Browse by Date where Item Type is "Article" and Year is "2004"

Number of items: 1665.
  • The effect of HIV on Child Mortality Trends in sub-Saharan Africa. (2004) ZabaB; MarstonM; FloydS
  • A
  • Divergent female-male mortality ratios associated with different routine vaccinations among female-male twin pairs. (2004) Aaby, Peter; Jensen, Henrik; Rodrigues, Amabelia; Garly, May-Lill; Benn, Christine Stabell; Lisse, Ida Maria; Simondon, Francois
  • Oral polio vaccination and low case fatality at the paediatric ward in Bissau, Guinea-Bissau. (2004) Aaby, Peter; Rodrigues, Amabelia; Biai, Sidu; Martins, Cesario; Veirum, Jens Erik; Benn, Christine Stabell; Jensen, Henrik
  • Sexually transmitted infections in travelers: implications for prevention and control. (2004) Abdullah, Abu Saleh M; Ebrahim, Shahul H; Fielding, Richard; Morisky, Donald E
  • Determinants of HIV antibody testing among selected groups of Chinese residents in Hong Kong. (2004) Abdullah, Abu Saleh M; Hedley, Anthony J; Fielding, Richard; Ebrahim, Shahul H
  • Effects of meteorological factors on epidemic malaria in Ethiopia: a statistical modelling approach based on theoretical reasoning. (2004) Abeku, TA; De Vlas, SJ; Borsboom, GJJM; Tadege, A; Gebreyesus, Y; Gebreyohannes, H; Alamirew, D; Seifu, A; Nagelkerke, NJD; Habbema, JDF
  • Malaria epidemic early warning and detection in African highlands. (2004) Abeku, Tarekegn A; Hay, Simon I; Ochola, Samuel; Langi, Peter; Beard, Brian; de Vlas, Sake J; Cox, Jonathan
  • Folic acid supplementation in Europe: summary of the EUROCAT report. (2004) Abramsky, L; Busby, A
  • Monitoring the uptake of HIV testing among first attendees at GUM clinics in the East of England region. (2004) Abubakar, I; Bracebridge, S; Willocks, L
  • Knowledge, attitude and practice of female genital cutting among antenatal patients in Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital, Kano. (2004) Abubakar, I; Iliyasu, Z; Kabir, M; Uzoho, CC; Abdulkadir, MB
  • Inter-rater agreement in defining chemical incidents at the National Poisons Information Service, London. (2004) Abubakar, I; Leonardi, GS; Edwards, N; Herriott, N
  • Outcome after acute myocardial infarction: a comparison of patients seen by cardiologists and general physicians. (2004) Abubakar, Ibrahim; Kanka, David; Arch, Barbara; Porter, Jo; Weissberg, Peter
  • Global overview of injecting drug use and HIV infection among injecting drug users. (2004) Aceijas, Carmen; Stimson, Gerry V; Hickman, Matthew; Rhodes, Tim; United Nations Reference Group on HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care a
  • Civil society representation in the participatory budget and deliberative councils of Sao Paulo, Brazil. (2004) Acharya, A; Lavalle, AG; Houtzager, PP
  • Toward establishing a universal basic health norm. (2004) Acharya, Arnab K
  • Time Preference and Life Cycle Consumption with Endogenous Survival. (2004) Acharya, Arnab K; Balvers, Ronald J
  • Vaccines against cholera, typhoid fever and shigellosis for developing countries. (2004) Acosta, CJ; Galindo, CM; Deen, JL; Ochiai, RL; Lee, HJ; von Seidlein, L; Carbis, R; Clemens, JD
  • A critical evaluation of the fetal origins hypothesis and its implications for developing countries. (2004) Adair, Linda S; Prentice, Andrew M
  • Chlamydia trachomatis in the United Kingdom: a systematic review and analysis of prevalence studies. (2004) Adams, EJ; Charlett, A; Edmunds, WJ; Hughes, G
  • Modelling the healthcare costs of an opportunistic chlamydia screening programme. (2004) Adams, EJ; LaMontagne, DS; Johnston, AR; Pimenta, JM; Fenton, KA; Edmunds, WJ
  • Is stroke the most common cause of disability? (2004) Adamson, Joy; Beswick, Andy; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Chronic diseases, locomotor activity limitation and social participation in older women: cross sectional survey of British Women's Heart and Health Study. (2004) Adamson, Joy; Lawlor, Debbie A; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Artesunate combinations for treatment of malaria: meta-analysis. (2004) Adjuik, M; Babiker, A; Garner, P; Olliaro, P; Taylor, W; White, N; International Artemisinin Study Group
  • Comparison of latex agglutination, wet preparation, and culture for the detection of Trichomonas vaginalis. (2004) Adu-Sarkodie, Y; Opoku, BK; Danso, KA; Weiss, HA; Mabey, D
  • Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis: an imported infection among travellers to central and South America. (2004) Ahluwalia, Sukhbir; Lawn, Stephen D; Kanagalingam, Jeevendra; Grant, Henry; Lockwood, Diana NJ
  • Assessing water-related risk factors for Buruli ulcer: a case-control study in Ghana. (2004) Aiga, Hirotsugu; Amano, Takayuki; Cairncross, Sandy; Adomako, Joseph; Nanas, Ofosu-Kwabi; Coleman, Susan
  • Molecular analysis of the beta-tubulin gene of human hookworms as a basis for possible benzimidazole resistance on Pemba Island. (2004) Albonico, Marco; Wright, Victoria; Bickle, Quentin
  • Adolescent reproductive health and awareness of HIV among rural high school students, North Western Ethiopia. (2004) Alene, GD; Wheeler, JG; Grosskurth, H
  • Are there clinical phenotypes of homozygous sickle cell disease? (2004) Alexander, Neal; Higgs, Douglas; Dover, George; Serjeant, Graham R
  • Condom use within marriage: a neglected HIV intervention. (2004) Ali, Mohamed M; Cleland, John; Shah, Iqbal H
  • An evolutionary model of stature, age at first birth and reproductive success in Gambian women. (2004) Allal, N; Sear, R; Prentice, AM; Mace, R
  • Prognostic value of morphology and hormone receptor status in breast cancer - a population-based study. (2004) Allemani, C; Sant, M; Berrino, F; Aareleid, T; Chaplain, G; Coebergh, JW; Colonna, M; Contiero, P; Danzon, A; Federico, M; Gafà, L; Grosclaude, P; Hédelin, G; Macè-Lesech, J; Garcia, CM; Paci, E; Raverdy, N; Tretarre, B; Williams, EMI
  • Flies and Helicobacter pylori infection. (2004) Allen, SJ; Thomas, JE; Alexander, NDE; Bailey, R; Emerson, PM
  • Another group at high risk for HIV. (2004) Allison, Edward H; Seeley, Janet A
  • HIV and AIDS among fisherfolk: a threat to 'responsible fisheries'? (2004) Allison, Edward H; Seeley, Janet A
  • Comparison of chlorproguanil-dapsone with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine for the treatment of uncomplicated falciparum malaria in young African children: double-blind randomised controlled trial. (2004) Alloueche, A; Bailey, W; Barton, S; Bwika, J; Chimpeni, P; Falade, CO; Fehintola, FA; Horton, J; Jaffar, S; Kanyok, T; Kremsner, PG; Kublin, JG; Lang, T; Missinou, MA; Mkandala, C; Oduola, AMJ; Premji, Z; Robertson, L; Sowunmi, A; Ward, SA; Winstanley, PA
  • Validation of surrogate markers in multiple randomized clinical trials with repeated measurements: canonical correlation approach. (2004) Alonso, Ariel; Geys, Helena; Molenberghs, Geert; Kenward, Michael G; Vangeneugden, Tony
  • Trypanosomatid histones. (2004) Alsford, Sam; Horn, David
  • Family planning and sexual health organizations: management lessons for health system reform. (2004) Ambegaokar, Maia; Lush, Louisiana
  • Price discrimination in obstetric services--a case study in Bangladesh. (2004) Amin, Mohammad; Hanson, Kara; Mills, Anne
  • Health-seeking behavior for malaria among child and adult headed households in Rakai district, Uganda. (2004) Amuge, Beatrice; Wabwire-Mangen, Fred; Puta, Chilunga; Pariyo, GW; Bakyaita, Nathan; Staedke, Sarah; Kamya, Moses; Olico-Okui
  • Women's knowledge about treatment to prevent mother-to-child human immunodeficiency virus transmission. (2004) Anderson, John E; Ebrahim, Shahul H; Sansom, Stephanie
  • Epidemiology, transmission dynamics and control of SARS: the 2002-2003 epidemic. (2004) Anderson, Roy M; Fraser, Christophe; Ghani, Azra C; Donnelly, Christl A; Riley, Steven; Ferguson, Neil M; Leung, Gabriel M; Lam, TH; Hedley, Anthony J
  • Nothing But The Truth [Editorial]. (2004) Anderson, SC
  • The Pharmacist?s Best Friend [Editorial]. (2004) Anderson, SC
  • A Rose by Any Other Name [Editorial]. (2004) Anderson, SC
  • Why the French Riviera Became the Place to be for English Pharmacists in the late Nineteenth century. (2004) Anderson, SC
  • Teaching pharmacy's history: the 2003 survey of UK schools of pharmacy. (2004) Anderson, Stuart; Homan, Peter
  • The needs of people with HIV in the UK: findings from a national survey. (2004) Anderson, WJ; Weatherburn, P
  • Enhanced blood feeding of Anopheles mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) through membranes with applied host odour. (2004) Andreasen, MH; Birtles, A; Curtis, CF; Wood, RJ
  • Neutral red staining of cells of a sulfolipid-deficient Mycobacterium tuberculosis pks2 mutant proves that sulfolipids are not responsible for this cytochemical reaction. (2004) Andreu, Núria; Gibert, Isidre; Luquin, Marina; Kolattukudy, Pappachan E; Sirakova, Tatiana
  • Mycobacterium smegmatis displays the Mycobacterium tuberculosis virulence-related neutral red character when expressing the Rv0577 gene. (2004) Andreu, Núria; Soto, Carlos Y; Roca, Ignasi; Martín, Carlos; Gibert, Isidre
  • Nitric oxide donation lowers blood pressure in adrenocorticotrophic hormone-induced hypertensive rats. (2004) Andrews, Miles C; Schyvens, Christopher G; Zhang, Yi; McKenzie, Katja US; Whitworth, Judith A
  • 'Football' contact lenses--an own goal. (2004) Ang, GS; Goldsmith, C; Shenoy, R; Astbury, N; Burton, R
  • Colorectal cancer survival trends in Norway 1958-1997. (2004) Angell-Andersen, E; Tretli, S; Coleman, MP; Langmark, F; Grotmol, T
  • Improving care of the critically ill: institutional and health-care system approaches. (2004) Angus, Derek C; Black, Nick
  • Chemokine gene expression in toll-like receptor-competent and -deficient mice infected with Leishmania major. (2004) Antoniazi, Simone; Price, Helen P; Kropf, Pascale; Freudenberg, Marina A; Galanos, Chris; Smith, Deborah F; Müller, Ingrid
  • Cervical cancer screening programmes and policies in 18 European countries. (2004) Anttila, A; Ronco, G; Clifford, G; Bray, F; Hakama, M; Arbyn, M; Weiderpass, E
  • A factorial trial of six interventions for the prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting. (2004) Apfel, Christian C; Korttila, Kari; Abdalla, Mona; Kerger, Heinz; Turan, Alparslan; Vedder, Ina; Zernak, Carmen; Danner, Klaus; Jokela, Ritva; Pocock, Stuart J; Trenkler, Stefan; Kredel, Markus; Biedler, Andreas; Sessler, Daniel I; Roewer, Norbert; IMPACT Investigators
  • Isonicotinic acid hydrazide: an anti-tuberculosis drug inhibits malarial transmission in the mosquito gut. (2004) Arai, Meiji; Alavi, Yasmene IH; Mendoza, Jacqueline; Billker, Oliver; Sinden, Robert E
  • Disproportionate impact of sexually transmitted diseases on women. (2004) Aral, Sevgi O; Hawkes, Sarah; Biddlecom, Ann; Padian, Nancy
  • Community-based randomized double-blind study of gastrointestinal effects and copper exposure in drinking water. (2004) Araya, Magdalena; Olivares, Manuel; Pizarro, Fernando; Llanos, Adolfo; Figueroa, Guillermo; Uauy, Ricardo
  • Lay diagnosis of causes of death for monitoring AIDS mortality in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. (2004) Araya, Tekebash; Reniers, Georges; Schaap, Ab; Kebede, Derege; Kumie, Abera; Nagelkerke, Nico; Coutinho, Roel; Sanders, Eduard
  • The age distribution of cancer and a multi-stage theory of carcinogenesis. (2004) Armitage, P; Doll, R
  • The effect of Integrated Management of Childhood Illness on observed quality of care of under-fives in rural Tanzania. (2004) Armstrong Schellenberg, J; Bryce, J; de Savigny, D; Lambrechts, T; Mbuya, C; Mgalula, L; Wilczynska, K; Tanzania IMCI Multi-Country Evaluation Health Facility Survey St
  • Effectiveness and cost of facility-based Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) in Tanzania. (2004) Armstrong Schellenberg, Joanna RM; Adam, Taghreed; Mshinda, Hassan; Masanja, Honorati; Kabadi, Gregory; Mukasa, Oscar; John, Theopista; Charles, Sosthenes; Nathan, Rose; Wilczynska, Katarzyna; Mgalula, Leslie; Mbuya, Conrad; Mswia, Robert; Manzi, Fatuma; de Savigny, Don; Schellenberg, David; Victora, Cesar
  • The effect of Integrated Management of Childhood Illness on observed quality of care of under-fives in rural Tanzania. (2004) Armstrong Schellenberg, Joanna; Bryce, Jennifer; de Savigny, Don; Lambrechts, Thierry; Mbuya, Conrad; Mgalula, Leslie; Wilczynska, Katarzyna; Tanzania IMCI Multi-Country Evaluation Health Facility Survey St
  • Asthma and swimming pools: statistical issues. (2004) Armstrong, B; Strachan, D
  • Effect of influenza vaccination on excess deaths occurring during periods of high circulation of influenza: cohort study in elderly people. (2004) Armstrong, Ben G; Mangtani, Punam; Fletcher, Astrid; Kovats, Sari; McMichael, Anthony; Pattenden, Sam; Wilkinson, Paul
  • Lung cancer risk after exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: a review and meta-analysis. (2004) Armstrong, Ben; Hutchinson, Emma; Unwin, John; Fletcher, Tony
  • Climate and socio-economic scenarios for global-scale climate change impacts assessments: characterising the SRES storylines. (2004) Arnell, NW; Livermore, MJL; Kovats, S; Levy, PE; Nicholls, R; Parry, ML; Gaffin, SR
  • Copper overload affects copper and iron metabolism in Hep-G2 cells. (2004) Arredondo, M; Cambiazo, V; Tapia, L; González-Agüero, M; Núñez, MT; Uauy, R; González, M
  • Trainees operating on high-risk patients without cardiopulmonary bypass: a high-risk strategy? (2004) Ascione, Raimondo; Reeves, Barnaby C; Pano, Marco; Angelini, Gianni D
  • Beating heart against cardioplegic arrest studies (BHACAS 1 and 2): quality of life at mid-term follow-up in two randomised controlled trials. (2004) Ascione, Raimondo; Reeves, Barnaby C; Taylor, Fiona C; Seehra, Harpreet K; Angelini, Gianni D
  • Improving quality of care for severe malnutrition - Reply. (2004) Ashworth, A; Sanders, D; Chopra, M; McCoy, D; Schofield, C
  • WHO guidelines for management of severe malnutrition in rural South African hospitals: effect on case fatality and the influence of operational factors. (2004) Ashworth, Ann; Chopra, Mickey; McCoy, David; Sanders, David; Jackson, Debra; Karaolis, Nadina; Sogaula, Nonzwakazi; Schofield, Claire
  • Improving quality of care for severe malnutrition. (2004) Ashworth, Ann; Sanders, David; Chopra, Mickey; McCoy, David; Schofield, Claire
  • Experimental hut comparisons of nets treated with carbamate or pyrethroid insecticides, washed or unwashed, against pyrethroid-resistant mosquitoes. (2004) Asidi, AN; N'Guessan, R; Hutchinson, RA; Traoré-Lamizana, M; Carnevale, P; Curtis, CF
  • A hand to hold: communication during cataract surgery. (2004) Astbury, N
  • Neointimal smooth muscle cells in human cardiac allograft coronary artery vasculopathy are of donor origin. (2004) Atkinson, Carl; Horsley, Joanne; Rhind-Tutt, Susan; Charman, Susan; Phillpotts, Colin J; Wallwork, John; Goddard, Martin J
  • Detection of IL-13, IL-10, and IL-6 in the leprosy skin lesions of patients during prednisolone treatment for type 1 (T1R) reactions. (2004) Atkinson, Sara E; Khanolkar-Young, Saroj; Marlowe, Sharon; Jain, Suman; Reddy, Raj Gopal; Suneetha, Sujai; Lockwood, Diana NJ
  • Localization of marginal zone macrophages is regulated by C-C chemokine ligands 21/19. (2004) Ato, Manabu; Nakano, Hideki; Kakiuchi, Terutaka; Kaye, Paul M
  • WHO, the Global Fund, and medical malpractice in malaria treatment. (2004) Attaran, Amir; Barnes, Karen I; Curtis, Christopher; d'Alessandro, Umberto; Fanello, Caterina I; Galinski, Mary R; Kokwaro, Gilbert; Looareesuwan, Sornchai; Makanga, Michael; Mutabingwa, Theonest K; Talisuna, Ambrose; Trape, Jean François; Watkins, William M
  • A framework and toolkit for capturing the communicable disease programmes within health systems: tuberculosis control as an illustrative example. (2004) Atun, RA; Lennox-Chhugani, N; Drobniewski, F; Samyshkin, YA; Coker, RJ
  • Systematic reviews of nonrandomized clinical studies in the orthopaedic literature. (2004) Audigé, Laurent; Bhandari, Mohit; Griffin, Damian; Middleton, Philippa; Reeves, Barnaby C
  • Methods for a population-based study of the prevalence of and risk factors for age-related maculopathy and macular degeneration in elderly European populations: the EUREYE study. (2004) Augood, Cristina; Fletcher, Astrid; Bentham, Graham; Chakravarthy, Usha; de Jong, PTVM; Rahu, Mati; Seland, Johan; Soubrane, Gisele; Tomazzoli, Laura; Topouzis, Fotis; Vioque, Jesus; Young, Ian
  • Childhood asthma in the Highlands of Scotland--morbidity and school absence. (2004) Austin, JB; Selvaraj, S; Russell, G
  • Pharmacokinetics of artesunate following oral and rectal administration in healthy Sudanese volunteers. (2004) Awad, MI; Eltayeb, IB; Baraka, OZ; Behrens, RH; Alkadru, AMY
  • Effect of combined caries-preventive methods: a systematic review of controlled clinical trials. (2004) Axelsson, Susanna; Söder, Birgitta; Nordenram, Gunilla; Petersson, Lars G; Dahlgren, Helena; Norlund, Anders; Källestål, Carina; Mejàre, Ingegerd; Lingström, Peter; Lagerlöf, Folke; Holm, Anna-Karin; Twetman, Svante
  • Polio Eradication - Africa's flagship programme back on track? (2004) Aylward, B; Nshimirimana, D; Rosenbauer, O; Gasasira, A; Heymann, D; Kabor��, A
  • Leaders launch 'final push' for a polio-free Africa as virus from Kano, Nigeria continues to threaten continent's extraordinary achievements in polio eradication. ,. (2004) Aylward, B; Nshimirimana, D; Tangermann, R; Gasasira, A; Heymann, DL; Kabor��, A
  • B
  • Prevalence of domestic violence when midwives routinely enquire in pregnancy. (2004) Bacchus, Loraine; Mezey, Gill; Bewley, Susan; Haworth, Alison
  • Domestic violence: prevalence in pregnant women and associations with physical and psychological health. (2004) Bacchus, Loraine; Mezey, Gillian; Bewley, Susan
  • Campylobacter jejuni infection in intestinal lymphoma: A strong association with immunoproliferative small intestinal disease. (2004) Baginsky, LA; Diss, TC; Ye, HT; Wren, B; du, MQ; Isaacson, PG; Dogan, A
  • Sexually transmitted infections in women who have sex with women. (2004) Bailey, JV; Farquhar, C; Owen, C; Mangtani, P
  • Prediction of anti-plasmodial activity of Artemisia annua extracts: application of 1H NMR spectroscopy and chemometrics. (2004) Bailey, Nigel JC; Wang, Yulan; Sampson, Julia; Davis, Wendy; Whitcombe, Ian; Hylands, Peter J; Croft, Simon L; Holmes, Elaine
  • Adenylyl and guanylyl cyclases from the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. (2004) Baker, David A
  • Purine nucleotide cyclases in the malaria parasite. (2004) Baker, David A; Kelly, John M
  • Structure, function and evolution of microbial adenylyl and guanylyl cyclases. (2004) Baker, David A; Kelly, John M
  • Funding health care: Options for Europe. European Observatory on health care systems series. (2004) Balabanova, D
  • How would you like to pay? Health care financing reforms and popular values in Bulgaria [Research Highlight]. (2004) Balabanova, D; McKee, M
  • Paying for ‘free’ health care: informal payments in Bulgaria. (2004) Balabanova, D; McKee, M
  • Urban-rural disparities in health and living conditions in the Former Soviet Union: towards a comprehensive regional analysis. (2004) Balabanova, D; McKee, M; Akingbade, KR
  • Reforming health care financing in Bulgaria: the population perspective. (2004) Balabanova, Dina; McKee, Martin
  • Health service utilization in the former soviet union: evidence from eight countries. (2004) Balabanova, Dina; McKee, Martin; Pomerleau, Joceline; Rose, Richard; Haerpfer, Christian
  • Antimicrobial prescribing patterns for respiratory diseases including tuberculosis in Russia: a possible role in drug resistance? (2004) Balabanova, Yanina; Fedorin, Ivan; Kuznetsov, Sergey; Graham, Catriona; Ruddy, Michael; Atun, Rifat; Coker, Richard; Drobniewski, Francis
  • Are reported preterm birth rates reliable? An analysis of interhospital differences in the calculation of the weeks of gestation at delivery and preterm birth rate. (2004) Balchin, Imelda; Whittaker, John C; Steer, Philip J; Lamont, Ronald F
  • Tuberculosis and nutrition: disease perceptions and health seeking behavior of household contacts in the Peruvian Amazon. (2004) Baldwin, MR; Yori, PP; Ford, C; Moore, DAJ; Gilman, RH; Vidal, C; Ticona, E; Evans, CA
  • Selective maturation of dendritic cells by Nippostrongylus brasiliensis-secreted proteins drives Th2 immune responses. (2004) Balic, Adam; Harcus, Yvonne; Holland, Martin J; Maizels, Rick M
  • A spatial analysis of childhood mortality in West Africa. (2004) Balk, Deborah; Pullum, Thomas; Storeygard, Adam; Greenwell, Fern; Neuman, Melissa
  • Iron fortification and iron supplementation are cost-effective interventions to reduce iron deficiency in four subregions of the world. (2004) Baltussen, Rob; Knai, Cécile; Sharan, Mona
  • Maternal morbidity during labour and the puerperium in rural homes and the need for medical attention: A prospective observational study in Gadchiroli, India. (2004) Bang, Rani A; Bang, Abhay T; Reddy, M Hanimi; Deshmukh, Mahesh D; Baitule, Sanjay B; Filippi, Veronique
  • Do malaria control interventions reach the poor? A view through the equity lens. (2004) Barat, LM; Palmer, N; Basu, S; Worrall, E; Hanson, K; Mills, A
  • Do malaria control interventions reach the poor? A view through the equity lens. (2004) Barat, Lawrence M; Palmer, Natasha; Basu, Suprotik; Worrall, Eve; Hanson, Kara; Mills, Anne
  • P2-226 Measurement of rates of atrophy in the cingulate gyrus and its subdivisions in a group of patients with confirmed Alzheimer's disease (ad) and frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD). (2004) Barnes, Josephine; Godbolt, Alison K; Frost, Chris; Boyes, Richard G; Jones, Bethany F; Rossor, Martin N; Fox, Nick C
  • Differentiating AD from aging using semiautomated measurement of hippocampal atrophy rates. (2004) Barnes, Josephine; Scahill, Rachael I; Boyes, Richard G; Frost, Chris; Lewis, Emma B; Rossor, Charlotte L; Rossor, Martin N; Fox, Nick C
  • Information given to patients about adverse effects of radiotherapy: a survey of patients' views. (2004) Barnett, GC; Charman, SC; Sizer, B; Murray, PA
  • HIV: a challenge for anthropology. (2004) Barnett, T
  • AIDS denial costs lives. (2004) Barnett, T; Pryns, G; Whiteside, A
  • Editorial: The cost of an HIV/AIDS epidemic. (2004) Barnett, Tony
  • HIV/AIDs and development concern us all. (2004) Barnett, Tony
  • Postscript: HIV/AIDS?how bad does bad have to be before we believe it is bad? How can we translate words to deeds? (2004) Barnett, Tony
  • Conceptualisation, development, and evaluation of a measure of unplanned pregnancy. (2004) Barrett, G; Smith, SC; Wellings, K
  • [Postoperative quality of life for patients with a vestibular schwannoma]. (2004) Barré, P; Merle, C; Conessa, Cl; Desgeorges, M; Poncet, J-L
  • Employment status, employment conditions, and limiting illness: prospective evidence from the British household panel survey 1991-2001. (2004) Bartley, M; Sacker, A; Clarke, P
  • Rare, highly pyrimethamine-resistant alleles of the Plasmodium falciparum dihydrofolate reductase gene from 5 African sites. (2004) Bates, Sarah J; Winstanley, Peter A; Watkins, William M; Alloueche, Ali; Bwika, Juma; Happi, T Christian; Kremsner, Peter G; Kublin, James G; Premji, Zul; Sibley, Carol Hopkins
  • The costs, effects and cost-effectiveness of strategies to increase coverage of routine immunizations in low- and middle-income countries: systematic review of the grey literature. (2004) Batt, Katherine; Fox-Rushby, JA; Castillo-Riquelme, Marianela
  • The Aberdeen Children of the 1950s cohort study: background, methods and follow-up information on a new resource for the study of life course and intergenerational influences on health. (2004) Batty, G David; Morton, Susan MB; Campbell, Doris; Clark, Heather; Smith, George Davey; Hall, Marison; Macintyre, Sally; Leon, David A
  • A medical student's experience of being taught medical ethics. (2004) Bayntun, Claire
  • [Indoor radon exposure and lung cancer risk: a review of case-control studies]. (2004) Baysson, H; Tirmarche, M
  • Indoor radon and lung cancer in France. (2004) Baysson, Hélène; Tirmarche, Margot; Tymen, Georges; Gouva, Sylvie; Caillaud, Denis; Artus, Jean-Claude; Vergnenegre, Alain; Ducloy, Françoise; Laurier, Dominique
  • Public health in the new era: improving health through collective action. (2004) Beaglehole, Robert; Bonita, Ruth; Horton, Richard; Adams, Orvill; McKee, Martin
  • Screening for HIV-specific T-cell responses using overlapping 15-mer peptide pools or optimized epitopes. (2004) Beattie, Tara; Kaul, Rupert; Rostron, Tim; Dong, Tao; Easterbrook, Philippa; Jaoko, Walter; Kimani, Joshua; Plummer, Francis; McMichael, Andrew; Rowland-Jones, Sarah
  • The characteristics and recent growth of heroin injecting in a Kenyan coastal town. (2004) Beckerleg, SE; Hundt, G Lewando
  • How ‘Cool’ is heroin injection at the Kenya coast. (2004) Beckerleg, Susan
  • Transmission of ring chromosome 13 from a mother to daughter with both having a 46,XX, r(13)(p13q34) karyotype. (2004) Bedoyan, Jirair K; Flore, Leigh Anne; Alkatib, Aziz; Ebrahim, Salah A; Bawle, Erawati V
  • Transparency in publishing. (2004) Behrens, Ron H; Björkman, Anders; Bryceson, Anthony; Corachan, Manuel; Freedman, David; Hill, David R; Jelinek, Tomas; Rombo, Lars
  • A retrospective assessment of mortality from the London smog episode of 1952: the role of influenza and pollution. (2004) Bell, Michelle L; Davis, Devra L; Fletcher, Tony
  • AIDS-defining illnesses among patients with HIV in Singapore, 1985 to 2001: results from the Singapore HIV Observational Cohort Study (SHOCS). (2004) Bellamy, Richard; Sangeetha, S; Paton, Nicholas I
  • Mammary epithelial paracellular permeability in atopic and non-atopic mothers versus childhood atopy. (2004) Benn, Christine S; Böttcher, Malin F; Pedersen, Bo V; Filteau, Suzanne M; Duchén, Karel
  • Variation at the insulin gene VNTR (variable number tandem repeat) polymorphism and early growth: studies in a large Finnish birth cohort. (2004) Bennett, Amanda J; Sovio, Ulla; Ruokonen, Aimo; Martikainen, Hannu; Pouta, Anneli; Taponen, Saara; Hartikainen, Anna-Liisa; King, Vanessa J; Elliott, Paul; Järvelin, Marjo-Riitta; McCarthy, Mark I
  • The role of community-based health insurance within the health care financing system: a framework for analysis. (2004) Bennett, Sara
  • Cannabis Britannica: Empire, Trade and Prohibition. (2004) Berridge, V
  • Public/private relationships in health in the twentieth century. (2004) Berridge, V
  • Review: Drink and British Politics since 1830. A Study in Policy Making. (2004) Berridge, V
  • Why alcohol is legal and other drugs are not - An examination of the relevance of past experiences to current policy-making. (2004) Berridge, V
  • The how but not the why; more context needed. (2004) Berridge, Virgina
  • Book Review<b>Drugs, Prisons and Policy Making</b>Karen Duke. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003, xii + 206 pp. ISBN 0-333-98203-7. (2004) Berridge, Virginia
  • Punishment or treatment? Inebriety, drink, and drugs, 1860-2004. (2004) Berridge, Virginia
  • The importance of the past in public health. (2004) Berridge, Virginia; Gorsky, Martin
  • History of addictions. (2004) Berridge, Virginia; Mars, Sarah
  • Estimating resource needs for HIV/AIDS health care services in low-income and middle-income countries. (2004) Bertozzi, Stefano; Gutierrez, Juan-Pablo; Opuni, Marjorie; Walker, Neff; Schwartländer, Bernhard
  • An assessment of a variant of the DNA repair gene XRCC3 as a possible nevus or melanoma susceptibility genotype. (2004) Bertram, Chandra Gooptu; Gaut, Rupert M; Barrett, Jennifer H; Randerson-Moor, Juliette; Whitaker, Linda; Turner, Faye; Bataille, Veronique; dos Santos Silva, Isabel; Swerdlow, Anthony J; Bishop, D Timothy; Newton Bishop, Julia A
  • Effectiveness of Potent Antiretroviral Therapy on Progression of Human Immunodeficiency Virus: Bayesian Modelling and Model Checking via Counterfactual Replicates. (2004) Berzuini, Carlo; Allemani, Claudia
  • Provision, uptake and cost of cardiac rehabilitation programmes: improving services to under-represented groups. (2004) Beswick, AD; Rees, K; Griebsch, I; Taylor, FC; Burke, M; West, RR; Victory, J; Brown, J; Taylor, RS; Ebrahim, S
  • Exposure to Schistosoma mansoni infection in a rural area in Brazil. Part III: household aggregation of water-contact behaviour. (2004) Bethony, Jeffrey; Williams, Jeff T; Brooker, Simon; Gazzinelli, Andrea; Gazzinelli, Maria F; LoVerde, Philip T; Corrêa-Oliveira, Rodrigo; Kloos, Helmut
  • De-novo design of complementary (antisense) peptide mini-receptor inhibitor of interleukin 18 (IL-18). (2004) Bhakoo, Ashish; Raynes, John G; Heal, Jonathan R; Keller, Michael; Miller, Andrew D
  • Older stroke patients in Europe: stroke care and determinants of outcome. (2004) Bhalla, A; Grieve, R; Tilling, K; Rudd, AG; Wolfe, CDA; BIOMED II European Study of Stroke Care
  • Systemic non-Hodgkin lymphoma in individuals with known dates of HIV seroconversion: incidence and predictors. (2004) Bhaskaran, Krishnan; Brettle, Ray; Porter, Kholoud; Walker, A Sarah; CASCADE Collaboration
  • Do patients who are infected with drug-resistant HIV have a different CD4 cell decline after seroconversion? An exploratory analysis in the UK Register of HIV Seroconverters. (2004) Bhaskaran, Krishnan; Pillay, Deenan; Walker, A Sarah; Fisher, Martin; Hawkins, David; Gilson, Richard; McLean, Ken; Porter, Kholoud; UK Register of HIV Seroconverters
  • Health care of female outpatients in south-central India: comparing public and private sector provision. (2004) Bhatia, Jagdish; Cleland, John
  • Cost-effectiveness of malaria control interventions when malaria mortality is low: insecticide-treated nets versus in-house residual spraying in India. (2004) Bhatia, Mrigesh R; Fox-Rushby, Julia; Mills, Anne
  • Efficacy and tolerability of miltefosine for childhood visceral leishmaniasis in India. (2004) Bhattacharya, Sujit K; Jha, TK; Sundar, Shyam; Thakur, CP; Engel, Juergen; Sindermann, Herbert; Junge, Klaus; Karbwang, Juntra; Bryceson, Anthony DM; Berman, Jonathan D
  • Health promotion through self-care and community participation: elements of a proposed programme in the developing countries. (2004) Bhuyan, Khanindra Kumar
  • .VO2 is attenuated above the lactate threshold in endurance-trained runners. (2004) Bickham, Dale C; Gibbons, Carl; Le Rossignol, Peter F
  • Fusarium dimerum infection in a stem cell transplant recipient treated successfully with voriconazole. (2004) Bigley, VH; Duarte, RF; Gosling, RD; Kibbler, CC; Seaton, S; Potter, M
  • Clinical case definition for the diagnosis of acute intussusception. (2004) Bines, Julie E; Ivanoff, Bernard; Justice, Frances; Mulholland, Kim
  • Families and Firewood: A Comparative Analysis of the Costs and Benefits of Children in Firewood Collection and Use in Two Rural Communities in Sub-Saharan Africa. (2004) Biran, Adam; Abbot, Joanne; Mace, Ruth
  • Surgical waiting lists are not inevitable: Author's reply. (2004) Black, N
  • Health care workforce: how research can help. (2004) Black, Nick
  • Should the English National Health Service be freed from political control? The case for. (2004) Black, Nick
  • Surgical waiting lists are inevitable: time to focus on work undertaken. (2004) Black, Nick
  • Cross sectional survey of multicentre clinical databases in the United Kingdom. (2004) Black, Nick; Barker, Marian; Payne, Mary
  • Health care workforce research: identifying the agenda. (2004) Black, Nick; Rafferty, Anne Marie; West, Elizabeth; Gough, Pippa
  • The impact of AIDS on adult mortality: evidence from national and regional statistics. (2004) Blacker, John
  • Proteases in host cell invasion by the malaria parasite. (2004) Blackman, Michael J
  • Chromatic and spatial properties of parvocellular cells in the lateral geniculate nucleus of the marmoset (Callithrix jacchus). (2004) Blessing, Esther M; Solomon, Samuel G; Hashemi-Nezhad, Maziar; Morris, Brian J; Martin, Paul R
  • The geographic relationship between the use of antimicrobial drugs and the pattern of resistance for Streptococcus pneumoniae in Italy. (2004) Boccia, D; Alegiani, S Spila; Pantosti, A; Moro, ML; Traversa, G
  • Outbreak of a new Salmonella phage type in South West England: alternative epidemiological investigations are needed. (2004) Boccia, D; Oliver, CI; Charlett, A; Bennett, S; Orr, H; Sarangi, J; Stuart, J
  • FcgammaRIIa expression with FcgammaRI results in C-reactive protein- and IgG-mediated phagocytosis. (2004) Bodman-Smith, Katherine B; Gregory, Rachel E; Harrison, Patrick T; Raynes, John G
  • Transmission of HIV via unsafe injection or unsafe sex? Anomalies or misunderstanding? (2004) Boily, M-C; White, RG; Alary, M; Lowndes, CM; Orroth, K
  • We hold these freedoms to be self-evident... [interview by Liz Else]. (2004) Boire, Richard Glen
  • Why is teenage pregnancy conceptualized as a social problem? A review of quantitative research from the USA and UK. (2004) Bonell, C
  • Why is teenage pregnancy conceptualized as a social problem? A review of quantitative research from the USA and UK. (2004) Bonell, Chris
  • Admixture in the Hispanics of the San Luis Valley, Colorado, and its implications for complex trait gene mapping. (2004) Bonilla, C; Parra, EJ; Pfaff, CL; Dios, S; Marshall, JA; Hamman, RF; Ferrell, RE; Hoggart, CL; McKeigue, PM; Shriver, MD
  • A trial of early discharge with homecare compared to conventional hospital care for patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting. (2004) Booth, JE; Roberts, JA; Flather, M; Lamping, DL; Mister, R; Abdalla, M; Goodman, H; Peters, E; Pepper, J
  • Trends in tuberculosis and the influence of HIV infection in northern Malawi, 1988-2001. (2004) Borgdorff, Martien W; Corbett, Elizabeth L; DeCock, Kevin M
  • Using capture-recapture methods to study recent transmission of tuberculosis. (2004) Borgdorff, Martien W; Glynn, Judith R; Vynnycky, Emilia
  • DNA microarrays for virus detection in cases of central nervous system infection. (2004) Boriskin, Yury S; Rice, Philip S; Stabler, Richard A; Hinds, Jason; Al-Ghusein, Hasan; Vass, Keith; Butcher, Philip D
  • Vitamin D receptor polymorphisms and susceptibility to tuberculosis in West Africa: a case-control and family study. (2004) Bornman, Liza; Campbell, Sarah J; Fielding, Katherine; Bah, Boubacar; Sillah, Jackson; Gustafson, Per; Manneh, Kebba; Lisse, Ida; Allen, Angela; Sirugo, Giorgio; Sylla, Aissatou; Aaby, Peter; McAdam, Keith PWJ; Bah-Sow, Oumou; Bennett, Steve; Lienhardt, Christian; Hill, Adrian VS
  • Differences in enquiries to CancerBACUP information service by living arrangements. (2004) Boudioni, M; Mossman, J; Boulton, M; Hardy, P
  • Validity of conjoint analysis to study clinical decision making in elderly patients with aortic stenosis. (2004) Bouma, BJ; van der Meulen, JHP; van den Brink, RBA; Smidts, A; Cheriex, EC; Hamer, HP; Arnold, AER; Zwinderman, AH; Lie, KI; Tijssen, JGP
  • Short- and long-term effects of highly active antiretroviral therapy on Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus immune responses and viraemia. (2004) Bourboulia, Dimitra; Aldam, Diana; Lagos, Dimitrios; Allen, Elizabeth; Williams, Ian; Cornforth, David; Copas, Andrew; Boshoff, Chris
  • Prevalence of refractive error in Bangladeshi adults: results of the National Blindness and Low Vision Survey of Bangladesh. (2004) Bourne, Rupert RA; Dineen, Brendan P; Ali, Syed M; Noorul Huq, Deen M; Johnson, Gordon J
  • Correction of refractive error in the adult population of Bangladesh: meeting the unmet need. (2004) Bourne, Rupert RA; Dineen, Brendan P; Huq, Deen M Noorul; Ali, Syed M; Johnson, Gordon J
  • Effect of cataract surgery on the corneal endothelium: modern phacoemulsification compared with extracapsular cataract surgery. (2004) Bourne, Rupert RA; Minassian, Darwin C; Dart, John KG; Rosen, Paul; Kaushal, Sundeep; Wingate, Nicholas
  • Plasmodium falciparum gametocyte carriage in asymptomatic children in western Kenya. (2004) Bousema, J Teun; Gouagna, Louis C; Drakeley, Chris J; Meutstege, Annemiek M; Okech, Bernard A; Akim, Ikupa NJ; Beier, John C; Githure, John I; Sauerwein, Robert W
  • Are published normal ranges of serum testosterone too high? Results of a cross-sectional survey of serum testosterone and luteinizing hormone in healthy men. (2004) Boyce, Malcolm J; Baisley, Kathy J; Clark, Elizabeth V; Warrington, Steven J
  • Purified recombinant bluetongue virus VP1 exhibits RNA replicase activity. (2004) Boyce, Mark; Wehrfritz, Josa; Noad, Rob; Roy, Polly
  • Tobaccy use, a major public health issue in South East Europe. (2004) Bozicevic, I; Gilmore, A; Novotny, N
  • Haematological profiles of the people of rural southern Malawi: an overview. (2004) Brabin, BJ; Prinsen-Geerligs, PD; Verhoeff, FH; Fletcher, KA; Chimsuku, LHE; Ngwira, BM; Leich, OJ; Broadhead, RL
  • Unabated rise in number of adult deaths in South Africa. (2004) Bradshaw, Debbie; Laubscher, Ria; Dorrington, Rob; Bourne, David E; Timaeus, Ian M
  • Going up or coming down? The changing phases of the lung cancer epidemic from 1967 to 1999 in the 15 European Union countries. (2004) Bray, F; Tyczynski, JE; Parkin, DM
  • Non-identifiability and the age period cohort model: firm comprehension is an a Priori prerequisite. (2004) Bray, F; de Vries, E
  • The changing global patterns of female breast cancer incidence and mortality. (2004) Bray, Freddie; McCarron, Peter; Parkin, D Maxwell
  • Association of quality of life in old age in Britain with socioeconomic position: baseline data from a randomised controlled trial. (2004) Breeze, Elizabeth; Jones, Dee A; Wilkinson, Paul; Latif, Amina M; Bulpitt, Christopher J; Fletcher, Astrid E
  • Trends in influenza vaccination uptake among people aged over 74 years, 1997-2000: survey of 73 general practices in Britain. (2004) Breeze, Elizabeth; Mangtani, Punam; Fletcher, Astrid E; Price, Gill M; Kovats, Sari; Roberts, Jenny
  • Objectives and acknowledgments the intolerable burden of malaria: What's new, what's needed. (2004) Breman, JG; Alilio, MS; Mills, A
  • The intolerable burden of malaria: what's new, what's needed. Proceedings of the Third Pan-African MIM Conference. November, 18-20, 2002. Arusha, Tanzania. (2004) Breman, JG; Alilio, MS; Mills, A
  • Conquering the intolerable burden of malaria: what's new, what's needed: a summary. (2004) Breman, Joel G; Alilio, Martin S; Mills, Anne
  • Hybrid analysis for up-to-date long-term survival rates in cancer registries with delayed recording of incident cases. (2004) Brenner, Hermann; Rachet, Bernard
  • Recombination in HIV and the evolution of drug resistance: for better or for worse? (2004) Bretscher, Michael T; Althaus, Christian L; Müller, Viktor; Bonhoeffer, Sebastian
  • Are economic evaluations of vaccines useful to decision-makers? Case study of Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccines. (2004) Brinsmead, Regina; Hill, Suzanne; Walker, Damian
  • Leprosy. (2004) Britton, Warwick J; Lockwood, Diana NJ
  • Enhanced protection against tuberculosis by vaccination with recombinant Mycobacterium microti vaccine that induces T cell immunity against region of difference 1 antigens. (2004) Brodin, Priscille; Majlessi, Laleh; Brosch, Roland; Smith, Debbie; Bancroft, Gregory; Clark, Simon; Williams, Ann; Leclerc, Claude; Cole, Stewart T
  • The amino terminal domain of a novel WD repeat protein from Trypanosoma cruzi contains a non-canonical mitochondrial targeting signal. (2004) Bromley, Elizabeth V; Taylor, Martin C; Wilkinson, Shane R; Kelly, John M
  • Spatial analysis of the distribution of intestinal nematode infections in Uganda. (2004) Brooker, S; Kabatereine, NB; Tukahebwa, EM; Kazibwe, F
  • Human hookworm infection in the 21st century. (2004) Brooker, Simon; Bethony, Jeffrey; Hotez, Peter J
  • Spatial clustering of malaria and associated risk factors during an epidemic in a highland area of western Kenya. (2004) Brooker, Simon; Clarke, Siân; Njagi, Joseph Kiambo; Polack, Sarah; Mugo, Benbolt; Estambale, Benson; Muchiri, Eric; Magnussen, Pascal; Cox, Jonathan
  • Schistosomiasis control. (2004) Brooker, Simon; Kabatereine, Narcis DB; Clements, Archie CA; Stothard, J Russell
  • Leishmaniasis in refugee and local Pakistani populations. (2004) Brooker, Simon; Mohammed, Nasir; Adil, Khaksar; Agha, Said; Reithinger, Richard; Rowland, Mark; Ali, Iftikhar; Kolaczinski, Jan
