A and AA amyloid proteins by cysteine proteases: cathepsin B generates AA amyloid proteins and cathepsin L may prevent their formation. (2005) Röcken, C; Menard, R; Bühling, F; Vöckler, S; Raynes, J; Stix, B; Krüger, S; Roessner, A; Kähne, T
  • Psychological distress among marginalized women in the outskirts of beirut: determinants and association with health perception. (2005) Saab, Bassem R; Salem, Mylene T; Chaaya, Monique; Campbell, Oona MR
  • Ecological covariates of Ascaris lumbricoides infection in schoolchildren from rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. (2005) Saathoff, Elmar; Olsen, Annette; Kvalsvig, Jane D; Appleton, Chris C; Sharp, Brian; Kleinschmidt, Immo
  • Ecologic covariates of hookworm infection and reinfection in rural Kwazulu-natal/south Africa: a geographic information system-based study. (2005) Saathoff, Elmar; Olsen, Annette; Sharp, Brian; Kvalsvig, Jane D; Appleton, Chris C; Kleinschmidt, Immo
  • Deaths in the era of HAART: contribution of late presentation, treatment exposure, resistance and abnormal laboratory markers. (2005) Sabin, Caroline A; Smith, Colette J; Youle, Mike; Lampe, Fiona C; Bell, Di Robertson; Puradiredja, Dewi; Lipman, Marc CI; Bhagani, Sanjay; Phillips, Andrew N; Johnson, Margaret A
  • Social dynamics of health inequalities: a growth curve analysis of aging and self assessed health in the British household panel survey 1991-2001. (2005) Sacker, Amanda; Clarke, Paul; Wiggins, Richard D; Bartley, Mel
  • HIV infection among pregnant women in Nigeria. (2005) Sagay, AS; Kapiga, SH; Imade, GE; Sankale, JL; Idoko, J; Kanki, P
  • Reaching the unreached with measles vaccination. (2005) Salama, Peter; McFarland, Jeff; Mulholland, Kim
  • Women's employment in urban Bangladesh: A challenge to gender identity? (2005) Salway, S; Jesmin, S; Rahman, S
  • Outcome of home haemodialysis patients: a case-cohort study. (2005) Saner, Esther; Nitsch, Dorothea; Descoeudres, Claude; Frey, Felix J; Uehlinger, Dominik E
  • Long-term clinical outcome of primary progressive MS: predictive value of clinical and MRI data. (2005) Sastre-Garriga, J; Ingle, GT; Rovaris, M; Téllez, N; Jasperse, B; Altmann, DR; Benedetti, B; Stevenson, VL; Cercignani, M; Leary, SM; Barkhof, F; Brochet, B; Dousset, V; Filippi, M; Montalban, X; Kalkers, NF; Polman, CH; Rovira, A; Miller, DH; Thompson, AJ
  • A nutritive view on the host-pathogen interplay. (2005) Schaible, Ulrich E; Kaufmann, Stefan HE
  • Intermittent preventive malaria treatment in Tanzanian infants – Authors' reply. (2005) Schellenberg, David; Aponte, John; Menendez, Clara; Alonso, Pedro
  • Intermittent preventive antimalarial treatment for Tanzanian infants: follow-up to age 2 years of a randomised, placebo-controlled trial. (2005) Schellenberg, David; Menendez, Clara; Aponte, John J; Kahigwa, Elizeus; Tanner, Marcel; Mshinda, Hassan; Alonso, Pedro
  • The Lancet's neonatal survival series. (2005) Schmid, George; Broutet, Nathalie; deBernis, Luc; Hawkes, Sarah; WHO Elimination of Congenital Syphilis Steering Committee
  • Improving the quality of STI care by private general practitioners: a South African case study. (2005) Schneider, H; Chabikuli, N; Blaauw, D; Funani, I; Brugha, R
  • Sexually transmitted infections -- factors associated with quality of care among private general practitioners. (2005) Schneider, H; Chabikuli, N; Blaauw, D; Funani, I; Brugha, R
  • Trust in micro-health insurance: an exploratory study in Rwanda. (2005) Schneider, Pia
  • Preparing for tsetse eradication. (2005) Schofield, CJ; Patterson, JS
  • 21 years of parasitology. (2005) Schofield, Chris J
  • Measuring atrophy in Alzheimer disease: a serial MRI study over 6 and 12 months. (2005) Schott, JM; Price, SL; Frost, C; Whitwell, JL; Rossor, MN; Fox, NC
  • Multidrug-resistant malaria from South Africa. (2005) Schwab, U; Alloueche, A; Doherty, JF
  • Functional magnetic resonance imaging with intermolecular double-quantum coherences at 3 T. (2005) Schäfer, Andreas; Jochimsen, Thies H; Möller, Harald E
  • A Plasmodium actin-depolymerizing factor that binds exclusively to actin monomers. (2005) Schüler, Herwig; Mueller, Ann-Kristin; Matuschewski, Kai
  • Unusual properties of Plasmodium falciparum actin: new insights into microfilament dynamics of apicomplexan parasites. (2005) Schüler, Herwig; Mueller, Ann-Kristin; Matuschewski, Kai
  • The acceptability of male circumcision as an HIV intervention among a rural Zulu population, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa. (2005) Scott, BE; Weiss, HA; Viljoen, JI
  • Diagnosis of invasive pneumococcal disease among children in Kenya with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for immunoglobulin G antibodies to pneumococcal surface adhesin A. (2005) Scott, J Anthony G; Mlacha, Zena; Nyiro, Joyce; Njenga, Salome; Lewa, Pole; Obiero, Jacktone; Otieno, Hanningtone; Sampson, Jacquelyn S; Carlone, George M
  • Progressive increase in antimicrobial resistance among invasive isolates of Haemophilus influenzae obtained from children admitted to a hospital in Kilifi, Kenya, from 1994 to 2002. (2005) Scott, J Anthony G; Mwarumba, Salim; Ngetsa, Caroline; Njenga, Salome; Lowe, Brett S; Slack, Mary PE; Berkley, James A; Mwangi, Isaiah; Maitland, Kathryn; English, Mike; Marsh, Kevin
  • Neonatal measles immunity in rural Kenya: the influence of HIV and placental malaria infections on placental transfer of antibodies and levels of antibody in maternal and cord serum samples. (2005) Scott, Susana; Cumberland, Phillippa; Shulman, Caroline E; Cousens, Simon; Cohen, Bernard J; Brown, David WG; Bulmer, Judith N; Dorman, Edgar K; Kawuondo, Ken; Marsh, Kevin; Cutts, Felicity
  • Biology at work: Rethinking sexual equality. (2005) Sear, R
  • Improving clinical outcomes in coronary artery bypass graft surgery. (2005) Sedrakyan, Artyom
  • Reply to the Editor. (2005) Sedrakyan, Artyom; O’Byrne, Ken
  • Pharmacologic prophylaxis for postoperative atrial tachyarrhythmia in general thoracic surgery: evidence from randomized clinical trials. (2005) Sedrakyan, Artyom; Treasure, Tom; Browne, John; Krumholz, Harlan; Sharpin, Carlos; van der Meulen, Jan
  • HIV/AIDS in fishing communities: challenges to delivering antiretroviral therapy to vulnerable groups. (2005) Seeley, Janet A; Allison, Edward H
  • Dominantly inherited cutaneous small-vessel lymphocytic vasculitis maps to chromosome 6q26-q27. (2005) Sellick, Gabrielle S; Coleman, Richard J; Webb, Emily L; Chow, Jade; Bevan, Steven; Rosbotham, Jane L; Houlston, Richard S
  • A high-density SNP genomewide linkage scan for chronic lymphocytic leukemia-susceptibility loci. (2005) Sellick, Gabrielle S; Webb, Emily L; Allinson, Ruth; Matutes, Estella; Dyer, Martin JS; Jonsson, Viggo; Langerak, Anton W; Mauro, Francesca R; Fuller, Stephen; Wiley, James; Lyttelton, Matthew; Callea, Vincenzo; Yuille, Martin; Catovsky, Daniel; Houlston, Richard S
  • Health sector reform and decentralization in Tanzania: The case of the Expanded Programme on Immunization at district level. (2005) Semali, I; de Savigny, D; Tanner, M
  • Decentralizing EPI services and prospects for increasing coverage: the case of Tanzania. (2005) Semali, Innocent AJ; Tanner, Marcel; de Savigny, Don
  • Stochastic modeling of T cell receptor gamma gene rearrangement. (2005) Sepúlveda, Nuno; Boucontet, Laurent; Pereira, Pablo; Carneiro, Jorge
