Items where Research Centre is "Vaccine Centre"

  • Research Centres (23573)
  • Vaccine Centre (1524)
    Number of items: 138.
  • Seroprevalence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in women attending antenatal care in eastern Ethiopia: a facility-based surveillance. (2021) Assefa, Nega; Regassa, Lemma Demissie; Teklemariam, Zelalem; Oundo, Joseph; Madrid, Lola; Dessie, Yadeta; Scott, Jag
  • Safety and immunogenicity of the two-dose heterologous Ad26.ZEBOV and MVA-BN-Filo Ebola vaccine regimen in children in Sierra Leone: a randomised, double-blind, controlled trial. (2021) Afolabi, Muhammed O; Ishola, David; Manno, Daniela; Keshinro, Babajide; Bockstal, Viki; Rogers, Baimba; Owusu-Kyei, Kwabena; Serry-Bangura, Alimamy; Swaray, Ibrahim; Lowe, Brett; Kowuor, Dickens; Baiden, Frank; Mooney, Thomas; Smout, Elizabeth; Köhn, Brian; Otieno, Godfrey T; Jusu, Morrison; Foster, Julie; Samai, Mohamed; Deen, Gibrilla Fadlu; Larson, Heidi; Lees, Shelley; Goldstein, Neil; Gallagher, Katherine E; Gaddah, Auguste; Heerwegh, Dirk; Callendret, Benoit; Luhn, Kerstin; Robinson, Cynthia; Greenwood, Brian; Leyssen, Maarten; Douoguih, Macaya; Leigh, Bailah; Watson-Jones, Deborah; EBL3001 study group
  • Safety and immunogenicity of the two-dose heterologous Ad26.ZEBOV and MVA-BN-Filo Ebola vaccine regimen in children in Sierra Leone: a randomised, double-blind, controlled trial. (2021) Afolabi, Muhammed Olanrewaju; Ishola, David; Manno, Daniela; Keshinro, Babajide; Bokstal, Viki; Rogers, Baimba; Owusu-Kyei, Kwabena; Serry-Bangura, Alimamy; Swaray, Bob; Lowe, Brett; Kowuor, Dickens; Baiden, Frank; Mooney, Thomas; Smout, Elizabeth; Kohn, Brian; Otieno, Godfrey; Jusu, Morrison; Foster, Julie; Samai, Mohammed; Deen, Gibrilla-Fadlu; Larson, Heidi; Lees, Shelley; Goldstein, Nein; Gallagher, Katherine; Gaddah, Augustie; Heerwegh, Dirk; Callendret, Benoit; Luhn, Kerstin; Robinson, Cynthia; Greenwood, Brian; Leyssen, Maarten; Douoguih, Macaya; Leigh, Bailah; Watson-Jones, Deborah
  • Disruptions to childhood immunisation due to the COVID-19 pandemic. (2021) Abbas, Kaja; Mogasale, Vittal
  • Inequities in childhood immunisation coverage associated with socioeconomic, geographic, maternal, child, and place of birth characteristics in Kenya. (2021) Allan, Simon; Adetifa, Ifedayo MO; Abbas, Kaja
  • Meningococcal carriage among Hajj pilgrims, risk factors for carriage and records of vaccination: a study of pilgrims to Mecca. (2021) Alasmari, Abrar; Houghton, Joanna; Greenwood, Brian; Heymann, David; Edwards, Phil; Larson, Heidi; Assiri, Abdullah; Ben-Rached, Fathia; Pain, Arnab; Behrens, Ron; Bustinduy, Amaya
  • COVID-19's lost generation of unvaccinated children - Authors' reply. (2021) Abbas, Kaja; Procter, Simon R; Clark, Andrew; Flasche, Stefan
  • B
  • Quantifying previous SARS-CoV-2 infection through mixture modelling of antibody levels. (2021) Bottomley, C; Otiende, M; Uyoga, S; Gallagher, K; Kagucia, EW; Etyang, AO; Mugo, D; Gitonga, J; Karanja, H; Nyagwange, J; Adetifa, IMO; Agweyu, A; Nokes, DJ; Warimwe, GM; Scott, JAG
  • Correction to: Partnership for Research on Ebola VACcination (PREVAC): protocol of a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 2 clinical trial evaluating three vaccine strategies against Ebola in healthy volunteers in four West African countries. (2021) Badio, Moses; Lhomme, Edouard; Kieh, Mark; Beavogui, Abdoul Habib; Kennedy, Stephen B; Doumbia, Seydou; Leigh, Bailah; Sow, Samba O; Diallo, Alpha; Fusco, Daniela; Kirchoff, Matthew; Termote, Monique; Vatrinet, Renaud; Wentworth, Deborah; Esperou, Helène; Lane, H Clifford; Pierson, Jerome; Watson-Jones, Deborah; Roy, Céline; D'Ortenzio, Eric; Greenwood, Brian; Chêne, Genevieve; Richer, Laura; Neaton, James D; Yazdanpanah, Yazdan; PREVAC study team
  • Nasopharyngeal carriage of otitis media pathogens in infants receiving 10-valent non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae protein D conjugate vaccine (PHiD-CV10), 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) or a mixed primary schedule of both vaccines: A randomised controlled trial. (2021) Beissbarth, J; Wilson, N; Arrowsmith, B; Binks, MJ; Oguoma, VM; Lawrence, K; Llewellyn, A; Mulholland, EK; Santosham, M; Morris, PS; Smith-Vaughan, HC; Cheng, AC; Leach, AJ
  • Effectiveness of Influenza Vaccination in Preventing Hospitalization Due to Influenza in Children: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. (2021) Boddington, Nicki L; Pearson, Isabelle; Whitaker, Heather; Mangtani, Punam; Pebody, Richard G
  • Partnership for Research on Ebola VACcination (PREVAC): protocol of a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 2 clinical trial evaluating three vaccine strategies against Ebola in healthy volunteers in four West African countries. (2021) Badio, Moses; Lhomme, Edouard; Kieh, Mark; Beavogui, Abdoul Habib; Kennedy, Stephen B; Doumbia, Seydou; Leigh, Bailah; Sow, Samba O; Diallo, Alpha; Fusco, Daniela; Kirchoff, Matthew; Termote, Monique; Vatrinet, Renaud; Wentworth, Deborah; Esperou, Helène; Lane, H Clifford; Pierson, Jerome; Watson-Jones, Deborah; Roy, Céline; D'Ortenzio, Eric; Greenwood, Brian; Chêne, Genevieve; Richert, Laura; Neaton, James D; Yazdanpanah, Yazdan; PREVAC study team
  • Optimising Vaccine Dose in Inoculation against SARS-CoV-2, a Multi-Factor Optimisation Modelling Study to Maximise Vaccine Safety and Efficacy. (2021) Benest, John; Rhodes, Sophie; Quaife, Matthew; Evans, Thomas G; White, Richard G
  • A dose-reduction HPV vaccine immunobridging trial of two HPV vaccines among adolescent girls in Tanzania (the DoRIS trial) - Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. (2021) Baisley, Kathy J; Whitworth, Hilary S; Changalucha, John; Pinto, Ligia; Dillner, Joakim; Kapiga, Saidi; de Sanjosé, Silvia; Mayaud, Philippe; Hayes, Richard J; Lacey, Charles J; Watson-Jones, Deborah
  • C