  • Evaluating the epidemiological impact of national control programmes for helminths. (2004) Brooker, Simon; Whawell, Sarah; Kabatereine, Narcis B; Fenwick, Alan; Anderson, Roy M
  • Use of once-daily netilmicin to treat infants with suspected sepsis in a neonatal intensive care unit. (2004) Brooks, JR; Marlow, N; Reeves, BC; Millar, MR
  • Saving lives in pregnancy and childbirth. (2004) Brown, Adrian; Bidwell, Posy
  • Defining the components of a self-management programme for men with uncomplicated lower urinary tract symptoms: a consensus approach. (2004) Brown, Christian T; van der Meulen, Jan; Mundy, Anthony R; O'Flynn, Elizabeth; Emberton, Mark
  • Helminth infection is not associated with faster progression of HIV disease in coinfected adults in Uganda. (2004) Brown, Michael; Kizza, Moses; Watera, Christine; Quigley, Maria A; Rowland, Samantha; Hughes, Peter; Whitworth, James AG; Elliott, Alison M
  • A mixture model-based strategy for selecting sets of genes in multiclass response microarray experiments. (2004) Broët, Philippe; Lewin, Alex; Richardson, Sylvia; Dalmasso, Cyril; Magdelenat, Henri
  • The Global Fund: managing great expectations. (2004) Brugha, Ruairí; Donoghue, Martine; Starling, Mary; Ndubani, Phillimon; Ssengooba, Freddie; Fernandes, Benedita; Walt, Gill
  • The multi-country evaluation of the integrated management of childhood illness strategy: lessons for the evaluation of public health interventions. (2004) Bryce, Jennifer; Victora, Cesar G; Habicht, Jean-Pierre; Vaughan, J Patrick; Black, Robert E
  • Screening for intestinal helminth infection in a semi-urban cohort of pregnant women in Uganda. (2004) Bukusuba, Joseph W; Hughes, Peter; Kizza, Moses; Muhangi, Lawrence; Muwanga, Moses; Whitworth, James AG; Elliott, Alison M
  • Falciparum malaria in malaria-naive travellers and African visitors. (2004) Bunn, A; Escombe, R; Armstrong, M; Whitty, CJM; Doherty, JF
  • Learning difficulties in children born to male UK nuclear industry employees; analysis from the nuclear industry family study. (2004) Burt, A; Maconochie, N; Doyle, P; Roman, E
  • Cytokine and fibrogenic gene expression in the conjunctivas of subjects from a Gambian community where trachoma is endemic. (2004) Burton, Matthew J; Bailey, Robin L; Jeffries, David; Mabey, David CW; Holland, Martin J
  • Retinopathy in Gambian children admitted to hospital with malaria. (2004) Burton, Matthew; Nyong'o, Omondi; Burton, Kathryn; John, Wilhelmina; Inkoom, Ebenezer; Pinder, Margaret; Corrah, Tumani; Johnson, Gordon; Bailey, Robin
  • What's new in trichiasis surgery? (2004) Burton, Matthew; Solomon, Anthony
  • Development of a Cluster Advisory Service for EUROCAT. (2004) Busby, A; Dolk, H
  • Anophthalmos/microphthalmos in England: temporal variation and the association with some maternal infections. (2004) Busby, A; Dolk, H; Armstrong, BG
  • Governing Public-Private Infectious Disease Partnerships. (2004) Buse, K
  • Power to the Partners?: The politics of public-private health partnerships. (2004) Buse, Kent; Harmer, Andrew
  • Protection and participation: an interactive programme introducing the female condom to migrant sex workers in Cambodia. (2004) Busza, J; Baker, S
  • Participatory Research in Constrained Settings. (2004) Busza, Joanna
  • Sex Work and Migration: The Dangers of Oversimplification: A Case Study of Vietnamese Women in Cambodia. (2004) Busza, Joanna
  • Trafficking and health. (2004) Busza, Joanna; Castle, Sarah; Diarra, Aisse
  • Airline crews' risk for malaria on layovers in urban sub-Saharan Africa: risk assessment and appropriate prevention policy. (2004) Byrne, Neville J; Behrens, Ron H
  • C
  • Research in emergency situations: with or without relatives consent. (2004) CRASH Trial Management Group (inc. Roberts, I)
  • Research in emergency situations: with or without relatives consent. (2004) CRASH Trial Management Group
  • It does last! Some findings from a multi-country study of hygiene sustainability. (2004) Cairncross, Sandy; Shordt, Kathleen
  • Repeated follow-up as a method for reducing non-trading behaviour in discrete choice experiments. (2004) Cairns, John; van der Pol, Marjon
  • Ultrasound for central venous cannulation: economic evaluation of cost-effectiveness. (2004) Calvert, N; Hind, D; McWilliams, R; Davidson, A; Beverley, CA; Thomas, SM
  • Identification and activity of a series of azole-based compounds with lactate dehydrogenase-directed anti-malarial activity. (2004) Cameron, Angus; Read, Jon; Tranter, Rebecca; Winter, Victoria J; Sessions, Richard B; Brady, R Leo; Vivas, Livia; Easton, Anna; Kendrick, Howard; Croft, Simon L; Barros, David; Lavandera, Jose Luis; Martin, José Julio; Risco, Felix; García-Ochoa, Silvestre; Gamo, Fracisco Javier; Sanz, Laura; Leon, Luisa; Ruiz, Jose R; Gabarró, Raquel; Mallo, Araceli; Gómez de las Heras, Federico
  • CONSORT statement: extension to cluster randomised trials. (2004) Campbell, Marion K; Elbourne, Diana R; Altman, Douglas G; CONSORT group
  • Intracluster correlation coefficients in cluster randomized trials: empirical insights into how should they be reported. (2004) Campbell, Marion K; Grimshaw, Jeremy M; Elbourne, Diana R
  • The Egypt National Perinatal/Neonatal Mortality Study 2000. (2004) Campbell, Oona; Gipson, Reginald; el-Mohandes, Ayman; Issa, Adel Hakim; Matta, Nahed; Mansour, Esmat; Mohsen, Lamiaa
  • Patient-based measures of outcome in plastic surgery: current approaches and future directions. (2004) Cano, SJ; Browne, JP; Lamping, DL
  • The Patient Outcomes of Surgery-Hand/Arm (POS-Hand/Arm): a new patient-based outcome measure. (2004) Cano, SJ; Browne, JP; Lamping, DL; Roberts, AH; McGrouther, DA; Black, NA
  • The Patient Outcomes of Surgery-Hand/Arm (POS-Hand/Arm): a new patient-based outcome measure. (2004) Cano, SJ; Browne, JP; Lamping, DL; Roberts, AHN; McGrouther, DA; Black, NA
  • Radial versus right internal thoracic artery for myocardial revascularization. (2004) Caputo, Massimo; Reeves, Barnaby C; Angelini, Gianni D
  • Monitoring the performance of residents during training in off-pump coronary surgery. (2004) Caputo, Massimo; Reeves, Barnaby C; Rogers, Chris A; Ascione, Raimondo; Angelini, Gianni D
  • Haemophilus influenzae type b infection in children in Pacific countries. (2004) Carapetis, JR; Russell, FM; Mansoor, O; Darcy, A; Fakakovi, T; Metai, A; Potoi, NT; Wilson, N; Mulholland, EK
  • Antibiotic use and the development of Crohn's disease. (2004) Card, T; Logan, RFA; Rodrigues, LC; Wheeler, JG
  • Crowding: risk factor or protective factor for lower respiratory disease in young children? (2004) Cardoso, Maria Regina Alves; Cousens, Simon Nicholas; de Góes Siqueira, Luiz Fernando; Alves, Fátima Maria; D'Angelo, Luiz Antônio V
  • Editorial I: Guidelines for routine preoperative testing. (2004) Carlisle, J; Langham, J; Thoms, G
  • Bringing health care to schools: first phase evaluation of the Bodyzone Project. (2004) Carlson, Cindy; Peckham, Stephen
  • British American Tobacco and Formula One motor racing. (2004) Carlyle, Joshua; Collin, Jeff; Muggli, Monique E; Hurt, Richard D
  • Last observation carry-forward and last observation analysis. (2004) Carpenter, James; Kenward, Mike; Evans, Stephen; White, Ian
  • Sudden unexplained infant death in 20 regions in Europe: case control study. (2004) Carpenter, RG; Irgens, LM; Blair, PS; England, PD; Fleming, P; Huber, J; Jorch, G; Schreuder, P
  • Guidelines for the safe use of wastewater in agriculture: revisiting WHO guidelines. (2004) Carr, RM; Blumenthal, UJ; Mara, D Duncan
  • In vitro and in vivo antimalarial activity of peptidomimetic protein farnesyltransferase inhibitors with improved membrane permeability. (2004) Carrico, Dora; Ohkanda, Junko; Kendrick, Howard; Yokoyama, Kohei; Blaskovich, Michelle A; Bucher, Cynthia J; Buckner, Frederick S; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Chakrabarti, Debopam; Croft, Simon L; Gelb, Michael H; Sebti, Saïd M; Hamilton, Andrew D
  • Hepatitis B virus infection in Haemodialysis Centres from Santa Catarina State, Southern Brazil. Predictive risk factors for infection and molecular epidemiology. (2004) Carrilho, Flair J; Moraes, Cleusa R; Pinho, João RR; Mello, Isabel MVGC; Bertolini, Dennis A; Lemos, Marcílio F; Moreira, Regina C; Bassit, Leda C; Cardoso, Rita A; Ribeiro-dos-Santos, Gabriela; Da Silva, Luiz C
  • Do meta-analyses of association studies of endothelial nitric oxide synthase variants and ischemic heart disease provide conclusive answers? Response. (2004) Casas, JP; Hingorani, AD; Humphries, SE; Smeeth, L; Bautista, LE
  • Endothelial nitric oxide synthase genotype and ischemic heart disease: meta-analysis of 26 studies involving 23028 subjects. (2004) Casas, Juan P; Bautista, Leonelo E; Humphries, Steve E; Hingorani, Aroon D
  • Meta-analysis of genetic studies in ischemic stroke: thirty-two genes involving approximately 18,000 cases and 58,000 controls. (2004) Casas, Juan P; Hingorani, Aroon D; Bautista, Leonelo E; Sharma, Pankaj
  • Cost-effectiveness of digital photographic screening for retinopathy of prematurity in the United Kingdom. (2004) Castillo-Riquelme, Marianela C; Lord, Joanne; Moseley, Merrick J; Fielder, Alistair R; Haines, Linda
  • Rural children's attitudes to people with HIV/AIDS in Mali: the causes of stigma. (2004) Castle, Sarah
  • Antibodies to the N-terminal block 2 of Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface protein 1 are associated with protection against clinical malaria. (2004) Cavanagh, David R; Dodoo, Daniel; Hviid, Lars; Kurtzhals, Jørgen AL; Theander, Thor G; Akanmori, Bartholomew D; Polley, Spencer; Conway, David J; Koram, Kojo; McBride, Jana S
  • Epidemic modelling: an introduction. By Daryl J Daley and Joe Gani [Book review]. (2004) Chalabi, Z
  • The effect of control at home on CHD events in the Whitehall II study: Gender differences in psychosocial domestic pathways to social inequalities in CHD. (2004) Chandola, Tarani; Kuper, Hannah; Singh-Manoux, Archana; Bartley, Mel; Marmot, Michael
  • Feasibility and acceptability of a specialist clinical service for HIV-infected mineworkers in South Africa. (2004) Charalambous, S; Grant, AD; Day, JH; Rothwell, E; Chaisson, RE; Hayes, RJ; Churchyard, GJ
  • Progressive grey matter atrophy in clinically early relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. (2004) Chard, DT; Griffin, CM; Rashid, W; Davies, GR; Altmann, DR; Kapoor, R; Barker, GJ; Thompson, AJ; Miller, DH
  • Unintended pregnancy among newly married couples in Shanghai. (2004) Che, Yan; Cleland, John
  • Periodic abstinence in developing countries: an assessment of failure rates and consequences. (2004) Che, Yan; Cleland, John G; Ali, Mohamed M
  • Antimalarial efficacy of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine, amodiaquine and a combination of chloroquine plus sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine in Bundi Bugyo, western Uganda. (2004) Checchi, Francesco; Piola, Patrice; Kosack, Cara; Ardizzoni, Elisa; Klarkowski, Derryck; Kwezi, Eric; Priotto, Gerardo; Balkan, Suna; Bakyaita, Nathan; Brockman, Alan; Guthmann, Jean-Paul
  • Human resources for health: overcoming the crisis. (2004) Chen, Lincoln; Evans, Timothy; Anand, Sudhir; Boufford, Jo Ivey; Brown, Hilary; Chowdhury, Mushtaque; Cueto, Marcos; Dare, Lola; Dussault, Gilles; Elzinga, Gijs; Fee, Elizabeth; Habte, Demissie; Hanvoravongchai, Piya; Jacobs, Marian; Kurowski, Christoph; Michael, Sarah; Pablos-Mendez, Ariel; Sewankambo, Nelson; Solimano, Giorgio; Stilwell, Barbara; de Waal, Alex; Wibulpolprasert, Suwit
  • The equivalence and difference between the English and Chinese versions of two major, cancer-specific, health-related quality-of-life questionnaires. (2004) Cheung, Yin-Bun; Thumboo, Julian; Goh, Cynthia; Khoo, Kei-Siong; Che, William; Wee, Joseph
  • Increasing opportunities for the poor to access benefits from common pool resources: the case of community forestry in the Terai of Nepal. (2004) Chhetry, B; Francis, P; Gurung, M; Iversen, V; Kafle, G; Pain, A; Seeley, J
  • Trachoma decline and widespread use of antimicrobial drugs. (2004) Chidambaram, Jaya D; Bird, Mariko; Schiedler, Vivian; Fry, Alicia M; Porco, Travis; Bhatta, Ramesh C; Jha, Hem; Chaudary, JSP; Gaynor, Bruce; Yi, Elizabeth; Whitcher, John P; Osaki-Holm, Susie; Lietman, Thomas M
  • Mass antibiotic treatment and community protection in trachoma control programs. (2004) Chidambaram, Jaya D; Melese, Muluken; Alemayehu, Wondu; Yi, Elizabeth; Prabriputaloong, Tisha; Lee, David C; Cevallos, Vicky; Zhou, Zhaoxia; Whitcher, John P; Gaynor, Bruce D; Lietman, Thomas M
  • Voluntary counselling, HIV testing and adjunctive cotrimoxazole are associated with improved TB treatment outcomes under routine conditions in Thyolo District, Malawi. (2004) Chimzizi, R; Gausi, F; Bwanali, A; Mbalume, D; Teck, R; Gomani, P; Zachariah, R; Zuza, W; Malombe, R; Salaniponi, FM; Harries, AD
  • Counselling, HIV testing and adjunctive cotrimoxazole for TB patients in Malawi: from research to routine implementation. (2004) Chimzizi, RB; Harries, AD; Manda, E; Khonyongwa, A; Salaniponi, FM
  • Cochrane Injuries Group. (2004) Chinnock, PI
  • Cochrane injuries group. (2004) Chinnock, PI
  • Cochrane injuries group. (2004) Chinnock, PI
  • Trends in socio-economic differentials in cigarette smoking behaviour between 1990 and 1998: a large prospective study in Korean men. (2004) Cho, HJ; Song, YM; Smith, G Davey; Ebrahim, S
  • The use of maximum likelihood methods to estimate the risk of tuberculous infection and disease in a Canadian First Nations population. (2004) Clark, Michael; Vynnycky, Emilia
  • Children’s Risk of Parental Break-up. (2004) Clarke, Lynda; Jensen, An-Magritt
  • Causal analysis of individual change using the difference score. (2004) Clarke, Paul S
  • Interval Estimation for Log-Linear Models with One Variable Subject to Non-Ignorable Non-Response. (2004) Clarke, Paul S; Smith, Peter WF
  • Vitamin B12 and folate deficiency in later life. (2004) Clarke, Robert; Grimley Evans, J; Schneede, J; Nexo, E; Bates, C; Fletcher, A; Prentice, A; Johnston, C; Ueland, PM; Refsum, H; Sherliker, P; Birks, J; Whitlock, G; Breeze, E; Scott, JM
  • Malaria morbidity among school children living in two areas of contrasting transmission in western Kenya. (2004) Clarke, Siân E; Brooker, Simon; Njagi, Joseph Kiambo; Njau, Eliud; Estambale, Benson; Muchiri, Eric; Magnussen, Pascal
  • Safe household water treatment and storage using ceramic drip filters: a randomised controlled trial in Bolivia. (2004) Clasen, T; Brown, J; Suntura, O; Collin, S
  • Reducing diarrhea through the use of household-based ceramic water filters: a randomized, controlled trial in rural Bolivia. (2004) Clasen, Thomas F; Brown, Joseph; Collin, Simon; Suntura, Oscar; Cairncross, Sandy
  • Household water management: refining the dominant paradigm. (2004) Clasen, Thomas F; Cairncross, Sandy
  • International network to promote household water treatment and safe storage. (2004) Clasen, Thomas F; Mintz, Eric D
  • Use of unphased multilocus genotype data in indirect association studies. (2004) Clayton, David; Chapman, Juliet; Cooper, Jason
  • Do men benefit more than women from an interventional strategy in patients with unstable angina or non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction? The impact of gender in the RITA 3 trial. (2004) Clayton, TC; Pocock, SJ; Henderson, RA; Poole-Wilson, PA; Shaw, TRD; Knight, R; Fox, KAA
  • Monitoring sexual behaviour in general populations: a synthesis of lessons of the past decade. (2004) Cleland, J; Boerma, JT; Carael, M; Weir, SS
  • Reproductive consequences of contraceptive failure in 19 developing countries. (2004) Cleland, John; Ali, Mohamed M
  • Differential gene expression identifies novel markers of CD4+ and CD8+ T cell activation following stimulation by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. (2004) Cliff, Jacqueline M; Andrade, Iryna NJ; Mistry, Rohit; Clayton, Christopher L; Lennon, Mark G; Lewis, Alan P; Duncan, Ken; Lukey, Pauline T; Dockrell, Hazel M
  • What's in a name? Policy transfer in Mozambique: DOTS for tuberculosis and syndromic management for sexually transmitted infections. (2004) Cliff, Julie; Walt, Gill; Nhatave, Isabel
  • Infections, medication use, and the prevalence of symptoms of asthma, rhinitis, and eczema in childhood. (2004) Cohet, Catherine; Cheng, Soo; MacDonald, Claire; Baker, Michael; Foliaki, Sunia; Huntington, Nyk; Douwes, Jeroen; Pearce, Neil
  • Increasing resolution, intensifying ambiguity: An ethnographic account of seeing life in brain scans. (2004) Cohn, S
  • Increasing resolution, intensifying ambiguity: an ethnographic account of seeing life in brain scans. (2004) Cohn, Simon
  • Ethical dimensions of health policy. (2004) Coker, R
  • Untangling Gordian knots: improving tuberculosis control through the development of 'programme theories'. (2004) Coker, R; Atun, R; McKee, M
  • Screening programmes for tuberculosis in new entrants across Europe. (2004) Coker, RJ; Bell, A; Pitman, R; Hayward, A; Watson, J
  • Compulsory screening of immigrants for tuberculosis and HIV. (2004) Coker, Richard
  • Review: multidrug-resistant tuberculosis: public health challenges. (2004) Coker, Richard J
  • Health-care system frailties and public health control of communicable disease on the European Union's new eastern border. (2004) Coker, Richard J; Atun, Rifat A; McKee, Martin
  • Organisation of health care during an outbreak of Marburg haemorrhagic fever in the Democratic Republic of Congo, 1999. (2004) Colebunders, Robert; Sleurs, Hilde; Pirard, Patricia; Borchert, Matthias; Libande, Modeste; Mustin, Jean Pierre; Tshomba, Antoine; Kinuani, Léon; Olinda, Loku Abisa; Tshioko, Florimond; Muyembe-Tamfum, Jean-Jacques
  • Trends and socioeconomic inequalities in cancer survival in England and Wales up to 2001. (2004) Coleman, MP; Rachet, B; Woods, LM; Mitry, E; Riga, M; Cooper, N; Quinn, MJ; Brenner, H; Estève, J
  • When is confirmed malaria diagnosis cost-effective? (2004) Coleman, P; Mills, A; Morel, C; Shillcutt, S; Yeung, S
  • Genetic control of vector populations: an imminent prospect. (2004) Coleman, Paul G; Alphey, Luke
  • Estimating the public health impact of rabies. (2004) Coleman, Paul G; Fèvre, Eric M; Cleaveland, Sarah
  • A threshold analysis of the cost-effectiveness of artemisinin-based combination therapies in sub-saharan Africa. (2004) Coleman, Paul G; Morel, Chantal; Shillcutt, Sam; Goodman, Catherine; Mills, Anne J
  • Are fitness costs associated with resistance to human serum in Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense? (2004) Coleman, Paul G; Welburn, Susan C
  • Complicity in contraband: British American Tobacco and cigarette smuggling in Asia. (2004) Collin, J; Legresley, E; MacKenzie, R; Lawrence, S; Lee, K
  • Complicity in contraband: British American Tobacco and cigarette smuggling in Asia. (2004) Collin, J; Legresley, E; Mackenzie, R; Lawrence, S; Lee, K
  • Unlocking the corporate documents of British American Tobacco: an invaluable global resource needs radically improved access. (2004) Collin, Jeff; Lee, Kelley; Gilmore, Anna B
  • A race to the death: British American Tobacco and the Chinese Grand Prix. (2004) Collin, Jeff; Muggli, Monique E; Carlyle, Joshua; Lee, Kelley; Hurt, Richard D
  • Conflict and kala-azar: determinants of adverse outcomes of kala-azar among patients in southern Sudan. (2004) Collin, Simon; Davidson, Robert; Ritmeijer, Koert; Keus, Kees; Melaku, Yosef; Kipngetich, Sammy; Davies, Clive
  • Immunogenicity and safety of a low-dose diphtheria, tetanus and acellular pertussis combination vaccine with either inactivated or oral polio vaccine as a pre-school booster in UK children. (2004) Collins, CL; Salt, P; McCarthy, N; Chantler, T; Lane, L; Hemme, F; Diggle, L; Buttery, J; Kitchin, NRE; Moxon, ER; Pollard, AJ
  • Effects of cholesterol-lowering with simvastatin on stroke and other major vascular events in 20536 people with cerebrovascular disease or other high-risk conditions. (2004) Collins, Rory; Armitage, Jane; Parish, Sarah; Sleight, Peter; Peto, Richard; Heart Protection Study Collaborative Group
  • Explaining risk factors for drug-resistant tuberculosis in England and Wales: contribution of primary and secondary drug resistance. (2004) Conaty, SJ; Hayward, AC; Story, A; Glynn, JR; Drobniewski, FA; Watson, JM
  • Communicable diseases in complex emergencies: impact and challenges. (2004) Connolly, Máire A; Gayer, Michelle; Ryan, Michael J; Salama, Peter; Spiegel, Paul; Heymann, David L
  • The cost and cost-effectiveness of malaria vector control by residual insecticide house-spraying in southern Mozambique: a rural and urban analysis. (2004) Conteh, Lesong; Sharp, Brian L; Streat, Elisebeth; Barreto, Avertino; Konar, Sundragasen
  • Cost and unit cost calculations using step-down accounting. (2004) Conteh, Lesong; Walker, Damian
  • Interleukin-8 polymorphism is not associated with pulmonary tuberculosis in the gambia. (2004) Cooke, Graham S; Campbell, Sarah J; Fielding, Katherine; Sillah, Jackson; Manneh, Kebba; Sirugo, Giorgio; Bennett, Steve; McAdam, Keith PWJ; Lienhardt, Christian; Hill, Adrian VS
  • A randomized trial of exemestane after two to three years of tamoxifen therapy in postmenopausal women with primary breast cancer. (2004) Coombes, R Charles; Hall, Emma; Gibson, Lorna J; Paridaens, Robert; Jassem, Jacek; Delozier, Thierry; Jones, Stephen E; Alvarez, Isabel; Bertelli, Gianfilippo; Ortmann, Olaf; Coates, Alan S; Bajetta, Emilio; Dodwell, David; Coleman, Robert E; Fallowfield, Lesley J; Mickiewicz, Elizabeth; Andersen, Jorn; Lønning, Per E; Cocconi, Giorgio; Stewart, Alan; Stuart, Nick; Snowdon, Claire F; Carpentieri, Marina; Massimini, Giorgio; Bliss, Judith M; van de Velde, Cornelius; Intergroup Exemestane Study
  • Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in hospitals and the community: stealth dynamics and control catastrophes. (2004) Cooper, BS; Medley, GF; Stone, SP; Kibbler, CC; Cookson, BD; Roberts, JA; Duckworth, G; Lai, R; Ebrahim, S
  • Isolation measures in the hospital management of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA): systematic review of the literature. (2004) Cooper, BS; Stone, SP; Kibbler, CC; Cookson, BD; Roberts, JA; Medley, GF; Duckworth, G; Lai, R; Ebrahim, S
  • Risk factors for atopy among school children in a rural area of Latin America. (2004) Cooper, PJ; Chico, ME; Rodrigues, LC; Strachan, DP; Anderson, HR; Rodriguez, EA; Gaus, DP; Griffin, GE
  • Human immunodeficiency virus and the prevalence of undiagnosed tuberculosis in African gold miners. (2004) Corbett, Elizabeth L; Charalambous, Salome; Moloi, Vicky M; Fielding, Katherine; Grant, Alison D; Dye, Christopher; De Cock, Kevin M; Hayes, Richard J; Williams, Brian G; Churchyard, Gavin J
  • Independent origins of Indian caste and tribal paternal lineages. (2004) Cordaux, Richard; Aunger, Robert; Bentley, Gillian; Nasidze, Ivane; Sirajuddin, SM; Stoneking, Mark
  • Y-STR haplotypes from eight south Indian groups based on five loci. (2004) Cordaux, Richard; Bentley, Gillian; Aunger, Robert; Sirajuddin, SM; Stoneking, Mark
  • The fine specificity, but not the invasion inhibitory activity, of 19-kilodalton merozoite surface protein 1-specific antibodies is associated with resistance to malarial parasitemia in a cross-sectional survey in The Gambia. (2004) Corran, Patrick H; O'Donnell, Rebecca A; Todd, Jim; Uthaipibull, Chairat; Holder, Anthony A; Crabb, Brendan S; Riley, Eleanor M
  • Antikinetoplastid activity of 3-aryl-5-thiocyanatomethyl-1,2,4-oxadiazoles. (2004) Cottrell, Denise M; Capers, Jeffrey; Salem, Manar M; DeLuca-Fradley, Kate; Croft, Simon L; Werbovetz, Karl A
  • A simple model to predict the sensitivity to change of visual acuity measurements. (2004) Cousens, Simon N; Rosser, Daniel A; Murdoch, Ian E; Laidlaw, David A
  • The Mycobacterium tuberculosis protein serine/threonine kinase PknG is linked to cellular glutamate/glutamine levels and is important for growth in vivo. (2004) Cowley, Siobhan; Ko, Mary; Pick, Neora; Chow, Rayken; Downing, Katrina J; Gordhan, Bhavna G; Betts, Joanna C; Mizrahi, Valerie; Smith, Debbie A; Stokes, Richard W; Av-Gay, Yossef
  • History of human parasitic diseases. (2004) Cox, Francis EG
  • History of sleeping sickness (African trypanosomiasis). (2004) Cox, Francis EG
  • Exploring 30 years of malaria case data in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: part II. The impact of non-climatic factors. (2004) Craig, MH; Kleinschmidt, I; Le Sueur, D; Sharp, BL
  • Exploring 30 years of malaria case data in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: part I. The impact of climatic factors. (2004) Craig, MH; Kleinschmidt, I; Nawn, JB; Le Sueur, D; Sharp, BL
  • Hepatitis B and hepatitis C seroprevalence and risk behaviour among community-recruited drug injectors in North West Wales. (2004) Craine, N; Walker, AM; Williamson, S; Brown, A; Hope, VD
  • Tuberculosis and gender: exploring the patterns in a case control study in Malawi. (2004) Crampin, AC; Glynn, JR; Floyd, S; Malema, SS; Mwinuka, VK; Ngwira, BMM; Mwaungulu, FD; Warndorff, DK; Fine, PEM
  • Possible explanations for the results of CRASH - Reply. (2004) Crash Trial Management Group, On Behalf Of The Crash Trial Colla
  • Waiting time information services: an evaluation of how well clearance time statistics can forecast a patient's wait. (2004) Cromwell, David A
  • Energy density of foods and beverages in the Australian food supply: influence of macronutrients and comparison to dietary intake. (2004) Crowe, TC; Fontaine, Ha La; Gibbons, CJ; Cameron-Smith, D; Swinburn, BA
  • Detection of Pentatrichomonas hominis DNA in biological specimens by PCR. (2004) Crucitti, T; Abdellati, S; Ross, DA; Changalucha, J; Dyck, E; Buve, A
  • Congestive heart failure in Latin America: the next epidemic. (2004) Cubillos-Garzón, Luz A; Casas, Juan P; Morillo, Carlos A; Bautista, Leonelo E
  • Support surfaces for pressure ulcer prevention. (2004) Cullum, N; McInnes, E; Bell-Syer, SEM; Legood, R
  • Survey of local immunisation training in England--the case for setting national standards. (2004) Cummins, A; Lane, L; Boccia, D; Crowcroft, NS
  • Geographies of health: An introduction. (2004) Cummins, S
  • Current strategy for leprosy control in Brazil: time to pursue alternative preventive strategies? (2004) Cunha, Sergio S; Rodrigues, Laura C; Duppre, Nádia Cristina
  • MMR mass vaccination campaigns, vaccine-related adverse events, and the limits of the decision making process, in Brazil. (2004) Cunha, Sérgio C; Dourado, Inês
  • Design of the leprosy component of the Brazilian BCG revaccination trial for assessing BCG effectiveness against leprosy in school children. (2004) Cunha, Sérgio S; Dourado, Inês; Barreto, Mauricio L; Alexander, Neal; Pereira, Susan M; Ichihara, Yury; Pereira, Emilia S; Pedrosa, Valderiza; Maroja, Fatima; Ribas, Carla; Rodrigues, Laura C
  • Neonatal BCG protection against leprosy: a study in Manaus, Brazilian Amazon. (2004) Cunha, Sérgio S; Rodrigues, Laura C; Pedrosa, Valderiza; Dourado, Inez M; Barreto, Mauricio L; Pereira, Susan Martins
  • Carboxyhemoglobin levels in Kenyan children with Plasmodium falciparum malaria. (2004) Cunnington, Aubrey J; Kendrick, Stuart FW; Wamola, Betty; Lowe, Brett; Newton, Charles RJC
  • Learning from low income countries: what are the lessons? Community oral rehydration units can contain cholera epidemics. (2004) Curioso, Walter H; Miranda, J Jaime; Kimball, Ann Marie
  • The art of persuasion. (2004) Curtis, V
  • Evidence that disgust evolved to protect from risk of disease. (2004) Curtis, Val; Aunger, Robert; Rabie, Tamer
  • Vaccines for neonatal viral infections: hepatitis B vaccine. (2004) Cutts, FT; Hall, AJ
  • Pilot study of the use of procalcitonin to predict bacterial pneumonia in the Gambia [Abstract]. (2004) Cutts, FT; Zaman, A; Enwere, G; Biney, E; Akano, A; Kaur, H; Olulwalana, C; Vaughan, A; Okoko, B; Adegbola, R; Levine, O; Greenwood, B
  • Transactional sex is the driving force in the dynamics of HIV in Accra, Ghana. (2004) Côté, Anne-Marie; Sobela, François; Dzokoto, Agnes; Nzambi, Khonde; Asamoah-Adu, Comfort; Labbé, Annie-Claude; Mâsse, Benoit; Mensah, Joyce; Frost, Eric; Pépin, Jacques
  • D
  • Plasma insulin and cardiovascular mortality in non-diabetic European men and women: a meta-analysis of data from eleven prospective studies. (2004) DECODE Insulin Study Group
  • Effectiveness of Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccination against bacterial pneumonia in Colombia. (2004) DELAHOZ, F
  • Domestic risk factors for wheeze in urban and rural Ethiopian children. (2004) Dagoye, D; Bekele, Z; Woldemichael, K; Nida, H; Yimam, M; Venn, AJ; Hall, A; Britton, JR; Lewis, SA; McKeever, T; Hubbard, R
  • Transcriptome of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157 adhering to eukaryotic plasma membranes. (2004) Dahan, Sivan; Knutton, Stuart; Shaw, Robert K; Crepin, Valerie F; Dougan, Gordon; Frankel, Gad
  • Early development of multiple sclerosis is associated with progressive grey matter atrophy in patients presenting with clinically isolated syndromes. (2004) Dalton, Catherine M; Chard, Declan T; Davies, Gerard R; Miszkiel, Katherine A; Altmann, Dan R; Fernando, Kryshani; Plant, Gordon T; Thompson, Alan J; Miller, David H
  • Age and gender bias at multiple levels in the investigation and management of stable angina: findings from the Euro Heart Survey of newly presenting stable angina. (2004) Daly, C; Clemens, F; Lopez-Sendon, J; Tavazzi, L; Fox, K
  • Micronutrient supplementation in later life: limited evidence for benefit. (2004) Dangour, Alan D; Sibson, Victoria L; Fletcher, Astrid E
  • Fibrinogen, C-reactive protein and coronary heart disease: does Mendelian randomization suggest the associations are non-causal? (2004) Davey Smith, G; Harbord, R; Ebrahim, S
  • National survey for Salmonella in pigs, cattle and sheep at slaughter in Great Britain (1999-2000). (2004) Davies, RH; Dalziel, R; Gibbens, JC; Wilesmith, JW; Ryan, JMB; Evans, SJ; Byrne, C; Paiba, GA; Pascoe, SJS; Teale, CJ
  • Beyond prevention? Injecting drug user narratives about hepatitis C. (2004) Davis, Mark; Rhodes, Tim
  • Managing seen and unseen blood associated with drug injecting: implications for theorising harm reduction for viral risk. (2004) Davis, Mark; Rhodes, Tim
  • Preventing hepatitis C: 'common sense', 'the bug' and other perspectives from the risk narratives of people who inject drugs. (2004) Davis, Mark; Rhodes, Tim; Martin, Anthea
  • Does tuberculosis increase HIV load? (2004) Day, John H; Grant, Alison D; Fielding, Katherine L; Morris, Lynn; Moloi, Victoria; Charalambous, Salome; Puren, Adrian J; Chaisson, Richard E; De Cock, Kevin M; Hayes, Richard J; Churchyard, Gavin J
  • European guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice. Third Joint Task Force of European and other Societies on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Clinical Practice (constituted by representatives of eight societies and by invited experts). (2004) De Backer, Guy; Ambrosioni, Ettore; Borch-Johnsen, Knut; Brotons, Carlos; Cifkova, Renata; Dallongeville, Jean; Ebrahim, Shah; Faergeman, Ole; Graham, Ian; Mancia, Giuseppe; Cats, Volkert Manger; Orth-Gomér, Kristina; Perk, Joep; Pyörälä, Kalevi; Rodicio, José L; Sans, Susana; Sansoy, Vedat; Sechtem, Udo; Silber, Sigmund; Thomsen, Troels; Wood, David; European Society of Cardiology. American Heart Association. Amer
  • European guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice. Third Joint Task Force Of European and other societies on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice (constituted by representatives of eight societies and by invited experts). (2004) De Backer, Guy; Ambrosioni, Ettore; Borch-Johnsen, Knut; Brotons, Carlos; Cifkova, Renata; Dallongeville, Jean; Ebrahim, Shah; Faergeman, Ole; Graham, Ian; Mancia, Giuseppe; Manger Cats, Volkert; Orth-Gomér, Kristina; Perk, Joep; Pyorälä, Kalevi; Rodicio, José L; Sans, Susana; Sansoy, Vedat; Sechtem, Udo; Silber, Sigmund; Thomsene, Troels; Wood, David; European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD); International Diabetes Federation Europe (IDF-Europe); European Atherosclerosis Society (EAS); European Heart Network (EHN); European Society of Caridiology (ESC); European Society of Hypertension (ESH); International Society of Behavioural Medicine (ISBM); European Society of General Practice/Family Medicine (ESGP/FM)
  • Book Review on 'Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis: Modelling Change and Event Occurrence'. Judith D. Singer and John B. Willett, 2003, p.644, ISBN 0-19-515296-4. Oxford University Press, New York. (2004) De Stavola, BL
  • Childhood growth and breast cancer. (2004) De Stavola, BL; dos Santos Silva, I; McCormack, V; Hardy, RJ; Kuh, DJ; Wadsworth, MEJ
  • Incidence and risk factors of fall injuries among infants: a study in Greece. (2004) Dedoukou, Xanthi; Spyridopoulos, Themis; Kedikoglou, Simon; Alexe, Delia Marina; Dessypris, Nick; Petridou, Eleni
  • Decentring the NHS: A Case Study of Resource Allocation Decisions within a Health District. (2004) Deeming, Chris
  • Policy Targets and Ethical Tensions: UK Nurse Recruitment. (2004) Deeming, Christopher
  • Choice and equity: lessons from long term care. (2004) Deeming, Christopher; Keen, Justin
  • Multidisciplinary studies of disease burden in the Diseases of the Most Impoverished Programme. (2004) Deen, Jacqueline L; von Seidlein, Lorenz; Clemens, John D
  • Healthy individuals that control a latent infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis express high levels of Th1 cytokines and the IL-4 antagonist IL-4delta2. (2004) Demissie, Abebech; Abebe, Markos; Aseffa, Abraham; Rook, Graham; Fletcher, Helen; Zumla, Alimuddin; Weldingh, Karin; Brock, Inger; Andersen, Peter; Doherty, T Mark; VACSEL Study Group
  • Violence and mortality in West Darfur, Sudan (2003-04): epidemiological evidence from four surveys. (2004) Depoortere, Evelyn; Checchi, Francesco; Broillet, France; Gerstl, Sibylle; Minetti, Andrea; Gayraud, Olivia; Briet, Virginie; Pahl, Jennifer; Defourny, Isabelle; Tatay, Mercedes; Brown, Vincent
  • [Clinical assessment of the risk of Human Immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in the population consulting an anonymous and free screening center]. (2004) Derancourt, C; Merle, C; Godeau, H; Vignon, F; Lemoussu, C; Verraes Derancourt, S; Bernard, P
  • Comparing French and US hospital technologies: a directional input distance function approach. (2004) Dervaux *, Benoît; Ferrier, Gary D; Leleu, Hervé; Valdmanis, Vivian
  • LCCL proteins of apicomplexan parasites. (2004) Dessens, Johannes T; Sinden, Robert E; Claudianos, Charles
  • Colostrum obtained from women vaccinated with pneumococcal vaccine during pregnancy inhibits epithelial adhesion of Streptococcus pneumoniae. (2004) Deubzer, Hedwig E; Obaro, Stephen K; Newman, Vanessa O; Adegbola, Richard A; Greenwood, Brian M; Henderson, Don C
  • Smoking cessation for pregnant women: current Canadian programs and future development. (2004) Devries, Karen M; Greaves, Lorraine J
  • Child mortality in a West African population protected with insecticide-treated curtains for a period of up to 6 years. (2004) Diallo, DA; Cousens, SN; Cuzin-Ouattara, N; Nebié, I; Ilboudo-Sanogo, E; Esposito, F
  • The impact associated with caring for a person with dementia: a report from the 10/66 Dementia Research Group's Indian network. (2004) Dias, Amit; Samuel, Ravi; Patel, Vikram; Prince, Martin; Parameshwaran, R; Krishnamoorthy, ES
  • Cutaneous larva migrans acquired in Britain. (2004) Diba, VC; Whitty, CJM; Green, T
  • Changing professional practice in tuberculosis care: an educational intervention. (2004) Dick, Judy; Lewin, Simon; Rose, Elizabeth; Zwarenstein, Merrick; Walt, Hester
  • Regression models for relative survival. (2004) Dickman, Paul W; Sloggett, Andy; Hills, Michael; Hakulinen, Timo
  • Colonic flat neoplasia: frequency and concordance between endoscopic appearance and histological diagnosis in a French prospective series. (2004) Diebold, Marie-Danièle; Samalin, Emmanuelle; Merle, Corinne; Bouché, Olivier; Higuero, Thierry; Jolly, Damien; Ramaholimihaso, Fidy; Renard, Pascal; Yaziji, Nahla; Thiéfin, Gérard; Cadiot, Guillaume
  • Lessons from the withdrawal of rofecoxib. (2004) Dieppe, Paul A; Ebrahim, Shah; Martin, Richard M; Jüni, Peter
  • Balancing benefits and harms: the example of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. (2004) Dieppe, Paul; Bartlett, Christopher; Davey, Peter; Doyal, Lesley; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Trends in hip and knee joint replacement: socioeconomic inequalities and projections of need. (2004) Dixon, T; Shaw, M; Ebrahim, S; Dieppe, P
  • Hospital admissions, age, and death: retrospective cohort study. (2004) Dixon, Tracy; Shaw, Mary; Frankel, Stephen; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Evidence-based health policy: context and utilisation. (2004) Dobrow, Mark J; Goel, Vivek; Upshur, REG
  • Specific and sensitive diagnosis of schistosome infection: can it be done with antibodies? (2004) Doenhoff, Michael J; Chiodini, Peter L; Hamilton, Joanne V
  • An overview of the use of urine, hair, sweat and saliva to detect drug use. (2004) Dolan, Kate; Rouen, David; Kimber, Jo
  • Toward the effective surveillance of hypospadias. (2004) Dolk, Helen; Vrijheid, Martine; Scott, John ES; Addor, Marie-Claude; Botting, Bev; de Vigan, Catherine; de Walle, Hermien; Garne, Ester; Loane, Maria; Pierini, Anna; Garcia-Minaur, Sixto; Physick, Nigel; Tenconi, Romano; Wiesel, Awi; Calzolari, Elisa; Stone, David
  • Differential willingness of household heads to pay community-based health insurance premia for themselves and other household members. (2004) Dong, Hengjin; Kouyate, Bocar; Cairns, John; Sauerborn, Rainer
  • Epidemiological and genetic analysis of severe acute respiratory syndrome. (2004) Donnelly, Christl A; Fisher, Matthew C; Fraser, Christophe; Ghani, Azra C; Riley, Steven; Ferguson, Neil M; Anderson, Roy M
  • Performance of routine syphilis serology in the Ethiopian cohort on HIV/AIDS. (2004) Dorigo-Zetsma, JW; Belewu, D; Meless, H; Sanders, E; Coutinho, RA; Schaap, A; Wolday, D
  • Estimates of provincial fertility and mortality in South Africa, 1985-1996. (2004) Dorrington, R; Timaeus, IM; Moultrie, T; Nannan, N
  • Principal role of dihydropteroate synthase mutations in mediating resistance to sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine in single-drug and combination therapy of uncomplicated malaria in Uganda. (2004) Dorsey, Grant; Dokomajilar, Christian; Kiggundu, Moses; Staedke, Sarah G; Kamya, Moses R; Rosenthal, Philip J
  • The impact of age, temperature, and parasite density on treatment outcomes from antimalarial clinical trials in Kampala, Uganda. (2004) Dorsey, Grant; Gasasira, Anne F; Machekano, Rhoderick; Kamya, Moses R; Staedke, Sarah G; Hubbard, Alan
  • Can bacterial endotoxin exposure reverse atopy and atopic disease? (2004) Douwes, Jeroen; Le Gros, Graham; Gibson, Peter; Pearce, Neil
  • Researching doctors' decisions. (2004) Dowie, J
  • Research implications of science-informed, value-based decision making. (2004) Dowie, Jack
  • Why cost-effectiveness should trump (clinical) effectiveness: the ethical economics of the South West quadrant. (2004) Dowie, Jack
  • Norovirus foodborne outbreaks associated with the consumption of oysters from the Etang de Thau, France, December 2002. (2004) Doyle, A; Barataud, D; Gallay, A; Thiolet, JM; Le Guyaguer, S; Kohli, E; Vaillant, V
  • Miscarriage, stillbirth and congenital malformation in the offspring of UK veterans of the first Gulf war. (2004) Doyle, Pat; Maconochie, Noreen; Davies, Graham; Maconochie, Ian; Pelerin, Margo; Prior, Susan; Lewis, Samantha
  • Parasite infectivity and immunity to Plasmodium falciparum gametocytes in Gambian children. (2004) Drakeley, CJ; Eling, W; Teelen, K; Bousema, JT; Sauerwein, R; Greenwood, BM; Targett, GAT
  • Addition of artesunate to chloroquine for treatment of Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Gambian children causes a significant but short-lived reduction in infectiousness for mosquitoes. (2004) Drakeley, Christopher J; Jawara, Musa; Targett, Geoffrey AT; Walraven, Gijs; Obisike, Uche; Coleman, Rosalind; Pinder, Margaret; Sutherland, Colin J