  • System and market failures: the unavailability of magnesium sulphate for the treatment of eclampsia and pre-eclampsia in Mozambique and Zimbabwe. (2005) Sevene, E; Lewin, S; Mariano, A; Woelk, G; Oxman, AD; Matinhure, S; Cliff, J; Fernandes, B; Daniels, K
  • Transgenic plant production of Cyanovirin-N, an HIV microbicide. (2005) Sexton, Amy; Drake, Pascal M; Mahmood, Naheed; Harman, Sarah J; Shattock, Robin J; Ma, Julian K-C
  • In vitro effects of spectinomycin and ceftriaxone alone or in combination with other antibiotics against Chlamydia trachomatis. (2005) Shang, Shuxian; Xia, Longqing; Zhong, Mingying; Zhang, Jinping; Zhao, Jianbin; Gong, Xiangdong; Mabey, David; Wang, Qianqiu
  • Multicenter trial of a simplified mifepristone medical abortion regimen. (2005) Shannon, Caitlin S; Winikoff, Beverly; Hausknecht, Richard; Schaff, Eric; Blumenthal, Paul D; Oyer, Deborah; Sankey, Heather; Wolff, Jessica; Goldberg, Rachel
  • Epidemiology of helminth infections and their relationship to clinical malaria in southwest Uganda. (2005) Shapiro, Adrienne E; Tukahebwa, Edridah M; Kasten, Jennifer; Clarke, Siân E; Magnussen, Pascal; Olsen, Annette; Kabatereine, Narcis B; Ndyomugyenyi, Richard; Brooker, Simon
  • Medical problems and controversy regarding the use of tear gas. (2005) Sharma, Gaurav
  • Localized cutaneous leishmaniasis due to Leishmania donovani and Leishmania tropica: preliminary findings of the study of 161 new cases from a new endemic focus in himachal pradesh, India. (2005) Sharma, Nand Lal; Mahajan, Vikram K; Kanga, Anil; Sood, Anuradha; Katoch, Vishwa M; Mauricio, Isabel; Singh, Chauhan D; Parwan, Uttam C; Sharma, Vijay K; Sharma, Ramesh C
  • Urban private practitioners: potential partners in the care of patients with HIV/AIDS. (2005) Sheikh, Kabir; Rangan, Sheela; Deshmukh, Deepali; Dholakia, Yatin; Porter, John
  • Private providers and HIV testing in Pune, India: challenges and opportunities. (2005) Sheikh, Kabir; Rangan, Sheela; Kielmann, Karina; Deshpande, Sucheta; Datye, Vinita; Porter, John
  • Energy requirements of adults. (2005) Shetty, Prakash
  • IFN-gamma at the site of infection determines rate of clearance of infection in cryptococcal meningitis. (2005) Siddiqui, Asna A; Brouwer, Annemarie E; Wuthiekanun, Vannaporn; Jaffar, Shabbar; Shattock, Robin; Irving, Diane; Sheldon, Joanna; Chierakul, Wirongrong; Peacock, Sharon; Day, Nicholas; White, Nicholas J; Harrison, Thomas S
  • Birthweight and other pregnancy outcomes in a cohort of women with pre-gestational insulin-treated diabetes mellitus, Scotland, 1979-95. (2005) Silva, I dos Santos; Higgins, C; Swerdlow, AJ; Laing, SP; Slater, SD; Pearson, DWM; Morris, AD
  • Colombian study to assess the use of noninvasive determination of the endothelium-mediated vasodilation (CANDEV) II: does location of the occlusion device affects the accuracy of the diagnosis? (2005) Silva, SY; Villamizar, C; Villamizar, N; Silva, F; Luengas, C; Casas, JP; Villa-Roel, C; López-Jaramillo, P
  • The Asian Tsunami remembered. (2005) Sim, F; Mackie, P
  • Health and the hot air of a European summer. (2005) Sim, Fiona; Mackie, Phil
  • Mind the gap: from rhetoric to action. (2005) Sim, Fiona; Mackie, Phil
  • New monthly publication. (2005) Sim, Fiona; Mackie, Phil
  • Sustainability and acceptability of latrine provision in The Gambia. (2005) Simms, Victoria M; Makalo, Pateh; Bailey, Robin L; Emerson, Paul M
  • Understanding resolution of deliberate self harm: qualitative interview study of patients' experiences. (2005) Sinclair, Julia; Green, Judith
  • Cancer deaths in people with epilepsy: A study of two different cohorts of people with epilepsy. (2005) Singh, G; Fletcher, O; Bell, G; McLean, AEM; Sander, Jwas
  • Wolbachia variability and host effects on crossing type in Culex mosquitoes. (2005) Sinkins, Steven P; Walker, Thomas; Lynd, Amy R; Steven, Andrew R; Makepeace, Ben L; Godfray, H Charles J; Parkhill, Julian
  • Paternal age and schizophrenia: Authors' reply. (2005) Sipos, Attila; Harrison, Glynn; Rasmussen, Finn
  • AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcoma: epidemiological, diagnostic, treatment and control aspects in sub-Saharan Africa. (2005) Sissolak, Gerhard; Mayaud, Philippe
  • Are breast-fed infants and toddlers in New Zealand at risk of iodine deficiency? (2005) Skeaff, Sheila A; Ferguson, Elaine L; McKenzie, Joanne E; Valeix, Pierre; Gibson, Rosalind S; Thomson, Christine D
  • Using the File Command to Produce Formatted Output for other Applications. (2005) Slaymaker, Emma
  • A case control study of age related macular degeneration and use of statins. (2005) Smeeth, L; Cook, C; Chakravarthy, U; Hubbard, R; Fletcher, AE
  • Vascular events after acute infection or vaccination - Reply. (2005) Smeeth, L; Thomas, S; Vallance, P
  • Exacerbated susceptibility to infection-stimulated immunopathology in CD1d-deficient mice. (2005) Smiley, Stephen T; Lanthier, Paula A; Couper, Kevin N; Szaba, Frank M; Boyson, Jonathan E; Chen, Wangxue; Johnson, Lawrence L
  • Does elevated plasma fibrinogen increase the risk of coronary heart disease? Evidence from a meta-analysis of genetic association studies. (2005) Smith, George Davey; Harbord, Roger; Milton, Julie; Ebrahim, Shah; Sterne, Jonathan AC
  • A randomized controlled trial to determine the effectiveness of prism spectacles for patients with age-related macular degeneration. (2005) Smith, Heather J; Dickinson, Christine M; Cacho, Isabel; Reeves, Barnaby C; Harper, Robert A
  • Practice based commissioning: applying the research evidence. (2005) Smith, Judith; Dixon, Jennifer; Mays, Nicholas; McLeod, Hugh; Goodwin, Nick; McClelland, Siobhan; Lewis, Richard; Wyke, Sally
  • Primary care trusts: do they have a future? (2005) Smith, Judith; Mays, Nicholas
  • Malaria vaccine: 3 or 6 months' protection? (2005) Smith, PG; Milligan, PJ
  • Contribution to discussion of Copas, J. B. and Eguchi, S., "Local model uncertainty and incomplete data bias". (2005) Smith, PWF; Clarke, PS
  • Sensitivity to scale in contingent valuation: the importance of the budget constraint. (2005) Smith, Richard D
  • Can we estimate the 'social' value of a QALY? Four core issues to resolve. (2005) Smith, Richard D; Richardson, Jeff
  • Assessing the macroeconomic impact of a healthcare problem: the application of computable general equilibrium analysis to antimicrobial resistance. (2005) Smith, Richard D; Yago, Milton; Millar, Michael; Coast, Jo
  • Measurement of health-related quality of life for people with dementia: development of a new instrument (DEMQOL) and an evaluation of current methodology. (2005) Smith, SC; Lamping, DL; Banerjee, S; Harwood, R; Foley, B; Smith, P; Cook, JC; Murray, J; Prince, M; Levin, E; Mann, A; Knapp, M
  • What constitutes health-related quality of life in dementia? Development of a conceptual framework for people with dementia and their carers. (2005) Smith, Sarah C; Murray, Joanna; Banerjee, Sube; Foley, Beth; Cook, Joanna C; Lamping, Donna L; Prince, Martin; Harwood, Rowan H; Levin, Enid; Mann, Anthony
  • The prevalence of multiple sclerosis in the north-west Italian province of Genoa. (2005) Solaro, C; Allemani, C; Messmer Uccelli, M; Canevari, E; Dagnino, N; Pizio, R; Regesta, G; Tanganelli, P; Battaglia, MA; Mancardi, GL
