Items where Research Centre is "Vaccine Centre"
  • Research Centres (23573)
  • Vaccine Centre (1524)
    Number of items: 89.
  • Developing whole mycobacteria cell vaccines for tuberculosis: Workshop proceedings, Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology, Berlin, Germany, July 9, 2014. (2015) WholeMycobacteriaCellVaccinesforTuberculosisSummaryGroup; (including White, RG; )
  • A
  • A multimedia consent tool for research participants in the Gambia: a randomized controlled trial. (2015) Afolabi, Muhammed Olanrewaju; McGrath, Nuala; D'Alessandro, Umberto; Kampmann, Beate; Imoukhuede, Egeruan B; Ravinetto, Raffaella M; Alexander, Neal; Larson, Heidi J; Chandramohan, Daniel; Bojang, Kalifa
  • B
  • PneuMum: Impact from a randomised controlled trial of maternal 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccination on middle ear disease amongst Indigenous infants, Northern Territory, Australia. (2015) Binks, Michael J; Moberley, Sarah A; Balloch, Anne; Leach, Amanda J; Nelson, Sandra; Hare, Kim M; Wilson, Cate; Morris, Peter S; Nelson, Jane; Chatfield, Mark D; Tang, Mimi LK; Torzillo, Paul; Carapetis, Jonathan R; Mulholland, E Kim; Andrews, Ross M
  • Risk of Injection-Site Abscess among Infants Receiving a Preservative-Free, Two-Dose Vial Formulation of Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine in Kenya. (2015) Burton, Deron C; Bigogo, Godfrey M; Audi, Allan O; Williamson, John; Munge, Kenneth; Wafula, Jackline; Ouma, Dominic; Khagayi, Sammy; Mugoya, Isaac; Mburu, James; Muema, Shadrack; Bauni, Evasius; Bwanaali, Tahreni; Feikin, Daniel R; Ochieng, Peter M; Mogeni, Ondari D; Otieno, George A; Olack, Beatrice; Kamau, Tatu; Van Dyke, Melissa K; Chen, Robert; Farrington, Paddy; Montgomery, Joel M; Breiman, Robert F; Scott, J Anthony G; Laserson, Kayla F
  • Intramuscular Immunisation with Chlamydial Proteins Induces Chlamydia trachomatis Specific Ocular Antibodies. (2015) Badamchi-Zadeh, Alexander; McKay, Paul F; Holland, Martin J; Paes, Wayne; Brzozowski, Andrzej; Lacey, Charles; Follmann, Frank; Tregoning, John S; Shattock, Robin J
  • Extending the elderly- and risk-group programme of vaccination against seasonal influenza in England and Wales: a cost-effectiveness study. (2015) Baguelin, Marc; Camacho, Anton; Flasche, Stefan; Edmunds, W John
  • Long-term impact of pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccination on nasopharyngeal carriage in children previously vaccinated with various pneumococcal conjugate vaccine regimes. (2015) Boelsen, Laura K; Dunne, Eileen M; Lamb, Karen E; Bright, Kathryn; Cheung, Yin Bun; Tikoduadua, Lisi; Russell, Fiona M; Mulholland, E Kim; Licciardi, Paul V; Satzke, Catherine
  • Seasonality of Pneumococcal Nasopharyngeal Carriage in Rural Gambia Determined within the Context of a Cluster Randomized Pneumococcal Vaccine Trial. (2015) Bojang, Abdoulie; Jafali, James; Egere, Uzochukwu E; Hill, Phillip C; Antonio, Martin; Jeffries, David; Greenwood, Brian M; Roca, Anna
  • Impact of influenza vaccination on respiratory illness rates in children attending private boarding schools in England, 2013-2014: a cohort study. (2015) Brousseau, N; Green, HK; Andrews, N; Pryse, R; Baguelin, M; Sunderland, A; Ellis, J; Pebody, R
  • Human antibodies fix complement to inhibit Plasmodium falciparum invasion of erythrocytes and are associated with protection against malaria. (2015) Boyle, Michelle J; Reiling, Linda; Feng, Gaoqian; Langer, Christine; Osier, Faith H; Aspeling-Jones, Harvey; Cheng, Yik Sheng; Stubbs, Janine; Tetteh, Kevin KA; Conway, David J; McCarthy, James S; Muller, Ivo; Marsh, Kevin; Anders, Robin F; Beeson, James G
  • Quantifying Parameter and Structural Uncertainty of Dynamic Disease Transmission Models Using MCMC: An Application to Rotavirus Vaccination in England and Wales. (2015) Bilcke, Joke; Chapman, Ruth; Atchison, Christina; Cromer, Deborah; Johnson, Helen; Willem, Lander; Cox, Martin; Edmunds, William John; Jit, Mark
  • The impact of childhood vaccines on bacterial carriage in the nasopharynx: a longitudinal study. (2015) Bottomley, Christian; Bojang, Abdoulie; Smith, Peter G; Darboe, Ousainou; Antonio, Martin; Foster-Nyarko, Ebenezer; Kampmann, Beate; Greenwood, Brian; D'Alessandro, Umberto; Roca, Anna
  • C
  • Estimating the probability of demonstrating vaccine efficacy in the declining Ebola epidemic: a Bayesian modelling approach. (2015) Camacho, Anton; Eggo, Rosalind M; Funk, Sebastian; Watson, Conall H; Kucharski, Adam J; Edmunds, W John
  • Paths to a malaria vaccine illuminated by parasite genomics. (2015) Conway, David J
  • Statistical estimation of antibody concentration using multiple dilutions. (2015) Cheung, Yin Bun; Xu, Ying; Remarque, Edmond J; Milligan, Paul
  • D