  • NHS cadet schemes: student experience, commitment, job satisfaction and job stress. (2004) Draper, Jan; Halliday, Debbie; Jowett, Sandra; Norman, Ian; Watson, Roger; Wilson-Barnett, Jenifer; Normand, Charles; O'Brien, Kieran
  • The 'bear trap': the colliding epidemics of tuberculosis and HIV in Russia. (2004) Drobniewski, FA; Atun, R; Fedorin, I; Bikov, A; Coker, R
  • Clinical features, diagnosis, and management of multiple drug-resistant tuberculosis since 2002. (2004) Drobniewski, Francis; Balabanova, Yanina; Coker, Richard
  • Drug combinations for malaria: time to ACT? (2004) Duffy, Patrick E; Mutabingwa, Theonest K
  • Synonymous genetic polymorphisms within Brazilian human immunodeficiency virus Type 1 subtypes may influence mutational routes to drug resistance. (2004) Dumans, Ana T; Soares, Marcelo A; Machado, Elizabeth S; Hué, Stéphane; Brindeiro, Rodrigo M; Pillay, Deenan; Tanuri, Amilcar
  • Immunity, morbidity and immunoepidemiology in parasite infections. (2004) Dunne, DW; Riley, EM
  • A meta-analysis of variables that predict significant intracranial injury in minor head trauma. (2004) Dunning, J; Batchelor, J; Stratford-Smith, P; Teece, S; Browne, J; Sharpin, C; Mackway-Jones, K
  • A meta-analysis of clinical correlates that predict significant intracranial injury in adults with minor head trauma. (2004) Dunning, Joel; Stratford-Smith, Phil; Lecky, Fiona; Batchelor, John; Hogg, Kerstin; Browne, John; Sharpin, Carlos; Mackway-Jones, Kevin; Emergency Medicine Research Group
  • Lower prevalence of reported asthma in adolescents with symptoms of rhinitis that received neonatal BCG. (2004) da Cunha, SS; Cruz, AA; Dourado, I; Barreto, ML; Ferreira, LDA; Rodrigues, LC
  • [European Guidelines on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in the Clinical Practice. Third work group of the european societies and other societies on cardiovascular disease prevention in the clinical practice]. (2004) de Backer, G; Ambrosioni, E; Borch-Johnsen, K; Brotons, C; Cifkova, R; Dallongeville, J; Ebrahim, S; Faergeman, O; Graham, I; Mancia, G; Manger Cats, V; Orth-Gomer, K; Perk, J; Pyorala, K; Rodicio, JL; Sans, S; Sansoy, V; Sechtem, U; Silber, S; Thomsen, T; Wood, D
  • [Spanish adaptation of the European guidelines on cardiovascular prevention (and II)]. (2004) de Backer, G; Ambrosioni, E; Borch-Johnsen, K; Brotons, C; Cifkova, R; Dallongeville, J; Ebrahim, S; Faergemane, O; Graham, I; Mancia, G; Manger Cats, V; Orth-Gomér, K; Perk, J; Pyörälä, K; Rodicio, Jl; Sans, S; Sansoy, V; Sechtem, U; Silber, S; Thomsen, T; Wood, D; Tercer Grupo de Trabajo de las Sociedades Europeas y otras Socie
  • Antiprotozoal lysophospholipid analogues: a comparison of their activity against trypanosomatid parasites and tumor cells. (2004) de Castroa, SL; Santa-Ritaa, RM; Urbinab, JA; Croftc, SL
  • Clinical Management of Tuberculosis in the Context of HIV Infection. (2004) de Jong, BC; Israelski, DM; Corbett, EL; Small, PM
  • Clinical management of tuberculosis in the context of HIV infection. (2004) de Jong, Bouke C; Israelski, Dennis M; Corbett, Elizabeth L; Small, Peter M
  • Monitoring future impact on malaria burden in sub-saharan Africa. (2004) de Savigny, Don; Binka, Fred
  • Care-seeking patterns for fatal malaria in Tanzania. (2004) de Savigny, Don; Mayombana, Charles; Mwageni, Eleuther; Masanja, Honorati; Minhaj, Abdulatif; Mkilindi, Yahya; Mbuya, Conrad; Kasale, Harun; Reid, Graham
  • Monitoring stage-specific trends in melanoma incidence across Europe reveals the need for more complete information on diagnostic characteristics. (2004) de Vries, E; Bray, FI; Eggermont, AMM; Coebergh, JWW; European Network of Cancer Registries
  • In vitro antiprotozoal and cytotoxic activities of some alkaloids, quinones, flavonoids, and coumarins. (2004) del Rayo Camacho, Maria; Phillipson, J David; Croft, Simon L; Yardley, Vanesa; Solis, Pablo N
  • Is the association of birth weight with premenopausal breast cancer risk mediated through childhood growth? (2004) dos Santos Silva, I; De Stavola, BL; Hardy, RJ; Kuh, DJ; McCormack, VA; Wadsworth, MEJ
  • Phyto-oestrogen intake and breast cancer risk in South Asian women in England: findings from a population-based case-control study. (2004) dos Santos Silva, Isabel; Mangtani, Punam; McCormack, Valerie; Bhakta, Dee; McMichael, Anthony J; Sevak, Leena
  • E
  • Monogamous networks and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. (2004) Eames, Ken TD; Keeling, Matt J
  • Evaluation of methodologies for small area life expectancy estimation. (2004) Eayres, D; Williams, ES
  • Colds, international policy and inequalities. (2004) Ebrahim, Shah
  • Hospital bed utilisation in the NHS and Kaiser Permanente: quality of care, length of stay, and readmissions need to be considered. (2004) Ebrahim, Shah; Frankel, Stephen; Davey Smith, George
  • Clustering of risk factors and social class in childhood and adulthood in British women's heart and health study: cross sectional analysis. (2004) Ebrahim, Shah; Montaner, David; Lawlor, Debbie A
  • Social inequalities and disability in older men: prospective findings from the British regional heart study. (2004) Ebrahim, Shah; Papacosta, Olia; Wannamethee, Goya; Adamson, Joy; British Regional Heart Study
  • AIDS-defining cancers in Western Europe, 1994-2001. (2004) Ebrahim, Shahul H; Abdullah, ASM; McKenna, Matthew; Hamers, Francoise F
  • Race/ethnic disparities in HIV testing and knowledge about treatment for HIV/AIDS: United States, 2001. (2004) Ebrahim, Shahul H; Anderson, John E; Weidle, Paul; Purcell, David W
  • Previous trials of dissemination were identified. (2004) Edwards, P; Cooper, R
  • Mailed questionnaires: length matters. (2004) Edwards, Phil
  • Follow-up by mail in clinical trials: does questionnaire length matter? (2004) Edwards, Phil; Roberts, Ian; Sandercock, Peter; Frost, Chris
  • Understanding global health issues: are international medical electives the answer? (2004) Edwards, Richard; Piachaud, Jack; Rowson, Mike; Miranda, Jaime
  • Face washing promotion for preventing active trachoma. (2004) Ejere, H; Alhassan, MB; Rabiu, M
  • Patterns of antenatal care in low-versus high-risk pregnancies in Lebanon. (2004) El-Kak, F; Chaaya, M; Campbell, O; Kaddour, A
  • Improvement of glucose homeostasis in obese diabetic db/db mice given Plasmodium yoelii glycosylphosphatidylinositols. (2004) Elased, KM; Gumaa, KA; de Souza, JB; Playfair, JHL; Rademacher, TW
  • The association of coronary calcium score and conventional cardiovascular risk factors in Type 2 diabetic subjects asymptomatic for coronary heart disease (The PREDICT Study). (2004) Elkeles, RS; Feher, MD; Flather, MD; Godsland, IF; Nugara, F; Richmond, W; Rubens, MB; Wang, D; PREDICT Study Group
  • Cytokine responses and progression to active tuberculosis in HIV-1-infected Ugandans: a prospective study. (2004) Elliott, Alison M; Hodsdon, Wendy S; Kyosiimire, Jacqueline; Quigley, Maria A; Nakiyingi, Jessica S; Namujju, Proscovia B; Watera, Christine; French, Neil; Gilks, Charles F; Dockrell, Hazel M; Whitworth, James AG
  • Eosinophilia and progression to active tuberculosis in HIV-1-infected Ugandans. (2004) Elliott, Alison M; Kyosiimire, Jacqueline; Quigley, Maria A; Nakiyingi, Jessica; Watera, Christine; Brown, Michael; Joseph, Sarah; French, Neil; Gilks, Charles F; Whitworth, James AG
  • A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of the use of prednisolone as an adjunct to treatment in HIV-1-associated pleural tuberculosis. (2004) Elliott, Alison M; Luzze, Henry; Quigley, Maria A; Nakiyingi, Jessica S; Kyaligonza, Steven; Namujju, Proscovia B; Ducar, Constance; Ellner, Jerrold J; Whitworth, James AG; Mugerwa, Roy; Johnson, John L; Okwera, Alphonse
  • Regional variations in asthma hospitalisations among Maori and non-Maori. (2004) Ellison-Loschmann, Lis; King, Ron; Pearce, Neil
  • Evaluating the impact of population and high-risk strategies for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease. (2004) Emberson, Jonathan; Whincup, Peter; Morris, Richard; Walker, Mary; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Role of flies and provision of latrines in trachoma control: cluster-randomised controlled trial. (2004) Emerson, Paul M; Lindsay, Steve W; Alexander, Neal; Bah, Momodou; Dibba, Sheik-Mafuji; Faal, Hannah B; Lowe, Kebba O; McAdam, Keith PWJ; Ratcliffe, Amy A; Walraven, Gijs EL; Bailey, Robin L
  • Macrophages, pathology and parasite persistence in experimental visceral leishmaniasis. (2004) Engwerda, Christian R; Ato, Manabu; Kaye, Paul M
  • Distinct roles for lymphotoxin-alpha and tumor necrosis factor in the control of Leishmania donovani infection. (2004) Engwerda, Christian R; Ato, Manabu; Stäger, Simona; Alexander, Clare E; Stanley, Amanda C; Kaye, Paul M
  • A nation-wide assessment of wastewater in Pakistan: an obscure activity or a vitally important one? (2004) Ensink, JHJ; Mahmood, T; van der Hoek, W; Raschid-Sally, L; Amerasinghe, FP
  • Patterns of resistance and DHFR/DHPS genotypes of Plasmodium falciparum in rural Tanzania prior to the adoption of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine as first-line treatment. (2004) Eriksen, J; Mwankusye, S; Mduma, S; Kitua, A; Swedberg, G; Tomson, G; Gustafsson, LL; Warsame, M
  • Environmental and social factors as determinants of respiratory dysfunction in junior schoolchildren in Moscow. (2004) Eroshina, Ksenia; Danishevski, Kirill; Wilkinson, Paul; McKee, Martin
  • Potent inhibitors of the Plasmodium falciparum enzymes plasmepsin I and II devoid of cathepsin D inhibitory activity. (2004) Ersmark, Karolina; Feierberg, Isabella; Bjelic, Sinisa; Hamelink, Elizabeth; Hackett, Fiona; Blackman, Michael J; Hultén, Johan; Samuelsson, Bertil; Aqvist, Johan; Hallberg, Anders
  • Causes of visual impairment in people aged 75 years and older in Britain: an add-on study to the MRC Trial of Assessment and Management of Older People in the Community. (2004) Evans, JR; Fletcher, AE; Wormald, RPL; MRC Trial of Assessment and Management of Older People in the Co
  • Age-related macular degeneration causing visual impairment in people 75 years or older in Britain: an add-on study to the Medical Research Council Trial of Assessment and Management of Older People in the Community. (2004) Evans, Jennifer R; Fletcher, Astrid E; Wormald, Richard PL
  • Sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine remains efficacious against uncomplicated, Plasmodium falciparum malaria in north-eastern Afghanistan. (2004) Ezard, N; Nellepalli, P; Asha, AW
  • F
  • Reduction of quantity smoked predicts future cessation among older smokers. (2004) Falba, Tracy; Jofre-Bonet, Mireia; Busch, Susan; Duchovny, Noelia; Sindelar, Jody
  • Baby-bouncer-related injuries: an under-appreciated risk. (2004) Farmakakis, Theologos; Alexe, Delia Marina; Nicolaidou, Polyxeni; Dessypris, Nick; Petridou, Eleni
  • Health beliefs and communication in the travel clinic consultation as predictors of adherence to malaria chemoprophylaxis. (2004) Farquharson, Lorna; Noble, Lorraine M; Barker, Chris; Behrens, Ron H
  • A randomized trial of multivitamin supplements and HIV disease progression and mortality. (2004) Fawzi, Wafaie W; Msamanga, Gernard I; Spiegelman, Donna; Wei, Ruilan; Kapiga, Saidi; Villamor, Eduardo; Mwakagile, Davis; Mugusi, Ferdinand; Hertzmark, Ellen; Essex, Max; Hunter, David J
  • Financing global public health: innovation and investment. (2004) Feachem, R
  • Replying to questioning the claims from Kaiser. (2004) Feachem, R; Sekhri, N
  • The research imperative: fighting AIDS, TB and malaria. (2004) Feachem, Richard GA
  • Do childhood growth indicators in developing countries cluster? Implications for intervention strategies. (2004) Fenn, Bridget; Morris, Saul S; Frost, Chris
  • Food-based dietary guidelines can be developed and tested using linear programming analysis. (2004) Ferguson, Elaine L; Darmon, Nicole; Briend, André; Premachandra, Inguruwatte M
  • Public health. Public health risk from the avian H5N1 influenza epidemic. (2004) Ferguson, Neil M; Fraser, Christophe; Donnelly, Christl A; Ghani, Azra C; Anderson, Roy M
  • High prevalence of obesity among the poor in Mexico. (2004) Fernald, Lia C; Gutierrez, Juan Pablo; Neufeld, Lynnette M; Olaiz, Gustavo; Bertozzi, Stefano M; Mietus-Snyder, Michele; Gertler, Paul J
  • Price and consumption of tobacco in Spain over the period 1965-2000. (2004) Fernández, E; Gallus, S; Schiaffino, A; López-Nicolás, A; La Vecchia, C; Barros, H; Townsend, J
  • Collaborative meta-analysis of prospective studies of plasma fibrinogen and cardiovascular disease. (2004) Fibrinogen Studies Collaboration
  • Antimalarial drug discovery: efficacy models for compound screening. (2004) Fidock, David A; Rosenthal, Philip J; Croft, Simon L; Brun, Reto; Nwaka, Solomon
  • Inhaled nitric oxide and the societal perspective - Reply. (2004) Field, D; Normand, C; Elbourne, D
  • Effects of dispersal mechanisms on spatio-temporal development of epidemics. (2004) Filipe, JAN; Maule, MM
  • On 'Analytical models for the patchy spread of plant disease'. (2004) Filipe, JAN; Maule, MM; Gilligan, CA
  • Inferring the dynamics of a spatial epidemic from time-series data. (2004) Filipe, JAN; Otten, W; Gibson, GJ; Gilligan, CA
  • Obstetric audit in resource-poor settings: lessons from a multi-country project auditing 'near miss' obstetrical emergencies. (2004) Filippi, Veronique; Brugha, Ruairi; Browne, Edmund; Gohou, Valerie; Bacci, Alberta; De Brouwere, Vincent; Sahel, Amina; Goufodji, Sourou; Alihonou, Eusebe; Ronsmans, Carine
  • Low-cost intervention to decrease mastitis among lactating women. (2004) Filteau, S
  • Cholera, Chloroform and the Science of Medicine: A Life of John Snow. (2004) Fine, Paul
  • Commentary: is it really M. leprae? (2004) Fine, Paul EM
  • Non-specific "non-effects" of vaccination. (2004) Fine, Paul EM
  • Poliomyelitis: very small risks and very large risks. (2004) Fine, Paul EM
  • Polio control after certification: major issues outstanding. (2004) Fine, Paul EM; Oblapenko, George; Sutter, Roland W
  • Obesity in children and adolescents: Working Group report of the second World Congress of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition. (2004) Fisberg, Mauro; Baur, Louise; Chen, Walter; Hoppin, Alison; Koletzko, Berthold; Lau, David; Moreno, Luis; Nelson, Tony; Strauss, Richard; Uauy, Ricardo; Latin American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatolog
  • Mycobacterial phosphatidylinositol mannoside is a natural antigen for CD1d-restricted T cells. (2004) Fischer, Karsten; Scotet, Emmanuel; Niemeyer, Marcus; Koebernick, Heidrun; Zerrahn, Jens; Maillet, Sophie; Hurwitz, Robert; Kursar, Mischo; Bonneville, Marc; Kaufmann, Stefan HE; Schaible, Ulrich E
  • Respiratory symptoms and lung function change in welders: are they associated with workplace exposures? (2004) Fishwick, David; Bradshaw, Lisa; Slater, Tania; Curran, Andrew; Pearce, Neil
  • The role of rapid assessment in drug use epidemiology. (2004) Fitch, C; Rhodes, T; Hope, V; Stimson, G; Renton, A
  • Rapid assessment: an international review of diffusion, practice and outcomes in the substance use field. (2004) Fitch, Chris; Stimson, Gerry V; Rhodes, Tim; Poznyak, Vladimir
  • Large-scale candidate gene study of tuberculosis susceptibility in the Karonga district of northern Malawi. (2004) Fitness, Jodene; Floyd, Sian; Warndorff, David K; Sichali, Lifted; Malema, Simon; Crampin, Amelia C; Fine, Paul EM; Hill, Adrian VS
  • Large-scale candidate gene study of leprosy susceptibility in the Karonga district of northern Malawi. (2004) Fitness, Jodene; Floyd, Sian; Warndorff, David K; Sichali, Lifted; Mwaungulu, Lorren; Crampin, Amelia C; Fine, Paul EM; Hill, Adrian VS
  • A comparison of Rasch with Likert scoring to discriminate between patients' evaluations of total hip replacement surgery. (2004) Fitzpatrick, R; Norquist, JM; Jenkinson, C; Reeves, BC; Morris, RW; Murray, DW; Gregg, PJ
  • Equity and need when waiting for total hip replacement surgery. (2004) Fitzpatrick, Ray; Norquist, Josephine M; Reeves, Barnaby C; Morris, Richard W; Murray, David W; Gregg, Paul J
  • Modified fixed-ratio isobologram method for studying in vitro interactions between atovaquone and proguanil or dihydroartemisinin against drug-resistant strains of Plasmodium falciparum. (2004) Fivelman, Quinton L; Adagu, Ipemida S; Warhurst, David C
  • Comprehensive analysis of the contribution of germline MYH variation to early-onset colorectal cancer. (2004) Fleischmann, Christina; Peto, Julian; Cheadle, Jeremy; Shah, Bindiya; Sampson, Julian; Houlston, Richard S
  • Population-based multidimensional assessment of older people in UK general practice: a cluster-randomised factorial trial. (2004) Fletcher, Astrid E; Price, Gill M; Ng, Edmond SW; Stirling, Susan L; Bulpitt, Christopher J; Breeze, Elizabeth; Nunes, Maria; Jones, Dee A; Latif, Amina; Fasey, Nicola M; Vickers, Madge R; Tulloch, Alistair J
  • Increased expression of mRNA encoding interleukin (IL)-4 and its splice variant IL-4delta2 in cells from contacts of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, in the absence of in vitro stimulation. (2004) Fletcher, Helen A; Owiafe, Patrick; Jeffries, David; Hill, Philip; Rook, Graham AW; Zumla, Alimuddin; Doherty, T Mark; Brookes, Roger H; Vacsel Study Group
  • Lifetime risks of common cancers among retinoblastoma survivors. (2004) Fletcher, Olivia; Easton, Douglas; Anderson, Kristin; Gilham, Clare; Jay, Marcelle; Peto, Julian
  • Place of death: U.S. trends since 1980. (2004) Flory, James; Yinong, Young-Xu; Gurol, Ipek; Levinsky, Norman; Ash, Arlene; Emanuel, Ezekiel
  • Adherence to a six-dose regimen of artemether-lumefantrine for treatment of uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Uganda. (2004) Fogg, Carole; Bajunirwe, Francis; Piola, Patrice; Biraro, Samuel; Checchi, Francesco; Kiguli, James; Namiiro, Proscovia; Musabe, Joy; Kyomugisha, Agnes; Guthmann, Jean-Paul
  • Factors that influence the prevalence of acaricide resistance and tick-borne diseases. (2004) Foil, LD; Coleman, P; Eisler, M; Fragoso-Sanchez, H; Garcia-Vazquez, Z; Guerrero, FD; Jonsson, NN; Langstaff, IG; Li, AY; Machila, N; Miller, RJ; Morton, J; Pruett, JH; Torr, S
  • Health research in the Pacific. (2004) Foliaki, Sunia; Fakakovikaetau, Toakase; Waqatakirewa, Lepani; Pearce, Neil
  • Cancer in Pacific people in New Zealand: a descriptive study. (2004) Foliaki, Sunia; Jeffreys, Mona; Wright, Craig; Blakey, Karen; Pearce, Neil
  • Antibiotic sales and the prevalence of symptoms of asthma, rhinitis, and eczema: The International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC). (2004) Foliaki, Sunia; Nielsen, Sandy Kildegaard; Björkstén, Bengt; Von Mutius, Erika; Cheng, Soo; Pearce, Neil; ISAAC Phase I Study Group
  • Validation of the diagnosis of autism in general practitioner records. (2004) Fombonne, Eric; Heavey, Lisa; Smeeth, Liam; Rodrigues, Laura C; Cook, Claire; Smith, Peter G; Meng, Linyan; Hall, Andrew J
  • Higher coronary heart disease mortality in South Asian compared with European men in the UK - prospective study. (2004) Forouhi, NG; Sattar, N; Chaturvedi, N; McKeigue, P
  • A capsid protein of nonenveloped Bluetongue virus exhibits membrane fusion activity. (2004) Forzan, Mario; Wirblich, Christoph; Roy, Polly
  • Condoms and prevention of HIV. (2004) Foss, Anna M; Watts, Charlotte H; Vickerman, Peter; Heise, Lori
  • Database on health promotion infrastructure, policy and practice (HP-Source). (2004) Fosse, E; Mittelmark, M; Hagard, S
  • Environmental perceptions and walking in English adults. (2004) Foster, Charles; Hillsdon, Melvyn; Thorogood, Margaret
  • S3-03-03 Serial magnetic resonance imaging as an outcome measure in dementia. (2004) Fox, Nick C; Schott, Jonathan M; Frost, Chris; Rossor, Martin N
  • The economics of vaccination in low- and middle-income countries. (2004) Fox-Rushby, JA; Kaddar, Miloud; Levine, R; Brenzel, L
  • Contraceptive risk and compensatory behaviour in young people in education post-16 years: a cross-sectional study. (2004) Free, Caroline; Ogden, Jane
  • Factors affecting HIV concordancy in married couples in four African cities. (2004) Freeman, Esther E; Glynn, Judith R; Study Group on Heterogeneity of HIV epidemics in African Cities
  • Bacterial disease in HIV-infection. (2004) French, Neil
  • A case-control study to investigate serological correlates of clinical failure of 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine in HIV-1-infected Ugandan adults. (2004) French, Neil; Moore, Michael; Haikala, Raili; Kayhty, Helena; Gilks, Charles F
  • How good is the provision of sexual health services for young people across England? Oral presentation at the 8th Congress of the European Society of Contraception, Edinburgh, June 2004. (2004) French, R; Stephenson, JM; Kane, R; Kingori, P; Hadley, A; Dennison, C; Wellings, K
  • Hormonally impregnated intrauterine systems (IUSs) versus other forms of reversible contraceptives as effective methods of preventing pregnancy. (2004) French, R; Van Vliet, H; Cowan, F; Mansour, D; Morris, S; Hughes, D; Robinson, A; Proctor, T; Summerbell, C; Logan, S; Helmerhorst, F; Guillebaud, J
  • Activation by malaria antigens renders mononuclear cells susceptible to HIV infection and re-activates replication of endogenous HIV in cells from HIV-infected adults. (2004) Froebel, K; Howard, W; Schafer, JR; Howie, F; Whitworth, J; Kaleebu, P; Brown, AL; Riley, E
  • The analysis of repeated 'direct' measures of change illustrated with an application in longitudinal imaging. (2004) Frost, Chris; Kenward, Michael G; Fox, Nick C
  • Splice variants: a homology modeling approach. (2004) Furnham, Nicholas; Ruffle, Stuart; Southan, Christopher
  • Reanalyzing the 1900-1920 sleeping sickness epidemic in Uganda. (2004) Fèvre, EM; Coleman, PG; Welburn, SC; Maudlin, I
  • G
  • Informal payment for health care and the theory of 'INXIT'. (2004) Gaal, Peter; McKee, Martin
  • Large-scale analysis of the relationship between CYP11A promoter variation, polycystic ovarian syndrome, and serum testosterone. (2004) Gaasenbeek, Michelle; Powell, Brenda L; Sovio, Ulla; Haddad, Lema; Gharani, Neda; Bennett, Amanda; Groves, Christopher J; Rush, Karen; Goh, Micaela J; Conway, Gerard S; Ruokonen, Aimo; Martikainen, Hannu; Pouta, Anneli; Taponen, Saara; Hartikainen, Anna-Liisa; Halford, Stephanie; Järvelin, Marjo-Riitta; Franks, Steve; McCarthy, Mark I
  • The new General Medical Services (GMS) contract and the National Strategy for Sexual Health and HIV in England. (2004) Gafos, Mitzy
  • European Nicotinamide Diabetes Intervention Trial (ENDIT): a randomised controlled trial of intervention before the onset of type 1 diabetes. (2004) Gale, EAM; Bingley, PJ; Emmett, CL; Collier, T; European Nicotinamide Diabetes Intervention Trial (ENDIT) Group
  • Diversity of noroviruses cocirculating in the north of England from 1998 to 2001. (2004) Gallimore, Chris I; Green, Jonathan; Lewis, David; Richards, Alison F; Lopman, Benjamin A; Hale, Antony D; Eglin, Roger; Gray, Jim J; Brown, David WG
  • Severe acute maternal morbidity in rural South Africa. (2004) Gandhi, MN; Welz, T; Ronsmans, C
  • Does the 12-item General Health Questionnaire contain multiple factors and do we need them? (2004) Gao, Fei; Luo, Nan; Thumboo, Julian; Fones, Calvin; Li, Shu-Chuen; Cheung, Yin-Bun
  • A trial of antiparasitic treatment to reduce the rate of seizures due to cerebral cysticercosis. (2004) Garcia, Héctor H; Pretell, E Javier; Gilman, Robert H; Martinez, S Manuel; Moulton, Lawrence H; Del Brutto, Oscar H; Herrera, Genaro; Evans, Carlton AW; Gonzalez, Armando E; Cysticercosis Working Group in Peru
  • Equipoise: a case study of the views of clinicians involved in two neonatal trials. (2004) Garcia, Jo; Elbourne, Diana; Snowdon, Claire
  • The use of live attenuated bacteria as a delivery system for heterologous antigens. (2004) Garmory, HS; Leary, SEC; Griffin, KF; Williamson, ED; Brown, KA; Titball, RW
  • Protection against plague afforded by immunisation with DNA vaccines optimised for expression of the Yersinia pestis V antigen. (2004) Garmory, Helen S; Freeman, Donna; Brown, Katherine A; Titball, Richard W
  • ATP-binding cassette transporters are targets for the development of antibacterial vaccines and therapies. (2004) Garmory, Helen S; Titball, Richard W
  • Maximum principle and mutation thresholds for four-letter sequence evolution. (2004) Garske, T; Grimm, U
  • A maximum principle for the mutation-selection equilibrium of nucleotide sequences. (2004) Garske, Tini; Grimm, Uwe
  • Recruitment to multicentre trials. (2004) Gates, Simon; Brocklehurst, Peter; Campbell, Marion; Elbourne, Diana
  • Blood-stealing rumours in rural western Kenya: a local critique of medical research in its wider context. (2004) Geissler, PW
  • Shared lives: Exploring practices of amity between grandmothers and grandchildren in western Kenya. (2004) Geissler, PW; Prince, RJ
  • Spatial patterns of infant mortality in Mali: the effect of malaria endemicity. (2004) Gemperli, A; Vounatsou, P; Kleinschmidt, I; Bagayoko, M; Lengeler, C; Smith, T
  • The scaling up of low-technology health interventions has been recognised in theory. Practical measures remain few and far between, however. (2004) Gericke, C; Ranson, K; Kurowski, C; Mills, A
  • Effects of bisphosphonates on the growth of Entamoeba histolytica and Plasmodium species in vitro and in vivo. (2004) Ghosh, Subhash; Chan, Julian MW; Lea, Christopher R; Meints, Gary A; Lewis, Jared C; Tovian, Zev S; Flessner, Ryan M; Loftus, Timothy C; Bruchhaus, Iris; Kendrick, Howard; Croft, Simon L; Kemp, Robert G; Kobayashi, Seiki; Nozaki, Tomoyoshi; Oldfield, Eric
  • Immunologic Changes During Unplanned Treatment Interruptions of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy in Children With Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Infection. (2004) Gibb, Diana M; Duong, Trinh; Leclezio, Veronica A; Walker, A Sarah; Verweel, Gwenda; Dunn, David T
  • [Blindness in children]. (2004) Gilbert, Clare; Awan, Haroon
  • Absence of Yersinia pestis-specific DNA in human teeth from five European excavations of putative plague victims. (2004) Gilbert, M Thomas P; Cuccui, Jon; White, William; Lynnerup, Niels; Titball, Richard W; Cooper, Alan; Prentice, Michael B
  • Global public health: a new era. Robert Beaglehole (ed). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003. (2004) Gilmore, A
  • Moving East: how the transnational tobacco industry gained entry to the emerging markets of the former Soviet Union-part I: establishing cigarette imports. (2004) Gilmore, AB; McKee, M
  • Moving East: how the transnational tobacco industry gained entry to the emerging markets of the former Soviet Union-part II: an overview of priorities and tactics used to establish a manufacturing presence. (2004) Gilmore, AB; McKee, M
  • Tobacco and transition: an overview of industry investments, impact and influence in the former Soviet Union. (2004) Gilmore, AB; McKee, M
  • Prevalence of smoking in 8 countries of the former Soviet Union: results from the living conditions, lifestyles and health study. (2004) Gilmore, Anna; Pomerleau, Joceline; McKee, Martin; Rose, Richard; Haerpfer, Christian W; Rotman, David; Tumanov, Sergej
  • Revisiting convergence and divergence: support for older people in Europe. (2004) Glaser, K; Tomassini, C; Grundy, E
  • Leukemia risk and relevant benzene exposure period-Re: follow-up time on risk estimates, Am J Ind Med 42:481-489, 2002. (2004) Glass, Deborah C; Sim, Malcolm R; Fritschi, Lin; Gray, Christopher N; Jolley, Damien J; Gibbons, Carl
  • Does increased general schooling protect against HIV infection? A study in four African cities. (2004) Glynn, Judith R; Caraël, Michel; Buvé, Anne; Anagonou, Séverin; Zekeng, Léopold; Kahindo, Maina; Musonda, Rosemary; Study Group on Heterogeneity of HIV Epidemics in African Cities
  • Trends in tuberculosis and the influence of HIV infection in northern Malawi, 1988-2001. (2004) Glynn, Judith R; Crampin, Amelia C; Ngwira, Bagrey MM; Mwaungulu, Frank D; Mwafulirwa, Donex T; Floyd, Sian; Pönnighaus, Jörg M; Warndorff, David K; Fine, Paul EM
  • DNA fingerprint changes in tuberculosis: reinfection, evolution, or laboratory error? (2004) Glynn, Judith R; Yates, Malcolm D; Crampin, Amelia C; Ngwira, Bagrey M; Mwaungulu, Frank D; Black, Gillian F; Chaguluka, Steven D; Mwafulirwa, Donex T; Floyd, Sian; Murphy, Caroline; Drobniewski, Francis A; Fine, Paul EM
  • The natural history of Alzheimer disease: a longitudinal presymptomatic and symptomatic study of a familial cohort. (2004) Godbolt, Alison K; Cipolotti, Lisa; Watt, Hilary; Fox, Nick C; Janssen, John C; Rossor, Martin N
  • Secondary household transmission of SARS, Singapore. (2004) Goh, Denise Li-Meng; Lee, Bee Wah; Chia, Kee Seng; Heng, Bee Hoon; Chen, Mark; Ma, Stefan; Tan, Chorh Chuan
  • Responsiveness to life-threatening obstetric emergencies in two hospitals in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire. (2004) Gohou, V; Ronsmans, C; Kacou, L; Yao, K; Bohoussou, KM; Houphouet, B; Bosso, P; Diarra-Nama, AJ; Bacci, A; Filippi, V
  • Should surgeons take a break after an intraoperative death? Attitude survey and outcome evaluation. (2004) Goldstone, Antony R; Callaghan, Christopher J; Mackay, Jon; Charman, Susan; Nashef, Samer AM
  • Dietary exposure to human hepatocarcinogens, aflatoxins, micronutrient deficiency, and child growth in Benin, West Africa. (2004) Gong, YY; Turner, PC; Hounsa, A; White, KL; Cardwell, KF; Egal, S; Hall, AJ; Wild, CP
  • Postweaning exposure to aflatoxin results in impaired child growth: a longitudinal study in Benin, West Africa. (2004) Gong, Yunyun; Hounsa, Assomption; Egal, Sharif; Turner, Paul C; Sutcliffe, Anne E; Hall, Andrew J; Cardwell, Kitty; Wild, Christopher P
  • CD28 is not directly involved in the response of human CD3- CD56+ natural killer cells to lipopolysaccharide: a role for T cells. (2004) Goodier, MR; Londei, M
  • Retail supply of malaria-related drugs in rural Tanzania: risks and opportunities. (2004) Goodman, Catherine; Kachur, S Patrick; Abdulla, Salim; Mwageni, Eleuther; Nyoni, Joyce; Schellenberg, Joanna A; Mills, Anne; Bloland, Peter
  • Review: Medical Education at St Bartholomew's Hospital 1123-1995. (2004) Gorsky, M
  • 'Threshold of a New Era': The Development of an Integrated Hospital System in Northeast Scotland, 1900-39. (2004) Gorsky, M
  • 'Threshold of a new era': The development of an integrated hospital system in Northeast Scotland, 1900-39. (2004) Gorsky, M
  • Improving antimicrobial use among health workers in first-level facilities: results from the multi-country evaluation of the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness strategy. (2004) Gouws, Eleanor; Bryce, Jennifer; Habicht, Jean-Pierre; Amaral, João; Pariyo, George; Schellenberg, Joanna Armstrong; Fontaine, Olivier
  • Tents pre-treated with insecticide for malaria control in refugee camps: an entomological evaluation. (2004) Graham, Kate; Rehman, Hameed; Ahmad, Mushtaq; Kamal, Mohammed; Khan, Irfanullah; Rowland, Mark
  • Compression, expansion, or dynamic equilibrium? The evolution of health expectancy in New Zealand. (2004) Graham, Patrick; Blakely, Tony; Davis, Peter; Sporle, Andrew; Pearce, Neil
  • The familial technique for linking maternal death with poverty. (2004) Graham, Wendy J; Fitzmaurice, Ann E; Bell, Jacqueline S; Cairns, John A
  • Clusters of meningococcal disease in educational establishments in the United Kingdom: April 2001 to March 2002. (2004) Granerød, J; Davison, K; Stuart, J; Crowcroft, N; Health Protection Agency Communicable Disease Surveillance Centr
  • Dietary factors are not associated with high levels of obesity in New Zealand Pacific preschool children. (2004) Grant, Andrea M; Ferguson, Elaine L; Toafa, Viliami; Henry, Teavekura Emma; Guthrie, Barbara E
  • Inhibitors of Leishmania mexicana CRK3 cyclin-dependent kinase: chemical library screen and antileishmanial activity. (2004) Grant, Karen M; Dunion, Morag H; Yardley, Vanessa; Skaltsounis, Alexios-Leandros; Marko, Doris; Eisenbrand, Gerhard; Croft, Simon L; Meijer, Laurent; Mottram, Jeremy C
  • Comparison of household-survey estimates with projections of mortality and orphan numbers in sub-Saharan Africa in the era of HIV/AIDS. (2004) Grassly, Nicholas C; Lewis, James JC; Mahy, Mary; Walker, Neff; Timaeus, Ian M
  • Would universal antenatal screening for HIV infection be cost-effective in a setting of very low prevalence? Modelling the data for Australia. (2004) Graves, Nicholas; Walker, Damian G; McDonald, Ann M; Kaldor, John M; Ziegler, John B
  • Other bacteria and HIV disease. (2004) Gray, KJ; French, N
  • Book Reviews. (2004) Green, J
  • Qualitative methods and health policy research. (2004) Green, J
  • Is trust an under-researched component of healthcare organisation? (2004) Green, Judith
  • Between hope and a hard place. (2004) Greenwood, Brian
  • Treating malaria in Africa. (2004) Greenwood, Brian
  • The use of anti-malarial drugs to prevent malaria in the population of malaria-endemic areas. (2004) Greenwood, Brian
  • Antidepressant-related deaths. (2004) Griffiths, C; Morgan, O
  • Incremental cost-effectiveness of supplementary immunization activities to prevent neonatal tetanus in Pakistan. (2004) Griffiths, Ulla K; Wolfson, Lara J; Quddus, Arshad; Younus, Mohammed; Hafiz, Rehan A
  • Polyuria in association with Plasmodium falciparum malaria in a region of unstable transmission. (2004) Grimwade, K; French, N; Mthembu, D; Gilks, C
  • HIV infection as a cofactor for severe falciparum malaria in adults living in a region of unstable malaria transmission in South Africa. (2004) Grimwade, Kate; French, Neil; Mbatha, Daniel D; Zungu, Dawn D; Dedicoat, Martin; Gilks, Charles F
  • The north-south divide in health research publishing: what can smaller journals do? (2004) Groener, Susanne
  • Competitive effects on teaching hospitals. (2004) Grosskopf, Shawna; Margaritis, Dimitri; Valdmanis, Vivian
  • Semi-quantitative assessment of tricuspid regurgitation on contrast-enhanced multidetector CT. (2004) Groves, AM; Win, T; Charman, SC; Wisbey, C; Pepke-Zaba, J; Coulden, RA
  • Living arrangements and place of death of older people with cancer in England and Wales: a record linkage study. (2004) Grundy, E; Mayer, D; Young, H; Sloggett, A
  • 10 best resources in...cost analysis for HIV/AIDS programmes in low and middle income countries. (2004) Guinness, Lorna; Levine, Ruth; Weaver, Marcia
  • Effectiveness of electrochemically activated water as an irrigant in an infected tooth model. (2004) Gulabivala, K; Stock, CJR; Lewsey, JD; Ghori, S; Ng, Y-L; Spratt, DA
  • Achieving the WHO/UNAIDS antiretroviral treatment 3 by 5 goal: what will it cost? (2004) Gutierrez, Juan Pablo; Johns, Benjamin; Adam, Taghreed; Bertozzi, Stefano M; Edejer, Tessa Tan-Torres; Greener, Robert; Hankins, Catherine; Evans, David B
  • [XV International Conference on SIDA]. (2004) Gutiérrez, Juan Pablo; Kendall, Tamil; Negroni, Mirka; Bautista, Sergio
  • [Facing the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Mexico: the response of the health sector]. (2004) Gutiérrez, Juan Pablo; López-Zaragoza, José Luis; Valencia-Mendoza, Atanacio; Pesqueira, Eduardo; Ponce-de-León, Samuel; Bertozzi, Stefano M
  • Coexistence of Wolbachia with Buchnera aphidicola and a secondary symbiont in the aphid Cinara cedri. (2004) Gómez-Valero, Laura; Soriano-Navarro, Mario; Pérez-Brocal, Vicente; Heddi, Abdelaziz; Moya, Andrés; García-Verdugo, José Manuel; Latorre, Amparo
  • H
  • Neuropathic pain in leprosy. (2004) Haanpää, Maija; Lockwood, Diana NJ; Hietaharju, Aki
  • Could insecticide-treated cattle reduce Afrotropical malaria transmission? Effects of deltamethrin-treated Zebu on Anopheles arabiensis behaviour and survival in Ethiopia. (2004) Habtewold, T; Prior, A; Torr, SJ; Gibson, G
  • Comparative gene expression analysis of murine retina and brain. (2004) Hackam, Abigail S; Qian, Jiang; Liu, Dongmei; Gunatilaka, Tushara; Farkas, Ronald H; Chowers, Itay; Kageyama, Masaaki; Parmigiani, Giovanni; Zack, Donald J
  • Identification of gene expression changes associated with the progression of retinal degeneration in the rd1 mouse. (2004) Hackam, Abigail S; Strom, Richelle; Liu, Dongmei; Qian, Jiang; Wang, Chenwei; Otteson, Deborah; Gunatilaka, Tushara; Farkas, Ronald H; Chowers, Itay; Kageyama, Masaaki; Leveillard, Thierry; Sahel, Jose-Alain; Campochiaro, Peter A; Parmigiani, Giovanni; Zack, Donald J
  • Incidence and routes of transmission of hepatitis B virus in England and Wales, 1995-2000: implications for immunisation policy. (2004) Hahné, Susan; Ramsay, Mary; Balogun, Koye; Edmunds, W John; Mortimer, Philip
  • Individuals and Global Health Improvement—Reply. (2004) Haines, A; Walt, G; Lee, K
  • Can the millennium development goals be attained? (2004) Haines, Andy; Cassels, Andrew
  • Bridging the implementation gap between knowledge and action for health. (2004) Haines, Andy; Kuruvilla, Shyama; Borchert, Matthias
  • Health effects of climate change. (2004) Haines, Andy; Patz, Jonathan A
  • Evidence-based action needed on health systems. (2004) Haines, Andy; Victora, Cesar
  • The Lancet's series on health-systems research: a call for papers. (2004) Haines, Andy; Victora, Cesar; Horton, Richard
  • Cold weather and GP consultations for respiratory conditions by elderly people in 16 locations in the UK. (2004) Hajat, Shakoor; Bird, William; Haines, Andy
  • Patterns and determinants of alcohol consumption in people aged 75 years and older: results from the MRC trial of assessment and management of older people in the community. (2004) Hajat, Shakoor; Haines, Andy; Bulpitt, Christopher; Fletcher, Astrid
  • Blood biochemistry and the risk of cancer. (2004) Hakama, Matti; Hakulinen, Timo; Kenward, Michael G; Aaran, Ritva-Kaarina; Aromaa, Arpo; Knekt, Paul; Nikkari, Tapio; Teppo, Lyly; Peto, Richard
  • Commentary: vaccines and unexpected events. (2004) Hall, Andrew
  • Vaccination and child mortality. (2004) Hall, Andrew J
  • Widespread dissemination in England of a stable and persistent hepatitis B virus variant. (2004) Hallett, Rachel L; Ngui, Siew Lin; Meigh, Rolf E; Mutton, Ken J; Boxall, Elizabeth H; Teo, Chong Gee
  • Combination therapy counteracts the enhanced transmission of drug-resistant malaria parasites to mosquitoes. (2004) Hallett, Rachel L; Sutherland, Colin J; Alexander, Neal; Ord, Rosalynn; Jawara, Musa; Drakeley, Chris J; Pinder, Margaret; Walraven, Gijs; Targett, Geoffrey AT; Alloueche, Ali
  • Prevention of disabling and fatal strokes by successful carotid endarterectomy in patients without recent neurological symptoms: randomised controlled trial. (2004) Halliday, A; Mansfield, A; Marro, J; Peto, C; Peto, R; Potter, J; Thomas, D; MRC Asymptomatic Carotid Surgery Trial (ACST) Collaborative Grou
  • Impact of long-term inhaled corticosteroid therapy on bone mineral density: results of a meta-analysis. (2004) Halpern, Michael T; Schmier, Jordana K; Van Kerkhove, Maria D; Watkins, Michael; Kalberg, Chris J
  • Large-scale, polymerase chain reaction-based surveillance of Schistosoma haematobium DNA in snails from transmission sites in coastal Kenya: a new tool for studying the dynamics of snail infection. (2004) Hamburger, Joseph; Hoffman, Orit; Kariuki, H Curtis; Muchiri, Eric M; Ouma, John H; Koech, Davy K; Sturrock, Robert F; King, Charles H
  • Trypanosomes are monophyletic: evidence from genes for glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase and small subunit ribosomal RNA. (2004) Hamilton, Patrick B; Stevens, Jamie R; Gaunt, Michael W; Gidley, Jennifer; Gibson, Wendy C
  • Stationary phase gene expression of Mycobacterium tuberculosis following a progressive nutrient depletion: a model for persistent organisms? (2004) Hampshire, Tobias; Soneji, Shamit; Bacon, Joanna; James, Brian W; Hinds, Jason; Laing, Ken; Stabler, Richard A; Marsh, Philip D; Butcher, Philip D
  • Public and private roles in malaria control: the contributions of economic analysis. (2004) Hanson, Kara
  • The impact of quality on the demand for outpatient services in Cyprus. (2004) Hanson, Kara; Yip, Winnie C; Hsiao, William
  • Early interactions of Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium with human small intestinal epithelial explants. (2004) Haque, A; Bowe, F; Fitzhenry, RJ; Frankel, G; Thomson, M; Heuschkel, R; Murch, S; Stevens, MP; Wallis, TS; Phillips, AD; Dougan, G