  • Modeling the economic net benefit of a potential vaccination program against ocular infection with Chlamydia trachomatis. (2005) Solomon, Anthony W; Mabey, David CW
  • Impact of mass distribution of azithromycin on the antibiotic susceptibilities of ocular Chlamydia trachomatis. (2005) Solomon, Anthony W; Mohammed, Zeena; Massae, Patrick A; Shao, John F; Foster, Allen; Mabey, David CW; Peeling, Rosanna W
  • Influence of ejection fraction on cardiovascular outcomes in a broad spectrum of heart failure patients. (2005) Solomon, Scott D; Anavekar, Nagesh; Skali, Hicham; McMurray, John JV; Swedberg, Karl; Yusuf, Salim; Granger, Christopher B; Michelson, Eric L; Wang, Duolao; Pocock, Stuart; Pfeffer, Marc A; Candesartan in Heart Failure Reduction in Mortality (CHARM) Inve
  • A theme issue by, for, and about Africa: maternal mortality in rural Burkina Faso. (2005) Sombie, Issiaka; Meda, Nicolas; Ky-Zerbo, Odette; Dramaix-Wilmet, Michèle; Cousens, Simon
  • Public health, emergencies and the humanitarian impulse. (2005) Sondorp, Egbert; Bornemisza, Olga
  • Different risk factor profiles between subtypes of ischemic stroke. A case-control study in Korean men. (2005) Song, Yun-Mi; Kwon, Sun Uck; Sung, Joohon; Ebrahim, Shah; Smith, George Davey; Sunwoo, Sung; Yun, Yeong Sook
  • Clinical and radiological features of pulmonary disease due to culture-positive M. tuberculosis or nontuberculous mycobacteria in South African gold miners. (2005) Sonnenberg, P; Glyn Thomas, R; Glynn, JR; Shearer, S; Godfrey-Faussett, P; Murray, J
  • How soon after infection with HIV does the risk of tuberculosis start to increase? A retrospective cohort study in South African gold miners. (2005) Sonnenberg, Pam; Glynn, Judith R; Fielding, Katherine; Murray, Jill; Godfrey-Faussett, Peter; Shearer, Stuart
  • Reply to De Maria. (2005) Sonnenberg, Pam; Glynn, Judith R; Murray, Jill; Godfrey‐Faussett, Peter; Fielding, Katherine; Shearer, Stuart
  • Serodiagnosis of Schistosoma mansoni infections in an endemic area of Burkina Faso: performance of several immunological tests with different parasite antigens. (2005) Sorgho, Hermann; Bahgat, Mahmoud; Poda, Jean-Noel; Song, Wenjian; Kirsten, Christa; Doenhoff, Michael J; Zongo, Issaka; Ouédraogo, Jean-Bosco; Ruppel, Andreas
  • Topoisomerase II cleavage activity within the human D11Z1 and DXZ1 alpha-satellite arrays. (2005) Spence, Jennifer M; Fournier, RE Keith; Oshimura, Mitsuo; Regnier, Vinciane; Farr, Christine J
  • Identification of specific proteins and peptides in Mycobacterium leprae suitable for the selective diagnosis of leprosy. (2005) Spencer, John S; Dockrell, Hazel M; Kim, Hee Jin; Marques, Maria AM; Williams, Diana L; Martins, Marcia VSB; Martins, Marcio LF; Lima, Monica CBS; Sarno, Euzenir N; Pereira, Geraldo MB; Matos, Haroldo; Fonseca, Leila S; Sampaio, Elisabeth P; Ottenhoff, Thomas HM; Geluk, Annemieke; Cho, Sang-Nae; Stoker, Neil G; Cole, Stewart T; Brennan, Patrick J; Pessolani, Maria CV
  • Transcriptional cross-regulation of RUNX1 by RUNX3 in human B cells. (2005) Spender, Lindsay C; Whiteman, Hannah J; Karstegl, Claudio Elgueta; Farrell, Paul J
  • Sedentarization and children's health: changing discourses in the northeast Badia of Jordan. (2005) Spicer, Neil J
  • Identification of pathogen-specific genes through microarray analysis of pathogenic and commensal Neisseria species. (2005) Stabler, Richard A; Marsden, Gemma L; Witney, Adam A; Li, Yanwen; Bentley, Stephen D; Tang, Christoph M; Hinds, Jason
  • Gender differences in the associations between health and neighbourhood environment. (2005) Stafford, M; Cummins, S; Macintyre, S; Ellaway, A; Marmot, M
  • Clonal spread of a vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium strain among bloodstream-infecting isolates in Italy. (2005) Stampone, Lucia; Del Grosso, Maria; Boccia, Delia; Pantosti, Annalisa
  • Reliability of data on caesarean sections in developing countries. (2005) Stanton, Cynthia K; Dubourg, Dominique; De Brouwere, Vincent; Pujades, Mar; Ronsmans, Carine
  • Providing travel medicine advice to visiting friends and relatives travellers: high risk and difficult to advise. (2005) Stauffer, WM; Behrens, RH
  • The relationship between childbearing and transitions from marriage and cohabitation in Britain. (2005) Steele, Fiona; Kallis, Constantinos; Goldstein, Harvey; Joshi, Heather
  • Evaluation of antiretroviral therapy (ART)-related counselling in a workplace-based ART implementation programme, South Africa. (2005) Stenson, AL; Charalambous, S; Dwadwa, T; Pemba, L; Du Toit, JD; Baggaley, R; Grant, AD; Churchyard, GJ
  • Indigenous peoples' health--why are they behind everyone, everywhere? (2005) Stephens, Carolyn; Nettleton, Clive; Porter, John; Willis, Ruth; Clark, Stephanie
  • Indigenous peoples' health—why are they behind everyone, everywhere? (2005) Stephens, Carolyn; Nettleton, Clive; Porter, John; Willis, Ruth; Clark, Stephanie
  • Advancement in fluorescent detection of protein following electrophoresis. (2005) Stephenson, Jason R; Jones, Marjorie A
  • Understanding dengue pathogenesis: implications for vaccine design. (2005) Stephenson, John R
  • The problem with dengue. (2005) Stephenson, John R
  • Contextual influences on the use of health facilities for childbirth in Africa. (2005) Stephenson, Rob; Baschieri, Angela; Clements, Steve; Hennink, Monique; Madise, Nyovani
  • Boundary workers and the management of frustration: a case study of two Healthy City partnerships. (2005) Stern, Ruth; Green, Judith
  • Ophthalmic practice. (2005) Stevens, Sue
  • Ophthalmic practice. (2005) Stevens, Sue
  • The costs and effects of a nationwide insecticide-treated net programme: the case of Malawi. (2005) Stevens, Warren; Wiseman, Virginia; Ortiz, Juan; Chavasse, Desmond
  • Methods for assessing HIV and HIV risk among IDUs and for evaluating interventions. (2005) Stimson, Gerry V; Hickman, Matthew; Rhodes, Tim; Bastos, Francisco; Saidel, Tobi
  • Endothelial activation in the transplanted human heart from organ retrieval to 3 months after transplantation: an observational study. (2005) Stoica, Serban C; Atkinson, Carl; Satchithananda, Duwarakan K; Charman, Susan; Goddard, Martin; Redington, Andrew N; Large, Stephen R
  • Guidelines for confidentiality and cancer registration. (2005) Storm, H; Brewster, DH; Coleman, MP; Deapen, D; Oshima, A; Threlfall, T; Démaret, E
  • Are cannabis users exposed to other drug use opportunities? Investigation of high-risk drug exposure opportunities among young cannabis users in London. (2005) Strang, John; McCambridge, Jim
  • Childhood diarrhoea symptoms, management and duration: observations from a longitudinal community study. (2005) Strina, Agostino; Cairncross, Sandy; Prado, Matildes S; Teles, Carlos AS; Barreto, Mauricio L
  • Integrating HIV testing into immunological studies of non-HIV-related diseases. (2005) Struik, Siske S; Maxwell, Caroline A; Malecela-Lazaro, Mwele; Eckstein, Sue; Porter, John DH; Riley, Eleanor M
  • Cryptococcus neoformans-reactive and total immunoglobulin profiles of human immunodeficiency virus-infected and uninfected Ugandans. (2005) Subramaniam, Krishanthi; French, Neil; Pirofski, Liise-Anne
  • From health to wealth: the contribution of health to the economy in the European Union. (2005) Suhrcke, M; McKee, M; Sauto, R; Tsolova, S; Mortensen, J