  • Seasonal Malaria Vaccination with or without Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention. (2021) Chandramohan, Daniel; Zongo, Issaka; Sagara, Issaka; Cairns, Matthew; Yerbanga, Rakiswendé-Serge; Diarra, Modibo; Nikièma, Frédéric; Tapily, Amadou; Sompougdou, Frédéric; Issiaka, Djibrilla; Zoungrana, Charles; Sanogo, Koualy; Haro, Alassane; Kaya, Mahamadou; Sienou, Abdoul-Aziz; Traore, Seydou; Mahamar, Almahamoudou; Thera, Ismaila; Diarra, Kalifa; Dolo, Amagana; Kuepfer, Irene; Snell, Paul; Milligan, Paul; Ockenhouse, Christian; Ofori-Anyinam, Opokua; Tinto, Halidou; Djimde, Abdoulaye; Ouédraogo, Jean-Bosco; Dicko, Alassane; Greenwood, Brian
  • Levels of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine coverage and indirect protection against invasive pneumococcal disease and pneumonia hospitalisations in Australia: An observational study. (2021) Chan, Jocelyn; Gidding, Heather F; Blyth, Christopher C; Fathima, Parveen; Jayasinghe, Sanjay; McIntyre, Peter B; Moore, Hannah C; Mulholland, Kim; Nguyen, Cattram D; Andrews, Ross; Russell, Fiona M
  • Direct and indirect effects of 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine on pneumococcal carriage in children hospitalised with pneumonia from formal and informal settlements in Mongolia: an observational study. (2021) Chan, Jocelyn; Mungun, Tuya; Batsaixan, Purevsuren; Ulziibayar, Mukhchuluun; Suuri, Bujinlkham; Otgonbayar, Dashpagam; Luvsantseren, Dashtseren; Nguyen, Cattram D; Narangarel, Dorj; Dunne, Eileen M; Fox, Kimberley; Hinds, Jason; Nation, Monica L; Pell, Casey L; Mulholland, E Kim; Satzke, Catherine; von Mollendorf, Claire; Russell, Fiona M; PneuCAPTIVE Mongolia Research Group
  • D
  • Migration and outbreaks of vaccine-preventable disease in Europe: a systematic review. (2021) Deal, Anna; Halliday, Rae; Crawshaw, Alison F; Hayward, Sally E; Burnard, Amelia; Rustage, Kieran; Carter, Jessica; Mehrotra, Anushka; Knights, Felicity; Campos-Matos, Ines; Majeed, Azeem; Friedland, Jon S; Edelstein, Michael; Mounier-Jack, Sandra; Hargreaves, Sally; European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Disease
  • Optimal human papillomavirus vaccination strategies to prevent cervical cancer in low-income and middle-income countries in the context of limited resources: a mathematical modelling analysis. (2021) Drolet, Mélanie; Laprise, Jean-François; Martin, Dave; Jit, Mark; Bénard, Élodie; Gingras, Guillaume; Boily, Marie-Claude; Alary, Michel; Baussano, Iacopo; Hutubessy, Raymond; Brisson, Marc
  • Exploratory study of the global intent to accept COVID-19 vaccinations. (2021) de Figueiredo, Alexandre; Larson, Heidi J
  • The potential impact of vaccine passports on inclination to accept COVID-19 vaccinations in the United Kingdom: Evidence from a large cross-sectional survey and modeling study. (2021) de Figueiredo, Alexandre; Larson, Heidi J; Reicher, Stephen D
  • Modeling the effect of vaccination on selection for antibiotic resistance in Streptococcus pneumonia e. (2021) Davies, Nicholas G; Flasche, Stefan; Jit, Mark; Atkins, Katherine E
  • Evaluating the potential economic and health impact of rotavirus vaccination in 63 middle-income countries not eligible for Gavi funding: a modelling study. (2021) Debellut, Frédéric; Clark, Andrew; Pecenka, Clint; Tate, Jacqueline; Baral, Ranju; Sanderson, Colin; Parashar, Umesh; Atherly, Deborah
  • Extended follow-up of children in a phase2b trial of the GMZ2 malaria vaccine. (2021) Dassah, Sylvester; Adu, Bright; Sirima, Sodiomon B; Mordmüller, Benjamin; Ngoa, Ulysse Ateba; Atuguba, Frank; Arthur, Fareed KN; Mensah, Benedicta A; Kaddumukasa, Mark; Bang, Peter; Kremsner, Peter G; Mategula, Donnie; Flach, Clare; Milligan, Paul; Theisen, Michael
  • Strategies and action points to ensure equitable uptake of COVID-19 vaccinations: A national qualitative interview study to explore the views of undocumented migrants, asylum seekers, and refugees. (2021) Deal, Anna; Hayward, Sally E; Huda, Mashal; Knights, Felicity; Crawshaw, Alison F; Carter, Jessica; Hassan, Osama B; Farah, Yasmin; Ciftci, Yusuf; Rowland-Pomp, May; Rustage, Kieran; Goldsmith, Lucy; Hartmann, Monika; Mounier-Jack, Sandra; Burns, Rachel; Miller, Anna; Wurie, Fatima; Campos-Matos, Ines; Majeed, Azeem; Hargreaves, Sally; ESCMID Study Group for Infections in Travellers and Migrants (ES
  • Effect of Internet use for searching information on vaccination on the uptake of human papillomavirus vaccine in France: A path-analysis approach. (2021) Dib, Fadia; Mayaud, Philippe; Longfier, Laetitia; Chauvin, Pierre; Launay, Odile
  • High initial IgG antibody levels against Orientia tsutsugamushi are associated with an increased risk of severe scrub typhus infection. (2021) Devamani, Carol S; Prakash, John AJ; Alexander, Neal; Stone, William; Gunasekaran, Karthik; Rose, Winsley; Schmidt, Wolf-Peter
  • Immunological Considerations for Schistosoma Vaccine Development: Transitioning to Endemic Settings. (2021) Driciru, Emmanuella; Koopman, Jan Pieter R; Cose, Stephen; Siddiqui, Afzal A; Yazdanbakhsh, Maria; Elliott, Alison M; Roestenberg, Meta
  • Access to Vaccination Information and Confidence/Hesitancy Towards Childhood Vaccination: A Cross-Sectional Survey in China. (2021) Du, Fanxing; Chantler, Tracey; Francis, Mark R; Sun, Fiona Yueqian; Zhang, Xuan; Han, Kaiyi; Rodewald, Lance; Yu, Hongjie; Tu, Shiyi; Larson, Heidi; Hou, Zhiyuan
  • Online mis/disinformation and vaccine hesitancy in the era of COVID-19: Why we need an eHealth literacy revolution. (2021) Dib, Fadia; Mayaud, Philippe; Chauvin, Pierre; Launay, Odile
  • Can what have we learnt about BCG vaccination in the last 20 years help us to design a better tuberculosis vaccine? (2021) Dockrell, Hazel M; Butkeviciute, Egle
  • E
  • How can the public health impact of vaccination be estimated? (2021) Echeverria-Londono, Susy; Li, Xiang; Toor, Jaspreet; de Villiers, Margaret J; Nayagam, Shevanthi; Hallett, Timothy B; Abbas, Kaja; Jit, Mark; Klepac, Petra; Jean, Kévin; Garske, Tini; Ferguson, Neil M; Gaythorpe, Katy AM
  • Recruiting for research on sensitive topics in schools: an experience with Vaxcards, a collectable vaccine card game. (2021) Epstein, DS; Enticott, JC; Larson, HJ; Barton, C