  • Childhood mortality among former Mozambican refugees and their hosts in rural South Africa. (2004) Hargreaves, James R; Collinson, Mark A; Kahn, Kathleen; Clark, Samuel J; Tollman, Stephen M
  • Epidemiology of menstrual disorders in developing countries: a systematic review. (2004) Harlow, Siobán D; Campbell, Oona MR
  • Characteristics and outcome of tuberculosis patients whose sputum smears are positive at or after 5 months of treatment. (2004) Harries, AD; Gausi, F; Chimzizi, R; Salaniponi, FM
  • Prescriptions and dosages of anti-tuberculosis drugs in the National Tuberculosis Control Programme of Malawi. (2004) Harries, AD; Gausi, F; Salaniponi, FM
  • When are follow-up sputum smears actually examined in patients treated for new smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis? (2004) Harries, AD; Gausi, F; Salaniponi, FM
  • Using a bus service for transporting sputum specimens to the Central Reference Laboratory: effect on the routine TB culture service in Malawi. (2004) Harries, AD; Michongwe, J; Nyirenda, TE; Kemp, JR; Squire, SB; Ramsay, AR; Godfrey-Faussett, P; Salaniponi, FM
  • Tuberculosis control in Malawian prisons: from research to policy and practice. (2004) Harries, AD; Nyirenda, TE; Yadidi, AE; Gondwe, MK; Kwanjana, JH; Salaniponi, FM
  • 'DOTS' and 'DOT' for delivering antiretroviral therapy in resource-poor countries. (2004) Harries, Anthony D
  • Monitoring the response to antiretroviral therapy in resource-poor settings: the Malawi model. (2004) Harries, Anthony D; Gomani, Patrick; Teck, Roger; de Teck, Olga Ascurra; Bakali, Edwin; Zachariah, Rony; Libamba, Edwin; Mwansambo, Andrina; Salaniponi, Felix; Mpazanje, Rex
  • Expanding antiretroviral therapy in Malawi: drawing on the country's experience with tuberculosis. (2004) Harries, Anthony D; Libamba, Edwin; Schouten, Erik J; Mwansambo, Andrina; Salaniponi, Felix M; Mpazanje, Rex
  • Antithrombotic therapy for coronary artery disease: the Seventh ACCP Conference on Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy. (2004) Harrington, Robert A; Becker, Richard C; Ezekowitz, Michael; Meade, Thomas W; O'Connor, Christopher M; Vorchheimer, David A; Guyatt, Gordon H
  • Winter excess mortality in intensive care in the UK: an analysis of outcome adjusted for patient case mix and unit workload. (2004) Harrison, David A; Lertsithichai, Panuwat; Brady, Anthony R; Carpenter, James R; Rowan, Kathy
  • Outbreak of Escherichia coli O157 associated with a busy bathing beach. (2004) Harrison, S; Kinra, S
  • Protection afforded by heat shock protein 60 from Francisella tularensis is due to copurified lipopolysaccharide. (2004) Hartley, MG; Green, M; Choules, G; Rogers, D; Rees, DGC; Newstead, S; Sjostedt, A; Titball, RW
  • A plasmid immunization construct encoding urease B of Helicobacter pylori induces an antigen-specific antibody response and upregulates the expression of beta-defensins and IL-10 in the stomachs of immunized mice. (2004) Hatzifoti, Caterina; Bajaj-Elliott, Mona; Dorrell, Nick; Anyim, Martin; Prentice, Michael B; Nye, Keith E; Wren, Brendan; Morrow, W John W
  • Intraspecies variability in the dose-response relationship for Salmonella Enteritidis associated with genetic differences in cellular immune response. (2004) Havelaar, Arie; Garssen, Johan; Takumi, Katsuhisa; Koedam, Marjan; Ritmeester, Wilma; de la Fonteyne, Lisette; Bousema, Teun; Vos, Joseph
  • Antenatal syphilis control: people, programmes, policies and politics. (2004) Hawkes, Sarah; Miller, Suellen; Reichenbach, Laura; Nayyar, Anjali; Buses, Kent
  • A single-centre assessment of long-term quality-of-life status after sibling allogeneic stem cell transplantation for chronic myeloid leukaemia in first chronic phase. (2004) Hayden, PJ; Keogh, F; Ni Conghaile, M; Carroll, M; Crowley, M; Fitzsimon, N; Gardiner, N; Vandenberghe, E; O'Riordan, J; McCann, SR
  • Highly antimalaria-active artemisinin derivatives: biological activity does not correlate with chemical reactivity. (2004) Haynes, Richard K; Ho, Wing-Yan; Chan, Ho-Wai; Fugmann, Burkhard; Stetter, Jörg; Croft, Simon L; Vivas, Livia; Peters, Wallace; Robinson, Brian L
  • Tau gene and Parkinson's disease: a case-control study and meta-analysis. (2004) Healy, DG; Abou-Sleiman, PM; Lees, AJ; Casas, JP; Quinn, N; Bhatia, K; Hingorani, AD; Wood, NW
  • Interleukin 1 plays a major role in the development of Th2-mediated immunity. (2004) Helmby, Helena; Grencis, Richard K
  • HIV-1 populations in blood and breast milk are similar. (2004) Henderson, Gavin J; Hoffman, Noah G; Ping, Li Hua; Fiscus, Susan A; Hoffman, Irving F; Kitrinos, Kathryn M; Banda, Topia; Martinson, Francis EA; Kazembe, Peter N; Chilongozi, David A; Cohen, Myron S; Swanstrom, Ronald
  • Factors influencing the uptake of childhood immunisation in rural areas. (2004) Henderson, Rob; Oates, Ken; MacDonald, Helen; Smith, W Cairns S; Selvaraj, Sivasubramaniam
  • Assessing inpatients' satisfaction with hospital care: should we prefer evaluation or satisfaction ratings? (2004) Hendriks, AA Jolijn; Vrielink, Marjon R; van Es, Saskia Q; De Haes, Hanneke JCJM; Smets, Ellen MA
  • A prospective study of Plasmodium falciparum multiplicity of infection and morbidity in Tanzanian children. (2004) Henning, L; Schellenberg, D; Smith, T; Henning, D; Alonso, P; Tanner, M; Mshinda, H; Beck, H-P; Felger, I
  • Adult anopheline ecology and malaria transmission in irrigated areas of South Punjab, Pakistan. (2004) Herrel, N; Amerasinghe, FP; Ensink, J; Mukhtar, M; van der Hoek, W; Konradsen, F
  • Protecting investments in polio eradication: the past, present and future of surveillance for acute flaccid paralysis. (2004) Heymann, DL; De Gourville, EM; Aylward, RB
  • Epidémies et aspects de santé publique : problématique et gestion au niveau mondial de l'épidémie de SRAS. (2004) Heymann, DL; Rodier, G
  • SARS: A Global Response to an international threat. (2004) Heymann, DL; Rodier, G
  • From smallpox to polio and beyond: disease surveillance in India. (2004) Heymann, David L
  • Polio eradication: finishing the job and protecting the investment. (2004) Heymann, David L
  • Smallpox containment updated: considerations for the 21st century. (2004) Heymann, David L
  • The international response to the outbreak of SARS in 2003. (2004) Heymann, David L
  • Eradicating polio. (2004) Heymann, David L; Aylward, R Bruce
  • Dangerous pathogens in the laboratory: from smallpox to today's SARS setbacks and tomorrow's polio-free world. (2004) Heymann, David L; Aylward, R Bruce; Wolff, Christopher
  • Global surveillance, national surveillance, and SARS. (2004) Heymann, David L; Rodier, Guénaël
  • Injecting drug use in Brighton, Liverpool, and London: best estimates of prevalence and coverage of public health indicators. (2004) Hickman, Matthew; Higgins, Vanessa; Hope, Vivian; Bellis, Mark; Tilling, Kate; Walker, Angeline; Henry, John
  • Serial magnetization transfer imaging in acute optic neuritis. (2004) Hickman, SJ; Toosy, AT; Jones, SJ; Altmann, DR; Miszkiel, KA; MacManus, DG; Barker, GJ; Plant, GT; Thompson, AJ; Miller, DH
  • A serial MRI study following optic nerve mean area in acute optic neuritis. (2004) Hickman, Simon J; Toosy, Ahmed T; Jones, Stephen J; Altmann, Daniel R; Miszkiel, Katharine A; MacManus, David G; Barker, Gareth J; Plant, Gordon T; Thompson, Alan J; Miller, David H
  • Visual recovery following acute optic neuritis--a clinical, electrophysiological and magnetic resonance imaging study. (2004) Hickman, Simon J; Toosy, Ahmed T; Miszkiel, Katherine A; Jones, Stephen J; Altmann, Daniel R; MacManus, David G; Plant, Gordon T; Thompson, Alan J; Miller, David H
  • HIV, sexual risk, and ethnicity among men in England who have sex with men. (2004) Hickson, F; Reid, D; Weatherburn, P; Stephens, M; Nutland, W; Boakye, P
  • Jejunoileal Crohn's disease: a case-control study. (2004) Higuero, Thierry; Merle, Corinne; Thiéfin, Gérard; Coussinet, Sylvie; Jolly, Damien; Diebold, Marie-Danièle; Zeitoun, Paul; Cadiot, Guillaume
  • Large-scale evaluation of enzyme-linked immunospot assay and skin test for diagnosis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection against a gradient of exposure in The Gambia. (2004) Hill, Philip C; Brookes, Roger H; Fox, Annette; Fielding, Katherine; Jeffries, David J; Jackson-Sillah, Dolly; Lugos, Moses D; Owiafe, Patrick K; Donkor, Simon A; Hammond, Abdulrahman S; Otu, Jacob K; Corrah, Tumani; Adegbola, Richard A; McAdam, Keith PWJ
  • Reducing attrition in panel studies in developing countries. (2004) Hill, Zelee
  • Religious affiliation and extramarital sex among men in Brazil. (2004) Hill, Zelee E; Cleland, John; Ali, Mohamed M
  • Can a simple measure of vigorous physical activity predict future mortality? Results from the OXCHECK study. (2004) Hillsdon, Melvyn; Thorogood, Margaret; Murphy, Mike; Jones, Lesley
  • Prevalence of lymphoreticular prion protein accumulation in UK tissue samples. (2004) Hilton, David A; Ghani, Azra C; Conyers, Lisa; Edwards, Philip; McCardle, Linda; Ritchie, Diane; Penney, Mark; Hegazy, Doha; Ironside, James W
  • Functional analysis of a novel bacterial N-linked protein glycosylation pathway from Campylobacter jejuni. (2004) Hitchen, PG; Linton, D; Dorrel, N; Amber, S; Karlyshev, AV; Morris, HR; Dell, A; Valvano, MA; Aebi, M; Wren, BW
  • Improving the evaluation of therapeutic interventions in multiple sclerosis: development of a patient-based measure of outcome. (2004) Hobart, JC; Riazi, A; Lamping, DL; Fitzpatrick, R; Thompson, AJ
  • Improving the evaluation of therapeutic interventions in multiple sclerosis: development of a patient-based measure of outcome. (2004) Hobart, JC; Riazi, A; Lamping, DL; Fitzpatrick, R; Thompson, AJ
  • Methodological lessons from a cohort study of high risk women in Tanzania. (2004) Hoffmann, O; Zaba, B; Wolff, B; Sanga, E; Maboko, L; Mmbando, D; von Sonnenburg, F; Hoelscher, M
  • Design and analysis of admixture mapping studies. (2004) Hoggart, CJ; Shriver, MD; Kittles, RA; Clayton, DG; McKeigue, PM
  • Genomic plasticity of the causative agent of melioidosis, Burkholderia pseudomallei. (2004) Holden, Matthew TG; Titball, Richard W; Peacock, Sharon J; Cerdeño-Tárraga, Ana M; Atkins, Timothy; Crossman, Lisa C; Pitt, Tyrone; Churcher, Carol; Mungall, Karen; Bentley, Stephen D; Sebaihia, Mohammed; Thomson, Nicholas R; Bason, Nathalie; Beacham, Ifor R; Brooks, Karen; Brown, Katherine A; Brown, Nat F; Challis, Greg L; Cherevach, Inna; Chillingworth, Tracy; Cronin, Ann; Crossett, Ben; Davis, Paul; DeShazer, David; Feltwell, Theresa; Fraser, Audrey; Hance, Zahra; Hauser, Heidi; Holroyd, Simon; Jagels, Kay; Keith, Karen E; Maddison, Mark; Moule, Sharon; Price, Claire; Quail, Michael A; Rabbinowitsch, Ester; Rutherford, Kim; Sanders, Mandy; Simmonds, Mark; Songsivilai, Sirirurg; Stevens, Kim; Tumapa, Sarinna; Vesaratchavest, Monkgol; Whitehead, Sally; Yeats, Corin; Barrell, Bart G; Oyston, Petra CF; Parkhill, Julian
  • Assessing quality of life in the elderly: a direct comparison of the EQ-5D and AQoL. (2004) Holland, Richard; Smith, Richard D; Harvey, Ian; Swift, Louise; Lenaghan, Elizabeth
  • Hospitals in a changing Europe. (2004) Hongoro, C
  • How to bridge the gap in human resources for health. (2004) Hongoro, Charles; McPake, Barbara
  • Syphilis control--a continuing challenge. (2004) Hook, Edward W; Peeling, Rosanna W
  • Advice to reduce dietary salt for prevention of cardiovascular disease. (2004) Hooper, L; Bartlett, C; Davey, SG; Ebrahim, S
  • Omega 3 fatty acids for prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease. (2004) Hooper, L; Thompson, RL; Harrison, RA; Summerbell, CD; Moore, H; Worthington, HV; Durrington, PN; Ness, AR; Capps, NE; Davey Smith, G; Riemersma, RA; Ebrahim, SBJ
  • The human perspective on health care reform: coping with diabetes in Kyrgyzstan. (2004) Hopkinson, B; Balabanova, D; McKee, M; Kutzin, J
  • The human perspective on health care reform: coping with diabetes in Kyrgyzstan. (2004) Hopkinson, Botagoz; Balabanova, Dina; McKee, Martin; Kutzin, Joseph
  • A randomised comparison of UK genetic risk counselling services for familial cancer: psychosocial outcomes. (2004) Hopwood, P; Wonderling, D; Watson, M; Cull, A; Douglas, F; Cole, T; Eccles, D; Gray, J; Murday, V; Steel, M; Burn, J; McPherson, K
  • The molecular control of antigenic variation in Trypanosoma brucei. (2004) Horn, David
  • The impact of adult mortality on household dissolution and migration in rural South Africa. (2004) Hosegood, Victoria; McGrath, Nuala; Herbst, Kobus; Timaeus, Ian M
  • Levels and causes of adult mortality in rural South Africa: the impact of AIDS. (2004) Hosegood, Victoria; Vanneste, Anna-Maria; Timaeus, Ian M
  • Hookworm infection. (2004) Hotez, Peter J; Brooker, Simon; Bethony, Jeffrey M; Bottazzi, Maria Elena; Loukas, Alex; Xiao, Shuhua
  • Assessing potential risk of heavy metal exposure from consumption of home-produced vegetables by urban populations. (2004) Hough, Rupert L; Breward, Neil; Young, Scott D; Crout, Neil MJ; Tye, Andrew M; Moir, Ann M; Thornton, Iain
  • The search for low-penetrance cancer susceptibility alleles. (2004) Houlston, Richard S; Peto, Julian
  • A description of travel medicine in general practice: a postal questionnaire survey. (2004) Hoveyda, Nourieh; McDonald, Paula; Behrens, Ron H
  • [Incidence of gestational diabetes and relationship to obesity in Chilean pregnant women]. (2004) Huidobro, Andrea; Fulford, Anthony; Carrasco, Elena
  • Effects of education and other socioeconomic factors on middle age mortality in rural Bangladesh. (2004) Hurt, LS; Ronsmans, C; Saha, S
  • Long-term effects of reproductive history on all-cause mortality among adults in rural Bangladesh. (2004) Hurt, Lisa S; Ronsmans, Carine; Campbell, Oona MR; Saha, Sajal; Kenward, Mike; Quigley, Maria
  • Immune profiling of leprosy and tuberculosis patients to 15-mer peptides of Mycobacterium leprae and M. tuberculosis GroES in a BCG vaccinated area: implications for development of vaccine and diagnostic reagents. (2004) Hussain, Rabia; Shahid, Firdaus; Zafar, Shahid; Dojki, Maqboola; Dockrell, Hazel M
  • Progestogen-only pills and high blood pressure: is there an association? A literature review. (2004) Hussain, Sabina F
  • Socioeconomic status and outcome from intensive care in England and Wales. (2004) Hutchings, Andrew; Raine, Rosalind; Brady, Anthony; Wildman, Martin; Rowan, Kathy
  • An Evaluation of the Environmental and Health Effects of Vehicle Exhaust Catalysts in the UK. (2004) Hutchinson, EJ; Pearson, PJ
  • An evaluation of the environmental and health effects of vehicle exhaust catalysts in the UK. (2004) Hutchinson, Emma J; Pearson, Peter JG
  • HIV-1 pol gene variation is sufficient for reconstruction of transmissions in the era of antiretroviral therapy. (2004) Hué, Stéphane; Clewley, Jonathan P; Cane, Patricia A; Pillay, Deenan
  • Anaemia and iron deficiency during pregnancy in rural Bangladesh. (2004) Hyder, SM Ziauddin; Persson, Lars-Ake; Chowdhury, Mushtaque; Lönnerdal, BO; Ekström, Eva-Charlotte
  • Infant vitamin d supplementation and allergic conditions in adulthood: northern Finland birth cohort 1966. (2004) Hyppönen, Elina; Sovio, Ulla; Wjst, Matthias; Patel, Swatee; Pekkanen, Juha; Hartikainen, Anna-Liisa; Järvelinb, Marjo-Riitta
  • I
  • Better reporting of harms in randomized trials: an extension of the CONSORT statement. (2004) Ioannidis, John PA; Evans, Stephen JW; Gøtzsche, Peter C; O'Neill, Robert T; Altman, Douglas G; Schulz, Kenneth; Moher, David; CONSORT Group
  • [International comparison of guidelines for the management of benign prostatic hyperplasia: use of a validated generic tool]. (2004) Irani, Jacques; Brown, Christian; Van der Meulen, Jan; Emberton, Mark
  • Monoamine oxidase type B inhibitors in early Parkinson's disease: meta-analysis of 17 randomised trials involving 3525 patients. (2004) Ives, Natalie J; Stowe, Rebecca L; Marro, Joanna; Counsell, Carl; Macleod, Angus; Clarke, Carl E; Gray, Richard; Wheatley, Keith
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  • Pretransplant MELD score and post liver transplantation survival in the UK and Ireland. (2004) Jacob, Mathew; Copley, Lynn P; Lewsey, James D; Gimson, Alex; Toogood, Giles J; Rela, Mohamed; van der Meulen, Jan HP; UK and Ireland Liver Transplant Audit
  • Sexually transmitted disease management in Uganda's private-for-profit formal and informal sector and compliance with treatment. (2004) Jacobs, Bart; Whitworth, James; Kambugu, Fred; Pool, Robert
  • The natural history of HIV-1 and HIV-2 infections in adults in Africa: a literature review. (2004) Jaffar, Shabbar; Grant, Alison D; Whitworth, Jimmy; Smith, Peter G; Whittle, Hilton
  • An holistic economic evaluation of an Aboriginal community-controlled midwifery programme in Western Sydney. (2004) Jan, Stephen; Conaty, Stephen; Hecker, Rosalind; Bartlett, Mark; Delaney, Sheilah; Capon, Tony
  • Interviewer Training in the WHO Multi-Country Study on Women’s Health and Domestic Violence. (2004) Jansen, Henrica AFM; Watts, Charlotte; Ellsberg, Mary; Heise, Lori; García-Moreno, Claudia
  • Post-mortem culture of Balamuthia mandrillaris from the brain and cerebrospinal fluid of a case of granulomatous amoebic meningoencephalitis, using human brain microvascular endothelial cells. (2004) Jayasekera, Samantha; Sissons, James; Tucker, Julie; Rogers, Claire; Nolder, Debbie; Warhurst, David; Alsam, Selwa; White, Jonathan ML; Higgins, EM; Khan, Naveed Ahmed
  • No differences in cellular immune responses between asymptomatic HIV type 1- and type 2-infected Gambian patients. (2004) Jaye, Assan; Sarge-Njie, Ramu; Schim van der Loeff, Maarten; Todd, Jim; Alabi, Abraham; Sabally, Shehu; Corrah, Tumani; Whittle, Hilton
  • Plasmodium falciparum associated with severe childhood malaria preferentially expresses PfEMP1 encoded by group A var genes. (2004) Jensen, Anja TR; Magistrado, Pamela; Sharp, Sarah; Joergensen, Louise; Lavstsen, Thomas; Chiucchiuini, Antonella; Salanti, Ali; Vestergaard, Lasse S; Lusingu, John P; Hermsen, Rob; Sauerwein, Robert; Christensen, Jesper; Nielsen, Morten A; Hviid, Lars; Sutherland, Colin; Staalsoe, Trine; Theander, Thor G
  • Is there an association between bacteriological drinking water quality and childhood diarrhoea in developing countries? (2004) Jensen, PK; Jayasinghe, G; van der Hoek, W; Cairncross, S; Dalsgaard, A
  • A randomized placebo-controlled trial of the impact of multiple micronutrient supplementation on HIV-1 genital shedding among Thai subjects. (2004) Jiamto, Sukhum; Chaisilwattana, Pongsakdi; Pepin, Jacques; Suttent, Reungpung; Mahakkanukrauh, Bussakorn; Filteau, Suzanne; Suthipinittharm, Puan; Jaffar, Shabbar
  • Quantifying the intra- and extravascular contributions to spin-echo fMRI at 3 T. (2004) Jochimsen, Thies H; Norris, David G; Mildner, Toralf; Möller, Harald E
  • Creating an aggregate outcome index: cost-effectiveness analysis of substance abuse treatment. (2004) Jofre-Bonet, Mireia; Sindelar, Jody L
  • Cost effectiveness of disulfiram: treating cocaine use in methadone-maintained patients. (2004) Jofre-Bonet, Mireia; Sindelar, Jody L; Petrakis, Ismene L; Nich, Charla; Frankforter, Tami; Rounsaville, Bruce J; Carroll, Kathleen M
  • Design and synthesis of potent inhibitors of the malaria aspartyl proteases plasmepsin I and II. Use of solid-phase synthesis to explore novel statine motifs. (2004) Johansson, Per-Ola; Chen, Yantao; Belfrage, Anna Karin; Blackman, Michael J; Kvarnström, Ingemar; Jansson, Katarina; Vrang, Lotta; Hamelink, Elizabeth; Hallberg, Anders; Rosenquist, Asa; Samuelsson, Bertil
  • Emerging from obscurity: biological, clinical, and diagnostic aspects of Dientamoeba fragilis. (2004) Johnson, Eugene H; Windsor, Jeffrey J; Clark, C Graham
  • The environment and the eye. (2004) Johnson, GJ
  • Effect of Mycobacterium vaccae (SRL172) immunotherapy on radiographic healing in tuberculosis. (2004) Johnson, JL; Nunn, AJ; Fourie, PB; Ormerod, LP; Mugerwa, RD; Mwinga, A; Chintu, C; Ngwira, B; Onyebujoh, P; Zumla, A
  • Trends in sexually transmitted infections. (2004) Johnston, AR; Fenton, KA
  • The social burden of malaria: what are we measuring? (2004) Jones, Caroline OH; Williams, Holly A
  • Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of clopidogrel and modified-release dipyridamole in the secondary prevention of occlusive vascular events: a systematic review and economic evaluation. (2004) Jones, L; Griffin, S; Palmer, S; Main, C; Orton, V; Sculpher, M; Sudlow, C; Henderson, R; Hawkins, N; Riemsma, R
  • Systematic review of the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of capecitabine (Xeloda) for locally advanced and/or metastatic breast cancer. (2004) Jones, L; Hawkins, N; Westwood, M; Wright, K; Richardson, G; Riemsma, R
  • Adaptation of Campylobacter jejuni NCTC11168 to high-level colonization of the avian gastrointestinal tract. (2004) Jones, Michael A; Marston, Kerrie L; Woodall, Claire A; Maskell, Duncan J; Linton, Dennis; Karlyshev, Andrey V; Dorrell, Nick; Wren, Brendan W; Barrow, Paul A
  • The detection of atmospheric waves produced by the total solar eclipse of 11 August 1999. (2004) Jones, TB; Wright, DM; Milner, J; Yeoman, TK; Reid, T; Chapman, PJ; Senior, A
  • Thirteen years HIV-1 sentinel surveillance and indicators for behavioural change suggest impact of programme activities in south-west Tanzania. (2004) Jordan-Harder, Brigitte; Maboko, Leonard; Mmbando, Donan; Riedner, Gabriele; Nägele, Elisabeth; Harder, Juan; Küchen, Volker; Kilian, Albert; Korte, Rolf; Sonnenburg, Frank V
  • Impairment of the Schistosoma mansoni-specific immune responses elicited by treatment with praziquantel in Ugandans with HIV-1 coinfection. (2004) Joseph, Sarah; Jones, Frances M; Laidlaw, Maureen E; Mohamed, Gamal; Mawa, Patrice A; Namujju, Proscovia B; Kizza, Moses; Watera, Christine; Whitworth, James AG; Dunne, David W; Elliott, Alison M
  • Apolipoprotein E epsilon 4 is a determinant for Alzheimer-type pathologic features in tauopathies, synucleinopathies, and frontotemporal degeneration. (2004) Josephs, Keith A; Tsuboi, Yoshio; Cookson, Natalie; Watt, Hilary; Dickson, Dennis W
  • Antimalarial activities of (+)-deoxoartemisitene and its novel C-11, 13 derivatives. (2004) Jung, Mankil; Lee, Kyunghoon; Jung, Hochul; Kendrick, Howard; Yardley, Vanessa; Croft, Simon L
  • Early life factors and blood pressure at age 31 years in the 1966 northern Finland birth cohort. (2004) Järvelin, Marjo-Riitta; Sovio, Ulla; King, Vanessa; Lauren, Liisa; Xu, Baizhuang; McCarthy, Mark I; Hartikainen, Anna-Liisa; Laitinen, Jaana; Zitting, Paavo; Rantakallio, Paula; Elliott, Paul
  • K
  • Epidemiology and geography of Schistosoma mansoni in Uganda: implications for planning control. (2004) Kabatereine, Narcis B; Brooker, Simon; Tukahebwa, Edridah M; Kazibwe, Francis; Onapa, Ambrose W
  • AIDS in India. (2004) Kadiyala, S; Barnett, T
  • AIDS in India: Disaster in the making. (2004) Kadiyala, S; Barnett, T
  • Rethinking food aid to fight AIDS. (2004) Kadiyala, Suneetha; Gillespie, Stuart
  • The influence of venous thromboembolism on quality of life and severity of chronic venous disease. (2004) Kahn, SR; M'Lan, CE; Lamping, DL; Kurz, X; Bérard, A; Abenhaim, L; Veines Study Group
  • Relationship between clinical classification of chronic venous disease and patient-reported quality of life: results from an international cohort study. (2004) Kahn, Susan R; M'lan, Cyr E; Lamping, Donna L; Kurz, Xavier; Bérard, Anick; Abenhaim, Lucien A; VEINES Study Group
  • School-based obesity prevention in Chilean primary school children: methodology and evaluation of a controlled study. (2004) Kain, J; Uauy, R; Albala; Vio, F; Cerda, R; Leyton, B
  • Acceptability and accessibility of a Shigellosis vaccine in Nha Trang city of Viet Nam. (2004) Kaljee, Linda M; Genberg, Becky L; von Seidlein, Lorenz; Canh, Do Gia; Thoa, Le Thi Kim; Thiem, Vu Dinh; Tho, Le Huu; Minh, Truong Tan; Trach, Dang Duc
  • Healthcare use for diarrhoea and dysentery in actual and hypothetical cases, Nha Trang, Viet Nam. (2004) Kaljee, Linda; Thiem, Vu Dinh; von Seidlein, Lorenz; Genberg, Becky L; Canh, Do Gia; Tho, Le Huu; Minh, Truong Tan; Thoa, Le Thi Kim; Clemens, John D; Trach, Dang Duc
  • Long-term outcome in patients registered with tuberculosis in Zomba, Malawi: mortality at 7 years according to initial HIV status and type of TB. (2004) Kang'ombe, CT; Harries, AD; Ito, K; Clark, T; Nyirenda, TE; Aldis, W; Nunn, PP; Semba, RD; Salaniponi, FML
  • Mapping the assembly pathway of Bluetongue virus scaffolding protein VP3. (2004) Kar, Alak Kanti; Ghosh, Mrinal; Roy, Polly
  • Distribution patterns and cercarial shedding of Bulinus nasutus and other snails in the Msambweni area, Coast Province, Kenya. (2004) Kariuki, H Curtis; Clennon, Julie A; Brady, Melinda S; Kitron, Uriel; Sturrock, Robert F; Ouma, John H; Ndzovu, Saidi Tosha Malick; Mungai, Peter; Hoffman, Orit; Hamburger, Joseph; Pellegrini, Cara; Muchiri, Eric M; King, Charles H
  • The Campylobacter jejuni general glycosylation system is important for attachment to human epithelial cells and in the colonization of chicks. (2004) Karlyshev, AV; Everest, P; Linton, D; Cawthraw, S; Newell, DG; Wren, BW
  • Ecological constraints on diversification in a model adaptive radiation. (2004) Kassen, Rees; Llewellyn, Martin; Rainey, Paul B
  • Isolated abducens nerve paresis associated with high titer of anti-asialo-GM1 following Campylobacter jejuni enteritis. (2004) Katchanov, Juri; Lünemann, Jan Dirks; Masuhr, Florian; Meisel, Andreas; Möller, Helgard; Zschenderlein, Rolf
  • Mucuna pruriens in Parkinson's disease: a double blind clinical and pharmacological study. (2004) Katzenschlager, R; Evans, A; Manson, A; Patsalos, PN; Ratnaraj, N; Watt, H; Timmermann, L; Van der Giessen, R; Lees, AJ
  • Low dose quetiapine for drug induced dyskinesias in Parkinson's disease: a double blind cross over study. (2004) Katzenschlager, R; Manson, AJ; Evans, A; Watt, H; Lees, AJ
  • Olfactory function distinguishes vascular parkinsonism from Parkinson's disease. (2004) Katzenschlager, R; Zijlmans, J; Evans, A; Watt, H; Lees, AJ
  • Continuous subcutaneous apomorphine therapy improves dyskinesias in Parkinson's disease: a prospective study using single-dose challenges. (2004) Katzenschlager, Regina; Hughes, Andrew; Evans, Andrew; Manson, Alice J; Hoffman, Marion; Swinn, Lesley; Watt, Hilary; Bhatia, Kailash; Quinn, Niall; Lees, Andrew J
  • The immunopathology of experimental visceral leishmaniasis. (2004) Kaye, Paul M; Svensson, Mattias; Ato, Manabu; Maroof, Asher; Polley, Rosalind; Stager, Simona; Zubairi, Soombul; Engwerda, Christian R
  • Distinct patterns of peripheral HIV-1-specific interferon- gamma responses in exposed HIV-1-seronegative individuals. (2004) Kebba, Anthony; Kaleebu, Pontiano; Rowland, Samantha; Ingram, Rebecca; Whitworth, Jimmy; Imami, Nesrina; Gotch, Frances
  • HIV type 1 antigen-responsive CD4+ T-lymphocytes in exposed yet HIV Type 1 seronegative Ugandans. (2004) Kebba, Anthony; Kaleebu, Pontiano; Serwanga, Jennifer; Rowland, Samantha; Yirrell, David; Downing, Robert; Gilmour, Jill; Imami, Nesrina; Gotch, Frances; Whitworth, Jimmy
  • Transmission of herpes simplex virus Type 2 among factory workers in Ethiopia. (2004) Kebede, Yenew; Dorigo-Zetsma, Wendelien; Mengistu, Yohannes; Mekonnen, Yared; Schaap, Ab; Wolday, Dawit; Sanders, Eduard J; Messele, Tsehaynesh; Coutinho, Roel A; Dukers, Nicole HTM
  • Cost of delivering child immunization services in urban Bangladesh: a study based on facility-level surveys. (2004) Khan, M Mahmud; Khan, Suhaila H; Walker, Damian; Fox-Rushby, Julia; Cutts, Felicity; Akramuzzaman, SM
  • Olfaction differentiates parkin disease from early-onset parkinsonism and Parkinson disease. (2004) Khan, NL; Katzenschlager, R; Watt, H; Bhatia, KP; Wood, NW; Quinn, N; Lees, AJ
  • A randomized comparison of off-pump and on-pump multivessel coronary-artery bypass surgery. (2004) Khan, Natasha E; De Souza, Anthony; Mister, Rebecca; Flather, Marcus; Clague, Jonathan; Davies, Simon; Collins, Peter; Wang, Duolao; Sigwart, Ulrich; Pepper, John
  • A malaria membrane skeletal protein is essential for normal morphogenesis, motility, and infectivity of sporozoites. (2004) Khater, Emad I; Sinden, Robert E; Dessens, Johannes T
  • New horizons in medical anthropology. Essays in honour of Charles Leslie. (2004) Kielmann, K
  • Effect of obesity on risks after coronary artery bypass grafting - Reply. (2004) Kim, J; Hammar, N; Jakobsson, K; Luepker, RV; McGovern, PG; Ivert, T
  • Predicting geographic variation in cutaneous leishmaniasis, Colombia. (2004) King, Raymond J; Campbell-Lendrum, Diarmid H; Davies, Clive R
  • Sex and relationship education and the media: an analysis of national and regional newspaper coverage in England. (2004) Kingori, P; Wellings, K; French, R; Kane, R; Gerressu, M; Stephenson, J
  • Emergency contraception and the media: an analysis of English national and regional newspaper coverage from September 2000 to September 2003. Oral presentation at the 8th Congress of the European Society of Contraception, Edinburgh, June 2004. (2004) Kingori, P; Wellings, K; Stephenson, J; Kane, R; French, R
  • Differential transmission of coronary disease risk to offspring is not supported by evidence. (2004) Kinra, S; Davey Smith, G
  • Commentary: Beyond urban-rural comparisons: towards a life course approach to understanding health effects of urbanization. (2004) Kinra, Sanjay
  • Commentary: Can conventional migration studies really identify critical age-period effects? (2004) Kinra, Sanjay
  • The Gambia Liver Cancer Study: Infection with hepatitis B and C and the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in West Africa. (2004) Kirk, Gregory D; Lesi, Olufunmilayo A; Mendy, Maimuna; Akano, Aliu O; Sam, Omar; Goedert, James J; Hainaut, Pierre; Hall, Andrew J; Whittle, Hilton; Montesano, Ruggero
  • Making public health interventions more evidence based. (2004) Kirkwood, B
  • Making public health interventions more evidence based. (2004) Kirkwood, Betty
  • Evaluation of a malarial antibody assay for use in the screening of blood and tissue products for clinical use. (2004) Kitchen, AD; Lowe, PHJ; Lalloo, K; Chiodini, PL
  • Prevalence of genital Chlamydia trachomatis infection in the general population of Slovenia: serious gaps in control. (2004) Klavs, I; Rodrigues, LC; Wellings, K; Kese, D; Hayes, R
  • Interpreting British governance. (2004) Klein, R
  • Britain's National Health Service revisited. (2004) Klein, Rudolf
  • Adverse effects of beta-blocker therapy for patients with heart failure: a quantitative overview of randomized trials. (2004) Ko, Dennis T; Hebert, Patricia R; Coffey, Christopher S; Curtis, Jeptha P; Foody, JoAnne M; Sedrakyan, Artyom; Krumholz, Harlan M
  • Simultaneous absence of dopamine D1 and D2 receptor-mediated signaling is lethal in mice. (2004) Kobayashi, Minoru; Iaccarino, Ciro; Saiardi, Adolfo; Heidt, Valérie; Bozzi, Yuri; Picetti, Roberto; Vitale, Carmine; Westphal, Heiner; Drago, John; Borrelli, Emiliana
  • Genetic markers of resistance to pyrimethamine and sulfonamides in Plasmodium falciparum parasites compared with the resistance patterns in isolates of Escherichia coli from the same children in Guinea-Bissau. (2004) Kofoed, Poul-Erik; Alfrangis, Michael; Poulsen, Anja; Rodrigues, Amabelia; Gjedde, Susanne Borum; Rønn, Anita; Rombo, Lars
  • Which children come to the health centre for treatment of malaria? (2004) Kofoed, Poul-Erik; Rodrigues, Amabelia; Có, Fernando; Hedegaard, Kathryn; Rombo, Lars; Aaby, Peter
  • Comparison of the OptiMAL (R) rapid antigen test with field microscopy for the detection of Plasmodium vivax and P- falciparum: considerations for the application of the rapid test in Afghanistan. (2004) Kolaczinski, J; Mohammed, N; Ali, I; Ali, M; Khan, N; Ezard, N; Rowland, M
  • Comparison of the OptiMAL rapid antigen test with field microscopy for the detection of Plasmodium vivax and P. falciparum: considerations for the application of the rapid test in Afghanistan. (2004) Kolaczinski, J; Mohammed, N; Ali, I; Ali, M; Khan, N; Ezard, N; Rowland, M
  • Chronic illness as a result of low-level exposure to synthetic pyrethroid insecticides: a review of the debate. (2004) Kolaczinski, JH; Curtis, CF
  • Investigation of negative cross-resistance as a resistance-management tool for insecticide-treated nets. (2004) Kolaczinski, JH; Curtis, CF
  • Subsidized sales of insecticide-treated nets in Afghan refugee camps demonstrate the feasibility of a transition from humanitarian aid towards sustainability. (2004) Kolaczinski, JH; Muhammad, N; Khan, QS; Jan, Z; Rehman, N; Leslie, TJ; Rowland, M
  • Subsidized sales of insecticide-treated nets in Afghan refugee camps demonstrate the feasibility of a transition from humanitarian aid towards sustainability. (2004) Kolaczinski, Jan H; Muhammad, Nasir; Khan, Qaiser S; Jan, Zahoor; Rehman, Naveeda; Leslie, Toby J; Rowland, Mark
  • Epidemiology of anthroponotic cutaneous leishmaniasis in Afghan refugee camps in northwest Pakistan. (2004) Kolaczinski, Jan; Brooker, Simon; Reyburn, Hugh; Rowland, Mark
  • Vaccination coverage and epidemiological parameters of the owned-dog population in Thungsong District, Thailand. (2004) Kongkaew, Wandee; Coleman, Paul; Pfeiffer, Dirk U; Antarasena, Chongmas; Thiptara, Anyarat
  • Natural killer cells and innate immunity to protozoan pathogens. (2004) Korbel, Daniel S; Finney, Olivia C; Riley, Eleanor M
  • Membrane protein turnover by the m-AAA protease in mitochondria depends on the transmembrane domains of its subunits. (2004) Korbel, Daniel; Wurth, Stephanie; Käser, Michael; Langer, Thomas
  • Impact of malaria control on childhood anaemia in Africa -- a quantitative review. (2004) Korenromp, Eline L; Armstrong-Schellenberg, Joanna RM; Williams, Brian G; Nahlen, Bernard L; Snow, Robert W
  • Will climate change really affect our health? Results from a European assessment. (2004) Kovats, R Sari
  • The effect of temperature on food poisoning: a time-series analysis of salmonellosis in ten European countries. (2004) Kovats, RS; Edwards, SJ; Hajat, S; Armstrong, BG; Ebi, KL; Menne, B
  • Contrasting patterns of mortality and hospital admissions during hot weather and heat waves in Greater London, UK. (2004) Kovats, RS; Hajat, S; Wilkinson, P
  • Definition of the Beijing/W lineage of Mycobacterium tuberculosis on the basis of genetic markers. (2004) Kremer, Kristin; Glynn, Judith R; Lillebaek, Troels; Niemann, Stefan; Kurepina, Natalia E; Kreiswirth, Barry N; Bifani, Pablo J; van Soolingen, Dick
  • Infection of C57BL/10ScCr and C57BL/10ScNCr mice with Leishmania major reveals a role for Toll-like receptor 4 in the control of parasite replication. (2004) Kropf, P; Freudenberg, N; Kalis, C; Modolell, M; Herath, S; Galanos, C; Freudenberg, M; Müller, I
  • Toll-like receptor 4 contributes to efficient control of infection with the protozoan parasite Leishmania major. (2004) Kropf, Pascale; Freudenberg, Marina A; Modolell, Manuel; Price, Helen P; Herath, Shanti; Antoniazi, Simone; Galanos, Chris; Smith, Deborah F; Müller, Ingrid
  • Two new cytoforms of the Simulium damnosum complex (Diptera: Simuliidae) from Malawi and Tanzania and potential onchocerciasis vectors. (2004) Krüger, A; Kalinga, AK; Post, RJ; Maegga, BTA
  • Autosomal dominant striatal degeneration (ADSD): clinical description and mapping to 5q13-5q14. (2004) Kuhlenbäumer, G; Lüdemann, P; Schirmacher, A; De Vriendt, E; Hünermund, G; Young, P; Hund-Georgiadis, M; Schuierer, G; Möller, H; Ringelstein, EB; Van Broeckhoven, C; Timmerman, V; Stögbauer, F
  • The cost-effectiveness of HIV preventive measures among injecting drug users in Svetlogorsk, Belarus. (2004) Kumaranayake, Lilani; Vickerman, Peter; Walker, Damian; Samoshkin, Syiatsaslav; Romantzov, Vladimir; Emelyanova, Zoya; Zviagin, Victor; Watts, Charlotte
  • Time to learn from what is known. (2004) Kuper, H; Buchan, JC; Foster, A
  • Bis-anthracycline antibiotics inhibit human immunodeficiency virus type 1 transcription. (2004) Kutsch, Olaf; Levy, David N; Bates, Paula J; Decker, Julie; Kosloff, Barry R; Shaw, George M; Priebe, W; Benveniste, Etty N
  • Visibility aids for pedestrians and cyclists: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials. (2004) Kwan, Irene; Mapstone, James
  • The effect of five years' implementation of caries-preventive methods in Swedish high-risk adolescents. (2004) Källestål, C
  • L
  • Two important exceptions to the relationship between energy density and fat content: foods with reduced-fat claims and high-fat vegetable-based dishes. (2004) La Fontaine, Helen A; Crowe, Timothy C; Swinburn, Boyd A; Gibbons, Carl J
  • Congenital syphilis: identification of two distinct profiles of maternal characteristics associated with risk. (2004) Lago, Eleonor G; Rodrigues, Laura C; Fiori, Renato M; Stein, Airton T
  • Age-specific immunoglobulin g (IgG) and IgA to pneumococcal protein antigens in a population in coastal kenya. (2004) Laine, Catherine; Mwangi, Tabitha; Thompson, Claudette M; Obiero, Jacktone; Lipsitch, Marc; Scott, J Anthony G
  • Predictors of abdominal obesity among 31-y-old men and women born in Northern Finland in 1966. (2004) Laitinen, J; Pietiläinen, K; Wadsworth, M; Sovio, U; Järvelin, M-R
  • Reasons underpinning patients' preferences for various angina treatments. (2004) Lambert, Nigel; Rowe, Gene; Bowling, Ann; Ebrahim, Shah; Laurence, Michael; Dalrymple, Jamie; Thomson, Richard
  • A moving scalp nodule in a returning traveller! (2004) Langan, SM; Dervan, P; O'Loughlin, S
  • Cost analysis of narrowband UVB phototherapy in psoriasis. (2004) Langan, Sinead M; Heerey, Adrienne; Barry, Michael; Barnes, Louise
  • Increased injury risk among first-day skiers, snowboarders, and skiboarders. (2004) Langran, Mike; Selvaraj, Sivasubramaniam
  • Engineering of a polymeric bacterial protein as a scaffold for the multiple display of peptides. (2004) Laplagne, DA; Zylberman, V; Ainciart, N; Steward, MW; Sciutto, E; Fossati, CA; Goldbaum, FA
  • Use of research to inform public policymaking. (2004) Lavis, John N; Posada, Francisco Becerra; Haines, Andy; Osei, Eric
  • Birth weight is inversely associated with coronary heart disease in post-menopausal women: findings from the British women's heart and health study. (2004) Lawlor, DA; Davey Smith, G; Ebrahim, S
  • Temperature at birth, coronary heart disease, and insulin resistance: cross sectional analyses of the British women's heart and health study. (2004) Lawlor, DA; Davey Smith, G; Mitchell, R; Ebrahim, S
  • Association between self-reported childhood socioeconomic position and adult lung function: findings from the British Women's Heart and Health Study. (2004) Lawlor, DA; Ebrahim, S; Davey Smith, G
  • The metabolic syndrome and coronary heart disease in older women: findings from the British Women's Heart and Health Study. (2004) Lawlor, DA; Ebrahim, S; Davey Smith, G
  • Associations of measures of lung function with insulin resistance and Type 2 diabetes: findings from the British Women's Heart and Health Study. (2004) Lawlor, DA; Ebrahim, S; Smith, G Davey
  • Smoking before the birth of a first child is not associated with increased risk of breast cancer: findings from the British Women's Heart and Health Cohort Study and a meta-analysis. (2004) Lawlor, DA; Ebrahim, S; Smith, G Davey
  • Associations of components of adult height with coronary heart disease in postmenopausal women: the British women's heart and health study. (2004) Lawlor, DA; Taylor, M; Davey Smith, G; Gunnell, D; Ebrahim, S
  • Observational versus randomised trial evidence. (2004) Lawlor, Debbie A; Davey Smith, George; Bruckdorfer, K Richard; Kundu, Devi; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Commentary: the hormone replacement-coronary heart disease conundrum: is this the death of observational epidemiology? (2004) Lawlor, Debbie A; Davey Smith, George; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Those confounded vitamins: what can we learn from the differences between observational versus randomised trial evidence? (2004) Lawlor, Debbie A; Davey Smith, George; Kundu, Devi; Bruckdorfer, K Richard; Ebrahim, Shah
  • The association of the PON1 Q192R polymorphism with coronary heart disease: findings from the British Women's Heart and Health cohort study and a meta-analysis. (2004) Lawlor, Debbie A; Day, Ian NM; Gaunt, Tom R; Hinks, Lesley J; Briggs, Patricia J; Kiessling, Matthew; Timpson, Nick; Smith, George Davey; Ebrahim, Shah