  • A systematic review of the social and economic burden of influenza in low- and middle-income countries. (2015) de Francisco Shapovalova, Natasha; Donadel, Morgane; Jit, Mark; Hutubessy, Raymond
  • E
  • Temporal changes in nasopharyngeal carriage of Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 1 genotypes in healthy Gambians before and after the 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine. (2015) Ebruke, Chinelo; Roca, Anna; Egere, Uzochukwu; Darboe, Ousainou; Hill, Philip C; Greenwood, Brian; Wren, Brendan W; Adegbola, Richard A; Antonio, Martin
  • F
  • Effects of Vaccination with 10-Valent Pneumococcal Non-Typeable Haemophilus influenza Protein D Conjugate Vaccine (PHiD-CV) on the Nasopharyngeal Microbiome of Kenyan Toddlers. (2015) Feazel, Leah M; Santorico, Stephanie A; Robertson, Charles E; Bashraheil, Mahfudh; Scott, J Anthony G; Frank, Daniel N; Hammitt, Laura L
  • The Potential for Reducing the Number of Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine Doses While Sustaining Herd Immunity in High-Income Countries. (2015) Flasche, Stefan; Van Hoek, Albert Jan; Goldblatt, David; Edmunds, W John; O'Brien, Katherine L; Scott, J Anthony G; Miller, Elizabeth
  • The serotype distribution among healthy carriers before vaccination is essential for predicting the impact of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine on invasive disease. (2015) Flasche, Stefan; Le Polain de Waroux, Olivier; O'Brien, Katherine L; Edmunds, W John
  • G
  • Implementation of the malaria candidate vaccine RTS,S/AS01. (2015) Greenwood, Brian; Doumbo, Ogobara K
  • Global, regional, and national comparative risk assessment of 79 behavioural, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risks or clusters of risks in 188 countries, 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. (2015) GBD 2013 Risk Factors Collaborators; Forouzanfar, Mohammad H; Alexander, Lily; Anderson, H Ross; Bachman, Victoria F; Biryukov, Stan; Brauer, Michael; Burnett, Richard; Casey, Daniel; Coates, Matthew M; Cohen, Aaron; Delwiche, Kristen; Estep, Kara; Frostad, Joseph J; Astha, KC; Kyu, Hmwe H; Moradi-Lakeh, Maziar; Ng, Marie; Slepak, Erica Leigh; Thomas, Bernadette A; Wagner, Joseph; Aasvang, Gunn Marit; Abbafati, Cristiana; Abbasoglu Ozgoren, Ayse; Abd-Allah, Foad; Abera, Semaw F; Aboyans, Victor; Abraham, Biju; Abraham, Jerry Puthenpurakal; Abubakar, Ibrahim; Abu-Rmeileh, Niveen ME; Aburto, Tania C; Achoki, Tom; Adelekan, Ademola; Adofo, Koranteng; Adou, Arsène K; Adsuar, José C; Afshin, Ashkan; Agardh, Emilie E; Al Khabouri, Mazin J; Al Lami, Faris H; Alam, Sayed Saidul; Alasfoor, Deena; Albittar, Mohammed I; Alegretti, Miguel A; Aleman, Alicia V; Alemu, Zewdie A; Alfonso-Cristancho, Rafael; Alhabib, Samia; Ali, Raghib; Ali, Mohammed K; Alla, François; Allebeck, Peter; Allen, Peter J; Alsharif, Ubai; Alvarez, Elena; Alvis-Guzman, Nelson; Amankwaa, Adansi A; Amare, Azmeraw T; Ameh, Emmanuel A; Ameli, Omid; Amini, Heresh; Ammar, Walid; Anderson, Benjamin O; Antonio, Carl Abelardo T; Anwari, Palwasha; Argeseanu Cunningham, Solveig; Arnlöv, Johan; Arsenijevic, Valentina S Arsic; Artaman, Al; Asghar, Rana J; Assadi, Reza; Atkins, Lydia S; Atkinson, Charles; Avila, Marco A; Awuah, Baffour; Badawi, Alaa; Bahit, Maria C; Bakfalouni, Talal; Balakrishnan, Kalpana; Balalla, Shivanthi; Balu, Ravi Kumar; Banerjee, Amitava; Barber, Ryan M; Barker-Collo, Suzanne L; Barquera, Simon; Barregard, Lars; Barrero, Lope H; Barrientos-Gutierrez, Tonatiuh; Basto-Abreu, Ana C; Basu, Arindam; Basu, Sanjay; Basulaiman, Mohammed O; Batis Ruvalcaba, Carolina; Beardsley, Justin; Bedi, Neeraj; Bekele, Tolesa; Bell, Michelle L; Benjet, Corina; Bennett, Derrick A; Benzian, Habib; Bernabé, Eduardo; Beyene, Tariku J; Bhala, Neeraj; Bhalla, Ashish; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Bikbov, Boris; Bin Abdulhak, Aref A; Blore, Jed D; Blyth, Fiona M; Bohensky, Megan A; Bora Başara, Berrak; Borges, Guilherme; Bornstein, Natan M; Bose, Dipan; Boufous, Soufiane; Bourne, Rupert R; Brainin, Michael; Brazinova, Alexandra; Breitborde, Nicholas J; Brenner, Hermann; Briggs, Adam DM; Broday, David M; Brooks, Peter M; Bruce, Nigel G; Brugha, Traolach S; Brunekreef, Bert; Buchbinder, Rachelle; Bui, Linh N; Bukhman, Gene; Bulloch, Andrew G; Burch, Michael; Burney, Peter GJ; Campos-Nonato, Ismael R; Campuzano, Julio C; Cantoral, Alejandra J; Caravanos, Jack; Cárdenas, Rosario; Cardis, Elisabeth; Carpenter, David O; Caso, Valeria; Castañeda-Orjuela, Carlos A; Castro, Ruben E; Catalá-López, Ferrán; Cavalleri, Fiorella; Çavlin, Alanur; Chadha, Vineet K; Chang, Jung-Chen; Charlson, Fiona J; Chen, Honglei; Chen, Wanqing; Chen, Zhengming; Chiang, Peggy P; Chimed-Ochir, Odgerel; Chowdhury, Rajiv; Christophi, Costas A; Chuang, Ting-Wu; Chugh, Sumeet S; Cirillo, Massimo; Claßen, Thomas KD; Colistro, Valentina; Colomar, Mercedes; Colquhoun, Samantha