  • Seroprevalence of Antibodies to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Among Healthcare Workers in Kenya. (2021) Etyang, Anthony O; Lucinde, Ruth; Karanja, Henry; Kalu, Catherine; Mugo, Daisy; Nyagwange, James; Gitonga, John; Tuju, James; Wanjiku, Perpetual; Karani, Angela; Mutua, Shadrack; Maroko, Hosea; Nzomo, Eddy; Maitha, Eric; Kamuri, Evanson; Kaugiria, Thuranira; Weru, Justus; Ochola, Lucy B; Kilimo, Nelson; Charo, Sande; Emukule, Namdala; Moracha, Wycliffe; Mukabi, David; Okuku, Rosemary; Ogutu, Monicah; Angujo, Barrack; Otiende, Mark; Bottomley, Christian; Otieno, Edward; Ndwiga, Leonard; Nyaguara, Amek; Voller, Shirine; Agoti, Charles N; Nokes, David James; Ochola-Oyier, Lynette Isabella; Aman, Rashid; Amoth, Patrick; Mwangangi, Mercy; Kasera, Kadondi; Ng'ang'a, Wangari; Adetifa, Ifedayo MO; Wangeci Kagucia, E; Gallagher, Katherine; Uyoga, Sophie; Tsofa, Benjamin; Barasa, Edwine; Bejon, Philip; Scott, J Anthony G; Agweyu, Ambrose; Warimwe, George M
  • F
  • Effect of evidence updates on key determinants of measles vaccination impact: a DynaMICE modelling study in ten high-burden countries. (2021) Fu, Han; Abbas, Kaja; Klepac, Petra; van Zandvoort, Kevin; Tanvir, Hira; Portnoy, Allison; Jit, Mark
  • Achieving global equity for COVID-19 vaccines: Stronger international partnerships and greater advocacy and solidarity are needed. (2021) Figueroa, J Peter; Hotez, Peter J; Batista, Carolina; Ben Amor, Yanis; Ergonul, Onder; Gilbert, Sarah; Gursel, Mayda; Hassanain, Mazen; Kang, Gagandeep; Kaslow, David C; Kim, Jerome H; Lall, Bhavna; Larson, Heidi; Naniche, Denise; Sheahan, Timothy; Shoham, Shmuel; Wilder-Smith, Annelies; Sow, Samba O; Strub-Wourgaft, Nathalie; Yadav, Prashant; Bottazzi, Maria Elena
  • Target product profile for a dengue pre-vaccination screening test. (2021) Fongwen, Noah; Wilder-Smith, Annelise; Gubler, Duane J; Ooi, Eng Eong; T Salvana, Edsel Maurice; de Lamballerie, Xavier; Olliaro, Piero L; Peeling, Rosanna W
  • COVID-19 vaccine challenges: What have we learned so far and what remains to be done? (2021) Forman, Rebecca; Shah, Soleil; Jeurissen, Patrick; Jit, Mark; Mossialos, Elias
  • G
  • BCG re-vaccination in Malawi: 30-year follow-up of a large, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. (2021) Glynn, Judith R; Fielding, Katherine; Mzembe, Themba; Sichali, Lifted; Banda, Louis; McLean, Estelle; Kanjala, Chifundo; Crampin, Amelia C; Ponnighaus, Jorg M; Warndorff, David K; Fine, Paul EM; Karonga Prevention Trial Group
  • Combining malaria vaccination with chemoprevention: a promising new approach to malaria control. (2021) Greenwood, Brian; Cairns, Matthew; Chaponda, Mike; Chico, R Matthew; Dicko, Alassane; Ouedraogo, Jean-Bosco; Phiri, Kamija S; Ter Kuile, Feiko O; Chandramohan, Daniel
  • Impact of the introduction of pneumococcal conjugate vaccination on invasive pneumococcal disease and pneumonia in The Gambia: 10 years of population-based surveillance. (2021) Gambia Pneumococcal Surveillance Group; Mackenzie, Grant A; Hill, Philip C; Jeffries, David J; Ndiaye, Malick; Sahito, Shah M; Hossain, Ilias; Uchendu, Uchendu; Ameh, David; Adeyemi, Oyedeji; Pathirana, Jayani; Olatunji, Yekini; Abatan, Baderinwa; Muhammad, Bilquees S; Ahameefula, Ebirim; Fombah, Augustin E; Adeshola, Banjo; Lobga, Babila G; Saha, Debasish; Mackenzie, Roslyn; Odutola, Aderonke; Plumb, Ian D; Akano, Aliu; Ebruke, Bernard E; Ideh, Readon C; Kuti, Bankole; Githua, Peter; Olutunde, Emmanuel; Ofordile, Ogochukwu; Green, Edward; Usuf, Effua; Badji, Henry; Ikumapayi, Usman Na; Manjang, Ahmed; Salaudeen, Rasheed; Nsekpong, E David; Jarju, Sheikh; Antonio, Martin; Sambou, Sana; Ceesay, Lamin; Lowe-Jallow, Yamundow; Fofana, Sidat; Jasseh, Momodou; Mulholland, Kim; Knoll, Maria; Levine, Orin S; Howie, Stephen R; Adegbola, Richard A; Greenwood, Brian M; Corrah, Tumani
  • The effect of BCG revaccination on all-cause mortality beyond infancy: 30-year follow-up of a population-based, double-blind, randomised placebo-controlled trial in Malawi. (2021) Glynn, Judith R; Dube, Albert; Fielding, Katherine; Crampin, Amelia C; Karonga Prevention Trial Group; Kanjala, Chifundo; Fine, Paul EM
  • Impact of COVID-19-related disruptions to measles, meningococcal A, and yellow fever vaccination in 10 countries. (2021) Gaythorpe, Katy Am; Abbas, Kaja; Huber, John; Karachaliou, Andromachi; Thakkar, Niket; Woodruff, Kim; Li, Xiang; Echeverria-Londono, Susy; VIMC Working Group on COVID-19 Impact on Vaccine Preventable Dis; Ferrari, Matthew; Jackson, Michael L; McCarthy, Kevin; Perkins, T Alex; Trotter, Caroline; Jit, Mark
  • Regulation of the human NK cell compartment by pathogens and vaccines. (2021) Goodier, Martin R; Riley, Eleanor M
  • H
  • Global public health security and justice for vaccines and therapeutics in the COVID-19 pandemic. (2021) Hotez, Peter J; Batista, Carolina; Amor, Yanis Ben; Ergonul, Onder; Figueroa, J Peter; Gilbert, Sarah; Gursel, Mayda; Hassanain, Mazen; Kang, Gagandeep; Kaslow, David C; Kim, Jerome H; Lall, Bhavna; Larson, Heidi; Naniche, Denise; Sheahan, Timothy; Shoham, Shmuel; Wilder-Smith, Annelies; Sow, Samba O; Strub-Wourgaft, Nathalie; Yadav, Prashant; Bottazzi, Maria Elena
  • Assessing COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy, Confidence, and Public Engagement: A Global Social Listening Study. (2021) Hou, Zhiyuan; Tong, Yixin; Du, Fanxing; Lu, Linyao; Zhao, Sihong; Yu, Kexin; Piatek, Simon J; Larson, Heidi J; Lin, Leesa
  • The potential for vaccination-induced herd immunity against the SARS-CoV-2 B.1.1.7 variant. (2021) Hodgson, David; Flasche, Stefan; Jit, Mark; Kucharski, Adam J; CMMID COVID-19 Working Group; Centre for Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Disease (CMMID)
  • Correcting COVID-19 vaccine misinformation: Lancet Commission on COVID-19 Vaccines and Therapeutics Task Force Members. (2021) Hotez, Peter; Batista, Carolina; Ergonul, Onder; Figueroa, J Peter; Gilbert, Sarah; Gursel, Mayda; Hassanain, Mazen; Kang, Gagandeep; Kim, Jerome H; Lall, Bhavna; Larson, Heidi; Naniche, Denise; Sheahan, Timothy; Shoham, Shmuel; Wilder-Smith, Annelies; Strub-Wourgaft, Nathalie; Yadav, Prashant; Bottazzi, Maria Elena