  • (Mis)use of factor analysis in the study of insulin resistance syndrome. (2004) Lawlor, Debbie A; Ebrahim, Shah; May, Margaret; Davey Smith, George
  • Sex differences in body fat distribution and carotid intima media thickness: cross sectional survey using data from the British regional heart study. (2004) Lawlor, Debbie A; Ebrahim, Shah; Whincup, Peter; Sterne, Jonathan; Papacosta, Olia; Wannamethee, Goya; Dhanjil, Surinder; Griffin, Maura; Nicolaides, Andrew N; Davey Smith, George
  • Associations of parental, birth, and early life characteristics with systolic blood pressure at 5 years of age: findings from the Mater-University study of pregnancy and its outcomes. (2004) Lawlor, Debbie A; Najman, Jake M; Sterne, Jonathan; Williams, Gail M; Ebrahim, Shah; Davey Smith, George
  • Association between childhood socioeconomic status and coronary heart disease risk among postmenopausal women: findings from the British Women's Heart and Health Study. (2004) Lawlor, Debbie A; Smith, George Davey; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Hyperinsulinaemia and increased risk of breast cancer: findings from the British Women's Heart and Health Study. (2004) Lawlor, Debbie A; Smith, George Davey; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Socioeconomic position and hormone replacement therapy use: explaining the discrepancy in evidence from observational and randomized controlled trials. (2004) Lawlor, Debbie A; Smith, George Davey; Ebrahim, Shah
  • The challenge of secondary prevention for coronary heart disease in older patients: findings from the British Women's Heart and Health Study and the British Regional Heart Study. (2004) Lawlor, Debbie A; Whincup, Peter; Emberson, Jonathan R; Rees, Karen; Walker, Mary; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Why are 4 million newborn babies dying each year? (2004) Lawn, Joy E; Cousens, Simon; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Darmstadt, Gary L; Martines, Jose; Paul, Vinod; Knippenberg, Rudolf; Fogstadt, Helga; Shetty, Priya; Horton, Richard
  • Why are 4 million newborn babies dying every year? (2004) Lawn, Joy E; Cousens, Simon; Darmstadt, Gary L; Paul, Vinod; Martines, Jose
  • AIDS in Africa: the impact of coinfections on the pathogenesis of HIV-1 infection. (2004) Lawn, SD
  • Type A intracytoplasmic inclusions in human cowpox infection. (2004) Lawn, SD; Holwill, S
  • New world mucosal and cutaneous leishmaniasis: an emerging health problem among British travellers. (2004) Lawn, SD; Whetham, J; Chiodini, PL; Kanagalingam, J; Watson, J; Behrens, RH; Lockwood, DNJ
  • Pyomyositis and cutaneous abscesses due to Mycobacterium avium: an immune reconstitution manifestation in a patient with AIDS. (2004) Lawn, Stephen D; Bicanic, Tihana A; Macallan, Derek C
  • Human cystic echinococcosis: evaluation of post-treatment serologic follow-up by IgG subclass antibody detection. (2004) Lawn, Stephen D; Bligh, John; Craig, Philip S; Chiodini, Peter L
  • Hypercalcemia: a manifestation of immune reconstitution complicating tuberculosis in an HIV-infected person. (2004) Lawn, Stephen D; Macallan, Derek C
  • Competing with kreteks: transnational tobacco companies, globalisation, and Indonesia. (2004) Lawrence, S; Collin, J
  • Competing with kreteks: transnational tobacco companies, globalisation, and Indonesia. (2004) Lawrence, S; Collin, J
  • Practical strategies to combat biopiracy. (2004) Lawrence, Sue; Skordis, Jolene
  • Age influences resistance of Caenorhabditis elegans to killing by pathogenic bacteria. (2004) Laws, Thomas R; Harding, Sarah V; Smith, Martin P; Atkins, Timothy P; Titball, Richard W
  • [Survey of the Council of Residents of the Italian Society of Hygiene (SItI) on the smoking habits of physicians training in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine.]. (2004) Lazzarino, A; Colzani, E; Perata, E
  • Health care workers who are to progress to active TB disease present a panel of T cell immune markers predicting such progression. (2004) Leandro, C; Ordway, D; Martins, MS; Viveiros, M; Pinto, L; Arroz, MJ; Ventura, FA; Dockrell, HM; Amaral, L
  • Through the smokescreen. (2004) Lee, K
  • Breaking and re-entering: British American Tobacco in China 1979-2000. (2004) Lee, K; Gilmore, AB; Collin, J
  • Globalisation: what is it and how does it affect health? (2004) Lee, Kelley
  • The Pit and the Pendulum: Can globalization take health governance forward? (2004) Lee, Kelley
  • Looking inside the tobacco industry: revealing insights from the Guildford Depository. (2004) Lee, Kelley; Gilmore, Anna B; Collin, Jeff
  • The challenge to improve global health: financing the Millennium Development Goals. (2004) Lee, Kelley; Walt, Gill; Haines, Andy
  • Biological theories, evidence, and epidemiology. (2004) Leon, David A
  • Compliance with 14-day primaquine therapy for radical cure of vivax malaria--a randomized placebo-controlled trial comparing unsupervised with supervised treatment. (2004) Leslie, Toby; Rab, Mohammad Abdur; Ahmadzai, Hayat; Durrani, Naeem; Fayaz, Mohammad; Kolaczinski, Jan; Rowland, Mark
  • SARS-CoV antibody prevalence in all Hong Kong patient contacts. (2004) Leung, Gabriel M; Chung, Pui-Hong; Tsang, Thomas; Lim, Wilina; Chan, Steve KK; Chau, Patsy; Donnelly, Christi A; Ghani, Azra C; Fraser, Christophe; Riley, Steven; Ferguson, Neil M; Anderson, Roy M; Law, Yuk-lung; Mok, Tina; Ng, Tonny; Fu, Alex; Leung, Pak-Yin; Peiris, JS Malik; Lam, Tai-Hing; Hedley, Anthony J
  • The epidemiology of severe acute respiratory syndrome in the 2003 Hong Kong epidemic: an analysis of all 1755 patients. (2004) Leung, Gabriel M; Hedley, Anthony J; Ho, Lai-Ming; Chau, Patsy; Wong, Irene OL; Thach, Thuan Q; Ghani, Azra C; Donnelly, Christl A; Fraser, Christophe; Riley, Steven; Ferguson, Neil M; Anderson, Roy M; Tsang, Thomas; Leung, Pak-Yin; Wong, Vivian; Chan, Jane CK; Tsui, Eva; Lo, Su-Vui; Lam, Tai-Hing
  • Characteristics of long bone DXA reference data in Hong Kong Chinese. (2004) Leung, Kwok Sui; Lee, Kwong Man; Cheung, Wing Hoi; Ng, Edmond Siu Woon; Qin, Ling
  • The population impact of HIV on fertility in sub-Saharan Africa. (2004) Lewis, James JC; Ronsmans, Carine; Ezeh, Alex; Gregson, Simon
  • The big story. The impact of primary care-led commissioning and how commissioning might best develop in the future. (2004) Lewis, Richard; Smith, Judith; Mays, Nicholas
  • Comparing completely and stratified randomized designs in cluster randomized trials when the stratifying factor is cluster size: a simulation study. (2004) Lewsey, JD
  • The utility of the zero-inflated Poisson and zero-inflated negative binomial models: a case study of cross-sectional and longitudinal DMF data examining the effect of socio-economic status. (2004) Lewsey, JD; Thomson, WM
  • Horizontal and vertical dispersal of dengue vector mosquitoes, Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus, in Singapore. (2004) Liew, C; Curtis, CF
  • Serum S100B in primary progressive multiple sclerosis patients treated with interferon-beta-1a. (2004) Lim, Ee Tuan; Petzold, Axel; Leary, Siobhan M; Altmann, Daniel R; Keir, Geoff; Thompson, Ed J; Miller, David H; Thompson, Alan J; Giovannoni, Gavin
  • Clopidogrel did not inhibit platelet function early after coronary bypass surgery: A prospective randomized trial. (2004) Lim, Eric; Cornelissen, Jacqueline; Routledge, Tom; Kirtland, Stephen; Charman, Susan C; Bellm, Sarah; Munday, Helen; Khan, Omar; Masood, Imran; Large, Stephen
  • Identification of the new T-cell-stimulating antigens from Mycobacterium tuberculosis culture filtrate. (2004) Lim, Jae-Hyun; Kim, Hwa-Jung; Lee, Kil-Soo; Jo, Eun-Kyeong; Song, Chang-Hwa; Jung, Saet-Byel; Kim, Su-Young; Lee, Ji-Sook; Paik, Tae-Hyun; Park, Jeong-Kyu
  • Determinants of mental and motor development at 12 months in a low income population: a cohort study in northeast Brazil. (2004) Lima, MC; Eickmann, SH; Lima, ACV; Guerra, MQ; Lira, PIC; Huttly, SRA; Ashworth, A
  • Dietary iron intake is positively associated with hemoglobin concentration during infancy but not during the second year of life. (2004) Lind, Torbjörn; Hernell, Olle; Lönnerdal, Bo; Stenlund, Hans; Domellöf, Magnus; Persson, Lars-Ake
  • A community-based randomized controlled trial of iron and zinc supplementation in Indonesian infants: effects on growth and development. (2004) Lind, Torbjörn; Lönnerdal, Bo; Stenlund, Hans; Gamayanti, Indria L; Ismail, Djauhar; Seswandhana, Rosadi; Persson, Lars-Ake
  • Injuries to Scottish farmers while tagging and clipping cattle: a cross-sectional survey. (2004) Lindsay, Sandra; Selvaraj, Sivasubramaniam; Macdonald, John W; Godden, David J
  • A case-control study of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in the United Kingdom: analysis of clustering. (2004) Linsell, L; Cousens, SN; Smith, PG; Knight, RSG; Zeidler, M; Stewart, G; de Silva, R; Esmonde, TFG; Ward, HJT; Will, RG
  • Gene cloning, expression and vaccine testing of Schistosoma japonicum SjFABP. (2004) Liu, JM; Cai, XZ; Lin, JJ; Fu, ZQ; Yang, GZ; Shi, FH; Cai, YM; Shen, W; Taylor, MG; Wu, XF
  • Corrigendum to “Structure–activity relationships of antileishmanial and antimalarial chalcones” (Bioorg. Chem. 2003, 11, 2729–2738]. (2004) Liu, Mei; Wilairat, Prapon; Croft, Simon L; Tan, Agnes Lay-Choo; Go, Mei-Lin
  • Possible transmission of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease by blood transfusion. (2004) Llewelyn, CA; Hewitt, PE; Knight, RSG; Amar, K; Cousens, S; Mackenzie, J; Will, RG
  • Plasma concentrations of nitric oxide and asymmetric dimethylarginine in human alcoholic cirrhosis. (2004) Lluch, Paloma; Torondel, Belén; Medina, Pascual; Segarra, Gloria; Del Olmo, Juan A; Serra, Miguel A; Rodrigo, José M
  • Obesity in children and young people: a crisis in public health. (2004) Lobstein, T; Baur, L; Uauy, R; IASO International Obesity TaskForce
  • Conducting an HIA of the effect of accession to the European Union on national agriculture and food policy in Slovenia. (2004) Lock, K; Gabrijelcic-Blenkus, M; Martuzzi, M; Otorepec, P; Kuhar, A; Robertson, A; Wallace, P; Dora, C; Zakotnic, JM
  • Effectiveness of interventions and programmes promoting fruit and vegetable intake. (2004) Lock, K; Pomerleau, J; Knai, C; McKee, M
  • Commentary: leprosy and poverty. (2004) Lockwood, Diana NJ
  • Integrating evidence based medicine into routine clinical practice: seven years' experience at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases, London. (2004) Lockwood, Diana; Armstrong, Margaret; Grant, Alison
  • Avoidable mortality in Lithuania: 1991-199 compared with 1970-1990. (2004) Logminiene, Zeneta; Nolte, Ellen; McKee, Martin; Valius, Leonas; Gaizauskiene, Aldona
  • [Good health care possibilities abroad for Swedish patients: What role should physicians and other health personnel take in this development?]. (2004) Lokrantz-Bernitz, Brita; Bernitz, Ulf
  • Sheep and goats: separating cervix and corpus uteri from imprecisely coded uterine cancer deaths, for studies of geographical and temporal variations in mortality. (2004) Loos, AH; Bray, F; McCarron, P; Weiderpass, E; Hakama, M; Parkin, DM
  • Emerging Themes in Epidemiology: Form and function. (2004) Lopman, Ben A
  • Epidemiology and cost of nosocomial gastroenteritis, Avon, England, 2002-2003. (2004) Lopman, Ben A; Reacher, Mark H; Vipond, Ian B; Hill, Dawn; Perry, Christine; Halladay, Tracey; Brown, David W; Edmunds, W John; Sarangi, Joyshri
  • Clinical manifestation of norovirus gastroenteritis in health care settings. (2004) Lopman, Ben A; Reacher, Mark H; Vipond, Ian B; Sarangi, Joyshri; Brown, David WG
  • Increase in viral gastroenteritis outbreaks in Europe and epidemic spread of new norovirus variant. (2004) Lopman, Ben; Vennema, Harry; Kohli, Evelyne; Pothier, Pierre; Sanchez, Alicia; Negredo, Anabel; Buesa, Javier; Schreier, Eckart; Reacher, Mark; Brown, David; Gray, Jim; Iturriza, Miren; Gallimore, Chris; Bottiger, Blenda; Hedlund, Kjell-Olof; Torvén, Maria; von Bonsdorff, Carl-Henrik; Maunula, Leena; Poljsak-Prijatelj, Mateja; Zimsek, Janet; Reuter, Gábor; Szücs, György; Melegh, Béla; Svennson, Lennart; van Duijnhoven, Yvonne; Koopmans, Marion
  • Novel azasterols as potential agents for treatment of leishmaniasis and trypanosomiasis. (2004) Lorente, Silvia Orenes; Rodrigues, Juliany CF; Jiménez Jiménez, Carmen; Joyce-Menekse, Miranda; Rodrigues, Carlos; Croft, Simon L; Yardley, Vanessa; de Luca-Fradley, Kate; Ruiz-Pérez, Luis M; Urbina, Julio; de Souza, Wanderley; González Pacanowska, Dolores; Gilbert, Ian H
  • Cost-effective analysis of candidate genes using htSNPs: a staged approach. (2004) Lowe, CE; Cooper, JD; Chapman, JM; Barratt, BJ; Twells, RCJ; Green, EA; Savage, DA; Guja, C; Ionescu-Tîrgovişte, C; Tuomilehto-Wolf, E; Tuomilehto, J; Todd, JA; Clayton, DG
  • Tonsillectomy technique as a risk factor for postoperative haemorrhage. (2004) Lowe, D; van der Meulen, J; National Prospective Tonsillectomy Audit
  • Corneal refractive therapy, uncorrected visual acuity, and "E" values: personal experiences. (2004) Lowe, Russell
  • Are non-brain stem-dead cardiac donors acceptable donors? (2004) Luckraz, Heyman; Charman, Susan C; Parameshwar, Jayan; Tsui, Steven S; Dunning, John; Wallwork, John; Large, Stephen R
  • Microvascular changes in small airways predispose to obliterative bronchiolitis after lung transplantation. (2004) Luckraz, Heyman; Goddard, Martin; McNeil, Keith; Atkinson, Carl; Charman, Susan C; Stewart, Susan; Wallwork, John
  • Can routine laboratory data guide empirical prescribing? (2004) Ludlam, H; Sule, O; Knapton, M; Abubakar, I
  • Interventions for promoting smoking cessation during pregnancy. (2004) Lumley, J; Oliver, SS; Chamberlain, C; Oakley, L
  • Geophagy among pregnant and lactating women in Bondo District, western Kenya. (2004) Luoba, Alfred I; Geissler, P Wenzel; Estambale, Benson; Ouma, John H; Magnussen, Pascal; Alusala, Dorkas; Ayah, Rosemary; Mwaniki, David; Friis, Henrik
  • Malaria morbidity and immunity among residents of villages with different Plasmodium falciparum transmission intensity in North-Eastern Tanzania. (2004) Lusingu, John PA; Vestergaard, Lasse S; Mmbando, Bruno P; Drakeley, Chris J; Jones, Caroline; Akida, Juma; Savaeli, Zacharia X; Kitua, Andrew Y; Lemnge, Martha M; Theander, Thor G
  • Prevalence, characteristics and prognosis of MEN 1-associated glucagonomas, VIPomas, and somatostatinomas: study from the GTE (Groupe des Tumeurs Endocrines) registry. (2004) Lévy-Bohbot, Nathalie; Merle, Corinne; Goudet, Pierre; Delemer, Brigitte; Calender, Alain; Jolly, Damien; Thiéfin, Gérard; Cadiot, Guillaume; Groupe des Tumeurs Endocrines
  • M
  • Plasma concentrations of asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) in Colombian women with pre-eclampsia. (2004) Maas, Renke; Böger, Rainer H; Schwedhelm, Edzard; Casas, Juan P; López-Jaramillo, Patricio; Serrano, Norma; Díaz, Luis A
  • Diagnostics for the developing world. (2004) Mabey, David; Peeling, Rosanna W; Ustianowski, Andrew; Perkins, Mark D
  • Ximelagatran or warfarin in atrial fibrillation? (2004) MacAllister, Raymond; Hingorani, Aroon D; Casas, Juan P
  • Effect of bezafibrate on plasma homocysteine concentration in men with lower extremity arterial disease [Letter to editor]. (2004) MacCallum, PK; Cooper, JA; Rumley, A; Lowe, GDO; Meade, TW
  • Low-intensity warfarin reduces thrombin generation and fibrin turnover, but not low-grade inflammation, in men at risk of myocardial infarction. (2004) MacCallum, Peter K; Rudnicka, Alicja R; Rumley, Ann; Meade, Tom W; Lowe, Gordon DO
  • "Almost a role model of what we would like to do everywhere": British American Tobacco in Cambodia. (2004) MacKenzie, R; Collin, J; Sopharo, C; Sopheap, Y
  • "If we can just 'stall' new unfriendly legislations, the scoreboard is already in our favour": transnational tobacco companies and ingredients disclosure in Thailand. (2004) MacKenzie, R; Collin, J; Sriwongcharoen, K; Muggli, ME
  • Rapid turnover of effector-memory CD4(+) T cells in healthy humans. (2004) Macallan, Derek C; Wallace, Diana; Zhang, Yan; De Lara, Catherine; Worth, Andrew T; Ghattas, Hala; Griffin, George E; Beverley, Peter CL; Tough, David F
  • Recent trends in diagnoses of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections in England and Wales among men who have sex with men. (2004) Macdonald, N; Dougan, S; McGarrigle, CA; Baster, K; Rice, BD; Evans, BG; Fenton, KA
  • Editorial: The department of health (policy research programme) drug misuse research initiative. (2004) Macgregor, Susanne
  • Genetic structure of Plasmodium falciparum populations in the Brazilian Amazon region. (2004) Machado, Ricardo LD; Povoa, Marinete M; Calvosa, Vanja SP; Ferreira, Marcelo U; Rossit, Andrea RB; dos Santos, Eduardo JM; Conway, David J
  • Resuscitation after cardiac surgery: are we ageist? (2004) Mackay, JH; Powell, SJ; Charman, SC; Rozario, C
  • Editorial comment on the correspondence from Rosen and Steinberg and Abu Mourad. (2004) Mackie, P; Sim, F
  • Conflict(s) of interest. (2004) Mackie, P; Sim, Fiona
  • Hypothesis, analysis and action in public health. (2004) Mackie, Phil; Sim, Fiona
  • The ethics of public health decision making. (2004) Mackie, Phil; Sim, Fiona
  • Infertility among male UK veterans of the 1990-1 Gulf war: reproductive cohort study. (2004) Maconochie, Noreen; Doyle, Pat; Carson, Claire
  • The National Women's Health Study: assembly and description of a population-based reproductive cohort. (2004) Maconochie, Noreen; Doyle, Pat; Prior, Susan
  • Condom use within marital and cohabiting partnerships in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. (2004) Maharaj, Pranitha; Cleland, John
  • Clopidogrel used in combination with aspirin compared with aspirin alone in the treatment of non-ST-segment-elevation acute coronary syndromes: a systematic review and economic evaluation. (2004) Main, C; Palmer, S; Griffin, S; Jones, L; Orton, V; Sculpher, M; Henderson, R; Sudlow, C; Hawkins, N; Riemsma, R
  • Psychological impact of human papillomavirus testing in women with borderline or mildly dyskaryotic cervical smear test results: cross sectional questionnaire study. (2004) Maissi, Esther; Marteau, Theresa M; Hankins, Matthew; Moss, Sue; Legood, Rosa; Gray, Alastair
  • A cohort study of the effectiveness of influenza vaccine in older people, performed using the United Kingdom general practice research database. (2004) Mangtani, Punam; Cumberland, Phillippa; Hodgson, Cathy R; Roberts, Jennifer A; Cutts, Felicity T; Hall, Andrew J
  • 'MYNI's orthosis': a self-adjustable, dynamic knee extension orthosis for quadriceps weakness in haemophilia rehabilitation. (2004) Manigandan, C; Bedford, E; Kumar, S; Nathan, V; Peter, BK; Premkumar, J Charles
  • HIV-1 superinfections in a cohort of commercial sex workers in Burkina Faso as assessed by an autologous heteroduplex mobility procedure. (2004) Manigart, Olivier; Courgnaud, Valérie; Sanou, Oumar; Valéa, Diane; Nagot, Nicolas; Meda, Nicolas; Delaporte, Eric; Peeters, Martine; Van de Perre, Philippe
  • Effect of perinatal zidovudine prophylaxis on the evolution of cell-free HIV-1 RNA in breast milk and on postnatal transmission. (2004) Manigart, Olivier; Crepin, Montcho; Leroy, Valeriane; Meda, Nicolas; Valea, Diane; Janoff, Edward N; Rouet, Francois; Dequae-Merchadoux, Laurence; Dabis, Francois; Rouzioux, Christine; Van de Perre, Philippe; Diminution de la Transmission Mere-Enfant Study Group
  • A molecular marker for the identification of Simulium squamosum (Diptera: Simuliidae). (2004) Mank, R; Wilson, MD; Rubio, JM; Post, RJ
  • Medical Statistics from Scratch. (2004) Mann, V
  • Separating within and between effects in family studies: an application to the study of blood pressure in children. (2004) Mann, Vera; De Stavola, Bianca L; Leon, David A
  • Serum adiponectin concentrations in relation to maternal and perinatal characteristics in newborns. (2004) Mantzoros, Christos; Petridou, Eleni; Alexe, Delia-Marina; Skalkidou, Alkistis; Dessypris, Nick; Papathoma, Eugenia; Salvanos, Heraklis; Shetty, Greeshma; Gavrila, Alina; Kedikoglou, Simos; Chrousos, George; Trichopoulos, Dimitrios
  • Adiponectin and breast cancer risk. (2004) Mantzoros, Christos; Petridou, Eleni; Dessypris, Nick; Chavelas, Charilaos; Dalamaga, Maria; Alexe, Delia Marina; Papadiamantis, Yannis; Markopoulos, Christos; Spanos, Evangelos; Chrousos, George; Trichopoulos, Dimitrios
  • Strategies to improve recruitment to research studies [Cochrane Methodology Review]. (2004) Mapstone, J; Elbourne, D; Roberts, I
  • Meta-analysis of 13 genome scans reveals multiple cleft lip/palate genes with novel loci on 9q21 and 2q32-35. (2004) Marazita, Mary L; Murray, Jeffrey C; Lidral, Andrew C; Arcos-Burgos, Mauricio; Cooper, Margaret E; Goldstein, Toby; Maher, Brion S; Daack-Hirsch, Sandra; Schultz, Rebecca; Mansilla, M Adela; Field, L Leigh; Liu, You-e; Prescott, Natalie; Malcolm, Sue; Winter, Robin; Ray, Ajit; Moreno, Lina; Valencia, Consuelo; Neiswanger, Katherine; Wyszynski, Diego F; Bailey-Wilson, Joan E; Albacha-Hejazi, Hasan; Beaty, Terri H; McIntosh, Iain; Hetmanski, Jacqueline B; Tunçbilek, Gökhan; Edwards, Matthew; Harkin, Louise; Scott, Rodney; Roddick, Laurence G
  • Anaemia in pregnancy and infant mortality in Tanzania. (2004) Marchant, Tanya; Schellenberg, Joanna Armstrong; Nathan, Rose; Abdulla, Salim; Mukasa, Oscar; Mshinda, Hassan; Lengeler, Christian
  • Census of clinics providing specialist lipid services in the United Kingdom. (2004) Marks, D; Thorogood, M; Farrer, JM; Humphries, SE
  • Clinical outcomes in a randomized controlled study comparing azathioprine and prednisolone versus prednisolone alone in the treatment of severe leprosy type 1 reactions in Nepal. (2004) Marlowe, Sharon NS; Hawksworth, Rachel A; Butlin, C Ruth; Nicholls, Peter G; Lockwood, Diana NJ
  • Multivitamins, nutrition, and antiretroviral therapy for HIV disease in Africa. (2004) Marston, Barbara; De Cock, Kevin M
  • Gendered communication among young people in Mexico: implications for sexual health interventions. (2004) Marston, Cicely
  • Young, unmarried men and sex: do friends and partners shape risk behaviour? (2004) Marston, Cicely; Juarez, Fatima; Antonio Izazola, José
  • Breastfeeding and cardiovascular mortality: the Boyd Orr cohort and a systematic review with meta-analysis. (2004) Martin, Richard M; Davey Smith, George; Mangtani, Punam; Tilling, Kate; Frankel, Stephen; Gunnell, David
  • Rapid access arrhythmia clinic for the diagnosis and management of new arrhythmias presenting in the community: a prospective, descriptive study. (2004) Martins, JL; Fox, KF; Wood, DA; Lefroy, DC; Collier, TJ; Peters, NS
  • The Eyam plague revisited: did the village isolation change transmission from fleas to pulmonary? (2004) Massad, E; Coutinho, FAB; Burattini, MN; Lopez, LF
  • Are Chronically Poor People being Left Out of Progress Towards the Millennium Development Goals? A quantitative analysis of older people, disabled people and orphans. (2004) Masset, Edoardo; White, Howard
  • Linkage of human cytomegalovirus glycoprotein gO variant groups identified from worldwide clinical isolates with gN genotypes, implications for disease associations and evidence for N-terminal sites of positive selection. (2004) Mattick, C; Dewin, D; Polley, S; Sevilla-Reyes, E; Pignatelli, S; Rawlinson, W; Wilkinson, G; Dal Monte, P; Gompels, UA
  • Buprenorphine maintenance versus placebo or methadone maintenance for opioid dependence. (2004) Mattick, RP; Kimber, J; Breen, C; Davoli, M
  • Protein identification and tracking in two-dimensional electrophoretic gels by minimal protein identifiers. (2004) Mattow, Jens; Schmidt, Frank; Höhenwarter, Wolfgang; Siejak, Frank; Schaible, Ulrich E; Kaufmann, Stefan HE
  • Leishmania donovani complex: genotyping with the ribosomal internal transcribed spacer and the mini-exon. (2004) Mauricio, IL; Stothard, JR; Miles, MA
  • PAX4 gene variations predispose to ketosis-prone diabetes. (2004) Mauvais-Jarvis, Franck; Smith, Stuart B; Le May, Cédric; Leal, Suzanne M; Gautier, Jean-François; Molokhia, Mariam; Riveline, Jean-Pierre; Rajan, Arun S; Kevorkian, Jean-Philippe; Zhang, Sumei; Vexiau, Patrick; German, Michael S; Vaisse, Christian
  • The effect of tuberculin skin testing on viral load and anti-mycobacterial immune responses in HIV-1-infected Ugandan adults. (2004) Mawa, PA; Pickering, JM; Miiro, G; Namujju, PB; Watera, C; Anyaegani, G; Whitworth, JAG; Elliott, AM
  • Approaches to the control of sexually transmitted infections in developing countries: old problems and modern challenges. (2004) Mayaud, P; Mabey, D
  • Sexual and reproductive health: challenges for priority-setting in Ghana's health reforms. (2004) Mayhew, Susannah H; Adjei, Sam
  • Improving health systems and enhancing reproductive health: linkages and lessons for action. (2004) Mayhew, Susannah H; Gerein, Nancy; Green, Andrew; Cleland, John
  • Should the English National Health Service be freed from political control? The case against. (2004) Mays, Nicholas
  • Comparison of two bacteriophage tests and nucleic acid amplification for the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis in sub-Saharan Africa. (2004) Mbulo, GMK; Kambashi, BS; Kinkese, J; Tembwe, R; Shumba, B; Godfrey-Faussett, P; McNerney, R
  • A specialist adolescent self-harm service. (2004) McAlaney, John; Fyfe, Margo; Dale, Maria
  • Measurement of the antiplatelet effects of aspirin in cerebrovascular disease. (2004) McCabe, Dominick JH; Harrison, Paul; Machin, Samuel J; Watt, Hilary; Brown, Martin M
  • Platelet degranulation and monocyte-platelet complex formation are increased in the acute and convalescent phases after ischaemic stroke or transient ischaemic attack. (2004) McCabe, Dominick JH; Harrison, Paul; Mackie, Ian J; Sidhu, Paul S; Purdy, Gordon; Lawrie, Andrew S; Watt, Hilary; Brown, Martin M; Machin, Samuel J
  • Patterns of alcohol consumption and problems among the Irish in London: A preliminary comparison with Dublin pub drinkers. (2004) McCambridge, J; Conlon, P; Keaney, F; Wanigaratne, S; Strang, J
  • Interventions for prevention of drug use by young people delivered in non-school settings (protocol). (2004) McCambridge, J; Gates, S; Smith, L; Foxcroft, D
  • Drug problems - what problems? Predictors of selected types of drug problems in a London community sample of young people who use drugs. (2004) McCambridge, J; Strang, J
  • Drug policy and the public good? (2004) McCambridge, Jim
  • Motivational interviewing is equivalent to more intensive treatment, superior to placebo, and will be tested more widely. (2004) McCambridge, Jim
  • The opportunity for public health activism to reduce alcohol harm. (2004) McCambridge, Jim
  • The value of independence? (2004) McCambridge, Jim
  • Encouraging GP alcohol intervention: pilot study of change-orientated reflective listening (CORL). (2004) McCambridge, Jim; Platts, Simon; Whooley, David; Strang, John
  • Patterns of drug use in a sample of 200 young drug users in London. (2004) McCambridge, Jim; Strang, John
  • The efficacy of single-session motivational interviewing in reducing drug consumption and perceptions of drug-related risk and harm among young people: results from a multi-site cluster randomized trial. (2004) McCambridge, Jim; Strang, John
  • Supplementation of a home-based exercise programme with a class-based programme for people with osteoarthritis of the knees: a randomised controlled trial and health economic analysis. (2004) McCarthy, CJ; Mills, PM; Pullen, R; Richardson, G; Hawkins, N; Roberts, CR; Silman, AJ; Oldham, JA
  • Heterogeneity of breast cancer risk within the South Asian female population in England: a population-based case-control study of first-generation migrants. (2004) McCormack, VA; Mangtani, P; Bhakta, D; McMichael, AJ; dos Santos Silva, I
  • Mortality in a cohort of vermiculite miners exposed to fibrous amphibole in Libby, Montana. (2004) McDonald, JC; Harris, J; Armstrong, B
  • Meta-analysis in occupational epidemiology: a review of practice. (2004) McElvenny, DM; Armstrong, BG; Järup, L; Higgins, JP
  • Meta-analysis in occupational epidemiology: a review of practice. (2004) McElvenny, Damien M; Armstrong, Ben G; Järup, Lars; Higgins, Julian PT
  • Prospective evaluation of BDProbeTec strand displacement amplification (SDA) system for diagnosis of tuberculosis in non-respiratory and respiratory samples. (2004) McHugh, TD; Pope, CF; Ling, CL; Patel, S; Billington, OJ; Gosling, RD; Lipman, MC; Gillespie, SH
  • Health systems in transition in Central and Eastern Europe. (2004) McKee, M; Dubois, CA
  • Ethics review in research: time has come for reassessment. (2004) McKee, Martin
  • Not everything that counts can be counted; not everything that can be counted counts. (2004) McKee, Martin
  • Passing the baton. (2004) McKee, Martin
  • Post-communist transition and health in Europe. (2004) McKee, Martin; Fister, Kristina
  • Why we need to ban smoking in public places now. (2004) McKee, Martin; Hogan, Helen; Gilmore, Anna
  • The devil is in the detail. (2004) McKee, Martin; McPake, Barbara
  • Statins and micronutrients: unanswered questions. (2004) McKee, Martin; Moat, Stuart J; McDowell, Ian
  • Health sector reforms in Central and Eastern Europe. (2004) McKee, Martin; Nolte, Ellen
  • Lessons from health during the transition from communism. (2004) McKee, Martin; Nolte, Ellen
  • Responding to the challenge of chronic diseases: ideas from Europe. (2004) McKee, Martin; Nolte, Ellen
  • The implications for health of European Union enlargement. (2004) McKee, Martin; Nolte, Ellen
  • Life span and disability in Sweden and Russia: paper highlights poor health among Russian women. (2004) McKee, Martin; Shkolnikov, Vladimir M; Andreev, Evgueni
  • Learning from low income countries: mental health. (2004) McKenzie, Kwame; Patel, Vikram; Araya, Ricardo
  • Dietary and biochemical selenium status of urban 6- to 24-month-old South Island New Zealand children and their postpartum mothers. (2004) McLachlan, Sarah K; Thomson, Christine D; Ferguson, Elaine L; McKenzie, Joanne E
  • Mortality and cancer incidence in New Zealand meat workers. (2004) McLean, D; Cheng, S; 't Mannetje, A; Woodward, A; Pearce, N
  • Cancer among meat industry workers. (2004) McLean, Dave; Pearce, Neil
  • The National Survey of sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles: summary of key findings. (2004) McManus, S; Erens, B; Field, J; Johnson, AM; Mercer, CH; Wellings, K; MacDowall, W; Nanchahal, K; Fenton, KA
  • Mortality trends and setbacks: global convergence or divergence? (2004) McMichael, Anthony J; McKee, Martin; Shkolnikov, Vladimir; Valkonen, Tapani
  • Molecular technology and the diagnosis of tuberculosis. (2004) McNerney, R
  • Development of a bacteriophage phage replication assay for diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis. (2004) McNerney, Ruth; Kambashi, Bupe S; Kinkese, Juliana; Tembwe, Ruth; Godfrey-Faussett, Peter
  • Severe complications of hysterectomy: the VALUE study. (2004) McPherson, K; Metcalfe, MA; Herbert, A; Maresh, M; Casbard, A; Hargreaves, J; Bridgman, S; Clarke, A
  • Severe Complications of Hysterectomy: The VALUE Study. (2004) McPherson, K; Metcalfe, MA; Herbert, A; Maresh, M; Casbard, A; Hargreaves, J; Bridgmen, S; Clarke, A
  • Distinct trafficking and localization of STEVOR proteins in three stages of the Plasmodium falciparum life cycle. (2004) McRobert, Louisa; Preiser, Peter; Sharp, Sarah; Jarra, William; Kaviratne, Mallika; Taylor, Martin C; Renia, Laurent; Sutherland, Colin J
  • Recombinant modified vaccinia virus Ankara expressing antigen 85A boosts BCG-primed and naturally acquired antimycobacterial immunity in humans. (2004) McShane, Helen; Pathan, Ansar A; Sander, Clare R; Keating, Sheila M; Gilbert, Sarah C; Huygen, Kris; Fletcher, Helen A; Hill, Adrian VS
  • Cost-effectiveness analysis of pneumococcal conjugate vaccination in England and Wales. (2004) Melegaro, A; Edmunds, WJ
  • The 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine. Part I. Efficacy of PPV in the elderly: a comparison of meta-analyses. (2004) Melegaro, Alessia; Edmunds, W John
  • The 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine. Part II. A cost-effectiveness analysis for invasive disease in the elderly in England and Wales. (2004) Melegaro, Alessia; Edmunds, W John
  • Feasibility of eliminating ocular Chlamydia trachomatis with repeat mass antibiotic treatments. (2004) Melese, Muluken; Chidambaram, Jaya Devi; Alemayehu, Wondu; Lee, David Chung; Yi, Elizabeth H; Cevallos, Vicky; Zhou, Zhaoxia; Donnellan, Cathy; Saidel, Michael; Whitcher, John P; Gaynor, Bruce D; Lietman, Thomas M
  • The effects of short-term iron supplementation on iron status in infants in malaria-endemic areas. (2004) Menendez, Clara; Schellenberg, David; Quinto, Llorenç; Kahigwa, Elizeus; Alvarez, Luisa; Aponte, John J; Alonso, Pedro L
  • Malaria incidence in rural Benin: does economics matter in endemic area? (2004) Mensah, Omer A; Kumaranayake, Lilani
  • Who has sex with whom? Analyses of heterosexual partnerships in the last year reported in the National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles 2000 (?Natsal 2000?). (2004) Mercer, CH; Copas, AJ; Fenton, KA; Wellings, K; Erens, B; Johnson, AM
  • Sexual function problems and help-seeking behaviour in Britain: Evidence from the 2000 National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (?Natsal 2000?). (2004) Mercer, CH; Fenton, KA; Johnson, AM; Wellings, K; Erens, B
  • First heterosexual partnerships: Age differences and their significance. Empirical evidence from the National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles 2000 ?Natsal 2000?). (2004) Mercer, CH; Wellings, K; Copas, AJ; MacDowall, W; Erens, B; Fenton, KA; Johnson, AM
  • Increasing prevalence of male homosexual partnerships and practices in Britain 1990-2000: evidence from national probability surveys. (2004) Mercer, Catherine H; Fenton, Kevin A; Copas, Andrew J; Wellings, Kaye; Erens, Bob; McManus, Sally; Nanchahal, Kiran; Macdowall, Wendy; Johnson, Anne M
  • Surgery for mesenteric infarction: prognostic factors associated with early death within 72 hours. (2004) Merle, Corinne; Lepouse, Claire; De Garine, Alexandre; Frayssinet, Nathalie; Leymarie, Florence; Leon, Alain; Jolly, Damien
  • Human mobility and transport policy. (2004) Metz, D
  • Maggie's lucky strike (The miner's strike of 1984-85 in Britain, Margaret Thatcher). (2004) Metz, D
  • Travel time - Variable or constant? (2004) Metz, D
  • Travel time constraints in transport policy. (2004) Metz, D
  • Saturation transfer difference NMR spectroscopy for identifying ligand epitopes and binding specificities. (2004) Meyer, B; Klein, J; Mayer, M; Meinecke, R; Möller, H; Neffe, A; Schuster, O; Wülfken, J; Ding, Y; Knaie, O; Labbe, J; Palcic, MM; Hindsgaul, O; Wagner, B; Ernst, B
  • Evidence into practice: a theory based study of achieving national health targets in primary care. (2004) Michie, Susan; Hendy, Jane; Smith, Jonathan; Adshead, Fiona
  • Fatty acid composition of human milk lipids in Chilean women. (2004) Milad, M; Mena, P; Nieto, S; Uauy, R
  • The discovery of Chagas disease: progress and prejudice. (2004) Miles, Michael A
  • Pesky trachoma suspect finally caught. (2004) Miller, K; Pakpour, N; Yi, E; Melese, M; Alemayehu, W; Bird, M; Schmidt, G; Cevallos, V; Olinger, L; Chidambaram, J; Gaynor, B; Whitcher, J; Lietman, T
  • Comparison of two cluster sampling methods for health surveys in developing countries. (2004) Milligan, Paul; Njie, Alpha; Bennett, Steve
  • Epilepsy and traditional medicine in Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina Faso). (2004) Millogo, A; Ratsimbazafy, V; Nubukpo, P; Barro, S; Zongo, I; Preux, PM
  • Improving the quality of primary health care: public and private provision. (2004) Mills, A; Palmer, N; Gilson, L; McIntyre, D; Schneider, H; Sinanovic, E; Wadee, H
  • From research to knowledge to action: the dual challenge of health systems research. (2004) Mills, Anne
  • The performance of different models of primary care provision in Southern Africa. (2004) Mills, Anne; Palmer, Natasha; Gilson, Lucy; McIntyre, Di; Schneider, Helen; Sinanovic, Edina; Wadee, Haroon
  • Surveillance and modelling of HIV, STI, and risk behaviours in concentrated HIV epidemics. (2004) Mills, S
  • Setting research priorities to improve cost-effectiveness estimations of primary prophylaxis with clotting factor for people with severe haemophilia. (2004) Miners, AH; Lee, CA
  • El Niño and health. (2004) Miranda, J Jaime
  • Reproductive health without rights in Peru. (2004) Miranda, J Jaime; Yamin, Alicia Ely
  • Life and death, day after day. (2004) Miranda, JJ
  • Age at natural menopause in Iran. (2004) Mohammad, Kazem; Sadat Hashemi, Seyed Mehdi; Farahani, Farideh Khalaj Abadi
  • Impact of counselling on careseeking behaviour in families with sick children: cluster randomised trial in rural India. (2004) Mohan, Pavitra; Iyengar, Sharad D; Martines, Jose; Cousens, Simon; Sen, Kalpana
  • Opportunities and challenges for improving the quality of reporting clinical research: CONSORT and beyond. (2004) Moher, David; Altman, Douglas G; Schulz, Kenneth F; Elbourne, Diana R
  • The 'British System' of Heroin Addiction Treatment and the Opening of Drug Dependence Units, 1965-1970. (2004) Mold, A
  • Review: A History of Cocaine: The Mystery of Coca Java and the Kew Plant. (2004) Mold, A
  • Cannabis Britannica: Empire, Trade and Prohibition. By James H. Mills. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003. xii + 239 pp. Photographs, illustrations, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $39.95. ISBN 0-199-24938-5. (2004) Mold, Alex
  • Pattern mixture models. (2004) Molenberghs, G; Thijs, H; Michiels, B; Verbeke, G; Kenward, MG
  • Analyzing incomplete longitudinal clinical trial data. (2004) Molenberghs, Geert; Thijs, Herbert; Jansen, Ivy; Beunckens, Caroline; Kenward, Michael G; Mallinckrodt, Craig; Carroll, Raymond J
  • Conjugated linoleic acid supplementation, insulin sensitivity, and lipoprotein metabolism in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. (2004) Moloney, Fiona; Yeow, Toh-Peng; Mullen, Anne; Nolan, John J; Roche, Helen M
  • [Recommendations for the complementary feeding of the breastfed child]. (2004) Monte, Cristina MG; Giugliani, Elsa RJ
  • Coronary risk scores. (2004) Montgomery, Alan A; Fahey, Tom; Brindle, Peter; Davey Smith, George; Ebrahim, Shah
  • The pathologic basis of Q-wave and non-Q-wave myocardial infarction: a cardiovascular magnetic resonance study. (2004) Moon, James CC; De Arenaza, Diego Perez; Elkington, Andrew G; Taneja, Anil K; John, Anna S; Wang, Duolao; Janardhanan, Rajesh; Senior, Roxy; Lahiri, Avijit; Poole-Wilson, Philip A; Pennell, Dudley J
  • Risk factors for malaria in UK travellers. (2004) Moore, David A; Grant, Alison D; Armstrong, Margaret; Stümpfle, Richard; Behrens, Ron H
  • Microscopic observation drug susceptibility assay, a rapid, reliable diagnostic test for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis suitable for use in resource-poor settings. (2004) Moore, David AJ; Mendoza, Daniel; Gilman, Robert H; Evans, Carlton AW; Hollm Delgado, María-Graciela; Guerra, Jose; Caviedes, Luz; Vargas, Daniel; Ticona, Eduardo; Ortiz, Jaime; Soto, Giselle; Serpa, Jose; Tuberculosis Working Group in Peru
  • Social theory in drug research, drug policy and harm reduction. (2004) Moore, David; Rhodes, Tim
  • Reduction in neutrophil elastase concentration by recombinant α1-antitrypsin (recAAT) does not alter bacterial loading in the sputum of cystic fibrosis patients. (2004) Moore, JE; Shaw, A; Millar, BC; Martin, SL; Murphy, PG; Downey, DG; Ennis, M; Elborn, JS
  • HIV type 1 that select tRNA(His) or tRNA(Lys1,2) as primers for reverse transcription exhibit different infectivities in peripheral blood mononuclear cells. (2004) Moore, Kenda L; Kosloff, Barry R; Kelly, Nathan J; Kirkman, Richard L; Dupuy, Lesley C; McPherson, Sylvia; Morrow, Casey D
  • Ethnic differences in the relationship between fasting leptin and BMI in children. (2004) Moore, SE; Falorni, A; Bini, V; Fulford, AJC; O'Connell, MA; Prentice, AM
  • Comparative analysis of patterns of survival by season of birth in rural Bangladeshi and Gambian populations. (2004) Moore, Sophie E; Fulford, Anthony JC; Streatfield, P Kim; Persson, Lars Ake; Prentice, Andrew M