  • Development assistance for health in central and eastern European Region. (2005) Suhrcke, Marc; Rechel, Bernd; Michaud, Catherine
  • The Cochrane Library: more systematic reviews on nutrition needed. (2005) Summerbell, CD; Chinnock, P; O'Malley, C; van Binsbergen, JJ
  • Multinucleated giant cell formation and apoptosis in infected host cells is mediated by Burkholderia pseudomallei type III secretion protein BipB. (2005) Suparak, Supaporn; Kespichayawattana, Wannapa; Haque, Ashraful; Easton, Anna; Damnin, Suwat; Lertmemongkolchai, Ganjana; Bancroft, Gregory J; Korbsrisate, Sunee
  • The burden of cholera in the slums of Kolkata, India: data from a prospective, community based study. (2005) Sur, D; Deen, JL; Manna, B; Niyogi, SK; Deb, AK; Kanungo, S; Sarkar, BL; Kim, DR; Danovaro-Holliday, MC; Holliday, K; Gupta, VK; Ali, M; von Seidlein, L; Clemens, JD; Bhattacharya, SK
  • Reduction of malaria transmission to Anopheles mosquitoes with a six-dose regimen of co-artemether. (2005) Sutherland, Colin J; Ord, Rosalynn; Dunyo, Sam; Jawara, Musa; Drakeley, Christopher J; Alexander, Neal; Coleman, Rosalind; Pinder, Margaret; Walraven, Gijs; Targett, Geoffrey AT
  • Invariant NKT cells are essential for the regulation of hepatic CXCL10 gene expression during Leishmania donovani infection. (2005) Svensson, Mattias; Zubairi, Soombul; Maroof, Asher; Kazi, Fatima; Taniguchi, Masaru; Kaye, Paul M
  • Mortality in patients with Klinefelter syndrome in Britain: a cohort study. (2005) Swerdlow, Anthony J; Higgins, Craig D; Schoemaker, Minouk J; Wright, Alan F; Jacobs, Patricia A; United Kingdom Clinical Cytogenetics Group
  • Mortality and cancer incidence in women with extra X chromosomes: a cohort study in Britain. (2005) Swerdlow, Anthony J; Schoemaker, Minouk J; Higgins, Craig D; Wright, Alan F; Jacobs, Patricia A
  • Cancer incidence and mortality in men with Klinefelter syndrome: a cohort study. (2005) Swerdlow, Anthony J; Schoemaker, Minouk J; Higgins, Craig D; Wright, Alan F; Jacobs, Patricia A; UK Clinical Cytogenetics Group
  • Could the high level of cirrhosis in Central and Eastern Europe be due partly to the quality of alcohol consumed? An exploratory investigation. (2005) Szucs, S; Sarvary, A; McKee, M; Adany, R
  • Could the high level of cirrhosis in central and eastern Europe be due partly to the quality of alcohol consumed? An exploratory investigation. (2005) Szucs, Sándor; Sárváry, Attila; McKee, Martin; Adány, Róza
  • Protein glycosylation in bacterial mucosal pathogens. (2005) Szymanski, Christine M; Wren, Brendan W
  • [Ligase chain reaction testing of pooled urine specimens to diagnose Chlamydia trachomatis infection]. (2005) Sánchez-Alemán, Miguel Angel; Gutiérrez, Juan Pablo; Bertozzi, Stefano Michael; Frontela-Noda, Maydelín; Guerrero-Lemus, Victor; Conde-González, Carlos Jesús
  • In-house phage amplification assay is a sound alternative for detecting rifampin-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis in low-resource settings. (2005) Símboli, Norberto; Takiff, Howard; McNerney, Ruth; López, Beatriz; Martin, Anandi; Palomino, Juan Carlos; Barrera, Lucía; Ritacco, Viviana
  • Use and misuse of a discount voucher scheme as a subsidy for insecticide-treated nets for malaria control in southern Tanzania. (2005) Tami, Adriana; Mbati, Juliet; Nathan, Rose; Mponda, Haji; Lengeler, Christian; Schellenberg, Joanna RM Armstrong
  • Gender double standards in young people attending sexual health services in Northern Thailand. (2005) Tangmunkongvorakul, Arunrat; Kane, Roslyn; Wellings, Kaye
  • Malaria vaccines 1985-2005: a full circle? (2005) Targett, Geoffrey A
  • Does concurrent prescription of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs substantially increase the risk of upper gastrointestinal bleeding? (2005) Tata, LJ; Fortun, PJ; Hubbard, RB; Smeeth, L; Hawkey, CJ; Smith, CJP; Whitaker, HJ; Farrington, CP; Card, TR; West, J
  • General population based study of the impact of tricyclic and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressants on the risk of acute myocardial infarction. (2005) Tata, LJ; West, J; Smith, C; Farrington, P; Card, T; Smeeth, L; Hubbard, R
  • Oral immunization with a dam mutant of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis protects against plague. (2005) Taylor, Victoria L; Titball, Richard W; Oyston, Petra CF
  • WHO clinical staging of HIV infection and disease, tuberculosis and eligibility for antiretroviral treatment: relationship to CD4 lymphocyte counts. (2005) Teck, R; Ascurra, O; Gomani, P; Manzi, M; Pasulani, O; Kusamale, J; Salaniponi, FML; Humblet, P; Nunn, P; Scano, F; Harries, AD; Zachariah, R
  • Deficiencies in disaster funding - Malaria epidemics are predicted in tsunami regions from El Nino conditions. (2005) Ter Veen, A; Bouma, M; van Herp, M; Keiluhu, K; Subianto, B
  • Extensive antigenic polymorphism within the repeat sequence of the Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface protein 1 block 2 is incorporated in a minimal polyvalent immunogen. (2005) Tetteh, Kevin KA; Cavanagh, David R; Corran, Patrick; Musonda, Rosemary; McBride, Jana S; Conway, David J
  • Public opinion towards supervised injecting centres and the Sydney Medically Supervised Injecting Centre. (2005) Thein, Hla-Hla; Kimber, Jo; Maher, Lisa; MacDonald, Margaret; Kaldor, John M
  • Cause-specific visual impairment and mortality: results from a population-based study of older people in the United Kingdom. (2005) Thiagarajan, Manickam; Evans, Jennifer R; Smeeth, Liam; Wormald, Richard PL; Fletcher, Astrid E
  • Prevalence of undiagnosed Type 2 diabetes and impaired fasting glucose in older British men and women. (2005) Thomas, MC; Walker, MK; Emberson, JR; Thomson, AG; Lawlor, DA; Ebrahim, S; Whincup, PH
  • Characteristic clinical features as an aid to the diagnosis of suppurative keratitis caused by filamentous fungi. (2005) Thomas, PA; Leck, AK; Myatt, M
  • Interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) polymorphism in posttransplantation lymphoproliferative disease. (2005) Thomas, Ranjit V; McAulay, Karen; Higgins, Craig; Wilkie, Gwen; Crawford, Dorothy H
  • Validity of a Social Capital Measurement Tool in Vietnam. (2005) Thuy Huong, Van Thi; Dewitt, Darin; Harpham, Trudy; Thu Huong, Nguyen; Thap Long, Tran; Thi Van Ha, Nguyen; Tuan, Tran; De Silva, Mary
  • Metabolite changes in early relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. A two year follow-up study. (2005) Tiberio, M; Chard, DT; Altmann, DR; Davies, G; Griffin, CM; McLean, MA; Rashid, W; Sastre-Garriga, J; Thompson, AJ; Miller, DH
  • Gray and white matter volume changes in early RRMS: a 2-year longitudinal study. (2005) Tiberio, M; Chard, DT; Altmann, DR; Davies, G; Griffin, CM; Rashid, W; Sastre-Garriga, J; Thompson, AJ; Miller, DH
  • GSTP1 and GSTA1 polymorphisms interact with cruciferous vegetable intake in colorectal adenoma risk. (2005) Tijhuis, Mariken J; Wark, Petra A; Aarts, Jac MMJG; Visker, Marleen HPW; Nagengast, Fokko M; Kok, Frans J; Kampman, Ellen
  • TAS2R38 (phenylthiocarbamide) haplotypes, coronary heart disease traits, and eating behavior in the British Women's Heart and Health Study. (2005) Timpson, Nic J; Christensen, Mikkel; Lawlor, Debbie A; Gaunt, Tom R; Day, Ian N; Ebrahim, Shah; Davey Smith, George