M; Contreras, Alejandra G; Cooper, Cyrus; Cooperrider, Kimberly; Cooper, Leslie T; Coresh, Josef; Courville, Karen J; Criqui, Michael H; Cuevas-Nasu, Lucia; Damsere-Derry, James; Danawi, Hadi; Dandona, Lalit; Dandona, Rakhi; Dargan, Paul I; Davis, Adrian; Davitoiu, Dragos V; Dayama, Anand; de Castro, E Filipa; De la Cruz-Góngora, Vanessa; De Leo, Diego; de Lima, Graça; Degenhardt, Louisa; del Pozo-Cruz, Borja; Dellavalle, Robert P; Deribe, Kebede; Derrett, Sarah; Des Jarlais, Don C; Dessalegn, Muluken; deVeber, Gabrielle A; Devries, Karen M; Dharmaratne, Samath D; Dherani, Mukesh K; Dicker, Daniel; Ding, Eric L; Dokova, Klara; Dorsey, E Ray; Driscoll, Tim R; Duan, Leilei; Durrani, Adnan M; Ebel, Beth E; Ellenbogen, Richard G; Elshrek, Yousef M; Endres, Matthias; Ermakov, Sergey P; Erskine, Holly E; Eshrati, Babak; Esteghamati, Alireza; Fahimi, Saman; Faraon, Emerito Jose A; Farzadfar, Farshad; Fay, Derek FJ; Feigin, Valery L; Feigl, Andrea B; Fereshtehnejad, Seyed-Mohammad; Ferrari, Alize J; Ferri, Cleusa P; Flaxman, Abraham D; Fleming, Thomas D; Foigt, Nataliya; Foreman, Kyle J; Paleo, Urbano Fra; Franklin, Richard C; Gabbe, Belinda; Gaffikin, Lynne; Gakidou, Emmanuela; Gamkrelidze, Amiran; Gankpé, Fortuné G; Gansevoort, Ron T; García-Guerra, Francisco A; Gasana, Evariste; Geleijnse, Johanna M; Gessner, Bradford D; Gething, Pete; Gibney, Katherine B; Gillum, Richard F; Ginawi, Ibrahim AM; Giroud, Maurice; Giussani, Giorgia; Goenka, Shifalika; Goginashvili, Ketevan; Gomez Dantes, Hector; Gona, Philimon; Gonzalez de Cosio, Teresita; González-Castell, Dinorah; Gotay, Carolyn C; Goto, Atsushi; Gouda, Hebe N; Guerrant, Richard L; Gugnani, Harish C; Guillemin, Francis; Gunnell, David; Gupta, Rahul; Gupta, Rajeev; Gutiérrez, Reyna A; Hafezi-Nejad, Nima; Hagan, Holly; Hagstromer, Maria; Halasa, Yara A; Hamadeh, Randah R; Hammami, Mouhanad; Hankey, Graeme J; Hao, Yuantao; Harb, Hilda L; Haregu, Tilahun Nigatu; Haro, Josep Maria; Havmoeller, Rasmus; Hay, Simon I; Hedayati, Mohammad T; Heredia-Pi, Ileana B; Hernandez, Lucia; Heuton, Kyle R; Heydarpour, Pouria; Hijar, Martha; Hoek, Hans W; Hoffman, Howard J; Hornberger, John C; Hosgood, H Dean; Hoy, Damian G; Hsairi, Mohamed; Hu, Guoqing; Hu, Howard; Huang, Cheng; Huang, John J; Hubbell, Bryan J; Huiart, Laetitia; Husseini, Abdullatif; Iannarone, Marissa L; Iburg, Kim M; Idrisov, Bulat T; Ikeda, Nayu; Innos, Kaire; Inoue, Manami; Islami, Farhad; Ismayilova, Samaya; Jacobsen, Kathryn H; Jansen, Henrica A; Jarvis, Deborah L; Jassal, Simerjot K; Jauregui, Alejandra; Jayaraman, Sudha; Jeemon, Panniyammakal; Jensen, Paul N; Jha, Vivekanand; Jiang, Fan; Jiang, Guohong; Jiang, Ying; Jonas, Jost B; Juel, Knud; Kan, Haidong; Kany Roseline, Sidibe S; Karam, Nadim E; Karch, André; Karema, Corine K; Karthikeyan, Ganesan; Kaul, Anil; Kawakami, Norito; Kazi, Dhruv S; Kemp, Andrew H; Kengne, Andre P; Keren, Andre; Khader, Yousef S; Khalifa, Shams Eldin Ali Hassan; Khan, Ejaz A; Khang, Young-Ho; Khatibzadeh, Shahab; Khonelidze, Irma; Kieling, Christian; Kim, Daniel; Kim, Sungroul; Kim, Yunjin; Kimokoti, Ruth W; Kinfu, Yohannes; Kinge, Jonas M; Kissela, Brett M; Kivipelto, Miia; Knibbs, Luke D; Knudsen, Ann Kristin; Kokubo, Yoshihiro; Kose, M Rifat; Kosen, Soewarta; Kraemer, Alexander; Kravchenko, Michael; Krishnaswami, Sanjay; Kromhout, Hans; Ku, Tiffany; Kuate Defo, Barthelemy; Kucuk Bicer, Burcu; Kuipers, Ernst J; Kulkarni, Chanda; Kulkarni, Veena S; Kumar, G Anil; Kwan, Gene F; Lai, Taavi; Lakshmana Balaji, Arjun; Lalloo, Ratilal; Lallukka, Tea; Lam, Hilton; Lan, Qing; Lansingh, Van C; Larson, Heidi J; Larsson, Anders; Laryea, Dennis O; Lavados, Pablo M; Lawrynowicz, Alicia E; Leasher, Janet L; Lee, Jong-Tae; Leigh, James; Leung, Ricky; Levi, Miriam; Li, Yichong; Li, Yongmei; Liang, Juan; Liang, Xiaofeng; Lim, Stephen S; Lindsay, M Patrice; Lipshultz, Steven E; Liu, Shiwei; Liu, Yang; Lloyd, Belinda K; Logroscino, Giancarlo; London, Stephanie J; Lopez, Nancy; Lortet-Tieulent, Joannie; Lotufo, Paulo A; Lozano, Rafael; Lunevicius, Raimundas; Ma, Jixiang; Ma, Stefan; Machado, Vasco MP; MacIntyre, Michael F; Magis-Rodriguez, Carlos; Mahdi, Abbas A; Majdan, Marek; Malekzadeh, Reza; Mangalam, Srikanth; Mapoma, Christopher C; Marape, Marape; Marcenes, Wagner; Margolis, David J; Margono, Christopher; Marks, Guy B; Martin, Randall V; Marzan, Melvin B; Mashal, Mohammad T; Masiye, Felix; Mason-Jones, Amanda J; Matsushita, Kunihiro; Matzopoulos, Richard; Mayosi, Bongani M; Mazorodze, Tasara T; McKay, Abigail C; McKee, Martin; McLain, Abigail; Meaney, Peter A; Medina, Catalina; Mehndiratta, Man Mohan; Mejia-Rodriguez, Fabiola; Mekonnen, Wubegzier; Melaku, Yohannes A; Meltzer, Michele; Memish, Ziad A; Mendoza, Walter; Mensah, George A; Meretoja, Atte; Mhimbira, Francis Apolinary; Micha, Renata; Miller, Ted R; Mills, Edward J; Misganaw, Awoke; Mishra, Santosh; Mohamed