  • Birth weight predicts response to vaccination in adults born in an urban slum in Lahore, Pakistan. (2004) Moore, Sophie E; Jalil, Fehmida; Ashraf, Rifat; Szu, Shousun Chen; Prentice, Andrew M; Hanson, Lars A
  • A randomised, double-blind, controlled vaccine efficacy trial of DNA/MVA ME-TRAP against malaria infection in Gambian adults. (2004) Moorthy, Vasee S; Imoukhuede, Egeruan B; Milligan, Paul; Bojang, Kalifa; Keating, Sheila; Kaye, Pauline; Pinder, Margaret; Gilbert, Sarah C; Walraven, Gijs; Greenwood, Brian M; Hill, Adrian SV
  • Environmental interventions and the pattern of geohelminth infections in Salvador, Brazil. (2004) Moraes, LRS; Cairncross, S
  • Impact of drainage and sewerage on intestinal nematode infections in poor urban areas in Salvador, Brazil. (2004) Moraes, LRS; Cancio, Jacira Azevedo; Cairncross, Sandy
  • Malaria Panel Assay versus PCR: detection of naturally infected Anopheles melas in a coastal village of Equatorial Guinea. (2004) Moreno, Marta; Cano, Jorge; Nzambo, Sisinio; Bobuakasi, Leonardo; Buatiche, Jesús N; Ondo, Melchor; Micha, Francisco; Benito, Agustín
  • Using routinely recorded ethnicity: analysis of waiting times for elective admissions by ethnic group. (2004) Morgan, OWC; Hamm, J
  • Infectious disease risks from dead bodies following natural disasters. (2004) Morgan, Oliver
  • Following in the footsteps of smallpox: can we achieve the global eradication of measles? (2004) Morgan, Oliver WC
  • Association between mortality from suicide in England and antidepressant prescribing: an ecological study. (2004) Morgan, Oliver WC; Griffiths, Clare; Majeed, Azeem
  • Risk of low birth weight near EUROHAZCON hazardous waste landfill sites in England. (2004) Morgan, Oliver WC; Vrijheid, Martine; Dolk, Helen
  • Fatal toxicity of antidepressants in England and Wales, 1993-2002. (2004) Morgan, Oliver; Griffiths, Clare; Baker, Allan; Majeed, Azeem
  • How experiences and attitudes relating to female circumcision vary according to age on arrival in Britain: a study among young Somalis in London. (2004) Morison, Linda A; Dirir, Ahmed; Elmi, Sada; Warsame, Jama; Dirir, Shamis
  • Little loss of information due to unknown phase for fine-scale linkage-disequilibrium mapping with single-nucleotide-polymorphism genotype data. (2004) Morris, AP; Whittaker, JC; Balding, DJ
  • Recalling the miracle that was penicillin: two memorable patients. (2004) Morris, JN
  • Minimum Incomes for Healthy Living (MIHL): next thrust in UK social policy? (2004) Morris, JN; Deeming, C
  • Monetary incentives in primary health care and effects on use and coverage of preventive health care interventions in rural Honduras: cluster randomised trial. (2004) Morris, Saul S; Flores, Rafael; Olinto, Pedro; Medina, Juan Manuel
  • Immunity and exposure to hepatitis A virus in pre-adolescent children from a multi-ethnic inner city area. (2004) Morris-Cunnington, M; Edmunds, WJ; Miller, E
  • A novel method of oral fluid collection to monitor immunity to common viral infections. (2004) Morris-Cunnington, MC; Edmunds, WJ; Miller, E; Brown, DWG
  • A population-based seroprevalence study of hepatitis A virus using oral fluid in England and Wales. (2004) Morris-Cunnington, MC; Edmunds, WJ; Miller, E; Brown, DWG
  • Deep and crisp and eaten: Scotland's deep-fried Mars bar. (2004) Morrison, David S; Petticrew, Mark
  • Evaluation of the health effects of a neighbourhood traffic calming scheme. (2004) Morrison, David S; Thomson, Hilary; Petticrew, Mark
  • Feline immunodeficiency virus infection: a comparative study of different diagnostic techniques. (2004) Mortola, E; Oliva, G; Risso, M; Pecoraro, M; Venturini, MC
  • Bluetongue virus outer capsid proteins are sufficient to trigger apoptosis in mammalian cells. (2004) Mortola, Eduardo; Noad, Rob; Roy, Polly
  • Efficient assembly and release of SARS coronavirus-like particles by a heterologous expression system. (2004) Mortola, Eduardo; Roy, Polly
  • A Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi vaccine expressing Yersinia pestis F1 antigen on its surface provides protection against plague in mice. (2004) Morton, Margaret; Garmory, Helen S; Perkins, Stuart D; O'Dowd, Aisling M; Griffin, Kate F; Turner, Arthur K; Bennett, Alice M; Titball, Richard W
  • Induced abortion among women attending antenatal clinics in Yaounde, Cameroon. (2004) Mosoko, JJ; Delvaux, T; Glynn, JR; Zekeng, L; Macauley, I; Buve, A
  • The Mycobacterium tuberculosis ino1 gene is essential for growth and virulence. (2004) Movahedzadeh, Farahnaz; Smith, Debbie A; Norman, Richard A; Dinadayala, Premkumar; Murray-Rust, Judith; Russell, David G; Kendall, Sharon L; Rison, Stuart CG; McAlister, Mark SB; Bancroft, Gregory J; McDonald, Neil Q; Daffe, Mamadou; Av-Gay, Yossef; Stoker, Neil G
  • Childhood cataract: home to hospital. (2004) Muhit, Mohammad A
  • Use of vaccine trials to estimate burden of disease. (2004) Mulholland, E Kim
  • Global control of rotavirus disease. (2004) Mulholland, Edward Kim
  • Geographical variation in breast cancer survival rates for women diagnosed in England between 1992 and 1994. (2004) Mullee, MA; De Stavola, B; Romanengo, M; Coleman, MP
  • Are there sex differences in the association between the 5HTT gene and neuroticism? A meta-analysis. (2004) Munafò, MR; Clark, TG; Flint, J
  • Assessing publication bias in genetic association studies: evidence from a recent meta-analysis. (2004) Munafò, Marcus R; Clark, Taane G; Flint, Jonathan
  • The genetic basis for smoking behavior: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2004) Munafò, Marcus; Clark, Taane; Johnstone, Elaine; Murphy, Michael; Walton, Robert
  • A prospective study of Chlamydia pneumoniae infection and risk of MS in two US cohorts. (2004) Munger, KL; DeLorenze, GN; Levin, LI; Rubertone, MV; Vogelman, JH; Peck, CA; Peeling, RW; Orentreich, N; Ascherio, A
  • Use of patient-reported outcomes in evaluation of heart failure device therapy: The regulatory perspective. (2004) Muni, NI; Pocock, S; Berman, MR; Yue, LQ
  • Human resources and infrastructure for eye care in India: current status. (2004) Murthy, GVS; Gupta, Sanjeev K; Bachani, Damodar; Tewari, HK; John, Neena
  • A new cytotype of Simulium squamosum from south-west Cameroon. (2004) Mustapha, M; Post, RJ; Enyong, P; Lines, J
  • The cytotaxonomy and morphotaxonomy of Simulium mengense (Diptera: Simuliidae). (2004) Mustapha, M; Post, RJ; Krüger, A
  • Gene expression profile of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in a non-replicating state. (2004) Muttucumaru, DG Niranjala; Roberts, Gretta; Hinds, Jason; Stabler, Richard A; Parish, Tanya
  • Community sex education among adolescents in rural Uganda: utilizing indigenous institutions. (2004) Muyinda, H; Nakuya, J; Whitworth, JAG; Pool, R
  • A human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) clade A vaccine in clinical trials: stimulation of HIV-specific T-cell responses by DNA and recombinant modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA) vaccines in humans. (2004) Mwau, Matilu; Cebere, Inese; Sutton, Julian; Chikoti, Priscilla; Winstone, Nicola; Wee, Edmund G-T; Beattie, Tara; Chen, Yun-Hsiang; Dorrell, Lucy; McShane, Helen; Schmidt, Claudia; Brooks, Mary; Patel, Sandip; Roberts, Joanna; Conlon, Christopher; Rowland-Jones, Sarah L; Bwayo, Job J; McMichael, Andrew J; Hanke, Tomáš
  • Cotrimoxazole prophylaxis reduces mortality in human immunodeficiency virus-positive tuberculosis patients in Karonga District, Malawi. (2004) Mwaungulu, Frank BD; Floyd, Sian; Crampin, Amelia C; Kasimba, Simplex; Malema, Simon; Kanyongoloka, Huxley; Harries, Anthony D; Glynn, Judith R; Fine, Paul EM
  • Synthesis, in vitro evaluation, and antileishmanial activity of water-soluble prodrugs of buparvaquone. (2004) Mäntylä, Antti; Garnier, Tracy; Rautio, Jarkko; Nevalainen, Tapio; Vepsälainen, Jouko; Koskinen, Ari; Croft, Simon L; Järvinen, Tomi
  • Synthesis and antileishmanial activity of novel buparvaquone oxime derivatives. (2004) Mäntylä, Antti; Rautio, Jarkko; Nevalainen, Tapio; Vepsälainen, Jouko; Juvonen, Risto; Kendrick, Howard; Garnier, Tracy; Croft, Simon L; Järvinen, Tomi
  • Cytokine production and lymphocyte proliferation in patients with Nocardia brasiliensis actinomycetoma. (2004) Méndez-Tovar, Luis J; Mondragón-González, Rafael; Vega-López, Francisco; Dockrell, Hazel M; Hay, Roderick; López-Martínez, Rubén; Manzano-Gayosso, Patricia; Hernández-Hernández, Francisca; Padilla-Desgarennes, Carmen; Bonifaz, Alexandro
  • Percutaneous absorption of gold sodium thiosulfate used for patch testing. (2004) Möller, Halvor; Schütz, Andrejs; Björkner, Bert; Bruze, Magnus
  • Antimicrobial and physicochemical properties of chitosan-HPMC-based films. (2004) Möller, Heike; Grelier, Stéphane; Pardon, Patrick; Coma, Véronique
  • N
  • Dental treatment needs of children in a rural subcounty of Uganda. (2004) Nalweyiso, N; Busingye, J; Whitworth, J; Robinson, PG
  • Targetable water-soluble polymer-drug conjugates for the treatment of visceral leishmaniasis. (2004) Nan, Anjan; Croft, Simon L; Yardley, Vanessa; Ghandehari, Hamidreza
  • Calcific neurocysticercosis and epileptogenesis. (2004) Nash, TE; Del Brutto, OH; Butman, JA; Corona, T; Delgado-Escueta, A; Duron, RM; Evans, CAW; Gilman, RH; Gonzalez, AE; Loeb, JA; Medina, MT; Pietsch-Escueta, S; Pretell, EJ; Takayanagui, OM; Theodore, W; Tsang, VCW; Garcia, HH
  • Interactions between the inner and outer capsids of bluetongue virus. (2004) Nason, Emma L; Rothagel, Rosalba; Mukherjee, Sharmila K; Kar, Alak Kanti; Forzan, Mario; Prasad, BV Venkataram; Roy, Polly
  • Mosquito nets and the poor: can social marketing redress inequities in access? (2004) Nathan, Rose; Masanja, Honorati; Mshinda, Hassan; Schellenberg, Joanna A; de Savigny, Don; Lengeler, Christian; Tanner, Marcel; Victora, Cesar G
  • Effects of iron and multimicronutrient supplementation on geophagy: a two-by-two factorial study among Zambian schoolchildren in Lusaka. (2004) Nchito, Mbiko; Geissler, P Wenzel; Mubila, Likezo; Friis, Henrik; Olsen, Annette
  • The efficacy of chloroquine, sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine and a combination of both for the treatment of uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in an area of low transmission in western Uganda. (2004) Ndyomugyenyi, Richard; Magnussen, Pascal; Clarke, Siân
  • Patient care seeking barriers and tuberculosis programme reform: a qualitative study. (2004) Needham, Dale M; Bowman, Dennis; Foster, Susan D; Godfrey-Faussett, Peter
  • Renal outcome in adults with renal insufficiency and irregular asymmetric kidneys. (2004) Neild, Guy H; Thomson, Gill; Nitsch, Dorothea; Woolfson, Robin G; Connolly, John O; Woodhouse, Christopher RJ
  • Genetic regulation of immune responses to vaccines in early life. (2004) Newport, MJ; Goetghebuer, T; Weiss, HA; Whittle, H; Siegrist, C-A; Marchant, A; MRC Gambia Twin Study Group
  • A human in vitro model system for investigating genome-wide host responses to SARS coronavirus infection. (2004) Ng, Lisa FP; Hibberd, Martin L; Ooi, Eng-Eong; Tang, Kin-Fai; Neo, Soek-Ying; Tan, Jenny; Murthy, Karuturi R Krishna; Vega, Vinsensius B; Chia, Jer-Ming; Liu, Edison T; Ren, Ee-Chee
  • Detection of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus in blood of infected patients. (2004) Ng, Lisa FP; Wong, Michelle; Koh, Susie; Ooi, Eng-Eong; Tang, King-Fai; Leong, Hoe-Nam; Ling, Ai-Ee; Agathe, Lora V; Tan, Jenny; Liu, Edison T; Ren, Ee-Chee; Ng, Lee-Ching; Hibberd, Martin L
  • Participation of African social scientists in malaria control: identifying enabling and constraining factors. (2004) Ngalame, Paulyne M; Williams, Holly Ann; Jones, Caroline; Nyamongo, Isaac; Diop, Samba; Gaspar, Felisbela
  • Knowledge of malaria influences the use of insecticide treated nets but not intermittent presumptive treatment by pregnant women in Tanzania. (2004) Nganda, Rhoida Y; Drakeley, Chris; Reyburn, Hugh; Marchant, Tanya
  • Improved thymic function in exclusively breastfed infants is associated with higher interleukin 7 concentrations in their mothers' breast milk. (2004) Ngom, Pa T; Collinson, Andrew C; Pido-Lopez, Jeffrey; Henson, Sian M; Prentice, Andrew M; Aspinall, Richard
  • Burden of mortality in Greenland--today and tomorrow. (2004) Nielsen, Lasse Christian; Hansen, Kristian Schultz; Nielsen, Ulla Ringgren
  • Impact of anemia on outcomes of patients undergoing percutaneous coronary interventions. (2004) Nikolsky, Eugenia; Mehran, Roxana; Aymong, Eve D; Mintz, Gary S; Lansky, Alexandra J; Lasic, Zoran; Negoita, Manuela; Fahy, Martin; Pocock, Stuart J; Na, Yingbo; Krieger, Shoshana; Moses, Jeffrey W; Stone, Gregg W; Leon, Martin B; Dangas, George
  • Vascular complications associated with arteriotomy closure devices in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary procedures: a meta-analysis. (2004) Nikolsky, Eugenia; Mehran, Roxana; Halkin, Amir; Aymong, Eve D; Mintz, Gary S; Lasic, Zoran; Negoita, Manuela; Fahy, Martin; Krieger, Shoshana; Moussa, Issam; Moses, Jeffrey W; Stone, Gregg W; Leon, Martin B; Pocock, Stuart J; Dangas, George
  • Special issue - Diet, nutrition and the prevention of chronic diseases: scientific background papers of the Joint WHO/FAO Expert Consultation (Geneva, 28 January-1 February 2002) - Introduction. (2004) Nishida, C; Shetty, P; Uauy, R
  • The joint WHO/FAO expert consultation on diet, nutrition and the prevention of chronic diseases: process, product and policy implications. (2004) Nishida, Chizuru; Uauy, Ricardo; Kumanyika, Shiriki; Shetty, Prakash
  • Validity of the Clock-Drawing Test as a screening tool for cognitive impairment in the elderly. (2004) Nishiwaki, Yuji; Breeze, Elizabeth; Smeeth, Liam; Bulpitt, Christopher J; Peters, Ruth; Fletcher, Astrid E
  • Development, evaluation, and validation of an oligonucleotide probe hybridization assay to subtype human immunodeficiency virus type 1 circulating recombinant form CRF02_AG. (2004) Njai, Harr F; Van der Auwera, Gert; Ngong, Chiambah A; Heyndrickx, Leo; Sawadago, Souleymane; Whittle, Hilton; Nyambi, Phillipe; Colebunders, Robert; van der Groen, Guido; Janssens, Wouter
  • Secretive females or swaggering males? An assessment of the quality of sexual partnership reporting in rural Tanzania. (2004) Nnko, Soori; Boerma, J Ties; Urassa, Mark; Mwaluko, Gabriel; Zaba, Basia
  • Changing health inequalities in east and west Germany since unification. (2004) Nolte, Ellen; McKee, Martin
  • Population health in Europe: how much is attributable to health care? (2004) Nolte, Ellen; McKee, Martin
  • Progress in health care, progress in health? (2004) Nolte, Ellen; McKee, Martin; Scholz, Rembrandt D
  • Strengthening Public Health Human Resources in Europe: Meeting the Training Challenge. (2004) Normand, C
  • Using health economics in health services: rationing rationally? (2004) Normand, C
  • Malaria in pregnancy and the endemicity spectrum: what can we learn? (2004) Nosten, François; Rogerson, Stephen J; Beeson, James G; McGready, Rose; Mutabingwa, Theonest K; Brabin, Bernard
  • Impact on mortality of the AIDS epidemic in northern Namibia assessed using parish registers. (2004) Notkola, Veijo; Timaeus, Ian M; Siiskonen, Harri
  • Threshold volumes for urological cancer surgery: a survey of UK urologists. (2004) Nuttall, Martin C; van der Meulen, Jan; McIntosh, Gregor; Gillatt, David; Emberton, Mark
  • The relationship between volume and outcome in urological surgery. (2004) Nuttall, Martin; Van Der Meulen, Jan; Emberton, Mark
  • A systematic review and critique of the literature relating hospital or surgeon volume to health outcomes for 3 urological cancer procedures. (2004) Nuttall, Martin; van der Meulen, Jan; Phillips, Nirree; Sharpin, Carlos; Gillatt, David; McIntosh, Gregor; Emberton, Mark
  • Predictors for compliance with community directed ivermectin treatment in Bushenyi district of Uganda: qualitative results. (2004) Nuwaha, F; Okware, J; Ndyomugyenyi, R
  • Iron deficiency and malaria among children living on the coast of Kenya. (2004) Nyakeriga, Alice M; Troye-Blomberg, Marita; Dorfman, Jeffrey R; Alexander, Neal D; Bäck, Rune; Kortok, Moses; Chemtai, Alex K; Marsh, Kevin; Williams, Thomas N
  • Mobility, sexual networks and exchange among bodabodamen in southwest Uganda. (2004) Nyanzi, S; Nyanzi, B; Kalina, B; Pool, R
  • "Its more than cash!" Debunking myths about 'sugar-daddy' relationships in Africa. (2004) Nyanzi, S; Nyanzi-Wakholi, B
  • Auditing the new decentralised oral treatment regimens in Malawi. (2004) Nyirenda, TE; Harries, AD; Gausi, FK; Ito, K; Kemp, JR; Squire, BS; Godfrey-Faussett, P; Salaniponi, FM
  • O
  • Equity in resource allocation in the Irish health service. A policy Delphi study. (2004) O'Loughlin, Rosalyn; Kelly, Alan
  • Serotype-specific pneumococcal antibodies in breast milk of Gambian women immunized with a pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine during pregnancy. (2004) Obaro, Stephen K; Deubzer, Hedwig E; Newman, Vanessa O; Adegbola, Richard A; Greenwood, Brian M; Henderson, Don C
  • Gender and medication use: an exploratory, multi-site study. (2004) Obermeyer, Carla Makhlouf; Schulein, Michelle; Hardon, Anita; Sievert, Lynnette Leidy; Price, Kim; Santiago, Aldrin C; Lazcano, Olga; Kirumira, Edward K; Neuman, Melissa
  • Spatial and temporal risk factors for the early detection of Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense sleeping sickness patients in Tororo and Busia districts, Uganda. (2004) Odiit, M; Coleman, PG; McDermott, JJ; Fèvre, EM; Welburn, SC; Woolhouse, MEJ
  • Assessing the patterns of health-seeking behaviour and awareness among sleeping-sickness patients in eastern Uganda. (2004) Odiit, M; Shaw, A; Welburn, SC; Fèvre, EM; Coleman, PG; McDermott, JJ
  • Reducing social inequalities in smoking: can evidence inform policy? A pilot study. (2004) Ogilvie, D; Petticrew, M
  • Promoting walking and cycling as an alternative to using cars: systematic review. (2004) Ogilvie, David; Egan, Matt; Hamilton, Val; Petticrew, Mark
  • Design and synthesis of peptidomimetic protein farnesyltransferase inhibitors as anti-Trypanosoma brucei agents. (2004) Ohkanda, Junko; Buckner, Frederick S; Lockman, Jeffrey W; Yokoyama, Kohei; Carrico, Dora; Eastman, Richard; de Luca-Fradley, Kate; Davies, Wendy; Croft, Simon L; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Gelb, Michael H; Sebti, Saïd M; Hamilton, Andrew D
  • Fine specificity of serum antibodies to Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface protein, PfMSP-1(19), predicts protection from malaria infection and high-density parasitemia. (2004) Okech, Brenda A; Corran, Patrick H; Todd, James; Joynson-Hicks, Amy; Uthaipibull, Chairat; Egwang, Thomas G; Holder, Anthony A; Riley, Eleanor M
  • Waist circumference as a determinant of hypertension and diabetes in Brazilian women: a population-based study. (2004) Olinto, MTA; Nacul, LC; Gigante, DP; Costa, JSD; Menezes, AMB; Macedo, S
  • Iron, zinc, and copper: contents in common Chilean foods and daily intakes in Santiago, Chile. (2004) Olivares, Manuel; Pizarro, Fernando; de Pablo, Saturnino; Araya, Magdalena; Uauy, Ricardo
  • Viewpoint: the Brazilian HIV/AIDS 'success story'--can others do it? (2004) Oliveira-Cruz, V; Kowalski, J; McPake, B
  • The European and developing countries clinical trails partnership. (2004) Olliaro, Piero; Smith, Peter G
  • Criterion and content validity of a novel structured haggling contingent valuation question format versus the bidding game and binary with follow-up format. (2004) Onwujekwe, Obinna
  • Valuing the benefits of a health intervention using three different approaches to contingent valuation: re-treatment of mosquito bed-nets in Nigeria. (2004) Onwujekwe, Obinna; Fox-Rushby, Julia; Hanson, Kara
  • Inequalities in purchase of mosquito nets and willingness to pay for insecticide-treated nets in Nigeria: challenges for malaria control interventions. (2004) Onwujekwe, Obinna; Hanson, Kara; Fox-Rushby, Julia
  • Stated and actual altruistic willingness to pay for insecticide-treated nets in Nigeria: validity of open-ended and binary with follow-up questions. (2004) Onwujekwe, Obinna; Uzochukwu, Benjamin
  • Is combination therapy for malaria based on user-fees worthwhile and equitable to consumers? Assessment of costs and willingness to pay in Southeast Nigeria. (2004) Onwujekwe, Obinna; Uzochukwu, Benjamin; Shu, Elvis; Ibeh, Christian; Okonkwo, Paul
  • Yellow fever outbreak, Imatong, southern Sudan. (2004) Onyango, Clayton O; Ofula, Victor O; Sang, Rosemary C; Konongoi, Sanson L; Sow, Abourahmane; De Cock, Kenin M; Tukei, Peter M; Okoth, Fredrick A; Swanepoel, Robert; Burt, Felicity J; Waters, Norman C; Coldren, Rodney L
  • Increased Interleukin-4 production by CD8 and gammadelta T cells in health-care workers is associated with the subsequent development of active tuberculosis. (2004) Ordway, Diane J; Costa, Leonor; Martins, Marta; Silveira, Henrique; Amaral, Leonard; Arroz, Maria J; Ventura, Fernando A; Dockrell, Hazel M
  • Factors associated with Hb concentration in children aged 6-59 months in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil. (2004) Os??rio, MM; Lira, PI; Ashworth, A
  • Comparison of helicobacter pylori stool antigen test with CLO test in the diagnosis of helicobacter pylori associated dyspepsia in a Saudi population. (2004) Osoba, Abimbola O; Ibrahim, Mahgoub B; Al-Shareef, Bakheet A; Yassen, Abdullah A; Hussein, Baraa A
  • Travel histories as risk factors in the analysis of urban malaria in Colombia. (2004) Osorio, Lyda; Todd, Jim; Bradley, David J
  • Factors associated with Hb concentration in children aged 6-59 months in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil. (2004) Osório, Mônica M; Lira, Pedro IC; Ashworth, Ann
  • Hepatitis B immunisation induces higher antibody and memory Th2 responses in new-borns than in adults. (2004) Ota, Martin OC; Vekemans, Johan; Schlegel-Haueter, Susanna E; Fielding, Katherine; Whittle, Hilton; Lambert, Paul Henri; McAdam, Keith PWJ; Siegrist, Claire Anne; Marchant, Arnaud
  • An empirical method to estimate the effect of soil on the rate for transmission of damping‐off disease. (2004) Otten, W; Filipe, JAN; Gilligan, CA
  • Rehabilitation therapy services for stroke patients living at home: systematic review of randomised trials. (2004) Outpatient Service Trialists (Including Meade, T.)
  • Topical treatments for seasonal allergic conjunctivitis: systematic review and meta-analysis of efficacy and effectiveness. (2004) Owen, Christopher G; Shah, Anupa; Henshaw, Katherine; Smeeth, Liam; Sheikh, Aziz
  • Role of an arbovirus nonstructural protein in cellular pathogenesis and virus release. (2004) Owens, Randall J; Limn, Chang; Roy, Polly
  • P
  • Genetic complexity of Plasmodium falciparum in two ethnic groups of Burkina Faso with marked differences in susceptibility to malaria. (2004) Paganotti, Giacomo M; Babiker, Hamza A; Modiano, David; Sirima, Bienvenu S; Verra, Federica; Konaté, Amadou; Ouedraogo, Andre L; Diarra, Amidou; Mackinnon, Margaret J; Coluzzi, Mario; Walliker, David
  • Insight into the genome of Aspergillus fumigatus: analysis of a 922 kb region encompassing the nitrate assimilation gene cluster. (2004) Pain, Arnab; Woodward, John; Quail, Michael A; Anderson, Michael J; Clark, Richard; Collins, Matthew; Fosker, Nigel; Fraser, Audrey; Harris, David; Larke, Natasha; Murphy, Lee; Humphray, Sean; O'Neil, Susan; Pertea, Mihaela; Price, Claire; Rabbinowitsch, Ester; Rajandream, Marie-Adele; Salzberg, Steven; Saunders, David; Seeger, Kathy; Sharp, Sarah; Warren, Tim; Denning, David W; Barrell, Bart; Hall, Neil
  • The use of CRP for diagnosing infections in young infants < 3 months of age in developing countries. (2004) Palmer, Ayo; Carlin, John B; Freihorst, Joachim; Gatchalian, Salvacion; Muhe, Lulu; Mulholland, Kim; Weber, Martin W; WHO Young Infant Study Group
  • Contracting out: the case of primary care in South Africa. (2004) Palmer, N; Mills, A
  • Health financing to promote access in low income settings-how much do we know? (2004) Palmer, Natasha; Mueller, Dirk H; Gilson, Lucy; Mills, Anne; Haines, Andy
  • Annual review of patients with sleep apnea/hypopnea syndrome--a pragmatic randomised trial of nurse home visit versus consultant clinic review. (2004) Palmer, Sharon; Selvaraj, Sivasubramaniam; Dunn, Cathie; Osman, Liesl M; Cairns, John; Franklin, David; Hulks, Geoffrey; Godden, David J
  • Cancer and communication: similarities and differences of men with cancer from six different ethnic groups. (2004) Papadopoulos, I; Lees, S
  • Ethiopian refugees in the UK: migration, adaptation and settlement experiences and their relevance to health. (2004) Papadopoulos, I; Lees, S; Lay, M; Gebrehiwot, A
  • What influences physiotherapy use by children with cerebral palsy? (2004) Parkes, J; Hill, N; Dolk, H; Donnelly, M
  • The political environment of HIV: lessons from a comparison of Uganda and South Africa. (2004) Parkhurst, Justin O; Lush, Louisiana
  • Relation of type 2 diabetes to individual admixture and candidate gene polymorphisms in the Hispanic American population of San Luis Valley, Colorado. (2004) Parra, EJ; Hoggart, CJ; Bonilla, C; Dios, S; Norris, JM; Marshall, JA; Hamman, RF; Ferrell, RE; McKeigue, PM; Shriver, MD
  • Bridging the eye health information gap through the internet. (2004) Parsley, Sally
  • 2004/05 ICEH Community Eye Health MSc Dissertation Summaries. (2004) Patel, Daksha
  • Does gestation vary by ethnic group? A London-based study of over 122,000 pregnancies with spontaneous onset of labour. (2004) Patel, Roshni R; Steer, Philip; Doyle, Pat; Little, Mark P; Elliott, Paul
  • Treating depression in the developing world. (2004) Patel, Vikram; Araya, Ricardo; Bolton, Paul
  • Effect of maternal mental health on infant growth in low income countries: new evidence from South Asia. (2004) Patel, Vikram; Rahman, Atif; Jacob, KS; Hughes, Marcus
  • Longitudinal study of determinants of dependence in an elderly population. (2004) Paterson, Donald H; Govindasamy, Devin; Vidmar, Marjan; Cunningham, David A; Koval, John J
  • Asthma prevalence in European, Maori, and Pacific children in New Zealand: ISAAC study. (2004) Pattemore, Philip K; Ellison-Loschmann, Lis; Asher, M Innes; Barry, David MJ; Clayton, Tadd O; Crane, Julian; D'Souza, Wendyl J; Ellwood, Philippa; Ford, Rodney PK; Mackay, Richard J; Mitchell, Edwin A; Moyes, Christoper; Pearce, Neil; Stewart, Alistair W; ISAAC Study
  • Unhealthy landscapes: Policy recommendations on land use change and infectious disease emergence. (2004) Patz, Jonathan A; Daszak, Peter; Tabor, Gary M; Aguirre, A Alonso; Pearl, Mary; Epstein, Jon; Wolfe, Nathan D; Kilpatrick, A Marm; Foufopoulos, Johannes; Molyneux, David; Bradley, David J; Working Group on Land Use Change and Disease Emergence
  • Patient and health service delays in initiating treatment for patients with pulmonary tuberculosis: retrospective cohort study. (2004) Paynter, S; Hayward, A; Wilkinson, P; Lozewicz, S; Coker, R
  • A case-control study of syphilis among men who have sex with men in New York City: association With HIV infection. (2004) Paz-Bailey, Gabriela; Meyers, Andrea; Blank, Susan; Brown, James; Rubin, Steve; Braxton, Jim; Zaidi, Akbar; Schafzin, Josh; Weigl, Susan; Markowitz, Laurie E
  • Syphilis outbreak among Hispanic immigrants in Decatur, Alabama: association with commercial sex. (2004) Paz-Bailey, Gabriela; Teran, Silvia; Levine, William; Markowitz, Lauri E
  • Effect measures in prevalence studies. (2004) Pearce, Neil
  • Epidemiology: populations, methods and theories. (2004) Pearce, Neil
  • The globalization of epidemiology: introductory remarks. (2004) Pearce, Neil
  • Genetics, race, ethnicity, and health. (2004) Pearce, Neil; Foliaki, Sunia; Sporle, Andrew; Cunningham, Chris
  • Seroepidemiology and risk factors for sporadic norovirus/Mexico strain. (2004) Peasey, Anne E; Ruiz-Palacios, Guillermo M; Quigley, Maria; Newsholme, William; Martinez, Julia; Rosales, Gustavo; Jiang, Xi; Blumenthal, Ursula J
  • What choice implies for primary care. (2004) Peckham, S
  • Bringing People. (2004) Peckham, S; Taylor, P; Godel, M; Wirrmann, E; Turton, P
  • Syphilis. (2004) Peeling, RW; Mabey, DCW
  • Avoiding HIV and dying of syphilis. (2004) Peeling, Rosanna W; Mabey, David; Fitzgerald, Dan W; Watson-Jones, Deborah
  • Diagnostic tools for preventing and managing maternal and congenital syphilis: an overview. (2004) Peeling, Rosanna W; Ye, Htun
  • Recent tuberculosis advances in Latin America. (2004) Pelly, Tom; Moore, David AJ; Gilman, Robert; Evans, Carlton
  • Research on preventing road traffic injuries in developing countries is needed. (2004) Perel, Pablo; McGuire, Megan; Eapen, Koshy; Ferraro, Alexandre
  • [Children's right of survival--vulnerable status in spite of progress]. (2004) Persson, Lars Ake
  • Professional fluoride varnish treatment for caries control: a systematic review of clinical trials. (2004) Petersson, Lars G; Twetman, Svante; Dahlgren, Helena; Norlund, Anders; Holm, Anna-Karin; Nordenram, Gunilla; Lagerlöf, Folke; Söder, Birgitta; Källestål, Carina; Mejàre, Ingegerd; Axelsson, Susanna; Lingström, Peter
  • Infectious reservoir of Plasmodium infection in Mae Hong Son Province, north-west Thailand. (2004) Pethleart, Aree; Prajakwong, Somsak; Suwonkerd, Wannapa; Corthong, Boontawee; Webber, Roger; Curtis, Christopher
  • Cervical HPV infection and neoplasia in a large population-based prospective study: the Manchester cohort. (2004) Peto, J; Gilham, C; Deacon, J; Taylor, C; Evans, C; Binns, W; Haywood, M; Elanko, N; Coleman, D; Yule, R; Desai, M
  • Data protection, informed consent, and research. (2004) Peto, Julian; Fletcher, Olivia; Gilham, Clare
  • Harms and benefits of screening to prevent cervical cancer. (2004) Peto, Julian; Gilham, Clare; Fletcher, Olivia
  • The cervical cancer epidemic that screening has prevented in the UK. (2004) Peto, Julian; Gilham, Clare; Fletcher, Olivia; Matthews, Fiona E
  • Evaluation of community based injury prevention: an epidemiologist's quandary. (2004) Petridou, Eleni; Alexe, Delia Marina
  • Child public health and social welfare: lessons from the evidence. (2004) Petticrew, M; Roberts, H
  • Evidence for public health policy on inequalities: 1: the reality according to policymakers. (2004) Petticrew, Mark; Whitehead, Margaret; Macintyre, Sally J; Graham, Hilary; Egan, Matt
  • A population study to define the incidence and survival of multiple myeloma in a National Health Service Region in UK. (2004) Phekoo, KJ; Schey, SA; Richards, MA; Bevan, DH; Bell, S; Gillett, D; Møller, H; Consultant Haematologists, South Thames Haematology Specialist C
  • A quantification of preventable unintentional childhood injury mortality in the United States. (2004) Philippakis, A; Hemenway, D; Alexe, DM; Dessypris, N; Spyridopoulos, T; Petridou, E
  • Burundi: a population deprived of basic health care. (2004) Philips, Mit; Ooms, Gorik; Hargreaves, Sally; Durrant, Andrew
  • The Living Tomorrow Project: how Philip Morris has used a Belgian tourist attraction to promote ventilation approaches to the control of second hand smoke. (2004) Pilkington, P; Gilmore, AB
  • Cellular immunity induced by the recombinant Plasmodium falciparum malaria vaccine, RTS,S/AS02, in semi-immune adults in The Gambia. (2004) Pinder, M; Reece, WHH; Plebanski, M; Akinwunmi, P; Flanagan, KL; Lee, EAM; Doherty, T; Milligan, P; Jaye, A; Tornieporth, N; Ballou, R; McAdam, KPMJ; Cohen, J; Hill, AVS
  • Public health. A global response to AIDS: lessons learned, next steps. (2004) Piot, Peter; Feachem, Richard GA; Lee, Jong-Wook; Wolfensohn, James D
  • Increasing mortality rates of common malignancies in Colombia: an emerging problem. (2004) Piñeros, Marion; Hernández, Gustavo; Bray, Freddie
  • The prevalence of injecting drug use in a Russian city: implications for harm reduction and coverage. (2004) Platt, Lucy; Hickman, Matthew; Rhodes, Tim; Mikhailova, Larissa; Karavashkin, Victor; Vlasov, Alexander; Tilling, Kate; Hope, Vivian; Khutorksoy, Mikhail; Renton, Adrian
  • "A bit more truthful": the validity of adolescent sexual behaviour data collected in rural northern Tanzania using five methods. (2004) Plummer, ML; Ross, DA; Wight, D; Changalucha, J; Mshana, G; Wamoyi, J; Todd, J; Anemona, A; Mosha, FF; Obasi, AI; Hayes, RJ
  • Asking semi-literate adolescents about sexual behaviour: the validity of assisted self-completion questionnaire (ASCQ) data in rural Tanzania. (2004) Plummer, Mary L; Wight, Daniel; Ross, David A; Balira, Rebecca; Anemona, Alessandra; Todd, Jim; Salamba, Zachayo; Obasi, Angela IN; Grosskurth, Heiner; Changalunga, John; Hayes, Richard J
  • Predicting mortality and morbidity in chronic heart failure independent of left ventricular systolic function: Results from the CHARM program. (2004) Pocock, SJ; Wang, DL; Pfeffer, MA; McMurray, JJ; Swedberg, K; Ostergren, J; Yusuf, S; Michelson, EL; Pieper, KS; Granger, CB
  • A major trial needs three statisticians: why, how and who? (2004) Pocock, Stuart J
  • Issues in the reporting of epidemiological studies: a survey of recent practice. (2004) Pocock, Stuart J; Collier, Timothy J; Dandreo, Kimberley J; de Stavola, Bianca L; Goldman, Marlene B; Kalish, Leslie A; Kasten, Linda E; McCormack, Valerie A
  • The data monitoring experience in the MOXCON trial. (2004) Pocock, Stuart; Wilhelmsen, Lars; Dickstein, Kenneth; Francis, Gary; Wittes, Janet
  • Vaccination for vivax malaria: targeting the invaders. (2004) Polley, Spencer D; McRobert, Louisa; Sutherland, Colin J
  • Human antibodies to recombinant protein constructs of Plasmodium falciparum Apical Membrane Antigen 1 (AMA1) and their associations with protection from malaria. (2004) Polley, Spencer D; Mwangi, Tabitha; Kocken, Clemens HM; Thomas, Alan W; Dutta, Sheetij; Lanar, David E; Remarque, Ed; Ross, Amanda; Williams, Thomas N; Mwambingu, Gabrielle; Lowe, Brett; Conway, David J; Marsh, Kevin
  • Retrospective cohort study of false alarm rates associated with a series of heart operations: the case for hospital mortality monitoring groups. (2004) Poloniecki, Jan; Sismanidis, Charalambos; Bland, Martin; Jones, Paul
  • Epidemiological studies: A practical guide. (2004) Pomerleau, J
  • Determinants of smoking in eight countries of the former Soviet Union: results from the living conditions, lifestyles and health study. (2004) Pomerleau, Joceline; Gilmore, Anna; McKee, Martin; Rose, Richard; Haerpfer, Christian W
  • The challenge of measuring global fruit and vegetable intake. (2004) Pomerleau, Joceline; Lock, Karen; McKee, Martin; Altmann, Dan R
  • "You're not going to dehydrate mom, are you?": Euthanasia, versterving, and good death in the Netherlands. (2004) Pool, Robert
  • Effect of long-acting nifedipine on mortality and cardiovascular morbidity in patients with stable angina requiring treatment (ACTION trial): randomised controlled trial. (2004) Poole-Wilson, Philip A; Lubsen, Jacobus; Kirwan, Bridget-Anne; van Dalen, Fred J; Wagener, Gilbert; Danchin, Nicolas; Just, Hanjörg; Fox, Keith AA; Pocock, Stuart J; Clayton, Tim C; Motro, Michael; Parker, John D; Bourassa, Martial G; Dart, Anthony M; Hildebrandt, Per; Hjalmarson, Ake; Kragten, Johannes A; Molhoek, G Peter; Otterstad, Jan-Erik; Seabra-Gomes, Ricardo; Soler-Soler, Jordi; Weber, Simon; Coronary disease Trial Investigating Outcome with Nifedipine gas
  • Introducing operations research into management and policy practices of a non-governmental organization (NGO): a partnership between an Indian leprosy NGO and an international academic institution. (2004) Porter, JDH; Ogden, JA; Rao, PV Ranganadha; Rao, V Prabhakar; Rajesh, D; Buskade, RA; Soutar, D
  • Supporting 'the individual' with leprosy: the need for a 'post-elimination strategy'. (2004) Porter, John DH
  • The empirical evidence for the impact of HIV on adult mortality in the developing world: data from serological studies. (2004) Porter, Kholoud; Zaba, Basia
  • Hypernatraemia in the breastfed infant. (2004) Poskitt, EME
  • Hypernatraemia in the breastfed infant. (2004) Poskitt, EME
  • Where is the evidence that animal research benefits humans? (2004) Pound, Pandora; Ebrahim, Shah; Sandercock, Peter; Bracken, Michael B; Roberts, Ian; Reviewing Animal Trials Systematically (RATS) Group
  • Glycoform composition profiling of O-glycopeptides derived from human serum IgA1 by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight-mass spectrometry. (2004) Pouria, Shideh; Corran, Patrick H; Smith, Alice C; Smith, Howard W; Hendry, Bruce M; Challacombe, Stephen J; Tarelli, Edward
  • Manifestations of metabolic syndrome after hypertensive pregnancy. (2004) Pouta, Anneli; Hartikainen, Anna-Liisa; Sovio, Ulla; Gissler, Mika; Laitinen, Jaana; McCarthy, Mark I; Ruokonen, Aimo; Elliott, Paul; Järvelin, Marjo-Riitta
  • Female genital mutilation, asylum seekers and refugees: the need for an integrated European Union agenda. (2004) Powell, Richard A; Leye, Els; Jayakody, Amanda; Mwangi-Powell, Faith N; Morison, Linda
  • Developing complex interventions for rigorous evaluation--a case study from rural Zimbabwe. (2004) Power, R; Langhaug, LF; Nyamurera, T; Wilson, D; Bassett, MT; Cowan, FM
  • (1)H, (13)C, and (15)N resonance assignments of the EscJ protein, a structural component of the Type III secretion system of enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC). (2004) Prasannan, Sunil; Simpson, Peter; Wilson, Rebecca K; Crepin, Valerie F; Frankel, Gad; Matthews, Stephen
  • Storing up problems: the medical case for a slimmer nation. (2004) Prentice, Andrew
  • Energy intake/physical activity interactions in the homeostasis of body weight regulation. (2004) Prentice, Andrew; Jebb, Susan
  • Introducing Critical Care Outreach: a ward-randomised trial of phased introduction in a general hospital. (2004) Priestley, George; Watson, Wendy; Rashidian, Arash; Mozley, Caroline; Russell, Daphne; Wilson, Jonathan; Cope, Judith; Hart, Dianne; Kay, Diana; Cowley, Karen; Pateraki, Jayne
  • Care arrangements for people with dementia in developing countries. (2004) Prince, Martin; 10/66 Dementia Research Group
  • Undiagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis deaths in rural South Africa. (2004) Pronyk, PM; Kahn, K; Hargreaves, JR; Tollman, SM; Collinson, M; Hausler, HP; Porter, JDH
  • Are visual measures of mood superior to questionnaire measures in non-Western settings? (2004) Puertas, Gloria; Patel, Vikram; Marshall, Tom
  • Practice nurses' intentions to use clinical guidelines. (2004) Puffer, Suezann; Rashidian, Arash
  • Diet, growth, and the risk for type 1 diabetes in childhood: a matched case-referent study. (2004) Pundziute-Lyckå, Auste; Persson, Lars-Ake; Cedermark, Gunilla; Jansson-Roth, Agneta; Nilsson, Ulla; Westin, Vera; Dahlquist, Gisela
  • Improving the hospital management of malnourished children by participatory research. (2004) Puoane, Thandi; Sanders, David; Ashworth, Ann; Chopra, Mickey; Strasser, Susan; McCoy, David
  • In forests and factories: sexual behaviour among young migrant workers in Nepal. (2004) Puri, Mahesh C; Busza, Joanna
  • Q
  • The impact of attending a behavioural intervention on HIV incidence in Masaka, Uganda. (2004) Quigley, Maria A; Kamali, Anatoli; Kinsman, John; Kamulegeya, Ignatius; Nakiyingi-Miiro, Jessica; Kiwuwa, Sylvia; Kengeya-Kayondo, Jane F; Carpenter, Lucy M; Whitworth, James AG
  • New irrigation methods sustain malaria control in Sichuan Province, China. (2004) Qunhua, Liu; Xin, Kang; Changzhi, Chao; Shengzheng, Feng; Yan, Li; Rongzhi, He; Zhihua, Zhang; Gibson, G; Wenmin, Kang
  • R
  • Commentary: robust estimation of population parameters with sparse data. (2004) Rachet, B
  • A flexible modeling approach to estimating the component effects of smoking behavior on lung cancer. (2004) Rachet, B; Siemiatycki, J; Abrahamowicz, M; Leffondré, K
  • Geographical comparisons of cancer survival indicators. (2004) Rachet, Bernard; Riga, Michaël; Mitry, Emmanuel; Romanengo, Marta; Quinn, Mike; Cooper, Nicola; Coleman, Michel
  • International collaborations in nursing research: The experience of the international hospital outcomes study - Comment. (2004) Rafferty, AM
  • Context, convergence and contingency: political leadership for nursing. (2004) Rafferty, Anne Marie; Traynor, Michael
  • Evidence Based Ophthalmology (Section: Paediatrics and Strabismus). (2004) Rahi, J; Gilbert, C; (Section Eds.)