  • C-reactive protein and its role in metabolic syndrome: mendelian randomisation study. (2005) Timpson, Nicholas J; Lawlor, Debbie A; Harbord, Roger M; Gaunt, Tom R; Day, Ian NM; Palmer, Lyle J; Hattersley, Andrew T; Ebrahim, Shah; Lowe, Gordon DO; Rumley, Ann; Davey Smith, George
  • Production of intracellular interferon-gamma in responses to Burkholderia pseudomallei via T cell receptor dependent pathway in humans. (2005) Tippayawat, P; Romphruk, A; Romphruk, A; Leelayuwat, C; Bancroft, GJ; Lertmemongkolchai, G
  • Central corneal thickness is highly heritable: the twin eye studies. (2005) Toh, Tze'Yo; Liew, SH Melissa; MacKinnon, Jane R; Hewitt, Alex W; Poulsen, Johan L; Spector, Tim D; Gilbert, Clare E; Craig, Jamie E; Hammond, Christopher J; Mackey, David A
  • Rencontres entre parents âgés et enfants: quelles différences en Europe? (2005) Tomassini, C; Grundy, E; Kalogirou, S; Gaymu, J; Binet, A; Martikainen, P; Karisto, A
  • Epitope-specific regulation of immunoglobulin class switching in mice immunized with malarial merozoite surface proteins. (2005) Tongren, Jon Eric; Corran, Patrick H; Jarra, William; Langhorne, Jean; Riley, Eleanor M
  • Long-term survival after acute myocardial infarction is lower in more deprived neighborhoods. (2005) Tonne, Cathryn; Schwartz, Joel; Mittleman, Murray; Melly, Steve; Suh, Helen; Goldberg, Robert
  • Adaptive cortical plasticity in higher visual areas after acute optic neuritis. (2005) Toosy, Ahmed T; Hickman, Simon J; Miszkiel, Katherine A; Jones, Stephen J; Plant, Gordon T; Altmann, Daniel R; Barker, Gareth J; Miller, David H; Thompson, Alan J
  • Mammographic features and subsequent risk of breast cancer: a comparison of qualitative and quantitative evaluations in the Guernsey prospective studies. (2005) Torres-Mejía, Gabriela; De Stavola, Bianca; Allen, Diane S; Pérez-Gavilán, Juan J; Ferreira, Jorge M; Fentiman, Ian S; Dos Santos Silva, Isabel
  • Hormone replacement therapy: limited response in the UK to the new evidence. (2005) Townsend, Joy; Nanchahal, Kiran
  • Correlation of apparent myelin measures obtained in multiple sclerosis patients and controls from magnetization transfer and multicompartmental T2 analysis. (2005) Tozer, DJ; Davies, GR; Altmann, DR; Miller, DH; Tofts, PS
  • Introducing hepatitis B virus vaccine into the Expanded Programme on Immunization in Bangladesh: a proposed method to evaluate whether the existing infrastructure has the capacity. (2005) Trama, Annalisa; Walker, Damian; Fox-Rushby, Julia
  • Retinal nerve fiber layer axonal loss and visual dysfunction in optic neuritis. (2005) Trip, S Anand; Schlottmann, Patricio G; Jones, Stephen J; Altmann, Daniel R; Garway-Heath, David F; Thompson, Alan J; Plant, Gordon T; Miller, David H
  • Efficacy of repellent products against caged and free flying Anopheles stephensi mosquitoes. (2005) Trongtokit, Yuwadee; Curtis, Christopher F; Rongsriyam, Yupha
  • Dynamic models of meningococcal carriage, disease, and the impact of serogroup C conjugate vaccination. (2005) Trotter, Caroline L; Gay, Nigel J; Edmunds, W John
  • Evaluation of exposure to arsenic in residential soil. (2005) Tsuji, Joyce S; Van Kerkhove, Maria D; Kaetzel, Rhonda S; Scrafford, Carolyn G; Mink, Pamela J; Barraj, Leila M; Crecelius, Eric A; Goodman, Michael
  • Prospective epidemiologic study of the outcome and cost-effectiveness of antenatal screening to detect neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia due to anti-HPA-1a. (2005) Turner, Marc L; Bessos, Hagop; Fagge, Timothy; Harkness, Mairi; Rentoul, Frances; Seymour, Janelle; Wilson, David; Gray, Irene; Ahya, Ridheesh; Cairns, John; Urbaniak, Stan
  • Reduction in exposure to carcinogenic aflatoxins by postharvest intervention measures in west Africa: a community-based intervention study. (2005) Turner, PC; Sylla, A; Gong, YY; Diallo, MS; Sutcliffe, AE; Hall, AJ; Wild, CP
  • Absence of TP53 codon 249 mutations in young Guinean children with high aflatoxin exposure. (2005) Turner, Paul C; Sylla, Abdoulaye; Kuang, Shuang-Yuan; Marchant, Clare L; Diallo, Mamadou S; Hall, Andrew J; Groopman, John D; Wild, Christopher P
  • The Social Functioning Questionnaire: a rapid and robust measure of perceived functioning. (2005) Tyrer, Peter; Nur, Ula; Crawford, Mike; Karlsen, Saffron; McLean, Claire; Rao, Bharti; Johnson, Tony
  • Defining and addressing the nutritional needs of populations. (2005) Uauy, Ricardo
  • Commentary: the importance of addressing the rise of overweight and obesity--progress or lack of action during the last fifty years? (2005) Uauy, Ricardo; Lock, Karen
  • Diet, nutrition, and the life-course approach to cancer prevention. (2005) Uauy, Ricardo; Solomons, Noel
  • Cross-sectional differences in axial length of young adults living in urban and rural communities in Mongolia. (2005) Uranchimeg, D; Yip, JLY; Lee, PS; Patel, D; Wickremasinghe, S; Wong, TY; Foster, PJ
  • Attitudes to voluntary counselling and testing prior to the offer of Nevirapine to prevent vertical transmission of HIV in northern Tanzania. (2005) Urassa, P; Gosling, R; Pool, R; Reyburn, H
  • Prevalence and associations of vitamin D deficiency in foreign-born persons with tuberculosis in London. (2005) Ustianowski, A; Shaffer, R; Collin, S; Wilkinson, RJ; Davidson, RN
  • Serum alpha-tocopherol concentrations and risk of type 1 diabetes mellitus: a cohort study in siblings of affected children. (2005) Uusitalo, Liisa; Knip, Mikael; Kenward, Michael G; Alfthan, Georg; Sundvall, Jouko; Aro, Antti; Reunanen, Antti; Akerblom, Hans K; Virtanen, Suvi M; Childhood Diabetes in Finland Study Group
  • Healthcare reform involving the introduction of user fees and drug revolving funds: influence on health workers' behavior in southeast Nigeria. (2005) Uzochukwu, Benjamin; Onwujekwe, Obinna
  • Spatial variability of air pollution in the vicinity of a permanent monitoring station in central Paris. (2005) VARDOULAKIS, S; GONZALEZFLESCA, N; FISHER, B; PERICLEOUS, K
  • Understanding the structure and practices of research ethics committees through research and audit: a study from Mexico. (2005) Valdez-Martinez, Edith; Trumbull, Bernardo; Garduño-Espinosa, Juan; Porter, John David Henley
  • Violence against pregnant women: prevalence and characteristics. A population-based study in Nicaragua. (2005) Valladares, Eliette; Peña, Rodolfo; Persson, Lars Ake; Högberg, Ulf
  • The INFIR Cohort Study: investigating prediction, detection and pathogenesis of neuropathy and reactions in leprosy. methods and baseline results of a cohort of multibacillary leprosy patients in North India (vol 76, pg 14, 2005). (2005) Van Brakel, WH; Nicholls, PG; Das, L; Barkataki, P; Suneetha, SK; Jadhav, RS; Maddali, P; Lockwood, DNJ; Wilder-Smith, E; Desikan, KV
  • The INFIR Cohort Study: assessment of sensory and motor neuropathy in leprosy at baseline. (2005) Van Brakel, Wim H; Nicholls, Peter G; Das, Loretta; Barkataki, Pramila; Maddali, Pranava; Lockwood, Diana NJ; Wilder-Smith, Einar
  • Diagnosis of sputum-scarce HIV-associated pulmonary tuberculosis in Lima, Peru. (2005) Vargas, Daniel; García, Luis; Gilman, Robert H; Evans, Carlton; Ticona, Eduardo; Navincopa, Marcos; Luo, Robert F; Caviedes, Luz; Hong, Clemens; Escombe, Rod; Moore, David AJ
  • A compilation of energy costs of physical activities. (2005) Vaz, Mario; Karaolis, Nadine; Draper, Alizon; Shetty, Prakash
