Items where Research Centre is "Maternal Health Group"

  • Research Centres (23573)
  • Maternal Health Group (1625)
    Number of items: 19.
    Bibliographic data only
  • The effect of AIDS on maternal mortality in Malawi and Zimbabwe. (2002) Bicego, George; Boerma, J Ties; Ronsmans, Carine
  • Misoprostol for women's health: a review. (2002) Blanchard, Kelly; Clark, Shelley; Winikoff, Beverly; Gaines, Gayle; Kabani, Ghazala; Shannon, Caitlin
  • Postpartum depression: prevalence and determinants in Lebanon. (2002) Chaaya, M; Campbell, OMR; El Kak, F; Shaar, D; Harb, H; Kaddour, A
  • Expression of the serine/threonine kinase hSGK1 in chronic viral hepatitis. (2002) Fillon, Sophie; Klingel, Karin; Wärntges, Simone; Sauter, Martina; Gabrysch, Sabine; Pestel, Sabine; Tanneur, Valerie; Waldegger, Siegfried; Zipfel, Annette; Viebahn, Richard; Häussinger, Dieter; Bröer, Stefan; Kandolf, Reinhard; Lang, Florian
  • Big risk? Malaria among pregnant women in low transmission areas. (2002) Hammerich, A; Campbell, O; Chandramohan, D
  • Unstable malaria transmission and maternal mortality--experiences from Rwanda. (2002) Hammerich, Asmus; Campbell, Oona MR; Chandramohan, Daniel
  • Risk factors for domestic violence: findings from a South African cross-sectional study. (2002) Jewkes, Rachel; Levin, Jonathan; Penn-Kekana, Loveday
  • The virgin cleansing myth: cases of child rape are not exotic. (2002) Jewkes, Rachel; Martin, Lorna; Penn-Kekana, Loveday
  • Painful labour? The experience of childbirth in Lebanon [Electronic Article]. (2002) Kabakian-Khasholian, T; Campbell, OMR; Shediac-Rizkallah, M; Ghorayeb, F
  • Informed choices? Improving the experience of childbirth in the Lebanon. (2002) Khayat, R; Campbell, O
  • Informed choices? Improving the experience of childbirth in the Lebanon [Electronic Article]. (2002) Khayat, R; Campbell, OMR
  • Levels and causes of maternal mortality in Senegal. (2002) Kodio, Belco; de Bernis, Luc; Ba, Mariame; Ronsmans, Carine; Pison, Gilles; Etard, Jean-François
  • The African challenge. (2002) Lawn, Joy E; Lawn, Stephen D
  • Anaemia during pregnancy in southern Tanzania. (2002) Marchant, T; Armstrong Schellenberg, JRM; Edgar, T; Ronsmans, C; Nathan, R; Abdulla, S; Mukasa, O; Urassa, H; Lengeler, C
  • What is quality in maternity care? An international perspective. (2002) Pittrof, Rüdiger; Campbell, Oona MR; Filippi, Véronique GA
  • Need for caesarean sections in west Africa. (2002) Ronsmans, Carine; Van Damme, Wim; Filippi, Veronique; Pittrof, Rüdiger
  • Use of misoprostol in third stage of labour. (2002) Shannon, Caitlin; Winikoff, Beverly
  • Public
  • Questioning the indicators of need for obstetric care. (2002) Ronsmans, Carine; Campbell, Oona Meave Renee; McDermott, Jeanne; Koblinsky, Marge
  • A district-based audit of the causes and circumstances of maternal deaths in South Kalimantan, Indonesia. (2002) Supratikto, Gunawan; Wirth, Meg E; Achadi, Endang; Cohen, Surekha; Ronsmans, Carine