  • The prevalence of glaucoma in Bangladesh: a population based survey in Dhaka division. (2004) Rahman, MM; Rahman, N; Foster, PJ; Haque, Z; Zaman, AU; Dineen, B; Johnson, GJ
  • General practitioners' perceptions of chronic fatigue syndrome and beliefs about its management, compared with irritable bowel syndrome: qualitative study. (2004) Raine, Rosalind; Carter, Simon; Sensky, Tom; Black, Nick
  • Is publicly funded health care really distributed according to need? The example of cardiac rehabilitation in the UK. (2004) Raine, Rosalind; Hutchings, Andrew; Black, Nick
  • An experimental study of determinants of group judgments in clinical guideline development. (2004) Raine, Rosalind; Sanderson, Colin; Hutchings, Andrew; Carter, Simon; Larkin, Kirsten; Black, Nick
  • The white paper on public health. (2004) Raine, Rosalind; Walt, Gill; Basnett, Ian
  • Disclosure of genetic tests for health insurance: is it ethical not to? (2004) Raithatha, Nick; Smith, Richard D
  • Paying for statins. (2004) Raithatha, Nick; Smith, Richard D
  • Use of genome level-informed PCR as a new investigational approach for analysis of outbreak-associated Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates. (2004) Rajakumar, Kumar; Shafi, Jamila; Smith, Rebecca J; Stabler, Richard A; Andrew, Peter W; Modha, Deborah; Bryant, Gerry; Monk, Philip; Hinds, Jason; Butcher, Philip D; Barer, Michael R
  • The relationship between the epidermal growth factor (EGF) 5'UTR variant A61G and melanoma/nevus susceptibility. (2004) Randerson-Moor, JA; Gaut, R; Turner, F; Whitaker, L; Barrett, JH; Silva, I dos Santos; Swerdlow, A; Bishop, DT; Bishop, JA Newton
  • Tuberculosis control in rural India: lessons from public-private collaboration. (2004) Rangan, SG; Juvekar, SK; Rasalpurkar, SB; Morankar, SN; Joshi, AN; Porter, JDH
  • Abnormalities of cerebral perfusion in multiple sclerosis. (2004) Rashid, W; Parkes, LM; Ingle, GT; Chard, DT; Toosy, AT; Altmann, DR; Symms, MR; Tofts, PS; Thompson, AJ; Miller, DH
  • Change management in the NHS [Editorial]. (2004) Rashidian, A
  • Fifty-year mortality trends in three rural African villages. (2004) Rayco-Solon, Pura; Moore, Sophie E; Fulford, Anthony J; Prentice, Andrew M
  • A matched case-control study of risk factors for neonatal tetanus in Karachi, Pakistan. (2004) Raza, SA; Akhtar, S; Avan, BI; Hamza, H; Rahbar, MH
  • The need for appropriate Millennium Development Goals for Eastern Europe and Central Asia. (2004) Rechel, B; Shapo, L; McKee, M
  • Health in south-eastern Europe: a troubled past, an uncertain future. (2004) Rechel, Bernd; Schwalbe, Nina; McKee, Martin
  • A CD4(+) T-cell immune response to a conserved epitope in the circumsporozoite protein correlates with protection from natural Plasmodium falciparum infection and disease. (2004) Reece, William HH; Pinder, Margaret; Gothard, Philip K; Milligan, Paul; Bojang, Kalifa; Doherty, Tom; Plebanski, Magdalena; Akinwunmi, Peter; Everaere, Simone; Watkins, Katherine R; Voss, Gerald; Tornieporth, Nadia; Alloueche, Ali; Greenwood, Brian M; Kester, Kent E; McAdam, Keith PWJ; Cohen, Joe; Hill, Adrian VS
  • Mid-upper arm circumference provides a good indicator of body mass index in patients with COPD. (2004) Rees, D; Groves, J; Ayres, J; Wildman, MJ
  • Psychological interventions for coronary heart disease. (2004) Rees, K; Bennett, P; West, R; Davey, Smith G; Ebrahim, S
  • Exercise based rehabilitation for heart failure. (2004) Rees, K; Taylor, RS; Singh, S; Coats, AJS; Ebrahim, S
  • Reasons for caution when evaluating health care interventions using non-randomised study designs. (2004) Reeves, BC
  • A framework for classifying study designs to evaluate health care interventions. (2004) Reeves, BC
  • A multi-centre randomised controlled trial of minimally invasive direct coronary bypass grafting versus percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty with stenting for proximal stenosis of the left anterior descending coronary artery. (2004) Reeves, BC; Angelini, GD; Bryan, AJ; Taylor, FC; Cripps, T; Spyt, TJ; Samani, NJ; Roberts, JA; Jacklin, P; Seehra, HK; Culliford, LA; Keenan, DJM; Rowlands, DJ; Clarke, B; Stanbridge, R; Foale, R
  • Guidelines for reporting non-randomised studies. (2004) Reeves, BC; Gaus, W
  • Interprofessional collaboration in the hospital: strategies and meanings. (2004) Reeves, Scott; Lewin, Simon
  • Cutaneous leishmaniasis, northern Afghanistan. (2004) Reithinger, Richard; Aadil, Khoksar; Hami, Samad; Kolaczinski, Jan
  • Are insecticide-impregnated dog collars a feasible alternative to dog culling as a strategy for controlling canine visceral leishmaniasis in Brazil? (2004) Reithinger, Richard; Coleman, Paul G; Alexander, Bruce; Vieira, Edvar Paula; Assis, Geraldo; Davies, Clive R
  • Overdiagnosis of malaria in patients with severe febrile illness in Tanzania: a prospective study. (2004) Reyburn, Hugh; Mbatia, Redepmta; Drakeley, Chris; Carneiro, Ilona; Mwakasungula, Emmanuel; Mwerinde, Ombeni; Saganda, Kapalala; Shao, John; Kitua, Andrew; Olomi, Raimos; Greenwood, Brian M; Whitty, Christopher JM
  • Hepatitis C and its risk management among drug injectors in London: renewing harm reduction in the context of uncertainty. (2004) Rhodes, Tim; Davis, Mark; Judd, Ali
  • Injecting equipment sharing among injecting drug users in Togliatti City, Russian Federation: maximizing the protective effects of syringe distribution. (2004) Rhodes, Tim; Judd, Ali; Mikhailova, Larissa; Sarang, Anya; Khutorskoy, Mikhail; Platt, Lucy; Lowndes, Catherine M; Renton, Adrian
  • HIV transmission and HIV prevention associated with injecting drug use in the Russian Federation. (2004) Rhodes, Tim; Sarang, Anya; Bobrik, Alexei; Bobkov, Eugene; Platt, Lucy
  • Prevalent diagnosed HIV in England, Wales and Northern Ireland: adjusted totals 1996 to 2001 and extrapolations to 2004. (2004) Rice, Brian D; McHenry, Angela; Sinka, Katy; Payne, Lara JC; Baster, Kathleen; Patel, Bela; Evans, Barry G
  • Calculating society's willingness to pay for a QALY: key questions for discussion. (2004) Richardson, Jeff; Smith, Richard D
  • Media interventions to increase cervical screening uptake in South Africa: an evaluation study of effectiveness. (2004) Risi, L; Bindman, JP; Campbell, OMR; Imrie, J; Everett, K; Bradley, J; Denny, L
  • Metaanalysis of randomized trials of the efficacy and safety of donepezil, galantamine, and rivastigmine for the treatment of Alzheimer disease. (2004) Ritchie, Craig W; Ames, David; Clayton, Tim; Lai, Rosalind
  • Malaria control and public health. (2004) Roberts, Donald; Curtis, Christopher; Tren, Richard; Sharp, Brian; Shiff, Clive; Bate, Roger
  • Putting public health evidence into practice: increasing the prevalence of working smoke alarms in disadvantaged inner city housing. (2004) Roberts, H; Curtis, K; Liabo, K; Rowland, D; DiGuiseppi, C; Roberts, I
  • Injury and globalisation. (2004) Roberts, I
  • Colloids versus crystalloids for fluid resuscitation in critically ill patients. (2004) Roberts, I; Alderson, P; Bunn, F; Chinnock, P; Ker, K; Schierhout, G
  • Saddam Hussein's medical examination should not have been broadcast: images were designed to humiliate. (2004) Roberts, Ian
  • War on the roads: two years on. (2004) Roberts, Ian; Abbasi, Kamran
  • Effect of intravenous corticosteroids on death within 14 days in 10008 adults with clinically significant head injury (MRC CRASH trial): randomised placebo-controlled trial. (2004) Roberts, Ian; Yates, David; Sandercock, Peter; Farrell, Barbara; Wasserberg, Jonathan; Lomas, Gabrielle; Cottingham, Rowland; Svoboda, Petr; Brayley, Nigel; Mazairac, Guy; Laloë, Véronique; Muñoz-Sánchez, Angeles; Arango, Miguel; Hartzenberg, Bennie; Khamis, Hussein; Yutthakasemsunt, Surakrant; Komolafe, Edward; Olldashi, Fatos; Yadav, Yadram; Murillo-Cabezas, Francisco; Shakur, Haleema; Edwards, Phil; CRASH trial collaborators
  • Can the human brain do quantum computing? (2004) Rocha, AF; Massad, E; Coutinho, FAB
  • A clinical and cost evaluation of hemodialysis in renal satellite units in England and Wales. (2004) Roderick, Paul; Armitage, Alison; Nicholson, Tricia; Mehta, Raj; Gerard, Karen; Mullee, Mark; Drey, Nick; Lamping, Donna; Feest, Terry; Greenwood, Roger; Townsend, Joy
  • Neutrophil responses to CRP are not dependent on polymorphism of human FcgammaRIIA (R131H). (2004) Rodríguez, JA; Bodman-Smith, KB; Raynes, JG
  • Control chart methods for monitoring cardiac surgical performance and their interpretation. (2004) Rogers, Chris A; Reeves, Barnaby C; Caputo, Massimo; Ganesh, J Saravana; Bonser, Robert S; Angelini, Gianni D
  • Transmission of cutaneous leishmaniasis by sand flies is enhanced by regurgitation of fPPG. (2004) Rogers, Matthew E; Ilg, Thomas; Nikolaev, Andrei V; Ferguson, Michael AJ; Bates, Paul A
  • Pyrethroid insecticide evaluation on different house structures in a Chagas disease endemic area of the Paraguayan Chaco. (2004) Rojas de Arias, Antonieta; Lehane, MJ; Schofield, CJ; Maldonado, M
  • Use of psychotropic drugs in general population in Santiago, Chile. (2004) Rojas, G; Fritsch, R; Galleguillos, T; Gaete, J; Araya, R
  • Measuring the need for life-saving obstetric surgery in developing countries. (2004) Ronsmans, Carine; De Brouwere, Vincent; Dubourg, Dominique; Dieltiens, Greet
  • Stopping the spread of drug-resistant malaria - Response. (2004) Roper, C; Pearce, R; Nair, S; Sharp, B; Nosten, F; Anderson, T
  • Intercontinental spread of pyrimethamine-resistant malaria. (2004) Roper, Cally; Pearce, Richard; Nair, Shalini; Sharp, Brian; Nosten, François; Anderson, Tim
  • HIV-1 disease progression and fertility: the incidence of recognized pregnancy and pregnancy outcome in Uganda. (2004) Ross, Amanda; Van der Paal, Lieve; Lubega, Rosemary; Mayanja, Billy N; Shafer, Leigh Anne; Whitworth, Jimmy
  • The toxicology of mercury. (2004) Ross, DA
  • A systematic review of the role of bisphosphonates in metastatic disease. (2004) Ross, JR; Saunders, Y; Edmonds, PM; Patel, S; Wonderling, D; Normand, C; Broadley, K
  • The effect of optical defocus on the test-retest variability of visual acuity measurements. (2004) Rosser, Daniel A; Murdoch, Ian E; Cousens, Simon N
  • Low birth weight infants and Calmette-Guérin bacillus vaccination at birth: community study from Guinea-Bissau. (2004) Roth, Adam; Jensen, Henrik; Garly, May-Lill; Djana, Queba; Martins, Cesário Lourenco; Sodemann, Morten; Rodrigues, Amabelia; Aaby, Peter
  • Fibrinogen concentration and risk of ischemic stroke and acute coronary events in 5113 patients with transient ischemic attack and minor ischemic stroke. (2004) Rothwell, Peter M; Howard, Sally C; Power, Dermot A; Gutnikov, Sergei A; Algra, Ale; van Gijn, Jan; Clark, Tanne G; Murphy, Michael FG; Warlow, Charles P
  • Hospitals' star ratings and clinical outcomes: ecological study. (2004) Rowan, Kathy; Harrison, David; Brady, Anthony; Black, Nick
  • DEET mosquito repellent provides personal protection against malaria: a household randomized trial in an Afghan refugee camp in Pakistan. (2004) Rowland, Mark; Downey, Gerald; Rab, Abdur; Freeman, Tim; Mohammad, Nasir; Rehman, Hamid; Durrani, Naeem; Reyburn, Hugh; Curtis, Chris; Lines, Jo; Fayaz, Mohammad
  • DEET mosquito repellent sold through social marketing provides personal protection against malaria in an area of all-night mosquito biting and partial coverage of insecticide-treated nets: a case-control study of effectiveness. (2004) Rowland, Mark; Freeman, Tim; Downey, Gerald; Hadi, Abdul; Saeed, Mohammed
  • Genetically engineered structure-based vaccine for bluetongue disease. (2004) Roy, P
  • Baculovirus solves a complex problem. (2004) Roy, Polly
  • Radiation-induced malignancies following radiotherapy for breast cancer. (2004) Roychoudhuri, R; Evans, H; Robinson, D; Møller, H
  • Polymorphism at the C-reactive protein locus influences gene expression and predisposes to systemic lupus erythematosus. (2004) Russell, Andrew I; Cunninghame Graham, Deborah S; Shepherd, Christopher; Roberton, Cheri A; Whittaker, John; Meeks, John; Powell, Richard J; Isenberg, David A; Walport, Mark J; Vyse, Timothy J
  • Recent advances in pneumococcal vaccination of children. (2004) Russell, Fiona M; Mulholland, EK
  • Successful development and application of a strategic dialysis planning model (RENPLAN). (2004) Rutherford, Peter; Forte, Paul
  • Patients or partners? Case studies of user involvement in the planning and delivery of adult mental health services in London. (2004) Rutter, Deborah; Manley, Catherine; Weaver, Tim; Crawford, Mike J; Fulop, Naomi
  • S
  • Mast cells at the host-pathogen interface: host-protection versus immune evasion in leishmaniasis. (2004) Saha, B; Tonkal, AMDJ; Croft, S; Roy, S
  • The value of counting BCG scars for interpretation of tuberculin skin tests in a tuberculosis hyperendemic shantytown, Peru. (2004) Saito, M; Bautista, CT; Gilman, RH; Bowering, A; Levy, MZ; Evans, CA
  • Use of a multiple choice questionnaire to stimulate TB officers to read the TB manual in Malawi. (2004) Salaniponi, FM; Kwanjana, JH; Gondwe, MK; Harries, AD
  • The missing cases of tuberculosis in Malawi: the contribution from cross-border registrations. (2004) Salaniponi, Felix M; Gausi, Francis K; Chimzizi, Rhehab B; Harries, Anthony D
  • Preferences for treatment of diarrhoea and dysentery in Kaengkhoi district, Saraburi province, Thailand. (2004) Samosornsuk, Seksun; Jitsanguansuk, Supot; Sirima, Nunta; Sudjai, Sanit; Tapchaisri, Pramuan; Chompook, Pornthip; von Seidlein, Lorenz; Robertson, Susan E; Ali, Mohammad; Clemens, John D; Chaicumpa, Wanpen
  • Assessing computer skills in Tanzanian medical students: an elective experience. (2004) Samuel, Miriam; Coombes, John C; Miranda, J Jaime; Melvin, Rob; Young, Eoin JW; Azarmina, Pejman
  • Breast carcinoma survival in Europe and the United States. (2004) Sant, Milena; Allemani, Claudia; Berrino, Franco; Coleman, Michel P; Aareleid, Tiiu; Chaplain, Gilles; Coebergh, Jan Willem; Colonna, Marc; Crosignani, Paolo; Danzon, Arlette; Federico, Massimo; Gafà, Lorenzo; Grosclaude, Pascale; Hédelin, Guy; Macè-Lesech, Josette; Garcia, Carmen Martinez; Møller, Henrik; Paci, Eugenio; Raverdy, Nicole; Tretarre, Brigitte; Williams, Evelyn MI; European Concerted Action on Survival and Care of Cancer Patient
  • Iron and microbial infection. (2004) Schaible, Ulrich E; Kaufmann, Stefan HE
  • A randomized comparison of two anemia treatment regimens in Tanzanian children. (2004) Schellenberg, David; Kahigwa, Elizeus; Sanz, Sergi; Aponte, John J; Mshinda, Hassan; Alonso, Pedro; Menendez, Clara
  • The changing epidemiology of malaria in Ifakara Town, southern Tanzania. (2004) Schellenberg, David; Menendez, Clara; Aponte, John; Guinovart, Caterina; Mshinda, Hassan; Tanner, Marcel; Alonso, Pedro
  • Transmission of HIV-1 infection in sub-Saharan Africa and effect of elimination of unsafe injections. (2004) Schmid, George P; Buvé, Anne; Mugyenyi, Peter; Garnett, Geoff P; Hayes, Richard J; Williams, Brian G; Calleja, Jesus Garcia; De Cock, Kevin M; Whitworth, James A; Kapiga, Saidi H; Ghys, Peter D; Hankins, Catherine; Zaba, Basia; Heimer, Robert; Boerma, J Ties
  • Complementary analysis of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis proteome by two-dimensional electrophoresis and isotope-coded affinity tag technology. (2004) Schmidt, Frank; Donahoe, Samuel; Hagens, Kristine; Mattow, Jens; Schaible, Ulrich E; Kaufmann, Stefan HE; Aebersold, Ruedi; Jungblut, Peter R
  • Progressive change in primary progressive multiple sclerosis normal-appearing white matter: a serial diffusion magnetic resonance imaging study. (2004) Schmierer, Klaus; Altmann, Daniel R; Kassim, Nadja; Kitzler, Hagen; Kerskens, Christian M; Doege, Claudia A; Aktas, Orhan; Lünemann, Jan D; Miller, David H; Zipp, Frauke; Villringer, Arno
  • Magnetization transfer ratio and myelin in postmortem multiple sclerosis brain. (2004) Schmierer, Klaus; Scaravilli, Francesco; Altmann, Daniel R; Barker, Gareth J; Miller, David H
  • Systems and software: principles and implementation strategies for the scaling up of anti-retroviral therapy. (2004) Schneider, H; Gilson, L; Blaauw, D
  • P3-062 Predictors and correlates of inter-individual variation in MRI derived atrophy rates in Alzheimer's disease. (2004) Schott, Jonathan M; Frost, Chris; Crutch, Sebastian J; Boyes, Richard G; Whitwell, Jennifer L; Scahill, Rachael I; Rossor, Martin N; Warrington, Elizabeth K; Fox, Nick C
  • Interventions for improving adherence to treatment in patients with high blood pressure in ambulatory settings. (2004) Schroeder, K; Fahey, T; Ebrahim, S
  • How can we improve adherence to blood pressure-lowering medication in ambulatory care? Systematic review of randomized controlled trials. (2004) Schroeder, Knut; Fahey, Tom; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Adherence to long-term therapies: recent WHO report provides some answers but poses even more questions. (2004) Schroeder, Knut; Fahey, Tom; Ebrahim, Shah; Peters, Tim J
  • Coronary revascularisation outcome questionnaire (CROQ): development and validation of a new, patient based measure of outcome in coronary bypass surgery and angioplasty. (2004) Schroter, S; Lamping, DL
  • Effects of training on quality of peer review: randomised controlled trial. (2004) Schroter, Sara; Black, Nick; Evans, Stephen; Carpenter, James; Godlee, Fiona; Smith, Richard
  • Hemodynamic effects of the nitric oxide donor DETA/NO in mice. (2004) Schyvens, Chris G; Cowden, William B; Zhang, Yi; McKenzie, Katja US; Whitworth, Judith A
  • Estimating the force of measles virus infection from hospitalised cases in Lusaka, Zambia. (2004) Scott, Susana; Mossong, Joel; Moss, William J; Cutts, Felicity T; Kasolo, Francis; Sinkala, Moses; Cousens, Simon
  • Occupational exposure to vinyl chloride, acrylonitrile and styrene and lung cancer risk (europe). (2004) Scélo, Ghislaine; Constantinescu, Vali; Csiki, Irma; Zaridze, David; Szeszenia-Dabrowska, Neonila; Rudnai, Peter; Lissowska, Jolanta; Fabiánová, Eleonóra; Cassidy, Adrian; Slamova, Alena; Foretova, Lenka; Janout, Vladimir; Fevotte, Joelle; Fletcher, Tony; Mannetje, Andrea 't; Brennan, Paul; Boffetta, Paolo
  • Height and reproductive success. (2004) Sear, Rebecca
  • Effect of aprotinin on clinical outcomes in coronary artery bypass graft surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. (2004) Sedrakyan, Artyom; Treasure, Tom; Elefteriades, John A
  • Postoperative chemotherapy for non-small cell lung cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis. (2004) Sedrakyan, Artyom; Van Der Meulen, Jan; O'Byrne, Ken; Prendiville, Joseph; Hill, Jennifer; Treasure, Tom
  • Variation in use of video assisted thoracic surgery in the United Kingdom. (2004) Sedrakyan, Artyom; van der Meulen, Jan; Lewsey, James; Treasure, Tom
  • Video assisted thoracic surgery for treatment of pneumothorax and lung resections: systematic review of randomised clinical trials. (2004) Sedrakyan, Artyom; van der Meulen, Jan; Lewsey, James; Treasure, Tom
  • Gender and HIV/AIDS impact mitigation in sub-Saharan Africa--recognising the constraints. (2004) Seeley, J; Grellier, R; Barnett, T
  • Health sector reforms and decentralization in Tanzania: The case of the Expanded Programme of Immunization at national level. (2004) Semali, I; de Savigny, D; Tanner, M; Akim, C
  • Endothelial NO synthase genotype and risk of preeclampsia: a multicenter case-control study. (2004) Serrano, Norma C; Casas, Juan P; Díaz, Luis A; Páez, Carolina; Mesa, Clara M; Cifuentes, Rodrigo; Monterrosa, Alvaro; Bautista, Alejandro; Hawe, Emma; Hingorani, Aroon D; Vallance, Patrick; López-Jaramillo, Patricio
  • Experience of domestic violence by women attending an inner city accident and emergency department. (2004) Sethi, D; Watts, S; Zwi, A; Watson, J; McCarthy, C
  • Validation of a food frequency questionnaire to assess macro- and micro-nutrient intake among South Asians in the United Kingdom. (2004) Sevak, Leena; Mangtani, Punam; McCormack, Valerie; Bhakta, Dee; Kassam-Khamis, Tashmin; dos Santos Silva, Isabel
  • The New Zealand Meningococcal Vaccine Strategy: a tailor-made vaccine to combat a devastating epidemic. (2004) Sexton, Kerry; Lennon, Diana; Oster, Philipp; Crengle, Sue; Martin, Diana; Mulholland, Kim; Percival, Teuila; Reid, Stewart; Stewart, Joanna; O'Hallahan, Jane
  • Hospitalized heart failure: rates and long-term mortality. (2004) Shahar, Eyal; Lee, Seungmin; Kim, Joseph; Duval, Sue; Barber, Cheryl; Luepker, Russell V
  • Ectopic pregnancy and medical abortion. (2004) Shannon, Caitlin; Brothers, L Perry; Philip, Neena M; Winikoff, Beverly
  • Infection after medical abortion: a review of the literature. (2004) Shannon, Caitlin; Brothers, L Perry; Philip, Neena M; Winikoff, Beverly
  • Type 2 diabetes in Tirana City, Albania: a rapid increase in a country in transition. (2004) Shapo, L; McKee, M; Coker, R; Ylli, A
  • Physical inactivity in a country in transition: a population-based survey in Tirana City, Albania. (2004) Shapo, Laidon; Pomerleau, Joceline; McKee, Martin
  • World No Tobacco Day 2005: the role of health professionals. (2004) Sharma, G
  • World No Tobacco Day 2005: the role of health professionals. (2004) Sharma, G
  • Gender and age inequity in the provision of coronary revascularisation in England in the 1990s: is it getting better? (2004) Shaw, Mary; Maxwell, Roy; Rees, Karen; Ho, Davidson; Oliver, Steven; Ben-Shlomo, Yoav; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Mortality Reversal in Russia: The story so far. (2004) Shkolnikov, VM; Andreev, EM; Leon, DA; McKee, M; Mesl?, F; Vallin, J
  • Russian mortality beyond vital statistics. (2004) Shkolnikov, Vladimir; Leon, David A; Chervyakov, Valeriy V; McKee, Martin
  • Phyto-oestrogen Intake and Breast Cancer Risk in South Asian Women in England: Findings from a Population-based Case–Control Study. (2004) Silva, Isabel dos Santos; Mangtani, Punam; McCormack, Valerie; Bhakta, Dee; McMichael, Anthony J; Sevak, Leena
  • A role for apical membrane antigen 1 during invasion of hepatocytes by Plasmodium falciparum sporozoites. (2004) Silvie, Olivier; Franetich, Jean-François; Charrin, Stéphanie; Mueller, Markus S; Siau, Anthony; Bodescot, Myriam; Rubinstein, Eric; Hannoun, Laurent; Charoenvit, Yupin; Kocken, Clemens H; Thomas, Alan W; Van Gemert, Geert-Jan; Sauerwein, Robert W; Blackman, Michael J; Anders, Robin F; Pluschke, Gerd; Mazier, Dominique
  • Who's who in public health? (2004) Sim, F; Mackie, P
  • Health and choice: reconciliation needed? (2004) Sim, F; Mackie, Phil
  • Plus ça change, plus ça même chose! (2004) Sim, Fiona; Mackie, Phil
  • A postcard from Brighton. (2004) Sim, Fiona; Mackie, Phil
  • Diarrhoea episodes and treatment-seeking behaviour in a slum area of North Jakarta, Indonesia. (2004) Simanjuntak, Cyrus H; Punjabi, Narain H; Wangsasaputra, Ferry; Nurdin, Dazwir; Pulungsih, Sri Pandam; Rofiq, Ainur; Santoso, Hari; Pujarwoto, H; Sjahrurachman, Agus; Sudarmono, Pratiwi; von Seidlein, Lorenz; Acosta, Camilo; Robertson, Susan E; Ali, Mohammad; Lee, Hyejon; Park, JinKyung; Deen, Jacqueline L; Agtini, Magdarina D; Clemens, John D
  • Dramatic reduction in triplet and higher order births in England and Wales. (2004) Simmons, Rebecca; Doyle, Pat; Maconochie, Noreen
  • Self-reported ill health in male UK Gulf War veterans: a retrospective cohort study. (2004) Simmons, Rebecca; Maconochie, Noreen; Doyle, Pat
  • Cost-effectiveness analysis of addiction treatment: paradoxes of multiple outcomes. (2004) Sindelar, Jody L; Jofre-Bonet, Mireia; French, Michael T; McLellan, A Thomas
  • Mosquito--malaria interactions: a reappraisal of the concepts of susceptibility and refractoriness. (2004) Sinden, RE; Alavi, Yasmene; Raine, JD
  • Miltefosine (Impavido): the first oral treatment against leishmaniasis. (2004) Sindermann, H; Croft, SL; Engel, KR; Bommer, W; Eibl, HJ; Unger, C; Engel, J
  • A large focus of naturally acquired Plasmodium knowlesi infections in human beings. (2004) Singh, Balbir; Kim Sung, Lee; Matusop, Asmad; Radhakrishnan, Anand; Shamsul, Sunita SG; Cox-Singh, Janet; Thomas, Alan; Conway, David J
  • Paternal age and schizophrenia: a population based cohort study. (2004) Sipos, Attila; Rasmussen, Finn; Harrison, Glynn; Tynelius, Per; Lewis, Glyn; Leon, David A; Gunnell, David
  • Is G6PD A- deficiency associated with recurrent stillbirths in The Gambia? (2004) Sirugo, Giorgio; Schaefer, Elizabeth A; Mendy, Alieu; West, Beryl; Bailey, Robin; Walraven, Gijs; Sabeti, Pardis; Macciardi, Fabio; Zonta, Laura A
  • A national DNA bank in The Gambia, West Africa, and genomic research in developing countries. (2004) Sirugo, Giorgio; Schim van der Loeff, Maarten; Sam, Omar; Nyan, Ousman; Pinder, Margaret; Hill, Adrian V; Kwiatkowski, Dominic; Prentice, Andrew; de Toma, Claudia; Cann, Howard M; Diatta, Mathurin; Jallow, Muminatou; Morgan, Gareth; Clarke, Malcolm; Corrah, Tumani; Whittle, Hilton; McAdam, Keith
  • Radiotherapy for neovascular age-related macular degeneration. (2004) Sivagnanavel, V; Evans, JR; Ockrim, Z; Chong, V
  • Comparing alternative measures of household income: Evidence from the Khayelitsha/Mitchell's plain survey. (2004) Skordis, Jolene; Welch, Matthew
  • A critique of international indicators of sexual risk behaviour. (2004) Slaymaker, E
  • Monitoring trends in sexual behaviour in Zambia, 1996-2003. (2004) Slaymaker, E; Buckner, B
  • MMR vaccination and pervasive developmental disorders: a case-control study. (2004) Smeeth, Liam; Cook, Claire; Fombonne, Eric; Heavey, Lisa; Rodrigues, Laura C; Smith, Peter G; Hall, Andrew J
  • Rate of first recorded diagnosis of autism and other pervasive developmental disorders in United Kingdom general practice, 1988 to 2001. (2004) Smeeth, Liam; Cook, Claire; Fombonne, Professor Eric; Heavey, Lisa; Rodrigues, Laura C; Smith, Peter G; Hall, Andrew J
  • Risk of myocardial infarction and stroke after acute infection or vaccination. (2004) Smeeth, Liam; Thomas, Sara L; Hall, Andrew J; Hubbard, Richard; Farrington, Paddy; Vallance, Patrick
  • Mendelian randomization: prospects, potentials, and limitations. (2004) Smith, George Davey; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Chlamydia trachomatis and invasive cervical cancer: a pooled analysis of the IARC multicentric case-control study. (2004) Smith, Jennifer S; Bosetti, Cristina; Muñoz, Nubia; Herrero, Rolando; Bosch, F Xavier; Eluf-Neto, José; Meijer, Chris JLM; Van Den Brule, Adriaan JC; Franceschi, Silvia; Peeling, Rosanna W; IARC multicentric case-control study
  • The epidemiology of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. (2004) Smith, PG; Cousens, SN; d' Huillard Aignaux, JN; Ward, HJT; Will, RG
  • Genomics knowledge and equity: a global public good's perspective of the patent system. (2004) Smith, R; Thorsteinsdottir, H; Daar, A; Gold, R; Singer, P
  • Foreign direct investment and trade in health services: a review of the literature. (2004) Smith, Richard D
  • The reliability of willingness to pay for changes in health status. (2004) Smith, Richard D
  • Communicable disease control: a 'Global Public Good' perspective. (2004) Smith, Richard; Woodward, David; Acharya, Arnab; Beaglehole, Robert; Drager, Nick
  • Perinatal pathology in the context of a clinical trial: a review of the literature. (2004) Snowdon, C; Elbourne, DR; Garcia, J
  • Perinatal pathology in the context of a clinical trial: attitudes of bereaved parents. (2004) Snowdon, C; Elbourne, DR; Garcia, J
  • Perinatal pathology in the context of a clinical trial: attitudes of neonatologists and pathologists. (2004) Snowdon, C; Elbourne, DR; Garcia, J
  • Iron deficiency and risk factors for lower iron stores in 6-24-month-old New Zealanders. (2004) Soh, P; Ferguson, EL; McKenzie, JE; Homs, MYV; Gibson, RS
  • Depression: the importance of residual symptoms. (2004) Solis, J; Gaete, J; Barra, L; Martorell, B; Fritsh, R
  • Mass treatment with single-dose azithromycin for trachoma. (2004) Solomon, Anthony W; Holland, Martin J; Alexander, Neal DE; Massae, Patrick A; Aguirre, Aura; Natividad-Sancho, Angels; Molina, Sandra; Safari, Salesia; Shao, John F; Courtright, Paul; Peeling, Rosanna W; West, Sheila K; Bailey, Robin L; Foster, Allen; Mabey, David CW
  • Diagnosis and assessment of trachoma. (2004) Solomon, Anthony W; Peeling, Rosanna W; Foster, Allen; Mabey, David CW
  • What's new in azithromyin? (2004) Solomon, Anthony; Burton, Matthew
  • Primary health care and armed conflict. (2004) Sondorp, E; Bornemisza, O
  • The role of health services in conflict-ridden countries. (2004) Sondorp, Egbert; Patel, Preeti
  • Body mass index and ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke: a prospective study in Korean men. (2004) Song, Yun-Mi; Sung, Joohon; Davey Smith, George; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Blood pressure, haemorrhagic stroke, and ischaemic stroke: the Korean national prospective occupational cohort study. (2004) Song, Yun-Mi; Sung, Joohon; Lawlor, Debbie A; Davey Smith, George; Shin, Youngsoo; Ebrahim, Shah
  • HIV and pulmonary tuberculosis: the impact goes beyond those infected with HIV. (2004) Sonnenberg, Pam; Glynn, Judith R; Fielding, Katherine; Murray, Jill; Godfrey-Faussett, Peter; Shearer, Stuart
  • Measuring the efficacy of insecticide treated bednets: the use of DNA fingerprinting to increase the accuracy of personal protection estimates in Tanzania. (2004) Soremekun, Seyi; Maxwell, Caroline; Zuwakuu, Martin; Chen, Cynthia; Michael, Edwin; Curtis, Christopher
  • Exploring knowledge and attitudes about emergency contraceptive pills among university students in Jamaica. A qualitative approach. (2004) Sorhaindo, A; Becker, D; Fletcher, H; Garcia, S; Mitchell, S
  • [Health promotion, social epidemiology, and social capital: associations and perspectives for public health]. (2004) Souza, Elza Maria de; Grundy, Emily
  • 'Kusvika taparadzaniswa nerufu' (Until death do us part). (2004) Spark-du Preez, N; Zaba, B; Nyamukapa, C; Mlilo, M; Gregson, S
  • Malaria in camps for internally-displaced persons in Uganda: evaluation of an insecticide-treated bednet distribution programme. (2004) Spencer, Sebastian; Grant, Alison D; Piola, Patrice; Tukpo, Kodzo; Okia, Michael; Garcia, Marlon; Salignon, Pierre; Genevier, Christine; Kiguli, James; Guthmann, Jean-Paul
  • Randomized double-blind clinical trial comparing topical and sub-Tenon's anaesthesia in routine cataract surgery. (2004) Srinivasan, S; Fern, AI; Selvaraj, S; Hasan, S
  • Variant surface antigen-specific IgG and protection against clinical consequences of pregnancy-associated Plasmodium falciparum malaria. (2004) Staalsoe, Trine; Shulman, Caroline E; Bulmer, Judith N; Kawuondo, Ken; Marsh, Kevin; Hviid, Lars
  • Intermittent preventive sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine treatment of primigravidae reduces levels of plasma immunoglobulin G, which protects against pregnancy-associated Plasmodium falciparum malaria. (2004) Staalsoe, Trine; Shulman, Caroline E; Dorman, Edgar K; Kawuondo, Ken; Marsh, Kevin; Hviid, Lars
  • Combination treatments for uncomplicated falciparum malaria in Kampala, Uganda: randomised clinical trial. (2004) Staedke, Sarah G; Mpimbaza, Arthur; Kamya, Moses R; Nzarubara, Bridget K; Dorsey, Grant; Rosenthal, Philip J
  • Relationship between age, molecular markers, and response to sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine treatment in Kampala, Uganda. (2004) Staedke, Sarah G; Sendagire, Hakim; Lamola, Steven; Kamya, Moses R; Dorsey, Grant; Rosenthal, Philip J
  • Effects of immediate versus delayed antihypertensive therapy on outcome in the Systolic Hypertension in Europe Trial. (2004) Staessen, Jan A; Thijisq, Lutgarde; Fagard, Robert; Celis, Hilde; Birkenhäger, Willem H; Bulpitt, Christopher J; de Leeuw, Peter W; Fletcher, Astrid E; Forette, François; Leonetti, Gastone; McCormack, Patricia; Nachev, Choudomir; O'Brien, Eoin; Rodicio, José L; Rosenfeld, Joseph; Sarti, Cinzia; Tuomilehto, Jaakko; Webster, John; Yodfat, Yair; Zanchetti, Alberto; Systolic Hypertension in Europe (Syst-Eur) Trial Investigators
  • CD45 variant alleles: possibly increased frequency of a novel exon 4 CD45 polymorphism in HIV seropositive Ugandans. (2004) Stanton, Tara; Boxall, Sally; Bennett, Andrea; Kaleebu, Pontiano; Watera, Christine; Whitworth, Jimmy; French, Neil; Dawes, Ritu; Hill, Adrian VS; Bodmer, Walter; Beverley, Peter CL; Tchilian, Elma Z
  • Pupil-led sex education in England (RIPPLE study): cluster-randomised intervention trial. (2004) Stephenson, JM; Strange, V; Forrest, S; Oakley, A; Copas, A; Allen, E; Babiker, A; Black, S; Ali, M; Monteiro, H; Johnson, AM; RIPPLE study team
  • HIV risk-reduction in adolescents. (2004) Stephenson, Judith; Obasi, Angela
  • Attenuated virulence and protective efficacy of a Burkholderia pseudomallei bsa type III secretion mutant in murine models of melioidosis. (2004) Stevens, Mark P; Haque, Ashraful; Atkins, Timothy; Hill, Jim; Wood, Michael W; Easton, Anna; Nelson, Michelle; Underwood-Fowler, Cindy; Titball, Richard W; Bancroft, Gregory J; Galyov, Edouard E
  • Optimisation versus certainty: understanding the issue of heterogeneity in economic evaluation. (2004) Stevens, Warren; Normand, Charles
  • Adolescent vaccination in the developing world: time for serious consideration? (2004) Stevens, Warren; Walker, Damian
  • Innate immunity to malaria. (2004) Stevenson, Mary M; Riley, Eleanor M
  • The chemotherapy of rodent malaria. LXII. Drug combinations to impede the selection of drug resistance, part 5: rates of development of resistance to some inhibitors of folate metabolism and to artesunate. (2004) Stewart, LB; Peters, W; Robinson, BL
  • Can the practitioner correctly predict outcome in motivational interviewing? (2004) Strang, John; McCambridge, Jim
  • Engaging the reluctant GP in care of the opiate misuser: Pilot study of change-orientated reflective listening (CORL). (2004) Strang, John; McCambridge, Jim; Platts, Simon; Groves, Paramabandhu
  • Uninfected erythrocytes inhibit Plasmodium falciparum-induced cellular immune responses in whole-blood assays. (2004) Struik, Siske S; Omer, Fakhreldin M; Artavanis-Tsakonas, Katerina; Riley, Eleanor M
  • Does malaria suffer from lack of memory? (2004) Struik, Siske S; Riley, Eleanor M
  • Vaginal tampons as specimen collection device for the molecular diagnosis of non-ulcerative sexually transmitted infections in antenatal clinic attendees. (2004) Sturm, PDJ; Connolly, Cathy; Khan, Nasreen; Ebrahim, Safiya; Sturm, A Willem
  • Aetiology of male urethritis in patients recruited from a population with a high HIV prevalence. (2004) Sturm, PDJ; Moodley, P; Khan, N; Ebrahim, S; Govender, K; Connolly, C; Sturm, AW
  • CD8+ T-cell priming regulated by cytokines of the innate immune system. (2004) Stäger, Simona; Kaye, Paul M
  • Under-representation of developing countries in the research literature: ethical issues arising from a survey of five leading medical journals. (2004) Sumathipala, Athula; Siribaddana, Sisira; Patel, Vikram
  • Diabetic background retinopathy is associated with impaired coronary vasoreactivity in people with Type 1 diabetes. (2004) Sundell, J; Janatuinen, T; R�nnemaa, T; Raitakari, OT; Toikka, J; Nuutila, P; Knuuti, J
  • Factors associated with reported diarrhoea episodes and treatment-seeking in an urban slum of Kolkata, India. (2004) Sur, Dipika; Manna, Byomkesh; Deb, Alok K; Deen, Jacqueline L; Danovaro-Holliday, M Carolina; von Seidlein, Lorenz; Clemens, John D; Bhattacharya, Sujit K
  • Malaria Parasites: Genomes and Molecular Biology [Book review]. (2004) Sutherland, C
  • Stromal cells direct local differentiation of regulatory dendritic cells. (2004) Svensson, Mattias; Maroof, Asher; Ato, Manabu; Kaye, Paul M
  • Mortality of South Asian patients with insulin-treated diabetes mellitus in the United Kingdom: a cohort study. (2004) Swerdlow, AJ; Laing, SP; Dos Santos Silva, I; Slater, SD; Burden, AC; Botha, JL; Waugh, NR; Morris, AD; Gatling, W; Bingley, PJ; Patterson, CC; Qiao, Z; Keen, H
  • Reported use of data monitoring committees in the main published reports of randomised controlled trials: a cross-sectional study. (2004) Sydes, MR; Altman, DG; Babiker, AB; Parmar, MKB; Spiegelhalter, DJ; and The Damocles Group (including Clemens, F; Elbourne, D; Pocock, S.)