  • I
  • Safety and long-term immunogenicity of the two-dose heterologous Ad26.ZEBOV and MVA-BN-Filo Ebola vaccine regimen in adults in Sierra Leone: a combined open-label, non-randomised stage 1, and a randomised, double-blind, controlled stage 2 trial. (2021) Ishola, David; Manno, Daniela; Afolabi, Muhammed O; Keshinro, Babajide; Bockstal, Viki; Rogers, Baimba; Owusu-Kyei, Kwabena; Serry-Bangura, Alimamy; Swaray, Ibrahim; Lowe, Brett; Kowuor, Dickens; Baiden, Frank; Mooney, Thomas; Smout, Elizabeth; Kohn, Brian; Otieno, Godfrey T; Jusu, Morrison; Foster, Julie; Samai, Mohamed; Deen, Gibrilla Fadlu; Larson, Heidi; Lees, Shelley; Goldstein, Neil; Gallagher, Katherine E; Gaddah, Auguste; Heerwegh, Dirk; Callendret, Benoit; Luhn, Kerstin; Robinson, Cynthia; Leyssen, Maarten; Greenwood, Brian; Douoguih, Macaya; Leigh, Bailah; Watson-Jones, Deborah
  • Impact evaluation of immunisation service integration to nutrition programmes and paediatric outpatient departments of primary healthcare centres in Rumbek East and Rumbek Centre counties of South Sudan. (2021) Idris, Israel Oluwaseyidayo; Obwoya, Justin Geno; Tapkigen, Janet; Lamidi, Serifu Ayobami; Ochagu, Victor A; Abbas, Kaja
  • J
  • From cervical cancer elimination to eradication of vaccine-type human papillomavirus: Feasibility, public health strategies and cost-effectiveness. (2021) Jit, Mark; Prem, Kiesha; Benard, Elodie; Brisson, Marc
  • Informing Global Cost-Effectiveness Thresholds Using Country Investment Decisions: Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Introductions in 2006-2018. (2021) Jit, Mark
  • K
  • 'My primary purpose is to protect the unborn child': Understanding pregnant women's perceptions of maternal vaccination and vaccine trials in Europe. (2021) Karafillakis, E; Paterson, P; Larson, HJ
  • The role of maturity in adolescent decision-making around HPV vaccination in France. (2021) Karafillakis, E; Peretti-Watel, P; Verger, P; Chantler, T; Larson, HJ
  • Exploring the behavioral determinants of COVID-19 vaccine acceptance among an urban population in Bangladesh: Implications for behavior change interventions. (2021) Kalam, Md Abul; Davis, Thomas P; Shano, Shahanaj; Uddin, Md Nasir; Islam, Md Ariful; Kanwagi, Robert; Islam, Ariful; Hassan, Mohammad Mahmudul; Larson, Heidi J
  • Sequential Vaccination With Heterologous Acinetobacter baumannii Strains Induces Broadly Reactive Antibody Responses. (2021) Kamuyu, Gathoni; Suen Cheng, Yat; Willcocks, Sam; Kewcharoenwong, Chidchamai; Kiratisin, Pattarachai; Taylor, Peter W; Wren, Brendan W; Lertmemongkolchai, Ganjana; Stabler, Richard A; Brown, Jeremy
  • Trust, emotions and risks: Pregnant women's perceptions, confidence and decision-making practices around maternal vaccination in France. (2021) Karafillakis, E; Francis, MR; Paterson, P; Larson, HJ
  • SARS-CoV-2 Variants and Vaccines. (2021) Krause, Philip R; Fleming, Thomas R; Longini, Ira M; Peto, Richard; Briand, Sylvie; Heymann, David L; Beral, Valerie; Snape, Matthew D; Rees, Helen; Ropero, Alba-Maria; Balicer, Ran D; Cramer, Jakob P; Muñoz-Fontela, César; Gruber, Marion; Gaspar, Rogerio; Singh, Jerome A; Subbarao, Kanta; Van Kerkhove, Maria D; Swaminathan, Soumya; Ryan, Michael J; Henao-Restrepo, Ana-Maria
  • Anti-Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Immunoglobulin G Antibody Seroprevalence Among Truck Drivers and Assistants in Kenya. (2021) Kagucia, E Wangeci; Gitonga, John N; Kalu, Catherine; Ochomo, Eric; Ochieng, Benard; Kuya, Nickline; Karani, Angela; Nyagwange, James; Karia, Boniface; Mugo, Daisy; Karanja, Henry K; Tuju, James; Mutiso, Agnes; Maroko, Hosea; Okubi, Lucy; Maitha, Eric; Ajuck, Hossan; Mukabi, David; Moracha, Wycliffe; Bulimu, David; Andanje, Nelson; Aman, Rashid; Mwangangi, Mercy; Amoth, Patrick; Kasera, Kadondi; Ng'ang'a, Wangari; Nyaguara, Amek; Voller, Shirine; Otiende, Mark; Bottomley, Christian; Agoti, Charles N; Ochola-Oyier, Lynette I; Adetifa, Ifedayo MO; Etyang, Anthony O; Gallagher, Katherine E; Uyoga, Sophie; Barasa, Edwine; Bejon, Philip; Tsofa, Benjamin; Agweyu, Ambrose; Warimwe, George M; Scott, J Anthony G; Magarini Sub-County TDA SARS-CoV-2 Serosurveillance Team, The Bu
  • Categorizing Vaccine Confidence With a Transformer-Based Machine Learning Model: Analysis of Nuances of Vaccine Sentiment in Twitter Discourse. (2021) Kummervold, Per E; Martin, Sam; Dada, Sara; Kilich, Eliz; Denny, Chermain; Paterson, Pauline; Larson, Heidi J
  • Methods for Social Media Monitoring Related to Vaccination: Systematic Scoping Review. (2021) Karafillakis, Emilie; Martin, Sam; Simas, Clarissa; Olsson, Kate; Takacs, Judit; Dada, Sara; Larson, Heidi
  • Methods for Social Media Monitoring Related to Vaccination: Systematic Scoping Review (Preprint). (2021) Karafillakis, Emilie; Martin, Sam; Simas, Clarissa; Olsson, Kate; Takacs, Judit; Dada, Sara; Larson, Heidi Jane
  • Methods for Social Media Monitoring Related to Vaccination: Systematic Scoping Review. (2021) Karafillakis, Emilie; Martin, Sam; Simas, Clarissa; Olsson, Kate; Takacs, Judit; Dada, Sara; Larson, Heidi Jane
  • Cost-effectiveness of maternal pertussis immunization: Implications of a dynamic transmission model for low- and middle-income countries. (2021) Kim, Sun-Young; Min, Kyung-Duk; Jung, Sung-Mok; Russell, Louise B; Toscano, Cristiana; Minamisava, Ruth; Andrade, Ana Lucia S; Sanderson, Colin; Sinha, Anushua
  • L
  • Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine dose-ranging studies in humans: A systematic review. (2021) Lucinde, RK; Ong'ayo, G; Houlihan, C; Bottomley, C; Goldblatt, D; Scott, JAG; Gallagher, KE
  • Optimising health and economic impacts of COVID-19 vaccine prioritisation strategies in the WHO European Region. (2021) Liu, Yang; Sandmann, Frank G; Barnard, Rosanna C; Pearson, Carl AB; CMMID COVID-19 Working Group; Pastore, Roberta; Pebody, Richard; Flasche, Stefan; Jit, Mark