Ibrahim, Norlinah; Mohammad, Karzan A; Mokdad, Ali H; Mola, Glen L; Monasta, Lorenzo; Montañez Hernandez, Julio C; Montico, Marcella; Moore, Ami R; Morawska, Lidia; Mori, Rintaro; Moschandreas, Joanna; Moturi, Wilkister N; Mozaffarian, Dariush; Mueller, Ulrich O; Mukaigawara, Mitsuru; Mullany, Erin C; Murthy, Kinnari S; Naghavi, Mohsen; Nahas, Ziad; Naheed, Aliya; Naidoo, Kovin S; Naldi, Luigi; Nand, Devina; Nangia, Vinay; Narayan, KM Venkat; Nash, Denis; Neal, Bruce; Nejjari, Chakib; Neupane, Sudan P; Newton, Charles R; Ngalesoni, Frida N; Ngirabega, Jean de Dieu; Nguyen, Grant; Nguyen, Nhung T; Nieuwenhuijsen, Mark J; Nisar, Muhammad I; Nogueira, José R; Nolla, Joan M; Nolte, Sandra; Norheim, Ole F; Norman, Rosana E; Norrving, Bo; Nyakarahuka, Luke; Oh, In-Hwan; Ohkubo, Takayoshi; Olusanya, Bolajoko O; Omer, Saad B; Opio, John Nelson; Orozco, Ricardo; Pagcatipunan, Rodolfo S; Pain, Amanda W; Pandian, Jeyaraj D; Panelo, Carlo Irwin A; Papachristou, Christina; Park, Eun-Kee; Parry, Charles D; Paternina Caicedo, Angel J; Patten, Scott B; Paul, Vinod K; Pavlin, Boris I; Pearce, Neil; Pedraza, Lilia S; Pedroza, Andrea; Pejin Stokic, Ljiljana; Pekericli, Ayfer; Pereira, David M; Perez-Padilla, Rogelio; Perez-Ruiz, Fernando; Perico, Norberto; Perry, Samuel AL; Pervaiz, Aslam; Pesudovs, Konrad; Peterson, Carrie B; Petzold, Max; Phillips, Michael R; Phua, Hwee Pin; Plass, Dietrich; Poenaru, Dan; Polanczyk, Guilherme V; Polinder, Suzanne; Pond, Constance D; Pope, C Arden; Pope, Daniel; Popova, Svetlana; Pourmalek, Farshad; Powles, John; Prabhakaran, Dorairaj; Prasad, Noela M; Qato, Dima M; Quezada, Amado D; Quistberg, D Alex A; Racapé, Lionel; Rafay, Anwar; Rahimi, Kazem; Rahimi-Movaghar, Vafa; Rahman, Sajjad Ur; Raju, Murugesan; Rakovac, Ivo; Rana, Saleem M; Rao, Mayuree; Razavi, Homie; Reddy, K Srinath; Refaat, Amany H; Rehm, Jürgen; Remuzzi, Giuseppe; Ribeiro, Antonio L; Riccio, Patricia M; Richardson, Lee; Riederer, Anne; Robinson, Margaret; Roca, Anna; Rodriguez, Alina; Rojas-Rueda, David; Romieu, Isabelle; Ronfani, Luca; Room, Robin; Roy, Nobhojit; Ruhago, George M; Rushton, Lesley; Sabin, Nsanzimana; Sacco, Ralph L; Saha, Sukanta; Sahathevan, Ramesh; Sahraian, Mohammad Ali; Salomon, Joshua A; Salvo, Deborah; Sampson, Uchechukwu K; Sanabria, Juan R; Sanchez, Luz Maria; Sánchez-Pimienta, Tania G; Sanchez-Riera, Lidia; Sandar, Logan; Santos, Itamar S; Sapkota, Amir; Satpathy, Maheswar; Saunders, James E; Sawhney, Monika; Saylan, Mete I; Scarborough, Peter; Schmidt, Jürgen C; Schneider, Ione JC; Schöttker, Ben; Schwebel, David C; Scott, James G; Seedat, Soraya; Sepanlou, Sadaf G; Serdar, Berrin; Servan-Mori, Edson E; Shaddick, Gavin; Shahraz, Saeid; Levy, Teresa Shamah; Shangguan, Siyi; She, Jun; Sheikhbahaei, Sara; Shibuya, Kenji; Shin, Hwashin H; Shinohara, Yukito; Shiri, Rahman; Shishani, Kawkab; Shiue, Ivy; Sigfusdottir, Inga D; Silberberg, Donald H; Simard, Edgar P; Sindi, Shireen; Singh, Abhishek; Singh, Gitanjali M; Singh, Jasvinder A; Skirbekk, Vegard; Sliwa, Karen; Soljak, Michael; Soneji, Samir; Søreide, Kjetil; Soshnikov, Sergey; Sposato, Luciano A; Sreeramareddy, Chandrashekhar T; Stapelberg, Nicolas JC; Stathopoulou, Vasiliki; Steckling, Nadine; Stein, Dan J; Stein, Murray B; Stephens, Natalie; Stöckl, Heidi; Straif, Kurt; Stroumpoulis, Konstantinos; Sturua, Lela; Sunguya, Bruno F; Swaminathan, Soumya; Swaroop, Mamta; Sykes, Bryan L; Tabb, Karen M; Takahashi, Ken; Talongwa, Roberto T; Tandon, Nikhil; Tanne, David; Tanner, Marcel; Tavakkoli, Mohammad; Te Ao, Braden J; Teixeira, Carolina M; Téllez Rojo, Martha M; Terkawi, Abdullah S; Texcalac-Sangrador, José Luis; Thackway, Sarah V; Thomson, Blake; Thorne-Lyman, Andrew L; Thrift, Amanda G; Thurston, George D; Tillmann, Taavi; Tobollik, Myriam; Tonelli, Marcello; Topouzis, Fotis; Towbin, Jeffrey A; Toyoshima, Hideaki; Traebert, Jefferson; Tran, Bach X; Trasande, Leonardo; Trillini, Matias; Trujillo, Ulises; Dimbuene, Zacharie Tsala; Tsilimbaris, Miltiadis; Tuzcu, Emin Murat; Uchendu, Uche S; Ukwaja, Kingsley N; Uzun, Selen B; van de Vijver, Steven; Van Dingenen, Rita; van Gool, Coen H; van Os, Jim; Varakin, Yuri Y; Vasankari, Tommi J; Vasconcelos, Ana Maria N; Vavilala, Monica S; Veerman, Lennert J; Velasquez-Melendez, Gustavo; Venketasubramanian, N; Vijayakumar, Lakshmi; Villalpando, Salvador; Violante, Francesco S; Vlassov, Vasiliy Victorovich; Vollset, Stein Emil; Wagner, Gregory R; Waller, Stephen G; Wallin, Mitchell T; Wan, Xia; Wang, Haidong; Wang, JianLi; Wang, Linhong; Wang, Wenzhi; Wang, Yanping; Warouw, Tati S; Watts, Charlotte H; Weichenthal, Scott; Weiderpass, Elisabete; Weintraub, Robert G; Werdecker, Andrea; Wessells, K Ryan; Westerman, Ronny; Whiteford, Harvey A; Wilkinson, James D; Williams, Hywel C; Williams, Thomas N; Woldeyohannes, Solomon M; Wolfe, Charles DA; Wong, John Q; Woolf, Anthony D; Wright, Jonathan L; Wurtz, Brittany; Xu, Gelin; Yan, Lijing L; Yang, Gonghuan; Yano, Yuichiro; Ye, Pengpeng; Yenesew, Muluken; Yentür, Gökalp K; Yip, Paul; Yonemoto, Naohiro; Yoon, Seok-Jun; Younis, Mustafa Z; Younoussi, Zourkaleini; Yu, Chuanhua; Zaki, Maysaa E; Zhao, Yong; Zheng, Yingfeng; Zhou, Maigeng; Zhu, Jun; Zhu, Shankuan; Zou, Xiaonong; Zunt, Joseph R; Lopez, Alan D; Vos, Theo; Murray, Christopher J