  • Air pollution and respiratory drug use in the city of Como, Italy. (2005) Vegni, Ferdinando E; Castelli, Beatrice; Auxilia, Francesco; Wilkinson, Paul
  • Clinical outcome of experimental human malaria induced by Plasmodium falciparum-infected mosquitoes. (2005) Verhage, DF; Telgt, DSC; Bousema, JT; Hermsen, CC; van Gemert, GJA; van der Meer, JWM; Sauerwein, RW
  • Bayesian modelling of multivariate quantitative traits using seemingly unrelated regressions. (2005) Verzilli, Claudio J; Stallard, Nigel; Whittaker, John C
  • A Hierarchical Bayesian Model for Predicting the Functional Consequences of Amino-Acid Polymorphisms. (2005) Verzilli, Claudio J; Whittaker, John C; Stallard, Nigel; Chasman, Daniel
  • Detection of gonococcal infection : pros and cons of a rapid test. (2005) Vickerman, Peter; Peeling, Rosanna W; Watts, Charlotte; Mabey, David
  • Co-coverage of preventive interventions and implications for child-survival strategies: evidence from national surveys. (2005) Victora, Cesar G; Fenn, Bridget; Bryce, Jennifer; Kirkwood, Betty R
  • Context matters: interpreting impact findings in child survival evaluations. (2005) Victora, Cesar G; Schellenberg, Joanna Armstrong; Huicho, Luis; Amaral, João; El Arifeen, Shams; Pariyo, George; Manzi, Fatuma; Scherpbier, Robert W; Bryce, Jennifer; Habicht, Jean-Pierre
  • Attentional gating in primary visual cortex: a physiological basis for dyslexia. (2005) Vidyasagar, Trichur R
  • Optimal immune responses: immunocompetence revisited. (2005) Viney, Mark E; Riley, Eleanor M; Buchanan, Katherine L
  • Plasmodium falciparum: stage specific effects of a selective inhibitor of lactate dehydrogenase. (2005) Vivas, Livia; Easton, Anna; Kendrick, Howard; Cameron, Angus; Lavandera, Jose-Luis; Barros, David; de las Heras, Federico Gomez; Brady, R Leo; Croft, Simon L
  • A synthetic peptide based on the NS1 non-structural protein of tick-borne encephalitis virus induces a protective immune response against fatal encephalitis in an experimental animal model. (2005) Volpina, OM; Volkova, TD; Koroev, DO; Ivanov, VT; Ozherelkov, SV; Khoretonenko, MV; Vorovitch, MF; Stephenson, JR; Timofeev, AV
  • Spatial association of Mycobacterium bovis infection in cattle and badgers Meles meles. (2005) WOODROFFE, R; DONNELLY, CA; JOHNSTON, WT; BOURNE, FJ; CHEESEMAN, CL; CLIFTON-HADLEY, RS; COX, DR; GETTINBY, G; HEWINSON, RG; LE FEVRE, AM; MCINERNEY, JP; MORRISON, WI
  • Aeromonas sobria, a causative agent of disease in farmed perch, Perca fluviatilis L. (2005) Wahli, T; Burr, SE; Pugovkin, D; Mueller, O; Frey, J
  • Public involvement and the ageing of the population: incompatible trends? (2005) Wait, S; Nolte, E
  • Benchmarking health systems: trends, conceptual issues and future perspectives. (2005) Wait, Suzanne; Nolte, Ellen
  • Transmission of malaria in the Tesseney area of Eritrea: parasite prevalence in children, and vector density, host preferences, and sporozoite rate. (2005) Waka, Maedot; Hopkins, Richard James; Akinpelu, Oluyomi; Curtis, Chris
  • How do we determine whether community health workers are cost-effective? Some core methodological issues. (2005) Walker, Damian G; Jan, Stephen
  • Cost-effectiveness of rotavirus vaccines. (2005) Walker, Damian; Rheingans, Richard
  • Cervical human papillomavirus infection and squamous intraepithelial lesions in rural Gambia, West Africa: viral sequence analysis and epidemiology. (2005) Wall, SR; Scherf, CF; Morison, L; Hart, KW; West, B; Ekpo, G; Fiander, AN; Man, S; Gelder, CM; Walraven, G; Borysiewicz, LK
  • Drug safety and regulation. (2005) Waller, Patrick C; Evans, Stephen JW; Beard, Keith
  • Hospital admissions for 'drug-induced' disorders in England: a study using the Hospital Episodes Statistics (HES) database. (2005) Waller, Patrick; Shaw, Mary; Ho, Davidson; Shakir, Saad; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Misoprostol in the management of the third stage of labour in the home delivery setting in rural Gambia: a randomised controlled trial. (2005) Walraven, Gijs; Blum, Jennifer; Dampha, Yusupha; Sowe, Maimuna; Morison, Linda; Winikoff, Beverly; Sloan, Nancy
  • Commentary: lay health workers in primary and community health care. (2005) Walt, Gill
  • What sort of international cooperation in health 2055? (2005) Walt, Gill
  • Upregulation of TGF-beta, FOXP3, and CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells correlates with more rapid parasite growth in human malaria infection. (2005) Walther, Michael; Tongren, Jon Eric; Andrews, Laura; Korbel, Daniel; King, Elizabeth; Fletcher, Helen; Andersen, Rikke F; Bejon, Philip; Thompson, Fiona; Dunachie, Susanna J; Edele, Fanny; de Souza, J Brian; Sinden, Robert E; Gilbert, Sarah C; Riley, Eleanor M; Hill, Adrian VS
  • Risk factors for severe abruptio placenta in Mulago Hospital, Kampala, Uganda. (2005) Wandabwa, Julius; Doyle, Pat; Paul, Kiondo; Wandabwa, Margaret A; Aziga, Florence
  • Modelling and forecasting mortality distributions in England and Wales using the Lee–Carter model. (2005) Wang, Duolao; Lu, Pengjun
  • Identifying Nonlinear Relationships in Regression using the ACE Algorithm. (2005) Wang, Duolao; Murphy, Michael
  • Evaluation of antimicrobial resistance and treatment failures for Chlamydia trachomatis: a meeting report. (2005) Wang, Susan A; Papp, John R; Stamm, Walter E; Peeling, Rosanna W; Martin, David H; Holmes, King K
  • Occurrence of shigellosis in the young and elderly in rural China: results of a 12-month population-based surveillance study. (2005) Wang, Xuan-Yi; Du, Lin; Von Seidlein, Lorenz; Xu, Zhi-Yi; Zhang, Ying-Lin; Hao, Zhi-Yong; Han, Oak-Pil; Ma, Jing-Chen; Lee, Hye-Jon; Ali, Mohammad; Han, Chang-Quan; Xing, Zhan-Chun; Chen, Ji-Chao; Clemens, John
  • Incidence of diarrhea caused by rotavirus infections in rural Zhengding, China: prospective, population-based surveillance. (2005) Wang, Xuan-Yi; Xu, Zhi-Yi; von Seidlein, Lorenz; Zhang, Ying-Lin; Zhao, Shou-Jun; Hao, Zhi-Yong; Han, Oak Pil; Kilgore, Paul; Xing, Zhan-Chun; Han, Chang-Quan; Ma, Jing-Chen; Chen, Ji-Chao; Clemens, John
  • From a postal questionnaire of older men, healthy lifestyle factors reduced the onset of and may have increased recovery from mobility limitation. (2005) Wannamethee, S Goya; Ebrahim, Shah; Papacosta, Olia; Shaper, A Gerald
  • Who pays for sex? An analysis of the increasing prevalence of female commercial sex contacts among men in Britain. (2005) Ward, H; Mercer, CH; Wellings, K; Fenton, K; Erens, B; Copas, A; Johnson, AM
  • Fruits, vegetables, and hMLH1 protein-deficient and -proficient colon cancer: The Netherlands cohort study. (2005) Wark, Petra A; Weijenberg, Matty P; van 't Veer, Pieter; van Wijhe, Gerda; Lüchtenborg, Margreet; van Muijen, Goos NP; de Goeij, Anton FPM; Goldbohm, R Alexandra; van den Brandt, Piet A
  • Inhibition of endothelial activation: a new way to treat cerebral malaria? (2005) Wassmer, Samuel C; Cianciolo, George J; Combes, Valéry; Grau, Georges E
  • Creating demand for sanitation and hygiene through Community Health Clubs: a cost-effective intervention in two districts in Zimbabwe. (2005) Waterkeyn, Juliet; Cairncross, Sandy
  • NHS cadet schemes: do they widen access to professional healthcare education? (2005) Watson, Roger; Norman, Ian J; Draper, Jan; Jowett, Sandra; Wilson-Barnett, Jenifer; Normand, Charles; Halliday, Debbie