  • Operation Warp Speed: implications for global vaccine security. (2021) Lancet Commission on COVID-19 Vaccines and Therapeutics Task For
  • Vaccine safety in the next decade: why we need new modes of trust building. (2021) Larson, Heidi J; Sahinovic, Isabelle; Balakrishnan, Madhava Ram; Simas, Clarissa
  • Otitis media outcomes of a combined 10-valent pneumococcal Haemophilus influenzae protein D conjugate vaccine and 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine schedule at 1-2-4-6 months: PREVIX_COMBO, a 3-arm randomised controlled trial. (2021) Leach, Amanda Jane; Mulholland, Edward Kim; Santosham, Mathuram; Torzillo, Paul John; McIntyre, Peter; Smith-Vaughan, Heidi; Wilson, Nicole; Arrowsmith, Beth; Beissbarth, Jemima; Chatfield, Mark D; Oguoma, Victor M; Morris, Peter Stanley
  • Author Correction: Measuring the impact of COVID-19 vaccine misinformation on vaccination intent in the UK and USA. (2021) Loomba, Sahil; de Figueiredo, Alexandre; Piatek, Simon J; de Graaf, Kristen; Larson, Heidi J
  • Volatility of vaccine confidence. (2021) Larson, Heidi J; Broniatowski, David A
  • Interchangeability, immunogenicity and safety of a combined 10-valent pneumococcal Haemophilus influenzae protein D conjugate vaccine (Synflorix) and 13-valent-PCV (Prevenar13) schedule at 1-2-4-6 months: PREVIX_COMBO, a 3-arm randomised controlled trial. (2021) Leach, Amanda Jane; Mulholland, Edward Kim; Santosham, Mathuram; Torzillo, Paul John; McIntyre, Peter; Smith-Vaughan, Heidi; Wilson, Nicole; Arrowsmith, Beth; Beissbarth, Jemima; Chatfield, Mark D; Oguoma, Victor M; Licciardi, Paul; Skull, Sue; Andrews, Ross; Carapetis, Jonathan; McDonnell, Joseph; Krause, Vicki; Morris, Peter Stanley
  • Measuring the impact of COVID-19 vaccine misinformation on vaccination intent in the UK and USA. (2021) Loomba, Sahil; de Figueiredo, Alexandre; Piatek, Simon J; de Graaf, Kristen; Larson, Heidi J
  • Estimating the health impact of vaccination against ten pathogens in 98 low-income and middle-income countries from 2000 to 2030: a modelling study. (2021) Li, Xiang; Mukandavire, Christinah; Cucunubá, Zulma M; Echeverria Londono, Susy; Abbas, Kaja; Clapham, Hannah E; Jit, Mark; Johnson, Hope L; Papadopoulos, Timos; Vynnycky, Emilia; Brisson, Marc; Carter, Emily D; Clark, Andrew; de Villiers, Margaret J; Eilertson, Kirsten; Ferrari, Matthew J; Gamkrelidze, Ivane; Gaythorpe, Katy AM; Grassly, Nicholas C; Hallett, Timothy B; Hinsley, Wes; Jackson, Michael L; Jean, Kévin; Karachaliou, Andromachi; Klepac, Petra; Lessler, Justin; Li, Xi; Moore, Sean M; Nayagam, Shevanthi; Nguyen, Duy Manh; Razavi, Homie; Razavi-Shearer, Devin; Resch, Stephen; Sanderson, Colin; Sweet, Steven; Sy, Stephen; Tam, Yvonne; Tanvir, Hira; Tran, Quan Minh; Trotter, Caroline L; Truelove, Shaun; van Zandvoort, Kevin; Verguet, Stéphane; Walker, Neff; Winter, Amy; Woodruff, Kim; Ferguson, Neil M; Garske, Tini; Vaccine Impact Modelling Consortium
  • Modeling the cost-effectiveness of maternal acellular pertussis immunization (aP) in different socioeconomic settings: A dynamic transmission model of pertussis in three Brazilian states. (2021) Luz, Paula M; Struchiner, Claudio J; Kim, Sun-Young; Minamisava, Ruth; Andrade, Ana Lucia S; Sanderson, Colin; Russell, Louise B; Toscano, Cristiana M
  • M
  • Does the number of doses matter? A qualitative study of HPV vaccination acceptability nested in a dose reduction trial in Tanzania. (2021) Mitchell, KR; Erio, T; Whitworth, HS; Marwerwe, G; Changalucha, J; Baisley, K; Lacey, CJ; Hayes, R; de SanJosé, S; Watson-Jones, D
  • Multivalent poultry vaccine development using Protein Glycan Coupling Technology. (2021) Mauri, Marta; Sannasiddappa, Thippeswamy H; Vohra, Prerna; Corona-Torres, Ricardo; Smith, Alexander A; Chintoan-Uta, Cosmin; Bremner, Abi; Terra, Vanessa S; Abouelhadid, Sherif; Stevens, Mark P; Grant, Andrew J; Cuccui, Jon; Wren, Brendan W; Glycoengineering of Veterinary Vaccines Consortium
  • Childhood immunisation timeliness and vaccine confidence by health information source, maternal, socioeconomic, and geographic characteristics in Albania. (2021) Mayerová, Daniela; Abbas, Kaja
  • Low immunogenicity of malaria pre-erythrocytic stages can be overcome by vaccination. (2021) Müller, Katja; Gibbins, Matthew P; Roberts, Mark; Reyes-Sandoval, Arturo; Hill, Adrian VS; Draper, Simon J; Matuschewski, Kai; Silvie, Olivier; Hafalla, Julius Clemence R
  • Immune Responses Following BCG Immunization of Infants in Uganda and United Kingdom Are Similar for Purified Protein Derivative but Differ for Secretory Proteins of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. (2021) Mawa, Patrice A; Hasso-Agopsowicz, Mateusz; Lubyayi, Lawrence; Nabakooza, Grace; Nakibuule, Marjorie; Blitz, Rose; Dun, Li; Govind, Abha; Kaleebu, Pontiano; Webb, Emily L; Elliott, Alison M; Dockrell, Hazel M; Cose, Stephen; Smith, Steven G
  • Validation and Optimization of Host Immunological Bio-Signatures for a Point-of-Care Test for TB Disease. (2021) Mutavhatsindi, Hygon; van der Spuy, Gian D; Malherbe, Stephanus T; Sutherland, Jayne S; Geluk, Annemieke; Mayanja-Kizza, Harriet; Crampin, Amelia C; Kassa, Desta; Howe, Rawleigh; Mihret, Adane; Sheehama, Jacob A; Nepolo, Emmanuel; Günther, Gunar; Dockrell, Hazel M; Corstjens, Paul LAM; Stanley, Kim; Walzl, Gerhard; Chegou, Novel N; AE-TBC ScreenTB Consortia
  • The importance of supplementary immunisation activities to prevent measles outbreaks during the COVID-19 pandemic in Kenya. (2021) Mburu, CN; Ojal, J; Chebet, R; Akech, D; Karia, B; Tuju, J; Sigilai, A; Abbas, K; Jit, M; Funk, S; Smits, G; van Gageldonk, PGM; van der Klis, FRM; Tabu, C; Nokes, DJ; LSHTM CMMID COVID-19 Working Group; Scott, Jag; Flasche, S; Adetifa, Imo
  • The importance of supplementary immunisation activities to prevent measles outbreaks during the COVID-19 pandemic in Kenya. (2021) Mburu, CN; Ojal, J; Chebet, R; Akech, D; Karia, B; Tuju, J; Sigilai, A; Abbas, K; Jit, M; Funk, S; Smits, G; van Gageldonk, PGM; van der Klis, FRM; Tabu, C; Nokes, DJ; Scott, JAG; Flasche, S; Adetifa, IMO