  • Continuing effectiveness of serogroup A meningococcal conjugate vaccine, Chad, 2013. (2015) Gamougam, Kadidja; Daugla, Doumagoum M; Toralta, Jacques; Ngadoua, Cyriaque; Fermon, Florence; Page, Anne-Laure; Djingarey, Mamoudou H; Caugant, Dominique A; Manigart, Olivier; Trotter, Caroline L; Stuart, James M; Greenwood, Brian M
  • H
  • Efficacy and effectiveness of an rVSV-vectored vaccine expressing Ebola surface glycoprotein: interim results from the Guinea ring vaccination cluster-randomised trial. (2015) Henao-Restrepo, Ana Maria; Longini, Ira M; Egger, Matthias; Dean, Natalie E; Edmunds, W John; Camacho, Anton; Carroll, Miles W; Doumbia, Moussa; Draguez, Bertrand; Duraffour, Sophie; Enwere, Godwin; Grais, Rebecca; Gunther, Stephan; Hossmann, Stefanie; Kondé, Mandy Kader; Kone, Souleymane; Kuisma, Eeva; Levine, Myron M; Mandal, Sema; Norheim, Gunnstein; Riveros, Ximena; Soumah, Aboubacar; Trelle, Sven; Vicari, Andrea S; Watson, Conall H; Kéïta, Sakoba; Kieny, Marie Paule; Røttingen, John-Arne
  • Ebola vaccines: keep the clinical trial protocols on the shelf and ready to roll out. (2015) Heymann, David L; Rodier, Guenael R; Ryan, Michael J
  • J
  • High-dose influenza vaccines make economic sense for older people. (2015) Jit, Mark
  • The broader economic impact of vaccination: reviewing and appraising the strength of evidence. (2015) Jit, Mark; Hutubessy, Raymond; Png, May Ee; Sundaram, Neisha; Audimulam, Jananie; Salim, Safiyah; Yoong, Joanne
  • Fewer than three doses of HPV vaccine. (2015) Jit, Mark; Laprise, Jean-François; Choi, Yoon Hong; Brisson, Marc
  • Discounting in the evaluation of the cost-effectiveness of a vaccination programme: A critical review. (2015) Jit, Mark; Mibei, Walter
  • Thirty years of vaccination in Vietnam: Impact and cost-effectiveness of the national Expanded Programme on Immunization. (2015) Jit, Mark; Dang, Thi Thanh Huyen; Friberg, Ingrid; Hoang, Van Minh; Pham Huy, Tuan Kiet; Walker, Neff; Nguyen, Van Cuong; Tran, Nhu Duong; Toda, Kohei; Hutubessy, Raymond; Fox, Kimberley; Nguyen, Tran Hien
  • Strategies for addressing vaccine hesitancy - A systematic review. (2015) Jarrett, Caitlin; Wilson, Rose; O'Leary, Maureen; Eckersberger, Elisabeth; Larson, Heidi J; SAGE Working Group on Vaccine Hesitancy
  • Naturally acquired antibody responses to recombinant Pfs230 and Pfs48/45 transmission blocking vaccine candidates. (2015) Jones, Sophie; Grignard, Lynn; Nebie, Issa; Chilongola, Jaffu; Dodoo, Daniel; Sauerwein, Robert; Theisen, Michael; Roeffen, Will; Singh, Shrawan Kumar; Singh, Rajesh Kumar; Singh, Sanjay; Kyei-Baafour, Eric; Tetteh, Kevin; Drakeley, Chris; Bousema, Teun
  • Comparison of two dose and three dose human papillomavirus vaccine schedules: cost effectiveness analysis based on transmission model. (2015) Jit, Mark; Brisson, Marc; Laprise, Jean-François; Choi, Yoon Hong
  • K
  • Human papillomavirus DNA in men who have sex with men: type-specific prevalence, risk factors and implications for vaccination strategies. (2015) King, EM; Gilson, R; Beddows, S; Soldan, K; Panwar, K; Young, C; Prah, P; Jit, M; Edmunds, WJ; Sonnenberg, P
  • L
  • Implementation of a national school-based Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine campaign in Fiji: knowledge, vaccine acceptability and information needs of parents. (2015) La Vincente, SF; Mielnik, D; Jenkins, K; Bingwor, F; Volavola, L; Marshall, H; Druavesi, P; Russell, FM; Lokuge, K; Mulholland, EK
  • Ebola vaccination - Authors' reply. (2015) Longini, Ira M; Egger, Matthias; Dean, Natalie E; Edmunds, W John; Henao-Restrepo, Ana Maria; study steering group
  • Maternal immunization: The new "normal" (or it should be). (2015) Larson, Heidi J
  • The Efficacy and Duration of Protection of Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccines Against Nasopharyngeal Carriage: A Meta-Regression Model. (2015) Le Polain De Waroux, O; Flasche, S; Prieto-Merino, D; Goldblatt, D; Edmunds, WJ ['material/summary:fileicon_application/msword' not defined]
  • Cost-effectiveness of Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine in Vietnam. (2015) Le, Phuc; Griffiths, Ulla K; Anh, Dang Duc; Franzini, Luisa; Chan, Wenyaw; Swint, J Michael
  • Consensus on the development of vaccines against naturally acquired melioidosis. (2015) Limmathurotsakul, Direk; Funnell, Simon GP; Torres, Alfredo G; Morici, Lisa A; Brett, Paul J; Dunachie, Susanna; Atkins, Timothy; Altmann, Daniel M; Bancroft, Gregory; Peacock, Sharon J; Steering Group on Melioidosis Vaccine Development