  • Systematic qualitative review of the literature on data monitoring committees for randomized controlled trials. (2004) Sydes, MR; Spiegelhalter, DJ; Altman, DG; Babiker, AB; Parmar, MKB; and The Damocles Group (including Clemens, F; Elbourne, D; Pocock, S.)
  • T
  • Efficacy of sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine alone or combined with amodiaquine or chloroquine for the treatment of uncomplicated falciparum malaria in Ugandan children. (2004) Talisuna, Ambrose O; Nalunkuma-Kazibwe, Anne; Bakyaita, Nathan; Langi, Peter; Mutabingwa, Theonest K; Watkins, William W; Van Marck, Eric; D'Alessandro, Umberto; Egwang, Thomas G
  • Ethnicity and epidemiological research: not so black and white. (2004) Tam, CC; Lee, SJ; Rodrigues, LC
  • The birth of Emerging Themes in Epidemiology: a tale of Valerie, causality and epidemiology. (2004) Tam, Clarence C
  • Epidemiology in conflict - A call to arms. (2004) Tam, Clarence C; Lopman, Ben A; Bornemisza, Olga; Sondorp, Egbert
  • Evaluation of Olyset insecticide-treated nets distributed seven years previously in Tanzania. (2004) Tami, Adriana; Mubyazi, Godfrey; Talbert, Alison; Mshinda, Hassan; Duchon, Stéphane; Lengeler, Christian
  • Mortality following non-ST elevation acute coronary syndrome: 4 years follow-up of the PRAIS UK Registry (Prospective Registry of Acute Ischaemic Syndromes in the UK). (2004) Taneja, Anil K; Collinson, Julian; Flather, Marcus D; Bakhai, Ameet; de Arenaza, Diego Perez; Wang, Duolao; Adgey, Jennifer; Fox, Keith AA
  • Prevalence of polycystic ovaries in women with self-reported symptoms of oligomenorrhoea and/or hirsutism: Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 Study. (2004) Taponen, S; Ahonkallio, S; Martikainen, H; Koivunen, R; Ruokonen, A; Sovio, U; Hartikainen, A-L; Pouta, A; Laitinen, J; King, V; Franks, S; McCarthy, MI; Järvelin, M-R
  • Metabolic cardiovascular disease risk factors in women with self-reported symptoms of oligomenorrhea and/or hirsutism: Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 Study. (2004) Taponen, Saara; Martikainen, Hannu; Järvelin, Marjo-Riitta; Sovio, Ulla; Laitinen, Jaana; Pouta, Anneli; Hartikainen, Anna-Liisa; McCarthy, Mark I; Franks, Stephen; Paldanius, Mika; Ruokonen, Aimo; Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 Study
  • Informed choices for attaining the Millennium Development Goals: towards an international cooperative agenda for health-systems research. (2004) Task Force on Health Systems Research
  • Exercise-based rehabilitation for patients with coronary heart disease: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. (2004) Taylor, Rod S; Brown, Allan; Ebrahim, Shah; Jolliffe, Judith; Noorani, Hussein; Rees, Karen; Skidmore, Becky; Stone, James A; Thompson, David R; Oldridge, Neil
  • Does routine child health surveillance contribute to the early detection of children with pervasive developmental disorders? An epidemiological study in Kent, U.K. (2004) Tebruegge, Marc; Nandini, Vridhagiri; Ritchie, Jane
  • Index of potential contamination: Schistosoma haematobium infections in school children in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. (2004) Tetteh, IK; Adjei, RO; Sasu, S; Appiah-Kwakye, L
  • Glaucoma case finding: a cluster-randomised intervention trial. (2004) Theodossiades, J; Murdoch, I; Cousens, S
  • Case-control study of the effect of mechanical trauma on the risk of herpes zoster. (2004) Thomas, SL; Wheeler, JG; Hall, Andrew J
  • What does epidemiology tell us about risk factors for herpes zoster? (2004) Thomas, Sara L; Hall, Andrew J
  • Actor management in the development of health financing reform: health insurance in South Africa, 1994-1999. (2004) Thomas, Stephen; Gilson, Lucy
  • Financing and planning of public and private not-for-profit hospitals in the European Union. (2004) Thompson, Ceri R; McKee, Martin
  • Evaluating the health effects of social interventions. (2004) Thomson, Hilary; Hoskins, Robert; Petticrew, Mark; Ogilvie, David; Craig, Neil; Quinn, Tony; Lindsay, Grace
  • Using research for effective health promotion. (2004) Thorogood, M
  • [Compensated sex: a practice at the heart of young Mexican women's vulnerabilities (STI/HIV/AIDS)]. (2004) Théodore, Florence Lise; Gutiérrez, Juan Pablo; Torres, Pilar; Luna, Gabriela
  • Microalbuminuria, diabetes and coronary heart disease risk in an ethnically diverse UK population. (2004) Tillin, T; Forouhi, N; McKeigue, P; Chaturvedi, N
  • Adult mortality in sub-Saharan Africa: evidence from Demographic and Health Surveys. (2004) Timaeus, Ian M; Jasseh, Momodou
  • Genetic vaccination of mice with plasmids encoding the NS1 non-structural protein from tick-borne encephalitis virus and dengue 2 virus. (2004) Timofeev, AV; Butenko, VM; Stephenson, JR
  • [Uranium exposure and cancer risk: a review of epidemiological studies]. (2004) Tirmarche, M; Baysson, H; Telle-Lamberton, M
  • The sexual health of pupils in years 4 to 6 of primary schools in rural Tanzania. (2004) Todd, J; Changalucha, J; Ross, DA; Mosha, F; Obasi, AIN; Plummer, M; Balira, R; Grosskurth, H; Mabey, DCW; Hayes, R
  • Living arrangements among older people: an overview of trends in Europe and the USA. (2004) Tomassini, Cecilia; Glaser, Karen; Wolf, Douglas A; Broese van Groenou, Marjolein I; Grundy, Emily
  • Contacts between elderly parents and their children in four European countries: current patterns and future prospects. (2004) Tomassini, Cecilia; Kalogirou, Stamatis; Grundy, Emily; Fokkema, Tineke; Martikainen, Pekka; Broese van Groenou, Marjolein; Karisto, Antti
  • Determination of iron absorption from intrinsically labeled microencapsulated ferrous fumarate (sprinkles) in infants with different iron and hematologic status by using a dual-stable-isotope method. (2004) Tondeur, Mélody C; Schauer, Claudia S; Christofides, Anna L; Asante, Kwaku P; Newton, Samuel; Serfass, Robert E; Zlotkin, Stanley H
  • Malaria vaccines: if at first you don't succeed.. (2004) Tongren, Jon Eric; Zavala, Fidel; Roos, David S; Riley, Eleanor M
  • Predictors of personal polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon exposures among pregnant minority women in New York City. (2004) Tonne, Cathryn C; Whyatt, Robin M; Camann, David E; Perera, Frederica P; Kinney, Patrick L
  • Endothelium-dependent responses in human isolated thyroid arteries from donors. (2004) Torondel, Belén; Vila, José M; Segarra, Gloria; Lluch, Paloma; Medina, Pascual; Martínez-León, Juan; Ortega, Joaquin; Lluch, Salvador
  • The impact of day care on socially disadvantaged families: an example of the use of process evaluation within a randomized controlled trial. (2004) Toroyan, T; Oakley, A; Laing, G; Roberts, I; Mugford, M; Turner, J
  • Association between chronic fatigue syndrome and the corticosteroid-binding globulin gene ALA SER224 polymorphism. (2004) Torpy, David J; Bachmann, AW; Gartside, M; Grice, JE; Harris, JM; Clifton, P; Easteal, S; Jackson, RV; Whitworth, JA
  • Mannheim intima-media thickness consensus. (2004) Touboul, P-J; Hennerici, MG; Meairs, S; Adams, H; Amarenco, P; Desvarieux, M; Ebrahim, S; Fatar, M; Hernandez Hernandez, R; Kownator, S; Prati, P; Rundek, T; Taylor, A; Bornstein, N; Csiba, L; Vicaut, E; Woo, KS; Zannad, F; Advisory Board of the 3rd Watching the Risk Symposium 2004, 13th
  • Routine examination of the newborn: the EMREN study. Evaluation of an extension of the midwife role including a randomised controlled trial of appropriately trained midwives and paediatric senior house officers. (2004) Townsend, J; Wolke, D; Hayes, J; Davé, S; Rogers, C; Bloomfield, L; Quist-Therson, E; Tomlin, M; Messer, D
  • Learning from Thailand's health reforms. (2004) Towse, Adrian; Mills, Anne; Tangcharoensathien, Viroj
  • Efficiency of flow-driven adiabatic spin inversion under realistic experimental conditions: a computer simulation. (2004) Trampel, Robert; Jochimsen, Thies H; Mildner, Toralf; Norris, David G; Möller, Harald E
  • Timing and reconstruction of the most recent common ancestor of the subtype C clade of human immunodeficiency virus type 1. (2004) Travers, Simon AA; Clewley, Jonathan P; Glynn, Judith R; Fine, Paul EM; Crampin, Amelia C; Sibande, Felix; Mulawa, Dominic; McInerney, James O; McCormack, Grace P
  • Overcoming health-systems constraints to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. (2004) Travis, Phyllida; Bennett, Sara; Haines, Andy; Pang, Tikki; Bhutta, Zulfiqar; Hyder, Adnan A; Pielemeier, Nancy R; Mills, Anne; Evans, Timothy
  • Radical surgery for mesothelioma. (2004) Treasure, Tom; Waller, David; Swift, Simon; Peto, Julian
  • Functional characterization of an LCCL-lectin domain containing protein family in Plasmodium berghei. (2004) Trueman, Holly E; Raine, J Dale; Florens, Laurence; Dessens, Johannes T; Mendoza, Jacqui; Johnson, Jeffrey; Waller, Cecilia C; Delrieu, Isabelle; Holders, Anthony A; Langhorne, Jean; Carucci, Daniel J; Yates, John R; Sinden, Robert E
  • Immunosuppression, eotaxin and the diagnostic changes in eosinophils that precede early acute heart allograft rejection. (2004) Trull, Andrew K; Akhlaghi, Fatemeh; Charman, Susan C; Endenberg, Sylvia; Majid, Oneeb; Cornelissen, Jacqueline; Steel, Louise; Parameshwar, Jayan; Wallwork, John; Large, Stephen
  • Investigating ethnic inequalities in the incidence of sexually transmitted infections: mathematical modelling study. (2004) Turner, KME; Garnett, GP; Ghani, AC; Sterne, JAC; Low, N
  • Serological speciation of human schistosome infections by ELISA with a panel of three antigens. (2004) Turner, P; Lalloo, K; Bligh, J; Armstrong, M; Whitty, CJM; Doenhoff, MJ; Chiodini, PL
  • Caries-preventive effect of sodium fluoride mouthrinses: a systematic review of controlled clinical trials. (2004) Twetman, Svante; Petersson, Lars; Axelsson, Susanna; Dahlgren, Helena; Holm, Anna-Karin; Källestål, Carina; Lagerlöf, Folke; Lingström, Peter; Mejàre, Ingegerd; Nordenram, Gunilla; Norlund, Anders; Söder, Birgitta
  • Lung cancer mortality patterns in selected Central, Eastern and Southern European countries. (2004) Tyczynski, Jerzy E; Bray, Freddie; Aareleid, Tiiu; Dalmas, Miriam; Kurtinaitis, Juozas; Plesko, Ivan; Pompe-Kirn, Vera; Stengrevics, Aivars; Parkin, D Maxwell
  • Developing a national performance indicator framework for the Dutch health system. (2004) ten Asbroek, AHA; Arah, OA; Geelhoed, J; Custers, T; Delnoij, DM; Klazinga, NS
  • U
  • Novel oligosaccharides in human milk: understanding mechanisms may lead to better prevention of enteric and other infections. (2004) Uauy, Ricardo; Araya, Magdalena
  • The challenge of improving food and nutrition in Latin America. (2004) Uauy, Ricardo; Monteiro, Carlos Augusto
  • Derechos humanos y salud: El caso del VIH/SIDA [Human rights and health: the case of HIV/AIDS]. (2004) Ugarte Gil, CA; Miranda, JJ
  • The burden of infection with herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2: seroprevalence study in Estonia. (2004) Uusküla, Anneli; Nygard-Kibur, Mari; Cowan, Frances M; Mayaud, Philippe; French, Rebecca S; Robinson, Jamie NR; Brown, David WG
  • V
  • Comparison of the Micro-Nutrica Nutritional Analysis program and the Russian Food Composition Database using data from the Baltic Nutrition Surveys. (2004) Vaask, S; Pomerleau, J; Pudule, I; Grinberga, D; Abaravicius, A; Robertson, A; McKee, M
  • Local research ethics committees of the Mexican Institute of Social Security: results of a national survey. (2004) Valdez-Martinez, E; Garduño-Espinosa, J; Martinez-Salgado, H; Porter, JDH
  • Capacity in Thai public hospitals and the production of care for poor and nonpoor patients. (2004) Valdmanis, Vivian; Kumanarayake, Lilani; Lertiendumrong, Jongkol
  • Hospital-based case-control study of bronchiectasis in indigenous children in Central Australia. (2004) Valery, Patricia C; Torzillo, Paul J; Mulholland, Kim; Boyce, Naomi C; Purdie, David M; Chang, Anne B
  • Malnutrition and the severity of lung disease in adults with pulmonary tuberculosis in Malawi. (2004) Van Lettow, M; Kumwenda, JJ; Harries, AD; Whalen, CC; Taha, TE; Kumwenda, N; Kang'ombe, C; Semba, RD
  • Etiology of diarrhea in children less than five years of age in Ifakara, Tanzania. (2004) Vargas, Martha; Gascon, Joaquim; Casals, Climent; Schellenberg, David; Urassa, Honorati; Kahigwa, Eliseus; Ruiz, Joaquim; Vila, Jordi
  • Three scenarios of clinical claim reimbursement for nosocomial infection: the good, the bad, and the ugly. (2004) Vegni, FE; Panceri, ML; Biffi, M; Banfi, E; Porretta, AD; Privitera, G
  • Methodological issues in using drugs data in epidemiology. (2004) Vegni, FE; Wilkinson, P
  • The role of drug use data in public health research. (2004) Vegni, FE; Wilkinson, P
  • Effects of parathyroid hormone and alendronate alone or in combination in osteoporosis. (2004) Vegni, Ferdinando E; Corradini, Constantino; Privitera, Gaetano
  • Hospital Accident and Emergency burden is unaffected by today's air pollution levels. (2004) Vegni, Ferdinando E; Ros, Oscar
  • Immune responses to mycobacterial antigens in the Gambian population: implications for vaccines and immunodiagnostic test design. (2004) Vekemans, Johan; Ota, Martin OC; Sillah, Jackson; Fielding, Katherine; Alderson, Mark R; Skeiky, Yasir AW; Dalemans, Wilfried; McAdam, Keith PWJ; Lienhardt, Christian; Marchant, Arnaud
  • The psychological impact of terrorism: an epidemiologic study of posttraumatic stress disorder and associated factors in victims of the 1995-1996 bombings in France. (2004) Verger, Pierre; Dab, William; Lamping, Donna L; Loze, Jean-Yves; Deschaseaux-Voinet, Céline; Abenhaim, Lucien; Rouillon, Frédéric
  • Homosexual activity among rural Indian men: implications for HIV interventions. (2004) Verma, Ravi Kumar; Collumbien, Martine
  • IL4-589C/T polymorphism and IgE levels in severe malaria. (2004) Verra, Federica; Luoni, Gaia; Calissano, Carlo; Troye-Blomberg, Marita; Perlmann, Peter; Perlmann, Hedvig; Arcà, Bruno; Sirima, Bienvenu Sodiomon; Konaté, Amadou; Coluzzi, Mario; Kwiatkowski, Dominic; Modiano, David
  • Transmission of tuberculosis in a high incidence urban community in South Africa. (2004) Verver, Suzanne; Warren, Robin M; Munch, Zahn; Vynnycky, Emilia; van Helden, Paul D; Richardson, Madalene; van der Spuy, Gian D; Enarson, Donald A; Borgdorff, Martien W; Behr, Marcel A; Beyers, Nulda
  • Acupuncture of chronic headache disorders in primary care: randomised controlled trial and economic analysis. (2004) Vickers, AJ; Rees, RW; Zollman, CE; McCarney, R; Smith, CM; Ellis, N; Fisher, P; Van Haselen, R; Wonderling, D; Grieve, R
  • Achieving universal coverage with health interventions. (2004) Victora, Cesar G; Hanson, Kara; Bryce, Jennifer; Vaughan, J Patrick
  • Why does HIV infection not lead to disseminated strongyloidiasis? (2004) Viney, Mark E; Brown, Michael; Omoding, Nicholas E; Bailey, J Wendi; Gardner, Michael P; Roberts, Emily; Morgan, Dilys; Elliott, Alison M; Whitworth, James AG
  • National epidemic of Lordsdale Norovirus in the UK. (2004) Vipond, IB; Caul, EO; Hirst, D; Carmen, B; Curry, A; Lopman, BA; Pead, P; Pickett, MA; Lambden, PR; Clarke, IN
  • EPI vaccines-induced antibody prevalence in 8-9 year-olds in The Gambia. (2004) Viviani, Simonetta; Mendy, Maimuna; Jack, Abdoulie D; Hall, Andrew J; Montesano, Ruggero; Whittle, Hilton C
  • Biowaiver monographs for immediate release solid oral dosage forms based on biopharmaceutics classification system (BCS) literature data: verapamil hydrochloride, propranolol hydrochloride, and atenolol. (2004) Vogelpoel, H; Welink, J; Amidon, GL; Junginger, HE; Midha, KK; Möller, H; Olling, M; Shah, VP; Barends, DM
  • Detection of Shigella by a PCR assay targeting the ipaH gene suggests increased prevalence of shigellosis in Nha Trang, Vietnam. (2004) Vu, Dinh Thiem; Sethabutr, Orntipa; Von Seidlein, Lorenz; Tran, Van Tung; Do, Gia Canh; Bui, Trong Chien; Le, Huu Tho; Lee, Hyejon; Houng, Huo-Shu; Hale, Thomas L; Clemens, John D; Mason, Carl; Dang, Duc Trach
  • The Sydney Medically Supervised Injecting Centre: reducing harm associated with heroin overdose. (2004) van Beek, I; Kimber, J; Dakin, A; Gilmour, S
  • Performance of commercially available enzyme immunoassays for detection of antibodies against herpes simplex virus type 2 in African populations. (2004) van Dyck, Eddy; Buvé, Anne; Weiss, Helen A; Glynn, Judith R; Brown, David WG; De Deken, Bénédicte; Parry, John; Hayes, Richard J
  • Pregnancy interval and delivery outcome among HIV-seropositive and HIV-seronegative women in Kisumu, Kenya. (2004) van Eijk, Anna M; De Cock, Kevin M; Ayisi, John G; Rosen, Daniel H; Otieno, Juliana A; Nahlen, Bernard L; Steketee, Richard W
  • Micronutrient malnutrition and wasting in adults with pulmonary tuberculosis with and without HIV co-infection in Malawi. (2004) van Lettow, Monique; Harries, Anthony D; Kumwenda, Johnny J; Zijlstra, Ed E; Clark, Tamara D; Taha, Taha E; Semba, Richard D
  • Climate change and malaria: analysis of the SRES climate and socio-economic scenarios. (2004) van Lieshout, M; Kovats, RS; Livermore, MTJ; Martens, P
  • Long-term treatment of intestinal helminths increases mite skin-test reactivity in Gabonese schoolchildren. (2004) van den Biggelaar, Anita HJ; Rodrigues, Laura C; van Ree, Ronald; van der Zee, Jaring S; Hoeksma-Kruize, Yvonne CM; Souverijn, John HM; Missinou, Michel A; Borrmann, Steffen; Kremsner, Peter G; Yazdanbakhsh, Maria
  • Incidence of tuberculosis and survival after its diagnosis in patients infected with HIV-1 and HIV-2. (2004) van der Sande, Marianne AB; Schim van der Loeff, Maarten F; Bennett, Rachel C; Dowling, Mary; Aveika, Akum A; Togun, Toyin O; Sabally, Saihou; Jeffries, David; Adegbola, Richard A; Sarge-Njie, Ramu; Jaye, Assan; Corrah, Tumani; McConkey, Samuel; Whittle, Hilton C
  • W
  • A comparison of anterior and posterior chamber lenses after cataract extraction in rural Africa: a within patient randomised trial. (2004) Waddell, KM; Reeves, BC; Johnson, GJ
  • The use of microarray analysis to determine the gene expression profiles of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in response to anti-bacterial compounds. (2004) Waddell, Simon J; Stabler, Richard A; Laing, Ken; Kremer, Laurent; Reynolds, Robert C; Besra, Gurdyal S
  • Do cannabis-based medicinal extracts have general or specific effects on symptoms in multiple sclerosis? A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study on 160 patients. (2004) Wade, Derick T; Makela, Petra; Robson, Philip; House, Heather; Bateman, Cynthia
  • Ethnobotanical survey and testing of plants traditionally used against hematophagous insects in Eritrea. (2004) Waka, Maedot; Hopkins, Richard James; Curtis, Chris
  • Small group processes relevant to data monitoring committees in controlled clinical trials: an overview of reviews. (2004) Walker, AE; McLeer, SK; and The Damocles Group (including Clemens, F; Elbourne, D; Pocock, S.)
  • Variation in the costs of delivering routine immunization services in Peru. (2004) Walker, D; Mosqueira, NR; Penny, ME; Lanata, CF; Clark, AD; Sanderson, CFB; Fox-Rushby, JA
  • Emergency contraception use is correlated with increased condom use among adolescents: results from Mexico. (2004) Walker, Dilys M; Torres, Pilar; Gutierrez, Juan Pablo; Flemming, Kendra; Bertozzi, Stefano M
  • 'We are bitter but we are satisfied': nurses as street-level bureaucrats in South Africa. (2004) Walker, Liz; Gilson, Lucy
  • Linkage analysis of susceptibility to leprosy type using an IBD regression method. (2004) Wallace, C; Fitness, J; Hennig, B; Sichali, L; Mwaungulu, L; Pönnighaus, JM; Warndorff, DK; Clayton, D; Fine, PEM; Hill, AVS
  • Direct measurement of T cell subset kinetics in vivo in elderly men and women. (2004) Wallace, Diana L; Zhang, Yan; Ghattas, Hala; Worth, Andrew; Irvine, Andrew; Bennett, Andrea R; Griffin, George E; Beverley, Peter CL; Tough, David F; Macallan, Derek C
  • Virtual outreach: a randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation of joint teleconferenced medical consultations. (2004) Wallace, P; Barber, J; Clayton, W; Currell, R; Fleming, K; Garner, P; Haines, A; Harrison, R; Jacklin, P; Jarrett, C; Jayasuriya, R; Lewis, L; Parker, S; Roberts, J; Thompson, S; Wainwright, P
  • The reporting odds ratio versus the proportional reporting ratio: 'deuce'. (2004) Waller, Patrick; van Puijenbroek, Eugène; Egberts, Antoine; Evans, Stephen
  • Guidelines for establishing trials of new tests to diagnose tuberculosis in endemic countries. (2004) Walsh, A; McNerney, R
  • Primary care trusts. (2004) Walshe, Kieran; Smith, Judith; Dixon, Jennifer; Edwards, Nigel; Hunter, David J; Mays, Nicholas; Normand, Charles; Robinson, Ray
  • WHO's World Health Report 2003. (2004) Walt, Gill
  • International Organizations in Transfer of Infectious Diseases: Iterative Loops of Adoption, Adaptation, and Marketing. (2004) Walt, Gill; Lush, Louisiana; Ogden, Jessica
  • Local area deprivation and urban-rural differences in anxiety and depression among people older than 75 years in Britain. (2004) Walters, Kate; Breeze, Elizabeth; Wilkinson, Paul; Price, Gill M; Bulpitt, Chris J; Fletcher, Astrid
  • Understanding the Date Types and Their Summary Statistics. (2004) Wang, D; Bakhai, A
  • Understanding Interaction Effects in Clinical Trials. (2004) Wang, D; Clayton, T; Bakhai, A
  • Choosing a summary measure for repeated measurements in clinical trials. (2004) Wang, D; Fox, Z
  • Use of trial profile in clinical trial reporting. (2004) Wang, D; Lees, B; Bakhai, A
  • Abortion as a backup method for contraceptive failure in China. (2004) Wang, Duolao; Yan, Hong; Feng, Zhonghui
  • Comparison of Bayesian model averaging and stepwise methods for model selection in logistic regression. (2004) Wang, Duolao; Zhang, Wenyang; Bakhai, Ameet
  • A community-based cluster survey on preferences for treatment of diarrhoea and dysentery in Zhengding county, Hebei province, China. (2004) Wang, Xuan-yi; von Seidlein, Lorenz; Robertson, Susan E; Ma, Jin-Cheng; Han, Chang-Quan; Zhang, Ying-Lin; Lee, Hyejon; Liu, Wei; Ali, Mohammad; Clemens, John D; Xu, Zhi-Yi
  • Birthweight of offspring and paternal insulin resistance and paternal diabetes in late adulthood: cross sectional survey. (2004) Wannamethee, SG; Lawlor, DA; Whincup, PH; Walker, M; Ebrahim, S; Davey-Smith, G
  • Obstacles to conducting epidemiological research in the UK general population. (2004) Ward, Hester JT; Cousens, Simon N; Smith-Bathgate, Blaire; Leitch, Margaret; Everington, Dawn; Will, Robert G; Smith, Peter G
  • Dynamics of proteins in Golgi membranes: comparisons between mammalian and plant cells highlighted by photobleaching techniques. (2004) Ward, TH; Brandizzi, F
  • What is the best imaging strategy for acute stroke? (2004) Wardlaw, JM; Keir, SL; Seymour, J; Lewis, S; Sandercock, PAG; Dennis, MS; Cairns, J
  • Immediate computed tomography scanning of acute stroke is cost-effective and improves quality of life. (2004) Wardlaw, Joanna M; Seymour, Janelle; Cairns, John; Keir, Sarah; Lewis, Steff; Sandercock, Peter
  • Habitual consumption of fruits and vegetables: associations with human rectal glutathione S-transferase. (2004) Wark, Petra A; Grubben, Marina JAL; Peters, Wilbert HM; Nagengast, Fokko M; Kampman, Ellen; Kok, Frans J; van 't Veer, Pieter
  • The MRC CRASH trial--a large, simple randomised trial of steroids in head injury. (2004) Wasserberg, J; CRASH Trial Collaborative Group
  • Platelets reorient Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocyte cytoadhesion to activated endothelial cells. (2004) Wassmer, Samuel Crocodile; Lépolard, Catherine; Traoré, Boubacar; Pouvelle, Bruno; Gysin, Jürg; Grau, Georges Emile
  • 23-Valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine in HIV-infected Ugandan adults: 6-year follow-up of a clinical trial cohort. (2004) Watera, Christine; Nakiyingi, Jessica; Miiro, George; Muwonge, Richard; Whitworth, James AG; Gilks, Charles F; French, Neil
  • Invertebrates as a source of emerging human pathogens. (2004) Waterfield, Nicholas R; Wren, Brendan W; Ffrench-Constant, Richard H
  • Factors affecting feasibility and acceptability of a practice-based educational intervention to support evidence-based prescribing: a qualitative study. (2004) Watkins, Chris; Timm, Anja; Gooberman-Hill, Rachael; Harvey, Ian; Haines, Andy; Donovan, Jenny
  • Reproductive health services and intimate partner violence: shaping a pragmatic response in Sub-Saharan Africa. (2004) Watts, Charlotte; Mayhew, Susannah
  • Association of subclinical vitamin D deficiency with severe acute lower respiratory infection in Indian children under 5 y. (2004) Wayse, V; Yousafzai, A; Mogale, K; Filteau, S
  • Antibiotics on urethral catheter withdrawal: a hit and miss affair. (2004) Wazait, HD; van der Meullen, J; Patel, HRH; Brown, CT; Gadgil, S; Miller, RA; Kelsey, MC; Emberton, M
  • A pilot randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial on the use of antibiotics on urinary catheter removal to reduce the rate of urinary tract infection: the pitfalls of ciprofloxacin. (2004) Wazait, Hassan D; Patel, Hitenddra R; van der Meulen, Jan HP; Ghei, Maneesh; Al-Buheissi, Salah; Kelsey, Michael; Miller, Ronald A; Emberton, Mark
  • Validation of night blindness reports among children and women in a vitamin A deficient population in rural Tanzania. (2004) Wedner, SH; Ross, DA; Congdon, N; Balira, R; Spitzer, V; Foster, A
  • Are English- and Chinese-language versions of the SF-6D equivalent? A comparison from a population-based study. (2004) Wee, Hwee-Lin; Cheung, Yin-Bun; Fong, Kok-Yong; Luo, Nan; Machin, David; Thumboo, Julian
  • Common mental disorders and ethnicity in England: the EMPIRIC study. (2004) Weich, Scott; Nazroo, James; Sproston, Kerry; McManus, Sally; Blanchard, Martin; Erens, Bob; Karlsen, Saffron; King, Michael; Lloyd, Keith; Stansfeld, Stephen; Tyrer, Peter
  • Climate and the prevalence of symptoms of asthma, allergic rhinitis, and atopic eczema in children. (2004) Weiland, SK; Hüsing, A; Strachan, DP; Rzehak, P; Pearce, N; ISAAC Phase One Study Group
  • Asthma prevalence in adults: good news? (2004) Weiland, SK; Pearce, N
  • Compulsory detention of recalcitrant tuberculosis patients in the context of a new tuberculosis control programme in Israel. (2004) Weiler-Ravell, D; Leventhal, A; Coker, RJ; Chemtob, D
  • Mycobacterial purified protein derivatives stimulate innate immunity: Malawians show enhanced tumor necrosis factor alpha, interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta), and IL-10 responses compared to those of adolescents in the United Kingdom. (2004) Weir, Rosemary E; Black, Gillian F; Dockrell, Hazel M; Floyd, Sian; Fine, Paul EM; Chaguluka, Steven D; Stenson, Sally; King, Elizabeth; Nazareth, Bernadette; Warndorff, David K; Ngwira, Bagrey; Crampin, Amelia C; Mwaungulu, Lorren; Sichali, Lifted; Jarman, Elizabeth; Donovan, Linda; Blackwell, Jenefer M
  • Epidemiology of herpes simplex virus type 2 infection in the developing world. (2004) Weiss, Helen
  • Potential health risks of complementary alternative medicines in cancer patients. (2004) Werneke, U; Earl, J; Seydel, C; Horn, O; Crichton, P; Fannon, D
  • How effective is St John's wort? The evidence revisited. (2004) Werneke, Ursula; Horn, Oded; Taylor, David M
  • Cognitive dysfunction in patients with cerebral microbleeds on T2*-weighted gradient-echo MRI. (2004) Werring, David J; Frazer, Duncan W; Coward, Lucy J; Losseff, Nick A; Watt, Hilary; Cipolotti, Lisa; Brown, Martin M; Jäger, H Rolf
  • Conference report. Current research on nursing workforce issues. (2004) West, Elizabeth; Staniszewska, Sophie
  • Do rates of hospital admission for falls and hip fracture in elderly people vary by socio-economic status? (2004) West, J; Hippisley-Cox, J; Coupland, CAC; Price, GM; Groom, LM; Kendrick, D; Webber, E
  • Sexual Crimes, Medical Cures: The Development of a Therapeutic Approach toward Sexual Offenders in English Prisons, c. 1900-1950. (2004) Weston, J
  • Mortality in England and Wales attributable to any drinking, drinking above sensible limits and drinking above lowest-risk level. (2004) White, Ian R; Altmann, Dan R; Nanchahal, Kiran
  • Granulomatous amoebic encephalitis. (2004) White, JML; Barker, RD; Salisbury, JR; Fife, AJ; Lucas, SB; Warhurst, DC; Higgins, EM
  • Different resistance mutations can be detected simultaneously in the blood and the lung of HIV-1 infected individuals on antiretroviral therapy. (2004) White, Natalie C; Israel-Biet, Dominique; Coker, Richard J; Mitchell, David M; Weber, Jonathan N; Clarke, John R
  • Can population differences explain the contrasting results of the Mwanza, Rakai, and Masaka HIV/sexually transmitted disease intervention trials?: A modeling study. (2004) White, Richard G; Orroth, Kate K; Korenromp, Eline L; Bakker, Roel; Wambura, Mwita; Sewankambo, Nelson K; Gray, Ron H; Kamali, Anatoli; Whitworth, James AG; Grosskurth, Heiner; Habbema, J Dik F; Hayes, Richard J
  • Evidence for public health policy on inequalities: 2: assembling the evidence jigsaw. (2004) Whitehead, Margaret; Petticrew, Mark; Graham, Hilary; Macintyre, Sally J; Bambra, Clare; Egan, Matt
  • Motor vehicle driver injury and marital status: a cohort study with prospective and retrospective driver injuries. (2004) Whitlock, G; Norton, R; Clark, T; Jackson, R; MacMahon, S
  • The debate over combination drug policy for malaria: it may not just be the patients' temperatures which need to be brought down. (2004) Whitty, Christopher JM
  • Averting a malaria disaster in Africa--where does the buck stop? (2004) Whitty, Christopher JM; Allan, Richard; Wiseman, Virginia; Ochola, Sam; Nakyanzi-Mugisha, Maria Veronicah; Vonhm, Benjamin; Mwita, Mahemba; Miaka, Constantin; Oloo, Aggrey; Premji, Zul; Burgess, Craig; Mutabingwa, Theonest K
  • Effect of malaria on HIV-1 progression and transmission. (2004) Whitworth, JAG; Hewitt, KA
  • Relationship between white blood cell count and incident hypertension. (2004) Whitworth, Judith A
  • Lifetimes intertwined? Grandparents and grandchildren in Africa. (2004) Whyte, SR; Alber, E; Geissler, PW
  • Quantitative association tests of immune responses to antigens of Mycobacterium tuberculosis: a study of twins in West Africa. (2004) Wiart, Amanda; Jepson, Annette; Banya, Winston; Bennett, Steve; Whittle, Hilton; Martin, Nicholas G; Hill, Adrian VS
  • A fatal case of Clostridium sordellii septic shock syndrome associated with medical abortion. (2004) Wiebe, Ellen; Guilbert, Edith; Jacot, Francis; Shannon, Caitlin; Winikoff, Beverly
  • The Social Support and Family Health Study: a randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation of two alternative forms of postnatal support for mothers living in disadvantaged inner-city areas. (2004) Wiggins, M; Oakley, A; Roberts, I; Turner, H; Rajan, L; Austerberry, H; Mujica, R; Mugford, M
  • Variations in mortality in acute COPD may reflect nihilism as well as resources. (2004) Wildman, MJ
  • EQ-5D quality adjusted life years (QALYs) do not underestimate health outcomes for patients with severe COPD. (2004) Wildman, MJ; Groves, J; Ayres, J; Kind, P
  • Health related quality of life and future treatment preferences of patients with COPD admitted to UK critical care units from CAOS: The COPD & Asthma outcome study. (2004) Wildman, MJ; Groves, J; Reeves, B; Ayres, J; Young, D; Harrison, D; Vandermeulen, J; Rowan, K; Sanderson, C
  • Outcome prediction for admissions with COPD to Uk critical care units from CAOS: The COPD & Asthma outcome study. (2004) Wildman, MJ; Groves, J; Reeves, B; Ayres, J; Young, D; Harrison, D; Vandermeulen, J; Rowan, K; Sanderson, C
  • Winter mortality in elderly people in Britain: Author's reply. (2004) Wilkinson, Paul
  • Vulnerability to winter mortality in elderly people in Britain: population based study. (2004) Wilkinson, Paul; Pattenden, Sam; Armstrong, Ben; Fletcher, Astrid; Kovats, R Sari; Mangtani, Punam; McMichael, Anthony J
  • Impact of nursing home deaths on life expectancy calculations in small areas. (2004) Williams, Edward S; Dinsdale, Hywell; Eayres, Daniel; Tahzib, Farhang
  • A critical review of behavioral issues related to malaria control in sub-Saharan Africa: what contributions have social scientists made? (2004) Williams, HA Holly Ann; Jones, Caroline OH
  • Analysis of immune activation and clinical events in acute infectious mononucleosis. (2004) Williams, Hilary; Macsween, Karen; McAulay, Karen; Higgins, Craig; Harrison, Nadine; Swerdlow, Anthony; Britton, Kate; Crawford, Dorothy
  • Regulating complementary medicine – implications for the nursing profession. (2004) Williams, L; Jack, P; Russo, H
  • Surgical wound infection as a performance indicator: agreement of common definitions of wound infection in 4773 patients. (2004) Wilson, APR; Gibbons, C; Reeves, BC; Hodgson, B; Liu, M; Plummer, D; Krukowski, ZH; Bruce, J; Wilson, J; Pearson, A
  • Apoptosis paves the detour path for CD8 T cell activation against intracellular bacteria. (2004) Winau, Florian; Kaufmann, Stefan HE; Schaible, Ulrich E
  • Saposin C is required for lipid presentation by human CD1b. (2004) Winau, Florian; Schwierzeck, Vera; Hurwitz, Robert; Remmel, Natascha; Sieling, Peter A; Modlin, Robert L; Porcelli, Steven A; Brinkmann, Volker; Sugita, Masahiko; Sandhoff, Konrad; Kaufmann, Stefan HE; Schaible, Ulrich E
  • Age at menarche in relation to maternal use of tobacco, alcohol, coffee, and tea during pregnancy. (2004) Windham, Gayle C; Bottomley, Christian; Birner, Cecilie; Fenster, Laura
  • Molecular typing of Dientamoeba fragilis. (2004) Windsor, JJ; Clark, CG; Macfarlane, L
  • Breast cancer: critical data analysis concludes that estrogens are not the cause, however lifestyle changes can alter risk rapidly. (2004) Wiseman, Richard A
  • Erratum to “Involving the general public in priority setting: experiences from Australia”. (2004) Wiseman, V; Mooney, G; Berry, G; Tang, KC
  • Aggregating public preferences for healthcare: putting theory into practice. (2004) Wiseman, Virginia
  • Subtilisin-like proteases of the malaria parasite. (2004) Withers-Martinez, Chrislaine; Jean, Létitia; Blackman, Michael J
  • Cost-effectiveness analysis of the genetic screening program for familial hypercholesterolemia in The Netherlands. (2004) Wonderling, David; Umans-Eckenhausen, Marina AW; Marks, Dalya; Defesche, Joep C; Kastelein, John JP; Thorogood, Margaret
  • Cost effectiveness analysis of a randomised trial of acupuncture for chronic headache in primary care. (2004) Wonderling, David; Vickers, Andrew J; Grieve, Richard; McCarney, Rob
  • Cataract surgery. (2004) Wormald, RP; Foster, A
  • Bridging the gap to evidence-based eye care. (2004) Wormald, Richard
  • Evidence for the effectiveness of interventions for congenital, infantile and childhood cataract. (2004) Wormald, Richard
  • Evidence-base for low vision rehabilitation. (2004) Wormald, Richard
  • The burden of malaria epidemics and cost-effectiveness of interventions in epidemic situations in Africa. (2004) Worrall, Eve; Rietveld, Aafje; Delacollette, Charles
  • Impact of El Niño and malaria on birthweight in two areas of Tanzania with different malaria transmission patterns. (2004) Wort, Ulrika Uddenfeldt; Hastings, Ian M; Carlstedt, Anders; Mutabingwa, TK; Brabin, Bernard J
  • Apolipoprotein E polymorphisms and risk of malaria. (2004) Wozniak, MA; Riley, EM; Itzhaki, RF
  • A systematic review of home treatment services--classification and sustainability. (2004) Wright, Christine; Catty, Jocelyn; Watt, Hilary; Burns, Tom
  • Hospital mortality associated with day and time of admission to intensive care units. (2004) Wunsch, Hannah; Mapstone, James; Brady, Tony; Hanks, Rosa; Rowan, Kathryn
  • Neuropsychological outcome after percutaneous coronary intervention or coronary artery bypass grafting: results from the Stent or Surgery (SoS) Trial. (2004) Währborg, Peter; Booth, Jean E; Clayton, Tim; Nugara, Fiona; Pepper, John; Weintraub, William S; Sigwart, Ulrich; Stables, Rod H; SoS Neuropsychology Substudy Investigators
  • Y
  • Cervical cancer as a priority for prevention in different world regions: an evaluation using years of life lost. (2004) Yang, Binh H; Bray, Freddie I; Parkin, D Maxwell; Sellors, John W; Zhang, Zuo-Feng
  • Estimation and projection of the national profile of cancer mortality in China: 1991-2005. (2004) Yang, L; Parkin, DM; Li, LD; Chen, YD; Bray, F
  • Control of vectors and incidence of malaria in an irrigated settlement scheme in Sri Lanka by using the insect growth regulator pyriproxyfen. (2004) Yapabandara, AMGM; Curtis, CF
  • Vectors and malaria transmission in a gem mining area in Sri Lanka. (2004) Yapabandara, AMGM; Curtis, CF
  • Antinuclear antibodies (ANA) in chronic hepatitis C virus infection: correlates of positivity and clinical relevance. (2004) Yee, LJ; Kelleher, P; Goldin, RD; Marshall, S; Thomas, HC; Alberti, A; Chiaramonte, M; Braconier, J-H; Hall, AJ; Thursz, MR
  • Inducible nitric oxide synthase gene (NOS2A) haplotypes and the outcome of hepatitis C virus infection. (2004) Yee, LJ; Knapp, S; Burgner, D; Hennig, BJW; Frodsham, AJ; Wright, M; Thomas, HC; Hill, AVS; Thursz, MR
  • Antimalarial drug resistance, artemisinin-based combination therapy, and the contribution of modeling to elucidating policy choices. (2004) Yeung, Shunmay; Pongtavornpinyo, Wirichada; Hastings, Ian M; Mills, Anne J; White, Nicholas J
  • Surgery for 4 refractive errors in 1 patient. (2004) Yip, Jennifer LY; Claoué, Charles
  • HIV-1 subtype dynamics over 10 years in a rural Ugandan cohort. (2004) Yirrell, David L; Kaleebu, Pontiano; Morgan, Dilys; Hutchinson, Sharon; Whitworth, James A
  • Microsatellite mapping of Mycobacterium leprae populations in infected humans. (2004) Young, Saroj K; Taylor, G Michael; Jain, Suman; Suneetha, Lavanya M; Suneetha, Sujai; Lockwood, Diana NJ; Young, Douglas B
  • Cardiac angiotensin II receptors as predictors of transplant coronary artery disease following heart transplantation. (2004) Yousufuddin, Mohammed; Haji, Showkat; Starling, Randall C; Tuzcu, E Murat; Ratliff, Norman B; Cook, Daniel J; Abdo, Ashraf; Saad, Yasser; Karnik, Sadashiva S; Wang, Duolao; McCarthy, Patrick M; Young, James B; Yamani, Mohamad H
  • Z
  • Empirical Evidence for the Socio-Demographic Impact of AIDS. (2004) Zaba, B; Boerma, T; Fontanet, A
  • Age at first sex: understanding recent trends in African demographic surveys. (2004) Zaba, B; Pisani, E; Slaymaker, E; Boerma, JT
  • Demographic and socioeconomic impact of AIDS: taking stock of the empirical evidence. (2004) Zaba, Basia; Whiteside, Alan; Boerma, J Ties
  • Implementing joint TB and HIV interventions in a rural district of Malawi: is there a role for an international non-governmental organisation? (2004) Zachariah, R; Teck, R; Harries, AD; Humblet, P
  • The prevalence of psychological morbidity in West Bank Palestinian children. (2004) Zakrison, Tanya L; Shahen, Amira; Mortaja, Shaban; Hamel, Paul A
  • Genetic polymorphism within the leishmania donovani complex: correlation with geographic origin. (2004) Zemanová, Eva; Jirků, Milan; Mauricio, Isabel L; Miles, Michael A; Lukes, Julius
  • Role of tetrahydrobiopterin in adrenocorticotropic hormone-induced hypertension in the rat. (2004) Zhang, Y; Pang, T; Earl, J; Schyvens, CG; McKenzie, KUS; Whitworth, Judith A
  • Proteomic analysis of cleavage events reveals a dynamic two-step mechanism for proteolysis of a key parasite adhesive complex. (2004) Zhou, Xing W; Blackman, Michael J; Howell, Steven A; Carruthers, Vern B
  • Risks and responsibilities: guidelines for interviewing trafficked women. (2004) Zimmerman, Cathy; Watts, Charlotte
  • Health promotion for trachoma control. (2004) Zondervan, Marcia; Kuper, Hannah; Solomon, Anthony; Buchan, John
  • Immunotherapy with OX40L-Fc or anti-CTLA-4 enhances local tissue responses and killing of Leishmania donovani. (2004) Zubairi, Soombul; Sanos, Stephanie L; Hill, Sue; Kaye, Paul M