  • Effect of 4 years of seasonal malaria chemoprevention on the acquisition of antibodies to Plasmodium falciparum antigens in Ouelessebougou, Mali. (2021) Mahamar, Almahamoudou; Issiaka, Djibrilla; Youssouf, Ahamadou; Niambele, Sidi M; Soumare, Harouna M; Attaher, Oumar; Barry, Amadou; Narum, David L; Duffy, Patrick E; Greenwood, Brian; Fried, Michal; Dicko, Alassane
  • N
  • Beyond the jab: A need for global coordination of pharmacovigilance for COVID-19 vaccine deployment. (2021) Naniche, Denise; Hotez, Peter; Bottazzi, Maria Elena; Ergonul, Onder; Figueroa, J Peter; Gilbert, Sarah; Gursel, Mayda; Hassanain, Mazen; Kang, Gagandeep; Kaslow, David; Kim, Jerome H; Lall, Bhavna; Larson, Heidi; Sheahan, Timothy; Shoham, Shmuel; Wilder-Smith, Annelies; Sow, Samba O; Strub-Wourgaft, Nathalie; Yadav, Prashant; Batista, Carolina
  • Effect of intermittent preventive treatment for malaria with dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine on immune responses to vaccines among rural Ugandan adolescents: randomised controlled trial protocol B for the 'POPulation differences in VACcine responses' (POPVAC) programme. (2021) Natukunda, Agnes; Nkurunungi, Gyaviira; Zirimenya, Ludoviko; Nassuuna, Jacent; Oduru, Gloria; Amongin, Rebecca; Kabuubi, Prossy N; Mutebe, Alex; Onen, Caroline; Amongi, Susan; Nakazibwe, Esther; Akello, Florence; Kiwanuka, Samuel; Kiwudhu, Fred; Sewankambo, Moses; Nsubuga, Denis; Kizindo, Robert; Staedke, Sarah G; Cose, Stephen; Webb, Emily; Elliott, Alison M; POPVAC trial team
  • Effect of intensive treatment for schistosomiasis on immune responses to vaccines among rural Ugandan island adolescents: randomised controlled trial protocol A for the 'POPulation differences in VACcine responses' (POPVAC) programme. (2021) Nkurunungi, Gyaviira; Zirimenya, Ludoviko; Nassuuna, Jacent; Natukunda, Agnes; Kabuubi, Prossy N; Niwagaba, Emmanuel; Oduru, Gloria; Kabami, Grace; Amongin, Rebecca; Mutebe, Alex; Namutebi, Milly; Zziwa, Christopher; Amongi, Susan; Ninsiima, Caroline; Onen, Caroline; Akello, Florence; Sewankambo, Moses; Kiwanuka, Samuel; Kizindo, Robert; Kaweesa, James; Cose, Stephen; Webb, Emily; Elliott, Alison M; POPVAC trial team; POPVAC trial team principal investigator
  • Population differences in vaccine responses (POPVAC): scientific rationale and cross-cutting analyses for three linked, randomised controlled trials assessing the role, reversibility and mediators of immunomodulation by chronic infections in the tropics. (2021) Nkurunungi, Gyaviira; Zirimenya, Ludoviko; Natukunda, Agnes; Nassuuna, Jacent; Oduru, Gloria; Ninsiima, Caroline; Zziwa, Christopher; Akello, Florence; Kizindo, Robert; Akello, Mirriam; Kaleebu, Pontiano; Wajja, Anne; Luzze, Henry; Cose, Stephen; Webb, Emily; Elliott, Alison M; POPVAC trial team
  • O
  • Point-of-care vaccinators' perceptions of vaccine hesitancy drivers: A qualitative study from the cape metropolitan district, South Africa. (2021) Oduwole, Elizabeth O; Mahomed, Hassan; Laurenzi, Christina A; Larson, Heidi J; Wiysonge, Charles S
  • A Chlamydia trachomatis VD1-MOMP vaccine elicits cross-neutralizing and protective antibodies against C/C-related complex serovars. (2021) Olsen, Anja Weinreich; Rosenkrands, Ida; Holland, Martin J; Andersen, Peter; Follmann, Frank
  • P
  • SARS-CoV-2 infection risk during delivery of childhood vaccination campaigns: a modelling study. (2021) Procter, Simon R; Abbas, Kaja; Flasche, Stefan; Griffiths, Ulla; Hagedorn, Brittany; O'Reilly, Kathleen M; CMMID COVID-19 Working Group; Jit, Mark
  • Projections of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination impact in Ethiopia, India, Nigeria and Pakistan: a comparative modelling study. (2021) Portnoy, Allison; Abbas, Kaja; Sweet, Steven; Kim, Jane J; Jit, Mark
  • COVID-19 vaccination in Sindh Province, Pakistan: A modelling study of health impact and cost-effectiveness. (2021) Pearson, Carl AB; Bozzani, Fiammetta; Procter, Simon R; Davies, Nicholas G; Huda, Maryam; Jensen, Henning Tarp; Keogh-Brown, Marcus; Khalid, Muhammad; Sweeney, Sedona; Torres-Rueda, Sergio; CHiL COVID-19 Working Group; CMMID COVID-19 Working Group; Eggo, Rosalind M; Vassall, Anna; Jit, Mark
  • Estimation of Ethiopia's immunization coverage - 20 years of discrepancies. (2021) Pond, Bob; Bekele, Abebe; Mounier-Jack, Sandra; Teklie, Habtamu; Getachew, Theodros
  • Potential test-negative design study bias in outbreak settings: application to Ebola vaccination in Democratic Republic of Congo. (2021) Pearson, Carl AB; Edmunds, W John; Hladish, Thomas J; Eggo, Rosalind M
  • Climate change risk communication: a vaccine hesitancy perspective. (2021) Paterson, Pauline; Clarke, Richard M
  • Antibody Responses to Two Recombinant Treponemal Antigens (rp17 and TmpA) before and after Azithromycin Treatment for Yaws in Ghana and Papua New Guinea. (2021) Parameswaran, Nishanth; Mitjà, Oriol; Bottomley, Christian; Kwakye, Cynthia; Houinei, Wendy; Pillay, Allan; Danavall, Damien; Chi, Kai-Hua; Ballard, Ronald C; Solomon, Anthony W; Chen, Cheng Y; Bieb, Sibauk V; Adu-Sarkodie, Yaw; Mabey, David CW; Asiedu, Kingsley; Marks, Michael; Martin, Diana L
  • R
  • Framework for Characterizing Longitudinal Antibody Response in Children After Plasmodium falciparum Infection. (2021) Rogier, Eric; Nace, Doug; Dimbu, Pedro R; Wakeman, Brian; Pohl, Jan; Beeson, James G; Drakeley, Chris; Tetteh, Kevin; Plucinski, Mateusz
  • Comparison of static and dynamic models of maternal immunization to prevent infant pertussis in Brazil. (2021) Russell, Louise B; Kim, Sun-Young; Toscano, Cristiana; Cosgriff, Ben; Minamisava, Ruth; Lucia Andrade, Ana; Sanderson, Colin; Sinha, Anushua
  • S
  • The Anti-Circumsporozoite Antibody Response of Children to Seasonal Vaccination With the RTS,S/AS01E Malaria Vaccine. (2021) Sagara, Issaka; Zongo, Issaka; Cairns, Matthew; Yerbanga, Rakiswendé Serge; Mahamar, Almahamoudou; Nikièma, Frédéric; Tapily, Amadou; Sompougdou, Frédéric; Diarra, Modibo; Zoungrana, Charles; Issiaka, Djibrilla; Haro, Alassane; Sanogo, Koualy; Aziz Sienou, Abdoul; Kaya, Mahamadou; Traore, Seydou; Thera, Ismaila; Diarra, Kalifa; Dolo, Amagana; Kuepfer, Irene; Snell, Paul; Milligan, Paul; Ockenhouse, Christian; Ofori-Anyinam, Opokua; Tinto, Halidou; Djimde, Abdoulaye; Ouedraogo, Jean Bosco; Dicko, Alassane; Chandramohan, Daniel; Greenwood, Brian