  • Antenatal syphilis screening in sub-Saharan Africa: lessons learned from Tanzania. (2005) Watson-Jones, Deborah; Oliff, Monique; Terris-Prestholt, Fern; Changalucha, John; Gumodoka, Balthazar; Mayaud, Philippe; Semakafu, Ave Maria; Kumaranayake, Lilani; Gavyole, Awene; Mabey, David; Hayes, Richard
  • Rising incidence and prevalence of orphanhood in Manicaland, Zimbabwe, 1998 to 2003. (2005) Watts, Helen; Lopman, Ben; Nyamukapa, Constance; Gregson, Simon
  • Phenotype/genotype relationships in sickle cell disease: a pilot twin study. (2005) Weatherall, MW; Higgs, DR; Weiss, H; Weatherall, DJ; Serjeant, GR
  • SNPLINK: multipoint linkage analysis of densely distributed SNP data incorporating automated linkage disequilibrium removal. (2005) Webb, Emily L; Sellick, Gabrielle S; Houlston, Richard S
  • Which delivery systems reach the poor? A review of equity of coverage of ever-treated nets, never-treated nets, and immunisation to reduce child mortality in Africa. (2005) Webster, Jayne; Lines, Jo; Bruce, Jane; Armstrong Schellenberg, Joanna Rm; Hanson, Kara
  • The impact of diabetes mellitus and other chronic medical conditions on health-related Quality of Life: is the whole greater than the sum of its parts? (2005) Wee, Hwee-Lin; Cheung, Yin-Bun; Li, Shu-Chuen; Fong, Kok-Yong; Thumboo, Julian
  • Genetic regulation of birth weight and fasting glucose by a common polymorphism in the islet cell promoter of the glucokinase gene. (2005) Weedon, Michael N; Frayling, Timothy M; Shields, Beverley; Knight, Beatrice; Turner, Tina; Metcalf, Bradley S; Voss, Linda; Wilkin, Terence J; McCarthy, Anne; Ben-Shlomo, Yoav; Davey Smith, George; Ring, Sue; Jones, Richard; Golding, Jean; Byberg, Liisa; Mann, Vera; Axelsson, Tomas; Syvänen, Ann-Christine; Leon, David; Hattersley, Andrew T
  • Statin use in the secondary prevention of coronary heart disease in primary care: cohort study and comparison of inclusion and outcome with patients in randomised trials. (2005) Wei, Li; Ebrahim, Shah; Bartlett, Christopher; Davey, Peter D; Sullivan, Frank M; MacDonald, Thomas M
  • An aetiological classification of birth defects for epidemiological research. (2005) Wellesley, D; Boyd, P; Dolk, H; Pattenden, S
  • The role of economic evaluation in vaccine decision making: focus on meningococcal group C conjugate vaccine. (2005) Welte, Robert; Trotter, Caroline L; Edmunds, W John; Postma, Maarten J; Beutels, Philippe
  • Resistance to oxidative stress by chronic infusion of angiotensin II in mouse kidney is not mediated by the AT2 receptor. (2005) Wesseling, Sebastiaan; Ishola, David A; Joles, Jaap A; Bluyssen, Hans A; Koomans, Hein A; Braam, Branko
  • Social and geographical boundaries around senior nurse and physician leaders: an application of social network analysis. (2005) West, Elizabeth; Barron, David N
  • Overcoming the barriers to patient-centred care: time, tools and training. (2005) West, Elizabeth; Barron, David N; Reeves, Rachel
  • Risk factors for postsurgical trichiasis recurrence in a trachoma-endemic area. (2005) West, Emily S; Mkocha, Harran; Munoz, Beatriz; Mabey, David; Foster, Allen; Bailey, Robin; West, Sheila K
  • Mass treatment and the effect on the load of Chlamydia trachomatis infection in a trachoma-hyperendemic community. (2005) West, Emily S; Munoz, Beatriz; Mkocha, Harran; Holland, Martin J; Aguirre, Aura; Solomon, Anthony W; Bailey, Robin; Foster, Allen; Mabey, David; West, Sheila K
  • Infection with Chlamydia trachomatis after mass treatment of a trachoma hyperendemic community in Tanzania: a longitudinal study. (2005) West, Sheila K; Munoz, Beatriz; Mkocha, Harran; Holland, Martin J; Aguirre, Aura; Solomon, Anthony W; Foster, Allen; Bailey, Robin L; Mabey, David CW
  • Assessing subgroup effects with binary data: can the use of different effect measures lead to different conclusions? (2005) White, Ian R; Elbourne, Diana
  • Eliciting and using expert opinions about influence of patient characteristics on treatment effects: a Bayesian analysis of the CHARM trials. (2005) White, Ian R; Pocock, Stuart J; Wang, Duolao
  • Slc11a1-mediated resistance to Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium and Leishmania donovani infections does not require functional inducible nitric oxide synthase or phagocyte oxidase activity. (2005) White, Jacqueline K; Mastroeni, Pietro; Popoff, Jean-François; Evans, Carlton AW; Blackwell, Jenefer M
  • Treating severe malaria. (2005) Whitty, Christopher JM; Ansah, Evelyn; Reyburn, Hugh
  • Malaria in pregnancy. (2005) Whitty, Christopher JM; Edmonds, Sally; Mutabingwa, Theonest K
  • Artemisinin-based combination treatment for malaria in Africa: no perfect solutions. (2005) Whitty, Christopher JM; Staedke, Sarah G
  • A volumetric magnetic resonance imaging study of the amygdala in frontotemporal lobar degeneration and Alzheimer's disease. (2005) Whitwell, Jennifer L; Sampson, Elizabeth L; Watt, Hilary C; Harvey, Richard J; Rossor, Martin N; Fox, Nick C
  • Effect of malaria on HIV-1 progression and transmission. (2005) Whitworth, James AG; Hewitt, Kirsten A
  • Seeking conception: experiences of urban Indian women with in vitro fertilisation. (2005) Widge, Anjali
  • Postnatal support for mothers living in disadvantaged inner city areas: a randomised controlled trial. (2005) Wiggins, M; Oakley, A; Roberts, I; Turner, H; Rajan, L; Austerberry, H; Mujica, R; Mugford, M; Barker, M
  • Clinical effectiveness, tolerability and cost-effectiveness of newer drugs for epilepsy in adults: a systematic review and economic evaluation. (2005) Wilby, J; Kainth, A; Hawkins, N; Epstein, D; McIntosh, H; McDaid, C; Mason, A; Golder, S; O'Meara, S; Sculpher, M; Drummond, M; Forbes, C
  • Case mix and outcomes for admissions to UK adult, general critical care units with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a secondary analysis of the ICNARC Case Mix Programme Database. (2005) Wildman, Martin J; Harrison, David A; Brady, Anthony R; Rowan, Kathy
  • Birth weight and psychological distress at age 45-51 years: results from the Aberdeen Children of the 1950s cohort study. (2005) Wiles, Nicola J; Peters, Tim J; Leon, David A; Lewis, Glyn
  • Vitamin C biosynthesis in trypanosomes: a role for the glycosome. (2005) Wilkinson, Shane R; Prathalingam, S Radhika; Taylor, Martin C; Horn, David; Kelly, John M
  • Evaluation of vaccines in the EU TB Vaccine Cluster using a guinea pig aerosol infection model of tuberculosis. (2005) Williams, Ann; Hatch, Graham J; Clark, Simon O; Gooch, Karen E; Hatch, Kim A; Hall, Graham A; Huygen, Kris; Ottenhoff, Tom HM; Franken, Kees LMC; Andersen, Peter; Doherty, T Mark; Kaufmann, Stefan HE; Grode, Leander; Seiler, Peter; Martin, Carlos; Gicquel, Brigitte; Cole, Stewart T; Brodin, Priscille; Pym, Alexander S; Dalemans, Wilfried; Cohen, Joe; Lobet, Yves; Goonetilleke, Nilu; McShane, Helen; Hill, Adrian; Parish, Tanya; Smith, Debbie; Stoker, Neil G; Lowrie, Douglas B; Källenius, Gunilla; Svenson, Stefan; Pawlowski, Andrzej; Blake, Karen; Marsh, Philip D
  • Characteristics of two distinct clinical phenotypes in pathologically proven progressive supranuclear palsy: Richardson's syndrome and PSP-parkinsonism. (2005) Williams, David R; de Silva, Rohan; Paviour, Dominic C; Pittman, Alan; Watt, Hilary C; Kilford, Linda; Holton, Janice L; Revesz, Tamas; Lees, Andrew J