  • Measuring vaccine hesitancy: The development of a survey tool. (2015) Larson, Heidi J; Jarrett, Caitlin; Schulz, William S; Chaudhuri, Mohuya; Zhou, Yuqing; Dube, Eve; Schuster, Melanie; MacDonald, Noni E; Wilson, Rose; SAGE Working Group on Vaccine Hesitancy
  • The effect of daily co-trimoxazole prophylaxis on natural development of antibody-mediated immunity against P. falciparum malaria infection in HIV-exposed uninfected Malawian children. (2015) Longwe, Herbert; Jambo, Kondwani C; Phiri, Kamija S; Mbeye, Nyanyiwe; Gondwe, Thandile; Hall, Tom; Tetteh, Kevin KA; Drakeley, Chris; Mandala, Wilson L
  • Measuring vaccine confidence: introducing a global vaccine confidence index. (2015) Larson, Heidi J; Schulz, William S; Tucker, Joseph D; Smith, David MD
  • Pneumococcal conjugate vaccines PREVenar13 and SynflorIX in sequence or alone in high-risk Indigenous infants (PREV-IX_COMBO): protocol of a randomised controlled trial. (2015) Leach, Amanda Jane; Mulholland, Edward Kim; Santosham, Mathu; Torzillo, Paul John; Brown, Ngiare Joy; McIntyre, Peter; Smith-Vaughan, Heidi; Skull, Sue; Balloch, Anne; Andrews, Ross; Carapetis, Jonathan; McDonnell, Joseph; Krause, Vicki; Morris, Peter Stanley
  • The world must accept that the HPV vaccine is safe. (2015) Larson, Heidi
  • M
  • Acute Cardiovascular Events after Herpes Zoster: A Self-Controlled Case Series Analysis in Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Older Residents of the United States. (2015) Minassian, Caroline; Thomas, Sara L; Smeeth, Liam; Douglas, Ian; Brauer, Ruth; Langan, Sinéad M
  • Will Ebola change the game? Ten essential reforms before the next pandemic. The report of the Harvard-LSHTM Independent Panel on the Global Response to Ebola. (2015) Moon, Suerie; Sridhar, Devi; Pate, Muhammad A; Jha, Ashish K; Clinton, Chelsea; Delaunay, Sophie; Edwin, Valnora; Fallah, Mosoka; Fidler, David P; Garrett, Laurie; Goosby, Eric; Gostin, Lawrence O; Heymann, David L; Lee, Kelley; Leung, Gabriel M; Morrison, J Stephen; Saavedra, Jorge; Tanner, Marcel; Leigh, Jennifer A; Hawkins, Benjamin; Woskie, Liana R; Piot, Peter
  • Pneumococcal vaccination and childhood pneumonia in South Africa. (2015) Mulholland, Kim; Nguyen, Cattram
  • WHO consultation on Respiratory Syncytial Virus Vaccine Development Report from a World Health Organization Meeting held on 23-24 March 2015. (2015) Modjarrad, Kayvon; Giersing, Birgitte; Kaslow, David C; Smith, Peter G; Moorthy, Vasee S; WHO RSV Vaccine Consultation Expert Group
  • 10-valent pneumococcal non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae protein-D conjugate vaccine (PHiD-CV) induces memory B cell responses in healthy Kenyan toddlers. (2015) Muema, DM; Nduati, EW; Uyoga, M; Bashraheil, M; Scott, JAG; Hammitt, LL; Urban, BC
  • The impact of maternal infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis on the infant response to bacille Calmette-Guérin immunization. (2015) Mawa, Patrice A; Nkurunungi, Gyaviira; Egesa, Moses; Webb, Emily L; Smith, Steven G; Kizindo, Robert; Akello, Mirriam; Lule, Swaib A; Muwanga, Moses; Dockrell, Hazel M; Cose, Stephen; Elliott, Alison M
  • The Diversity of Meningococcal Carriage Across the African Meningitis Belt and the Impact of Vaccination With a Group A Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine. (2015) MenAfriCar consortium
  • Increased disease due to Haemophilus influenzae type b: population-based surveillance in eastern Gambia, 2008-2013. (2015) Mackenzie, Grant A; Ikumapayi, Usman NA; Scott, Susana; Idoko, Olubukola; Odutola, Aderonke; Ndiaye, Malick; Sahito, Shah M; Osuorah, Chidiebereh D; Manjang, Ahmed; Jarju, Sheikh; Bojang, Abdoulie; Roca, Anna; Secka, Ousman; Zaman, Akram; Ceesay, Lamin; Lowe-Jallow, Yamundow; Sambou, Sana; Jasseh, Momodou; Antonio, Martin; Greenwood, Brian; Kampmann, Beate; Mulholland, Kim; Corrah, Tumani; Howie, Stephen RC
  • Herpes zoster, acute cardiovascular events and the role of zoster vaccination. (2015) Minassian, C; Thomas, S; Smeeth, L; Douglas, I; Brauer, R; Langan, S
  • N
  • Duration of BCG protection against tuberculosis and change in effectiveness with time since vaccination in Norway: a retrospective population-based cohort study. (2015) Nguipdop-Djomo, Patrick; Heldal, Einar; Rodrigues, Laura Cunha; Abubakar, Ibrahim; Mangtani, Punam