  • Models of COVID-19 vaccine prioritisation: a systematic literature search and narrative review. (2021) Saadi, Nuru; Chi, Y-Ling; Ghosh, Srobana; Eggo, Rosalind M; McCarthy, Ciara V; Quaife, Matthew; Dawa, Jeanette; Jit, Mark; Vassall, Anna
  • WHO global vaccine safety multi-country collaboration project on safety in pregnancy: Assessing the level of diagnostic certainty using standardized case definitions for perinatal and neonatal outcomes and maternal immunization. (2021) Stuurman, Anke L; Sharan, Apoorva; Jahagirdar, Shubhashri; Elango, Varalakshmi; Riera-Montes, Margarita; Kashyap, Neeraj; Biccler, Jorne; Poluru, Ramesh; Arora, Narendra; Mathai, Matthews; Mangtani, Punam; DeVlieger, Hugo; Anderson, Steven; Whitaker, Barbee; Wong, Hui-Lee; Cutland, Clare; Guillard Maure, Christine; WHO GVS MCC Sites
  • Impact of COVID-19 Disruptions on Global BCG Coverage and Paediatric TB Mortality: A Modelling Study. (2021) Shaikh, Nabila; Pelzer, Puck T; Thysen, Sanne M; Roy, Partho; Harris, Rebecca C; White, Richard G
  • Vitamin D in Gambian children with discordant tuberculosis (TB) infection status despite matched TB exposure: a case control study. (2021) Stockdale, Lisa; Sambou, Basil; Sissoko, Muhamed; Egere, Uzochukwu; Sillah, Abdou K; Kampmann, Beate; Basu Roy, Robin
  • How to Prevent Vaccines Falling Victim to Their Own Success: Intertemporal Dependency of Incidence Levels on Indirect Effects in Economic Reevaluations. (2021) Sandmann, Frank; Ramsay, Mary; Edmunds, W John; Choi, Yoon H; Jit, Mark
  • Clinical characteristics of and antibody response to spotted fever group rickettsial infections in South India: Case series and serological cohort study. (2021) Schmidt, Wolf-Peter; Devamani, Carol S; Elangovan, Divyaa; Alexander, Neal; Rose, Winsley; Prakash, John AJ
  • Rapid COVID-19 vaccine rollout: immense success but challenges ahead. (2021) Sandmann, Frank G; Jit, Mark
  • Vitamin D In Gambian Children With Discordant Tuberculosis Infection Status Despite Matched TB Exposure: A Case Control Study. (2021) Stockdale, Lisa; Sambou, Basil; Sissoko, Muhamed; Egere, Uzo; Sillah, Abdou K; Kampmann, Beate; Roy, Robin Basu
  • Delivering routine immunisations in London during the COVID-19 pandemic: lessons for future vaccine delivery. A mixed-methods study. (2021) Skirrow, Helen; Flynn, Charlotte; Heller, Abigail; Heffernan, Catherine; Mounier-Jack, Sandra; Chantler, Tracey
  • ''Those who do not vaccinate don't love themselves, or anyone else'': a qualitative study of views and attitudes of urban pregnant women towards maternal immunisation in Panama. (2021) Simas, Clarissa; Larson, Heidi J; Paterson, Pauline
  • Evaluating the impact of a continued maternal pertussis immunisation programme in England: A modelling study and cost-effectiveness analysis. (2021) Sandmann, Frank; Jit, Mark; Andrews, Nick; Buckley, Hannah L; Campbell, Helen; Ribeiro, Sonia; Sile, Bersabeh; Stowe, Julia; Tessier, Elise; Ramsay, Mary; Amirthalingam, Gayatri; Choi, Yoon H
  • "From my phone, I could rule the world": Critical engagement with maternal vaccine information, vaccine confidence builders and post-Zika outbreak rumours in Brazil. (2021) Simas, Clarissa; Paterson, Pauline; Lees, Shelley; J Larson, Heidi
  • Models of COVID-19 vaccine prioritisation: a systematic literature search and narrative review. (2021) Saadi, Nuru; Chi, Y-Ling; Ghosh, Srobana; Eggo, Rosalind M; McCarthy, Ciara; Quaife, Matthew; Dawa, Jeanette; Jit, Mark; Vassall, Anna
  • "Saint Google, now we have information!": a qualitative study on narratives of trust and attitudes towards maternal vaccination in Mexico City and Toluca. (2021) Simas, Clarissa; Larson, Heidi J; Paterson, Pauline
  • Understanding confidence in the human papillomavirus vaccine in Japan: a web-based survey of mothers, female adolescents, and healthcare professionals. (2021) Shuto, Michiko; Kim, Youngju; Okuyama, Kotoba; Ouchi, Kazunobu; Ueichi, Hideo; Nnadi, Chimeremma; Larson, Heidi J; Perez, Gonzalo; Sasaki, Shin
  • Development of an automated platform for the optimal production of glycoconjugate vaccines expressed in Escherichia coli. (2021) Samaras, Jasmin J; Mauri, Marta; Kay, Emily J; Wren, Brendan W; Micheletti, Martina
  • Novel vaccine safety issues and areas that would benefit from further research. (2021) Salmon, Daniel A; Lambert, Paul Henri; Nohynek, Hanna M; Gee, Julianne; Parashar, Umesh D; Tate, Jacqueline E; Wilder-Smith, Annelies; Hartigan-Go, Kenneth Y; Smith, Peter G; Zuber, Patrick Louis F
  • Women’s views on accepting COVID-19 vaccination during and after pregnancy, and for their babies: A multi-methods study in the UK. (2021) Skirrow, Helen; Barnett, Sara; Bell, Sadie; Riaposova, Lucia; Mounier-Jack, Sandra; Kampmann, Beate; Holder, Beth
  • T
  • Disregarding the restrictive vial-opening policy for BCG vaccine in Guinea-Bissau: impact and cost-effectiveness for tuberculosis mortality and all-cause mortality in children aged 0-4 years. (2021) Thysen, Sanne M; Fisker, Ane Baerent; Byberg, Stine; Aaby, Peter; Roy, Partho; White, Richard; Griffiths, Ulla; Harris, Rebecca C
  • Lives saved with vaccination for 10 pathogens across 112 countries in a pre-COVID-19 world. (2021) Toor, Jaspreet; Echeverria-Londono, Susy; Li, Xiang; Abbas, Kaja; Carter, Emily D; Clapham, Hannah E; Clark, Andrew; de Villiers, Margaret J; Eilertson, Kirsten; Ferrari, Matthew; Gamkrelidze, Ivane; Hallett, Timothy B; Hinsley, Wes R; Hogan, Daniel; Huber, John H; Jackson, Michael L; Jean, Kevin; Jit, Mark; Karachaliou, Andromachi; Klepac, Petra; Kraay, Alicia; Lessler, Justin; Li, Xi; Lopman, Benjamin A; Mengistu, Tewodaj; Metcalf, C Jessica E; Moore, Sean M; Nayagam, Shevanthi; Papadopoulos, Timos; Perkins, T Alex; Portnoy, Allison; Razavi, Homie; Razavi-Shearer, Devin; Resch, Stephen; Sanderson, Colin; Sweet, Steven; Tam, Yvonne; Tanvir, Hira; Tran Minh, Quan; Trotter, Caroline L; Truelove, Shaun A; Vynnycky, Emilia; Walker, Neff; Winter, Amy; Woodruff, Kim; Ferguson, Neil M; Gaythorpe, Katy Am
