Browse by Date where Item Type is "Article" and Year is "1995"

Number of items: 14.
  • Use of simple clinical signs to predict pneumonia in young Gambian children: the influence of malnutrition. (1995) Falade, AG; Tschäppeler, H; Greenwood, B; Mulholland, EK
  • G
  • The structural quality of Tanzanian primary health facilities. (1995) GILSON, L; MAGOMI, M; MKANGAA, E
  • Immuno-epidemiology of Schistosoma mansoni infections in a recently exposed community in Senegal. (1995) Gryseels, B.; Stelma, F.; Talla, I.; Polman, K.; Van Dam, G.; Sow, S.; Diaw, M.; Sturrock, R. F.; Decam, C.; Niang, M.; Deelder, A. M.
  • H
  • In vitro antiplasmodial effects of diospyrin, a plant-derived naphthoquinoid, and a novel series of derivatives. (1995) Hazra, B; Ghosh, R; Banerjee, A; Kirby, GC; Warhurst, DC; Phillipson, JD
  • Specific and nonspecific responses to Plasmodium falciparum blood-stage parasites and observations on the gametocytemia in schoolchildren living in a malaria-endemic area of Mozambique. (1995) Hogh, B; Thompson, R; Hetzel, C; Fleck, SL; Kruse, N; Jones, I; Dgedge, MDC; Barreto, J; Sinden, RE
  • K
  • Potential interventions for the prevention of childhood pneumonia in developing countries: a systematic review. (1995) Kirkwood, BR; Gove, S; Rogers, S; Lob-Levyt, J; Arthur, P; Campbell, H
  • M
  • Potential impact of global climate change on malaria risk. (1995) Martens, W J; Niessen, L W; Rotmans, J; Jetten, T H; McMichael, A J
  • Risk assessment and other screening options for gonorrhoea and chlamydial infections in women attending rural Tanzanian antenatal clinics. (1995) Mayaud, P; Grosskurth, H; Changalucha, J; Todd, J; West, B; Gabone, R; Senkoro, K; Rusizoka, M; Laga, M; Hayes, R; Mabey, D
  • S
  • Potential interventions for the prevention of childhood pneumonia in developing countries: a meta-analysis of data from field trials to assess the impact of vitamin A supplementation on pneumonia morbidity and mortality. The Vitamin A and Pneumonia Working Group. (1995) Sommer, A; Rahmathullah, L; Underwood, B; Milton, R; Reddy, V; West, K; Daulaire, N; Stukel, T; Herrera, G; Stansfield, S; Ross, D; Kirkwood, BR; Arthur, P; Morris, S; Kjolhede, C; Dibley, M; Barreto, M; Bhan, MK; Gove, S
  • Current concepts of snail control. (1995) Sturrock, RF
  • T
  • Hemostatic factors and the risk of myocardial infarction or sudden death in patients with angina pectoris. European Concerted Action on Thrombosis and Disabilities Angina Pectoris Study Group. (1995) Thompson, SG; Kienast, J; Pyke, SD; Haverkate, F; Van de Loo, JC
  • Association between an MHC class II allele and clearance of hepatitis B virus in the Gambia. (1995) Thursz, MR; Kwiatkowski, D; Allsopp, CE; Greenwood, B; Thomas, HC; Hill, AV
  • W
  • Survey shows unprotected sex is a common behaviour in bisexual men. (1995) Weatherburn, P; Reid, D
  • Simplified PCR for detection of Haemophilus ducreyi and diagnosis of chancroid. (1995) West, B; Wilson, S.M; Changalucha, J; Patel, S; Mayaud, P; Ballard, RC; Mabey, DC