  • Genetic Diversity and Protective Efficacy of the RTS,S/AS01 Malaria Vaccine. (2015) Neafsey, DE; Juraska, M; Bedford, T; Benkeser, D; Valim, C; Griggs, A; Lievens, M; Abdulla, S; Adjei, S; Agbenyega, T; Agnandji, ST; Aide, P; Anderson, S; Ansong, D; Aponte, JJ; Asante, KP; Bejon, P; Birkett, AJ; Bruls, M; Connolly, KM; D'Alessandro, U; Dobaño, C; Gesase, S; Greenwood, B; Grimsby, J; Tinto, H; Hamel, MJ; Hoffman, I; Kamthunzi, P; Kariuki, S; Kremsner, PG; Leach, A; Lell, B; Lennon, NJ; Lusingu, J; Marsh, K; Martinson, F; Molel, JT; Moss, EL; Njuguna, P; Ockenhouse, CF; Ogutu, B Ragama; Otieno, W; Otieno, L; Otieno, K; Owusu-Agyei, S; Park, DJ; Pellé, K; Robbins, D; Russ, C; Ryan, EM; Sacarlal, J; Sogoloff, B; Sorgho, H; Tanner, M; Theander, T; Valea, I; Volkman, SK; Yu, Q; Lapierre, D; Birren, BW; Gilbert, PB; Wirth, DF
  • Impaired NK Cell Responses to Pertussis and H1N1 Influenza Vaccine Antigens in Human Cytomegalovirus-Infected Individuals. (2015) Nielsen, Carolyn M; White, Matthew J; Bottomley, Christian; Lusa, Chiara; Rodríguez-Galán, Ana; Turner, Scarlett EG; Goodier, Martin R; Riley, Eleanor M
  • Quantifying maternally derived respiratory syncytial virus specific neutralising antibodies in a birth cohort from coastal Kenya. (2015) Nyiro, Joyce U; Sande, Charles; Mutunga, Martin; Kiyuka, Patience K; Munywoki, Patrick K; Scott, J Anthony G; Nokes, D James
  • O
  • Oral cholera vaccines in endemic countries. (2015) O'Leary, Maureen; Mulholland, Kim
  • P
  • Public health impact and cost-effectiveness of the RTS,S/AS01 malaria vaccine: a systematic comparison of predictions from four mathematical models. (2015) Penny, Melissa A; Verity, Robert; Bever, Caitlin A; Sauboin, Christophe; Galactionova, Katya; Flasche, Stefan; White, Michael T; Wenger, Edward A; Van de Velde, Nicolas; Pemberton-Ross, Peter; Griffin, Jamie T; Smith, Thomas A; Eckhoff, Philip A; Muhib, Farzana; Jit, Mark; Ghani, Azra C
  • Systematic review of economic evaluations of vaccination programs in mainland China: Are they sufficient to inform decision making? (2015) Pan, Xiong-Fei; Griffiths, Ulla K; Pennington, Mark; Yu, Hongjie; Jit, Mark ['material/summary:fileicon_application/msword' not defined]
  • Investigating the non-specific effects of BCG vaccination on the innate immune system in Ugandan neonates: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. (2015) Prentice, Sarah; Webb, Emily L; Dockrell, Hazel M; Kaleebu, Pontiano; Elliott, Alison M; Cose, Stephen
  • Vaccine hesitancy: clarifying a theoretical framework for an ambiguous notion. (2015) Peretti-Watel, Patrick; Larson, Heidi J; Ward, Jeremy K; Schulz, William S; Verger, Pierre
  • R
  • Prevention of bacterial infections in the newborn by pre-delivery administration of azithromycin: Study protocol of a randomized efficacy trial. (2015) Roca, Anna; Oluwalana, Claire; Camara, Bully; Bojang, Abdoulie; Burr, Sarah; Davis, Timothy ME; Bailey, Robin; Kampmann, Beate; Mueller, Jenny; Bottomley, Christian; D'Alessandro, Umberto
  • Effect on nasopharyngeal pneumococcal carriage of replacing PCV7 with PCV13 in the Expanded Programme of Immunization in The Gambia. (2015) Roca, Anna; Bojang, Abdoulie; Bottomley, Christian; Gladstone, Rebecca A; Adetifa, Jane U; Egere, Uzochukwu; Burr, Sarah; Antonio, Martin; Bentley, Stephen; Kampmann, Beate; Pneumo13 Study Group
  • Individual-level factors associated with variation in mycobacterial-specific immune response: Gender and previous BCG vaccination status. (2015) Rhodes, Sophie J; Knight, Gwenan M; Fielding, Katherine; Scriba, Thomas J; Pathan, Ansar A; McShane, Helen; Fletcher, Helen; White, Richard G description
  • Efficacy and safety of RTS,S/AS01 malaria vaccine with or without a booster dose in infants and children in Africa: final results of a phase 3, individually randomised, controlled trial. (2015) RTS,S Clinical Trials Partnership description
  • S
  • Sample size and power calculations for detecting changes in malaria transmission using antibody seroconversion rate. (2015) Sepúlveda, Nuno; Paulino, Carlos Daniel; Drakeley, Chris
  • Current Mathematical Models for Analyzing Anti-Malarial Antibody Data with an Eye to Malaria Elimination and Eradication. (2015) Sepúlveda, Nuno; Stresman, Gillian; White, Michael T; Drakeley, Chris J
  • The PneuCarriage Project: A Multi-Centre Comparative Study to Identify the Best Serotyping Methods for Examining Pneumococcal Carriage in Vaccine Evaluation Studies. (2015) Satzke, Catherine; Dunne, Eileen M; Porter, Barbara D; Klugman, Keith P; Mulholland, E Kim; PneuCarriage project group
  • Intracellular Cytokine Staining and Flow Cytometry: Considerations for Application in Clinical Trials of Novel Tuberculosis Vaccines. (2015) Smith, Steven G; Smits, Kaatje; Joosten, Simone A; van Meijgaarden, Krista E; Satti, Iman; Fletcher, Helen A; Caccamo, Nadia; Dieli, Francesco; Mascart, Francoise; McShane, Helen; Dockrell, Hazel M; Ottenhoff, Tom HM; TBVI TB Biomarker Working Group
  • Sequential chemoimmunotherapy of experimental visceral leishmaniasis using a single low dose of liposomal amphotericin B and a novel DNA vaccine candidate. (2015) Seifert, Karin; Juhls, Christiane; Salguero, Francisco J; Croft, Simon L