  • Human Papillomavirus Vaccination After COVID-19. (2021) Toh, Zheng Quan; Russell, Fiona M; Garland, Suzanne M; Mulholland, Edward K; Patton, George; Licciardi, Paul V
  • U
  • Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies From a National Serosurveillance of Kenyan Blood Donors, January-March 2021. (2021) Uyoga, Sophie; Adetifa, Ifedayo MO; Otiende, Mark; Yegon, Christine; Agweyu, Ambrose; Warimwe, George M; Scott, J Anthony G
  • V
  • Evaluation of a Campylobacter jejuni N-glycan-ExoA glycoconjugate vaccine to reduce C. jejuni colonisation in chickens. (2021) Vohra, Prerna; Chintoan-Uta, Cosmin; Bremner, Abi; Mauri, Marta; Terra, Vanessa S; Cuccui, Jon; Wren, Brendan W; Vervelde, Lonneke; Stevens, Mark P; Glycoengineering of Veterinary Vaccines Consortium
  • Cost-effectiveness of rotavirus vaccination in the Philippines: A modeling study. (2021) Villanueva-Uy, Maria Esterlita T; Lam, Hilton Y; Aldaba, Josephine G; Uy, Tristan Marvin Z; Valverde, Haidee A; Silva, Maria Wilda T; Mooney, Jessica; Clark, Andrew; Pecenka, Clint
  • Evaluation of the impact of childhood 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine introduction on adult pneumonia in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: study protocol for an observational study. (2021) von Mollendorf, Claire; Ulziibayar, Mukhchuluun; Gessner, Bradford D; Do, Lien Anh Ha; Nguyen, Cattram D; Beavon, Rohini; Suuri, Bujinlkham; Luvsantseren, Dashtseren; Narangerel, Dorj; Jenney, Adam; Dunne, Eileen M; Satzke, Catherine; Darmaa, Badarchiin; Mungun, Tuya; Mulholland, E Kim
  • The projected cost-effectiveness and budget impact of HPV vaccine introduction in Ghana. (2021) Vodicka, Elisabeth; Nonvignon, Justice; Antwi-Agyei, Kwadwo Odei; Bawa, John; Clark, Andrew; Pecenka, Clint; LaMontagne, D Scott
  • Rapid Screening for Non-falciparum Malaria in Elimination Settings Using Multiplex Antigen and Antibody Detection: Post Hoc Identification of Plasmodium malariae in an Infant in Haiti. (2021) van den Hoogen, Lotus L; Herman, Camelia; Présumé, Jacquelin; Romilus, Ithamare; Existe, Alexandre; Boncy, Jacques; Joseph, Vena; Stresman, Gillian; Tetteh, Kevin KA; Drakeley, Chris; Chang, Michelle A; Lemoine, Jean F; Eisele, Thomas P; Rogier, Eric; Ashton, Ruth A
  • W
  • Adolescent Health Series: HPV infection and vaccination in sub-Saharan Africa: 10 years of research in Tanzanian female adolescents - narrative review. (2021) Whitworth, Hilary; Changalucha, John; Baisley, Kathy; Watson-Jones, Deborah
  • Affordability of Adult Tuberculosis Vaccination in India and China: A Dynamic Transmission Model-Based Analysis. (2021) Weerasuriya, Chathika Krishan; Harris, Rebecca Claire; Quaife, Matthew; McQuaid, Christopher Finn; White, Richard G; Gomez, Gabriela B
  • The epidemiologic impact and cost-effectiveness of new tuberculosis vaccines on multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in India and China. (2021) Weerasuriya, Chathika K; Harris, Rebecca C; McQuaid, C Finn; Bozzani, Fiammetta; Ruan, Yunzhou; Li, Renzhong; Li, Tao; Rade, Kirankumar; Rao, Raghuram; Ginsberg, Ann M; Gomez, Gabriela B; White, Richard G
  • Challenges in ensuring global access to COVID-19 vaccines: production, affordability, allocation, and deployment. (2021) Wouters, Olivier J; Shadlen, Kenneth C; Salcher-Konrad, Maximilian; Pollard, Andrew J; Larson, Heidi J; Teerawattananon, Yot; Jit, Mark
  • Continued HPV vaccination in the face of unexpected challenges: A commentary on the rationale for an extended interval two-dose schedule. (2021) Whitworth, Hilary S; Schiller, John; Markowitz, Lauri E; Jit, Mark; Brisson, Marc; Simpson, Evan; Watson-Jones, Deborah
  • Durable natural killer cell responses after heterologous two-dose Ebola vaccination. (2021) Wagstaffe, Helen R; Susannini, Giada; Thiébaut, Rodolphe; Richert, Laura; Lévy, Yves; Bockstal, Viki; Stoop, Jeroen N; Luhn, Kerstin; Douoguih, Macaya; Riley, Eleanor M; Lacabaratz, Christine; Goodier, Martin R
  • Y
  • The impact of childhood pneumococcal conjugate vaccine immunisation on all-cause pneumonia admissions in Hong Kong: A 14-year population-based interrupted time series analysis. (2021) Yu, Qiuyan; Li, Xue; Fan, Min; Qiu, Hong; Wong, Angel YS; Tian, Linwei; Chui, Celine SL; Li, Philip H; Lau, Lauren KW; Chan, Esther W; Goggins, William B; Ip, Patrick; Lum, Terry Y; Hung, Ivan FN; Cowling, Benjamin J; Wong, Ian CK; Jit, Mark
  • Who should be prioritized for COVID-19 vaccination in China? A descriptive study. (2021) Yang, Juan; Zheng, Wen; Shi, Huilin; Yan, Xuemei; Dong, Kaige; You, Qian; Zhong, Guangjie; Gong, Hui; Chen, Zhiyuan; Jit, Mark; Viboud, Cecile; Ajelli, Marco; Yu, Hongjie
  • Economic evaluation of the introduction of rotavirus vaccine in Hong Kong. (2021) Yeung, Karene Hoi Ting; Lin, Shi Lin; Clark, Andrew; McGhee, Sarah M; Janusz, Cara Bess; Atherly, Deborah; Chan, Kate C; Nelson, E Anthony S
  • Z
  • Impact of BCG revaccination on the response to unrelated vaccines in a Ugandan adolescent birth cohort: randomised controlled trial protocol C for the 'POPulation differences in VACcine responses' (POPVAC) programme. (2021) Zirimenya, Ludoviko; Nkurunungi, Gyaviira; Nassuuna, Jacent; Natukunda, Agnes; Mutebe, Alex; Oduru, Gloria; Kabami, Grace; Akurut, Hellen; Onen, Caroline; Namutebi, Milly; Serubanja, Joel; Nakazibwe, Esther; Akello, Florence; Tumusiime, Josephine; Sewankambo, Moses; Kiwanuka, Samuel; Kiwudhu, Fred; Kizindo, Robert; Kizza, Moses; Wajja, Anne; Cose, Stephen; Muwanga, Moses; Webb, Emily; Elliott, Alison M; POPVAC trial team
  • Transmission dynamics and control measures of COVID-19 outbreak in China: a modelling study. (2021) Zhang, Xu-Sheng; Vynnycky, Emilia; Charlett, Andre; De Angelis, Daniela; Chen, Zhengji; Liu, Wei