Browse by Date where Item Type is "Article" and Year is "1998"

Number of items: 21.
  • [Improvement of the amplification rate of human chondrocytes with IGF-I and RGD]. (1998) Angele, P; Faltermeier, H; Kujat, R; Maghsudi, M; Möller, H D; Nerlich, M
  • Cancer mortality in relation to monitoring for radionuclide exposure in three UK nuclear industry workforces. (1998) Carpenter, LM; Higgins, CD; Douglas, AJ; Maconochie, NE; Omar, RZ; Fraser, P; Beral, V; Smith, PG
  • Deaths from alcohol and violence in Moscow: socio-economic determinants. (1998) Chenet, L; Leon, DA; Mckee, M; Vassin, S
  • Immune effector mechanisms in parasitic infections. (1998) Cox, F
  • Can the military contribute to global surveillance and control of infectious diseases? (1998) D'Amelio, R; Heymann, DL
  • Paternal exposure to pesticides and congenital malformations. (1998) García, AM; Benavides, Fernando G; Fletcher, T; Orts, E
  • Measurement and determinants of tuberculosis outcome in Karonga District, Malawi. (1998) Glynn, JR; Warndorff, DK; Fine, PE; Munthali, MM; Sichone, W; Pönnighaus, JM
  • Population Biology of Rhodnius domesticus Neiva & Pinto, 1923 (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) under Laboratory Conditions. (1998) Guarneri, Alessandra A; Pinto, Carlos J Carvalho; Schofield, Chris J; Steindel, Mário
  • Prevalence of adult asthma symptoms in relation to climate in New Zealand. (1998) Hales, S; Lewis, S; Slater, T; Crane, J; Pearce, N
  • Gay men & HIV: community responses and personal risks. (1998) Keogh, P; Beardsell, S; Davies, P; Hickson, F; Weatherburn, P
  • Neonatal mortality in the Czech Republic during the transition. (1998) Koupilova, I; McKee, M; Holcik, J
  • Could british mosquitoes transmit falciparum malaria? (1998) Marchant, P; Eling, W; van Gemert, G J; Leake, C J; Curtis, C F
  • How the cardiovascular burden of illness is changing in eastern Europe. (1998) McKee, M; Zatoñski, W
  • Malaria CD-ROM. (1998) Meek, S
  • The malaria consortium: converting expertise and partnerships into operational realities. (1998) Meek, S; Hill, J; Mehra, S
  • Caries Development from 11 to 22 Years of Age: A Prospective Radiographic StudyPrevalence and Distribution. (1998) Mejàre, I; Källestål, C; Stenlund, H; Johansson, H
  • Consensus development methods, and their use in clinical guideline development. (1998) Murphy, MK; Black, NA; Lamping, DL; McKee, CM; Sanderson, CF; Askham, J; Marteau, T
  • Calcium supplementation during pregnancy was associated with lower SBP in the children. (1998) Pomerleau, J; McKeigue, P M
  • The Flip-side of Cytoadherence: Immune Selection, Antigenic Variation and the var Genes of Plasmodium falciparum. (1998) Sutherland, C J
  • Trends in cancer incidence and mortality in Scotland: description and possible explanations. (1998) Swerdlow, AJ; dos Santos Silva, I; Reid, A; Qiao, Z; Brewster, DH; Arrundale, J
  • Sexual HIV risk behaviour among men who have sex with both men and women. (1998) Weatherburn, P; Hickson, F; Reid, D; Davies, P; Crosier, A