  • Sample size determination for estimating antibody seroconversion rate under stable malaria transmission intensity. (2015) Sepúlveda, Nuno; Drakeley, Chris
  • The ProVac initiative and evolving decision support. (2015) Sanderson, Colin FB
  • T
  • HPV vaccine introduction in Rwanda: Impacts on the broader health system. (2015) Torres-Rueda, Sergio; Rulisa, Stephen; Burchett, Helen ED; Mivumbi, N Victor; Mounier-Jack, Sandra ['material/summary:fileicon_application/msword' not defined]
  • Targeted vaccination in healthy school children - Can primary school vaccination alone control influenza? (2015) Thorrington, Dominic; Jit, Mark; Eames, Ken
  • Reduced dose human papillomavirus vaccination: an update of the current state-of-the-art. (2015) Toh, Zheng Quan; Licciardi, Paul V; Fong, James; Garland, Suzanne M; Tabrizi, Sepehr N; Russell, Fiona M; Mulholland, Edward K
  • Differential transcriptomic and metabolic profiles of M. africanum- and M. tuberculosis-infected patients after, but not before, drug treatment. (2015) Tientcheu, LD; Maertzdorf, J; Weiner, J; Adetifa, IM; Mollenkopf, H-J; Sutherland, JS; Donkor, S; Kampmann, B; Kaufmann, SHE; Dockrell, HM; Ota, MO
  • New pneumococcal conjugate vaccine introductions in four sub-Saharan African countries: a cross-country analysis of health systems' impacts. (2015) Torres-Rueda, Sergio; Burchett, Helen Ed; Griffiths, Ulla K; Ongolo-Zogo, Pierre; Edengue, Jean-Marie; Kitaw, Yayehyirad; Molla, Mitike; Gelmon, Lawrence; Onyango-Ouma, Washington; Konate, Mamadou; Mounier-Jack, Sandra
  • U
  • Nasopharyngeal colonization of Gambian infants by Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae before the introduction of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines. (2015) Usuf, E; Bojang, A; Hill, PC; Bottomley, C; Greenwood, B; Roca, A
  • Methods for Health Economic Evaluation of Vaccines and Immunization Decision Frameworks: A Consensus Framework from a European Vaccine Economics Community. (2015) Ultsch, Bernhard; Damm, Oliver; Beutels, Philippe; Bilcke, Joke; Brüggenjürgen, Bernd; Gerber-Grote, Andreas; Greiner, Wolfgang; Hanquet, Germaine; Hutubessy, Raymond; Jit, Mark; Knol, Mirjam; von Kries, Rüdiger; Kuhlmann, Alexander; Levy-Bruhl, Daniel; Perleth, Matthias; Postma, Maarten; Salo, Heini; Siebert, Uwe; Wasem, Jürgen; Wichmann, Ole
  • V
  • Targeting vivax malaria in the Asia Pacific: The Asia Pacific Malaria Elimination Network Vivax Working Group. (2015) Vivax Working Group
  • Effectiveness of the First Dose of BCG against Tuberculosis among HIV-Infected, Predominantly Immunodeficient Children. (2015) Van-Dunem, Joaquim CVD; Rodrigues, Laura C; Alencar, Luiz Claudio Arraes; Militão-Albuquerque, Maria de Fátima Pessoa; Ximenes, Ricardo Arraes de Alencar
  • Stakeholders' perception on including broader economic impact of vaccines in economic evaluations in low and middle income countries: a mixed methods study. (2015) van der Putten, Ingeborg M; Evers, Silvia MAA; Deogaonkar, Rohan; Jit, Mark; Hutubessy, Raymond CW
  • W
  • Malaria Vaccine Development: Focusing Field Erythrocyte Invasion Studies on Phenotypic Diversity: The West African Merozoite Invasion Network (WAMIN). (2015) WAMIN consortium authors include (in alphabetical order):; Ahouidi, Ambroise D; Amambua-Ngwa, Alfred; Awandare, Gordon A; Bei, Amy K; Conway, David J; Diakite, Mahamadou; Duraisingh, Manoj T; Rayner, Julian C; Zenonos, Zenon A
  • Immunogenicity of the RTS,S/AS01 malaria vaccine and implications for duration of vaccine efficacy: secondary analysis of data from a phase 3 randomised controlled trial. (2015) White, Michael T; Verity, Robert; Griffin, Jamie T; Asante, Kwaku Poku; Owusu-Agyei, Seth; Greenwood, Brian; Drakeley, Chris; Gesase, Samwel; Lusingu, John; Ansong, Daniel; Adjei, Samuel; Agbenyega, Tsiri; Ogutu, Bernhards; Otieno, Lucas; Otieno, Walter; Agnandji, Selidji T; Lell, Bertrand; Kremsner, Peter; Hoffman, Irving; Martinson, Francis; Kamthunzu, Portia; Tinto, Halidou; Valea, Innocent; Sorgho, Hermann; Oneko, Martina; Otieno, Kephas; Hamel, Mary J; Salim, Nahya; Mtoro, Ali; Abdulla, Salim; Aide, Pedro; Sacarlal, Jahit; Aponte, John J; Njuguna, Patricia; Marsh, Kevin; Bejon, Philip; Riley, Eleanor M; Ghani, Azra C
  • Understanding factors influencing vaccination acceptance during pregnancy globally: A literature review. (2015) Wilson, Rose J; Paterson, Pauline; Jarrett, Caitlin; Larson, Heidi J description
  • Access and Attitudes to HPV Vaccination amongst Hard-To-Reach Populations in Kenya. (2015) Watson-Jones, Deborah; Mugo, Nelly; Lees, Shelley; Mathai, Muthoni; Vusha, Sophie; Ndirangu, Gathari; Ross, David A
  • A review of typhoid fever transmission dynamic models and economic evaluations of vaccination. (2015) Watson, Conall H; Edmunds, W John