  • The immune response to primary EBV infection: a role for natural killer cells. (2005) Williams, Hilary; McAulay, Karen; Macsween, Karen F; Gallacher, Neil J; Higgins, Craig D; Harrison, Nadine; Swerdlow, Anthony J; Crawford, Dorothy H
  • An immune basis for malaria protection by the sickle cell trait. (2005) Williams, Thomas N; Mwangi, Tabitha W; Roberts, David J; Alexander, Neal D; Weatherall, David J; Wambua, Sammy; Kortok, Moses; Snow, Robert W; Marsh, Kevin
  • Sickle cell trait and the risk of Plasmodium falciparum malaria and other childhood diseases. (2005) Williams, Thomas N; Mwangi, Tabitha W; Wambua, Sammy; Alexander, Neal D; Kortok, Moses; Snow, Robert W; Marsh, Kevin
  • No life without death--apoptosis as prerequisite for T cell activation. (2005) Winau, F; Hegasy, G; Kaufmann, SHE; Schaible, UE
  • Strangers in a British world? Integration of international nurses. (2005) Winkelmann-Gleed, Andrea; Seeley, Janet
  • Using diaries to collect data in resource-poor settings: questions on design and implementation. (2005) Wiseman, V; Conteh, L; Matovu, F
  • Comparing the preferences of health professionals and members of the public for setting health care priorities : experiences from Australia. (2005) Wiseman, Virginia
  • Reflections on the impact of the Bamako Initiative and the role of user fees. (2005) Wiseman, Virginia
  • Differences in willingness to pay for artemisinin-based combinations or monotherapy: experiences from the United Republic of Tanzania. (2005) Wiseman, Virginia; Onwujekwe, Obinna; Matovu, Fred; Mutabingwa, Theonest K; Whitty, Christopher JM
  • Design, validation, and application of a seven-strain Staphylococcus aureus PCR product microarray for comparative genomics. (2005) Witney, Adam A; Marsden, Gemma L; Holden, Matthew TG; Stabler, Richard A; Husain, Sarah E; Vass, J Keith; Butcher, Philip D; Hinds, Jason; Lindsay, Jodi A
  • Comparison of imputation and modelling methods in the analysis of a physical activity trial with missing outcomes. (2005) Wood, Angela M; White, Ian R; Hillsdon, Melvyn; Carpenter, James
  • Campylobacter jejuni gene expression in the chick cecum: evidence for adaptation to a low-oxygen environment. (2005) Woodall, CA; Jones, MA; Barrow, PA; Hinds, J; Marsden, GL; Kelly, DJ; Dorrell, N; Wren, BW; Maskell, DJ
  • Choice of geographic unit influences socioeconomic inequalities in breast cancer survival. (2005) Woods, LM; Rachet, B; Coleman, MP
  • Origins of socio-economic inequalities in cancer survival: a review. (2005) Woods, LM; Rachet, B; Coleman, MP
  • Geographical variation in life expectancy at birth in England and Wales is largely explained by deprivation. (2005) Woods, Laura M; Rachet, Bernard; Riga, Michael; Stone, Noell; Shah, Anjali; Coleman, Michel P
  • Guidelines on confidentiality for population-based cancer registration. (2005) Working Group of the International Association of Cancer Registr
  • Photodynamic therapy for neovascular age-related macular degeneration. (2005) Wormald, R; Evans, J; Smeeth, L; Henshaw, K
  • Establishing the evidence-base for the prevention and management of ocular injuries. (2005) Wormald, Richard
  • Is malaria a disease of poverty? A review of the literature. (2005) Worrall, Eve; Basu, Suprotik; Hanson, Kara
  • Experience of targeting subsidies on insecticide-treated nets: what do we know and what are the knowledge gaps? (2005) Worrall, Eve; Hill, Jenny; Webster, Jayne; Mortimer, Julia
  • Innate immunity: past, present and future. (2005) Wren, BW
  • Immune responses following experimental human hookworm infection. (2005) Wright, V; Bickle, Q
  • Antimalarial compounds from Kniphofia foliosa roots. (2005) Wube, Abraham Abebe; Bucar, Franz; Asres, Kaleab; Gibbons, Simon; Rattray, Lauren; Croft, Simon L
  • Improving diet and physical activity: 12 lessons from controlling tobacco smoking. (2005) Yach, Derek; McKee, Martin; Lopez, Alan D; Novotny, Tom
  • Clinical predictors of malaria and other febrile illnesses in children under five on Pemba Island, Tanzania. (2005) Yacoub, Sophie; Mohammed, Mohammed Juma; Ramsan, Mahdi; Albonico, Marco
  • The sensitivity of clinical isolates of Leishmania from Peru and Nepal to miltefosine. (2005) Yardley, Vanessa; Croft, Simon L; De Doncker, Simonne; Dujardin, Jean-Claude; Koirala, Siddhartha; Rijal, Suman; Miranda, Cesar; Llanos-Cuentas, Alejandro; Chappuis, Francois
  • Evaluation of KO-Tab 1-2-3: a wash-resistant 'dip-it-yourself' insecticide formulation for long-lasting treatment of mosquito nets. (2005) Yates, Alison; N'Guessan, Raphael; Kaur, Harparkash; Akogbéto, Martin; Rowland, Mark
  • Artemisinin versus nonartemisinin combination therapy for uncomplicated malaria: randomized clinical trials from four sites in Uganda. (2005) Yeka, Adoke; Banek, Kristin; Bakyaita, Nathan; Staedke, Sarah G; Kamya, Moses R; Talisuna, Ambrose; Kironde, Fred; Nsobya, Samuel L; Kilian, Albert; Slater, Madeline; Reingold, Arthur; Rosenthal, Philip J; Wabwire-Mangen, Fred; Dorsey, Grant
  • Origins of Chagas disease: Didelphis species are natural hosts of Trypanosoma cruzi I and armadillos hosts of Trypanosoma cruzi II, including hybrids. (2005) Yeo, Matthew; Acosta, Nidia; Llewellyn, Martin; Sánchez, Humberto; Adamson, Susie; Miles, Graham AJ; López, Elsa; González, Nilsa; Patterson, James S; Gaunt, Michael W; de Arias, Antonieta Rojas; Miles, Michael A
  • Can we use contingent valuation to assess the demand for childhood immunisation in developing countries?: a systematic review of the literature. (2005) Yeung, Raymond YT; Smith, Richard D
  • How do patients use antimalarial drugs? A review of the evidence. (2005) Yeung, Shunmay; White, Nicholas J
  • Who cares? Geographic variation in unpaid caregiving in England and Wales: evidence from the 2001 census. (2005) Young, Harriet; Grundy, Emily; Kalogirou, Stamatis
  • The Plasmodium falciparum sexual development transcriptome: a microarray analysis using ontology-based pattern identification. (2005) Young, Jason A; Fivelman, Quinton L; Blair, Peter L; de la Vega, Patricia; Le Roch, Karine G; Zhou, Yingyao; Carucci, Daniel J; Baker, David A; Winzeler, Elizabeth A
  • The role of behavioral data in HIV surveillance. (2005) Zaba, Basia; Slaymaker, Emma; Urassa, Mark; Boerma, J Ties
  • HIV and mortality of mothers and children: evidence from cohort studies in Uganda, Tanzania, and Malawi. (2005) Zaba, Basia; Whitworth, Jimmy; Marston, Milly; Nakiyingi, Jessica; Ruberantwari, Anthony; Urassa, Mark; Issingo, Raphaeli; Mwaluko, Gabriel; Floyd, Sian; Nyondo, Andrew; Crampin, Amelia
  • Can we get more HIV-positive tuberculosis patients on antiretroviral treatment in a rural district of Malawi? (2005) Zachariah, R; Teck, R; Ascurra, O; Gomani, P; Manzi, M; Humblet, P; Nunn, P; Salaniponi, FML; Harries, AD
  • Analysis of varicella zoster virus attenuation by evaluation of chimeric parent Oka/vaccine Oka recombinant viruses in skin xenografts in the SCIDhu mouse model. (2005) Zerboni, Leigh; Hinchliffe, Stewart; Sommer, Marvin H; Ito, Hideki; Besser, Jaya; Stamatis, Shaye; Cheng, Jason; Distefano, Daniel; Kraiouchkine, Nikolai; Shaw, Alan; Arvin, Ann M
  • Association of the dopamine-β-hydroxylase gene with nicotine dependence: No evidence for mediation by personality. (2005) Zetteler, Jessica I; Clark, Taane G; Johnstone, Elaine C; Munafò, Marcus R
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